overland tour adalah

  • Sep 10, 2018

Macam macam tour dalam perjalanan wisata

Wisatawan melakukan sebuah perjalanan wisata dengan latar belakang yang berbeda-beda. Baik dari cara mereka berwisata, tujuan berwisata, jumlah wisatawan dan masih banyak lagi perbedaan wisatawan dalam melakukan perjalanan wisata. Berikut adalah macam tour dalam perjalanan wisata :

A. Jenis tour berdasarkan wilayah perjalanan wisata

1. Berdasarkan wilayah negara, ini bisa dibedakan menjadi :

- Domestic tour atau wisata nusantara, tour ini dilakukan di wilayah dalam negeri. Contoh : wisatawan dari Jogjakarta melakukan perjalanan wisata ke daerah Bali.

- Inbound tour atau incoming tour wisata mancanegara, yaitu perjalanan wisata dari negara asing yang datang ke dalam negeri. Contoh : wisatawan dari Australia berwisata ke Indonesia.

- Outbound tour atau overseas tour ke luar negeri yang merupakan suatu perjalanan wisata warga indonesia ke luar negara Indonesia. Contoh : wisatawan dari Indonesia melakukan perjalanan wisata ke Thailand.

2. Berdasarkan tour di darat, merupakan perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan oleh wisatawan di daerah darat yang bisa dibedakan menjadi :

- Overland tour, perjalanan wisata melalui jalur darat seperti menyusuri jalan kota, desa. Bisa juga menggunakan transportasi darat seperti mobil, bus, kereta, dan lain sebagainya. Contohnya, Yogyakarta full day tour yang berjalan selama 8-10 jam + lunch objek yang dikunjungi Goa Pindul, Candi Prambanan, dan Candi Borobudur.

- Trekking yaitu perjalanan mendaki sebuah gunung. Contoh trekking gunung lawu, gunung merapi san lain sebagainya.

- Menuruni luweng atau menyusuri goa, contohnya menyusuri goa pindul, goa seplawan, dsb. Contoh menuruni luweng seperti luweng sampang, luweng ombo, luweng jaran, dsb

3. Berdasarkan tour di laut, danau, atau sungai. Yang merupakan perjalanan yang dilakukan di perairan yang dibedakan menjadi :

- Perjalanan wisata laut lepas, seperti sailing tour, fishing tour.

- Perjalanan wisata pantai seperti pantai daratan (beach) dan pantai dengan laut (off shore)

Bisa juga melakukan snorkling, scuba diving, surfing, banana boat, dan laim sebagainya.

B. Berdasarkan jumlah peserta

1. Individual tour yang dilakukan oleh 1 atau 2 orang (wisata perorangan)

2. Group tour yang dilakukan dengan rombongan berjumlah 20 - 30 wisatawan dan ada tour leader atau pemimpin dari perjalanan wisata.

3. Mass tour atau perjalanan yang dilakukan dalam rombongan besar 300 - 40 orang

4. Family tour atau perjalanan wisata untuk keluarga

C. Berdasarkan usia wisatawan

1. Youth tour atau bisa disebut dengan perjalanan wisata bagi para remaja biasanya lebih ke destinasi wisata yang low budget dan banyak spot foto menarik.

2. Elderly tou atau perjalanan wisata untuk lansia yang lebih ke menikmati pemandangan, spending holiday with family, berhubungan dengan hobi seperti merajut dan lain sebagainya.

D. Berdasarkan tipologi wisata

1. Mass tour yang berlaku umum dan memiliki itinerary

2. Alternative tour yang biasanya menjadi pilihan kedua setelah mass tour

3. Special interest atau perjalanan wisata yang lebih digemari oleh perorangan. Seperti wisata adventure.

E. Berdasarkan waktu penyelenggaraan dalam 1 hari

1. Pagi : yang berlangsung sesudah makan pagi dan sebelum makan siang seperti menikmati sunrise

2. Siang : yang berlangsung setelah makan siang sebelum matahari terbenam seperti menikmati candi, mendatangi benteng, museum, dan lain sebagainya

3. Sore : yang berlangsung di senja seperti menikmati sunset

4. Malam : tour yang berlangsung pada malam hari seperti makan malam dan lain sebagainya

F. Jenis kelas tour

1. Deluxe : hotel bintang 4 kamar bertipe deluxe, makan ala carte, tamu vip

2. Standart : hotel berbintang 3 atau 2 kamar bertipe standar pelayanan makanan table d'hote

3. Economy : hotel bintang 1 dengan kamar yang ekonomi, makam dengan menu sederhana dan tetap

4. Budget : harga murah, hotel melati, biasa untuk backpacker

G. Jenis kelas tour berdasarkan moda transportasi

1. Bus and car tour yang merupakan perjalanan wisata sengan bus atau mobil

2. Train tour yang merupakan perjalanan wisata dengan kereta

3. Boat tour merupakan perjalanan wisata dengan kapal

Referensi :

Nuriata. 2014. Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Perjalanan Wisata : Konsep dan Aplikasi. Bandung. Alfabeta.

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Menguak Realitas Wisata Overland Tour: Mengabdi Kepada Alam atau Hanya Kepada Kebahagiaan Pribadi

Wisata. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

Menyoal fenomena wisata overland tour  yang semakin populer, terdapat perdebatan tentang sejauh mana kegiatan ini memperhatikan dan menghormati keseimbangan ekosistem. Sementara banyak masyarakat menilai bahwa aktivitas ini lebih menekankan kebahagiaan pribadi daripada kepedulian terhadap lingkungan , sebagian berpendapat bahwa para operator memiliki tanggung jawab moral untuk memperlihatkan kepedulian mereka melalui program CSR bagi lingkungan sekitar.

Dalam era digital dan hiruk pikuk perkotaan, banyak orang merindukan petualangan di alam liar dengan sensasi petualangan yang tak terlupakan. Wisata overland tour dengan kendaraan telah menjadi pilihan favorit bagi para pecinta alam yang haus akan petualangan. Namun, di balik kegembiraan dan keseruan petualangan tersebut, terdapat pertanyaan yang muncul tentang sejauh mana kegiatan ini memperhatikan keseimbangan ekosistem.

Wisata overland tour merupakan jenis wisata petualangan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan kendaraan darat seperti mobil jip, truk, atau kendaraan off-road lainnya untuk menjelajahi destinasi wisata yang tidak terjangkau oleh kendaraan biasa. 

Aktivitas wisata ini biasanya melibatkan perjalanan melintasi jalur-jalur off-road atau jalan setapak yang menantang, melewati berbagai medan seperti gunung, hutan, dan gurun.

Akan tetapi ,tidak hanya kendaraan roda empat seperti jip atau kendaraan offroad, wisata overland dengan menggunakan motor seperti trail, termasuk di dalam definisi ini.Bahkan kini fenomena komunitas trail semakin banyak dan menjamur di berbagai daerh. Dari komunitas kecil  berbasis hobi menjelajah alam,berkembangan menjadi komunitas berbasis sport event.

Masih ingat kejadian rusaknya hamparan edelwis rawa di Ranca Upas,Ciwidey pada pertengahan Maret 2023 lalu? Di sinyalir kasus ini melibatkan ratusan pecinta motor trail yang mengikuti sebuah event yang diselenggarakan oleh  EO yang tidak memahami prinsip dasar wisata dan keseimbangan lingkungan. 

Disisi lain,para peserta trail minim pengetahuan dankesadaran tentang pentingnya menjaga ekosistem. Mereka hanya peduli dengan kesenangan individu dan kelompok dan hasilnya sangat fatal. Ratusan flora langka edelweis rawa (Syngonanthus flavidulus  )rusak digilas roda-roda kesenangan hawa nafsu.

Fenomena aktivitas tersebut semakin menimbulkan polemik di masyarakat. Sebagian masyarakat berpendapat bahwa kegiatan overland drive seringkali hanya fokus pada kepuasan dan kesenangan pribadi tanpa memperhitungkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Jalur-jalur yang dilalui jip dan trail dapat merusak ekosistem alami, menimbulkan erosi, mengganggu habitat satwa liar, dan mempercepat proses degradasi lingkungan.

Dalam hal ini, para operator wisata overland drive memiliki tanggung jawab moral untuk tidak hanya memikirkan keuntungan finansial semata, tetapi juga untuk menunjukkan kepedulian mereka terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan, para operator dapat berperan aktif dalam menjaga kelestarian alam yang mereka jelajahi.

Memahami Konsep Pariwisata Berkelanjutan

Kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem dalam setiap kegiatan wisata, termasuk overland tour, sangatlah penting. Para pelaku wisata overland dan operator harus memahami konsep wisata berkelanjutan dan menjadikannya sebagai panduan dalam setiap langkah perjalanan mereka

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overland tour adalah

Wisata Overland Jadi Potensi Pengembangan Pariwisata Domestik

Ilustrasi road trip

Wisatawan domestik kini menjadi incaran bagi pelaku pariwisata di Indonesia. Berbagai strategi direncanakan untuk membangkitkan ekonomi yang terpuruk.

Saat wisatawan mancanegara tak bisa diandalkan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, wisatawan domestik lah yang menjadi harapan satu-satunya di masa pandemi ini.

"Wisatawan domestik kita menjadi andalan kita. Selama ini kita bicara wisatawan mancanegara, kita lupa ada 55 juta kelas menengah di Indonesia yang menjadi bagian dari pada one of the fastest growing kelas menengah di Asia. ini menjadi sasaran kita," kata Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Uno, Kamis (28/1/2021), dalam Webinar Wonderful Indonesia: Reviving The Tourism Industry.



Salah satu potensi pariwisata domestik adalah wisata darat atau overland. Misalnya, satu keluarga akan merasa nyaman berada di satu mobil dibandingkan dengan menaiki pesawat.

"Kita banyak jalan tol, ada yang baru, ada yang lama. Jalan tol hanya untuk point to poin. Tapi di balik itu tol mestinya dibuat destinasi wisata yang kita datangi. Di Sulawesi Selatan sekarang juga ada tol baru yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk itu. Jadi darat destinasi utama," kata Ketua Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center dan Forum Pariwisata Indonesia, Sapta Nirwandar.

Hal ini direspon baik oleh Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Uno. Dia menyetujui bahwa wisata darat ini menjadi potensi yang bisa membangkitkan pariwisata domestik.

"Kebetulan saya sudah overland Jawa tengah ke Banten Tanjung Lesung, ke Bali dan itu semua cantik apalagi kita sudah membangun jalan tol jadi saya juga selain dari pada destinasi super prioritas ada destinasi yang saya sebut destinasi yang menjadi satu kesatuan dari pada overland ini atau wisata dengan menggunakan kendaraan roda empat atau mungkin van," kata Sandiaga Uno.

Menurut Sandi, Yogyakarta, Solo dan Semarang berpotensi untuk menarik wisatawan dalam overland atau wisata darat.

"Seperti misalnya greater Jakarta kita bicara Tanjung Lesung sampai ke Bandung. maupun sampai ke daerah Cirebon setelah itu kita bicara tentang Joglo Semar. Yogyakarta Solo Semarang ini triangle yang sangat-sangat berpotensi untuk overland untuk wisata darat," tambah Sandi.


Kala Sandiaga Uno Apresiasi UMKM Gorontalo

Menanti kejutan terakhir menparekraf, ada farewell tour, buah manis pariwisata indonesia, melesat ke peringkat atas dunia, mobil rental maut pati, sandiaga: jangan sampai berdampak nasional, sandiaga: kwitang bisa jadi zona wisata literasi dan wisata halal, sandi prihatin konser di tangerang ricuh: promotor tak punya kapabilitas, respons sandiaga, anies tak pakai tema keberlanjutan di jakarta, sandiaga uno spill faktor yang bikin tiket konser di indonesia mahal, respons sandiaga, anies tak pilih tema keberlanjutan di pilkada dki 2024.

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Berita Terpopuler

Kisah di balik pantangan warga lamongan makan lele, viral bule ngamuk ditegur pecalang, rupanya mau masuk area suci pura besakih, ini sidihoni, danau cantik di atas danau toba, niat makan durian sepuasnya, turis malah dapat suntikan anti-rabies, barcelona larang oleh-oleh norak dan berbau seks, komentar terbanyak, dituduh hina al-quran, turis tewas dikeroyok lalu dibakar, viral pengunjung taman safari beri makan kuda nil plastik sampah, ramai-ramai bantah jokowi soal berbelit-belitnya izin gelar motogp.

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The complete guide to overlanding: What you need to know to get off the grid

Not to be confused with off-roading, here's everything you need to know in order to have a safe and successful overlanding trip

By Marvin King

Getting outside and exploring nature has become exceedingly popular over the past few years. And while I’ve always considered myself to be an avid traveler and seasoned camper, I found myself wanting to push the limits for how far “out there” I could go. My Toyota 4Runner SUV and all-terrain tires have been stable, constant companions on all my adventures. However, I recently learned there were some relatively simple updates I could do to my SUV that would make my escaping easier and more enjoyable. And that’s when I discovered overlanding.

Maybe you’ve never heard of overlanding before, or you’ve heard about it but never tried it. Either way, I’ll break down everything you need to know—from clarifying what overlanding is to sharing the best overlanding gear to suggesting some of the best places to test your overlanding skills. Consider this your complete guide to overlanding.

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Close up of front and rear driver's die tires parked in dirt

Overlanding vs. off-roading

First, it’s important to note the difference between overlanding and off-roading. These two terms are often used interchangeably but they shouldn’t be. It’s valuable to know that overlanding includes off-roading, whereas off-roading doesn’t always include overlanding.

Off-roading can generally be defined as any driving activity that takes a vehicle on unsurfaced roads or over natural terrain. Overlanding, then, is technically a form of off-roading because you almost always cover some unsurfaced roads—but the goal of overlanding is to travel long distances and have a vehicle that can house you for the duration of the journey. And because overlanding is typically done over multiple days, in a variety of environments, more equipment is required.

Related How to off-road like a pro in your own vehicle

Side by side photo of black Toyota 4Runner at dusk parked near edge of lake

When I started making updates to my 4Runner, I had two major goals in mind: I wanted a vehicle that could get me from point A to point B (even if that meant taking dirt roads), and I wanted a vehicle that could take me completely off the grid for days at a time. The ability to be self-sufficient and self-reliant for long periods of time ultimately meant that I was building my 4Runner for overlanding.

Overlanding includes off-roading, whereas off-roading doesn’t always include overlanding.

Overlanding gear and equipment

Now that we’ve clarified what overlanding is, let’s get into some of the specifics around proper gear and equipment. Overlanding requires a lot out of your vehicle, as the intention is to stay outdoors for long periods of time with little to no maintenance. When evaluating a vehicle for overlanding, there is no one “right” option—it really depends on the driver and personal preference, and you definitely don’t have to own an SUV or truck to have a successful overlanding trip. However, here are a few important things to consider:

Four-wheel drive is a valuable feature on any overlanding vehicle. Even if you don’t plan to scale boulders, you may find yourself driving through uneven terrain, and having that extra traction and power will make all the difference.

Tires are non-negotiable when it comes to overlanding—having a set of reliable tires can be the difference between a good trip and a great trip. After all, the tougher the tire, the easier the escape. Look for tires that specifically mention off-road or all-terrain (sometimes listed as AT or A/T). I’m currently running a set of Toyo Open Country A/T III tires. They have gotten my 4Runner through every type of condition—including snow, mud, sand, and gravel. Remember to check your tires at least once a month, as well as any time you return to the highway after an off-road excursion. This includes checking tire pressure, tread depth, and inspecting the tires for any tears or damage.

Close up of black tire with black rims with some snow on the tire and around the car frame

Suspension is another important factor, as this helps maximize vehicle performance and absorb bumps for a safer, more comfortable ride. Look for a vehicle that has independent front suspension (IFS). This means that if you hit a bump or uneven ground, only the contacted wheel is affected while the rest of the wheels keep their own traction. Suspension is also important for weight. Depending on how long you plan to overland, you may be packing weeks’ worth of food and supplies, which can add significant weight to your vehicle. Even a simple tent topper on your car’s roof or truck bed adds extra strain, so be mindful of your vehicle’s maximum weight limit.

High ground clearance is not necessarily required for an overlanding trip, but it is something to consider. Having higher clearance on your car or truck means you can take on more unexpected terrain and not have to worry about scraping the undercarriage. To help increase the ground clearance on your vehicle and prevent damage, you can add undercarriage protection, such as skid plates, or raise your vehicle using torsion bars and spacer lifts.

Lastly, it never hurts to carry a few additional pieces of safety equipment —you never know what you might run into on (or off) the open road. Some safety items that I always carry with me on an overlanding trip are a recovery traction board , an air compressor , winch recovery straps , and a basic tool kit (hammer, pliers, screwdriver, and level).

Related 20 overlanding essentials: Gear and gadgets for the ultimate off-road camping adventure

What to pack for an overlanding trip

In addition to food, water, and the usual assortment of clothing and toiletries, I’ve found the below items to be crucial for a successful overlanding trip.

Coolers are really useful, especially when overlanding for multiple days in hot, desert-like conditions. You can even buy small, collapsible cooler bags to help preserve space. Another tip is to add a few frozen water bottles to your cooler—they can double as ice and fresh drinking water once they melt. If you are thinking about overlanding for longer than a week, you may want to consider investing in a small refrigerator that can connect to your car’s battery. Just be aware of the refrigerator’s voltage and how much power it will pull so you don’t end up draining your battery and getting stuck somewhere.

A camp stove gives you the option to cook different meals, especially if fires aren’t allowed where you’re overlanding. Try to get a multi-fuel stove if possible, which will allow you to burn different types of fuel (white gas, kerosene, unleaded gasoline, even alcohol) and not be so reliant on propane. However, if you want to forgo a stove completely and stick to campfires, then I suggest packing a cast iron skillet (you really only need one medium-sized skillet). These pans are extremely durable, reliable, and ideal for cooking over an open flame.

Toyota 4Runner along the edge of a lake at sunset with hatch open and rooftop tent on top of car

A tent or sleeping foundation adds extra space and comfort, especially if you plan to overland with passengers. I opted for a rooftop tent on my 4Runner because it gives me and my family more space and is super easy to install. It also allows us to be elevated off the ground, where we can stay dry and feel safer. If you don’t want to deal with a tent, then I still suggest having some sort of sleeping pad or blow-up mattress on hand. And if you have the space, some extra pillows and blankets from home can make a big difference. Overlanding can be physically demanding on your body so it’s important to get a good night’s rest.

Topographic maps and a compass are really valuable to have since, more often than not, overlanding will take you to far-out places with no cell service. Topographic maps help you chart your driving course and give you a much better idea of the terrain and elevation, while a compass helps guide which direction you should park your vehicle (especially important if you want to sleep in and not directly face the sunrise).

Comfortable camp chairs might seem unnecessary since you’ll be driving a lot during an overlanding trip, but there’s something to be said about being able to sit outside and enjoy the outdoors. Just be sure you bring chairs that can recline and have adjustable legs and feet to fit whatever terrain you’re sitting on. There can be a lot of downtime on an overlanding trip, and having some comfortable camp chairs to relax in will help pass the time.

A first aid kit should be an essential for any outdoor trip. I always keep a first aid kit in my 4Runner, that way I never forget it. In addition to some of the basics—Band-Aids, alcohol swabs, tweezers, and ibuprofen—I also like to carry materials for more serious injuries, such as gauze, splints, and wound irrigators. And lastly, my first-aid kit also includes a small fire extinguisher and a DeLorme inReach satellite tracker . This tracker not only allows me to send out an SOS signal but it also acts as a two-way messaging device and can download weather updates.

Close up of black Toyo tires with black rims lightly dusted in snow and surrounded by snowy backdrop

Best places to try overlanding

The best part about having an overland-ready vehicle is the freedom to go almost anywhere. Local and state campgrounds are a great place to ease into overlanding, especially if you have to drive a ways off the main highway to reach them. Call ahead and ask about road conditions leading to the campground, and find out if the campsites are paved or have hookups. To get a more authentic overlanding experience, look for remote campgrounds that have dirt roads and no hookups.

Related The ultimate guide to overlanding the California Crest Trail

Once you’ve mastered the more rugged campgrounds and you really want to get the most out of your overlanding vehicle, then it’s time to explore places that are completely off the grid. Start by purchasing a state atlas, and then picking a specific area that you want to explore. Look for public lands (sections labeled Bureau of Land Management, or BLM) and fire roads—both of which are great places to start since they offer wide open, safe options for overlanding. You can also check out maps on the United States Forest Service (USFS) website , which often include specific overlanding routes, 4×4 trails, backroads, and remote forest pathways. And lastly, there are some free overlanding apps, like onX , that are great for discovering new places and extremely helpful when it comes to planning your first trip.

An overlanding vehicle driving through deep snow

Just remember, the whole point of overlanding is to break away from the hustle of daily life and enjoy some secluded time in nature. Plan a route and just go. And then go a little further the next time. Adventure is out there, you just have to find it.

After your overlanding trip

Once your overlanding trip is complete, your work isn’t finished just yet. You still have to unpack, clean, and do a maintenance check.

Before you leave the dirt roads and start driving on paved highways, always make sure your tire pressure is at the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. To get the most accurate reading, tire pressure should be checked when tires are “cold,” or have been driven less than a mile.

Back at your home base, be sure to give your vehicle a wash—or at least a good hose down—to get rid of any dirt or buildup that has accumulated on and under your vehicle. This will also help prevent rust if you do any overlanding in snowy or wet conditions. Be sure to wipe down and shake out all of your gear as well.

Once your vehicle has been cleaned off, it’s time to do a maintenance check (getting rid of the dirt and grim first will help you notice if anything is wrong or looks damaged). Some things I always check after an overlanding trip are the suspension, tire tread, tire pressure, wiper blades, and all fluid levels, including the oil.

Even though these aren’t the most fun or glamorous parts of overlanding, they are vital for maintaining the longevity of your vehicle so you can get back out there and do it all over again.

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Meet the Author

overland tour adalah

Marvin King

Marvin King is a full-time dad and part-time designer. He loves photography and long trips in his 4Runner. He is currently residing in the City of Trees, California.

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Paket Wisata Overland Tour Trans Jawa Semakin Diminati

Gloria Fransisca Katharina Lawi

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Wisata jalur darat atau biasa disebut overland tour kini sudah bisa dinikmati dengan nyaman dan mudah seiring berkembangnya infrastruktur di Indonesia.

Oleh sebab itu, Panorama JTB Tours Indonesia menghadirkan produk terbarunya untuk para wisnus alias wisatawan nusantara, yakni Overland Trans Jawa. Overland tour yang ditawarkan merupakan wisata yang menggunakan moda transportasi darat seperti bus maupun kendaraan lainnya.

Andini Tirtawisata, Manager of Strategic Communications Panorama JTB Tours menjelaskan dahulu, masyarakat enggan menggunakan jalur darat untuk berwisata. Alasannya, untuk menempuh satu kota ke kota lain memakan waktu yang cukup lama, yaitu satu hingga dua hari.

Namun saat ini, untuk pergi ke Semarang dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 5 jam, ke Yogyakarta 7 jam, bahkan Surabaya dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 9 jam saja.

Andini menambahkan, kenikmatan bepergian melalui jalur darat saat ini ditopang dengan adanya tol Trans Jawa yang menghubungkan kota-kota sepanjang 1.167 km. Di jalur tol Trans Jawa. Area ini juga sudah terdapat banyak rest area yang bersih, lengkap, dan nyaman, serta jalanan yang bebas macet.

"Produk Overland Trans Jawa Panorama JTB Tours hadir sebagai pilihan bagi masyarakat yang ingin berwisata dalam negeri melalui jalur darat," ujar Andini dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima Bisnis, Jumat (21/2/2020).

Perjalanan dimulai dari Jakarta dan ditempuh dengan menggunakan armada bus Panorama ke beberapa kota seperti Cirebon, Semarang, Banyuwangi, Bali, hingga Lombok.

Overland tour bisa jadi pilihan bagi travelers yang ingin berwisata dengan hemat. Tingginya harga tiket pesawat domestik membuat overland Trans Jawa ini bisa dijadikan pilihan berwisata.

“Produk overland tour ini sangat menarik untuk kita yang ingin liburan melalui jalur darat. Sekarang udah ga khawatir ‘tua di jalan’ lagi karena ada tol Trans Jawa. Tol ini membantu banget buat kita yang senang liburan dari kota ke kota,” tambahnya.

Andini menyatakan, produk wisata Overland via Tol Trans Jawa

Wisata dari Panorama JTB Tours merupakan produk wisata group tours. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi individu-individu yang ingin berwisata, karena Panorama JTB Tours akan menggabungkan dengan group tour lainnya sesuai dengan jadwal keberangkatan yang tersedia.

Perjalanan overland tour akan memakai bus Panorama yang dilengkapi dengan audio, TV, DVD, dan karaoke sehingga perjalanan jadi semakin seru dan nyaman. Tak kalah menarik, wisatawan pun tidak perlu repot mencari hotel karena Panorama JTB Tours sudah mempersiapkan hotel bintang 3 untuk menginap.

Untuk memberi jaminan, wisatawan juga dilindungi oleh asuransi perjalanan. Selain itu overland tour ini juga didampingi oleh tour leader, jadi bisa berwisata sambil mengenal lebih dekat destinasi wisata yang disinggahi.

Andini memastikan, perjalanan wisata overland tour menjadi semakin menyenangkan karena Panorama JB Tours sudah memilihkan beragam tempat wisata menarik.

"Kami juga siap mengantarkan rombongan tur ke tempat-tempat kuliner yang khas di masing-masing kota,” sambung Andini. Adapun harga produk wisata overland Panorama JTB Tours dimulai dari harga Rp1,9 jutaan.

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Home » Budget Travel » The ULTIMATE Guide to Overland Travel (2024)

The ULTIMATE Guide to Overland Travel (2024)

It is absolutely without question that my best travel journeys to date have been overland.

Some were on motorbike, others were by way of a cardboard sign on the side of the road, and I have visions of future journeys that involve a big old school bus traversing the lands between Europe and Asia.

Overland travel is inspiring, and it is undoubtedly the best way to hit the road, especially as a backpacker looking to save money and dig deep into countries and cultures. While social media may have you thinking that you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a tricked out 4×4 to become an overlander, I’m here to completely dispel that myth.

Sure, van life and Land Rover Defenders are certainly a type of overlanding, but they’re not the end all be all.

Overland travel can be as simple as sticking out your thumb and hitchhiking, or using trains and shared taxis to get from one place to another. But regardless of the rig you choose, I guarantee you the experience of coasting along wide open plains at your own pace, sharing meals of yak yogurt with nomads, and getting to pitch your tent (or park your ride) just about anywhere will be absolutely worth it.

But still, I totally understand that it can all be intimidating. So let’s set the record straight with this ultimate guide to overland travel – where you’ll see that this is very much a “do as you like” adventure.

backpacker holding a backpack waits on the side of the road for his next hitchhiking ride

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What is Overland Travel?

While you most likely already know the literal definition – traveling by land AKA avoiding flights – there’s a lot more to overland travel than just what’s in the name.

Overland travel – whether it be by foot, by bicycle, by rail, by van or whatever method you choose – is an art in and of itself. Closely intertwined with my other favorite form of budget backpacking – slow travel – overlanding allows you to get to know the places you visit far more deeply than a bunch of flights ever could.

a girl hitchhiking in a blue pickup truck while overland traveling in the mountains of pakistan

Overlanding is TRULY where the journey matters even more than even the destinations themselves. It’s what gave me some of the best moments of my life, something I know virtually all of my favorite adventurers would agree on when reflecting upon their own journeys. 

And once you get started, I promise you you’ll only want to dig deeper and deeper into what it means to become an overlander…

Why YOU Should Overland

Before we REALLY get into this, I want to make something clear.

Overland travel doesn’t HAVE to be an odyssey. While it is for many travellers – like my journey from the UK to Papua New Guinea – you can travel overland without crossing a single international border.

The thing is, there are no rules to this type of travel. There’s no right or wrong way to become an overlander. You don’t need a tricked-out Land Rover Defender, you don’t need a van, you don’t need a bicycle. Hell, plenty of inspiring adventurers have embarked on incredible journeys with nothing but their backpack, a sign, and a stuck-up thumb.

So that, my friends, is one of the reasons WHY you should try overland travel: it’s truly for everyone and anyone.

man standing in front of a sunflower field next to a rainbow psychedelic colored rickshaw

But beyond that, in all my years on the road, it’s this type of travel that’s kept me addicted to life on the road. It’s absolutely not the most comfortable, but it will teach you the most about the world, and about yourself too. 

Overland travel will push you to your limits, and really make you work for each and every view and experience you attain.

For some – like cyclists – that work may be physical. For others, it may be mental: such as moving past introverted tendencies to travel by hitchhiking or dealing with driving in brand-new countries with insane motorists.

It allows you to experience life on the ground to the fullest: minute by minute, mile by mile.

Ways to Travel Overland

This is no one-size-fits-all all method of travel, as there are so many ways to overland. I’ve even seen people do it completely by foot or on something as crazy as a unicycle.

But the following are the most common, and popular, ways to get around on the ground: 

While I am not a cycling fan myself, those who have done it have nothing but incredible things to say about bikepacking – which is essentially overlanding with a bicycle strapped with a whole lot of stuff. Travelling by bicycle gives you the chance to slow down and see more than virtually any other way of overlanding.

couple cycling overland on a dirt road in tajikistan with fully loaded bikes

For one your speed (most cyclists don’t do more than 70km per day, depending on the terrain) will allow you to take in just about every village and turn – you’ll get to camp in places far off the tourist trail and meet an incredible lot of locals.

But moreover, cycling is as simple as it is cheap: you don’t need to worry about fuel or engine oil, it’s significantly easier to repair issues, and spare parts don’t tend to weigh that much. It’s also a hell of an accomplishment: unlike all the other forms of overland travel aside from walking, you’ll be physically putting in work every single day.

By Motorbike

As much as I love hitchhiking, traveling by motorbike truly ignites a passion that I have rarely found in other methods of exploring. The feeling of crisp mountain wind on my face as I coast through surreal scenery is one that just doesn’t get old, and it’s certainly something I’d like to try out for longer periods.

man sitting on a motorbike with a mountain behind him and a fully loaded backpack while traveling overland in pakistan

The one thing to keep in mind though is that start-up costs will not be cheap. Good bikes that can actually make it across continents are not cheap, and you’ll also need to buy extra tires, tons of fluids, and other parts that likely will not be available in the places you intend to ride.

But still: it’s worth it. You get the benefits of cycling without the intense struggle, and you’ll be able to maneuver in places where cars cannot. You’ll be able to carry a lot more than a bicycle could, and it will still be cheaper than any van or 4×4.

By Van/Your Own Vehicle

Perhaps the most OG form of overland travel is with your own car: whether it be a van, a 4×4 or an old ambulance, I’ve seen adventurous souls carving their own paths in virtually every type of rig you could imagine.

man sitting in an old white converted campervan while travelling overland

With the popularity of vanlife these days, I’m sure you’ve thought about or at least heard about this craze. I mean, the upsides are many. Your home is with you at all times, you can carry so much more stuff, and you can design your ride exactly as you like. For many, the process of building their house on wheels is just as special as the trip itself.

But there are negatives too: many countries require a carnet de passage that often requires a hefty deposit, repairs can be super expensive, and it’s a whole lot of responsibility. But if you’re determined to make it happen, this is undoubtedly the most comfortable and adventurous way to travel overland, as you can go just about anywhere and won’t be as limited by weather.

By Hitchhiking

My overland hitching journey from UK to Papua New Guinea may not have been completed, but it certainly brought me some incredible (and life-changing) travel memories that I’ll hold on to forever.

man making a cardboard sign to overland travel by hitchhiking

Exploring overland by way of the thumb is not for the faint of heart, or for those lacking patience. But it will bring you closer to strangers and teach you more about the world than any other type of travel. When you’re in a vehicle of any kind (even a bicycle) it somewhat separates you from locals: you’re self-sufficient, right?

But when you’re relying on the kindness of random folks to help you see the world, it opens up doors you didn’t even know were in sight. It leads to unexpected family dinners in local homes, to long chats alongside crackling fires, and to hours spent in random places you would have never visited otherwise. Hitchhiking will change you for the better if you let it, and all you need to get started is a smile, a sign and a stuck-up thumb.

Overland Travel Tips

My top travel tips for making your adventure as smooth as it can be…

1. Do your visa research 

While most Westerners are privileged to be able to enter many countries without a visa, you can’t just roll up everywhere. Places like Pakistan, Vietnam, India, and Azerbaijan still require e-visas in advance, and China (often a pain for a lot of overlanders) has a set of very specific rules that usually requires applying for a sticker visa from your home country.

man riding a motorcycle in the karakoram mountains

Make sure you read up on every destination you plan to overland through to ensure you don’t find yourself caught out in no man’s land. Sometimes visa rules can change abruptly too, so it’s key to stay on top of them.

2. Bring a LOT of Spare Parts 

I cannot stress this enough: if you’re travelling by way of ANY vehicle, it is absolutely essential that you have a good amount of spare parts in tow. Many of the best places to overland are NOT known for their equipment, which means you could potentially be caught out far, far away from civilization.

Spruce up your rig before heading out into super remote areas, and prepare for the unplanned. It’s far better to be a bit overloaded but have everything you need for a mishap than to travel light and become stranded.

3. Don’t forget the little things

You won’t realize how much you need a laundry bag, an eye mask or a good headlamp until you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere with none of the above to be found.

man starting a fire with sticks while overlanding

For little things like these, it’s definitely worth it to double up on your supply. You never know when something can get lost or break on the road. 

4. Bring a first aid kit 

Whether you’re walking, cycling, or traveling in a jacked-out 4×4, the need for a first aid kit remains. You never know when you might need it, but when that time comes, you’ll be incredibly happy you added it to your packing list.

While these honestly aren’t that cheap these days, it’s worth it to splurge on a large, well-stocked one that will actually last you a decent amount of time. If you have any favorite OTC medicines, I highly recommend hoarding them before you head out: pharmacies out in the wild leave much to be desired. 

5. Go slow 

The art of slow travel goes hand in hand with overlanding, but sometimes it can be easy to fixate on the destination rather than the journey.

girl in blue traditional dress sitting with two older women in a traditional house in southern pakistan

But unless you have a hard deadline to meet, take it easy out there. The whole point of overlanding is to experience the route, not just each individual destination.

Take some rest days where you do nothing but take it all in. Perhaps dive into some journaling, or park yourself at a nice lake or even a beach. The road has infinite pleasures to indulge in. 

6. Download Maps in Advance

Even if you’re well prepared with a local SIM card, there will undoubtedly be places without service somewhere along your journey.

Unless you have a paper map like the kind I used to travel with back in the day, get all your necessary navigation downloaded and ready for use when you find yourself with a solid data or Wi-Fi connection.

7. Use Google Translate or Dictionaries 

While English speakers are pretty privileged in that we can get by in most of the world, most does not mean everywhere. Take Central Asia for example where Russian rules – you’re going to need some assistance.

While learning a bit of the language in advance is certainly helpful, Google Translate’s offline abilities have truly saved me many times, and it’s a free app you should definitely download. The old-school dictionary method is useful too, especially if you plan to spend time in one place or region for a while. 

Overland Travel Packing List

While your specific adventure packing list may look different depending on your method of overlanding, these are a few universal expedition items that anyone will need on the road.

Osprey Aether AG 70

Osprey Aether 70

  • Features: Stow-On-The-Go™ trekking pole attachment >
  • > External hydration sleeve in backpanel
  • > New IsoForm? CM™ hipbelt

overland tour adalah

ORIA Combination Lock

  • Features: 2 pack : set includes 2 zinc alloy 4-digit re-settable combination travel locks >
  • > Offers 10,000 combinations
  • > Small volume, light weight, fit through the holes of a lot of suitcases

Power Adapter

World Travel Adapter

  • Features: Input socket: Euro, USA / Japan, Australia / China, United Kingdom (UK version not in Switzerland) >
  • > Retractable plugs: Euro, UK, USA / Japan, Australia / China
  • > Charge a laptop and two usb devices at once

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  • Features: Higher resolution display (300 ppi) – with twice as many pixels >
  • > Built-in adjustable light – read day and night
  • > A single battery charge lasts weeks, not hours

Macbook Pro

MacBook Pro

  • Features: 2.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor with Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz >
  • > 8GB 2133MHz LPDDR3 memory
  • > 128GB SSD storage

Where to Start Overland Travel

You can certainly overland anywhere: from somewhere as simple your home state/province to any country that calls to you, but overall I’d say these are the best places for a truly epic overland travel journey.

Central Asia

The 5 Stans are some of the most adventurous places left on this planet, and they’re home to some of the most mesmerizing roads at that. As of 2023, it’s easy for Western passport holders to travel through all of them (save Turkmenistan), and each one (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) has something incredible to offer.

hiker standing on top of a hill with a huge white mountain in the background

Public transport is also expensive and lacking in most of these locales, which makes overlanding that much more valuable.

All four Stans are all interconnected, safe, and essentially a big old playground for overlanders. Do not underestimate the size of this region though: I’d recommend blocking out at least 3 months to get a real feel for what it has to offer.

South/Southeast Asia

man hitchhiking on top of a van in nepal

Ah, South and Southeast Asia . Home to some of my favourite countries in the world that have made the most indelible marks on my travels and my life.

India, Pakistan, Nepal and the infamous Banana Pancake trail (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) are perfect places to give overland exploring a try.

Public transport is widespread, and you’ll get a feel for what it’s like to cross borders. But of course, having your own vehicle will make things even more accessible and give you access to rural areas most do not get to see.

When I rode a rickshaw around India , I found myself incredibly off trail in places that had never even seen foreigners before.

Every year, thousands of Europeans head East to Asia in their own cycles, 4x4s or by way of hitchhiking. And while the journey from Europe to Asia is absolutely epic, you can also opt to travel within the continent too.

With so many countries to check out, it may be the easiest (though certainly not the cheapest) place in the world to overland. Border crossings are simple, and so many countries are interconnected, that it’s a breeze to spend months moving about.

For Brits, Americans and other non-EU nationals, it’s key to be aware of the 90-day visa rule within the European Union. Luckily, there are some fantastic countries out East that you can visit once your time is up.

Many van lifers take to the wide open roads of the United States , with 49 to choose from (discounting Hawaii) and the ability to head north into Canada, I can see why this massive country has become so popular in the world of overland adventuring.

The Perfect RV for a California Road Trip

Personally, the USA is not at the top of my bucket list for many reasons, but if you’re already living there and want to get a feel for overland travel, incredible landscapes and opportunities await. Just note that public transportation and hitchhiking are definitely not recommended, as the former barely exists and the latter is not safe .

So van lifers, this is your time to shine. I know many folks who have fixed up relatively cheap vans and set out to see virtually all the states in the Union. If you have limited time or money, definitely focus your energy on the West Coast . That’s where you’ll find all the national parks and the scenery that makes the country worth exploring.

Getting Insured BEFORE Hitting the Road

Regardless of where or how you plan to overland, you should definitely sort some solid travel insurance before leaving home.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

overland tour adalah

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Final Thoughts on Overland Travel

I hope I’ve now convinced you that your next trip should be an overland one. Ditching flights and committing to crossing borders and provinces on your own wheels (or by way of hitchhiking) will take your travels to entirely new heights.

You’ll have experiences that aren’t possible if you’re jetting about between places, and you’ll get to know each country and region like never before.

With so many ways to make it happen, from cycling to van life to even public buses, overland travel is something that is truly for everyone and anyone.

So what are you waiting for – get to planning and get the hell out there.

Will Hatton enjoys an epic view in Pakistan from his motorbike

Will Hatton

Overland Travel 101 Pinterest Image

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Will is a freaking trooper!!! I retained great advises from this articles like: Little things we dont think about, hoard your otc in advances, travel by train, buses, mini vans, bike, download your map is a great one when you out of wifi!! Visas if we go to china or india, google translate a must have and to talk t locals and meet people on the journey, enjoy the journey more than the destination, and to buy a kindle to read if no internet, i myself always have been wanted to explore asia and reading this give me ideas on how to get there cheaper and to see the best of all places.

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What Is Overlanding?

  • March 2, 2022

Depending on who’s slinging the term, “overlanding” has taken on a variety of different meanings in recent years. Not to be confused with car camping, four-wheeling, or #vanlife, overlanding is self-sufficient vehicle travel where the journey itself is the goal.

At its simplest, overlanding is about exploration. Whether traveling by truck or motorcycle, it is about riding the road less traveled and immersing yourself in the environment and culture. Of course, like the aforementioned car camping, there will be plenty of campsites. There will sometimes be off-road obstacles to navigate, “wheeling.” And, like van life, you will most likely go through some sort of process of reassessing life’s priorities (and perhaps beef up your Instagram feed in the meantime) while overlanding.

overland tour adalah

That said, overlanding is steeped in history and is far more than just the buzzword it has become. A few key things separate overland travel from other vehicle-centric recreation.

The vehicle is the vessel for the adventure: Your overland vehicle doesn’t have to be fancy, but a capable vehicle that can withstand the rigors of extended exploration is a prerequisite.

Self-reliance is essential: Overlanders are self-propelled and self-sufficient; pitching your own tent and patching your own tires are part of the process.

Exploration is key: In overlanding, the journey is the goal; the detours and deviations will be your waypoints, rather than making a beeline for a particular destination.

Aim for uncharted territory and extended travel time: Set your sights on remote or unique regions where the environment or culture is unfamiliar; shoot to be out long enough to ease into the rhythm of the road. 

READ MORE: How to Find Overland Trails

The truth of the matter is that you don’t need to be the Van Buren sisters and ride across an unknown continent to be an overlander. You don’t have to quit your job and pack your worldly possessions into a Land Cruiser for a decade either. But to be sure that you’re overlanding, set your sights on the road less traveled, fill your toolkit with the skills to get you through the tough stuff, and push the limits of distance to the point that you’re truly exploring terra incognita. 

Overlanding History

The term “overlanding” was originally coined in Australia with reference to moving livestock over long distances. Generally equated with Alfred Canning’s “Canning Stock Route” and Len Beadell’s Australian road construction in the mid-1900s, the early concept of overlanding was primarily utilitarian. Whether for moving cattle to market or traversing remote stretches of the Outback, the legacy of these routes laid proper tracks for modern overland travel.

overland tour adalah

In its current form, overlanding casts off the utilitarian nature of the early surveyors and doubles down on exploration and recreation. In the early 1900s, with the proliferation of motorized travel, the earliest overlanders set out on far-flung journeys in some seriously rudimentary vehicles and motorcycles. In the 1930s, Max Reisch rode from Vienna to Mumbai on a 250cc Puch across largely unmapped swaths of Asia. Ralph Alger Bagnold crossed the Libyan Desert in a Model A and pioneered the earliest sand driving techniques, including airing down his tires and launching his Ford across the dunes at speed. 

overland tour adalah

Overlanding, as we know it today, truly took hold in the mid-1900s with the proliferation of commercial tours and equipment. Motorized African safaris, the introduction of the Toyota Land Cruiser, slide-in truck campers made their debut, and, with newfound interest in outdoor recreation in 1950s and 1960s, overlanding history was ushered into the present day.

The Overlanding Vehicle

Whether you live and breathe Land Rover or spend your days farkeling out your KLR650, overlanding is inseparable from the vehicles that make it possible. From the Defenders to the FJs to the Transalps, overland vehicles are a diverse lot, but the common thread between them is steadfast durability.

overland tour adalah

The classic overland rigs, such as the Willys Jeep (the first mass-produced civilian four-wheel drive vehicle) and the BMW R 80 G/S (the motorcycle that marked the start of modern adventure riding), laid the foundation for the Wranglers and GSs of today. Overland vehicles are marked by their ability to withstand the rigors of the road with capabilities that stand the test of time. 

overland tour adalah

I’m of the mindset that the best overland vehicle is the one parked in your driveway right now. That is, you don’t need some fancy rig to head out on an adventure. Though I hate to dissuade your dreams of traveling the world in a Yugo, there are better choices out there because the key feature of a good overland vehicle is durability. Starting with a reliable foundation is one of the keys to successful adventuring.

READ MORE: Editors’ Choice: Best Overlanding Tents

Whether you’re putting a rooftop tent (RTT) on your hot-off-the-lot Land Cruiser or adding armor to your 1999 Vitara (has anyone ever?), having a vehicle that will go the distance and not leave you stranded is far more important than the accessories you add to it. That said, there are a few key additions to consider when outfitting for a proper overland trip.

overland tour adalah

Outfitting for Overlanding

There are a handful of components that you’ll want to consider customizing or upgrading based on the intended use of your vehicle. Remember, the goal here is to build a rig that works for your individual needs, and not every modification, addition, or conversion is essential for everyone. Here are a few aspects of your vehicle that are worth putting an eye on and, perhaps, a few dollars into.

overland tour adalah

Tires, Wheels, and Suspension : The connection between your vehicle and the ground beneath you will make or break your overland journey. Investing in quality tires is one of the best and most basic things you can do to any vehicle to prepare for overlanding. For more serious off-road ventures or carrying capacity, you may consider upgrading your suspension and wheels if heading deep into the hinterland happens on a regular basis.  

Bumpers, Armor, and Recovery Gear : Your choice of vehicle protection should be determined by the level of challenge you choose to tackle. Or, perhaps conversely, the level of challenge should be determined by the armor on your rig. Additionally, having a basic recovery kit for getting yourself out of sticky situations is important, but arming yourself with the knowledge to use it is absolutely essential.

Navigation and Communications : Figuring out where to go is one of the best parts of overlanding and being in touch when you need it most is crucial for safety. We’re going off the beaten path here, so having navigation and communication systems for finding your way in uncharted terrain is very useful, even if it’s as simple as an updated atlas and a knowledge of cell coverage where you’re traveling. 

READ MORE: What Is an Overlanding Vehicle?

Lighting and Power : Illuminating your journey and generating your own power give you the ability to travel further afield and for longer periods of time. At the very least, keep a headlamp for your evening camp chores or a trip to the privy. You may also consider adding auxiliary lights, solar, or a generator for longer-term traveling.

Racks, Storage, and Trailers : Remember that overlanding is not car camping, and the goal here is extended travel. That means you’ll need to store and transport your gear for the long haul. Whether you invest in some upgraded milk crates, add a bed storage system to your truck, or go all in pulling a capable trailer, having a system to safely travel with cargo is key.

Tents and Awnings : Being out on the range truly starts to feel like home when you get a good night’s sleep and have shelter from the storm. Whether you’re tenting on the ground and stretching out a shade tarp or going full tilt with a rooftop tent and 180-degree awning, being well-rested and protected from the elements keeps you fueled for the journey ahead.

Kitchen Gear : Speaking of keeping fueled, who doesn’t love cooking and eating outdoors? Whether your camp kitchen is a Coleman stove on the tailgate or a fully-equipped slide-out system, food always tastes better when you’re dining under the stars. Also, don’t forget to factor in your water storage, as staying hydrated while overlanding requires more water than you might realize.

overland tour adalah

We all develop a special bond with our vehicles. You come to know your rig inside and out, be it through the trials and tribulations of travel, the flat tires and roadside repairs, or the glory moments of adventuring. Over time, as you get your system dialed to perfection, you’ll find yourself wanting to travel more and exploring further afield. 

Out of all the accessories, the most important one is often the most overlooked. Having the skills and self-confidence to get out there comes from training and experience. I can’t stress enough the combination of learning from the pros and honing your skills before getting in over your head. Whether you head to an Overland Expo event or seek training from a professional outfit, it’s always a good idea to test out your skills and systems on One-Tank Adventures before overlanding into the deep backcountry.

overland tour adalah

At the end of the day, overlanding is about the experience and the environment around you. Please don’t let a lack of fancy gear or accouterments  keep you shackled to the driveway. Perhaps you don’t have the skills to take on the Camel Trophy (yet), but you can certainly set your sights on that forest road you haven’t driven before. It might not be possible to head out on a round the world (RTW) tour for a year, but you can definitely eke out a long weekend here and there.

Overlanding is about the journey, and as the old adage goes, the journey begins with a single step.

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Overlanding: What It Is And Why You Should Try It - Tuff Stuff Overland

Overlanding: What It Is And Why You Should Try It

Exploring nature allows us to experience raw, untouched beauty in places the average person cannot phantom.

While there are mundane means of adventures like weekend getaways to quaint lakeside campsites, there are other expedition-type exploration activities set aside for hardcore adventurers seeking to experience the wilder side of life. One such exploration is Overlanding.

The concept of Overlanding can be highly confusing, especially since it is relatively new to the camping scene. Although Overlanding, like any other camping activity, offers the promise of a beautiful experience in remote areas, it is a very different activity from other small getaways that you might have experienced. 

Overlanding is a growing movement, and there is no better time to enjoy the ultimate overland experience than now. However, to get the most out of an overland trip, you must be armed with all the knowledge you can gather to familiarize yourself with this growing trend.

Below, we have provided everything you need to know about overland trips and why you shouldn’t waste more time planning your first overland trip.

What Is Overlanding?

If you are into the more traditional and reserved aspects of enjoying nature, simple camping trips to places with breathtaking beauties often suffice.

In these instances, you have a set destination in mind and probably plan activities like mountain climbing, hiking, swimming, or skiing, depending on your terrain and time of the year. 

However, when you crave a more intense means of experiencing nature’s beauty, the simple acts of pitching a tent on a private campsite might begin to look bland, not promising the satisfaction you crave.

When it comes to hardcore outdoor activities, Overlanding trips are easily one of the most exciting activities you can engage in. An activity that amplifies the need for self-reliance and superb survival skills, Overlanding will leave any hardcore individual brave enough to attempt the movement feeling fulfilled, satisfied, and refreshed.

But What Exactly is Overlanding?

Overlanding is a more intense form of camping. However, due to what it entails, many people often argue that Overlanding is by no means a form of camping.

Overlanding is best described as a vehicle-based self-reliant journey in remote areas or locations. However, unlike other forms of camping, Overlanding is not destination-based but focuses more on the experience enjoyed along the way. 

With overland trips, or overland camping as they are sometimes called, the ultimate goal is not to get to the terrain and set up camp before going back home but to savor every bit of the experience enjoyed along the way.

Over the years, especially since it became mainstream, many people have struggled to offer a definition for the term ‘Overlanding’ and successfully separate it from other forms of camping that it would otherwise be confused with. However, the simplest definition remains that Overlanding is a self-sufficient journey through uncharted territories to enjoy every bit of the trip.

Overlanding has been around for so many years- more than a century, in fact- but it has only recently been integrated into the camping scene. Because it has not been around for a long time, Overlanding is often mistaken for other activities like car camping or off-roading, especially since these activities share similarities.

However, if you ask any camping or exploration expert, they will tell you that Overlanding is an entirely different activity.

So, what makes Overlanding… Overlanding?

Historically and way before it was discovered as a lifestyle movement, Overlanding included driving livestock over long distances to other countries to market them away from where the livestock was initially reared.

The roads that probably marked the beginning of modern Overlanding were created by an Australian named Len Beadell , who opened new roads to pave the way for colonizers.

However, although it was influenced by a rich history of animal and human transport, modern Overlanding has nothing to do with business. In its modern form, Overlanding is a means of using mechanized transport to travel over challenging terrain in a journey where you are at the mercy of your survival skill.

This might sound like any other vehicle-centric recreational activity, but Overlanding is a scheme made of factors entirely different from other vehicle-based activities. These factors are:


With overland trips, self-reliance is an essential factor. On this journey, you are responsible for your survival, even as you travel through unfamiliar and untraveled terrains.

For days, weeks, or months depending on the duration of your journey, you cater to your every need. This means not only handling and managing your feeding, cleaning, and way-finding but also handling other tasks like fixing your vehicle when you find yourself in a sticky situation in the middle of nowhere.

Needless to say, this can be quite overwhelming.

Contrary to popular opinion, having considerable experience in Overlanding trips is not a medium to be self-sufficient on an overland trip (although experience will admittedly go a long way in helping you prepare for the trip). To be self-sufficient, you need to begin your expedition prepared and know how to make the right decisions. 

Overland Vehicle

Overlanding is not an activity that requires fancy or luxury vehicles designed to keep you comfortable as you travel. Overlanding vehicles, also known as off-roading vehicles , are sturdy cars that are built to handle and conquer all types of terrain.

From dirt roads to washboard roads and fine beaches, these vehicles can handle almost all you throw at them. This is especially important because your vehicle is not only going to be your transportation vessel but also possibly your live-in quarters.

As a rule of thumb, off-road vehicles are usually strong vehicles with excellent traction and clearance. The stronger your vehicle, the better it is to maneuver. The better you can maneuver your overland vehicle, the smoother your trip will be.

As we previously mentioned, Overlanding is an exploration and expedition-type journey. Overland campers solely aim to enjoy the experience they create while traveling through remote areas.

While other campers look forward to the end of their trip and setting up their tent at their destination, overland campers do not really have any destination in mind.

Although they might have a point where their expedition ends, this point is not the purpose of their trip, but the adventure of riding through unfamiliar terrain.   Put simply, Overland travelers look forward to the trip and not the journey's end.

While many outdoor activities are usually ephemeral and last just a few days or weeks at most, Overlanding is generally engaged in as a long-time exploration. Although Overlanding can also last a few weeks, it is often stretched out to a few months or even years as many overland campers slowly explore the terrains and milk the experience they enjoy on their journey.

Although there might be Overlanding laws in several places, you can pretty much explore any part of the world on your overland trip. All you need to do is find the perfect location, map your way through the area, pack up, and go! With Overlanding, there are lots of terrains you can explore.

Let’s face it, not everyone is built to handle long-distance journeys in the middle of nowhere, highly dependent on a vehicle and their survival skills. Although Overlanding is relatively low-risk, especially when you are prepared and armed with all the essential gear and equipment necessary for your survival, mismanaging your resources can cause a sour experience. 

Since the purpose of Overlanding is to always be on the move, it is impossible to have a permanent camping place. Instead, you will put your self-reliance to the test by continuously erecting and taking down tents for shelter every time you make a stop in dispersed or designated campsites.

The great thing is every location has a camp waiting for you. Don’t know where to begin? Check out our list of the best overland camping spots in Texas and the best overland camping spots in California.

Overland vehicle with a Tuff Stuff rooftop tent.

What Overland Travel Isn’t

Overland camping and other outdoor activities have some striking resemblance in their concepts that it is almost too easy to mistake one activity for the other. Now that you know what Overlanding is, it is just as important to understand what Overlanding isn’t.

Overlanding V.S. Off-Roading

Overlanding is often used interchangeably with off-roading. This common misconception can be attributed to the fact that both activities involve driving to remote locations over a particular period. However, off-roading and Overlanding are very different activities on different ends of a spectrum.

As we mentioned, Overlanding is a vehicle-supported adventure to remote locations where the primary purpose of the journey is the journey itself. This journey can be on well-managed terrain or cut across rugged and rarely traveled terrain challenging to maneuver. The terrain explored depends on the overlander’s experience, vehicle, and, of course, preferences.

On the other hand, off-roading is an activity that is performed mainly on rugged or off-road terrains. It is an activity where the sole purpose of the journey is to conquer terrain and test the driver's skill and strength of the vehicle.

Essentially, an overlander might travel on-road or off-road, but an off-roader is strictly restricted to off-road driving conditions that range from muddy to marshy to rocky and everything in between.

However, this is not the only difference.

Off-roading is mainly done in vehicles designed with off-roading capabilities that the average vehicle lacks. These vehicles are built to withstand the harsh and adverse off-road conditions that will otherwise ruin a regular car.

Overlanding can be done with mechanized vehicles with off-roading abilities. However, this is unnecessary as many people go Overlanding in their RVs or trucks. Overlanding trucks are also built to have more indoor space, which is a luxury off-roading vehicle can not afford.

Off-roading vehicles are made to be fast and sturdy, features that cannot be achieved if the car is laden with survival gear. Overlanding vehicles, on the other hand, are built to be a temporary home away from home and often emphasize space for survival kit storage.

Additionally, off-roading is generally done in a shorter period than Overlanding. Off-roading can last from a few days to a few weeks, while Overlanding can drag on for months or years.

Overlanding VS Camping

Overlanding is a form of extended camping. However, unlike regular camping, Overlanding does not focus on the destination but on the journey itself.

Although driving to the campsite is fun, it is a secondary interest, while the destination of the camp and the activities it holds are the main objective. When you go camping, you undoubtedly do so on campgrounds that offer amenities like water or electrical hookups (unless you go dispersed camping).

Although you will take basic amenities on these camping trips, your list will not be as extreme as the list of necessities while Overlanding.  This differs from Overlanding, an activity where any sort of accommodation is self-managed.

While Overlanding, you do so in areas without the luxuries of amenities provided on a campground. You also pack more gear than you do while camping as you will be away for an extended period.

Camping and Overlanding may look the same, especially since Overlanding involves camping on the go, but they have noticeable and intricate differences.

Benefits of Overlanding

Overlanding is an excellent form of exploration with significant advantages. Some of these are:

  • A chance to experience nature: When you go Overlanding, you get a chance to connect with nature and get away from the usual hubbub of urban societies. It is a great way to recharge and connect to your natural roots, giving you a chance to appreciate the world around you.
  • Exploration: How often do you wish to see the world? Overlanding is one of the best ways to explore the view outside of the bubble you create for yourself and cross places off our ‘to-visit’ list.
  • Increase experience: What better way to be an experienced overlander than to constantly go Overlanding when you can? Overlanding is a lifestyle, and to have the most fun, you need to have a few experience-based knowledge up your sleeves. With Overlanding, you get to see places, meet new people, and experience a whole new type of life that will prepare you for subsequent Overlanding trips.
  • Save money: Overlanding allows you to save money while being intimate with nature. Admittedly, Overlanding is not exactly the cheapest outdoor activity you will ever engage in. However, it allows you to travel and cut out the cost of expensive hotels or private campsites (among other things) when you do so. With Overlanding, you can see the world on a budget.
  • Live life slowly: if you ever feel like you are going too fast and not taking your time to enjoy life, going on an Overlanding trip is a great way to slow down. With this slow travel, you can take your time to enjoy the unique activities every trail offers and build a lifetime's worth of memories on every trip.

Overlanding in the mountains.

Who Can Go Overlanding

Anyone can go on an overland trip! You do not need to be a seasoned overlander to have all the overland fun.

All you need to do to go Overlanding is have a suitable Overlanding vehicle, research trails or roads you will love to travel on, and stock up on the essential overland gear .

Gear You Will Need

Overlanding is a self-reliant trip. To be self-sufficient, you need the necessary equipment for survival and the limited luxury you can afford. Some of these gear include:

  •   Vehicle recovery kit to keep your vehicle going: such as power winch, lift jack, and extra fuel.
  • Way-finding and communicating gear: Maps, GPS devices, two-way radios , and a tracking beacon.
  • Cooking utensils: pots, pans, water filter, portable camping stove, and fire starter.
  • Hygiene essentials: toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, portable shower, and portable toilet.
  • Sleeping gear: tent, pillows, blanket, and insulation mat.
  • Emergency kit: First aid kit , fire extinguisher, and emergency bags
  • Other essentials.

Is Overlanding An Activity For You?

Anyone can go Overlanding. From curious adventurers to families looking to bond while experiencing nature together, Overlanding is an excellent activity for everyone, often without restrictions.

However, it is essential to note that Overlanding isn't a carefree camping trip but a test of an explorer’s self-reliance.

If you decide to go Overlanding, it is essential always to remember that every decision you make, right from choosing your gear and how you store it to what routes you take, plays a crucial role in your survival and your experience on your Overlanding trip.

It is also essential to remember that on this self-reliant trip, you will be forgoing the luxuries that you have in private campsites for a more nomadic lifestyle. 

Either way, Overlanding has an appeal that has grown ever since it became a mainstream movement. If everyone can go on fun overlanding trips, you can too!

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Overlanding vs Off-Roading What’s The Difference - Tuff Stuff Overland

Overlanding vs Off-Roading What’s The Difference

The Best Off-Road & Overland Trails In Florida - Tuff Stuff Overland

The Best Off-Road & Overland Trails In Florida


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Overlanding: An overview of what it is and what makes it cool

A trend known as overlanding that has gained a lot of traction in the last few years has been sweeping across Europe. Outdoor and bushcraft enthusiasts have especially gravitated to this vehicle-based exploration in recent years. And the popularity of overlanding has not gone overlooked by the market, either. An entire industry has been created by brands and automakers with overlanding-focused products and services. But what exactly is overlanding and what gear is necessary? That’s what we will attempt to explain in this post.

IMPERATIVE TEXT (Jan18)_Photo by Uros Podlogar  (11)

What is overlanding?

As was already mentioned, overlanding is typically vehicle-based exploration, but for more complete definition, we can refer to Wikipedia, which sums it up pretty well:

“Overlanding is self-reliant overland travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal. Typically, but not exclusively, it is accomplished with mechanized off-road capable transport (from bicycles to trucks) where the principal form of lodging is camping, often lasting for extended lengths of time (months to years) and spanning international boundaries.”

A Brief History of Overlanding

According to Motortrend, the origins of overlanding date back to the early 1900s in Australia when the country first began to establish routes for long-distance travelling on the continent.

Overlanding in those days was far from considered a pastime activity, as it is thought of today. It was primarily an activity related to work. Farmers and ranchers used the newly created routes for trading, often walking livestock to the nearest market for trading. It wasn’t until decades later in the 1940s that it became an outdoor recreation activity, inspired by Leonard Beadell, a road builder, explorer and surveyor.

How does overlanding differ from camping?

If we were to describe overlanding in only a few words, we’d say it is a combination of remote travel, off-roading and camping. Some might say that it sounds like an extended camping trip or road trip, but the real difference is that the destination is not necessarily the goal. The goal is the adventure along the way. There may not even be a destination. Additionally, the trip may go on for an indefinite amount of time, up to years in some cases. For those that are a bit tired of living in the digital age, an indefinite amount of time to live off-the-grid and go on an adventure can be an enticing prospect.

Another area in which overlanding differs from a camping trip or off-roading is that it tends to involve travelling to remote areas of the world, which are not well documented and have been sparsely explored previously. Some other characteristics that apply to overlanding are self-reliance, adventure, survival, and discovery.

Overlanding Vehicles and Gear

Even if a weekend trip overcoming difficult hiking trails and camping alone in the woods can be considered a daunting and rigorous activity, overlanding goes far beyond that. To truly undertake overlanding, one must take themselves off the grid and march into the unknown, doing so for weeks, months or even years in some cases. It can be thought of as a quest in search of something greater, something similar to the Australian Aboriginal rite of passage known as the walkabout .

Having said that, there are any number of vehicle types that one could choose from to use for overlanding. Sport utility vehicles, trucks, vans and motorcycles are just a few typical vehicles. Of course, the vehicle is simply a means to an end. It is the tool that helps you reach your destination, even if you don’t actually know where that destination will end up. It is the conduit that allows you to bring yourself closer to the wilderness.

In addition to your vehicle, one must be properly equipped during an overlanding trip. One must pack plenty of water, first aid materials, food, tools, spare tires, automotive repair tools, and much more. As far as the camping portion goes, we have a checklist of camping and road trip essential gear that you can check out. Given that one of the central themes related to overlanding is survival, hunting is a likely related activity. We also have a good checklist for hunting you should browse if you are interested in overlanding.

As you may be able to glean from the above, overlanding is not for the faint of heart. This is the real deal. One will need to have proper training and knowhow in many areas as well as the proper gear to be able to survive in the middle of nowhere.

One item to consider having handy is a headlamp or a hand-held torch. It can get quite dark out there away from the bright lights of the city and there are any number of scenarios where a headlamp or torch can come in handy. One of the classics is the bathroom trip at night. Out in the wilderness there are no toilets, thus you’ll have to venture out into the dark of night, fumbling and bumbling about. This is when a headlamp or a flashlight can especially come in handy. Peli has a number of different headlamp and torch options , so check them out before you go out on your next outdoor adventure empty handed.

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Additionally, small personal items may need some kind of protection. It can get wet, dirty, dusty and possibly even snowy out there in the great outdoors, thus your best bet to keep all of these personal items protected is an IP68 rated Peli Ruck Case .

The RUCK case is the ultimate personal utility case for your personal gear that is crushproof, dustproof, watertight and adventure proof. These ultimate personal utility cases are an innovative and strategic storage solution designed by Peli's engineering team to help the user protect their small electronics, phones, wallets, keys and tools from external elements with total peace-of-mind while on outdoor trips, working under extreme conditions or simply during poor weather conditions.

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Apa saja jenis jenis perjalanan overland tour?

  • 1 Apa saja jenis jenis perjalanan overland tour?
  • 2 Apa itu Inbound tour operator?
  • 3 Apa itu Overland trip?
  • 4 Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan independent tour?
  • 5 Apa yang dimaksud dengan On Site Guide?

Jenis kelas tour ini dikenal Deluxe Tour, Standard Tour, Economy Class Tour, Budget Class Tour….Jawaban:

  • Berdasarkan Wilayah Negara.
  • Berdasarkan Tour di Darat.
  • Berdasarkan Tour di Laut/Danau/Sungai.

Apa itu Inbound tour operator?

Inbound Tour berarti suatu perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan dalam suatu negara oleh wisatawan asing. Outbound Tour adalah suatu perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan oleh seseorang ke luar dari negaranya.

Apa yg dimaksud Overland Tour?

Overland tour yang ditawarkan merupakan wisata yang menggunakan moda transportasi darat seperti bus maupun kendaraan lainnya. Andini Tirtawisata, Manager of Strategic Communications Panorama JTB Tours menjelaskan dahulu, masyarakat enggan menggunakan jalur darat untuk berwisata.

Apa itu Overland trip?

Jawaban. Jawaban: Overland (Overland Tour) merupakan perjalanan wisata melalui jalur darat yang memiliki kisah, cerita, dan pengalaman baru yang akan menjadi kenangan di setiap perjalanannya.

Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan independent tour?

7. Independent Tour Yaitu tour atas permintaan wisatawan, tidak berdasarkan jadwal, berangkat kapan saja sesuai kesepakatan antara wisatawan dengan Biro Perjalanan Wisata.

Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan tour itinerary?

Itinerary adalah rencana perjalanan atau daftar kegiatan beserta estimasi biaya yang dibutuhkan selama liburan. Rencana perjalanan ini mencakup daftar destinasi tujuan, jadwal kegiatan harian, transportasi, akomodasi, hingga konsumsi.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan On Site Guide?

Local Guide (On-Site Guide). Pemandu wisata lokal adalah seorang pemandu wisata yang menangani suatu tur selama satu atau beberapa jam di suatu tempat yang khusus, pada suatu atraksi wisata, atau di suatu areal yang terbatas, misalnya gedung bersejarah, museum, taman hiburan, pabrik, dan pusat riset ilmiah.

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Tanggal cantik liburan

Overland tour ini bisa jadi pilihan berlibur akhir bulan ini, sda tanggal cantik untuk liburan pada pekan keempat bulan maret ini, yang sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja., penulis: janlika putri | editor: ac pinkan ulaan.

Overland Tour Ini Bisa Jadi Pilihan Berlibur Akhir Bulan Ini

Jika Anda melihat kalender hari ini, Anda akan menemukan tanggal cantik untuk liburan pada pekan keempat bulan Maret ini.

Tanggal 25 Maret adalah hari libur nasional Hari Raya Nyepi, yang jatuh di hari Rabu.

Jalan Tol Jakarta - Cikampek (Japek) Elevated akan berfungsi pada musim Libur Natal dan Tahun Baruu 2020, mulai tanggal 20 Desember mendatang. Warta Kota/Angga Bhagya Nugraha

Maka ada dua hari "kejepit" sebelum hari itu, dan dua lagi sesudahnya.

Para kaki gatal ( traveller ) pasti sudah gatal ingin kabur ke luar kotadi pekan itu.

Pilihannya bisa berangkat berlibur pada Sabtu (21/3), dan masuk kerja lagi di tanggal 26. Dengan cuti dua hari lumayan bisa bepergian 5 hari.

Opsi lain adalah berangkat pada tanggal 24 Maret sore dan masuk kerja lagi di hari Senin (30/3). Lumayan juga, liburan lima hari dengan cuti dua hari.

Bahkan, opsi paling optimal adalah  dilempengin jalan-jalannya dari tanggal 21 sampai 29 Maret, dengan ambil cuti 4 hari.

Tentu pertanyaan yang muncul adalah mau ke mana? Di tengah situasi wabah Covid-19, tentunya riskan mau jalan-jalan ke luar negeri.

Ya jawabannya gancil, pergi saja ke destinasi-destinasi di dalam negeri. 

Tidak perlu yang jauh-jauh, bepergian saja sekeluarga menggunakan mobil, mengunjungi kota-kota di Pulau Jawa.

Atau, jika malas menyetir sendiri, bisa beli paket wisata overland yang ditawarkan sejumlah biro perjalanan.

AB Sadewa, selaku Corporate Secretary Panorama Destination, menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya memiliki lima paket wisata overland, yang bisa menjadi pilihan.

Overland tour yang dimaksud di sini adalah berwisata menyusuri jalan darat, bisa menggunakan bus atau minibus.

"Dengan menggunakan bus akan membawa para traveller melintas kota Cirebon, Semarang, Banyuwangi, Bali, hingga Lombok. Nanti rutenya akan melewati kota-kota ikonik seperti Bandung, Wonosobo, Dieng, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bromo, Banyuwangi, lalu menyebrang ke Pulau Bali, "kata Sadewa, menjelaskan paketnya yang bernama Explore Jawa - Bali - Lombok.

Dia juga mengatakan, di setiap kota yang dilintasi selalu ada tour ke destinasi ikonik yang mengandung unsur warisan budaya (heritage), budaya (culture), sejarah, dan kuliner.

Setiap bus akan dipimpin seorang pemandu yang memahami budaya dan sejarah Indonesia dengan kemampuan berbahasa asing.

Selain paket Jawa - Bali - Lombok, Panorama masih memiliki empat paket wisata overland lainnya.

Menurut Sadewa, paket Overland Tour ini sengaja dibuat pihaknya bagi rombongan yang ingin merasakan pengalaman bepergian jauh lewat jalur darat.

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Tenants in luxury Overland Park apartments say they’ve reported A/C issues for months

O VERLAND PARK, Kan. — Residents at an Overland Park luxury apartment complex say they’ve been dealing with inefficient or non-working air conditioning for months.

Now, because of a heat advisory, what was an inconvenience at apartments that lease for up to almost $3,000 per month is potentially dangerous.

“You can feel it right now. It’s hot. It’s like the same temperature outside,” one tenant said from inside his dark warm apartment.

The man says he went for months without air conditioning at The Lakes at Lionsgate.

“Everyday we are going to the office and they are not even responding about our issue,” he explained.

So last week, they say they waited for hours and refused to leave until they were given a portable air conditioner.

“But if you plug it in the whole house is being short circuited,” he said, explaining the dark apartment.

Brian Schwartz also has been living and working without air conditioning in a toasty 88 degree apartment.

“People get aggravated with the heat and you don’t want to live in a situation where you feel like you are just constantly ignored. It’s been four months since I moved in here,” Schwartz said.

He eventually got a new air conditioning unit installed outside.

“That was about six weeks ago and I told him immediately that it didn’t solve the problem.”

So he turned to FOX4 Problem Solvers.

Working for you, we called The Lakes at Lionsgate with questions multiple times but received no answer. We left a message to say we were on our way to the complex, and within minutes of our arrival, four maintenance workers were at Schwartz door.

At first they seemed dubious of his concerns with the A/C efficiency, despite the thermostat’s 88 degree reading.

“That feel cool to you?” one worker asked.

“It’s cool, it’s not cold,” another worker responded.

“It’s also 90 degrees outside,” the first man said.

“I know but still something isn’t working,” the second man said.

So they opened up the unit and within two minutes the vents were pumping out cold air.

“He’s got to slow down,” a frustrated employee said.

“That’s exactly what it was,” a third worker said, blaming both the months-long delay and the A/C blowing hot air on wires getting crossed during installation, both figuratively and literally.

“This is a large property and some issues are user error, some are bad parts and we are only as many people as we can be. We try to get to people as quick as we can,” the apologetic maintenance worker said.

Multiple residents told FOX4 maintenance informed them that waiting list for A/C repairs is more than 100 residents long. We went to the leasing office, where they had no comment.

The resident inside the dark warm apartment said he hoped maintenance would be on their way to his apartment, though a thankful Schwartz wasn’t confident.

“This is all I needed. I want everybody to have that same service. But unless they all call you they are going to be ignored,” Schwartz said.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports.

Tenants in luxury Overland Park apartments say they’ve reported A/C issues for months


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  14. Overlanding

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    Overland Tour Ini Bisa Jadi Pilihan Berlibur Akhir Bulan Ini Sda tanggal cantik untuk liburan pada pekan keempat bulan Maret ini, yang sayang untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Tayang: Jumat, 6 Maret 2020 18:20. Penulis: Janlika Putri | Editor: AC Pinkan Ulaan. lihat foto. ...

  21. Overland Tour Guide

    Welcome Xplorer. There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about GoXplorUSA. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to GoXplor Overland style outdoor vacations we offer. If anything interests you, consider booking GoXplorUSA as your overland tour guide for a one-of-a-kind adventure.

  22. B. Overland Tour

    Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

  23. Mengenal Gaya Modifikasi Overland

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Overland merupakan kegiatan bepergian keluar kota lewat jalur darat. Saat ini, banyak juga pemilik kendaraan yang menggunakan mobilnya sendiri untuk overland atau melakukan road trip.. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bepergian dengan mobil tersebut, ada beberapa aksesoris yang disematkan pada mobil tersebut. Gaya modifikasi ini bisa disebut dengan overland atau dikenal juga ...

  24. Tenants in luxury Overland Park apartments say they've reported ...

    OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — Residents at an Overland Park luxury apartment complex say they've been dealing with inefficient or non-working air conditioning for months. Now, because of a heat ...