Away With The Steiners

20 Epic Things to do in Riga, Latvia with one day in the Capital City. 

  • By Sarah Steiner
  • Updated On June 16, 2024

In case you are venturing this way and wondering how much time to dedicate or which Baltic capital to choose over the others, Riga is a great pick.  The best things to do in Riga include stunning medieval architectural landmarks, historic alley ways in the cobbled old town, cafes and world heritage sites, lush parks and green spaces offering a brief and beautiful city escape. 

It seems almost unfairly understated as the middle of the three Baltic states.  But Riga has lots to do and a unlikely but trendy mixture of history and culture that works in its favour. 

Here are all the things to do in Riga that we can recommend for a first visit and a great time in the Latvian capital. 

  • About Riga today 
  • How long do you need? 
  • Best time to visit
  • Money and currency 
  • 20 Things to do in Riga – Latvian Academy of Science Building – Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Church – Riga Central Market – River Daugava – Crumble Cake Cafe – St. Peters Church – House of the Black Heads – The Great Guild and Small Guild – The Cat House – Smallest Street in Riga – Albert Street Art Nouveau – Three Brothers House – Peitav Synagogue – Riga Castle and Presidential Palace – Our Lady of Sorrows Cathedral – Mikla Bakery – Latvia Freedom Monument – Laima Clock Tower – Kronvalda Park / Bastejkalna Park – Riga Nativity of Christ Orthodox Cathedral
  • Final thoughts of the best things to do in Riga
  • Where to eat
  • Where to stay 
  • Driving and parking in Riga

About Riga today and what it is like as a visitor (tourist or traveller)?

The Latvian capital is the largest city in the three Baltic states and is also home to one third of Latvia’s total population.  

As a visitor in the northern region of Europe the capital city of Latvia offers an unlikely mixture of history and culture that it wouldn’t be bolshy to say is unexpected.  

The city holds fast to its medieval history in nature and architecture, and it truly is a wonderous old town to explore.  But coupled with the history is a youthful vitality to the city and there is no shortage of trendy cafes and coffee shops, restaurants, nightlife and thriving alternative and hipster culture.  

It’s an exciting place to visit whether you are seeking culture, history or just to get to know a bit more about this middle sibling of the Baltics!

How long do you need to see all the things to do in Riga? 

I said to Gavin while we were walking not to let me forget to write about the smell.  (No doubt that sounds strange.  But trust me; and read on for this one).  

The city still has that small-city feel that I especially noticed walking through the parks.  There are many parks and green spaces (especially considering the comparatively small size of Riga).  And walking around you can smell the sweet honeysuckle and flowers on the roadside.  In the parks you can smell the woody scent of freshly cut grass and evergreen trees.  

Obviously, we aren’t talking comparison with the megacities of Asia.  It’s a far cry from the dust and chaos (and colours) of Delhi or the bustle of Damascus .  But it’s like it hasn’t become a(nother) of Europe’s large and touristic cities yet either.  And we like that about it. 

Definitely don’t judge the number of things to do in Riga on the size of the city or the population.  It’s a cool small city to wander and one that you can really get a good feel of with one day to explore.  

Best things to do in Riga.

When is the best time to visit Riga?

Summer is the best time to visit Riga.   In Latvia the spring and summer months are from May to September when the city is in full swing, and the parks are green, lush and colourful.  

The sun doesn’t set until 10:00pm in the summer and it truly is a great time to visit the Baltic region. 

Money and currency in Latvia

The currency in Latvia is the Euro.  

Latvian towns and cities all over the country are served by a solid network of accessible ATMs.  And in Riga there are ATMs all over the town. 

All the best things to do in Riga with one day in Latvia’s capital city 

Albeit you might not have pictured Riga as a European city destination high up on your bucket list. But we reckon it should be! It is a cosmopolitan capital city and it truly surprised us.

We didn’t have huge expectations for the Latvian capital but it makes for a great day out and a city that we would recommend anyone to visit whether for interest, history, or coffee and food it is well worth it.

Here is what we recommend for the 20 best things to do in Riga, Latvia.

1. Stalinist Architecture / Latvian Academy of Science

Without even trying this must be the first of things to do in Riga. Because even upon entering the city by road from any direction you can see the tall spire top of the Latvian Academy of Science building. 

Albeit the building is a reminder of Latvia’s long subjugation to Soviet rule.  And the Communist Party was not generally known for aesthetic sensibilities.  But regardless of the history the capital city now boasts one of the most iconic buildings of Stalinist architecture. 

The Latvian Academy of Science was not only the first skyscraper in Latvia but until recently overtaken by the Swedbank headquarters it was the tallest building in the country.  

The building was constructed in the Communist 1950’s and has a deep connection to Latvian people.  Not necessarily for the best of memories but the construction was partially funded by salary deductions from citizens(!).  

The history of this icon is intense (to say the least).  And if you look closely there is a combination of Communist symbols like the hammer and sickle right alongside Latvian folk scenes.  

Originally the building was constructed as a dormitory for collective farm workers to stay in when visiting Riga.  But it was never utilized (fulfilled?) as it’s purpose.  Today it is the Latvian Academy of Science.  And despite competition for being the tallest it is inarguably the most notable on entering the region of Riga. 

The impressive Stalinist Architecture of the now Latvian Academy of Sciences. Things to do in Riga.

2. Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Church, Riga

Assuming you have ventured closer to view the famous Stalinist skyscraper in Riga, just across the road is the striking Eastern Orthodox church on Emilijas Benjaminas Street. 

Even without going inside this is the kind of church that makes a statement.  And the contrast between these two buildings is enormous.  

The church is in what was the former Moscow Suburb (now the Latgale District).  It is often called the Church of St Nicolas the Miracle Worker.  

In the early 18 th  century, there were already two other wooden Russian churches in existence in the city.  But both were removed with the extension of Riga’s city fortification in 1773.  And so, it was the only Orthodox church remaining. 

During the war between Russia and France in 1812 most Riga’s suburbs were burned down in a vicious fire.  And a new church in Classical style was completed in 1818 on the original site. 

Another church in Riga.

3. Riga Central Market

If I was to suggest the best thing to do in Riga with one day in the city, it would hands-down be the Riga Central Market.  This place is enormous.  Just when we thought there might be the chance we were getting over the markets of Eastern Europe we discovered Riga Market which dwarfs any of the others.  

The Riga Central Market has long been the largest market in the East of Europe.  It is one of the most notable structures from the 20 th  century in Latvia and has been included in UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1998.  

The building itself is spectacular.  And even if you didn’t know before you could likely guess upon entering the market that it takes place inside huge hangars.  These were historically five pavilions constructed by reusing old German Zeppelin hangars and incorporating Neoclassicism and Art Deco styles.  

It’s pretty darn incredible. 

The iconic Zeppelin hangars of the now-Riga Central Market.

Riga Central Market (continued; and where to eat in Riga Market). 

The market is abuzz of colour and every item imaginable for purchase (fresh or otherwise).  There is all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables displayed beautifully in vibrant colours and gravity defying stacks.   There is a section entirely dedicated to meats.   And in the end hangar closest to the sea is the fish – fresh, dried and cured.  

And just in case you are thinking you don’t need to purchase any fish during your stay in Riga; this end of the market is probably the most impressive.  Latvian’s love their fish.  And the cuisine and food style of the country involves a lot of dried and cured fish. (After all the temperatures in winter chug along below zero with cold snaps as low as -30 and who wants to go out fishing in that?).  

  • Tip:  There are smalls kiosks and simple cafes in each of the market sections.  

We found the best café in the fish market with typical salmon and cured fish sandwiches for less than 1 EUR each.  If I was to recommend anywhere in particular to eat in Riga it would be here at the Central Market.  Give it a whirl! 

Riga Central market best things to do in Riga.

4. River Daugava – and the 1905 Fighters Monument

The city lies on the Gulf of Riga at the mouth of the Daugava River where it meets the Baltic Sea. The Daugava (or Western Dvina) is a river rising in the Valdai Hills of Russia and flowing through Russia, Belarus and Latvia into the Gulf of Riga. 

Sounds cold right? 

It is cold in the winter but during most months of the year the River Daugava is one of the things to do in Riga that can’t really be missed.  

There is a long promenade along the riverfront with many statues and memorials to the wars and history of Riga.  On a beautiful day it is a popular place to wander.  And on a grey day it is even still worth a peep to see this mighty river heading out to the Baltic Sea. 

5. Crumble Cake Café 

Any search online for the best cafes in Riga will pop up with the small and privately owned Crumble Cake Café.  And for good reason. This is one of the most popular cafes in Riga.  It’s only small (with six tables inside) but a cake cabinet and coffee machine that have been worthied to write home about for any visitors to the Latvian capital. 

We met café owner Guntis who proudly showed us the crumble cabinet including the famous house specialty of apple and cinnamon crumble cake.  We tried the specialty and the pear and caramel and while we can’t choose favorites of the two they were both delish.  

The coffee is strong, and the cakes are unique. This is the kind of place that is worth hunting down in any new city.  And right now, writing from a day out in the city we can say with confidence that the Crumble Cake Café is one of the tastiest things to do in Riga. 

Cakes at Crumble Cake Cafe best cafes in Riga.

6. St. Peters Church, Riga

The Saint Peter’s Church is a Lutheran Church in Riga.  It is notably one of Latvia’s landmarks as well as one of the oldest buildings in Riga and the tallest spire in the city.  The building style is undeniably Gothic. But it was first built in 1209 AD as a Roman Catholic church.  

And a fun fact for the church?  The statue of the rooster on top of the church weighs 158kg and of that contains 140 grams of gold used to plate the statue!   

You wouldn’t be wrong in connecting Prague-vibes with the iconic St. Peters Church in Riga.  It is built in the same era and style as many of those in Czech and dates to 1209.  (Although it has been destroyed and restored several times over the subsequent centuries).  It is one of the oldest monuments of medieval architecture in the Baltics. 

  • Tip:  It is possible to go up the church steeple for unmatched views of the old town.  The cost is 9 EUR per adult or 6 EUR for a child or student. 

St. Peters Church in Riga.

7. House of the Black Heads, Riga

I’m pretty sure I’m not the first traveller to have conjured up instant images of something to do with skins and pores on hearing the name of this site.  However, this site has nothing to do with that.  

The house of the Black Heads is one of the most sought things to do in Riga and certainly it is a popular site in the capital city.  (I can confirm you won’t be alone in visiting or photographing the iconic building and surrounding square). 

The original building was erected in 1334 as a warehouse, meeting place and place of celebration for merchants in Riga.  It was the biggest public building in the region of it its time.  

From the mid-15 th  century, it was used by the ‘Brotherhood of Blackheads’ which explains where it got its name.  The Brotherhood of Blackheads was a guild for unmarried merchants in Riga and thus the large building got its name that stands today. 

Now the House of the Blackheads is an event centre and museum.  On the upper level are grand ballrooms where historically many prestigious events and welcoming ceremonies for European monarchies and presidents have been held. 

House of Black Heads things to do in Riga.

8. The Great Guild and Small Guild, Riga

The concept of a ‘Guild’ is not one that’s very common in modern European society.  However, the city of Riga has two iconic buildings that are worth checking out.  

The Great Guild is one of the oldest public buildings in the Baltics going right back to the first half of the 14 th  century.  The Great Guild building has always been open to cultural and social events in the city. 

From the exterior the Guild is an English Gothic style with elements of Eclecticism (which even without prior knowledge of these types of architecture the elements of eclectic nature are fairly self-explanatory!).  After a fire in 1963 the interior was reconstructed and has been adapt to the needs of a concert hall now home of the Riga Philharmonic. 

The Small Guild or the Guild of St. John (Die Kleine Gilde zu Riga, Sankt-Johannis-Gilde) was a fraternity of master craftsmen existing from 1352 to 1936 when the original Riga Chamber of Crafts was founded.

In 2000 the Small Guild underwent major renovation and restoration and the entire finish was restored according to the documents and photographs of the 19th century.

Today the Small Guild is used for festive events, celebratory concerts, formal business meetings, conferences, presentations and balls.

Quirky, but cool to see in Riga! 

See the Great Guild and Small Guild things to do in Riga.

9. The Cat House, Riga

Fairly officially known (seriously) as  The Cat House  in Riga is a building situated in the old town styled in both medieval architecture and Art Nouveau.  

The building is known for the two cat sculptures with arched backs and raised tails on its roof.  

It is said that the owner wanted the cats to be placed with their turned towards the Great Guild nearby as he held a grudge against its members.  One legend has it that the owner was a wealthy tradesman who commissioned the building despite being refused membership to the Riga Tradesmen’s Guild.  And so, it was ordered that the cats should be turned to face the guild house. 

The Cat House Riga.

10. Rozena Iela / The Smallest Street in Riga

Tucked away behind the houses and central streets of old Riga is the most narrow street in town.  The street of Rozena Iela gets its claim to fame as the narrowest street in Riga. 

And that’s truly about it for this claim to fame. It really is a very narrow alley in the centre of the old town of Riga. But it is worth checking out (as long as you are prepared that you won’t be the only one on such a mission!).

Riga narrowest street in the old town.

11. Albert Street and Art Nouveau style

Albert Street in Central Riga is known for its Art Nouveau buildings.  Many of the apartment buildings along the street were designed by the architect Mikhail Eisenstein who was particularly active in Riga at the beginning of the twentieth century.  His creativity is reflected in the numerous atypical (very) decorative buildings along Albert Street. 

And there is the rather fancy (also, very) Sienna Art Café on Albert Street.  If you are looking for luxury patisserie cakes, champagne or coffee this is the place to go.  But do be ready for the price match with Art Nouveau surroundings and a seeming transportation back to the 20 th  century times of luxury too…

A cappuccino at Art Cafe Sienna, Riga.

12. Three Brothers House 

The famous and oh-so-iconic Three Brothers House in Riga forms the oldest complex of dwelling houses in Latvia. And the cool thing is that each house represents various periods of development of dwelling house construction from that time. 

The first house (to the left) is the oldest and dates from the late 15 th  century. The exterior of this building is characterized by Gothic decorations and a few early Renaissance details. 

The middle house has an exterior dating from 1646 (as displayed on the front) with a stone portal added in 1746.  The style of the middle building in particular shows influence of Dutch Mannerism. 

The last house (on the right) is a narrow Baroque building likely constructed in the late 17 th  century. 

Today the three houses are home to the State Inspection for Heritage Protection and the Latvian Museum of Architecture.  

The Three Brothers is one of the most popular things to do in Riga.

13. The Peitav Synagogue / Riga Synagogue

The Riga Synagogue is the only synagogue in Riga to have survived the Holocaust and to be currently active.  It is the centre of the Jewish Latvian community and is recognized by the government as an architectural monument of national significance. 

The Synagogue was built in 1903 and designed in an Art Nouveau style in keeping with much of the city growth of the time.  When Riga’s synagogues were burned in 1941 by the Nazi’s, the Peitav Synagogue was the only one to survive because of its location in the Old Town.  

After Latvian independence from Soviet rule in 1991 the synagogue was damaged by bombings in 1995 and 1998 and was only restored to operational in 2009. 

  • Tip:  Entry to the Synagogue costs 3 EUR per adult and 1 EUR per child. 

Riga Synagogue

14. Riga Castle and Presidential Palace 

Riga Castle has been the official residence of the President of Latvia since 1922 when the institution of the President of Latvia was founded.  

The foundation stone of the castle was laid in 1330 although its structure was thoroughly rebuilt between 1497 and 1515.  

Today the Riga Castle is one of Latvia’s greatest medieval castles.  

Riga Castle and Presidential Palace.

15. Our Lady of Sorrows Cathedral 

The iconic blue and white Our Lady of Sorrows Church was the first stone built Catholic church in Riga.  

It was commissioned in 1785 after the Reformation had reached what was then  Livonia  – a historic region encompassing what is today Latvia and Estonia. 

Blue and white Our Lady of Sorrows Cathedral Latvia.

16.  Mikla Bakery and Coffee

For every search on where to eat in Riga or which cafes to try the Mikla Bakery always came up.  Sure, there is a flood-list of patisseries and fancy schmancy cake shops.  But by this time in the day after covering a chunk of the main things to do in Riga it was well overdue for a coffee, and I searched again where to head for. 

When we detail (below) a bit more about the best cafes in Riga I’ll add a disclosure that despite the high prices for much of the coffee it truly has been pretty bad.  But that was until we found Mikla Bakery.  The service wasn’t the friendliest (sorry Latvia; your service in hospitality isn’t anything to recommend so far).  But we even ordered two macchiatos each from Mikla and told the barista it was the best coffee we’d had in a while.  (It really was).  

So, among the multitude of patisseries and high-end cake shops if what you are looking for is just a decent coffee; this is the place to go. 

  • Tip:  There are two Mikla Bakery stores close to the old town of Riga. 

Mikla Bakery where to eat best cafe in Riga and best coffee in Riga.

17. Latvia Freedom Monument  in Riga

We were officially  those tourists  advancing on the famous Freedom Monument in Riga and questioning (embarrassingly out loud) as to whether or not the two soldiers standing on either side were in fact real…

Turns out they are real.  And with both professionalism and a sense of humour.  (Well, if a raised eyebrow counts as a hint of a smile at our questioning their realness from a safe distance).  

In fact, the Freedom Monument has been the central landmark in Riga for almost a century.  The towering statue is 42m high of granite and copper and is a symbol of the Latvian nations stiving for freedom and independence. 

During the Soviet occupation of Latvia any gathering at the Freedom Monument was strictly forbidden.  But after the country’s independence was restored in 1991 people gathered again to honour the War of Independence and the establishment of the Republic of Latvia.  And since then, the two Honour Guards have been deployed at the foot of the monument. 

The two Honour Guards at the Latvian Freedom Monument.

18. Laima Clock Tower / Laimas Pulkstenis

The Laima Clock Tower is on many a list of things to do in Riga.  But I’m going to go against the grain and say that of all the recommendations for things to do in Riga the Laima Clock Tower was perhaps the biggest disappointment.  

Maybe it is in comparison to medieval era wonders and architecture from centuries ago.  But the Laima Clock Tower didn’t seem to have the same scope of wonder at all.  

However, it IS one of the listed sights of the Latvian capital.  And albeit for (fairly) good reason too.  The clock was originally completed in 1924 and first named the Big Clock. (London vibes perhaps?).  But when bureaucracy for maintenance was taken over by the Laima confectionery company in 1936 the name has stuck.  

Laima is the largest producer of confectionery in Latvia most famous for the chocolate candy, Serenade.  So, although the clock isn’t all that old (comparatively) it does have connections with chocolate and the largest confectionery company in Latvia. 

19. Kronvalda Park / Bastejkalna Park 

Even a quick squiz on Google maps shows the Latvian capital with several decent sized green spaces and parks.  Kronvalda and Bastejkalna are two of the biggest parks in Riga and located not far from the central district and old town.  

Pronunciation of these two isn’t the easiest and so when I looked up the history of each park it interestingly announces on the Live Riga website that the parks were originally deemed ‘resorts’ as a place to relax and regain health.  

In total the city has more than twenty parks and gardens of different sizes.   

The Grand Canal in Bastejkalna Park.

20. Riga Nativity of Christ Orthodox Cathedral / Russian Orthodox Cathedral 

The Nativity of Christ Cathedral was built between 1876 and 1883 when the country was part of the Russian Empire.  It is the largest Orthodox cathedral in the Baltic provinces and was built with the blessing of the Russian Tsar Alexander II. 

Today the cathedral is renowned for its icons which have long withstood the change of independence of the country’s religion and leadership.  

During the First World War when German troops occupied Riga the cathedral was turned into a Lutheran church.  When Latvia regained independence it once again became an Orthodox cathedral in 1921.  

The incredibly grand Nativity of Christ Cathedral.

The verdict? How are all the best things to do in Riga? 

We thoroughly enjoyed Riga.  The highlight was the Central Market and the local food stalls in there.  Plus, the wandering amongst the Medieval architecture, historic streets and the green parks.  

There is plenty of things to do in Riga that are free and interesting.  And lots to taste! It really seems to have it all.  

And although we visited in our motorhome and explored the city on foot, we can absolutely imagine all the things to do in Riga being the perfect cityscape weekend European destination. 


Where to eat / Best cafes in Riga

Riga has a bustling café scene and trendy coffee culture in the downtown old parts of the city.  There is also the many food stalls in the Central Market and a couple of notably local and traditional Baltic style restaurants in the market with great prices and simple, home cooked food.  (And vodka!). 

The Latvian capital also has an abundance of cake shops, bakeries and patisseries with beautifully decorated cakes and treats.  We rate the cafés in Riga as whole drawcard for the city on its own! 

Here are some of the best cafes in Riga to try: 

  • Crumble Cake Café
  • Mikla Bakery and Café
  • Art Café Sienna (luxury)
  • Rigas Centraltrigus Paviljoni (Riga Central Market) 
  • Conditorei Bakery 
  • Big Bad Bagels Old Town 
  • Kafejnica Sala 

Best cafes in Riga.

Where to stay / Accommodation in Riga

One of the best things about the small size of Latvia’s capital city means that there is lots of options for accommodation close to the old town.  And actually, inside the old part of town is a mixture of budget and mid-range accommodation that lands you right up close to all the best things to do in Riga from your doorstep. 

  • Budget / Backpacker  Aussie Backpackers and Old Town Hostel , Amber Rooms Hostel , Liberty Airy Hostel . 
  • Mid-Range Accommodation, Riga   Augustine Hotel , Rixwell Hotel Konventa Seta .
  • Luxury Accommodation, Riga Boutique Hotel Monte Kristo , Opera Hotel and Spa , Wellton Riverside Spa Hotel , Neiburgs Hotel

Parking in Riga / Parking for motorhome in Riga, Latvia 

We found a great park for the night close to the centre of Riga within a 25-minute walk to the old town.  


  • Location:  4 Natana Barkana Iela, Riga
  • Type:  Parking Lot Day / Night 
  • Park4Night:   #378782
  • Cost:  5 EUR / 24hrs 
  • Facilities:  Parking

About:  A very friendly couple in the payment kiosk. A great safe place to park and a quiet night. We stayed two nights and recommend it as an ideal location to explore close to all the things to do in Riga. 

Useful links for your travels in Eastern Europe and beyond…

These are the companies we use while traveling fulltime as a family and that we would recommend to anyone planning and booking travel. 

  •  – The best all-around accommodation booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation and it’s easy to filter and sort into price and availability with all the extras you are looking for personally. 
  • Skyscanner   – This is by far our favourite flight search engine. They are able to search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites often miss. We book all our flights through Skyscanner.  
  • GetYourGuide   – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions offered all around the world including everything from walking tours, to street-food tours, cooking classes, desert safari’s and more!
  • SafetyWing  – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable insurance plans that can be tailored to digital nomads and long-term travellers. They have cheap weekly and monthly plans that are possible to book even when you have already left home.
  • World Nomads   – Travel insurance tailored for longterm travel and nomads (including those who have already left home). 

Read more about travel in Europe by motorhome.

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  • Finding free campsites in Germany.
  • How to do the Ceuta border crossing from F’nideq (Morocco) to Ceuta (Spain).
  • Finding free camping in France by motorhome. 

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riga latvia places to visit

We are the Steiners: Sarah, Gavin, Harry and Oscar – a family from New Zealand with a love of travel and adventure together… Especially where it takes us off the beaten track! 

riga latvia places to visit

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The World Was Here First

2 to 3 Days in Riga Itinerary: Things to Do in Latvia’s Capital

Last Updated on January 23, 2024

by Michael Rozenblit

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase, we may make a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. For more information, see our privacy policy.

Though the capital of Latvia is still considered to be a relatively “off the beaten path” destination in Europe, planning a 2 or 3 days in Riga itinerary is a fantastic introduction to this part of the world!

In recent years, the city has attracted visitors with cheap flights and cheap alcohol prices, but Riga has a lot more to offer than simply a party destination. With a beautiful, historic old town and gorgeous Art Nouveau architecture that put cities like Budapest or Prague to shame, Riga has something to offer everyone.

While Riga doesn’t get nearly the international tourism attention it deserves, it has steadily been creeping onto the radar of potential visitors over the past few years.

It’s clear why Riga is becoming popular for a wide range of different travellers – it offers something different for everybody. Whether you’re a history and architecture buff, a foodie or simply looking for fun and affordable nightlife – you will easily be able to incorporate those things during your time in the Latvian capital!

Table of Contents

How Many Days in Riga?

While the Latvian capital is fairly compact, we suggest visitors spend a minimum of 2 days in Riga. This will give you plenty of time to explore the Old Town and walk around the historical centre of the city.

With 3 days, you’ll also have the opportunity to take a day trip and explore some of the Latvian countryside to places such as Jurmala and Kemeri National Park.

The House of the Blackheads in Riga

Getting To & Around Riga

Riga is home to its own international airport and has excellent connections to many European cities – and a few further afield, as well. Riga Airport is the hub for Air Baltic and also serves budget carriers like Ryanair, so you’re likely to be able to find an affordable flight to the city if you’re planning a bit of a city break.

The Riga Airport is located about 10 kilometres from Central Riga. You can catch a public bus to the city centre from the airport (bus number 22) or you could opt to take a taxi. If you use the latter option, we recommend using the Bolt app to hail a cab or alternatively, you can organise a private transfer here.

Riga is also well-connected to other cities in the region, such as Tallinn or Vilnius and there are plenty of buses to the city.

You can also easily reach Riga from smaller cities, such as Liepaja in Latvia and Parnu and Tartu in Estonia. The Central Bus Station in Riga is located, unsurprisingly, quite centrally so it is easy to get to the city centre from there. You can view schedules here.

Once in the city, you’ll find Riga’s Old Town and central areas are reasonably compact. This means that if you’re only spending 2 days you’ll only need to use public transport on a rare occasion, if at all. It also means that you likely won’t need to hire a car. Riga has an extensive bus, tram and trolleybus network within the city limits.

For those interested in visiting Jurmala & Kemeri National Park , then you may also consider hiring a car.

While you don’t need to have a car to get around Riga and you can also easily reach and get around Jurmala without your own vehicle, it does make it easier to visit nearby Kemeri National Park, which is located on the western edge of Jurmala.

If you do want to hire a car while in Riga, we suggest browsing to compare prices across several different rental companies.

Riga's Old Town

2 to 3-Day Riga Itinerary

Riga has several fantastic attractions to keep travellers busy during their stay in the Latvian capital.

Day 1 – Old Town, Canal Cruise, Central Riga & More

Riga old town.

There is no better place to begin your trip to Riga than in the historic Old Town. While this part of Riga has undoubtedly attracted more and more tourists over the years there is a very good reason for this –  its cobblestone streets and charming medieval architecture is simply a delight to walk around and there are many interesting sites to explore.

The House of Blackheads is one of the most iconic sites in Riga, originally built in the 14th century for German merchants it was completely rebuilt in the late 90s after being destroyed during WWII.

One of the most famous churches that’s worth seeing is St Peter’s Church located in the Old Town. Built in the early 13th century, it is over 120 metres tall and offers visitors a chance to climb the tower to the top and get a wonderful view of Riga and the Old Town.

The Riga Cathedral is another famous church located in the Old Town. Constructed in the 13th Century, it is famous for its organ which contains 6,718 pipes! Along the side of the Riga Cathedral lies Dome Square , a major meeting point in Old Riga that is lined with cafes and is a great place to take in.

Riga Cathedral

Other points of interest in the Old Town include The Three Brothers which are the oldest residential houses in Riga and home to the Architectural Museum .

The Swedish Gate is also worth visiting, which is the last remaining part of the Old City Walls. The Powder Tower is another point of interest, which used to be an important defensive post for Riga and is now home to the Latvian War Museum .

If you would like to learn more about the history of the Old Town during your first 24 hours in Riga then it’s worth taking a free walking tour with Riga Free Tours . Their Old Riga Tour starts at 10 am daily, which does mean an early start but gives you the advantage of getting there before many other tour groups arrive! During the peak summer season they also run additional tours in the afternoon.

It is also possible to book a paid walking tour here if it suits your schedule better.

The Powder Tower in Riga's Old Town

Bastejkalna Park & Canal Cruise

After a few hours of walking around the Old Town, you will undoubtedly be due for a break! Luckily, you’re not too far from some lovely green spaces and a canal to relax by!

Bastejkalna Park which is located just on the outskirts of the Old Town is the perfect escape if you want to get away from the Old Town as it becomes more crowded throughout the day. There is a lovely canal that runs through the park and a number of inviting benches to rest your sore legs.

If you want to get another vantage point of the Old Town then you can take a short one-hour boat ride along the canal. River Cruises  has regular departures costing €12 per person and leave regardless if they are filled or not.

The cruise will take you along the canal and then onto the Daugava River.

Relaxing by the canal in Riga

See the Freedom Monument & Laima Clock

Located right next to the canal, is the Freedom Monument is considered an important symbol of Latvian independence and commemorates Latvian lives that were lost during the Latvian War of Independence. 

Whilst nowhere near as elaborate as what you might see at Buckingham Palace in London, there is a changing of the guard that occurs on the hour during the day.

Opposite the Freedom Monument is the Laima Clock, which advertises Latvia’s famous chocolate company and is considered the main meeting point for locals in the city.

Freedom Monument at dusk

Visit Central Riga

Whilst the Old Town of Riga might be what draws in many tourists, it’s worth crossing the bridge over the canal and exploring the streets of Central Riga. This area is filled with beautiful buildings and one could easily spend hours marvelling at the Art Nouveau architecture.

Whilst this area might lack the large number of tourist sites found in the Old Town, you will definitely be less likely to bump into tour groups and can see a side of Riga that many locals call home today.

This is also the best area to stay in during your visit to Riga as it’s more affordable than the Old Town and there are many fantastic cafes and restaurants here which are catered to locals. 

One monument that is worth detouring to during your walk around central Riga is the Nativity of Christ Cathedral. Located in Esplanade Park, it is the largest Orthodox church in the Baltics and has a fascinating history.

It was originally built in the 19th Century but was closed during the Soviet era and used as a planetarium. It was restored to its original purpose following Latvia’s independence.

The Nativity of Christ Cathedral

Day 2 – Central Market & Museums

Explore riga central market.

There’s arguably no better way to understand a culture than by its food so if you want to see where many locals shop, head straight to Riga Central Market. The market was originally opened in 1930, is open daily and is considered one of the largest markets in Europe.

Walk down the aisles and explore the many vendors selling fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, fish, meat and much more!

There are also a number of vendors selling freshly baked pastries, making this a great place to pick up some breakfast or lunch! You can also book a food tour of the market here.

Riga Central Market

Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia is one of the best museums in Riga to explore that covers the history of the German and Soviet occupation of Latvia from WWII until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. 

It has been newly renovated and is located in the Old Town near House of the Blackheads. Entrance to the museum costs €5 per person

Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia

If you want to get a bit outside of the city centre, then this museum provides a glimpse into Latvia of days past as well as a welcome escape from the relatively busy central area of Riga.

Located a short bus ride from the city, the open-air museum allows you to explore and learn more about life in rural Latvia.

There are a collection of traditional houses and workstations for different types of occupations. You are given a map on arrival that allows you to explore at your own leisure as well as enjoy the surrounding nature.

Take buses 1, 19, 28 or 29 to get here by public transport or a Bolt ride will cost around €8-10 from central Riga. Entrance in the museum costs €4 per person.

Wooden houses in the Ethnographic Museum

Enjoy Riga’s famous nightlife

Riga’s nightlife has become increasingly famous over the years and has become especially popular for stag-do parties.

Most of the nightlife is concentrated in the Old Town, however, there are a lot of tourist traps in the historical centre so it’s worth venturing out for cheaper drink prices and more local venues.

One place I can recommend if you’re after a more relaxed night is Vina Studija which is a hip wine bar in Central Riga. They offer an extensive wine list all available by the glass with detailed descriptions on the menu costing between €5-7. There is also a restaurant if you’re after a full meal. 

Antipasto Platter from Vina Studija

Day 3 – Jurmala & Kemeri National Park

Day trip to jurmala.

One of the best things to do in Riga is to take a day trip to nearby Jūrmala which has kilometres of beautiful sandy Baltic beach. During the summer months, many tourists arrive from nearby countries so accommodation can be difficult to find which makes a day trip from Riga the perfect option to enjoy Jūrmala!

The water might be a bit chilly for people used to warmer climates however it’s definitely still swimmable during the summer months if you can handle a little bit of chill. There are also a number of nature trails in the area for walking or biking if you feel like being more active.

If you’re not visiting Riga on a budget and feel like you need some pampering after your first 2 days in Riga then Hotel Jurmala Spa offers a number of affordable spa treatments including a variety of massages.

Jūrmala can be easily be reached by taking a 30-minute train ride from Riga Central station. Please note that there is no train station named Jurmala and there are a number of possible stations you can exit when visiting Jurmala.

Majori Beach in Jurmala

Majori is the most popular area for visitors while Dubulti is a good option if you want a slightly less busy beach but still have access to facilities such as a beach bar and changing areas.

If you are looking to be a bit active, then consider heading to Kemeri National Park before exploring Jurmala.

Famous for its bog walk, the national park is most easily reached by your own car, however, you can take the train to Kemeri station (it’s on the same line as the Jurmala trains) and walk the 4km to the trailhead.

The town of Kemeri itself is also very much worth exploring and boasts a number of interesting attractions, such as an abandoned Soviet-era sanitorium and sulphuric water taps.

It is possible to book this full-day tour or this full-day tour that takes you to both Kemeri and the beach.

Kemeri Bog Walk

Places to Eat in Riga

There are a number of fantastic places to eat in Riga ranging from traditional Latvian fare to trendy and hip cuisine drawing on both local and international influences.

Big Bad Bagels – Located in central Riga, Big Bad Bagels is a hip cafe serving freshly baked bagels with several different fillings along with a range of coffee and juices. This cafe is a great option for breakfast or lunch and they also do takeaway if you are eager to start exploring.

Lido – Lido is a cafeteria-style restaurant chain that is extremely popular with locals. It offers a changing menu of traditional Latvian cuisine including meat dishes, potatoes, salads, desserts and much more. There are several locations across Riga and you can eat well here for around €6-10 per person depending on your selections.

Delicious dinner from Lido

Maza Terapija – This is an excellent vegan restaurant in Central Riga. They have a range of different meals available and all are so delicious you won’t know they are vegan! They also have an impressive pastry case for those who have a bit of a sweet tooth.

Kolonade – Located next to the Laima Clock, Kolonade is a great option for lunch if you’re near the Old Town as they have affordable set menus. For a great price, you can choose from one soup and main dish from their daily menu.

Moltto Wine & Grill – Moltto is a trendy restaurant and wine bar located on a quiet street in central Riga. With a vibrant atmosphere and friendly staff, this is a great option for dinner as they have an extensive menu of dishes.

Beef carpaccio from Moltto

Where to Stay in Riga

Greystone Suites & Apartments – If you’re looking for a nice hotel with some self-catering options, then this is a wonderful option for you! It is centrally located and within walking distance of all of the main sites. They have a large range of rooms on offer.

Grand Poet by Semarah – For those looking for a luxury option in the Latvian capital, this 5-star hotel is a great option. They have plush rooms available and countless amenities, such as a state-of-the-art fitness centre, pool and spa. Breakfast is included and they also organise airport shuttles.

Cinnamon Sally Backpacker’s Hostel – located in the heart of Riga close to the Central Market, this small hostel is one of the best places to stay in Riga if you’re on a budget. They offer both dorms and private rooms and also organise social events, making it a great option if you want to meet some people to explore Riga with! 

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse other hotels in Riga!

Art nouveau architecture in Central Riga

Riga is a fantastic city to visit and offers something to do for a wide range of travellers. While a few days in Riga will give visitors a great introduction to the city there is also more than enough reason to stay longer and enjoy the thriving atmosphere of the Latvian capital. 

Are you planning a trip to Riga? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments below!

riga latvia places to visit

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About Michael Rozenblit

Michael is a co-founder and writer for The World Was Here First. Both solo and with his partner, Maggie, he has travelled to over 50 countries across the globe and has a particular affinity for the Balkans and Eastern Europe. He’s lived in numerous countries worldwide but currently resides in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia. Read more about Michael

I went to Riga for 4 nights at the beginning of December 2021 for their Xmas market that unfortunately wasn’t but I loved it that much I’m back there again at the same time this year for 3 nights and get to see the Xmas markets this time. We went to the National Opera House to see The Nutcracker ballet which was magical! The thick snow just makes it more xmassy at that time of year too.

we are visiting Riga 9th November too for the markets… cant wait! thanks for this really helpful guide

Riga is my heritage and I will be visiting next March for the first time. Will it be very cold and will all sites be open as I understand this is not peak tourist season? Thank you for all of the above tips.

Hi Inga, March is definitely a cold month so I suggest looking at the average weather to determine if it’s the right time for you to visit. Site opening times might vary so I suggest checking on their website for any updated information.

Interesting look at what to do in three days as I will arrive mid day on the 28th of April. I will certainly get out early to catch the old part of the city on day two before the crowds arrive so thanks for that tip as well as where to eat and relax.

Lots of great info. Thanks. What would you suggest for a short trip there beginning of November?

Great itinerary. Will follow it for our 5 day stay in Riga starting as soon as we get off the Lux Express coach from Tallinn. Thanks

Glad to hear you found it helpful – hope you have a great time in Riga!

Hello Excellent. You saved my stay in Riga. Abrazos de Colombia.

Glad we helped – hope you have a great trip! 🙂

Thanks for all the great info. I plan to visit in October this year.

Hope you have a great time in Riga, Alida!

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Best Things To Do In Riga – Europe’s Hidden Gem

Written By: Martha Knight

Updated On: January 9, 2023

Looking for a European city break somewhere new? Riga, the handsome capital of Latvia, is a perfect place for a couple of days of exploring. It is a small city, whose centre is very charming and walkable. It isn’t overrun by tourism, either so it is one of the few capitals in Europe where you can explore the hotspots without hordes of tourists. 

Table of Contents

Things to do in Riga

If you’re into architecture or Art Nouveau design, you’re in for a treat because Riga’s city centre has the highest concentration of Art Nouveau architecture in the world.  In this post, we’ll run through the top things to do in Riga. 

Traveling to Riga? Book an Art Nouveau walking tour with a local guide. Latvia’s capital has many facades covered in gargoyles, dragons and wolves. 40 percent of all the buildings in central Riga were built in the Art Nouveau style making it beautiful and unique.

1. Wander Riga’s Old Town

best things to do in riga latvia

Wandering the cobbled streets of the old town is one of the best things to do in Riga. Every street is a delight, so don’t just stick to the main street of Brivibas iela, or the main and busy Livu Square, get lost and enjoy your stroll. Don’t miss walking the smallest street in Old Town. Rozena iela is so narrow, you can touch the opposite walls at the same time!

Book this highly rated Riga walking tour – take a guided tour with a local guide to explore the heart of Riga, the Old Town. Learn why Latvians put golden roosters instead of the crosses on church towers, why the world should thank Riga for the Christmas tree decorating tradition and more! Book now and get free cancellation with full refund if canceled 24 hours in advance of tour.

Some of the top Riga attractions in Old Town include:

  • Church of St Peter , which has a dizzyingly high steeple (122m). You can take a lift to a viewing platform 72 metres up
  • Cathedral square, which contains Riga’s huge gothic Cathedral
  • The Swedish Gate , the only gate left in the old town’s walls 
  • The Cat House, a yellow building with two iron cats peering over the edge of the roof. This Riga Walking Tour explains who hated the sculpture of the black cat in Riga and why?

2. House of the Blackheads

things to do in riga latvia House of the Blackheads

Arguably the most spectacular building, the House of the Blackheads is the star of the Town Hall Square. The building was founded as a merchant’s society in the 13 th Century. It was designed as a meeting place for a guild of unmarried businessmen known as the Brotherhood of Blackheads. It is famous for being known as where the first public Christmas tree was displayed in 1510.

Riga at Night

If you are looking for things to do at night in Riga, there are plenty of bars and restaurants in the old town, and while you’re likely to see the odd stag or hen parties, Riga isn’t spoiled by rowdy, drunk tourist groups the way some of the capitals of Eastern Europe are – and this is a good reason to choose Riga for your city break! Riga’s Old Town is pedestrian-only so it is easy to walk around to enjoy its bars and nightclubs.

3. Visit the Art Nouveau Museum

latvia places to visit art nouveau museum

Due to the concentration of Art Nouveau buildings, Riga is the Art Nouveau Architecture capital of the world – so you should definitely consider an Art Nouveau walking tour of Riga , to take in the best examples of architecture around the city. 

And at the very least, you should visit the Art Nouveau Museum. It is such a unique thing to do in Riga. The Museum is basically an apartment in an Art Nouveau-style building. It was built in 1903 as the home of the architect Konstantins Pekšens who designed it together with Eizens Laube. The apartment has been preserved in its original decor and furniture, so it is like a time capsule: it gives a very real glimpse into life in the early 20th Century. There’s a sitting room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and maid’s room, all with period fixtures and furniture. The building also features a stunning spiral staircase, the ceilings of which are painted with intricate and swirling patterns. This alone is worth the entry price!

4. Take a boat ride on the canal and river

what to do in riga canals and wooden boats

As well as enjoying the nature surrounding the canal, one of the greatest things to do in Riga is to take a boat ride along the canal and the river Daugava. You can pick up a boat on the canal banks near the bridge where the main street, Brivibas laukums crosses the canal. Book a Canal Tour for the best sightseeing in Riga . Cruise along the Daugava River and Riga City Canal to see the most popular sights in Riga including the Freedom Monument and Latvian National Theatre.

The boats are small wooden boats, which take you along the pretty canal, past grand buildings in baroque and art nouveau style. Eventually, the canal reaches the River Daugava, which is huge by comparison to the canal. The boat will feel a little small in this wide, fast-flowing, brownish-coloured river, but you’ll be safe!  You’ll then follow the river downstream, passing the old town and Riga Castle on your right. Then you’ll turn back into the canal system and you’ll make your way back to the starting point.

Where to Eat in Riga after your Tour

It really is a gorgeous, peaceful way to see Riga and a great way to spend an hour. And if you need some refreshments after your tour, there’s a restaurant called Kolonade near the drop-off point, with a small outside terrace, where you could grab a drink or a bite to eat. 

5. Marvel at the Stunning Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ

things to see in Riga Latvia Cathedral of Nativity

One thing you must do in Riga is to visit the gold-domed Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ. There are several churches in the old town, but this orthodox church on the east side of Esplanade Park is arguably the most spectacular looking. It was built in the 19 th century when Latvia was part of the Russian Empire and it is in the Neo-Byzantine style. At one point during the reign of the USSR, the church was closed and re-opened as a planetarium, but it was restored to a place of worship when Latvia gained independence. 

It is a functioning church, so there are regular services inside. However, you will want to admire it from the outside because it features intricate and pretty domed rooves plated in gold. On a bright day, they glow and glisten in the sun.  If you need a place to eat after visiting the church, there’s a traditional Latvian restaurant called Lido Vermanitis nearby on Elizabetes iela. 

6. Recognise the Past at the Freedom Monument

Outside the old town and just beyond the canal is a tall monument you can’t fail to notice.  The Freedom Monument stands proudly in the middle of a pedestrianized plaza. 

freedom monument riga things to do

The monument is 42 metres high and at the top of the column is a statue of Liberty holding three stars defiantly above her head. It was conceived and designed to commemorate the Latvians who gave their lives in the Latvian war of Independence between 1918 and 1920. During this war, Latvia fought for and won independence from Russia. 

There’s a moving story behind the monument. It was unveiled in 1935, but came under threat after WW2, because Latvia was occupied once more by the Soviet Union, who considered demolishing it.  But it evaded destruction and throughout the Soviet occupation, it remained a symbol of Latvian national identity and pride. There were peaceful demonstrations there in the 1980s as Latvia was gearing up to exit the Soviet Union.

7. Learn of the Occupation of Latvia

If you want to learn more about the occupation of Latvia, after observing the Freedom Monument, you could visit the Occupation Museum, which is a good place to learn more about the period of Latvian history when it was occupied first by the Nazis and then the Soviets. In addition, there’s the Museum of the Riga Ghetto and Holocaust in Latvia, honouring the Jews who were victims of the Holocaust. 

8. Enjoy one of the many peaceful parks

places to visit in riga canal parks

Riga has several lovely green areas, which help give the city a fresh and lighter feel. If you are looking for things to do in Riga to enjoy the outdoors, take a stroll through one of these green spaces.

Esplanade Park

One of the best parks in Riga is called Esplanade – it is a shady park area containing the Latvian Museum of Art (also worth a visit), the Art Academy of Latvia, and the Orthodox Cathedral . There are plenty of places to sit in and amongst the trees. The park contains statues of the renowned Latvian poet, playwright, translator, and politician Rainis and one of Oskars Kalpaks , who is regarded as the Latvian army’s first commander-in-chief. 

Another great park is the green area on both sides of the city canal.  It is truly idyllic: willow trees line the grassy banks of the canal, which meanders gracefully around the Old Town. It is the perfect place to sit and take a moment of stillness in between your explorations. You’ll hardly believe you’re in the center of a capital city!

9. Cross the river to get a view of the city

views of latvia city

Most of the best things to do in Riga are on the right side of the River Daugava, but for a different perspective, take a walk to the left bank. You can cross the river on the Akmens tilts or Stone Bridge, which is fairly long (it is a wide river!). 

As you cross the bridge, you’ll approach the modern asymmetrical National Library of Latvia building, also known as the Castle of Light, which opened in 2014. The modernity of this architecture is quite the antidote to the older architecture on the other side of the river and reminds you that Riga is a vibrant modern capital.

When you reach the left bank, walk down to the river’s edge and you’ll see the skyline of the old town stretched out in front of you, punctuated by the proud spires of the various cathedrals and churches. 

10. Admire the Castle

riga latvia places to visit

There’s been a castle on this site on the banks of the Daugava since 1330, but it has been reconstructed several times over the centuries. Most of the current buildings were built in the 17 th Century. 

The castle is the official residence of the President of Latvia.  As such, you can’t explore the interior of the castle, unfortunately, but you can admire it from the outside. 

Where is Riga?

Riga is in the country of Latvia which is part of the Baltic states. It is located on the east coast of Lavia at the Baltic Sea and on the mouth of the River Daugava. Neighboring countries are Russia to the east, Estonia to the north, and Lithuania and Belarus to the South.

When is the best Time to visit Riga?

Riga is located in northern Europe on the Baltic sea. It is cooler than much of continental Europe, so the best times to visit are between April and September when it should be warm enough to wander the city on foot comfortably.  Since Riga is not as popular are other European Cities, you don’t have to worry as much about crowds in the high season.

  • Summertime is the best for weather from mid June to the end of August. But pack a sweater or jacket as nights are chilly.
  • Autumn is a beautiful time to visit Riga, just pack for any type of weather as winter sets in usually in Mid November so expect cold temperature.

And these are the best things to do in Riga. I hope these ideas help you enjoy your time in Riga! What are you waiting for, make plans to visit Riga soon!

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Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

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Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
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Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About Martha Knight

Martha is an avid traveller who seeks out beauty and experiences all around the world. She is based in London, UK, but loves to explore both wild, dramatic landscapes and vibrant cities. You can find her on her blog, May Cause Wanderlust , or on Instagram , Pinterest and Twitter .

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1 thought on “Best Things To Do In Riga – Europe’s Hidden Gem”

Amazing! I can’t wait to visit Riga!

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25 Top Things to Do in Riga, Latvia

  • by Kaspars Misins
  • Best Things to Do , Latvia
  • 02/03/2022 09/05/2022
  • 16 min read

Riga landscape - Top Things to Do in Riga, Latvia

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Riga is the capital of Latvia and the most populous city in the country.

If it’s your first time traveling to Latvia, check out our Latvia Travel Guide ! But here you will find our guide to Riga . What to do in Riga? Well, there are a lot of things to do in Riga. Just read this article, see this list of the best things to do in Riga and you’ll have plenty of inspiration!

Not sure even what to expect? Let me give you a very short introduction.

Riga is an old city, dating back to 1201. The old town of Riga has quite a few well preserved historical buildings, which mkakes it into a really beautiful place. More than half a million are living there. It’s a big city (bigger than Amsterdam and Paris), but it’s also monocentric city, so you don’t really need to move around too much to get things done.

For many Riga is the only place they visit in Latvia, but I urge you to go and see more of Latvia.

Many of the most beautiful places are reachable in one day. And some of them I have mentioned also in this article as day trip ideas. But now let me tell you what, in my opinion, are some of the top things you can do in Riga!

RELATED:   33 Top Things to Do in Latvia (Apart from Visiting Riga)

Table of Contents

Top Things to Do in Riga

1. go for a stroll in riga old town.

Old Town Riga - Latvia Travel Guide featured photo

Riga Old Town is beautiful. Apart from being the most central area of Riga, I will also add that it’s the prettiest one, too. Around 1 kilometer long and wide it’s a great place where to wander around for a while. And it doesn’t really matter, whether it’s a sunny day or it’s raining, is it winter or summer, morning or evening. It’s clearly one of the top things to do in Riga and something you can do at any time. And thanks to all the history and beauty around you it doesn’t really get boring.

If it does get boring – go to some of the many cafes, bars or restaurants scattered all around you. Or head somewhere else. You are in the very heart of the city, and from here you can get everywhere.

2. Head Over to St. Peter’s Church Tower and Have a Look at Riga from Above

Riga from above

When there is such an option we always try to get somewhere higher to look at the place, where we are, from a different perspective. Situated in the old town, St. Peter’s Church is one of the few places in Riga, from where you can get a nice panoramic city view from above. Admission fee, though, is high for Riga – 11 euro. But, well, you aren’t doing it every day, right?

For some time already it’s among the top 10 things to do in Riga also on Tripadvisor (as voted by users).

Open from Tuesday until Sunday.

Two other options:  Latvian Academy of Science and their observation deck on the 17th floor,  Riga Radio and TV Tower.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: For travelers to Latvia we recommend  World Nomads Explorer Package!

3. Drink a Coffee (or Dine) at d’Arte Terrace

Coffee and glasses - Top Things to Do in Riga

Dine with a great view. d’Arte Terrace is an Italian restaurant situated on the roof of the Galleria Riga shopping mall, only a few blocks away from the Riga Old Town.

Alternatively – you can go there just to have a look at Riga from above. The terrace is publicly accessible for free.

4. Go and Check Out Riga Central Market

Vegetables - Top Things to Do in Riga

Just next to the Riga Old Town is Riga Coach Station, and next to coach station – over the canal – Riga Central Market, one of the Europe’s biggest outdoor markets. It’s definitely not a place, where to shop for quality clothes or shoes, but go there if you need vegetables, fruits, meat or fish. Most of that there is fresh and comes from local farms.

And even if you don’t want to buy anything, go there just to soak in that special atmosphere, in a way mix of Western and Eastern European cultures.

If you want to buy quality goods, Stockmann Shopping Centre is just around the corner. And Origo – a cheaper alternative – as well. And, well, then there is Galerija Centrs shopping mall in the Riga Old Town and Galerija Riga – 10 minute walk away.

5. Relax on the Bench at Daugava Promenade

Daugava - Top Things to Do in Riga

You can’t miss river Daugava when you are in Riga. It flows through Riga separating the city into 2 parts. One big part of the riverside in the central part of Riga is suitable for walks. I would highly recommend you to head to the part on the left from the Riga Railway Bridge (if you look at river Daugava and Riga Old Town is behind you).

Riga Railway Bridge is an arch railroad bridge, clearly visible from a distance.

6. Shop at Latgalite Flea Market

Old stuff - Top Things to Do in Riga

Like I told you – Riga is monocentric. Everything is close to each to other. And Latgalite flea market or as it’s locally called Latgalīte is next to Riga Central Market. Some 15 years ago it was a pretty dodgy area, now things are better. Though, it may still shock you. In Latgalite you can buy all kind of things, from old vinyl records, second hand bicycles and war relics to iPhones.

Be careful with the latter and all the expensive stuff in general – they might be stolen.

7. Go on a Short Boat Trip (Canal or River)

Yacht Club in Riga - Top Things to Do in Riga

If you want to choose one, my vote goes for a canal boat trip. Because I like city canals. And here in this situation it means you’ll see both – canal and river Daugava. It’s surely one of the top things to do in Riga. Of course, things can change. So if you really want to see both – canal and river, ask about the route the boat is going to take before buying the ticket. River boat trips start from the riverside opposite Riga Old Town, but canal boat trips – from the Bastion Hill, on the opposite side of old town.

Two good options: Riga by Canal , Riga Cruises .

8. Go Kayaking in Riga

Kayaking - Top Things to Do in Riga

Are you ready for some exercise? Then don’t take a boat trip and go kayaking. You’ll have a chance to see all the same things, and from yet another perspective. There are several options you can find online. I can recommend you to go with Luzumpunkts or Laivinieks . Oh, and yes, you can also go on a night kayak tour  in Riga, several companies are offering it.

9. Walk the Albert Street – Riga’s Art Nouveau Gem

Albert Street - Top Things to Do in Riga

It’s not the only place in Riga where you can spot Art Nouveau architecture in Riga, but it’s clearly among the best and it’s just a short walk away from the old town. Beautiful, charming and unique historical buildings are waiting for you to come and look at them. Experts call this street Riga’s Art Nouveau gem.

10. Visit Agenskalns

Agenskalns - Top Things to Do in Riga

Agenskalns is an old neighbourhood of Riga, with houses mainly built in the late 19th – early 20th century. Interesting place because of its well preserved historical architecture. Few of the most notable places: Agenskalns Market, Latvian Railway History Museum, Kalnciema Quarter and Victory Park. Speaking about Kalnciema Quarter, lately it has become a very popular place and many cultural events are being organized there.

Agenskalns is located on the left bank of Daugava – the opposite side to where all the other already mentioned places are.

11. Go to Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia

Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia - Top Things to Do in Riga

What was life several centuries ago in Latvia like? How do the houses looked back then? How do people were dressing? What did they do and how did they live? Answers to these questions you will find out in this museum.

12. Learn More About Latvia’s History at the KGB House, File No.1914/2014

Old doors - Top Things to Do in Riga

About some of the darkest times of Latvia’s history, to be exact.

Starting from 1940 (from the Soviet occupation) this building was Soviet political secret police – KGB’s – headquarter in Latvia. People were being tortured, both physically and psychologically, and killed there. And it was also used as a prison. Now you have a chance to walk through the same corridors, rooms, interrogation chambers together with a knowledgeable guide and learn more about something people back then feared even to think about.

Watch this video made by Made of Journeys to learn more about this place:

13. Visit Laima Chocolate Museum

Chocolate - Top Things to Do in Riga

Mmm, that’s a tasty experience! Learn more about chocolate and try some of the best at the museum operated by Latvia’s biggest confectioner Laima. Go there if you are traveling with kids. And go there, if you are alone, too.

Another cool museum in Riga –  Riga Motor Museum . In this recently renovated museum you can see quite a few antique motorized vehicles.

14. Have Fun at Livu Water Park

Pool in the waterpark - Top Things to Do in Riga

Opened to visitors since 2003, Livu Water Park (in Latvian Līvu Akvaparks) is the biggest water amusement park in Latvia and one of the biggest in Northern Europe. There are more than 20 different slides, more than 10 pools, few saunas, cold pool, salt chamber and several jacuzzi in the park. As well as cafe and bar in the pool.

Learn more about Livu Water Park and how to get there from Riga on their website !

15. Chill Out at One of the Riga’s Parks

Riga canal - Top Things to Do in Riga

Riga is a green city. Many parks are dotted throughout the city.

Some of the best and most popular ones are Vermanes Garden Park, Mezaparks, Kronvalda park, Bastion Hill, Victory Park and Lucavsala. The latter actually is an island on the river Daugava, about 5 kilometers away from the Riga Old Town. You can get there using city bus.

16. Go to Mezaparks

Mezaparks - Top Things to Do in Riga

Mezaparks is one of the greenest and most prestigious neighborhoods in Riga. One big part of it is a park, also called Mezaparks (Mežaparks). Translated literary Mezaparks means forest park. And that’s exactly what it is – a big forest turned into a park. Great place for walks, cycling, roller skating and swimming. Lake Kisezers is located there as well. And Riga Zoo is just at its beginning, next to the tram and bus stops.

Getting to Mezaparks: take a tram 11, from somewhere in the city center, and go until the stop called Mežaparks, it’s the one before the last stop. Journey from the old town takes about 40 minutes.

17. Check Out One of Riga’s Quest Rooms

Closed doors - Top Things to Do in Riga

Or maybe not just one, because there are more than a few. Just google “Riga’s Quest Rooms”!

What is a quest room? It’s an adventure game, where players should solve a series of puzzles, using only logic and teamwork, in order to win the game and get out of the room.

18. Go and Fly at Aerodium

Learning to Fly, Aerodium, Latvia

Aerodium is one of the world’s leading companies manufacturing vertical wind tunnels, and they are from Latvia. Not surprisingly they have installed one wind tunnel in Latvia as well. And you can fly there. It’s not exactly in Riga, but close to a nearby town called Sigulda. And still accessible within an hour using public transportation or car.

To book a flight and find out how to get there, check out their website !

19. Invite Your Friends for a Paintball Battle

Soldiers - Top Things to Do in Riga

Paintball or laser paintball, also called laser tag? You can do both in Riga.

Where to play? This company has a few big vast playgrounds in Riga. But if you’re preparing for a stag party in Riga, better contact these guys .

20. Go Ice Skating

Winter in Riga, snow covered trees - Top Things to Do in Riga

Visiting Latvia during the winter, chances are pretty high you’ll notice at least a couple of public ice rinks. Often these can be used for free. You only need to rent a pair of skates. As I suppose you will not be traveling with yours. If you don’t see one and you want to go ice skating, ask someone!

There is one ice skating rink every winter by the Lido Restaurant – 76 Krasta Street, Riga.

21. Try Latvian Cuisine at One of the Lido Restaurants

Smoked fish - Food in Latvia - Latvia Travel Guide

Lido is a restaurant chain in Latvia. And if you want to try Latvian cuisine it’s one of the best places, where to do it in Riga. You can’t go wrong ordering just anything. However, if you need some ideas, I can recommend you to try: grey peas with speck, mashed potatoes with cottage cheese and herring, soup solyanka or some of the cold soups, pilaf (plovs).

22. Go to the Beach

Beach - Top Things to Do in Riga

In Riga you are always less than an hour bus ride away from the beach. Baltic sea is easily accessible using public transportation. And there are buses running from Riga city center all the way to the sea. So you don’t even need to change a bus. But don’t forget that Latvia is a Nothern European country and so you can’t really go swimming in autumn or spring. But if you are traveling to Riga in summer it would be a shame not to visit the seaside.

Two of the nearest beaches to Riga are Vecaki and Vakarbulli. Riga city bus number 24 goes to Vecaki, number 3 – to Vakarbulli. Buy the ticket in advance! Or even better, if you are planning to do something more than just going to the beach, buy a 24-hour ticket!

23. Go Paddleboarding or Wakeboarding in Riga

Wakeboarding in Riga City Center - Top Things to Do in Riga

Paddleboarding and wakeboarding both are activities you can do close to the Riga city center.

Riga Wake Park is the place you are looking for, and it’s on the Lucavsala island. Only 5 kilometers away from the Riga Old Town. Public buses are going there or you can also walk there.

See it’s location on Google Maps !

24. Cycle from Riga to Jurmala

Beach in Latvia - Top Things to Do in Riga

And another sporty activity to do in Riga – what about a cycle to the beach? Jurmala is another great option, if you want to go to the beach from Riga. It’s actually the best option, if you want to do something more than just lie on the sand and sunbath. There are always some restaurant or cafe not too far away. It’s also the most popular resort city in Latvia.

And you can get there by bike in about 2 hours. Simply following the Riga – Jurmala bikeway. It’s about 30 kilometers long ride one way. In case you change your mind and don’t want to cycle back, you can always take a train back.

Where to get a bike?  Rent it. Look for Sixt public bicycle rental stands! This bicycle rental company is one of the best ones in Riga.

25. Go on a Day Trip to Sigulda or Cesis

River Gauja Near Sigulda - Top Things to Do in Riga

Or visit both of these tows if you have enough time.

If that’s just a walk around the city for a couple of hours (these towns aren’t big), that you are interested into, then you can even manage to visit both of them in a single day. Leave Riga with the first bus or train and go to Cesis first, as it’s further away! Walk around there for a few hours and take a train to Sigulda. Both of them are in the same direction, and you will be passing through Sigulda, when going to Cesis by train.

You can also take a bus. But if you are traveling to Sigulda by bus, note that not all of the buses are actually entering the town. Some stop on the highway, 2 kilometers away from the town center.

Are you looking for some more things to do in Riga? Need a guide? Check out these tours and this list of activities !

Do you have some questions about traveling to Latvia? Need some more recommendations about things to do in Riga or in Latvia? Do not hesitate to contact us! 

8 thoughts on “25 Top Things to Do in Riga, Latvia”

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Rundāle Palace is worth visiting!

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Thanks! Added it here – .

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Lido? Seriously? Even latvians don’t go to that expensive and bad place. Bistro for the restaurant prices. 3 euros for a blank pork chop, 1 euro for a pickled cucumber. It’s sick! And the quality is lower than expected for that amount of money! Avoid that place at all costs!

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Motor Museum should have gotten a numbered paragraph of its own. There is so much to see and do there, and also the trip there and surroundings of the museum are interesting. Then again-good article, sums up Riga pretty well

I think that Lido (specifically Lido Krasta) is fairly on this list. True that it is touristy,, and you should mind the prices of some apecific foods. On the other hand it delivers atmosphere and food expierience of latvian quisine as no other place in Riga.

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I am planning to go to Riga later this year and these were really good suggestions, I will be saving them for a trip! Thank you for sharing!

You’re welcome!

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The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

18 MUST-DO Things To Do in Riga, Latvia!

Categories Europe , Latvia

Riga in Latvia is one of the top cities to visit in the Baltic Countries and here’s a complete list of must-do things to do in Riga to help you plan your trip!

Riga is the perfect city to visit for a quick weekend away or as part of a wider Baltic / Eastern Europe trip .

I really loved my weekend in Riga because it’s such an interesting and historic city with plenty to do, as well as being really reasonable in price! I spent just a weekend in 2 days and 3 nights in Riga and found this to be the perfect amount of time to spend there to fit in all of the things to do in Riga and the top Riga tourist attractions!

Here in this Riga city guide is what I got up to in Riga including the places to visit in Riga , things to do in Riga and where to eat in Riga!

Things To Do in Riga

Things to do in Riga

Discover the places to visit in Riga with rich history, stunning art nouveau architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. From the historic Old Town to unique local experiences, there’s something for everyone in Latvia’s charming capital. Dive into this guide to uncover the top things to do in Riga for an unforgettable visit to Riga !

1. Viewpoints in Riga

Things to do in Riga, panoramic view of city Riga,

It’s always good to visit a city and see it from above, isn’t it? Well, Riga has 4 Awesome Panoramic Viewpoints :  St Peters Church, Latvian Academy of Sciences Panorama Observation Deck, Riga Skyline Bar and National Library of Latvia.

St. Peter’s Church

At St. Peter’s Church , visitors can delve into the history of one of Riga’s most iconic landmarks. With origins dating back to the 13th century, the church stands as a testament to the city’s rich past.

The tower’s observation deck, accessible by elevator, provides a breathtaking 360-degree view , capturing the winding streets of the Old Town, the expansive Daugava River , and the city’s architectural tapestry. The experience is both visually stunning and conveniently accessible, making it a must-visit for anyone looking to see Riga from above.

Latvian Academy of Sciences Panorama Observation Deck

The Latvian Academy of Sciences Panorama Observation Deck offers a different perspective, both in terms of view and historical context.

Often referred to as “ Stalin’s Birthday Cake ” because of its distinctive Soviet-era architecture, the building stands out in Riga’s skyline. Visitors can ascend to the 17th floor, where the observation deck awaits, offering panoramic views of the city and a unique insight into Latvia’s history during the Soviet period .

Radisson Blu Hotel Latvia

For those seeking a more modern and stylish setting, the Riga Skyline Bar is the perfect destination to visit in Riga .

Situated on the 26th floor of the Radisson Blu Hotel Latvia , the bar features floor-to-ceiling windows, ensuring unobstructed views of Riga. Visitors can enjoy a drink while taking in the cityscape, making it a popular choice for both locals and tourists.

Fancy staying here too?? Check out rates and availability at the Radisson Blu Hotel here!

National Library of Latvia

Lastly, the National Library of Latvia, also known as the “ Castle of Light ,” represents a marvel of contemporary architecture. Positioned along the Daugava River, the building itself is worth exploring, with its extensive collection of books and unique architectural features.

Various spots within the library offer panoramic views of Riga, including an observation deck, providing visitors with a comprehensive experience of the city from above.

Not only do these viewpoints give awesome views of Riga but they are also really interesting buildings and take you to some great parts of the city. Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply enjoying stunning views, Riga’s panoramic spots offer something for everyone, adding a valuable dimension to any visit and are one of the best things to do in Riga .

I have written a full blog post dedicated to these viewpoints which include where they are, prices, and photos from them all – 4 Viewpoints to see Panoramic Views over Riga. Check it out to get all of the details!

2. Riga Old Town

Things to do in Riga, buildings in Riga old town on blue sky day

I love a European City with a beautiful Old Town and seeing photos of Riga’s Old Town definitely inspired me to want to visit.

The Old Town in Riga isn’t that big but it’s big enough and perfect to wander around taking any pretty street that you fancy! In fact, I found it quite hard to find my bearing’s in Riga’s Old Town as the streets are quite windy but this just meant that we kept seeing new areas and getting lost here should be on your things to do in Riga !

The architecture here is a delightful mix of styles, from Gothic spires reaching towards the sky to baroque facades adorned with intricate details.

In addition to its picturesque streets and historic buildings, the Old Town is also home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and cafes , providing plenty of opportunities to take a break from your wanderings and soak in the atmosphere. The area comes alive at night, with bars and clubs offering entertainment into the early hours of the morning.

3. Three Brothers Buildings

Things to do in Riga, Three Brothers Houses in Riga

The Three Brothers buildings in Riga are an iconic set of structures , showcasing the evolution of architectural styles over several centuries. The oldest of the trio dates back to the late 15th century , making it a genuine piece of medieval history situated right in the heart of the city and should be on your list of things to do in Riga !

Each building reflects a different architectural period . The eldest brother, located at 17 Maza Pils Street, is a gothic-style structure with its original facade well-preserved, providing visitors a glimpse into the 15th-century Riga. The middle brother, at 19 Maza Pils Street, displays Dutch Mannerism influence from the 17th century, while the youngest, at 21 Maza Pils Street, features a Baroque façade, marking the architectural trends of the 18th century.

Visitors are often drawn to these buildings not just because of their historical significance, but also due to the l egend surrounding their creation . It’s believed that the buildings were erected by members of the same family at different times, adding a layer of personal history to the structures.

4. Latvian Museum of Architecture

The youngest of the Three Brothers houses the Latvian Museum of Architecture , making it a significant stop for those interested in the country’s architectural heritage.

Inside, visitors can delve into Latvia’s architectural heritage through a variety of exhibits, from blueprints and models to photographs and historical documents. The intricate exterior, with its elaborate door frame and gable roof, is a visual treat in itself, capturing the artistic essence of the era.

The museum’s collection includes drawings, photographs, and models , offering an in-depth look at Latvia’s architectural development over the centuries. While it was closed when I went but I would have loved to have visited and seen inside so try and go for me and add it onto your list of things to do in Riga!

5. House of the Blackheads

Things to do in Riga, house of the blackheads and Riga Town Hall Square

Closer to the River but still in the Old Town are these 2 impressive buildings House of the Blackheads and the adjacent St. Peter’s Church, both of which hold significant historical value and architectural magnificence, located in the heart of Riga’s Old Town.

The House of the Blackheads was originally built in the 14th century for the Brotherhood of Blackheads, a guild for unmarried merchants, shipowners, and foreigners in Riga. The building is renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture with Renaissance and Baroque elements , showcasing intricate façades, elaborate doorways, and a striking red-brick exterior. Inside, visitors can find opulent rooms adorned with historical artifacts, paintings, and intricate decorations, providing a glimpse into the grandeur of medieval guild life.

Adjacent to the House of the Blackheads stands St. Peter’s Church , one of Riga’s most iconic landmarks. Originally built in 1209, the church has undergone several reconstructions due to fire damage. The current structure, with its towering spire, offers panoramic views of Riga from its observation deck, a must-visit for anyone looking to capture the beauty of the city from above.

Both buildings were indeed heavily damaged during the Second World War , but meticulous restoration work has brought them back to their former glory. The restoration of the House of the Blackheads was completed in 1999, with efforts made to preserve as much of the original structure and artifacts as possible.

They stand as a testament to Riga’s rich history and should be on your list of things to do in Riga . Ensure to check their opening hours and any potential guided tours available to enhance your experience and understanding of these remarkable structures.

Riga also offers a huge amount of tours within and around the city so check out out of these to make your time in Riga even better and more in depth as this city holds a lot of history:

6. Art Nouveau District

Things to do in Riga, Art Nouveau District in Riga with building and tree

Riga is home to quite a large Art Nouveau District which sits just on the Edge of the Old Town. The buildings here as you can imagine are really impressive and definitely worth seeing on the list of places to visit in Riga !

The Art Nouveau style is all about decorative arts, and you can see this in the detailed facades of the buildings in this district. They feature elaborate patterns, curved lines, and images inspired by nature, such as flowers and animals.

These designs were incredibly popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and Riga has one of the largest and best-preserved collections of Art Nouveau architecture in all of Europe.

7. Riga Art Nouveau Museum

Things to do in Riga, Ceiling in national museum of art nouveau in Riga , Latvia

The Art Nouveau Museum , located on Alberta Street, is a great place to start exploring this district. This street is famous for its beautiful buildings, many of which were designed by Mikhail Eisenstein, a renowned architect of that time. Even if you don’t go inside the museum, just walking around the area is like being in an outdoor art gallery .

I didn’t get here but from what I have read I would really recommend going. The Art Nouveau Museum in Riga is indeed a remarkable destination for art lovers and architecture enthusiasts. Located in the heart of the city’s Art Nouveau district, the museum is housed in a beautifully preserved building that itself is a prime example of the architectural style it celebrates.

Art Nouveau, or Jugendstil as it is known in Latvia, was a dominant architectural and art style in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Riga, with over a third of its buildings in the city center designed in this style, is considered one of the best places in the world to experience Art Nouveau.

The museum’s exhibits showcase the intricacies of Art Nouveau design , from furniture and art pieces to everyday household items, giving a comprehensive overview of the style’s impact on both art and society. One of the museum’s highlights is the A rt Nouveau staircase , renowned as one of the most impressive in Europe.

Despite not being able to visit it personally, the Art Nouveau Museum in Riga comes highly recommended as a must-visit place in Riga for anyone looking to understand the city’s architectural heritage and the broader Art Nouveau movement.

8. Museum of Occupation  

Latvia and the Baltics in general has had a very turbulent history , and a very recent turbulent history at that. Therefore I found this museum really interesting to see how Latvia has been occupied in the last 100 years.

Did you know that on 23rd August 1989 around 2 million people all held hands to create a chain across Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as a peaceful Political Protest ??

I would really recommend seeing this museum if you want to get to know the Country a bit more. The museums main location is by the Houses of the Blackheads however when we visited it was in a temporary building near the Freedom monument so check out the website first!

If you’re thinking of visiting all 3 of the popular Baltic Capitals – Riga, Vilnius AND Estonia in one trip, be sure to check out Happy Frog Travels post to the Beautiful Baltic Capitals !

9. Nativity of Christ Cathedral

Things to do in Riga, Nativity of Christ Cathedral

The Riga Nativity of Christ Cathedral , located just a short walk from Riga’s Old Town , is an absolutely stunning church, both inside and out. With its strong Russian influences, it’s easy to forget you’re still in Latvia while exploring this magnificent building.

Built in the 19th century during the time Latvia was part of the Russian Empire, this cathedral is the largest Orthodox church in Riga. It truly stands out with its elaborate exterior, featuring shining golden domes and detailed designs that showcase the incredible craftsmanship of that time.

Despite its beauty and grandeur, the Riga Nativity of Christ Cathedral has had its share of challenges. There were times during the Soviet era when it was closed down and repurposed. Thankfully, it has been carefully restored to its original beauty, preserving its historical and artistic value for future generations to enjoy.

Nowadays, the cathedral is once again an active place of worship for Riga’s Orthodox Christian community. It also attracts tourists from all around the world who come to admire its architectural beauty and experience the sense of calm that it offers. So, whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or just looking for a peaceful place to reflect, the Riga Nativity of Christ Cathedral is definitely worth a visit.

10. Freedom Monument

Things to do in Riga, Monument of freedom. woman holding three gold stars

The Freedom Monument in Riga is a really important spot that stands for all the tough times Latvia went through to be a free country .

We visited the Museum of Occupation first and then came across the Freedom Monument and I felt it had so much more significance after seeing what Latvia has been through to gain freedom and independence. It’s kind of like seeing the whole story of Latvia’s fight for freedom before seeing the monument that celebrates it.

The monument is right where the Old Town ends and the Art Nouveau District begins , which is a pretty cool area with parks on each side — it’s nice for hanging out or just walking through. There’s also a river that flows right under a nearby bridge, which makes the place feel peaceful.

The Freedom Monument itself is super tall and at the top, there’s a statue of a woman holding up three stars . Those stars stand for the three big areas in Latvia. It’s not just a historic thing; people in Riga still gather around the monument for big national celebrations or just to remember important parts of their history. There are even guards that stand by the monument, which shows that people here really respect it. It’s not just a piece of history, it’s a big part of what Latvia is about today .

11. Central Market

Things to do in Riga, outside the Central Market in Riga

When you’re on your way to check out the Latvian Academy of Sciences, you’ll probably walk by the Central Market in Riga. This place is huge and it’s all indoors. It’s like a giant supermarket , but way cooler because you can see what shopping is like for people who actually live in Riga. You’ll spot some other visitors, sure, but it’s mostly filled with locals who are there to buy fresh stuff like fruits, veggies, and meat.

The market isn’t in the touristy part of town ; it’s in an older area that’s not as fancy as the Old Town. Some might say it looks a little worn out or not as rich, but that’s what’s so interesting about it. When you travel, seeing the places where real life happens for the people who live there can tell you a lot more about the place than just the shiny tourist spots.

The Central Market is in these big old buildings which were actually built for airships, which is pretty wild! Walking around there is like a crash course in what people in Riga eat and do every day . It’s definitely worth a visit if you want to see the real Riga.

12. Latvian Academy of Sciences

Things to do in Riga, Building of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga

The Latvian Academy of Sciences building is a super interesting spot in Riga . People call it “Stalin’s birthday cake” because it kind of looks like a big, tiered cake. It was built back in the 1950s when Latvia was under Soviet control, and it’s got that huge, kind of overwhelming style that a lot of buildings from that time have.

This is one of the viewpoints I have recommended above, but even if you don’t go up the viewpoint for any reason you should still walk to the base of the building (via the Central market) to see Stalin’s birthday cake for yourself as its super impressive and daunting and spine chilling, all at the same time!

As you walk there from the Central Market, which is this lively place full of everyday Riga life, the Academy of Sciences is like a stark contrast. It’s a reminder of a time when Latvia was part of the Soviet Union and things were really different. So while it might give you the chills, it’s also an important piece of what makes Riga the city it is today and should be on your list if things to do in Riga!

13. National Library of Latvia

things to do in Riga, View on national library and the bridge.

Riga is home to lots of unique architecture and the National Library of Latvia, also known as the “ Castle of Light ,” is one of these buildings! Positioned along the Daugava River, the building itself is worth exploring, with its extensive collection of books and unique architectural features.

The architecture is impressive from the outside and the inside and it’s one of the good things to do in Riga on a rainy day or in winter when you need to warm up!

14. Riga River Cruise

Things to do in Riga, river  cruise on the river Daugava from Riga

Taking a river cruise is like one of those chill ways to see Riga from a whole new side . The city’s split by this big river called the Daugava, and it’s a major part of Riga’s vibe. There’s also this smaller river that curls around the Old Town, which is pretty cool.

We didn’t have time to do a River Cruise due to the evenings getting dark so early but if you are looking for things to do in Riga in Summer or things to do in Riga in Spring, this activity would be so nice and a great way to see the city from another angle.

You get to see all the old and new buildings, the cool bridges, and maybe even some birds chilling by the water. Plus, the guides on these boats usually have a bunch of stories about the places you pass , so it’s not just about the views – you actually learn stuff too. Whether you’re with your friends, family, or on a date, a river cruise is one of those must-dos for a laid-back but awesome look at Riga.

This Riga Sightseeing Tour by Canal Boat looks good and is good value!

14. Spa’s in Riga

Riga isn’t just about the sightseeing and history; it’s got a cool surprise with lots of hotels having their own spas. When you’re walking around exploring, it’s pretty nice to know you’ve got a chill spa to come back to and just take a break.

There are actually a lot of Spa Hotels in Riga , or at least hotels with spa’s in them which isn’t always common in cities. I stayed in Hotel Mercure Riga Centre which had a nice spa in it but as we were walking around the city we saw a few buildings that were home to spa’s so make sure you set some time aside to just relax!

Have a look for hotels in Riga with sp a’s here.

15. Husky Dog Sledding

Things to do in Riga, man with husky dogs sledding

If you visit Riga in the Winter you NEED to look into going dog sledding in the Countryside of Latvia! I contacted Red Fox Tours in advance of my trip who were really helpful, they provisionally booked me and my friend in to go out with them but it depended on the weather. Unfortunately, as you can see by my photos, there wasn’t any snow whilst I was in Riga so they contacted me the day before I arrived to confirm we wouldn’t be able to go which was a shame.

I would definitely recommend going if you can and as I had such a pleasant booking experience with Red Fox Tours I would suggest contacting them for things to do in Riga in winter !

Best Places to Eat and Drink in Riga

In Riga, you’re never far from some amazing eats and cool places to grab a drink . The city’s packed with all sorts of spots, from chill cafes hidden down little side streets to lively pubs where the music’s always going. So, let’s dig into where you can get the best food and drinks in Riga .

16. Folkklubs

If there is one place you need to visit in Riga for food and drinks, it has to be Folkklubs ! In fact I bet you’ll go more than once. It’s a huge basement venue which goes on and on and on, (you’ll see what I mean when you get there), it is very touristy but it’s also very traditional Latvian which is what draw’s people in.

There’s a great vibe, its really really reasonable in price, the staff were friendly and generally, its great place to visit that can’t be missed in Riga!

17. Province

Another popular place that I saw recommended on a lot of blogs is Province ! It’s a small and cosy restaurant , just a few meters from St Marks Church.

It feels very local especially with its decor, and they offer a large range of Latvian food (although not a large range of Vegetarian options, but thats Eastern Europe all over for you) so I would definitely suggest going here for a good, hearty lunch or dinner. And again, for a great price, as starters were €3.00-5.00 and mains were €5.00-9.00!

I hope this list of things to do in Riga has helped you plan your trip!

  • For more of my blog posts see:
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  • 4 Viewpoints in Riga For Panoramic Views & How To Visit Them!
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Tuesday 26th of March 2019

A great post - Very useful as I'm heading to Riga next week!


Brilliant!! Definitely check out the food places I recommended, so good!! Enjoy it! :)

Friday 9th of November 2018

Excellent we are off to Xmas markets 4 December 18. This helps with everything else. Thankyou

Saturday 10th of November 2018

That's so good to hear! You'll love it! Just pack plenty of layers! :)

Flora Adams

Wednesday 21st of March 2018

Hello my friend, your images are looking so beautiful. After watching your post I am very excited to see sight seen of Latvia and Estonia. I also booked my travel ticket and arranged a local taxi through the help of Baltic Transfers. That taxi will help me to go anywhere at Riga.

Wednesday 14th of February 2018

This is so helpful for my upcoming trip, thank you very much! :D

Yay good to hear Kel! Enjoy your trip!

Raul (@ilivetotravel)

I hope to visit Latvia soon and this post certainly gives good info on places to see. Thanks!

That’s good to hear! Thanks for reading and commenting Raul!

Travel Addicts

Home » Europe » Latvia » Fun Things to Do in Riga to Make the Most of Your Trip

Fun Things to Do in Riga to Make the Most of Your Trip

By Author Laura Longwell

Posted on Last updated: January 18, 2024

Riga is a brilliant mix of the old and the new. At any moment on a walk through this lovely city, you could glimpse a 700-year-old church next to a modern store next to a new building that was reconstructed to look old. This blend of architecture and interests means there are lots of fun things to do in Riga, Latvia, and there’s something different in every square.

Old Town Riga Latvia skyline – seeing it is one of the best things to do in Riga Latvia.

With its bustling markets, refreshing open spaces, and pieces of history everywhere you look, the city quickly became my favorite city on my tour through the Baltics. I used every free minute to visit the corners of the city.

Here’s a look at what to do in Riga when you have a weekend to explore.

Visit Central Market

See the house of the blackheads, take in the view from st. peter’s church, enjoy the squares, visit the art nouveau neighborhood, see the nativity of christ cathedral, explore the kalnciema quarter, try black balsam, celebrate independence at the freedom monument, walk through the swedish gate and medieval lanes, find the bremen town musicians, visit the powder tower, see the black cat of riga, visit the three brothers.

Cucumbers and herbs for sale.

Built in 1930, the Central Market is the largest in Europe and one of the top attractions in Riga. It serves as many as 80,000 people a day.

Central Market is made up of five massive former Zeppelin hangars, each of which sells different types of products. Wandering among the sections, you see everything from pig snouts to flowers to fresh cheese and other Baltic foods . And, of course, pickles.

An interesting place for tourists, the market is very much geared toward locals doing their weekly shopping. There are fewer cafes and opportunities to sample items than I’ve seen in other European markets, but if you ask nicely, you might just be able to get a bite of the day’s specialty.

Two ornate red buildings.

The walkable Old Town is full of history and lots of beautiful buildings. My favorite was the House of the Blackheads just around the corner from my hotel. Originally built to house the Blackheads guild in the 14th century, the Gothic-Dutch Renaissance building was destroyed by a combination of World War II bombing and the takeover of the Soviets. It was reconstructed in 1999 and is impossible to walk by without taking (several) photos.

Step inside to see the original medieval cellars that date from 1334 where you can learn about the lives of the traders, and visit the reconstructed historical rooms inside this unique building.

Panorama view of Old Town Riga, Latvia from above.

St. Peter’s Church in Old Town offers the best bird’s-eye view of the city. Take the clanking elevator 235 feet up to the panoramic viewing platform for magnificent views of Old Town, the Central Market, and the river.

After seeing the view, spend a few minutes walking around the 13th-century Lutheran church. Other than the altar, a bronze candle holder, and the original statue of Knight Roland which previously stood in Town Hall Square, the interior is sparsely decorated. There are regular art exhibits also on display. At €9, the price is a bit steep, but, if the weather is nice, it’s definitely a highlight.

City square with flowers in the middle.

Old Town is a series of squares filled with cafes, shops, and historic buildings. Dome Square has several architectural monuments, including the Cathedral, the Bourse House, and other Riga attractions. Livu Square, once the site of Riga River, has flower beds and outdoor cafes as well as the Small Guild, the Russian Drama Theater, and the infamous Cat House. Nearby, the reconstructed Town Hall Square is a monument to the city’s past.

Take some time out from sightseeing to rest your feet. Grab a seat and try some local food or relax with a cold beverage while you enjoy the ambiance.

Art Nouveau building with carved heads and decorations.

Just one-half mile from Old Town is the Riga’s Art Nouveau district centered around Alberta, Elizabetes, and Strelniku streets. The 100-year-old buildings here are unique, to say the least. They are a true highlight of Riga sightseeing.

The Art Nouveau movement in the city (and, indeed, throughout Europe) was a rejection of everything plain, which is apparent as you stroll the streets. As you gaze up at the facades, faces, animals, and unusual things stare back. Look for the details in the buildings and visit the Riga Art Nouveau Museum to learn about the style and its history in more detail.

A walk in this historic neighborhood will only take about an hour; add 45 minutes if you plan to visit the museum. The experience is certainly one of the most interesting things to do in Riga, even if you’re not usually excited by architecture.

Exterior of a domed cathedral with red stripes.

The gleaming golden dome of the Nativity of Christ Cathedral is impossible to miss and beckons visitors inside. The orthodox cathedral was originally opened in 1884 and served as a house of worship before the Soviets took it over in the 1960s.

Under the Soviet reign, this lovely building was used as a planetarium and even a cafe–anything but a church. Now restored to its original purpose, the Cathedral is one of the most interesting places to visit in the city because the interior is a feast for the eyes. It is brilliantly decorated with Neo-Byzantine art and bright icons (sadly, no photos are allowed).

Take a quick peek inside, if only to gaze at the massive, unexpected neon sign, of the kind you might typically see in a store window.

Collages of dancers along with food for sale at a market.

Across the Daugava River about 20 minutes from Old Town is the Kalnciema Quarter , a bustling hub of fun things to do on a weekend in Riga. This area is renowned for its wooden architectural heritage dating from the 19th century but is popular for the numerous cultural and artistic events that happen here.

In the Quarter, there are regular art exhibitions, plays, concerts, and family-friendly events. Most of the programs and workshops are free, and the area is always buzzing with activity, welcoming over 100,000 people each year.

The Kalnciema Quarter is particularly known for its weekly market. On Saturdays, local farmers and artisans bring their products to sell alongside the performances that are often part of the themed market. It’s a popular place to be, so get there early if you want some of the great food available.

Cocktails and snacks on a table.

Riga’s traditional drink, Black Balsam , is a 90-proof herbal liqueur. Drunk straight, it’s pretty strong and has a bit of a medicinal taste. To make it more palatable, it is often mixed with schnapps or in drinks like coffee, Coke, or black currant juice. We enjoyed it expertly crafted in a cocktail.

Tall monument topped with a statue of a woman.

The 140-foot-tall Freedom Monument is impossible to miss on a walk around the city. At the junction of Old and Central Riga, the granite and copper pillar celebrates national unity, independence, and freedom in Latvia . Its creation was funded entirely by Latvian citizens as a memorial to those who died in the struggle for independence.

The female Liberty at the top–known familiarly as “Milda”–holds three stars that represent the original cultural regions of Latvia. Below her, 55 more sculptures on multiple levels depict Latvian history and culture.

Built in 1935, the statue was erected just five years before the Soviets moved in. It’s remarkable that they didn’t destroy it during their occupation, though they did prevent people from visiting. Anyone seen placing flowers at the base was punished. Now, two soldiers stand guard at the Freedom Monument throughout the day, and you can see the changing of the guards hourly from 9 am to 6 pm.

Colorful medieval street.

The medieval town was surrounded by strong walls to protect it from attackers, with few entrance and exit points. The only city gate remaining today is the Swedish Gate, which dates from 1698 when the Swedes ruled the city. Immediately behind the walls are some of the small, original medieval streets. Troksnu iela, which was built next to the old city wall in the 13th century, is now a colorful street with a series of bars and cafes.

Statue of the Bremen Town Musicians -- a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster.

One thing I did not expect to see on my trip was a statue of the Bremen Town Musicians. Bremen, as in Bremen, Germany , nearly 1000 miles away where there is a similar statue.

The Bremen Town Musicians statue is based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the same name. The quartet–a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster-is essentially the symbol of the city of Bremen. In the fairy tale, they become fast friends and set out together to make a living playing music.

Digging into the history, I discovered that the statue behind St. Peter’s Church was a gift from Bremen to Riga. Trading partners back to the time of the Hanseatic League, there was always an affinity between the cities. This particular version of the motley crew of Musicians is believed to show the animals symbolically looking through a crack in the Iron Curtain. Rubbing the statue is meant to bring good luck.

Round tower and wall decorated with painted shields.

Originally built in 1330, the Sand Tower was one of more than 20 enormous towers that stood as part of the city’s defense system. Over the centuries, it has taken its share of blows and been reconstructed several times.

The tower’s current design dates from 1650, around the time when it became known as Powder Tower because it served as a repository for some of the city’s gunpowder. It soars a staggering 84 feet, and its walls are nearly 10 feet thick–enough to withstand the Russian cannonballs that are now embedded in them.

The Powder Tower is part of the Latvian War Museum , ensuring that Riga’s only surviving medieval round tower will live on.

Turret topped with a cat statue.

The city is full of interesting buildings, and one unusual architectural element can be found in the center at the Cat House.

There are several different legends about the Cat House. The general idea is that when the local guild refused him membership, the house’s owner turned the cats’ tails in the direction of the guildhouse as an insult to the people who had wronged him.

Ultimately, everyone made peace. The owner was admitted to the guild, and the cats were turned around to their current position where they look down curiously at people in the city streets.

Pale green house beside a pale yellow house beside a white house with a gabled roof.

The oldest group of houses in Riga is known As the Three Brothers. Legend has it that they were built by the same family, although they certainly weren’t built by brothers because they date from different time periods.

The oldest building—the white house—dates from the 15th century and is influenced by the architectural styles seen in other Hanseatic cities like Bruges and Lubeck . The pale yellow house was built in the mid-17 th century. The largest of the three, it now houses the Latvian Museum of Architecture. The narrow white house is from the late 17 th century.

We explored the Baltics as guests of JayWay Travel and stayed at Hotel Justus . As always, opinions are our own.

riga latvia places to visit

Laura Longwell is an award-winning travel blogger and photographer. Since founding Travel Addicts in 2008, she has written hundreds of articles that help over 3 million people a year get the most out of their travel. In that time, she has visited nearly 60 countries on 5 continents, often returning to favorite destinations over and over again. She has a deep love of history, uncovering unexpected attractions, and trying all the good food a place has to offer.

In addition to Travel Addicts, Laura runs a site about her hometown of Philadelphia—Guide to Philly—which chronicles unique things to do and places to see around southeastern Pennsylvania. Her travel tips and advice appear across the web.

There are so many great things to do in Riga, Latvia, even if you only have 48 hours to spare | 48 Hours in Riga

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Thursday 21st of April 2022

Hi, great post, gives reader a real feel for Riga and highlights. We are planning on going in September... are the markets and sights open outside of summer months? Thank you

Laura Longwell

Friday 22nd of April 2022

Yes, you shouldn't have any trouble in September.

Sunday 26th of August 2018

Definitely need to plan a trip to Riga soon. Obviously this is for 48 hours but how long would you suggest staying? I love to do everything I can when seeing somewhere and am worried about not having enough time.

I think three days would give you enough time to see everything and be leisurely enough to enjoy it.

Sunday 22nd of January 2017

Thanks for cool tips!!! :) I just came back from Riga and I love it!!! Can’t wait to go back in April!!! :) Location is the most important for me, I don’t like to waste my precious travel time in public transportation. I better walk and enjoy the view. I stayed in gorgeous place in Old Town and I could just walk everywhere. Old Town is so beautiful and I love the historic buildings. My Riga favorites: 1. Old Town - so romantic and lively 2. Opera - feels like fairytale and prices are so good 3. Restaurant Biblioteka No 1. - simply delicious and really nice atmosphere 4. Skyline Bar in Radisson Blue - so much fun & feels like you are in heaven 5. Best Airbnb I have stayed in my life + super helpful and friendly host

I have seen many amazing places in my life and I always love to add new secret treasures. You have really cool blog!!! :)

Thanks, Anna. The photo of our cocktails is actually from Restaurant Biblioteka -- great place.

Thursday 29th of December 2016

Riga is high on my list of places to visit for my next Europe trip! Love the old world charm, colourful buildings and I hope to get there soon!

Tuesday 6th of December 2016

This has made me very excited for my trip to Riga in march which was booked yesterday! Thanks for the tip!! Bethan xx

That's great. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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The 15 Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

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Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

You’re going to love the compact size of Riga , where you can spend the morning strolling through medieval streets and the afternoon battling the bracing winds of the Baltic Sea at nearby beaches. This is the largest city in the Baltic states, but despite being home to a large percentage of the Latvian population, Riga somehow manages to captivate with its small-town charm. 

This is Latvia in a microcosm, and with so many things to do in Riga, I know you’re going to love visiting this under-the-radar city when you’re traveling through the Baltics. But with so much to see, you might not know where to begin.

That’s why I’ve compiled our comprehensive list of the absolute best things to do in Riga. Stick to these fun and unique Riga bucket list recommendations, and you’re going to have an incredible time exploring the Latvian capital!

Don’t forget to check out our web story: The 15 Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

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The Top 15 Things to do in Riga

1. take a walking tour of riga’s old town.

Best Things to do in Riga: Walking Tour of Riga’s Old Town

When you first arrive in the city, one of the best things to do in Riga is a walking tour of the Old Town. This is the historic center of the Latvian capital, but with so many dizzying alleyways and cobblestone streets to navigate, you’re going to need a guide to see everything!

The Old Town, or Old Riga as it’s also called, is beloved for its colorful medieval buildings and imposing churches and cathedrals. Located on the eastern side of the River Daugava, you’ll find that this is the perfect place to begin your Riga sightseeing adventure. 

Unique Things to do in Riga: Walking Tour of Riga’s Old Town

Riga itself dates back to 1201 AD. Much of the medieval architecture in the Old Town was built on the extravagant profits gained from the city’s prominent position in the Hanseatic League, a trading bloc that stretched across the Baltic Sea. That’s why many of the most impressive buildings, including the famous House of the Blackheads , were originally built by rich merchants to be guildhalls and townhouses. 

The Old Town’s importance is recognized through its listing as a World Heritage Site. However, much of the area was destroyed during World War II before being rebuilt and restored in later years. 

There’s a lot of history waiting to be uncovered here. If you’re on a budget, you can even join a free walking tour with Riga Free Tours that depart from St. Peter’s Church to learn more. 

2. Marvel at the Historic House of the Blackheads

Fun Things to do in Riga: House of the Blackheads

The House of the Blackheads is one of the most famous Old Riga attractions, so much so that we think it deserves its own entry on our list of the best things to do in Riga!

You’ll have seen this impressive building on your walking tour of the Old Town. It’s an unmissable sight overlooking one of Riga’s oldest squares. The building was originally built in 1334 to be the guild house of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, a group of wealthy and powerful Latvian merchants. 

Riga Bucket List: House of the Blackheads

You can find out more about the history by visiting the museum, where you’ll discover that this historic medieval building was shamefully destroyed during World War II. The entire building was gutted by German bombs. After the war, the Soviets decided to simply bulldoze the ruins rather than attempt to rebuild. 

The House of the Blackheads lingered on in Latvian memory. And, when the country regained independence in 1991, work began in earnest to rebuild the historic monument from scratch. 

It took several years, but in 1999, the House of the Blackheads was once again unveiled and opened to the public, this time as a museum and events space in the heart of the Old Town.

3. Admire the View from the Top of St. Peter’s Church

What to do in Riga: View from the Top of St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s Church is one of Riga’s most recognizable buildings, and you can spot the tall Gothic spire from almost anywhere in the Old Town. St. Peter’s Church dates back to 1209, but like most of Riga, it’s gone through many renovations and rebuilds since. 

The Gothic spire is the church’s most unique element, and at 403 feet (123 meters) in height, it’s the tallest spire in Riga. The spire dates back to the 15th century, but despite its age, you can safely climb the winding steps to the viewing platform at the top, where you’ll be awed by one of the most captivating views in Riga! 

Riga Things to do: View from the Top of St. Peter’s Church

From the top of St. Peter’s Church, you’ll have uninterrupted views across the entirety of the Old Town. You’ll see colorful townhouses and guildhalls arrayed in front of you, as well as the equally impressive (yet slightly shorter) spire of the nearby Riga Cathedral.

4. Join an Art Nouveau Tour of Riga

Unique Things to do in Riga: Art Nouveau Tour of Riga

As you leave the clustered central squares of Old Riga behind, you’ll quickly find yourself surrounded by elegant Art Nouveau architecture. This distinct style of architecture, artwork, and design became incredibly popular around the start of the 20th century, and Riga became a hub for this elegant and fashionable new style. 

Art Nouveau architecture became so popular, in fact, that today you’ll find up to one-third of all buildings in Riga’s center were built in the style. That means that Riga has the highest proportion of Art Nouveau buildings anywhere in the world! 

Cool Things to do in Riga: Art Nouveau Tour of Riga

You’ll notice the unique architecture as soon as you arrive in Riga, but it helps to join a walking tour in order to locate the most impressive buildings and find out more about the stories behind them. You can even join one of the many free walking tours of Riga’s most impressive Art Nouveau architecture.

The style in Riga is characterized by elaborate facades, stained glass windows, and sculptures. Plus, one of the most famous Art Nouveau buildings is the Cat House. 

The grand Cat House building has tall romantic turrets jutting from its rooftops. On top of one of the turrets, you’ll find a funky sculpture of a jumping cat! 

5. Enjoy an Evening at the Latvian National Opera

What to do in Riga: Latvian National Opera

If you’re a serious culture vulture, then spending an evening at the Latvian National Opera is one of the top things to do in Riga. The Latvian National Opera has an impressive history. The renowned cultural institution dates back to 1782, when the first operatic performances were held in the city.

You can find the grand building that houses the modern Latvian National Opera on the edge of the Old Town, right on the banks of the city canal. This building was constructed in 1863, and you’ll definitely be inspired by the elegant yet formidable Imperial architecture that greets you upon arrival. 

Riga Bucket List: Latvian National Opera

The Latvian National Opera hosts hundreds of performances throughout the year, including both opera and ballet performances. It’s a wonderful place to spend an evening. Plus, many of the surrounding restaurants offer special opera dinner menus to enjoy before the show!

6. Visit the Museum of the History of Riga & Navigation

Riga Things to do: Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation

It’s got a bit of a long-winded title, but rest assured, a visit to the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation is one of the best things to do in Riga. If you love a bit of history, then this is the stop for you because the museum itself is as old as many of the artifacts on display inside. 

Cool Things to do in Riga: Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation

This is one of Europe’s oldest museums, with a history dating back to 1773 when a local doctor began collecting and curating objects associated with Riga’s past. The first part of the museum focuses on exploring the story of Riga, from its earliest beginnings in 1201 AD to its role as a leading city in the medieval Hanseatic League, and then onto its modern struggles as part of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union. 

Unique Things to do in Riga: Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation

The second part of the museum tells the story of navigation. This is sure to intrigue the travelers among you, as the museum delves into the history of Riga’s involvement in trade and navigation, with a fine collection of maps, compasses, and navigation devices on display. 

7. Explore Riga’s Past at the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

Riga Bucket List: Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

Riga has moved on from its days as a communist state within the Soviet Union, and many in the city would rather forget the socialist era. Most Latvians view the Soviet Union – and Russia – as an occupier and are happy to have become independent in 1991. 

But rather than simply forgetting, Latvia remembers its darker modern history at the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia , where excellent, if harrowing, exhibitions aim to educate the new generation and remember those who suffered and died under communism. 

Riga Things to do: Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

The museum first opened in 1993, as newly surfaced documents went on display after the fall of the Soviet Union. The museum has expanded greatly, and today you can visit the main exhibition outside the Old Town, as well as a second exhibition housed in the former KGB, or secret police building in Riga. 

As a small, Baltic nation, Latvia has been caught between competing European powers for centuries. At the museum, you’ll also learn how Latvia was occupied during World War II and suffered under the rule of Nazi Germany. The 20th-century history of Latvia hasn’t always been kind, but you’ll leave the museum with a newfound appreciation for the freedoms that you can enjoy in Riga today. 

8. Cruise Along the Scenic River & Canal

Unique Things to do in Riga: Cruise Along the Scenic River & Canal

You’ll love how Riga is built on the beautiful banks of the River Daugava, but the best way to really experience the city’s riverside scenery is on a cruise!

You’ll be impressed to learn that the River Daugava starts its long journey many, many miles away in Russia before flowing through Belarus and then into Latvia. By the time the river reaches Riga, it’s almost at the end of its journey, and a short cruise from the city will quickly bring you to the Baltic Sea.

Fun Things to do in Riga: Cruise Along the Scenic River & Canal

A river cruise is a peaceful way to see the city from a new angle, but best of all, the smaller boats cruising on the Daugava River can also take a detour onto the city’s canal. 

Riga’s Old Town is situated on the eastern bank of the river, but it’s been almost completely encircled by the addition of the city canal, which runs along its western sides. As you cruise along the canal, you’ll have glorious views of Riga Castle, the Old Town, the Latvian National Opera House, and many more of the best sights in Riga. 

9. Embrace Urban Nature at Bastejkalns Park

Riga Things to do: Bastejkalns Park

Riga is very much a green city, and you’ll love how there are beautiful, landscaped parks outside of the Old Town’s historic walls. One of the most popular outdoor spaces is Bastejkalns Park, which you’ll find overlooking the city’s canal.

Bastejkalns Park was designed to fill the void that was left when much of Riga’s defensive walls were torn down in the 19th century, which is why it’s just outside of the Old Town. There are as many as 100 plus different species of plants and trees throughout the park, as well as several memorials and statues commemorating Latvians and historical events. 

Must do things in Riga: Bastejkalns Park

After exploring the confined streets of the Old Town, Bastejkalns Park is a beautiful place to escape the city and surround yourself with glorious urban nature.  

10. Admire Works at the Latvian National Museum of Art

Best Things to do in Riga: Latvian National Museum of Art

If you’re an art lover, then you’re going to love visiting the Latvian National Museum of Art . This is Latvia’s largest art gallery, and you’ll be amazed by the thousands of works that are on display here. 

To be precise, there are at least 52,000 works of art in the collection. The collection is so large, there’s not nearly enough display space for everything to be exhibited! Pride of place in the museum are works by modernist Latvian artists, including famous painters like Janis Rozentals, Jekabs Kazaks, and Janis Valters. 

Unique Things to do in Riga: Latvian National Museum of Art

You’ll find the museum itself is just as beautiful as the artwork inside. This grand museum first opened its doors in 1905. If you’ve been on the Art Nouveau tour of Riga, you’ll instantly recognize the elegant Art Nouveau style in the architecture and design of the building. 

11. Indulge in a Food Tour of the Central Market

Fun Things to do in Riga: Foodie Tour of the Central Market

By now, we expect you might be starting to feel hungry! Luckily for your taste buds and rumbling stomach, Riga is home to the largest marketplace in Europe. Riga Central Market has been feeding hungry Latvians since it was founded on the site of old Zeppelin hangars in the 1920s, and it’s now become one of the best places to visit in the city!

Riga Central Market is a behemoth. You’ll spot the distinctive hangar-like domes that cover hundreds of market stalls and shops from a mile away, and once you’re inside, you’re bound to get lost. That’s why we recommend joining a guided tour of the marketplace, so you can spend more time eating and less time finding your way to the best foodie spots!

Riga Bucket List: Foodie Tour of the Central Market

There are five major foodie “pavilions” in the market, comprising fish, vegetables, bread, milk, and meat sections. You’ll have the chance to try and buy local Latvian produce, including the famous dark rye bread, sourdough bread, beetroot soup, potato pancakes, and plenty of smoked fish and cured meats. 

If you’re lucky, you might get to try a little kvass – a fermented but non-alcoholic beverage – as well as a few shots of Black Balsam, a traditional herbal liqueur that’s long been a Latvian favorite. 

Once you’ve fueled up, you can explore the rest of Riga Central Market’s thousands of different stalls and purchase all of those great souvenirs you’ve been searching for!

12. See Antique Automobiles at Riga Motor Museum

What to do in Riga: Riga Motor Museum

A visit to the Riga Motor Museum is one of the most unique things to do in Riga. Even if you’re not a huge fan of cars, we’re sure you’ll be fascinated by all of the antique automobiles as you take a journey through the history of transportation. 

The Riga Motor Museum is home to a huge collection of antique vehicles, and you’ll be able to see some of the oldest and best-preserved racing cars in Europe! There are luxury cars, military vehicles, and best of all, you’ll be able to see firsthand the old Soviet-style cars that your average Latvian drove around for decades. 

Riga Things to do: Riga Motor Museum

The museum is spread across three floors that are absolutely packed with exhibits. Peruse the museum, and you’ll learn how the earliest automobiles evolved through the 20th century into the modern cars we drive today. 

13. Escape to the White Sands of Jurmala Beach

Fun Things to do in Riga: Jurmala Beach

One of the things we love most about Riga is just how close you are to the beach. Latvia might not be the world’s number one beach holiday destination, but trust us when we say that you don’t want to miss out on a trip to the Baltic Sea!

Jurmala Beach is one of Latvia’s longest and most popular stretches of sand. The best part is it’s just a half-hour drive from Riga’s Old Town. The beach stretches for some 20 miles along the coast, and you’ll instantly be impressed by the beautiful views and the wonderful scenery. 

Unique Things to do in Riga: Jurmala Beach

Jurmala Beach is impressive enough that it was a favorite holiday destination for many of the Soviet Union’s leaders, including the likes of Brezhnev and Khrushchev. You can follow in their footsteps and spend your day lounging on the beach and basking in the sun (assuming you’re visiting the best Riga attractions in summer!). 

Jurmala Beach is lined by long promenades and boardwalks, and they are perfect for a bit of walking or cycling. Looking out over the beach is the resort town of Jurmala, where you can stay in fancy five-star resorts (at a fraction of the cost of a hotel in the Mediterranean) or stay in a traditional wooden beach chalet for the ultimate escape from Riga. 

14. Explore the Ruins of Daugavgrivas Fortress

Must do things in Riga: Ruins of Daugavgrivas Fortress

Where the River Daugava meets the Baltic Sea, you can find the ruins of one of Latvia’s most important historic fortifications. This strategic location is where various European powers and empires have built castles and forts to control the Baltics. Many of the ruins you see today date back to the 17th century when the Swedes attempted to impose their rule in the region.

You’ll learn all about this and the many battles and sieges that took place here over the centuries (the most recent being in World War II) when you join a tour of the ruins. These are run on weekends by a local preservation group. Visit in the summer, and you’ll find that much of the grounds are taken over by a unique cultural festival that’s popular with the local crowds from Riga. 

What to do in Riga: Ruins of Daugavgrivas Fortress

While you’re visiting the ruins, you can also explore the wider Daugavgriva neighborhood, where you’ll find long stretches of sand overlooking the Baltic Sea. Much of the nature here is protected as part of Piejura National Park, and you’ll have ample opportunities for hiking on your excursion away from central Riga. 

15. Experience Rundale Palace

Cool Things to do in Riga: Rundale Palace

Drive one hour south of Riga, and you’ll find yourself in the glorious Latvian countryside. Nestled away in this rural European setting is Rundale Palace , one of the most beautiful places to visit in Latvia! 

A trip to Rundale Palace makes for an excellent (and easy) day trip from Riga. Plus, you’ll love delving into the palatial history of this grand, romantic, and regal 18th-century mansion. Rundale Palace was originally built for the Dukes of Courland, and the expensive work was completed in 1768.

Unique Things to do in Riga: Rundale Palace

The palace suffered during World War II, but the Soviets decided to preserve it as a museum and restored much of the building to its former glory. You can walk through elaborate and lavish hallways, peer into stately royal rooms, and, best of all, explore the magnificent landscaped gardens that surround Rundale Palace. 

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Riga. What’s your favorite thing to do?

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Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

Frequently Asked Questions

The House of the Blackheads is one of the most famous Old Riga attractions, so much so that we think it deserves its own entry on our list of the best things to do in Riga! You’ll see this impressive building if you take a walking tour of the Old Town. It’s an unmissable sight overlooking one of Riga’s oldest squares.

It’s got a bit of a long-winded title, but rest assured, a visit to the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation is one of the best things to do in Riga. If you love a bit of history, then this is the stop for you because the museum itself is as old as many of the artifacts on display inside. This is one of Europe’s oldest museums, with a history dating back to 1773 when a local doctor began collecting and curating objects associated with Riga’s past.

You’ll love how Riga is built on the beautiful banks of the River Daugava, but the best way to really experience the city’s riverside scenery is on a cruise! A river cruise is a peaceful way to see the city from a new angle, but best of all, the smaller boats cruising on the Daugava River can also take a detour onto the city’s canal.

One of the things we love most about Riga is just how close you are to the beach. Latvia might not be the world’s number one beach holiday destination, but trust us when we say that you don’t want to miss out on a trip to the Baltic Sea! Jurmala Beach is one of Latvia’s longest and most popular stretches of sand. The best part is it’s just a half-hour drive from Riga’s Old Town. The beach stretches for some 20 miles along the coast, and you’ll instantly be impressed by the beautiful views and the wonderful scenery.

St. Peter’s Church is one of Riga’s most recognizable buildings, and you can spot the tall Gothic spire from almost anywhere in the Old Town. The spire dates back to the 15th century, but despite its age, you can safely climb the winding steps to the viewing platform at the top, where you’ll be awed by one of the most captivating views in Riga!

Richard Collett

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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31 Amazing Things To Do in Riga, Latvia on Holiday

If you’re looking for an amazing, out-of-the-box destination for your next holiday, look no further.

Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a lowkey city that is located along the Baltic Sea. When you visit this pretty city, you’ll never run out of interesting activities to fill your day.

Climb aboard as we make our way through a list of the 31 best things to do in Riga.

Fun Attractions and Activities in Riga, Latvia

As an explorer and adventurer, you’re probably looking for a holiday destination that is unique and exciting.

You could go visit the Eiffel Tower and Trevi Fountain like millions of other tourists, or you could make your way up to Northern Europe and explore the medieval town of Riga.

Latvia’s capital is teeming with rich culture and history. Every corner tells a story.

Today, we’re bringing you the best things to do in Riga so that you can easily plan the holiday of your dreams. Explore our list of the most amazing attractions in Riga!

Ready to take off to Riga? Start by booking your flight!

1. Explore the Corner House

Riga’s Corner House is the perfect attraction for those who want to learn a little more about the Soviets.

This attraction used to serve as a KGB living quarters. It is a permanent exhibit in the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.

Guided tours cost 10 euros for adults. The museum offers discounted tickets for students at only 4 euros.

2. Make a Pit Stop at the Very Old Oak Tree

Riga has faced a bit of turmoil throughout its history. Independence has come and gone, but one thing has stood the test of time: Riga’s Very Old Oak Tree.

For thousands and thousands of years, a giant oak tree has remained in Riga as a symbol of Latvia’s strength and resilience against the foreign powers that have conquered their lands throughout time.

The tree no longer stands on its own but lies on the cobblestone street beside the Town Hall Building. The Very Old Oak Tree is slowly fossilizing.

The Very Old Oak Tree is such an interesting icon of Latvian history.

3. Take Photos in Front of the Three Brothers

Three Brothers - complex of three medieval houses of seventeenth century in Riga, Latvia

Looking for an instagrammable stop in Riga? Look no further. The Three Brothers are iconic Lavian houses that are the perfect backdrop for your photos.

The Three Brothers are not homes. They are actually part of the Latvian Museum of Architecture.

The design of the Three Brothers is set up to portray different phases of development in Latvian home designs.

4. Shop at Riga Central Market

Fish for sale in Riga Central Market, Latvia.

Riga Central Market is the best place in the city to buy meat, produce and other goods. Since Riga is right on the sea, the fish is particularly fresh.

The market was created with the intent of stimulating the local economy and promoting tourism. You can check out their full set of goals and mission statements on their site .

5. Read a Book in the Castle of Light

Latvia, Riga. The building of National library

The Castle of Light, which is a nickname for the National Library of Latvia , is a great place to step away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The library is loaded with thousands of wonderful books and cute little spaces to read the day away.

Admission to the library is 1 euro for the first hour and 0,65 euro for each hour after that.

6. Take a Stroll Through Vermanes Garden

oldest city fountain in Vermanes Garden in Riga, Latvia.

Take a walk over to the city centre to enjoy the Vermanes Garden .

The Vermanes Garden is known as the second oldest park in Latvia’s capital. It is always full of tourists and locals who are out to see the beauty of the park.

In Vermanes Garden, you’ll find an abundance of statues, artwork, plants and an open air entertainment stage. There is always something going on in this busy park!

7. See the Taxidermied Two-Headed Dog

  • Stradins Museum for History of Medicine is the place to be for anybody who is fascinated by medicine and science.

This unbelievably cheap museum is the home of the taxidermied two-headed dog. This freakish pup was created by a scientist who was exploring the world of organ transplants. The dog experiment was conducted by merging two canine circulatory systems.

8. Admire the Art Nouveau

magnificent art Nouveau style house in the Centre of Riga, Latvia

Art Nouveau , which is known as “Jugendstil” by the Germans, is a style of architecture that graces the streets of Riga.

To see this unique style of architecture, you can head on over to Centrs neighborhood. You don’t want to miss it!

9. Step into the Nativity of Christ Cathedral

Want to catch a Sunday service, say a quick prayer or simply enjoy some killer art? The Nativity of Christ Cathedral is the place for you.

This cathedral pridefully holds the title of the oldest orthodox church in all of Riga. This magnificent dome is its most prominent feature.

10. Taste the Flavors of Riga

fresh rye bread on wooden cutting board in Riga

Snacking your way through a new city is always a safe bet, especially when the city has a cuisine as magnificent as Riga.

When you’re in Riga, you’ve got to have some rye bread. No questions asked. This brown bread is paired with nearly every meal.

In addition to the famous Baltic bread, you’ll find that many traditional Latvian dishes include soups, pork, mushrooms, fish and potatoes.

Don’t worry about bland food. Latvians love their dill. This subtle spice will add a bit of flavor to many of the dishes you’ll enjoy in Riga.

You probably won’t want to do much cooking in Riga since your days will be filled with adventure and exploration, so let the chefs are some of the most delicious restaurants take the reins.

Grab a bite at some of Riga’s most delicious restaurants.

Best Restaurants in Riga

  • Rozengrals : Have you ever considered having dinner in a medieval wine cellar? If not, you should! Rozengrals is the best place to eat if you’re looking for some medieval vibes.
  • Koya : Looking for some finer dining? Stop by Koya for a fancier dinner.
  • Folkklubs Ala Pagrabs : This restaurant is the perfect place for traditional Latvian flavors. You can expect hearty meat and potato dishes at this restaurant.
  • Palgams : Palgams is open from breakfast to dinner. It is the perfect spot for good food, good vibes and good times.

11. Check Out Riga’s Black Cats

Riga has two famous cats that guard the house across the street from the Great Guild Hall. The house that they perch upon is over 100 years old.

The cats were placed in the direction of the Great Guild Hall for reasons that are a bit unclear. Legend has it that it has to do with an issue between the homeowner and the guild.

A court order demanded that the cats be moved to point a different way.

Stop by and take a picture of these creepy kitties.

12. Have a Drink with the Locals

Cafe Bar in the morning in the old European city Riga. Latvia.

Looking for a fun way to spend your evening? Let loose, have a drink and unwind with the Latvians!

Latvia is full of cool bars. Whether you’re looking for a classy venue to sip wine or a laid back bar to chug a beer, you’ll find what you like in Latvia.

Pick the bars that are best for you and make a marathon of it! Pub crawls are a fan favorite in Riga.

Explore some of the best places to drink in Riga!

5 Best Bars in Riga

  • Garage Wine Bar
  • Skyline Bar

13. Zoom Over to the Riga Aviation Museum

Are you ready to take flight at the Riga Aviation Museum ?

Learn about a multitude of aircrafts at this soarin’ museum. You’ll see helicopters, gliders, fighter jets and more!

Tickets for this museum run at only 7 euro.

14. Take a Free Walking Tour of Riga

Portrait of a young female tourist with photo camera in front of the famous three brothers ancient houses in Riga.

Free walking tours offer a cool way to get to know a new place. You get to see the whole city from the perspective of your choice. There are options that focus on art or culture or something super random!

Many cities encourage the young locals to become tour guides. This is a productive activity that keeps the youth out of trouble.

Be sure to leave your guide a small tip to the volunteer guides! After all, they have to make a living, too.

15. Have a Shopping Spree at Bergs Bazaar

Bergs Bazaar is a lovely place to spend your evening in Riga. This shopping center is filled with high end stores that sell everything from clothing to fine wines.

There are also several dining options at Bergs Bazaar. One of the most delicious is Cydonia, a gastropub.

16. Take a Day Trip to Sigulda

cable car crossing valley of Gauja in Sigulda, Latvia.

Sigulda is a historic town in Latvia that is just about an hour drive from the capital, which makes it the perfect destination for a day trip when you’re staying in the capital.

Sigulda is full of magnificent castles and amazing landscapes. It is the perfect place to escape the busyness of the city.

17. Learn About Latvian Culture at the Open Air Ethnographic Museum

Latvia’s Open Air Ethnographic Museum is a wonderful spot to dive into the history of this little country.

This museum provides representation of the agricultural history of all four of Latvia’s provinces. It also showcases different religious beliefs that have been celebrated across the country.

The Open Air Ethnographic Museum is considered to be the best of its kind across all of Europe. You can’t miss the opportunity to check it out.

18. See the House of the Blackheads

The Blackheads House near St Peters Cathedral against blue sky in Riga, Latvia.

Are you ready for a fancy photo op? Stroll on over to the House of the Blackheads .

The outside of this elaborate palace is absolutely gorgeous and the perfect backdrop for your next Instagram post.

House of the Blackheads’ inside is open to guests and tours. It drips in elegance and royalty. You cannot miss this beautiful attraction.

19. Be Wowed by the Artwork at the Latvian National Museum of Art

Hey, art lovers. We’ve got the perfect spot for you!

The Latvian National Museum of Art is one of Northern Europe’s coolest art galleries. This museum covers everything from more traditional Latvian art to bright modern art.

This museum is also great for those who have a thing for architecture. Riga’s architecture is quite unique, so it is showcased in this museum, as well.

20. Overlook Riga from St. Peter Cathedral

View at Riga from the tower of Saint Peter's Church, Latvia.

Here at Hekla, we can appreciate a good observation deck. Riga’s best overlook is form the St. Peter Cathedral .

This Lutheran church is one of the oldest buildings in all of Latvia. It’s tower marks the highest point in Riga which is why it offers a view so magical.

Check out St. Peter’s events calendar so that you can plan your tour accordingly!

21. Make Some Furry Friends at Riga Zoo

Brown bear in zoo in Riga

If zoos are up your alley, you will not be disappointed by Riga Zoo .

The most interesting furry friends at the Riga Zoo include the poodle donkey, homes yak, rock duck and kiang. You’ll find many species that are native to places both near and far.

The zoo is pretty special because it has a mission of species conservation and species reintroduction. It aims to keep rare species alive and well with the hopes of increasing their populations in their native lands.

Admission to the zoo is 7 euro for adults and 5 euro for seniors, students and children. Bring the whole family!

22. Check Out Hats from Around the World

World of Hat is one of Riga’s most unique museums. As its name suggests, it features hats from around the world.

This museum is great for those who are interested in collections of random things. It’s also great for those who are interested in learning about different cultures through hats.

23. See the Marker of the First Public Christmas Tree

Riga is supposedly the home of one of Europe’s first Christmas trees. There is a marker downtown that signifies the location of this historic tree.

If you love the Yuletide as much as we do, you’ve got to check out this neat landmark.

24.Spend the Afternoon in Old Town Riga

Night street in the Old Town of Riga, Latvia

Old Town Riga is the historical hotspot of this small capital. It is one of the most happening places around town.

You’ll find the best restaurants and bars in Old Town Riga. It’s cobblestone streets and historic buildings are also particularly Instagrammable.

25. Catch a Show at the Latvian National Opera and Ballet

Latvian National Opera in the evening in Riga

The National Opera and Ballet is one of Riga’s finer establishments.

This opera house remains loyal to the romantic and classical genres. From time to time, you’ll find more modern work being showcased on these fine stages.

What sort of show would you like to see in Riga?

26. Visit Big Christopher

Big Christopher is a wonderful icon in Riga that merges religion and folklore.

This big guy is known to have carried the weight of Jesus Christ on his shoulder. He is also known to have carried the bulk of the people’s sins.

This statue was created in 1997, but the myth dates back to the third century.

Today, you can find Big Christopher in the Museum of Riga.

27. Rev Your Engines at the Riga Motormuseum

If you like new cars, old cars, cool cars and hot cars, you’ve got to zoom on over the the Riga Motormuseum .

This museum has a large collection of antique cars. It also has a super cool driving simulator, which is a favorite of the tiniest of visitors.

This museum is full of great fun for any family who loves cars!

28. Admire the Wooden Houses at Kalnciems

Wooden architecture is a big deal in Riga. The Wooden Houses in the neighborhood Kalnciems, which represent this wonderful building style, are absolutely adorable.

Riga continued to build wooden houses long after the rest of Europe resorted to building with more modern materials.

29. Visit the Freedom Monument

Freedom monument in Riga Square, Latvia.

The Freedom Monument is one of the most important attractions in all of Riga. As the name suggests, it represents the nation’s liberty.

After a long fight for its freedom, Latvian independence is surely something to be celebrated.

This granite sculpture is protected by an honorary guard who represents the fight for freedom.

30. Stop by the Stonehead of Salaspils

What’s more interesting than a stone head that sort of looks like a troll and is likely 500 years old?

The Stonehead of Salaspils is an ancient art piece that is recognized as a magnificent attraction not only in Riga but in all of Europe.

Visit this interesting artwork and learn more of its exciting history!

31. Grab a Coffee in Riga

Pedestrian street with cafes and restaurants in the center of the old town of Riga.

You can’t go wrong with a coffee break in Riga. Cute coffee shops and cafes are the perfect place to step away from the craziness of your day of touring and exploring.

Coffee shops are also great spots for digital nomads who are always exploring new cities but still have work to get done.

In this city, you’re going to have to check out some of the local spots because there is no Starbucks to be found. To be honest, you’re probably going to have a more memorable experience at a little hole in the wall than you would at Starbucks anyway.

Take a look at the cutest coffee shops in Riga. Which will you stop by for a cup o’ joe?

Best Coffee Shops in Riga

  • MiiT : Looking for some specialty coffee to go with your veggie lunch? MiiT is the perfect spot for you!
  • Cafe M : If you live a zero waste lifestyle or if you’re interested in going green, Cafe M will be your cup of tea. This coffee shop prides itself on its zero waste operations.
  • Rocket Bean Roastery : Rocket Bean Roastery features amazing coffee blends from some of the best coffee growing spots from around the world.
  • Stars Coffee: This cute little spot is known for its minimalistic vibes and delicious baked goods that go perfectly with their house roasted coffee.

Visit Riga with Hekla

Since Latvia is such a small country, our tours that stop in Riga visit other countries, as well. We do this so that our guests get the most out of their holiday in Northern Europe.

Our three tours that make stops in Riga are the Baltic Highlights Light , Baltic Lifestyle and Baltic Impressions .

These wonderful tours will give you the perfect taste of Riga!

Explore Northern Europe

When you’re visiting Northern Europe, it would be a shame to limit yourself to one destination.

Over here a Hekla, we love all of Northern Europe. In our decades of traveling this beautiful corner of the earth, we’ve become familiar with many cities, countries and attractions.

Explore some of our travel guides where we give you the scoop on what to do and what not to do in coolest cities on earth. Grab a pen and paper because you’re about to read about some of Northern Europe’s best kept secrets and hidden gems.

  • 50 Amazing Things to Do in Estonia
  • Blue Lagoon: The Ultimate Travel Guide
  • Top 10 Natural Hot Springs in Iceland
  • 30 Best Things to Do in Norway on Holiday
  • Northern Lights in Iceland

Where will your Northern European adventures take you?

Are You Ready for Riga?

Doesn’t Riga sound like a blast? This lowkey capital is perfect for those who want to take an enjoyable holiday.

Whether you’re a solo traveler or you’d like to bring the whole family, you can’t go wrong with Riga.

Book your flight and get planning. Your road leads to Riga!

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16 Great Things to Do in Riga, Latvia

Last Updated on 16/02/2024 by kami

I believe that Riga, Latvia is one of the most interesting cities in Europe. There are just so many great things to do in Riga, both classical attractions and more alternative ones, and the city will keep you busy for at least two days. I was lucky to visit Riga a few times, always enjoyed it, and always left the place with a heavy heart.

things to do in Riga Latvia

If you are planning Riga sightseeing and are wondering what to see in Riga this article is for you. A fellow blogger, Marika from Clumsy Girl Travels , has decided to share her favorite things to do in Riga here with me. I’m sure it will help you plan a perfect trip to Riga!

Planning a trip to Riga?

Here are the highly-rated hotels, tours, and services recommended for your trip:


  • Neiburgs Hotel (9.3/10)
  • Relais Le Chevalier (8.9/10)
  • Redstone Apartments (9.0/10)

Tours and activities:

  • 1.5-Hour Old Town Walking Tour
  • Private Sigulda, Turaida, and Gauja National Park Tour
  • Latvian food tasting tour at Riga Central market

Internet: Stay connected with Airalo eSim card – click here to get yours!

Airport Transfer: Use Welcome Pickups for a smooth ride from the airport to your accommodation in Riga. Click here to book the airport transfer.

Insurance: Get insured for your trip to Latvia with SafetyWing

Car rental: Compare prices and find the best deals on rental cars in Latvia on Discover Cars .

Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a city that absolutely surprised me. I never expected to love it as much as I did. Although quite small, I found endless amounts of things to do in Riga, and even after spending a month exploring in the city, I have only just begun to scratch the surface. The city of Riga has stolen my heart, and every time I visit, I always seem to find more and more reasons to love this place.

With lots of fascinating museums, a diverse selection of restaurants , and a beautiful historic old town , there really is no shortage of things to do in Riga and places to explore.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Table of Contents

Things to do in Riga

If you are wondering what to do in Riga look no further. Below you will find all the best Riga attractions.

Visit St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s church is Riga’s most popular view over the city and no question one of the Riga must do. St Peters was erected in the late 15th century and has gone through a collapse, a lightning strike to the tower, and a fire, but it still stands tall, offering people a glimpse into Riga’s past. The inside of the church has a rotating display of local artists that you can check out.

St. Peters tower offers incredible views of Riga’s red-tiled rooftops of the old town and the Daugava River. The cost to visit St Peter’s Church is 9 euros.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Shop at Central Market

This is Europe’s largest market and bazaar. My favorite thing about the market is that it’s located inside old German Zeppelin Hangers (a type of airship) so it’s pretty unique. The inside of the market may seem overwhelming due to the size and how much there is to see. It’s best to just wander through the market and see where you end up.

The market is separated into 4 sections: dairy, meat, fish, and veggies & fruits. Plus, they have tons of stalls selling food to go. If you want to experience some local Riga culture, I recommend visiting the central market.

things to do in Riga Latvia

See famous Three Brothers

Three brothers are a complex of three houses that have been around for centuries. There is a legend that they were built by three brothers, which makes sense! They are the oldest medieval houses in the city and one of the most popular Riga sights for tourists who visit the city. The houses were built when Riga had a close connection with the Netherlands, so the houses have a strong Dutch influence.

Today, the Museum of Architecture is located in the houses, which you can visit free of charge.

things to do in Riga Latvia

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Visit the Chocolate Museum

When I visited Riga, I was shocked to learn that Laima, a popular chocolate brand, was produced there. If you love chocolate, I highly recommend a visit to the Laima chocolate museum. Inside, you will find tons of interactive exhibits and included with admission you will get a chocolate candy bar and a chocolate drink.

There are also Laima chocolate shops scattered around the city, so if you can’t make it to the chocolate museum, you can still easily get a taste of Laima chocolate.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Go to the Latvian Academy of Sciences Observation Deck

Also called Stalin’s Birthday Cake due to the stalinese style of architecture, this is another building that offers stunning views of the city. Not many tourists know about this building, so it’s usually pretty empty. The observation deck is located on the 17th floor and costs 6 euros to enter.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Learn About Riga’s Jewish History

Janis lipke memorial.

Janis Lipke was a hero among the Jewish community in Riga. During World War II, he rescued 40 Jews from being persecuted. He began saving Jews by hiding them with friends who were willing to take them in. As Riga’s situation grew worse, he decided to build an underground shelter where he hid 13 Jews. Today, you can visit his memorial and learn all about Janis, his family, and how they put themselves at risk to save lives.

Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum

This museum tells the story of the Jewish community in Riga. The museum sits on the same spot that the Jewish ghetto once was located. There is a replica of a typical Jewish home from the Ghetto and a replica of a cattle car that you can go inside. It’s mostly an outdoor museum, and it’s free to enter.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Visit the Fashion Museum

It seems like Rigas has a museum about everything, so it was no surprise when I discovered they had a fashion museum. The exhibits are interactive, and showcases the ever-changing fashion styles over the centuries. It’s a pretty small museum, so it should only take you a couple of hours to walk through.

I highly recommend renting an audio guide. There aren’t many descriptions for the items showcased, so the audio guide is a must if you want any historical information.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Visit the Corner House

This is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Riga and the most haunting, in my opinion. The Corner House was the headquarters of the Soviet KGB, where people were brought in for questioning, brutal beatings, imprisoned, and killed. The only way to visit The Corner House is by taking a tour. Tours are offered in Latvian and English, but tickets can sell out pretty quickly, so it’s best to book online.

The tour is very heavy and emotional but fascinating and informative at the same time. If you have time to only visit one attraction in Riga, I recommend it be this one.

Go for a day trip to Sigulda

Sigulda is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Latvia and a very popular day trip from Riga. It’s only about 2 hours from the capital on the bus. Sigulda is a huge area, so there is a lot to do. The most popular attractions are:

  • Turaida Castle: This charming medieval castle is located inside the Turaida Museum-Reserve, which has exhibitions on history of archeology, culture, and art of Latvia.
  • Gutmanis Cave: This cave is the biggest and widest cave in the Baltics and is said to be the oldest attraction in Latvia. The most interesting part of this cave is the Rose of Turaida legend that took place here.
  • Castle of Livonian Order: This castle will take you back in time to the medieval ages. Although it’s just ruins now, you will be rewarded with stunning views of the Sigulda region.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Eat at a Communist Themed Cafe

Leningrad cafe is a pretty unique and fun place to eat. The inside is set up to look like a Soviet-era apartment. There are soviet memorabilia displayed on the walls, and the food is excellent, especially the paprika burger, which comes with a complimentary shot of vodka.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Have a Coffee at a Hidden Coffee Shop

Located down a quiet alleyway sits Parunāsim kafe’teeka: an adorable french inspired cafe with delicious pastries and coffee. The cafe calls itself the most romantic cafe in Riga, and they are not wrong. Inside, there are plush, velvet armchairs and tiny wooden tables illuminated by a single candle on each one.

If you are hankering for some yummy cake and coffee, I suggest checking out this place. Make sure not to walk by it, though. It’s really easy to miss.

Visit a Local Brewery

I love going on Brewery tours in each place I visit. The process of making beer is fascinating, and each country has its own unique way of doing it. I was unexpectedly excited when I learned Riga had a brewery with a self-guided tour called Aldaris.

Aldaris is located about an hour outside of Riga’s center, and you can take a tram there. At the end of the tour, you get a flight of cold, refreshing beer.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Try Riga Black Balsam at a Witch Themed Cafe

If you visit Riga, you can’t leave without trying the local spirit, Black Balsam. It is an acquired taste, and most people don’t like it. It has a very bitter and medicinal taste. In fact, it used to be used as a remedy for indigestion, so it is a popular shot to take after dinner. I actually love it and always bring a bottle home with me.

One of my favorite places to order Black Balsam is Black Magic. This is a witch-themed chocolate shop where they sell Black Balsam cocktails and desserts. They even have a Black Balsam chocolate cake, which doesn’t taste like Black Balsam at all.

things to do in Riga Latvia

See the Freedom Monument

The Freedom Monument was built as a memorial for the soldiers who died during the Latvian fight for independence. It has been the central landmark of Riga since it was erected in 1935. Today, The Freedom Monument has two guards that stand at its base. It’s a symbol of freedom, independence, and a reminder of Latvia’s struggle and perseverance.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Visit the Museum of Occupation

The Museum of Occupation is an interesting and important place to visit in Riga. The museum covers 3 occupations, two Soviet occupations and the German occupation. You will read stories and testimonials from people that have lived through those trying times in history, and you will walk away with respect for everyone who persisted and survived.

The museum is free to enter. They have a donation box that you can contribute to if you enjoyed your visit.

Find the Black Cats

The Riga black cats are the unofficial symbol of Riga. They sit perched on the roof of The Black Cat House. There are several legends on how the black cats got there, but the most popular one suggests that the house owner got denied entrance to the great guild, and as payback, he put two angry-looking cats with arched backs on his roof facing the great guild.

things to do in Riga Latvia

Riga travel tips

How to get to riga.

Riga airport is a popular hub in Europe, serving flights to many destinations every day so getting to Riga is rather easy. There are also numerous daily bus connections between Riga and Vilnius (Lithuania) or Tallinn (Estonia) .

How to get around Riga

Most of the things to see in Riga are located in the center so you can easily walk everywhere. If you need to get to the destinations further away, there is a good public transport system you can use.

things to do in Riga Latvia

What’s the currency in Riga?

For a few years now the local currency in Latvia is Euro.

About the author: Marika is the travel blogger behind the blog Clumsy Girl Travels . She writes about traveling to unique places around the world as well as the struggles of traveling with a hidden disability called Ataxia. You can follow Marika on Facebook , Instagram or Twitter

Travel Resources

Below you can find the brands I trust and use when planning trips:

  • You can find the best accommodation options at Booking . They have many discounts and excellent customer service. Click here to look for the place to stay in Riga
  • I recommend joining organized tours to get to know the place better and to visit more places during your trip. You can find a great selection of tours at Viator or Get Your Guide .
  • To always stay connected I use Airalo eSim cards – click here to get yours!
  • For transportation and booking tickets online , I usually use 12Go or Omio
  • Looking for the airport pickup ? Check Welcome Pickups!
  • Never travel without travel insurance , you never know what might happen and better safe than sorry. You can check the insurance policy for Latvia here.
  • If you plan to rent a car during your trip to Latvia check Discover Cars to compare prices and find the best deals
  • Make sure to have the offline map always installed on your phone, they can save you so many troubles. I always use the free app Maps.Me .

For the end I left a few announcements that might interest you:

  • Sign up to my newsletter or follow me on Bloglovin to get updates about the new posts
  • Join my Facebook group about Eastern Europe, the Balkans and former USSR and connect with fellow travellers and enthusiasts of these regions – just click here!
  • I’ve included a few handy links of services and products I personally like and use so you can plan your own trip to Riga too. They are often affiliate links. This means I will get a small commission if you book/purchase anything through my links, at no extra costs for you. Thank you!



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Hi, Like your reviews about cities. But please, change information about Riga airport taxi from “welcoming pickups ” to app Bolt taxi or BalticTaxi Its much cheaper. Thanks and good luck in further traveling. ;)

' data-src=

Thank you. I actually use Welcome Pickups myself in many places as they are just easier to navigate than Bolt etc when you are in a new place and don’t have the internet access. But thank you for the suggestion, I will add Bolt as an option. Cheers!

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A travel guide for Riga, Latvia

Updated On 19th June, 2024

A travel guide for Riga, Latvia

Latvia is a mystery to many, and not the first place on many Europe bucket lists . However, Riga is one of Europe’s hidden gems , and in this Riga travel guide I’m going to share my favourite things to do in Latvia, places to visit in Riga, and top tips for visiting Riga! While you may have never considered visiting Riga before, keep reading and hopefully I can change your mind.

Latvia took me by surprise and it’s such an incredible destination to explore. If you’re the type of traveller who loves old towns, cobbled streets, buildings and history, or maybe you are just looking for a brand new place to explore… Riga delivers. There are so many cool things to do in Riga; you cannot miss this city if you’re travelling in Eastern Europe. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that it’s one of the best capital cities to visit in Europe. 

What makes Riga so special you may ask? Riga is set in the Baltic Sea and is known for its white sandy beaches, wooden colourful houses, old historic buildings, flowers and everything art. One thing I definitely noticed during my visit, was the locals were super friendly and spend a lot of time together on the beaches, eating delicious food and they certainly love to dance! 

Whether it’s the culture and museums or a relaxing break from your everyday life, Riga has everything you could possibly want from a weekend away in Europe . From wandering around Riga’s Old Town to sightseeing on the River Daugava, or from hiking in Gauja National Park to getting the adrenaline pumping on a mountain bike tour… there are plenty of things to do in Riga that will keep you busy during your stay! 

In terms of the weather in Riga, the hottest months are June-August, where the temperature is usually in the early 20s (degrees Celsius). Autumn and Spring are fairly mild, but winter (December-February) can be cold, with temperatures dropping below zero. 

Keep reading to see more about this city in my Riga travel guide and all the fun things to do in Riga that you should add to your Latvia bucket list! 

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Best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

Where is Riga? How to get to Riga?

If you’re wondering ‘where is Riga?’ or ‘how to get to Riga’, then you’re in the right place. Latvia, one of the Baltic States, borders Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus. In the heart of Latvia, there’s Riga! Riga is the capital of Latvia, and also one of the country’s largest cities.

Flights to Riga are usually super cheap and affordable. Most flights to Riga from the UK are with Ryanair or Air Baltic, with budget-friendly prices normally being between £40 – £100, so it’s a perfect candidate for a short trip or weekend away for anyone  travelling on a budget !

Depending on where you are travelling from, a flight from the UK to Riga (RIX) is about 2hr 30 minutes. You can also fly to Riga from many international airports across Europe and around the world! 

Top tip: Check out flights to and from Riga on Skyscanner here.

Check out how to pack a weekend away in a carry-on suitcase here.

Getting around Riga… 

From Riga’s international airport you can hop on one of the many means of transport they have to offer. You can take the bus, hail a taxi (which you can pre-book in advance) or get a ticket for one of the trolleybuses. Find out more and book your Riga airport transfer here. 

Bear in mind that when travelling by taxi in Riga, a small tip of around 10% is usually expected through a kind gesture and appreciation.

Transport fare prices are very reasonably priced. You can pay as little as 5 EUR for a 24 hour day pass which can be used on all buses, trams and trolleybuses. Bargain!

If you prefer to find your way around a city yourself, there are bicycle hires in Riga. Pick up a local map and the locals will be more than happy to help. However, please be aware of the fast local drivers.

See more ways to keep active while you’re travelling here. 

Where to stay in Riga?

Riga is full of different types of accommodation, offering whatever you’re looking for. If you’re wondering where to stay in Riga, there’s everything from luxury spa hotels to budget-friendly hostels and everything in between! 

Check  Airbnb  for apartments and rooms in Riga. 

Check out  to find lots of hotels and hostels in Riga. 

In terms of where to stay in Riga, in this Riga travel guide I’m also going to share my insight into the best areas to stay in in Riga… 

Old Town Riga

Stay in the Old Town in Riga if you want to be in the centre of the city, in amongst all the culture. I spent my first night here and loved it! 

The hotel we stayed at was Monika Centrum Hotel , facing right opposite a local park and within walking distance to the town centre. Some more of the best hotels in Riga Old Town are Grand Poet by Semarah , Pullman Riga , and there are also hostels in Riga Old Town like Tree House Hostel.

If you want to spend time by a beachside location then Jurmala is the perfect place to stay in Riga for you!

In Jurmala I stayed at Hotel Jumala Spa . This hotel is incredible , located near the beachfront whilst surrounded by forest trees, beautiful cafés, restaurants and shops.

Whilst we were here we spent time in the hotel spa with an impressive amount of 6 different saunas ranging at different temperatures. It’s in the perfect location for spending time on the beach and taking evening walks alongside the sand to watch the sunset with the locals.

Best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

Example prices in Riga:

(As of Sept 2021)

Is Riga expensive? How much to budget for Riga?…

Riga isn’t expensive and I found it very similar to the UK for prices. You can pay using your bank card or Euros. In this Riga travel guide I’ve included some examples of what I spent in Riga to give you an idea…

  • For a standard average hotel price, you can pay €40 – €80 a night.
  • A bottle of water €1.5 (depending on the size and brand)
  • You can pick up a pint of beer for €3
  • A stop at the local cafés, coffee will be €2.50 – €3.50
  • A main meal in Riga can cost between €9 and €18, also depending on where you eat and which restaurant you stop at.

Best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

My favourite places to eat in Riga:

Without a doubt, Riga is full of delicious food to enjoy!

In the Old Town and the other main areas in Riga, the streets are filled with unique restaurants and cafes. One of the best things to do in Riga is to spend some time walking down the little cobbled streets to come across the lesser known restaurants! This is where I came across many small hidden cafes.

Two of my favourite cafes in Riga were Miit Coffee and Rocket Bean Roastery.

If you’re currently sitting there thinking, but what food does Riga have? Will I be able to eat anything? Latvian food has so many options including traditional soups, bread & pastries, cold meats, cheese and olives, as well as international dishes such as pasta, pizza, burgers and kebabs. You won’t go hungry. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, don’t worry.. they have so many options for you, such as risottos, veggie soups, potato dishes and dairy-free milk too.

One of my favourite restaurants in Latvia was an outdoor restaurant called Colonel Brew Kitchen. It’s right in the centre of the town square with local music.

One more thing for this part of the Riga travel guide… you can not leave Latvia without trying out the Black Balsam, a traditional alcohol that is found all over Riga, in restaurants, bars and shops. Warning! Be careful with how many you have, it’s on the stronger side, with a high alcohol content of 45%. 

Best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

The best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

1. jump on the river boat..

One of the best things to do in Riga is to see the city from the water! You can journey out along the canal and make your way to the River Daugava for more sightseeing opportunities. You can do this trip with Riga by Canal.  For an adult fare this will cost €13.

2. Hike in Gauja National Park.

This was one place I had on my list but didn’t get around to doing but believe it’s definitely worth visiting. It’s got to be one of the best places to visit in Riga and hiking here should be on your Riga bucket list! The Gauja National Park is known as the Switzerland of Latvia.

You will be able to witness the breathtaking scenic views, one of the biggest caves (Gutman Cave), ancient historical sites/manor and free to adventure along the trails and hike to get to the best views.

Make sure you take your camera! And comfortable walking shoes or boots. You don’t want to miss out on one of the best things to do in Riga because you weren’t prepared! 

Check out my hiking top tips here. 

3. Find a Tour Guide to uncover the history.

The best way to find out all the local history is from the locals themselves.

If you want to know all the history of this country then I believe a tour guide is your best option. Walking tours in a town are great if you’re short on time, start in different locations of the city depending on what you want to experience. You can choose anything from food & wine tours, old town walking tours, heritage history and if you don’t fancy walking, you can even hop-on the red buses.

When I first visited Riga, I went on a history walking tour with some locals to get to know all about the city, to soak up all their local knowledge and recommendations, and to recognise the pride they have for the city they live in. This was definitely one of my best things to do in Riga! 

You can book a walking tour where they will take you around the town, seeing all the buildings, churches, the many museums and places you may not have ventured to on your own.

A few of the best walking tours in Riga to look out for: House Of Blackheads built in 1334, Freedom Monument and Rigas Christ Cathedral. 

4. Do an ATV Safari or Quad bike tour.

If you’re feeling really adventurous and you’re looking for things to do in Riga that will get the adrenaline pumping, book onto a ATV Safari or Quad Biking day trip. This will take you out of the city and onto the hills, which means it’s time to have fun!

Your tour will be full of off road driving, dirt tracks and the beauty of the outdoors.

The tours are 2 hours to half-day duration, pricing from £80 per adult. There are several companies that offer these tours, so shop around and see what suits you money and time wise! 

5. Go skiing or snowboarding in Riga.

Although Latvia is not full of mountains, one of the best things to do in Riga is to enjoy the winter sports available there such as skiing and snowboarding. Latvia surprisingly has a range of slopes and hills for both skiing and snowboarding in most districts.

So, if you’re a big fan of this sport or fancy daring yourself to try something new, then hit the slopes for some downhill adrenaline.

6. Explore the Old Town in Riga.

One of the top things to do in Riga is to visit the Old Town. You will venture down the cobbled paths where the streets are filled with markets to entice you in (which they certainly do), many restaurants and cafes for your choice and often live music will be playing along the streets with live performances.

Make sure you admire the architecture in the Old Town as you wander around Riga too. From visiting the Thee Brothers or the House of Blackheads, to seeing many of the wonderful churches, there are plenty of places to visit in Riga that will catch your eye! 

7. Hit the beach in Riga.

The beaches in Riga are all without a doubt stunning! White sand, clear water and overlooked with big trees in the distance.

You will find the beaches have small bars with shelter, chairs and places to eat. Some even have activities taking place for children to join in with. One of the best things to do in Riga is to have a beach day!

The beaches in Riga have a friendly and fun atmosphere for all family and friends. A few favourites would be Jurmalas Beach, Ritabulli beach and Vecāķu pludmale.

Best things to do in Riga: A Riga travel guide

8. Enjoy the artwork in Riga.

One of the top things to do in Riga is to enjoy the art and creative energy in this European capital city . From the Art Nouveau District to art galleries and museums, Riga is one of the most creative cities I have visited. If you’re looking for free things to do in Riga, be sure to visit LOW, a space dedicated to up and coming artists in Latvia. 

9. Explore the markets in Riga.

Markets around Riga are open all year round and are one of the main attractions for people when visiting. One of the best things to do in Riga is to try and find souvenirs here to take home. You can find anything from food & drink, artwork and music. Some include Riga Central Market, Riga’s Christmas Market and Kalnciema Street Market.

See my Christmas market road trip in Europe here.  Is there anything else you’d add to this Riga travel guide?

Where are your favourite things to do in Riga? Anything you’d add?

Love as always and happy adventuring…

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A travel guide for Riga, Latvia




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Top 10 attractions in Latvia

From big city sophistication to heartfelt country hospitality, Latvia has a warm welcome for every visitor. Discover ancient castles, wander through stunning valleys or laze on miles of beaches in this Baltic gem. Here are some things to do in Latvia and places to see!

The largest and most exciting metropolis in the Baltics, Riga will inspire you. Architecture from Gothic cathedrals to world-class Art Nouveau, buzzing cafes and bars and delicious dining from haute cuisine to local market products are all yours for a price tag that will add to the pleasure.

Rīga vecpilsēta/ old town

Gauja National Park

The Gauja National Park is the perfect place to destress. Wander miles of stunning hiking trails, explore fascinating medieval castles or thrill to bungee jumping, bobsleighing and other adventurous activities.

Gauja National Park

Just 20 minutes’ drive from Riga, Jurmala is a seaside resort like no other. If you’re looking for fun, there’s vibrant life on the beach and in the unique spas, offering a tempting menu of mud packs and massages.

But Jurmala is also a great place to return to nature, strolling the miles of pine-fringed shore or admiring beautiful summer timber cottages.


Drift back to a gentler age in Kuldiga, an ideal destination for a romantic weekend or family vacation. This beautiful town offers a mixture of Baroque splendor and soulful timber houses, Europe’s widest waterfall, exquisite restaurants, and guesthouses to ensure a magical stay.

riga latvia places to visit

Rundale Palace and Museum

Nicknamed the Baltic Versailles, Rundale Palace ( Rundāles pils ) will transport you to an age of splendor. Designed by Francesco Rastrelli, the architect who also created St. Petersburg’s Hermitage, Rundale is a superbly restored Baroque and Rococo masterpiece packed with art treasures and surrounded by a delightful rose garden.

Rundale palace

Turaida Museum Reserve

Latvia is a land of ancient traditions, and the best place to experience them is the Turaida Museum Reserve near Sigulda.

Explore the medieval castle and its intriguing museum, connect with Latvia’s musical heritage on Folk Song Hill, and take sweeping views of the lovely Gauja River Valley.

Turaidas muzejrezervāts

Cesis  is a town with an intriguing mixture of hipness and history. Savor the timeless ambiance of the old town, get into medieval life at the ancient castle, enjoy cute cafes and soak up various artistic and musical events.

riga latvia places to visit

Known as the "city where the wind is born," Liepaja is a port with unique attractions. Architecture from Art Nouveau pearls to historic churches, the Soviet brutalist Karosta military port district, a magnificent beach and rich musical traditions are yours to savor.

riga latvia places to visit

From a museum to the legendary artist, Mark Rothko to the awe-inspiring Aglona Basilica and unique Bread museum, Latvia’s eastern region is packed with surprises. Stunning lakes, fascinating traditions, timeless handicrafts and heartfelt hospitality will make this a place you will never forget.

East Latvia (Latgale)


Ventspils is a town with the sea in its veins and a delightful destination for the whole family. Enjoy street sculptures, let the kids run wild in the city’s fun parks, discover the interactive medieval castle or relax on the Blue Flag beach.


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12 Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 4, 2024

Home to over a third of the nation’s population, Riga is both the capital and largest city in Latvia. One of the most important administrative, financial, and cultural centers in the Baltics, the city lies on the Gulf of Riga with the Daugava River running through it.

Due to its strategic and scenic setting, the city has been ruled by everyone from the Swedes and Poles to the Soviet Union throughout its history. As such, the former member of the Hanseatic League has a fascinating past for you to delve into, with lots of impressive historic sights to discover.

Besides its magnificent medieval Old Town, which is where you can find many of its main tourist attractions, the city boasts the highest number of Art Nouveau buildings in the world. With trendy bars, cool cafes, and fantastic restaurants all on offer, and the nearby beaches at Jurmala for you to enjoy, there is no shortage of things to do in Riga.

12. Musee Art Nouveau

Musee Art Nouveau

With so many elegant and elaborately decorated Art Nouveau buildings scattered around town, it is well worth heading to this brilliant museum to see what one of them looks like on the inside. Designed by Konstantins Peksens, who also lived in it, the building was built back in 1903 at the height of the Art Nouveau movement.

While its beautiful facade features lots of floral motifs and ornamental reliefs, its interior is no less spectacular. Restored to its former glory, the rooms all exhibit furniture, decorations, and period pieces from that epoch, as well as lots of lovely paintings and stained glass windows. The undoubted highlight, however, is its exquisite spiral staircase which runs through the building.

In addition to all of this, there is a great exhibition for you to peruse on Art Nouveau art, architecture, and design in Riga.

11. Latvian Academy of Sciences

Latvian Academy of Sciences

Towering to 103 meters tall, the Latvian Academy of Sciences dominates the city’s skyline and is a rather unwelcome remnant and reminder of Soviet rule. Built between 1951 and 1961, the Stalinist-style skyscraper’s construction was financed through ‘voluntary donations’ from local Latvians.

Nicknamed both ‘Stalin’s birthday cake’ and ‘the Kremlin,’ the imposing building is decorated with Communist symbol hammer and sickles, as well as Latvian folk motifs. The main reason for visiting, however, is for its wonderful Observation Deck on floor 17, which offers breathtaking views of Riga and its surroundings.

10. St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter's Church

Another very recognizable landmark and prominent feature of the city’s skyline is the 123-meter spindly spire and steeple that towers above St. Peter’s Church. Set in the heart of the Old Town, it is from this steeple that you can enjoy the best views of the city’s ancient streets below.

While the view is spectacular, the church itself is just as worthwhile visiting; it is actually one of the oldest buildings in the whole of the Baltics. Built between the 13th and 17th centuries, the marvelous red brick building exhibits a wide range of architectural styles, with Baroque, Gothic, and Romanesque elements on display. Quite austere and unembellished inside, St. Peter’s Church is located just a short walk away from many of the city’s most important sights.

9. Freedom Monument

Freedom Monument

Erected in 1935, the Freedom Monument commemorates those who lost their lives during the Latvian War of Independence and symbolizes the country’s sovereignty and independence. While the Liberty figure that tops the 42-meter high monument is liable to draw most people’s attention, it is the bas-reliefs at the bottom that are of the most interest.

This is because the intricately-carved sculptures depict various scenes from Latvian history and culture. Although the Soviets considered destroying it, the epic-looking Freedom Monument thankfully still stands before us today.

8. Riga Cathedral

Riga Cathedral

The largest medieval church in the whole of the Baltics, Riga Cathedral is one of the most recognizable landmarks in not only the capital but the country at large. Built in 1211, it exhibits some delightful Baroque, Gothic, and Romanesque architecture, with Hanseatic features also included here and there.

While the ‘Dome Cathedral,’ as it is known, boasts a great tower and weather vane, its main attractions are found inside. Its pipe organ, for instance, has a staggering 6768 pipes to it, while ornate tombs and a fabulously carved pulpit can be found around the nave.

7. Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

A very somber and harrowing place to visit, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia looks at a dark and tragic part of the country’s history. Between 1940 and 1991, Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union, with Nazi Germany also ruling the country between 1941 and 1944.

These years saw not only the torture and interrogation of Latvian Nationalists before they were sent to the Gulags, but also the deportation and then extermination of its Jewish population.

Opened in 1993, the museum’s extensive collection of artifacts, photos, and documents sheds light on the atrocities that took place in Latvia and the actions of the brave people who resisted both totalitarian regimes.

6. Alberta Iela

Alberta Iela

Named after Bishop Albert, who is said to have founded Riga all the way back in 1201, this pretty and picturesque street is home to many of the city’s most impressive Art Nouveau buildings. Mostly erected between 1901 and 1908, the houses exhibit some stunning designs, with floral motifs, sculptures, and mythological figures dotting their facades.

While many of them were designed by Mikhail Eisenstein, others, such as the Musee Art Nouveau, are by Konstantins Peksens. With many of them now listed as state monuments, it is well worth ambling slowly along Alberta Iela and taking in all the magnificent art and architecture.

5. KGB Building

KGB Building

Also known as ‘the Corner House,’ it is here in this unassuming building that the KGB once had their headquarters. Once a symbol of oppression, occupation, and terror, it now houses a number of exhibitions and displays on the brutal Soviet state apparatus.

To learn about the KGB’s workings, visitors can take a tour of its basement prison cells to see where opponents of the regime were imprisoned, interrogated, and executed. While the content makes for uncomfortable viewing, a visit to the KGB Building is a must for the invaluable insight it offers into Latvia’s troubled past.

4. Town Hall Square

Town Hall Square

Although it was destroyed during WWII, it is almost impossible to tell, as Town Hall Square has been painstakingly reconstructed and now appears as it did centuries ago. Dominated by the gorgeous House of the Black Heads that lines one side of it, the square is very spacious. At its heart lies a wonderful statue of Roland – a mythological knight.

This same figure can be found in various cities because, in medieval times, it indicated that a place was free and enjoyed certain privileges. While most of the square’s buildings are very pretty and quaint, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia certainly stands out somewhat as it is located in a rather ugly Soviet-era building. Besides this, there is lots of lovely architecture and a lively atmosphere for you to take in.

3. Central Market

Central Market

Housed in a cavernous series of pavilions which were once German Zeppelin hangars, Riga’s Central Market bustles with life and is loads of fun to explore. Each section has its own specialty; while one sells meat and fish, another will be home to rows upon rows of fruit and vegetable stands.

In addition to this, it is also a great place to pick up some local delicacies or hand-crafted souvenirs. While exploring its many delights, make sure to keep an eye out for the fantastic Art Deco and Neoclassist architecture on show all around you. Opened in 1930, Riga’s Central Market is one of the largest and busiest in the whole of Europe.

2. House of the Black Heads

House of the Black Heads

Bombed to smithereens by the Nazis during World War II, the House of the Black Heads was carefully and caringly rebuilt between 1996 and 1999. Now, it appears even more majestic than before, with splendid statues and elaborate embellishments coating its bright red facade. The original building was erected all the way back in the 1330s and used to house unwed merchants and shipowners.

As such, it was an important center of business and trade in the city. These days, you can take a tour of its equally exquisite interior to see its grand ballrooms and learn all about the guild’s power and prestige. Located in Town Hall Square, the House of the Black Heads is undoubtedly the most beautiful building in the whole of Riga.

1. Old City

Old City

Located right on the banks of the Daugava River, it is here in the Old City that you will find Riga’s oldest and most impressive buildings, historic sights, and cultural landmarks. Known as Vecriga to locals, the maze of small alleys and cobblestone lanes are fascinating to explore as they lead to centuries-old cathedrals and churches, elegant palaces, and pretty squares.

While many buildings were damaged or destroyed during the Second World War, the vast majority of them thankfully remain in great condition. Tucked away among this mesmerizing array of medieval monuments are lovely little cafes, restaurants, and bars for you to discover. This is, in part, what makes Riga so delightful to visit as old and new mix so seamlessly together in the former Hanseatic City.

Best Time to Visit Riga

As the temperatures are warmest, days are longest and everyone has holidays, the summer months are the most popular time to visit Latvia’s capital Riga. While everywhere is busier and more expensive in July and August, the sunny weather means you can finally lounge on the beach at Jurmala and swim in the Baltic Sea.

The important Latvian Song and Dance Festival and Riga City Festival always attract loads of visitors as does the summer solstice on June 24. Sudden showers can put a bit of a damper on things but a lively buzz always remains about the Old Town.

Both May and June are great months to visit as temperatures reach 17 to 20°C (62 to 68°F), the center is much less crowded and prices are lower. They are also drier than the summer and autumn with swimming also possible in June.

Although the autumn leaves do look very pretty, Riga is already turning darker and wetter in September and October. This makes sightseeing a bit less pleasant though prices are more affordable.

Map of Things to do in Riga, Latvia

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10 Best Places to Visit in Latvia


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Home » Travel Guides » Latvia » 15 Best Places to Visit in Latvia

15 Best Places to Visit in Latvia

The middle child of the Baltics is perhaps most famed for the hedonistic party joints of its gloriously Gothic and Art Deco capital, or the happening coastal strips of Jurmala just along the coast.

But delve a little deeper into Latvia’s backcountry and you’ll discover Teutonic castles, tsarist palazzos and wild woodlands peppered with bucolic towns.

Check out these best places to visit in Latvia :

Riga, Latvia

Top of the menu for any first-time travelers making their way across the Baltic, Riga is certainly one of the great urban treasures of the region as a whole.

It straddles the channels of the Daugava River on the northern edges of the country, boasting a labyrinthine Old Town area which is considered one of the most handsome in Europe.

Here, the cobbled streets are overshadowed by the dagger-like spires of the mighty St Peter’s Church, while the famously reconstructed House of the Blackheads stands definitely elegant after the tumult of Soviet domination over the city.

Art Nouveau is the name of the game in the city’s outer districts, with masterworks lining the pavements of Alberta iela.

And then – of course – there’s Riga’s legendary nightlife; a medley of hedonistic basement bars and thumping clubs that host locals and stag dos and hen parties aplenty.


Stretching for nearly 30 kilometers along the curved coastline of the Riga Gulf, sun-kissed, breezy Jurmala is the place to go during the hotter months of the year.

With their unique microclimate and salty air, the various towns that form the so-called ‘Latvian Riviera’ here are known for their mineral mud pools and range of curious holistic health treatments.

Beach wise, there are worthy sands running right the way along the breadth of the region, with Majori and Bulduri hailing in as the favourites with their Blue Flag ratings and opportunities for water sporting, collections of shore-side cafes and beach volleyball competitions.

No wonder the likes of Brezhnev and Khrushchev came here to unwind!

3. Daugavpils

Daugavpils Church

The birthplace of one Mark Rothko is now something of the antithesis to Riga in the north.

Nestled between the hills and lakes of the Daugava River valley, the town ticks over to a Russian tune (this is the heartland of Latvia’s Russian-speaking population), and boasts a glorious historical core that is all refined 19th-century architecture courtesy of St Petersburg.

The looming bulwarks of the great Daugavpils Fortress mark one of the militaristic hubs of the Russian Empire too, while the golden-hued onion domes and Orthodox cupolas of the Saints Boris and Gleb Cathedral mimic Kiev and St Basil’s atop the skyline of the town.

Sigulda Castle

It’s easy to see why the Latvian locals have so many legends about Sigulda.

For one, the hills around town come topped with the keeps, bulwarks and crumbling crenulations of one Turaida Castle – Latvia’s answer to Bran of Romania.

Then there are the misty woodlands and groves of the Gauja Valley; a veritable gem of the nation’s backcountry that comes crisscrossed by meandering rivers and meandering hiking trails, dotted with caves (check out the massive caverns of the Gutmanis system) and undulating hills.

Meanwhile, Sigulda itself blooms with cherry trees and pretty regal architecture from before Latvian independence, and offers a chance for skiing and Nordic walking in the winter.

Livonia Order Castle. Bauska, Latvia

First came the Knights of the Livonian Order, who fortified the small islets that sit washed over by the tree-fringed channels at the start of the Lielupe River.

Then came the dukes of Courland and the imperial tsars of the Russian state, who raised an altogether new fortification here: the one now commanding the middle of the town with its curious whitewashed walls and red-tiled roofs.

But rich and militaristic history aside, Bauska also boasts a charming backwater character, with the river ways flowing through the heart of town lined by ad hoc allotments and farmlands, crossed by tenuous suspension bridges and one pretty market square bustling with local life. Nice.

6. Slitere National Park

Slitere National Park

Slitere National Park is considered the great natural jewel of the Kurzeme region.

Part cultural museum part hinterland, the area encompasses the beautiful Blue Hills and great stretches of undeveloped coastland, rolling sand dunes and sloping yellow sands washed over by the whitecaps of the Baltic Sea.

The park juts out into the ocean with the beaches of Cape Kolka, while deep virgin forests cover the interior in groves of fir, elm and rare Baltic ivy.

The Slitere National Park also comes dotted with oodles of historic fishing villages, many of which have remained truly off-the-beaten-track and rustic because of the presence of an off-bounds military base in the area during Soviet times.

Cesis, Latvia

A picture of traditional Latvian town planning, Cesis has retained all its medieval glory.

Its center is lauded as one of the best-preserved historic districts in the country, coming complete with wide cobblestone streets, pretty, painted timber facades done out in the classic Baltic style, stuccoed churches (check out the gorgeous St John’s Church and its tombs of the Livonian Order knights) and worn courtyards where once Middle Age markets would have thrived.

The piece de resistance of the town has to be Cesis Castle; a formidable medley of palisades and gatehouses that’s shrouded by forests close to the center.

Here, visitors can discover 800 years of history and tales of Swedish, Russian, Slavic and Polish invaders alike.

8. Rundale Palace

Rundale Palace

A onetime gift from the Russian empress Catherine the Great, the Rundale Palace is the most elegant remnant of imperial rule from Petersburg left in Latvia.

It can be found encircled by blooming rose gardens and English-style lawns close to the town of Bauska.

The designs of the façade and grounds are flamboyant and extravagant in the extreme, oozing with all the Italian-esque opulence and eccentricity you’d expect of a piece by the celebrated architect of the Russian court, Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

Today, thousands of people flock to tour the interior rooms and gardens at Rundale, weaving between the exhibitions of the Palace Museum and spotting visiting luminaries around the grounds.

9. Saulkrasti

Saulkrasti Beach

Facing the trodden seaside strips of Jurmala across the waters of the Riga Gulf, Saulkrasti is Latvia’s lesser-known summertime retreat.

Quieter and more laid-back than its sun-splashed counterpart on the other side of the bay, it hosts mile upon mile of winding cycle tracks, beautiful ivory sands at the resort town of Pabazi (like Jurmala, Saulkrasti is actually a collection of several towns and villages along the coast) and gorgeous clifftop walking trails through seaside forests.

The 18-meter-high White Dune also rises here on the edge of the River Incupe, offering prime sunset viewing and top-notch picnic spots in the shade of swaying linden and fir trees.

Araisi, Latvia

Just a short jaunt out of the castle-topped town of Cesis, travelers will find the ancient cultural landscape of Araisi.

The most visited and best open air museum in the country, the spot chronicles the lifestyles of the early Middle Age tribes of the Baltic region, who made their home on the lake banks here in timber lean-tos and wooden cottages.

There are also the ruins of a castle courtesy of the German Livonian Order on the site, along with oodles of archaeological finds that showcase everything from 14th-century fashion trends to advances in farming and agriculture during the 1300s.

In short, this fascinating reconstructed settlement is perfect for anyone eager to unravel Latvia’s deeper past.

11. Ligatne

Ligatne, Latvia

Walkers, mountain bikers, campers, horse riders, wildlife lovers and Nordic skiers alike all flock to the small and forest-shrouded town of Ligatne.

As the gateway to the famed Gauja National Park, travelers can expect to uncover striking sandstone gorges and fir-forest-topped escarpments of Devonian rock, the caves of Gutmanala, the beautiful contours of the Erglu Cliffs and countless nature trails that delve deep into the woodlands on the edge of the town.

Ligatne itself is a small and sleepy affair, complete with the curiously out-of-place remnants of a paper-making industry boom and lines of pretty cottages topped with corrugated roofs.

12. Ventspils

Ventspils, Latvia

The home of the best-preserved Livonian Order castle in the country – which rises against the cobbles of the Old Town here in pretty, yellow-washed facades – and one of the most bustling ports in the Baltic region, Ventspils offers the perfect balance of history and modernity.

Along with its charming Market Square and historic homes on Skolas Street, the city is also known as the flower capital of Latvia.

The moniker is honoured from springtime onwards, with blooming beds of flowers and bulbs erupting all around town and along its portside, seaside promenades alike.

Ogre, Latvia

Situated just down the courses of the mighty Daugava River as it carves its way into the very heart of Latvia, the town of Ogre has a history dating all the way back to the early years of the 1200s.

While overlooked by many travelers making their way through the Baltic region, the spot is perfect for those who want to sample raw, day-to-day Latvian life, seeking out stories of regional oppression in the town museum and wondering at monuments to the victims of the communist regime.

Ogre is also worthy of note because of its place on the edge of the pretty Dendrological Park Lazdukalni; a fine reserve for exploring the sheer variety of flora decorating these fringes of Northern Europe.

14. Kuldiga


Old World charm oozes from every crooked cottage and cobblestone lane of Kuldiga; a chocolate box of an historic core that makes its home in the very heart of the Kurzeme.

Timber homes dating from the 1700s form some of the most attractive sights in the city, while arched brick bridges and the elegant Baroque finish of the St Catherine’s Church belie the town’s boom time during the years of the Courland duchy.

And then there are the roaring waterfalls of the Venta River on the outskirts of town, which gush and flow around the verdant riparian habitats and winding tunnels of the Sand cave of Riezupe alike.

15. Liepaja

Liepaja, Latvia

A patchwork of Art Nouveau and Russian Orthodox, bustling portside industry and blue collar working neighbourhoods, the 90,000-strong city of Liepaja makes for an interesting and immersive visit just a stone’s throw north from the Lithuanian border.

The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, with its soaring spire and colossal organ installation, and the bustling daily markets are two of the major draws here, while the former city of Karosta – a onetime clandestine settlement of Soviet military types on the edge of the modern city – is a must.

Here, the old remnants of tsarist and USSR forts are now being converted into art galleries and cafes, while windswept stretches of beach hug their way along the coast to boot.

15 Best Places to Visit in Latvia:

  • Slitere National Park
  • Rundale Palace



7 Surprisingly Affordable Places To Retire in Europe

Posted: July 7, 2023 | Last updated: July 7, 2023

<p>The good news is that if you do owe taxes to the U.S., you won't face the prospect of double taxation. In other words, if you already pay taxes to a foreign taxing authority, you can likely get a credit for those foreign taxes paid on your U.S. return.</p> <p>There are two ways to go about offsetting foreign taxes paid: the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and the Foreign Tax Credit. However, the details can get complicated, and you'll likely want to speak with a tax expert if you're using either of these tools to offset your U.S. taxes.</p> <p><strong><em>Filing Taxes as a Digital Nomad: <a href="">What To Do When You Have No Primary Residence</a></em></strong></p>

Are you thinking that it might be time to retire , but you're not sure if you want to stay in the same city that you've been living and working in all these years? Perhaps your dream is to live out your golden years in Europe? Of course, European destinations -- for vacation, living or retirement -- are not known for being cheap.

"Europe is not only a tourist destination; it is also a retirement haven," said André Disselkamp, the Co-Founder of Insurancy . "With its low cost of living, rich culture and history, and friendly inhabitants, Europe provides an unrivaled quality of life."

"Remember that the cost of living will vary based on your lifestyle," Disselkamp cautioned. "But these places are an excellent place to start for anybody thinking about retiring in Europe. Finally, the ideal place to retire is a matter of personal desire and financial condition."

There are lots of safe bets for places to retire in Europe -- and some for under $2,000 a month . Plenty of expats are making the move to Europe for some well deserved R&R. GOBankingRates reached out to a few expats and retirement experts to find out some of the most affordable places to retire in Europe. Their answers might surprise you!

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<p>"Nothing beats working from your laptop while looking out over the water with a refreshing drink in hand and the warm breeze off the Mediterranean cooling you down," said Loredana Elena of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Destguides</a>. "Plus, you can never get bored here, and it's a beautiful historic town." </p> <p>Another plus? It's not bad for the budget. </p> <p>"As long as you don't come in the height of summer (July -- August), accommodation is reasonable," Elena said.</p>

Zadar, Croatia

  • Average monthly living expenses: $1,801

"Zadar enjoys a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters," explained Melissa Aragon, a professional makeup artist and writer at Elemental Spot

"With an average of 2,800 sunshine hours per year, it's one of the sunniest places in Europe. This allows for an outdoor-oriented lifestyle, with many opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities such as sailing, hiking and exploring the archipelago's numerous islands."

"Croatia is famous for its 'Fjaka' lifestyle, a word that roughly translates to 'the joy of doing nothing.' This relaxed way of life is perfect for retirees looking to unwind after their working years," Aragon shared. "Croatians are friendly, welcoming and have a high level of English proficiency, making it easier for expats to integrate. It's a joy to live in a place where people enjoy life, family, food and nature, and where they appreciate the importance of relaxation and recreation."

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Lisbon city in Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

  • Average monthly living expenses: $2,799

"Lisbon, with its rich history, pleasant climate and friendly residents, provides an excellent European lifestyle at a reasonable price," said Disselkamp. "The city is well-known for its beautiful scenery, historic districts and world-class eateries. As an expat, you'll feel right at home and easily adjust to the slower pace of life."

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<ul> <li><strong>Average monthly living expenses:</strong> $1,626</li> </ul> <p>"Kraków is a historic city in southern Poland known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and vibrant cultural scene," shared Maria Szandrach of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Mentalyc</a>.</p> <p>"It offers a lower cost of living compared to many other European cities, making it an attractive option for retirees. Kraków has a rich history, beautiful parks and a friendly atmosphere. The city also provides easy access to other European destinations."</p>

Kraków, Poland

  • Average monthly living expenses: $1,626

"Kraków is a historic city in southern Poland known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and vibrant cultural scene," shared Maria Szandrach of Mentalyc .

"It offers a lower cost of living compared to many other European cities, making it an attractive option for retirees. Kraków has a rich history, beautiful parks and a friendly atmosphere. The city also provides easy access to other European destinations."

riga latvia places to visit

Valencia, Spain

  • Average monthly living expenses: $2,102

"Valencia provides the ideal balance of metropolitan life and beach leisure," Disselkamp explained. "This dynamic city has beautiful architecture, rich food and a thriving cultural scene. Expats may enjoy Valencia's sunny weather and laidback lifestyle while taking advantage of the city's low cost of living."

riga latvia places to visit

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

  • Average monthly living expenses: $1,161

"Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria and is recognized as one of the oldest cities in Europe that has been continually inhabited," said Radwa Khalil, founder of Healthy Life Trainer. "In comparison to the capital city of Sofia, the cost of living here is significantly lower. "

"Plovdiv's Roman ruins are in excellent condition, and the city's Old Town and arts scene are both vibrant and charming. Retirees can enjoy all three," Khalil described. "The city features a good climate, a variety of housing alternatives that are reasonable and a laid-back way of life. In addition, Plovdiv is situated in close proximity to a number of stunning natural landscapes, such as the Rhodope Mountains, which makes it possible to participate in outdoor activities."

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<p>Being a frugal shopper takes time and research. As a retiree, use your newfound free time to bargain hunt, comparison shop and negotiate for better prices. Consider taking on some of the jobs you used to pay others to do, such as gardening. And always remember to ask for a senior discount, even if it’s not publicized.</p>

Riga, Latvia

  • Average monthly living expenses: $1,593

"Riga is the capital of Latvia and a hidden gem in Northern Europe," noted Szandrach. "It boasts a mix of medieval and art nouveau architecture, a rich cultural scene and a thriving expat community. The cost of living in Riga is relatively low compared to other European capitals, making it an affordable choice for retirees. The city offers a blend of history, natural beauty and modern amenities."

Senior couple, smile and outdoor in nature park showing love, care and happy on a retirement holiday on summer day. Portrait of elderly man and woman together for fresh air and tree view on vacation

Brasov, Romania

  • Average monthly living expenses: $1,300

"Brasov, nestled in the Carpathian Mountains, provides a fairy-tale setting at a surprisingly low cost," Disselkamp shared. "The historic buildings, cobblestone streets and lush green surroundings of the city create an enthralling setting. Brasov offers expats a tranquil, slow-paced lifestyle with a rich local culture that is simple to enjoy."

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Disclaimer: This article used Nomad List as a source for cost of living for expats data estimates.

Photo Disclaimer: Please note photos are for representational purposes only. As a result, some of the photos might not reflect the locations listed in this article.

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    The Riga Cathedral is another famous church located in the Old Town. Constructed in the 13th Century, it is famous for its organ which contains 6,718 pipes! Along the side of the Riga Cathedral lies Dome Square, a major meeting point in Old Riga that is lined with cafes and is a great place to take in. Riga Cathedral.

  8. Riga, Latvia: 18 Amazing Things to See and Do in the City

    Entrance Fees: There is no entrance fee to visit the museum, it is donation only. 8. See the House of the Blackheads. Best Things to See in Riga, Latvia: House of the Blackheads. Don't mind the strange name, the House of the Blackheads is one of the most unique buildings in all of Latvia.

  9. Top Things to Do in Riga, Latvia

    8. Riga Motormuseum. 706. Speciality Museums. The renovated Riga Motor Museum opened its doors to visitors on the 2nd of July, 2016. At the Museum you can view the largest and most diverse vintage motor vehicle collection in the Baltics, exhibiting…. See ways to experience (3) 2023. 9.

  10. Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

    1. Wander Riga's Old Town. Wandering the cobbled streets of the old town is one of the best things to do in Riga. Every street is a delight, so don't just stick to the main street of Brivibas iela, or the main and busy Livu Square, get lost and enjoy your stroll. Don't miss walking the smallest street in Old Town.

  11. 25 Top Things to Do in Riga, Latvia (2024)

    Riga is a green city. Many parks are dotted throughout the city. Some of the best and most popular ones are Vermanes Garden Park, Mezaparks, Kronvalda park, Bastion Hill, Victory Park and Lucavsala. The latter actually is an island on the river Daugava, about 5 kilometers away from the Riga Old Town.

  12. 18 MUST-DO Things To Do in Riga, Latvia!

    Radisson Blu Hotel Latvia. For those seeking a more modern and stylish setting, the Riga Skyline Bar is the perfect destination to visit in Riga.. Situated on the 26th floor of the Radisson Blu Hotel Latvia, the bar features floor-to-ceiling windows, ensuring unobstructed views of Riga.Visitors can enjoy a drink while taking in the cityscape, making it a popular choice for both locals and ...

  13. 14 Must-Visit Tourist Attractions in Riga

    Looking for must-visit tourist attractions in Riga? Everyone visiting Riga for the first time should start by visiting the city's main landmarks. It is best to start getting to know the city's more than 800-year history with a walk through the Old Town and continue in the so-called quiet center district of Riga, enjoying the magnificent Art Nouveau architecture.

  14. 15 things to do in Riga, Latvia

    Top things to do in Riga Old Town 1. Wander around the old town. Likely the start for most overseas visitors to Latvia and a major highlight of any Baltic itinerary, Riga's old town is an absolute medieval gem, with incredible architecture, cobbled streets and numerous squares lined with all manner of restaurants and cafes.A UNESCO World Heritage site, the old town in Riga is easily walkable ...

  15. 14 Fun Things To Do in Riga Latvia

    Celebrate independence at the Freedom Monument. The soaring Freedom Monument. The 140-foot-tall Freedom Monument is impossible to miss on a walk around the city. At the junction of Old and Central Riga, the granite and copper pillar celebrates national unity, independence, and freedom in Latvia.

  16. The 15 Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia

    14. Explore the Ruins of Daugavgrivas Fortress. Where the River Daugava meets the Baltic Sea, you can find the ruins of one of Latvia's most important historic fortifications. This strategic location is where various European powers and empires have built castles and forts to control the Baltics.

  17. 31 Best Things to Do and See in Riga, Latvia

    Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a lowkey city that is located along the Baltic Sea. When you visit this pretty city, you'll never run out of interesting activities to fill your day. Climb aboard as we make our way through a list of the 31 best things to do in Riga. Fun Attractions and Activities in Riga, Latvia

  18. 16 Great Things to Do in Riga, Latvia

    Sigulda is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Latvia and a very popular day trip from Riga. It's only about 2 hours from the capital on the bus. Sigulda is a huge area, so there is a lot to do. ... Most of the things to see in Riga are located in the center so you can easily walk everywhere. If you need to get to the destinations ...

  19. What To Do In Riga, Latvia

    Top Things to see and do in Riga's Old Town. Town Hall Square. House of the Blackheads. Swedish Gate. Riga Cathedral. Old Riga [ map] is the oldest part of the capital of Latvia, and it is one of the most popular places for tourists to relax and wander around.

  20. Riga, Latvia 2023: Best Places to Visit

    Trip to Sigulda and Turaida from Riga. from AU$187 per adult. Trip to The Hill of Crosses Lithuania from Riga Latvia. from AU$196 per adult. Private Trip from Vilnius to Riga: Hill of Crosses, Rundale Palace, Bauska castl. from AU$493 per group. Tour bus from Riga to Vilnius (Guaranteed departure) from AU$136 per adult.

  21. The Best Things To Do In Riga, Latvia

    Latvia is a mystery to many, and not the first place on many Europe bucket lists.However, Riga is one of Europe's hidden gems, and in this Riga travel guide I'm going to share my favourite things to do in Latvia, places to visit in Riga, and top tips for visiting Riga!While you may have never considered visiting Riga before, keep reading and hopefully I can change your mind.

  22. Top 10 attractions in Latvia

    Here are some things to do in Latvia and places to see! Riga. The largest and most exciting metropolis in the Baltics, Riga will inspire you. Architecture from Gothic cathedrals to world-class Art Nouveau, buzzing cafes and bars and delicious dining from haute cuisine to local market products are all yours for a price tag that will add to the ...

  23. 12 Best Things to do in Riga, Latvia (+Photos)

    A very somber and harrowing place to visit, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia looks at a dark and tragic part of the country's history. Between 1940 and 1991, Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union, with Nazi Germany also ruling the country between 1941 and 1944. ... Map of Things to do in Riga, Latvia. Share this post: Share on ...

  24. 15 Best Places to Visit in Latvia

    Check out these best places to visit in Latvia: 1. Riga. Source: flickr. Riga, Latvia. Top of the menu for any first-time travelers making their way across the Baltic, Riga is certainly one of the great urban treasures of the region as a whole. It straddles the channels of the Daugava River on the northern edges of the country, boasting a ...

  25. 7 Surprisingly Affordable Places To Retire in Europe

    Average monthly living expenses: $1,593 "Riga is the capital of Latvia and a hidden gem in Northern Europe," noted Szandrach. "It boasts a mix of medieval and art nouveau architecture, a rich ...