Complete Overview of the 5 Sectors in the Tourism Industry

Marc Truyols

Overview of the sectors in tourism

The interplay of sectors in tourism, impact of each sector on the tourism industry, challenges and opportunities in each sector.

The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic landscapes . That’s primarily because it consists of several unique sectors. Each one of these sectors goes through comprehensive changes and is subject to many factors. 

Tourism Industry dynamic landscape

Nevertheless, understanding these sectors is quite essential! Why? Because it can help you make informed business decisions, identify valuable growth opportunities, future-proof your travel brand, and, ultimately, set it up for success.

Below you can find an in-depth analysis of the different sectors in tourism, how they affect each other, and the industry as a whole. Finally, you will discover unique challenges and opportunities for each sector.

The tourism vertical is quite extensive. It consists of six sectors, making it one of the most diverse industries. These sectors are transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, travel agencies, and attractions. Let’s take a closer look at the sectors, their sizes, and their economic impact.

Transportation in Tourism

Transportation in tourism is a big sector. It encompasses a wide range of forms of travel and enables tourists to reach their destinations safely and efficiently. The sub-sectors include air travel, land transportation, and maritime travel. 

Transportation in Tourism

When it comes to inbound tourism, air travel comprises the largest share, 57% . Travelers trying to reach faraway destinations often choose from various travel options. One can actually gauge the momentum of the tourism sector recuperation after the COVID-19 pandemic by looking at air transportation trends. The latest report states that total air traffic is up by 52% compared to 2022 . 

Land transportation for tourists has been increasing in recent years. A recent study reveals that car transportation makes up 77% of all journeys . The reasons that explain this trend are flexibility, price, and independence. 

Maritime travel or cruise tourism is also experiencing steady growth. This subsector is estimated to continue to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2022 to 2031 .

Transportation is one of the pillars of the tourism industry, and as such, it has a tremendous economic impact on the vertical – its efficient functioning is critical for not only attracting tourists to destinations but also enabling them to reach their desired locations . It allows companies to generate revenue through ticket sales. However, by enabling tourists to reach their destinations, it also drives economic activity in hospitality.

Accommodation in Tourism

All the lodging options tourists can choose from comprise the accommodation subsector of the tourism industry. It includes hotels, resorts, hostels, vacation rentals, Airbnb, and more.  

Accommodation in Tourism

The hotel occupancy rates metric is the best one to keep track of the developments in this subsector simply because there are almost 750,000 hotels and resorts worldwide . In April 2022, hotel occupancy rates were highest in the Americas, reaching 64% . Europe was in second place with the hotel occupancy rates at 63%, followed by the Middle East and Africa at 49% and the Asia Pacific at 48%. 

When it comes to the economic impact, the best metric to track is revenue per available room or RevPAR. The RevPar reached $93.27 in 2022, an 8.1% increase compared to 2019 . The average daily rate is up by 13.6%, which makes $148.83 for the same period. Occupancy rates are still not at the pre-pandemic level, but with only a 4.9% difference, they are getting there. 

The revenue this sector generates has a tremendous impact. The money is used toward creating new jobs, developing infrastructure, and boosting local economies. Local communities and governments also benefit from the taxes and fees collected from accommodation providers. 

Food and Beverage in Tourism

The food and beverage tourism sector is quite diverse and doesn’t just include restaurants and cafes. It also encompasses various dining establishments where tourists can experience local culinary traditions and cuisine.

Food and Beverage in Tourism

According to the National Restaurant Association research, the sales in the fine dining segment to travelers and visitors went down by 41% . However, total restaurant industry sales are projected to reach $.1.2 trillion by 2030 , and traveler purchases will significantly contribute to this positive development. The food tourism market is projected to reach $1,796.5 billion by 2027 in size, which is a 16.8% growth given that its size in 2022 is $1,116.7 billion. 

One of the most extensive studies done recently encompassed the data from over 50,000 travelers to conclude that 64% of travelers base their traveling decisions on the food and drink options available at their destination. 

There are two sides to the economic impact of food and beverage in tourism. First, it helps generate more direct revenue, and second, it fosters culinary entrepreneurship and can significantly boost agricultural and food production sectors. It can also help create more job opportunities.

Travel Agencies and Tour Operators 

Travel agencies are travel brands that specialize as intermediaries. They provide tourists with access to accommodation and other tourism options. Travel agencies can also offer various services, such as tour packages, accommodation reservations, and transportation booking . 

Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

Online travel agencies or OTAs are currently dominating this space. In 2022, the online global travel market size reached $475 billion and is projected to reach over one trillion US dollars by 2030. OTAs, including the most significant players such as,, and Expedia, captured over 40% of the total market . 

While travel agencies continue to generate revenue, it’s important to note that global travel agency revenue is growing at a CAGR of 2.5% . 

Travel agencies, both offline and online, are vital parts of the entire travel ecosystem. They both contribute to the whole sector and facilitate tourism overall. Travel agencies stimulate economic activity through other sectors as they are responsible for actually funneling tourists to destinations. They also help create new jobs, improve travel satisfaction, and ensure repeat business.

Tour Operator

Tour operators, the companies that create packages for travel agencies to sell, also make up a sizable sub-sector. The market size of the tour operators industry in the US in 2022 was $8.6 billion . The US market will continue to grow at a CAGR of 17% to reach $30 billion in size by 2023 . Across the ocean, we have Europe, with its tour operator market size projected to reach $74 billion by 2026 , with Germany as the leader in the field with a market size of $24 billion.

Tourism Attractions

Tourism attraction is a place of interest. Generally speaking, tourism attractions’ primary role is to attract tourists to a particular destination. It can be anything from natural wonders and historical sites to museums and cultural landmarks. 

Tourism Attractions

According to the latest data , the most visited attractions are spread across the globe. These include Nagashima Spa Land, Japan; Universal Studio, USA; Palace of Versailles, France; and Bourbon Street, USA.

Theme parks are also among the most popular tourist attractions. In 2022, these parks attracted almost 200 million visitors . The museums are right behind theme parks, with an attendance of 57 million. 

Tourism attractions also have a significant economic impact. They support jobs in the vicinity, boost local economies, and positively impact the overall tourist experience. They are also the number one factor that often drives visitation. 

The most important thing to understand about sectors in the tourism industry is that they are not separated from one another. In fact, the interplay of sectors in tourism is quite elaborate and happens on so many different levels. 

The interplay of sectors in tourism

Let’s start with transportation. The affordable, dependable, and reliable means of transportation can facilitate visitation. Transportation is also responsible for the tourist experience. It can improve access to tourism attractions, make tourism agencies more attractive, and drive sales in the accommodation and food and beverage sectors. 

Accommodation in tourism often interplays with travel agencies. It can help improve the brand image of a travel agency by enhancing the stay experience. It can also lead to increased food and beverage sales if the hotel or a resort has its own facilities, such as a restaurant or bar. In return, the food and beverage sector can improve the standing of accommodations and destinations in the eyes of travelers.

Travel agencies interplay with all of the sectors. The services they offer have to live up to the descriptions found on the websites. They can help boost the average daily rates for accommodation providers, increase booking rates at transportation companies, and bring more people to attractions. 

The best way to look for the interplay of sectors in tourism is to closely examine partnerships. The transportation, accommodation, and other various travel brands have recognized the value of the interplay and decided to partner up to reap even more benefits. 

The most common are partnerships between airlines, hotels, and travel agencies. It enables airlines to remain competitive while helping hotels and travel agencies maintain high customer satisfaction and enhanced travel experience.  

The real-world example that comes to mind is Wilderness Safaris’ partnership with Qatar Airways . The big hospitality brand wanted its guests to arrive well-fed & rested, ready to engage in adventures in the great outdoors. Given that Qatar Airways received high marks in the catering and business class areas, it was the perfect pick for Wilderness Safaris.

Another real-world example is AEGAN’s partnership with Here, we have a transportation company and OTA joining forces together to reap unique benefits. AEGAN, an airline brand, wanted its customers to be able to conveniently check hotel availability in real-time, book accommodation at competitive prices, and benefit from friendly cancellation policies. 

To encourage travelers to choose AEGAN services through, the company also launched the Frequent Flyer Program and awarded consumers extra miles with every hotel booking using AEGAN transportation services.

As one of the largest industries, the tourism vertical contributes 10% of all jobs or 333 million . All sectors contribute to job creation and the global tourism market size of $2.4 trillion . 

Accommodation and food and beverage sectors have a significant impact on the tourism industry as well. In terms of GDP, these sectors contributed 3.3% , a significant growth, given that the US average is 2.87% .

In raw numbers, it looks like the following. Global accommodation in tourism generates $903 billion . Almost half of it, 49%, comes from the USA sector. Europe, APAC, Middle East, and Africa contribute with their shares of 25%, 22%, 3%, and 2%, respectively. The global hotel and resort industry currently employs approximately 10.5 million people . 

The global travel agency services industry’s revenue has reached $475 in 2023 . Travel agencies in the US employ 402,835 people. Over the last 5 years, the number of people working in the travel agency sector went up by 12%. On a global scale, travel agencies employ approximately 2 million people . 

While every industry and sub-sector is unique, they all share a few things in common. In each one of them, you can find a couple of opportunities and encounter a few challenges. Let’s see what challenges and opportunities there are in each sector. 

Challenges and opportunities in each sector

Transportation in tourism


  • Ever-increasing prices of fuel – to remain profitable, airlines need to manage operational costs, and one of the enormous costs is fuel;
  • Becoming green – transportation companies need to reduce carbon emissions and adopt sustainable travel practices, which can be challenging and costly;
  • Infrastructure in remote destinations – building roads and developing infrastructure can be pretty challenging in remote destinations with tremendous tourism potential.


  • Using technological advancements – transportation technologies can help improve customer experience and improve operational efficiencies;
  • Implementing sustainable practices – becoming eco-friendly can help brands attract environmentally conscious travelers;
  • Improving connectivity – with connectivity expansion, transportation brands can help local economies and create new tourism opportunities.

Accommodation in tourism

  • Online offer – as more and more competitors join online marketplaces, accommodation providers need to embrace a new paradigm;
  • Overtourism – limited accommodation capacity is a massive problem in destinations where over-tourism is a norm;
  • Guest safety and security – in some situations and locations, accommodation providers can struggle with ensuring guest safety and security.
  • Going digital – embracing cutting-edge technologies can help enhance guest experience and ensure longer and repeat stays;
  • Personalized accommodation – offering boutique and experiential lodging can help accommodation providers cater to modern travelers;
  • Partnerships – aligning with relevant companies and local brands can help providers attract more travelers.

Food and beverage in tourism

  • Quality and safety of food – upholding the highest food quality and safety standards can be challenging;
  • Fluctuating demand – seasonal destinations can struggle with handling fluctuating food and beverage demand;
  • Shifting dietary preferences – guests may have diverse dietary preferences, which require planning and management.
  • Innovation – innovative dishes and fusion cuisines can attract guests who feel more adventurous;
  • Farm-to-table – cooperating with local farmers can help bring fresh ingredients to restaurants;
  • Focus on local cuisine – bringing local dishes into the spotlight can help attract people interested in authentic cuisine.

Travel agencies

  • Harsh competition – travel agencies have to compete against hundreds of online travel booking platforms;
  • Tailored services – many travelers look for personalized experiences, which can prove hard to provide if you are a small agency;
  • Agility is required – getting ready for a wide range of disruptions is costly and hard to sustain at scale.
  • Customization – offering unique packages can help generate more bookings;
  • Multi-channel presence – being present across online and offline channels is paramount;
  • Focus on a niche market – staying focused on a specific travel niche can help you truly cater to the needs of your target customers.

Tourism attractions

  • Preservation – sustainable management of tourism attractions can be challenging; 
  • Seasonality – if traction generates the majority of the revenue through seasonal visitors, it can be a problem;
  • Infrastructure demand – a growing number of visitors can cause infrastructure strain.
  • Collaboration – partnerships can help create a better ecosystem;
  • Interpretive guides and interactive displays – interpretive experiences can delight a wide range of visitors;
  • Expanding offer – You can offer new activities to make the offer more attractive.

As you can see, the tourism industry landscape is quite comprehensive, with a lot of moving pieces on the board, and the best way to understand the vertical is to take a look at its subsectors.

Hopefully, now you understand transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, travel agencies, and tourism attraction sectors better. They are all intertwined, with many interplay activities. While the tourism sector comes with its fair share of challenges, there are also many opportunities. The current stats and projections tell us that all subsectors are prosperous and expected to grow in the foreseeable future. 

Sectors in Tourism

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Marc Truyols

Marc Truyols has a degree in Tourism from the University of the Balearic Islands. Marc has extensive experience in the leisure, travel and tourism industry. His skills in negotiation, hotel management, customer service, sales and hotel management make him a strong business development professional in the travel industry.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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What Are the 8 Sectors of Tourism?

By Anna Duncan

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. It plays a significant role in economic development and job creation in many countries.

The tourism industry consists of several sectors, each with its own unique characteristics and offerings. In this article, we will discuss the eight sectors of tourism.

1. Accommodation

The accommodation sector is one of the most critical sectors of tourism. It includes all types of lodging facilities such as hotels, motels, resorts, lodges, guesthouses, and bed & breakfast establishments. These facilities provide visitors with a place to stay while they are away from home.

2. Food and Beverage

The food and beverage sector is another essential component of the tourism industry. It includes restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, and other establishments that provide food and drinks to tourists.

3. Transportation

The transportation sector is responsible for moving tourists from one place to another. It includes airlines, trains, buses, taxis, rental cars, and other modes of transportation that visitors use to get around.

4. Travel Trade

The travel trade sector includes travel agencies that help tourists plan their trips by providing them with information on destinations, accommodations, transportation options, and tour packages.

5. Adventure Tourism

The adventure tourism sector offers activities such as hiking, camping, skiing/snowboarding on mountains or water sports including surfing or scuba diving to thrill-seekers who are looking for an adrenaline rush while on vacation.

6. Events and Conferences

The events and conferences sector provides facilities for large gatherings such as meetings or conventions that bring together people from different places to exchange ideas.

7. Attractions

The attractions sector includes theme parks like Disney World, museums, historical sites, zoos, and other places that tourists visit for entertainment and education.

8. Tourism Services

The tourism services sector includes companies that offer visitor-related services such as tour guides, translators, photographers, and other support services to enhance the visitor’s experience.

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What Are The 7 Sectors Of Tourism

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Welcome to the exciting world of tourism! As travel enthusiasts, we often embark on journeys to discover new destinations, experience different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. But have you ever wondered about the various sectors that make up the tourism industry? Understanding these sectors can help us gain insight into the complex web of services and experiences that come together to create the perfect travel experience.

The tourism industry encompasses a wide range of activities and services, all aimed at providing travelers with comfortable and enjoyable experiences. These sectors work harmoniously to ensure that every aspect of a trip, from accommodation to transportation and beyond, is well taken care of. In this article, we will explore the seven key sectors of tourism, each playing a vital role in the overall travel experience.

From finding the perfect place to stay, to indulging in delectable local cuisine, to getting around efficiently, each sector offers unique services and experiences that contribute to the overall success of a trip. So, let’s dive into the world of tourism sectors and discover how they come together to create unforgettable journeys!

Accommodation Sector

The accommodation sector is a fundamental pillar of the tourism industry, providing travelers with a home away from home during their travels. This sector comprises a diverse range of options, ranging from luxurious hotels and resorts to budget-friendly hostels and vacation rentals.

Accommodation providers strive to ensure that guests have a comfortable and pleasant stay by offering a variety of amenities and services. From well-appointed rooms and spacious suites to 24/7 reception and room service, the accommodation sector aims to meet the needs and preferences of all types of travelers.

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in alternative accommodation options such as home-sharing platforms like Airbnb, allowing travelers to rent unique properties directly from homeowners. This trend has provided travelers with a wider range of choices and the opportunity to experience local neighborhoods and cultures more authentically.

Additionally, sustainability and eco-consciousness have become important factors in the accommodation sector. Many establishments are implementing eco-friendly practices, such as energy-efficient lighting and recycling programs, to reduce their environmental impact and attract guests who prioritize sustainable tourism.

Furthermore, technology has played a significant role in enhancing the accommodation sector. Online booking platforms and mobile apps have made it easier than ever for travelers to research, compare, and book accommodations, providing a seamless experience. The use of keyless entry systems and personalized mobile concierge services have also become popular, allowing guests to have a hassle-free and customized stay.

Whether it’s a cozy bed and breakfast nestled in a charming countryside or a luxurious beachfront resort with stunning ocean views, the accommodation sector offers a wide range of options to suit every budget, preference, and travel style.

Food and Beverage Sector

The food and beverage sector is a vital component of the tourism industry, as it provides travelers with culinary experiences that reflect the local culture and traditions of a destination. This sector encompasses a wide range of establishments, including restaurants, cafes, bars, food trucks, and street food vendors.

One of the highlights of travel is indulging in diverse cuisines and trying new flavors. The food and beverage sector caters to these cravings by offering a plethora of dining options, from upscale fine dining restaurants to casual eateries serving traditional local dishes. Travelers can savor authentic flavors, culinary masterpieces, and innovative fusions that highlight the region’s unique gastronomy.

Many destinations are known for their vibrant food scenes, with local markets and street food stalls offering a rich tapestry of flavors and aromas. Exploring local markets and trying street food can be a memorable and immersive experience, allowing travelers to get a taste of the authentic culinary culture of a place.

The food and beverage sector also caters to specific dietary needs and preferences. With an increasing number of people following vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diets, many establishments now offer diverse menu options to accommodate various dietary requirements. This inclusivity ensures that travelers with dietary restrictions can still enjoy delicious meals and be part of the culinary exploration.

Moreover, the sector has witnessed a rising trend of farm-to-table dining and emphasis on local, sustainable ingredients. Restaurants and cafes are partnering with local farmers, growers, and producers to source fresh, seasonal ingredients, supporting the local economy and reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance food transportation.

Technology has also made its mark on the food and beverage sector, with online restaurant reviews, recommendations, and food delivery apps allowing travelers to discover and enjoy the best dining experiences effortlessly. Additionally, some establishments employ innovative concepts like interactive dining experiences, fusion cuisines, and molecular gastronomy, aiming to provide unique and memorable meals that go beyond traditional dining.

From savoring Michelin-starred delicacies to sampling street food treasures, the food and beverage sector offers a diverse and enticing array of culinary experiences for travelers to delight their taste buds and create lasting memories.

Transportation Sector

The transportation sector is an essential component of the tourism industry, connecting travelers to their desired destinations. It encompasses various modes of transportation, including air travel, train and rail services, bus and coach services, cruises, and car rentals.

Air travel is a major player in the transportation sector, providing international and domestic flights that enable travelers to reach their destinations quickly and efficiently. Airlines strive to offer comfortable seating, in-flight entertainment, and quality service to enhance the overall travel experience. With the expansion of low-cost carriers, air travel has become more accessible and affordable, driving tourism growth around the world.

Train and rail services are another popular mode of transportation, especially for intercity travel and scenic journeys. Traveling by train allows passengers to enjoy stunning landscapes, experience local culture, and connect with different regions or countries in a convenient and sustainable way.

Bus and coach services provide economical transportation options for both urban and rural areas. They are often preferred by budget-conscious travelers or those seeking a more immersive experience, as they allow passengers to interact with locals and witness the changing landscapes along the journey.

Cruise tourism has also gained popularity, offering unique travel experiences on sea voyages. Cruise ships provide a floating resort-like experience, with amenities such as restaurants, entertainment venues, and recreational activities, while allowing travelers to explore different destinations without the need for constant packing and unpacking.

Car rentals give travelers the freedom to explore at their own pace, particularly in destinations with extensive road networks and scenic drives. Renting a car allows for flexibility and the opportunity to venture off the beaten path, discovering hidden gems and experiencing a more personalized travel itinerary.

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the transportation sector, making it more convenient and accessible for travelers. Online platforms and mobile apps allow for seamless booking and ticketing, real-time travel updates, and navigation assistance. Ride-hailing services have also gained popularity, providing an alternative mode of transportation in urban areas.

Transportation plays a crucial role in shaping a traveler’s overall experience, as it sets the tone for their journey and connects them to the various attractions and activities of a destination. Efficient and well-connected transportation networks contribute to the accessibility and attractiveness of a place, making it easier and more enjoyable for travelers to explore and immerse themselves in new cultures and experiences.

Travel Agency Sector

The travel agency sector plays a pivotal role in the tourism industry, acting as a bridge between travelers and their dream destinations. Travel agencies provide valuable services and expertise to help travelers plan and organize their trips, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Travel agencies serve as a one-stop-shop for all travel-related needs. They assist travelers in selecting destinations, finding the best deals on accommodations, arranging transportation, and curating itineraries based on individual preferences and budgets. Whether it’s a solo adventure, a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a group tour, travel agencies cater to a wide range of travel styles and requirements.

These agencies maintain relationships with airlines, hotels, tour operators, and other service providers, enabling them to secure discounted rates and exclusive packages for their clients. They have firsthand knowledge of destinations, attractions, and local customs, allowing them to offer valuable advice and recommendations to travelers.

In addition to organizing the logistics of a trip, travel agencies often specialize in specific types of travel experiences. They may focus on adventure travel, luxury vacations, cultural immersion, or niche markets like eco-tourism or culinary tours. This specialization allows them to provide expert guidance tailored to the specific interests of their clients.

With the rise of online travel booking platforms, some may question the relevance of travel agencies. However, travel agencies still hold a significant advantage with their personalized service and expertise. They can offer valuable insights and recommendations, handle complex itineraries, and provide support in the event of any unexpected issues during the trip.

Furthermore, travel agencies often offer additional services such as travel insurance, visa assistance, and 24/7 customer support. These added benefits alleviate the stress and uncertainties that can arise when planning and embarking on a journey, giving travelers peace of mind.

In recent years, travel agencies have also embraced technology to enhance their services. Many agencies have online platforms where travelers can research, compare, and book travel services. They utilize social media and content marketing strategies to inspire and engage potential clients, sharing travel tips, destination highlights, and special offers.

Overall, the travel agency sector plays a vital role in facilitating seamless and enjoyable travel experiences. Their expertise, personalized service, and access to exclusive deals make them valuable partners for travelers seeking professional assistance and guidance in planning their adventures.

Adventure and Recreation Sector

The adventure and recreation sector of the tourism industry caters to thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide range of exciting activities and experiences. This sector is perfect for those looking to step out of their comfort zone, immerse themselves in nature, and create unforgettable memories.

Adventure tourism encompasses activities such as hiking, mountaineering, rock climbing, zip-lining, white-water rafting, and paragliding, among others. These activities provide a unique opportunity to explore natural landscapes, challenge oneself physically and mentally, and appreciate the beauty and wonders of the great outdoors.

Recreation tourism, on the other hand, focuses on leisure and relaxation. This sector includes activities such as beach vacations, golfing, spa retreats, wellness retreats, and wildlife safaris. Recreation tourism offers a chance to unwind, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that promote overall well-being and tranquility.

While adventure and recreation activities differ in their nature, both sectors contribute to sustainable tourism by raising awareness about environmental conservation and supporting local communities. Many adventure tourism operators and recreational facilities follow sustainable practices, ensuring the preservation of natural resources and the protection of delicate ecosystems.

Adventure and recreation tourism also provide economic opportunities for local communities. These activities often require specialized guides, equipment rental services, and accommodation facilities, creating employment and generating income for the host destinations.

Technology has played a significant role in the growth of the adventure and recreation sector. Online platforms and mobile applications make it easier for travelers to research and book activities, access trail maps, and connect with local guides. Adventure and recreation companies often leverage social media platforms to showcase their offerings and inspire potential travelers.

The adventure and recreation sector offers a diverse range of experiences, catering to a variety of interests and skill levels. Whether it’s summiting a mountain peak, scuba diving in a vibrant coral reef, or simply enjoying a peaceful yoga retreat, this sector ensures that travelers can find activities that align with their preferences and desired level of excitement.

It’s important to note that safety and responsible tourism practices are essential in the adventure and recreation sector. Travelers should choose licensed operators, follow guidelines provided by professionals, respect the environment, and prioritize their own safety and well-being while engaging in adventurous activities. This ensures a positive and sustainable experience for both travelers and the destinations they visit.

Events and Conferences Sector

The events and conferences sector of the tourism industry plays a pivotal role in bringing together professionals, enthusiasts, and like-minded individuals from various fields. This sector is responsible for organizing and hosting a wide range of events, conferences, trade shows, and exhibitions that contribute to knowledge-sharing, networking, and business growth.

Events and conferences serve as platforms for professionals to exchange ideas, showcase innovations, and discuss current trends in their respective industries. They provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and learning, fostering professional development and driving innovation.

The sector encompasses a diverse range of events, including academic conferences, industry exhibitions, music festivals, sports competitions, cultural festivals, and trade shows, among many others. These events attract participants from different parts of the world, contributing to the economic growth of the host destination.

Events and conferences often require specialized infrastructure and facilities, such as convention centers, exhibition halls, and hotels with conference facilities. These venues provide the necessary space, technology, and amenities to accommodate large gatherings and ensure the smooth execution of events.

The events and conferences sector contributes to the tourism industry by boosting visitor numbers, filling hotel rooms, and driving revenue for local businesses such as restaurants, transportation services, and event vendors. Host destinations often see a surge in tourism during major events, as attendees explore the local attractions and contribute to the local economy.

Technology has played a significant role in enhancing the events and conferences sector. Virtual conferences and hybrid event formats have gained popularity, allowing participants to attend events remotely, reducing travel expenses and environmental impact. Event management software, mobile apps, and online registration systems have streamlined event organization, making it easier for attendees to access event information, sign up for sessions, and engage with other participants.

It’s important to note that the events and conferences sector is not limited to business-related gatherings. Cultural festivals, music concerts, and sporting events also fall under this sector, offering unique experiences that celebrate art, music, sports, and local traditions.

A well-executed event or conference can leave a lasting impact on participants, fostering professional connections, knowledge exchange, and inspiration. By bringing people together, this sector contributes to the growth and development of various industries and promotes cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

Tourism Services Sector

The tourism services sector is a vital component of the overall tourism industry, providing a wide range of support services to both travelers and businesses operating within the tourism sector. This sector encompasses various services that enhance the travel experience and contribute to the seamless operation of the industry.

One of the key services in this sector is tourism information and assistance. Tourism information centers, both physical and virtual, provide valuable resources and guidance to travelers, offering information about destinations, attractions, accommodation options, transportation, and activities. These centers play a crucial role in helping travelers plan their itineraries and make informed decisions.

Another important aspect of the tourism services sector is travel insurance. Travel insurance provides coverage for unexpected events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost baggage, and travel interruptions. It offers peace of mind to travelers, ensuring that they are protected from unforeseen circumstances that may disrupt their travel plans.

Visa assistance is another significant service within this sector. Many destinations require travelers to obtain visas before entry, and navigating the visa application process can be complex and time-consuming. Visa assistance services, whether provided by travel agencies or specialized companies, help travelers understand the requirements, gather the necessary documentation, and facilitate the visa application process.

Translation and interpretation services are also essential in the tourism services sector, particularly in destinations where the local language may be a barrier for some travelers. These services ensure effective communication between travelers and local residents, allowing for a smoother and more immersive experience.

Additionally, currency exchange services play a vital role in facilitating financial transactions for travelers. The ability to exchange currencies conveniently and at fair rates ensures that travelers have access to the local currency for their expenses during their trip.

Technology has transformed the tourism services sector, making these services more accessible and convenient. Mobile applications, online platforms, and virtual assistants provide travelers with instant access to information, assistance, and services. Many travel service providers offer online booking options and 24/7 customer support, allowing travelers to make reservations and address any queries or concerns at their convenience.

The tourism services sector acts as a backbone for the overall tourism industry, ensuring that travelers have access to the necessary support, information, and services they need throughout their journey. By providing valuable assistance and enhancing the travel experience, this sector plays a vital role in fostering customer satisfaction and driving the growth of the tourism industry as a whole.

The tourism industry is a complex and multifaceted sector, composed of various interconnected sectors that work together to provide unforgettable travel experiences. From accommodations and food to transportation and events, each sector plays a crucial role in shaping the overall travel experience and contributing to the success of the tourism industry.

The accommodation sector ensures that travelers have a comfortable and enjoyable place to stay, offering a wide range of options to suit every preference and budget. The food and beverage sector tantalizes taste buds with diverse cuisines and culinary experiences, reflecting the local culture and traditions of a destination.

The transportation sector connects travelers to their desired destinations, providing convenient and efficient modes of travel. Travel agencies serve as invaluable resources, offering expertise and assistance in planning and organizing trips, while the adventure and recreation sector caters to thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts craving adrenaline-pumping experiences.

Events and conferences bring professionals together, fostering knowledge sharing, networking, and innovation. Finally, the tourism services sector provides essential support services such as information and assistance, travel insurance, visa facilitation, translation and interpretation, and currency exchange.

Technology has revolutionized the tourism industry, making information and services more accessible, convenient, and personalized. Online booking platforms, mobile apps, and virtual assistance have transformed the way travelers research, plan, and book their trips.

In conclusion, understanding the various sectors of the tourism industry allows us to appreciate the intricate web of services that work harmoniously to create remarkable travel experiences. Whether it’s relaxing in a luxurious hotel, savoring local delicacies, exploring beautiful landscapes, attending a conference, or receiving helpful assistance, each sector contributes to the success and enjoyment of a trip. By recognizing the importance of these sectors and embracing technology’s advancements, we can continue to enhance and evolve the tourism industry and provide unforgettable experiences for travelers around the world.


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Economic Impact Research

  • In 2023, the Travel & Tourism sector contributed 9.1% to the global GDP; an increase of 23.2% from 2022 and only 4.1% below the 2019 level.
  • In 2023, there were 27 million new jobs, representing a 9.1% increase compared to 2022, and only 1.4% below the 2019 level.
  • Domestic visitor spending rose by 18.1% in 2023, surpassing the 2019 level.
  • International visitor spending registered a 33.1% jump in 2023 but remained 14.4% below the 2019 total.

Click here for links to the different economy/country and regional reports

Why conduct research?

From the outset, our Members realised that hard economic facts were needed to help governments and policymakers truly understand the potential of Travel & Tourism. Measuring the size and growth of Travel & Tourism and its contribution to society, therefore, plays a vital part in underpinning WTTC’s work.

What research does WTTC carry out?

Each year, WTTC and Oxford Economics produce reports covering the economic contribution of our sector in 185 countries, for 26 economic and geographic regions, and for more than 70 cities. We also benchmark Travel & Tourism against other economic sectors and analyse the impact of government policies affecting the sector such as jobs and visa facilitation.

Visit our Research Hub via the button below to find all our Economic Impact Reports, as well as other reports on Travel and Tourism. 


The future of tourism: Bridging the labor gap, enhancing customer experience

As travel resumes and builds momentum, it’s becoming clear that tourism is resilient—there is an enduring desire to travel. Against all odds, international tourism rebounded in 2022: visitor numbers to Europe and the Middle East climbed to around 80 percent of 2019 levels, and the Americas recovered about 65 percent of prepandemic visitors 1 “Tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels in some regions in 2023,” United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), January 17, 2023. —a number made more significant because it was reached without travelers from China, which had the world’s largest outbound travel market before the pandemic. 2 “ Outlook for China tourism 2023: Light at the end of the tunnel ,” McKinsey, May 9, 2023.

Recovery and growth are likely to continue. According to estimates from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for 2023, international tourist arrivals could reach 80 to 95 percent of prepandemic levels depending on the extent of the economic slowdown, travel recovery in Asia–Pacific, and geopolitical tensions, among other factors. 3 “Tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels in some regions in 2023,” United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), January 17, 2023. Similarly, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) forecasts that by the end of 2023, nearly half of the 185 countries in which the organization conducts research will have either recovered to prepandemic levels or be within 95 percent of full recovery. 4 “Global travel and tourism catapults into 2023 says WTTC,” World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), April 26, 2023.

Longer-term forecasts also point to optimism for the decade ahead. Travel and tourism GDP is predicted to grow, on average, at 5.8 percent a year between 2022 and 2032, outpacing the growth of the overall economy at an expected 2.7 percent a year. 5 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 , WTTC, August 2022.

So, is it all systems go for travel and tourism? Not really. The industry continues to face a prolonged and widespread labor shortage. After losing 62 million travel and tourism jobs in 2020, labor supply and demand remain out of balance. 6 “WTTC research reveals Travel & Tourism’s slow recovery is hitting jobs and growth worldwide,” World Travel & Tourism Council, October 6, 2021. Today, in the European Union, 11 percent of tourism jobs are likely to go unfilled; in the United States, that figure is 7 percent. 7 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 : Staff shortages, WTTC, August 2022.

There has been an exodus of tourism staff, particularly from customer-facing roles, to other sectors, and there is no sign that the industry will be able to bring all these people back. 8 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 : Staff shortages, WTTC, August 2022. Hotels, restaurants, cruises, airports, and airlines face staff shortages that can translate into operational, reputational, and financial difficulties. If unaddressed, these shortages may constrain the industry’s growth trajectory.

The current labor shortage may have its roots in factors related to the nature of work in the industry. Chronic workplace challenges, coupled with the effects of COVID-19, have culminated in an industry struggling to rebuild its workforce. Generally, tourism-related jobs are largely informal, partly due to high seasonality and weak regulation. And conditions such as excessively long working hours, low wages, a high turnover rate, and a lack of social protection tend to be most pronounced in an informal economy. Additionally, shift work, night work, and temporary or part-time employment are common in tourism.

The industry may need to revisit some fundamentals to build a far more sustainable future: either make the industry more attractive to talent (and put conditions in place to retain staff for longer periods) or improve products, services, and processes so that they complement existing staffing needs or solve existing pain points.

One solution could be to build a workforce with the mix of digital and interpersonal skills needed to keep up with travelers’ fast-changing requirements. The industry could make the most of available technology to provide customers with a digitally enhanced experience, resolve staff shortages, and improve working conditions.

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Complementing concierges with chatbots.

The pace of technological change has redefined customer expectations. Technology-driven services are often at customers’ fingertips, with no queues or waiting times. By contrast, the airport and airline disruption widely reported in the press over the summer of 2022 points to customers not receiving this same level of digital innovation when traveling.

Imagine the following travel experience: it’s 2035 and you start your long-awaited honeymoon to a tropical island. A virtual tour operator and a destination travel specialist booked your trip for you; you connected via videoconference to make your plans. Your itinerary was chosen with the support of generative AI , which analyzed your preferences, recommended personalized travel packages, and made real-time adjustments based on your feedback.

Before leaving home, you check in online and QR code your luggage. You travel to the airport by self-driving cab. After dropping off your luggage at the self-service counter, you pass through security and the biometric check. You access the premier lounge with the QR code on the airline’s loyalty card and help yourself to a glass of wine and a sandwich. After your flight, a prebooked, self-driving cab takes you to the resort. No need to check in—that was completed online ahead of time (including picking your room and making sure that the hotel’s virtual concierge arranged for red roses and a bottle of champagne to be delivered).

While your luggage is brought to the room by a baggage robot, your personal digital concierge presents the honeymoon itinerary with all the requested bookings. For the romantic dinner on the first night, you order your food via the restaurant app on the table and settle the bill likewise. So far, you’ve had very little human interaction. But at dinner, the sommelier chats with you in person about the wine. The next day, your sightseeing is made easier by the hotel app and digital guide—and you don’t get lost! With the aid of holographic technology, the virtual tour guide brings historical figures to life and takes your sightseeing experience to a whole new level. Then, as arranged, a local citizen meets you and takes you to their home to enjoy a local family dinner. The trip is seamless, there are no holdups or snags.

This scenario features less human interaction than a traditional trip—but it flows smoothly due to the underlying technology. The human interactions that do take place are authentic, meaningful, and add a special touch to the experience. This may be a far-fetched example, but the essence of the scenario is clear: use technology to ease typical travel pain points such as queues, misunderstandings, or misinformation, and elevate the quality of human interaction.

Travel with less human interaction may be considered a disruptive idea, as many travelers rely on and enjoy the human connection, the “service with a smile.” This will always be the case, but perhaps the time is right to think about bringing a digital experience into the mix. The industry may not need to depend exclusively on human beings to serve its customers. Perhaps the future of travel is physical, but digitally enhanced (and with a smile!).

Digital solutions are on the rise and can help bridge the labor gap

Digital innovation is improving customer experience across multiple industries. Car-sharing apps have overcome service-counter waiting times and endless paperwork that travelers traditionally had to cope with when renting a car. The same applies to time-consuming hotel check-in, check-out, and payment processes that can annoy weary customers. These pain points can be removed. For instance, in China, the Huazhu Hotels Group installed self-check-in kiosks that enable guests to check in or out in under 30 seconds. 9 “Huazhu Group targets lifestyle market opportunities,” ChinaTravelNews, May 27, 2021.

Technology meets hospitality

In 2019, Alibaba opened its FlyZoo Hotel in Huangzhou, described as a “290-room ultra-modern boutique, where technology meets hospitality.” 1 “Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has a hotel run almost entirely by robots that can serve food and fetch toiletries—take a look inside,” Business Insider, October 21, 2019; “FlyZoo Hotel: The hotel of the future or just more technology hype?,” Hotel Technology News, March 2019. The hotel was the first of its kind that instead of relying on traditional check-in and key card processes, allowed guests to manage reservations and make payments entirely from a mobile app, to check-in using self-service kiosks, and enter their rooms using facial-recognition technology.

The hotel is run almost entirely by robots that serve food and fetch toiletries and other sundries as needed. Each guest room has a voice-activated smart assistant to help guests with a variety of tasks, from adjusting the temperature, lights, curtains, and the TV to playing music and answering simple questions about the hotel and surroundings.

The hotel was developed by the company’s online travel platform, Fliggy, in tandem with Alibaba’s AI Labs and Alibaba Cloud technology with the goal of “leveraging cutting-edge tech to help transform the hospitality industry, one that keeps the sector current with the digital era we’re living in,” according to the company.

Adoption of some digitally enhanced services was accelerated during the pandemic in the quest for safer, contactless solutions. During the Winter Olympics in Beijing, a restaurant designed to keep physical contact to a minimum used a track system on the ceiling to deliver meals directly from the kitchen to the table. 10 “This Beijing Winter Games restaurant uses ceiling-based tracks,” Trendhunter, January 26, 2022. Customers around the world have become familiar with restaurants using apps to display menus, take orders, and accept payment, as well as hotels using robots to deliver luggage and room service (see sidebar “Technology meets hospitality”). Similarly, theme parks, cinemas, stadiums, and concert halls are deploying digital solutions such as facial recognition to optimize entrance control. Shanghai Disneyland, for example, offers annual pass holders the option to choose facial recognition to facilitate park entry. 11 “Facial recognition park entry,” Shanghai Disney Resort website.

Automation and digitization can also free up staff from attending to repetitive functions that could be handled more efficiently via an app and instead reserve the human touch for roles where staff can add the most value. For instance, technology can help customer-facing staff to provide a more personalized service. By accessing data analytics, frontline staff can have guests’ details and preferences at their fingertips. A trainee can become an experienced concierge in a short time, with the help of technology.

Apps and in-room tech: Unused market potential

According to Skift Research calculations, total revenue generated by guest apps and in-room technology in 2019 was approximately $293 million, including proprietary apps by hotel brands as well as third-party vendors. 1 “Hotel tech benchmark: Guest-facing technology 2022,” Skift Research, November 2022. The relatively low market penetration rate of this kind of tech points to around $2.4 billion in untapped revenue potential (exhibit).

Even though guest-facing technology is available—the kind that can facilitate contactless interactions and offer travelers convenience and personalized service—the industry is only beginning to explore its potential. A report by Skift Research shows that the hotel industry, in particular, has not tapped into tech’s potential. Only 11 percent of hotels and 25 percent of hotel rooms worldwide are supported by a hotel app or use in-room technology, and only 3 percent of hotels offer keyless entry. 12 “Hotel tech benchmark: Guest-facing technology 2022,” Skift Research, November 2022. Of the five types of technology examined (guest apps and in-room tech; virtual concierge; guest messaging and chatbots; digital check-in and kiosks; and keyless entry), all have relatively low market-penetration rates (see sidebar “Apps and in-room tech: Unused market potential”).

While apps, digitization, and new technology may be the answer to offering better customer experience, there is also the possibility that tourism may face competition from technological advances, particularly virtual experiences. Museums, attractions, and historical sites can be made interactive and, in some cases, more lifelike, through AR/VR technology that can enhance the physical travel experience by reconstructing historical places or events.

Up until now, tourism, arguably, was one of a few sectors that could not easily be replaced by tech. It was not possible to replicate the physical experience of traveling to another place. With the emerging metaverse , this might change. Travelers could potentially enjoy an event or experience from their sofa without any logistical snags, and without the commitment to traveling to another country for any length of time. For example, Google offers virtual tours of the Pyramids of Meroë in Sudan via an immersive online experience available in a range of languages. 13 Mariam Khaled Dabboussi, “Step into the Meroë pyramids with Google,” Google, May 17, 2022. And a crypto banking group, The BCB Group, has created a metaverse city that includes representations of some of the most visited destinations in the world, such as the Great Wall of China and the Statue of Liberty. According to BCB, the total cost of flights, transfers, and entry for all these landmarks would come to $7,600—while a virtual trip would cost just over $2. 14 “What impact can the Metaverse have on the travel industry?,” Middle East Economy, July 29, 2022.

The metaverse holds potential for business travel, too—the meeting, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) sector in particular. Participants could take part in activities in the same immersive space while connecting from anywhere, dramatically reducing travel, venue, catering, and other costs. 15 “ Tourism in the metaverse: Can travel go virtual? ,” McKinsey, May 4, 2023.

The allure and convenience of such digital experiences make offering seamless, customer-centric travel and tourism in the real world all the more pressing.

Hotel service bell on a table white glass and simulation hotel background. Concept hotel, travel, room - stock photo

Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages

Is the future contactless.

Given the advances in technology, and the many digital innovations and applications that already exist, there is potential for businesses across the travel and tourism spectrum to cope with labor shortages while improving customer experience. Process automation and digitization can also add to process efficiency. Taken together, a combination of outsourcing, remote work, and digital solutions can help to retain existing staff and reduce dependency on roles that employers are struggling to fill (exhibit).

Depending on the customer service approach and direct contact need, we estimate that the travel and tourism industry would be able to cope with a structural labor shortage of around 10 to 15 percent in the long run by operating more flexibly and increasing digital and automated efficiency—while offering the remaining staff an improved total work package.

Outsourcing and remote work could also help resolve the labor shortage

While COVID-19 pushed organizations in a wide variety of sectors to embrace remote work, there are many hospitality roles that rely on direct physical services that cannot be performed remotely, such as laundry, cleaning, maintenance, and facility management. If faced with staff shortages, these roles could be outsourced to third-party professional service providers, and existing staff could be reskilled to take up new positions.

In McKinsey’s experience, the total service cost of this type of work in a typical hotel can make up 10 percent of total operating costs. Most often, these roles are not guest facing. A professional and digital-based solution might become an integrated part of a third-party service for hotels looking to outsource this type of work.

One of the lessons learned in the aftermath of COVID-19 is that many tourism employees moved to similar positions in other sectors because they were disillusioned by working conditions in the industry . Specialist multisector companies have been able to shuffle their staff away from tourism to other sectors that offer steady employment or more regular working hours compared with the long hours and seasonal nature of work in tourism.

The remaining travel and tourism staff may be looking for more flexibility or the option to work from home. This can be an effective solution for retaining employees. For example, a travel agent with specific destination expertise could work from home or be consulted on an needs basis.

In instances where remote work or outsourcing is not viable, there are other solutions that the hospitality industry can explore to improve operational effectiveness as well as employee satisfaction. A more agile staffing model  can better match available labor with peaks and troughs in daily, or even hourly, demand. This could involve combining similar roles or cross-training staff so that they can switch roles. Redesigned roles could potentially improve employee satisfaction by empowering staff to explore new career paths within the hotel’s operations. Combined roles build skills across disciplines—for example, supporting a housekeeper to train and become proficient in other maintenance areas, or a front-desk associate to build managerial skills.

Where management or ownership is shared across properties, roles could be staffed to cover a network of sites, rather than individual hotels. By applying a combination of these approaches, hotels could reduce the number of staff hours needed to keep operations running at the same standard. 16 “ Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages ,” McKinsey, April 3, 2023.

Taken together, operational adjustments combined with greater use of technology could provide the tourism industry with a way of overcoming staffing challenges and giving customers the seamless digitally enhanced experiences they expect in other aspects of daily life.

In an industry facing a labor shortage, there are opportunities for tech innovations that can help travel and tourism businesses do more with less, while ensuring that remaining staff are engaged and motivated to stay in the industry. For travelers, this could mean fewer friendly faces, but more meaningful experiences and interactions.

Urs Binggeli is a senior expert in McKinsey’s Zurich office, Zi Chen is a capabilities and insights specialist in the Shanghai office, Steffen Köpke is a capabilities and insights expert in the Düsseldorf office, and Jackey Yu is a partner in the Hong Kong office.

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Towards resilience and sustainability: Travel and tourism development recovery

Window view of plane wing during sunset. The travel and tourism sector is slowly beginning to recover.

The travel and tourism sector is slowly beginning to recover. Image:  Unsplash/Eva Darron

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  • The World Economic Forum has published its inaugural Travel and Tourism Development Index .
  • It focuses on the growing role of sustainability and resilience in travel and tourism growth.
  • Recovery for the sector is uneven and tourist arrivals in January 2022 were still 67% below 2019 levels, according to the World Tourism Organization.
  • Here are some key findings from the index on how the sector can build back better.

In 2018, international tourism grew for the ninth consecutive year. Tourist arrivals reached 1.4 billion and generated $1.7 trillion in export earnings, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Travel and tourism: post-pandemic

The picture looked very different two years later, as COVID-19 lockdowns hit the travel and tourism (T&T) sector hard. In 2020 alone, it faced losses of $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs , impacting the living standards and well-being of communities across the globe.

While the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines and easing of restrictions means a recovery has now started, it’s proving gradual and uneven largely due to variations in vaccine distribution, and because of Omicron and its BA.2 subvariant. And customers are not only being more cautious when it comes to health, but also around the impact of travel on the environment and local communities.

International tourist arrivals rose by 18 million in January 2022 compared with a year earlier. This equals the increase for the whole of 2021 from 2020, but January’s numbers were still 67% below the same month in 2019, according to the UNWTO.

The war in Ukraine has added to instability and economic disruption for the sector. Against this backdrop, the World Economic Forum’s inaugural Travel and Tourism Development Index reflects the growing role of sustainability and resilience in T&T growth, as well as the sector’s role in economic and social development more broadly.

The TTDI benchmarks and measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the T&T sector, which in turn contributes to the development of a country”. The TTDI is a direct evolution of the long-running Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), with the change reflecting the index’s increased coverage of T&T development concepts, including sustainability and resilience impact on T&T growth and is designed to highlight the sector’s role in broader economic and social development as well as the need for T&T stakeholder collaboration to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, bolster the recovery and deal with future challenges and risks. Some of the most notable framework and methodology differences between the TTCI and TTDI include the additions of new pillars, including Non-Leisure Resources, Socioeconomic Resilience and Conditions, and T&T Demand Pressure and Impact. Please see the Technical notes and methodology. section to learn more about the index and the differences between the TTCI and TTDI.

The Travel and Tourism Development Index 2021

The index covers 117 economies, which accounted for around 96% of the world’s direct T&T GDP in 2020. It measures the factors and policies that will enable sustainable and resilient development of the sector.

These include everything from business, safety and health conditions, to infrastructure and natural resources, environmental, socioeconomic and demand pressures.

“As the sector slowly recovers, it will be crucial that lessons are learned from recent and current crises and that steps are taken to embed long-term inclusivity, sustainability and resilience into the travel and tourism sector as it faces evolving challenges and risks,” says the publication, a collaboration between many of the sector’s stakeholders.

The index consists of five subindexes, 17 pillars and 112 individual indicators, distributed among the different pillars, as shown below.

The Travel and Tourism Development index is based on 17 pillars.

On average, scores increased by just 0.1% between 2019 and 2021, reflecting the difficult situation facing the sector. Only 39 out of 117 economies covered by the index improved by more than 1.0%, while 27 declined by over 1.0%.

Nine of the top 10 scoring countries are high-income economies in Europe or Asia-Pacific. Japan tops the ranking, with the United States in second, followed by Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, the United Kingdom and Singapore. Italy completes the top 10, moving up from 12th in 2019.

Viet Nam experienced the greatest improvement in score, with a rise of 4.7% lifting it from 60th to 52nd on the overall index. Indonesia achieved the greatest improvement in rank, increasing its score by 3.4% to climb from 44th to 32nd, while Saudi Arabia achieved the second greatest improvement in rank, moving up to 33rd from 43rd as its score rose by 2.3%.

Rebuilding travel and tourism for a sustainable and resilient future

Here are some of the key findings from the publication:

1. The need for travel and tourism development has never been greater

The sector is a major driver of economic development, global connectivity and the livelihood of some of the populations and businesses most vulnerable to, and hard hit by, the pandemic. In 2019, T&T’s direct, indirect and induced GDP accounted for about 10% of global GDP . For many emerging economies, T&T is a major source of export revenue, foreign exchange earnings and investment. Research has shown that T&T growth can support social progress and create opportunities and well-being for communities, so supporting travel and tourism development and recovery will be critical.

2. Shifting demand dynamics have created opportunities and a need for adaptation

In the shorter term, challenges such as reduced capacity, geopolitical tensions and labour shortages are slowing recovery. However, opportunities have been created in markets such as domestic and nature-based tourism, the rise of digital nomads and “bleisure” travel – the addition of leisure activities to business travel. Many countries have provided incentives to boost domestic tourism. For example, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong SAR, China, have rolled out programmes that provide discounts, coupons and subsidies for domestic travel. The trends towards more rural and nature-based tourism offer an opportunity for less-developed economies to harness the benefits of travel and tourism given that the distribution and quality of natural assets are less tied to performance in economic development, with natural resources being one of the few pillars where non-high income economies typically outperform high-income countries. The travel and tourism sector stakeholders’ ability to adapt under these conditions highlights its capacity for adaptation and flexibility.

3. Development strategies can be employed to help the sector build back better

Amid the current challenges, shifting demand dynamics and future opportunities and risks, a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient travel and tourism sector can be – and needs to be – built, says the publication. But this calls for thoughtful and effective consideration. It also requires leveraging development drivers and strategies. This can be done by: restoring and accelerating international openness and consumer confidence through, for example, improved health and security; building favourable and inclusive labour, business and socioeconomic conditions; focusing more on environmental sustainability; strengthening the management of tourism demand and impact; and investing in digital technology.

A note on the methodology

Most of the dataset for the Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) is statistical data from international organizations, with the remainder based on survey data from the World Economic Forum’s annual Executive Opinion Survey, which is used to measure concepts that are qualitative in nature or for which internationally comparable statistics are not available for enough countries. The index is an update of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), but due to the altered methodology, framework and other differences, the 2021 TTDI should not be compared to the 2019 TTCI. To help address this, the 2019 results were recalculated using the new framework, methodology and indicators of the TTDI. Therefore, all comparisons in score and rank throughout this report are between the 2019 results and the 2021 results of the TTDI. Data for the TTDI 2021 was collected before the war in Ukraine.

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The hospitality field is one of the most encompassing industries in the world. It can include every element of vacation, tourism and recreation experiences. This is something our EHL graduates quickly learn as the hospitality industry red carpet rolls out in every possible direction after graduation. When you have hospitality training and experience on your resume, your career potential becomes boundless.

While hospitality may be defined by the hotel industry, the true options are far more vast than you may have imagined. Your skills can take you anywhere in the world, working with any aspect of travel and leisure, from management to experience coordination to supply chain. If you are considering your next step in an illustrious hospitality career , we would like to spotlight eight different career paths that you might take, each encompassing a large sector of the hospitality industry.

Here are eight common sectors where our students find success after graduation.

  • Accommodation
  • Food & Beverage
  • Event Planning
  • Sports & Recreation
  • Entertainment
  • Wellness & Leisure

Careers in accommodation

The accommodation sector has never been more diverse. While there are millions of hotels and resorts around the world, there are also many other types of accommodation you might coordinate, creating perfect vacation experiences of every size and style. There are vacation rentals and, luxury accomodation from palaces and 5-star hotels to luxury rentals. There are cabins, cottages, and destination lodges as well as campgrounds and RV parks. You can help hotels expand their accommodation offerings beyond interior rooms or cultivate unique properties and accommodation experiences.

In another branch, you can take your hospitality experience into the corporate world, helping to facilitate corporate housing which fulfills the needs of traveling, temporary, and relocated professionals who are working away from home. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 2023 featured nearly 2 million jobs in Accommodation in the US alone.

Each branching accommodation path provides the opportunity to create exquisite stays with the perfect balance of comfort, convenience, and logistics.

Traversing the travel industry

The travel industry often scoops up a percentage of hospitality professionals. 2023 saw over 320 million travel jobs worldwide. Airports and airline hosts rely on hospitality to make air travel more comfortable for their passengers.

Cruise ships make up an enormous global industry and specialize in diverse hospitality experiences from prow to stern. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Carnival, and Norwegian offer the greatest number of cruise ship jobs, but you may have just as much fun with a smaller cruise line that travels coasts that you love.

You can step into the specialized world of chartered travel including chartered planes , boats, helicopters. Or you can join a large travel company providing your hospitality expertise wherever it is needed most. If you love trains, rail travel offers a truly unique opportunity to create on-train hospitality experiences, especially those few great trans-continental train lines still in operation for both tourism and long-distance travel.

Immerse in food & beverage

Our foodie graduates often dive into the experience-rich world of the food and beverage industry. There is simply no end to the food-oriented job opportunities , and these take every possible shape and form.

You could be coordinating banquets for hotel-hosted events or managing a gourmet restaurant anywhere in the world. You can become a caterer or coordinate for a large catering company or you can open your own food establishment somewhere with plenty of demand and tourism to fill your seats.

Food and beverage professionals can join any venue, including theaters, stadiums, event halls, grand hotels, cruise ships, restaurants and restaurant chains - you can even coordinate food for museums, schools, large business facilities, or food truck empires . The possibilities are literally endless, as the food and beverage industry touches every aspect of modern life. 

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Become an event planning expert

Events are the spice of life. Weddings, conferences, festivals, fashion shows, concerts, theater productions; the list is endless. The BLS predicts 7.5% employment growth for events planning from 2022 to 2032.

You can choose a venue, a favorite event type, or work for an organization that puts on one spectacular event each year. A skilled events coordinator is someone who makes unforgettable moments and large gatherings into a guaranteed success.

Skills that hospitality graduates learn through education and internship are critical for event planning. Highly organized people who thrive in chaos and love adapting to unexpected challenges will typically do well in the events industry. You will also get a chance to work with celebrities of every possible type, from Ted Talk tech leaders to pop stars and Michelin star chefs.

You will build your name making magical events possible, creating impossibly entertaining environments that are also expertly designed to provide everything event-goers and vendors need to bring the experience together.

Creating tourism experiences

Tourism is the art of putting together full-scope travel experiences. There are many areas of tourism, professional in this field arranges tour packages, plans whole trips, or coordinates or hosts excursions for traveling clients.

As people embrace the idea of travel experiences over more chaotic destination immersion, the tourism sector only continues to grow. According to ILO, over 230 million people work in tourism worldwide. This is more than just being a travel agent or a tour guide. Venues, destinations, and even whole cities hire tourism professionals to coordinate desirable tourism packages that will entice visitors to take specific journeys through the available experiences at each destination.

Tourism jobs include destination management, tour package design, personal travel planning, tour coordination, and a certain amount of special event planning. In fact, the tourism industry becomes complex as coordinated events are further integrated into hospitality and travel packages.

If you enjoy many aspects of the hospitality world, enjoying things like wedding planning, travel planning, museum experiences, foodie tours , and personally ensuring that travelers have a wonderful time; tourism might be the perfect career path.

The world of sports & recreation

There is no denying that sports plays a profound role in the travel and hospitality industry. People will cross the world to see their favorite sports team play in an big game - or to experience legendary golf courses in breathtaking global destinations. Some chase the waves for surf and high-adrenaline water sports, some want to swim over every magnificent coral reef that the world's oceans have to offer.

Sports and recreation is a vast sector of the hospitality industry, and one you could become a master of - connecting travelers with the thrilling experiences they have been dreaming about. A sports and recreation professional will specialize in exciting experiences, and you can operate from either end of the process.

You can become a destination coordinator, finding tourists who want to experience the locations and activities of your organization, or you can approach from the travel direction - directing travelers toward the venues and activities they desire. If you understand that need for thrills, personal challenge, and unforgettable moments, you will be able to bond with your clients and help them truly capture the destination sports and recreation experiences they are looking for.

To learn more about what to expect in a hospitality education, chat today with real EHL students about their experience .

The glamorous entertainment industry

Hospitality has always been a gateway into the world of fame and entertainment . Legendary hotels, resorts, and destination venues are often the location of major shows, hosting concerts, after-parties, and other events that become part of celebrity tours. Other venues are popular locations for charity galas and fundraiser events where the rich and famous gather to do their philanthropic work and rub elbows with those who share a different kind of wealth and power.

The BLS predicts jobs in entertainment and recreation management are growing by 8% , which is well above the occupational average.

If you have always wanted to make these glamorous moments into reality with a chance to meet and endless parade of people whose faces are known across the globe, entertainment hospitality is the path for you.

Luxurious wellness and leisure

Perhaps the fastest-growing sector of the hospitality industry, however, is wellness and leisure . It has seen 40% growth through 2023 and is one of the leading growth sectors in the US alone. "Wellness" has become a concept that you see everywhere. It is something we are all focusing on, and in every aspect of life. Mental wellness, workplace wellness, physical wellness, and luxurious wellness are at the top of everyone's mind. It's no surprise that spas, massage studios, salons, and leisure facilities are rapidly growing in ever aspect of hospitality.

Today, when people travel, they want to experience more wellness and luxuriant relaxation than ever before. Every business trip should include at least one day at the spa . Every family vacation will likely include a girl's day out getting pampered. Even eco-tourists are seeking out secluded hot springs and organic facials. Some seek out yoga, pilates, and fitness classes. Some go on retreats or try a guided meditation course. The possibilities are endless.

This vast and growing sector can be found anywhere people travel or vacation. If you specialize in wellness and leisure, you'll find work in every corner of the industry and the world.

The limitless career options of EHL Hospitality Graduates

At EHL, we proudly prepare our students for an illustrious career in the hospitality industry. Your options are not limited just to the traditional roles surrounding hotels or tourism, however. Hospitality is a truly vast industry that encompasses every aspect of travel, events, and experiences. From the many styles of booked accommodation to unique destinations and leisure experiences all over the world - once you are equipped with the hospitality skills and intern experiences learned through EHL education, your potential career paths become truly limitless.

Let your passion and natural talents guide you toward the best path for you. Do you love organizing chaos and seeing events come together? Go into event and venue coordination. Do you love all things food and gourmet? Find your place in the food and beverage world. If you are enchanted by unique experiences, help others find their bliss in tourism or sports recreation. Or, if bliss is your specialty, guide others to the wellness treatments they need to return home feeling refreshed and energized.

Best of all, hospitality skills allow you to pivot at any moment, trying a new branch of the hospitality industry wherever your desire and job opportunities may take you. It all starts here, at EHL hospitality education.

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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International tourism growth continues to outpace the global economy

  • All Regions
  • 20 Jan 2020

1.5 billion international tourist arrivals were recorded in 2019, globally. A 4% increase on the previous year which is also forecast for 2020, confirming tourism as a leading and resilient economic sector, especially in view of current uncertainties. By the same token, this calls for such growth to be managed responsibly so as to best seize the opportunities tourism can generate for communities around the world.

According to the first comprehensive report on global tourism numbers and trends of the new decade, the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, this represents the tenth consecutive year of growth.

All regions saw a rise in international arrivals in 2019. However, uncertainty surrounding Brexit, the collapse of Thomas Cook, geopolitical and social tensions and the global economic slowdown all contributed to a slower growth in 2019, when compared to the exceptional rates of 2017 and 2018. This slowdown affected mainly advanced economies and particularly Europe and Asia and the Pacific.

Looking ahead, growth of 3% to 4% is predicted for 2020, an outlook reflected in the latest UNWTO Confidence Index which shows a cautious optimism: 47% of participants believe tourism will perform better and 43% at the same level of 2019. Major sporting events, including the Tokyo Olympics, and cultural events such as Expo 2020 Dubai are expected to have a positive impact on the sector.

Responsible growth

Presenting the results, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed that “in these times of uncertainty and volatility, tourism remains a reliable economic sector”. Against the backdrop of recently downgraded global economic perspectives, international trade tensions, social unrest and geopolitical uncertainty, “our sector keeps outpacing the world economy and calling upon us to not only grow but to grow better”, he added.

Given tourism’s position as a top export sector and creator of employment, UNWTO advocates the need for responsible growth. Tourism has, therefore, a place at the heart of global development policies, and the opportunity to gain further political recognition and make a real impact as the Decade of Action gets underway, leaving just ten years to fulfill the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Middle East leads

The Middle East has emerged as the fastest-growing region for international tourism arrivals in 2019, growing at almost double the global average (+8%). Growth in Asia and the Pacific slowed down but still showed above-average growth, with international arrivals up 5%.

Europe where growth was also slower than in previous years (+4%) continues to lead in terms of international arrivals numbers, welcoming 743 million international tourists last year (51% of the global market). The Americas (+2%) showed a mixed picture as many island destinations in the Caribbean consolidated their recovery after the 2017 hurricanes while arrivals fell in South America due partly to ongoing social and political turmoil. Limited data available for Africa (+4%) points to continued strong results in North Africa (+9%) while arrivals in Sub-Saharan Africa grew slower in 2019 (+1.5%).

Tourism spending still strong

Against a backdrop of global economic slowdown, tourism spending continued to grow, most notably among the world’s top ten spenders. France reported the strongest increase in international tourism expenditure among the world’s top ten outbound markets (+11%), while the United States (+6%) led growth in absolute terms, aided by a strong dollar.

However, some large emerging markets such as Brazil and Saudi Arabia reported declines in tourism spending. China, the world’s top source market saw outbound trips increase by 14% in the first half of 2019, though expenditure fell 4%.

Tourism delivering ‘much-needed opportunities’

“The number of destinations earning US$1 billion or more from international tourism has almost doubled since 1998,” adds Mr Pololikashvili. “The challenge we face is to make sure the benefits are shared as widely as possible and that nobody is left behind. In 2020, UNWTO celebrates the Year of Tourism and Rural Development , and we hope to see our sector lead positive change in rural communities, creating jobs and opportunities, driving economic growth and preserving culture.”

This latest evidence of the strength and resilience of the tourism sector comes as the UN celebrates its 75th anniversary . During 2020, through the UN75 initiative the UN is carrying out the largest, most inclusive conversation on the role of global cooperation in building a better future for all, with tourism to be high on the agenda.

Related Links

  • Download Excerpt of World Tourism Barometer, January 2020 (PDF)
  • UNWTO World Tourism Barometer Nº18 January 2020
  • Tourism in the 2030 Agenda
  • Presentation (PDF)
  • Infographics

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Travel and tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors

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For nine consecutive years before the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of the global travel and tourism sector exceeded that of the global economy. As the damage to the tourism sector caused by the pandemic slowly subsides, the sector is forecast to pick up the pace again and grow by 5.8% annually over the 2022 to 2032 period, more than twice as fast as the forecast global GDP . The sector is thus one of the main powerhouses of global economic growth.

When compared with other sectors, travel and tourism also ranks among the fastest growing. With a GDP growth rate of 3.5% in 2019, travel and tourism trailed only behind information and communication and financial services. Apart from technology and capital, our society is also heavily driven by the movement of people, which contributes to globalization and the growing connectedness of the world.


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Understanding the Travel and Tourism Sector: A Business Perspective

Understanding the travel and tourism sector

The world of business is inextricably linked with the realm of travel and tourism. From corporate travel arrangements to the operation of hospitality giants, this sector plays a pivotal role in the global economy.

The travel and tourism industry is not merely about vacations and leisure; it encompasses a diverse array of activities, services, and businesses that fuel economies, create jobs, and shape the way we explore the world.

In this article, we will embark on a journey to understand the intricacies of the travel and tourism sector from a business standpoint. We will explore its significance in the global economy, delve into the core components of the industry, examine the economic impact, and discuss emerging trends and challenges.

Moreover, we will shed light on the business aspects of travel, highlighting the key players, revenue streams, and marketing strategies that drive success.

But why should business professionals, beyond those directly involved in tourism, care about this sector? The answer lies in the fact that travel and tourism intersect with nearly every industry. Whether you're in finance, technology, healthcare, or any other field, understanding how this sector operates can unlock opportunities for growth, collaboration, and innovation.

So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a journey through the multifaceted world of travel and tourism, where business meets exploration and economic growth meets wanderlust.

Travel and Tourism

Travel and tourism refer to the activities, services, and industries associated with people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual place of residence for leisure, business, or other purposes.

The Core Components of Travel and Tourism

At its heart, the travel and tourism sector comprises several key components, each playing a unique role in the industry's ecosystem. Understanding these components is crucial for any business professional aiming to navigate this dynamic sector effectively.

Here are the primary elements:

1. Accommodation: Accommodation providers are the backbone of the tourism industry. They include hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, and even unconventional options like Airbnb. These establishments cater to travelers by offering a place to stay, ranging from budget to luxury.

2. Transportation: Travel relies heavily on transportation. This segment encompasses airlines, cruise lines, railways, car rental services, and public transportation systems. Efficient transportation networks are vital for connecting travelers to their destinations.

3. Food and Beverage: Dining experiences are an integral part of any trip. This category includes restaurants, cafes, food trucks, and bars. Culinary tourism, where travelers explore local cuisine, has become a significant trend within this segment.

4. Travel Agencies: Travel agencies and tour operators serve as intermediaries between travelers and service providers. They help plan itineraries, book accommodations, and arrange transportation, making the travel process more convenient.

5. Attractions and Entertainment: Tourist destinations offer various attractions, from historical sites and museums to theme parks and natural wonders. Entertainment options such as theaters and music venues also contribute to the overall travel experience.

6. Travel Technology: In the digital age, technology has transformed the way people plan and experience travel. Online booking platforms, travel apps, and services like TripAdvisor have reshaped the industry's landscape.

7. Tourism Services: This category includes a range of services such as travel insurance, currency exchange, and visa assistance. These services ensure that travelers are prepared for their journeys and can navigate any unforeseen challenges.

8. Destination Management: Local governments and organizations play a pivotal role in managing and promoting tourist destinations. They invest in infrastructure, marketing, and sustainability efforts to attract visitors.

The Economic Impact of Travel and Tourism

From a business perspective, it's essential to grasp the significant economic impact of the travel and tourism sector. This industry is a global economic powerhouse that generates jobs, fosters investment and drives economic growth.

Here are some key statistics to illustrate the significance of travel and tourism :

  • Job Creation: Travel and tourism directly support over 330 million jobs worldwide, accounting for 1 in 10 jobs globally.
  • Contribution to GDP: In 2022, the travel and tourism sector contributed 7.6% to global GDP, highlighting its substantial economic footprint.
  • Investment Magnet: This sector attracts investments in infrastructure, hotels, transportation, and more, further stimulating economic activity.
  • Foreign Exchange Earnings: Tourism often serves as a vital source of foreign exchange earnings for many countries, boosting their balance of payments.
  • SME Growth: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in the sector, benefiting from the opportunities created by tourism-related businesses.

The economic interplay between tourism and other industries is intricate.

For instance, the hospitality sector relies on agriculture for food supplies, airlines depend on the aerospace industry for aircraft and tourist destinations often collaborate with local artisans and businesses to promote cultural experiences.

In the business world, recognizing the economic clout of travel and tourism can open doors for collaboration, investment, and innovation. Many companies, even those seemingly unrelated to tourism, can find ways to tap into this lucrative market.

Emerging Trends and Challenges

The travel and tourism sector is continuously evolving, driven by changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and global events. Business professionals must stay attuned to these trends and challenges to adapt and thrive in this dynamic industry.

Here are some notable developments:

1. Sustainable Tourism: Travelers increasingly prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable practices. Businesses that adopt green initiatives not only reduce their environmental footprint but also attract environmentally conscious travelers.

2. Digital Transformation: The digitalization of travel services has reshaped how consumers plan and book trips. Online platforms, artificial intelligence, and data analytics are instrumental in personalizing travel experiences.

3. Health and Safety: Recent global health crises have heightened travelers' concerns about safety and hygiene. Businesses must implement robust health and safety measures to regain consumer trust.

4. Shifts in Travel Behavior: The pandemic has brought about changes in travel behavior, with a focus on remote and nature-based destinations. Companies need to adapt their offerings to cater to these evolving preferences.

5. Regulatory Challenges: Navigating complex regulations, including visa requirements and health protocols, can be a challenge for travel businesses. Staying informed and compliant is crucial.

6. Geopolitical Factors: Political instability and international relations can significantly impact the tourism industry. Businesses must be prepared to adapt to changing geopolitical landscapes.

The Business of Travel and Tourism

Understanding how businesses operate within this sector is essential for both industry insiders and entrepreneurs looking to tap into this thriving market.

Role of Businesses in the Travel Sector

Businesses play a pivotal role in shaping the travel and tourism landscape. Whether you're a hotel chain, an airline, a tour operator, or a travel agency, your role is multifaceted, encompassing everything from customer service to marketing and sustainability initiatives.

  • Customer-Centric Approach : At the heart of every successful travel and tourism business is a deep commitment to customer satisfaction. Travelers today expect exceptional service and unique experiences. From the moment a traveler starts planning their trip to the time they return home, businesses must focus on providing top-notch services, personalized recommendations, and seamless experiences.
  • Innovation and Adaptation : The travel industry is highly competitive and constantly evolving. Successful businesses in this sector are those that innovate and adapt to changing trends. This could mean embracing digital technology, offering eco-friendly options, or creating new and exciting travel packages.

Business Models and Revenue Streams

To thrive in the travel and tourism sector, businesses employ various revenue models tailored to their specific niches. Here are a few common business models:

  • Hospitality and Accommodation : Hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals rely on room bookings and additional services such as dining, spa treatments, and event hosting to generate revenue.
  • Airlines and Transportation : Airlines make money through ticket sales, baggage fees, in-flight services, and partnerships with other travel-related businesses. Transportation services like taxis, trains, and cruise lines have similar revenue structures.
  • Tour Operators and Travel Agencies : These businesses profit from organizing and selling travel packages, tours, and experiences. Commissions, booking fees, and tour sales are primary income sources.
  • Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) : OTAs like Expedia and aggregate information from various travel service providers and earn commissions on bookings made through their platforms.

Customer Experience and Service Excellence

In the digital age, the travel and tourism sector is driven by customer reviews and recommendations. Travelers share their experiences online, influencing the choices of others. Therefore, providing exceptional customer service is paramount. Here are some strategies to achieve service excellence:

  • Personalization : Tailor recommendations and services to individual preferences.
  • Seamless Booking and Travel : Make the booking process simple and provide support throughout the journey.
  • Feedback and Improvement : Collect customer feedback and use it to enhance services continually.
  • Crisis Management : Be prepared to handle unexpected situations, such as flight cancellations or health emergencies, with professionalism and empathy.

Marketing and Promotion Strategies

Effective marketing is essential for attracting travelers to your business. Here are some strategies commonly used in the travel and tourism industry:

  • Digital Marketing : Utilize online channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and paid advertising to reach a global audience.
  • Content Marketing : Create engaging content, including blog posts, videos, and travel guides, to inspire and inform potential travelers.
  • Partnerships : Collaborate with influencers, other businesses, and tourism boards to expand your reach and access new markets.
  • Sustainability Promotion : Highlight your commitment to sustainable and responsible travel practices, as eco-conscious travelers seek eco-friendly options.

The business of travel and tourism is a multifaceted realm that demands a relentless focus on customer satisfaction, innovation, and responsible practices.

Success in this sector requires a deep understanding of your niche, a commitment to service excellence, and strategic marketing efforts. As the travel industry continues to evolve, businesses that can adapt and offer unique, memorable experiences will undoubtedly thrive in this exciting and ever-changing market.

Key Players in the Travel and Tourism Industry

As we dive deeper into the business of travel and tourism, it's crucial to recognize the key players that shape this industry. These players, ranging from airlines to accommodation providers and travel agencies, contribute to the diverse ecosystem of travel and tourism.

Understanding their roles and significance is essential for anyone interested in this dynamic sector.

Airlines and Aviation

Airlines are the lifelines of global travel. They provide the means for travelers to reach their destinations quickly and efficiently. Here's an overview of their role in the industry:

  • Passenger Transportation : Airlines transport millions of passengers daily, connecting cities and countries across the globe. They generate revenue through ticket sales, baggage fees, and in-flight services.
  • Cargo Services : Airlines also play a pivotal role in transporting goods and cargo, contributing significantly to international trade and logistics.
  • Global Networks : Major airlines operate extensive global networks, allowing travelers to reach virtually any corner of the world.

Hotel Chains and Accommodation Providers

The hospitality sector, including hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals, is another cornerstone of the travel and tourism industry. Here's how they contribute:

  • Lodging : These businesses offer lodging options, from budget-friendly to luxury, catering to diverse traveler preferences.
  • Dining and Services : Many hotels provide dining options, spa services, event hosting, and recreational facilities, enhancing the guest experience and generating additional revenue.
  • Destination Attraction : Iconic hotels and resorts often become attractions in themselves, drawing travelers to specific destinations.

Tour Operators and Travel Agencies

Tour operators and travel agencies specialize in creating and selling travel packages and experiences. Their roles include:

  • Curating Experiences : They design itineraries and packages that offer unique and immersive travel experiences, from adventure tours to cultural excursions.
  • Booking and Logistics : These businesses handle the logistics of travel, including accommodations, transportation, and activities, streamlining the process for travelers.
  • Expertise : Tour operators and travel agencies provide expert guidance, helping travelers navigate complex travel decisions.

Destination Management Companies

Destination management companies (DMCs) focus on specific regions or destinations. Their roles encompass:

  • Local Expertise : DMCs have in-depth knowledge of their respective destinations, enabling them to offer specialized services and experiences.
  • Customized Services : They work closely with travel planners and agencies to tailor experiences for groups and individuals.
  • Sustainability : DMCs often play a vital role in promoting responsible tourism practices within their destinations.

Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)

Online travel agencies have become a dominant force in the industry, leveraging digital platforms to connect travelers with various travel services. Here's what they do:

  • Aggregation : OTAs aggregate information from airlines, hotels, and other travel service providers, offering a wide array of choices to travelers.
  • Booking Platforms : They provide convenient booking platforms, allowing travelers to book flights, accommodations, and more in one place.
  • Reviews and Recommendations : OTAs often feature user reviews and recommendations, influencing traveler decisions.

Understanding the roles of these key players in the travel and tourism industry is essential for anyone considering entering this sector.

Each player contributes uniquely to the travel experience, from transportation to accommodation and beyond. Successful businesses often collaborate with multiple stakeholders to offer comprehensive and memorable travel experiences to their customers.

Travel and Tourism Post-COVID-19

The travel and tourism industry, like many others, faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and health concerns brought international travel to a standstill. However, the industry has displayed remarkable resilience and adaptability.

Let's explore how the sector is recovering and adapting in a post-pandemic world.

Impact of the Pandemic on the Industry

  • Travel Restrictions : Stringent travel restrictions, including border closures and quarantine requirements, severely impacted international travel. Airlines faced a sharp decline in passenger numbers.
  • Hospitality Struggles : Hotels and accommodation providers experienced a dramatic drop in occupancy rates. Many temporarily closed or adapted to offer quarantine and isolation services.
  • Cruise Industry Challenges : Cruise lines faced significant setbacks due to onboard outbreaks. The industry had to reimagine health and safety protocols.
  • Shift to Domestic Travel : With international travel restrictions, many travelers turned to domestic and regional destinations, boosting local tourism.
  • Digital Transformation : The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies for contactless bookings, health monitoring, and communication.

Recovery and Adaptation Strategies

The travel and tourism industry is rebounding, thanks to a combination of factors:

  • Vaccination Campaigns : Widespread vaccination campaigns have increased traveler confidence, making international travel safer.
  • Health and Safety Protocols : Airlines, hotels, and other businesses have implemented robust health and safety measures to reassure travelers.
  • Flexible Booking Policies : Many travel companies introduced flexible booking and cancellation policies to accommodate changing travel plans.
  • Sustainability Focus : There's a growing emphasis on sustainable and responsible tourism, with businesses integrating eco-friendly practices.
  • Digitalization : The industry continues to embrace digital technologies, offering contactless experiences and personalized services.
  • Collaboration : Stakeholders across the industry are collaborating to rebuild and promote destinations.

Future Outlook and Resilience

The travel and tourism industry is poised for recovery and growth in the coming years. Here's what the future may hold:

  • Pent-Up Demand : Many travelers postponed their plans during the pandemic, leading to pent-up demand for leisure and business travel.
  • Sustainable Travel : Sustainable and eco-conscious travel is gaining momentum. Travelers are increasingly choosing destinations and businesses committed to environmental responsibility.
  • Tech Integration : Technology will continue to play a significant role, with advancements in AI, mobile apps, and data analytics enhancing the travel experience.
  • Health and Safety : Health and safety measures will remain a priority, with businesses maintaining rigorous protocols.
  • Remote Work and Travel : Remote work trends may encourage a blend of work and leisure travel, with more extended stays in diverse locations.
  • Resilience Planning : The industry is developing resilience plans to better handle future crises and disruptions.

The travel and tourism industry's ability to adapt and innovate in the face of adversity demonstrates its resilience. As it recovers and evolves, it offers promising opportunities for businesses and travelers alike.

The key to success lies in embracing change, prioritizing safety, and delivering exceptional experiences that meet the evolving needs of travelers in a changing world.

Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Business Practices

In a world increasingly concerned about the environment and social responsibility, the travel and tourism industry is under scrutiny to adopt more sustainable and responsible practices.

Let's delve into the importance of sustainable tourism and how businesses can contribute to a greener and more ethical travel sector.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint : The travel industry is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Airlines, for example, are exploring biofuels and more fuel-efficient aircraft to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Preserving Natural Resources : Eco-conscious travelers seek destinations that protect and preserve natural resources. Businesses can contribute by implementing eco-friendly initiatives like energy-efficient facilities and waste reduction programs.
  • Conservation Efforts : Supporting local conservation projects and wildlife protection initiatives can be a part of responsible tourism. This can involve financial contributions or active participation.
  • Respecting Local Cultures : Responsible tourism respects and celebrates local cultures and traditions. It involves engaging with local communities in a respectful and sustainable manner.
  • Community Involvement : Businesses can support the communities they operate in through job creation, fair wages, and community development projects.

Sustainable Tourism Certifications and Initiatives

  • Eco-Certifications : Numerous certifications, such as EarthCheck and Green Key , help businesses showcase their commitment to sustainability. These certifications often involve rigorous audits of a company's environmental practices.
  • Zero-Waste Initiatives : Some hotels and resorts aim to become zero-waste establishments, recycling and repurposing nearly all their waste.
  • Wildlife Conservation : Tour operators and businesses can partner with wildlife conservation organizations to promote ethical wildlife experiences.
  • Local Sourcing : Restaurants and hotels can prioritize local sourcing of food and materials, reducing transportation-related carbon emissions.
  • Plastic Reduction : Many businesses are eliminating single-use plastics and opting for sustainable alternatives.

Benefits of Responsible Tourism for Businesses

  • Competitive Advantage : Travelers increasingly seek sustainable and responsible options. Businesses that embrace these practices gain a competitive edge.
  • Cost Savings : Sustainable practices often lead to cost savings through reduced energy and resource consumption.
  • Enhanced Reputation : Businesses committed to responsible tourism build a positive reputation and attract like-minded customers.
  • Legal Compliance : Adhering to eco-friendly and ethical standards ensures compliance with evolving environmental and social regulations.
  • Long-Term Viability : By protecting the environment and supporting local communities, businesses contribute to the long-term viability of their destinations.
  • Guest Satisfaction : Eco-conscious travelers appreciate businesses that share their values, leading to higher guest satisfaction and loyalty.

The travel and tourism sector's future hinges on sustainable and responsible practices. Businesses that prioritize environmental and social responsibility not only contribute to a healthier planet but also position themselves for long-term success in an industry undergoing profound changes.

As a business professional, understanding and adopting these practices can be a strategic advantage in a world where ethical considerations increasingly influence consumer choices.

Hostile Takeovers

In a hostile takeover, the acquiring company pursues the target company despite the target's resistance. Hostile takeovers often involve aggressive tactics, such as tender offers directly to shareholders or attempts to replace the target's board of directors.

Case Studies: Successful Businesses in Travel and Tourism

To gain deeper insights into the strategies and approaches that have propelled certain businesses to success in the travel and tourism sector, let's examine a few notable case studies.

These examples showcase how innovation, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach can make a significant impact in this dynamic industry.

Airbnb: Revolutionizing Accommodation

Airbnb, founded in 2008, has transformed the hospitality sector. This online marketplace connects travelers with unique accommodations offered by hosts worldwide. What sets Airbnb apart?

Key Success Factors:

  • Platform Model : Airbnb operates as a platform, allowing hosts to list their properties and travelers to book them. This asset-light model means Airbnb doesn't own properties, reducing capital requirements.
  • User Reviews : User-generated reviews and ratings build trust among users. Travelers can make informed choices based on the experiences of previous guests.
  • Personalization : Airbnb's recommendation engine suggests accommodations based on user preferences, enhancing the customer experience.
  • Diverse Offerings : From treehouses to castles, Airbnb offers a wide range of unique accommodations, appealing to travelers seeking authentic experiences.
  • Host Community : Airbnb invests in building a strong host community, providing support and resources to hosts.

etude success Airbnb

Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Global Expansion

Cross-border M&A transactions involve companies from different countries coming together. These deals offer opportunities for global expansion but also present unique challenges. Data-Driven Booking, founded in 1996, is a global online travel agency. It leverages technology and data to simplify travel booking.

  • Vast Inventory : offers a wide range of accommodation options, from hotels to vacation rentals. This extensive inventory caters to diverse traveler preferences.
  • User Experience : The platform's user-friendly interface and transparent booking process contribute to its popularity.
  • Data Analytics : uses data analytics to understand traveler behavior, enabling personalized recommendations and pricing strategies.
  • Global Reach : With a presence in over 220 countries and territories, serves a global audience.
  • Instant Confirmation : Providing real-time booking confirmation enhances the customer experience.

Delta Air Lines: Customer-Centric Air Travel

Delta Air Lines, a major U.S. carrier founded in 1924, is known for its customer-centric approach.

  • Reliability : Delta prioritizes operational reliability, minimizing flight cancellations and delays.
  • Fleet Upgrades : Investing in a modern and efficient fleet enhances the passenger experience and reduces operating costs.
  • Customer Service : Delta emphasizes excellent customer service, and its efforts are reflected in high customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Global Alliances : Participation in global airline alliances expands route networks and offers travelers more choices.
  • Innovation : Delta embraces innovation, introducing features like biometric boarding and in-flight entertainment options.


These case studies highlight the diverse strategies and approaches that have driven success in the travel and tourism sector. From disruptive online marketplaces to data-driven booking platforms and customer-centric airlines, businesses that prioritize innovation, customer experience, and adaptability are well-positioned for growth.

By studying these examples, business professionals can gain valuable insights into the industry's evolving landscape and identify opportunities to innovate and excel in their own travel and tourism endeavors.

Lessons Learned from Industry Leaders

The travel and tourism sector offers a treasure trove of lessons for business professionals across various industries. Let's distill some key takeaways from the successes and innovations of industry leaders:

1. Customer-Centricity Is Paramount

Whether you're running an airline, hotel, or travel agency, prioritizing the customer experience is non-negotiable. Happy and satisfied customers become loyal patrons and brand advocates. Invest in personalized services, efficient booking processes, and responsive customer support.

2. Embrace Technology and Data

Technology is a game-changer in the travel industry. From data analytics that inform pricing strategies to mobile apps that enhance on-the-go experiences, leveraging technology can set your business apart. Be open to adopting new tools and systems that improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

3. Diversity and Choice Matter

Offering a diverse range of products or services can attract a broader audience. In the travel sector, this means providing various accommodation types, transportation options, and tour packages. Embrace diversity to meet the unique preferences of your customers.

4. Transparency Builds Trust

Transparency in pricing, policies, and terms and conditions builds trust with customers. Hidden fees and ambiguous policies can lead to dissatisfaction. Clear communication and honesty go a long way in establishing credibility.

5. Sustainability Is the Future

Sustainability and responsible tourism are becoming central to the industry's ethos. Travelers are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact. Consider eco-friendly practices and promote responsible tourism. It's not only good for the planet but also a selling point for your business.

6. Innovate or Stagnate

Innovation is the lifeblood of the travel and tourism sector. Whether it's introducing new services, improving efficiency, or enhancing the customer journey, staying ahead requires a commitment to innovation. Monitor industry trends and be open to creative solutions.

7. Globalization Expands Reach

Participating in global networks and alliances can expand your business's reach. Collaborate with international partners to offer customers a wider range of options. Globalization also provides resilience in the face of economic fluctuations.

8. Resilience Is Crucial

The industry has weathered numerous storms, from economic crises to health emergencies. Building resilience into your business plans, such as having contingency measures for crises, is essential. Flexibility and adaptability are key.

9. Community and Culture Matter

Embrace the culture and communities where your business operates. Engage with local communities, respect their traditions, and contribute positively. This fosters goodwill and can lead to meaningful partnerships.

10. Continuous Learning Is a Competitive Advantage

The travel and tourism sector is ever-evolving. Continuous learning and staying informed about industry trends and regulations are essential. Attend conferences, workshops, and industry events to network and gain insights.

Incorporating these lessons into your business strategy can set you on a path to success in the dynamic and rewarding world of travel and tourism. By combining innovation, customer focus, and a commitment to sustainability, you can thrive in an industry that promises new horizons and unforgettable experiences for travelers worldwide.

The travel and tourism sector represents a dynamic and resilient industry with a significant impact on the global economy. As a business professional, understanding the nuances and opportunities within this sector is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we've explored the multifaceted world of travel and tourism, delving into its significance, components, trends, and challenges.

We've seen how the industry intersects with business, offering a wide array of opportunities for entrepreneurs and established enterprises alike. Whether you're considering venturing into travel-related ventures or seeking to enhance an existing business through tourism, the sector holds immense potential.

Key takeaways from this exploration include:

  • The Economic Powerhouse : Travel and tourism contribute significantly to GDP, job creation, and foreign exchange earnings in many countries. This sector's resilience is evident through its ability to rebound from crises.
  • Diverse Components : The industry encompasses hospitality, transportation, attractions, travel services, and more, creating a rich tapestry of business opportunities.
  • Trends and Challenges : Emerging trends like sustainable tourism and digital transformation offer avenues for innovation. Yet, challenges such as health concerns and environmental responsibility must be addressed.
  • The Business of Tourism : Customer-centricity, technology adoption, transparency, and sustainability are vital principles for success in this sector.
  • Key Players : Airlines, hotel chains, tour operators, and online travel agencies are among the key players shaping the industry's landscape.
  • Post-COVID-19 Era : The pandemic prompted significant shifts in travel behavior. Recovery strategies and adaptability are critical for businesses in the post-COVID-19 world.
  • Sustainable Tourism : Responsible practices not only benefit the environment but also appeal to conscious travelers and can drive business success.
  • Lessons from Industry Leaders : Customer-centricity, innovation, transparency, and resilience are valuable takeaways from successful travel and tourism businesses.

As the world evolves, so do the travel and tourism opportunities. By staying informed, embracing innovation, and aligning with sustainability, you can position your business for success in an industry that promises both profitability and the chance to create unforgettable experiences for travelers around the globe.

Now, armed with insights from this guide, you're better equipped to navigate the exciting and ever-changing world of travel and tourism, contributing to its growth and shaping its future. Bon voyage!

  • United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). (2022). Tourism Highlights 2022 Edition. Link
  • World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). (2022). Economic Impact Reports. Link
  • International Air Transport Association (IATA). (2022). IATA Economics. Link
  • Deloitte. (2022). Travel, Hospitality, and Leisure Reports. Link
  • Statista. (2022). Statistics and Market Data on Travel and Tourism. Link
  • McKinsey & Company. (2022). Travel, Logistics & Transport Infrastructure. Link
  • (2023). Link
  • TripAdvisor. (2023). GreenLeaders. Link
  • The New York Times. (2023). Travel and Tourism. Link
  • National Geographic. (2023). Sustainable Travel. Link
  • The World Bank. (2023). Tourism. Link
  • World Tourism Organization (2022). Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Link

Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang Bogwasi

2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Empowering Brands to Generate Leads, Grow Revenue with Business Strategy and Digital Marketing | Founder, CEO of Fine Group

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Travel & Tourism Industry

International travel plays a critical role in the US economy. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2019, international visitors spent $233.5 billion experiencing the United States; injecting nearly $640 million a day into the U.S. economy. The U.S. travel and tourism industry generated $1.9 trillion in economic output; supporting 9.5 million American jobs and accounted for 2.9% of U.S. GDP. At 14.5% of international travel spending globally, international travelers spend more in the United States than any other country. As recovery efforts continue, the International Trade Administration actively supports the industry via the twin pillars of the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) and the U.S. Commercial Service . Working together, we provide a range of data and related products to support the international outreach and promotion efforts of U.S. destinations and attractions. With over 100 offices throughout the United States and in 75 countries around the world, we are where you are and where you want to be.

What We Do For You:

  • Promote U.S. policies that encourage the competitiveness of the U.S. travel industry
  • Provide business counseling, match-making and promotional support services to help U.S. destinations and attractions penetrate new markets and increase market share
  • Seek to ensure that U.S. regulations and other programs do not adversely impact U.S. industry competitiveness
  • Provide information, trade data, and market analysis to the U.S. travel industry, partners and policy makers
  • Maintain close relationships with the U.S. travel industry to focus and construct programs that enhance the industry’s competitiveness and overseas profile

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Travel and Tourism Market Intelligence

The Red Sea project is a flagship tourism development along Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast.

Neom is Saudi Arabia’s futuristic flagship business and tourism development on the Red Sea coast, spanning an area nearly the size of Belgium.

Overview of the Market for Travel and Tourism to the United States from Germany, 2022-2024. 

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    Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2019, international visitors spent $233.5 billion experiencing the United States; injecting nearly $640 million a day into the U.S. economy. The U.S. travel and tourism industry generated $1.9 trillion in economic output; supporting 9.5 million American jobs and accounted for 2.9% of U.S. GDP.