Travelling Thirties

38 Best Long Haul Flight Essentials + Insider Tips

As someone who moved to the other side of the world, Long Haul Flights very quickly became part of my regular routine.

I am not one to fly for business, so I do not have the perks of free upgrades and you will find me in the back of a plane in economy!

Unfortunately, there is no “secret hack” to turning your economy flight into a first class flight.

However, you can pack some “long haul flight essentials” to make your flight much more bearable.

From my very first flight to London, where my not-so-polite seat neighbour told me to stop crying (dude, I don’t know when I’m going to see my family again!), I have become a pro at packing and preparing for my long haul flights and coming up with the best list of essentials for long flights.

Lucky for you…. I am share some of my long flight essentials (always pack a blanket scarf) and general tips with you to hopefully make your next flight a little less…..sucky?

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In a hurry? Download your packing list for long haul flights

Table of Contents

Pack your Long Haul Flight Essentials Kit

These are the items that are going to transform your economy flight into a first-class flight….. who am I kidding?

These items will not make it a first-class flight, but they will make your economy flight a little more comfortable.

1. Baby wipes

I used to travel with cleanser but I have found that baby wipes are little easier to travel with and because they have a few uses they are one of the best items for long haul flights.

I love to wipe my face and neck as soon as I get on the plane. It helps to replicate my night time routine and get me ready to relax.

I also like to wipe down my surroundings, I know that plans are cleaned but like to make sure!

Baby wipes are great for that mid flight shower – remember, we’re in economy not first class!! I also like to have a bit of a “wash” before arriving in my destination.

Baby wipes are the number one long air travel must haves if you like feeling clean on a long haul flight.

2. Deodorant

This plane travel essential is more for your seat neighbours! I always panic that I am going to be stinky on my flight, so I am constantly using deodorant throughout my flights. I love the fresh coconut scent of this deodorant !

3. Lip Balm

Lip Balm is a definite essential because airplanes are super dehydrating. There is nothing worse than being dehydrated when you are trying to sleep!!

A green building in front of snow capped mountains

4. Moisturiser

Moisturiser is another LONG haul flight essential. I moisturise several times through out the flight so I don’t look 100 years old when I arrive in my destination.

I either use a regular moisturiser or if I can’t be bothered constantly applying moisturiser , I take a thick mask with me (just remember to put it into a travel container!)

5. Travel Bottles

Remember when travelling on long haul international flights your liquids and gels need to be under 100mL. This is where travel bottles will come in handy.

You can pour (or scoop) your larger bottles and containers into your small travel bottles . This will ensure you’re not getting into trouble at security and that you aren’t wasting product.

An airplane tray table folded down with a 7-up can next to a cup with 7-up, a straw and a lemon in it behind a packet of pretzels

On most long haul flights, you will get some food. It just might not be as often as you like it or the kind of food that you feel like in the middle of the night so I suggest you pack your own food!

7. Travel Cup

I always get bored at airports and buy drinks just for the sake of it. When ever possible I would much rather use a reusable cup to help do my bit for the environment. Reusable cups are great as a general travel essential so I highly recommend you get one!

8. Reusable water bottle

Reusable water bottle in case you didn’t read earlier, airplanes are very hydrating places and water bottles in the airport are VERY expensive (and bad for the environment). I always take a water bottle with me and ask the flight attendants (very politely) if I they will fill it up for me. I love collapsible water bottles because when they are empty they don’t take much space.

I always bring gum with me, it helps if you can’t find a toothbrush and it can help your ears when your flight is taking off or landing.

Stairs leading up to a snow capped castle with fog covering the Tourette of the castle

10. Hair Ties

When moving around airports my hair always gets in the way, so I like to have a few hair ties handy. I prefer to use the silk scrunchies because they’re much kinder to my hair.

11. Toothbrush

I think this one is self explanatory but something can be easily forgotten. I always buy a new tooth brush and pack in my hand luggage so I can’t forget to pack it on the day I leave.

12. Head phone splitter

If you’re travelling with a partner or a friend and using a laptop or iPad for entertainment you will want to grab a head phone splitter !

best travel essentials for long flights

13. Noise cancelling Head phones

Noise cancelling headphones are perfect to block out the noisy sounds of the plane, babies crying or the snoring passenger next to you.

I love these headphones as they allow me to sink into a movie and the time flies by (pardon the pun!) and are definitely must haves for long haul flights.

Two gentlemen talking at a Christmas market

14. Travel Pillow

Your long haul flight essentials kit is not complete without a travel pillow . Inflatable travel pillows are great options because you can add as much (or as little) air as you like and when you’re not using them they’re easy to fold away in your bag.

15. Eye Mask and Ear Plugs

Eye mask and ear plugs are perfect for being able to block out the world on a long haul flight, especially if it is a night time flight.

16. Blanket Scarf

This essential item has so many uses but I find airplanes so cold and I the blankets on the planes are pretty thin so I love bringing a blanket scarf. These can be bulky but I am always so grateful for it when ever I use it!

17. Warm socks

I find warm fluffy socks really improve my flight experience more than you could imagine. Not only do I hate having a cold feet but I also find that any time I’m getting comfortable at home, I put on some warm fluffy socks. So why not use them on a long haul flight as well?

18. Compression Socks

If your feet or legs swell when you’re flying it is a great idea to grab a pair of compression socks . Compression socks can also help with deep vein thrombose when travelling, but make sure you are moving around during your long haul flight.

A blue christmas tree covered with white lights and a sign saying vilnius in front of a tall tower

19. A change of clothes and spare underwear

There are a million reasons why you should always bring a change of clothes and spare underwear with you on the plane. Lost luggage? At least you have some fresh clothes for the first 24 hours of your trip. Flying from a hot country and to a cold country? Or maybe you’re just like me and you like to have fresh clothes on when you land!

A change of clothes is one of the top carry-on essentials for long flights. So don’t forget your change of underwear, a t shirt and a cardigan or jumper.

best travel essentials for long flights

21. Slides or flip flops

As mentioned above, I love wearing socks during my flight but I never go to the toilet in just socks, is that water on the floor? I find slides are perfect for wearing over my socks to the toilet or just around in the plane in general.

22. Face mask

These days no body goes any where without a face mask but it is particularly important when travelling. To keep yourself and everybody else safe, please make sure you carry a mask with you next time you are on a plane.

23. Hand sanitizer

Along with a face mask, hand sanitizer can be found every where these days. It is something I have always travelled with but never used as much as I should. I love this hand sanitizer because it is cruelty free and not harsh on your skin.

A little squirt of hand sanitizer before you eat or touch a communal space can help keep us all safe and travelling.

24. Disinfectant wipes

Planes have always been known as not always being the cleanest places and airlines are saying that since 2020 they are cleaning the planes more thoroughly.

However, since I began taking long haul flights I have always wiped down my tray table, in flight entertainment unit (if there is one) and my arm rests I cannot recommend highly enough that you do this every time you fly.

They are an essential item for long flights. Disinfectant wipes don’t take up much room and they can make your flight more enjoyable knowing that you have cleaned your area.

a bicycle parked out the front of a bright orange house with wooden red shutters at Nyboder in Copenhagen

25. Sunscreen

Not only is sunscreen essential for when you arrive in your destination but it is also one of the best travel essentials.

Even though you are at high altitudes if you are sitting on the window you can still be exposed to UVA. I always apply sunscreen before every flight and as I’m landing, even if its just a stop over.

26. Rain jacket

There is nothing worse than landing at London Heathrow after a 24 hour flight from Australia and it is pouring rain when you’re trying to get to your accommodation.

Ever since my first flight to London, I have always packed a light weight rain jacket in my carry on. It is much easier to access than if it is in your main luggage and you never know when you might need it.

27. Travel purse

Along with my carry on back pack, I always have a small purse that I have across my body. In this small bag I carry my passport, iPhone, credit cards, cash, spare sim card, tickets and really anything that is valuable to me.

These are things that are expensive, hard to replace or would make my travels very difficult if they got stolen.

Whenever I am on the plan I “wear” this bag or I have it sitting next to me on my seat. As it is so small it doesn’t count toward your carry on luggage and it gives me piece of mind that if I go to sleep my important things won’t get stolen.

I bought my travel purse in the leather markets in Florence (I highly recommend a visit when you’re in Florence ) but this one is quite similar .

The malmo castle in malmo

I highly recommend converting some of your home currency to the local currency of your first destination.

Depending on where you are going it can be quite hard to get money when you first land. You always need money at the airport, whether it is for the bus, a taxi or a transfer, you will need to pay for this.

I don’t like get stuck with only a card so I exchange about $100AUD so I am covered when I first get there.

I also always have about $100AUD on me at all times that I can change if I find I am stuck without any money.

Pro Tip: I never suggest carrying 100s of dollars in any currency just in case something happens and its gets stolen!

29. Notebook

I never travel with out a notebook . I sometimes write a diary during my travels but it is handy for noting down the places you want to see during your trip, you can write down directions for getting to your first nights accommodations as soon as you leave the airport.

It also provides you with some entertainment on the flight!

What use is a notebook if you don’t have a pen? Aside from being able to to write in your notebook, a pen is useful for filling out departure or arrival cards you need to fill in. You can’t always rely on flight attendants or fellow passengers to lend you a pen.

31. Entertainment

Someone hold  green, red and blue uno cards with uno cards in a pile on a table next to a green passport case and a can of soft drink in the background. Uno cards are a must for entertainment on a long haul flight.

Most Long Haul Flights these days have inflight entertainment that includes music, movies, eBooks, TV shows and games.

However, sometimes you end up sitting in a seat where the entertainment is broken. Or you are on an older flight that doesn’t have the entertainment units.

Be prepared and bring your own entertainment. I like to pack a book because I am old school and like physical books but I also download podcasts before the flight leaves or bring my laptop with movies downloaded.

Entertainment is also very important if you end up stuck in an airport a lot longer than you thought, it is definitely one of the top must haves on a long flight.

I once booked a 17 hours lay over in the Middle East and I didn’t realise until I arrived. Let’s just say, I learnt every single corner of the airport!!

32. Universal Adapter

Universal adapters are one of the best travel accessories for long flights as they help you charge your devices no matter where you are in the world!

It takes away some of the preplanning you have to do and prevents you from having a hundred different adapters for countries you might only visit once.

33. USB cord

USB cords are definitely must haves for long flights! Whether you are using the USB socket on the plane or your portable charger, you will want to make sure you have a fully charged phone when you land!

34. Packing cubes

Packing cubes are not necessarily on the top of your “things to bring for long flights” list but, I hate trying to rummage around in my bag to find my socks at the very bottom of the bag, so I use packing cubes .

I use these in main luggage and my carry on to keep everything super organized.

I only started using packing cubes before my latest four month trip around Europe and I have no idea how I ever survived without them before!

35. Copy of your passport

A can of Maeloc Cider on a table next to glass filled with cider and ice and an Australian passport in front of the drinks

When travelling overseas I am always worried something will happen to my passport.

It is my life line when I’m travelling, it proves my identity but in a crisis it will also help if I turn up to the Australian Consulate any where.

Whilst nothing beats actually having your passport (it is a must have for international flights) if something goes wrong and you lose your passport or it gets stolen having a copy of it can help you get your new passport processed and to prove your identify without the actual passport.

I find a paper is sometimes more useful than having it stored on your phone incase you don’t have reception or battery.

36. Extra passport photo

As with the one above, carry a passport photo can help you get your new passport processed faster if you carry a spare passport photo with you.

37. Make sure you are covered

While this one is not a long haul flight essential in the fact that it fits in a kit, it is an essential in that you cannot leave home with out. Yes, I am talking about travel insurance.

What happens if you get sick abroad and need to go to hospital? What happens if you lose your luggage? What happens if you trip is cancelled? What happens if your accommodation is cancelled?

Someone lying in a hammock in an open living area

Fingers crossed, none of the above happen to you but you have to be covered if they do happen.

Especially, if it is a medical emergency. This is a situation that cannot be ignored and needs to be attended to straight away.

However, if you do not have travel insurance, these can be very expensive.

You should always, always, always, purchase travel insurance as soon as you have booked or paid for something related to your trip.

Find Your Perfect Policy Here

38. Don’t fight over the outlets

An iphone plugged into a power outlet

It seems that airports never have enough outlets and if they do, there is already a hundred travellers (okay, I may be slight exaggerating) crowded around it.

I find a Long Haul Flight Essential is having a fully charged phone and after travelling for 14 hours (and only being two thirds of the way) my phone is usually dying.

So, I have found a couple of “tricks”, that aren’t really tricks, to avoid the fight over the power outlets.

Away Carry On luggage – if you have purchased the Away luggage, you will have your handy power pack built in to your luggage. Just don’t forget to charge your luggage before your long haul flight.

Portable Power Pack – adding a portable power pack to your airplane essentials is pretty easy.

It doesn’t take up too much space and it will take away the stress of arriving in your destination with a flat battery and no idea how to get to your accommodation.

I love this power pack because it will charge my phone fully FIVE times and it charges very quickly.

Power Board – packing a power board will help when there are a quite a few people fighting over the same outlet.

These are also fantastic for hostels or if you travel with a few different electronics that need charging.

If you are using a Power Board, make sure it suits the plugs from your home country and bring your universal power adapte r so you can plug into any plug!

Preparing for your trip

The arc de triomphe

If you are like me, you’re constantly on pinterest before each long haul flight looking up things like “how to survive a long haul flight, long haul flight essentials, what to pack for a long haul flight, things to bring for a long flight, getting a free upgrade to business”

I won’t lie, you are not going to find the magic hack and your chances of getting upgrade to premium economy, let alone, business class (or first class) are very slim. However, it is important to start preparing for your long haul flight before you get to the airport.

Decide on your carry on luggage

Unless you are flying on a big international airline , most airlines will charge for luggage and will make you check in your carry on bag if it two grams over your allowance!

So make sure your carry on luggage meets the requirements .

When it comes to luggage, any kind of luggage, you need to think of it as an investment. You do not want to be half way through your trip and have your zipper break or your handle fall off.

You want to make sure that you have quality luggage that will last you for many years.

As a rough guide, your luggage should last you 8 – 10 years. This comes from someone who doesn’t exactly look after their luggage!!

I use my luggage as a seat, I drag it through airports, roll it down stairs – so don’t be like me…..look after your luggage and it will last you a long time!

Some of my luggage recommendations are:

The Away Roller Bags: These suitcases are beautiful! They are hard shelled cases with a built in laundry bag with compressor so it doesn’t become super bulky before you can find a laundry.

One side of the case is made for soft items such as clothing and the other side is for harder items such as shoes and toiletries.

I recommend the suitcase with the built in battery pack to help charge your electronics on the go.

Two away suitcases outside with a dog in the doorway

The Tortuga Outbreaker Backpack: If you prefer a backpack to a suitcase then the Outbreaker is the one for you.

It packs like a suitcase and carry’s like a backpack. The best thing about this pack is that is opens like a suitcase so you don’t have to pull everything out of your bag to find your hair tie that is all the way at the bottom!!


Check out ‘The Long Haul Life Saver’

The Ultimate Guide to Long-Haul Flights  is your essential companion for stress-free, enjoyable long-distance travel.

Packed with actionable tips, interactive checklists, and quick guides, this eBook ensures you arrive refreshed and ready for adventure. Perfect for both seasoned travellers and first-timers.

Make sure you’re covered with travel insurance

Don’t even think about skipping travel insurance when you book your trip.

Airlines usually won’t cover mishaps like delayed flights, lost luggage, or unexpected medical needs.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way: a jellyfish in Corfu left me not just in pain, but with a massive doctors bill.

Now, I get insured the second I book anything for a trip. If you can’t afford insurance, you can’t afford to travel, period

Top Tip: Make sure you check the policy you plan on purchasing because it will tell you exactly what you are covered for, so there are no nasty surprises.

Don’t forget to download your carry on packing list for long flights :


What to pack for a long haul flight.

It can be stressful trying to figure out what to bring on a long flight, here are the main things you need for long flights:

Reusable water bottle  – on long haul flights hydration is super important Eye mask and ear plugs   – these greatly help with sleeping Chargers  – you want to make sure your devices are charged at the other end Travel pillow  – these are compact and really help you stay comfortable on a flight Blanket scarf  – airplanes can get very cold and sometimes the airline blanket isn’t enough Toothbrush – keep your breath minty fresh Baby wipes –  keep you feeling fresh on the flight and are great to wipe down surfaces

What to wear on a long haul flight?

On a long haul flight you need to be comfortable. Wearing tight and restrictive clothing are generally uncomfortable, especially after 15 hours.

Make sure you wear clothes that are breathable and layers are great option to help you stay warm on your flight.

For safety reasons, high heels are not a great idea. If you need to leave the plane in an emergency you are often not allowed to wear your high heels.

During a 12 hour (or longer) flight you want to make sure you are going to be comfortable and entertained.

What is considered a long haul flight?

Generally flights over seven hours are considered to be long haul flights. These flights are often international flights.

What to take on a long flight?

The best things to take on a long flight are: an eye mask, travel pillow, ear plugs, reusable water bottle, entertainment (book, iPad), ear phones, hand sanitizer, tooth brush and a blanket scarf.

What are some overnight flight essentials?

Some overnight flight essentials you can’t travel without are some comfortable clothes (or pajamas), eye mask, ear plugs, travel pillow, noise cancelling headphones, snacks and some slippers or comfortable socks.

Wrap Up: Long Haul Travel Essentials

Embarking on a long haul flight can be both exciting and daunting, but with the right essentials, it can transform into a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Prioritize your comfort, well-being, and entertainment to make the most of your journey, and remember that preparation is key.

From packing a neck pillow, cozy blanket, and noise-canceling headphones to staying hydrated, moving around, and engaging in calming activities, each element plays a vital role in ensuring a smooth and stress-free long haul flight.

Don’t hesitate to customize your travel kit to suit your unique requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time long haul traveler, incorporating these essentials will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience.

If you’re looking for ways to save on your next long haul adventure, be sure to check out Faredrop .

With Faredrop’s innovative platform, you can discover fantastic flight deals and exclusive offers, allowing you to embark on your dream journeys without breaking the bank.

Remember, the world is waiting to be explored, so make your next long haul flight a memorable one by being prepared and snagging the best deals with Faredrop .


♦  Best Distance Traveled Calculator: Track Your Travels 

♦  FareDrop Reviews: How to save up to 80% on flights

♦  40 Long Haul Flight Essentials: Everything you MUST pack in your carry-on

♦  The Best Guide to Planning a trip

♦  The 11 must have travel items no one talks about but you need to pack

♦  16 Airport tips you must know before your next trip

best travel essentials for long flights

P.S…..Follow me on social media for travel updates

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I'm Fiona, the Australian blogger behind Travelling Thirties. Travel has always been my passion since 2007. I created this site to help inspire you to travel the world. In 2010 I moved from Australia to Scotland with $500 and a one way ticket, no one thought I'd last 5 minutes but I lasted 5 years. I share everything from one day itineraries to travel tips and tricks from Australia to Europe that will inspire you to get out and travel. Some of my favourite countries I have been to are France, Finland, Denmark, and England.

Travel Expertise: Europe Travel, France Travel, Christmas Markets, travel planning, itineraries and travel tips

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Jetsetting Fools

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Long Haul Flights Essentials Tips For How to Survive Long Flights by

Long Haul Flight Essentials: 30 Tips To Survive Long Flights

Welcome to JetSetting Fools, here you will find our best travel tips for destinations worldwide. Some of the links on this site are Affiliate Links and if you use them to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. For more information, read our Disclosure Policy .

Long haul flights are a source of angst for many travelers. However, with the right essentials for a long-haul flight, even a 15-hour plane ride can be pleasant – or, dare I say, fun . We love long flights (and actually prefer them over short stints in the air), but only because when we board the plane, we are armed with our Long-Haul Flights Essentials that makes traveling by plane a breeze!

Why Long Haul Flight Essentials are a Travel Necessity

Preparing for Australia: Spending the entire day at the airport isn't so bad with passes to the Club and views of the planes

Any plane journey over 6 hours is considered a long haul flight – and 6-plus hours is a long time to sit in a seat surrounded by strangers. While first class seats are, without a doubt, the most comfortable way to travel, the high price is a hindrance for most passengers.

Don’t fret! Travelers can experience comfort in economy seating by packing the essentials for a long haul flight.

We are covering the details of our Long Flight Essentials List that covers everything from clothing to entertainment – and even a few little luxuries – that will make the experience just a touch better.

Creating a List of Travel Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

To be honest, it took me some time to hone my skills to create a master list of essentials for long haul flights. On my first plane ride from the United States to Europe, I had made no effort to seek out long-haul flight tips…and I was woefully unprepared. It was a miserable plane trip – and when we landed in Paris I was grumpy and jet-lagged.

Determined not to make that mistake again, on subsequent plane trips I sought out the best long-haul flight tips and refined my list of flight essentials. The more we flew, the better prepared I was.

Now, as a full-time traveler, I don’t even think about how to survive a long-haul flight. With my travel hacks for long flights, I only look forward to enjoying the ride.

How To Survive Long Haul Flights

Sunrise on Leg 3 of our Epic Travel Day

Surviving a long-haul flight is not a difficult task if you have the right travel essentials for long flights. What I have learned in my travels is that long haul flight survival is not just limited to what you bring on long flights. It is equally important to consider what to wear on a long-haul flight.

It is these 2 things together – what to wear and what to bring – that ultimately make up our list of Long-Haul Flights Essentials.

Our list highlights the long haul essentials that you will want for your plane trip. Want a printed list? Get your FREE Printable Long Haul Flight Essentials list here !

Pro Tip: With only a few variations, this list can be used for long haul bus travel as well!

How To Survive Long Flights


Deciding what to wear on a long-haul flight is one of the key elements to enjoying the journey – so before we get to our list of Must Haves for Long Flights, let’s talk about clothing first.

Comfort Clothing: Long Flights Essentials

As you prepare for your plane journey, above all, your long-haul flight outfit must be comfortable. That said, outfits for long haul flights can be stylish – but comfort comes first (and, if you are most comfy wearing pajamas on a red-eye flight, some airlines provide them in First Class!).

Outfit Tips for Long Haul Flight

Because what you wear has such a big impact on your comfort, we have quite a few outfit tips for a long haul flight.

#1 Wear Layers

Wearing layers is one of the top tips on how to survive long flights in economy – or in any seat on the plane, to be truthful! Planes can be hot…and planes can be cold, and then hot again. And you, as a passenger, have no control over the thermostat.

Therefore, one of the best travel hacks for long flights is to wear layered clothing so that you are able to stay comfortable regardless of the stifling heat or cold air con. 

#2 Elastic Waistband or Loose Dress Tips for Long Flights

It is common for most people to experience some swelling while flying – especially on long haul flights – so it is best to combat the swelling by wearing loose-fitting clothing or pants that offer a little stretch.

I prefer dresses on airplanes – over shirts and pants – because they are not binding. However, if you wear pants, I recommend that your long-haul flight pants have an elastic waistband for more comfort.

#3 Long Flight Hack for Women: Dress and Leggings Combo

One of the best Long Flight Hacks for outfits for women is to wear a loose dress – and leggings under the dress. The stretchy material of leggings makes it easy to move around the plane, stow luggage in the overhead compartment and get situated in your seat.

Furthermore, wearing leggings under a dress can help to keep you warm if the plane is frigidly cold…but if it gets too hot on the plane (which is often does during a flight), you can remove your leggings layer (possibly without even getting up from your seat!) to help you regulate your body temperature.

#4 Wear Things for a Long Flight that Add Style

An easy way to create a stylish long-haul flight outfit without sacrificing comfort is to add a simple accessory. Dress up your casual clothing with a colorful scarf or jewelry (but avoid rings that may feel too tight with swelling).

BONUS TIP: My Best Outfit for Long Haul Flight

I, personally, like to wear a loose-fitting dress as my long-haul travel outfit. Typically, when I fly I wear a loose casual dress (preferably with short sleeves). To complete my outfit, I layer it with leggings under the dress, a thin hoodie over the dress and sandals or slip on shoes.

Pro Tip: Read more about travel footwear in our article breaking down the Best Travel Shoes !

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Qantas Long Flight Airplane, Brisbane, AU

Now that you know what to wear, let’s chat about long flight carry on essentials. These are all of the long-haul flight accessories that you will want to pack in your hand luggage – things that will make surviving long-haul flights a lot easier!

Additional Clothes for Long Haul Flight

We already discussed the best outfits for long-haul flights, but there are a few more clothing items you should bring on your flight. In addition to the clothes that I wear as my outfit for long haul flight, I also pack a wrap, clean underwear and compression socks in my luggage that goes under the seat in front of me.

#5 Top Tips for Long Haul Flight Clothes: Bring a Wrap

My wrap is one of the most versatile items I travel with – and it is one of my must-haves for long haul flights. In flight, I can use it as a pillow, blanket, scarf, head cover or seat cover. It is one of the favorite items on my Packing List !

#6 What To Pack for a Long Haul Flight: Underwear

Packing clean underwear in a long-haul flight carry on is one of the hacks I picked up as a novice traveler. If you are going to check luggage (and the majority of your clothing), then packing a pair of underwear into your carry on luggage assures that you will have a clean pair…even if your checked luggage gets lost by the airline. 

However, I often change into the clean pair of underwear in the plane bathroom before touching down (or in the airport bathroom on arrival). It just feels so much cleaner to start off in a city with a fresh pair! 

Pro Travel Tips: Use my Packing Hacks for tips on the best way to pack – and get our top advice on ensuring your luggage doesn’t get lost by the airline!

#7 Extra Outfit: Best Long Flight Hacks

While a fresh pair of panties is one of my carry on essentials for long flights, for ultra long flights that are 12+ hour journeys, I like to pack a complete outfit change.

Donning a clean shirt, pants and undergarments feels so much better at the end of a long flight! I also advise freshening up – and I share my list of essential toiletries for long-haul flights a bit later in the article.  

#8 Compression Socks are Long Flight Must Haves

It makes sense to pack socks for long haul flights for when cabin temperatures are too cold. However, regardless of the temperature, I think wearing compression socks is a necessity.

As unattractive as the long-haul flight socks may be, they have substantial health benefits, like reducing swelling and preventing blood clots (both of which can more easily occur on long haul flights). Plus, they will keep your feet warm.

Pro Tip: I wait to put my compression socks on until right before I board the plane. This way, I am wearing a clean pair of socks for the journey – and I even use a wet wipe (more about those later) to clean my toes before I put the clean socks on my feet. 

#9 What To Take on Long Flights: Slippers

I think slippers are one of the Ultra Long Haul Flight Must Haves. Cozy plane slippers that have a rubber sole and are machine washable are ideal.

This way, you can keep your feet warm while on the plane – and you can still get up and walk around in the slippers during the flight. Plus, because of the rubber sole, you can wear them into the plane bathroom.

Airplane Essentials for Long Flights to Stay Healthy

Let me start off by saying that I am not a doctor, it is best to seek health advice for long haul flights from your medical provider. Bearing that in mind, there are a few things that I do for the benefit of my personal health while traveling on airplanes (and when traveling, in general).

Hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes and a small medical kit are items that are in my long-haul flight hand luggage (and I use the wipes before I even sit in my seat!). Disposable toothbrushes come in handy on flights to keep your teeth and mouth clean as well.

Additionally, even though most planes are equipped with HEPA air filters that are tested to be 99% effective against viruses, a face covering may still be required for travel, so it’s a good idea to pack at least one (but it’s better to have two).

Top Tip: Find out more in our article, How To Stay Healthy While Traveling .

#10 What To Take on Long Flights: Antibacterial Sanitizer and Wipes

Traveling with antibacterial sanitizer and wipes just makes good sense – and it is one of our top Long Haul Flight Health Tips, too.

In fact, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and wipes are plane essentials for long flights.

We have always used wet wipes to clean and disinfect our seats. Not only do we wipe down the entire seat and head rest, but we make sure to clean the arm rests, seat buckles, touch screen, seat back pocket and the tray table.

Pro Tip : Invest in a Long Flight Survival Kit that includes everything you need! An airplane germ-fighting kit is a great gift for travelers who will be taking long flights. For more travel gift tips, use our Top Unique Gifts for Travelers !

#11 Mini First Aid Kit is a Must Have for Long Haul Flights

A small med kit is also part of our long-haul carry on essentials. In our kit, we carry travel-size tums (for Jet Bloat), anti-diarrheal (just in case), pain relievers (like aspirin) and a few Band-aids – because, in general, these are just good items to have on hand.

A few other items that might make your Just In Case list of long flight necessities are tissues , nose saline and eye drops.

Pro Tip: I used to wear contacts – and quickly learned that bringing a pair of glasses on board is one of the long haul flight travel essentials for contact wearers! In fact, it might be best to take your contacts out prior to boarding and plan on wearing your glasses for the duration of the long flight.

#12 Disposable Toothbrushes are Good Things to Take on a Long Flight

Keeping my teeth and mouth clean during a flight is important! That said, taking a toothbrush and toothpaste into a germ-filled plane bathroom is not ideal (and the water is usually not potable!).

Instead, I use a convenient disposable toothbrush – which is designed as a one-time use toothbrush to be used without water, so I can brush and toss. If my only row mate is my husband, I can even brush my teeth right in my seat!

Because I like my mouth to feel fresh, I use several throughout the flight (after meals, before I fall asleep, when I wake up and before I disembark).

Additionally, flossers are good things to bring on a long flight so that you can even better clean in between your teeth.

Long Haul Flight Beauty Essentials

Having a beauty regime on a flight is one of the best tips for long haul flights…one that your skin will thank you for! My top beauty essentials for long haul flights are simple: lip balm and moisturizer. I think they are the two best items for long flights to help your skin. That said, there are many beauty essentials for a long flight and I highlight those, as well.

#13 Long Haul Flight Tips for Skincare: Lip Balm and Moisturizer

The dry air on airplanes can wreak havoc on skin, which is why lip balm and moisturizer are necessities. I carry a small hand moisturizer that can be used on my face, too – and I apply both the lotion and the lip balm liberally throughout the flight.

#14 Hydration Beauty Travel Essentials Long Flight

A hydrating face mist – like the one by Mario Badescu – can help your skin feel fantastic, even on a long flight. The facial spray is infused with aloe, herbs and rosewater to aid in rejuvenating your skin.

Another popular facial mist is the Evian Water Spritz . The micro-droplet mist hydrates your skin with pure Evian water. As with all liquid products that you take on a plane, be sure to bring the TSA approved travel size! 

Dry sheet face masks (like the 111Skin Rose Gold Brightening Facial Mask ) or the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Face Mask cream are other long-haul flight skin care products that travelers use in-flight.

#15 Long Airplane Trip Essentials for Freshening Up

Some of the best items for long haul flights are the ones that revive and refresh you – even after a long redeye flight. We already talked about brushing teeth, but there are a few more things you can do to feel refreshed.

Waterless cleansing wipes ( like these !), underarm deodorant wipes and travel sized deodorant are freshening-up necessities for long flights.

Wondering what to bring on a long haul flight for your hair? Try a Dry Shampoo that will absorb oils and grease for a fresh-washed look. 

Bonus Travel Beauty Tips Long Flights: No Make Up

One of the top long-haul flight beauty tips that some travelers find difficult to get on board with is to fly without wearing makeup. But, trust me, your skin will appreciate it! A made-up face will not likely last the duration of the long flight anyway.

Rather than wearing any makeup in-flight, I stop at the airport bathroom on arrival and – after I change into fresh underwear and clothes – I can wash my face and apply minimal makeup (so be sure to keep that in your carry on luggage, too!)

Long Haul Flight Essentials by

How To Survive Long Haul Flights in Economy Comfortably

Everyone knows that economy seats on a long flight are a bit uncomfortable (okay, maybe more than ‘a bit’). However, with the right economy essentials for a long haul flight, the ride can be so much more pleasant. As full-time travelers – with limited luggage space – these are not items that we personally use. However, I have to admit that when I notice my row mates using them, I am panged with jealousy.

#16 Airplane Hacks for Long Flights in Economy: A Seat Cushion

A memory foam seat cushion can make all the difference in a standard economy plane seat. This seat cushion is designed with travelers in mind – and is not only comfortable and supportive, by breathable and compact. 

The Therm-a-Rest self-inflating seat cushion can also be used for long plane journeys – and it weights just 4 ounces.

#17 Best Travel Items for Long Flights for Comfort: Foot Hammock

Riding in economy on long-haul flights can by a struggle. That said, there are a few travel hacks – like the tray table foot hammock – that can exponentially increase your chances of surviving a long-haul flight in economy.

An on-board foot hammock helps to elevate your feet for a more comfortable flight…even in cramped spaces. The foot sling is also designed to prevent swelling.

#18 Fun Things for Long Flights

Want a first-class experience in economy seating? Upgrade your flying experience with a fun in-flight cocktail kit (these contain no alcohol and you must follow your airline’s on-board rules!).

The mini portable kits allow you to create a tasty cocktail so that you can enjoy an exceptional drink (in a much less expensive seat).

Long Plane Ride Essentials for Sleeping

Sleeping on a plane can be difficult, but not if you are prepared with the best long-haul flight accessories! For us, the best way to get sleep on an airplane is to eliminate light and noise – and we do so by using sleep masks and ear plugs – but we have several sleepy time travel tips for long flights.

#19 Long Haul Flying Tips for Sleeping In-Flight: Wear an Eye Mask

When it comes to sleeping masks, there are thousands to choose from. That said, for airplane sleeping masks, contoured sleeping masks that block out 100% of the light are ideal. The PrettyCare Sleep Mask comes in a set of two, is affordable and gets rave reviews from fellow travelers.

#20 Ear Plugs are the Best Things for Long Flights

We usually use cheap earplugs on flights – but light sleepers may benefit from noise canceling silicone sleeping ear plugs, like these .

Additionally, when my allergies cause congestion, I like to use Earplanes . Not only do they reduce cabin noise, but they are specially designed to relive air pressure and the resulting discomfort.

#21 What To Take on a Long Haul Flight: Travel Pillows

Most airlines offer pillows (and blankets) to all passengers – even those in economy – for longer flights, so you don’t necessarily need to bring your own pillow for plane travel. That said, a good travel pillow can be the difference between peacefully sleeping on a plane and struggling to fall asleep.

Luckily, I can sleep anywhere – so flight pillows for long haul flights are not an item we carry.

However, if you are looking for a long-haul flight pillow, there are a few the come highly rated by fellow travelers – like the trtl Pillow that earns rave reviews.

#22 Sleep Remedy Long Flight Tips

Many travelers sing the praises of taking a sleep remedy in order to get a little shut eye on a long haul flight.

A natural sleep remedy, like melatonin, or prescribed pills by your doctor might help you get the sleep you need on a plane. Before deciding to take anything on a flight, however, check with your doctor first. And, never try taking any remedy for the first time on an airplane.

Pro Tip : Lavender essential oil aromatherapy is also highly touted to help people get a few zzz’s on a flight – but, like with any fragrance on a plane, consider your neighboring passengers.

#23 White Noise or Meditation Apps for Long Distance Flight

Meditation and white noise apps are must haves for long plane rides – especially if you are a light sleeper! Coupled with a good pair of headphones (which we get to in the next section), you can enjoy pure bliss on your flight.

We recommend finding the right app long before your scheduled flight – and even try it out a few times to ensure it will help lull you to sleep. Make sure the app is downloaded to your phone and ready to go before your flight.

Long Flight Travel Essentials for Entertainment

Landing at SFO Airport, CA, USA

When it comes to long haul travel essentials, on-board entertainment is the thing that passes the time. Kris is happily entertained if he has a window seat, but I need something more directly engaging.

Thankfully, most long-haul airplanes are fitted with Seat Back Entertainment – thousands of movies and television shows at the touch of the screen. Utilizing the provided in-flight entertainment is an obvious choice when it comes to being entertained on a flight – but I never solely rely on it because it is not guaranteed.

Not all airlines offer seat-back entertainment – and a few low-cost carriers charge to use it. Sometimes the movie selection is not to my liking. And, in one case, my screen was broken (and – of course – it was on a totally full flight when there were no open seats I could switch to).

Therefore, it is essential to be prepared with things to do on long haul flights that don’t involve the provided in-flight entertainment.

#24 Long Haul Travel Tips for Entertainment: Noise Canceling Headphones

Earphones are travel essentials for long haul flights. In fact, I always bring two pairs…just in case one breaks or somehow gets lost.

Noise reducing headphones are an absolute dream on planes and definitely worth the upgrade if you don’t already have them. If you use wireless headphones , remember to bring the charger (and a back up wired pair, too, as you may need them to utilize the seat back entertainment options).

#25 Best Apps for Long-Haul Flights

We already covered using apps to help you sleep on flights, but there are a few other apps that we think are long plane trip essentials.

Two fantastic apps that should be downloaded and set up prior to take off are Audible (for audiobooks) and Spotify (for music).

That said, perhaps the very best apps for long flights are for the airline carrier you are flying. When you download the free flight carrier app, you typically have access to all of the movies and other digital entertainment options offered by the airline while in flight. Plus, you will have access to other pertinent flight information – like time left in flight, route maps and meal info.

#26 What To Bring on Long Flight: Power Bank and Chargers

One of the absolute essentials for long haul flights is fully charged devices. You do not want to board a flight without fully charged phones, tablets or laptops.

Even with a full charge, however, power cords are long haul plane essentials. Many seats now have USB ports where you can charge your device. (Check on SeatGuru to see if your seat has one, but keep in mind that things – planes and seats – can always change).

Just in case, however, we recommend bringing a portable charger on board, too (it’s not supposed to be in your checked luggage anyway).

As we already mentioned, make sure you download any music, books or apps that you will want to use in-flight prior to arriving at the airport.

#27 Non-Digital Hacks for Long Flights

Non-electronic entertainment is another one of our long-haul essentials. I usually have a book (an actual, paper book) that I can read, but sometimes I will opt for a newspaper or magazine. ( Love with a Chance of Drowning and The Yellow Envelope are two excellent travel books!)

Puzzle books – like Word Search, Crosswords and Sudoku – can provide hours of entertainment. For the sake of space, we recommend buying an all-in-one activity book that includes a variety of puzzles.

The quiet time on a plane also provides an excellent opportunity to journal, sketch or draw. As I always carry a notebook and pen, sometimes I write or jot down notes about my trip (but these cool travel journals are good for trips, too).

If you have travel companions, playing cards are good for long-haul flight entertainment, too. War and Rummy are two easy card games to play in flight – and, if you are flying solo, you can always play a game of Solitaire.

Playing cards are an everyday item that we recommend travelers pack for their trip. Find more tips for Everyday Items for Travel !

Long Haul Flight Snacks and Water

Food is one of my long-haul flight must-haves! Regardless of whether the airline serves included meals during the flight, I bring my own snacks and a water bottle on the plane.

#28 Long Haul Flying Tips: Food that is Healthy

While I am not a traveler that snubs my nose at plane food (I actually usually like it!), there are some instances where the offered dish is not to my liking…or simply not filling enough. To stave off any hunger pangs during the trip, I bring a few healthy snacks in my carryon.

 Almonds, apples and granola bars are my go-to things to bring on long flights, as they are easy to pack and more filling than greasy, salty chips. (That said, some airlines do provide snacks – check what is available in the galley.)

#29 Best Hacks for Long Flights: Candies and Gum

Gum, mints and hard candies are something else we carry with us on flights. Chewing gum and sucking on hard candy can help to equalize the pressure in your ears (because swallowing opens the Eustachian Tubes) – so we like to have a piece of gum or candy on the descent.

Furthermore, gum and mints can help freshen your breath after a long flight!

#30 Water is a Must Have for Long Flights

Staying hydrated can help make plane travel a lot more comfortable (both during the flight and especially after!).

Drinking water is available to passengers throughout the flight (although some budget airlines might charge for it!) – but I still prefer to bring my own water bottle.

Having a closed container of water is much more preferable to the tiny cups of water many airlines provide (as I can tuck it into the seat back pocket). A collapsible water bottle is great for travelers! Once through security, fill up your bottle before you board your flight. Throughout the flight, you can ask the flight attendant for refills, too.

Long Haul Flight Survival Guide by

More Long Haul Flight Hacks

Flying over Indonesia on Malaysia Airlines during our Epic Travel Day

Now that you have your travel outfit selected, your list of things to bring for long flights and advice for what to do on a long-haul flight, we have a few more long-haul flight tips and tricks!

What Bag To Pack for Long Flight

Our tips for a long-haul flight include the best items that will make plane travel more comfortable and pleasant. However, when determining what to pack for a long haul flight, it is just as important to consider your actual packing strategy – as in, what bag to stow at your feet and how to pack it.

The items that we listed as long flight essentials should be within reach – even when the seatbelt sign is illuminated. Because they need to be easily accessible, it is best to pack these items in a good day bag that is stowed at your feet under the seat in front of you.

Carry On for Long Haul Flight Tips

With all of the cords and gadgets for long haul flights, carry on luggage can get messy…and things can get lost.

Because space is limited, it is best to use a bag that can easily be organized with multiple compartments and pockets.

We recommend that you organize your belongings with a Grid It Organizer so that you can easily find what you need in your bag during the flight.

Pro Traveler Tip: Want more luggage tips? Find out why love Packing Cubes and prefer traveling with a Backpack vs Suitcase ! 

Make a Personalized Flight Essentials Kit

Packing for a long-haul flight can be a daunting task. However, if you have a pre-packed long-haul flight survival kit, it will make the chore of packing an absolute breeze. To create your long-haul travel kit, start with your long-haul flight checklist (or get ours here !).

Identify all of the items on your list that you can leave packed in the long-haul flight kit (things like earplugs, sleep mask, water bottle, extra charging cords, etc). Gather them in a bag or storage box and check those off your list. Then, as your next trip approaches, all you need to do is grab the items already set to go from your long-haul flight travel kit – and then gather and pack the remaining items from your list.

Long Flight Tips for Exercise

Long haul flight exercises are a good way to fend off the unfortunate side effects of long-haul flights.

One of the best exercises for long haul flights is to simply get up and walk around. But you can also do easy in-seat exercises – like rolling your ankles, wrists, shoulders and neck – for better circulation.

Money Advice for Long-Haul Flights

While most commercial airlines include food, beverage and seat-back entertainment in the price of the ticket, low cost carriers that fly long-haul routes do not. If you are flying with a budget airline, cash and credit cards is one of the things to bring for a long flight!


What To Do on Long Flights to Avoid Jet Lag

It is likely that your long haul flight will cross time zones – which often results in dreaded jet lag on arrival. However, there are a few ways to avoid it!

Stay hydrated and avoid drinking alcohol on the flight. Before you start to snooze, adjust your sleep cycle to coincide with your arrival city. You can use an app, like Timeshifter, to help time out your sleep schedule.

Herbal remedies, like No Jet Lag pills , can also help – but talk to your doctor first.

Travel Insurance 

Whether taking a long haul flight or making a short trip to the state next door, trip insurance can come in handy if things go awry. If you haven’t already booked travel insurance for your next vacation, check the affordable rates and robust coverage at World Nomads . 


Get our advice on booking cheap long haul flights, How To Book the Best Flights !

Start packing and planning your next trip ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing ! Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for more tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

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Greta's Travels

Long Flight Essentials: 20 Carry On Essentials For Long Flights

Posted on Last updated: March 14, 2023

Looking for all the carry-on essentials you will need on your next long flight? You’ve come to the right place!

As a full time travel blogger and part time tour leader I fly a lot. It’s part of my job description.

After countless 12+ hours cramped in a tiny airplane seat wishing I’d either downloaded a new book on my Kindle, or wishing I’d charged my laptop, or that I hadn’t forgotten my travel pillow, you can say I’ve learnt from experience and am kind of an expert on what carry on essentials you should always bring on long flights.

In this guide I’ve listed all the top long flight essentials you should always remember to pack in your carry on.

So learn from my mistakes, and read on to discover the carry on essentials for long flights that you always need!

  • 1.1 Travel pillow
  • 1.2 Sleeping mask
  • 1.3 Ear-plugs
  • 1.4 A pair of socks
  • 2.1 Noise cancelling headphones
  • 2.3 Laptop & camera
  • 3.1 Hand sanitiser
  • 3.2 Lip balm & moisturiser
  • 3.3 Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • 3.4 Clear cosmetics case for toiletries
  • 3.5 Chewing gum
  • 3.6 First aid kit / essential medicines
  • 4.1 Scarf or shawl
  • 4.2 Collapsible water bottle
  • 4.3 Portable power bank
  • 4.4 Outfit change

Long flight essentials

Carry on essentials for sleeping on long flights

Travel pillow.

For years I refused to use a travel pillow. I would walk past them in airport shops and think they looked bulky, uncomfortable to carry around and they made you look ridiculous when you wear them.

After all I’ve always been able to sleep on planes without one so why bother.

However age catches up with all of us and when I started waking up from sleeping on planes with neck pains I figured it was time to give it a go. I have a Trtl travel pillow and love it.

It’s fairly small so it’s not too inconvenient to carry around, I usually strap it on the outside of my backpack so it doesn’t take up any space at all. It doesn’t look too ridiculous as far as travel pillows go and it’s super comfy, a win all round!

Now whether it’s a long flight, bus, train or car journey I always take it with me, a real carry on essential!

Purchase your Trtl travel pillow here!

Trtl travel pillow - a long flight essential for me

Me using a Trtl pillow and loving it during a long flight

Sleeping mask

If you’re trying to sleep on a plane and it’s not an overnight flight you might struggle with the lights turned on, it’s a good idea to pack a sleeping mask so you can cover your eyes.

Even if it’s an overnight flight and your number insists on having the light turned on you can still be in the dark and get some rest.

Click here to purchase your sleeping mask!

Similarly to the sleeping mask, whether it’s a night or day flight it’s always good to pack ear-plugs to help you sleep. You don’t want to find yourself next to a crying baby that will keep you awake for the whole flight.

Click here to purchase your ear-plugs!

Long flight essentials for your carry on bag

A pair of socks

If you’re anything like me one of the first things you do when you get on a plane is removing your shoes. After all if I’m going to be sat there for hours, I want to be comfortable.

Especially if the seats next to me are free and I’m going to lie down to sleep, I don’t want to put my shoes on the seat.

However it’s also very inconvenient trying to shuffle your shoes back on in the dark whenever you want to go for a walk or to the toilet.

I always pack a pair of thick socks to wear on the plane so I can be comfortable while sat down and can walk easily around.

Find the perfect travel socks for you here!

Carry on essentials for long flights

Long flight essentials for entertainment

Noise cancelling headphones.

I like bringing my own headphones because let’s be real, the ones they give you on planes are always a bit rubbish.

I’ve also been on long flights where they didn’t provide headphones and my Kindle was out of battery so I found myself having to watch Kong with subtitles.

Let me tell you, despite the best efforts of whoever write subtitles, those explosions and fight scenes are not quite the same without audio.

Bring your own noise cancelling headphones and you’re sure to have your share of movies and music for your next long flight without disturbances!

Purchase your noise cancelling headphones here!

Long flight essentials to pack in your carry on bag

I love reading. I also love really long descriptive fantasy sagas like Lord of the Rings, which can be fairly inconvenient to take with you travelling if you have the “real book” paper copy.

Hard core book fans will tell you it’s not the same thing, you don’t have the pleasure of flicking the pages, the smell of a new book etcetera etcetera. As someone who can easily get through a book a day, I call bullshit.

Especially if you’re going on a long flight or on a long trip, you don’t want to be taking multiple heavy books with you. I made the switch to Kindle years ago and would never turn back.

The new ones also have an inbuilt light so you don’t even have to turn on the big overhead light during a flight and disturb all your neighbours (top that paper books!) Just remember to download enough books for your flight!

I also found that over the years it has saved me loads of money because there are lots of free books for Kindle, and the Kindle version is always cheaper than its paper equivalent.

Purchase your Kindle here!

Carry on essentials for long flights

Laptop & camera

I always pack my laptop and camera in my carry on, not necessarily because I will use them but more because I don’t want to risk them getting ruined or lost in the hold.

Plus if it’s the end of the trip you can entertain yourself looking back on your photos on your camera or you can do some work on your laptop.

You can also download movies on your laptop if you’re not sure you will like any of the movies in the inflight entertainment.

Click here to purchase your perfect travel camera!

Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy

Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy

Health & beauty travel essentials for long flights

Hand sanitiser.

Moving on from essentials to help you sleep and fun essentials, it’s time to look at health and beauty essentials that will ensure you are feeling fabulous when you land at destination.

Number one long flight essential is a good hand sanitiser . With so many people coughing, sneezing, and even just breathing in a contained space for an extended period of time, planes are the perfect gathering location for germs.

Especially if you’re flying with children, you will want to add this to your family flying essentials . If you’re flying with a baby, you will also need an airplane bassinet , but don’t worry, as airlines will usually provide this (just remember to request it beforehand!)

Purchase your hand sanitiser for long flights here!

What to pack in your carry-on for long flights

Lip balm & moisturiser

Planes are not only packed with germs, they’re also incredibly dry. All that aircon might feel nice when you board in a hot country but it will dehydrate you really quickly.

Especially if you’re on a long flight make sure to pack some moisturiser and lip balm to keep your skin and lips hydrated.

Purchase your lip balm and moisturiser for your carry-on here!

Toothbrush & toothpaste

If you’re flying overnight or planning on sleeping on the plane, you should bring a small travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you. You will feel so much better after using it and you will land a fresh and new person.


Long flight essentials

Clear cosmetics case for toiletries

You will want to pack all these toiletry essential in a transparent case, so that when you pass through security at the airport you don’t have to unpack it every time and put the liquids in the transparent plastic bags.

You can get a TSA approved cosmetics case so they don’t have to stop you at security to go through your bag. You can also get tiny 100ml travel bottles to pour your liquids instead of having to buy new ones every time.

Purchase your TSA approved clear cosmetics case here!

Cala Corsara on the island of Spargi in Sardinia, Italy

Cala Corsara on the island of Spargi in Sardinia in August (a bit too many boats!)

Chewing gum

Chewing gum has a double use on flights; it makes your breath smell nicer if you can’t be bothered to get up and brush your teeth after sleeping on a plane, and it also helps with equalizing the pressure and avoids annoying pain in your ears.

First aid kit / essential medicines

Similarly to the laptop and camera, I always pack these in my carry-on not because I think I will need them (I really hope not!) but to avoid the off chance of them getting lost in the hold.

If you are taking any essential medicines you should always keep them in your carry-on, imagine if your luggage is lost and arrives a couple days later, you wouldn’t want to be without your medicines for that long!

Given that the incubation period of some diseases is quite long, you might board a plane feeling fine but suddenly feel unwell during the flight, you’ll be glad to have paracetamol and other basics available immediately.

Travel essentials to pack in your carry on bag for long flights

Other airplane essentials for long flights

Scarf or shawl.

Like I said before, planes always have strong air conditioning turned on. I always take a scarf, shawl or sarong with me to wear around my shoulders or as an additional blanket when I’m cold.

Collapsible water bottle

I know they serve water on planes and you can ask for it whenever you want, but I often find it easier to have my own bottle on me on top of that so I don’t have to disturb anyone during the flight if I’m thirsty.

I like the collapsible ones because once you’re done with it you can fold it over and it doesn’t take up as much space in your carry-on.

Purchase a collapsible water bottle here!

Long flight essentials

Portable power bank

I’ve been on a couple fancy new planes that have a USB port to charge your phone, but most airlines sadly don’t have this feature yet.

After running out of battery on my phone or Kindle at the most inconvenient times I now always take a portable power bank with me on flights.

It doesn’t take up much space and ensures my electronics are always charged when I need them to.

Click here to buy your power bank for long flights!


Long flight essentials

Outfit change

Especially if you’re going to a country with a very different climate from the one you set off from, you might want to keep an outfit change in your carry-on so that you can change into more appropriate clothes even before you land.

If you’re on a long flight chances are you’re going somewhere where you’ll have to fill in a landing card. I like to always carry a pen so I don’t have to ask other people or waiting around at passport control to fill in my details.

Best travel items for long flights

Last but not least, don’t forget to bring some food with you!

Yes airlines will give you food on a plane but it’s usually limited at meal times (eg. on a long overnight flight you usually get dinner and breakfast) but let’s be real, the food is never great or particularly abundant.

Plus even if you do eat everything you might still get hungry in between meals. I always pack some nut or cereal bars with me to keep me going.


Carry on essentials for long flights

Final thoughts on carry-on essentials for long flights

What about you? What essentials do you pack in your carry on for long flights? Let me know in the comments below!

These are the essential items I make sure to always have in my carry on bag before any long flight, I hope you find this guide useful in packing your own long flight carry on essentials bag!

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Photo of a plane in the sky with text overlay saying

40 Long Flight Essentials, Tested by Travel Editors

Stay cool, calm, and collected on your next getaway.

long flight essentials

Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site. Why Trust Us?

There’s no denying that travel is fun, amazing, even life-changing. But it can also be tiring, stressful, and downright hard . Missed connections, delayed flights, screaming babies, and sockless passengers looking to “share” your armrest—it’s enough to drive a grown man mad. And long flights can be especially difficult without the right tools to keep you sane.

But packing the right gear can make all the difference. It can turn a torturous 10-hour red-eye into a relatively calm, relaxing travel experience complete with good cocktails, a toddler-sized nap, and hours of enjoying all your favorite books, movies, and music in noise-canceled bliss.

So what to pack is the question? Our travel-obsessed editors and writers regularly test luggage , wellness products, and travel gadgets . We ditch what doesn’t work and share the rest with you. If you’re getting ready to head off on a long-haul international flight, first off: Congrats! But, also, you might want to pack some or all of these recommendations below. These are the best long-flight essentials to keep you cool, calm, and collected on your next getaway.

Bags & Luggage

Carry-On Pro Plus

Monos Carry-On Pro Plus

Keeping your long flight gear game tight starts with the right carry-on luggage. Monos’ flagship Carry-On Pro Plus is among the best we’ve seen, plus a built-in front compartment provides instant access to your essentials.

Medium Rugged Twill Duffle Bag

Filson Medium Rugged Twill Duffle Bag

If a classic duffel bag is more your speed, we love Filson’s field- and time-tested Rugged Twill Duffle. The industrial-strength fabric is built for travel, and the 43-liter capacity is more than enough to hold days worth of essentials.

Travel Backpack 30L

Peak Design Travel Backpack 30L

Few companies know how to wrangle your long-flight essentials like Peak Design. Its Travel Backpack 30L is sleek, handsome, and even expands with plenty of storage, pouches, and pockets to organize all your gear.

Compression Packing Cubes

Nomatic Compression Packing Cubes

Few things make packing easier than packing cubes . Nomatic’s are highly compressible, so your soft goods take up a lot less space in your luggage (leaving more room for important things, like Toblerones and duty-free booze).

FlatPak Waterproof Toiletry Case

Matador FlatPak Waterproof Toiletry Case

Nothing can ruin a good vacation like leaky toiletries spilling all over your clothes, gadgets, and gear. Keep your liquids quarantined with this leakproof roll-top toiletry bag .

Vapor Sling Crossbody Bag

Timbuk2 Vapor Sling Crossbody Bag

Keep all the essentials for your next long flight close at hand with this next-level crossbody bag . With four pockets and a dedicated laptop sleeve, it’s perfect for keeping everything organized under your seat.

65W Power Adapter

Nomad 65W Power Adapter

If you’re lucky, you might have access to one electrical outlet on your next long flight. Double your power-up potential to keep all your gadgets humming with this dual USB-C fast charger.

Premium Membership

Going Premium Membership

This “ pre -long-flight” essential is really an airfare watchdog service that keeps an eye on your preferred airports and alerts you when prices drop. Subscribers save an average of $200 on domestic flights and a whopping $500 on international airfare—all for as little as $49/year.

145W Portable Power Bank

Ugreen 145W Portable Power Bank

Most of us would rather forget to pack our underwear than our smartphone and other gadgets. Make sure you’re equipped with the portable power you need for all your essential gadgets on a long flight with this beefy power bank.

Kobo Sage eReader

Rakuten Kobo Sage eReader

Take all your favorite audiobooks and book books along on your next long flight. The zero-glare e-ink touchscreen makes for a paper-like reading experience, and the entire device is waterproof to protect against clumsy seatmates and sticky-fingered kids.

True Wireless Noise Cancelling Earbuds II (EAH-AZ40M2)

Technics True Wireless Noise Cancelling Earbuds II (EAH-AZ40M2)

These all-new, low-profile earbuds from Technics are our new go-to for long flights. They’re designed with next-gen active noise-cancellation tech and run for up to 12 hours with the included charging case.

WH-1000XM5 Wireless Headphones

Sony WH-1000XM5 Wireless Headphones

If noise-canceling audioware is the only thing keeping you sane while traveling, but earbuds aren’t your jam, splurge on these best of the best travel headphones . The 30-hour battery life is enough to take you around the world— literally .


Apple AirTag

If the last year (of stolen luggage news) has taught us anything, it’s that Bluetooth trackers are worth their weight in gold. Keep tabs on all your luggage—even your carry-ons—with a cheap, dead-simple AirTag.

In-Flight Airplane Phone Holder Mount

Perilogics In-Flight Airplane Phone Holder Mount

For those marathon in-flight movie seshes, you want to know you can stare at your smartphone screen for hours comfortably. This 360-degree tray-table mount allows you to twist and angle it anyway you want.

Power Houdi

Houdini Power Houdi

Soft, warm, and ridiculously comfy—the only three things we look for in the perfect fleece. Houdini’s Power Houdi ticks all those boxes, is available in a dozen colors, and is made with Bluesign-approved fabric, too.

Men's Tee

Paka Apparel Men's Tee

Alpaca is looking to overthrow Merino wool as the go-to natural performance fiber. Case in point: Paka’s T-Shirt . It’s soft, lightweight, and wicks away sweat like a champ. Plus, it doesn’t hold onto odors (unlike you after a 12-hour red eye).

Sunday Performance Jogger

Vuori Sunday Performance Jogger

Upgrade your next all-day (and maybe all- night ) flight with the right travel pants . Vuori’s Sunday Performance Jogger is buttery soft, lightweight, and the sweat-wicking knit fabric keeps you dry and comfortable.

Swellsole Neptune

Reef Swellsole Neptune

If wearing slippers on a plane isn’t your thing, we get it. These slip-on travel shoes are the next best thing. They slide on and off easily for your next long flight, then the back support pops back up to wear like a “regular” sneaker once you land.

Multifunctional Headwear/Neckwear

Buff Multifunctional Headwear/Neckwear

This might be the most versatile travel headwear you’ll ever own. It’s a neck gaiter, a hat, or even an eye mask in a pinch.

Solids Ankle Socks

Bombas Solids Ankle Socks

Bombas' extra-durable cotton fabric that's also insanely comfortable makes them ideal for long haul journeys.

Yonder Water Bottle

Yeti Yonder Water Bottle

Staying well-hydrated might be the second most important thing for travelers (after packing your phone, of course). This new water bottle from Yeti is ultra-lightweight, and the wide mouth makes it easy to fill at the airport.

Anywhere Travel Blanket

Tuft & Needle Anywhere Travel Blanket

Tuft & Needle packs all the same comfort and cleverness of its best mattresses into this simple quilted travel blanket. It’s soft, lightweight, and packs down small into its own sewn-on pouch.

Passport Cover+

Distil Union Passport Cover+

This minimalist passport cover from Distil Union is everything you need and nothing you don’t. It’s simple, handsome, and boasts a surprising amount of storage for cards, a notebook, a pen, a SIM card, and, of course, a passport. Bonus: It’s an RFID wallet too.

Fillo Elite Luxury Pillow

Nemo Fillo Elite Luxury Pillow

If curvy neck pillows aren’t your thing, Nemo's more traditional, ultra-packable inflatable travel pillow is the perfect alternative. It’s machine-washable, packs down small, and feels just as soft and comfy as your pillow at home.

Inflatable Travel Footrest Pillow

Maliton Inflatable Travel Footrest Pillow

It’s no secret that Economy airplane seats suck . Upgrade your next cattle class experience with this adjustable inflatable footrest to make your seat feel more like a lounger—almost.

Craft Instant Coffee (Bronson Blend)

Verve Coffee Roasters Craft Instant Coffee (Bronson Blend)

They might have great coffee where you’re headed, but you won’t find any on a long flight. Pack a couple of these instant coffee satchets from Verve Coffee to level-up your inflight java experience.

Craft Cocktail Kit

W&P Craft Cocktail Kit

We’re hard-pressed to find a decent cocktail on most flights, too, especially in Economy. W&P’s Craft Cocktail Kit packs everything (but the booze) you need to make your favorite tipple into a compact, flight-ready tin.

Passion Journal (Travel)

Moleskine Passion Journal (Travel)

Reminisce about the places you just left or the places you’ve never been before. It’s your call with this handsome passion journal purpose-designed to chronicle your personal adventures.

Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs

Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs

Soft, moldable, and extremely effective, these silicone earplugs are our go-to tool for blocking out the world on a long flight.

Micro Travel Scale

Travelon Micro Travel Scale

Travel long enough, and you’ll eventually find yourself the victim of an “over-the-weight-limit” carry-on bag. Sidestep any such surprises with this ultra-packable luggage scale.

Hydrate Organic Electrolyte Powder

Goodonya Hydrate Organic Electrolyte Powder

It’s not enough to only hydrate en route. You also need plenty of salt and other electrolytes. This organic, low-sugar powder is packed with all of the above and tastes great too.

Thin and Crispy Chicken Chips

Wilde Chips Thin and Crispy Chicken Chips

Finding healthy food is tough, especially on long travel days. Fuel your hunger and your cravings with these tasty chicken-based protein chips.

UV Clear Face Sunscreen SPF 46

EltaMD UV Clear Face Sunscreen SPF 46

High-flying travelers are subjected to a surprising amount of unfiltered sunlight on every flight. Protect your precious mug with this dermatologist-recommended face sunscreen .

Eye Mask

Ostrichpillow Eye Mask

Long flights are a sea of humanity. When you’re ready to block it all out and settle in for an in-flight nap, this simple eye mask from Ostrichpillow is buttery soft and completely blacks out all light.

Adaptogen Soothe + Hydrate Activated Mist

Youth To The People Adaptogen Soothe + Hydrate Activated Mist

Long flights can leave your face feeling dry, irritated, and just plain gross . This travel-sized facial spray hydrates your skin, calms redness, and leaves you looking and feeling ready for landing.

Balm 140 Tactical Lip Protectant

Duke Cannon Supply Co. Balm 140 Tactical Lip Protectant

Don’t forget to protect your lips, too (they are a part of your face, after all)! This “offensively large” lip protectant is vegan, veteran-approved, and has a delicious blood orange mint taste.

Norelco Travel Men's Shaver

Philips Norelco Travel Men's Shaver

Nothing makes you feel human again like brushing your teeth and a good shave. This electric razor from Philips Norelco helps you tackle the latter, and it’s packable enough to stash in your carry-on for mid-flight touch-ups before landing.

Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash

Aesop Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash

Leave the dollar-store hand sanitizer at home. Upgrade to this rinse-free foaming hand wash that smells amazing and leaves your hands feeling properly hydrated too.

Fresh Mint Mouthwash Concentrate

hello Fresh Mint Mouthwash Concentrate

Packing a jumbo-sized bottle of mouthwash isn’t an option for carry-on travelers. Each bottle of this travel-friendly concentrate is TSA-friendly. Just mix with water, swish for 30 seconds, and “carry on” (get it?).

Deep Sleep Synergy+ Gummies

CBDistillery Deep Sleep Synergy+ Gummies

When melatonin isn’t enough to help you sleep on a long flight, but prescription meds like Ambien are too much, look to these THC- and CBD -infused gummies for a deep, restful, in-flight snooze.

Headshot of Christian Gollayan

Christian Gollayan oversees e-commerce content for Men's Health and Women's Health. Previously, he was the Associate Managing Editor at Christian's work has also been featured in Food & Wine, InStyle, the New York Post, and Tatler Asia.

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Inside the Travel Lab

27 Long Haul Flight Essentials and a Flight Checklist for You

October 6, 2021

Long Haul Flight Essentials Packing List for Carry On

Get comfy with these long haul flight essentials. Know exactly what to pack in your carry on and download your long haul flight checklist to keep track.

Note, this post contains affiliate links. If you book or buy through any of the links on this page, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Cheers!

Table of Contents

Long Haul Flight Essentials + A Flight Checklist

As a professional travel writer, I’ve been on hundreds of flights. I’ve made every mistake going and then I’ve made a few more. While you can simply turn up to a long haul flight with nothing but a boarding pass and your innate charisma, the whole experience will be a lot more comfortable if you remember to bring more than that. And that charisma may last longer, too.

Here’s my tried and tested list of long haul flight essentials for business travel, baby travel, solo travel and beyond. Plus, a long haul flight checklist you can download for free.

Long Haul Flight Essentials at a Glance

In a rush before your trip? I hear you!

Choose the right carry on

  • A small stylish backpack if you have luggage in the hold
  • An indestructible rolling suitcase like this
  • A Trunki for children
  • A rolling backpack, like this one from Osprey, for the adventurers.

Buy these ahead of time

  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Essential travel toiletries DIY kit
  • Worldwide travel adapter
  • Ready made  sleep kit
  • Kindle Paperwhite eReader

How to Decide What to Pack in Your Carry On

Although this article is thousands of words long, it all boils down to the following three points.

1) What you NEED during the flight and at the airport

This includes things like medication, water and snacks.

2) What the airline MAKES you pack in your carry on vs checked

Hello camera gear, laptops and other electronics.

3) What would spoil your trip if the airline lost your checked luggage

No-one wants sunburn on their first day of a trip.

This collection of carry on essentials for long haul flights will see you sorted.

Just because. Handy if you ever get stuck and they’ve run out of paper. Useful to mop up any spills as someone passes a drink across you to another passenger. Handy to have something that smells nice, as above!

Chewing Gum

Freshens the breath, helps with a dry mouth, can stop your ears from going pop on take off and landing. Just don’t be obnoxious with it, on behalf of your fellow passengers. As if you would.

A Fold-Flat Bag

Tote bags are are useful for so many reasons. They’re handy to carry about town, once you’re on the aircraft you can use them to separate the things you actually want on the flight from all the other equipment you needed in your carry on. And if you lose your luggage and have to shop for more things, at least you already have a bag to put these things in to.

Folding bags take up next to no space but leaves you with plenty of options.

In case the airline loses your luggage. You can still go for a swim!

OK, so you won’t end up ill without these essentials in your carry on. But they do help make everything much, much easier.

Blister Protection

Blisters abound in different climates when you’re often walking more often than usual and wearing different shoes. Compeed changed my life (alright, it’s a slight exaggeration but it’s not too far from the truth!)

These second skin stickers cover the blister and cushion the surrounding skin from further damage. Best of all, you can easily fit three into your passport holder or travel wallet so that you always have them ready on the road.

This is even more important if you’ve lost your luggage and have to tackle new or poorly-fitting shoes in a new climate. Sorted.

A Scarf or Pashmina

A scarf not only keeps you warm on a breezy plane, but it covers hair on streets, shoulders in temples, and can double as a skirt for the day if your luggage disappears en route to somewhere bright and breezy.

You may need this more than you think: even in Rome, you need to cover up in order to enter the Vatican and Swiss Guards are on standby to check you have the right attire.

  • Check out the gorgeous Speakeasy Travel Scarves made by friend and colleagues. They have a secret compartment for your cash or passport and so they’re quite simply brilliant!

British Airways Business Class Travel Writer Abigail King Sleeping Mid flight

Some people find sleeping on a plane easy. Then, there’s the rest of us. These long haul flight essentials will increase your chance of a decent zizz.

Sleep Mask : For some reason, I fought against eye masks for years. Why?! They’re brilliant! Lightweight, useful, only mess up your hair a little bit ;-)

Ear Plugs : Foam ones work fine. So do using headphones and a background sleep app. Anything you can to help combat jet lag.

Warm Clothes : Planes can get cold and if you’re sitting still, so will you. Some airlines provide blankets but not all do. So, either enlist your scarf from earlier or make sure you have a jumper with you.

Inflatable Pillow : Yes, you feel a little ridiculous but who really cares? Alternatively, you can buy pre-filled travel pillows that can clip onto your luggage but they’re quite bulky. Only use if you have the luggage space.

Foot Rest : Use a toiletries bag and fill it with a blanket or jumper once you’re on the plane. Use it as a foot rest to help take the weight off your back and wedge yourself into position for sleep.

Warm Socks : It gets cold up in the sky. Add an extra pair of socks to your list of long haul flight essentials. Extra points if they’re warm and snuggly.

Read more about how to sleep on a plane here.

Carry-On Toiletries

Remember that travel size bottles aren’t just about keeping weight down. Most airlines have a limit as to the volume of fluids (liquids, gels and pastes) you can take through security at the airport. Less is more when it comes to this.

Lip Salve : Planes get dry and lips get sore. Either pack a dedicated lip balm, otherwise plain vaseline tubs can also treat blisters, sore noses, sunburn and all sorts.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste : For long international flights, it’s nice to be able to brush your teeth after all those hours. Just remember to keep toiletry sizes SMALL because of the airport security checks.

Other Lotions and Potions : Some people need a raft of toiletries to keep their skin in good condition. If that’s you, you’re probably better off buying a DIY travel toiletry set like this which allows you to decant your own toiletries into travel-sized bottles. If you’re on a really long haul flight, then consider deodorant, baby wipes and a change of underwear and socks as well.

Tech Essentials

These days, who doesn’t travel with tech? Whether it’s iPads for the little ones, full video gear for the vloggers or “just” a smartphone for maps and the grandkids, we all have batteries with us. Which means…

Chargers and Adapters : Security rules change all the time but one of the latest updates is that you have to be able to turn any device ON when asked. So, remember your charger!

I have two tips for this: a worldwide multi-adapter if you travel frequently and a multi-plug piece of kit or plug to multi-USB kit. This helps charge many devices at once while travelling.   Portable chargers and power banks also become essential for long flights with connections.

  • Buy your worldwide multi-adapter here.

Headphones : Firstly, if you plan to watch something on your phone or tablet, make sure you have headphones that fit it.

Second, many swear by noise cancelling headphones on a flight. This is something that has never really bothered me but Mr Travel Lab loves them. You can also get headphones for children that come with a noise limit (for the programme, not the child, alas ;-) )

A Protective Laptop Case : DO NOT put your laptop in the hold. Have it with you in your carry on, with an easy to access case as you’ll have to remove the case at airport security.

Laptops, Tablets and Kindles : As a travel writer and old time travel blogger, a lot of my work takes place on a plane. And you don’t need to be in travel for that to be the case. MacBook Air has built a name for itself as being the lightest computer on the market. I’ve now upgraded to the MacBook Pro to keep weight down but it’s still pretty light.

As for reading, I’ve found that nothing beats a Kindle. The Kindle Paperwhite is lightweight and the screen is easy on the eye. Although you can read books on your phone, the eye strain is too much for me. Grab a waterproof Kindle and you can even try your luck at the pool once you land.

Health & Wellness

When it comes down to it, essentials do not really include a toothbrush and a clean pair of pants. These are easy to replace, should the worst happen.

Essentials are anything specific to you that would make you feel ill or supremely uncomfortable without it and which are difficult to replace.

Some examples:

  • Prescription medication including antimalarials, travel sickness tablets and anti-histamines.
  • Contact lenses & glasses
  • Snacks if you have dietary restrictions
  • Prescriptions or letters that explain why you have to have these things with you!
  • Tampons and other sanitary products. A 20 hour flight can feel very long without them.
  • Compression socks to protect against DVTs (blood clots) on long haul flights.
  • Hand sanitizer and mask to follow Covid regulations.
  • Travel insurance details. Sure, you won’t need those in flight but they are handy to have if the airline loses your luggage.

How to Prep to Avoid Blood Clots (aka DVTS)

Let’s be grown up and deal with facts, ignoring the fears for now.

Long haul flights increase the risk of blood clots in your legs (deep vein thrombosis.) On their own, they’re uncomfortable but the real risk is that they fly off and lodge somewhere more important. Like in your lungs. Having trained and worked as a doctor, I am keen to spread the word about this because there are plenty of steps you can take to reduce the (overall fairly small) risk. While ideally, we’d all be flying first class, you can still take action to protect yourself if you fly in economy.

Low Dose Aspirin: Aspirin affects how easy it is for platelets in your blood to stick together by altering the function of cyclooxygenase and the production of prostaglandins. Another way of describing it is to say that they make your blood less “sticky.” With the caveat that you should always check with your own doctor first rather than with someone on the internet – if you have a long haul flight, it is wise to take a low dose aspirin in the hour or so before it. Do not do this if you have suffered from an allergy to aspirin or have a history of intestinal bleeding. As I say, check with your own doctor first.

Compression Stockings: You can buy compression stockings from most chemists or online here.  They are not the sexiest of garments but they aren’t too bad once you get used to them. And, hey, if they save your life, they’re worth it!   They’re  particularly important for babymoons as pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots. I wore them every time I travelled while pregnant and they’re really not as bad as they look!

Read also:  23 Essential Travel Tips for Travelling While Pregnant

A Reusable Water Bottle

You can just about get away without a water bottle but life is easier if you have one. Many airports and airport lounges offer refills and it’s easy to ask the cabin crew to refill your own bottle than to keep asking for separate glasses of water. Even more convenient involves bringing your own collapsible water bottle , like this one.

Food & Drink & Dietary Restrictions

Airlines should be able to cater for you and so should your hotel. But let’s face it. Things go wrong and I’ve lost count of the number of times when I haven’t had the special meal required. So, my advice? Always pack some handy snacks.

Handy carry on snacks don’t make a mess nor grow fungus mid flight. Useful snacks are things like flapjacks, energy bars, apples, and rice cakes. Messy and unsuitable snacks include things like chocolate, bananas and mousse.

Pack even more snacks if you are travelling with children. You can thank me later ;-)

Inside tip: pack some packets of dehydrated couscous meals that just require boiling water. A real carry on essential for those with dairy allergies, lactose intolerance, vegetarian or vegan diets. Try rice cakes for a gluten-free option.

Carry On Essentials For Children

Travelling with children requires a bit more preparation but it’s perfectly doable and not as awful as you might imagine! I’ve written some specific articles here:

  • The Best Toddler Travel Toys 
  • The Only Tips You Need for Flying with a Baby

Abigail King in sunglasses on the beach in a swimsuit

Extreme Weather Conditions

What if the airline loses your luggage?

If you’re heading to somewhere similar to where you came from, you can muddle on through in the same clothes you’re wearing for a day or two while you sort yourself out. You may feel icky beyond the threshold of ick but you can do it.

However, if you’re heading somewhere much hotter or colder then life can quickly become miserable, with blistering sunburn and excruciating frostbite. So here’s how to avoid that.

Hot Weather Essentials

So, for hot weather, in your carry-on make sure you have:

  • A mini tube of sunscreen
  • A hat. Either fashionable and wicker or crushable and practical, depending on what you need to do when you reach your final destination. You can buy the f olding travel hat with strap shown in the video here.
  • Flip flops or other lightweight shoes that can help you cool down. I love these Fit Flops for women because they can work as day or night wear and they are VERY comfortable.
  • Bug spray if there’s any hint of insect-borne disease. Buy an insect repellent with DEET if mosquito-borne illnesses are a concern. Here is a travel size DEET laden bottle.

Cold Weather Essentials

For cold weather:

  • Carry your ski jacket onto the plane, with the pockets filled with the following
  • Gloves, hat, scarf/snood, thermals
  • Wear your heavy snow shoes
  • Squeeze any salopettes into your cabin luggage
  • Still remember the sunscreen and sunglasses

What Items Are Not Allowed on a Plane in Hand Luggage?

You are not allowed to bring anything into the cabin that could easily and feasibly be used as a weapon. That includes knives and guns, obviously, but knitting needles, antlers and Viking hats could also be confiscated.

For the same reason, liquids are limited at the security point (although you can usually buy fluids once airside.) Some bright spark tried to make an explosive out of various liquids during the flight and so now we are all restricted to 100mls or less of any soup, baby food, water or anything else that could qualify as a gel, paste or cream.

Travel Tips for Long Haul Flights

It’s not just what you pack into your carry on which affects how comfortable your long haul flight is. You have other things to consider as well. Whether it’s your first long haul flight or you’ve notched up more hours in the giant metallic cigar than you have in a real bed, everyone loves some good long haul flight tips.

Over a decade of professional travel, I’ve accumulated plenty and yet I’m always keen to hear more.

Why? Because a good flight is the key to happiness. Plato and the other ancient Greek philosophers were just too early to know.

But in all seriousness, a good flight makes sense. You can hit the ground running in your new location and transition back to home life as well. Whether travelling for business or pleasure (and there should always be room for both) there’s simply nothing to be gained from being uncomfortable and miserable.

The idea is to be well rested, replenished and revived with a zest for life, right? Or at the very least, less haggard than when you began.

Yet all too often, the result is frazzled, frumpy and thoroughly, er, fed up with mankind.

So. Let’s sit down and share some secrets…Our best long haul flight tips.

I’ll go first.

Book the Seat You Want

These days, more and more airlines allow you to book your seat in advance – at a price. When you book your ticket, pay attention to this, especially if you have long legs, a dodgy hip, have to have an aisle seat, are travelling together and so on.

Sometimes, theses seats are only available at a certain time. Check early and checkc often.

Insider Long Haul Flight Tip

If you are hoping for a bit of extra space (and let’s face it, who isn’t?) and you don’t want a window seat then here’s a little trick that’s just between you and me.

  • Go for the aisle seat on the middle section of the plane, not the one near the window. The middle of the middle is the worst seat in the plane (other than the one at the back that doesn’t recline.)  That means, if the plane is not full, you have the chance to dump all your stuff there or curl your knees up or stretch out. Striking gold! Just don’t tell everyone else, OK?
  • Oh, and on that note. Try to avoid the seats with the toilets just behind them. Seats often don’t recline and once the game of sky recline domino begins further ahead, you will be left very cramped indeed.
  • If you need to make a hasty getaway once you land, then book closer to the front, on the left. The left hand side of the aeroplane is closest to the door and so the queue moves faster.
  • Finally, run your choice through the  seat guru checker. This site lets you look at the layout of the plane in advance and highlights key issues that aren’t always obvious (such as lack of space under the seat in front of you or location of baby bassinets.)

Check-In Strategically

If you can’t book your seat, there are a few things you can do to maximise your chances of getting what you want.

Firstly, check in as soon as you can. Secondly, ask at check in. You never know. Sometimes airlines reserve seats and only release them closer to the flight time.

Tips For Boarding the Plane

Aeroplane aisles are narrow and everyone acts as though they’re in a desperate rush. The pressure is on to have it together and sit down quickly (although the world won’t end if you need to take your time.)

It’s a good idea to move to your seat quickly, and put your hand luggage in the overhead bin as soon as possible. You can ferret and fumble around with your things after take off.

A handy hint is to have a smaller bag that contains the things you KNOW you will need mid-flight and just whip that out before you board.

During the Flight

  • Get up and stretch : Set a timer if you have to. It helps to fend off blood clots and general aches and pains.
  • Drink lots of water to feel better : Bring your own bottle and top it up regularly.
  • Follow their schedule : There’s no point in fighting it. Eat when they serve food. Try to sleep when they turn off the lights. Chatter and watch TV (or work) when it’s all go, go, go. I fought this for years, trying to work to my own schedule but it never worked.
  • Be strategic about the restroom before food is served : When cabin crew are serving food, it can be difficult to make your way along the aisle. Just after the dinner service is busy and you need Houdini like skills to get out from underneath your table with an empty food tray on it and then squeeze past other passengers in the same situation. Try to time a quick stop just before food starts and laze back laughing afterwards…
  • Also, be strategic just before landing : As soon as you hear the pilot say “cabin crew, prepare for landing,” leap out of your seat. Use the restroom if needed and pack up your carry on luggage in the overhead locker. Nothing but queues await after this point – either on the plane or in the immigration area when you land. Carpe diem!

What to Wear On a Long Haul Flight

Even in the flashiest plane seat in the world, you’re going to have to stay in the same place on a long haul flight for a long time (hey! The clue is in the name!)

Belts, seams and constricting clothing will annoy you.

First and business class often offer pyjamas so you don’t need to bring your own but even then it’s useful to wear something loose and breathable.

What Should I Wear On a Long Haul Flight in Economy?

  • Think comfort first and foremost.
  • DO wear loose clothes in breathable fabrics.
  • DON’T wear jeans, tight leggings, short skirts or shorts or restrictive bodices.
  • A huge slouchy cardigan or sweater helps to balance the temperature changes mid flight. A scarf is helpful too.

Inside Tip : I have a pair of loose trousers that are great for flying in and simply require a black T shirt to go with them. I pack a second one for the return flight and that’s two days of “outfit planning” done in one as well.

On a long haul flight, you’re also at risk of skin irritation from the fabric of the seat. Long sleeves and trousers avoid this. If you’re heading somewhere hot, loose clothes are breathable. If you’re heading somewhere cold, your skin is covered and you can throw on a jumper and coat.

How to Pack For A Long Haul Flight

In addition to all those long haul travel essentials, here are some tips to add to your packing list.

Check Your Luggage Allowance

Some tickets give you enough luggage to move house like Marie Antoinette.

Most don’t.

Check at the time of booking, packing and certainly before you head to the airport. This is an occasion where it’s really important to read the small print. Airlines are becoming increasingly awkward about this and it is expensive, annoying and time consuming to have to solve the issue at the airport.

Organise Your Stuff

Whether you’re travelling hand luggage only or have checked in a bag, it’s still annoying to have to forage around for things during the flight.

The lighting may be low, the space is reduced and, if you’re a decent person, you’re often trying not to bump into or annoy anyone else.

  • Use  packing cubes like this  or brightly coloured toiletry bags to segment things.
  • Fill one packing cube with things you are unlikely to need but have to pack in your carry on. This includes things like prescription medication, spare contact lenses, battery packs and so on.
  • Fill another with your gadgets. Include a spare battery and charging wire.
  • Make sure you can easily remove laptops, liquids, gels and pastes at airport security without needing to unpack everything out.

A Note About Liquids, Gels and Pastes

In case you missed the memo, there are strict regulations on how many liquids, pastes and gels you can take onto a flight (at least for now…)

The most annoying part of this is that you won’t be able to take drinking water through airport security and so will have to buy some once you get through (so much for avoiding plastic.) Update – many airports now have water fountains, so if you bring your own collapsible water bottle , you can refill it after security.

Think strategically about what you will actually need during a long haul flight. And make sure that you have travel size bottles and that they all easily fit into the plastic bag required at security.

If you’ve left it too late to sort out miniatures, don’t stress. Airports sell most things in travel sizes.

Things to Do at the Airport to Improve Your Long Haul Flight

Breeze through security.

Put your most valuable item through last. If you get pulled over or the trays start to crash into each other after they’ve gone through the machine, your valuable items are more protected.

If travelling with kids, this is a whole new ball game as pushchairs, baby food and all the rest need to be dealt with separately. I’ve written whole posts on  travelling with a baby  and travelling with a toddler to address that.

Top Up Your Power Supply

Many flights now have at-seat charging points, even in economy. Many more still don’t. You need to be able to turn your device on if questioned at security and if you are relying on your phone for boarding passes and transfer information, it goes without saying that it’s kind of helpful to be able to turn it on.

Look For Lounge Access

Lounge access doesn’t only apply to business class travellers. Many airports now have pay-as-you-go lounges and many others accept membership cards like  Priority Pass.

Is it worth it? It depends. If the airport is decent and quiet, probably not. If it’s heaving, you have a long layover, you need a meal or a shower or are travelling on your own, it can be.

Particularly as a solo traveller, it’s great to be able to move around with ease, leaving your gadgets plugged in and getting a meal quickly without needing to queue for food.

As you Come in to Land

By the end of a long haul flight, everyone is fed up and ready to get off. This is the prime time for losing stuff. I once left my passport in the back of a seat and had to beg, borrow and steal my way back onto the aircraft to get it. Don’t let this happen to you.

  • As soon as you hear the announcement, start packing your bags.
  • Make sure you have your passport, customs and immigration paperwork handy. Check your pick up instructions or directions to your first hotel so you can appear calm and confident when you leave the airport and face any hawkers.
  • Depending on your phone provider, turn off your mobile data to avoid hideous roaming charges.

And, that’s it! Hope you enjoyed these long haul flight tips and that they help you have a smoother journey.

Carry-On Essentials For Short Flights

When it comes to short haul flights, perhaps you’re thinking you don’t need anything at all? Think again!

Sure, you could get lucky but remember this handy guide:

Three main thoughts should guide your packing:

1) What you NEED during the flight and at the airport.

2) What the airline MAKES you pack in your carry on vs checked.

3) What would spoil your trip if the airline lost your checked luggage.

So, while what you need on the flight may vary (wave goodbye to the DIY sleep kit) you are still going to need to pack items to cover situations two and three.

So, download the long haul flight essentials checklist anyway and perhaps dial down on the snacks and toiletries on your packing list.

Long Haul Flight Essentials Packing List for Carry On

More Travel Resources

Enjoy our packing lists and other travel essentials below:

  • Don’t miss an insomniac’s guide to sleeping on a plane
  • And make sure you have the right carry on luggage to begin with.
  • Find our best packing tips with this free travel checklist.
  • Creative travel journal ideas for your next trip.
  • Can laptops go in checked luggage? What you need to know.

2 thoughts on “27 Long Haul Flight Essentials and a Flight Checklist for You”

Compeed changed my life too hahah! And a sleep mask is essential for me even on a two hour flight – completely zone out when I have one on!

Three cheers for compeed! I wonder if they know how many lives they’ve changed :-) Where is your next trip?

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45 Long Flight Essentials to Pack in Your Carry-On

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Planning a big trip and not sure what to bring on the plane? These 45 long flight essentials will make your flight much more comfortable and stress-free.

I’ve taken my fair share of long-haul flights. I’m a frequent traveler who’s traveled from NYC to places like Thailand , Japan and Kenya. Some of my travel days have been 18+ hours.

I’ve also had some pretty uncomfortable flight experiences when I didn’t bring the right airplane essentials with me.

For example, that time I boarded a long flight with a depleted phone battery and realized the USB charging port at my seat didn’t work. It was definitely stressful to land in a foreign country without a working phone.

I’ve since learned from my packing mistakes. I now know exactly what to bring in my carry-on bag to make a long-haul flight more bearable.

Table of Contents

Keep reading for 45 long flight essentials to pack in your carry-on!

If you want to shop my favorite long flight essentials and other travel products in one place,  check out my amazon storefront ., carry on bags + pouches, 1. backpack.

The right carry-on bag is essential for any long-haul flight. It has to fit everything you need, and also be comfortable and easy to carry. This stylish travel backpack is an ideal carry-on bag.

A backpack is the best option for a long travel day. It keeps your hands free for your travel documents (and an airport coffee!). And a backpack is better for your back compared to a duffle or tote, since a backpack more evenly distributes weight.

This travel backpack is also waterproof, comes in many colors, and has lots of pockets and compartments to keep you organized.

coowoz Large Casual Travel Backpack For Women Men,Carry On Rucksack Flight Approved,Hiking Waterproof Outdoor Sports Daypack Fit 15.6 Inch Laptop Shoes Compartment (Beige)

2. Travel Duffle

If you aren’t a backpack person, this travel duffle bag is another great carry-on bag. It zips shut, which is one of the most important features of a carry-on bag.

An open tote bag is too risky – it’s easy for items to fall out and get lost at airport security or on the plane. This happened to me once at airport security and I didn’t get the item back. Luckily, it was a cheap dog bowl and not a pricey laptop!

This travel duffle is also water resistant, has a wet pocket for your toiletries, and has a side sleeve that fits over your suitcase handle. It also comes in more than 10 colors.

Womens travel bags, weekender carry on for women, sports Gym Bag, workout duffel bag, overnight shoulder Bag fit 15.6 inch Laptop Pink Large

3. Anti-Theft Travel Handbag

It’s so important to keep your wallet, phone and passport secure when you travel. This anti-theft cross-body handbag keeps you organized on a long day of air travel. It also protects your items when you’re on the ground at your destination.

The security features of this bag include:

  • An adjustable cross-body strap, which is the most secure style of purse strap for travel.
  • Slash-resistant material.
  • Locking compartments to keep your belongings as secure as possible.

Travelon Anti-Theft-Class Small East/West Crossbody Bag, Black, 10.25 x 8 x 2.5

If you prefer a slightly smaller handbag, this anti-theft crossbody purse is also a practical and stylish option.

Travelon Anti-Theft Tailored Convertible Crossbody Clutch, Onyx

4. Electronics + Cords Organizer

If you buy any of these long flight essentials, it should be this one. This electronics and cords organizer comes with me on every flight.

It holds all of the small electronic items that are essential for a long-haul flight, including charging cords, a power bank, AirPods and an AirFly adaptor (so you can use your wireless earbuds to watch in-flight movies).

I always stash this organizer in my seat pocket as soon as I board the plane. That way, I have the essentials handy to keep me entertained and connected during my flight.

DDgro Cord Organizer Travel Case, Tech Organizer Cable Bag for Charger and Cords, Electronics Accessories (Small, Pink)

5. Clear Quart-Sized Bag

A clear quart-sized bag for your liquids is essential for long-haul flights. That’s where you’ll pack the liquids and gels you’ll need during the flight, like lip balm, moisturizer, etc.

The TSA’s rules for packing liquids in your carry-on bag are annoying, but we have to follow them. Their “3-1-1 rule” means that each passenger can pack only 1 clear quart-sized bag of liquid, gel and aerosol items in their carry-on bag. Each container of liquids, gels or aerosols must be 3.3 ounces or less.

Airports in the USA don’t provide clear quart-sized bags for you. You must either bring a quart-sized Ziploc-type bag , or you can use a reusable clear quart-sized toiletries bag . A reusable bag is cost effective and better for the environment.

PACKISM TSA Approved Toiletry Bag - Clear Makeup Bags in 2 Size, Durable with Supporting Frame, Perfect for Travel Essentials, Carry-on Airport Airline Compliant Bag, White

6. Travel Wallet

This travel wallet keeps your passport, boarding pass and credit cards organized on a long and hectic travel day. It has a handy wrist strap, so you can carry it through the airport more easily.

It’s also great for staying organized during the rest of your trip.

ZOPPEN Passport Holder Travel Wallet (Ver.5) for Women Rfid Blocking Multi-purpose Passport Cover Document Organizer Strap, Black

7. Belt Bag aka Fanny Pack

Wearing a belt bag is another great way to stay organized at the airport. A belt bag is a convenient and handy place to keep your passport, boarding pass and phone.

A belt bag also keeps your wallet and passport safe from pickpockets when you’re exploring busy, touristy areas.

This stylish belt bag looks a lot like the pricey Lululemon one that’s always sold out! It also comes in tons of colors, so you can choose one that coordinates with your travel outfits.

ODODOS Unisex Mini Belt Bag with Adjustable Strap Small Fanny Pack for Workout Running Traveling Hiking, Ivory

This belt bag is very similar to the Lululemon sherpa belt bag and is another trendy and practical option. It also comes in multiple colors.

ODODOS Fleece Mini Belt Bag with Adjustable Strap, Sherpa Small Waist Pouch Fanny Pack for Workout Running Traveling Hiking, Beige

Comfort Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

8. travel pillow.

Airplane seats are uncomfortable and long flights can lead to a stiff and painful neck. That’s especially true if you’re flying in economy. A comfy travel pillow is essential for any long-haul flight.

This Trtl travel pillow is my favorite travel pillow. It looks more like a neck warmer you’d wear skiing. But, it’s actually a travel pillow that provides excellent neck support.

The Trtl pillow also takes up less space in your luggage compared to a puffy donut style pillow. I don’t get on a long flight without a Trtl travel pillow.

This video shows you how the viral Trtl travel pillow works :

@vickirutwind #stitch with @canadiantravelgal #ad Wait I just got the viral @Trtl Travel pillow too! It’s definitely a travel must have for long flights, and train, car, and bus rides #travelhacks #travel101 #trtltravel #travelmusthave #Inverted ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

! own all of the different models: the original , the Trtl Plus and the Trtl Cool :

  • I travel with the original Trtl pillow most often. It’s the most compact size and the soft fleecy fabric is cozy on cold airplanes.

trtl Travel and Airplane Pillow - Real Sleeping Experience on Long Flights - Neck and Shoulder Support - Super-Soft, Lightweight, Easy-to-Carry, and Machine-Washable Flight Pillow - Black

  • The Trtl Plus is best for tall travelers because it has an added feature: adjustable neck height. It is a little bit bulkier though because of this extra feature.

trtl Pillow Plus - Adjustable Neck Pillow for Airplane Travel - Travel Pillow with Luxury Foam Padding for Head and Neck Support - Lightweight - Machine Washable - Waterproof Carry Bag - Charcoal

  • The Trtl Cool is similar to the original model, but it’s made with a cooling fabric. But since I’m usually cold on planes, I usually pack the fleecy Trtl original model.

trtl Travel Pillow Cool for Neck Support- Cooling Neck Pillow with Cushioning Foam for Stability and Comfort, Breathable Fabric, Lightweight and Easy to Carry

If you prefer a more traditional travel pillow, this memory foam travel pillow also comes with an eye mask and ear plugs.

MLVOC Travel Pillow 100% Pure Memory Foam Neck Pillow, Comfortable & Breathable Cover, Machine Washable, Airplane Travel Kit with 3D Contoured Eye Masks, Earplugs, and Luxury Bag, Standard (Black)

9. Travel Blanket

Airplanes are usually cold and uncomfortable, which is why a good travel blanket is essential for long-haul flights.

I generally don’t use the travel blankets provided by airlines. I once had an allergic reaction while using an airline blanket. I think the blanket hadn’t been cleaned properly and had pet hair on it. I was miserable for the rest of the flight.

Now, I know to pack my own cozy extra soft travel blanket . This travel blanket also doubles as a pillow when zipped into its case.

EverSnug Travel Blanket and Pillow - Premium Soft 2 in 1 Airplane Blanket with Soft Bag Pillowcase, Hand Luggage Sleeve and Backpack Clip (Light Pink)

Another option is to pack a 100% cotton Turkish Towel . Turkish towels are so versatile. You can use one as an airplane blanket, a beach towel, a picnic blanket and more.

realgrandbazaar Turkish Beach Towel 100% Cotton - Prewashed, Lightweight, Sand Free and Quick Dry - 39x71 Large Oversized Turkish Towel for Pool, Gym, Yoga and SPA - Beige

10. Sleep Mask

A sleep mask is another airplane essential for a long-haul flight. It’s much easier to sleep on a plane with a sleep mask blocking out the light.

This set of 2 silk masks is a great choice for you and your travel buddy. They’re silky soft, have an adjustable strap and effectively block out the light.

BeeVines Sleep Mask, 2 Pack 100% Real Natural Pure Silk Eye Mask with Adjustable Strap for Sleeping, Eye Sleep Shade Cover, Blocks Light Reduces Puffy Eyes Gifts

11. Ear Plugs

Ear plugs are another must have for a long flight. Crying baby? Chatty passengers on a red-eye flight? No problem. Ear plugs block out that noise so you can sleep soundly.

This set of ear plugs also comes with a handy carrying case for travel.

Flents Foam Ear Plugs, 10 Pair with Case for Sleeping, Snoring, Loud Noise, Traveling, Concerts, Construction, & Studying, NRR 33, Green, Made in the USA

12. Portable Airplane Foot Rest

This is one long flight essential I bet you’ve never thought of, but it’s a game changer. This portable airplane foot rest is a hammock for your feet that attaches to the seat in front of you.

It elevates your feet to make traveling in economy class much more comfortable. It also helps improve blood circulation in your legs while flying.

This foot rest is especially helpful if you’re short. I’m 5’2 and find it hard to fully sit back on airplane seats and also rest my feet on the floor. This portable foot rest solves that problem.

Airplane Footrest Made with Premium Memory Foam - Airplane Travel Foot Hammock, No Clashing Foot Hammock & Portable Plane Leg Rest, Provides Relaxation and Comfortable for Long Flight

13. Compression Socks or Cozy Socks

The number one unofficial rule of air travel: wear socks. In U.S airports you have to remove your shoes to go through airport security. You don’t want to forget your socks and be stuck walking barefoot through airport security.

Plus, it’s a real faux-pas to be sitting in-flight in your bare feet. Not only will your feet be freezing, but your neighbors really don’t want to see (or smell) your bare feet.

Compression Socks are Long Flight Essentials

Compression socks are essential for long-haul flights. Compression socks promote circulation in your legs when you’re in the air, prevent swelling, fight leg fatigue and help deter potential blood clots from forming.

I’ve recently started wearing these Dr. Scholl’s compressions socks on my long flights. After my flights to Taiwan and Singapore, my feet and ankles definitely looked and felt less swollen than usual.

I bought a two pack so I have a clean pair for both my departure and return flights.

Dr. Scholl's Women's Graduated Compression Knee High Socks-1 & 2 Pair Packs, Black, Shoe Size: 4-10

Cozy Socks are an Airplane Essential

If you don’t want to wear compression socks, you should at least wear a pair of soft, cozy socks on your next long flight. They’ll keep your feet nice and warm on a chilly airplane.

TEHOOK Fuzzy Socks for Women, Warm Soft Fluffy Socks Thick Cozy Plush Sock Winter Socks for Women 6 Pairs

14. Comfortable Travel Outfit

A comfortable travel outfit is essential for long-haul flights. I like to wear a layered outfit that’s loose-fitting and warm, but doesn’t look like sloppy PJs.

This two-piece knit set for women is chic but also comfortable.

Viottiset Women's 2 Piece Outfits Casual V Neck Knit Wide Leg Sweater Lounge Set Sweatsuit Khaki Large

This comfy two-piece set is another great outfit option for long flights.

ANRABESS Women 2 Piece Outfits Sweatsuit Oversized Half Zip Sweatshirt Jogger Sweatpants Tracksuit Lounge Set 2024 Clothes Black Small

I recommend layering your travel outfit over a breathable cotton t-shirt . An outfit with layers is essential for long-haul flights, because you can’t control the temperature on the plane.

Plus, if you’re traveling to a warm weather destination, you can remove some layers upon arrival. That way, you won’t be overheated while you’re in transit to your hotel.

Amazon Essentials Women's Classic-Fit 100% Cotton Short-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt (Available in Plus Size), Pack of 2, White, X-Large

15. Easy to Remove Boots or Shoes

Comfortable shoes or boots are definitely long flight essentials. And you want to choose a pair that’s easy to remove and put back on at airport security.

I was thrilled when UGG boots came back into style. They’re my all time favorite footwear for flying. They’re warm and cozy, and also easy to take off and put back on at airport security.

UGGs are also forgiving if your feet swell a bit in-flight.

UGG Women's Classic Ultra Mini Boot, Chestnut, 06

If you like the look of UGG boots but not the price, you can also get look-a-like boots for less, like this pair.

CUSHIONAIRE Women's Hipster Genuine Suede pull on boot +Memory Foam, Chestnut 7.5

16. Scrunchies or Other Hair Ties

A soft scrunchie or other hair tie is essential for a long flight. If you have long hair, you’ll be much more comfortable with your hair tied back. It’s a good idea to bring more than one, in case your hair tie falls out or breaks.

I like these satin scrunchies because they do the job without damaging your hair.

Scrunchies for Women Satin Hair Scrunchies for Girls Ponytail Holders Big Scrunchies for Thick Curly Hair Satin Silk Scrunchies for Hair Sleep Cute Pony Tails Hair Ties

Essential Electronics for Long Flights

17. noise cancelling headphones.

The headsets airlines give you have terrible sound quality. And in economy class, you’ll probably have to pay for them.

Plus, they don’t block out background noise. So you’ll be stuck watching movies with crying babies and loud conversations in the background.

Noise cancelling headphones are long flight essentials, so you can watch movies and shows in peace.

Apple AirPods Pro

My favorite noise cancelling headphones are Apple AirPods Pro . They’re wireless, compact, and comfortable to wear.

You can even use your Apple AirPods Pro with the in-flight entertainment system by pairing them with an AirFly adaptor.

Apple AirPods Pro (1st Generation) with MagSafe Charging Case

Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Earbuds

Bose also makes a great pair of noise cancelling wireless earbuds .

Bose QuietComfort Earphones, 2020 Model, Soapstone

Beats Studio3 Noise Cancelling Headphones

If you prefer over-ear headphones, these Beats Studio3 Noise Cancelling Headphones are a great option. I personally am an AirPods girl, but I know over-ear headphones are very on trend!

Beats Studio3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-Ear Headphones - Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Class 1 Bluetooth, 22 Hours of Listening Time, Built-in Microphone - Midnight Black

Affordable Noise Cancelling Headphones

If you’re looking for a more affordable pair of noise cancelling headphones , this pair has great reviews.

INFURTURE Active Noise Cancelling Headphones, H1 Wireless Over Ear Bluetooth Headphones, Deep Bass Headset, Low Latency, Memory Foam Ear Cups,40H Playtime

Now that you have noise canceling headphones for your flight, this little gadget called the AirFly will let you use them with the in-flight entertainment system.

The AirFly adaptor plugs into the in-flight entertainment system. Then, it connects with your wireless headphones via Bluetooth. And voila, you can watch movies on the in-flight entertainment system using your wireless headphones.

I own the AirFly Pro, which works with two sets of headphones and has the longest battery life:

Twelve South AirFly Pro Bluetooth Wireless Audio Transmitter/ Receiver for up to 2 AirPods /Wireless Headphones; Use with any 3.5 mm Jack on Airplanes, Gym Equipment, TVs, iPad/Tablets and Auto

There’s also a more basic and affordable version that works with just one set of headphones:

Twelve South AirFly SE Bluetooth Wireless Audio Transmitter Receiver for AirPods or Wireless Headphones - Use with Any 3.5 mm Audio Jack for Airplanes, Gym Equipment, TVs, iPad/Tablets and Auto

This video shows you how the AirFly adaptor works. I never fly without mine!

@vickirutwind This find and my other travel must-haves are all in my Amazon storefront! #amazonfinds #travelmusthaves #airfly #inflightentertainment ♬ Chillest in the Room – L.Dre

19. E-Reader or Tablet

If there’s one thing about me, it’s that I’m an avid reader. When I’m on a long flight, you’ll often find me reading instead of watching movies.

Some of my favorite authors to read on the plane are Sarah J. Maas (fantasy/romance), Cassandra Clare (urban fantasy) and Colleen Hoover (contemporary romance).

Many of their books are long, so the print copies are heavy. It’s much easier to bring a lightweight e-reader on the plane, rather than lugging around heavy books.

Kindle Paperwhite

My favorite e-reader is the Kindle Paperwhite . It’s the closest you can come to reading a paper book.

The screen has a glare-free display. That means it reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight. It works great on the beach.

I also like that it doesn’t have social media apps or email on it. It’s only for reading books. That way, you can focus on your book instead of getting distracted by TikTok, work emails, etc.

No products found.

An Apple iPad Mini is a great choice if you want a tablet with more functionality than a Kindle Paperwhite. You can read books, check your emails, watch movies on your flight, and more.

Apple iPad mini (6th generation): with A15 Bionic chip, 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display, 64GB, Wi-Fi 6, 12MP front/12MP back camera, Touch ID, all-day battery life – Starlight

20. Phone Mount

This phone mount is handy if you prefer to watch movies or shows on your phone during a flight. Maybe there’s a specific show you want to finish, or the in-flight movie selection isn’t great.

The phone mount also is useful if you’re flying a budget airline that doesn’t offer in-flight entertainment systems.

It clips to the seat in front of you, so you can comfortably watch movies and shows on your phone hands-free.

Perilogics Universal in Flight Airplane Phone Holder Mount. Hands Free Viewing with Multi-Directional Dual 360 Degree Rotation. Pocket Size Must Have Airplane Travel Essential Accessory for Flying

21. Portable Charging Bank

A portable charging bank is one of the most important long flight essentials. Being stuck on a long flight with a dead phone or iPad battery is so frustrating when you want to read or watch a show.

Unfortunately, not all airplanes have USB charging ports. I’ve also been stuck on a long flight where the charging port at my seat was broken.

That’s why I bring this lightweight charging bank when I travel. It’s easy to toss in my carry-on before a long flight and it reliably holds about 2 full charges of my iPhone.

INIU Portable Charger, Slimmest 10000mAh 5V/3A Power Bank, USB C in&out High-Speed Charging Battery Pack, External Phone Powerbank Compatible with iPhone 15 14 13 12 X Samsung S22 S21 Google iPad etc

22. USB Charging Cord

A USB charging cord is another long flight essential. It’s so important to keep your devices charged while in-flight.

You’ll want a fully-charged phone when you land. It’s much safer and easier to navigate a new place when you have access to your phone and navigation apps like Google maps.

I’ve learned from experience to bring this Apple brand charging cable. Off-brand charging cables don’t work for very long before my iPhone starts to reject them!

Apple Lightning to USB Cable (1 m)

Sanitizing Airplane Essentials

23. hand sanitizer.

Hand sanitizer is a must have for a long flight. Especially if you’re in the middle or window seat and the person in the aisle seat is fast asleep.

Using hand sanitizer is easier than waking up the aisle seat passenger, or awkwardly climbing over them to wash your hands in the airplane bathroom. I like this TikTok famous hand sanitizer – it works great and the packaging is cute.

Touchland Power Mist Hydrating Hand Sanitizer FRESH 3-PACK | Mint, Citrus, Lemon Lime | 500-Sprays each, 1FL OZ (Set of 3)

24. Disinfectant Wipes

A small pack of disinfectant wipes is another long flight essential. I use them to wipe down the tray table and other airplane surfaces. I recently learned that these usually aren’t cleaned between flights – yuck!

You can also use them on your hands if you forget to pack hand sanitizer.

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to Go Pack Fresh Scent Case Pack 24

Toiletries + Beauty Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

25. lip balm.

The dry air on planes and changes in altitude can cause chapped lips or make them worse. Be sure to pack your favorite lip balm – it’s a long flight essential.

I couldn’t survive a long-haul flight without reapplying my lip balm multiple times! And any time I’ve forgotten to bring lip balm, I’ve spent the entire flight thinking about how badly I need to apply lip balm.

I like this Aquaphor lip balm because it’s extremely hydrating.

Aquaphor Lip Repair Ointment - Long-lasting Moisture to Soothe Dry Chapped Lips - .35 fl. oz. Tube

26. Hand Lotion

Hand lotion is another long flight essential. Otherwise, your hands will get get chapped quickly. Plane air is so drying.

I have extremely dry skin, so I bring an ultra-rich travel-sized hand cream on flights. This Eucerin lotion is a personal favorite because I have extremely dry skin.

Eucerin Advanced Repair Hand Cream - Fragrance Free, Hand Lotion for Very Dry Skin - 2.7 Ounce (Pack of 3)

27. Face Moisturizer

The dry air on planes can also wreak havoc on your skin. Make sure to pack your favorite facial moisturizer in your carry-on. Keeping your skin moisturized will help you look fresh-faced when you arrive at your destination.

I like to apply this face moisturizer by Cerave on the plane. It’s a night cream, but I’ll apply it on any long flight, regardless of the time of day.

CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Cream | Niacinamide, Peptide Complex, and Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer for Face | 1.7 Ounce, Packaging may Vary

28. Refillable Travel Bottles

Refillable travel bottles and jars make it easy to bring your favorite beauty products on the plane. Full-size products are usually to big to go through airport security, because of the TSA’s 3-1-1 liquids rule .

These refillable bottles are 3-1-1 rule compliant and perfect for filling with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, or other toiletries. I use them all the time when I travel, and they have never leaked!

Gemice Travel Bottles for Toiletries Tsa Approved Travel Size Containers BPA Free Leak Proof Travel Tubs Refillable Liquid Travel Accessories for Cometic Shampoo and Lotion Soap (90ml)

These reusable silicone jars are also 3-1-1 rule compliant, and great for bringing your favorite beauty products, like face cream, on a long flight.

TSA Approved Travel Size Containers for Toiletries, Gemice Silicone Jars, Leak-proof Travel Accessories with Lid for Cosmetic Makeup Face Body Hand Cream (4 Pieces) (Apricot)

29. Skincare Mask

If you want to take your skincare to the next level on a long flight, bring a hydrating face mask.

This Hydrating Overnight Mask is sheer, so you won’t be sitting on the flight with a green or muddy face. The passengers around you won’t know you’re giving yourself a mini facial.

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask - Exfoliating + Anti-Aging Overnight Face Mask w/ AHA, Hyaluronic Acid + Pumpkin Seed Extract for Sensitive Skin - Hydrating Mask (60ml)

You can also do a hydrating sheet mask during your long flight. Who cares if you look a little silly? You’ll never see the people on your flight again. (Well…unless they’re on your flight home, ha!)

LAPCOS Honey Sheet Mask, Daily Face Mask with Hyaluronic Acid and Antioxidants to Hydrate and Tighten Dry Skin, Korean Beauty Favorite, 5-Pack

30. Toothbrush and Toothpaste

best travel essentials for long flights

Just remember to use bottled water if you plan to brush your teeth on the plane. The water in airplane bathrooms is not drinkable.

Dental Source Travel Toothbrush and Crest Toothpaste Kit, Assorted, 0.85 Ounce

31. Retainer/Mouthguard or Other Dental Device

If you’re like me and you wear a retainer, mouthguard or other dental device, bring it with you on the plane. Even if you don’t plan to use it in-flight. You don’t to risk being without it if your checked bag gets lost or delayed.

Sleep Peachy Night Guard for Women - Pack of 2 Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding, Clenching and Bruxism (Pink)

32. Essential + Over the Counter Medication

You should always pack your essential medications in your carry-on bag when flying. Even if you don’t expect to need it during your flight.

If your checked bag gets lost or delayed , you’ll have your medication with you. Also, you should always bring your prescription medications in the original packaging when you travel.

I also bring over the counter pain relief and allergy medication with me on long flights. That way, I’m prepared if I feel a headache or allergy attack coming on.

Tylenol Extra Strength Acetaminophen Rapid Release Gels, Pain Reliever & Fever Reducer, 100 ct

Food + Drink Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

33. collapsible water bottle.

You can’t bring water through airport security. And bottles of water are so overpriced at airport, it feels like a scam.

That’s why a collapsible water bottle is a long flight essential. Most airports have free water fountains where you can fill up your water bottle after airport security.

I like this collapsible water bottle because it folds up so small and is very lightweight.

mountop Collapsible Water Bottle, Portable Food Grade Silicone Foldable Travel Reusable Leak Proof Water Bottles for Traveling Running Fitness BPA Free, 20oz, Pink

As you can see in this video, the collapsible water bottle is soft-sided but it stands up on its own when full. So you can place it on your tray table during long fllights.

@vickirutwind Shop this collapsible water bottle and other travel finds in my Amazon storefront. Bottled water at the airport is way too expensive. Instead, bring your own portable, collapsible water bottle. This one from Amazon is so easy to pack in your carry-on or hand bag #amazonfinds #founditonamazon #amazonmusthaves #travelmusthaves ♬ original sound – Vicki Rutwind / NYC + Travel

34. Your Favorite Snacks

Airplane food is so hit or miss these days. It’s always a good idea to pack your favorite snacks for a long flight. My favorite airplane snacks are anything cheese flavored!

Frito Lay Fun Times Mix Variety Pack, (Pack of 40)

I also like to bring a protein-based snack to keep me feeling full. These grass-fed beef sticks are one of my favorite protein snacks. The jalapeño flavor is my favorite, but the original is delicious too.

Lorissa's Kitchen Meat Snack Packs, Spicy Grass-Fed Beef Jerky Sticks, Jalapeno – Keto Friendly, 4g of Protein, No Added Nitrites or Nitrates, Gluten Free Snacks, 0.6 Oz (Pack of 20)

35. Gum or Breath Mints

Gum and breath mints are absolute essentials for long-haul flights, so you can freshen your breath at your seat. Plus, chewing gum or mints can help relieve the pressure in your ears when flying.

EXTRA Spearmint Sugarfree Chewing Gum, 15 Pieces (Pack of 10)

36. Liquid IV

Flying can easily make you dehydrated. And the beverage cart doesn’t come by often enough on long flights. I’m also one of those people who rarely drinks enough water. I know, I know. It’s bad. That’s why I like to pop a packet of Liquid IV in my carry-on bag.

Liquid IV is an electrolyte powder you can add to beverages to help you rehydrate faster than drinking water alone. I like to add it to my water on long flights to help me stay hydrated.

Liquid I.V.® Hydration Multiplier - Lemon Lime - Hydration Powder Packets | Electrolyte Drink Mix | Easy Open Single-Serving Stick | Non-GMO | 1 Pack (16 Servings)

Other Long Flight Essentials

37. tissues.

A travel pack of tissues is a long flight essential if you’re prone to a runny nose, like me. Tissues are also a lifesaver if you spill something while in-flight.

Kleenex Slim Pack Facial Tissue 10 Count 3-ply (Pack of 12)

A pen is a long flight essential that’s easy to forget in this digital age. But, some destinations still make you fill out paper customs and immigration forms. So, don’t forget to pack a pen in your carry-on!

FIOVER Gel Pens, 5pcs 0.5mm Quick Dry Black Ink Pens Fine Point Smooth Writing Pen High-End Series Pens Ballpoint for School Office Home Supplies, Gifts for Women and Men (Morandi)

39. Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, don’t forget to bring them on your long flight! If you wear dailies contacts, it’s a good idea to bring a couple of extra pairs on your flight.

CCVOO 5 Pack Reading Glasses Blue Light Blocking, Filter UV Ray/Glare Computer Readers Fashion Nerd Eyeglasses Women/Men (*C1 Mix, 1.5)

40. Change of Clothes + Underwear

If you’re traveling to a different climate, bring a change of clothes and underwear in your carry-on. If your checked luggage is delayed, at least you’ll have a change of clothes that’s appropriate for the weather at your destination.

I learned this the hard way. I once flew to sunny Mexico from freezing Canada in December. I landed in winter clothes and my checked bag was delayed until late that night. It was pretty uncomfortable hanging out at a beach resort in sweatpants and winter boots!

Flygo Womens Casual 2 Piece Outfits Cotton Linen Sets Button Down Shirt Shorts Resort Wear 2024 Pajama Beach Set(White-XS)

41. Swimsuit (for Warm Weather Destinations)

If you’re traveling to a warm destination, bring a swimsuit in your carry-on. As I mentioned above, I learned this the hard way when my luggage didn’t arrive in Mexico!

If your flight arrives before your hotel’s check-in time, having a swimsuit in your carry-on will also come in handy. Then, you can hit the pool or beach until your room is ready.

Meyeeka Womens Sexy Strappy Cut Out High Waist Monokini Tummy Control One Piece Swimsuit White XL

42. Flip-Flops (for Warm Weather Destinations)

If you’re packing a swimsuit in your carry-on, bring a pair of flip-flops too. Otherwise you’ll be like me and my sister who were stuck in sunny Cancun with just our winter boots. We made quite the unfashionable pair at the resort that day!

Havaianas Top Flip Flops for Women - Summer Style Sandals - Black, 7-8

43. Your Travel Documents

Be sure to pack your passport, work or travel visas, and any other necessary travel documentation for your trip.

Some countries require you to obtain a travel visa, or fill out pre-travel forms online. Don’t forget to research these requirements before your flight!

You should also pack a paper copy of your passport in your carry-on bag. If you lose your passport while you’re in transit, you’ll be grateful to have a hard copy with you. Especially if your phone battery is drained when you land.

It’s also a good idea to keep a digital copy of your passport stored in the cloud. That way, you can access it even if your bag and phone get stolen.

44. Your Accommodation Details/Address

When you enter a new country, you usually need to fill out a customs and immigration form. Many of those forms ask you to provide the name and address you’ll be staying at during your trip.

Be sure to have these details handy during your flight, otherwise you’ll be scrambling to fill out the forms while standing in the immigration line.

45. Proof of Your Return Flight

Many countries will not let you enter as a visitor unless you have a return ticket booked. They want to make sure you aren’t going to overstay your welcome.

I have a friend who who was denied entry into Canada from the USA because she hadn’t booked a return ticket. So, make sure to have your return flight details handy in case you’re asked for them!

Long Flight Essentials: Final Thoughts

That wraps up my list of 45 long flight essentials. Travel days can be tiring and stressful, but these essentials for long-haul flights will make your travel day more comfortable.

These travel essentials will keep you entertained, hydrated, comfy and moisturized on your next long travel day. That way, you’ll arrive at your final destination well-rested and ready to explore.

Did I miss any of your favorite long flight essentials? Let me know in the comments!

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25 Long Flight Essentials: What to Bring On Extended Trips

Spending 10+ hours on a flight cooped up in a small seat can seem daunting, and it may be the one thing you’re dreading about your holiday. It’s always been my least favorite part about traveling.

The good news is you can make that long haul flight more comfortable with a bit of travel preparation and careful packing . Whatever you can do to ease the burden of the flight, whether it’s to bring more entertainment to keep you occupied, a better neck pillow so you can sleep, or headphones that don’t hurt your ears, it’s worth it to do a little pre-planning so you will feel more comfortable on the flight.

long flight essentials

Below are the top 25 carry-on essentials for long flights to help you pass the time and arrive at your holiday destination in good spirits.

Tip: First time traveling internationally? Be sure to look at the 50 essential things to know before going abroad .

Table of Contents

Top 25 Carry On Essentials for Long Flights

Long flights can be utterly tiring and uncomfortable. But these top airplane travel essentials will help you survive the long haul in comfort.

#1 Carry-on Luggage

minima suitcase

You’re going to need carry-on luggage to hold all your airplane essentials. However, some bags can be hit-or-miss when it comes to quality, and you’ll have to keep size restrictions in mind.

The Chester Travels Minima suitcase , with a 38L capacity, is made to last and fit even the smallest overhead compartment. If you prefer a hands-free option, consider one of these convenient carry-on backpacks .

Kindle Paperwhite (8 GB) – Now with a 6.8" display and adjustable warm light – Black

You may be a sucker for that comforting feeling of turning the pages of a book while you read, but books can add so much weight to your luggage and take up quite a bit of space in your carry-on. A Kindle , on the other hand, weighs significantly less and allows you to carry your entire reading list in your travel purse. For me, it’s an absolute MUST HAVE for long plane rides. The Paperwhite edition is very easy on the eyes and has a built in backlight so you won’t have to turn on the annoying overhead light to read.

#3 Noise-Canceling Headphones

Bose QuietComfort 45 Wireless Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Headphones, Over-Ear Headphones with Microphone, Personalized Noise Cancellation and Sound, Triple Black

Those in-flight headphones don’t exactly provide the best comfort or quality. And they certainly won’t block out the sound of passengers talking through a night flight, your seat neighbor snoring, or that baby who won’t stop crying.

If you really want to shut out all the annoying sounds on the plane so you can relax or even catch a few hours of sleep, some top-quality noise-canceling headphones are an essential travel buddy.

#4 Earplugs

Ear Plugs for Sleeping,16 Pairs Noise Canceling Soft Reusable Silicone Earplugs Waterproof Noise Reduction Earplugs for Concert,Swimming,Study,Loud Noise,Snoring

Speaking of noisy seat neighbors, earplugs are one of the top budget-friendly must-haves for long flights. You aren’t likely going to want to be wearing large headphones for the entire trip. I will change to ear plugs when I want to sleep, since they’re so low-profile and won’t affect your ability to lay your head down. This is especially important if you’re taking an overnight flight or planning a strategic nap to minimize jet lag . Be sure to pop a few sets of earplugs in your travel purse or carry-on.

#5 Eye mask

PrettyCare 3D Sleep Mask 2 Pack,Eye Mask for Sleeping 3D Contoured Sleeping Mask Blackout Out Light - Blindfold Airplane with Ear Plugs, Night Masks with Travel Bag (Black&Grey)

We really try to only book overnight flights when needing to do a 10+ hour trip, because then we can sleep through half of it at least. But sometimes it’s not during the night and there’s artificial and natural light that may hinder your chances of sleep. A comfortable eye mask can make all the difference when trying to get some shuteye. The right eye mask will shut out the light around you so you can sleep more soundly.

#6 Travel Purse

Travelon Anti-Theft-Class Small East/West Crossbody Bag, Black, 10.5 x 8 x 2.5

Keeping track of all the necessary documents before and after boarding a plane can be quite a hassle. And losing any of these documents can be an absolute nightmare.

A good travel purse can help keep all your documents (and a few other necessities) organized, safe, and within easy reach.

#7 Travel pillow

MLVOC Travel Pillow 100% Pure Memory Foam Neck Pillow, Comfortable & Breathable Cover, Machine Washable, Airplane Travel Kit with 3D Contoured Eye Masks, Earplugs, and Luxury Bag, Standard (Black)

Unless you’re in business or first class, you’re not going to enjoy the luxury of being able to fully recline your seat. This means you’ll be catching those z’s in a semi-upright position. A travel pillow , especially the type that wraps around your neck, will provide much-needed neck and chin support during your long flight.

#8 Disinfectant Wipes

Getting sick on holiday can put a downer on the fun experiences you’d otherwise get to enjoy. One of the top places where you’re susceptible to picking up pesky germs is at the airport and on the plane.

Although airlines regularly clean their spaces, thousands of people regularly touch handles, seats, windowsills, and more. Using disinfectant wipes to wipe common surfaces will help keep yourself safe and the person(s) after you.

#9 Universal Adapter

Unidapt Universal Travel Adapter, International Plug Adapter Fast 2,4A 4-USB European Power Plug, AC Wall Charger – Worldwide Outlet for Europe US USA UK EU AUS, Blue

These are especially important on long, international flights, as you’ll likely encounter different types of charging points during layovers and at your final destination. A universal adapter is essential for keeping your laptop and phone charged on long travels. 

#10 Laptop Cover

Case Logic Reflect 14" Laptop Sleeve, Black (3203947)

Traveling is stressful enough without the fear of your travel laptop getting damaged when passing through security. A laptop cover will ensure that your treasured machine is protected from bumps and scratches. It will protect it even while packed in your backpack or carry on. The one we recommend comes in many different colors and sizes. It has 6mm of dense memory foam to provide cushion and protection.

#11 Electronics Organizer

CAOODKDK Electronics Accessories Organizer Pouch Bag, Travel Universal Organizer for Cable, Charger, Phone, SD Card, Business Travel Gadget Bag

Having things well organized can make a major difference in your traveling experience — which is why most people prefer packing cubes .

A handy electronics organizer will not only help you keep your cords untangled, but it’ll also keep all your valuable electronics, like memory cards and camera batteries together.

#12 Power Bank

Anker [Quick Charge] PowerCore+ 26800 Premium Portable Charger with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 (Aluminum 3-Port Ultra-High-Capacity External Battery) [Recharges 2X Faster]

While most airlines now have in-seat USB ports to charge your devices, you may still end up flying on one which doesn’t. Above that, you may struggle to find an available charging port during an airport layover. Power banks are ultra handy in such cases.

Most airlines allow power banks with up to 160Wh (About 20000mAh at 5V) to be carried in your carry-on. For safety reasons, your power bank will not be allowed in your main luggage.

#13 Travel blanket

EverSnug Travel Blanket and Pillow - Premium Soft 2 in 1 Airplane Blanket with Soft Bag Pillowcase, Hand Luggage Sleeve and Backpack Clip (Light Pink)

While every airline has a different policy when it comes to providing blankets, most long-haul flights do generally have small blankets for passengers. But, it’s unclear how often these get washed.

It’s best to bring your own blanket to stay warm and comfortable. There are many travel-friendly blankets that fold up into a compact little “pillow”, making it easy to pop in your carry-on or under your arm.

#14 Thick Socks

Loritta 5 Pairs Womens Vintage Style Winter Warm Thick Knit Wool Cozy Crew Socks, H-ethnic Style, Free size,One Size,Multicolor

What better way to settle in and get comfy than to take off your shoes and pop on some cozy socks, right? Flights are usually cold enough as they are, but sitting still in a plane for 10+ hours will definitely make it feel colder.

A thick pair of socks will keep those toes cozy, help you feel more comfortable, and even help you fall asleep .

#15 Sleep Aid

Luna | #1 Sleep Aid on Amazon | Naturally Sourced Ingredients | 60 Non-Habit Forming Vegan Capsules | Herbal Supplement with Melatonin, Valerian Root, Chamomile | Sleeping Pills for Adults

If you (understandably) struggle to fall asleep in airplanes, even with earplugs and all, a natural sleep aid, like Melatonin capsules, may be the extra boost you need. In the U.S., you can get melatonin or a sleep aid like Luna or Unisom over the counter. You can also take Benedryl, which will make you drowsy and aid in sleeping.

One thing I don’t really recommend taking is a more powerful sleep aid because you need to be able to wake up if something were to happen with the plane, or if your flight isn’t long enough that you can effectively sleep it off.

#16 Cozy Shoes Or Slides

If you do join the cozy sock club, slides are going to be essential for quick and easy trips to the bathroom. The last thing you want is to feel something wet seep into your sock. And if you’re not that keen on going shoeless, a good pair of moccasins are your best bet for that same sense of comfort. 

#17 Lip Balm & Moisturizer

Soaring at high altitudes with the air conditioning on can really zap the moisture out of your skin — especially on those long flights. Regularly applying moisturizer and lip balm will help seal the moisture in and keep you looking fresh for all your vacation pictures.

Don’t have much space? Pop a tube of multipurpose balm, like Aquaphor , in your carry-on.

#18 Reusable Water Bottle

Ello Cooper Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Soft Straw and Carry Loop, Double Walled, Leak Proof, Cashmere Pink, 22oz

Another handy thing to bring on a plane is a reusable water bottle. Spending multiple hours in a reduced oxygen environment can lead to dehydration . And, although flight attendants are happy to bring you water, an easier way to stay hydrated is to bring a bottle of your own.

You’ll have to go through security with your empty bottle. But, once you’re through, you can fill up your reusable bottle at one of the water fountains.

#19 Airplane Headphones

sephia SP3060 Earbuds - HD Bass Driven Audio, Lightweight Aluminum Wired in Ear Earbud Headphones, S/M/L Ear Bud Tips, Earphone Case, 3.5mm Tangle-Free Cord - for Music, Podcasts (Without Mic)

An set of your own airplane headphones will allow you to enjoy the entertainment with your favorite pair of headphones rather than having to use the cheapo pair given by the airline. And you’ll be able to avoid any situation where the airline tries to charge you for headphones. No way! Have Bluetooth headphones? This nifty adapter has you covered.

airplane seat isle

#20 Essential Medication

Having your most important medication with you is absolutely essential for any flight. Be sure to pack your asthma pump and any other chronic medication you may need in your carry-on for easy access.

A transparent medication organizer will keep all your medicine together in one compact container and makes it easier to be checked by security.

#21 Toiletries in TSA Approved-Containers

Depoza 16 Pack Travel Bottles Set - TSA Approved Leak Proof Silicone Squeezable Containers for Toiletries, Conditioner, Shampoo, Lotion & Body Wash Accessories (16 pcs/Black Pack)

If you’d like to feel clean and fresh when getting off your long-haul flight, a toiletry kit is a must-have. You’re only allowed to carry liquids in containers smaller than 3.4-ounces.

A good way to work around this is to purchase a TSA-approved toiletry container pack . This way you can have all your favorites with you to freshen up during your flight.

#22 Toothpaste & Toothbrush

Oral hygiene is important, even high up in the heavens. Be sure to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste along to maintain your pearly whites and arrive with fresh breath.


#23 Change of Clothes & Underwear

Whether your destination has a completely different climate, or you’d like to feel clean once stepping off the plane, a change of clothes is a long plane ride essential.

#24 Compression socks

Laite Hebe compression socks,Black+White+Grey,S/M (3 pairs)

Spending 10+ hours in a seated position, rarely moving around can lead to your blood circulation significantly slowing down. This can cause blood to pool in your ankles as your body struggles to pump the blood back up to your heart. You can help encourage blood flow and reduce post-flight ankle swelling, by wearing compression socks.

Final Tips on What to Bring on a Long Flight

Long flights can feel extremely constricting and tedious. But, with this comprehensive list of plane travel essentials, you’re sure to have a much more comfortable long flight experience. Comfortable travel clothes can also go a long way in making your flight comfortable.

Be sure to have a look at this list of the biggest travel mistakes to avoid , to ensure that your vacation is memorable for all the right reasons.

Be Prepared For Travel Planning is the most important part of any successful trip. Do it the easy way:

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Laura Lynch, creator and writer of Savored Journeys, is an avid world traveler, certified wine expert, and international food specialist. She has written about travel and food for over 20 years and has visited over 75 countries. Her work has been published in numerous guidebooks, websites, and magazines.

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12 Things You Need for Every Long Flight, According to Our Experts

Bookmark this page for your next trip.

But for those of you who have come here hoping to find ways to alleviate the airborne angst, we tapped some experts to help us round up the long-flight essentials. Andrew Macdonald, SVP of Mobility & Business Operations at Uber , is always on the go, and he gave us his list of necessities, which include everything from sleep masks to travel shoes. Delta Red Coat Whitney Opheim adds that “an easy way to feel refreshed and ready to go is to quickly brush your teeth during the flight.” Another tip she has: Remember to put “any other important items, like car keys and medications, in your carry-on versus your checked bag .” We also heard from a Delta pilot and a flight attendant to ensure we covered all the bases.

Ready to see what we and the experts can’t travel without? Behold, the twelve long-flight must-haves to take on your next journey. Get a move on.

Apple AirPods Pro

AirPods Pro

Headphones are a must, and these are Macdonald's go-to. “Not novel, but you can’t beat their size and convenience. I also carry an extra set in case I misplace them on the road—can’t be too careful!”

LMNT Hydration Powder

Hydration Powder

Don’t forget to stay properly hydrated. Another expert favorite is LMNT, with its sugar-free electrolyte mix helping to provide optimal energy and nutrition levels.

Apple AirTags


A few weeks ago, my luggage was lost upon my arrival in Portugal. From now on, these will be in every single one of my checked bags. Don’t underestimate the power of the AirTag.

TUMI Brief Pack

Brief Pack

Something else Macdonald can’t fly without? “I’ve had this backpack for a decade, and it always comes with me when I travel. Travel is hard on your gear, especially the more refined styles. This bag is durable and has special pockets for key documents and all your electronics.”

Bearaby Dreamer


One of the best ways to pass time during a long flight: sleeping. An eye mask is key, but for peak slumber, opt for a weighted eye mask. Delta flight attendant Andrea Davis says, “The weighted beads inside the eye mask can help you calm the mind and fall asleep quicker, especially when adjusting to different time zones while traveling.”

Nike Pegasus 41

Pegasus 41

What you wear on the plane is just as important as what you bring in your carry-on. Macdonald says, “The key to saving baggage space is traveling in sneakers that also double as your workout shoes on the road. These are the best—good for both cross-training and long distance.”

Loop Switch


“Earplugs can reduce so much noise around you. Flight attendants will do their best to reduce the noise, but it helps to have those on hand just in case,” says Davis. And if your AirPods die, these will come in handy as you drift off to sleep.

Ray-Ban Aviator Classic

Aviator Classic

Though you may not wear these during the flight, they’ll definitely prove useful afterward. “Landing after a red-eye takes a little adjustment. Best to hide the tired eyes,” adds Macdonald.

Sakara Energy Protein Super Bar

Energy Protein Super Bar

Don’t board without food. Delta pilot Jared Hodge recommends packing “an easy and filling snack, such as a power bar.”

Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Wasabi and Soy Sauce Flavored Snack Nuts

Bold Wasabi and Soy Sauce Flavored Snack Nuts

If power bars aren’t really your thing, this pack of wasabi and soy almonds is my personal favorite. I don’t even like wasabi, but I love these. They’re a crowd-pleaser.

Ostrichpillow Go Neck Pillow

Go Neck Pillow

A good neck pillow is a must. This one doesn’t look cheesy, though. It has a sleek silhouette, made with premium memory foam, and a removable sleeve that makes it easy to wash.

Simon & Schuster Mega Crossword Puzzle Book #23

 Mega Crossword Puzzle Book #23

Entertainment is critical. I’m a crossword aficionado, and this book can keep me occupied for hours.

Celine Lock Toiletry Pouch

Lock Toiletry Pouch

This chic pouch will hold your toothbrush, face mist, cream, and just about anything else you need to bring to feel as refreshed as can be.

Frequently Asked Questions

shape, rectangle

What are the rules for packing for a flight?

While this is airline specific, a general rule of thumb is that most carry-on bags must weigh less than thirty-five pounds and must not exceed ten inches deep, sixteen inches wide, and twenty-four inches high. Make sure that whatever you pack these essentials in will fit in the overhead bin and abide by the restrictions.

What is the 3-1-1 liquids rule?

You can carry liquids, gels, and aerosols in 3.4-ounce travel-size containers. All containers must be placed inside one clear quart-size plastic bag, and each passenger is allowed only one plastic bag.

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Each pick on this list (and our other lists!) comes from years of wearing different things, seeing what we love and what we don’t, and going from there. We even asked some experts to make sure we covered all the bases. If you’re looking for advice from folks who care (possibly too much!) about this sort of stuff, this is the place to start.

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Woman with long blond hair standing in front of departures board in an airport with all travel essentials for the plane in her bag

25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips

As full-time travelers for more than 3.5 years, we have experienced more than our share of long flights–and as a result, we’ve developed an extensive list of long haul flight essentials and long flight tips in order to keep our travel days running as smoothly as possible.

In the very first version of this post that I wrote shortly after beginning our full-time travels, here’s how I summarized the behind-the-scenes of the one-way ticket journey that started it all for us:

“Thirty. Eight. Hours. From leaving the house at 4:30 AM to arriving at an Airbnb flat almost 2 days later, that’s the approximate amount of time that Jeremy and I spent traveling from San Antonio to Madrid.

I’m not going to sugar coat it: it was brutal. In a few years, I’m sure we’ll decide that a couple of 6 hour layovers and an additional 2 hour layover, 4 planes, and a day and a half worth of travel time are in no way worth saving hundreds of dollars on airfare. But right now, we’re young, crazy, and (sort of) frugal. So! The nightmarish layover battle began.”

Vilanculos, Mozambique from the plane

Some links in this post may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please see our disclosure policy for more detail.

My prediction was right: these days, we’ve been on enough uncomfortable, excessively long journeys that we try to limit them wherever possible, but long flights are still a fact of life for us.

Here’s what we’ve learned along the way–and what you need to know about long haul flights, from how to choose your travel essentials for the plane to what to wear.

Table of Contents

What to Pack Your Long Haul Flight Essentials In

Long haul flight essentials: what to bring onboard, long flight tips + tricks, planning a trip.

Kate Storm in a brown coat approaching the camera. Several houses decorated for Christmas in Colmar France are behind her.

We don’t get too fancy with our personal item bags, and unless you’re a very heavy packer and need to fit lots of weight into a small space, we don’t think you need to, either.

We use this Pacsafe backpack as a personal bag and throw the bulk of our travel essentials for the plane in there, while a few others float around in my small purse. 

If you’re in the market for a new bag, we highly recommend our backpack, but any school-sized backpack or messenger bag that comfortably fits under an airplane seat will do–we used a Northface Jester backpack for years and loved that one as well.

Jeremy Storm carrying a pacsafe backpack and wearing a gray jacket, looking out over Conor Pass in Ireland

I’m a recent convert to using eye masks, but they make such a difference and have skyrocketed up the list to be one of my most important long haul flight essentials.

It’s amazing how much easier it is to sleep on planes with the light of the world shut out–and as a bonus, they often come in handy once you land, too, as a frustrating number of hotels have some sort of bright and/or blinking light visible in the room at night.

This eye mask is an excellent option, but eye masks are a bit of a personal preference thing–you may want to try this popular one as well.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm standing along the Grand Canal of Venice. Kate is in a red dress and there are gondolas behind them.

Wearing your shoes for the entirety of a long plane ride can be incredibly uncomfortable, but touching the plane floor with your bare feet is also just… ew, no.

The solution? Cozy, comfortable socks that can be easily washed after wrapping up your long travel day.

If you’d prefer, you may want to swap typical cozy socks for compression socks for an extra layer of comfort and protection.

Just please don’t be one of those people that don’t put their shoes back on to go to the bathroom–I can think of few things less sanitary than an airplane bathroom floor.

Comfortable Jacket / Pullover

Jacket, pillow, blanket–a basic, cozy jacket or pullover can serve many purposes on a plane.

My Northface fleece pullover has come with me on countless flights and definitely counts as one of my long haul flight essentials.

Hiking in the High Tatras: View over Valley

Moisturizer + Hand Lotion

Nothing dries out my skin quite as fast as the dry, recycled air of an airplane–and a few hours into a long haul flight, I’m always so grateful to be able to slather some extra moisturizer on my skin.

This moisturizer and this hand lotion come in tiny, airport-approved containers.

Vaseline / Lip Balm

Your face and hands aren’t the only things to get dried out on long haul flights: throw a small container of Vaseline (I’ve carried this size for years) or lip balm into your bag of in flight essentials to ensure you don’t land in your destination with chapped lips.

2 Weeks in Mexico Itinerary

Hand Sanitizer

Here’s the deal: airports and airplanes are kind of disgusting.

Add in the close proximity to hundreds of people, sleep deprivation, completely stressing out your body by changing time zones, and hours and hours of breathing recycled air, and it’s way too easy to end up sick after a long flight.

We consider hand sanitizer one of our most important long haul flight essentials–and it comes in handy once you reach your destination(s), too.

Travel Couple in Bangkok, Thailand

I promise, brushing your teeth in an airplane bathroom is just… not worth it. On a layover, maybe. 

But before you land, well. Nothing smells quite like travel breath after a solid 12+ hours in transit, some of that including sleep. 

It is not a good smell, and your travel companion(s) will thank you for adding a small bottle of mouthwash to your list of travel essentials for the plane.

Reusable Water Bottle

Keep it empty until after security, of course, lest it end up in a pile of trash as you go through the line.

Having your own water is absolutely a long haul flight essential, though: even if you’re flying with an airline that provides complimentary drinks and the attendants are liberal with the refills, those tiny plastic cups of water are not nearly enough to keep you going, and nothing says dehydration like hours out of your normal routine at 30,000 feet.

We’re partial to Nalgenes for travel, as they’re durable and easy to clean, but some light packers prefer to bring a collapsible water bottle instead.

Czech Beer in Prague Airport being held against a window with planes in the background--beer definitely isn't a long haul flight essential, but it is tasty

If you have long hair, extra hair ties are an absolute must as far as in flight essentials go.

They’re inexpensive, take up basically no space, and there are few things more aggravating than your one and only hair tie rolling away in the first couple hours of a 10-hour long flight (ask me how I know).


While wifi is increasingly available on flights now, it’s generally both slow and expensive–and even as a full-time travel blogger, I basically never work online during flights for those reasons.

Offline entertainment is the way to go: in-flight movies are a decent option, but usually not enough to keep you entertained for 8+ hours. 

This is an excellent time to break out a Kindle , bring a book of puzzles (I personally love Sudoku), or play offline phone games.

3 blue domes of Santorini--preparing dealing with putting together the right long flight essentials is definitely worth it to land somewhere like this!

Chewing Gum

Jeremy swears by chewing gum to help relieve pressure in his ears and counts it among his personal travel essentials for the plane, but it also serves a second purpose: mildly improving your breath for the benefit of those locked in a very small space with you.

On a long haul flight abroad, odds are that you’ll be handed a landing card to fill out with essential details like why you’re visiting the country, where you’re staying, and personal information.

It’s much easier to handle this on the plane with your own pen that having to wait until you deplane or try to borrow someone else’s–plus, if you’re anything like me, you may want to doodle or write notes during your long flight anyway.

Kate Storm in a gray dress standing in Rue de l'Universite in Paris with the Eiffel Tower behind her

Travel Insurance

We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen on the road, and traveling abroad is definitely a case of better safe than sorry. 

If your flight gets dramatically delayed, your luggage is delayed (happen to us twice) or, worst-case scenario, lost, you’ll be so glad you have travel insurance to save the day.

Check travel insurance policy inclusions and prices for your trip here .

External Battery Charger

While more and more planes (and airports) have USB ports to charge your electronics these days, they’re still far from a guarantee–and there’s no telling what your long haul flight situation will be like until you board.

A much better plan than relying on luck is to follow one of our favorite long flight tips and simply bring your own (backup) portable USB charger .

They’re relatively cheap, easy to pack, can charge multiple devices at once, and can be a lifesaver while you are on the road and need to turn on your phone that has the only copy of your boarding pass.

This one is an excellent option.

How to Ethically Visit Elephants in Thailand

Take it from the woman who once, in complete desperation, paid something like 11 Euro for the world’s worst microwaved pizza on a transatlantic flight: put decent snacks on your long haul flight essentials list and be sure you bring enough.

This is especially important for budget fliers, because on those flights? Even crossing an ocean doesn’t entitle you to a meal as part of your ticket.

Ryanair plane parked on the tarmac with people boarding--you have to be extra careful to pack all your in flight essentials when taking a budget flight

There’s something incredibly peaceful about slipping on a pair of comfortable headphones and disappearing into your own world while on a long plane ride. Flights are inevitably quite loud, and when you can put that behind you, the entire journey becomes much more peaceful.

Jeremy has used these headphones for years and swears by them–they’ve held up amazingly well considering how much travel we’ve put them through.

If you’d prefer something truly noise-canceling, these are a great option .

Want something light and easy to pack instead? These will be much more comfortable for watching in flight movies than the uncomfortable pairs that the airlines tend to pass out.

Howth Cliff Walk in Ireland, a fun bonus stop for your 10 day Ireland road trip itinerary. Wildflowers are in the foreground and a lighthouse in the background.

Basic Medication

Don’t find yourself stuck in the air with a raging headache and no way to alleviate it!

I always throw some basic pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen into my long haul flight essentials bag.

Keep in mind that as far as long flight tips go, technically speaking you’re not allowed to carry medication through security not in its original packaging. 

In my experience, it’s essentially never a problem, but be aware that there is always the risk the meds will have to be thrown out if they’re not in their original containers (so maybe don’t take important prescription meds out of their bottles).

Sleep if you can.

Without a doubt, the most comfortable way to deal with a long haul flight is simply to sleep through it.

Wrap yourself in your jacket, put on your eye mask, maybe take melatonin if that’s your style, and do everything you can to rest.

3 Days in Cape Town Itinerary: Chapman's Peak Drive

Skip the makeup.

This is a personal preference, of course, but long haul flights are the absolute perfect time to forego makeup.

It’ll dry out your skin and make it hard to moisturize, possibly make you break out, and by the halfway point in your flight, it’ll be a mess anyway. 

Looking like you’re a half-delirious zombie after finishing a long haul flight is practically inevitable, so make the whole process easier on yourself by rolling with it from the beginning.

Empire State Building or Top of the Rock: Girl with Binoculars on Empire State Building

Stick with comfortable clothes on long flights.

Think leggings or your most comfortable pants, shoes that are well-broken in, and loose, comfortable tops.

What might be perfectly comfortable to wear on a normal day can become insanely aggravating by the end of a long flight where you could easily be in the same clothes for 20-40 hours at a time, so stick with your most tried-and-true basics.

Ideally, go for breathable fabrics that are easy to layer, so you can add and subtract warmth as necessary.

These days, I’ve been wearing these leggings and a comfortable shirt like this on long flights.

Kate Storm wearing a brown coat and blue backpack, looking up at a departures board in an airport. Her purse holds some of her long haul flight essentials!

Don’t get dehydrated.

It’s so, so easy to end up dehydrated on planes: no matter how generous the flight attendants are with refilling the tiny plastic cups offered onboard, it’s not enough to stay hydrated on a long haul flight… and that’s assuming you’re choosing to drink water from those cups to begin with.

We mentioned bringing a reusable water bottle above, but seriously: if you make sure it’s full before you board your plane and make a point to drink it all while onboard, your body will thank you.

Stretch as often as you can.

Sitting for hours on end in a cramped airplane seat is terrible for your body, so make use of extra bathroom breaks and stretch as often as you can.

I’m absolutely militant about this long flight tip, especially after reading one too many horror stories about pulmonary embolisms , and it definitely helps with flight soreness and fatigue.

Hot Air Balloons Cappadocia, Turkey

Take long walks during your layovers.

Once you deplane and walk, bleary-eyed and exhausted, into an unfamiliar airport for a (potentially long) layover, the temptation to book it right to a lounge or to a meal can be intense–and while those are both excellent ideas for how to spend a long layover, your body will thank you for taking a long walk and letting your body stretch out first.

Have a plan for when you land.

Metro, bus, taxi, rental car?

Know exactly how you’ll be getting from the airport to the hotel before you arrive, and your long travel day will be much easier for it.

The sad fact is that when you’re exhausted, jetlagged, and coming off of an exhausting day of long haul flights, that’s exactly when you’re most vulnerable to things like taxi scams, especially if you’re in a new destination.

Consider one of your long haul flight essentials to simply be a plan: if you know what to expect upon landing and exactly what fair prices for different services are, your travel day will be much less stressful–and after all, the whole point of voluntarily suffering through long haul flights is to reach the other end and have the stress-free trip of a lifetime.

Photo of a woman with long blond hair standing in front of a departures board in an airport. Black and red text on a white background reads what to bring on a long haul flight essentials

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About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

1 thought on “25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips”

Great information and can be chosen out one of helpful article specially for travelling for a long time, Included all the important things to carry and explained well, Thanks so much for the great advice. I’ am always on the lookout for travel tips, This article is a huge help.

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A Travelers Trail

Travel Inspo, Adventure Travel & Travel Photography

Africa , Asia , Central America , Essentials , Europe , North America , Oceania , South America · September 8, 2022

17 Long Flight Essentials That Every Traveler Needs in their Carry On

Planning a trip and are dreading the long flight? These 17 flight essentials are sure to make your time in the sky a bit more tolerable.

flight essentials

Flying is not fun. There I said it. Even after the hundred of flights we’ve taken we aways dread it. So overs the years I have managed to put together the perfect flight essentials kit. You will always find these items in my carry on.

This guide we will cover all the top travel essentials you need for a long haul flight. From travel pillows to ear plugs to cozy socks and more.

After reading this post you will know exactly which products to bring for your upcoming flight.

This post is all about the 17 long flight essentials that every traveler needs in their carry on.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a small commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read  full disclosure  for more information.

Flight Essentials

These are some of the best long flight comfort items that are an absolute essential for every traveler.

1. Travel Pillow

Over the years I’ve purchased several different travel pillows but never actually found the one that I couldn’t seem to leave home without, until I found this one! This travel pillow actually does what a typical travel pillow can not and that is comfortably supporting your head and neck so you don’t wake up with neck strain. It’s the only travel pillow I recommend.

travel pillow

2. Travel Blanket

I’m noticing over the years that less and less airlines are supplying blankets to its customers. When it comes to long flights a blanket is a much needed comfort item. So I recently started carrying my own because nothing is worse than trying to take a nap without a cozy blanket. This one fits perfect in my carry on bag.

travel blanket

3. Travel Foot Rest

Very few airplanes come with foot rests. It’s a luxury that you never thought you needed until you’ve tried it and realize how much more comfortable the flight is with it. Thankfully they sell travel foot rests that are compact and fit easily into your carry on.

flight foot rest

4. Sleep Mask

Not all flights are red eyes and not everyone will pull their screens down, so and an eye mask is a must have for long haul flights. You will be very thankful you can blackout your surroundings when you need it.

sleep mask

5. EarPlugs

Nothing is worst than a super loud flight. Especially when you are trying to read your kindle, get some work done or trying to take a snooze. That is why I always carry a couple earplugs for any flight we take, it’s a small investment but one of the most important items to bring on a flight.


6. Cozy Socks

One of my favorite airplane comfort hacks is wearing cozy socks. Airplanes tend to run cold and cold feet suck. These socks will keep your feet warm and are so comfortable that for a minute you’ll forget you’re on a plane. Common cozy socks are the best!

cozy socks women

7. Hand Sanitizer

For obvious reasons I always carry a couple hand sanitizers. These ones are awesome because they’re refillable and are the perfect size to get through TSA.

best travel essentials for long flights

8. Disinfecting Wipes

Even before COVID it was my ritual to always disinfect my seat, the hand rest and the much needed tray table. I mean there is no possible way that airport staff or flight attendants clean those parts after every flight. These wipes smell good, come in travel packs and can be used for so many other surfaces on your trip.

Disinfecting Wipes

9. Toothbrush & Toothpaste

For long haul flights a toothbrush and toothpaste in your carry on is an absolute MUST. Instead of packing regular toothpaste pack toothpaste tablets they are much more travel friendly and you won’t have to worry about your TSA liquids limits.

best travel essentials for long flights

10. Skin Care + Hand Lotion

Nothing dries your skin out quite like hours and hours of recycled air. Keeping up with your skincare routine will not only help hydrate your skin but will make you feel so refreshed. Hand lotion is also a plus, your skin will thank you for it.

best travel essentials for long flights

11. Lip Balm

Never board a flight without lip balm. Again, your skin tends to get so dry in the sky and your lips are no exception. Aquaphor is one of my favorite hydrating lip moisturizer and never travel without it. Highly recommend this brand.

best travel essentials for long flights

12. Noise Cancelling Headphones

I can’t believe I went flights and flights without headphones. Mathew always told me to buy some but never I thought I needed them. Ultimately I caved and have never looked back, I couldn’t imagine going on a flight without my headphones now. I recommend investing in a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. I especially love the Sony headphones because they are comfortable, easy to use and comes with an airplane adapter that connects to any tv monitor on board.

best travel essentials for long flights

Kindles are very popular for good reason. Mathew loves his Kindle and has never been on a flight without it. It can store over 2,000 ebooks. Thus you have plenty of entertainment to occupy yourself for many many flights. You can purchase ebooks on amazon or through the Kindle Store.


I never travel without my laptop. I edit photos, videos and now will be working on the blog. Also, not all flights have free entertainment, for this reason I suggest uploading movies or tv shows to keep you occupied throughout your flight. Wifi is also available on a number of airlines if you need to catch up with work or emails.

apple laptop

15. External Battery Charger

Although USB ports are available in a number of airplanes not all airplanes have them. I have also learned that a lot of the time they don’t actually work, especially older planes. Don’t make the same mistake I did and run out of battery with 3 hours left in your flight. Not fun.

best travel essentials for long flights

16. Water Bottle

Flight attendants are more than happy to fill your water bottles. It’s especially important to stay hydrated on long haul flights and asking for water in those tiny cups becomes annoying after about the third time and of course it’s super wasteful.

best travel essentials for long flights

First of all never go on a flight without snacks. Airplane food is a little hard to eat and if you’re not vibing what they are passing out, snacks will save your life. Even if you are enjoying the plane food, having some comfort foods will make your flight even smoother. These are some of my go to snacks.

  • Dried Fruit
  • Crunchy Chickpeas
  • Protein Bar

Bonus Flight Essentials

Here are some additional products you might want to add to your carry on.

1. Phone Holder

Nothing is worse than walking into a flight you know you”l be on for hours just to find out there are no monitors, meaning no entertainment. This phone holder will be a life saver in those situations because you’ll be able to enjoy some screen time without having to hold onto you phone. The flex phone holder is compatible with a phone or tablet. These are great too because you can use them not only on your flight but at the airport too.

best travel essentials for long flights

2. Seat Cushion

Okay this is something I just recently purchased after our last trip because I was having a lot of tailbone pain and was very uncomfortable on our flights. This seat cushion works great for long sitting hours and adds instant comfort to any chair. Definitely tushy approved.

best travel essentials for long flights

3. Toilet Seat Covers

Nothing is worst than finding yourself in a restroom with no toilet seat cover. When I found these flushable toilet seat covers on Amazon they were an instant buy. Use them on a flight or for any sketchy restroom that your tushy needs protection from.

best travel essentials for long flights

4. Poo-Pourri 

Although we all try using the restroom before any flight, when it comes to long flights that could be a bit of a challenge . Nobody wants to do it but when nature calls you have no other choice. Carrying Poo-Pourri will help keep the smell down and your fellow travelers will thank you for it.

best travel essentials for long flights

5. Hydrating Face Mist

Like I mentioned earlier, skin tends to get extremely dry during a flight. That’s why I love carrying a facial mist in my bag. This is a nice quick fix to keep your face fresh and hydrated. Honest is one of my favorites and comes in the perfect size for TSA liquid regulations.

best travel essentials for long flights

Well that about covers it, those are the 17 long flight essentials that every traveler needs in their carry on. Happy Traveling!


  • A Complete Travel Essentials Guide


Here you can find all the travel site links that we personally use and recommend.

ACCOMMODATION:  We find the best deals with  BOOKING.COM. The more you book the better the perks like free breakfast with your stay, room upgrades and even higher discounted room rates.

CAR RENTALS:  We have always used  and find them to have the best deals, customer service and selection of locations.

FLIGHTS:  Our go too for booking flights has always been  SKYSCANNER . We always find the best prices on this site.

TOURS/EXCURSIONS:  GET YOUR GUIDE  and  VIATOR  are two very reputable sites with easy and hassle free bookings.

TRAVEL INSURANCE:  It’s so important to travel with insurance and for this we use  World Nomads  or Safety Wing .


best travel essentials for long flights

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20 Travel Essentials for Long Flights

best travel essentials for long flights

My first international trip was when I studied abroad in Florence. I knew little about long-haul flights and was excited about a double-decker plane and the opportunity to get to Europe. Since that first trip, I have traveled a reasonable amount for work and pleasure and have learned a few things about packing to make long-haul flights more comfortable. A little bit of planning goes a long way. Below are some of my favorite travel essentials for long flights. I hope this helps you prepare for your upcoming trip!

For ease and organization, I highly recommend keeping these carry-on essentials in one drawer in a closet for easy access. When planning a long flight, you can grab all the essentials and make packing easy. My husband and I have a travel drawer in our linen closet with chargers and adapters for international flights. 

You can use this packing list to help you prepare.

*This post includes affiliate links. I make a small commission off of items purchased from my links. Merci

Eye Mask for Overnight Flights

Since my first trip abroad, I have been wearing a  sleep mask  on long-haul flights. It helps block out the light during the flight. If I am on a short overnight flight, I like to sleep as early as possible because of the time change. This eye mask from Quince is affordable and easy to throw in my bag. I keep it in a pocket for easy access and my melatonin gummies to grab before I put my bag up in the overhead compartment. This is key because I have spent way too much time searching at the bottom of my bag and surrendered in the past.  If you add the cashmere shawl or blanket, you have a comfortable sleeping situation.

best travel essentials for long flights

Travel Essentials for Long Flights: Tech Pack Travel Organization

This is a game-changer for cords, chargers, and adapters. Everything is in one spot, which makes it easy to pack. I highly recommend getting extra chargers for your watch, phone, and other electronic devices and keeping these just for travel. It helps to have extra of these, so they don’t go missing at home. My SD cards for my camera go in this tech pack , my adapters for European travel, and an extra charger for on-the-go.

best travel essentials for long flights

Travel Adapter

best travel essentials for long flights

Calpack Tech Pack

best travel essentials for long flights

Cuyana Tech Pack

Travel blankets for long flights.

A blanket or large scarf is essential for overnight flights. Even in the warmer months, I will pack one in my carry-on bag. My aunt gave me a cashmere shawl that I use for travel and reminds me of her.  It can double as a blanket and is so soft and warm. I don’t love the plane blankets and prefer the cashmere shawl over what is provided. It also makes me happy knowing she is along for the adventure since she gifted it many years ago. 

This cashmere scarf  is similar to the one she gifted me. I am not a big travel pillow person, but I am bringing one (if you prefer) and earplugs to make your flight more enjoyable, especially when trying to fall asleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is important on long-haul flights. If you can’t upgrade to business class, this is an easy way to make your airplane seat the best for a comfortable flight. This one from White & Warren is also an excellent option for a cashmere travel wrap, and I also love this one from J.Crew.  

best travel essentials for long flights

Travel Wrap

best travel essentials for long flights

Oversized Scarf

best travel essentials for long flights

Cashmere Wrap

Tips for fighting jet lag on international flights.

best travel essentials for long flights

Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated to help with jet lag. Flight attendants regularly walk through the plane cabin and offer water to passengers. If you have room in your carry-on, a reusable water bottle is a good idea. I love this one and use it at home and for workouts. 

Check out this blog post for more helpful jet lag tips. 

Passport Holder/Larger Wallet : Travel Essentials for Long Flights

Keeping important documents such as your passport in a safe spot is key for traveling internationally. I keep mine in a zippered pocket inside a bag while traveling. My passport envelope was a gift from a friend when I moved to Paris years ago, and I have used it ever since. Since it is a leather envelope instead of a traditional flap passport holder, I can keep euros inside and my boarding pass.  A passport holder also makes an excellent gift for a newlywed as you can monogram it with some retailers. This one from  M.M. Le Fleur  and  this passport holder are great options .

Phone Charger or Extra Battery for Travel

I keep an extra portable charger in my travel bag. I have a new iPhone with a reasonable charge, but with delays and Google Maps, it is always good to have extra battery life. The seats on the airplane have USB ports to charge up and ready to go when you hit the ground. An extra battery for a charge is essential just in case you can’t charge when you land. As a single female traveler, I always need a fully charged phone, especially when landing in another country or riding an Uber. This one is also a great option.

flight essentials for long flights

Travel Essentials for Long Flights

Travel essentials for long flights Away Bag

I have been using the same carry-on suitcase for years. It makes life so much easier when you have a carry-on bag vs. checking a bag. We have all experienced some delay or loss of bags over the years. I had a delayed bag for an international flight, and it wasn’t a fun experience. Taking a carry-on makes it easier, knowing that everything you need is right with you when you land, and you can exit the airport quickly. It is sometimes a challenge for longer trips to only pack in a carry-on, but I have managed well.

Packing cubes  are a must for carry-on luggage to keep everything organized, more on that below.

My Away Everywhere Bag: Travel Essentials for Long Flights

As a travel photographer and blogger, I carry a lot of extra essentials, including my camera, lenses, laptop, SD cards, and accessories. These all fit into my AWAY Ev erywhere bag that sits on top of my suitcase. This is the easiest way to keep all my essential things in one place. When traveling for work, I mostly use the Away bag when I have a lot to carry, and it slides on top of my suitcase handle. This is my personal item and can fit below my seat or in the overhead compartment. I am often asked about the AWAY suitcas e and if it works as carry-on luggage for international travel, and the answer is yes. Check with your airline if you have specific concerns. United is the airline I fly most frequently, and I haven’t had any issues with it. 

AWAY suitcases for long flights

The bag isn’t light with all of my equipment and laptop, but the ease of fitting it on top of my rolling suitcase helps balance everything out. If you don’t have camera equipment like me, you can add a change of clothes if you check your bag. This is a great way to avoid any mishaps with a delayed bag. You can change once you get to your hotel room.

best travel essentials for long flights

Larger Carry On

best travel essentials for long flights

Everywhere Bag

best travel essentials for long flights

Travel Essentials for Long Flights: Carry-On Bags

Travel essentials for long flights. Cuyana leather tote

What I love about the Cuyana tote is the new system they introduced a few years ago. They keep expanding on the features, and I want every one of them. Cuyana started with the system tote, which allowed a few of their pieces to snap in and out easily. They continue this feature on more of their bags, making it even more versatile because I can use multiple bags. If I travel for a long weekend, I love carrying the Cuyana bag because I can slip in this crossbody flap bag for nights out or quick errands. It helps transition from work bag to evening without packing multiple bags and taking up space. 

travel essentials for long flights

Packing Cubes Help Keep You Organized

Packing cubes are a must for carry-ons to keep everything organized. Each cube holds a different category, making it organized and easy to find items when you unpack or need one thing. This also helps hold more items if you pack them in a carry-on instead of checking a bag. My packing cubes come in assorted sizes. Use the larger sizes for shirts, pants, and sweaters and the smaller cubes for underwear, socks, and bras.

best travel essentials for long flights

Packing Cubes

best travel essentials for long flights

Small Insert Bag for Long Flights

It is great to have a mini insert bag for your larger carry-on. Between my travel photography business and being on the go as a full-time travel blogger, I usually have a journal for notes and ideas and a card reader for my camera and pens. The small bag keeps me organized and makes all my essential items accessible to save time.

The Best French Lip Balm: Travel Essentials for Long Flights

Caudalie Lip Conditioner  travel essentials for long flights

I don’t leave home without this lip balm in my bag. I have a million, and they are in every bag I own. It’s the best. If you make it to France, buy them in bulk. If you can’t, it’s worth the $14. Trust me.

Pack a Beauty Mask To Keep Your Skin Hydrated on A Long Flight

best travel essentials for long flights

Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask

This Sisley Black Rose cream mask will leave your skin feeling hydrated and good when you land. Apply it before you leave for the airport. I use an oil on top, which absorbs quickly on the drive. Your skin will be glowing when you land. Flying can leave your skin dry. This helps so much and smells fantastic!

This Sisley black rose mask is a splurge but worth it. I am on my second tube and love it. Not only does it smell amazing, but it also plumps and moisturizes dry skin—perfect for long flights. I also love the Sisley eye contour mask . A little goes a long way. I arrive at the airport without makeup and with a glowy face from oils and creams.

When I land, it is absorbed and keeps my skin feeling good on the flight. You can also use these Klora ne gel eye patches , which I keep in my bag. They are packaged individually so you can slip them into your bag.

Lavender Hand Sanitizer

I keep this available in an inside pocket. I love this lavender one , which smells so good.

Hand Lotion

My hands always get dry when I fly and with washing often. Caudalie makes a great mini travel hand cream to pack in your carry-on.

Bioderma has a great formula with cleansing water for a quick refresh with face wipes. These are great for when you land and take your face mask off.


When I arrive at the hotel, the first thing I do is brush my teeth after a long flight. I keep a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste in my carry-on bag for just this moment. My dentist always gives me extra toothpaste in travel sizes, which I use for this occasion. Also, I don’t leave home without dental floss. I have to have it on me at all times.

Antibacterial Wipes

A good wipe of my airplane seat and tray table is essential, especially since I also use the table as a work surface for my computer. I use the same lavender wipes that make my hand sanitizer. The plane should wipe down everything between flights, but there is no guarantee of how well they do it. I quickly wipe down my tray table, seat belt, and headrest. It’s the first thing I do when I get to my seat.

Long Flight Essentials: Airpods

I recently invested in Apple’s noise-canceling AirPods , a game changer. ( I found them at Target for a better price than Apple) They are on the pricier side but worth it. Charge them up before your trip. They charge quickly if you need them. Download a few podcasts or one of my favorite guilty pleasures lately, audiobooks. My husband also has a pair of AirPods, and mixing and grabbing each other is an easy mistake. I purchased this colorful case to distinguish mine from his and future mix-ups.

best travel essentials for long flights

Noise Canceling Airpods

Compression socks for long flights.

Compression socks aren’t the most attractive fashion accessory, but using them might be a good idea. I found the best ones are from Bombas . Plus, I love the brand and the mission. Compression socks help with blood flow in your lower legs and reduce swelling and discomfort, which can come from sitting for an extended period. Plus, they help reduce the possibility of blood clots during long flights. I recommend moving around during the flight to get blood flow and circulation. Drink lots of water and try to reduce alcoholic beverages on long-haul flights.

best travel essentials for long flights

Compression Socks

best travel essentials for long flights

Comfortable Shoes for Traveling

Travel essentials for long flights comfortable shoes

Jack Trainers

best travel essentials for long flights

Side Walk Sneakers

best travel essentials for long flights

Campo Sneakers

I try to wear the most significant and bulkiest pair of shoes on the flight, so it saves room in my luggage. This is usually a pair of sneakers and a pair of boots in the winter months. There is a lot of walking between moving from the security line, baggage claim, and your gate. It’s best to be comfortable when you reach your final destination. You can see my list of comfortable walking shoes here.


Take the time before you have limited Wi-Fi access to download podcasts, TV shows, and movies on your iPad or phone. I love to read on planes because there aren’t so many distractions. You can pick up a book at the airport or plan and pack one or two in your bag. I like to bring two if I can squeeze them in, just in case I finish one. Update: I got a Kindle, and I love it for traveling. I don’t use it as home as much as I would like but it is perfect for bringing multiple books on a trip. The Kindle is compact and lightweight and holds a charge well. Just make sure to download the books before you are off of Wifi. I am downloading The Women for my next long trip, which is coming up soon!

travel essentials for long flights

Small Wallet: Travel Essentials for Long Flights

I like to have a small wallet with a credit card and ID with easy access in my bag. If you travel domestically, you need a driver’s license. If you are traveling internationally, you will need a valid passport. I like to have euros for tipping and my first coffee/snacks upon arrival. You don’t want to have to scramble for an ATM.

I use World Nomads travel insurance , which has been great for peace of mind. I have been using them for a long time. There are two options, but as a full-time travel blogger, I prefer the explorer option, which covers my laptop and camera equipment. It is about $140 for two weeks. It depends on your age and the type of coverage you seek. It is an extra cost, but it is important to me to have this additional coverage. Check with your local insurance provider to find the best options.

*This post includes affiliate links. I make a small commission off items purchased from my links at no cost to you. Merci!

Photos by Rebecca Tyler Photography

best travel essentials for long flights

Bonjour, I’m Rebecca!

I’m a photographer, blogger, croissant-lover, and world traveler. I hope that Everyday Parisian inspires you by bringing a bit of France into your daily life and helps you plan the best trip to Paris with personalized recommendations for places to stay, explore, and eat.


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Which size away tote bag do you use on top of your suitcase?

I love the Away luggage and I have the carry on with the front leather pocket which I use all the time! I also have the Away Everywhere bag in the pink leather. It is great but I do wish it had the opening flaps like the new one have. I used to take charge my portable charger from my carry on but found I never use it but maybe I will charge it just in case but it is the old charging style, now I need an adapter. Excited to see Paris in spring!

I do take all the things you listed, except for the extra portable charger! Have 2 of them, and always take them into NYC, but never internationally — DUH! On my list, thanks!!

Hi Rebecca – thx for such great tips! A few questions – do you wear the facial mask overnight on the plane (or even for a few hours)? How do you keep it from getting on your clothes or blanket?! Also do you think the wallets with the RFID blocking is worth it (or needed)? I’m headed to London and Paris this fall and saw one online that is both beautiful and very functional as it has four “slit” pockets for everything so it doesn’t take up much room or weigh much either. Thank you!

best travel essentials for long flights

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As you’re scanning Google Flights and every website known to man for the best travel deals — whether for a 2023 spring break vacation or upcoming holiday travels — it’s important to feel comfortable as you’re miles high.

And, that includes readying yourself with the best travel products apt for long flights.

Oh, and if you’re thinking to yourself: well, I don’t like to pack a lot on my trips — that’s a-OK. Many of these products — from indulgent hand creams to pocket-sized items that’ll entertain you for hours — won’t take up much of your packing space.

In fact, some of these products are designed to keep all your take-with-you’s organized, be it packing cubes or checked luggage itself.

Ahead, find our long-flight travel edit for all the dreamy essentials that have our head in the clouds. Order these while printing out your flight confirmation and voilà — you’ll be prepared as can be.

Boie USA Fine Toothbrush

A eco-friendly toothbrush

Whether flying to Greece or Grand Paris, the last thing you — or anyone — want is to be without a toothbrush. What we love about this option from Boie USA is that it’s flight-friendly, slim enough to pack in a purse or carry-on, and beyond affordable. Made from 100% recyclable materials, it’s BPA-free and has antimicrobial silicone-like bristles that are gentle on gums and teeth. Best of all, the head is replaceable and lasts twice as long as those basic toothbrushes found at the drugstore!

CALPAK Hue Large Luggage , $248, original price: $275

CALPAK Hue Large Luggage

No doubt about it: when you’re traveling, you want a durable luggage to take you to and fro. We personally love and recommend the CALPAK Hue Large Luggage. Any luggage with a hard-back design is durable enough to carry all of your essentials, too.

What’s more, this luggage features easy-to-glide wheels, a TSA lock and unique color options (in addition to its classic colorway selection) to make it simple to locate your luggage at the terminal.

54 Thrones African Beauty Butter , $24

54 Thrones African Beauty Butter

The 54 Thrones African Beauty Butter is one of the best body butters we tested, namely for its hydrating and luscious formulation. It’s a hand-to-body treatment butter for try skin, too, so rest assured this bad boy will keep you well-nourished on an hours-long flight.

Google Pixel Buds Pro Noise-Cancelling Earbuds , $200

Google Pixel Buds Pro Noise-Cancelling Earbuds

Universal to any kind of smartphone, the Google Pixel Buds Pro Noise-Cancelling Earbuds are one of the most well-designed models on the market and will keep you entertained for hours on end. Specifically, they’re Bluetooth-compatible, boast a Silent Seal to adapt to your ear and help block outside sounds and, impressively, feature up to 31 hours of listening time, thanks to its charging case.

Apple AirTag , $29

Apple AirTag

With more than 90,000 rave reviews on Amazon, the Apple AirTag is surely an Amazon best-seller . Notably, you can toss one inside of your luggage and, if you can’t locate it at the terminal, your smartphone or other device can help locate it in a snap.

Tuft & Needle Anywhere Travel Pillow , $81, original price: $95

Tuft & Needle Anywhere Travel Pillow

Though a splurge (as far as airplane pillows go), the Tuft & Needle Anywhere Travel Pillow is a luxury flight essential worth making. It’s designed with the brand’s cushy Adaptive foam and includes a breathable, lightweight and machine-washable cover. It’s simple to pack, too.

Everlane The Renew Transit Catch-All Case , $35

Everlane The Renew Transit Catch-All Case

We’ve never met a more chic, sturdy and match-all toilette tree bag. Everlane’s The Renew Transit Catch-All Case features five interior drop-in pockets, one exterior zip pocket and is made from 100% recycled polyester. For just $35, it makes an affordable gift for the traveler you know, too.

lululemon Modular Phone Crossbody Bag , $58

lululemon Modular Phone Crossbody Bag

Move over belt bag, the Modular Phone Crossbody Bag is new from lululemon — and something we can’t stop glossing over. Namely, it keeps your phone at bay while you’re walking through travel and TSA lines and, impressively, is made from water-resistant fabric.

Papier Joy Travel Journal , $35

Papier Joy Travel Journal

While you’re miles high in the sky, turn to the Papier Joy Travel Journal to jot down your trip excitement or general thoughts. Not only is it personalized but it’s one of the best items to keep you occupied for hours on end.

Abercrombie Essential Popover Hoodie , $68, original price: $80

Abercrombie Essential Popover Hoodie

Though designed for men, the Abercrombie Essential Popover Hoodie comes in a variety of colors and prints. Most of all, we love its cozy and comfy fit, along with this scenic nature-filled design that’s great for your winter getaway.

Audible Membership , $6 a month for four months

Audible Membership

If you want to read on your flight but don’t want to lug around a hardcover book, consider signing up for Audible. Listen to best-sellers and top books on your to-be-read list with this platform, which is now just $6 a month for four months.

Patchology On the Fly Multi-Tasking Travel Skincare Kit , $14

Patchology On the Fly Multi-Tasking Travel Skincare Kit

If you’re embarking on an overnight flight, the Patchology On the Fly Multi-Tasking Travel Skincare Kit is one of the cutest essentials yet (and yes, treating your skin to a nourishing face mask is all we ask for to help relax on long plane rides).

BAGAIL Packing Cubes (8-Pack) , $25

BAGAIL Packing Cubes (8-Pack)

To help keep all of your travel essentials organized — especially to help find some items upon landing — the BAGAIL Packing Cubes are an eight-pack worth snagging. They’re an Amazon best-seller with more than 13,000 positive reviews, much ado to its water-repellent design and lightweight yet durable make.

KGX Vaccine Card Holder (3-Pack) , $6

KGX Vaccine Card Holder (3-Pack)

To ensure your vaccine cards — and those in your travel party — are neatly organized and at the ready, pick up the KGX Vaccine Card Holder for just $6. Plus, this one’s a three-pack, offering more bang for your buck.

On/Go At-Home COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Test (2-Pack) , $20

On/Go At-Home COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Test (2-Pack)

For peace of mind, pack at-home (or, in other words: on vacation) at-home COVID-19 tests with you. We personally turn to the On/Go At-Home COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Test as it’s simple to use and easy to pack.

SEPHORA COLLECTION Reusable 3-Piece Face Mask Set , $15

SEPHORA COLLECTION Reusable 3-Piece Face Mask Set

We need to take a moment to promote the SEPHORA COLLECTION Reusable 3-Piece Face Mask Set. Whenever we’re in the street or traveling, we always receive compliments on its girly-girl, elevated face mask look. Plus, each trio comes with a different lip shade for every mood.

OMEETIE Rechargeable iPhone 11 Case , $35, original price: $39

OMEETIE Rechargeable iPhone 11 Case

We recommend a rechargeable phone case to help endure your long flight. Depending on your specific smartphone, prices will vary, but it essentially doubles your phone’s battery life so you can keep typing and scrolling.

Everlasting Comfort Airplane Footrest , $23, original price: $30

Everlasting Comfort Airplane Footrest

As soon as we saw the Everlasting Comfort Airplane Footrest, we instantly deemed it an essential. Simply position it atop of your seat’s tray and you’ll have an elevated place to lounge (especially if you’re flying economy and are tight on space).

L.L.Bean Cozy Sherpa Wearable Throw , $69

L.L.Bean Cozy Sherpa Wearable Throw

Sometimes, bringing a quality blanket on a plane is too much to carry, so we found the next best thing: the L.L.Bean Cozy Sherpa Wearable Throw. It’s your best robe and blanket all in one, and we adore its marshmallow-soft design that’s one of the most unique carry-ons we found.

Dramamine Motion Sickness Original (36-Pack) , $11

Dramamine Motion Sickness Original (36-Pack)

If you’re prone to motion sickness, Dramamine is your best friend. We bring this OTC medication both to the airport and to the cruise terminal in case you feel the ride a bit more.

SNOOZ Go Portable White Noise Machine , $42, original price: $60

SNOOZ Go Portable White Noise Machine

Now this is how you transform your flight into a restful oasis. The SNOOZ Go Portable White Noise Machine is a subtle, unobtrusive way to help you fall asleep in a public setting — and for that, we love it.

LeSeat Universal Fit Airplane Seat Cover , $28

LeSeat Universal Fit Airplane Seat Cover

Elevate your space (and by space, we mean airplane seat) with the LeSeat Universal Fit Airplane Seat Cover. For less than $30, it’s a splurge worth making to help prevent germs and make your ride a bit smoother.

Philips One by Sonicare Rechargeable Toothbrush , $26, original price: $40

Philips One by Sonicare Rechargeable Toothbrush

Especially for overnight flights (or, for airport bathrooms), take the Philips One by Sonicare Rechargeable Toothbrush with you for a streamlined way to get your oral hygiene in. We can’t believe this practical buy is less than $30 right now, too, as it’s the next best thing to an electric toothbrush .

ROYCE New York RFID Blocking Vaccine Card Travel Wallet , $95

ROYCE New York RFID Blocking Vaccine Card Travel Wallet

Organize your travel documents in the oh-so-stylish ROYCE New York RFID Blocking Vaccine Card Travel Wallet. It has a spot for everything and you’ll love its fun colors and all-in-one smart design.

YETI Rambler 25 oz Mug with Straw Lid , $38

YETI Rambler 25 oz Mug with Straw Lid

When aboard, we have a feeling you may want ice-cold water at your disposal. New from Yeti, the Rambler 25 oz Mug with Straw Lid comes in an array of colors — as well as a 35 oz size if you’re looking for something a bit larger — and is one of our favorite new launches to date.

Travelon Luggage Scale with Tape Measure , $9 with code GIVE, original price: $15

Travelon Luggage Scale with Tape Measure

Technically, this is a pre-long flight essential, but it’s a good idea to weigh your luggage before your flight. This way, you’re not scrambling at the airport tossing belts and socks into your carry-on . In other words, thank us later.

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6 Items That Have Made Me a More Efficient Traveler

Brett Holzhauer's image

Brett Holzhauer

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42 Published Articles

Countries Visited: 22 U.S. States Visited: 29

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Jestan Mendame's image

Jestan Mendame

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9 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 12 U.S. States Visited: 3

6 Items That Have Made Me a More Efficient Traveler

Table of Contents

1. backpack rather than luggage, 2. global entry membership, 3. travel credit cards for protection and benefits, 4. portable travel pillow, 5. metal water bottle, 6. power bank to never lose charge, bonus: have the right mindset, final thoughts.

We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply to the offers below. See our  Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology. Opinions and recommendations are ours alone.

Travel can be a headache and even downright stressful. While talking with friends, family, and colleagues, I’ve found that it often comes down to a few common themes. That includes the overall cost, the effort of getting from point A to point B, hauling your items around, and unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

All of these points are valid. Travel can be expensive, require more effort than you may have thought, and come with many challenges. But with the right tools and accessories, your wanderlust can flourish with fewer headaches.

Since 2016, I’ve been on a travel binge: I’ve been to 25 countries, 5 continents, taken hundreds of flights, and even lived out of my backpack for a short stint in 2019 as a digital nomad.

I’ve experimented with many different travel essentials, and these are the ones I can’t travel without. Here are 6 strategies that I have used to make my travels a breeze.

We’re often told that having more choices is a good thing. However, it’s often not necessary to bring the whole closet (and kitchen sink) on your travels.

Rangeland backpack with shell

For context, I have 1 backpack for shorter trips and an Osprey 55L backpack for longer adventures. Rather than diving into the theory behind it, there’s something about having a backpack that I’ve found freeing on my travels.

Efficient Traveler Brett Backpack

Your Hands Are Free To Do Other Things

Having your hands free to move is essential when you’re on the go. Whether it’s using your cell phone, holding a coffee, or getting out your wallet, using 1 hand to pull your luggage around is a drag (pun intended).

Avoids Checked Bag Fees and Lost Items

The debate of being “team checked bag” or “team carry-on” will always be hotly contested. For myself, I only carry on for several reasons, but the main one is to avoid checked bag fees .

Airlines make a huge profit on checked-bag fees, and I find it to be easily avoidable. Now, many travel credit cards offer checked bags for free (along with having airline status). Occasionally, I will use this benefit if it makes sense. However, I’d much rather have my bag with me to avoid wait times and any potential damage or loss of my bag.

Makes You More Intentional

Yes, a backpack has less space than traditional luggage — and that’s the point. You likely don’t need that extra space.

With a backpack, it has forced me to become very intentional about every item I take. And yes, I’m still guilty of occasionally bringing a few things I may not use. But the punishment of having to carry the weight of each item you pack makes you much more aware.

When I traveled for 112 days straight in 2019, I brought way too many items. I got rid of many things because lugging my belongings from country to country became too burdensome.

Navigating the airport can be stress-inducing. Yelling officials and long lines could make even the strongest traveler emotionally crumble.

One of the best solutions I’ve found is having a Global Entry membership that comes with TSA PreCheck . By having this, I’m able to go through expedited security lines, which has cumulatively saved me hours of waiting in lines throughout the U.S. And when coming back from international travel, Global Entry security clearance makes returning seamless.

I recently used my IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card to renew my Global Entry membership as the card comes with an enrollment credit. And since I sign up for travel credit cards regularly, I give away my extra airport security clearance credits to friends and family.

Travel credit cards aren’t just for earning rewards to redeem for trips. They can also help you score some money-saving perks along the way, and even protect you if your travels go awry.

Many premium credit cards offer lounge access where you can grab snacks and drinks throughout your travels. My primary spending card is the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card , which comes with access to Capital One Lounges and the Priority Pass lounge network . I use these spaces to save on food and drink costs, rather than paying elevated airport prices.

Main lounge area at Capital One Lounge Dulles

As for credit card travel insurance , several of my cards protect me in case something goes awry. Recently, I was in Denver, and a sudden hail storm severely damaged my rental car. Thankfully, I used my Ink Business Preferred ® Credit Card , which covered the damage thanks to primary rental car insurance.

There are plenty of opportunities while traveling to close your eyes for a quick snooze. But carrying a regular pillow around is not convenient or portable. During my travels, I came across the TRTL travel pillow , and I’ve found it to be the best, most portable solution out there.

A long flight in economy can be draining. The lack of moisture in the cabin, as well as sitting in one place for an extended period, is often dehydrating and exhausting.

Instead of spending a small fortune on a bottle of water at the airport, or settling for the small cup of water from flight attendants, invest in a metal water bottle. You don’t have to spend a fortune; I found this two-pack at Costco for less than $20.

Flight attendants are typically okay with filling your water bottle, and there are plenty of refill stations at U.S. airports.

Our phones are the best resource when traveling, which means you can drain your battery quickly. An external power bank can be a lifesaver for you and even your group. I recently upgraded to the MyCharge PowerHub Max 15,000mAh All in One from Costco, and it’s been a fantastic addition. This will give about 3 to 4 full charges to a smartphone.

Approaching travel with a positive mindset is vital to being successful. The more you travel, the more likely something will go awry. Whether it is transportation issues, weather delays, unavoidable long security lines, leaving something behind, or a crying child sitting behind you, it’s vital to know what to do through it all.

As for my own experiences, I’ve been injured, slept in questionable hotels, lost important paperwork for a visa, and had weather drastically impact trip schedules. After a while, I learned to appreciate the silly moments once the headache subsided.

My advice for making travel easier: solve the easy problems, and laugh through the unpredictable ones. Don’t let the bumps and bruises take away from the adventures of seeing new places, exploring new cultures, and embracing everything that travel offers.

The information regarding the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card was independently collected by Upgraded Points and not provided nor reviewed by the issuer.

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About Brett Holzhauer

Brett is a personal finance and travel junkie. Based out of Fort Lauderdale, he’s had over 100 credit cards and earned millions of credit card rewards. He learned the tricks of the trade from his mom, and has taken many steps forward. He wasn’t exposed to much travel as a kid, but now has a goal of reaching 100 countries in his life. In 2019, he sold all of his possessions to become a digital nomad, and he says it was one of the best decisions he ever made. He plans to do it again at some point in his life.

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The 10 Best Budget Carriers for Long-Haul Flights

Image may contain Airport Airfield Aircraft Airplane Transportation Vehicle Airliner and Runway

“Low-cost” and “ long-haul ” can feel like oxymorons when it comes to airlines, with seat comfort often sacrificed for affordable fares. But with several new budget international airlines launching around the world in recent years, it’s possible to snag perfectly-bearable long-haul flights for under $500 roundtrip.

This week, UK-based consulting firm Skytrax released their annual World Airline Awards , known within the aviation industry as the “Oscars of aviation.” Among this year’s winners are lesser-known airlines going the distance to provide affordable flight options in the long-haul low-cost airline category. Launched in 1999, the awards are based on passenger surveys completed by travelers representing over 100 different nationalities who make “their own, personal choices as to which airlines they consider to be the best, underlining the brand as the Passenger’s Choice Awards,” according to Skytrax’s methodology. A total of 21 million entries including 350 different airlines were submitted between September 2023 and May 2024 (airlines pay no entry fees and all survey costs are paid for by Skytrax).

Below, see the 10 top low-cost carriers in the long-haul category, according to the 2024 World Airline Awards, organized in descending order.

Image may contain Aircraft Airliner Airplane Transportation Vehicle Flight Animal Bird and Flying

Toronto-based Air Canada launched its low-cost affiliate Air Canada rouge in 2013.

The top 10 budget international airlines in 2024

1. Scoot Scoot is the low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines—which earned the No. 2 spot in the overall world’s top airlines category. The carrier serves 67 destinations in 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Europe. Launched in 2012, the airline has won several accolades since then, including membership to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in 2022 for its high safety standards. It holds the No. 1 spot in this Skytrax category for the fourth consecutive year.

We found roundtrip flights from Singapore to Phuket from $71, Kuala Lumpur to Taipei from $79, and Chennai to Sydney for $239.

2. Jetstar Airways This Qantas Group subsidiary is a part of the Jetstar Group, which had its first flight take off in 2004. Technically speaking, Jetstar Airways serves Australia and New Zealand, while its affiliates Jetstar Asia Airways and Jetstar Japan serve Asia. Together, they have 5,000 flights a day to more than 58 destinations in 18 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. Having been voted the best low-cost airline in Australasia for the second time in three years, the airline has also been honored for its cabin crew and operational excellence.

We found roundtrip flights from from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City starting at $227, Sydney to Honolulu from $373, and Gold Coast to ChristChurch from $322.

3. Norse Atlantic Airways Celebrating the two-year anniversary of its inaugural flight from Oslo to New York this month, Norse Atlantic Airways has quickly made a name for itself, specializing in trans-Atlantic flights between the US and Europe. It snagged the No. 4 spot for best Northern European airline in the World Airline Awards as well. The carried, based in Arendal, Norway, has a fleet of 15 Boeing 787 Dreamliners and goes to New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, and Orlando in the United States; as well as Bangkok, Cape Town, Oslo, Athens, Berlin, London, Paris, and Rome.

We found roundtrip flights in economy light class (without any extras) from Los Angeles to London for $417 and New York to Oslo for $494.

4. Air Canada rouge Toronto-based Air Canada launched its low-cost affiliate Air Canada rouge in 2013 branding itself as a “leisure airline,” with flights in North America, Europe, the Caribbean, and Central America. Now fully integrated into the Air Canada network, passengers will simply see the rouge flights pop up in their searches when available on that route. Free checked bags are included on long-haul flights, and high-speed Wi-Fi is available for purchase. There's also a Premium Rouge class with priority check-in and boarding; wider seats with more leg room; free Wi-Fi, and meals on flights longer than two hours.

We found roundtrip flights from Montreal to Tulum for $278 and Toronto to Punta Cana at $280.

5. Zipair Japan Airlines began operations of its low-cost carrier Zipair in 2018. Based in Tokyo Narita (NRT), the subsidiary flies to four Asian destinations (Bangkok, Singapore, Manila, and Seoul) and five North American ones (Honolulu, Los Angeles, San José, San Francisco, and Vancouver). Wi-Fi is complimentary to all passengers of its 290-seat Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners. Also innovative: a contactless in-flight experience to order meals and goods from personal phones and tablets.

We found standard-class roundtrip flights from Honolulu to Tokyo for $519 and San Jose, California to Tokyo for $697.

6. AirAsia X While Malaysian company AirAsia took the overall best low-cost airline award for 2024 , its longer-haul affiliate AirAsia X snagged the No. 6 spot in this long-haul category. With three Asian hubs in ​​Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Denpasar in Bali, the subsidiary serves 29 destinations in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, and one US destination, Hawaii (it was the first airline from Southeast Asia to receive Federal Aviation Administration approval to fly into the US). Booking is integrated into AirAsia’s greater network.

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We found roundtrip flights from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul for $214 to Kuala Lumpur to Osaka for $278.

7. LEVEL Barcelona-based LEVEL specializes in connecting the Spanish hub with the Americas, with direct flights to five US cities—San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, New York, and Miami—as well as Buenos Aires in Argentina and Santiago in Chile. Launched in 2017 by International Airlines Group (IAG), which also owns British Airways, Iberia, Vueling, and Aer Lingus, the brand is known for its simple and clean style and is one of the cheapest ways to get from the US to Spain.

We found $434 roundtrip flights from New York to Barcelona and $495 from San Francisco to Barcelona.

8. Cebu Pacific One of the longer running airlines to make the list, Philippines -based Cebu Pacific made its first flight from Manila to Cebu back in 1996, and has continued to serve destinations popular for Filipinos to travel, like Hong Kong and Dubai. The carrier has been switching to more eco-friendly Airbus A321neo and A330neo, and aims to run only neo aircraft by 2027. Not only did it welcome its 200 millionth passenger in 2022, it’s also been a leader in giving back, in particular to the UNICEF Change for Good program.

We found Cebu to Seoul flights starting at $66 and Manila to Dubai for $86 as part of Cebu Pacific's current seat sale .

9. French Bee Based in Paris’ Orly airport (ORY), French Bee has been offering its trademark à la carte flight experience since launching in 2016. With an all-Airbus fleet, the aircraft boast high ceilings, effective ambient lighting, and improved temperature control. French Bee flies from Paris to Punta Cana, Reunion Island, Tahiti, San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Bora Bora.

We found roundtrip flights from Los Angeles to Paris starting at $685 and Miami to Paris for $552.

10. Discover Airlines Lufthansa Group’s low-cost affiliate Discover operates out of Munich and its headquarters in Frankfurt. Running since 2021, the fleet of 27 aircraft is focused on leisure destinations in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. Some searches are integrated into the Lufthansa search engine.

Current flight deals include Frankfurt to Split, Croatia, from $159 and Frankfurt to Mauritius from $793.

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The 33 Best Road Trip Essentials in 2024 for Your Next Long Drive

You’ll never hit the road without these must-haves again.

dog with no spill water bowl in back carseat, foldable hanging car trash can

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In addition to our go-to essentials, we’ve included a few items you never knew you needed. From smart ways to keep everyone’s phones charged and compact travel backpacks to sanity-saving car organizers (that double as garbage cans), you’ll find something you soon won’t be able to live (well, drive) without — whether you’re going to be on the road for three hours or three weeks.

KMMOTORS Foldable Car Garbage Can

Foldable Car Garbage Can

Throw wrappers, food, tissues, and other garbage into this foldable hanging car trash can. Don’t worry about emptying the car and cleaning it when you arrive at your destination; instead, toss the full trash bags in the garbage at rest stops along the way. You’ll thank us later!

Uleeka Car Backseat Organizer

Car Backseat Organizer

No matter who you're traveling with, there are always a million loose items that get tossed around throughout the ride. These backseat organizers are lifesavers, especially if you're traveling with children. They can hold anything a passenger could need without having to rummage through bags or fight over what belongs to who.

Kingmas Reusable Grocery Bags

Reusable Grocery Bags

These reusable bags can hold up to 50 pounds each, but they fold down to about the size of a coin purse. They’re great to have on hand for the unexpected shopping pit stops that always seem to happen on long road trips. These can hold a lot of car snacks!

AO Coolers Original Soft Cooler

Original Soft Cooler

This durable soft cooler offers enough space for 24 cans of soda and 14 pounds of ice, while still being narrow enough to store on the floor mat behind your front seat. It keeps ice frozen for 24 hours, even in the summertime.

KIND Bars Savory Variety Pack

Bars Savory Variety Pack

Car snacks are key to having a nice time on the road. When you’re not in the mood for salty chips or gooey granola bars, this savory collection from Kind Bars will hit the spot. Along with flavors like rosemary, mesquite, and jalapeño, there’s a slight hint of sweetness.

ComfiLife Gel Seat Cushion

Gel Seat Cushion

Whether you’re going on a three-hour drive or a 16-hour one, arguably the hardest part is sitting for hours on end. This ComfiLife gel seat cushion is here to save your booty. Plus, when you’re not on the road, you’ll love it on your office chair.

Leashboss KibbleGo Dog Food Travel Bag

KibbleGo Dog Food Travel Bag

Skip the plastic grocery bag and check out this pet food storage bag. It can hold up to 10 pounds of kibble, keeps food fresh, and has a roomy front pocket for storing treats and medication. It even has a bungee for holding a bottle of water, and a poop bag dispenser, too.

Winoo Design Car Tissue Holders

Car Tissue Holders

Don’t add “futile digging for a tissue” to the list of possible stressors on your summer road trip. These adorable tissues fit perfectly in a car cup holder so you never have to worry about a snotty situation, and they're great for cleaning up quick messes, too.

TravelJohn Disposable Urinals (18-Pack)

Disposable Urinals (18-Pack)

If you’re not comfortable using a public restroom (or the nearest one is nowhere in sight), these disposable urinals will save you. An inner pouch absorbs your urine and turns it into an odorless, gel-like material, and they’re safe to put in the trash. The bags work for adults and children of any gender.

STDY Car Roadside Emergency Kit

Car Roadside Emergency Kit

This roadside emergency kit has everything you could need for a roadside emergency, including jumper cables, a tow rope, a safety hammer, a reflective warning triangle, a safety vest, a tire pressure gauge, safety gloves, a mechanical flashlight, tire repair tools, a utility knife, PVC tape, cable ties, and more.

First Aid Only All-Purpose First-Aid Kit

All-Purpose First-Aid Kit

The soft-sided case of this first-aid kit contains 299 medical essentials. Supplies include vinyl gloves, bandages, a cold compress, gauze pads, a trauma pad, cotton-tipped applicators, a first-aid tape roll, antiseptics, and all three common over-the-counter pain medications. The inner pockets are clear so you can find whatever you're looking for quickly.

Fyoung Car Headrest Mount

Car Headrest Mount

This headrest mount clasps to the arms underneath your vehicle's adjustable headrest. It keeps a Nintendo Switch secure and easily in view during those long road trips (and it doesn't block the charging port). The holder also works with most phones or small tablets and it fully rotates as needed.

Garmin DriveSmart 55 GPS Navigator

DriveSmart 55 GPS Navigator

In rural areas where coverage is spotty, your phone's GPS may not come through (plus it drains your battery and uses up your data). This Garmin has a split-screen that shows you which lane to be in when for your exit. It's easy to use, and receives map and traffic updates at no cost to you.

Scovvord Car Headrest Seat Hooks

Car Headrest Seat Hooks

Headrest hooks let you optimize space in the backseat. With everyone’s purses and backpacks hanging up, passengers get little extra legroom. Plus, the car stays tidy, because things won’t spill out when you hit a pothole or two.

Sunda 120W Car Charger Adapter

120W Car Charger Adapter

Keep everyone’s phones and tablets running with a car charger that plugs into any cigarette lighter. It has two USB ports, two USB-C ports, and it can fully charge most phones in as little as 30 minutes.

Lumē Acidified Deodorant Wipes

Acidified Deodorant Wipes

If you feel like freshening up — or if the roadside bathroom is out of toilet paper — these wipes will save the day. They have a light, fresh scent and are safe to use from head to toe.

BlueHills Travel Pillow + Blanket

Travel Pillow + Blanket

Passengers may find it hard to get comfortable enough to nap, especially if you’re in a seat that doesn’t recline. This soft pillow lets you rest your head and drift off to sleep, and it also has a secret: Unzip the pillow, and there’s a 70x48-inch blanket inside.

The Hate Stains Co. Emergency Stain Rescue Wipes

Emergency Stain Rescue Wipes

We're all guilty of dripping some ketchup on our shirts while eating in the car... or looking down to see dreaded coffee stains. Use these wipes, and you’ll arrive at your destination looking fine. The box has 25 individual stain removers, so everyone can have their own stash.

Lusso Gear Car Seat Gap Organizer

Car Seat Gap Organizer

Dropping your phone between the car seat and the console is the worst . This car seat gap organizer set not only prevents this from ever happening again (appreciate that), but it also lets you keep your essentials at your fingertips. Crisis averted!

Kurgo No-Spill Dog Travel Bowl

No-Spill Dog Travel Bowl

Traveling with a pet is fun, so make sure you have gear for them, too. This portable bowl can be used for food or water, and its tapered lip keeps any spills to a minimum. It's also dishwasher-safe, backed by a lifetime warranty, and comes in red or blue.

Headshot of Jessica Dukes

Jess is a Commerce Editor, covering best-selling products for Hearst Magazines. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and two kids.

Headshot of Brandon Carte

Brandon Carte has been covering technology at since 2017, where he's been writing about the latest gadgets, appliances, and scouring the internet for the products that make life easier. His reporting has been featured on , Good Housekeeping and USA Today. When he's not researching washing machines or testing robot vacuums, you can find him at concerts, swimming laps, or at the movies. He thinks smartphones are too big, prefers MP3s to Spotify, and misses his iPhone’s headphone jack.

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Instagram may be the best social app to get your flight issues fixed. Here's why.

best travel essentials for long flights

  • Instagram is an important tool for airlines and travelers these days.
  • Flyers looking for customer service help on social media are more likely to be successful on Instagram.
  • When a flight gets canceled or delayed for travelers, it’s often best to take the “throw everything at the wall” approach.

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By now, it’s a pretty well-known “hack” to reach out to an airline on social media if you’re experiencing a disruption to your trip.

Most U.S. carriers have a robust social media presence and use the messaging feature to help with customer service requests. It can be a good way to avoid long hold times on the phone or extended waits to connect with an agent through the airline’s own app.

According to data from Emplifi, a social media customer engagement platform, Instagram is an especially important tool for airlines and travelers these days.

Flyers looking for customer service help on social media are more likely to be successful on the ‘gram.

Representative please! You can still get airline customer service here | Cruising Altitude

Emplify’s data shows that 27% of customer questions get answered on Instagram, compared with 24% on X and 20% on Facebook.

Airlines also typically have the most positive interactions with their customers on Instagram. According to Emplify, Instagram interactions with airline brand accounts have been “overwhelmingly” positive for the past four years, while only 34% of comments were positive on Facebook and just 15% on X.

When a flight gets canceled or delayed for travelers, it’s often best to take the “throw everything at the wall” approach. Social media can be a great arrow in the quiver for getting customer service help, but it’s also a good idea to call or reach out on other platforms – or pursue in-person customer service. 

How long does a flight have to be delayed for compensation?

No U.S. airlines guarantee cash compensation for flight delays, but JetBlue and Southwest both offer travel credits if a flight is delayed for more than three hours for reasons within their control. Those controllable reasons usually include things like mechanical or staffing problems but not weather or air traffic control disruptions.

The Department of Transportation has a dashboard that lists the commitments all airlines have made for controllable delays, including rebooking assistance and hotel or meal vouchers.

American Airlines social media accounts

  • X (formerly Twitter)

Delta Air Lines social media accounts

United airlines social media accounts, southwest airlines social media accounts.

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

Flight Attendants Say These 25 Things Make Travel More Comfortable

A pair of tall compression socks, a Kindle and an electronic accessories organizer.

Popular items from this list include:

• An ergonomic travel neck pillow that supports the neck to prevent strains and aches

• A 2-pocket luggage drink caddy that slides over the telescoping handle of your suitcase

• A portable door lock that you can attach to any hotel or Airbnb door for added security

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Most useful travel products on Amazon under $50

N ow that Memorial Day has passed and your summer travel plans are coming together, it's time to consider all the gear and goods you'll need to pack to make your summer travel easy and fun. 

We're not just talking about shirts and swimsuits for when you reach your destination. You'll also need gear for the traveling part -- think eye masks, phone adapters and holders, ear plugs and cleaning supplies 

All that new gear can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. To save you some cash, we've taken a trip through the virtual aisles of Amazon, searching for affordable travel necessities you'll need this summer but don't need to splurge on. You'll have extra room on your summer travel budget thanks to these travel products you can find on Amazon for under $50.

Useful necessities to upgrade your travel experience don't have to break the bank. We found reviewer-loved travel essentials that will seriously enhance your summer trip. 

  • The best rolling bag under $50 : Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag
  • Best accessory for in-flight entertainment: Avantree Relay Bluetooth adapter
  • Best packing organizers : Veken packing cubes
  • Best phone charger set for travel : Portable charger with built-in cables
  • The best mask for flying : Lightimetunnel Sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones
  • Best packing solution for shoes : JJ Power travel shoe bags
  • Best rain gear for light rain : Hood to Go portable hood travel accessory
  • Best travel beauty hack : Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes
  • The most useful in-flight phone mount : Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount
  • Best earplugs when flying red-eye : EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs

The best rolling bag under $50: Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag

Constructed with high-quality nylon, the Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag is built to withstand the rigors of frequent travel. Its lightweight design makes it easy to maneuver, while the heavy-duty blade wheel system ensures smooth rolling on any surface. The spacious main compartment provides ample room for packing and multiple additional zippered pockets offer convenient organization for smaller items. You can use it like a rolling suitcase or hold it like a duffel bag. The check-in suitcase size makes it ideal for longer trips or those who need extra storage capacity.

This 30-inch piece of luggage is available in black, charcoal gray, tannin and navy blue colors. Rated 4.3 stars.

The Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag is available at Amazon for $45.

Best accessory for in-flight entertainment: Avantree Relay airplane Bluetooth adapter

This device lets you enjoy movies in-flight with your own headphones or earbuds, thanks to its included dual adapter that fits any plane's audio jack. It works with any aux audio device and connects to Bluetooth headphones. Its impressive 20-hour battery life keeps you powered up, and you can use it while it charges.

The best part is that you can easily connect up to two devices, so you and your travel partner can watch shows and movies together in flight.

This Amazon pick has a 4.5-star rating from over 1,300 reviews. The Avantree Relay airplane adapter is available on Amazon for $40.

Best packing organizers: Veken packing cubes

After your first trip using packing cubes, you'll wonder how you traveled the world without them. This set includes a laundry bag and toiletry case, three packing cubes, an accessories bag, a shoe bag and an underwear bag. 

Each bag is made from durable thick fabric featuring sturdy two-way zippers. Each bag features transparent, breathable mesh panels that keep clothing fresh and visible. 

Packing cubes will spare you a suitcase full of wrinkled clothing while keeping your shoes and dirty clothing separate from all those clean outfits you have yet to wear.

This packing cube set is $25 at Amazon.

Best phone charger set for travel: Portable charger with built-in cables

This slim high-speed phone charger features four built-in charging cables for almost all types of devices, including iPhones , iPad tablets and Samsung phones . This charger has six outputs and three inputs, meaning you can charge up to six devices at the same time.

A travel necessity, this portable charger saves you the inevitable cable wad and lost chargers that seem to accompany one's family trip without fail.

This portable charger is $20 (reduced from $40). 

The best mask for flying: Lightimetunnel Sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones

You need this wireless music sleep headphones eye mask if you struggle to sleep in planes, trains, cars and beds that aren't your own. With a 3D ergonomic design and 100% light blocking, the mask is perfect for problem sleepers -- or if you just don't want to be disturbed on a flight. The machine-washable eye mask has an ultra-soft, breathable feel. Plus, the battery lasts over 10 hours for a full and peaceful night's sleep. 

The Lightimetunnel sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones are $23 at Amazon.

Best packing solution for shoes: JJ Power travel shoe bags

Don't want your dirty shoes to touch the clean clothes in your suitcase? We have a solution: these durable and functional travel shoe bags. Made with waterproof nylon, double stitching and two-way zippers, they're built to last. They offer ample space for your shoes, with an extra slot for slippers. Not just for travel, these versatile bags can be used for packing, organizing and even as laundry pouches.

These shoe bags are a must-have for any adventurer. Rated 4.6 stars.

JJ Power 2-pack travel shoe bags are available at Amazon for $10.

Best rain gear for light rain: Hood to Go portable hood travel accessory

Imagine this: you're at an amusement park or on a hike, enjoying your surroundings. Then, low and behold, a downpour occurs. What can you do? Well, this hood attaches to any jacket, or you can wear it on its own. It's a lot easier to handle than trying to open a cheap plastic poncho while it's raining.

There's a drawstring that you can adjust to protect you on windy days, and the hood is made from 100 percent water-resistant microfiber that can protect your hairstyle. Rated 4 stars on Amazon.

Hood to Go portable hood travel accessor is $29 at Amazon.

Best travel beauty hack: Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes

Did you know that travel can be rough on your skin? The air on the plane is drying, and the sweat and grime from being in close quarters can add up.

Washing your face with a travel-friendly face wipe can make you feel refreshed. Take off your makeup before you sleep on a flight, rejuvenate your skin in a gas station bathroom or cleanse your face right before you deplane. The ultra-soft, single-serving towelettes are made of plant-based compostable material. They'll make it through the TSA checkpoint and won't take up much space in your travel bag.

Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes are $7 at Amazon, reduced from $9.

The most useful in-flight phone mount: Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount

Not all airlines offer an in-seat TV these days -- travelers are increasingly expected to use their phones or tablets for in-flight entertainment. Luckily, the Perilogics universal in-flight phone mount is a versatile and practical accessory loved by over 500,000 travel enthusiasts on Amazon.

With a strong clamp, it securely attaches your phone to airline tables, luggage handles or gym equipment. Its dual joints and 360-degree rotation provide the perfect viewing angle. Compatible with various phone sizes.

Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount is $14 at Amazon. 

Best earplugs when flying red-eye: EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs

Do you struggle with ear discomfort on planes? These amazing earplugs are tested by U.S. Navy pilots and approved by flight attendants. They provide relief from air pressure discomfort, making your journey much more comfortable. Additionally, EarPlanes earplugs help reduce noise for a more peaceful travel experience.

This three-pack of EarPlanes earplugs for adults is available at Amazon for $19, reduced from $23.

Kids may struggle with ear pressure on planes even more than adults do. Pick up the children's version for all your littlest travelers.

EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs for kids are $19 at Amazon.


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I Love Long Flights (Even in Coach!) — These 15 Amazon Products Are My Secrets to Staying Comfortable

They start at just $7.

Travel + Leisure / Reese Herrington

I have a rare gift that’s made my job as a travel writer much more manageable: I love long flights, even in coach. Perhaps it’s an affinity I picked up as a kid while traveling back and forth from Europe (where I grew up) to the U.S. (where my parents are from). But to me, there’s nothing cozier than curling up in a window seat with a movie or a book, putting my phone on airplane mode, and ignoring the real world for a little bit as I float above the clouds.

For me, flying is almost always positive, since it means I’m about to embark on a trip and discover something new, or I’m heading home to reunite with my dog and my husband. Of course, there are times when travel delays and turbulence can make flying seem like torture, but as long as I have these 15 travel essentials , I know I’ll be comfortable. Best of all, you can order them from Amazon for as little as $7.

Travelrest Travel Pillow

I don’t like to waste any space with a big cushion, so I love this inflatable travel pillow from Travelrest. I tend to get a few strange looks as I’m inflating the golf club-shaped pillow and using the strap to secure it to my body, but after my seatmates see me sleeping for a full eight hours on an overnight flight, they usually ask me where they can get one for themselves. There’s a washable plush cover, and the pillow rolls into a tight cylinder smaller than a can of soda.

Sony Noise-Canceling Headphones

Courtesy of Amazon

If you’re going to watch a full-length movie on the plane, you can’t be using the free headphones they give away, or else your ears will be in pain for the rest of the journey. A good pair of headphones is essential for a long flight, and I’ve never regretted investing in this pair of noise-canceling headphones from Sony. The well-cushioned headphones are comfortable enough to wear for the whole 30-hour battery life, plus the packable design makes traveling with them a breeze.

Apple AirPods

I’m so averse to the free headphones on planes that I always like to have a backup pair of headphones that I can use with my phone to listen to music or a podcast, or watch something I’ve downloaded onto my phone just in case the video screen is broken. Apple’s AirPods come in regular and noise-canceling varieties (and can even be synced to work with a video screen with this nifty wireless transmitter ). You can even get them on sale right now at Amazon.

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

The real trick to sleeping on a plane is not having to stay awake for food and drink service. On a long flight, I always like to bring a few snacks on board, but the most important thing is water. Hydro Flask’s 32-ounce Trail Series Water Bottle is a lightweight version of their vacuum-insulated water bottle that can keep water cold for up to 24 hours.

Compression Socks

I’m not exactly sure how compression socks work, but my doctor recommended them to prevent blood clots and increase circulation on long flights. Though I find them to be uncomfortable when my legs are curled up on a foot hammock, there is something a bit soothing about the tight fit, and they’ve become part of my go-to travel uniform because I’m terrified of having a medical emergency ruin my vacation. I like that this unisex knee-high pair is made of breathable nylon fabric, a cushioned heel and toe, and 15 to 20 mmhg of compression to keep me comfortable and pain-free on long flights. 

One Amazon customer who bought these for their international flight before a marathon said, “Not only were they warm and comfortable, they provided great support for the seven-hour flight,” and continued to say, “After the race, my legs felt great, and I was able to walk the city all day afterward!”

Foot Hammock

I sleep best on planes when I’m curled with my feet up and my head to the side. Some planes have built-in footrests and sometimes you can use your under-seat carry-on as a footrest, but I like to take no chances and bring my own. Trust me, if you haven’t yet discovered the joy of flying with a foot hammock, you need to get one. There are various styles of foot hammocks on the market, but this version by Everlasting Comfort has separate compartments for each foot for, well, everlasting comfort. 

It looks like other travelers agree, too. One who said “ this thing works ” after using the foot hammock on their 21-hour flight shared, “[It] was a great relief to have my legs elevated in a very comfortable position.”

Silk Eye Mask

An essential step in hoping to get any sleep on a long flight is blocking out any and all light. I’ve found that on overnight flights, they’ll turn the cabin lights on and raise the window shades about an hour before landing in order to serve breakfast, but I’d rather sleep through it. I use a silk eye mask because I’ve heard silk pillowcases are good for your skin, though I do tend to arrive looking half-dead, so I’m not sure that’s true. In any case, this 100 percent silk eye mask does the trick, and it’s machine washable, too.

Mack’s Earplugs

Blocking out sounds is helpful in sleeping on a long flight. Though the plane cabin tends to be quiet on an overnight flight, you never know what excuse the pilot or flight attendants are going to come up with to ramble on the PA — plus, those fasten seatbelt dings are loud enough to wake you if you’re a light sleeper. The best earplugs I’ve tried have been these simple ones from Mack’s that come in an embarrassing shade of pink to signify they’re “for ladies,” but they’ve got more than 9,100 five-star ratings to prove they’re worth sporting the neon. 

Antibacterial Wipes

Gone are the days of flight attendants handing out sanitizing wipes as you board. And while planes are cleaned in between flights, it’s still nice to know that your tray table, armrest, and video screen are germ-free (and while you’re at it, you can give your phone a nice wipe-down, too). I’ve tried traveling with a big pack of wipes, but I’ve found that they dry out too quickly. These tiny individual wipes from Purell are great and compact enough to fit in my wallet. 

Weleda Moisturizing Balm

The air on planes can quickly dry out my skin, so I always travel with a rich moisturizing hand cream that I can use on my face if I need to. Weleda’s Skin Food is nice and thick, made with beeswax and botanical oils that smell amazing. If there’s a particularly bad smell happening on the plane (during refueling, for instance) I like to have a little aromatherapy moment by putting the cream on my hands and then holding my hands up to my face and inhaling deeply. (Yes, it’s embarrassing.) Plus, the 2.5-ounce size is perfect for your carry-on bag. 

Olio E Osso Lip Balm

Chapped lips are my nemesis, and when I’m flying I’m always on the defense. Though they’re pricey, I love the Olio e Osso lip balms because they can double as a little cheek tint in case you need to arrive somewhere looking cute. One fellow traveler at Amazon who thinks the two-in-one pack is especially travel-friendly said, “I love this balm! [It’s] very hydrating but it feels so light, and the color is naturally sheer and buildable.”

Dr. Plotka Travel Toothbrush

It’s always nice to brush your teeth before bed and once you wake up, and on a long flight, that can mean twice. I almost always travel with a folding toothbrush in my purse, along with a small tube of toothpaste. The travel toothbrush from Dr. Plotka is naturally anti-microbial and feels like a real toothbrush with flossing bristles. 

Cashmere Travel Blanket

I always make use of the blanket and pillow provided by the airline, but sometimes I just need that extra layer of warmth. My go-to is an ancient wool pashmina I picked up on my travels, but I’m also a fan of White & Warren’s ultra-luxe 100 percent cashmere wraps that come in lovely neutral shades. 

Over at Amazon, I couldn’t have put it better than this fellow traveler , who said, “It's warm, soft, and totally luxurious,” continuing, “In fact, I'm making a special bag for it so that there's no chance it could ever be snagged on anything whilst in my carry-on luggage. Because it's never going in my checked baggage.”

If you're looking to stay within a budget, this top-rated $80 cashmere throw is cozy and compact, making it perfect for slipping inside your personal item before heading to the airport for your flight. And if you want an item that can pull double-duty, this $25 travel blanket and pillow set ensures you are comfortable enough to sleep on flights and trains so you wake up at your destination well-rested.

A Good Book

Out of everything on this list, this is probably the only item I’ve never flown without, even as a kid. I’m not a Kindle person, so I’m usually lugging at least two books (and sometimes more like five or six) in my carry-on. One of my recent favorites is Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor, a thrilling and epic adventure through the five-star hotels and dangerous underworld of New Delhi. If the 500+-page hardcover is a bridge too far for you, a slim paperback of short stories like Lily King’s Five Tuesdays in Winter should do the trick. 

Crossword Puzzles

When I’m not in the mood for a movie or a book, I like to put on music and break out a crossword puzzle. The only ones I truly enjoy are The New York Times Sunday puzzles (I love a good rebus,) so I buy them in bulk and tear out a few pages to stick in my notebook when I travel. According to this Amazon customer, they’re just as they should be: “ difficult but solvable .”

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best travel essentials for long flights

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Travelling for the Canada Day long weekend? This $16 airplane footrest is a 'godsend' for overnight flights

Save money on business class with this wallet-friendly travel hack..

While joy is often said to be found in the journey, not the destination, we don't think that applies to airline travel — especially during busy times like the Canada Day long weekend. For many, airplane travel, especially long-haul flights, is something to endure rather than enjoy, especially if you're flying economy. However, a group of savvy Amazon shoppers may have come across a new life hack to make overnight travel bearable this summer — a $16 floating footrest .

Airplane Footrest

This portable travel footrest has an adjustable strap to suit your height.

How it works

This airplane footrest is one of those products that makes you wonder, "Why hasn't this been done before?"

To use, simply hook its straps to the bracket of your open or closed tray table and put your feet in it until they're stretched out and slightly suspended.

The footrest is small enough that it won't weigh down your carry-on bag and can be used anywhere you need a little leg room, including a train, bus or plane.

If you're worried about durability, don't be. The sturdy airplane footrest has a lock to reinforce the strap and can be adjusted to fit your height.

The reviews are in

1,300 reviews

4-star rating

"Airplane game changer"

"I cannot travel without this little thing since I’ve tried it."

The versatile footrest has been dubbed a "lifesaver" by shoppers and earned praise for sturdiness, comfort and ease of use.

It's a "lifesaver for long-haul flights," according to one reviewer. The shopper, who's 5'8" and flew a 15-hour flight between Toronto and the UAE, writes it made their middle-seat economy experience "tolerable."

The elevation "helps to take pressure off" your back, legs and lower back, they say.

Amazon shoppers swear by this $16 airplane footrest for long-haul and overnight flights.

It works "wonderfully" for restless legs, lauds another shopper. Adding, it's "well made" and "sturdy."

The footrest is a "godsend," raves a third shopper. "I [no longer] get restless legs on flights," they say. It's "small and light" to tuck into your carry-on, and it doesn't "bother the passenger in front of you." All in all, it was "life-changing for me."

Despite its four-star rating, some reviewers found the footrest "uncomfortable" as it "pushes your feet against each other." You'll also want to double-check with your airline before using this footrest, as it may not be compatible with all planes.

Do you need it?

Before you head out on your next long-haul flight, Amazon shoppers recommend checking out this "life-changing" airplane footrest.

Praised by shoppers who experience restless leg syndrome, the budget-friendly device is a "godsend" for uncomfortable flights. However, some reviewers say the device caused more discomfort than relief, which is something to keep in mind when placing your order.

Best travel essentials on Amazon Canada

Tru earth compact dry laundry detergent sheets, scotch-brite mini travel lint roller, gum antibacterial toothbrush covers, tide to go instant stain remover, 1 count pack, downy wrinkle release wrinkle releaser spray travel-sized, superbee dentos toothpaste 100 tablets, motion sickness patches, myhalos 100% blackout sleeping mask, graduated compression socks, melatonin 5 mg extra strength - chocolate mint flavour, travel folding hair brush & comb, alpine flyfit - earplugs for pressure relief.

The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.

Let us know what you think by commenting below and tweeting @ YahooStyleCA ! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram .

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The best time to book flights for the cheapest airfare in 2024

Clint Henderson

Editor's Note

  • The best days to fly for the cheapest domestic and international fares are midweek.
  • Aim to book domestic flights one to two months ahead of time. 
  • For international flights, plan on booking three to five months ahead of the trip.

At TPG, one of our key goals is to help you find the cheapest airfare . However, your ability to find valuable airline deals depends on a few factors.

Flights during the peak of summer and, of course, the holidays are often much more expensive. Still, there are ways to hedge your bets and get better deals than others. That said, some of the common tips people tout are flat-out false.

Have you ever heard that booking a flight on a certain day of the week will yield the cheapest results? Perhaps you're thinking of a cousin who claims he found a great deal when he checked on airfare prices at 12:01 a.m. on a Wednesday. Maybe your friend swears by setting a reminder on their phone for 1 p.m. on a Thursday when shopping for flights.

There's just no truth to that legend.

While there is no shortage of rumors (and "studies"), here's what airfare experts say about how timing influences airfare prices so you can maximize airfare savings.

Is there a day that's cheaper than others to book a flight?

best travel essentials for long flights

It's a question we get asked all the time: "What is the cheapest day to book a flight?" There's a common misperception that certain days are better for finding flight deals. However, research shows that this is a myth.

There is no magic day to book, but there are some sweet booking windows when airlines lower prices, according to Lindsay Schwimer, a consumer travel expert at the booking app Hopper .

Hopper relies on 10 years of data and 80 trillion flight prices to recommend the best time to book specific routes and dates.

"Typically, we tell travelers for domestic trips to start monitoring prices three to four months in advance of a trip," Schwimer said. "Expect to book one to two months in advance."

For international trips, the booking window is a bit larger. You should start monitoring six to seven months prior to the trip and book it three to five months in advance. That's the recommendation from both Hopper and TPG.

"When you're traveling internationally, planning ahead is key to getting the cheapest airfare," Hayley Berg, Hopper's lead economist, said in another interview. "Travelers often book international flights too far in advance or too last minute, overpaying significantly for their tickets."

Remember that the strategy changes pretty dramatically if you book with points and miles . Airlines often open award space for coveted business- and first-class seats either when the schedules open or at the last minute.

As for whether there's a particular day that's cheaper than the rest for booking, Schwimer mentioned that "there's no one day or golden rule when to book."

Berg echoed this sentiment.

"There's a common myth that 'booking on a Tuesday' will guarantee a traveler the best price," she said. "The reality is prices change so often and depend on the route, the travel dates, etc., that there isn't one day that guarantees you the best price."

What's the best day to travel?

best travel essentials for long flights

Although airfare prices fluctuate based on when you book, midweek travel is generally cheaper than flying on weekends. That said, Sundays can also be a sweet spot.

"Flying midweek can save you nearly $100 off your ticket," Schwimer said. "So when you're thinking about when you want to travel, try shifting your dates midweek versus flying over the weekend. If you can be flexible and book either a Tuesday or Wednesday versus a Friday or Saturday, you're gonna save significantly off your trip."

Berg had similar thoughts.

"Travelers who fly midweek, usually Wednesday, can save an average of $56 per ticket on domestic airfare throughout the year," she said. "Midweek savings spike over $60 per ticket during busy spring break and summer vacation months, while flying midweek over the holidays can save you $100 or more."

Schwimer also had some good advice to price the first flight of the day. Often, you'll find those early departures can save you some big bucks. It's not easy to set the alarm for 4 a.m., but it's easier to wake up when you know you're saving money.

"We always recommend booking the first flight of the day, not only to avoid delays and cancellations but also in terms of price," she said.

Additionally, according to Bob Harrell — an airfare consultant at Harrell Associates who analyzes airline pricing — you might also find airfare prices fluctuate Monday through Friday. That's because airlines look at customer demand and monitor booking trends to decide whether to open or close certain types of fares and whether to raise or lower existing fares.

So, how can you use this information to your advantage when buying airline tickets?

Try using a price monitoring tool to get real-time updates to help you decide when to travel for the lowest fare. Tools like Google Flights and Hopper's "Watch This Trip" can help you track the price of your desired route before booking; they will indicate or directly notify you when prices are at the lowest for your trip.

When to book holiday travel

Best time to book flights for summer trips.

best travel essentials for long flights

It's not too late to look for deals for summer travel.

Berg said that prices tend to drop on average one to two months before departure, but lately, we are seeing a lot of last-minute travel deals — even to Europe.

"Prices will change frequently," Berg said. "Don't wait too long to book, as prices can increase by almost double in the last three weeks ahead of takeoff."

If you are already looking ahead to next summer, Hopper recommends monitoring flight prices at least three to four months in advance and then booking one to two months before the intended travel date.

If you plan to head abroad next summer, the booking window is naturally further out, particularly for longer-haul transpacific flights.

"For trips to Asia and Oceania, we recommend booking five to seven months before takeoff," Berg said. "For Europe and other regions of the world, we recommend booking anywhere from three to six months before departure to get the best prices."

Best time to book flights for spring break

best travel essentials for long flights

The best time to book your spring break trip is similar to the timeline for summer trips. You should begin monitoring prices for your desired destination three to four months in advance, depending on when your (and your family's) time off falls. Set Google Flights alerts now for upcoming trips you have in mind.

For example, if your spring break falls in March, the ideal time to book is before early February. Flexibility will also help here.

Remember that demand surges during the spring break period after the doldrums of winter. Many people wait too long to book those trips and end up paying more than they need to.

Hopper says airfare prices will fall between one and three months before departure and rise rapidly in the last three to four weeks before spring break.

Best time to book flights for Thanksgiving and Christmas

best travel essentials for long flights

The cheapest holiday airfare deals are generally available in September and October.

"We tell people to start monitoring in August," Schwimer said, "but our typical book-by date is mid-October, so usually around the 14th of October." She added that "no later than Halloween is usually our book-by date for both Thanksgiving and Christmas."

Similarly, a Google Flights booking trends report suggested that average flight prices around Christmas were lowest 71 days before departure.

Prices will only rise as the holidays approach, so your best bet is to book sooner rather than later.

Best time to book flights for New Year's Eve

best travel essentials for long flights

Like Christmas flights, Hopper says you should try to lock in bookings for New Year's by Halloween at the latest.

That is true for "really any of the major winter holidays," Berg said. "We recommend booking further in advance. I would book that New Year's Eve trip as well before Halloween."

What about hotels?

best travel essentials for long flights

Hotels are a special category where you can often wait until much later to score good deals.

"We often see good deals last minute for hotels in big cities. Something to keep in mind ... especially for those holiday weekends," Schwimer told TPG. "And you know that [during] the Christmas holiday period, you can often find some really great last-minute deals in big cities if you wait.

"Obviously, that's not always ideal in terms of planning," Schwimer continued, "but we have seen some really great deals in that last-minute window in big metro cities."

Bottom line

best travel essentials for long flights

While there is no magical time or day to book airfare for the best prices, your best bet is to fly midweek, specifically on Wednesdays, for both domestic and international travel. Flying over the weekend can come at a significant price premium, though Sundays have occasional deals.

Also, try booking domestic flights one to two months ahead of time.

For international flights, your best bet is to aim to book three to five months ahead of the trip.

If you are using airline miles , remember that it's never too soon to start checking and booking.

Related reading:

  • Best airline credit cards
  • 6 real-life strategies you can use when your flight is canceled or delayed
  • The best credit cards for booking flights
  • The best credit cards to reach elite status
  • What are points and miles worth? TPG's monthly valuations


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    Going Premium Membership. This " pre -long-flight" essential is really an airfare watchdog service that keeps an eye on your preferred airports and alerts you when prices drop. Subscribers ...

  10. 27 Long Haul Flight Essentials and a Flight Checklist for You

    1) What you NEED during the flight and at the airport. This includes things like medication, water and snacks. 2) What the airline MAKES you pack in your carry on vs checked. Hello camera gear, laptops and other electronics. 3) What would spoil your trip if the airline lost your checked luggage.

  11. 45 Long Flight Essentials to Pack in Your Carry-On

    Carry On Bags + Pouches. 1. Backpack. The right carry-on bag is essential for any long-haul flight. It has to fit everything you need, and also be comfortable and easy to carry. This stylish travel backpack is an ideal carry-on bag. A backpack is the best option for a long travel day.

  12. 25 Long Flight Essentials: What to Bring On Extended Trips

    Top 25 Carry On Essentials for Long Flights. Long flights can be utterly tiring and uncomfortable. But these top airplane travel essentials will help you survive the long haul in comfort. #1 Carry-on Luggage Chester's Minima Carry-on Suitcase. You're going to need carry-on luggage to hold all your airplane essentials. However, some bags can ...

  13. I4 Travel Essentials for Long-haul Flights

    Travelrest 4-in-1 Travel Blanket. Amazon. $40 at Amazon. I've suffered on way too many freezing flights to ever leave home without a travel blanket. This option from Travelrest can be worn as a ...

  14. 12 Long-Flight Essentials for Travel 2024, Tested & Reviewed

    An eye mask is key, but for peak slumber, opt for a weighted eye mask. Delta flight attendant Andrea Davis says, "The weighted beads inside the eye mask can help you calm the mind and fall ...

  15. 25 Long Haul Flight Essentials

    25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips. As full-time travelers for more than 3.5 years, we have experienced more than our share of long flights-and as a result, we've developed an extensive list of long haul flight essentials and long flight tips in order to keep our travel days running as smoothly as possible.

  16. 17 Long Flight Essentials That Every Traveler Needs in their Carry On

    Sleep Mask. Not all flights are red eyes and not everyone will pull their screens down, so and an eye mask is a must have for long haul flights. You will be very thankful you can blackout your surroundings when you need it. Silk Sleep Mask. Cotton Sleep Mask. 5. EarPlugs. Nothing is worst than a super loud flight.

  17. 20 Travel Essentials for Long Flights

    Travel Essentials for Long Flights: Tech Pack Travel Organization. This is a game-changer for cords, chargers, and adapters. Everything is in one spot, which makes it easy to pack. I highly recommend getting extra chargers for your watch, phone, and other electronic devices and keeping these just for travel.

  18. The 26 best long flight essentials of 2024

    Patchology On the Fly Multi-Tasking Travel Skincare Kit, $14. Ulta Beauty. If you're embarking on an overnight flight, the Patchology On the Fly Multi-Tasking Travel Skincare Kit is one of the ...

  19. The Ultimate Guide to Airplane Amenity Kits: Fly in Style and Comfort

    Airplane amenity kits can significantly enhance your in-flight experience, especially on long-haul flights. From luxury brand collaborations to eco-friendly initiatives, airlines are continuously ...

  20. 6 Items That Have Made Me a More Efficient Traveler

    Since 2016, I've been on a travel binge: I've been to 25 countries, 5 continents, taken hundreds of flights, and even lived out of my backpack for a short stint in 2019 as a digital nomad. I've experimented with many different travel essentials, and these are the ones I can't travel without.

  21. The 10 Best Budget Carriers for Long-Haul Flights

    The top 10 budget international airlines in 2024. 1. Scoot Scoot is the low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines—which earned the No. 2 spot in the overall world's top airlines category. The ...

  22. The 33 Best Road Trip Essentials in 2024 for a Long Drive

    44 Long-Flight Essentials to Elevate Your Trip. Nuna vs. UppaBaby Strollers. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Best Sunscreens of 2024. 28 Spring Break Essentials for Easier Vacationing. The Best Travel Backpacks for 2024. 25 Things to Pack for a Cruise Like a Pro. 30 Must-Have Camping Gifts. Cute Kids' Luggage for Your Next Vacation.

  23. This is the best social platform to resolve issues with your airline

    When a flight gets canceled or delayed for travelers, it's often best to take the "throw everything at the wall" approach. Get more news like this delivered to your inbox by signing up for ...

  24. The Items Flight Attendants Recommend For Comfortable Travel

    Promising review: "This is the best travel pillow ever. As a flight attendant, I travel all the time. This makes getting stuck in a middle seat palatable. I've used this in cars, planes, trains, etc; it's great. In fact my sister was so jealous on our last trip to Italy that she kept trying to steal it off me. Ordered her one for Christmas."

  25. Most useful travel products on Amazon under $50

    The best rolling bag under $50: Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag; Best accessory for in-flight entertainment: Avantree Relay Bluetooth adapter Best packing organizers: Veken packing cubes; Best ...

  26. 15 Amazon Travel Essentials for Long Flights

    Dr. Plotka Travel Toothbrush. Amazon. $7 at Amazon. It's always nice to brush your teeth before bed and once you wake up, and on a long flight, that can mean twice. I almost always travel with a ...

  27. Travelling for the Canada Day long weekend? This $16 airplane footrest

    For many, airplane travel, especially long-haul flights, is something to endure rather than enjoy, especially if you're flying economy. ... Best travel essentials on Amazon Canada. Tru Earth Compact Dry Laundry Detergent Sheets. $13 at Amazon. Scotch-Brite Mini Travel Lint Roller.

  28. The best time to book flights for the cheapest airfare in 2024

    While there is no magical time or day to book airfare for the best prices, your best bet is to fly midweek, specifically on Wednesdays, for both domestic and international travel. Flying over the weekend can come at a significant price premium, though Sundays have occasional deals. Also, try booking domestic flights one to two months ahead of time.

  29. Likino-Dulyovo, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    Likino-Dulyovo Tourism: Tripadvisor has 61 reviews of Likino-Dulyovo Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Likino-Dulyovo resource.

  30. Plan Your Trip to Elektrostal: Best of Elektrostal Tourism

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.