How to Start a Wellness Retreat Business: Retreat Planning Guide

Have you been considering starting a wellness retreat business for a while? There is no better time to do so than now. As consumers are reframing their mindset around wellbeing and are considering self-care as more of a necessity rather than an indulgence, wellness retreats are on the rise .

If you have the skills, ideas, and inspiration to kick-start your business journey but are unsure what the right pathway is, then this guide is for you. In just a few chapters, we will walk you through the key components of planning a wellness retreat. From figuring out your goal to developing your marketing strategy, we will help you set a clear plan and put your mind at ease so that the whole process feels like a retreat to you.

Table of Contents

Understanding the wellness retreat business.

understanding wellness retreat business and researching

The wellness retreat market is currently at its peak, and is projected to keep flourishing in the coming years. According to a  recent market research by Technavio , it is expected to increase by USD 427.46 billion from 2022 to 2027, progressing at a CAGR of 7% during the said period.

This presents you with ample opportunities to position yourself within the wellness tourism market and capitalize on the growing need for wellness practices. In return, you will build a community of like-minded people that feels both like home and a heart-centered business to you

But with the popularity of the wellness retreat industry come certain challenges, such as intensified competition, higher consumer demands, and increasing prices for services and suppliers.

In order to thrive, you need to equip yourself with passion that fuels your growth and business acumen that helps you see the next logical step for your business.

It’s best to start your journey with a thorough market research to understand the challenges and opportunities within the market and how to best position yourself. Find out who your competitors are, which destinations they’re operating in, what type of customers they’re attracting, and how they’re performing on the marketing front.

Once you’ve covered the ground-basis, you will be able to look ahead to growth and the opportunity to build a cherished community.

Before Planning: Defining your retreat’s goal, focus and target audience

research wellness retreat ahead planning

Once you have a better insight into the wellness retreat business, you can start polishing the idea of how you want your personal business to look like.

Wellness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. There are a variety of retreat formats, destinations, and activities you can focus on. In a world where consumers are seeking unique, personalized, and targeted experiences, it’s important to facilitate a customized retreat program that meets your clients’ needs.

Determine your goal

Having a clear goal will help you stay focused and master your ‘niche’, all while ensuring your mission statement and values are communicated with your customers. In 2023, customers value authenticity , and the more your personal signature is evident in your retreat business and branding, the more of your desired customers you’ll attract.

Sit quietly in meditation and imagine your business flourishing. Think about those “5-year-plan” questions specific to goal-setting. Then, write down what the purpose of establishing your wellness retreat business is. Perhaps you want to foster a community within a specific group of people, develop it as an additional facility to your hospitality business, or generate a side income. Consider your involvement in the business (sole trader, co-founder, investor), how much time and money can you invest in it, and what your return of investment expectations are. 

It’s a good idea to write your mission statement, encapsulating your goal, as it will help you with determining your values and the rest of the components of your business.

As an expert in the wellness industry, you may want to think about the questions you get asked the most by your customers. This will help you identify a gap in the market and shape your business goal. You can even run a poll with your social media followers to gauge what your potential clients are interested in and get a clearer idea about your retreat focus.

Which brings us to the next few things to consider at this stage of planning your retreat business:

Define your retreat focus

What is the focus of your retreat business, or your ‘niche’? From yoga and meditation retreats to ‘Wim Hof’ style experiences, there is an array of retreat formats to choose from. The focus of your retreat goes hand-in-hand with your target audience.

Create your user persona profile

Who is your dream consumer? Are you planning on hosting self-discovery solo retreat journeys, dreamy couple retreats, community-centered group retreats, productivity-boosting corporate retreats, or perhaps a combination of all of those? Consider what your consumer’s interests, expectations, demographics, and approach to wellness are and create their user persona profile.

Come up with a unique proposition

What’s your unique proposition? With such a wide array of retreat options available, you need something to make you stand out. You can take any retreat format and elevate it by adding your own signature to the mix. Perhaps you want to pass on the art of sustainability by sharing DIY eco-friendly tips at your eco village fusing a resort experience with practical skills? Or, your retreat is located in the Amazon forest where you have formed connections with a local tribe and are offering a connection with the ancient roots of the land in liaison with the tribal community?

Once you are able to answer those questions, you will have a clearer idea about how you want your retreat business to look like. The more specific you are in terms of determining your goal, focus, and target audience, the easier it will be for you to plan and market your retreat.

Choosing the perfect retreat location

choosing perfect retreat location​

You can decide to host your retreat locally or at another destination abroad. Each has its pros and cons. Organizing your retreat locally means you have greater accessibility and perhaps an already established network of potential clients, suppliers, and specialist support, particularly if you’re already involved in the wellness and hospitality sector. Nevertheless, your local destination might not be able to provide the climate or atmosphere you’re looking for in your desired retreat. That’s when you need to broaden your search for the perfect location.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing your ideal retreat location:

Depending on the type of retreat you want to host, climate is of vital importance. A surf retreat would require more exotic weather conditions that predispose retreat-goers to indulge in energy-boosting activities followed by a peaceful relaxation. Alternatively, a hiking retreat will need to be nestled in a beautiful mountain with lots of hiking trails.


Accessibility for both you and your residents is also important. A remote island would likely necessitate the use of air transport and perhaps a boat, making it more costly and difficult to navigate. Nevertheless, if connecting with a local tribe or providing a ‘survivalist’ type of retreat experience is a part of your unique proposition, then the pros might outweigh the cons. 

Vice versa, if you’re hosting a weekend detox retreat for “busy bees”, you’ll be better positioned to look for a retreat location somewhere that’s easily accessible and preferably close to an airport or a big city yet still off the beaten track.

Think about what kind of travel links the location you’re considering has and whether you need to arrange transport on your own. How would that affect your budget, scheduling times, and team?

Your visitors are coming to your resort to experience the whole package: from the retreat activities to the relaxing atmosphere of a retreat center away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Factoring in the ambience of your retreat location will ensure your visitors feel serene, tranquil, and at peace, devouring every moment of their stay. 

The first thing they will notice upon arrival is the views and the overall ambience, so make sure you choose a retreat location that’s aligned with the atmosphere you want to recreate. A popular retreat destination might look attractive in the photos, but in reality, it can be overpopulated and create an inauthentic experience. Instead, opt for a location that feels true to your brand.

Selecting the ideal retreat venue

selecting the ideal retreat venue​

After you’ve selected your retreat location, it’s time to get set on a venue. Similar to planning a wedding, the retreat venue plays a key role in creating the perfect atmosphere and setting the tone of your retreat center.

Here are a few factors to consider when choosing your retreat venue:

  • Would you like your retreat to have a more luxury or simplistic feel to it ? This will be translated in the overall architecture, the interior design, the choice of materials and decorations of the venue.
  • What facilities does your retreat need to feature in order to meet the needs of your clients and the type of retreat activities you plan to offer?
  • Do you need an outdoor yoga deck or an indoor pool? Perhaps you’d like to have a thermal pool? In that case, is the retreat venue close to a mineral water spring?
  • Do you need a kitchen to prepare fresh, homemade meals or are you going to use catering services?
  • Would you like to install spa facilities to elevate your guests’ experience?
  • A spacious garden can be a nice addition to the serene experience , especially if you put the emphasis on detox foods, local produce, cooking classes, or honing gardening skills.
  • Do you need a special room for gatherings, rituals, or meetings?
  • What views does your retreat have? They will largely impact the ambience. Is it mountain, sea, panoramic, or garden views you’re offering your visitors?

Finding a suitable retreat venue can take time but it’s also fundamental to your retreat’s success, so don’t hesitate to be picky with it!

Creating a retreat program

creating a wellness retreat program​, choosing the right activities

Your retreat program is essentially what will drive people to your establishment. This is the fun part of retreat planning! What will a day at your resort look like?

Prepare a timeline of retreat activities

In order to keep things organized and be professional, it’s a good idea to prepare a timeline of retreat activities that you can hand out to newcomers upon their arrival or include in their welcome package.

People come to your retreat with two agendas: to relax in the beautiful surroundings of your venue and benefit from the activities you offer. That’s why it’s important to find the right balance between downtime and action.

Start your daily plan with wake-up and breakfast time, make sure to include lunch breaks, workshops and other retreat activities, and finish off with dinner or a closing ceremony for the day if you want to incorporate such before visitors head to their retreat accommodation. Write down the details. How long will each one take? Where will they take place? Who will teach them?

If you’re hosting a week-long retreat, for example, you might want to include an off-site day for exploration of a nature resort or another landmark in the area that fits with the tone of your retreat. This will be the perfect in-between break.

Although people come to your retreat to rest from their routine, they also like having a schedule to follow, so that they feel like they’re getting the most out of their experience. The more organized you are and are providing value to your clients, the more likely they are to come back and give you a good rating.

Choose the right specialist support and suppliers

Running a retreat is not a one-man show. You’re building a community for outside visitors, but fostering a community within your business will provide you with a strong basis for growing it.

Finding the right team starts by figuring out what you can do best yourself. If you’re a yoga instructor, you will likely be most involved with teaching the sessions. Perhaps management, marketing, or finance are your strengths? Focus on the area where you can be of most help and hire experts in the other fields to help you facilitate a well-organized and quality retreat experience.

From chefs and catering companies to masseuses and sound bath teachers, make a list of the roles you need to fill, and start searching for the people who fit with your mission. It’s important to look at the legalities of hosting certain activities, as some may require you to hire qualified professionals, such as a skilled hiking guide or a diving instructor.

And while you may be focusing on what you do best or providing overall support to the whole team, remember that people value personal and authentic experience. Having you as the one to spark meaningful conversations with your guests will contribute to a more synchronized experience.

Ensuring retreat profitability

ensuring retreat profitability​

Running a retreat business is not only rewarding in terms of creating a platform for healing, wellbeing, and fostering a positive connection with nature, but it can also be a highly profitable business.

Adopting an abundance mindset

One of the key teachings of spirituality is that there is infinite abundance as long as you’re a vibrational match to it. This applies to business too. There are endless opportunities for growth and profit within the wellness industry, and embracing this approach will help you become more resilient and ride the wave of creativity rather than scarcity.

We might have adopted certain limiting beliefs around money, but guess what – running a healing business and earning money from it can go hand in hand. And just like your visitors come to your retreat with the mindset that “health is wealth”, so should you approach your business too.

Developing a financial plan

Alongside having the right mindset, developing a stable financial plan will ensure retreat profitability. It’s important to factor in your expenses to establish a budget and pricing plan that aligns with your values.

Understand fixed and variable costs

Write down all of your retreat planning and running expenses by considering both fixed and variable costs.

Fixed costs do not depend on the level of goods or services you produce and are often recurring. These include your venue rental, your personal costs, and the bottom line you desire to make from each deal.

Variable costs change as the quality of the goods or services your business produces changes, meaning that you have some control over them. These can include meals of guests, salaries and gratuities for staff, retreat activities, and so on.

Calculate break-even and pricing strategies

When you’re pricing your retreat, you have to think of various scenarios. Sometimes, you might not be able to fill all the spots in your retreat, especially when you’re just starting out.

That’s why you need to set your budget and price based on the ‘worst case scenario’. If you can accommodate 20 people at a time and eight people is the lowest number of participants you can expect, calculate how much you would need to charge per person in order to make a profit at your ‘worst case scenario’. This is your break-even rate and will depend on the type of retreat you’re hosting, but the bottom line is that you’re getting paid for the work you’ve put in and deserve. After that, any other amount of attendees higher than your ‘worst case scenario’ will be an increase to your financial reward.

Compare with your competition

The retreat market is very competitive, and there are a lot of successful and not so successful stories out there. You can learn from those, especially when it comes to your pricing strategy.

Take a look at what your competitors are offering, at what price, and most importantly, what their visitors are saying about the experience.

This will help you perform an honest examination of your business model. Are you offering value for money?

Legal considerations for retreats

legal considerations for wellness retreats business

When starting a wellness retreat business, you want to ensure that you’re following all legal requirements. Each country has its own regulations, so you need to do your research beforehand to avoid paying unnecessary taxes or penalties.

What are the legal requirements for running a retreat

First of all, it’s likely that you will need to register your business and pay tax. Find out which business structure and tax bracket works best for you. This will depend on the number of owners, the size of the business, and how much personal liability you are willing to have. Complying with tax regulations will help you protect your personal assets in case of bankruptcy.

Moreover, you might need to obtain certain licenses or permits to run your retreat business in specific countries. These can include a building permit, healthcare-related permits, or an environmental permit. You may also be required to adhere to certain zoning regulations, such as noise levels, outdoor lighting, or the number of guests you can have.

The importance of insurance

Last but not least, it’s important to get proper insurance that will protect you, your business, and your staff. There are various insurance types that may apply to your business. A General Liability Insurance covers any injuries that may occur at your premises or at your event, and it’s highly advisable to obtain it. A Professional Liability Insurance, or also known as Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O) in the US, will protect you from negligence claims made by a client and the associated costs of giving incorrect advice or forgetting to tell the client something important that caused harm.

Another step you can take to protect your business and aid your insurance company in defending you if needed is having your participants sign legal forms. These forms explicitly say that visitors are assuming the risk of travel and release you from any liability that may arise from their participation in the retreat or your negligence. It’s also advisable to craft Terms & Conditions and privacy policy forms that clearly outline payment, cancellation, and other important aspects.

It’s best to speak with a legal professional to ensure you’re fully legally compliant and your business is well-protected.

Creating a memorable brand experience

creating memorable brand experience​

You have created a solid plan of how you want to realize your wellness retreat business, what your goal is, and who you want to attract to your resort. Now, it’s time to wrap your business idea in a beautiful packaging by giving it a brand identity.

Your branding will help create awareness among the crowd, increase your brand recognition, and make you stand out.

It goes beyond having a nice logo, colors, and fonts. Good branding creates a story around who your brand really is and helps your clients interact with it better. That’s why having a memorable brand name, strong messaging, and a clear tone of voice in line with your values, mission, and the essence of your business is crucial.

Branding will also help you create consistent marketing and advertising content, thus supporting you in spreading the good word about your wellness retreat business and creating an all-round positive brand experience.

Marketing your wellness retreat

marketing your wellness retreat business

Now that you have a clear idea about your retreat, you want to share it with the people who would be interested in joining your experience and start building your community. In order to attract the right kind of people, you need to let your business through the doors of marketing, both online and in-person. Here is how to promote a retreat in the most efficient way.

Establishing your online presence

Nowadays, most of the marketing and advertising is conducted online. We see an Instagram reel about a heavenly retreat in the deep forest, we head to the website of the company, and in a few moments, we’ve booked our sought-after experience in three months. Six months down the line, we receive an email from the same retreat company with an upcoming themed retreat and a 20% discount. Here we are again, jumping on the train to wellness, this time bringing our best friends along on the journey. The cycle repeats.

While there are various sales paths, customers generally follow the same pattern when it comes to making a purchasing decision, especially in the wellness industry. From reading reviews to following influencers to making sure you have some credible information to share in the health & wellness field, they perform a thorough check on you as detectives for the best value for money deal.

Having an established presence across all channels is crucial. It is the presentation of your brand, your voice in the field, and your credibility that will attract new visitors and keep your current ones happy and engaged.

Here are some of the best / most efficient online marketing channels to master for your retreat business:

A wellness retreat website

Your website is your digital business card of today. It’s where you direct potential clients to and the last station before your customers click the “buy” button. That’s why you want it to be as visually-appealing and user-friendly as possible.

You don’t have to use expensive developer services in order to create a quality website. Nowadays, you can use web content management systems such as WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix with pre-made templates to create simple but effective websites. And no one would be able to tell you’re not a professional when it comes to website building!

Your wellness retreat website should contain an about page, a services page, a contact form, preferably a blog, and a gallery that immerses your website visitors into your retreat experience. Clear and enticing images are incredibly important when operating in the experiential business, perhaps just as important as SEO, but about that, at another time. 

Social media

Social media is a great space for fostering your community. Think of it not only as an opportunity to promote your retreat and drive sales but also as a platform to showcase your unique, authentic self. Your visitors want to get to know the real you, the you as a brand they can relate to and share the same values with.

Focus on creating personable content, showing behind-the-scenes footage, and engaging your followers with polls and thought-provoking reels content. Decide which channel your desired customers are primarily using, and focus your efforts there. Most likely, it would be Instagram, as it is centered around heavy imagery and community-building features, but Pinterest, Facebook, and TikTok are good platforms too.

Guest posting

While having a blog on your wellness retreat website is definitely recommended, writing guest blog posts in other publications and platforms will enhance your outreach efforts. You will reach a wider audience, establish meaningful connections with other bloggers, and most importantly, increase the SEO value of your own website through backlinks.

Make a list of the publications and blogs you would like to collaborate with and that align with your business and purpose, and reach out to them to see how you can form a mutually beneficial relationship.

Email Marketing

One should never underestimate the power of email marketing, and you can start building your email list from the get-go. It’s the channel that will likely allow you the most personalization when it comes to your messaging tactics, which is a driving factor. According to McKinsey’s Next in Personalization 2021 Report , 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized communication, and 76% experience frustration when they don’t receive such.

With email marketing, you can address your subscribers by name, offer them custom-tailored offers, and most importantly, target different customer segments depending on which stage of their purchasing journey they are at.

As a start-up, you can significantly benefit from email marketing in terms of building better brand recognition, establishing your reputation, and starting to develop meaningful client relationships and loyalty. In addition to that, it’s one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies that’s great to include in your mix.

Using pay-per-click advertising

While putting efforts into your online presence increases organic search traffic, it can often take about six months or longer to see significant results.

As a new retreat business, you want to start sharing the joy of wellness with your customers as soon as possible. / As a new business, your aim is to start attracting visitors to your website and retreat center as soon as possible. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is a great way to reach new audiences quickly by targeting a specific customer base and keywords, allowing you to tailor your messaging and showcase your unique proposition.

After you’ve set up an account with a PPC provider such as Google PPC, you can adjust your ads and test different messaging and imagery to see what works best and what type of services might create the biggest hype.

Listings on business directories

Another marketing tool you can use to increase your visibility and traffic is business directories. While some of the directories that might have worked in the past no longer have the same leverage, there are certain free business directories that can be worthwhile. 

These include Google My Business, which is linked to Google Maps, Facebook Business Page, Apple Maps, Yell, and various trade bodies. The links you get from them will contribute to a healthy ‘backlink profile’ in line with Google’s standards.

Leveraging personal and business networks

If you’re already in the health & wellness industry, it’s likely that you have an established professional network. From your own customers to business owners you’ve partnered with, these are the people who already trust you and can either be your first clients or recommend you to their own networks.

Make sure you spread the word about your new endeavor and reach out to people who might be interested or willing to recommend you. If you work at a yoga studio, for example, tell your students and business associates about the extension of your practice.

Using testimonials and reviews for credibility

A sure-proof way to increase your credibility in the vast marketing world is through testimonials and reviews. People love having their decision-making process supported by what others have said about your retreat. This increases their trust in you and can easily sway them from considering your retreat to actually booking it.

Make sure you request from your visitors to leave a review after their visit, and soon you will have a portfolio of happy clients worth sharing with your future audiences. You can share the testimonials you receive on your website and social media channels.

Reviews and testimonials can serve as a reflective tool to get an insight into what is working and what isn’t in your business from the perspective of the most important ‘judge’ – your clients.

Being critical about how your retreat is operating and constantly on the lookout for improvement will ensure you’re growing as the industry grows. Be open to feedback and you will see your retreat flourishing.

Running a wellness retreat business is a rewarding and satisfying endeavor. You will meet inspiring people whom you can collaborate with and build a community of like-minded people. With a clear plan, a positive attitude, and a team of people who share your values, you can start your journey into building a mindful business whole-heartedly. Say yes to wellness!

Starting a Retreat Business FAQs

Can you make money from retreats.

Running a wellness retreat business can be very rewarding, especially if you follow the right retreat planning and marketing tactics. The global wellness tourism market size was valued at an estimate of USD 850.55 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach over USD 1,672.6 billion by 2030.

How to plan a retreat program?

A retreat program should be a combination of wellness activities and downtime. Based on the type of retreat you’re hosting, provide relevant activities with professional instructors and facilitators and allow visitors to have some time to relax and enjoy your facilities.

How do I host my own retreat?

In order to host your own retreat, you should set-up a business, find the right retreat location and venue, and come up with an enticing retreat program. With the help of marketing, you can attract the right participants and grow your wellness retreat business.

How many people should be at a retreat?

The size of the retreat venue, the type of your retreat, and the capacity of your team will determine how many people you can host at a time. Group retreats usually feature 8-10 people, while solo retreats might accommodate 5-6 people. Nevertheless, this number may vary.

How long should a retreat last?

Generally, retreats last between two days and week, but you can host longer retreats depending on the type and format of your wellness retreat.

What is a retreat strategy?

A retreat strategy is a clear and actionable plan that takes into consideration your short and long-term goals to outline the process of achieving them. It helps you stay organized and measure your results against certain KPIs.

What should be included in a retreat?

A retreat should include a mix of wellness retreat activities, treatments, food and retreat accommodation, and healthcare advice. The purpose of a wellness retreat is to provide participants with a self-care indulgence and often a life-changing experience that reconnects them with their true nature. Your retreat business should reflect that.

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How To Write A Business Plan For Health and Wellness Tourism

You Searched for – How To Write A Business Plan For Health and Wellness Tourism.

Breakdown of A Health and Wellness Tourism Business Plan

The health and wellness tourism industry is flourishing, and a strong business plan is your roadmap to success. Here’s a breakdown of how to write a business plan for Health and Wellness Tourism.

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1. Executive Summary:

  • Briefly introduce your company and its unique health and wellness tourism offerings.
  • Highlight the specific wellness experiences you curate and your target clientele.
  • Summarize your competitive edge, financial projections, and growth potential.

2. Company Description:

  • Define your company’s mission, vision, and values related to health and wellness tourism.
  • Showcase your team’s expertise in areas like tourism management, wellness practices (yoga, meditation, nutrition), and local knowledge.
  • Outline your legal structure and ownership.

3. Products and Services:

  • Destinations (natural settings, retreats, spas)
  • Activities and treatments (yoga retreats, detox programs, adventure tours)
  • Accommodation options (eco-lodges, luxury wellness resorts)
  • Partnerships with local wellness providers (therapists, nutritionists)
  • Emphasize how your offerings cater to specific wellness goals (stress reduction, weight management, rejuvenation) and create a holistic experience for your clients.

4. Market Analysis:

  • Identify your target market, including demographics (age, income, interests) and psychographics (wellness motivations, travel preferences).
  • Analyze the competitive landscape: existing health and wellness tourism operators, their strengths & weaknesses. Identify market gaps your packages can address.
  • Research current trends in health and wellness tourism (e.g., focus on mindfulness, immersive experiences, sustainable travel).

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy:

  • Define your marketing channels to reach your target audience (travel blogs, social media, partnerships with wellness publications).
  • Develop a sales strategy, including pricing models (package deals, customized itineraries) and distribution channels (online booking platforms, travel agencies).
  • Consider the importance of showcasing the unique experiences and transformative aspects of your health and wellness tours.

6. Management and Operations:

  • Describe your organizational structure, highlighting key personnel with expertise in tourism logistics, wellness programming, and customer service.
  • Explain your partnership agreements with local businesses (accommodations, activity providers) and quality control processes.
  • Outline your customer service plans and emergency response procedures.

7. Financial Projections:

  • Revenue projections based on your sales strategy and pricing model.
  • Cost estimates for travel arrangements, accommodation, activity fees, and marketing.
  • Profitability analysis to demonstrate the financial viability of your business.

Additional Tips:

  • Sustainability Focus: Highlight your commitment to sustainable practices in travel and accommodation choices, aligning with the wellness ethos.
  • Partnerships: Consider strategic partnerships with health and wellness brands or travel influencers to expand your reach.
  • Regulations: Ensure your business plan addresses any relevant regulations related to tourism and wellness services in your target destinations.
  • Professional Presentation: Format your business plan professionally with clear sections, concise language, and high-quality visuals showcasing your destinations and experiences.

Remember, this is a general framework. Adapt it to your specific business model and the unique health and wellness experiences you offer to your target audience.

What Else You Need To Know About How To Write A Business Plan For Health and Wellness Tourism

Are you interested in entering the booming health and wellness tourism industry? Writing a business plan is essential for success. It can help you to define your goals, identify potential problems, and determine strategies for overcoming them.

In this article, we will discuss how to write an effective business plan that will ensure the success of your health and wellness tourism venture!

1. Assessing the  Health and Wellness Tourism Market Potential

wellness tourism business plan

As the world of travel continues to evolve, there is a growing demand for health and wellness tourism. Health and wellness tourism refers to travelers seeking destinations that can provide them with healing experiences, treatments, or medical procedures.

With this type of travel gaining popularity, it is essential to assess the potential market for health and wellness tourism in any given area.

Health and wellness tourism has many benefits, making it attractive to tourists and local businesses. It allows visitors to visit areas they may not have considered before due to its focus on promoting well-being rather than just recreation or sightseeing.

In addition, it often generates additional revenue from activities such as spa treatments or yoga classes while creating employment opportunities in areas where these types of services are offered.

To assess the potential for health and wellness tourism in a particular destination, one must analyze several different elements, including current offerings in terms of amenities related to relaxation or healing practices.

Existing cultural attractions, transportation infrastructure, availability of accommodations, accessibility by air or other modes of transport, quality & safety standards among service providers offering various forms of therapies like massage therapy, etc.

Cost competitiveness compared to similar destinations worldwide; customer service excellence among hospitality professionals providing guest experiences during stays at hotels/resorts, etc.; government regulations and policies towards foreign travelers visiting specific countries, etc.

Additionally, studying social media trends about recent travels undertaken by people interested in being will help gauge what kind of experiences they’re looking for when on vacation, which could give valuable insights into how best to offer services catering to such demands within a particular region/destination.

2. Setting Objectives and Goals for a Health and Wellness Tourism Business

wellness tourism business plan

Objectives and goals are essential for any business, especially in the health and wellness tourism industry. Your objectives must be specific enough to guide you toward success while being flexible enough to adapt to changing times. Here are some tips on how to set practical objectives and goals for a health and wellness tourism business:

1. Identify Your Market: Know who you want to serve. Do you want travellers looking for luxury or those seeking more affordable experiences? Are there particular demographics, such as gender, age group, or income level? By better understanding your target market , you can tailor products and services.

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2. Evaluate Competitors: Understanding what other businesses in the same sector offer will help identify potential opportunities and threats from competitors. Knowing where they excel (or fall short) will enable you to design packages offering a unique value proposition that sets yours apart.

3. Set Relevant Goals & Objectives: Establishing relevant goals is critical for your business venture’s success—make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, Time-bound). These should include short-term objectives like increasing customer satisfaction by an average of 5% per quarter and longer-term ones like increasing turnover by 20% year-on-year over five years, etc.

4. Monitor & Adapt Accordingly: Regularly track progress against these established targets; if things aren’t going according to plan, quickly identify what needs tweaking to get back on track!

Also, remember that although having a solid strategy is critical, staying agile allows room for adapting when needed—mainly when external factors out of one’s control come into play (e.g., the global pandemic!).

3. Developing Strategies to Attract Clients to your Health and Wellness Tourism Venture

a palm tree on the beach

Developing strategies to attract clients to your health and wellness tourism venture can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! With the right plan, you can use effective marketing techniques that appeal specifically to those looking for health and wellness vacations.

To start, you’ll need to understand your target market. Knowing this will help inform the type of strategy you design. Consider questions such as: What kinds of activities do they enjoy? What type of environment would they like?

Do they prefer specific types of accommodation or amenities? Once you have these answers, you’ll be well on your way to creating a tailored approach that resonates with them.

You should also consider using digital marketing tools such as SEO optimization, content creation, social media campaigns, and email outreach to reach potential customers more effectively. These tools allow you to create targeted messages that speak directly to their interests and needs, increasing engagement levels significantly compared with other forms of advertising.

Additionally, it’s important not to forget about traditional methods such as print ads or radio spots. While these may seem outdated, they can still be great ways to get your message across if used strategically in combination with digital tactics.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth referrals! Encouraging existing customers or influencers within the industry to share their experiences online is one way to ensure others become aware of what your business offers – which could lead them to take a wellness vacation at your venue, too!

4. Establishing a Health and Wellness Tourism Financial Plan

people swimming

Regarding health and wellness travel, setting up a financial plan is essential. This is especially true if you want to take your health and wellness vacation on a Budget. With careful planning, you can ensure that your trip is affordable and enjoyable.

The first step in establishing a financial plan for your health and wellness vacation is deciding how much money you can spend on the trip. This includes airfare, lodging costs, food expenses, entertainment activities, etc.

So be sure to factor all these into your budget when deciding what Budget you have available for the trip. Once this figure has been established, start researching potential destinations within that budget range – sites like Expedia or Kayak are great places to get started with finding deals on flights and accommodations!

Next, devise an itinerary of activities during your stay that fits within your budget framework as well. Sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp are excellent resources for discovering unique local sights or highly rated restaurants at lower cost points than more touristy locations—this way, you can save some extra cash while still having fun!

Additionally, consider prioritizing experiences over material goods; splurging on one memorable activity rather than buying lots of souvenirs will stretch those dollars further throughout your stay!

Finally, don’t forget additional items such as travel insurance or any other fees associated with booking flights/hotels – make sure these costs are accounted for when creating a realistic total expenditure amount for yourself before embarking on the journey ahead!

In conclusion, creating a successful health and wellness tourism business requires careful planning. You must assess the market potential, set clear objectives and goals for your venture, develop strategies to attract clients, and establish a financial plan covering all aspects of your business .

With these foundational steps in place, you can be confident that your health and wellness tourism business is off to a good start.

What Is Necessary for a Successful Business Plan in Health and Wellness Tourism?

When creating a business plan for health and wellness tourism, it is important to consider the target market, establish achievable goals, calculate the costs associated with starting and running the venture, and create marketing strategies tailored to your ideal customer.

Additionally, having a clear vision of success can help you make decisions best suited to achieving it.

How Do I Identify My Target Audience?

Understanding who your desired customers are will be essential to practical marketing efforts. Researching demographic data, such as age groupings or income levels in potential locations, will give insight into which customers would most likely benefit from your services. It’s also beneficial to look at trends within the industry since they could affect consumer demand or purchasing patterns down the road.

How Should I Structure My Pricing Model?

To determine an appropriate price point for your health and wellness tourism business’s services, you should research competitive offerings, including any discounts available on similar products or packages.

You may want to offer several options so that different budgets can access amenities tailored to their needs while allowing you to generate profit from each sale.

Additionally, understanding how taxes apply depending on location can ensure accurate pricing throughout all transactions while offering greater value over time due to savings on fees-related taxation issues.

What Type of Promotional Activities Should Be Used When Starting

The key here is understanding who makes up your target audience and where they spend their leisure time online (social media sites) or offline (blogs).

Identifying influencers associated with these platforms can help reach more potential customers quickly through co-marketing campaigns, as people trust recommendations others make rather than those delivered directly from businesses.

This strategy also allows companies additional opportunities to learn about users’ interests by tracking response rates and ROI metrics across various channels over time. This helps inform future campaigns accordingly, with minimal risk involved overall.

Is There Anything Else I Need When Launching a Health & Wellness Travel Company?

Yes! Creating an attractive website that showcases destination images and enticing descriptions of experiences available will engage visitors before they even arrive at their chosen destination, allowing them to book reservations faster than ever without feeling overwhelmed by too many choices upfront!

Additionally, having strong customer service skills listed in job postings plus investing resources into training existing employees onsite ensures guests have positive interactions during visits, resulting in improved loyalty, meaning better repeat business later down the line, too

#How To Write A Business Plan For Health and Wellness Tourism #Business Plan Writing

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Here is a free business plan sample for a wellness spa establishment.

wellness spa profitability

If the idea of opening your own wellness spa ignites a spark of excitement in you, but you're unsure of where to start, you've landed in the perfect spot.

In the content that follows, we will guide you through a comprehensive sample business plan tailored for a wellness spa.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you're likely aware that a meticulously developed business plan is a cornerstone of any successful venture. It serves as a roadmap, outlining your vision, objectives, and the strategies you'll employ to thrive in the wellness industry.

To craft a compelling plan with ease and precision, feel free to utilize our wellness spa business plan template. Additionally, our specialists are on hand to provide a complimentary review and refinement of your plan.

business plan resort spa

How to draft a great business plan for your wellness spa establishment?

A good business plan for a wellness spa must reflect the unique aspects of the wellness industry.

To start, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive overview of the wellness market. This includes current statistics and identifying emerging trends in the wellness sector, as illustrated in our wellness spa business plan template .

Then, you need to articulate your business concept effectively. This encompasses your mission, pinpointing your target clientele (such as local residents, corporate clients, or tourists), and the distinctive services your wellness spa will offer (holistic treatments, eco-friendly practices, luxury pampering, etc.).

The market analysis section should delve into a thorough understanding of local competitors, industry trends, and consumer preferences specific to wellness services.

For a wellness spa, particular emphasis should be placed on the range of services you plan to provide. Detail your offerings - massages, facials, body treatments, wellness programs - and explain how they cater to the health and relaxation needs of your target market.

The operational plan is equally important. It should outline the location of your spa, the design and ambiance of the treatment rooms, the procurement of quality products and equipment, and the service delivery process.

In a wellness spa, it is vital to highlight the expertise of your staff, the quality of your products, and adherence to health and safety standards.

Address your marketing and sales strategies next. How will you draw in and keep clients? Consider promotional tactics, client retention programs, and potential ancillary services (like wellness workshops or retail products).

Implementing digital strategies, such as a professional website or an active social media presence, is also crucial in the modern marketplace.

The financial framework is another fundamental component. This includes the initial investment, revenue projections, operating expenses, and the point at which the business will become profitable.

In a wellness spa, service pricing and package deals can significantly affect profit margins, so careful financial planning and a solid understanding of your financials are imperative. For assistance, refer to our financial forecast for a wellness spa .

Compared to other business plans, a wellness spa's plan must pay special attention to the customer experience, the training and retention of skilled therapists, and compliance with health and wellness regulations.

A well-crafted business plan will not only help the entrepreneur to define their strategy and approach but also to attract investors or secure loans.

Lenders and investors are looking for a thorough market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a clear plan for the day-to-day operations of a wellness spa.

By presenting a detailed and substantiated plan, you showcase your professionalism and dedication to the success of your wellness spa.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you can fill out our wellness spa business plan template .

business plan wellness spa establishment

A free example of business plan for a wellness spa establishment

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a wellness spa .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan wellness spa establishment

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The wellness industry, encompassing spas, health, and fitness services, is experiencing robust growth globally.

Recent estimates value the global wellness market at approximately 4.5 trillion dollars, with a forecast for continued expansion as individuals increasingly prioritize health and well-being.

In the United States alone, there are over 22,000 spas, generating a combined annual revenue of over 18 billion dollars. This underscores the significant role wellness spas play in the American lifestyle and economy.

The wellness industry is witnessing a surge in trends that emphasize personal care, mental health, and holistic well-being.

Mindfulness and stress reduction practices, such as yoga and meditation, are becoming more mainstream, with a growing number of individuals seeking ways to combat the pressures of modern life.

There is also an increased demand for organic and natural beauty products, reflecting a broader consumer shift towards environmentally friendly and health-conscious choices.

Technological advancements, such as wearable fitness trackers and wellness apps, are integrating seamlessly into personal health management, offering users insights into their health metrics and personalized wellness plans.

Additionally, the concept of wellness tourism is gaining traction, with people traveling specifically for spa retreats and wellness experiences that offer a holistic approach to health.

These trends highlight the evolving nature of the wellness industry as it adapts to the changing needs and preferences of consumers seeking a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Success Factors

Several factors contribute to the success of a wellness spa.

First and foremost, the quality of services and treatments offered is critical. A spa that provides exceptional and diverse wellness experiences is more likely to build a dedicated clientele.

Innovation in wellness treatments and incorporating holistic health practices can set a spa apart in a competitive market.

The location of the spa also plays a vital role, as a serene and accessible setting can enhance the overall customer experience.

Exceptional customer service is paramount for fostering a welcoming and relaxing environment, encouraging repeat visits.

Lastly, effective business management, including cost control, sustainability initiatives, and the ability to adapt to wellness trends, such as eco-friendly practices or personalized wellness programs, are essential for the long-term viability of a wellness spa.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our wellness spa project is designed to serve as a sanctuary for those seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and a holistic approach to health. Situated in a serene location, our spa will offer a comprehensive range of services including massages, facials, body treatments, and wellness programs tailored to individual needs. We will use organic and natural products, ensuring that our treatments are not only effective but also environmentally friendly and safe for all skin types.

Our spa will focus on creating a tranquil and healing atmosphere, where clients can escape the stresses of daily life and focus on their personal well-being.

With a commitment to providing exceptional service, our wellness spa will strive to be a leader in the industry, promoting a lifestyle of health and sustainability.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our wellness spa lies in offering a unique blend of therapeutic and relaxation services that cater to the well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. Our spa will provide a peaceful retreat where clients can unwind, detoxify, and receive personalized care from skilled therapists.

We are dedicated to enhancing our clients' quality of life through stress reduction, pain relief, and promoting a balance between the body and mind. Our holistic approach to wellness will help clients achieve a sense of harmony and overall health.

By fostering an environment of tranquility and offering a range of wellness services, we aim to empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being.

Project Owner

The project owner is a seasoned wellness professional with a passion for holistic health and a background in spa management. With certifications in various therapeutic techniques and a deep understanding of the wellness industry, they are committed to creating a spa that stands out for its dedication to client-centered care, environmental consciousness, and innovative wellness solutions.

With a philosophy rooted in the belief that wellness is a comprehensive journey, the project owner is determined to offer a space that supports this journey and enhances the lives of those who visit the spa.

Their commitment to excellence and their passion for wellness drive this project, with the goal of becoming a haven for those seeking a path to a healthier, more balanced life.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for this wellness spa are divided into several categories.

First, there are individuals seeking stress relief and relaxation, who prioritize self-care and wellness in their daily lives.

Next, there are health-conscious clients who are looking for holistic treatments and alternative therapies to complement their lifestyle.

The market also includes fitness enthusiasts and athletes who require recovery services such as massages and body treatments to maintain their physical condition.

Finally, beauty-focused customers who are interested in aesthetic services such as facials, body scrubs, and anti-aging treatments form another key segment.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of this wellness spa project reveals several aspects.

Strengths include a serene and healing environment, a wide range of services tailored to wellness, and a team of experienced therapists and aestheticians.

Weaknesses could include the high operational costs associated with maintaining a luxury spa environment and the challenge of building a client base in a competitive market.

Opportunities lie in the growing trend towards self-care and wellness, the potential to partner with health professionals, and the ability to offer unique and specialized treatments.

Finally, threats could include economic downturns affecting discretionary spending and the emergence of new competitors offering similar services.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the wellness spa sector reveals a diverse range of players.

Among direct competitors are other high-end spas, wellness centers, and boutique establishments offering personalized services.

These competitors strive to provide a sanctuary for clients, focusing on relaxation, rejuvenation, and a holistic approach to health.

Potential competitive advantages include exceptional customer service, a unique selection of treatments, a tranquil spa atmosphere, and a strong brand reputation.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors is crucial for carving out a niche in the market and ensuring customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantages

Our wellness spa's commitment to creating a tranquil and rejuvenating experience is at the core of our competitive edge.

We offer a comprehensive menu of services, including massages, body treatments, facials, and wellness programs, all designed with the client's holistic health in mind.

Our dedication to using high-quality, natural products appeals to our health-conscious clientele, and our personalized approach ensures that each visit is tailored to the individual's needs.

We pride ourselves on our serene environment, which allows clients to escape the stresses of daily life and fosters a sense of peace and well-being.

You can also read our articles about: - how to establish a wellness spa establishment: a complete guide - the customer segments of a wellness spa establishment - the competition study for a wellness spa establishment

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the wellness spa is designed to create a sanctuary for health and relaxation.

In the first year, we will establish a strong local presence, focusing on exceptional service and building a reputation for holistic wellness experiences.

The second year will be geared towards expanding our services and incorporating innovative wellness treatments to stay ahead of industry trends.

In the third year, we aim to form strategic partnerships with wellness professionals and possibly open additional locations to increase accessibility for our clients.

Throughout this period, we will remain dedicated to providing personalized wellness journeys, maintaining the highest standards of service, and continuously improving our offerings based on client feedback.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our wellness spa targets individuals seeking stress relief, health improvement, and personal pampering.

Our value proposition is centered around providing a tranquil environment, expertly delivered treatments, and a holistic approach to wellness.

We offer our services through our physical spa location and online booking, utilizing key resources such as our skilled therapists, serene facility, and a range of high-quality wellness products.

Key activities include delivering various spa treatments, customer service excellence, and maintaining a peaceful and clean environment.

Our revenue streams are derived from the sale of spa services, wellness programs, and related products, while our costs are associated with facility maintenance, staff training, and marketing initiatives.

Discover a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on promoting the benefits of regular wellness treatments and the unique experiences our spa offers.

We plan to engage our target audience through wellness workshops, social media content, and partnerships with local health influencers.

Additionally, we will offer introductory packages to new clients and referral discounts to encourage word-of-mouth promotion.

Our online presence will be enhanced through targeted ads and a content-rich website that provides wellness tips and showcases our services.

Ultimately, we aim to create a community around our brand, where clients feel valued and become advocates for our wellness philosophy.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our wellness spa focuses on minimizing risks related to client health, service quality, and operational efficiency.

We adhere to strict health and safety protocols, ensuring all treatments meet industry standards and our staff are fully trained and certified.

Regular audits and client feedback mechanisms help us maintain high service quality and address any issues promptly.

We manage costs carefully to maintain financial stability and invest in liability insurance to protect against any unforeseen events.

Our priority is to provide safe, effective, and enjoyable wellness experiences that meet the expectations of our clients.

Why Our Project is Viable

We envision creating a wellness spa that becomes a haven for those seeking to enhance their well-being.

With a strong commitment to quality, client-centered care, and a proactive approach to wellness trends, we are poised for success in the growing wellness industry.

We are passionate about contributing to the health and happiness of our clients while building a sustainable and prosperous business.

We are adaptable and ready to evolve with the market to ensure our wellness spa remains a preferred destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a wellness spa establishment - the marketing strategy for a wellness spa establishment

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a wellness spa and our financial plan for a wellness spa .

Initial expenses for our wellness spa include the cost of leasing and renovating a suitable space to create a tranquil and therapeutic environment, purchasing spa equipment such as massage tables, saunas, and hydrotherapy tubs, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, sourcing high-quality organic products for treatments, and investing in staff training to ensure the highest level of service and expertise in wellness practices. Additionally, expenses will cover brand development and marketing strategies to establish our presence in the wellness industry.

Our revenue assumptions are based on a thorough market analysis of the local demand for wellness services, taking into account the increasing trend in self-care and the population's commitment to mental and physical health.

We expect a steady growth in clientele, beginning with a conservative estimate and expanding as our reputation for providing exceptional wellness experiences spreads.

The projected income statement outlines expected revenues from our range of wellness services, including massages, facials, body treatments, and wellness programs, as well as the costs associated with delivering these services (such as therapist wages, utilities, and product costs) and operating expenses (rent, marketing, administrative salaries, etc.).

This leads to a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term viability of our wellness spa.

The projected balance sheet will display assets unique to our spa, like treatment equipment, product inventory, and any improvements made to the leased space, alongside liabilities such as loans and projected operational costs.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial condition of our wellness spa at the conclusion of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail the inflows and outflows of cash, enabling us to predict our financial requirements. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash balance to support daily operations and strategic investments.

The projected financing plan will identify the mix of equity and debt financing we intend to utilize to fund our startup costs.

We will keep a close eye on the working capital requirement for our wellness spa to ensure we have sufficient funds to cover day-to-day expenses such as inventory purchases, payroll, and other short-term financial obligations.

The break-even analysis will determine the volume of service sales needed to cover all of our costs, including initial investments, and begin generating profits.

It will signal the point at which our business becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will monitor include the profit margin on our wellness services, the current ratio to evaluate our ability to meet short-term liabilities, and the return on investment to gauge the efficiency of the capital we have deployed into our wellness spa.

These metrics will assist us in assessing the financial performance and overall success of our wellness spa venture.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a wellness spa establishment .

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Starting a Wellness Retreat: A Business Guide

Starting a Wellness Retreat: A Business Guide

  • Health and Wellness Travel

Key Takeaways:

  • 1. Conduct thorough market research to identify the target audience and understand their preferences and needs when it comes to wellness retreats.
  • 2. Develop a unique value proposition that sets your wellness retreat apart from competitors, such as offering specialized programs or incorporating local cultural experiences.
  • 3. Create a comprehensive business plan that includes financial projections, marketing strategies, and operational details to ensure the success and sustainability of your wellness retreat.
  • 4. Build strong partnerships with local suppliers, therapists, instructors, and other professionals in the wellness industry to provide high-quality services and enhance the overall experience for retreat participants.
  • 5. Prioritize customer satisfaction by consistently delivering exceptional service, maintaining a peaceful and nurturing environment, and continuously seeking feedback to improve and adapt your offerings over time.

Key Factors to Consider When Starting a Wellness Retreat Business

1. market demand.

Before starting a wellness retreat business, it is crucial to assess the market demand for such services. Conducting market research can help identify if there is a sufficient customer base interested in wellness retreats in the chosen location. This research should include analyzing trends, competitor analysis, and gathering feedback from potential customers.

Additionally, understanding the target audience’s preferences and needs will enable the business to tailor its offerings accordingly. For example, some customers may be seeking relaxation and stress reduction, while others may be looking for fitness-focused activities or spiritual growth.

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2. Unique Value Proposition

In order to stand out in a competitive market, it is important to develop a unique value proposition for the wellness retreat business. This could involve offering specialized programs or activities that are not readily available elsewhere or providing exceptional customer service.

The unique value proposition should also align with the target audience’s needs and preferences. For instance, if the target audience consists of busy professionals seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, offering personalized spa treatments or mindfulness workshops could be a compelling value proposition.

3. Financial Viability

A thorough financial analysis is essential when starting a wellness retreat business. This includes estimating start-up costs such as property acquisition or lease expenses, renovations or construction costs, equipment purchases, marketing expenses, and staffing costs.

In addition to start-up costs, ongoing operating expenses such as utilities, maintenance, insurance, and employee salaries need to be considered. It is important to ensure that projected revenue from bookings and other income sources will cover these expenses and generate profit.

List of key factors:

  • Market demand
  • Unique value proposition
  • Financial viability
  • Target audience preferences and needs
  • Competitor analysis
  • Trends in the wellness industry
  • Customer feedback and market research
  • Start-up costs and ongoing expenses

How Market Research Helps Identify the Target Audience for a Wellness Retreat

Understanding the importance of market research.

Market research plays a crucial role in identifying the target audience for a wellness retreat. By conducting thorough market research, retreat owners can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences, needs, and behaviors. This information allows them to tailor their offerings to meet the specific demands of their target market.

Conducting Surveys and Interviews

One effective method of market research is conducting surveys and interviews with potential customers. This helps gather data on their interests, motivations, and expectations when it comes to wellness retreats. By asking targeted questions, retreat owners can identify common characteristics among their target audience and develop marketing strategies that resonate with them.

Another approach is analyzing existing data from similar wellness retreats or competitors. This provides valuable information on customer demographics, preferences, and spending habits. By understanding what has worked well for others in the industry, retreat owners can refine their own offerings to attract their desired target audience.

Overall, market research is essential for identifying the target audience for a wellness retreat. It enables retreat owners to understand their customers better and create tailored experiences that meet their needs.

Essential Steps in Creating a Business Plan for a Wellness Retreat

Determining your vision and goals.

Creating a business plan is crucial for setting clear objectives and outlining strategies to achieve them. The first step in this process is determining your vision and goals for the wellness retreat. What do you hope to accomplish? Who do you want to serve? Defining these aspects will guide your decision-making throughout the planning process.

Conducting Market Analysis

To create an effective business plan, it’s important to conduct a comprehensive market analysis. This involves researching the current demand for wellness retreats in your target location, identifying competitors, and analyzing industry trends. By understanding the market landscape, you can position your retreat to stand out and attract customers.

Developing a Marketing and Sales Strategy

A key component of any business plan is a well-defined marketing and sales strategy. This includes determining how you will reach your target audience, what promotional tactics you will use, and how you will generate bookings. By outlining these strategies in your business plan, you can ensure a focused approach to attracting customers and driving revenue.

In conclusion, creating a business plan for a wellness retreat involves determining your vision and goals, conducting market analysis, and developing a marketing and sales strategy. These essential steps lay the foundation for a successful venture in the wellness industry.

(Note: The remaining subheadings will be expanded in separate responses due to character limitations.)

Selecting an Ideal Location for a Wellness Retreat: Considering Accessibility and Natural Surroundings

Factors to consider in choosing the right location.

When selecting a location for a wellness retreat, it is important to consider both accessibility and natural surroundings. Accessibility refers to how easily guests can reach the retreat, whether by car, public transportation, or air travel. It is crucial to choose a location that is convenient for potential customers to access, as this will increase the likelihood of attracting a larger clientele.

In addition to accessibility, the natural surroundings of the retreat play a significant role in creating a peaceful and rejuvenating environment. Look for locations that offer beautiful landscapes, such as mountains, forests, or beaches. These natural elements can enhance the overall experience for guests and provide opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking or yoga sessions in serene settings.

Examples of Ideal Locations

  • A secluded mountain resort with stunning views and hiking trails nearby
  • A beachfront property with access to pristine sandy beaches and calming ocean waves
  • A forest retreat surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil streams

Effective Strategies for Marketing and Promoting a Wellness Retreat to Attract Potential Customers

Utilizing social media platforms.

Social media platforms have become powerful tools for marketing and promoting businesses, including wellness retreats. Create engaging content on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase the unique offerings of your retreat. Use high-quality images and videos that capture the essence of your retreat’s atmosphere and activities.

Collaborating with Influencers

Influencer marketing has gained significant popularity in recent years. Partnering with influencers who align with your target audience can help increase brand awareness and attract potential customers. Collaborate with wellness influencers who have a strong following and engage them to promote your retreat through sponsored posts, reviews, or even hosting events at your location.

The Importance of Establishing Partnerships with Local Suppliers and Service Providers for Running a Successful Wellness Retreat

Benefits of local partnerships.

Establishing partnerships with local suppliers and service providers can greatly contribute to the success of your wellness retreat. By working with local businesses, you can support the local economy while ensuring high-quality products and services for your guests. Local partnerships also provide an opportunity to showcase regional specialties and unique offerings that align with the wellness theme of your retreat.

Potential Local Partners

  • Local organic farms for sourcing fresh produce for meals
  • Spas or massage therapists for offering additional relaxation services
  • Yoga instructors or fitness trainers for leading classes or workshops

Key Considerations in Designing Wellness Programs and Activities to Cater to Different Customer Needs and Preferences

Customization options.

To cater to different customer needs and preferences, it is essential to offer a variety of wellness programs and activities that can be customized. Provide options for guests to choose from various fitness classes, meditation sessions, spa treatments, or outdoor excursions. Additionally, consider offering personalized consultations or assessments to tailor programs specifically to each guest’s goals and requirements.

Incorporating Diverse Wellness Modalities

Diversity in wellness modalities allows you to attract a wider range of customers. Incorporate different practices such as yoga, Pilates, mindfulness meditation, Ayurveda, or holistic therapies into your program offerings. This ensures that guests with varying interests and preferences can find activities that resonate with them, enhancing their overall experience at the retreat.

Ensuring High Standards of Comfort and Quality in Facilities and Accommodations at a Wellness Retreat

Investing in comfortable facilities.

To ensure high standards of comfort, it is crucial to invest in well-maintained facilities. Provide comfortable spaces for relaxation, such as cozy lounges or meditation rooms. Additionally, consider incorporating amenities like saunas, hot tubs, or swimming pools to enhance the wellness experience for guests.

Prioritizing Quality Accommodations

The quality of accommodations plays a significant role in guest satisfaction. Ensure that the rooms are clean, spacious, and equipped with comfortable bedding. Pay attention to details such as lighting, ventilation, and soundproofing to create a peaceful environment conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation.

Legal Requirements and Permits for Opening a Wellness Retreat: Navigating the Process Efficiently

Researching local regulations.

Before opening a wellness retreat, it is essential to thoroughly research and understand the legal requirements and permits necessary for operation. This includes zoning regulations, health department inspections, business licenses, insurance coverage, and any specific certifications required for offering certain services.

Important Legal Considerations

  • Zoning restrictions on operating a commercial establishment in certain areas
  • Health department regulations regarding food handling and safety protocols
  • Licensing requirements for offering spa treatments or other specialized services
  • Insurance coverage for liability protection in case of accidents or injuries on the premises

In conclusion, starting a wellness retreat can be a lucrative business venture that offers individuals the opportunity to prioritize their health and well-being. By following this comprehensive business guide, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges and capitalize on the growing demand for wellness experiences. With careful planning, strategic marketing, and a commitment to providing exceptional services, a successful wellness retreat is within reach.

Is owning a retreat center profitable?

While it is possible that you may not immediately earn money as you refine your offering, organizing retreats can be a highly lucrative source of income that becomes increasingly profitable over time. Additionally, starting a retreat business does not necessarily demand substantial initial investments.

Do wellness retreats make money?

Retreats offer a wonderful opportunity to recharge and unwind, and can also be financially rewarding if planned effectively. To maximize the success of your retreat, it is important to thoroughly research and identify the type of retreat that will be most sought-after and attractive to your specific target audience.

What is the profit margin for retreats?

Profit Margin: The typical profit margin for wellness retreat establishments in the United States may vary, but it typically ranges from 10% to 30%. This profit margin enables business owners to reinvest in the retreat, improve services, and ensure long-term growth.

How do retreat centers make money?

Corporate retreat centers can make a significant profit through per-person fees. For example, hosting a one-day retreat for 100 people could generate anywhere from $5,500 to $7,000. Alternatively, hosting a weekend retreat with two nights for the same number of people could bring in between $60,000 and $70,000.

Can you write off a wellness retreat?

This can pose difficulties for events that combine business and entertainment, like company retreats. However, if you can prove that the retreat’s goal is directly linked to business, there is a chance that you can deduct up to 100% of the entertainment expenses.

Is a wellness center profitable?

On the other hand, if you provide top-notch services and manage to attract a substantial client base, owning a wellness center can be a lucrative venture. To increase profitability, you can focus on offering a wide range of services that are highly sought-after.

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Snow scene with a couple soaking in an outdoor hot pool in the woods. Kananaskis Nordic Spa at the Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge. Canadian Rockies.

The future is calm: Exploring the wellness tourism industry

Date: Jan 24, 2024

If the new year has inspired you to rest, relax, and recharge, travellers across the world are right there with you. The wellness tourism industry is currently experiencing a boom, with more and more travellers seeking out experiences that leave them feeling revitalized. The wellness tourism industry is expecting to reach a global value of $1.4 trillion by 2027. On average, international wellness travellers spent 41 per cent more than typical international travellers in 2022.

Wellness tourism is defined as “travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal wellbeing,” according to the Global Wellness Institute . For some travellers, that may look like a yoga retreat at a peaceful mountainside lodge, while for others, wellness tourism looks like a guided bike ride through the hoodoos. 

Whatever wellness tourism means to travellers, operators across the province are offering experiences that meet this demand.

1. The Woods Experience

Nestled in beautiful Yellowhead County, The Woods Experience provides a peaceful sanctuary for those looking to reconnect with nature. Offering stays in tents, cabins, and traditional tipis, this Métis-owned operation also features a spa in their boreal forest surroundings. Guests can unwind in wood-fired hot tubs and barrel saunas or dip into the cold plunge for a total sensory experience. Guests are welcome to participate in an authentic trapline experience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the earth and its resources.

wellness tourism business plan

2. Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden

Designed in the traditional Japanese style, this garden instantly inspires a sense of serenity amongst visitors. Opened in 1967, Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden features Canadian flora in a Japanese layout, a nod to the Canadian Japanese history of Southern Alberta. With perfectly pruned trees, water features, bridges, and pathways, this classic garden uses tradition methods of simplicity, borrowed view, and a hide and reveal technique to calm the minds of viewers. Guests are invited to enjoy yoga in the pavilion, partake in a traditional tea ceremony, or simply take a meditative walk.

wellness tourism business plan

3. Mahikan Trails

For wellness travellers looking to reconnect with the earth, a medicine walk may be just what the doctor ordered. At Mahikan Trails , Indigenous Knowledge Keeper, Brenda Holder, shares the medicinal benefits of local flora and fauna that have been healing people for centuries. Operating in both the winter and summer, Mahikan Trails opens visitors’ eyes to nature’s many gifts that are all around us. Mahikan Trails also offers soap, salve, butter, and lotion making workshops using natural ingredients from the surrounding area.

wellness tourism business plan

Whether visitors are looking for a tranquil retreat or an earthy, educational experience, wellness is quickly becoming a leading traveller demand.

If your tourism business offers physical activity, relaxing views, or nature-based activities, consider tapping into this booming tourism trend by marketing your business as a wellness experience.

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Spa Executive

Spa Executive

The magazine for leaders in the business of wellness

One perspective on the future of wellness tourism

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The travel and tourism sectors have changed dramatically over the past year. This change is unprecedented and unexpected. As we move into a new future, wellness tourism will thrive, thanks to an elevated public interest in personal health and demand for the services of dedicated wellness professionals. Anne Dimon, President & CEO of the Wellness Tourism Association , explains.

wellness tourism business plan

In March of 2020, when we were all beginning to recognize and accept the fact that the newly identified pandemic would severely impact not only the tourism industry but our daily lives, I posted a new cover photo in the Wellness Tourism Association Facebook Group : “The wellness tourism industry will weather this and be stronger for it.” I believed it then. I believe it now.

For many, the very concept of personal health has become the new norm. A s the industry begins to recover, that overriding concern about personal health will continue to remain a focus – not only on the home front but as more people feel comfortable traveling again.  

What does that mean for the industry? More demand. Not only from those new to wellness living, but from those who want to position “good health” as a lifestyle priority, but may not know where to begin. These are the people who will seek out the hospitality stakeholders with designated programs and multi-day retreats operated by trusted wellness professionals who can guide them on the various paths to reaching their personal health goals.

A few foreseeable trends and challenges for wellness tourism

More connection with nature.

It is widely accepted that nature will play an increasingly important role in the wellness tourism sector. Easily accessible lakes, mountains, hot springs, forests and other natural resources will become prime assets to industry stakeholders. As the industry recovers and rebounds, more travelers will want to avoid congested cities and over-populated tourist attractions in favor of smaller cities, towns and more remote locations surrounded by nature.

Solo travel & connection with the like-minded

The trend of solo travel for wellness-focused trips was identified in both the 2019 and 2020 consumer surveys conducted by the WTA. The 2020 survey, which collected responses from close to 4,000 respondents, reinforced that trend, plus the importance of social connection and being with the like-minded. Molly Anderson, Vice President, Sales at Canyon Ranch says, “some of our guests have been sharing close quarters during the pandemic and are now seeking to be alone to journey within and focus on a wellness goal, while others have been alone and are craving human touch (massage, for instance) and meaningful face-to-face conversations with like-minded individuals.”  

Regenerative travel

Based on the general concept of “building it back better,” regenerative travel calls for the traveler to leave a geographic destination better than he or she found it.  Supporting local producers, vendrs and service providers, for instancing. Or, volunteering with a local community initiative.  

Under the banner of “regenerative travel,” we will see the rise of more environmentally-conscious modes of travel, and the marketing of closer-to-home options. Most support the premise that “wellness” as a travel style is not only good for the person but inherently good for the planet, due to the emphasis on and importance of nature and environmental sustainability that is promoted as part of wellness tourism offerings. 

For example, John Nielsen, General Manager of Fivelements Retreat, Bali is seeing guests embracing regenerative travel as they come to understand the impact they leave behind. “We have started a plant-your-own- tree program, with great success,” he says. 

In May of 2020, WeTravel polled their community of wellness travel providers to find out what the terms ‘sustainable’ or ‘regenerative’ travel meant to them. Jen Corley, Director of Development Wellness, explains that “while the ecological impact of tourism was, of course, noted as a key consideration, providers have a much broader view of how traveler demand is shifting.”

She says survey respondents pointed out that “socially, people are going to seek out more intentional experiences by being respectful and inclusive of everyone they encounter while away from home. Culturally, they will want to engage in positive interactions with hosting communities, being extra mindful of tourism’s impact on local people’s way of life. Economically, they will want to leave the destination community better off than when they arrived by ensuring their money is funnelled into entities that directly serve those they’ve visited.”

Working from “home”

Personally, I have been blessed to be able to work from anywhere in the world for close to 20 years. Over the last year, so many people have come to realize that they, too, have the tools and opportunity to do the same thing. Consequently, hotels and resorts are now promoting long-term stays with the encouragement to come visit and work from “home.” For example, at the time of writing, Carillon Miami was offering 30% off on stays of 10 to 30 days. Another example is Eden Roc Cap Cana in the Dominican Republic where a 30-night package for two adults and two children (including a variety of lessons for the kids while the parents work) was priced from $75,500.   

Challenges include:

Growing competition  .

With more hotels and resorts entering the wellness space, the competition for the traditionally higher-spending wellness traveler, will become fierce. While a spa is a wonderful guest amenity, it is not mandatory for hotels/resorts looking to launch a wellness culture/initiative, so prepare for competition from the non-spa sector.

Developing a coordinated effort

Spa owners and managers may have to step up efforts to align with other departments – food & beverage, rooms division, sales and marketing and others – to insure the acceptance and support of a coordinated wellness culture/initiative.

Getting noticed  

The challenge will be to find and communicate your point of distinction, with consistent messaging to target audiences across their preferred platforms – from social and traditional media, to e-newsletters, to print brochures and guest posts on related web sites and blogs. Raising your profile with the travel agent community – especially with those who identify as wellness travel specialists – will also gain in importance. While it is important to note that millennials may be the generational cohort to lead the recovery of the wellness travel sector, stakeholders cannot ignore the boomer and Gen X generations who are motivated, in part, by the desire to live healthier, longer.

As an industry, we will not only embrace the trends and new challenges brought about by the disruption of 2020, but will also weather the times and be stronger for it. 

Anne Dimon is the Co-founder/President & CEO of the Wellness Tourism Association ( ) and Owner/Editor of

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It’s time to look into our crystal balls and predict the future for the year ahead. Subscribe to our newsletter and download our special report on the trends we’ll be watching:  Nine spa and wellness trends for 2021.  Download here .

Spa Executive is published by Book4Time, the leader in guest management, revenue and mobile solutions for the most exclusive spas, hotels, and resorts around the globe. Learn more at

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Good company » launch pad, hospitality brands are tapping the $919 billion wellness tourism trend.

Hotel brands are beefing up their wellness offerings to fuel a post-pandemic recovery — betting that catering to a guest’s mind, body, and spirit will boost their bottom lines, too.

 Butterfly garden at the JW Marriott's Anaheim resort.

Why it matters:

  • Wellness tourism—travel related to the pursuit of self-care and cultivating personal well-being—has grown post-pandemic.
  • A 2021 survey from American Express found that 76% of those polled wanted to spend more on travel to enhance their well-being.
  • The trend has startups from Casa Alternavida to big brands like Hyatt elevating the wellness experience for guests.

Gone are the days when a small gym, a menu that offers gluten-free and vegetarian options, and a yoga class would earn a hotel bragging rights to say they were wellness destinations.

Even before the pandemic, there was a shift toward wellness tourism —travel related to the pursuit of self-care and cultivating personal well-being. But the crisis pushed the trend to new heights.

According to the Global Wellness Institute , wellness tourism is the fastest growing sector of the travel industry, and it’s forecast to grow even faster and reach $919 billion this year.

A 2021 survey from American Express found that 76% of those polled wanted to spend more on travel to enhance their well-being and 68% said that their next vacation would be geared toward improving mental well-being, in particular.

“The pandemic shifted more than just our working lifestyle, but our entire way of life and priorities. There is a much greater focus on spirituality, mental health, nature, and reconnecting with slow living. When it comes to travel, people are looking to use their vacation time to nourish their mind, body, and soul,” Kara Harms, founder of Whimsy Soul , which focuses on women travelers and specializes in wellness, told CO—.

Harsh Patil, CEO of , says as a travel planner, he has seen the industry adapt to travelers’ heightened expectations for wellness-fueled experiences. “[Brands] are offering more remote and fitness-related experiences. Wellness travel has expanded far beyond the traditional yoga retreats and spa vacations.”

Some corporations are also seizing on wellness travel as rewards for their employees. “Wellness resorts are a hot spot for corporate travel as employers are trying to keep a happy and healthy workforce, decrease company turnover, increase employee productivity and increase employee engagement,” said Mia Wood, a certified lifestyle and wellness travel specialist .

Here’s a look at how startups to major hospitality brands are catering to the guest’s mind, body, and spirit to drive business.

JW Marriott’s personal touch — ‘wellness looks different for every guest’ — boosts bookings

From the day the JW Marriott’s Anaheim resort opened in 2020, its mission was to instill a feeling of rejuvenation, rest, and wellness in its guests.

The resort offers candlelight concerts, an augmented-reality-enhanced immersive butterfly garden, a dedicated Zen and yoga room, and a new seed-to-table fine dining Italian restaurant, Tocca Ferro.

The resort is also partnering with local restaurants and retail shops for various well-being initiatives.

“Wellness looks different for every guest, and it is imperative that we offer several wellness experiences and amenities to suit the needs for every guest,” Nusrat Mirza, general manager, told CO—. The property is already seeing a payoff. “With the added amenities, we have seen an increase in bookings in 2021 and the first quarter of 2022,” Mirza said.

[ Read: How 7 Hospitality Brands Tapped Unexpected Perks to Boost Bookings ]

 Sensei guides offer guests personalized wellness treatments at Sensei Lānaʻi. 

Four Seasons Resort’s Sensei Lānaʻi: ‘Sensei Guides’ customize guests’ wellness itineraries

At Sensei Lānaʻi, a Four Seasons Resort in Hawaii, the guest experience reflects what it considers three factors for a healthy life: movement, nourishment, and rest. Each guest’s stay at Sensei Lānaʻi is led by “Sensei Guides,” practitioners who hold degrees in fields including exercise science, nutrition, and mindfulness.

Resort stays are highly customized to meet guests’ wellness intentions. There are private wellness consultations; treatments in individual 1000-square-feet spa hales (the Hawaiian word for “home”); and dining guided by the Sensei Lānaʻi’s nutritional philosophy. Sensei guides curate personalized itineraries with a variety of one-on-one wellness sessions. These include the new Optimum Wellbeing Program, which is tailored to individuals based on health data that’s captured by wearable devices and other technology.

[ Read : How Hot Startups Pacaso, Shipt and Thumbtack Capitalized on Two Key Pandemic Trends to Fuel Growth ]

The pandemic shifted more than just our working lifestyle, but our entire way of life and priorities. There is a much greater focus on spirituality, mental health, nature, and reconnecting with slow living. When it comes to travel, people are looking to use their vacation time to nourish their mind, body, and soul.

Kara Harms, founder, Whimsy Soul

Hyatt’s next-level wellness perks: from floatation therapy to ‘sleep suites’

Hyatt has embraced post-pandemic pampering at its various properties with perks ranging from wellness suites and hikes guided by Reiki , the energy healing technique, and aerial yoga to flotation therapies, whereby guests float in water that, at 93 to 94 degrees, closely matches skin temperature. Flotation therapy is said to help one enter a deep state of relaxation that facilitates restoring the mind and body.

It’s available at Hyatt’s Thompson Washington D.C . location through its partnership with nearby Soulex Float Spa , what it bills as the first and only sensory deprivation flotation therapy spa in Washington D.C.

And as a goodnight’s sleep has been hard to come by for a lot of people the last couple of years, Park Hyatt New York recently launched its Bryte Restorative Sleep Suite . Guests can store their sleep preferences and then tap into a personal bed profile when they return to their room. Suite features include a bed that adjusts to relieve pressure points and shifts throughout various sleep stages, as well as sleep-enhancing amenities such as a Vitruvi diffuser and its signature Sleep essential oil blend, sleeping masks, and a collection of sleep-related books.

 People doing a morning yoga class outside at Casa Alternavida.

Casa Alternavida: Cacao ceremonies and ‘ecstatic dance’ offerings increase revenues and package rates

Casa Alternavida , a year-old boutique retreat center in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, aims to help guests reduce stress and anxiety, touting the notion that its rainforest and beach environs set the stage for a wellness transformation. Wellness offerings include fire ceremonies, morning movement classes, and cacao ceremonies , a tradition whereby a cacao beverage is consumed to enhance the spiritual ritual practiced. At Casa Alternavida, the ceremony, which is performed on the rooftop before dinner while the sun is setting overlooking the rainforest, has gained popularity among guests.

Indeed, Casa Alternavida has noticed a recent increase in guests seeking a reprieve from their stressful daily lives, evidenced by greater demand for its nature-based private coaching services, Jennifer Ruiz, a social media consultant for Casa Alternavida, told CO—.

Also more popular are the retreat’s ecstatic dance services. Ecstatic dance , a free-from movement without any specific steps or requirements to perform for others, enables guests to privately explore their body movements without concern about how others might judge them.

All told, “These offerings boost revenues by increasing the overall package rates,” Ruiz said. “We have seen a 50% increase in bookings since the beginning of the year. Success is measured by client testimonials and the return rate of existing clients.”

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How to Start a Retreat Business [With Business Plan Template]

Two People Sunbathing Next To A Pool

Traveling these days is no longer only about visiting new places and experiencing new cultures and cuisines. More and more folks are looking for opportunities to rejuvenate their body, mind, and spirit while they are away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

If you ever had a dream to run any kind of travel business, now is the time to consider starting a retreat business. Just like any other business, you will need a well-crafted retreat business plan to get your venture off to the best possible start. 

At Vajra Jahra Retreat Center , our objective is to help retreat business startups provide an unforgettable experience to their clients. If you are planning a successful retreat business or wish to learn how to start a retreat business, you should have a proven business plan template to begin with. 

What Is a Retreat Business?

A retreat business is an enterprise that specializes in organizing and hosting retreats—immersive experiences designed to provide participants with opportunities for relaxation, rejuvenation, personal growth, and holistic wellness. Retreat business developments typically take place in serene and natural settings, such as mountains, forests, beaches, or countryside locations far away from crowded cities.

As a retreat business leader, your job is to create and curate unique experiences that meet the needs and interests of your target audience. This could include yoga and meditation studios in placid and scenic locations, wellness spas, fitness and adventure activities, artistic and creative programs, corporate team building events, and more.

Your retreat business will serve as a perfect setting for individuals seeking respite from the stresses of modern life. Planning a successful retreat business depends on your ability to offer your clients a space to unwind, recharge, and reconnect with themselves and others in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Why Start a Retreat Business?

Retreats are part of the tradition of wellness tourism that dates back to Ancient Greek and Roman times . Since antiquity, the injured, sick, and wealthy have sought refuge in spa towns that offered saunas, thermal springs, massages, and other forms of therapies.  

In the modern era, wellness tourism started gaining momentum within the wider travel industry around the turn of the millennium. In 2024, the market is worth an estimated $1 trillion according to the Global Wellness Institute . The projected annual growth rate over the next five years is 16.6% CAGR, which will see the retreat wellness industry cross $1.3 trillion by the end of 2027. The end of crippling pandemic restrictions is a key reason for this frenetic growth.  

Spurred by social media platforms and an ever-increasing focus on holistic health and self-care, the numbers of wellness tourists are increasing with each passing year. They are also likely to spend significantly more than your regular tourists on each trip, making this a highly lucrative sector in the wider tourism and hospitality business.

Given the increasing appetite of travelers from these regions for exotic wellness experiences , and their high spending power, a retreat business startup might sound like a no-brainer. But to succeed, you need sound retreat business strategies and begin with a thorough retreat business plan.

Multiple People Holding Hands In The Middle

The Importance of a Retreat Business Plan

Many aspiring entrepreneurs seek to know how to start a retreat business startup. Your first step should be to develop a strategic roadmap that outlines the vision, mission, and objectives of your business. Just as a new building needs a strong foundation for stability and longevity, planning a successful retreat business requires a robust business plan as its base. Here’s why it pays to invest your time and resources into the creation of a retreat business plan:

Clarity of Vision

A retreat business development plan helps clarify your vision for your business, defining its purpose, values, and long-term objectives. It provides a framework for decision-making and ensures that all your partners and stakeholders are in sync with the business’s mission.

Strategic Guidance

By conducting thorough market research and competitor analysis, you can gain valuable insights into industry trends, competitors’ retreat business strategies, customer preferences, and potential market opportunities. This information allows you to position your retreat business more effectively in the market.

Risk Management

A retreat business plan allows you to identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during the startup and operation phases. By anticipating these risks and developing contingency plans, you can mitigate their impact and increase the likelihood of success.

Resource Allocation

With a clear financial plan, including budgeting, revenue projections, and expense forecasts, you can effectively allocate resources such as funding, manpower, and time to different aspects of your retreat business. This ensures that you optimize resource utilization and maximize profitability.

Attracting Investors and Partners

A well-developed retreat business startup plan can help demonstrate your professionalism, competence, and commitment to potential investors, lenders, and partners. By providing them with an overview of your growth potential and financial viability, a business plan can help increase their confidence in investing or collaborating with your venture.

Woman In The Water With Mountains In The Distance

Retreat Business Plan – A Basic Template

Here is a basic template of a retreat business plan you can use as a guiding framework when you are considering how to start a retreat business.

Executive Summary

The executive summary serves as an overview of your retreat business development plan. In this section, you will provide a concise summary of your business concept, target market, unique selling proposition, and financial projections. It should be presented in such a way to capture the attention of potential investors or partners and provide them with a clear understanding of the venture’s potential.

Company Overview

In this section, you can provide detailed information about your proposed retreat business, including its name, legal structure, location, facilities, and mission statement. Describe the core values that guide your business operations, and explain how your retreat aligns with the needs and preferences of your target market.

Market Analysis

In this part of the plan, you will clearly identify and delineate your target market demographics, preferences, and behavior patterns. This information is usually derived by conducting market research in your chosen retreat business niche and the specific geographic location, either on your own or by commissioning a third party market analyst.

Product and Service Offering

Here you will describe the types of retreats you plan to offer, such as wellness or adventure retreats or a mix of multiple themes under one roof. Outline the themes, activities, and duration of each retreat, as well as any unique selling points that differentiate your offerings from competitors. You also have to develop and present your pricing strategy that reflects the value proposition of your retreats to your target market.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Next, outline the marketing and sales strategies you will use to attract and retain customers. Define your brand identity and positioning, including branding elements such as logos, colors, and messaging. Identify the digital marketing channels (website, social media, Google Ads, or email) that will help you reach your target audience. Present sales forecasts and customer acquisition strategies to drive revenue growth.

Operational Plan

Give a detailed overview of the day-to-day operations of your retreat business, including staffing requirements, organizational structure, and facility management. Define and present customer service standards and policies that will ensure a positive guest experience. Address any logistical considerations such as transportation, accommodations, meals, and activities necessary to deliver a seamless retreat experience for participants.

Financial Projections

Prepare financial projections that outline the startup costs, funding requirements, and revenue potential of your retreat business. Estimate revenue projections based on pricing strategy, sales volume, and market demand. Develop cash flow forecasts and break-even analysis to assess the financial viability and sustainability of your venture. Consider factors such as operating expenses, funding sources, and capital investments needed to launch and grow your retreat business.

Risk Management Strategies

Identify potential risks and challenges that may impact your retreat business and develop strategies to mitigate them. You have to obtain insurance coverage to protect against liability and unforeseen events. Focus on establishing contingency plans and crisis management protocols to respond effectively to emergencies and minimize their impact on your business operations.

Comprehensive Timeline

Create a timeline for launching and scaling your retreat business, outlining key milestones, deadlines, and action steps. Assign responsibilities to team members and stakeholders to ensure accountability and alignment with the business plan. Monitor progress against the implementation timeline and make adjustments as needed to stay on track toward achieving your goals.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Finally, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success and effectiveness of your retreat business. Mention how you plan to regularly monitor and evaluate performance against these metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Woman Practicing Proper Breathing In The Forest

How to Start a Retreat Business in 7 Steps

Let us now look at the essential steps you may follow in a logical order to start your new retreat business.

Find Your Niche

This is arguably the most important step that will influence nearly everything you do going forward. What kind of retreat experience do you want to sell to travelers? Do you want to focus on holistic activities like yoga and meditation, or focus more on adrenaline rushing activities like wilderness adventures? 

Popular niches include weddings and families , couples retreats, corporate retreats , and group retreats. You can even choose a combination of various activities to appeal to a broader audience. Identifying your niche allows you to differentiate your retreat center offerings in the market and target a specific audience effectively.

Conduct Market Research

Once you have finalized your niche, it is time to conduct market research to understand the demand for retreat centers in your chosen niche. Use this opportunity to analyze industry trends, customer preferences, and competitor offerings. Try to identify gaps in the market you can exploit. This research will determine your business strategy, pricing, marketing, and overall positioning in the market.

Develop Your Brand Identity

In a market where perception can heavily influence client decisions, a strong brand identity is vital for success. Try to evolve a brand that reflects the essence of your retreat center as a lifestyle business idea. Focus on creating a unique brand story, a memorable logo, and a brand voice that resonates with your target audience. You may have to seek the assistance of marketing professionals to develop a compelling brand identity.

Select Your Retreat Center Partners

Success in the wellness retreat business hinges on having reliable partners and high quality vendors/service providers. Perhaps the most important of all is your choice of venue partners – they will provide the actual retreat center facilities where you will bring your customers.

You want retreat centers that sync well with your niche and brand identity. For example, if you are interested in hosting a retreat in Costa Rica with facilities for yoga and wilderness hiking in the backdrop of lush jungles, Vajra Jahra Retreat Center in Costa Rica might be an ideal fit for you.

Hire and Train Your Staff

You will need additional staff members to handle various aspects of your operations. This can include instructors, local guides and hospitality staff at your retreat centers, or administrative personnel for your backend operations. Try to ensure that the team aligns with your brand values and customer service standards, and provide adequate retreat business training and resources to empower them to excel in their roles.

Register Your Business

Like any other business, you have to finalize a formal structure for your retreat center business. Do you want to run it as a sole proprietorship, with other partners, or as a limited liability corporation? Your choice here will have major legal and tax implications. Make a careful decision here based on your availability of resources and planned scale of the business.

Create an Online Presence

In an increasingly digitized world, you cannot survive in the tourism, hospitality or lifestyle business without a strong presence on social media, mobile, and other web-based platforms. For a start, you will need a professionally designed website with all the client-facing information and services, including online bookings as well as an engaging social media presence.

Benefits of Working with an Experienced Retreat Concierge Service Provider

The logistical and operational requirements of a retreat business can get overwhelming. This is particularly the case if your venue is located halfway around the globe. Instead of trying to do everything directly, the smart move here is to partner with a concierge service that has extensive experience and connections on the ground.  

A retreat concierge can help with itinerary development, vendor coordination, guest communications, logistics management, and on-site support during your retreats. If you want specialized services like professional chefs, yoga trainers, spa and wellness specialists, local guides, trekking experts, and adventure activity professionals, a concierge service is your best option for managing successful retreats.  In Costa Rica’s southern zone, Vajra Jahra Retreat Center offers customized retreat planning services for families, corporates, and retreat program leaders seeking a rejuvenating and relaxing experience amidst the virgin lowland rainforests and enchanting waterfalls. For more information, send a WhatsApp message to +506-8614-0289 , or contact us online .

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Inspired by the views of the Diamante Waterfall, Vajra Jahra was built on the idea that life’s simplest pleasures are also the most luxurious.

Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for group and retreat leaders to provide a unique, metamorphic experience for their guests.

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Health and Wellness Tourism: A Strategic Plan for Tourism and Thermalism Valorization of São Pedro do Sul

  • First Online: 24 October 2014

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wellness tourism business plan

  • Carlos Costa 3 ,
  • Joana Quintela 3 &
  • José Mendes 4  

2718 Accesses

17 Citations

Wellness tourism has become an emerging market segment directed not only for those who pursue solely thermal treatments but also for those seeking illness prevention, physical improvement and spiritual balance or even for those eager of cultural and relaxation programs. In this sense, wellness tourism has become more complex and creative, demanding high quality equipments and infrastructures, providing a wide range of products and services related not only with the diversity of spa treatments but also with complementary recreational activities regarding the connection to nature and to cultural patrimony as well as to other regional resources, creating effective links to the territory and becoming a significant force that will shape the regional development, by creating a positive pressure on local economic bases with spillover effects on the territory. This research presents a case-study based on the creation of a strategic plan for tourism and thermalism valorization of São Pedro do Sul, the largest thermal health complex in Portugal. It relies on three main aspects – products, space promotion and governance – and it will unveil how classic spa tourism may evolve towards modern structures by capturing emerging and modern tourism demands.

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DEGEI, University of Aveiro (UA), Aveiro, Portugal

Carlos Costa & Joana Quintela

Idtour – Unique Solutions, Aveiro, Portugal

José Mendes

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Department of Business Administration, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Marta Peris-Ortiz

Accounting & Financial Economy Department, University of Extremadura Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism, Cáceres, Spain

José Álvarez-García

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Costa, C., Quintela, J., Mendes, J. (2015). Health and Wellness Tourism: A Strategic Plan for Tourism and Thermalism Valorization of São Pedro do Sul. In: Peris-Ortiz, M., Álvarez-García, J. (eds) Health and Wellness Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 24 October 2014

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-11489-7

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The Complete Guide to Starting a Wellness Business


The wellness industry encompasses a wide range of different opportunities and concepts that allow you to turn your passion into a business. From a digital yoga studio to a personal chef or meal kit delivery service, there are a lot of different ways to enter the wellness market. 

When it comes to starting a wellness business, going from an idea to a physical concept and bringing your business to fruition is a long journey. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about starting a wellness business:

  • The Wellness Industry in a Nutshell
  • Health and Wellbeing Business Opportunities
  • 4 Great Wellness Brands to Learn From
  • 8 Tips for Starting a Wellness Business

The global wellness industry is now worth $4.5 trillion and that number is only going up. Every year, entrepreneurs come to the market with an exciting wellness product or service. Some brands stand the test of time, others fall flat. While the wellness industry continues to grow, there have been a few key shifts over the past few years. 

Similar to the fitness industry, wellness is coming into the home. Brands are finding ways to offer their services and products in a home setting. Home wellness as well as getting out in nature will both be key drivers for the wellness industry. 

Additionally, wellness and fitness are no longer being seen as separate businesses. Now, you will regularly see boxing gyms including breathing sessions in their routines and HIIT studios adding a touch of yoga or pilates to a class to help with the warm-up or warm-down.

The lines are blurring in the wellness industry, and now is a fantastic time to dive in and find your own business opportunity.

Health and Wellbeing Business Opportunities 

Wellness is an umbrella term that covers everything from fitness and physical health to nutrition, mental health and mindfulness, and sleep. Whether you’re an aspiring wellness entrepreneur with a new business idea or want to add a virtual wellness coaching business to your gym’s offering, there are plenty of ideas to enhance your wellness business. Let’s dive into the different wellness methods you can make the most of.

Fitness, Mind, and Body Activities 

To start with, the physical health economy is a significant part of the wellness industry. Think sports, fitness, mindful movement, equipment, technology, apparel, and footwear. It’s a billion-dollar market that shows how critical movement is in supporting a healthy lifestyle. From gym memberships or an online personal trainer to a yoga teacher and health club, the opportunities are limitless. 

Key Action Point: Discover where your business fits in the wellness industry – are you providing something new? Or building off the businesses of others?

Read More: Your Complete Fitness Marketing Guide

Nutrition, weight loss, and healthy eating  .

Nutrition and healthy eating cover a range of business opportunities. A nutritional therapist, personal chef, weight loss coach, healthy food products, dietary supplements, and even an organic juice bar all slot into this area. A person’s wellness is made up of so many different elements. Although the wellness industry is crowded, there are still new ways you can help someone live a healthier life. 

Key Action Point: Whatever your nutrition needs, there is a business out there that can provide you with the vitamin, mineral, or oil you need to thrive. Supplements can also be a major upselling opportunity for businesses, so it pays to include them in your strategy.

Read More: Alex Hormozi’s Guide to Upselling

Personal care and beauty .

Personal care and beauty are another part of the wellness puzzle. With anti-aging, preventative skincare, and other beauty products and services, it’s a billion-dollar segment of the wellness industry. Opportunities for this would include massage, natural beauty products, and home wellness products. 

Key Action Point: If you’re running a fitness studio or wellness gym, these are services you can offer as an add-on or as a retail offering in your reception. Again, remember – it’s in the add-ons that your business will get the highest returns on investment.

Read More: Making the Most of Your Fitness Merchandise

Wellness tourism, retreats, and spas  .

Wellness tourism, retreats, massage therapists, and spas are big businesses. People have stressful lives and will pay top dollar to get a break that they know they deserve. Your goal as a business is to provide an exceptional service that people will recommend to all their friends who need a bit of R&R.

Key Action Point: Ask yourself what your business or product does to improve the lives of your members or customers. If it doesn’t, you have a problem.

Read More: Why ABC Glofox is the Wellness Partner Your Business Needs

4 great wellness brands to learn from .

Health and well-being are incredibly important. What’s interesting is that wellness is having an increasingly bigger role to play in the larger healthcare picture. With more accessible and affordable ways to stay healthy and rising healthcare costs, more and more people will be interested in improving their overall well-being. Within the rising wellness movement, there are a number of brands that you should take inspiration from. Whether it’s an exceptional product or a brilliant marketing campaign, there’s something here for you to find helpful.

Calm is rated the number one app for sleep, meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation. It’s considered very successful and is on a clear mission to make people happier. With mental health issues on the rise, isolation and financial uncertainty pose a serious health risk for many people’s mental state. Through a series of questions, Calm creates exercises based on each user’s need. This level of personalization is essential for the user. The app is highly effective, easy to use, and a great tool for reducing stress. 

Key Takeaway: Design an app, service, or product that fits market needs. Take a look at rising trends and hobbies and where your business can fit within that.

2. WelleCo 

WelleCo by Elle MacPherson is a health supplements company that produces super elixir greens powders. The powder mix combines 45 ingredients and is on the more expensive side of the wellness market at $135 for the starter pack. The brand is polished and the elixir is created using science; adding complete authority. 

Key Action Point: Don’t be afraid to be an upmarket product – profit margins in the wellness industry are notoriously tight. Remember that people are willing to pay more for peace of mind, especially if it’s backed by science and research.

The Top 10 Barriers Slowing Your Fitness Business Growth

3. the nue co. .

The Nue Co. launched in 2017. They wanted to redefine the relationship you have with health. Through innovation and science, this wellness company delivers supplements without chemicals. Again, similar to WelleCo, the brand uses science to create evidence-based supplements that aim to improve their customer’s health. It’s designed to be simple yet effective. 

Key Action Point : Remember that you’re marketing a better lifestyle or feeling to your customers – take the time to ensure that your packaging, marketing, and mission statement all show your value proposition clearly.

On the fitness side of the wellness world, Fitbit is a great example of a brand that has faced steep competition but still remains a big player in the industry. In recent years, Fitbit has undergone some major changes. Google has recently completed its acquisition of Fitbit. By combining the health and fitness knowledge of Fitbit with the operations of Google, no doubt there will be exciting products on the horizon. But even with all the new changes, Fitbit has always excelled at creating a community and encouraging movement with digital challenges and some friendly competition. 

When you take a closer look at some of the best health and wellness brands right now, you see how they leverage technology to create a fantastic user experience. Apps and digital tools allow for a seamless user journey and it’s clear that technology will continue to have a big role to play in your wellness business. 

Key Action Point: Make sure your business is focusing on community and that feeling of inclusion and participation. It is, by far, the biggest motivator for members of the modern fitness industry.

Read More: How to Build a Loyal Fitness Community

8 tips for starting a wellness business .

It’s an intriguing time to think about health and wellness business opportunities. The wellness industry continues to grow and the latest developments in technology open up the door to innovative new possibilities. Here are eight tips for starting a wellness business. 

1. Develop a Concept and Do Your Research 

If you have an idea for a business, it’s time to develop a more solid concept and do your research. All the information you collect in the early stages of your business planning will put you in a stronger position down the line. Your research includes competitor and market analysis. Do you have a solution to a problem? Is there a large enough audience for you to scale your business? Ultimately, if you can create a solution for a problem and be an expert authority in your niche, you can outrun your competition and stand out from the crowd. 

2. Know Your Audience 

Part of the research stages of starting a business includes knowing exactly who your audience is. Depending on your type of business, you may have multiple audience personas. Segment your target audience so that you can find out as much information as possible. Think about demographics, interests, dreams, hurdles, life milestones, and more. When you know who you are targeting, you can get the right message to them on a platform they use at a good time. Combining these elements gives you the best opportunity to convert a stranger into a paying customer. Consider how a gym may have older members, weightlifters, and post-natal clientele. These people have different needs and aspirations. All this affects your overall business and marketing strategy. 

Read More: The Customer Engagement Playbook for Your Business

3. get qualified .

This stage may not apply to everyone, but the majority of people will need to get a qualification . Or at least, hire a team with the right qualifications. Qualifications create authority and trust. Elle Macpherson’s WelleCo brand is a great example of this. The supermodel works with doctors and scientists to create a product that creates a stronger sense of trust. The same applies when you’re creating a results-driven workout or developing a healthy eating plan or service. Part of running a wellness business is having the qualifications to be an authoritative voice in a sea of noise. 

Read More: 8 Fitness Certificates You Need to Get

4. write a business plan .

Writing your business plan is a pretty big task in itself. Your business plan will form the foundation for your business. You will refer to it as you build your business. It’s your blueprint. You wouldn’t build a house without a plan. You shouldn’t start a business without a business plan. Give yourself the best chance of success, secure funding, manage your business effectively, and attract investors with a solid business plan. It should include sections such as your mission statement, executive summary, industry analysis, and financial projections. 

5. Create and Establish Your Brand 

Having a strong brand can be a big differentiator in the wellness world. It can be what makes you stand out and gives you a unique edge against your competition. When starting your business, you will need to create and establish your brand. Your brand is about how people see you, it’s the voice you use, your personality, and the way your business looks. Elements to consider include your visual brand, messaging, values, and qualities. 

Read More: How to Create Your Brand

6. think about your finances .

Another important part of starting your own business is securing your finances as a start-up. How will you fund your business? You have a few different options to consider. Firstly, determine how much you need. If you can’t self-fund the venture, look to investors and crowdfunding. You also have the option to get a small business loan. Your financial projections section of your business plan should help you determine your finances as well as secure potential investments. 

Read More: The Complete Gym Financing Guide

7. legal and insurance considerations .

When starting a new business, you will have certain legal and insurance elements to consider. You will need to register your company, obtain the right licenses and permits, sort out your tax, open a business account, get insurance , and consult with legal professionals. Your needs may change depending on the type of business you have. For example, an online business has different needs than a physical business with an in-person location. 

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Fitness Insurance

8. nail your marketing strategy .

Finally, develop and craft an incredible wellness marketing strategy. You can create the best digital fitness studio with a great app, but if no one knows about it, you’re not going to get that far. Your social media and marketing strategy raises brand awareness, attracts new customers, and gets the ball rolling. The best marketing plan is a multipronged approach that takes into account your target audience. Data is your friend and the more you know about your ideal customer, the better you can target and convert them into a paying client. 

Read More: ABC Glofox – the Marketing Partner You’ve Been Looking For

In summary .

Going forward, successful businesses will have a digital element. Whether that’s a digital fitness platform, an ecommerce wellness brand, or a virtual health coach, at-home wellness is crucial. Consumers expect personalization, a polished brand, and a great user experience. As the wellness industry continues to grow and adapt, entrepreneurs have the potential to catapult a new innovative business into the market. 

If you’re looking to venture into the wellness industry, you’re going to need a platform that can help you reach out to members, track attendance, and make it easy for your customers to book classes at your gym or studio.

With a complete fitness-focused booking and member tracking platform, ABC Glofox can be that partner for your wellness business.

ABC Glofox is a fitness business management platform that streamlines payments, bookings, and processes. With a future-proof platform that implements AI to create a seamless user experience, it’s the solution your fitness business has been looking for.

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Tourism Teacher

What is wellness tourism and why is it so popular?

Wellness tourism is growing in traction around the world, but what is wellness tourism and why is it becoming so popular? Read on to find out…

What is wellness tourism?

The growth of wellness tourism, why is wellness tourism important, types of wellness tourism, is medical tourism an example of wellness tourism, the dimensions of wellness tourism, yoga retreats, meditation retreats, writing retreats, healthy eating breaks, wellness tourism in iceland, wellness tourism in thailand, wellness tourism in india, wellness tourism in hawaii, wellness tourism in costa rica, wellness tourism- further reading.

What is wellness tourism?

Wellness tourism is all about travel that is focused on maintaining or improving someone’s wellbeing. This may be physical or mental – there are different types of wellness. Activities may be spiritual, physical or psychological, but they will all promote health in some way.

Wellness tourism is growing exponentially . From 2015 to 2017 the wellness tourism market grew from $563bn to $639bn, which is around 6.5% annually. This is double the growth of tourism overall, according to GWI. GWI predicts that this market will soon reach a huge $919bn; this will represent around 18% of all tourism globally.

Wellness tourists can be split into two categories: primary and secondary. You can read more about this in the ‘types of wellness tourism’ section below. Statistically, primary wellness tourists spend 178% more than your average tourist does, domestically – and 53% more internationally!

There are a number of reasons why wellness tourism is growing so fast. Firstly, there is the general move away from the typical sun, sea and sand package holiday model that has been the focus of travel for many people throughout the years, towards more alternative types of tourism . Alongside this, there is an increased awareness and importance that has been placed upon wellbeing in general throughout society- people are more health conscious than they have ever been before and this is reflected in tourists’ holiday choices.

Wellness tourism is going from strength to strength, but why is it important? The number one reason, of course, is that it improves people’s wellbeing. Whether this is by teaching them to eat healthily, or giving them space to heal from a particular trauma, there are many reasons as to why someone would go on a wellness-focused holiday. By offering space for self-improvement, we end up with a healthier population overall. People who are less stressed, fitter, more knowledgeable about their nutrition… this is very important for society.

Wellness tourism is also helping to preserve cultural traditions in certain parts of the world. It also means natives can introduce these practises to others. This ensures that people are always learning about, and taking an interest in, different cultures. As mentioned above, there is a lot of money in wellness tourism. This means it can boost the local economies of areas where it takes place – even down to corner shops or taxi firms in the area.

What is wellness tourism?

And linked to this is the fact that wellness tourism generates employment. Yoga retreats need yoga teachers, and fancy spas need masseuses! The jobs involved in wellness tourism are often highly skilled and very particular jobs. With retreats opening up in more remote places, it makes the area more attractive to young professionals. This in turn can boost the economy even further!

As mentioned, there are two types of wellness tourism. These are primary and secondary. Primary wellness tourism is when someone’s whole trip is focused on wellness; it is their sole reason for travel, and the major component of their trip. Every aspect of their holiday is tailored to wellness. Secondary wellness tourism is when general tourists incorporate some aspect of wellness (think- a massage on the beach during an all-inclusive Mexican vacation) into their holiday.

There are some overlaps between medical tourism and wellness tourism. Whilst some (e.g. the Global Wellness Institute) argue that medical tourism and wellness tourism are two different forms of tourism, others suggest that actually wellness tourism is an example of a macro form of niche tourism and medical is a micro niche within it. This is supported by a literature analysis undertaken by Smith and Kelly in 2006 , whereby the emphasised the various dimensions of wellness tourism, one of which is the medical tourism industry.

As I mentioned above, there wellness tourism is often seen as being a macro niche- in other words, it is a big form of niche tourism that then has smaller niches within it. There have been a number of studies into these different niche tourism types, justifying them as forms of wellness tourism. The dimensions of wellness tourism are as follows:

  • Medical/cosmetic (e.g. hospital visits clinic appointments)
  • Corporeal/physical (e.g. spas, massage yoga)
  • Escapism and relaxation (e.g. beach , spa, mountains)
  • Hedonistic/experiential (e.g. festival spaces)
  • Existential and psychological (e.g. holistic centres focussed on self-development and philosophical contemplation)
  • Spiritual (e.g. pilgrimage tourism , New Age events, yoga retreats)
  • Community-oriented (e.g. voluntary tourism , charity ventures)

Wellness tourism activities

There are many activities that make up wellness tourism. I have explored some of the most popular ones below.

A spa break is a typical form of wellness tourism. Whether it be one night or a couple of days, it is the perfect chance to unwind. Spas are generally peaceful places with low lighting and soft music, providing healthy snacks and comfortable places to relax. With swimming pools and hot tubs, saunas and gym areas as well as treatment rooms, spas have plenty of chances to improve your wellbeing. Whether you opt for an Indian head massage, a pregnancy massage or even a couple’s massage, there is always a wide range of treatments dedicated to feeling better in some way.

Yoga retreats are like yoga classes, but for an extended period of time. They generally take places at locations which are uber-relaxing; away from busy cities, for the most part. Many will be alcohol-free and vegan (or at least veggie), and some will ban technology. There will be daily yoga classes and other relaxation activities such as long walks, formal talks, spa treatments, meditation and loads of free time to do what relaxes *you*. Choose from weekend yoga retreats to week-long breaks; you’ll go home feeling more knowledgeable about yoga, and able to incorporate it into your daily life.

Similar to a yoga retreat, a meditation retreat is a trip – 2 nights, a week, longer – which focuses on teaching you the correct techniques for meditation, and giving you the space to practise. Alongside guided meditation there will be plenty of other wellness-focused activities. These might include foraging, spa treatments, digital detoxes, vocal workshops, panel events, peaceful walks and so on. You’ll return to your daily life feeling well-rested and confident that you’re able to meditate in your own time.

What is wellness tourism?

Writing retreats are a type of ‘holiday’ where you focus on writing (obviously) alongside resting and eating well. Writer’s block is a well-known ailment, and a writing retreat can be just the trick when it comes to getting rid of it. You are away from the stress and grind of everyday life, focusing on your writing, in a new place that will hopefully offer inspiration. You’ll sleep better, hopefully, and eat well too, meaning you’ll feel better all round. Many writing retreats are run by successful writers, or at least have talks/classes led by successful writers! They’ll include workshops, pitching sessions, 1:1 coaching classes and more.

Sometimes known as weight loss retreats, a healthy eating break is a trip you go on to lose weight or simply learn more about the food *your* body needs. Everybody’s dietary requirements are different, based on your BMI, height, deficiencies and so on. You’ll be able to tailor a healthy eating break to suit you, and hopefully come away with a lot more knowledge about the nutrition your body is looking for. This is a great example of physical wellness tourism.

Popular wellness tourism destinations

There are wellness tourism destinations across the globe. You can engage in wellness tourism domestically, or go further afield. Some top destinations, and what they have to offer, are listed below…

wellness tourism business plan

Iceland is a beautiful destination and one that also has a lot of wellness tourism activities on offer. Take a dip in a geothermal pool, for example – there are plenty of hot springs to relax in, taking in the stunning scenery around you. Or you can head to the Myvatn Nature Baths in the North, where the water is very unique. It’s alkaline with a huge amount of minerals, meaning it is well-suited for bathing. The trace elements in the water are meant to have a great effect on the development of any skin problems. From infinity pools to skiing to mountain hiking, there are many wellness activities available across Iceland! This is a location suited to both primary wellness tourism, and also secondary – incorporating a Blue Lagoon dip into your road trip, for example.

wellness tourism business plan

Thailand is another popular location for wellness tourism, both primary and secondary. A Thai massage is an ideal addition to any trip to the city, and perfect for helping you wind down or loosen up during a busy backpacking trip, for example. With 93% of the Thai population practising Buddhism, a peaceful religion with many links to meditation, it’s no wonder that Thailand is home to so many beautiful wellness retreats. From beaches to temples, there are locations right across the country providing the perfect base for wellness tourism.

wellness tourism business plan

India is a very spiritual country, so it goes hand in hand with wellness tourism. The government is keen to position India as a hub for Ayurveda, Yoga, Sidha, Naturopathy and so on, “together with the spiritual philosophy that has been integral to the Indian way of life.” There are various yoga and meditation retreats available in Vana (at the foot of the Himalayas), Soukya, the Keralan countryside and many other parts of the country. India is perfect for primary wellness tourism!

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Wellness tourism in Hawaii is very prominent, and it is well suited to couples. This beautifully sunny location, a real paradise, is so romantic. The climate and therapeutic salt water combined with traditional omilomi massage and pohaku (hot stones) makes for the perfect spa location. Choose from facials done with local flowers, or coffee scrubs to rejuvenate the skin. Relax on the beach in between treatments, listening to the waves lap against the shore. Enjoy the glorious sunshine and breathtaking scenery. Wellness in Hawaii is a big deal, and ideal for primary wellness tourists.

wellness tourism business plan

Costa Rica is another location where primary and secondary wellness tourism is common. There is so much to do in Costa Rica, and adding in a massage or world-class yoga session is the perfect way to ensure that the endless hiking, surfing and exploring doesn’t tire you out too much. But it is also somewhere with many wellness retreats. With the whole country focusing on being eco-friendly, coupled with the *stunning* scenery across the nation, it is no surprise that this slow-paced destination offers so many wellness opportunities. Retreats offer medicine walks, Qi Gong, naturopathy, reiki, coffee scrubs, digital detoxes and so much more…

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The science of wellness tourism: understanding the benefits for your health, where hotel standards prioritize safety, health, and guest experience.

In recent years, the concept of wellness tourism has gained significant attention as more and more people seek to prioritize their health and well-being while traveling. Wellness tourism offers a unique opportunity to combine the pleasures of travel with a focus on improving one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this article, we will delve deeper into the science behind wellness tourism and explore the numerous benefits it offers for your health and overall well-being.

What is Wellness Tourism?

Wellness tourism can be defined as the practice of traveling to enhance or maintain one's well-being. It encompasses a wide range of activities and experiences, including spa retreats, yoga and meditation retreats, fitness and weight loss programs, holistic healing practices, and immersive wellness experiences in natural environments. The goal of wellness tourism is to promote personal growth, relaxation, and rejuvenation while nurturing a healthy lifestyle.

The Science of Well-being

Science has increasingly recognized the profound impact of various wellness practices on our overall well-being. Research has shown that engaging in wellness activities, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and spa therapies, can have positive effects on both our physical and mental health.

For instance, studies have demonstrated that mindfulness meditation reduces stress, improves attention and cognitive function, and even positively influences gene expression related to inflammation and aging. Regular yoga practice has been linked to increased flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health, as well as reduced anxiety and depression symptoms.

Moreover, spa therapies, such as thermal baths, hydrotherapy, and massage, have been found to alleviate pain, enhance blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and promote relaxation. These practices not only offer immediate benefits but also contribute to long-term health outcomes.

The Benefits of Wellness Tourism

  • Stress Reduction: Wellness tourism provides a much-needed escape from the daily stressors of life. By immersing yourself in serene and tranquil environments, engaging in relaxation techniques, and disconnecting from technology, you can significantly reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness and meditation, have a positive impact on mental health and can even boost the immune system.
  • Physical Rejuvenation: Many wellness tourism activities focus on physical well-being. From fitness retreats that offer tailored exercise programs to spa resorts that provide rejuvenating treatments, these experiences can enhance your physical health and help you achieve your wellness goals. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and therapeutic treatments can improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels, and contribute to weight management. Additionally, the natural beauty of wellness tourism destinations often encourages outdoor activities, such as hiking or swimming, which further promote physical fitness.
  • Mental Wellness: Engaging in wellness activities during your travels can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Yoga and meditation retreats, for example, promote self-reflection, mindfulness, and self-awareness. These practices can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhance emotional resilience, and improve overall mental health. The combination of serene surroundings, therapeutic treatments, and mindful practices creates a conducive environment for mental relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Cultural Immersion: Wellness tourism often takes place in picturesque locations that provide an opportunity for cultural immersion. Exploring new cultures, traditions, and cuisines can broaden your horizons and stimulate personal growth. Additionally, interacting with like-minded individuals who share similar wellness goals can create a sense of community and support. Participating in cultural activities and learning about traditional healing practices can further enrich your wellness journey.
  • Personal Growth: Engaging in wellness practices while traveling allows for personal growth and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to prioritize self-care, develop healthy habits, and explore new dimensions of their well-being. Wellness tourism offers a unique space for introspection, self-reflection, and personal transformation. It provides an opportunity to reassess priorities, establish new routines, and gain a deeper understanding of oneself. Whether it's through holistic healing practices, mindful workshops, or immersive nature experiences, wellness tourism empowers individuals to cultivate a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

If you are looking to embark on a wellness tourism journey, it is essential to choose reputable establishments that prioritize your health and well-being. When selecting accommodations, consider WellHotel® accredited establishments that cater to both wellness tourists and medical tourists. These hotels have undergone rigorous evaluation to ensure they meet the highest standards of care and quality. You can find a list of accredited WellHotels® at .

Wellness tourism provides a valuable opportunity to prioritize your health and well-being while experiencing the joys of travel. By engaging in wellness activities, you can reduce stress, rejuvenate your body, enhance mental well-being, and promote personal growth. Embrace the science-backed benefits of wellness tourism and embark on a journey that nurtures both your body and soul. Allow yourself to indulge in the serenity of wellness tourism destinations, immerse yourself in diverse cultures, and embrace the transformative power of personal well-being. Your journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life starts with the conscious choice to prioritize your wellness.

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Dimensions of the health benefits of wellness tourism: A review

Chenmei liao.

1 Shenzhen Tourism College, Jinan University, Shenzhen, China

2 School of Physical Education, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

3 School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

4 Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, University of Macau, Macau, China

5 Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, Macau, China

The benefits of wellness tourism have been recently noted by researchers and industry representatives. This study examined the health dimensions of these benefits posited by a large array of interdisciplinary studies from 2002 up to the present. Open coding was used to conduct an inductive evaluation to classify these health benefits. Results showed four main dimensions, namely, physical fitness, psychological fitness, quality of life (QOL), and environmental health; however, these dimensions need further investigation. Physiological health benefits can also be demonstrated through future experiments, which can further focus on empirical research on the psychological benefits and its overall effect on the QOL. This study contributes to the current literature by providing novel theoretical foundations and subsequently aids practitioners to understand customers better and convey their marketing messages to tourists more effectively.

1. Introduction

The concept of “wellness” is holistic; many scholars emphasize the multidimensional nature of personal health, combining physical and mental health, social, and environmental factors. It is explained as a state where one experiences “harmony in mental, physical, spiritual, or biological health in general” through healthy and enriching activities ( Kotur, 2022 ). Wellness has five main conceptualizations: wellness as a state of being or outcome, as a process, as an approach to professional care, as a matter of community, and as a global topic ( Stará and Peterson, 2017 ). With recent rapid economic development bringing in fierce social pressure and competition, involution and an accelerated pace of life has left most people feeling burnt out, leading to an increase in those with subhealth characteristics. Burnout is manifested in three aspects: body, psychology, and interpersonal communication.

The abject disregard of this problem leads to negative effects on work and personal life, reduces the efficiency of social production, and affects social stability. During the past two decades, an increasing turn toward healthy ways and wellness activities occurred ( Koncul, 2012 ). Post-pandemic, various tourists are also anticipated to invest in experiences enhancing their overall sense of wellness. Following the Global Health Institute, the 2019 novel pneumonia epidemic has halted the growth of the global wellness tourism market. However, by the end of 2022, its value will reach 817 billion US dollars.

Tourism enables people to get out of the work environment and experience new things. Participating in leisure activities improves subjective well-being ( Fritz and Sonnentag, 2006 ). Some scholars hypothesize its benefits on the basis of bottom-up tourism benefit spillover theory ( Peters, 2000 ), which suggests that overall life satisfaction is influenced by assessments of various life domains, such as personal health, work, leisure, and family, whereas positive and negative factors in life events influence how individuals assess various life domains.

Some motives or benefits are also unique to specific tourism contexts. Examples include altruism, which is a benefit included in volunteer tourism studies ( Brown, 2005 ). Tourism can be beneficial to a tourist’s health because it provides different physical, psychological, and intellectual benefits. Thus, research on tourists’ health is usually the focus of wellness tourism ( Težak Damijanić, 2019 ). Generally, wellness tourism is a form of tourism that links individual health with social and personal dimensions and considers people’s individual lifestyles.

Recognizing the general trend and exploring the positive effects of health tourism consumption have important theoretical value for improving the industry’s awareness of health tourism strategy, cultivating the positive attitude to life, advocating a kind of healthy lifestyle, and ultimately improving well-being and quality of life (QOL; Pocinho et al., 2022 ).

Wellness tourism has been growing rapidly, and it has been the subject of intense debate regarding its development, attractive forces, and marketing among others ( McCarthy, 2015 ). As a lifestyle and destination choice for tourists, wellness tourism is not merely guided by the need of relaxation in tourism ( Joseph Sirgy, 2019 ). Wellness tourism experiences have traditionally focused on relaxation, sensory pleasures, enjoyment, and natural environment. However, in recent years, wellness tourism has diversified to offer more immersive and authentic experiences that focused on tourists’ personal growth. The paradigm of wellness tourism’s whole vision has changed from a narrow perspective based on physical health and well-being to a broad vision of holistic health ( Dini and Pencarelli, 2022 ). Recent studies have started to focus more on the benefits of travel experience ( Nawijn, 2011 ). However, most research on this topic is conducted in the fields of organizational behavior and health sciences. Moreover, most studies only discuss the benefits of wellness tourism from a single dimension and do not conduct comprehensive studies on health benefits from a holistic perspective.

Recognizing this gap in the research, this study provides a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to the impact of wellness tourism experiences to wellness of individuals. Then, on the basis of the results of the literature review, directions for future research are discussed, and recommendations for future wellness tourism destination planning and management are provided.

This study uses open coding and framework analysis to explore the dimensions of the health benefits of wellness tourism. The research interests of the study are justified by the results that an increasing number of tourists spends time and money to enhance their mental and physical well-being. Furthermore, expanding wellness tourist experience studies from a holistic perspective provides a logical connection. In addition, a growing number of tourists is forecasted to invest in experiences to improve their sense of overall wellness. Given the development of wellness tourism, this research not only bridges the gap between the systematic and holistic nature of the existing literature but also becomes instrumental in elevating the quality and variety of wellness tourism offerings.

2. The relationship between health and wellness tourism

The definition of “Health” in “ Cihai, ” an unabridged, comprehensive dictionary, includes two aspects. One is that the main organs are free of disease, the body shape is well developed and uniform, and the human body system has good physiological functions and strong physical constitution. Second, it has good resistance to diseases and can adapt to the impact of environmental changes, various physiological stimuli, and pathogenic factors on the body.

Meanwhile, health is defined by the World Health Organization as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The concept of wellness tourism is well defined. For them, wellness is a state of health featuring the harmony of body, mind, and spirit, with self-responsibility, physical fitness or beauty care, healthy nutrition or diet, relaxation or meditation, mental activity, and environmental sensitivity. It is also regarded as a positive process; in the process of realization, people can perceive and choose a more successful life, promote a positive and optimistic outlook on life, and a comprehensive and balanced outlook on life ( Koncul, 2012 ).

A close relationship exists between tourism and the health of tourists despite tourism’s negative impacts on tourist health given natural disaster and accidents ( Heggie, 2009 ), disease transmission ( Chen et al., 2016 ), and safety risks ( Stephens et al., 2005 ). Meanwhile, some scholars even believe that the sense of well-being brought by leisure forms based on social and recreational purposes is not enough to produce health benefits ( Downward and Dawson, 2016 ).

However, the view that tourism activities have more positive effects on tourists’ health is generally agreed upon. For example, travel experience directly affects the overall life satisfaction of leisure tourists ( Neal et al., 1999 ). Positive effects are also shown on the perceived physical and mental well-being, but these benefits gradually diminish after the trip ends ( Chen and Petrick, 2013 ). Longer tourist stays are therefore likelier to improve the quality of individual leisure life and overall life satisfaction ( Neal et al., 2007 ).

Travel recovery experiences (such as psychological separation from work, relaxation experiences, challenging experiences, and perceived control during vacations) may have positive effects on perceived health ( Fritz and Sonnentag, 2006 ). Some authors used salivary cortisol and chromogranin A (CgA) as endocrinological stress markers to assess the effects on health of participation in a short leisure trip (two nights, 3 days); they found that short-term travel tours probably have beneficial health effects ( Toda et al., 2004 ). Tourism activities help tourists reduce anxiety; the longer the travel time, the lower the anxiety level of tourists ( Flaherty and Chua, 2018 ; Kroesen and De Vos, 2020 ). Evidently, travel makes people happier ( Nawijn, 2011 ) and is regarded as an effective way to achieve a healthy state ( McCarthy, 2015 ).

Clearly, tourism and health have a natural coupling relationship. General tourism activities are conducive to relaxing the spirit, regulating physical and mental health, and eliminating what modern medicine calls the “third state between health and disease.” Compared with the general form of tourism, the health benefit of forms of tourism with strong health orientation is more evident. Wellness tourism is defined as the sum of all relationships and phenomena from tourism activities undertaken by people with the maintenance and promotion of health as their primary motivation ( Mueller and Kaufmann, 2001 ). The maintenance and promotion of health is a core feature of wellness tourism ( Voigt et al., 2011 ), which is a form of tourism with a strong health orientation.

The argument that taking part in wellness tourism has health benefits for tourists has been unanimously recognized by many scholars. Tourism experiences are posited to reinvigorate the body and mind, provide opportunities to gain skills, improve self-esteem, and increase awareness of nature ( Moscardo, 2009 ). A healthy wellness tourism experience affects leisure satisfaction, which leads to nonleisure satisfaction, which then helps improve tourist QOL ( Neal et al., 1999 ). Some authors conducted quantitative and qualitative research on the tourism benefits of three types of healthy travelers in Australia and designed six different factors, namely, self-transcendence, physical fitness, escape and relaxation, important people and novelty, self-reinvention, and indulgence, to measure the benefit of healthy tourism ( Voigt et al., 2011 ). From the perspective of self-determination theory, wellness facilities positively affect tourists’ health and enhances tourists’ vitality and mental health ( Thal and Hudson, 2019 ). The above studies suggest that wellness tourism participation may improve various health and wellness measures; however, studies on the effect of wellness tourism experiences on multiple dimensions of health and well-being are lacking. To address this gap, the current study was performed to assess the health benefits of wellness tourism.

3. Methodology

3.1. data collection.

Resources, such as worldwide peer-reviewed journals from 2002 to 2022 in scientific databases related to the research field (e.g., Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science), were used in the study. The first step was searching for articles in the database using combinations of the following keywords: “wellness tourism” or “health tourism” and “benefit” or “effect.” The initial keywords were first identified by a panel of experts. The primary literature searches initially yielded 174 results. Next, only review and research articles are retained. Hence, 57 meeting articles, short comments, and covered chapters were excluded. A total of two graduate students generated abstracts that resulted from the search of each word. Lastly, each article was read carefully to confirm its direct relevance to the content of the study, double checked, and filtered; subsequently, eligible articles were classified. After excluding 49 articles with irrelevant content, 68 articles were found eligible for analysis. Additional texts were included in the review based on their historical significance to the understanding of wellness tourism or their ability to provide context to the current discussion. This step allowed the study to focus on the most salient points presented in the articles rather than simply choosing certain parts of the text. After all articles have been evaluated by two graduate students, the coding results were checked every week by two senior experts. The same or similar codes were directly adopted, and the results were determined by experts after discussion for the different codes.

3.2. Grounded theory

Grounded theory is a qualitative research method developed by American sociologists Glaser and Strauss. Grounded theory is a simulation and research process of understanding the world from the bottom up. It is a process of constantly raising questions, making comparisons, establishing classifications, establishing connections, and discovering theories ( Wertz, 2014 ). The analysis of data is called coding.

Open coding is a process of data interpretation in which data and phenomena are identified by concepts by disassembling and understanding the text to confirm and develop the concept, making a comparative analysis, and finally extracting the category ( Saldaña, 2021 ). This study is based on a literature review of 68 articles on benefits of wellness tourism from 2002 to 2022. These health benefits of wellness tourism can be extracted through open coding. In this study, the concrete operation of the research method of open coding is realized by the qualitative analysis software Nvivo11.0. After repeated coding and correction, a total of 2,538 reference points were obtained. After repeated comparison and selection, 16 concepts and four main categories were obtained. An example of open encoding is shown in Table 1 .

Opening coding example.

3.3. Framework analysis

This study follows the steps for framework analysis as recommended by Furber (2010) . It utilizes a well-defined process based on a large amount of text data, is suitable for the analysis of a large amount of text data in any form, and has systematic rigor for the quality, depth, and richness of the analysis. Nvivo 11.0, a text mining software that supports the analysis of qualitative data, was used to analyze the text.

First, familiarization included reading through the study selected while taking notes on key themes and substantive issues. Here, notes were made of the main ideas that appeared to recur in the data ( Ritchie et al., 2013 ). These recurring ideas from the familiarization process were then collated into groups of similar ideas or themes to be organized into a conceptual framework or index ( Ritchie et al., 2013 ). After a theoretical framework has been developed, the next phase of the framework method is called indexing. This phase involves reading through the data and noting the theme on the draft theoretical framework that it applies to. The final phase of the framework analysis process involves mapping and interpretation to synthesize the data. Here, interpretive codes were explored for homogeneity to assign an overarching theme related to health benefits. A final theoretical framework was then agreed at this stage. At the end of this process, the coding spectrum included four themes and 16 interpretive codes ( Table 2 ).

Interpretive codes under emergent themes.

Once all charts were complete, a conceptual framework illustrating wellness tourism experiences representing the four dimensions was proposed ( Figure 1 ).

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Wellness dimensions of wellness tourism experiences.

4.1. Physical fitness

Physiological fitness means that the body, organs, and cells of an individual are in good condition ( Schilling et al., 2020 ). Maintaining and promoting good physical health is affected by diet, living environment, and behavioral habits. On this basis, wellness tourism is based on good phenological conditions and promotes the physical and mental health of tourists in the form of tourism to enhance tourist happiness ( Filep, 2014 ). Most tourists who participate in wellness tourism tend to choose a more pleasant climate and a more comfortable natural environment, such as forests, parks, water bodies, and seashores, compared with their permanent residence. People’s behavior in wellness tourism also increases more outdoor environment time and more chances to exercise than usual, allowing people to obtain better health time.

Various scholars have paid attention to studies on the potential impact of the natural environment of wellness tourism on physical health. Following the theory of rehabilitative landscape, some authors argue that natural environment, social interaction, and symbolic landscape affect the healing process of wellness tourists; the level of salivary cortisol, a stress-related physiological marker, is significantly reduced in people who stay longer in green environments ( Bell et al., 2018 ). It also significantly reduces the risk of having type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, early death from hypertension, premature delivery, and stress disorder ( Peters, 2000 ; Li and Kawada, 2011 ).

A type of tourism that features green environments is forest tourism. Forest tourism is based on forest ecological environment, aiming at promoting public health by using forest ecological resources, landscape resources, food and medicine resources, cultural resources, and the organic integration of medicine and health science to conduct tourist health care, rehabilitation, and health care services ( Nara and Horii, 2009 ). Forest environments are full of negative oxygen ions, plant fungicides, and plant essence. Various health care factors act on the human body, improving immunity, respiratory system function, and cardiovascular health ( Liu et al., 2013 ). Exposure to the forest environment in the winter even induces psychological relaxation ( Bielinis et al., 2018 ).

Forest therapy decreases blood pressure, reduces the pulse rate, and increases parasympathetic nervous activity, which is enhanced in relaxing situations ( Ohe et al., 2017 ). In forested areas, subjects exhibited significantly lower diastolic blood pressure and higher parasympathetic nervous activity but had significantly lower sympathetic nervous activity and heart rate ( Tsunetsugu et al., 2013 ).

Wellness tourism started out as being exclusively linked to the spa sector but is now associated with other tourist products ( Ciobanu and Luches, 2018 ). Spa tourism is regarded as a form of wellness tourism, and various hot spring tourism activities are conducted with hot springs as the carrier ( Georgiev and Trifonova Vasileva, 2010 ). A survey of spa tourists in Victoria, Australia found that 98% and 82% of total respondents believe spas are good for health and sleep, respectively ( Clark-Kennedy and Cohen, 2017 ). Scholars also took the tourists of red ginseng hot springs as the survey object and found that the spa experience can help improve the physical fitness of tourists ( Choi et al., 2015 ). The medical services in wellness tourism play an important role in secondary prevention and preventative healthcare ( Huang et al., 2022 ).

The effect of wellness tourism activities on tourists’ physical health extends to fields, such as medicine and life sciences, and is limited by interprofessional and experimental conditions. Existing research results still lack strong experimental demonstration and mechanism explanation. Only a few studies systematically elaborate the mechanism of healthcare tourism activities on tourists’ physical health.

4.2. Psychological fitness

The standard of health is not only on length of life but also on the abundance of the mind. Excessive stress, depression, or anxiety have become prominent problems that plague people in modern society. Psychological fitness is an integral part of human health and involves different mental states, such as attention, stress, and emotion ( Folkins et al., 1972 ). Therefore, there is no health without psychological fitness.

Personal well-being, satisfaction of family and interpersonal relationships, as well as a positive contribution to society are predetermined by psychological fitness. Psychological fitness is an integral part of human health. Unique wellness activities, curriculum training, and interpersonal interaction are conducive to improving the quality of mental health. In forest health tourism, the adjustment and perception of tourists’ psychological state depends on the negative air ions in the forest, plant essence, acoustic environment, quiet environment, natural external irradiation penetrating the radiation dose level, light environment, and tourism microclimate ( Hollon et al., 2006 ). Forest landscapes obtained better scores in subjective ratings and induced significantly less negative and more vigorous moods. Overall, these findings suggest that even a short-term viewing of forests provide relaxing effects ( Tsunetsugu et al., 2013 ). In a study focused on the elderly, participating in wellness tourism was found to improve the sense of dignity and life happiness ( Kan et al., 2022 ).

Scholars conducted psychological tests on tourists who participated in forest tourism through four psychological questionnaires and found that tourists who have short winter interaction with forests experienced substantial emotional, restorative, and vitalizing effects ( Bielinis et al., 2018 ). Furthermore, the mental health benefits of forest health tourism were confirmed by using semantic discrimination and subjective symptom index methods. In forest tourism activities, the design of leisure activities is particularly important ( Ohe et al., 2017 ). Psychological guidance forest leisure tourism products can effectively improve the happiness index and psychological state of tourists ( Park et al., 2011 ).

Rural green tourism also has a wellness purpose and is one of the subtypes of wellness tourism. Notably, mental improvement and rehabilitation can and should be conducted within rural green tourism, leading to a positive impact on mental and overall human health. On the basis of the perspective of restorative environment, the restorative benefits of rural wellness tourism destinations and the restorative experience of tourists are studied, and the psychological recovery effect of wellness tourism on individual tourists is determined ( Soloviov et al., 2019 ). The kinds of wellness activities in contact with nature positively impact tourist psychological fitness.

According to environmental psychology, numerous experimental studies have demonstrated that wellness tourism activities in the natural environment improve the mental health of tourists in the short term, but it is uncertain whether such mental health plays a positive role in the long term ( Croes et al., 2018 ). Therefore, the impact of wellness tourism activities on tourists’ mental health is still a direction that needs to be further explored in academic discussions.

4.3. Quality of life

Different disciplines have different definitions of QOL. Development economics and sociology suggest that it means the significance of mental life level to people and social development. Psychologists believe that subjective well-being is happiness in the sense of QOL, which forms the measurement of happiness in happiness research ( Carlson et al., 2003 ; Cruice et al., 2003 ). The World Health Organization defines QOL as reflecting personal goals, expectations, standards, awareness, and views on life.

Scholars have different definition of QOL, but a consensus exists—it has subjective feelings and objective evaluation. Objective QOL emphasizes people’s material living conditions and evaluates people’s QOL from the objective aspects that affect people’s material and spiritual life. The guiding conceptual principle of QOL is composed of “those same factors and relationships for people with special needs that are important to everyone” and applies the core principle that “QOL application should enhance a person’s well-being” ( Helm, 2003 ).

Tourists following healthy lifestyle principles are more interested in visiting wellness facilities ( Kim et al., 2015 ) and are likelier to choose health promotion-related and preservation-related products and services ( Hallab, 2006 ). Education, esthetics, and escapism in wellness tourism are closely related to the tourist experience, which increases tourist satisfaction and improves overall QOL ( Luo et al., 2018 ). Scholars in the field of wellness tourism also pointed out that the experience of such tourism activities is positively correlated with QOL ( Koncul, 2012 ). For example, health facilities in forest tourism make tourists better feel the ecological environment, enhance interaction, and improve interpersonal relationships ( Qin and Cheng, 2021 ).

The product characteristics of health tourism also affect the tourism experience and life satisfaction of the elderly, as evidenced by empirical research ( Kan et al., 2022 ). The more satisfied older travelers are with their travel experience, the better their overall QOL ( Kim et al., 2015 ). Findings of well-being research on tourism settings are supported by establishing the importance of social, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of tourists’ lifestyle ( Težak Damijanić, 2019 ). The retreat experience helps participants gain control over their life and make positive adjustments to their lifestyle, which leads to health improvements that continued after they returned to their regular routines ( Cohen et al., 2017 ). Evidently, the physical and mental well-being produced by wellness tourism activities often results in individuals feeling calmer, more energetic, and more enthusiastic and can improve problem solving at work, promote family harmony, and participation in social life.

The improvement of QOL is an external manifestation of participating in wellness tourism. Existing research on the health benefits of wellness tourism is mostly from the perspective of tourists’ perception, and the impact of wellness tourism experience on life satisfaction is subjectively judged, thereby lacking quantitative empirical study to determine the impact of wellness tourism on QOL.

4.4. Environmental health

Environmental health refers to the ecological environment composed of air, water, soil, noise, and the human environment composed of language and traditional customs, which can meet the needs of the people and society for healthy development. Research on the environmental health benefits of wellness tourism is conducted from two aspects: ecological environment and human environment.

On the one hand, scholars study the health benefits of the ecological environment. Destinations that develop tourism fail to maintain ecological and environmental health, delivering negative knock-on effects ( Loehr et al., 2022 ). From the ecology perspective, wellness tourism refers to the realization of a higher-level dynamic balance between the individual tourist’s microecosystem and other natural and social ecosystems in the process of complex material, energy, and information exchanges ( Luo et al., 2022 ). The construction of wellness tourism destinations requires a comprehensive assessment of the regional tourism environment. Developing wellness tourism in an area can create quality products and promote environmental protection ( Sheldon and Park, 2008 ).

On the other hand, scholars study the health benefits of the human environment. Culture plays an important role in molding relationships between place and health. During the construction of health tourism destinations, local historical and cultural resources are incorporated, showing character and personality, enhancing the sense of cultural pride and identity of residents and tourists. The symbolic landscape, which is deeply shaped by the longevity culture, plays a dominant role in the development of wellness tourism in Bama, one of the world’s top five “longevity” villages ( Huang and Xu, 2018 ). The distinctive seaside, forest, grassland, lakeside, and other natural environments are accompanied by different local customs and dining characteristics. The unique humanistic attribute of different regions is a necessary part for the development of regional wellness tourism industry. It plays an important role in local economic reconstruction, image shaping, historical and cultural identity, as well as the identification of tourism products and services ( Taff et al., 2019 ).

5. Conclusion and implications

On the basis of the mainstream database, this study reviews the literature on the health benefits of wellness tourism, which further enhances the systematization and integrity of the theory. From the existing research results, this study draws the following conclusions:

First, four main dimensions namely, physical fitness, psychological fitness, QOL, and environmental health, were extracted.

Second, in the dimension of the body, previous studies on the health benefits of wellness tourism have conceptually classified wellness tourism as a new tourism model ( Koncul, 2012 ) and have qualitatively analyzed the overall health dimension brought by the wellness tourism experience based on tourism reviews ( Dillette et al., 2021 ). Multidisciplinary and multiperspective research on the physiological health benefits of wellness tourism, as well as more reliable experimental data and more scientific qualitative research to explore the impact of wellness tourism activities on physical health, are lacking. For high-level health tourists, groups with diet and health orientation, fitness orientation, and low-level health, the health maintenance and promotion effects in the wellness tourism environment vary ( Težak Damijanić, 2019 ).

Third, unique wellness tourism is conducive to improving the quality of psychological fitness. For people with rehabilitation orientation, the long-term impact of the rehabilitation experience gained from staying in a healthy hotel and participating in wellness activities is deeper ( Kim and Yang, 2021 ). Given that the human body is a complex network open system, the differences between individual tourists make the health benefits of tourism activities vary, making it difficult to measure by a unified standard. Therefore, in the future, different groups must be chosen as research objects to explore the establishment of tourism activities as nondrug therapy for human health intervention. Lastly, participating in wellness tourism not only improves QOL but also brings environmental health, including ecological environment and human environment.

With the increasing awareness of health and the need to relieve work stress, people increasingly consider participating in wellness tourism to maintain and improve their health. Health is a multidimensional concept based on balance and spirit, combining physical and mental health and social and environmental factors. The current research on health tourism focuses on promoting and improving the effects of tourism on human health. The findings have important theoretical and practical implications for academics, managers, and enterprises in the tourism industry, which indicate that the positive effects of wellness tourism experiences on perceived health and wellness have been demonstrated by multiple studies.

5.1. Theoretical implications

In combination with the general health background, this study discusses the health benefits brought by participating in wellness tourism from an overall perspective, thereby enriching the research direction of health tourism and emphasizing the significance of health benefits generated by wellness tourism; thus, this study can provide reference for subsequent research on wellness tourism.

  • The influencing factors of wellness tourism must be studied further. Recent studies have focused on the impact of landscape and natural environment. The exploration of impact factors can guide the planning and design of tourism destinations based on health orientation.
  • The effects of wellness tourism on health benefits still need to be explored. The most recognized ways of acting are to encourage physical activity, relieve stress, promote social interaction, and provide medical services. The specific mechanism of action must be studied in the future. For example, the mental aspect of wellness tourism should be highlighted and exposed as a mechanism by which participants can experience holistic wellness. The outcome of wellness tourism is intangible and subjective; thus, visitors’ comments, as well as long-term dynamic observation, must be focused on to show the benefits of wellness tourism.
  • Research methods must be updated. The existing methods are still mainly interviews and questionnaires of traditional social sciences, and these methods rarely integrate with natural science methods, such as medicine and environmental science. Therefore, how to realize the complementarity of multidisciplinary methods and create a measurement method with scale and precision is worth deepening. Follow-up research can also be combined with emerging technologies, such as the use of “big data crawling,” to obtain residents’ emotional health values and the use of virtual reality technology to achieve natural interactive operation.

5.2. Managerial implications

All tourism services, from tourism planning, product marketing, tourism reception to tourism management, should be closely focused on creating unique health benefits.

  • A focus on creating and sustaining an environment conducive to wellness is paramount to wellness tourism providers. When it comes to the supply system and main components, wellness tourism involves many factors, such as food, sports, culture, and physical and mental nursing ( Dini and Pencarelli, 2022 ). Therefore, in the design of wellness tourism, the construction of multiple functions, such as sports, leisure, entertainment, business, and social interaction, should be strengthened to improve the efficiency of health transformation and improve QOL. Wellness tourism destinations and scenic spots, from the technical and practical levels, should adopt a health management model or a professional health maintenance plan to achieve the perfect combination of “health protection” and “health management” and thus enhance the tourist experience ( Kim et al., 2017 ).
  • When planning wellness tourism destinations, the plant landscape must be enriched to improve the natural elements and the health benefits of space to relieve mental stress. Moreover, the sense of space experience must be enhanced, a comfortable environment of healthy space must be created, and social interaction must be promoted. Each tourist destination has its own characteristics, including humanities, nature, society, and environment. The development of tourist destinations requires unique attraction. Therefore, tourism managers should develop local characteristic resources, provide professional health services, to make a difference with other tourist destinations.
  • For wellness tourism destination marketing, to create a holistic sense of wellness for travelers, four main strategies based on the revealed dimensions should be prioritized for the sustained development of the wellness tourism industry. From a marketing perspective, wellness tourism’s services and products that match customers’ needs and preferences must be understood. Some research posit that relaxation and recovery are key motivations for participating in wellness tourism ( Voigt et al., 2011 ), and personal attention to health and life stress are important antecedents ( Thal and Hudson, 2019 ). Therefore, the unique environment and health activities of wellness tourism should be highlighted in the publicity materials, with the health benefits that wellness tourism can achieve explicitly conveyed, so that tourists can understand the effect of healing their psychological and physical diseases. This improves their QOL through participation in wellness tourism, stimulating the desire for taking part in wellness tourism.

5.3. Policy implications

The government should highlight the transformation of scientific research and practice. As for the research on health benefits of wellness tourism, scientific research disciplines, such as environmental science and medicine, are in a state of disconnection with practice disciplines, such as planning and design, landscape design and forestry. Communication platforms and cooperation mechanisms should be built between different disciplines to transform rich scientific research achievements into health tourism practice and application to maximize health benefits.

5.4. Future research and limitation

This study enriched the understanding of wellness tourism experiences that help in the planning and management of wellness tourism. However, it has some limitations. Given the nature of the data collected for this study, a few new forms of wellness tourism have not been explored. Additionally, as this study is an open exploratory study using grounded theory, no deductive analysis has been conducted in conjunction with classical theory. Future research can be based on the framework of this study, and dynamic extrapolation in conjunction with self-regulation theory and attention recovery theory can be conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the health benefits of wellness tourism.

Author contributions

CL contributed to the conception of the study and contributed significantly to analysis and manuscript preparation. CL and SX collected and organized the data, performed the data analyses, and wrote the manuscript. YZ, RL, and MZ helped perform the analysis with constructive discussions. MZ was responsible for the overall project. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Justin Plus Lauren

What is Wellness Tourism and How to Take a Wellness Trip

Posted on Published: April 7, 2022  - Last updated: July 6, 2024

Categories Blog , Kind Travel , Wellness and Yoga

Have you ever thought about taking a wellness trip? What is wellness tourism, anyway? The travel industry is continually evolving, and the wellness travel market is growing rapidly.

The wellness economy is a massive global industry with an estimated value of $4.5 trillion. The wellness tourism sector is one of the largest areas of the wellness economy, worth $639 billion. It’s growing at a rate of 5.8%, five times as fast as global economic growth.

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What is wellness tourism

As you can see, there’s a huge rise in wellness travel. But what is wellness tourism? Perhaps you’ve already taken a wellness vacation and not even realized it. Even if you haven’t taken a wellness trip, I’m going to show you why you should consider one and how to begin planning the relaxing or adventurous getaway of your dreams.

Table of Contents

What is Wellness Tourism?

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the “active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.” Wellness tourism is taking a trip in order to maintain or enhance one’s personal wellbeing. This trip can be primarily motivated by wellness, or it can be any kind of trip where wellness activities are added to elevate the overall experience.

Who Should Take a Wellness Trip?

Wellness travel is for everyone! Through these kinds of holidays, we can take care of our physical, mental or spiritual health. Any form of self-care can be classified as a wellness trip. It isn’t simply the typical spa or yoga retreat that immediately comes to mind when we think of wellness tourism.

Why Should I Consider a Wellness Trip?

Travel is a major opportunity for personal growth. When we travel, we should consider ways to move about the world in an eco-friendly, sustainable, and responsible manner. Travel helps our own wellbeing and can help support local communities, too. No matter your interest or goals with regard to self-care, you can easily incorporate aspects of wellness tourism into any of your trips.

What is Wellness Tourism: Wellness Tourism Examples

What is wellness tourism

Wellness tourism is going more and more niche . It might be an escape from technology, especially since our lives tend to revolve around working behind laptops and smartphone screens. It could be a way to relax and destress through new experiences or focused retreats. Wellness tourism can also be an adventure through participating in physical activities, like hiking or cycling.

There’s even a form of wellness travel called “ bleisure ,” which combines business travel and leisure travel. With the rise of remote work, you might spend your mornings working on a laptop overlooking the ocean. Then, you’ll spend the afternoon practicing yoga or swimming in the pool. This is one way that we can incorporate wellness travel into our daily lives.

As people begin to explore self-care and create their own notions of wellness, there will be a growth in tailored trips and experiences. There are entire tours and trips for vegan travel, surfing retreats, women’s fertility retreats, and silent meditation retreats. Here are a few examples of wellness tourism that might interest you.

Yoga and Meditation Retreats

Yoga in Sri Lanka

One of the most popular wellness trips is a yoga or meditation retreat. Some people travel across the world to practice yoga under renowned teachers or to immerse themselves in yoga and meditation for a week or longer.

For instance, I travelled to Sri Lanka to stay at Mahagedara Retreat . It’s an eco-friendly accommodation in the middle of the jungle where you’ll practice yoga and meditation daily, eat healthy foods, receive advice and massage from an Ayurvedic doctor, and relax by the pool. There are also opportunities to experience the local culture and visit historic sites.

Spa Retreats

Spa retreat - what is wellness tourism

Spa retreats are an excellent form of wellness tourism for those looking for relaxing and rejuvenating experiences. Pamper yourself through daily spa treatments, like hydrotherapy, massages, facials, body wraps, and more.

Some wellness trips will combine spa retreats with other interests, such as yoga, meditation, and even wine and beer tasting excursions. You can also easily incorporate spa experiences to your regular travels, like this seaweed spa in Ireland or a trip to a day spa in Ontario .

Ayurveda Travel

Ayurveda travel

Originating in ancient India,  Ayurvedic medicine  is thought to be the world’s oldest healthcare system. The traditions are over 5000 years old, and people still practice them today. The word,  Ayurveda , comes from the Sanskrit words “ayur” (life) and “veda” (knowledge).

There are many reasons to seek Ayurvedic treatments. First, it’s a holistic way of life that incorporates diet, lifestyle, yoga, meditation, detoxification and rejuvenation. This approach differs from conventional western medicine because it does not seek to treat the symptoms of an illness; instead, it focuses on both lifestyle and diet as a way to remove the initial cause of an illness before it strikes.

In this modern age of technology and fast-paced lifestyles, self-care is becoming increasingly important. Set aside a vacation to care for your mind, body, and spirit at an Ayurveda retreat .

Eco Adventure Retreats

Cycling in Niagara

Wellness tourism can be all about trying new adventures or practicing specific activities in new environments around the world. You might want to try long-distance hiking or becoming scuba certified.

For instance, I embarked on a cycling staycation around the Niagara region where I participated in long distance cycling over a weekend. This pushed my boundaries beyond distances I was used to covering on a bike, and I formed great bonds with others with similar interests.

Your trip might center around all kinds of adventures, like kayaking, canoeing, snorkeling, parasailing, walking or hiking, and more. It might even be a soft adventure like going on a safari or participating in wildlife spotting on a whale watching tour .

Volunteer Travel

Volunteering at ARCAS in Guatemala

Volunteering while you travel can be a fantastic way to experience the local culture and new places while helping others. You’ll want to research your volunteer trip ahead of time to make sure that it actually helps, and doesn’t hurt, the local communities.

I personally love volunteering to help animals when I travel. So far, I have traveled to Kenya to participate in a citizen science project helping endangered giraffes. I’ve also volunteered at a wildlife rescue center in Guatemala that rescues, rehabilitates, and releases animals that are victims of wildlife trafficking. I’m also really looking forward to a trip later this year to help street dogs in Nepal!

Reasons to Get Travel Insurance for a Wellness Trip

No matter what kind of wellness tourism trip you choose, you should always consider travel insurance for your trip. This is direct advice coming from the girl who managed to break her ankle on a trip that involved nothing but going to the spa, watching wildlife, and short walks around the city!

Seven Corners is a leader in the travel insurance industry with 25+ years of experience and 24/7 customer service. Trip insurance works to protect the investment that you’ve made, and it also involves travel medical insurance.

Trip Protection to Consider

There are a few kinds of travel protection that you should consider for your wellness trip. First, trip protection covers cancellation and interruption for many reasons, trip delay, and lost or damaged luggage. Trip cancellation insurance is really important because things can come up in your life that affect your ability to travel.

Travel medical coverage helps with illness or injury when you’re abroad. This includes COVID-19 treatment should you require it. There are other options to add when it comes to trip protection. First, the optional Cancel for Any Reason benefit allows you to cancel your trip for any reason you wish, not just those covered in your trip protection plan.

The optional Interruption for Any Reason benefit covers unused, prepaid costs should you wish to return home early for any reason you wish. Both reimburse you for a stated percentage of your nonrefundable trip expenses, and there are requirements to use the benefits, so read your plan document carefully to ensure you understand how these options work.

Where to Take a Wellness Holiday: Wellness Destinations

Now that you’ve decided what kind of wellness getaway to take and you’ve taken care of travel insurance, let’s choose a destination for your adventure. While wellness trips can happen anywhere around the world, here are a few notable destinations when it comes to wellness tourism.

Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Arizona

Sedona is a renowned wellness destination as there are numerous activities for both relaxation and adventure. Situated in the desert and surrounded by red rock canyons, Sedona offers spa resorts where you can enjoy relaxing treatments in a beautiful place. You can also embark on lots of adventures in Sedona, like hiking and cycling. Sedona is also an amazing vegan destination where you can take a self-guided plant-based foodie tour around the city.

Costa Rica is a leader when it comes to ecotourism as they take great care to protect their natural landscapes and biodiversity while allowing tourists to experience it responsibly. There are many opportunities to go hiking, surfing, view wildlife, and immerse yourself in the jungle rainforest environment.

Sri  Lanka

As I mentioned above, Sri Lanka is home to wellness retreats emphasizing yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. You can also take historic hikes to the top of Sigiriya Rock , visit Buddhist cave temples, and try health-focused cooking classes. You can explore the jungles, relax on the beautiful beaches, or sip tea at a tea plantation .

Ubud, Bali is a center for cultural tourism with spectacular waterfalls, lush rice terraces, coffee plantations, and serene tropical environments. There are several wellness retreats with an emphasis on yoga, relaxing at Indonesian spas, and watching the sunset from your infinity pool. There are eco-conscious retreats that combine traditional Balinese experiences with wellness and I’m certain you’ll indulge in all the fresh fruit and vegetables during your stay, too.

Tuscany, Italy - What is wellness tourism

You might not have thought of Italy as a top wellness tourism destination, but there’s really something for everyone. You can take a hiking excursion through the Dolomites, relax at spa resorts in Tuscany, or go cycling for wine tastings, olive oil tastings, and truffle tastings. There are also plenty of cooking and culinary-focused tours in Italy where you can even get your hands dirty when picking vegetables and fresh herbs from the garden.

What is wellness tourism? Wellness trips are a growing trend and it isn't just yoga and spas! Here's how to take an amazing wellness holiday.

Lauren is the full-time travel blogger and content creator behind Justin Plus Lauren. She started Justin Plus Lauren in 2013 and has travelled to 50+ countries around the world. Lauren is an expert on vegan travel as one of the very first vegan travel bloggers. She also focuses on outdoor adventure travel, eco and sustainable travel, and creating amazing travel itineraries for cities and small towns.


  1. Craft a Successful Wellness Retreat Center Business Plan

    wellness tourism business plan

  2. Wellness Center Business Plan Template

    wellness tourism business plan

  3. Wellness Center Business Plan Example

    wellness tourism business plan

  4. Wellness Center Business Plan Template Sample Pages

    wellness tourism business plan

  5. Wellness Business Plan Template in Word, Google Docs, Pages

    wellness tourism business plan

  6. Travel Business Plan

    wellness tourism business plan


  1. How to Start Agro Tourism #VevekGahatraj #Agrotourism #OrganicFarming #FarmConsultation

  2. WTM Wellness Programme

  3. Agro Tourism Business PLAN

  4. Hyvinvointimatkailun liiketoiminta / Wellness Tourism Business

  5. Farm Tourism: Best Ideas for Setup #facts #agrotourism #agritourism #agrotourismexpert

  6. Agro Tourism: 12 Money Making Ideas #facts #agrotourism #agritourism #agrotourismconsultant


  1. How to Start a Wellness Retreat Business: Retreat Planning Guide

    Running a wellness retreat business can be very rewarding, especially if you follow the right retreat planning and marketing tactics. The global wellness tourism market size was valued at an estimate of USD 850.55 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach over USD 1,672.6 billion by 2030.

  2. How To Write A Business Plan For Health and Wellness Tourism

    Regulations: Ensure your business plan addresses any relevant regulations related to tourism and wellness services in your target destinations. Professional Presentation: Format your business plan professionally with clear sections, concise language, and high-quality visuals showcasing your destinations and experiences.

  3. Wellness Spa Establishment Business Plan Example (Free)

    Here is a free business plan sample for a wellness spa establishment. January 29, 2024. If the idea of opening your own wellness spa ignites a spark of excitement in you, but you're unsure of where to start, you've landed in the perfect spot. In the content that follows, we will guide you through a comprehensive sample business plan tailored ...


    WELLNESS TOURISM Wellness tourism is the powerful intersection of two large and growing multi-trillion-dollar industries: tourism and wellness. Holistic health and prevention are increasingly at the center of consumer decision-making, and people now expect to continue their healthy lifestyles and wellness routines when they are away from home. In 2013, the Global Wellness Institute (GWI ...

  5. PDF Global Wellness Tourism Economy

    The Rise of Wellness Tourism 5 II. Five Key Things to Know About Wellness Tourism 9 ... The Wellness Tourism Economy 21 IV. Emerging Business Models and the Future of Wellness Tourism 33 V. Regional Highlights 41 Asia-Pacific 43 Europe 49 North America 53 Latin America-Caribbean 57 Middle East-North Africa 61 Sub-Saharan Africa 65

  6. Starting a Wellness Retreat: A Business Guide

    Key Takeaways: 1. Conduct thorough market research to identify the target audience and understand their preferences and needs when it comes to wellness retreats. 2. Develop a unique value proposition that sets your wellness retreat apart from competitors, such as offering specialized programs or incorporating local cultural experiences.

  7. What Is Wellness Tourism? A Guide to Wellness Retreats and More

    Launched in January 2018, the Wellness Tourism Association (WTA) is a global network of destination management organizations (DMOs), hotels, tour operators, travel advisers, wellness practitioners ...

  8. How the wellness industry is taking over travel

    New frontiers. From 2015 to 2017 the wellness tourism market grew from $563bn to $639bn, or 6.5% annually - more than twice as fast as the growth of tourism overall, according to GWI. By 2022 ...

  9. A Complete Guide on how to get funding for your Wellness Tourism

    As your startup gets operational, you will need wellness tourism consultants to plan your funding through potential investors for further diversification and brand building. ... Best Sources of Funding for your wellness tourism business. Now that you have chalked your business objectives and ready with a great business plan, you can explore the ...

  10. The future is calm: Exploring the wellness tourism industry

    Tourism business owners can capitalize on the rising wellness trend! Get inspired by these examples. ... Business Plan. 2023-24 Annual Report. Explore All. Leadership. Executive Team. Board of Directors. ... Wellness tourism is defined as "travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one's personal wellbeing," according ...

  11. One perspective on the future of wellness tourism

    January 21, 2021 Spa Executive Archives, Business. The travel and tourism sectors have changed dramatically over the past year. This change is unprecedented and unexpected. As we move into a new future, wellness tourism will thrive, thanks to an elevated public interest in personal health and demand for the services of dedicated wellness ...

  12. How Hospitality Brands Are Tapping the $919 Billion Wellness Tourism

    According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness tourism is the fastest growing sector of the travel industry, and it's forecast to grow even faster and reach $919 billion this year. A 2021 survey from American Express found that 76% of those polled wanted to spend more on travel to enhance their well-being and 68% said that their next ...

  13. How to Start a Retreat Business [With Business Plan Template]

    A retreat business is an enterprise that specializes in organizing and hosting retreats—immersive experiences designed to provide participants with opportunities for relaxation, rejuvenation, personal growth, and holistic wellness. Retreat business developments typically take place in serene and natural settings, such as mountains, forests ...

  14. How to Start your Wellness Business from Scratch

    Here, we have put together a list of steps to help you get started with your wellness business, and we'll look at them one by one: Your initial requirements. Create the perfect business plan. Choose a name that fits. Set up your wellness business. Choose an appropriate business location. Build a strong team.

  15. Health and Wellness Tourism: A Strategic Plan for Tourism and

    Nowadays, health and wellness tourism is considered by National Tourist Strategic Plan or PENT (2006-2015) as one of the most important markets for the future development of tourism in the country (PENT 2006), and recognizing the increase of the number of people interested in having leisure times with quality, becomes evident and necessary ...

  16. The Future of Wellness Tourism: Predictions and Emerging Trends

    Wellness Technology: ‍ The future of wellness tourism will witness the integration of technology to enhance the traveler's experience. Wearable devices, mobile apps, and virtual reality experiences will become increasingly prevalent, providing innovative ways to engage and support wellness tourists. Wearable devices will track vital signs ...

  17. The Complete Guide to Starting a Wellness Business

    Part of running a wellness business is having the qualifications to be an authoritative voice in a sea of noise. Read More: 8 Fitness Certificates You Need to Get . 4. Write a Business Plan Writing your business plan is a pretty big task in itself. Your business plan will form the foundation for your business.

  18. What is wellness tourism and why is it so popular?

    Wellness tourism is growing exponentially. From 2015 to 2017 the wellness tourism market grew from $563bn to $639bn, which is around 6.5% annually. This is double the growth of tourism overall, according to GWI. GWI predicts that this market will soon reach a huge $919bn; this will represent around 18% of all tourism globally.

  19. The Science of Wellness Tourism: Understanding the Benefits for Your

    Wellness tourism can be defined as the practice of traveling to enhance or maintain one's well-being. It encompasses a wide range of activities and experiences, including spa retreats, yoga and meditation retreats, fitness and weight loss programs, holistic healing practices, and immersive wellness experiences in natural environments.

  20. Dimensions of the health benefits of wellness tourism: A review

    Wellness tourism destinations and scenic spots, from the technical and practical levels, should adopt a health management model or a professional health maintenance plan to achieve the perfect combination of "health protection" and "health management" and thus enhance the tourist experience (Kim et al., 2017).

  21. New Year 2022 Travel Trends: The Rebound Of Wellness Tourism

    While the global wellness tourism market fell from $720.4 billion to $435.7 billion—a whopping 39.5%—between 2019 and 2020, it's bouncing back with astonishing gusto.

  22. Wellness tourism is booming but what's behind the trend?

    The Global Wellness Institute says this form of tourism is expected to grow more than any other wellness sector - increasing by about 21% by 2025. This is due to the once-in-a-lifetime appeal of ...

  23. What is Wellness Tourism and How to Take a Wellness Trip

    The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the "active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.". Wellness tourism is taking a trip in order to maintain or enhance one's personal wellbeing. This trip can be primarily motivated by wellness, or it can be any kind of trip where wellness ...