• Missiles of the World

3M-14 Kalibr (SS-N-30A)

The 3M14 Kalibr (NATO: SS-N-30A) is a Russian land attack cruise missile (LACM) and improved version of the 3M-14E “Club” LACM. The SS-N-30A has an estimated range of around 1,500 to 2,500 km and has become a mainstay in the Russian Navy’s ground-strike capabilities.

Kalibr (SS-N-30A) at a Glance

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Kalibr Development

Although commonly referred to as the Kalibr cruise missile in media reports, the SS-N-30A is in fact just one part of the larger Kalibr family of Russian sea-launched missiles, which includes the SS-N-27 (Sizzler) anti-ship cruise missile and the 91R anti-submarine missile. All three Kalibr missiles share common Kalibr vertical launch system (VLS) tubes, which are quickly becoming a mainstay of the Russian Navy’s cruise missile launch capabilities. According the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, a “high ranking Russia defense industry official” said of Kalibr system in 2011:

“Russia plans to deploy KALIBR capability on all new design construction nuclear and non-nuclear submarines, corvettes, frigates, and larger surface ships. KALIBR provides even modest platforms, such as corvettes, with significant offensive capability and, with the use of the land attack missile, all platforms have a significant ability to hold distant fixed ground targets at risk using conventional warheads. The proliferation of this capability within the new Russian Navy is profoundly changing its ability to deter, threaten or destroy adversary targets. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability will be retrofitted on those larger Soviet legacy ships and submarines that undergo major overhauls and/or modernization.” 1

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Service History

Export variants.

  • Office of Naval Intelligence, The Russian Navy: A Historic Transition (Office of Naval Intelligence, December 2015): 33, http://www.oni.navy.mil/Portals/12/Intel%20agencies/russia/Russia%202015print.pdf?ver=2015-12-14-082038-923.
  • Christopher P. Cavas, “Is Caspian Sea Fleet a Game-Changer?” Defense News , October 11, 2015, http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/naval/ships/2015/10/11/caspian-sea-russia-navy-missiles-attack-strike-military-naval-syria-frigate-corvette-lcs-littoral-combat-ship/73671188/
  • USNORTHCOM and NORAD Posture Statement: Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces House of Representatives, 114th Cong, 2 (April 14, 2016) (statement by Admiral William E. Gortney, Commander, U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command), http://docs.house.gov/meetings/AS/AS29/20160414/104621/HHRG-114-AS29-Wstate-GortneyB-20160414.pdf
  • Vladimir Isachenkov, “Russia conducts war games involving numerous missile launches,” Associated Press, October 30, 2015, http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2015/10/30/russia-holds-war-games-involving-numerous-missile-launches
  • Janes’s Weapons, Naval 2012-2013 (Janes Information Group, 2012), 15.
  • “Russia Beefs Up Baltic Fleet Amid NATO Tensions: Reports”, Reuters, October 26, 2016, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-defence-baltic-sweden-idUSKCN12Q1HB.
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Russian Navy to upgrade vessels with Kalibr cruise missiles

kalibr pl cruise missiles

MOSCOW — Russia plans to equip several Navy vessels using Kalibr missiles, a weapon with which one naval policy expert predicts the country will more widely arm its fleet.

Russia recently attacked Ukraine using Kalibr cruise missiles, among other projectiles.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu announced Tuesday the future Lada-class submarine Kronstadt, which is under construction, will be able to fire Kalibr cruise missiles . That same day, state-run news agency Tass reported the corvette Steregushchiy will receive a new Kalibr-NK missile system during modernization work at the Kronstadt Marine Plant.

And Mikhail Budnichenko, CEO of the shipyard Sevmash, said earlier this month the nuclear missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov will be armed with Kalibr-NK missiles, following repairs and modernization work.

Submarine construction

The keel laying of the diesel-electric submarine Kronstadt took place in 2005, but construction was suspended. It resumed in 2013 and is ongoing, after which the boat will join the Northern Fleet .

The transfer to the fleet was planned in 2019, but was postponed several times due to noncompliance with Defence Ministry requirements. The fleet will likely take delivery of the boat this year, according to the Russian naval policy expert, who spoke to Defense News on the condition of anonymity for security reasons.

The submarine is expected to have a launcher that can hold 10 Кalibr missiles.

“Thanks to the Kalibr missiles, submarines will be able to hit not only land and sea targets, but also submarines,” the expert said.

Defense industry experts in 2017 estimated the cost of the Lada-class sub at $350 million, but increased the approximation to $700 million in 2018.

Corvette update

The corvette Steregushchiy was produced under the shipbuilding program dubbed Project 20380. It and the other ships made under that effort were equipped with the Uran anti-ship missile system, which consists of two four-container, inclined launchers with an ammunition set of eight Kh-35U missiles.

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A Russian Steregushchiy-class corvette arrives at a Sudanese port on March 18, 2021. (Ibrahim Ishaq/AFP via Getty Images)

Now the lead ship of its class, the Steregushchiy — constructed 17 years ago — is undergoing a midlife update, during which it will receive a universal shipborne firing complex 3S14. That technology will allow the vessel to launch Kalibr missiles and, eventually, hypersonic Zircon missiles.

“The next ships of this class will also receive Kalibr missiles in the course of their modernization,” the naval expert said.

In an interview with a corporate newspaper, the CEO of the Kronstadt Marine Plant, Anatoly Beloev, said modernization of the Project 20380 corvette will not begin until the end of the spring or the beginning of the summer. By that time the plant is required to hand over a large landing ship to the Defence Ministry, which would make room for new projects. The timeline for the modernization work is not yet determined, Beloev said.

Per annual reports from the shipyard Severnaya Verf, which makes corvettes, it appears the cost of such as vessel in 2016 was 17-29 billion roubles (U.S. $224-382 million).

Warship work

The nuclear missile battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov has undergone repairs and modernization since 2013. More than 150 enterprises have participated in the effort.

Last year, the installation of systems and equipment took place. The cruiser is currently at the outfitting quay, and it will begin trials in the spring of 2023, Budnichenko told a corporate magazine.

Delivery to the Navy was postponed several times, and the service is now expected to receive the ships in 2024.

As part of the modernization effort, the ship will carry 10 3S14 launchers, with eight Kalibr-NK cruise missiles in each, instead of 20 heavy supersonic Granit missiles.

In total, there will be 80 attack missiles on the vessel — a record number for the Russian surface fleet, according to the naval expert.

The Kalibr missile family is made up of several variants, including long–range cruise missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes. Russia decided as far back as the 1990s to equip naval platforms with the weapon.

Almost all newly built and most upgraded units receive this system, the naval expert said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Maxim Starchak is a Russia correspondent for Defense News. He previously worked as an editor for the Russian Defence Ministry and as an expert for the NATO Information Office in Moscow. He has covered Russian nuclear and defense issues for the Atlantic Council, the Center for European Policy Analysis, the Royal United Services Institute and more.

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What to know about the long-range cruise missile Russia says it fired

Russian naval forces launched long-range cruise missiles on Tuesday evening from the waters off Sevastopol, a port city in Russia-held Crimea, according to expert analysis of video verified by The Washington Post.

Russia said the 3M-14 Kalibr cruise missile attack destroyed a major Ukrainian arsenal.

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A v ideo filmed by a witness from the Sevastopol waterfront on Tuesday shows at least four projectiles being fired from the water. Geolocation of the video by The Post shows the missiles appear to be traveling northwest, away from the city. As the narrator recites the date and location, the camera pans to show his surroundings.

“We thought it was a plane flying,” the narrator says. “It’s normal that planes fly here. But shooting is something serious.”

Additional video filmed around the same time shows eight flares with long tails that appear to be airborne missiles flying over the Black Sea. Both videos were verified by The Post.

Footage shared by the Russian defense ministry on social media shows large fireballs emanating from a warship where the ministry said Russian forces had fired Kalibr cruise missiles toward military assets in Orzhev, a village outside of the city of Rivne. Rivne is located more than 200 miles west of Kyiv and would be within the range a 3M-14 Kalibr missile could travel if it was fired from Sevastopol.

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The tightly cropped video first shows multiple large explosions in succession above a ship, while someone off camera counts, “First, second, third, fourth.” The video then cuts to a wider view of a sunset where the long tails of the eight missiles are visible. The Post was not able to verify the location of this launch.

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Video reportedly of a Russian Project 21631 Buyan-M small missile ship launching 8 Kalibr-NK cruise missiles from near Sevastopol. https://t.co/GcWqUpoXLh pic.twitter.com/VvU3l5yYCK — Rob Lee (@RALee85) March 22, 2022

“As a result of the strike, a large depot of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, including those received from Western countries, was destroyed,” a statement on the ministry’s Telegram channel said.

U.S. officials said they could not confirm that the weapons had been used. Ukrainian authorities have not confirmed the deployment of the missiles or the destruction of an arsenal near Rivne.

The Post could not independently verify Russia’s claim that a weapons depot had been destroyed.

Ian Williams, deputy director of the missile defense project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said he was nearly positive the videos showed the launch of 3M-14 Kalibr cruise missiles.

“These are Russia’s long-range naval sea-based cruise missiles, similar to the U.S. Tomahawk,” he told The Post in an email. “They use satellite navigation along with some onboard inertial guidance.”

“This was almost certainly launched by the Russian Black Sea Fleet,” Mark Cancian, senior adviser for the international security program at CSIS, said in an email. Kalibr missiles are “at the high end of Russian capabilities,” he added. “Russia uses them to attack the highest priority targets. They seem to be doing more of that in western Ukraine. It may be part of an effort to attack strategic targets, that is, targets that matter in the long war.”

The 3M-14 or SS-N-30A cruise missile , commonly referred to as the Kalibr missile, can be fired from ships or submarines toward land targets. It can travel a maximum range of about 1,550 miles, according to the CSIS Missile Defense Project.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

3M14 Kalibr


20 feet, 4 inches

6 foot person for scale

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Pop-out wings

Control fins

The missiles, designed to penetrate the air defenses of stationary ground targets, fly autonomously and largely horizontally at low altitude, along preprogrammed waypoints. Their route can be updated midcourse via satellite communication. Cruise missiles can be highly accurate compared to ballistic missiles.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Low altitude

flight path,

by satellite

Approximate 1,550 mile range

Not to scale

kalibr pl cruise missiles

3M14T Kalibr

flight path, parallel to

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Low altitude flight path, parallel to ground

Tracks terrain

during flight

Route can be updated through satellites

The standard 3M14T land-attack missile reportedly contains a nearly 1,000-pound high explosive warhead. It is often used to attack storage facilities, command posts, seaports and airports.

Russia stuck barracks in the southern port city of Mykolaiv with a Kalibr missile earlier this month, the New York Times reported , killing at least eight Ukrainian soldiers who had been sleeping there. The region’s governor said at least 19 others were wounded.

A Pentagon official said at a background briefing Wednesday that the United States still assessed that Russia has “the vast majority” of its inventory of surface-to-air missiles and cruise missiles.

Russia first used the SS-N-30A Kalibr missile in Syria in October 2015, when it launched 26 missiles from Russian naval vessels in the Caspian Sea, at forces fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Dan Lamothe contributed to this report.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Photo Credit: Russian MOD / In-depth Analysis of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles

In-depth Analysis of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles

From the russian inventory, an in-depth analysis of 3m series kalibr cruise missiles reveals their remarkable characteristics as advanced, long-range, precision-strike weapons primarily designed for launch from naval platforms, including submarines, surface ships, and coastal defence systems. these missiles have garnered significant attention and acclaim due to their exceptional versatility, unwavering accuracy, and their extensive capability to engage a wide range of targets. operating under the nato reporting names ss-n-27 sizzler and ss-n-30a, this family of russian cruise missiles has been ingeniously developed by the prestigious npo novator design bureau..

Among the well-known variants, the 3M-14 Kalibr-K stands out as it is predominantly utilized by submarines and boasts an estimated range of 2,500 kilometres ( 1,553 miles ). This impressive range empowers the Russian Navy to effectively strike targets located deep inland throughout Central/Western Europe. This family of cruise missiles, similar to the American Tomahawk, first came into service in 1994. The range of subsonic versions is larger than that of supersonic ones. Additionally, some versions incorporate a second propulsion stage that initiates a supersonic sprint in the terminal approach to the target, thereby reducing the time available for the target’s defence systems to react.

The missile possesses the capability to carry either a thermonuclear warhead or an explosive payload weighing up to 500 kilograms ( 1,100 lb ). These missiles are frequently launched in salvos, which involve firing multiple missiles simultaneously. This strategic approach allows for coordinated attacks, significantly increases the likelihood of target destruction, and poses challenges to enemy defences. The 3M series Kalibr missiles employ a combination of guidance systems to ensure accurate targeting. They utilize inertial navigation systems, satellite guidance, and mid-course updates to adjust their trajectory and reach the intended target. Some variants may also incorporate terminal active radar homing or electro-optical seekers to enhance precision during the final stages of flight.

Photo Credit: art station / In-depth Analysis of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles

The Concept Behind the Development of the 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles:

The development of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles began in the late 1990s by the Novator Design Bureau, with the goal of creating versatile and effective naval cruise missiles for the Russian military. These missiles incorporated advanced technologies, such as reduced radar cross-section and low observable characteristics, enhancing their ability to evade enemy defences. Russia plans to deploy KALIBR capability on newly designed submarines, corvettes, frigates, and larger surface ships, providing even modest platforms with significant offensive capability.

With the land attack missile , these platforms can engage distant fixed-ground targets using conventional warheads. Extensive testing and evaluation were conducted to verify the performance and reliability of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles, including land-based and sea-based tests to assess flight characteristics, range, accuracy, and effectiveness against various targets.

Over time, the development efforts resulted in the production of different variants of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles, each optimized for specific launch platforms and mission requirements. These variants included versions for submarines, surface ships, coastal defence systems , and even air-launched variants for deployment on Russian strategic bombers .

An In-Depth Analysis of the Kalibr Cruise Missile Design:

The Kalibr cruise missile design is a state-of-the-art sophisticated system of the latest generation that incorporates various technological advancements to achieve its capabilities.

Airframe and Propulsion: The Kalibr cruise missile features a streamlined airframe designed to minimize drag and increase aerodynamic efficiency. The sleek cylindrical shape reduces radar cross-section . The airframe is typically constructed using composite materials to ensure strength while keeping the overall weight low. The missile is propelled by a multi-stage solid-fuel rocket motor for the 91RE1/RTE2 versions, which provides high thrust and acceleration, and a turbojet engine for the 3M-54/E/TE/E1/TE1, 3M-14/E/TE versions. The propulsion system allows the missile to achieve the required speeds for efficient cruising and manoeuvring during flight.

Guidance and Navigation: The Kalibr cruise missile utilizes an advanced guidance and navigation system to ensure precise targeting. Some variants may incorporate terminal guidance capabilities, such as active radar homing or electro-optical seekers, to enhance accuracy during the final stage of the mission. When approaching the intended target, both the Russian domestic variant ( 3M54T / 3M54K ) and export variants ( 3M54TE / 3M54KE ) are capable of achieving supersonic speeds ( Mach 3.0 ) while maintaining sub-sonic speeds. These missiles also possess exceptional manoeuvrability, executing high-angled defensive manoeuvres that deviate from the typical linear flight path observed in other anti-ship cruise missiles .

To autonomously navigate during flight, the missile relies on an inertial navigation system (INS). This INS employs gyroscopes and accelerometers to accurately measure changes in velocity and direction. Additionally, the missile incorporates terminal active radar homing. Furthermore, satellite-based navigation systems like GLONASS, the Russian global navigation satellite system, are employed for precise positioning and mid-course phase updates. The incredible terminal speed of these missiles poses a significant challenge for modern defence systems attempting to repel them, and their remarkable precision renders them highly lethal against mobile targets such as destroyers.

Versions and Launch Platforms: The missile comprises five modular versions: two for anti-shipping purposes, one for land attack, and two for anti-submarine operations. The design of the missile allows for shared components between surface-launched and submarine-launched variants, although each missile possesses distinct elements, such as the booster. When launched from a surface ship, the missile can utilize a vertical launching system (VLS) and is equipped with a booster featuring thrust vectoring capability. Conversely, when launched from a submarine’s torpedo tube, the missile does not require such an addition but instead employs a conventional booster. As for the air-launched version , it is enclosed within a container that is subsequently released as the missile launches, effectively separating from the container.

The ‘Club-K’ is a Russian container complex of missile weapons that are housed in standard 20- and 40-foot sea containers . This system is specifically designed to engage surface and ground targets effectively. The versatile nature of the complex allows it to be installed on shorelines, vessels of various classes, rail platforms, and trucks. It is essentially a modified version of the Kalibr missile system. In 2010, a variant of the Club-K was introduced, which features a clever disguise as a shipping container.

This containerized variant can be easily placed on trucks, trains, or merchant vessels. The Club-K in a shipping container form was publicly showcased for the first time at the MAKS 2011 air show. By incorporating the launcher system within a standard shipping container, the missiles can be transported and stored discreetly without raising suspicion. This covert capability poses significant challenges for pre-emptive strikes against the launcher, as its true nature and intent remain well-concealed.

Photo Credit: sundries

Naval application: The Kalibr missiles are launched from various Russian submarines, including the Kilo class, Lada class, Amur class, Akula class, Yasen class, and Borei class. Additionally, low displacement platforms equipped with the Kalibr system include the Russian Gremyashchy class, Buyan-M class, the second batch of Steregushchy class corvettes, and the Karakurt class. Russian frigates of the Gepard, Admiral Gorshkov, and Admiral Grigorovich classes are also capable of carrying these missiles. Furthermore, the Indian Talwar class frigate serves as another ship-borne launch platform for the Club missile system. There are indications that a variant for air launch may be developed to arm the Tu-142s , which are currently deployed by the Russian Navy.

Range and Performance: The range of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles varies depending on the specific variant and launch platform. The widely recognized variant, known as the 3M-14/3M-14T, boasts an estimated range of approximately 1,500 to 2,500 kilometres ( 932 to 1,553 miles ). This particular variant finds primary use on surface ships and submarines. On the other hand, the 3M-54 Kalibr and 3M-54E Kalibr variants also referred to as Klub, possess a range of around 220 to 300 kilometres ( 137 to 186 miles ) and are typically deployed for land-attack missions.

According to a state television news broadcast on 11th October 2015, the production of the Kalibr-PL missile, a submarine-specific derivative of the 3M14TE Kalibr-NK, commenced in 2012. This version boasts specifications including a top speed of Mach 3, a range of 4,000 kilometres, and the ability to operate in various environments: air, land, water, and underwater. The missile has a minimum operating height above the terrain of 10 meters, with an average height ranging from 20 to 50 meters ( up to 1000 m ).

It features automatic terrain following and in-flight controllability, allowing it to perform 147 or more manoeuvres in any direction. The design bureau has enhanced the targeting system of the Kalibr cruise missile, enabling it to execute time-sensitive attacks over extended distances from both ships and submarines.

Warhead placement: The 3M series Kalibr missiles are equipped with various types of warheads depending on their intended targets. Anti-ship variants, like the 3M-54E, commonly utilize a high-explosive fragmentation warhead specifically designed to cause substantial damage to surface ships. Land-attack variants, such as the 3M-14, utilize a conventional warhead with an estimated weight of approximately 450 kilograms (992 pounds). Moreover, the 3M-14/3M-14T versions can be equipped with either a thermonuclear or conventional warhead in domestic land-attack variants.

Testing and Evaluation: Since its inception in 1994, the Kalibr cruise missile has undergone extensive testing and evaluation during the development and production phases. The testing process encompasses ground-based trials, flight tests, and live-fire exercises to validate its performance, reliability, and accuracy. The missile’s flight characteristics, range, accuracy, and lethality are assessed under various operational conditions and scenarios. Notably, during the Russian military intervention in the Syrian civil war, the Kalibr missile was utilized to neutralize key targets, providing an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate its overall performance and missile characteristics.

Variant Configurations: Exploring the Different Versions of the 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles

The 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles have various variant configurations that cater to different launch platforms and mission requirements. Let’s explore the different versions of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles in more detail:

Russian variants _

  • 3M54K: The 3M54K is a submarine-launched anti-shipping variant designed specifically for deployment by the Russian Navy. It is widely known and extensively used. The missile has a length of 8.22 meters ( 27.0 feet ) and is equipped with a 200 kg (440 lb) warhead. Its estimated range is between 550 and 660 kilometres ( 340-410 miles ). The 3M54K is a sea-skimmer missile that maintains a final stage flight altitude of 4.6 meters ( 15 feet ) and achieves a supersonic terminal speed of Mach 2.9 ( 3,550 km/h; 2,210 mph ).
  • 3M54T: The 3M54T is an anti-shipping variant deployed by the Russian Navy on surface ships. It is launched using a Vertical Launch System (VLS) and features a thrust vectoring booster. The missile measures 8.9 meters (29 feet) in length. It shares the same warhead weight and performance characteristics as the 3M-54K variant.
  • 3M14K (SS-N-30A): The 3M14K is an inertial guidance land attack variant deployed by the Russian Navy. This submarine-launched weapon has a base length of 6.2 meters (20 feet) and is equipped with a 450-kilogram (990-pound) warhead. With a range of 2,500 kilometres (1,600 miles), it enables the Russian Navy to target locations throughout Central/Western Europe from beyond the GIUK gap. The missile achieves a subsonic terminal speed of Mach 0.8.
  • 3M14T: The 3M14T is the inertial guidance land attack variant deployed by the Russian Navy. It is a surface ship-launched missile with a vertical launching system (VLS) and a thrust vectoring booster. The missile has a basic length of 8.9 meters (29 feet), and its warhead weight and other performance characteristics are identical to those of the 3M14K.
  • Kalibr-M: The Kalibr-M is a new version of the Kalibr missile system that features a larger warhead and an extended range of up to 4,500 kilometres (2,796 miles). Currently, the ship-launched, submarine-launched, air-launched, and land-launched versions of the Kalibr-M are under development.

Open-source illustrative image

Export Variants: The export models are designated under the Club category.

  • 3M-54E: is the submarine-launched anti-shipping variant. It has a basic length of 8.2 m (27 ft) and is equipped with a 200 kg warhead. The range of this variant is 300 km. It operates as a sea skimmer, reaching a supersonic terminal speed of Mach 3.0 and maintaining a flight altitude of 4.6 meters (15 ft) during its final stage.
  • 3M-54E1: is a submarine-launched anti-shipping variant. It has a basic length of 6.2 m (20 ft) and is equipped with a 200 kg (440 lb) warhead. The range of this variant is 300 km (190 mi). It operates as a sea skimmer, with a subsonic terminal speed of Mach 0.8.
  • 3M-14E: is an inertially guided land attack variant launched from a submarine. It has a basic length of 6.2 m (20 ft) and is equipped with a 450 kg (990 lb) warhead. The range of this variant is 300 km (190 mi). It operates at a subsonic terminal speed of Mach 0.8.
  • 3M-54TE: is a surface vessel-launched anti-shipping variant equipped with VLS (Vertical Launch System) and a thrust vectoring booster. Its basic length is 8.9 m. It shares the same warhead weight and performance characteristics as the 3M-54E variant. However, its range is shorter compared to the 3M-54. It operates as a sea skimmer with a supersonic terminal speed and a flight altitude of 15 feet (4.6 m) during its final stage. At that stage, it achieves a speed of Mach 3 and has a range of 220 km (140 mi) at supersonic speed.
  • 3M-54TE1: is a surface ship-launched anti-shipping variant equipped with VLS (Vertical Launch System) and a thrust vectoring booster. It has a basic length of 8.9 m (29 ft), and its warhead weight and other performance characteristics are identical to the 3M-54E1 variant. It operates as a sea skimmer with a subsonic terminal speed of 0.8 Mach.
  • 3M-14TE: is an inertially guided land attack variant. It is launched from a surface ship with VLS (Vertical Launch System) and features a thrust vectoring booster. The basic length of the missile is 8.9 m (29 ft), and its warhead weight and other performance characteristics are identical to the 3M-14E variant. The missile operates at a subsonic terminal speed of 3.0 Mach, with a range of 300 km (190 mi) at supersonic speed.

The land-based anti-ship variant 3M-54E2 and the land-attack variant 3M-14E1 are part of a self-propelled missile system designed for coastal defence. Both missile variants in the system arsenal have a weight of 1,700 kg and are equipped with a 450 kg warhead. They are capable of achieving a flight speed of 240 m/s. According to the manufacturer, NPO Mash, when operating in land-attack mode, the system has a Circular Error Probable ( CEP ) of 50 m in the export version.

Club-A _ ( It is intended to be launched from bombers such as Tu-22M3 , Tu-160 , and Tu-95 )

  • The 3M-54AE is an air-launched anti-ship derivative of the missile. It consists of two phases and achieves supersonic speed at the end. The missile weighs 1950 kilograms and is equipped with a 200-kilogram warhead. It has a range of 300 kilometres.
  • The 3M-14AE is an air-launched land attack variant specifically designed for aerial operations. It operates at a subsonic speed and utilizes INS+satellite guidance for precise targeting. The missile has a length of 6.2 meters and weighs 1400 kilograms. It is equipped with a 450-kilogram warhead and has a range of 300 kilometres.

These variant configurations of the 3M series Kalibr cruise missiles offer adaptability and versatility for various launch platforms and mission scenarios. They provide Russia with the capability to engage a wide range of targets, including both land-based and surface targets, from submarines, surface ships, and potentially strategic bombers. It is worth noting that the Kalibr missile family may include additional versions or upgraded configurations that have been developed or may be developed in the future. These variants reflect the continuous efforts of the Russian military to enhance its cruise missile capabilities and maintain a credible strategic deterrent.

Operational Triumphs of the Kalibr Cruise Missile:

Combat Operations in Syria: The Kalibr cruise missile made its combat debut during the Russian military intervention in Syria from 2015 until 2018. Russian naval vessels, including submarines and surface ships in the Caspian and Mediterranean Seas, launched Kalibr missiles against targets in Syria. The missiles were used to strike various targets, including terrorist infrastructure, command centres, ammunition depots, and militant positions. The Kalibr cruise missiles showcased their precision and long-range capabilities, enabling Russia to effectively strike targets in Syria from significant distances.

Combat Operations in Ukraine: February 2022 – Present (June 2023): Kalibr cruise missiles have been extensively utilized by Russian forces since the commencement of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022. The initial offensive reportedly involved a minimum of 30 cruise missiles, which targeted command and control centres, air bases, and air defence batteries. The missiles were likely launched from the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s corvettes, frigates, and Kilo-class submarines. It is estimated that this resulted in the destruction of approximately 80% of Ukraine’s energy sector as of 2023.

Open-source illustrative image

Technical Specifications Of The Kalibr Cruise Missile :

  • Weight :  the Kalibr cruise missile varies across different variants, ranging from 1,300 kg to 1,780 kg to 2,300 kg
  • Length :  Varies on the variant, from 6.2 m to 8.9 m
  • Diameter :  21 inches
  • Wingspan:  8 ft ( 2.43 m )
  • Warhead :  high explosive (HE) or thermonuclear warhead weighing between 400–500 kg
  • Detonation :  Various impact fuze options
  • Engine :  Missile utilizes a multi-stage solid-fuel rocket booster to achieve the required altitude and speed. Afterwards, a turbojet engine is initiated for variants such as 3M-54/E/TE/E1/TE1 and 3M-14/E/TE. However, the 91RE1/RTE2 versions rely solely on solid-fuel rockets for propulsion
  • Range :  91RE1: 50 km, 3M-54/3M-54T: 660 km (domestic anti-ship version , estimate) 3M-14/3M-14T: 1,500–2,500 km (domestic land-attack version, estimate) 3M-54E (export anti-ship version): 220 km 3M-54E1/3M-14E (export anti-ship version): 300 km Kalibr-M (under development): 4,500 km
  • Flight altitude:   50–150 meter AGL(above ground level) And 20 meter over water
  • Flight ceiling: max 1,000 meters AGL
  • Speed :  Varies on the variant, from 0.8–2.5–3.0 Mach
  • Guidance system :  Inertial guidance plus terminal active radar homing, by GPS
  • Launch Platform:  naval ships, submarines, containers, bombers & TEL( transporter erector launcher)

kalibr pl cruise missiles

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In conclusion, the Kalibr cruise missile is a highly advanced weapon system that has demonstrated remarkable operational success. It incorporates cutting-edge features such as a streamlined airframe, efficient propulsion, advanced guidance systems, and versatile warhead options. The missile can be launched from submarines, surface ships, and potentially strategic bombers, offering operational flexibility in diverse mission scenarios. In addition to Russia, countries such as Algeria, Vietnam, China, Iran, and India also operate this system.

During combat operations in Syria, the Kalibr cruise missile showcased its precision, long-range capabilities, and effectiveness against various targets. Its extended range and stealthy characteristics enhance its ability to engage targets discreetly. With reduced collateral damage, the missile serves as a formidable tool for power projection, deterrence, and precise strikes. The Kalibr cruise missile has become a critical asset in Russia’s naval strike capabilities, underscoring the ongoing advancements in missile technology for modern warfare.

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Russia Developing Upgraded Kalibr Cruise Missile

Photo of Inder Singh Bisht

Russia’s Almaz-Anteya Group is working on developing an “improved version” of the Kalibr cruise missile, CEO Yan Novikov revealed in an interview.

Novikov said they plan to significantly improve the missile’s flight performance and combat effectiveness, making it “significantly superior to the current generation.”

The Kalibr class of missiles comes in ship-launched, submarine-launched, and air-launched versions, ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 kilometers (932 to 1,553 miles). 

Ship-Launched Kalibr-M 

Novikov didn’t specify which missile version they are planning to upgrade nor whether the upgraded missile would come in all three versions. 

Meanwhile, Russia has been developing a ship-launched Kalibr-M with a stated range of more than 4,500 kilometers (2,796 miles) since 2019. 

The Kalibr-M will be significantly larger than current versions with a much larger nuclear and conventional payload of around one ton, TASS revealed, citing a source. 

Deployed in Ukraine

Developed by the Novator design bureau (part of the Almaz-Antey Group), the ship-launched version of the missile became operational in 2012.

The Russian Navy fired the missile during its operation in Syria with “at least 99 munitions against terrorist targets,” state-owned TASS wrote .

More recently, the Russian Navy fired a volley of ship-launched Kalibr munitions inside Ukraine on March 24, destroying the “largest remaining military fuel storage site” near Kyiv, according to the Russian defense ministry.

About a month later, the Russian Navy deployed a submarine for the first time in its invasion of Ukraine, firing a barrage of Kalibrs from the Black Sea at “Ukrainian military targets.”

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Russian Buyan-M class Corvette fired Kalibr missiles Against Ukraine

Eight kalibr cruise missiles were launched by a buyan-m class corvette against a ukrainian arms depot. the video released by the russian mod was the first demonstration of such a strike to the public..

Naval News Staff 28 Mar 2022

By TASS News Agency

Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said seaborne precision missiles hit an arsenal in the settlement of Orzhev 14 kilometers northwest of the city of Rovno. “The strike destroyed a major Ukrainian arsenal with arms and military hardware, also supplied by western countries,” he said.

The Kalibr missiles were reportedly fired by a Buyan-M-class small missile ship of project 21631 in the Black Sea. The footage shows the eight missiles blasting off one after another. The ship thus fired the whole round of missiles, as it carries eight of them.

Editor-in-Chief of the Independent Military Review Dmitry Litovkin said the salvo confirmed that the carriers of Kalibr missiles can simultaneously launch the whole round of munitions and remain in proper order.

“It is an important technical solution, which had to be tested. Can a warship launch 16 missiles? A submarine goes down 50 meters during such a salvo. There was such a possibility and it was tested,” he said. Dmitry Litovkin, Editor-in-Chief of the Independent Military Review

Previously, the Defense Ministry released footage of one, two or three Kalibr launches. Litovkin recalled the Begemot-2 Soviet operation in the Barents Sea in 1990 when a nuclear submarine of the Northern fleet fired 16 ballistic missiles at a time at Kura range in several minutes. It was an unprecedented record for the domestic Navy. Ballistic missiles are much bigger than Kalibr.

Information exchange

Litovkin believes the Kalibr missiles exchanged information in flight. “Artificial intelligence is introduced into arms and hardware. It is possible that one missile sees the target and shares the information with other missiles. If one missile is downed, the rest will know where to fly. It is a netcentric situation in the battlefield,” he said.

“The salvo showed that Kalibr missiles have a real-time information exchange. The cruise missiles are actually robots,” the expert said.

Buyan corvette launching a Kalibr cruise missile

Kalibr S-14 (NATO reporting name SS-N-27 Sizzler) was developed by Novator Design Bureau in Yekaterinburg from Granat S-10 complex. It was for the first time demonstrated to the public in 1993.

Granat was designed as a response to US Tomahawk SLCM and GLCM. The design began in 1976. Granat 3M-10 was developed in 1983 into Alpha 3M-51 cruise missile that had an additional stage for fire from torpedo launchers. In 1993, a mockup of the missile was demonstrated at an arms show in Abu Dhabi and at MAKS-93.

After 1991, the designers focused on Club export option. It could be launched from submarines (Club-S) and warships (Club-N). The first 3M-54 was developed from Alpha and kept the main design. 3M-14 was developed from Granat. The range of the export option comprised 275-300 kilometers.

The Russian Navy uses 3M-54 and 3M-15 missiles for Kalibr-NK complex of surface warships with universal 3S14 launchers and Kalibr-PL for submarine torpedo launchers. The first complex was delivered with the Dagestan small missile ship of project 11661 in 2012. Various sources said its range varied from 1400 to 2600 km.

Kalibr was developed into ground, airborne, seaborne and underwater complexes, as well as an export option. Open sources said it is operated by Russia, India, and China.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

The universal 3S14 launcher promoted the use of Kalibr by the Russian Navy. The vertical launcher was designed by the Special Machine-Building Bureau of Almaz-Antey Company.

It can fire Kalibr, Onyx and BrahMos missiles and is fit for prospective hypersonic Tsirkon, which is to complete acceptance trials in 2022.

The launchers are installed on the new-generation Russian warships with various displacements: frigates of projects 22350 and 11356, corvettes of projects 20385 and 20386, missile ships of project 11661, small missile ships of projects 21631 and 22800. Even patrol ships of project 22160 can carry the launcher. Upgraded cruisers of project 1144, destroyers of project 956 and big antisubmarine warfare ships of project 1155 will be also able to fire Kalibr.

The cruise missile can be also launched by Varshavyanka-class diesel-electric submarines of project 636.3 and Yasen-M-class SSGN of project 885M.

Iran and Russia are planning to hold naval drills in the Caspian Sea, the commander of the Iranian navy said on Sunday, January 6, 2018.

The first combat engagement of the missiles took place in Syria. The Defense Ministry reported 13 engagements of at least 99 missiles.

The first launch was carried out by the Dagestan missile ship of project 11661, the Grad Sviyazhsk, the Uglich and the Veliky Ustyug small missile ships of project 21631 of the Caspian flotilla. They fired 26 Kalibr-NK at 11 terrorist objects in Syria from the Caspian Sea. They destroyed command posts, weapon depots, and camps of terrorists.

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said “the results of the strikes confirmed a high effectiveness of the missiles at major distances of nearly 1500 km.”

The first launch from a submarine took place on December 8, 2015. The Rostov-on-Don diesel-electric submarine of project 636.3 fired four Kalibr-PL from a submerged position at terrorist targets in Raqqa province. They destroyed two command posts. It was the first missile strike at a real adversary in the history of the Russian underwater fleet.

The Admiral Grigorovich frigate of project 11356R of the Black Sea fleet for the first time fired Kalibr missiles on November 15, 2016. She was followed by the Admiral Essen frigate, the Krasnodar, the Veliky Novgorod, and the Kolpino submarines of project 636.3. The latter two submarines delivered strikes from the Eastern Mediterranean and destroyed command posts, communication hubs, arms depots of terrorists southeast of Deir-ez-Zor. The Defense Ministry said seven missiles were fired from a submerged position to a distance of 500-670 km.

On October 5, 2017, the Veliky Novgorod and the Kolpino submarines of the Black Sea fleet fired ten Kalibr missiles and destroyed terrorist command posts, major arms depots and armor near al-Mayadin town.

Kalibr is an ideal non-nuclear strategic deterrence. It can carry both conventional and nuclear warhead. All Russian fleets are armed with Kalibr missiles, which offer a long and flexible outreach.

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3M-54 Kalibr: Is Russia’s Most Advanced Cruise Missile Being Wasted in Ukraine?

The current war between Russia and Ukraine has seen a wide variety of sophistication in the weaponry on both sides. Although the Russians seem to have enjoyed the most success where they concentrate great numbers of such relatively simple but deadly weapons as tanks and artillery, they have also made considerable use of the most technologically advanced items in their arsenal.

These are the 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missile and its various derivatives.   


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History of the Kalibr

The 3M-54 Kalibr was developed by the Novator Design Bureau in 1994 as a counter to the American Tomahawk cruise missile and has been under production in various forms ever since. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization codenames it the SS-N-27 Sizzler.

Kalibrs launched from warships in the Mediterranean Sea were extensively used during the Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War between October 2015 and December 2018.

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The kalibr’s stats.

With a length of 8.9 meters (29 feet) and a diameter of 5.33 meters (17.5 feet), the basic Kalibr is a multistage, solid-fuel turbojet with a modular propulsion system to accommodate five versions: two anti-ship, two anti-submarine and one for land targets. Depending on size, performance and launching platform, the other variants go under such designations as 3M14 Biryuza (“turquoise”), 3M-14T Kalibr-NK and 3M-14K Kalibr-PL. More advanced versions are still under development, to improve “combat efficiency.”   

Existing variants are capable of being fired from warships as small as a corvette, from submarines and from land vehicles. All use vertical launch systems. They reach their targets through a combination of inertial guidance plus terminal active radar homing, although more current variants have been modified to use satellite signals using a DSMAC (digital scene matching area correlator).

Range varies from 220 to 2,500 kilometers (140 to 1,550 miles), depending on whether the second propulsion stage is driving the warhead at a supersonic sprint or cruising along at subsonic speed for greater range.

The missile can carry from 400 to 500 kilograms (880 to 1,100 pounds) of high explosive or a nuclear warhead at Mach 0.8, 2.5 or 3.

The Kalibr in UKraine

After Syria, the next major usage of the Kalibr came on Feb. 24, 2022, when some 30 missiles helped herald the “special operation” in Ukraine. Above the cacophony of guns, the cruise missiles turn up from time to time in incidents that make the international news.  

Between June 25 and 26, 60 to 80 missiles were launched, of which 30 were aimed at Zhytomir, 10 of which were shot down short of their targets by Ukrainian defenses. On July 14, three Kalibrs hit the city center of Vinnytsia, killing about 20 people — three of them children. Ukraine reported that its defenses shot down two more of the missiles. On July 23, Maria Zakharova of the Russian Telegram reported that “Kalibr missiles destroyed military infrastructure in the port of Odesa, with a high-precision strike.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy quickly denied that the Russian strikes had involved any tactical precision. 

The Russian military pays a price for the Kalibr’s capabilities, since each missile costs an average of $6.5 million each. Up for debate amid a war that has entered its sixth month is whether Russia’s most advanced missile is indeed being guided to vital military targets or simply joining the general barrage of roughly aimed ordnance, wasting its primary asset. Each side has its own appraisal, but the truth will ultimately be revealed over the battlefield.  

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kalibr pl cruise missiles

The Russian Navy Kalibr-PL or Kalibr-NK, also known as SS-N-30, is a long-range cruise developed as part of the Kalibr ship borne missile system. This weapon is intended to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy at ranges of up to 2,500 kilometers equipped with a conventional warhead and flying at altitudes of 50 to 150 meters from the ground. It is highly subsonic with a booster in the launch phase. The navigation system seems to be built around the Inertial Navigation System (INS) and satellite guidance (GLONASS). The existence of the Kalibr-NK cruise missile was revealed on October 7, 2015, when Russia launched 26 missiles against 11 targets in Syria from the Caspian Sea traveling 1,500 km. The four ships involved in this operation were three Buyan-M gunboats and a Gepard corvette. Western intelligence was unaware of the existence of the Kalibr-NK missile at that time.

As of early 2022, some reports suggest the missile might have been exported to China.


The Kalibr INF is a ground-based subsonic cruise missile being developed by Russia as the response to the US withdrawal from the INF treaty in February 2019. Russia expects to get the new long-range cruise missile development completed by the end of 2020 with its deployment expected to start in 2021. The new weapon is a derivative of the Kalibr-NK ship-based land attack cruise missile. Its range may exceed the 2,600 kilometers with an estimated 3,000-to-4,000 kilometers range as the most likely figure equipped with a lightweight nuclear warhead. The new missile may be intended to take out large targets at very long-ranges while flying at very low altitudes to avoid detection by ground- and air-based radar systems. The missile is expected to be fired from road mobile platforms.

The Kalibr-M is a modernized version of the Kalibr land attack cruise missile featuring a larger fuselage and an extended range of up to 5,000 kilometers carrying a conventional warhead. The Kalibr-M cruise missile is expected to be delivered to the upgraded Project 949A submarines which each boat carrying 72 such missiles. The missile is expected to join the Russian Navy in the 2022-2025 timeframe.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

Objective controls confirmed the required hit accuracy and flight and technical parameters MOSCOW, April 4.

The Russian Navy received three submarines, two corvettes, two small missile ships, a frigate, a sea minesweeperm, a patrol ship and 33 multi-purpose and raid boats, as well

kalibr pl cruise missiles

An overnight operation added to 50 group strikes conducted throughout the week, the Defense Ministry reported Russia confirms ‘massive barrage’ on targets in Ukraine The

The overhaul and the upgrade of the cruiser proceed as scheduled, Sevmash CEO Mikhail Budnichenko stressed MOSCOW, December 21.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

The nuclear-powered sub fired one missile from a torpedo tube and the other from a launcher, the source specified MOSCOW, November 7.

kalibr pl cruise missiles

During joint state trials, the nuclear-powered submarine Krasnoyarsk will reportedly perform three combat training launches of Kalibr and Oniks missiles from its submerged

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, all under construction and new frigates and corvettes of the Russian Navy will be armed

The submarine will enter service with the Northern Fleet MOSCOW, March 7. /TASS/. The Project 677 Lada second diesel-electric submarine B-586 Kronshtadt will enter service

It is noted that the ship’s air defense will also be strengthened: the Kortik-M surface-to-air missile/artillery system will be replaced by the 9K96 Poliment-Redut shipborne

The sub underwent its previous repairs at the Zvezda Shipyard in 2014 MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/.

The Russian S-500 Prometheus missile defense system has been put into mass production. It will enter the troops within the time frame determined by the state defense order.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the S-300 air defense systems division, which was provided to Ukraine by "one of the European countries.

Photo Gallery

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Russian Caspian Fleet's Tatarstan corvette firing Kalibr-PL cruise missile on October 13, 2017

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Russian Caspian Fleet's Buyan-M gunboat firing Kalibr-PL cruise missile on October 13, 2017

Russian Caspian flotilla Buyan-M Kalibr missile launching systems on June 5, 2017

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Russia deploys Kalibr cruise missile carrier to Black Sea first time in 2023

On 14 January, Russia deployed a Kalibr cruise missile carrier to the Black Sea for the first time since the beginning of January 2023.

Source: the Ukrainian Navy

Quote: "There are 7 enemy ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, including a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles, with a total firing capacity of 8 missiles;

The enemy continues to control sea communications, keeping 2 ships on combat duty in the Sea of Azov".

Updated: Later, Operational Command Pivden (South) clarified that occupiers deployed one more surface- and one underwater missile carrier on combat duty in the Black Sea.

Now, the total firing capacity of Calibers is 20 missiles .

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Moscow Orders Ground-Based Kalibr Cruise Missiles

Jamestown Foundation – Following the formal collapse of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, on February 2, Moscow has ordered the Russian defense industry to create a ground-based version of the Kalibr cruise missile complex. The family of Kalibr sea- and air-launched cruise missiles (SLCM, ALCM), has seen extensive use during Russia’s military operations in Syria, using naval and air platforms against enemy targets (Life.ru, February 7). The future ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM) Kalibr variant will supplement addition to plans to develop a new, longer-range SLCM (see EDM, January 22). These developments are consistent with growing interest in populating Russia’s conventional Armed Forces with high-precision strike systems to boost military capability and add depth and credibility to Moscow’s doctrine of “pre-nuclear” or “non-nuclear” deterrence as well as adjusting to the post-INF strategic environment.

Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu made the announcement concerning the GLCM Kalibr on February 5, in Moscow, during a meeting of the National State Defense Management Center ( Natsionalnyy Tsentr Upravleniya Oboronoy — NTsUO). Shoigu justified this in terms of Washington formally suspending its participation in the INF Treaty on February 2, and its work to develop land-based missiles with ranges in excess of 500 kilometers. In recent years, Moscow and Washington frequently traded accusations of treaty violations by the other party. “During 2019–2020, we need to develop a land-based version of the sea-based Kalibr complex with a long-range cruise missile that has proven itself in Syria,” Shoigu asserted in an NTsUO conference call (Vm.ru, February 5). Shoigu also made clear that President Putin ordered the new Kalibr GLCM as a retaliatory measure against US military initiatives tied to breaching and finally suspending the INF Treaty.

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Russia's Northern Fleet Submarines Fire Cruise Missiles in Barents Sea Exercises

Russia's northern fleet nuclear-powered submarines conducted cruise missile launches as part of an exercise in the barents sea. the severodvinsk and orel submarines successfully fired kalibr and granit missiles at a simulated target. the missile firing area was closed to civilian traffic, ensuring safety and success..

Russia's Northern Fleet Submarines Fire Cruise Missiles in Barents Sea Exercises

(Adds quotes and detail on drills in paragraphs 3-6) June 19 (Reuters) -

Nuclear-powered submarines of Russia's Northern Fleet launched cruise missiles at sea targets as part of exercises in the Barents Sea, Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday, citing the fleet's news service. "The nuclear submarine missile cruisers ... of Northern Fleet carried out practical missile firing at sea targets in the Barents Sea," the TASS news agency reported, citing the statement from fleet.

The Severodvinsk and the Orel nuclear-powered submarines fired Kalibr and Granit cruise missiles a distance of about 170 km (106 miles) at a target simulating a detachment of landing ships of a mock enemy, the Interfax news agency reported. "According to objective control data, the combat exercise was completed successfully," Interfax said, citing the fleet statement. "The missile weapons used have once again confirmed their inherent characteristics and high reliability."

The missile firing area was closed in advance to civilian shipping and aviation flights. The Barents Sea in the Arctic Ocean is located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia and is divided between Norwegian and Russian territorial waters.

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Russia's northern fleet conducts nuclear submarine missile exercises.

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Fact Check: Does Video Show Russia Firing Missiles Off Coast of Florida?

T he appearance of Russian warships in Cuban waters, only 100 miles south of Florida, has been watched closely by the United States and Canada, as the frigate Admiral Gorshkov and nuclear-powered submarine Kazan entered Havana Bay last week.

The flotilla, due to depart the Cuban capital today, was armed with Zircon hypersonic missiles and Kalibr cruise missiles, according to Russia, although Cuba said the vessels were not carrying nuclear weapons.

Cuba 's Foreign Ministry said the port call was a reflection of the country's "historically friendly relations" with Moscow, and that it would greet the Russian flagship with a 21-cannon salute.

Following their arrival, a series of social media posts claimed that Russian vessels had been seen firing missiles off the coast of Florida.

A post on X , formerly Twitter, by user @SprinterFamily, viewed 144,000 times, said: "Russia is conducting naval exercises using nuclear submarines just 150 km off the coast of Florida, US UPD- illustrative video."

The post included a series of clips showing what appeared to be missiles being fired from submarines and other naval positions. The video included the watermark "Russian Ministry of Defense."

T he same footage was used in similar other social media posts that also claimed it showed missiles being fired. A post by commentator Dominic Michael Tripi, posted on June 12, 2024, also shared the video, commenting: "Russia just conducted major military exercises only 66 miles off the coast of Florida."

However, the videos shared on X were not filmed off the coast of Florida. A reverse image search of the keyframes shows the footage was taken from a nuclear weapons test in 2018 in the White Sea, some 5,560 miles away from Cuba.

A report by The Maritime Executive from May 2018 said the nuclear-powered submarine Yuri Dologorukiy test-fired four intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), the first-ever firing from a Borei-class submarine.

A video accompanying the article includes the same footage used in the social media posts.

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, the submarine-launched a Bulava missile. Launched from Bore-class submarines and designed to carry a nuclear warhead, it is a core component of Russia's future strategic nuclear force.

The Moscow Times reported at the time that the missiles were capable of delivering 10 warheads over a range of 8,000 kilometers (4,900 miles).

Crucially, the video has nothing to do with the stationing of Russian ships near Havana. U.S. officials previously told Newsweek that the flotilla posed no threat, although they expected further military exercises in the Caribbean, possibly with Venezuela.

The video shared on social media is not of ships conducting missile test strikes off the coast of Florida.

The footage, filmed in 2018, recorded Russian submarine-launched ICBM missile tests in the White Sea.

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The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, left, and the class frigate Admiral Gorshkov, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba, arrive at the port of Havana on June 12. Cuba’s Foreign Ministry said the vessels would not be carrying nuclear weapons and will dock in the Cuban capital from June 12-17.

Kalibr and Kh-101 Cruise Missiles: What Are They and How Have They Proven Effective in Ukraine?

The Grad Sviyazhsk corvette shoots the Kalibr missile during the final stage of summer exercises of the Caspian Flotilla's battle groups. File photo - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 28.09.2023

“We want an analogue of the Russian Kalibr and Kh-101s,” a source in Ukraine’s General Staff told British business media this week.

What is the Kalibr Cruise Missile?

Russia began producing the Kalibr in the mid-1990s, with engineers developing over a dozen domestic and export variants through past two-and-a-half decades. The Kalibr’s first operational deployment occurred in 2015, when missiles were used to target terrorist militias in Syria, launching from small Russian Navy corvettes in the Caspian Sea, as well as heavy frigate warships and submarines in the Mediterranean.

 Iskander short-range ballistic missile system is used during the Russian military operation in Ukraine - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.09.2023

What is the NATO Equivalent of the Kalibr?

“The Tomahawks have a more or less stable flight speed, while if we’re talking about the Kalibr, they can modify flight speed across a fairly broad range,” Knutov told Sputnik, adding that the Kalibr’s unique bell curve-style maneuver during the final stage of flight can make the missile “practically impervious to enemy air defenses.”

“These missiles are not very vulnerable to Ukraine’s air and missile defense systems. That’s the most important thing,” Knutov stressed, pointing out that the Kalibr is “constantly undergoing modifications,” with a new variant with a one-ton warhead and improved accuracy and speed characteristics in the works.

What is the Kh-101 Missile, and Does It Have a NATO Analogue?

A Tu-95MS bomber launches a Kh-101 cruise missile at the ISIS facilities (Islamic State, an international terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 27.09.2023

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  1. 3M-14 Kalibr (SS-N-30A)

    The 3M14 Kalibr (NATO: SS-N-30A) is a Russian land attack cruise missile (LACM) and improved version of the 3M-14E "Club" LACM. The SS-N-30A has an estimated range of around 1,500 to 2,500 km and has become a mainstay in the Russian Navy's ground-strike capabilities. Kalibr Development Although commonly referred to as the Kalibr cruise missile...

  2. Kalibr (missile family)

    The Novator Kalibr (Калибр, caliber ), also referred to as 3M54-1 Kalibr, 3M14 Biryuza (Бирюза, turquoise ), ( NATO reporting name SS-N-27 Sizzler and SS-N-30A) is a family of Russian cruise missiles developed by NPO Novator ( OKB-8 ). It first saw service in 1994. There are ship-launched, submarine-launched and air-launched ...

  3. Russian Navy to upgrade vessels with Kalibr cruise missiles

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  4. What to know about Russia's Kalibr cruise missiles fired in Ukraine

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  5. In-depth Analysis of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles

    1 From the Russian inventory, an In-depth Analysis of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise Missiles reveals their remarkable characteristics as advanced, long-range, precision-strike weapons primarily designed for launch from naval platforms, including submarines, surface ships, and coastal defence systems. These missiles have garnered significant attention and acclaim due to their exceptional versatility ...

  6. Russian Sea-Based Kalibr Cruise Missiles Part of New Round of Strikes

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  7. Russia Developing Upgraded Kalibr Cruise Missile

    The Kalibr class of missiles comes in ship-launched, submarine-launched, and air-launched versions, ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 kilometers (932 to 1,553 miles). Ship-Launched Kalibr-M Novikov didn't specify which missile version they are planning to upgrade nor whether the upgraded missile would come in all three versions.

  8. 3M-14 Kalibr (SS-N-30A)

    Kalibr-PL (sub-surface ships) - Kilo, Lada, Akula, Yasen, ... Russia's Kalibr cruise missiles are believed to be the land-attack version the Klub family cruise missiles, yet, not much is currently known about these variations. The 3M-14T Kalibr-NK is a land-attack cruise missile carried by Russia's surface vessels. Reports put its max ...

  9. Russian Buyan-M class Corvette fired Kalibr missiles Against Ukraine

    Eight Kalibr cruise missiles were launched by a Buyan-M class Corvette against a Ukrainian arms depot. The video released by the Russian MoD was the first demonstration of such a strike to the public. ... Russian Navy uses 3M-54 and 3M-15 missiles for Kalibr-NK complex of surface warships with universal 3S14 launchers and Kalibr-PL for ...

  10. 3M-54 Kalibr: Is Russia's Most Advanced Cruise Missile ...

    The 3M-54 Kalibr was developed in 1994 as a counter to the Tomahawk cruise missile and has been under production in various forms ever since. ... These are the 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missile and its various derivatives. ... 3M-14T Kalibr-NK and 3M-14K Kalibr-PL. More advanced versions are still under development, to improve "combat efficiency."

  11. Kalibr Cruise Missiles: How Does Ukraine Cope with Them?

    The Kalibr is a Russian sea-launched strategic cruise missile with a maximum range of 2,600 kilometers (1,616 miles), which covers all of Ukraine. Missiles of this type are also used in the ground-based Iskander-K complexes, but their range is shorter - 500-2,350 kilometers (311-1,460 miles). The Iskander-K complex can be armed with two types ...

  12. Moscow's new multi-purpose cruise missile submarine starts sea trials

    The Yasen-M class can carry Kalibr cruise missiles. It will also be able to carry the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missiles. A Tsirkon was first time tested from the Yasen-class submarine Severodvinsk in October 2021, from a submerged position at a depth of 40 meters.

  13. Kalibr-PL

    The Russian Navy Kalibr-PL or Kalibr-NK, also known as SS-N-30, is a long-range cruise developed as part of the Kalibr ship borne missile system. This weapon is intended to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy at ranges of up to 2,500 kilometers equipped with a conventional warhead and flying at altitudes of 50 to 150 meters from the ground.

  14. MILITARY: Russia's new cruise missiles infographic

    The Russian Navy Kalibr-PL or Kalibr-NK, also known as SS-N-30, is a long-range cruise developed as part of the Kalibr ship-borne missile system. This weapon is intended to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy at ranges of up to 2,500 kilometres, equipped with a conventional warhead and flying at altitudes of 50 to 150 metres from the ground.

  15. Russian missile carriers in Black and Azov Seas: Navy reveals salvo

    This morning, June 19, four Russian ships equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles were detected in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, according to the Ukrainian Navy. The military clarified that the ...

  16. Russia deploys Kalibr cruise missile carrier to Black Sea first ...

    On 14 January, Russia deployed a Kalibr cruise missile carrier to the Black Sea for the first time since the beginning of January 2023. Source: the Ukrainian Navy Quote: "There are 7 enemy ships ...

  17. Kalibr (missile family)

    The Novator Kalibr (Калибр, caliber), also referred to as 3M54-1 Kalibr, 3M14 Biryuza (Бирюза, turquoise), (NATO reporting name SS-N-27 Sizzler and SS-N-30A) is a family of Russian cruise missiles developed by NPO Novator ().It first saw service in 1994. There are ship-launched, submarine-launched and air-launched versions of the missile, and variants for anti-ship, anti-submarine ...

  18. RF takes 4 Kalibr missile carriers to Black and Azov Seas

    As of 06:00 a.m. on Friday, June 21, russia keeps 1 ship on combat duty in the Black Sea, which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles, and 8 ships in the Sea of Azov, including 3 missile carriers. This was announced by the command of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Telegram channel, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

  19. Russia deploys 4 missile-carrying ships to Black and Azov Seas ...

    This morning, June 18, four carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles were detected in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, as Russia deployed them on combat duty, citing the Naval Forces of the Armed ...

  20. Moscow Orders Ground-Based Kalibr Cruise Missiles

    April 12th, 2022 U.S. Missile Defense - An Overview of Past, Current, and Future Roles and Responsibilities April 12th, 2022: Press Release Virtual CRT: U.S. Missile Defense - An Overview of Past, Current, and Future Roles and Responsibilities

  21. Dominating the Seas: The Naval Supremacy of 3M Series Kalibr Cruise

    According to a state television news broadcast on 11th October 2015, the production of the Kalibr-PL missile, a submarine-specific derivative of the 3M14TE Kalibr-NK, commenced in 2012.

  22. Navy explains why russia began to use less Kalibr missiles

    As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, as of the morning of June 15, there was 1 enemy ship in the Black Sea, which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles, and 8 ships in the Sea of Azov, including 3 missile carriers. Meanwhile, there are three cruise missile submarines in the Black and Azov seas.

  23. Ukraine Soldier Shot Down Russia Cruise Missile With Machine Gun

    The Air Force of Ukraine claims that one of its soldiers downed a Russian missile using just a machine gun. The feat took place during a massive Russian aerial bombardment on June 12, it said ...

  24. Russia's Northern Fleet Submarines Fire Cruise Missiles ...

    The Severodvinsk and the Orel nuclear-powered submarines fired Kalibr and Granit cruise missiles a distance of about 170 km (106 miles) at a target simulating a detachment of landing ships of a mock enemy, the Interfax news agency reported. "According to objective control data, the combat exercise was completed successfully," Interfax said ...

  25. Fact Check: Does Video Show Russia Firing Missiles Off Coast of ...

    The flotilla, due to depart the Cuban capital today, was armed with Zircon hypersonic missiles and Kalibr cruise missiles, according to Russia, although Cuba said the vessels were not carrying ...

  26. Satellite Images Show Black Sea Fleet Running Away From Crimea

    Armed with exploding naval drones and long-range missiles, Ukraine has managed to push Russia's Black Sea Fleet away from its long-held headquarters in the occupied Crimean Peninsula to other ...

  27. Russia no longer using Kalibrs as independent weapon

    As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the russian federation has increased the number of missile carriers in the Black and Azov seas. 4 ships with Kalibrs are on duty.. Also yesterday, as of the morning of June 19, the aggressor country russia kept 2 ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, 1 of which was a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles, and 8 ships in the Sea of Azov, including 2 ...

  28. Russia's 3M14 Kalibr: What to know about Putin's weapon against Ukraine

    3M-54 Kalibr cruise missile DefenseNigeria/ Twitter On Friday, Russian forces closed in on Kyiv , Ukraine's capital of 3 million people, firing missiles onto the city and causing many casualties ...

  29. Kalibr and Kh-101 Cruise Missiles: What Are They and How Have They

    The Kalibr's development began in the 1980s, when the Soviet military tasked Sverdlovsk-based Novator Design Bureau (now part of Almaz-Antey) with the creation of a new, non-nuclear version of the KS-122 strategic cruise missile; development work on the new missile, featuring supersonic boost capability in the final stage of flight, was completed in 1990.

  30. Russian Warship Near Cuba Can Carry Putin's Prized Hypersonic Missiles

    It is currently unclear if the frigate is carrying the missiles, as it also carries Kalibr cruise missiles. Related stories The Zircon, sometimes spelled Tsirkon, was ... Polska PL; Jump to.