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Flash Trek: Romulan Wars

  • * 2.8 602 ratings

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flash trek romulan wars

t Published Aug. 19, 2008 with 18953 gameplays

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FlashTrek: Romulan Wars


Game Description


See instructions in the game.

FlashTrek: Romulan Wars Gameplay

138803 plays

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over 5 years ago

wat the f???????? this game iz cooooool


one of the best games here


just not as good as the other flashtrek game


it's just a rerun of flash star wars


How do you get the upgraded ships


over 15 years ago

i like the game but, why dose it got to be so freaking hard?


Fun game. Although it is considered the hardest game in the flashtrek series.


almost 16 years ago

flash trek was made before flash starwars by the same guy he used this game to make it. So flash wars is just a rerun of flash trek.

over 16 years ago

good game hard but there is a cheat,leave the starship construction menue on the starbase and it will be invincible.


  • Edit source

Flashtrek is a series of Star Trek-themed flash games made by Vex Xiang . Each game is set in its own alternate reality, based heavily on events in the Star Trek universe. The series includes:

  • Flashtrek: Romulan Wars
  • Flashtrek: Assault
  • Flashtrek: Broken Mirror

In addition to the Star Trek themed games, Vex Xiang also made FlashWars , a Star Wars themed modification of Flashtrek: Romulan Wars set during the Galactic Civil War.

  • 1 FlashTrek
  • 2.1 Original Version
  • 2.2 Modified and Fan-Created Versions
  • 3.1 Original Version
  • 3.2 Modified and Fan-Created Versions
  • 4.1 Game World
  • 4.2 Planetary Systems
  • 5.1 Modified and Fan-Created Versions
  • 6 Star Trek Broken Mirror
  • 7 External links

FlashTrek [ ]

640px-Flash trek 51

FlashTrek Gameplay

The original Flashtrek takes place in an alternate reality, in which the Federation is badly losing the Dominion War : the Dominion's invasion fleet rapidly seized control of nearly the entire Alpha Quadrant, forcing the Federation to collapse the Bajoran Wormhole. Unfortunately, by then Starfleet had been reduced to a single remaining base on Bajor. The mission of the player is to drive the Dominion out of the Alpha Quadrant entirely by recapturing the occupied star systems.

Gameplay begins at space station Deep Space 9 in the Bajoran system. The player is given a Danube -class runabout , which serves as their Avatar . To progress, the player must earn a superior ship that can take the fight to the Dominion.

Rather than using in-game money or resources to acquire ships, Flashtrek has a system in which the player gains Prestige points, which represent how much the Federation trusts you with their remaining resources. Prestige is earned by running cargo between planets, destroying Dominion ships, or by conquering star systems for the Federation, and is lost by repairing battle damage to your ship. With enough prestige, you can transfer to command better ships. The playable ships are the Runabout , Valiant -class , Defiant -class , Nova -class , Steamrunner -class , Intrepid -class , Akira -class , Prometheus -class , and Sovereign -class . There is an additional ship, the Galaxy-X -class, which is immediately acquired at the end of the game for a final push against the last remaining Dominion system.

All ships have limited torpedo ammunition, energy, hull points, and shield points. Shields and energy will recharge slowly over time, but your hull cannot be repaired and your torpedo supplies cannot be restocked anywhere except at a starbase. Conquering a star system automatically puts a starbase in that system so that you won't have to travel all the way back to Bajor to make repairs.

According to Vex Xiang, the original .fla file used for the creation of FlashTrek was lost; therefore, unless there is a backup of the file somewhere, neither Vex nor any fan developers will be able to modify the game.

FlashTrek: Romulan Wars [ ]

Original version [ ].

Flash trek wars

FlashTrek: Romulan Wars Gameplay

Unlike the previous game, Romulan wars is structured around conflicts between the Federation and its enemies throughout galactic history. Although the name of the game suggests that the game is entirely about the Earth-Romulan War , each level takes place in a different time period, so the player will also fight Klingons and the Borg . The game begins in the ENT era, with the following level taking place during the early TOS era, and so on, progressing into the late VOY era at the final level.

As in Flashtrek, the player has direct control of one starship. Unlike Flashtrek, the overall gameplay centers around two starbases : one owned by the Federation (the player) and the other by their enemies. To complete a level, the player must upgrade the Federation's starbase. In order to do that, the enemy starbase must be destroyed, and all enemy ships must be defeated, and all technological upgrades unique to that era must be researched - all while protecting their own base from destruction. To do this, they must gather the resources to research and build new, more effective technologies to turn the tide of battle.

There are two resources to collect: dilithium and duranium , both of which are found inside asteroids. These resources are used to both construct new starships and develop new technologies. Once constructed, other starships can be assigned to various duties including gathering these resources, patrolling an area, and defending their starbase from attack.

Though entirely playable, the Romulan Wars game engine is unstable, resulting in unpredictable behavior.

Modified and Fan-Created Versions [ ]

  • FlashWars - A Star Wars game created by Vex Xiang, built on a stabilized version of the Romulan Wars engine and a similar gameplay loop.
  • FlashTrek: Dominion Wars - A game based on the Dominion War, created by thecommandoboss, built on the Romulan Wars engine

FlashTrek: Assault [ ]

640px-Flash Trek Assualt battle 1

FlashTrek: Assault Gameplay

According to Vex Xiang, he created FlashTrek: Assault over a single weekend. It stands out from other FlashTrek games because it is a simple defense game rather than a spacecraft RPG. Instead of controlling a single starship, the player commands a space station accompanied by an entire fleet of computer-controlled starships that essentially act as static weapon emplacements.

Enemies come in huge waves, with one wave per level. For each enemy destroyed, points are earned in an arcade fashion. The player can either try to destroy all enemies manually by using the starbase's main phaser weapon, or use points to buy ships to do the same job automatically. At the end of each level, the play has the ability to use points to buy upgrades and abilities to compensate for the growing strength of the enemy.

  • FlashTrek: Assault 2 - A version created by thecommandoboss with new features including "realistic" explosions, new ships and abilities, and modified weapons.

FlashTrek: Broken Mirror [ ]

Broken Mirror Title Screen

Main Menu of FlashTrek: Broken Mirror

Flashtrek: Broken Mirror is an Open world , Role-Playing game set in Star Trek' s Mirror Universe , as seen in the Star Trek episodes " Mirror Mirror ", " Crossover ", and " In a Mirror, Darkly ". Far more expansive than all its predecessors combined, Broken Mirror has the player take on the persona of a newly-promoted starship captain in one of Star Trek's major galactic factions: the Terran Empire , the Klingon Empire , the Romulan Star Empire , the Cardassian Union , the Vulcan High Command , the Ferengi Alliance , or even an un-allied captain of an independent starship. The Borg and the Dominion are also available as playable factions through "cheat codes". At the start, the player is given a fragile, lightly-armed shuttle with a small cargo hold, unique to the faction they chose.

The starting ships are the Danube runabout (Independent), Saber -class (Human), B'rel -class (Klingon), Ferengi shuttle , Hideki -class (Cardassian), Vulcan warpship (Vulcan), Romulan scout ship (Romulan). Easter egg starters are: Borg cube (Borg), Galor -class (Cardassian), Jem'Hadar fighter (Dominion).

Game World [ ]

Due to the new open world gameplay, there is no defined objective for the player to accomplish. However, there are very many ways for the player to interact with the world. Although the player can travel and fight freely from the very start, the starting ship's fuel efficiency will be very low, and the player will not stand much of a chance in a fight against any vessel until they have obtained better equipment. As a result, the player's early game role will likely be that of a merchant, trading collect latinum , which can be used to pay for fuel, better ships and weapons. Once established, the player can decide to be anything from an independent planetary governor to an Empire's fleet admiral.

As in Flashtrek, the starship is the Avatar of the player, however, its capabilities have been greatly expanded compared to previous games. The player's ship can carry up to 10 tools or weapons simultaneously, of which 3 may be accessed with the Z key, the X key, and the Spacebar (all other tools must be accessed through the in-game menu). Depending on the size of its cargo hold, the ship can carry multiple trade goods, duranium (used as construction material), and latinum. The upkeep cost has also been expanded: in addition to the cost of any repairs, the ship requires antimatter fuel to travel from system to system.

An RPG-inspired "skill point" system is used to keep track of the overall experience of the captain and crew: gaining more skill points will result in more consistent success with various actions, ranging from getting better trade prices to capturing enemy ships. Sufficient skill points are required before the player can perform certain extreme actions (for example, away team skill points are required to colonize planets). To build skill points, the player must either continue attempting to perform a certain action (such as repeatedly sending away teams to uninhabited planets), or spend latinum on training classes.

Finally, the game redefines "prestige" as a reputation system. The player has both a galactic reputation, and a reputation with each faction in the game. A good enough reputation with a faction will allow the player to purchase otherwise prohibited equipment, and to take planets in that faction's name. A low enough reputation will provoke a faction to attack the player and any assets they have. The player may switch faction allegiances at any time.

Planetary Systems [ ]

Centaur Class Firing At Klingons

Broken Mirror Gameplay

Planets are the center of everything in Flashtrek: Broken Mirror , and each faction wants more of them. In a departure from the original Flashtrek , changes have been made for simplicity in navigation: there is only one planet in each star system, and the star systems are named for the planet inside them. (An example is the "Earth System.") It is here that the player can pay for fuel, repairs, new ships, tools, and weaponry. Space stations tend to be clustered around the planet, but can actually be found anywhere in the system. Stations will often sell things unavailable at the planet itself, sometimes even things the planet's government would disapprove of.

Inhabited planets can be captured through military might by destroying the local space stations and military, at which point the civilian population will begin to evacuate the world. Uninhabited planets provide no services, but can be colonized by the player or by any computer-controlled faction, though the latter is a rare occurrence. At any planet, you can use duranium to build space stations in orbit, or ships to command. Ships produced at planets controlled by the player are completely free, but require a certain existing amount of deuranium for construction. Once constructed, the ship does not actually decrease the deuranium stock.

The player can buy and maintain their own allied ships that will assist them in either war or peace. Allied ships will follow any one of eight basic commands linked to the number keys, and can be found in the game's menu. They can be ordered to follow the player in battle, explore the galaxy, roam the galaxy trading for latinum. They can be left in a star system to perform a given action forever until told otherwise. All allied ships cost a set amount of latinum to maintain themselves. If the player cannot pay for the maintenance, allied ships will either deteriorate or their captains will defect to another empire.

Broken Mirror 2 [ ]


  • FlashTrek: Broken Mirror 2

Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 2 is the sequel to Broken Mirror . The game was originally developed by Vex Xiang, but his version was never finished. The work was continued by Silvershadows, who has improved the game considerably.

The story of Broken Mirror 2 takes place immediately after the events of Broken Mirror . It involves an invasion by the Dominion . Using the constant conflict in the Alpha Quadrant as a distraction, the Dominion launched a massive surprise attack on the Klingon Empire , the Romulan Star Empire , and the Terran Empire . Having already been weakened by the Klingons, the Terran Empire was affected most severely by the brutal Dominion assault, and lost all of its territory, including Earth. Humans became slaves to the Dominion, and a few surviving refugees fled to a small planet called Terra Nova, where they discover the mothballed fleet of their once-powerful empire...

Gameplay is basically the same as Broken Mirror , but several features have been added. Most notably, these additions include:

  • more ships, planets, and weapons
  • a realistic swinging effect when maneuvering
  • escape pods (replaces reincarnation)
  • "starship insurance" - costs 1% of all earnings, but the player is saved from losing money if their ship is destroyed
  • a game editor
  • new " Vorta " race
  • modified graphics
  • many more minor changes
  • When Universes Collide - Multi-Universe crossover modification by Jerome Star, never completed
  • Flashtrek: Delta Expanse - Voyager / Delta Quadrant version by Silvershadows, not entirely finished but available on Kongregate nonetheless.
  • FlashGate - Stargate adaption of Broken Mirror
  • Broken Mirror 3, 4, and 5 - None of these came anywhere near completion (see below)

Star Trek Broken Mirror [ ]


Star Trek Broken Mirror

Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 3 was originally intended to be a Flashtrek game with a campaign mode. The game was never completed.

More recently, a new game began production in place of Broken Mirror 3 , with a story taking place in the same Mirror Universe as the Flash-based Broken Mirror games. It was titled Star Trek Broken Mirror , and will be a free-to-play 3D online game built with the Unity engine. It is hoped that, when completed, the game will be a 3D universe with the heart of Flashtrek: Broken Mirror .

The primary developers of Star Trek Broken Mirror are Chris Cameron (Project Director) and Joao Borrego (Lead Developer). They have published occasional Development Log videos to keep the public informed of their progress. It is being developed rather casually by volunteers from around the world. It was slated for a tentative release date of September 8th, 2015 , but was never finished.

External links [ ]

  • FlashTrek Wiki

Vex Xiang's Official Site

  • The official website of Flashtrek's developer   wbm

Official Games

  • FlashTrek   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Romulan Wars   wbm
  • FlashWars   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Assault   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Broken Mirror   wbm

Incomplete Broken Mirror Games

  • FlashTrek: Broken Mirror 3   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Broken Mirror 4


  • FlashTrek: Dominion Wars   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Assault 2   wbm
  • FlashTrek: Delta Expanse
  • Borg Invasion   wbm - a few other half-completed versions are on this same site

Star Trek Broken Mirror (Unity Game)

  • Broken Mirror 3 Development Logs and Gameplay Clips
  • Flashtrek Broken Mirror 3 official forums ("Infinity Corner")   wbm
  • 1 Daniels (Agent)
  • 3 Dominion War
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Flash Trek: Romulan Wars

  • Thread starter dacis2
  • Start date Jun 24, 2004


  • Jun 24, 2004

The Sequel to Flash Trek has arrived! Play it at  

I don't like the new controls :-\ And why do they have to make it so fucking small? I had to download the original one to the computer and play it outside the browser so I could fullscreen it...that was the only way to make it playable/readable.  

Ur Didact

Really cool. Only problem is that new controls are kind of cumbersome.  


Dread Servant of Melkor

Bah, won't let me play. Where can I download the latest Flash version?  

Lunatic Asylum

Lunatic Asylum

Sean20 said: Ok, wtf. The helmsan says he's so drunk and the fucking ship won't steer right. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


I think your cat ears are cute

Bloody hell, I keep getting jacked by the Romulans less than a minute into the freaking game.  

Erinyes said: Bloody hell, I keep getting jacked by the Romulans less than a minute into the freaking game. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Sufficiently Advanced Moderation

Wow, my keyboard doesn't have an insert key...  

Lunatic Asylum said: The game was updated recently to fix this problem. Check out the forum - the game designer posts there. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

How do you change ship?  

Adarx said: How do you change ship? Click to expand... Click to shrink...



Safety ninja.

I'm sorry, but this game is a pain in the ass. There's no time to practice, and too many controls to remember.  

The original was much more stream-lined in terms of controls.  

IIRC this one is a testbed for new stuff for the next game  

Erinyes said: In the last hour? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
dacis2 said: IIRC this one is a testbed for new stuff for the next game Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Jun 25, 2004
Sean20 said: Get next to another one of your fleet and press the teleport button. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Beyond the Bounds

goddamnit! I could NEVER get extra ships to work with the game!  

  • Jun 26, 2004
dacis2 said: goddamnit! I could NEVER get extra ships to work with the game! Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Isil'Zha said: My Warlock got blown in half I also had the damage textures replaced. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Jun 27, 2004
Teevock said: Man you think you could like...hook me up with some of that shit Best Buddy Ol' Pal Click to expand... Click to shrink...

flash trek romulan wars

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FlashTrek: Romulan Wars Thumbnail

FlashTrek: Romulan Wars


Game Description


See instructions in the game.

FlashTrek: Romulan Wars Gameplay

138773 plays

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Color Shooter

over 5 years ago

wat the f???????? this game iz cooooool


one of the best games here


just not as good as the other flashtrek game


it's just a rerun of flash star wars


How do you get the upgraded ships


over 15 years ago

i like the game but, why dose it got to be so freaking hard?


Fun game. Although it is considered the hardest game in the flashtrek series.


almost 16 years ago

flash trek was made before flash starwars by the same guy he used this game to make it. So flash wars is just a rerun of flash trek.

over 16 years ago

good game hard but there is a cheat,leave the starship construction menue on the starbase and it will be invincible.

Test - Florence

Flashtrek Series

  • Edit source

The Flashtrek series is a Flash game series originally created by Vex Xiang. Today, the series is developed by several independent people. 

The games are rather simple to play, but dispite their simplicity, they have their strong points. For example, in Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 1 , 2 and 4 , players can wreak havoc across the galaxy and at their own planets, or trade wit the A.I. a myriad of some rather "interesting" items (dead cats, for example?).

The game series is spread widely across the net, but can be found mostly on .

  • Flashtrek: Broken Mirror
  • Flashtrek: Assault
  • Flashtrek: Romulan Wars
  • Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 2
  • Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 4

Broken Mirror 3 has been excluded because it was never completed.

Ratings [ ]

These ratings are based on the rating system.

Star Trek Channel

A continuing journey..

Star Trek Channel

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars

Watch all releases in one playlist..

Or watch individual videos.

Star Trek:The Romulan Wars – Unto the Breach — E1

Star Trek:The Romulan Wars – The Outpost — E2

STAR TREK:The Romulan Wars – Ep3 – Wings of Icarus — E3

Star Trek:The Romulan Wars – To Try the Man –E4

Star Trek:The Romulan Wars – The Wounded — E5

begin season 2

“A Day On the Line” — S02-Ep1

“The Needs of the Many” — S02-Ep2

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars “Arius”

Announced as “coming soon” on July 1st.

Other season 2 upcoming episodes

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars “Banshee”

Star trek: the romulan wars “the atlas”, star trek: the romulan wars “the tunnel at the end of the light”.

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Star Trek: The Romulan Wars

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars (2006)

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  • Lee Gartrell
  • Scott Torwalt
  • Buddy Gartrell
  • Bryan Justice

Episodes 10

Star Trek: The Romulan Wars (2006)

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  • Captain Stiles
  • Dr. Callison …
  • Ensign McDonald …
  • Ensign Collins
  • Ensign 'Kat' Shaw
  • Ensign Durrant …
  • Commander Senak
  • Ensign Simms …
  • Romulan Deylenor …
  • Lt. Lockley …

Janet Lynn Carey

  • Doctor Cohen

Melissa Jecker

  • Lt. Cutler …
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Ashley M. Kalfas

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FlashTrek - Romulan Wars Gameplay

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FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

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FlashTrek: Dominion Wars

Launch in newgrounds player, author comments.

Battle the Dominion by commanding ships including the USS Defiant, USS Enterprise-E, and a Klingon bird of prey. Based on FlashTrek: Romulan Wars by Vex Xiang, this game has several new features including a voiceover! It has a learning curve, but is well worth it for most players.

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it looked so lovely, but was so full of bugs. latinum and prestige don't exist for the construction menu at the station -even if they show on screen-, number keys 1-4 work as 5-8 are supposed to, and 5-8 do nothing. WASD does not move the ship at all.

I wanted to like it, but it was unplayable.

2 stars for the effort.

I appreciate the feedback, but none of these are bugs. Please read the instructions, change your keybinds in the options, or play the original game to learn more.


the game is a bit boring and the sound off buttons don't work at all.

Tell me what to change, and I will try to find time to do so. :)

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more torpedos and changed ship info, and some names my cheats speed: makes you go really fast uber: phasers, shields , hull , speed, energy photon: adds photon torpedos to inventory trans: adds transphasic torpedos to inventory photonic: adds photonic torpedos to inventory plasma: adds plasma torpedos to inventory quantum: adds quantum torpedos to inventory repair: jumps repair speed alot rich: gives you 20000 dilithium and dueranium(only use over base, after you use the code immediately hit end. screws up flight if you try to fly with it on step-it: move forward one upgrade thing. step: move forward 3 upgrade things. stepback: moves you back one activatecloak: take a guess original cheats buildenemy yet again on these two guess buildfriendly "supershields" - near invincible shielding "getdrunk" - makes crew drunk "soberup" - sobers up the crew if drunk "buildenemy" - forces enemy starbase to construct new "suicide" - sets your strengths to 0 "megaphasers" - makes phasers very powerful(uber phasers are better(from uber cheat)) "destroybase" - instantly destroys enemy base energetic: sets energy at 10000 "makenx" - turns your ship into an NX Class "makedaed" - Daedalus class "makeconst" - Constitution Class "makeconstre" - Const refit class "makeexc" - Excelsior class "makerom" - Romulan Bird of Prey "makeakir" - Akira Class "makewarbird" - Romulan Warbird makesov - Sovereign Class makegal - galaxy class "makeneb" - nebula class and i fell like im forgetting somethingg

Re: flash trek romulan wars

sweet game and nice hack keep up the good work
nice xD You hacked the built in cheat as well
how to use these cheats?
Originally Posted by tim how to use these cheats? i think you have to press tab untill you get to a box or something....
the text box to enter it is right over the energy bar. then to enter the cheat you have to hit the invisible button to the right of the invisible text box.
I have moved this topic to build in the cheats forum. I know you have made your own cheats, but I thought it would better suited here.
New Site
nice cheats.

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  1. Image

    flash trek romulan wars

  2. THE ROMULAN WAR: Teaser Trailer "The Untold Story"

    flash trek romulan wars

  3. 'Star Trek' Romulans, explained

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  4. Romulan Capital Ship

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  5. Earth-Romulan War

    flash trek romulan wars

  6. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    flash trek romulan wars


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  2. We have recovered one survivor of a crashed Romulan vessel on the surface of Galorndon Core

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  4. The Romulan Firehawk

  5. THE ROMULAN WAR: Stormbird-class battleship



  1. Play Flash Trek: Romulan Wars on Kongregate

    Game By: toxotes. t Published Aug. 19, 2008 with 18939 gameplays. i Game bug. Flag . Flash Trek: Romulan Wars - The sequel to FlashTrek. Begin your journey during the Romulan Wars, constructing a fleet and .... Play Flash Trek: Romulan Wars.

  2. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    FlashTrek: Romulan Wars. Share Author Comments. Instructions are in the Flash game itself. I recommend reading them; there are many features/controls. ... Instructions are in the Flash game itself. I recommend reading them; there are many features/controls. The small X next to your base opens your build menu. For key help, click the top left H ...

  3. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Release DateJan 16, 2005. DeveloperVer Xiang. 138803 plays. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars: Flash Trek not enough for you? Now try this sequel. You've seen all the episodes enough.

  4. Flashtrek

    Flashtrek is a series of Star Trek-themed flash games made by Vex Xiang. Each game is set in its own alternate reality, based heavily on events in the Star Trek universe. The series includes: Flashtrek Flashtrek: Romulan Wars Flashtrek: Assault Flashtrek: Broken Mirror In addition to the Star Trek themed games, Vex Xiang also made FlashWars, a Star Wars themed modification of Flashtrek ...

  5. Flashtrek: Romulan Wars

    Original Version []. Flashtrek: Romulan Wars Gameplay. This is a relatively simple game structured around conflicts between the Federation and its enemies throughout history. Although the name of the game suggests that the game is about the Earth-Romulan War, you will also end up fighting Klingons and Borg.. There are two resources to collect: dilithium and duranium, as well as special devices.

  6. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Hello, and welcome back for the unfortunate last time to FlashTrek: Romulan Wars!In this rare gen of an episode, we suddenly and unexpectedly WIN!In normal g...

  7. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Dominator. Its four hundred year mission: survi-- We're dead.

  8. FlashTrek: Broken Mirror

    A Star Trek based arcade/strategy game. Select a race, engage in commerce, combat, and exploration, buy and sell ships, weapons and technology, colonize planets and build stations to create an empire (or help another empire grow). Visit for the full game manual, plug-ins, and updates of any bugs that arise.

  9. GAMING ::

    FLASH TREK: ROMULAN WARS. Download this game for offline play here. FlashTrek was created by Chris Fossan. Visit the official FlashTrek website and forums here. is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with Paramount, CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK images, trademarks and logos are owned ...

  10. FlashTrek Flash Games

    Flash Trek: Broken Mirror 2. Flash Trek - Delta Expanse. Flash Trek: Broken Mirror 4. Flash Trek: Broken Mirror 3. FlashTrek - Assault. FlashTrek. Trending Games. ... FlashTrek - Romulan Wars. FlashTrek- Imperial Wars. FlashTrek II. FlashWars: Star Wars Game. FlashTrek - Assault v2. Flash Trek: Broken Mirror 2.

  11. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Hello, and welcome back to the strategy game where I usually use none!In this rare episode, I stop to consider that I might need to use strategy to beat this...

  12. Flash Trek: Romulan Wars

    The Sequel to Flash Trek has arrived! Play it at

  13. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Although it is considered the hardest game in the flashtrek series. flash trek was made before flash starwars by the same guy he used this game to make it. So flash wars is just a rerun of flash trek. good game hard but there is a cheat,leave the starship construction menue on the starbase and it will be invincible.

  14. Flashtrek Series

    The Flashtrek series is a Flash game series originally created by Vex Xiang. Today, the series is developed by several independent people. The games are rather simple to play, but dispite their simplicity, they have their strong points. For example, in Flashtrek: Broken Mirror 1, 2 and 4, players can wreak havoc across the galaxy and at their own planets, or trade wit the A.I. a myriad of some ...

  15. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    FlashTrek: Broken Mirror 3 - Rise of the empire. FlashTrek: Broken Mirror 4 - Hero of federation. FlashTrek: Broken Mirror Starship Constructor

  16. Star Trek: The Romulan Wars

    Watch all releases in one playlist. Or watch individual videos. Star Trek:The Romulan Wars - Unto the Breach — E1 Star Trek:The Romulan Wars - The Outpost — E2 STAR TREK:The Romulan Wars - Ep3 - Wings of Icarus — … Continue reading →

  17. Star Trek: The Romulan Wars (TV Series 2006-2017)

    Star Trek: The Romulan Wars: Created by Lee Gartrell, Scott Torwalt. With Lee Gartrell, Buddy Gartrell, Bryan Justice, Kattie Justice.

  18. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Hello, and welcome back to FlashTrek: Romulan Wars!In this episode, we fight some Klingons. What's that? You were expecting Romulans?! That's racist!

  19. FlashTrek

    FlashTrek - Romulan Wars screenshots. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Comment

  20. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Play FlashTrek: Romulan Wars free! Find dilithium among other minerals, battle against Romulans and Klingons, upgrade your ship and get. 6/27/2024 9:51:48 AM. Guest; 0 gold; Level 1 ... Star Wars Flash As your x-wing fighter moves down the corridor on the death ... Star Wars Ambushed In Han Solo's journey home to Corellia, you are attacked by ...

  21. FlashTrek: Romulan Wars

    Finally, an intro that doesn't suck completely!Unfortunately though, the qualifier "completely" is still necessary.*sighs with full and complete force*

  22. FlashTrek: Dominion Wars

    Battle the Dominion by commanding ships including the USS Defiant, USS Enterprise-E, and a Klingon bird of prey. Based on FlashTrek: Romulan Wars by Vex Xiang, this game has several new features including a voiceover! It has a learning curve, but is well worth it for most players. Nessie13. July 17, 2014.

  23. flash trek romulan wars

    Re: flash trek romulan wars the text box to enter it is right over the energy bar. then to enter the cheat you have to hit the invisible button to the right of the invisible text box. 08-01-2008, 10:46 AM #7