Banthi Tour

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Peter S

Banthi Tour - All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

banthi tour chiang mai

J ournée verte dans les rizières avec Mr Pee

banthi tour chiang mai

Vertes rizières (vous planterez du riz !)

Buffles d'eau

Tissage de coton

Elevage de criquets

Culture de champignons

Buffet thaï chez Mr Pee (maison traditionnelle)

Journée idéale en famille


Un tourisme équitable et solidaire

Ce programme en immersion s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un Tourisme Communautaire, directement géré par la communauté locale du village rural de Banthi, qui bénéficie ainsi de ses retombées économiques. Le but de Khun Pee est de préserver autant que faire se peut le mode de vie traditionnel thaïlandais. Un tourisme vert des plus utiles.

Cette forme de tourisme, que nous promouvons, permet de découvrir la vie quotidienne des habitants, leur cultures traditionnelles et leur patrimoine naturel.

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banthi tour chiang mai

PS : contact privilégié de Mr Pee, nous sommes l'auteur de cette présentation en français (reprise par d'autres agences peu scrupuleuses).

Licence TAT 23/02020

banthi tour chiang mai

Voilà une occasion unique d'entrer en contact avec les habitants de la campagne de Lamphun, non loin de Chiang Mai. Ceci grâce à Mister Pee, qui vous fera découvrir son bucolique village, Banthi. Une journée agreste riche en activités, adaptées aux familles, qui plaira aux jeunes et aux moins jeunes. Une invitation à la vie quotidienne réelle des Thaïlandais du Nord, au coeur du Lanna, en dehors  des zones touristiques.

Pendant cette journée exceptionnelle vous allez vivre comme les locaux ! Vous êtes prêts à partager cette expérience avec eux ? On vous dévoile le programme : Mister Pee vient vous chercher à l'hôtel pour vous emmener dans la campagne alentours (de juillet à novembre, vous admirerez moult rizières). Premier arrêt dans une ferme de criquets et de grenouilles, que les Thaïlandais adorent manger. Puis vous côtoierez des buffles d'eau, animaux emblématiques des campagnes asiatiques. Des tisserands vous accueilleront ensuite dans leur village où vous pourrez vous adonner au tissage traditionnel. Arrêt prolongé dans une maison typique thaïlandaise, en bois. C'est la maison de Mister Pee où vous dégusterez un succulent buffet de spécialités locales. Après une petite sieste, en route pour admirer l'artisanat (une activité qui permet aux anciens de rester actifs au village en créant des objets en bambou et en écorce de noix de coco). Suivra la visite d'une ferme de champignons. Avant de rentrer à Chiang Mai, vous aurez encore l'occasion de devenir riziculteur : Mister Pee vous apprendra à planter du riz, plus précisément à repiquer le riz, les pieds dans la gadoue !

Vous ne verrez pas le temps passer grâce à la variété des activités proposées. Et reviendrez heureux de votre rencontre avec les autochtones, villageois ravis de partager leur quotidien. Nous v ous garantissons une expérience extraordinaire au contact de la population locale.

Comme dirait Mister Pee : "Si vous ne venez pas, vous ne pourrez pas le savoir !"

Prix par personne : THB 1'600.- (THB 800.- pour les enfants de 5 à 9 ans, gratuit pour les plus jeunes) Fermeture le vendredi (impossible donc de réserver ce jour-là).  ATTENTION : en raison de la sécheresse dont souffre la région, Mr Pee suspend généralement ses activités du mois de mars au mois de juin.

C'est entre 7h30 et 8h que l'on vient vous chercher; retour à l'hôtel vers 17h. Les prix s’entendent tout compris (assurance accident, transfert, visites et déplacements, repas avec fruits de saison et boissons (eau, thé biologique et café; les boissons alcoolisée ne sont pas comprises), les diverses activités et le guide local anglophone; Mister Pee parle même un peu français, inutile donc de prévoir un guide francophone. Il prend lui-même en charge ses hôtes; à défaut, ce sera un membre qualifié de sa communauté qui assumera le rôle de guide. En dessous de 2 participants (nombre minimal), la prestation n’est assurée qu’au sein d’un groupe tiers, quand cela est possible. La plantation du riz se fait toute l'année mais il faut savoir que les rizières disparaissent généralement au début du mois de novembre, où le riz est récolté. Sous réserve de changements dus aux circonstances. Photos non contractuelles.

Des touristes heureux d'avoir participé à cette journée ! 

Vous serez définitivement conquis en lisant le témoignage de Sabine, une blogueuse food  animatrice du site  et auteure de la vidéo ci-contre.

banthi tour chiang mai

Délice Céleste

Banthi Tour : une expérience formidable à Chiang Mai

banthi tour chiang mai

En décembre dernier j’ai rencontré quelqu’un qui m’a rapidement parlé de sa dernière journée à Chiang Mai. Il avait booké le Banthi Tour . Depuis je l’avais en tête mais il m’a fallu presque 1 an pour réserver et enfin passer cette excellente journée au coeur des villages thaïlandais . Et presque 6 mois pour vous publier l’article (prêt, mais pas la vidéo). C’est un tour assez rapide finalement, mais au moins on a pas le temps d’être saoulé par chaque activités. C’est typiquement ce qui aurait pu gâcher la journée pour moi, passer trop de temps à un endroit. Mais non, c’était génial ! Chaque lieu par lequel nous passons reçoit une partie de la recette du jour, ce qui est plutôt bien, pour une journée il faut compter 1500 baht , ce qui fait environ 38€.

On a réservé pour cette journée entre filles par Facebook , Pi (ou Happy Hippie) est un vrai personnage, je rigole encore de ses belles punchlines (en français s’il vous plait !). Bref, Pi est venu nous chercher vers 8h30 en bas de mon appartement puis nous avons pris la direction des montagnes pour rejoindre un petit village à environ 30 minutes.

La ferme aux criquets

Première étape : la ferme aux criquets . Mon dieu ce que ça sent mauvais ! Je ne pensais pas que ça pouvait puer autant. Chaque criquet est rangé dans des box par catégorie (je crois par âge, ou par taille, mais il est probable que les deux soient liés), entre deux criquets vivants dégustés (pas pour nous merci), Pi nous explique qu’ils sont vendus au marché, que les locaux adorent ça. D’ailleurs, si ce n’était pas le cas il n’y aurait surement pas de fermes à criquets.

banthi tour chiang mai

Au même endroit : poissons chats et grenouilles. Pi nous montre aussi une plante, dont je n’ai pas le nom (si vous l’avez, je prends) qui fait des bulles. En fait il faut casser la tige à la limite de la feuille puis souffler pour que des bulles en sortent. C’est assez amusant et finalement pas si facile que ça ! Mr Pi nous explique également que toutes les maisons du coin sont fabriquées en teck car c’est un bois super résistant à l’eau et à tout d’ailleurs. Puis, on trouve beaucoup de teck en Thaïlande, je ne connaissais pas cet arbre et ses feuilles, si on les frottes dans nos mains, donne une sorte d’ancre rouge sang. C’est amusant de tester, Pi nous a fait la blague du « je me suis coupé », plus l’arbre est jeune, plus le rouge sera prononcé.

Le village de tissage

banthi tour chiang mai

Étape 2 : on fait une halte dans un village de tissage , quelques femmes âgées sont là en train de s’activer sur leur métier à tisser pour fabriquer de beaux tissus colorés comme on en voit sur les marchés (bien qu’honnêtement je pense que la moitié des tissus du marché sont industriels). Je pense vraiment qu’elles sont saoulées de voir des gens débarquer et leur tourner autour chaque jour, mais bon, finalement elles ont le sourire ces petites mamies et moi, elles m’ont fait fondre. C’est un dur métier qu’elles pratiquent à la perfections, vous auriez du les voir, c’était sublime !

Le cours de cuisine chez Pi (et la sieste !)

banthi tour chiang mai

Après cette halte, direction la maison de Pi , avec ses chiens, ses poules, son potager et sa maman vraiment trop adorable. Au programme : cours de cuisine. Bon, cours est un grand mot, on va juste cuisiner sous les conseils de Pi , mais il n’y a pas vraiment beaucoup d’explications. 5 plats à cuisiner : une salade de papaye (le plat que je déteste sans doute le plus), un curry rouge ou vert, un pad thai au porc , un plat à base de poulet sauté et de basilic (je ne connais pas exactement son nom en français, mais c’est mon repas favori en Thailande, bien que je le préfère au porc), et pour finir un « fast food thaï » qui est un plat prêt en 3 secondes puisqu’il suffit de faire flamber le wok. Une étape impressionnante que l’on a toute très bien géré ! Je ne savais pas exactement comment se faisait le curry, c’est chose faites et on se rend compte qu’on est bien loin des saveurs Ducros … Comme je vis ici depuis un moment, Pi me donne 3 piments, heureusement j’ai pu allonger avec du lait de coco pour éviter d’avoir la bouche en feu. Finalement, la cuisine thaïlandaise est facile  mais il faut seulement trouver les bons ingredients. Et bon sang… mettre moins d’huile car tout était un peu trop gras ce jour-là (plus que d’habitude).

On déguste donc nos 5 plats, autant vous dire qu’il en reste dans les assiettes, puis direction la maison pour la sieste . Pi nous fait un peu de guitare en chantant qu’il aimerait parler français et aller à Paris avec une française parce qu’elles sont jolies et ont des gros seins (tout ça en français bien sûr). Merci la crise de rire ! Mais je ne vous sors pas toutes ces punchlines, on sait jamais que vous vouliez y faire un tour.

Le petit village : petits vieux et combats de coqs

Après la sieste, Pi nous a emmener dans son village natal où il a ouvert une sorte de coopérative pour les personnes âgées. Il faut savoir qu’en Thaïlande il n’y a pas de retraite, la retraite ce sont les enfants qui la payent et d’ailleurs. Du coup, dans cette petite coopérative, les petits papis et mamies travaillent le bambou et la coque des noix de coco . Pour en faire des jouets et autres afin de les vendre sur le marché. Je suis d’ailleurs repartie avec une tasse en écorce de coco , j’en ferais un petit pot à fleur, pour une jolie succulente ce sera parfait !

banthi tour chiang mai

On ne s’est pas trop attardé et avant de finir la journée en beauté on a fait un dernier stop dans une ferme de combat de coq . Je ne comprends toujours pas ce qui fait vibrer les locaux là-dedans mais bon, on a assisté à un combat. Il parait qu’après le muay thaï c’est le sport national en Thaïlande , d’ailleurs un coq vient entrainé et soigné peut rapporter vraiment beaucoup. Il y a même des lieux exprès où les thaï se réunissent le dimanche pour regarder ça. Pi nous explique qu’en Thaïlande ce n’est pas un combat jusqu’à la mort et que les coq ne sont pas tué ensuite. Ils sont bien traité, lavé avant et après, échauffés, ils ont mêmes de petites protections pour leurs pattes. Je ne suis pas super fan de la pratique, mais je me suis rendue compte que ces animaux sont super intelligents , c’est fou. Oh ! Au même moment l’un des enfants nous a apporté un serpent, ils lui bandent les yeux je ne sais plus trop pour quelle raison et du coup on peut facilement s’en approcher. Pas rassurée j’ai quand même toucher sa peau, du vrai cuir c’est impressionnant.

Les rizières

banthi tour chiang mai

Pour terminer notre journée, on se rend dans les rizières pour la meilleure activité du programme : le plantage de riz . Avec nos sortes de chapeaux mexicains (j’en connais une qui était déçue de ne pas avoir eu de chapeau pointu, mais elle l’a eu dans les rizières de Bali ). Nous voilà donc les pieds dans l’eau, Pi nous explique qu’ il peut y avoir des serpents et des grenouilles mais pas de panique, ils sont inoffensifs… Oui d’accord… Je ne connaissais encore pas ce type de champs, c’est excellent à faire une fois, j’avoue que je plains ces pauvres gens qui font ça tous les jours de toute leur vie. En fait, le riz est planté dans différents bassins , notre mission est d’aller en retirer d’un bassin où les pousses sont les unes sur les autres, pour aller le replanter dans un autre où on doit les écarter un peu. Je pense qu’ensuite le riz repousse autour et ainsi de suite. Je pense que l’activité a duré 20 ou 30 minutes. Un peu moins que n’a duré la séance photos avec les agriculteurs qui étaient bien heureux de voir 4 jolies blanches. Tellement drôle mais un peu gênant.

17h, retour à la maison où notre seul objectif est de prendre une douche. Rapidement et sans trop de détails, j’espère que ça vous donne envie. C’est une bonne activité pour qui passe 1 semaine à Chiang Mai , mais peut-être que pour quelques jours seulement il faut privilégier d’autres choses comme la visite du temple dans la montagne « Suthep » , ou pour les plus sportifs, un treck d’un ou deux jours.

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À ne pas manquer

banthi tour chiang mai

5 bonnes raisons de passer Noël en Thaïlande

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Passer un week-end à Khao Lak au Sud de la Thaïlande

banthi tour chiang mai

Koh Yao Noi : une petite île sans touriste en Thaïlande

Merci Minou ❤️ C’était vraiment une super journée oui 😀

Il est trop beau ce Pi ! Il est rayonnant ! Ton voyage avait vraiment l’air génial, ça donne envie 🙂

Oui il est un véritable rayon de soleil 😀 Mon « voyage » se termine lundi, mais j’aurais encore pleiiiiin de choses à dire !

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Banthi Tour

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Peter S

Banthi Tour - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

Hidden Gem Lover’s Guide to Chiang Mai 

Here's everything you need to know to plan an amazing chiang mai trip.

Chiang Mai is one of our favourite northern cities in Thailand, a hipster haven with a ton of nature and heart and the laidback sister to its more popular counterpart Bangkok. This city was once the heart of the glorious Lanna kingdom, so it’s a treasure trove of cultural wonders waiting to be explored! Here, ancient traditions meet modern creativity and you can sip coffee roasted on a mountainside, and trek through lush forests alongside rescued elephants. It’s the best week-long getaway for all things nature, art, adventure, with just the perfect amount of chill!

Here's everything you need to know to plan an amazing Chiang Mai trip!

How to get to Chiang Mai

Direct Flights: You can fly directly to Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) via international flights from most major cities in Asia, and domestic flights if you’re coming from other parts of Thailand.

How to get to Chiang Mai

Navigating Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai International Airport is a quick 20-30 minute ride to the city center. Transportation is also readily available and affordable! You can easily hail a car or motorbike taxi via Grab to get around quickly. 

Bonus: for larger groups, we suggest booking a Rod Daeng (Red Trucks) via Grab. These iconic red trucks are a must-try here! 

Navigating Chiang Mai

Best time to go

November to February is Chiang Mai's sweet spot. Think cool breezes, sunshine that won't leave you fried, and perfect weather for exploring pagodas, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. January is peak season, so expect more people.

The months between March and May bring hotter temperatures and increased haze levels. It's a good option if you hate crowds, but be prepared to sweat and maybe skip some outdoor activities. We personally prefer visiting in November!

Where to Stay

Old City is the heart of Chiang Mai and a great choice  if you want to immerse yourself  in history and culture, plus it has a ton of affordable options! These are our top 2 fave picks:

Your Space Hotel: One of the most budget-friendly and comfortable stays we found! It even has a pool you can dip in. 

Hidden Garden Hostel: This hostel is known for being gorgeous yet affordable! It’s perfect for backpackers and budget-conscious travelers who still want some comfort. Even their private rooms are affordable and chic.

Nimman area

The trendy Nimman area is all about cafes, swanky shops, and a cool  vibe. 

Boutique Hotel: G Nimman is a great choice  if you’re looking for a stylish and modern stay in the heart of this hip  area. There’s also a very Instagrammable pool to relax in! 

Nimman area

Luxury Escape

If you’re looking to treat yourself to a more luxe and upscale experience, we recommend these! 

137 Pillar House: A historic stunner right by the night market, dripping with old-world charm.

Glamping in Style: Fancy sleeping under the stars? Check out Mt Cloud. It’s a 1 hour ride from the city but that means you can get away from the crowds! Think misty mornings, epic mountain views, and a luxurious bathtub – all in a glamorous tent! 

Luxury Escape

Highlights in Chiang Mai: Ethical wildlife experiences

Chang chill elephant sanctuary.

Say goodbye to dodgy elephant rides. Chiang Mai is home to amazing sanctuaries where you can meet these gentle giants on their terms, and where elephants just get to be elephants! If you're short on time but still want to see elephants in their natural environment, Chang Chill has amazing half-day or full-day programs and it’s located closer to the city. You’ll get to go on a short trek into the forest to find them, learn about their past experiences, see their playful interactions, and contribute to their continued rehabilitation. 

Chang Chill Elephant Sanctuary

Burm & Emily's Elephant Sanctuary

If you have 2 days to spare, we highly recommend visiting BEEs elephant sanctuary for a fully immersive experience. Here, you’ll get to spend quality time observing these gentle giants in their natural habitat on a full-day observation walk and even get involved in their daily care (think mud baths and yummy fruit buffets!). This 2D1N stay allows you to truly bond with these majestic creatures and was one of the highlights of our Chiang Mai trip. For those of you who really love elephants, there's even a 4D3N or a week-long volunteer programme!

Burm & Emily's Elephant Sanctuary

Seeing rehabilitated Gibbons in the wild

Channel your inner Indiana Jones and embark on a thrilling jungle adventure. We're talking lush rainforests, hidden waterfalls, and the chance to see these incredible primates swinging through the tree. Do note that since it’s wildlife, the chances of seeing the gibbons are 50/50! Nevertheless, it's an unforgettable way to connect with nature, and a true testament to successful conservation efforts.

Seeing rehabilitated Gibbons in the wild

Mountain temples

Wat phra that doi suthep.

Chiang Mai boasts stunning mountain ranges dotted with ancient temples and pagodas. Prepare for breathtaking views and a touch of spiritual exploration here! No trip to Chiang Mai is complete without visiting Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, one of the most famous temples with breathtaking views! Doi Suthep has many hikes and trails, but we like taking the less touristed path so we recommend hiking a hidden Doi Suthep trail with Kui ! You get to visit a local coffee village, enjoy an authentic meal and just experience the mountain and Thai village life in a new way. 

Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

Doi Inthanon National Park

If you have more time, head to Thailand's highest peak to see a stunning temple complex amidst clouds. It’s slightly further away than Doi Suthep but totally worth the trip for its unique diverse landscapes, numerous waterfalls, and the cool mountain air. 

Doi Inthanon National Park

Local villages

Mae kampong village.

Nestled amidst rolling hills, Mae Kampong offers a taste of rural life in Thailand. Explore the village's charming streets lined with traditional wooden houses, learn about their innovative sustainable practices like organic farming, and maybe even indulge in some delicious local coffee.

Mae Kampong Village

Hmong Village

If you go on the Doi Suthep hike , this is one of the villages you will get to see on the way. Hmong villages perch at 1400 meters, with stunning mountain views. Immerse yourself in their way of life, crafts, and culture. You can even pick up a handmade souvenir and savor their high-altitude coffee here! 

Cycling adventures

Explore the city with a twilight cycling tour.

Ditch the tuk-tuks and explore the city like a true local on a bicycle! Discover hidden gems, snap pictures at iconic locations like Tha Phae Gate and Warorot Market, and explore beautiful temples such as Wat Chedi Luang. Our favourite part was enjoying our night bazaar food on a hidden rooftop (which you can only find via our experience!) – the vibes were amazing. 

Explore the outdoors with a Sticky Waterfalls Cycling Trip

Combine cycling through the scenic countryside with a refreshing dip at the Bua Tong Sticky Waterfalls. Climb the unique limestone formations, take a refreshing dip in the cool water, and soak up the stunning scenery.

Art & Culture

Artist village bann kang wat.

Calling all art enthusiasts! This hidden gem is a labyrinth of studios and workshops showcasing local creativity. Browse handicrafts, or even take a pottery or batik painting class. It was such a cute and unique village that’s definitely worth a visit! 

Artist Village Bann Kang Wat

Jing Jai Market (only on weekends!)

This rustic haven for local artisans is a feast for the senses. Immerse yourself in the colorful displays of handmade jewelry, silks, and traditional lacquerware. We scored ourselves some gorgeous handmade pottery cups and locally designed clothing! 

Night Markets

No Chiang Mai trip is complete without experiencing the iconic night markets! There are a bunch of night bazaars in Chiang Mai, but our favourites are the Sunday Night Market. This walking street stretches for over a kilometer, offering everything from traditional crafts to trendy clothing and delicious lanna (traditional northern thailand) street food. Be prepared for the crowds, but embrace the vibrant atmosphere – it's a quintessential Chiang Mai experience!

Night Markets

Cafe culture heaven

For the coffee connoisseur.

Head to Akha Ama Coffee, a haven for serious coffee enthusiasts. They source their beans directly from local Akha hill tribes (ethnic groups who live in northern Thailand), ensuring the freshest and most ethically sourced coffee in town. Their knowledgeable baristas will guide you through brewing methods for the perfect cup.

Garden Escape

Craving tranquility? Nestled in a lush oasis, Warm House Cafe offers a serene atmosphere for a relaxing afternoon. Sip fragrant tea or indulge in delicious homemade pastries.

Hidden Gem Cafes

For a truly unique experience, check out WTF Coffee Camp. This hidden gem, located about an hour outside the city, offers an unforgettable escape into nature. While the drive might add a bit of time to your itinerary, trust us, it's totally worth the journey! Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, WTF Coffee Camp boasts a laid-back, rustic atmosphere. Imagine sipping your morning coffee on a cozy hammock overlooking breathtaking mountain vistas. It's the perfect place to unwind and reconnect with nature. 

Hidden Gem Cafes

Flower fields in Mae Rim District

Those dreamy flower fields you see all over Instagram? They're real, and Chiang Mai is home to some of the most stunning displays. However, timing is key!

Best time to go: The best time to witness these vibrant fields is typically between November to January during the cooler season. Our favorites include I love Flower Farm and ​​Kuv Niam Hydenyia for beautiful hydrangeas, and Suan Lung Ron for multi-coloured Margarette and celosia and celosia plumosa flowers. 

Chiang Mai Off-Grid: Chiang Dao

Jungle art camp in chiang dao.

Embrace your inner hipster and prepare for a rustic adventure. If you're looking to truly disconnect, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to stay with local families, trek through lush pine forests, and experience the stunning views of Doi Luang mountain. Be prepared for a true off-grid experience – electricity and internet is weak!

Jungle Art Camp in Chiang Dao

Chiang Dao Hot Springs

Soothe your muscles after a day of exploration at the natural hot springs. Picture steaming pools nestled amidst lush greenery – pure relaxation surrounded by nature's beauty!

Chiang Mai Off-Grid: Chiang Rai

North thailand road trip.

Rent a car or motorbike and embark on an epic adventure! Visit the sky-high temples of Chiang Rai, the vibrant Lampang night market, the fascinating Opium Museum, and even take a short boat trip into Laos.

Chiang Dao and Chiang Rai are more rustic than Chiang Mai. Think fewer fancy cafes, more local charm. Embrace the slower pace!

Renting a vehicle provides the most flexibility for exploring these off-the-beaten-path destinations. 

Suggested Itinerary

Days 1-2: Arrive in Chiang Mai, relax and explore Old City, the Night Markets, artist markets and the hip Nimman area.

Days 2-3: Ethical elephant experience (BEES or Chang Chill). If you head to Chang Chill, spend the next day spotting gibbons in the jungle, or go cycling to the sticky waterfalls

Day 4: Check out the mountain temples - Doi Suthep or Doi Inthanon

Days 5-6: Chiang Dao trip – coffee, hiking, glamping.

Day 7: Return to Chiang Mai, departure

banthi tour chiang mai

Tips and Tricks

Respectful Travel: Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country. Remember to dress modestly when visiting temples, and generally be mindful of local customs.

Hidden Eateries: While the night markets are fun, venture outside these touristy spots to discover incredible local flavors. Khao Soy Maesai has amazing khao soi (a must-try noodle dish!), and Rote Yiam Beef Noodle is a local favorite.

Speakeasy Scene: If you're into craft cocktails, Chiang Mai has some gems. The White Rabbit is a true speakeasy experience, while The Continental offers a fun John Wick theme.

Chiang Mai is special to us because it's a cool mix of lifestyle, very authentic local culture and outdoor adventures. Ready to explore? Let's make it happen!

banthi tour chiang mai

More Field Notes finds

The Secret's Out on Khao Sok...But You Can Still Get There First


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Alpine Golf Resort Chiang Mai

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Alpine Golf Resort

Alpine Golf Resort Chiangmai would like to invite golfers to experience a challenge at the 27-hole international championship golf course.

More Detail

The Sanctuary 9

The Sanctuary 9 –The new 9-hole course extended further for more fun and challenge


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24 / 07 / 21

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BMW GOLF CUP 4 March 2021 at Alpine Golf Resort Chiangmai

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THE BEST GOLF RESORT Asian Tour Award 2014



ADDRESS: P.O. Box 16 San Kamphaeng - Banthi Rd., Chiang Mai, Thaiand 50130

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Let's Venture Out

Detailed Chiang Mai Itinerary for 3, 4 or 5 days [2024]

If you’re wondering how to plan the best Chiang Mai itinerary, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about planning your trip to Chiang Mai from how to get there, the best places to stay, attractions to visit, and more.

Now this isn’t a conventional Chiang Mai itinerary where I only recommend the most popular attractions.

While they are popular for a reason, I strongly believe that the best way to experience a destination is to take some time to venture off the beaten path.

So keep reading to find out how to plan the best Chiang Mai itinerary for 3, 4, or 5 days, including some day trip suggestions.

Wachirathan Waterfall flowing against a steep cliff surrounded by lush vegetation | chiang mai itinerary

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Read more about Chiang Mai:

  • Most beautiful waterfalls in Chiang Mai
  • 8 Chiang Mai night markets worth visiting
  • 5 Best easy hikes in Chiang Mai
  • Should you visit Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai?

Table of Contents

How many days is enough in Chiang Mai?

In my opinion, 3 days in Chiang Mai is the absolute minimum if you want to hit all the major tourist attractions.

But if you can afford to spend more time in Chiang Mai, I would recommend staying 4 days in Chiang Mai or 5 days if you want to do a few day trips.

Below is a suggested Chiang Mai itinerary for up to 5 days:

Day 1 : Temple hopping around Old Town & Chiang Mai Night Market

Day 2 : Doi Inthanon National Park

Day 3 : Doi Suthep Temple & Bua Tong Sticky Waterfall

Day 4 : Monk’s Trail to Wat Pha Lat, Montha Than Waterfall, Huai Kaeo Waterfall & Chiang Mai University Night Market or Nimman

Day 5 : Option 1 – Chiang Rai day trip; Option 2 – Thai cooking class & Wat Phra That Doi Saket; Option 3 – Mon Jam; Option 4 – Lampang day trip

view of chiang mai city from doi suthep temple

Chiang Mai Itinerary Essentials

Where to stay in chiang mai.

If it’s your first visit to Chiang Mai, I highly recommend booking your hotel in the Old Town as most attractions, restaurants, and night markets are within walking distance.

Below are some of the best places to stay:

Luxury : 99 The Heritage Hotel is one of the best places to stay during your Chiang Mai itinerary. Rooms are luxurious, the location is great – right in the middle of the Old Town, plus it has a swimming pool. Check rates here.

Mid-Range : El Barrio Lanna is a great place to stay for those looking for some peace and quiet while still being close to attractions, restaurants, and cafes. Rooms are spacious and have either a twin or double bed. There’s also an outdoor pool. Check rates here.

Budget : Located less than 200 meters from Wat Phra Singh with plenty of restaurants nearby, Sleep Walker Poshtel offers double and family rooms at affordable prices. Check rates here.

Hostel : OYO Le Light House & Hostel is located near the south gate and just a few minutes walk from Chiang Mai Gate Market and Saturday Night Market. The hostel is clean and each bed has a curtain for privacy. They have both mixed and female-only dorms. Check rates here.


How to get to Chiang Mai?

Plane : The best and quickest way to get to Chiang Mai is by plane. Direct flights are available from several parts of Thailand such as Bangkok and Krabi as well as from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Train : Another popular way to get to Chiang Mai is by taking a sleeper train from Bangkok . The total journey takes on average 10-13 hours and tickets cost about 700-1400 baht depending on the cabin class, time of the day, and whether you choose the lower or upper bed.

Bus : Buses are also available and cost about 650 baht. The total journey takes on average 9 hours.


a blue and orange train at chiang mai train station

Getting around Chiang Mai

Walking : If you’re staying in the Old Town, you can easily get around on foot.

Songthaew (Red bus) or Tuk Tuk : For longer distances, you can take a songthaew for about 30 baht per trip depending on the distance covered and your negotiation skills. Tuk tuks are also available but cost slightly more.

Rental car or motorbike : If you want more flexibility, you can rent a car (about 1,000 baht per day) or motorbike (about 250 baht day).

Taxi : The last option is to download a ride-sharing app such as Grab, Bolt, or inDrive. I personally found Bolt to be the cheapest one out of the three.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to plan your Chiang Mai itinerary is from November to February when the weather is cool.

The rainy season happens between June and October while March to May is known as the hot season which sometimes coincides with the burning season.

Note that the burning season may sometimes start in late January or February. If you want to check the current air quality, I recommend using this website .

I personally visited Chiang Mai in May and June and the weather was quite hot (about 35°C) but luckily the burning season was already over. It also rained only once in the evening during the whole 10 days I was there so I was able to do a lot of sightseeing.

Chiang Mai Itinerary Day 1

Temple hopping around old town.

Familiarize yourself with the city by spending your first day exploring the Old Town where you’ll come across some of the best Chiang Mai temples.

The temples are located within walking distance of each other, so you can easily do a self-guided walking tour.

You can click here for an interactive map featuring the best temples to visit. The total walking time should be around an hour.

But if you’d like to learn more about the history of each temple, I recommend this Chiang Mai temple tour with a local guide which includes visits to 3 major temples in the Old Town.

The tour also includes hotel transfers, transportation between each temple, entry fees, water, and a guide. It’s available as a private or small group tour.


a man stainding on the stairs leading to wat lok moli temple | 4 days in chiang mai

Below are some of the best temples to visit in the Old Town:

Wat Lok Moli : A small teakwood temple adorned with intricate carvings. Behind is a chedi ruin reminiscent of the temples in Ayutthaya .

Wat Chiang Man: About a 15-minute walk from Wat Lok Moli is Wat Chiang Mai, famous for its elephant chedi.

Wat Phantao : This is another teakwood temple located right in the middle of the Old Town.

Wat Chedi Luang: This is a must-visit on any Chiang Mai itinerary! It features a huge chedi with elephant statues on each side. The entrance fee is 50 baht.

elephant statues on the side of wat chedi luang chiang mai itinerary

Wat Tung Yu: This hidden gem in Chiang Mai is worth visiting if you’re looking for some peace and quiet within the Old Town. They offer free meditation classes every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday at 9 a.m.

Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan: This is the second most popular temple in the Old Town (after Wat Chedi Luang), famous for its gold-plated chedi. Entrance is free but the main hall costs 40 baht to enter.

Silver Temple (Wat Sri Suphan): One of the most unique temples in all of Thailand, the exterior of the Wat Sri Suphan is adorned with intricate silver carvings illustrating the life of Buddha. The entrance fee is 50 baht.

a silver buddha statue in front of a silver temple in chiang mai thailand

Note : When visiting temples, make sure to cover your shoulders and knees.

Explore the Chiang Mai Night Markets

After a full day of temple hopping, end the first day of your Chiang Mai itinerary at one of the many night markets dotted around the city.

One of the biggest night markets in Chiang Mai is the Sunday Night Market, also known as Tha Phae Walking Street.

The night market is set along the whole length of Rachadamnoen Road, occasionally spilling onto the little side streets.

Here you’ll find hundreds of stalls selling food, clothes, souvenirs, and local handicrafts at affordable prices.

people eating at a night market in chiang mai

The atmosphere is lively and fun albeit a little overwhelming. Despite that, it was the highlight of my Chiang Mai travel itinerary and I really enjoyed walking around and soaking in the vibes.

The Saturday Night Market is also very popular and is set along Wua Lai Road opposite the South Gate.

In case you don’t happen to visit Chiang Mai on a weekend, don’t worry as there are plenty of other markets to explore.

A few of them include Chiang Mai Gate Night Market , Chiang Mai Night Bazaar, Klare Night Market , Pavilion Night Bazaar , Anusarn Market , and Chang Phuak Gate Night Market , all of which are open daily.

Related post: 8 Best night markets to visit in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Itinerary Day 2

Doi inthanon national park.

One of the most beautiful places to visit during your Chiang Mai itinerary is Doi Inthanon National Park. It’s home to the highest mountain in Thailand and features lush forest trails, waterfalls, temples, viewpoints, and hill tribe villages.

Due to the high elevation, it’s one of the coldest regions in Thailand, so pack some warm clothes even if you’re visiting during the hot season.

It’s best to visit as part of an organized tour or by private taxi as it’s located about a 1.5-hour drive from Chiang Mai.

Although you can catch a public songthaew to the park entrance, you would still need a vehicle to get around each attraction as they aren’t within walking distance. This is why it’s best to book a guided tour.


a purple pagoda at doi inthanon national park chiang mai

The most popular place to visit in Doi Inthanon is the King and Queen Pagoda which are set in the middle of a beautiful garden overlooking the mountains.

Other attractions include Sirithan Waterfall , Wachirathan Waterfall , and the highest spot in Thailand where you’ll also see the memorial shrine of King Inthawichayanon.

If you’d like to go on a hike, several hiking trails can be explored such as Pha Dok Siew and Kew Mae Pan . Note that the latter is closed from June 1 st to October 31 st .

For those who aren’t very fit, you can instead visit the Angkha Nature Trail which is a 320-meter-long boardwalk trail that weaves around the forest.

a woman walking toward Wachirathan Waterfall in chiang mai

Entrance to the national park is 300 baht for adults and 150 baht for children.

3 Day Chiang Mai Itinerary

If you have 3 days in Chiang Mai, I recommend visiting Doi Suthep Temple and the Sticky Waterfall on your third day.

I visited as part of a guided tour which included both attractions since the Sticky Waterfall is located about an hour’s drive from the Old Town and taking a private taxi there would be too expensive (unless you’re sharing with a group of people).

I really enjoyed the tour as the guide was very knowledgeable and gave us lots of info about the temple and waterfall. The tour price included hotel transfers, entrance fees, lunch, water, and a local guide.


Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

No Chiang Mai itinerary would be complete without visiting the famous Doi Suthep temple ! Sitting atop Doi Suthep mountain, the temple offers a panoramic view of Chiang Mai.

The temple complex consists of several buildings with a glistening gold chedi in the middle.

You can climb up the 300+ steps flanked by Naga serpents or take a funicular to get to the temple.

Wat Phra That Doi Suthep is open from 6 a.m to 8 p.m and since it’s very popular, I highly recommend visiting early in the morning. Sunset is one of the best times to visit but do expect some crowds.

To get there, you can take a songthaew from the Old Town which should cost around 50-80 baht per person. Otherwise, you can book the guided tour I mentioned earlier .

a woman walking around the golden chedi at wat phra that doi suthep chiang mai

Entrance to the temple costs 30 baht.

Bua Tong Sticky Waterfall

If you’ve booked the combined Doi Suthep Temple and Sticky Waterfall tour , your guide will take you to a local restaurant for lunch on the way to the waterfall.

Bua Tong Waterfall, commonly known as Sticky Waterfall is one of the best waterfalls in Chiang Mai . I had so much fun there and highly recommend you visit as well.

The sticky surface of the rocks makes it easy to climb up and down the waterfalls, plus there are ropes and handrails if you need extra help. Just make sure to avoid stepping on the green algae though as they are slippery.

Also near the waterfall is a sacred spring with crystal-clear blue water but note that swimming isn’t allowed there.

people walking down the sticky waterfall in chiang mai

Bua Tong Waterfall is open daily from 8 a.m to 5 p.m and is free to visit.

Related post: Guide to the best waterfalls in Chiang Mai

4 Day Chiang Mai Itinerary

For those planning to stay 4 days in Chiang Mai, I recommend exploring some of Chiang Mai hidden gems.

Monk’s Trail to Wat Pha Lat

Start the day with a morning hike along the Monk’s Trail to Wat Pha Lat , a small Buddhist temple set in the middle of the forest.

To find the trailhead, type in “Wat Pha Lat Hike (Monk’s trail)” on Google Maps or click here .

The hike takes only about 25-45 minutes depending on your fitness level. The trail is easy to follow but you can also download the app to see the exact hiking route.

Just remember that you need to cover your shoulders and knees when entering the temple grounds.

The temple is very peaceful and quiet and also provides a panoramic view of Chiang Mai city.

If you don’t want to do the hike, you can take a Grab or songthaew and ask to be dropped off directly at Wat Pha Lat.

an ancient temple surrounded by plants at wat pha lat chiang mai

Wat Pha Lat is open daily from 6 a.m to 6 p.m and entrance is free.

Related post: Guide to hiking in Chiang Mai

Montha Than Waterfall

About a 10-minute drive from Wat Pha Lat is Montha Than Waterfall . I recommend taking a Grab to get there as it’s much cheaper than taking a songthaew. You can hike the whole 1.6-km nature trail or simply visit the two waterfalls.

The first waterfall is located just a few meters from the parking lot while the second one is found at the end of a long flight of stairs.

Luckily, the stairs aren’t very steep so it takes only about 5-10 minutes to get there.

water cascading a steep cliff at montha than waterfall 1

The waterfall is open daily from 9 a.m to 4 p.m and the entrance fee is 100 baht plus 20 baht for motorbike parking or 30 baht for car.

Huai Kaeo Waterfall

Next, make your way to Huai Kaeo Waterfall . There are a few restaurants near the entrance if you’re looking for somewhere to have lunch.

Huai Kaeo Waterfall doesn’t require any hiking at all and is a great place to visit for adults and kids alike. If you’d like, you can even hike up to the viewpoint for a panoramic view of the city.

a multi-tier waterfall at huai kaeo waterfall chiang mai

The waterfall is open daily from 8 a.m to 4.30 pm and is free to visit.

Chiang Mai University Night Market

Finally, head to Chiang Mai University Night Market for dinner since it’s located nearby. You can find lots of cheap clothes here as well as delicious street food and souvenirs.

The market is open daily from 5-11 p.m but some of the stalls open as early as 4 p.m.

If you have more time, you can also check out Nimman. This neighborhood is very popular among expats and is dotted with trendy coffee shops.

One coffee shop I recommend in particular is Fohhide which has a nice view of Doi Suthep and the surroundings. Their menu consists of the usual coffee blends and but they also serve their signature coffee and fruit cocktails!

Nimman is also home to two shopping malls – One Nimman and MAYA. If you’re there on the weekend, you can also shop at the White Market which sells cute handmade clothes and accessories.

If you’re looking for somewhere to eat dinner, you can check out Rincome Night Market which opens daily from 5-10 p.m.

a matcha tea at fohhide cafe in chiang mai thailand

5 Day Chiang Mai Itinerary

Finally, if you have 5 days in Chiang Mai, I’ve listed a few other activities and day trips that you can take from Chiang Mai.

Option 1: Chiang Rai Day Trip

Chiang Rai is a smaller and more laidback city located about 180 km north of Chiang Mai.

Chiang Rai is best known for its eccentric White Temple but there are also other temples in Chiang Rai that are worth visiting like the Blue Temple and Wat Huay Pla Kang as well as the underrated Khun Korn Waterfall , and Chiang Rai Night Bazaar .

If you have more time you can even visit Chiang Saen where the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet.

While I highly recommend spending at least 2 days in Chiang Rai , those short of time can visit Chiang Rai as a day trip from Chiang Mai.

One particular day tour I recommend is this Chiang Rai temple tour which includes visits to Mae Khachan Hot Spring, White Temple, Blue Temple, and the Black House Museum. The tour is affordable and includes hotel transfers to and from Chiang Mai, entry fees, and a guide.


a white temple with a small pond in chiang rai

Related post: Top things to do in Chiang Rai in 1 or 2 days

Option 2: Thai Cooking Class & Wat Phra That Doi Saket

Another fun activity to do during your Chiang Mai itinerary is to take a cooking class to learn how to make your favorite Thai dishes.

This authentic Thai cooking class has over 500 near-perfect reviews and includes a local market visit where you’ll be able to buy fresh ingredients.

You’ll then head to the cooking school where you’ll learn how to cook four dishes of your choice from Pad Thai to Tom Yum, Mango Sticky Rice, and more

At the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to eat everything you cooked, plus you’ll get a recipe book so you can make the dishes at home.

Classes are conducted in the morning or evening but if you’d like to make more dishes, you can opt for a full-day class.


a pad thai dish with chicken, eggs and shrimp

If you’ve booked a cooking class in the morning, you can then spend the afternoon at Wat Phra That Doi Saket .

This beautiful temple is located about a 30-minute drive from the Old Town and boasts stunning mountain views.

You can easily get there by taking a yellow songthaew from a small station opposite Chansom Memorial Bridge ( click here for the location ). Tickets cost about 25 baht per person.

Just note that the songthaew will only depart once it’s full. The driver will then drop you off about 50 meters from the temple entrance.

a woman standing on a flight of stairs with mountains in the backdrop at Wat Phra That Doi Saket

To get to the temple, you’ll have to climb up a long flight of stairs but if you don’t want to walk, you can hire a songthaew for a small fee.

Wat Pha Thai Doi Saket is one of the most beautiful temples I’ve seen with several ornate buildings, Buddha statues, and a gold and silver chedi.

If you’re fit enough, you can also climb up another flight of stairs for a panoramic view of the surroundings ( find the exact location of the viewpoint here ).

Option 3: Mon Jam

If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of Chiang Mai city, I highly recommend taking a trip to Mon Jam, a small mountain village with stunning panoramic views.

I actually spent one night there and stayed at Mon Ing Dao Resort . I would recommend avoiding the weekends though as it’s super popular among locals and can thus be crowded and loud at night.

There isn’t much to do in Mon Jam apart from relaxing and taking in the view but if you’re renting a car , you can also visit Mae Sa Waterfall , Plai Fa Strawberry Farm , or take a rollercoaster ride at Pong Yaeng Jungle Coaster & Zipline .

view of mountains and plantation in mon jam thailand

If you’re on a budget, the best way to get to Mon Jam is by taking a shared taxi. I booked mine from Van Station Sankamphaeng Maekampong (about a 15-minute walk from Tha Phae gate) for 150 baht one-way.

I highly recommend booking your taxi at least a few days in advance as seats are limited.

Option 4: Lampang Day Trip

Another fun day trip for those spending 5 days in Chiang Mai is Lampang, located about a 3-hour train ride away.

Trains depart daily from Chiang Mai at 6.30 a.m, 8.50 a.m, 9.30 a.m, and 3.30 p.m (be sure to double-check the timetable at the train station).

Tickets can only be bought on the same day and cost 23 baht for 3 rd class or 50 baht for 2 nd class.

Some of the best things to see in Lampang include Wat Chiang Rai , Wat Si Rongmuang, the Clock Tower, and Wat Kaew Don Tao Suchadaram.

You can also check out Kad Kongta Night Market which is open on Sundays only from 4-9 p.m.  

a white temple with 2 naga serpents in front at wat chiang rai lampang

I hope you found this detailed Chiang Mai itinerary helpful and got some ideas on places to visit during your next trip. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below.

Read more about Thailand:

  • Northern Thailand itinerary for up to 2 weeks
  • Best things to do in Chiang Rai in 1 or 2 days
  • Guide to the best Chiang Rai temples
  • What to do with 4 days in Bangkok?
  • The ultimate Kanchanaburi itinerary

Steph is an outdoor enthusiast who’s always down for adventure. When she's not traveling abroad, you’ll either find her exploring her own backyard or researching her next trip. She writes adventure travel guides featuring waterfalls, mountains, and beaches and shares her tips on how to travel on a budget without compromising on comfort and experience.

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Vivez 1 journée à la campagne à Chiang Mai en français

vivez 1 journée à la campagne à chiang mai en français

Présentation de l'offre

guide francais

Détail de l'offre

Un van viendra vous chercher au centre-ville de Chiang Mai vers 8h00-8h30.

Une fois arrivé au village, vous aurez plusieurs activités:

  • Ferme de grillons
  • Ferme de buffles
  • Visite de la Ferme
  • Mr.P's House pour un déjeuner buffet (cuisine)
  • Temple bouddhiste de la forêt thaïlandaise
  • Champignonnière
  • Planter du riz avec des agriculteurs thaïlandais dans la rizière

Tout ça dans la bonne humeur et en français car le guide sur place parle français et a l'habitude de de recevoir des Français.

Retour à Chiang Mai vers 17h.

C'est vraiment une expérience à vivre pour mieux comprendre et ressentir la vie locale thaïlandaise aux champs.

Adulte: 1.600 THB par personne Enfant: 5-9 ans: 800 THB par personne Gratuit pour les 0 à 4 ans.

Contacter Banthi Tour pour réserver ou plus d'informations

Si cette offre vous intéresse, que ce soit pour réserver ou simplement poser des questions pour avoir des renseignements supplémentaires, envoyez un message via le formulaire ci-dessous. Le programme est donné ici à titre indicatif. Vous êtes invités à bien repréciser les détails du programme ou intinéraire et le prix correspondant exactement à votre situation avec le prestataire final.

french flag permet la mise en relation mais ne vend aucune excursion ou prestation touristique , c'est uniquement un site d'information pas une agence de voyage ou d'excursion. Aucun versement d'argent ne vous sera à aucun moment demandé au nom de

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Asia Highlights TrustPilot rating

7-Day Bangkok and Chiang Mai Highlights Tour

This itinerary is designed for people who would like to discover essential central and northern Thailand.

Embark on a delightful journey starting in Bangkok, where you will visit historical landmarks and bustling markets, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Transition to Chiang Mai for a spiritual expedition atop Doi Suthep Mountain and quality time with elephants, and explore the natural wonders of Doi Inthanon.

This 7-day adventure will leave you with treasured memories of Thailand's rich heritage and breathtaking landscapes.

  • Best for: first-timers
  • Departure date: up to you
  • Sample price: US$1,589 each (2 per room)*
  • Flights: Thailand domestic's is included (international on request)

* The price is based on a private tour of 2 people . The cost for a customized private SE Asia tour from US$200 /person/day

Discover real reviews of Highlights Travel Family 's best-rated service across trusted platforms.

Bangkok and Chiang Mai Highlights Tour Map(Suggested Route)

Tour highlights, have an in-depth exploration of bangkok city and experience its very best., embark on a day adventure to the vibrant markets in and around bangkok., climb up to the sacred doi suthep mountain for wat phra that and its superb panoramic views of chiang mai., spend a pleasant time with amazing elephants at kanta elephant sanctuary., walk through the fantastic doi inthanon national park., itinerary in detail.

  • Arrive in Bangkok, the charming capital city of Thailand.
  • Your guide and driver will greet you at the airport and drive you to the hotel. The rest of the day is at your own arrangements.
  • Visit the magnificent Wat Pho, where the sacred Reclining Buddha is worshipped. A holy ceremony is held here every day, and you will have an opportunity to witness it if you happen to arrive early enough.
  • Explore the imposing Grand Palace.
  • A short long-tailed boat ride will take you to Wat Arun, which towers grandly on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River.
  • Conclude your day by wandering around bustling Chinatown.
  • Rise early and head out to Mahachai Market, the largest seafood market in Thailand.
  • Embark on a local 3-wheeled bicycle trip to Bangkok's first train station where you will board a train to Maeklong Railway Market. Experience the market from a unique perspective: onboard the train! Avoid the crowds and observe the daily routine of locals as the train moves slowly through the market.
  • Proceed to another market highlight — Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. Climb aboard a long-tail boat and navigate through the canals, passing fruit plantations, seasonal produce, flowers, and local residences.
  • After these incredible experiences, your guide will accompany you back to Bangkok.
  • Get up late, have a leisurely breakfast, then take a private transfer to the airport and fly to Chiang Mai.
  • Upon your arrival, your private Chiang Mai guide and driver will welcome you at the airport and then transfer you to your selected hotel in Chiang Mai.
  • Explore the famous Doi Suthep Mountain, which serves as the natural watchtower of Chiang Mai. Stop at Wat Phra That, one of Northern Thailand's most sacred temples, and enjoy a superb panoramic view over Chiang Mai city and the surrounding scenery.
  • Return to Chiang Mai and visit Wat Suan Dok and Wat Arun.
  • In the afternoon, visit the Kanta Elephant Sanctuary to get to know each of its remarkable elephants and gain a special understanding of their daily lives and behaviors.
  • Learn how to make herbal medicine balls, feed the elephants, and then walk with the elephants to the river, where you will have the opportunity to bathe and brush the elephants.
  • Escape the heat and chaos of Chiang Mai with a 1½-hour drive to the refreshing climate of Doi Inthanon National Park.
  • Sitting majestically at a height of 2,565 meters (8,415 feet) above sea level, Doi Inthanon National Park is often referred to as the "Roof of Thailand". It is highly renowned for its numerous waterfalls, scenic hiking trails, remote villages, and picturesque mountain farms.
  • During your day tour, you'll have the chance to visit the summit of the mountain, where you may encounter rare bird species. Enjoy a leisurely nature walk along the Ang Ka Trail, visit a hill tribe village, explore a small Hmong market, admire the scenic beauty of Wachirathan Waterfall, and appreciate the magnificent King and Queen Pagodas.
  • Your joyful tour Bangkok and Chiang Mai tours ends. Your guide and drive will see you off at the airport.
  • Thanks for traveling with Asia Highlights Travel and we hope to help you again soon.

Ideas for Making This Trip Uniquely Yours

Special experiences can be added to brighten a honeymoon trip, a family vacation, a birthday, or satisfy personal interests.

Hand-Picked Hotels

We select hotels with style and local features. Let us know your preferences and we'll find your ideal hotel.

Tour Price:

  • The price is based on a private tour during the low season with 4-star hotel options.
  • The price varies based on program, travel date, number of people.
  • We could also price a tour including both 4-star and 5-star hotels for you.
  • The price for a child younger than 8 is approximately 80% of the adult's price.
  • We accept payments in multiple currencies (GBP, AUD, CAD, EUR...).

Price Includes:

  • Privately-driven air-conditioned vehicle with ample space (except where stated)
  • English-speaking local guide for the sightseeing
  • Attraction tickets and itinerary activities
  • Accommodation for all nights
  • Flights/trains between itinerary cities
  • Hotel breakfasts and itinerary lunches/dinners
  • 24/7 helpline while touring
  • Governmental taxes

Price Excludes:

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  • Overweight luggage more than 20 kg per person
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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China

Banthi Tour

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Peter S

BANTHI TOUR (Lamphun) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

Banthi Tour

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Peter S

BANTHI TOUR (Lamphun) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go


  1. Que faire à Chiang Mai, Thaïlande ? Découverte avec le Banthi Tour

    banthi tour chiang mai

  2. Banthi Tour : une expérience formidable à Chiang Mai

    banthi tour chiang mai

  3. Banthi Tour (Lamphun)

    banthi tour chiang mai

  4. Banthi Tour

    banthi tour chiang mai

  5. 7 Tips For Visiting Chiang Mai, Thailand

    banthi tour chiang mai

  6. Follow these 10 expert designed self-guided walking tours in Chiang Mai

    banthi tour chiang mai


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  2. [🇹🇭4K] Chiang Mai SUNDAY NIGHT MARKET Walking Tour (Part 2)


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  5. UNBELIEVABLE Houses from $40,000

  6. 🏌Alpine Golf Resort Chiangmai 치앙마이 넘버원 골프장 알파인에서 뜨거운 한판이였고요 ㅎㅎ


  1. Banthi Tour

    Banthi tour is sustainable, green tourism. Banthi is also be the name of our village. ... We would definitely recommend this tour to anyone that will be in the Chiang Mai or Lamphun area! Read more. Written February 26, 2020. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on ...

  2. Banthi Tour

    About Banthi Tour Banthi Tour is a small agency that offers to spend a day discovering Thai rural life, its crops, especially rice, its traditions, and its culture.. Banthi is also the name of the village. Their goal is to provide green and sustainable tourism that helps preserve their Thai lifestyle by sharing it with tourists visiting Chiang Mai.

  3. Banthi Tour

    Banthi est également le nom du village. Leur but est d'offrir un toruisme vert et durable qui permette de préserver leur style de vie thaïlandais en le partageant avec les touristes de passage à Chiang Mai. Banthi Tour est détenue et exploitée par une famille locale au profit de toute la communauté.

  4. Banthi Tour (Lamphun): All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

    Banthi Tour, Lamphun: See 81 reviews, articles, and 121 photos of Banthi Tour, ranked No.2 on Tripadvisor among 19 attractions in Lamphun. Skip to main content. ... Caving, and Jungle Tour from Chiang Mai. 31. Walking Tours. from . AU$115.05. per adult. Full Day Tour White Temple Black House and Blue Temple with Lunch. 47. Bus Tours. from . AU ...

  5. A great insight to rural life, work and culture

    Banthi Tour: A great insight to rural life, work and culture - See 89 traveler reviews, 141 candid photos, and great deals for Lamphun, Thailand, at Tripadvisor. ... This is an eco-tour that supports the community of Banthi, Lamphun ... near Chiang Mai. Mr P is friendly, funny and interesting. He speaks multiple languages. We engaged with ...

  6. Chiang Mai: Live Thai rural life for a day

    Thai Forest Buddhist Temple. Mushroom Farm. Planting rice with Thai farmers in the rice field. Return to Chiang Mai at around 5 p.m. It's really an experience to live to better understand and feel the local Thai life in the countryside. Adult: 1,600 THB per person. Child: 5-9 years old: 800 THB per person. Free for 0-4 years old.

  7. Banthi

    Voilà une occasion unique d'entrer en contact avec les habitants de la campagne de Lamphun, non loin de Chiang Mai. Ceci grâce à Mister Pee, qui vous fera découvrir son bucolique village, Banthi. Une journée agreste riche en activités, adaptées aux familles, qui plaira aux jeunes et aux moins jeunes. Une invitation à la vie quotidienne ...

  8. Top 10 Chiang Mai Tours 2024

    Chiang Rai Temples Tour: White Temple, Blue Temple & Black House. Departing from Chiang Mai. Easy refund. Instant confirmation. Book now for today. 4.8 (380) 3K+ booked. US$ 52.85.

  9. Que faire à Chiang Mai, Thaïlande ? Découverte avec le Banthi Tour

    Si vous venez passer quelques jours à Chiang Mai, venez découvrir le Banthi Tour. 1 journée en compagnie de Pi et des habitants locaux.Au programme :- Ferme ...

  10. Banthi Tour : une expérience formidable à Chiang Mai

    En décembre dernier j'ai rencontré quelqu'un qui m'a rapidement parlé de sa dernière journée à Chiang Mai. Il avait booké le Banthi Tour.Depuis je l'avais en tête mais il m'a fallu presque 1 an pour réserver et enfin passer cette excellente journée au coeur des villages thaïlandais.Et presque 6 mois pour vous publier l'article (prêt, mais pas la vidéo).

  11. BANTHAI VILLAGE $38 ($̶6̶0̶)

    Now $38 (Was $̶6̶0̶) on Tripadvisor: Banthai Village, Chiang Mai. See 856 traveler reviews, 827 candid photos, and great deals for Banthai Village, ranked #80 of 507 hotels in Chiang Mai and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Day Tours Hotels near Perception Blind Massage Chiang Mai Hotels near Ethnic Hilltribe Eco Trails ...

  12. Banthi Tour

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  13. 10 Best Chiang Mai Tours: Temples, Treks + Food

    1. Temple Hopping Tours. Chiang Mai's array of stunning, ancient temples is one of the city's key characteristics. Most of the Chiang Mai's temples date back to the Lanna Kingdom (1292-1775) when Chiang Mai was the capital of a large Indian-influenced state.

  14. Seek Sophie

    If you head to Chang Chill, spend the next day spotting gibbons in the jungle, or go cycling to the sticky waterfalls. Day 4: Check out the mountain temples - Doi Suthep or Doi Inthanon. Days 5-6: Chiang Dao trip - coffee, hiking, glamping. Day 7: Return to Chiang Mai, departure.

  15. Chiang Mai Old City & Temples Guided Walking Tour

    US$ 13.89US$ 16.35. Select options. See the impressive and famous Wat Chedi Luang, home to one of the biggest stupas in Chiang Mai. Marvel at the intricate design of Wat Phan Tao. Visit the stunning and lavish Wat Phra Singh, one of the city's finest temples. Pass by the 3 Kings Monument, a shrine named after the three founders of Chiang Mai.

  16. Alpine Golf Resort

    Alpine Golf Resort Chiang Mai ... Asian Tour Award 2014. ASIA TOP 10 BEST GOLF RESORTS 2014. BEST GOLF COURSES IN 206 COUNTRIES 2016 FROM GOLF DIGEST'S RANKING. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 16 San Kamphaeng - Banthi Rd., Chiang Mai, Thaiand 50130. Map & Direction TEL: +66 53 880-888,+66 53 096-256

  17. Detailed Chiang Mai Itinerary for 3, 4 or 5 days [2024]

    But if you can afford to spend more time in Chiang Mai, I would recommend staying 4 days in Chiang Mai or 5 days if you want to do a few day trips. Below is a suggested Chiang Mai itinerary for up to 5 days: Day 1: Temple hopping around Old Town & Chiang Mai Night Market. Day 2: Doi Inthanon National Park. Day 3: Doi Suthep Temple & Bua Tong ...

  18. Ultimate Chiang Mai Itineraries: From 3 Days to 5 Days

    You could see the top highlights in Chiang Mai with a 3-day itinerary, including the temples and elephants. Day 1: Explore a food and flower market + Wat Suan Dok + Doi Suthep. Day 2: One-day elephant experience. Day 3: Departure. Visiting a market in the morning is the best way to learn about Chiang Mai's local lifestyle.

  19. Vivez 1 journée à la campagne à Chiang Mai en français

    Tour nocturne dans Chiang Mai découvrir la Street Food Accompagnement en anglais A Chiang Mai, près d'une des porte des remparts, la Chiang Mai Gate, s'installent chaque soirs les stands de nourriture près du fossé carré de la vieille ville(17h-22h). Allez-y avec un local qui vous expliquera les spécialités et vous aidera à choisir ...

  20. 7-Day Bangkok and Chiang Mai Highlights Tour

    Transition to Chiang Mai for a spiritual expedition atop Doi Suthep Mountain and quality time with elephants, and explore the natural wonders of Doi Inthanon. This 7-day adventure will leave you with treasured memories of Thailand's rich heritage and breathtaking landscapes. Days: 7±.

  21. BANTHI TOUR (Lamphun)

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  22. Bangkok & Chiang Mai Tour

    Offbeat Thailand Tour for INR 36,000 Only with Ocean6 Holidays. Check out detailed itinerary here. Call us for more information.

  23. BANTHI TOUR (Lamphun)

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