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Take Amazing 360° Tour of St. Peter’s in Vatican City From Your Chair

Use your computer to see the inside of the basilica and its splendid artwork; zoom in for a closer look.

This 360-degree view allows you to see the splendor of St. Peter’s Basilica on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Use the toolbar to shift your view or zoom in. On a tablet or mobile device, just hold it up or turn it around to pan.

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most spectacular churches in the world. Although some may confuse it for the “mother church” of Roman Catholics, it isn't even a cathedral because it's not the seat of the pope, who is also the bishop of Rome. That distinction belongs to the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. But because of its size, grandeur, and location within Vatican City, papal authorities use the church for numerous ceremonies. Its capacity is enormous—it can hold 20,000 seated worshippers or 60,000 standing.

Start your tour with the baldachin , the great canopy over the papal altar and St. Peter’s tomb, crafted by master artist and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The canopy took nine years to build and was completed in 1633. It is made of 90 tons of bronze, most of it from the portico of Rome’s Pantheon. It is over 95 feet tall, almost as tall as a ten-story building.

St. Peter’s tomb is directly below it. You can see two wings of the ornate balustrade separated by a gate that opens to the sunken, semicircular area in front of the papal altar, known as the Confessio, or Chapel of the Confession. This refers to the confession of faith by St. Peter, which led to his martyrdom. The tomb itself is not visible, as it is down a set of stairs and tucked into a niche at the back of the Confessio. You can only view it on a special tour of the Scavi, or excavations, in the ancient necropolis.

Directly above is Michelangelo’s dome, rising 448 feet to the top of the cross on the lantern tower outside. You can see the inner hemispherical layer of its double shell; a slightly more pointed one is visible outdoors. It is 140 feet in diameter—one of the largest domes in the world. The colorful mosaics around the dome depict Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St. John the Baptist, and the Twelve Apostles. You can just make out the image of God bestowing his blessing upon mankind through the oculus, the round opening at the crown of the dome.

Around the drum of the dome in blue letters standing almost seven feet tall is the inscription TV ES PETRVS ET SVPER HANC PETRAM AEDIFICABO ECCLESIAM MEAM. ET TIBI DABO CLAVES REGNI CAELORVM. The biblical citation, from Matthew 16:18-19, translates as: “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and to you I will give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.”  

If you look through the baldachin toward the apse at the end of the central nave , you will see the glowing light of the alabaster window depicting the Holy Spirit as a dove (the dove is six feet tall). Below that is the Altar of the Chair of St. Peter, a monumental sculpture by Bernini. It contains the relics of an ancient chair, reputedly from which St. Peter preached. The altar symbolizes the teaching authority of the pope.

Immediately behind you, you will find the statue of St. Peter Enthroned, set in front of a maroon-and-gold mosaic curtain. This 13th-century bronze sculpture is attributed to Arnolfo di Campio. St. Peter’s hands are raised in the act of blessing, and over the course of seven centuries of devotion, the custom of kissing or touching the right foot has almost completely worn away the toes.

Gaze at the boldly patterned marble floor of the nave. If you're facing the barricade and row of chairs in the direction of the atrium, you'll see a glare on a maroon rectangle. That tile shows the keys of heaven, a symbol found throughout Vatican City. There are also plaques commemorating popes, as well as markers that indicate the comparative length of several of the largest churches in the world. You can also see a glimpse of what look like lavishly decorated manhole covers (for example, in front of the rows of chairs). These are portals to the tombs of popes below the floor, including that of John Paul II, who was pope from 1978 to 2005.

All around you are spectacular works of art that look like paintings but aren’t. They are mosaics made of tiny tiles, or tesserae, each about the size of a fingernail. Mosaics were chosen over paintings to decorate the basilica so that they wouldn’t be vulnerable to the ravages of time, smoke, and humidity—eternal art for the eternal church. Four marvelous examples are the mosaic medallions that decorate the area between the main cupola of the basilica and the enormous piers underneath. These medallions represent the four evangelists who composed the Gospels. We can see St. Matthew on the left above the baldachin, and St. John on the right.

Set into the great piers that support the dome are four colossal marble statues. These statues embody crucial moments of Christ’s Passion. Starting from the right of the altar you see the statue of St. Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, holding the True Cross (by Bolgi). Continuing clockwise, you'll note the statue of St. Longinus gripping the sacred lance used to pierce Christ’s side (by Bernini). Continuing toward the right, the next statue you see is that of St. Andrew, Peter’s brother, representing the moment of his crucifixion in Greece (by Duquesnoy). And turning back toward the baldachin, the last statue is of St. Veronica displaying the veil she used to wipe Jesus’s face on the road to Calvary (by Mochi).

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Vatican Tours

Despite being a religious state, Vatican City isn’t exclusively for followers of the Catholic faith. In fact, this small country offers a treasure trove of historic buildings and a rich cultural heritage that will captivate tourists and art enthusiasts alike.

Situated right in the heart of Rome, the Vatican is a foreign state with some strict entry rules, and due to its popularity, it remains bustling with visitors all year round.

The Vatican City: the Smallest Country in The World

The Vatican isn’t just the smallest country in the world. This tiny State, with a population of less than 500 inhabitants, is renowned as the famous headquarters of the Catholic religion and the home of the Pope.

You have two options to explore the Vatican: you can visit it during a self-guided tour or join a guided tour of the Vatican. Personally, I’d recommend the latter, even if you happen to be a permanent resident of Rome. And now, let me explain why.

Are Guided Tours of the Vatican Worth it?

In a nutshell… yes. While it’s possible to explore the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica on your own, a guided tour can truly make a difference.

Why Opt for a Vatican Guided Tour

  • A guided tour typically covers all the main attractions of the Vatican in a well-organised single tour of a few hours.
  • The Vatican Museums are truly vast and filled with exquisite artworks. In fact, they’re so extensive that attempting to visit them independently can be overwhelming. With a guided tour, you can focus on the essential highlights without running the risk of getting tired before you’re even halfway through the visit.
  • Even with a skip-the-line tour, queues for the Vatican Museums can be incredibly long. Choosing a guided tour with authorised tour operators can be a smart solution, as it grants you access through partner-exclusive entrances.
  • Exploring the Vatican with professional guides allows you to discover fascinating anecdotes and insights that you wouldn’t come across during a self-guided visit.

Types of Vatican Tours

There are several options for visiting the Vatican. Let’s explore them.

Guided Tours of the Vatican

As I mentioned earlier, a guided tour is definitely the best way to make the most of your visit to the Vatican. I’ve tried visiting the Vatican on my own multiple times, and having an expert guide by your side can truly make a difference. These tours usually start at a meeting point in the area.

Group Tours of the Vatican

This is the most common type of tour. Many tour operators offer tours in small groups, so following your guide and moving around the Vatican Museums is not complicated at all. Besides, if you ever feel like breaking away from the group, you can always rejoin them and continue at your own pace.

Private Tours of the Vatican

This is a decidedly luxury option. The price of a private Vatican tour is higher than a group tour. The advantages? You’ll have the guide entirely at your disposal. Moreover, many private Vatican tours include pick-up and drop-off at your hotel or apartment.

Vatican Early Opening Tours

Among the various guided tours, both private and group, there are some that grant access to the Vatican Museums at their early opening. As I’ve mentioned before, the Vatican is one of the major tourist attractions in Rome, and there’s often a very long queue to get in.

So, if you want to see them without the typical crowd that fills them, I recommend booking one of the Vatican’s early opening tours. You’ll literally be the first to step inside the Museums and the Sistine Chapel, and your visit will have a whole different feel.

Self-guided Tours of the Vatican

If you’re on a budget, you can still visit the Vatican by purchasing an entrance ticket to the Vatican Museums without a guide. However, this option may entail waiting in line at the entrance for as long as 3 or 4 hours. The same goes if you decide to visit only St. Peter’s Basilica, which doesn’t require an entrance ticket.

Skip-The-Line Tours of the Vatican

Let me tell you: skip-the-line tickets for the Vatican are worth every penny of their price.

In the past, I worked for a tour operator, and for work-related reasons, I visited the Vatican several times with a skip-the-line service. I can assure you that if you choose the right tour operator, you won’t even wait for 5 minutes at the entrance. You’ll bypass the long queue that starts from Via Leone IV and goes all the way to the Vatican ticket office. And you’ll thank me for recommending this type of tour.

After-Hours Tours of the Vatican

From April to October, the Vatican stays open on Friday evenings. So, if you wish, you can opt for one of the enchanting evening tours of the Vatican offered by tour operators. Not only will you see the Vatican in a completely different light, but you’ll also avoid sightseeing during the hottest hours of the day.

Tours of the Pontifical Villas of Castel Gandolfo

Castel Gandolfo is a delightful town on the shores of its namesake lake, located about 24 kilometres southeast of Rome. It’s been the summer retreat for the Pope for centuries.

And now, you have the fantastic opportunity to join a tour of the Pontifical Villas, where you can travel to Castel Gandolfo and explore the beautiful gardens and historic residences that belong to the Vatican, just outside the confines of Vatican City itself.

These tours are typically available during the summer months, and you can easily reach Castel Gandolfo by train from the Vatican Museums. Once there, you’ll be guided through the extensive gardens and the Apostolic Palace, which serves as the official residence for the Pope during his stay at Castel Gandolfo.

Major Attractions in Vatican City

There’s so much to see within Vatican City, and it’s an incredible place to explore.

What to See Inside St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican

Inside St. Peter’s Basilica , you’ll have the chance to visit:

  • Bernini ‘s stunning colonnade in St. Peter’s Square
  • The magnificent Baldacchino, a work of art by both Bernini and Borromini
  • Michelangelo’s breathtaking Pietà , located in the right nave of the Basilica
  • The lid of Emperor Hadrian’s sarcophagus
  • The tomb of Pope Alexander VII, crafted by Bernini
  • Michelangelo ‘s iconic Dome
  • The Vatican Grottoes: the final resting place of the Popes and St. Peter himself.

What to See Inside the Vatican Museums

Now, when you venture into the Vatican Museums, make sure you don’t miss out on these incredible sights:

  • The Tapestry Room, filled with intricate and awe-inspiring tapestries
  • The Pinacoteca, which houses masterpieces by Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, the Perugino, and Caravaggio
  • The Pio-Clementino Museum, dedicated to statuary, where you’ll find the impressive Laocoön sculpture group
  • The Gallery of Maps
  • Raffaello’s Rooms, including the famous ‘School of Athens’ fresco
  • The magnificent Spiral Staircase
  • The Sistine Chapel
  • the Vatican Museum Gardens

Time Needed to Tour the Vatican

Most guided tours at the Vatican run for a standard 2 to 3 hours, giving you an overview of the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and the iconic St. Peter’s Basilica. These tours usually start early in the morning or early in the afternoon, leaving you plenty of time to enjoy the place.

Of course, nothing is stopping you from entering the Museums when they first open and spending the entire day delving into the wonderful art collections they hold.

Dress Code for the Vatican 

The Vatican is a religious site, and although it attracts many tourists, it does have a conservative dress code. It’s really important to respect this dress code if you want to be allowed entry. Many foreign visitors are disappointed each year when they’re turned away due to inappropriate attire, and I don’t want you to be one of these.

To enter the Vatican, it’s important to:

  • Avoid short skirts and shorts
  • Cover your shoulders and arms
  • Steer clear of plunging necklines and cropped tops
  • Remove hats before entering
  • Wear anything that might offend Catholic morals or decency
  • Cover any tattoos you might have

I know it gets scorching hot in Rome during the summer, but it’s crucial to adhere to these rules. My advice for the hot months is to wear a long dress or lightweight suit, or perhaps bring a light jacket to cover your arms and shoulders before entering. You can show off your sexiest outfit after you’ve completed the visit.

Tip: By dressing respectfully, you’ll ensure a smooth visit to the Vatican and demonstrate your appreciation for the sacredness of the place. 

Tips For a Great Vatican Experience

And here we are at the end of this guide to Vatican tours. I’ll share a few extra tips that might come in handy in addition to what’s already been mentioned.

  • Make sure to visit the Vatican early in the day – you can’t imagine how crowded it can get.
  • Only book guided tours from professional authorised tour operators.
  • Always double-check the opening times, especially around religious dates and events throughout the year.
  • Purchase your ticket several weeks in advance, as they often sell out quickly.
  • Upon entering the Vatican, you’ll go through a security check with a metal detector, similar to airport security. Be sure to read the rules on the official Vatican website . Among other things, you can’t bring knives, scissors, umbrellas, or cameras with you, and even things like tripods and selfie sticks are not allowed.
  • Once inside the Sistine Chapel, remember not to take any photos or videos – it’s strictly prohibited, and the security personnel may ask you to delete any shots you’ve taken in front of them.
  • Accessing the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel requires payment, but on the last Sunday of each month, you can enjoy free admission to both the museums and the Vatican Gardens from opening until 12:30 PM. Visiting St. Peter’s Basilica alone is, instead, always free, so you can still marvel at its grandeur without any cost. Happy exploring.

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The Complete Vatican Tour with Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel & St. Peter’s Basilica

Seeing the Sistine Chapel is an experience you will never forget.

  • Enjoy a complete tour of the Vatican and go beyond the expected, gaining deeper insight into its countless artistic and architectural treasures.
  • See the best of the Vatican Museums—from the Sistine Chapel to the Raphael Rooms and the Belvedere Courtyard—and explore St. Peter’s Basilica, home to Michelangelo’s Pietà and Bernini’s Baldachin.
  • Avoid often hours-long lines with skip-the-line access at both the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica.
  • Relax in the company of a small group, making it easier for you to engage with our 5-star guides.

Preview the experience

Tour description, more than the sistine chapel—this skip-the-line tour shows you the best of the vatican museums..

Our Complete Vatican Tour goes beyond the ordinary to give you unrivaled insight into one of the world's most sacred sites. From the Sistine Chapel and Raphael Rooms to incredible ancient sculptures you may never have heard of, our route through the Vatican Museums visits all the sights you wanted to see—plus some surprises you didn’t expect.

The pièce-de-resistance, of course, is the Sistine Chapel. By the time we arrive at the crown jewel of the Vatican, your guide will have explained the stories and secrets behind the paintings—what they mean and why they’re so renowned—so you can fully appreciate every detail.

Enjoy a guided tour of St. Peter's Basilica (and skip the line!).

Located outside of the Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica has its own entrance and its own rules, with limited hours for guided tours. Our Complete Vatican Tour ensures that you get inside the Basilica (and avoid the long line to get in!) with your expert guide to enjoy Michelangelo’s moving Pietà, Bernini’s ornate Baldachin, and the chair of St. Peter, among other treasures.

Explore with one of the best guides in the business on our Complete Vatican Tour.

We’ve spent years growing a team of passionate experts who want to share the Vatican with you. Combine them with a small group and you have a recipe for sightseeing perfection! We also use privileged entrances at the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica, bypassing general access lines that can stretch for hours at each site during high season.

The Complete Vatican Tour offers an uncompromising, unhurried exploration of the world’s most fascinating independent state for those who want a truly in-depth Vatican experience.

Note: The special access passage between the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica is closed on Wednesdays and subject to other unexpected closures during special celebrations/festivities, including the Easter ceremonies. On such days we will instead explore the magnificent Pinoteca Gallery.

Sometimes guides may not be allowed to give tours inside St. Peter's Basilica, in which case they will share a brief explanation from outside and you will be free to visit the Basilica by yourself.

Please note that this description is an example and your experience may vary depending on the season, day of the week, and group size. Regardless of where your tour goes, you always have an excellent experience.

Sites visited

Verified guest reviews, jun 29, 2024.

Great experience! Easy to book. Keeps you informed before your tour begins. Easy to find! Loved our tour guide, Gigi! Would highly recommend.

Jun 25, 2024

Enzo was fabulous! So knowledgeable.

Jun 24, 2024

Great tour. Our guide was very knowledgeable and did a great job of helping to navigate the crowds at the Vatican.

Detailed explanation of the Sistine Chapel Outside was was good, BUT standing in the sun the whole time was TOO much. Need to do this in the shade!!

The tour guide was very knowledgeable and provided excellent background and context to the sites visited. Both the Vatican and the Coliseum were extremely crowded with tourists but the guides did a great job of navigating the small group through the meelee of people. It was a lot to see even though both tours spanned 3 hours. They were very open to answering questions and adding additional details.

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Check off Rome’s major sights and hidden gems on this perfect one-day itinerary for your trip to the Eternal City.

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The Roman Guy

Italy Travel Experts Tours and Vacations

aerial view of St. Peter's Square

The Best Vatican Tours To Take in 2024 and Why + Maps

Sean Finelli Last Updated: February 21, 2024

You already know that a trip to Rome is not complete without a visit to the famous country within the city: Vatican City. But there are so many different tour options, so how do you choose? It all depends on your travel interests and schedule. In this guide, you’ll discover our best Vatican tours and which one’s right for you.

Pro Tip: It’s easier to organize your trip when you have all your resources in one place. Create a browser folder and bookmark this post in your browser along with our article on the best Colosseum tours . We also have a dedicated guide to all things Vatican City where you’ll find everything you need.

All Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica Tours

All of our Vatican tours include skip-the-line tickets, local English-speaking guides, a tour of the Vatican Museums, and a visit to the Sistine Chapel. The right Vatican tour for you will depend on your interests, whether you want to see the Sistine Chapel without the crowds, and how much time you have to soak up all this beauty.

To help you find your perfect Vatican experience, here is a link bank of all our tours, followed by more in-depth descriptions and maps below.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if a Vatican tour is worth it .

Express Vatican Tours (2 hours)

  • Vatican Night Tour with Sistine Chapel
  • Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb

Classic Vatican Tours (2.5 – 3.5 hours)

  • Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel
  • Skip the Line Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica (start times throughout the day)
  • Exclusive After Hours Sistine Chapel Tour with Aperitivo

Full Experience Vatican Tours and Combos (4 or more hours)

  • St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour
  • Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens & Castel Gandolfo Day Trip
  • Rome in a Day Tour Including Colosseum and Vatican Museums
  • Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican Highlights Combo Tour

Vatican Tickets

Skip-the-line tickets for a self-guided Vatican visit:

  • Purchase skip-the-line Vatican tickets

The Best Vatican Tours to Take and Why

1. Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

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Everyone knows the Vatican Museums are filled with crowds most of the day. That’s why this Privileged Entrance Vatican Tour is ideal if you want to avoid the crowds and heat. Why? It enters before the general public so you can enjoy a less-crowded time throughout your tour.

With fewer crowds and cooler temperatures inside the vast Vatican Museums, you can easily follow your guide through the Vatican’s galleries and museums. Explore the Pio-Clementino, the Gallery of Tapestries, and Raphael Rooms as your guide brings each location to life.

Of course, you’ll visit the Sistine Chapel where you’ll stand in awe under the centuries-old ceiling that has captivated travelers from around the world. Starting your day early in the Vatican is the best way to maximize your vacation.

2. Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican Highlights Combo Tour

map of vatican museum tour

Want to see both the Vatican and the Colosseum? This combo tour gets you more bang for your buck by combining them! You’ll enjoy skip-the-line entry at both the Colosseum and the Vatican. First, dive into ancient Roman history at the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill where you’ll walk in the steps of Gladiators and Emperors.

After lunch, rejoin the tour at the Vatican to hear stories of papal intrigue and see some of the world’s most celebrated artworks by masters like Raphael and Michelangelo, and, of course, the Sistine Chapel.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if Rome tours are worth it .

3. Private Skip the Line Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

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If you don’t have time for an early morning tour or would prefer to visit in the afternoon, then our Private Skip the Line Vatican Tour is the one for you. With multiple start times throughout the day and skip-the-line tickets, you’ll find a time that’s just right for you and get straight to exploring.

4. Rome in a Day including Colosseum and Vatican Museums

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Our Rome in a Day Tour is one of our most popular tours to date. You start your day with a comprehensive tour of the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica with an English-speaking guide. Then you head to the city for a walking tour of the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and Trevi Fountain. End your day tour of Rome with a full Colosseum tour that includes the Roman Forum.

This is a great way to get the main highlights of Rome before you head out to discover it even better on your own. We provide transportation from the Vatican to the center of Rome, but this tour spends a lot of time on your feet. You’ll be ready for a delicious dinner when you’re done exploring one of the best tours of the Vatican and Rome!

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  best Rome tours to take and why .

5. Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb

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Looking for the best views in Rome? We know where to go. Our Ultimate St. Peter’s Basilica Dome Climb  takes you to the top of the famous dome right as it opens and before there are any lines. Most of all, it’s before the heat of the day!

After you’ve climbed to the incredible lookout and soaked up those views, your guide will escort you into St. Peter’s Basilica for a guided tour that includes the Papal Crypts. For a quick tour of St. Peter’s and the dome, this is one of the best Vatican tours you can take.

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  Vatican Guide for more info.

6. Exclusive After Hours Sistine Chapel with Aperitivo

map of vatican city

Looking for that truly exclusive opportunity to enjoy the Vatican and Sistine Chapel? This might just be what you need. With a late afternoon entry to the Vatican, you’ll be led with your small group through the highlights. Then you’ll step into the Sistine Chapel along with no more than 100 other people (usually at least 2,000 during the day)!

Your guide’s stories about this magnificent ceiling will come to life as you experience quiet time in the Sistine Chapel that few ever will. Afterwards, enjoy a drink on us during your aperitivo in the Pinecone Courtyard.

Not ready to book a tour? Find out how to visit the Sistine Chapel .

7. St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour

map of vatican tour

Want to get more bang for your buck? Book our St. Peter’s Dome Climb and Sistine Chapel Combo Tour . No matter how many times you’ve been to Rome, this is a great way to start your trip.

Enjoy views from the most scenic viewpoint at St. Peter’s Basilica before the crowds and the heat. Then follow your guide to your skip-the-line entrance at the Vatican where you’ll see the top highlights before stepping into the Sistine Chapel.

8. Vatican Night Tour with Sistine Chapel

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On this guided Vatican visit, enter the Vatican Museums after hours and experience the museums with very few other people. You’ll feel like a VIP on this after-hours night tour of the Vatican. It’s the best way to really enjoy the quiet solitude in the 9 miles of museums here.

Not to mention, you’ll get to stand under the Sistine Chapel with just a handful of people around you. It’s almost as exclusive as you can get without booking a private tour. This Vatican Night Tour only runs on Fridays and Saturdays during the summer, making it a very exclusive experience.

9. Skip the Line Vatican Tickets

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Want to explore the Vatican Museums at your own pace but with the benefit of skip-the-line tickets? Then reserve your own tickets with our privileged access that lets you bypass the crowds.

You’ll meet our helpful attendant near the Vatican Museums entrance, where they’ll escort you past the general line and into the reserved group entry. There you’ll go through security and be free to explore the Vatican and Sistine Chapel as long as you like.

10. Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens & Castel Gandolfo Day Trip

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Are you visiting Rome on a Saturday during the spring or summer months? Why not make a whole day of it with our Vatican Museums, Gardens, and Castel Gandolfo Day Trip ?

With this experience, you will take a guided tour of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Gardens, and a day trip by train to the Pope’s summer residence. A return train ticket and delicious lunch fit for a pope are included!

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July 5, 2019

We are currently looking at all the various tour possibilities. Do you have tours which cover one or more of the restricted hidden areas of the Vatican Museums; namely the Bramante Staircase, the Niccoline Chapel and the Cabinet of Masks? Thank You.

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Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel & St. Peter's Basilica Small Group Tour

Award-Winner Tour

Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Award: Top 5 Cultural Experiences - Worldwide

Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Award: Best Cultural Experience - #1 Tour Worldwide

  • Discover the marvels of the Vatican on  TripAdvisor’s Number One Tour in the World . Be mesmerized by Michelangelo’s world famous Sistine Chapel and Last Judgement and hear the stories behind this wonderful art-work. Then wonder at the treasures inside St. Peter’s Basilica , from Michelangelo’s Pietá to Bernini’s enormous bronze altar.
  • With our Reserved Entrance , you can head straight into the Vatican to explore the museums without wasting any of your precious vacation time.
  • Tours are limited to 20 people with an expert, English-speaking, art historian as your guide that will bring the artwork to life using headsets to allow you to hear seamlessly throughout the tour.

Enjoy your Vatican Tour experience

What's included.

  • Reserved Access to the Vatican Museums
  • All entrance & reservation fees
  • Access to the Sistine Chapel
  • Skip-the-Line Access to St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Audio headsets so you can always hear your guide
  • Small groups of 20 people or less

Sites Visited

  • Vatican Museums
  • Sistine Chapel
  • Gallery of Maps
  • Gallery of Tapestries
  • St. Peter's Basilica
  • St. Peter's Square

No One Gets You in Faster

Visit the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica on this exclusive and fully guided walking tour of up to 20 passengers. With our Reserved Entrance, you can head straight inside and explore without wasting any time - you’ll also discover the stories about the characters that walked these corridors before you as artists and Popes.

No One Gives You More Access

Inside, your guide will take you out to the Vatican Gardens balcony for your first glimpse of the dome of St. Peters Basilica before strolling through the ancient statues and modern sculptures of the Pinecone Courtyard. As there is no talking allowed in the Sistine Chapel your guide will prepare you here for the many fascinating details you otherwise might miss on your own.

To reach the Chapel, your guide will lead you along the Hall of Maps, the Gallery of Tapestries and through the Gallery of Candelabra.  These works of art will come to life as you follow your guide’s commentary on your dedicated audio earpiece. At the  Sistine Chapel , take some time to pick out the rich details on the walls and ceilings – from Michelangelo’s boneless self-portrait to the shields representing violent bible stories.

After learning all about the chapel’s rich renaissance history, we’ll use our Skip-the-Line Access again, to enter  St. Peter’s Basilica . Bypass the long lines as your guide provides an overview of this magnificent church. Here, you will see Michelangelo’s ‘Pietá’ which portrayed Mary as being as an eternal young mother. Spend some quiet time in this vast place of worship beneath the tallest dome in the world. When you finish, you are free to remain inside St. Peter’s Basilica to experience more of this amazing church at your leisure or return outside to St. Peter’s Square to admire Bernini’s clever optical illusion and the basilica’s heavenly façade.

In just 3 hours, we’ll introduce you to the artistic treasures of the Vatican in an enjoyable and hassle-free manner. From the enormous Vatican Museums to Michelangelo's ground-breaking frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, you will see how the Popes used art and culture to spread their message. You’ll leave not just appreciating the Vatican but having understood it too. 

Check out our full list of Vatican tours .

Thousands of 5-Star Reviews

Tripadvisor, know before you go, meeting point.

Near Museum Entrance - Open in Google Maps

Important Notes

  • Appropriate dress is required for entry into some sites on this tour. Knees, shoulders, and backs must be covered.
  • Please note that from Monday 27th of May until the end of September the Michelangelo's Pieta' in Saint Peter Basilica will not be visible due to renewal works of the opera protective glass.
  • Please note that in case of unexpected closures of some of the areas inside the Museums, the guide may have to modify the itinerary slightly.
  • On Wednesday mornings St. Peter's Basilica may be closed to the public due to the Papal Audience taking place in St. Peter’s Square. Customers who wish to visit St. Peter’s Basilica are advised to travel on another day. Saint Peter’s Basilica is subject to last-minute closures for religious ceremonies. When this occurs, we're happy to offer customers an extended tour of the Vatican Museums. While we endeavour to tell tour groups ahead of time if there are any planned disruptions to the Basilica's opening hours, this is not always possible and in these cases we are unable to provide refunds or discounts.

Cancelation Policy

  • Please be advised that some tour options are subject to a 24-hour cancelation policy. If you wish to cancel or amend your booking, you can do so without charge by contacting us up to 24 hours in advance of your expected departure time.
  • Please be advised that some tour options are non-refundable, with no cancellations or date changes allowed due to pre-purchased tickets.
  • It is mandatory to bring a valid ID or Passport for security checks, and entry will not be granted without proper documentation. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Book Direct: Best prices always guaranteed.
  • Multilingual Customer Service: Talk to us, we are here to help.
  • No Hidden Costs: All taxes and fees included.

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A City Wonders tour is the product of meticulous research, detailed planning, and a passion for providing customers with travel experiences they will cherish forever.

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Vatican Museums Self Guided Audio Tour

Italy, Rome

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Book Your Tour

Self guided audio tour.

Free cancellation

Cancel up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund

Vatican Museum's self-guided audio tour, including a comprehensive Vatican Museum audio guide, is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the stunning art and history of this iconic institution. With a Vatican Museum self-guided audio tour, you can discover the works of Michelangelo, Raphael, and other legendary artists, as well as learn about the fascinating stories and symbolism behind the exhibits. This Vatican Museum tour is a must-see for anyone interested in art and history, and our Vatican Museum audio guide enhances the experience, providing insightful commentary. Our Vatican Museum audio guide tour allows you to dive into the history of this important religious venue located in the heart of Vatican City. Across 42,000 meters, the museums are home to over 70,000 exhibits, including some of the world’s most important Roman sculptures and Renaissance masterpieces. It is also home to the Sistine Chapel, decorated by the renowned artist Michelangelo, together attracting millions of visitors every year and making it the third most-visited museum in the world. Explore it with our Vatican Museum audio tour for an enriching experience. The entrance ticket for the Vatican Museum tours, available for purchase separately, provides access to this extraordinary collection of art. Make the most of your visit by opting for our Vatican Museum audio guide to enhance your understanding and enjoyment. With this app-based self-guided audio tour, including a Vatican Museum guide, you will enjoy unlimited independent sightseeing of the Vatican Museums. There's no need to meet up with a member of staff; simply download our App and start your experience straight away anywhere. Please note this is not the audio guide offered on the premises. This self-guided audio tour, complemented by our Vatican Museum guide, is subject to the opening days and hours for the Vatican Museums. Ensure you plan your visit accordingly, and remember that the entrance ticket needs to be purchased separately.

Inclusions & exclusions

What you get: 

What you don’t get:

Discover the masterpieces of this venue, including:

Know before you go

Important details to understand before starting your tour:

Please note, this is a digital experience. There is no meeting point or staff on-site.

Frequently Ask Questions

Do I need to find any guide if I have purchased a Vatican Museums Self Guided Audio Tour?

If the product you have purchased is a self-guided tour, as indicated in the title. Therefore, there is no designated meeting point, and there is no need to meet with someone from our team. You have the flexibility to enjoy the tour at your convenience.

Do the entrance ticket comes with purchasing this audio guide?

The entrance ticket to Vatican Museums is not included and needs to be purchased separately. This self-guided audio tour is subject to the opening days and hours for the Vatican Museums.

How to download Vatican Museums Self Guided Audio Tour?

Simply scan the QR code on your voucher and follow the instructions to download the VoxCity app and the city map in your preferred language. If you encounter any problems shoot us an email at [email protected] or contact our customer support live 24/7 through our website. Remember that you can download the city map prior to your arrival.

Can I use my Vatican audio guide anytime in future?

The Vatican audio guide allows you to use it on a future visit if you are unable to enjoy it today. It remains accessible and available for you to use on any suitable day in the near future too.

Vatican Museum audio guide

Rated By Vox Citizens.

Overall rating

Review summary

Vox City's Vatican Museum audio guide Tour was a pilgrimage through art. The audio guide eloquently told the stories behind the Vatican's renowned collections, immersing me in the world of religious and secular masterpieces.

The Vatican audio guide provided captivating narratives that made the artwork come alive. From the grandeur of the Vatican's vast collections to the intimate details hidden in each brushstroke, it was an amazing experience that left me in awe.

Embarking on Vox City's Vatican Museum audio guide was like entering a magical world. As I explored the vast halls adorned with breathtaking masterpieces, the audio guide seamlessly transported me back in time, revealing the stories behind each painting and sculpture.

With Vox City's Vatican Museum Audio Guide Tour, I became a part of the rich tapestry of history. As I wandered through the magnificent corridors and admired the awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel, the Vatican audio tour transported me to the time when these treasures were created. It was an immersive journey that left me in awe of human creativity.

I felt like a true art connoisseur with Vox City's Vatican audio guide Tour. The Vatican audio tour skillfully guided me through the maze-like galleries, providing intriguing insights into the works of Michelangelo, Raphael, and countless other legendary artists. It was a remarkable experience that deepened my appreciation for the beauty of the Vatican Museums.

Seraphina Evangeline

Traveling solo can feel isolating, but Vox City's friendly narration kept me company throughout my Vatican Museum tour.

Maximilian Bartholomew

Forget the crowds, Vox City audio gudie gave me the perfect Vatican Museum tour!

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