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whale tours tadoussac

For the Best Whale-watching Cruises

Tadoussac is known as one of the best places in the world for whale watching. Passengers often see two or three marine mammal species, sometimes more, in a two- or three-hour tour. Embark on a tour boat to observe these giants and live an unforgettable experience.

A dozen whale species visit the Lower Estuary. Some are abundant, while others are endangered and can only be observed from a distance of 400 m. Rorqual whales (minke whales, humpback whales, fin whales and blue whales) come here to feed over the summer from May to October. The beluga whale is the only cetacean species to live in the St. Lawrence year round.

The first whale-watching excursions were organised in the Tadoussac and Les Bergeronnes area in 1979. This activity eventually expanded to the point where it now represents a major portion of the regional tourism offering and socioeconomic livelihood.

You Are in the Whale’s Pantry

Unique underwater topography stimulates the accumulation of whale prey: krill and small fish. The leviathans hunt all summer long in what amounts to a food storage area. Here they accumulate reserves before undertaking a several-thousand-kilometre-long fall migration to more temperate, but less nourishing waters, where they spend the winter.

To Prepare for a Cruise

When is the best time to see whales.

The answer can be found… in a crystal ball! Whales are constantly moving. Sightings vary over the course of a day, from week to week and from year to year. Rain, wind, high or low tide, morning or afternoon? None of these factors have much of an influence on whale behaviour; whales must continuously surface to breathe.

Browse the Whales online Website and read News from Afield to learn where the whales are this week . Or, better yet, head over to the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM) front desk and ask to see the Weekly Sightings Map. 

What Type of Boat to Choose?

You have the choice of boarding the type of boat that suits you best. Inflatable vessels carry 12 to 24 passengers for an excursion near the water’s surface and the sea spray; an inflatable, 60-passenger vessel; while large 200- to 600-passenger boats are very comfortable and are equipped with several open or closed decks.

Naturalist-captains work aboard the inflatable vessels, while the larger boats have a dedicated naturalist on board. All are qualified and passionate. Their role is to guide your outing and to share their knowledge about marine mammals and their environment.

What Companies Offer Whale-watching Tours?

From Tadoussac: Croisières AML and Tadoussac autrement . Visit their Websites for more information, reservations and ticket purchases, or make your way to one of their sales outlets in the village (shops, hotels, youth hostel).

Will We See a Lot of Whales?

Every outing is an unpredictable experience. Don’t expect to see the same thing shown in documentaries; these often require hundreds of hours or even years to film. It is almost certain that you will encounter whales. You must keep in mind that you are visiting the natural environment of wild animals: their habitat is vast and they sometimes move very rapidly over great distances. Captains do all they can to offer you the best observations possible.  

Some St. Lawrence species are abundant, while others, such as the beluga whale and the blue whale, are endangered. Boats are not allowed to approach within 400 metres of these two species. The Marine Activities in the Saguenay—St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations regulate whale-watching activities. They were developed in collaboration with tour operators. Captains must respect regulations concerning speed, approaches and distances from the whales, as well as time spent observing them, with respect to each species and its protection status. The regulations encompass all vessels from sea kayaks to inflatable vessels to large boats. A small vessel will not approach whales any closer than a large one.

A whale-watching tour remains a privileged moment of discovery. Read the answer to the following question.

What is there to See Besides Whales?

Seals, the beauty of the coastal scenery, the dunes in their entirety, the Prince Shoal lighthouse, seabirds, the architectural heritage, ships travelling the Seaway, the confluence of saltwater from the North Atlantic and freshwater from the Saguenay and St. Lawrence rivers. Naturalists and captains will take time to showcase this bountiful and exciting area and its history.

What to Bring?

Warm clothing, windbreaker and raingear:

  • sweaters, pants, coats, toques, gloves, scarf, socks, closed-toed shoes with good soles.
  • Don’t forget that St. Lawrence Estuary is very cold and that it influences the layer of air just above the surface; it is much colder at sea than on land, with the difference being as much as ten degrees Celsius.Sunscreen.



Cameras with protection from sea spray and rain .

Where do I go to Learn More About Whales?

Visit the Whales online Website. You will learn how to identify each species on the water according to specific characteristics. Here, you can read about the most recent scientific discoveries concerning whales from here and afar and better understand how they live. You can even ask the naturalists questions online.

A visit to the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM) prolongs your whale sightings and your offshore cruise. This is a great place to gain a better understanding of these fascinating animals, scientific research and whale conservation. 

Are Whale-watching Cruises Ecologically Responsible?

You are in the Saguenay—St. Lawrence Marine Park . It was created to protect the ecosystems of the Saguenay Fjord and Lower Estuary while encouraging educational, recreational and scientific activities. All activities undertaken in the Marine Park are regulated by the principles of sustainable development.

The Eco-Whale Alliance has ensured ecologically responsible and sustainable whale-watching activities in the Marine Park since 2011. Its members are tour-boat operators, Parks Canada, Parcs Québec and the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM). A portion of funding for the Eco-Whale Alliance is destined to ensure ongoing training for captains and naturalists.

How do I Take Good Pictures?

First of all, observe whale behaviour: breathing frequency, swimming motions, movements.

Track one whale instead of several at a time. The onboard naturalists will indicate in real time the best time to snap your shot, particularly when a whale is about to dive as it arcs its back or brings it’s tail out of the water.

Opt for the camera adjustment that allows for rapid shooting, otherwise you may not see the whale in your photo.

Remember that the best shots are those that are fixed in your own memory. If you spend all of your time aiming at whales through your camera lens, you could miss out on a special encounter with these free and wild animals as they move through their natural environment.

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6 Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac Quebec: Tour Reviews

Table of Contents

If you’re looking for an amazing whale watching experience, look no further than Tadoussac Quebec.

With seven different whale watching tours to choose from, there’s something for everyone!

And with tour reviews like “awesome”, “unforgettable” and “magical”, you’re sure to have a trip of a lifetime.

I didn’t think anything could top swimming with wild dolphins in New Zealand , but getting up close and personal with beluga whales (in an eco-friendly way!) may be the best thing I’ve ever done in Canada.

But there’s more than that! You can even kayak amongst these gentle giants in Quebec, all within a day trip from the gorgeous Quebec City.

I’ll help you find the best whale watching Tadoussac, with helpful tour reviews so you have the ultimate experience!

🐳 This is my favourite whale watching tour in Tadoussac!

Types of Whales in Tadoussac

humpback whale 2

Humpback Whale

Humpback whales are perhaps the best known of all the whale species due to their breaching behaviour (leaping out of the water) and signature tail flukes.

These beautiful creatures can grow up to 18m in length and weigh around 36,000kg!

While they were once hunted to the brink of extinction, humpback whale populations have made a strong comeback and are now a common sight in Tadoussac.

minke whale

Minke Whale

The minke whale is the second smallest baleen whale, after the pygmy right whale. They can grow to around 9m in length and weigh around 10,000kg.

Minkes are known for their curious nature and have been known to approach boats and even humans in the water!

While they’re not as acrobatic as humpbacks, they more than make up for it with their playfulness.

beluga whale

Beluga Whale

The beluga whale is one of the most iconic whales, thanks to its distinctive white colouring. They can grow to around 6m in length and weigh up to 1,900kg.

Belugas are social creatures and often travel in pods of up to 10 individuals. They’re also known for their vocalisations, which include clicks, whistles, and chirps.

While they may not be the biggest or most acrobatic whales, belugas are certainly some of the most beautiful.

And they’re the most common sighting in Tadoussac year round!

quebec tadoussac fin whale

The fin whale is the second largest animal on earth, after the blue whale. They can grow to an incredible 27m in length and weigh up to 80,000kg!

While they’re not as commonly seen as some of the other whale species, they’re definitely one of the most impressive.

Blue Whales

The blue whale is the largest animal on earth, and can grow to an unbelievable 30m in length and weigh up to 190,000kg!

Best Time to See Whales in Tadoussac

Quebec whale watching season.

The whale watching season in Quebec runs from May to October.

This is the best time to see whales in Tadoussac.

Beluga whales are in the Tadoussac waters year round, but humpbacks, fin whales, blue whales, and minke whales only migrate to the region when the waters are warmer.

What time of day is best to see whales in Tadoussac?

The best time of day to see whales in Tadoussac is early morning or late afternoon.

This is when the whales are most active and the waters are calmest.

So a sunrise or twilight whale watching tour in Tadoussac will offer you the best chance to see whales playing in the surf and breaching near your boat or kayak.

What is the best month to go whale watching?

The best month to go whale watching in Tadoussac is July.

This is when the waters are at their warmest and the whales are most active.

You’re also more likely to see blue whales, fin whales, and minke whales in July than at any other time of year.

tadoussac st lawrence view

Where to See Whales in Tadoussac

Saguenay fjord.

The best place to see whales in Tadoussac is the Saguenay Fjord.

This stunning fjord is one of the best whale watching spots in the world and is home to a variety of whale species, including humpbacks, belugas, and blue whales.

The best way to see the whales in the Saguenay Fjord is on a whale watching tour.

There are a number of different tour operators in Tadoussac that offer both boat tours and kayak tours of the fjord.

Whale Watching by Boat

The best way to see whales in Tadoussac is by boat.

There are a number of different tour operators that offer boat tours of the Saguenay Fjord, which is one of the best whale watching spots in the world.

Boat tours are the best way to see whales because you’ll have a front row seat to all the action.

You’ll be able to see the whales breaching and playing in the waves, and you might even be lucky enough to get a close up view of one of these gentle giants.

I prefer a boat cruise to a zodiac boat because it’s less choppy.

As someone who gets seasick, a boat cruise means one sea sickness pill will keep me. Zodiacs tend to end up with a very green Nina (which classes tragically with my current purple hair).

Whale Watching by Zodiac (Inflatable Boat)

Zodiac boat tours are a great whale watching experience.

Many people prefer zodiac tours because they’re speedier, which means you can cover more ground and see more whales.

They’re also great for getting up close and personal with the whales, as they’re able to maneuver in a way that larger boats can’t.

However, zodiacs can be quite choppy, so if you’re prone to sea sickness, you might want to consider taking a boat cruise instead.

You’ll also get wet and are more likely to get chilly on a zodiac. So avoid these tours in October in Quebec !

🐳 Book this tour now!

sea kayak whale watch tadoussac

Whale Watching by Kayak

Kayak tours are a great way to see whales in Tadoussac.

You’ll have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the whales, and you might even be lucky enough to paddle alongside one of these gentle giants.

However, kayak tours can be quite challenging, so they’re not recommended for everyone.

I have the upper body strength of a wet piece of spaghetti, so kayaking drains my energy instantly. This can mean a lot of arm burning day of and after the tour, especially if you’re trying to keep up with others and cover more distance.

Because you don’t disturb the water as much, you may be able to get closer to the whales.

But you’ll also cover less distance, so fewer whales may be spotted overall, especially if you are trying to see different species of whale.

🚣‍♀️ I recommend this inflatable kayak

tadoussac whale watching shore

Can you see whales from the shore in Tadoussac?

Yes, you can see whales from the shore in Tadoussac.

There are a number of different whale watching spots along the shore of the Saguenay Fjord, and you might even be lucky enough to see whales from your hotel room or campsite.

The best time to see whales from the shore is early morning or late evening, when the whales are most active.

During the day, the whales tend to stay close to the bottom of the fjord, where it’s cooler and there’s more food.

Some of the best viewpoints from shore are:

  • Sentier de la Pointe-de-l’Islet Viewpoint
  • Pointe Noire Interpretation and Observation Centre
  • Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre
  • Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre

Tadoussac Free Ferry

The free ferry to Tadoussac is a great way to see whales.

The ferry crosses the Saguenay River, and you might be lucky enough to see whales from the deck of the ferry.

The best time to take the ferry is early morning or late evening, when the whales are most active.

Beluga whales are commonly sited in this area of the fjord.

The great thing about this: it’s 100% free for people and cars!

6 Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec: Tour Reviews

tadoussac sunset

1. Tadoussac Whales and Fjord Cruise Morning or Twilight Tour

This Tadoussac whale watching tour is a great way to see the best of the Saguenay Fjord.

You can choose between a morning or dusk tour. These are the best times to spot whales in Tadoussac, as it’s when they’re most active and most playful. So there’s a higher chance to see them jump out of the water!

The live tour is given in English or French, depending on your preference. I love this, as most Quebec tours are only run in French and my French is TERRIBLE.

You’ll enjoy panoramic views and the breathtaking landscapes of the fjord as you keep an eye out for whales, including beluga, fin, and minke whales.

One of the best parts of this tour is that it takes you right into the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park so you can learn about the marine life and geological formations.

The captain will even slow down the boat so you can get a closer look at some of the animals!

And you’ll get to enjoy a gorgeous sunrise or sunset on this tour.

Honestly, this fjord is so gorgeous that you really won’t care if you see whales. But luckily you’ll also have a very high chance of seeing them!

Highlights : Marine park tour, beluga and minke whales, sunrise/sunset, bilingual commentary

Run By : AML Cruises

Starting point:   Tadoussac Pier

Duration : 3 hours

Price : $138

humpback tadoussac whale watching

2. Tadoussac & Baie-St-Catherine: Whale & Bear Wildlife Tour

You may be wondering why I’m including this tour so high up on a list of whale watching tours when it includes bears.

Well, that’s because you get an incredible 2-for-1 on this tour!

Instead of just spotting whales, you’ll also get the chance to spot wild black bears in their natural habitat.

You’ll first sail through the Saguenay Fjord in search of marine mammals like beluga whales, minke whales, and fin whales.

The best part is that you might even see some of them breach the water!

Afterward, you’ll venture into the forest at dusk to observe the black bears in their natural habitat.

You’ll be accompanied by a bilingual guide who is a certified naturalist, so you can learn all about these incredible animals.

And – bonus! – you’ll also get a free visit to Ferme 5 Etoiles, an animal refuge where you can see bison, deer, lynx, wolves, and moose.

This tour is the perfect way to learn about the wildlife in Tadoussac and see some of the best animals that Canada has to offer.

Highlights : Beluga and minke whales, black bears, animal refuge

Starting point : AML Ticket Centre

Duration : Full day

Price : $178

humpback tadoussac whale watching arm

3. Tadoussac: VIP Lounge or Upper Walkway Whale Watching Cruise

This is the best whale watching tour for those who want a VIP experience.

You can choose between an upper walkway with incredible views or an intimate lounge with food and drinks.

Both options offer access to an exclusive observation deck.

It’s basically a whale watching cruise with fewer people shoving around you to get the best photos. These tickets are limited, so it’ll give you the sense of a private whale watching tour.

“Well settled in armchairs… You can see very well at more than 180 degrees. We feel spoiled.” — (see more  reviews )

On the upper walkway, you’ll be able to get up close and personal with the whales as they swim by.

You might even see them breach the water!

In the intimate lounge, you’ll be able to take in the majestic natural landscape from an enclosed glass space.

You’ll also be treated to snacks and drinks, including Quebec wines, beer, and spirits. The maple smoked Atlantic salmon will ruin you for any other fish, I swear!

This is the perfect tour for those who want to relax and enjoy the best that Tadoussac has to offer.

Highlights : Upper walkway or intimate lounge, snacks and drinks included, majestic natural landscape, clearer view of whales

Run By : AML Cruise

Starting point :  Tadoussac Pier

Price : $184

blue whale tadoussac whale watching

4. Tadoussac or Baie-Sainte-Catherine: Whale Watching Cruise

If you’re not up for a first thing in the morning or twilight cruise, this is the perfect in-between. Run by AML Cruises, this whale watching boat tour runs throughout the day.

You’ll have the chance to see some of the most majestic creatures on earth as you sail through the Saguenay Fjord.

“The boat was well laid out and comfortable with lots of seating both inside and out with great views everywhere! We saw many belugas and minke whales, seals and a humpback breaching 3 times.” — (see more  reviews )

AML Cruises is one of the best companies when it comes to whale watching, so you’re in good hands.

With informative guides in both English and French, you’ll learn all about the different types of whales you might see on your journey.

You might even be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them breaching the water!

This tour is great for those who want to see whales but don’t want to get up too early or stay out too late.

Highlights : Midday cruise, chance to see majestic creatures, informative guides

Run By: AML Cruises

Starting point :  Tadoussac Pier

zodiac whale watching tadoussac

5. Tadoussac & Baie-Ste-Catherine: Zodiac Whale Watch

This is the best whale watching tour for those who want to get up close and personal with the whales, and who don’t have 3 hours to spare in their day.

On this Zodiac boat, you’ll be able to see the whales from every angle as they swim by.

You’ll be accompanied by a bilingual guide who is a certified naturalist, so you can learn all about the different types of whales you might see.

“Definitely worth booking this excursion. We had about 30-40 whale sightings and lucky with the Zodiac.” — (see more  reviews )

This 25-foot inflatable Zodiac boat holds fewer people on board, so it’s a great option for smaller groups.

Please note that you will likely get wet on this tour, so dress accordingly!

Ponchos are provided for everyone on board, but it can still get chilly.

This is the perfect tour for those who want an up-close look at the whales and don’t mind getting a little bit wet.

Highlights : Smaller boat, closer to whales, faster tour, beluga whales and minke whales

Run by: AML Cruises

Duration : 2 to 2.5 hours

Price : $132

6. Quebec City: Whale Watching Excursion with Bus Transfer

This is the best whale watching tour for those who want to see the whales but don’t want to drive.

You’ll be picked up in a comfortable bus and taken straight to Baie-Ste-Catherine (near Tadoussac), where you’ll board an AML Cruises boat.

You can choose between a big boat or zodiac whale watching excursion.

The big boat is a better choice for people who want to be able to move around, as it has an inside and outside seating area, a covered roof, restrooms, observation platform, a boutique, and a cafeteria.

“We saw about 40 beluga whales and 2-3 minki whales. Also 2 seals. We had a lot of fun!” — (see more  reviews )

The zodiac is best for those who want an intimate and adventurous encounter, as you’ll be observing the whales from water level.

Both options offer bilingual guides who are certified naturalists, so you can learn all about the different types of whales you might see.

This is the perfect tour for those who want to see the whales but don’t want to drive themselves.

Highlights : Comfortable bus transport, choice between big boat or zodiac, bilingual guides

Run by : AML Cruises

Starting point : Quebec City

Duration : 11 hours

Price : $224.70

Which whale watching tour is the best?

I recommend booking the Tadoussac: Whales and Fjord Morning or Twilight Tour because it’s the best value for your money.

You’ll have 3 hours to see the whales, and you’re more likely to see them breaching the water in the morning or evening.

This tour is run by AML Cruises, which is one of the best companies when it comes to whale watching.

You’ll also have the chance to learn about the different types of whales you might see from the bilingual guides.

My second choice is the Whale & Bear Wildlife Tour, as this full day tour isn’t significantly more expensive and includes the opportunity to see wild black bears and other Canadian animals on an eco-farm.

Whale Watching in Quebec City

Quebec City is landlocked, so you can’t actually whale watch in Quebec City.

However, there are a few companies that offer bus tours to Tadoussac, where you can then take a boat tour to see the whales.

I recommend booking the Quebec City: Whale Watching Excursion with Bus Transfer because it’s the best value for your money.

This means you won’t need to rent a car and figure out Quebec driving laws – which, even for a Canadian, can be complex compared to other provinces.

What to Wear Whale Watching in Tadoussac

Tadoussac is located in Quebec, which means the weather can be chilly – even in summer.

I recommend dressing in layers, as you can always take off a jacket if you get too warm.

Out on the St. Lawrence River, it can get very windy and cold. So even on a hot day, I’d pack a thermal layer and a coat!

Avoid loose hats or anything that can fly off. At high speeds and with winds, you’ll likely lose anything less secure than a toque (winter hat).

You’ll also want to wear closed-toe shoes, as you’ll be boarding a boat. Most tours, especially the bear tour that involves forest trekking, require closed toed shoes.

Finally, please remember that you’ll likely get wet on a zodiac tour, so dress accordingly!

Unpredictable weather? I recommend this 3-in-1 jacket

tadoussac church town

Other Things to Do in Tadoussac

  • Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre: The best place to learn about the different types of whales you might see on your whale watching tour. The guides at the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre are passionate and knowledgeable, and they’ll be able to answer any questions you have.
  • Chauvin Trading Post: This is the oldest trading post in Canada, and it’s a great place to buy souvenirs or local Aboriginal art. Parc des Grands-Jardins: If you’re looking for a place to stretch your legs, this national park is a beautiful spot for hiking and nature walks.
  • Hiking Trails : There are several trails in the area that offer stunning views of the fjord.
  • Sand Dunes: The sand dunes near Tadoussac are some of the best in Quebec. They’re definitely worth a visit!

How to Get to Tadoussac

From quebec city.

The best way to get to Tadoussac is by car.

The drive takes about 2.5 hours, and it’s a beautiful drive through the countryside.

If you don’t want to drive, there are a few companies that offer bus tours from Quebec City.

I recommend booking the Quebec City: Whale Watching Excursion with Bus Transfer because it’s the best value for your money when you factor in rental car costs.

From Montreal

The best way to get to Tadoussac from Montreal is by car.

It’s a 4-hour drive, but it’s a scenic drive through the Laurentian Mountains.

There are a few companies that offer bus tours from Montreal, but they’re significantly more expensive than driving due to the length of the drive.

Where to Stay in Tadoussac

hotel tadoussac

Hotel Tadoussac

This is the best hotel in Tadoussac, and it’s located right on the water.

It’s the perfect place to stay if you want to be close to all the action.

Check prices!

Hotel Le Beluga

This hotel is located in the heart of Tadoussac, and it’s a great option if you want to be close to the shops and restaurants.

It’s also a very affordable option.

Hotel Le Pionnier

This hotel is located just outside of Tadoussac, and it’s a great option if you’re looking for something more affordable.

It’s also a good option if you want to be away from the hustle and bustle of the town.

They offer free shuttles to whale watching tours.

Wrap Up: Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec

If you’re looking for the best whale watching experience, Tadoussac is the place to be.

This Quebec town is home to some of the best whale watching tours in the world, and it’s a great place to see different types of whales.

Remember to dress warmly, as it can get chilly on the water, and don’t forget to pack your camera!

A trip to Quebec isn’t complete without a bucket list experience with Canada’s unique marine life – especially the plethora of beluga whales!

How many days do you need in Tadoussac?

You could technically do a day trip from Quebec City or Montreal, but I recommend spending at least 2 days in Tadoussac to really enjoy the town and all it has to offer.

You’ll be tired after exploring the waters for whales, and when paired with the gorgeous hikes, it’ll be too tiring to drive home the same day.

What type of boat to choose?

You can opt for a zodiac inflatable boat or a traditional cruise.

I recommend the zodiac boat as it’s more exciting and you’re closer to the water (IF you don’t get sea sick easily), but both options offer a great experience. Just remember that you’ll likely get wet on a zodiac tour, so dress accordingly!

Are whale watching tours eco-friendly?

Yes, whale watching tours are eco-friendly. The boats used have low emissions, and the guides are trained to not disturb the whales or their habitat.

The Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park was developed with scientists to create a safe place for the marine life that can also be educational to visitors.

The park works in tandem with the Eco-Whale Alliance to ensure the tours are all sustainable and won’t disturb the whales. A portion of Tadoussac whale watching funds goes to support their efforts.

How do I take good pictures?

If you want to take good pictures, I recommend bringing a DSLR camera or investing in a good quality point and shoot camera.

You’ll want something that can allow you to take multiple photos in quick succession. I often just use my iPhone’s burst mode.

Track one whale and watch their movements to see when it rises to dive or arcs its back to show its tail.

You’ll want to ensure a steady hand so these pictures don’t turn out blurry.

Always have a camera strap.

Waterproof cameras are needed for a zodiac or kayaking tour of the whales.

Do I need to book my Tadoussac cruise in advance?

Yes, it’s best to book your whale watching tour in advance, especially during peak season (June to September).

Tadoussac is a small town and the companies offering tours sell out quickly.

You can book your tour online or through the company’s office in town.

I recommend booking at least a week in advance, but if you’re visiting during peak season, it’s best to book a month or more in advance.

This way, you can be sure to get the tour date and time that you want.

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  • Ultimate Scenic Quebec Road Trip Ideas and 2-Week Itinerary
  • Honest Hotel Review: Manoir Chamberland in Montebello
  • Moving to Quebec from Ontario: Benefits, Costs & More!
  • Moving to Toronto from Montreal: Is it Worth it?
  • 7 Best Whale Watching Tours in Vancouver Canada
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Canada travel planning guide.

🚑  Should I buy Canada travel insurance?

100% YES!  — Canada has “free” healthcare but it’s only for citizens! Foreigners visiting need travel insurance in case anything happens on their visit. I recommend World Nomads – starting at just $5 a day!

💧 Can you drink the water in Canada?

Yes  — In all major cities in Canada, you can drink the tap water. There are very few, rural areas that you can’t. However, you should never drink river or lake water anywhere in the country! I recommend a Brita Water Bottle for long hikes and backcountry camping to stay safe and hydrated.

🚙💨  Is it safe to rent a car in Canada?

Yes  — Renting a car is a necessity in most of Canada! If you want to go on road trips or adventures outside of the major cities, you’ll need to rent a car. ( Read more )

📲  Will my phone work in Canada?

Maybe  — Some American companies work in Canada, but many will not. If your phone doesn’t work in Canada, I recommend getting a Canadian SIM card so you can get around and stay in contact with loved ones. We don’t have a lot of free WIFI in Canada, so you’ll need your phone for maps.

🏩  What’s the best way to book my Canada accommodations?

My go-to for Canadian hotels is Booking.com . For hostels, I use Hostel World . If you want a home-y feeling, check out VRBO (which is cheaper and safer than Airbnb).

Or get free accommodations with Trusted Housesitters!

✈️  What’s the best site to buy Canada flights?

For finding cheap Canadian flights, I recommend  Skyscanner .

🎫  Do I need a visa for Canada?

Likely Not  — US, UK, and EU passport holders don’t need Canadian visas. However, some other countries do ( check here! ). And if you plan to stay for more than 4 weeks (an average tourist visa length), you will need to look into visas to live in Canada.

Nina Clapperton is the founder of Nina Out and About. She has lived in 18 countries in the past 10 years, explored more than 30 countries, and has done most of it solo. A Canadian native, she also shares her favourite things to do in the True North. She helps over 100,000 people per month plan their expat adventures and Canadian trips.

Want to move abroad, but don’t know how to start?

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whale tours tadoussac


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Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

Guide To Whale Watching In Tadoussac Quebec + Best Tour 2024

Are you excited to embark on a memorable whale watching adventure in Tadoussac?

As a seasoned traveler , I’ve explored the beautiful Tadoussac area, experiencing its best whale watching cruise .

My extensive research and personal journey will guide you to the optimal choice for your whale watching tour.

Discover insider tips and essential information for your excursion in this comprehensive Tadoussac whale watching guide .

Learn about the best ways to reach Tadoussac, the ideal season for whale sightings, top tips for your tour, and must-see attractions in this charming region.

* contains affiliate links

🐳 This is my favorite whale sightings tour 🐳

Whale Watching In Tadoussac

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

In the eastern part of Canada, where the St. Lawrence River and the fjord of Saguenay meet, is the whale-watching paradise, Tadoussac.

In the province of Québec, some species of whales live here permanently.

Others only come to the area around Tadoussac at specific times.

Among them are beluga whales , minke whales , blue whales , humpback whales , and sperm whales .

No wonder that watching the mammals is one of the most popular things to do in Quebec.

The Top 3 Whale Watching Tours

How To Get To Tadoussac in Québec

There are two options to get to Tadoussac. You can drive there, which I did, or you can book a guided tour to Tadoussac from Quebec City.

You can book this whale-watching tour (day trip) here .

  • Driving to Tadoussac

Drive from Montreal: It’s a 5 ½ hour drive up to Tadoussac

Drive from Quebec City: It will take you about three hours from the north of Quebec City to reach the Tadoussac area

Before you arrive at the pretty little town of Tadoussac, you have to take the ferry, which connects Baie-Sainte-Catherine with Tadoussac.

There is also a road around the fjord (heading to Saguenay) so that you don’t have to take the ferry, but it will take about half an hour more to reach your final destination.

(I drove from Montreal during my East Canada road trip to Tadoussac.)

  • Day Trip with Whale Watching from Quebec City

If you visit Quebec City and don’t want to drive, you can join a whale watching tour. You can book it here

Taking the Tadoussac Ferry  – You might Already See Whales

The ferry connects road number 138, which continues further north.

The ships operate 24 hours a day and the ferry ride is free .

Plan about half an hour to 40 minutes for the whole ferry ride, including getting on and off the ferry.

The view from the ferry to Tadoussac and the fjord of Saguenay is impressive and sometimes you can even see the whales while being on the ferry.

(I took the ferry to Tadoussac at noon. I didn’t spot whales because they were already farther out at the feeding grounds.)

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

1. The Best  Whale Watching Tour   Tadoussac (Zodiac vs. Ship) 

The best cruise for whale watching is this Zodiac whale watching tour with AML Cruises. You cannot get closer to the animals as on this inflatable boat.

It is smaller, faster, and able to get very close to the whales. 

The ship is a lot larger in comparison and they are further away from the animals.

I was lucky enough to see beluga whales and their babies in the Lawrence Marine Park.

The adults are white, while the babies have a greyish-brown tone.

As the belugas swim in groups unlike the minke whales, they are also easier to spot.

During the boat tour in a Zodiac (inflatable boat), we saw one minke whale.

They are easily recognized by the dorsal fin. They are as long as two elephants and are loners.

When we saw the first beluga whale the woman behind me in the boat was so excited that she dropped her cell phone into the water. 🙂

We also were lucky enough to see one whale swim right underneath our boat.

This can only happen while doing the whale watching experience on a zodiac.

Before returning to Tadoussac after the 2 ½ hour-long boat tour, we went into the fjord of Saguenay.

I have never been in a fjord and found it very scenic. 

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

The waterfall that flows directly into the fjord and the seals that lay on the rocks are the highlight here, in addition to the whales, of course.

I can recommend this boat tour with the Zodiac 100%.

There is also the option of doing a whale-watching tour with a ship instead of the Zodiac. 

I would recommend the Zodiac tour as it allows you to get closer to the whales and also to explore the fjord.

Getting into the fjord is only available on the Zodiac.

You can book this tour from Tadoussac or Baie-Sainte-Catherine . You can also book this option when you do a whale watching trip from the city of Quebec .

2. Whale Watching Cruise Tadoussac From Quebec City

Whale Tours Québec City

In case you don’t want to drive all the way to Tadoussac yourself, you can also book a whale watching trip starting at Québec City.

You have the same options as mentioned above.

You can either do a tour on a ship or on an inflatable boat. 

This tour is a full-day tour. You can learn more about it and  book whale tours from Québec City here.

3. Tadoussac Whale Watching And Bear Wildlife Tour

This full-day tour combines the best of the wildlife that this location has to offer.

In the morning you go on a boat cruise. In the afternoon you can spend some time at a 5-star farm.

You can relax here and see deer, lynx, wolves, bison, and moose. You can also pet small farm animals like goats.

At dusk, the next highlight of the wildlife tour starts in the forest. You join a guide and watch black bears in their natural habitat.

Learn more about this combined wildlife tour here

4. Tadoussac: VIP Lounge or Upper Deck Whale Watching Cruise

In this small group experience, you can watch whales from the upper deck of a cruise ship.

This tour starts in Tadoussac or Baine-Sainte-Marie and you have the option between the VIP lounge or to see whales from the upper deck.

If you drive from the southern part of Canada it is better to book the tour from Baie-Sainte-Catherine. This way you save yourself the ferry ride to Tadoussac.

The tour is 3 hours long and includes besides the boat trip a guide, wines, beers, spirits, and local bites if you choose the VIP option.

Book your VIP whale watching tour

What To Pay Attention To While Whale Watching

Because of the wind, it is very cold. Wearing a beanie and warm clothes is definitely crucial.

If you choose the Zodiac tour as I did, every passenger gets dungarees and a jacket, because you will get a bit wet during the tour.  

Because so many whales are in Tadoussac, the company Croisières Aml gives a whale-watching guarantee. Which whales you might see depends on the season. 

I was traveling to Tadoussac in late May and beluga whales and minke whales were there at that time. 

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

The belugas recently had young ones and so there were also whale babies.

Taking Photos And Film Whales – Things To Know

Since you can get pretty close to the whales in the Zodiac, it is possible to take pictures with your phone.

Better of course is a camera with a zoom or a telephoto lens.

In any case, you should bring a waterproof bag .

There are no big waves when the weather is fine, but during the trip, it often happens that the slightly salty water splashes on you and the equipment.

Whale Watching Season in Tadoussac: The Best Time For Whale Watching In Québec (Saguenay area)

Especially popular for whale watching in Saguenay is the time from late June to September . 

Here you will find the most whale species to watch.

In addition to the beluga whales and minke whales, there are also humpback whales, blue whales, and some sperm whales, as well as a few smaller whale species.

The white belugas are found here all year long. During my stay in late May, I was able to see minke whales and belugas during the whale watching trip.

Book the whale-watching tour in advance here

Why You Can See Whales In Tadoussac

The area and the bay are so special due to the fact that it is not located directly at the ocean, but at the mouth of the Saguenay River and the St. Lawrence River. 

497 miles (800 kilometers) further northeast begins the North Atlantic.

The current of the Atlantic Ocean flows towards the St. Lawrence River and brings salt water to Tadoussac.

Even in the fjord of Saguenay (Fjord-du-Saguenay) is still a little sea salt included in the river water.

In addition, there is a special current in this area due to underwater elevations and canyons, which bring  a lot of krill .

The perfect area for whales to feed. 

Even the largest whales in the world, the blue whales, come here to feed. However, like the beluga or minke whales, they are not constantly found here.

The stars in Tadoussac are definitely the white beluga whales.

Attractions In Tadoussac: Things To Do And See Besides Watching Whales

Most visitors come to Tadoussac because of the whales.

The place is small and everything is within walking distance.

I really enjoyed it here and next time I would plan to stay at least two nights.

Learn about Whales At The Marine Mammal Interpretation Center

In addition to whale watching, it is very interesting to visit the Center d’Interprétation des Mammifères Marins Tadoussac and learn more about marine mammals. 

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

The center is open from noon to 5 p.m. and with a visit, you also support the non-profit company.

The Marine Mammal Interpretation Center is designed to allow you to touch things and interactively learn about the whales and the Quebec maritime life.

You can see whale skeletons and learn more about the Quebec’s whale route, and whales in Quebec.

The researchers, who also work here, take their time to explain everything to the visitors.

Every day the current research results are shared with the visitors (= recent photos of whale sights, etc.)

They also showed me the places where I was able to spot a whale.

Pointe De l’Islet Trail

Besides whale watching and the Marine Mammal Interpretation Center, the most beautiful spot here is the Pointe de l’Islet Trail.

From here, you can see whales from the shore. I saw Belugas in the late afternoon.

They swim from the feeding grounds back to the Fjord-du-Saguenay, where they spend the evening and night.

In the morning and late afternoon, you have the best chance to spot whales from the shore.

The Pointe de l’Islet is a short circular walk along the water and through the forest. I love water and nature. 

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

That’s why I felt particularly comfortable here.

Benches invite you to linger and watch the water.

It is still a bit cool here at the end of May (62.7 degrees Fahrenheit or 17 degrees Celsius on my visit), but still pleasant here.

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

Otherwise, there is the possibility at low tide (the St. Lawrence River is influenced by the sea and thus has ebb and flow) to take a walk along the sandy beach or to walk along other trails.

Eating and drinking in Tadoussac

Microbrasserie tadoussac.

A small, fine craft beer bar , which opened three years ago and also offers beer tasting.

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

Café Bohème

A small cafe where they also serve vegan dishes.

Places To Stay in Tadoussac: Hotels in Tadoussac

Tadoussac is a small village. There are only a few hotels. Among them, this is the most popular hotel with the best view to stay at:

Tadoussac Hotel

The eye-catcher in the village is the Hotel Tadoussac .

With its red roof and white front, it can be seen from the other shore and offers direct views of the water and overlooking Tadoussac Bay.

The companies that offer whale watching excursions (Croisières Aml and Tadoussac Autrement) are within walking distance.

Book your stay here

Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

Find other hotels, B&Bs, lodges, and more here . If you are looking for budget hotels or hostels check out Hostelworld .

Whale Watching Québec – Tadoussac Is The Best Place To Go Whale Watching

For me, doing a whale-watching tour was one of the highlights during my Canada road trip through Québec and Ontario. 

The town is small and tranquil and the rough landscape, as well as the whales, are exactly what nature lovers are looking for.

I would go back immediately, albeit a little later in the year to be perhaps lucky enough to see the world’s largest whales.

There are several ways to see whales.

Besides watching them from the free ferry, you can also watch them from the shore, or use your own kayak.

I recommend having this compact, waterproof binocular or a smartphone zoom lens .

The best way to go whale watching is by booking a tour, which starts at the Tadoussac Marina, by booking a tour from Québec City, or by starting the tour in Baye-Sainte-Catherine.

In any case, it is definitely necessary to book the whale-watching tour in advance.

You can book the whale watching tour here:

Whale-watching tour from Tadoussac or Bay Ste. Catherine Whale-watching tour from Quebec City

Final Insights About Tadoussac’s Ultimate Whale Watching Guide

Without a doubt, Tadoussac is one of the best places in the world, especially in the Eastern part of Canada to go whale watching .

As you’ve now uncovered the captivating secrets of whale watching in Tadoussac, you’re ready for your own adventure.

My insights and experiences as a seasoned travel expert offer you a foundation for planning your excursion.

Remember to choose the optimal season for whale sightings and book your tour in advance.

Tadoussac is not only a haven for whale watchers but also a treasure trove of breathtaking natural experiences .

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments, or reach out with questions.

Embark on your Tadoussac whale watching journey, armed with the best tips and knowledge for a truly unforgettable experience .

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Guide To Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Canada

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About the Author

Christina Leutner is an experienced travel blogger and author specializing in road trips, city trips, luxury travel, and outdoor adventures. She has been sharing her travel experiences on CitySeaCountry for over 10 years.

Learn more about Christina

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links are affiliate links. I receive a small commission when you book via a link but you don’t have to pay more for it.

I was invited by Québec Maritime. The opinion is mine.

zuletzt aktualisiert am November 27, 2023

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Off Track Travel

Four Fun Ways to Go Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec

The small town of Tadoussac in Quebec is one of the best places in the world to go whale watching. The reason is simple.

Tadoussac sits at the confluence of the freshwater Saguenay River and salty St Laurent River.

Close up of Tadoussac sign in front of marina and long sandy beach in Tadoussac village, Quebec

Three undersea currents meet here and cause an abundance of plankton and other whale food, which in turn attracts the whales.

As many as thirteen different whale species can be spotted in this area, which is about a three-hour drive north of Quebec City.

Boat view of ocean with rising fin of minke whale in front of forested background

With the chance to see the endangered beluga as well as the legendary blue whale, whale watching in Tadoussac is incredibly varied. It is also exceptionally easy!

Best of all, Tadoussac whale watching can be cheap too, even free in some circumstances.

Looking down onto calm ocean where two white beluga whales are rising to breathe. There is forested scenery in the background

Read on to discover four fun ways to go whale watching in Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada. This post also includes the best places to stay in Tadoussac, other great things to do and other top travel tips.

We first visited Tadoussac in 2018 with the support of Quebec Maritime , visiting again in 2022. There are affiliate links in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small percentage at no extra cost to you.

Looking across golden sand beach with marina in the village of Tadoussac on sunny summer day

Tadoussac whale watching season

Whales can be seen in the waters surrounding Tadoussac all year round. The variety and number of whales, however, does fluctuate between seasons.

Looking across rocky shoreline to three kayaks paddling just offshore in Tadoussac, Quebc

  • Most whales travel through the area from May to November . Only the belugas and blue whales stick out the colder weather during the rest of the year
  • The peak season for whale watching in Tadoussac is late June to early September . For the most choice in boat tours and departure times, this is the time to visit. But it is also the busiest time, with the most crowds
  • Tadoussac receives fewer visitors in September and October but the whales remain quite active and high in number at this time

Looking across rocky shoreline towards family sat on rocks, pointing out to calm ocean at rising whale

How to go whale watching in Tadoussac

Whether you like to be taken directly to the whales or prefer to try spotting them yourself from shore, Tadoussac is a whale watcher’s dream.

Screenshot of Tadoussac Google Map showing featured places

1. Whale watching boat tours in Tadoussac, Quebec

The absolute easiest way to go whale watching in Tadoussac is to take a boat tour. No tour company can guarantee whale sightings, but the tour guides are masters are spotting whale fins and know all of their favourite spots.

We went on a 2.5-hour long Zodiac whale watching tour with AML Cruises  and saw belugas, seals and a half a dozen minke whales. AML Cruises also offer traditional boat tours .

As well as booking a whale watching trip direct from Tadoussac, it is also possible to book a tour from Quebec City . VIP experiences are also available .

Yellow Zodiac whale watching boat in Tadoussac parked next to marina

When choosing between a boat or Zodiac tour, keep in mind that:

  • Zodiacs can cover more of the area , give the impression of being closer to the water and travel a lot quicker than the larger boats
  • Boats are larger, typically more stable (better for photos) and have sheltered seating areas, washrooms and food/drink availability. Boat tours are usually last a little longer

Close up of fin of minke whale rising above ocean in Tadoussac

Whichever type of Tadoussac whale watching tour you decide to go on, be sure to dress warmly. This is true even in the middle of summer! Out on the water, the temperature drops by as much as ten degrees (!!)

Special suits (splash proof trousers and jackets) are provided for Zodiac tours, however, we still both wore warm layers underneath plus hats, gloves and scarves.

Large whale watching tour boat on ocean with minke whale fin in foreground

2. Kayaking with whales in Tadoussac

For a more intimate encounter with whales, consider a kayaking trip on the St Laurent or Saguenay Rivers. Not only is the scenery spectacular, but the chance to paddle with whales is a once in a lifetime experience.

Group of seven kayaks just offshore on calm foggy day in Tadoussac

Kayaks move almost silently through the water and hence disturb whales less than a motorised boat.

Mer et Monde offer both full and half day kayaking tours from Tadoussac and their basecamp at Les Bergeronnes. For the full whale watching experience, try booking a spot at Mer et Monde’s campground.

Group of colourful empty kayaks lying on ground in two lines at Mer et Monde in Tadoussac

Just a 25-minute drive north of Tadoussac, many of the campsites are located directly on the water with panoramic views of the St Laurent River. We were lucky enough to see two belugas from here!

Looking across rocky shoreline at Mer et Monde at sunset, where there are a number of wooden tent pads with panoramic ocean views

3. Whale watching from shore in Tadoussac, Quebec

There can’t be too many places in the world where it is possible to reliably see whales from shore, but Tadoussac is lucky enough to be one of them. We have spotted whales from shore at all six of the following locations.

Back view of JR sat on red chair on rocky coastline near Tadoussac, with fog and ocean visible in background

When watching whales from shore, keep in mind that most whales return to the surface to breathe every 15 to 30 minutes. Be patient!

Sometimes, we would arrive at a viewpoint and see whales within minutes. Other times, it would take up to 30 minutes.

Looking across rocky shoreline of Pointe-de-l'Islet, where a dozen people are standing and sitting, looking out to sea to try and spot whales

Sentier de la Pointe-de-l’Islet viewpoint

Starting at Tadoussac’s marina, this easy trail (1.3km total) travels towards the mouth of the Saguenay River.

Try to spot whales from the boardwalk or get a better view from the rocky shoreline, though some caution is required. We saw minke whales here.

A great aspect about this viewpoint is how expansive it is. There’s plenty of space for everyone.

This free to access viewpoint is walking distance from downtown Tadoussac. There is parking available at the wharf as well, but it is very limited.

Back view of Gemma standing on wooden boardwalk looking out to St Lawrence River at Sentier de la Pointe-de-l'Islet viewpoint in Tadoussac

Pointe Noire Interpretation and Observation Centre

This Parks Canada operated centre is situated just before the ferry terminal when driving to Tadoussac from Quebec City. It looks out over the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord, a spot particularly popular with beluga whales.

A boardwalk leads down many stairs to a number of different elevated viewpoints. In the summer months, Parks Canada staff members are often available for questions at these viewpoints. We saw half a dozen belugas here.

Looking down on wooden observation deck at Pointe Noire. Just offshore, is the rising fin of a white beluga whale

There is a small indoor exhibition too (English and French), highlighting some of the whale species found in this area as well as the history of the site.

A lighthouse was established at Pointe Noire in 1874. The old fog signal building still remains today.

The fee to visit Pointe Noire is $6.25/adult. Youth and children are free. It is possible to upgrade your entry fee towards the purchase of a same day visit to Cap-de-Bon-Désir and/or the Marine Discovery Centre.

Please note that the parking lot is very small at Pointe Noire – there is space for up to eight vehicles only.

Elevated view looking down across grassy and rocky shoreline above St Lawrence River, with calm ocean below

Pullout after Pointe Noire

If the ferry traffic doesn’t block the entrance, you can make a quick stop at the pullout just after the Pointe Noire centre for a high angle view of the Saguenay Fjord entrance.

Like Pointe Noire, the parking area is very small so you do have to be lucky to get a spot, but it’s definitely worth trying (especially as it is completely free!) We spotted several belugas from this pullout.

Back view of JR whale watching from shore in Tadoussac from the Pointe Noire pullout. He is looking across the river for any signs of beluga whales

Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre

Whales love the shallow waters surrounding rocky Cap-de-Bon Désir, a Parks Canada site just a short drive north of Tadoussac.

The lighthouse at Cap-de-Bon Désir has kept watch over the St Lawrence River since 1941. Visitors can walk right up to the lighthouse and also explore other nearby buildings, including the lighthouse keeper’s house and generator building.

The whale watching lookout is a short 375m walk from the lighthouse station area. There is boardwalk access to several rocky viewpoints as well as a small shelter. During the summer months, Parks Canada staff are on hand to answer questions.

Back/side view of Gemma walking towards white and red lighthouse at Cap-de-Bon-Désir

Some caution is required when exploring this lookout. The rocks can be slippery. Visitors with children should be careful to keep them close.

The fee to visit Cap-de-Bon Désir is $8.50/adult. Youth and children are free. It is possible to upgrade your entry fee towards the purchase of a same day visit to Pointe Noire and/or the Marine Discovery Centre.

This is a particularly good Tadoussac whale watching location for families, as there is a large playground and some child friendly indoor exhibits to explore (English and French).

Cap-de-Bon Désir is also a good destination for visitors with RVs and trailers. It has the largest parking lot of all the locations mentioned here. There’s parking space on the approach road as well.

Whale exhibit at Cap-de-Bon-Désir  with to scale models of whale species, accompanied by colourful displays on walls

Marine Environment Discovery Centre

This relatively new Parks Canada operated centre is also located north of Tadoussac (25 minutes drive)

Of the four paid viewpoints mentioned here, the Marine Environment Discovery Centre would definitely be my favourite. We saw so much wildlife here too, including porpoise, seal and minke whale.

The bright and airy space in the main building features huge windows and comfortable seating as well as interpretive exhibits (English and French) and an amphitheater.

Looking across rocky shoreline to calm ocean, where a whale fin is rising

A diving centre is situated downstairs . Guided scuba diving and snorkeling tours are available, alongside rentals. Reservations are highly recommended to avoid disappointment.

Outside, there is a large deck and multiple boardwalks offering elevated views of the St Lawrence and access to the rocky shoreline. One route leads to a pair of Parks Canada red chairs with some of the best vistas in the Tadoussac area.

The Marine Environment Discovery Centre is an ideal choice for visitors with limited mobility. There is a wheelchair accessible boardwalk, with sweeping water views. I spotted a minke whale right from it!

The fee to visit is $8.50/adult. Youth and children are free. It is possible to upgrade your entry fee towards the purchase of a same day visit to Cap-de-Bon-Désir and/or Pointe Noire.

Side view of JR standing on boardwalk with camera looking out to foggy ocean

Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

Not only is the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre an interesting place to visit (more details below), but it offers a great vantage point of the Saguenay Fjord. The bilingual staff may be able to help with identification of any sightings.

The fee to enter the CIMM is $15/adult, with accompanying youth and children receiving free entrance. The rocky viewpoint around the CIMM, however, is absolutely free to everyone.

The Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre is situated close to Tadoussac’s marina, a short walk from downtown. There is a small parking lot next to the CIMM, with the hourly parking rate being $4.

Looking across rocky shoreline with small house on the left, with land visible on other side of river in background

4. Spot whales from Tadoussac’s free ferry

A ten-minute ferry ride is required to reach the town of Tadoussac from the south.

The ferry travels across the mouth of the Saguenay River, giving great panoramic views of both Tadoussac and the Saguenay fjord to the west.

The waters here are especially popular with beluga whales. We’ve always managed to spot at least one beluga whale while taking the ferry to and from Tadoussac. You do have to pay attention though!

Being part of the highway, this short ferry ride is completely free for both vehicles and passengers. It runs continuously back and forth across the Saguenay, so there’s no need to worry about missing a scheduled crossing.

Elevated view looking down on ferry from second deck, to vehicles parked below. In the background is the Saguenay River leading into the Saguenay Fjord, featuring high forested cliffs

Other things to do in Tadoussac

Before heading out to whale watch in Tadoussac, I’d highly recommend a visit to the  Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre .

Usually open from mid-May to late October, the CIMM is a great place to learn more about the whales that call the Tadoussac area home. 

Whale sculptures outside of the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre in Tadoussac, Quebec

The whale statues outside the centre are actually realistic models of local whales, complete with unique true-to-life identifying features. Complete whale skeletons are found inside.

Displays in the CIMM are in French but there are English guides available to use. There is also an educational movie in both English and French.

Whale skeleton inside the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre in Tadoussac

And, as mentioned, be sure to check out the observation area outside! You never know what you may see…!

Here are some other ideas of things to do in Tadoussac:

  • Go bird watching at the Observatoire d’Oiseaux de Tadoussac
  • Visit the Petite Chapelle , the oldest wooden church in Canada
  • See huge sea dunes – yes, really! The views from the top are spectacular
  • Hang out on Tadoussac’s sandy stretch of beach ( plage )
  • Take in the views of the iconic red roofed Hotel Tadoussac
  • Browse freshly made breads and pain du chocolat at Boulangerie À l’Emportée coop
  • Learn about Tadoussac’s history at the  Chauvin Trading Post, a replica of Canada’s first fur trading post
  • Treat yourself with some handmade chocolates from Cétacébon
  • Sip 12+ varieties of locally made beer at the Microbrasserie Tadoussac

Buildings on Tadoussac waterfront with cafes and brewery, featuring patios with colourful umbrellas

What to bring whale watching in Tadoussac

Whale watching is a reasonably inexpensive activity, especially if you plan to utilise one of the free or low cost viewing areas in Tadoussac. When you go, be sure to bring the following items:

  • Binoculars – While not absolutely essential to go whale watching in Tadoussac, binoculars offer the chance to see the whales in even closer detail
  • Warm clothing – Even in summer, Tadoussac can be pretty cold. Our late July trip was pretty foggy and temperatures hovered around 13-16c. Out on a whale watching boat, it would have been even cooler
  • Sunglasses – Polarized sunglasses can really help with the glare from the ocean
  • Sunscreen and a sunhat – Even on a foggy or cloudy day, it’s so easy to get sunbunred while whale watching in Tadoussac!
  • Closed toe shoes with good soles – Whale watching companies usually ask guests to wear closed toe shoes. This type of shoe is ideal for exploring rocky whale watching viewpoints as well

Elevated view from marina looking across Tadoussac Bay, which features a golden sand beach backed by promenade

Where to stay in Tadoussac

On our most recent trip to Tadoussac, we stayed at Hotel Le B eluga .

Our room was very comfortable and the staff friendly, but the real winner was the location – just up the road from downtown and 10 minutes walk to Tadoussac’s waterfront. Guests receive free parking in a big parking lot at the back of the hotel.

Looking up at three story blue coloured Hotel Le Beluga building, which a number of balconies. There are two picnic tables in front of the building

Conveniently, there’s an on-site restaurant serving a la carte breakfasts in summer. The local bakery is across the street, so plan to pick up some warm croissants for later.

Choose between motel rooms and spacious balcony queen rooms. Connecting rooms are ideal for families.

Wide angle view of hotel room with queen bed, table and chairs, television, fridge and patio doors

If Hotel Le Beluga is full (or above your budget) consider Motel de l’Anse a l’Eau – it’s just a few doors down.

Here are some other great options for accommodation in Tadoussac:

Hotel Tadoussac – Iconic historic hotel overlooking Tadoussac Bay. Just a few minutes walk to everywhere downtown, including the wharf. On-site restaurant, bar, wellness centre, swimming pool, games room, tennis court and more.

Hotel Tadoussac featuring white and red exterior and large lawn area with colourful flowers

Auberge La Merveilleuse – This inn has an amazing waterfront location, close to everything but set back enough to be quiet too. Multiple room configurations are available, with the five bedroom house being ideal for larger families.

Maison Hovington – Charming B&B in convenient downtown location, with historical features and a view of the bay from the porch. The Junior Suite has sea views

Exterior of Motel de l'Anse a l'Eau, a two story brick building with balconies and a number of vehicles parked outside

Parking in Tadoussac

Tadoussac is a small place and is usually busy during the summer months. Parking can be a little tricky, especially for visitors driving RVs.

Downtown parking is $4/hour and is limited in availability. Please note that overnight parking is not allowed in public parking lots.

If you can, I would recommend staying at a local hotel and walking downtown, rather than trying to waste time finding parking.

Alternatively, park in the Sépaq parking lot, located 300m on the right hand side after departing the ferry. Parking is completely free. Tadoussac’s waterfront area (wharf, downtown) is accessible via a short 500m trail.

Looking across road to shops and restaurants in downtown Tadoussac

Tadoussac whale watching FAQs

I’ll end this post by answering some of the most frequently asked questions about whale watching in Tadoussac.

When is the best time to see whales in Tadoussac?

May to October, when most whale species are visiting the area. This is also the time when most whale watching tours are running and local services are open. The busiest time is mid June to the end of August.

Are Tadoussac whale watching tours responsible and sustainable?

The Saguenay—St. Lawrence Marine Park protects all marine life in the waters around Tadoussac, from the sea bed to the surface. All activities undertaken in the Marine Park are strictly regulated.

The Eco Whale Alliance is an initiative that ensures the highest standards in eco-responsible whale-watching practices. Members include local tour boat operators, Parks Canada, Sépaq and the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM).

Whale watching activities must be conducted in a way that:

  • raises public awareness of conservation
  • limits the impacts of activities
  • monitors the resource and effectiveness of management measures
  • follows responsible practices (environmental, social, economic)
  • develops a spirit of consultation, bringing together stakeholders in tourism, research and conservation

For more information, head to the Eco Whale Alliance website .

Back view of yellow AML Cruises' Zodiac boats at Tadoussac Marina, with beach and village in background

Can you see whales from shore in Tadoussac?

Yes, absolutely! For visitors with a little patience, the chances are very high to see whales from shore in Tadoussac. We have personally seen minke and beluga whales from shore while visiting Tadoussac, as well as seals and porpoise.

Where is Tadoussac?

Tadoussac is a small village (pop. 800) situated at the confluence of the Saguenay and Saint Lawrence rivers in Quebec, Canada. It is a three hour drive north of Quebec City.

How long should I spend in Tadoussac?

We would recommend spending two nights in the Tadoussac area. This would provide adequate time to join a whale watching tour (by kayak or boat), explore the downtown area and also check out some of the viewpoints.

Seal colony on rock as seen from AML whale watching tour in Tadoussac

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whale tours tadoussac

One half of the Canadian/British couple behind Off Track Travel, Gemma is happiest when hiking on the trail or planning the next big travel adventure. JR and Gemma are currently based in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Thrift at Home

Wednesday 27th of April 2022

Did you like the 5-star farm where you stayed? Thinking of staying there with our kids while we explore the whale watching.

Thursday 28th of April 2022

Yes, we did enjoy staying there. The family owned farm is on the rustic side, so keep that in mind. It's a down to earth experience :)

Cedric Heimrath

Sunday 24th of April 2022

Trying to book a kayaking adventure with the whales second week of August. Who do I contact? No information on your site

Thursday 19th of May 2022

@Gemma, Thanks All done and booked. Really looking forward to this trip. It's on my bucket list.

Tuesday 26th of April 2022

The post includes a link to Mer et Monde Ecotours. You can find their website here. Have fun!

Travel Adventures in Canada

Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac Quebec Cruises

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Do you want to go whale watching in Tadoussac?

Well, you’ve come to the right place for information because I took one of the best Tadoussac whale-watching cruises.

In this article, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to have an amazing time for whale sightings –  just like I did. I will tell you about my entire Whale Watching experience and what to expect when you book.

First I must confess I made a mistake by not booking in advance. When I arrived I attempted to make a booking and found out many departures were sold out, so it was a good thing I was staying for a few nights. In the end, my friends and I were able to book an afternoon departure on a zodiac boat tour (inflatable boat).

Short on time? My top recommendation for you is this Tadoussac whale-watching tour in a Zodiac.

Tadoussac Whale Watching

Whale Watching in Tadoussac Itinerary

1. meet at the docks.

A man stands smiling at the camera, clad in a red jacket with a safety harness, yellow waterproof pants, and black boots, ready for a whale-watching adventure in Tadoussac. In the background, another person takes a photo, and a serene blue sky meets the tree-lined horizon.

I was asked to be at the dock in Petites Bergeronnes (near Tadoussac) for our tour one hour in advance of our afternoon departure time for our whale-watching zodiac cruise . Some of the competitors depart from the port of Tadoussac and Baie-Sainte-Catherine for AML Cruises which requires extra driving time as it requires a ferry across the Saguenay River.

2. Getting prepared for the voyage

A group of eager tourists, dressed in red jackets and yellow pants, gathers at a Tadoussac pier under a sunny sky, anticipating their upcoming whale-watching trip. The calm St. Lawrence River stretches into the distance, framed by green hills and a clear horizon.

At the assigned time, after checking our tickets, the tour members were briefed on getting dressed. We filed into a nearby room where the clothing was hanging in order by size. First on go the rain pants, then the rubber boots and finally the yellow rain jacket. Children also had to wear a life jacket. Then a quick visit to the washroom as there is none on the boat.

A bit clumsy with the rubber boots and other bulky clothing we then walked down a set of stairs for the short walk to the pier. After the entire group of 36 had arrived (this cruise was sold out) we were briefed in English and French about how the seating worked and safety precautions.

We had been told that we were going to get WET, especially those seated in the front of the zodiac, a little less for those seated around the sides and less for those seated in the middle. So I chose a middle seat but as I mentioned everyone got a little wet.

3. Boat Ride to the Whale Watching zone

Passengers seated in a zodiac boat, clad in vibrant red flotation suits and life jackets, set out for a whale-watching trip on the St. Lawrence River. The group, some with expressions of excitement and anticipation, faces forward, ready to spot marine life against the backdrop of rolling hills and a partly cloudy sky.

Our zodiac headed out from our dock at Petites-Bergeronnes (near Tadoussac), with competitors from the town itself and the bigger Croisieres AML ship from Baie-Sainte-Catherine (on the other side of the Saguenay) all headed for the same area. As we rode over the rough water (at least it was during our voyage) with strong winds the spray from the salt water got us a little wet. The people in the front seemed to be enjoying this.

The message on the loudspeaker on the zodiac provided information about the whales and the Saguenay area in French. The English-speaking people including myself were seated together and a crew member explained the same details to us as well.

An abundance of food in the deep waters of the St. Lawrence estuary attracts the presence of several whale species, including the humpback whale, beluga whale, blue whale, fin whale, minke whale, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin, and seals. The estuary is where the waters of the Saguenay Fjord flow into the St. Lawrence River creating the best whale-watching sites.

4. The Whale Watching Experience

View of St. Lawrence River and another vessel from zodiac on Tadoussac whale watching trip. People are dressed in bright red rain jackets. Stormy clouds are overhead.

The first thing I saw was not a whale but one of the other marine mammals, a curious seal poking his head above the water and watching us as we passed. I would see a total of 4 seals during this trip. What I liked is that the Zodiac provides more of a sporty experience and a unique feeling as you are so close to the water.

The fluke of a Minke Whale gracefully emerges from the waters of the St. Lawrence River, captured during a serene moment on a whale-watching trip. The gentle ripples surround the tail, hinting at the whale's dive into the depths below in the soft evening light.

Our cruise was fortunate as we saw humpback whales and minke whales. I never saw an entire whale in the air just the fins, tails, and their air blowing but I was excited and so were the other passengers. Our boat and the competitors were all connected by radio and one boat would report seeing a whale and all the boats would dash over to the area. Our zodiac was fast and we were usually one of the first to arrive with the AML ship surprisingly quickly behind.

After about one hour searching for whales and finding a few we headed back to port, the entire time on the water taking about 2 hours. Note: there are no washrooms on board the Zodiac

Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac

Several zodiac boats with passengers in bright safety gear float on the choppy waters of the St. Lawrence River during a whale-watching excursion. Overcast skies loom above, suggesting an atmospheric and adventurous experience amidst the vast and moody landscape.

There are several whale-watching excursions available to view them in the Tadoussac area which are offered from early May to the end of October:

1. Croisières AML Whale-Watching Cruise

  • Panoramic views
  • A dedicated walkway is available at an additional cost
  • You are higher up so good view looking down
  • The comfort of a big boat
  • May guarantee may apply in some situations if whales are not seen

2. Zodiac Whale-Watching Tour

  • Zodiac (Inflatable boat) – for 12 or 36 people depending on the operator so a smaller group
  • You are at water level so an amazing view You will get wet.
  • Two hours of whale watching
  • Guided tour with knowledge sharing from experienced captains

3. Sea Kayak

  • Also at the water level exploring the Fjord of Saguenay and the St. Lawrence River
  • Small group so very flexible

4. View from shore

This is not as exciting an experience but there is the possibility of seeing whales from the shore as I did when in Gaspe. In this area, the best chances are the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, in the village at Islet Point, and from the Dunes area.

Tadoussac Whale Watching Packages

Saguenay Fjord Family Sea Kayak Tour – includes one night of accommodation, some meals, English English-speaking guide, and more. Saguenay Fjord Beginner Sea Kayak Tour – similar to the above tour but for those just starting kayaking. Wild Saguenay Fjord Sea Kayaking Tour – this is a 3-day tour Whale Watchi ng on a Zodiac – take a zodiac tour and maybe see minke and humpback whales as I did when I went. AML Whale Watching Tour Boat – view whales from the observation deck

Tadoussac Whale Watching Season

A Croisières AML whale-watching boat is captured cruising on the St. Lawrence River, its decks filled with passengers looking out to sea. The vessel, set against a backdrop of dynamic clouds and open waters, offers a sense of exploration and the anticipation of spotting marine life.

From May to October is the best time to see whales in Tadoussac when you’ll have the best chance of seeing several species of whales including minke whales, humpback whales, fin whales, and blue whales. You can only purchase a whale-watching tour at this time. The Beluga whale, however, can often be seen year-round but cruises are only offered on a seasonal basis.

The best time of day to spot whales is early morning or late afternoon when whales are most active and the waters are calmest although on the day I went we saw more in the afternoon than the morning group did.

How to get to Tadoussac?

Vehicles are lined up waiting to board the ferry across the Saguenay Fjord, under a vast blue sky scattered with fluffy clouds. The serene waterway is visible alongside the road, with the lush greenery of the fjord's slopes rising in the background, encapsulating the calm yet vibrant atmosphere of travel in this picturesque region.

By car – from Québec City, the most direct route to Tadoussac is Highway 138 on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River for a distance of 215 km taking just over 3 hours.

Insider Tip: However, for a more scenic drive, I recommend when arriving at Baie-Saint-Paul (with lots of shops and restaurants) taking Highway 362. Leaving town you will climb a hill with a lookout stop at the top with great views of the coast. This route sticks closer to the St Lawrence River and is much slower as it winds and dips but is more interesting. You will pass the Hotel Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu before arriving at La Malbaie where you rejoin Highway 138.

When you reach the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord at Baie-Sainte-Catherine you will need to take a ferry across the Saguenay River. As this ferry is part of the Quebec highway system it is a free trip. I found in the evenings I did not need to wait long a the ferry terminal but during the afternoon I did allow extra time for the 10-minute crossing. As you cross this provides an opportunity to see a whale.

By bus – with Busbud there is a service from Quebec City to Tadoussac taking just over 4 hours.

Driving from NB – If you are heading to or from New Brunswick several ferries cross the St. Lawrence and I drove the 97 km to Forestville and took the Catamaran to Rimouski when I went in 2022. The ferry is not operating in 2023 (not sure in 2024 either) so people are taking the Trois-Pistoles to Les Escoumins ferry instead.

Where to stay in Tadoussac

The iconic Hotel Tadoussac, with its distinctive white façade and red roof, stands majestically under a clear blue sky. Flower boxes adorn its windows, adding a touch of charm to this historic establishment, nestled in a well-manicured landscape

The most impressive is the Hotel Tadoussac , a distinctive hotel with a huge lawn by the water right in town and close to the restaurants and shops although there are other hotels and motels in the area. For example, the Motel de l’Anse a l’Eau is more basic and cheaper but with a fantastic location.

I went to Camping Tadoussac up the hill about 1 km above the town. Although there were many poor reviews about the campground and staff that was not my experience. I loved the location, clean washrooms and although I don’t speak French I always found the staff helpful. The only issue is that the sites are small and packed close together.

Other Things to Do in Tadoussac

The Microbrasserie Tadoussac presents a welcoming two-story building with a black roof, white walls, and large windows on the upper floor. Patrons enjoy the outdoor seating under red umbrellas, while flower planters add a pop of natural color to the relaxed street-side ambiance at dusk.

This is a resort town where you can take a walk along the boardwalk along the harbour to view the boats. It connects with the easy Pointe de l’islet trail which heads out to the point where the Saguenay and St. Lawrence meet and where you may see whales. Nearby is the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre where the highlight is the largest collection of whale bones in Canada

In the small town of Tadoussac, there are some shops and restaurants which line the hilly streets. I dined at La Gulne Restaurant with an excellent seafood platter with sweet potato salad for $28.

A panoramic view of the Tadoussac Dunes, showcasing undulating sandy landscapes that border a dense coniferous forest, with the blue waters of the St. Lawrence River in the distance. The vastness of the dunes is punctuated by tiny figures of visitors, emphasizing the scale and natural beauty of this unique geographic feature.

I also drove a few kilometres east to the Tadoussac Dunes (free) to walk the trail to the lookout, see the waterfalls, and enjoy a picnic on the bluff overlooking the beach. Tadoussac is a great place for hiking as there are several other trails in the area.

At the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park which is jointly managed by Parks Canada and Sepaq (Quebec) you may be able to see whales from the shore or visit the Observation Centre.

I went to check out the Saguenay Fjord with a free viewpoint with picnic tables just past the village of Petit-Saguenay and then continued to the Parc National du Fjord-Du-Saguenay (paid entrance) with numerous hiking trails including the most popular one involving a climb, but where you are rewarded with commanding views of the fjord.

Kayakers in bright yellow life vests gently paddle on the serene waters of Tadoussac, with the silhouette of a whale's back visible near the center of the frame. The calm sea and expansive sky convey a peaceful encounter between humans and nature in this memorable whale-watching moment.

FAQs: Whale Watching Tadoussac

What is the best time to see whales in tadoussac.

Cruises to see the whales in Tadoussac are offered from early May until the end of October which is the best time to see the whales as well. The high season is in July and August.

What do you wear to whale watching on the Tadoussac cruise?

Even in summer wear warm clothing and closed shoes as your cruise is on the windy St. Lawrence River. On some cruises rubber boots, rainpants, and a raincoast may be supplied but expect to get wet. A change of clothing is recommended after the cruise. Also, whichever cruise you are on take a camera or binoculars.

Where is the best place to see whales in Quebec?

In Quebec, one of the best places is near Tadoussac where the Saguenay and St. Lawrence Rivers meet providing an abundance of food for humpback whales, beluga whales, blue whales, fin whales, minke whales, and seals.

Is Tadoussac worth a visit?

While the main attraction in Tadoussac is whale watching you will want to check out the nearby Saguenay Fjord. There are plenty of hiking opportunities including the Tadoussac Dunes and a beach.

Do I need to book my Tadoussac Whale Watching in advance?

Do book your Tadoussac whale watching in advance, particularly in July and August as it is very popular. There is more space on the Croisieres AML ship with limited spots on the zodiac cruises or if you wish a kayak.

Looking for Information on Other Regions of Canada

  • The Gros Morne Fjord in the National Park located in Newfoundland
  • The unique Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick
  • Sherbrooke Murals self-guided walking tour

Wrap-up: Tadoussac Whale Watching

Very accessible as it is only a three-hour drive from Quebec City. Whale watching in Tadoussac was always a bucket list item and is an experience not to be missed, I would go again.

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Tom Oxby from an early age visited most regions of Canada and based in Toronto continues these travels often with an Outdoor Recreation Club (cycling, hiking, canoeing, skiing). And of course, as a blogger. writes about Canadian travel with epic road routes including both popular destinations and hidden gems you may not be aware of and how to get the most from while visiting.

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The complete guide to whale watching in Tadoussac

Many of you dream of being able to see whales on your Canada self drive holidays .

Where to see whales? What is the best season? What to choose between boat, zodiac or kayak to observe these giant mammals?

Find all your answers in this guide to whale watching in Tadoussac .

Where to observe whales in Tadoussac ?

Tadoussac , in addition to being a charming village , is the primary destination for whale watching in Quebec .

Located at the limit of the Saguenay Fjord and the St. Lawrence River, whales find all the food they need here to stock up on their fat reserves for the winter.

Departing from Tadoussac, you will have several choices of cruises, whether aboard a large boat, a zodiac or even a kayak.

If you don't have the sea legs or if don't have the time to go on a whale watching safari, you still have every chance to see them from the shore.

In all cases, don't forget your binoculars!

Family vacation in Quebec

How to observe whales in tadoussac  , #1. whale watching by boat.

This whale watching boat tour is ideal for people who tend to be seasick as the size of the boat allows for a less choppy cruise.

We also recommend this option for families with young children because you can move around easily, go to the bathroom, have a bite to eat, choose to be outside or inside... etc.

The whale watching cruise departs from Tadoussac marina, but tickets can be purchased in the village . Ask the Tadoussac tourist office on your arrival if you have not already purchased your tickets online, they will tell you where to find the ticket office.

Some boats have an underwater camera, which gives you another perspective and allows you to see the whales directly in the water.

whale tours tadoussac

#2. Whale watching by zodiac

Departing from Les Escoumins , a nearby village, another type of excursion is available: this Quebec whale watching zodiac cruise offers a completely different experience.

A zodiac can approach within 200 meters of a whale that is not endangered or threatened.

This activity is not recommended for pregnant women and people with back, joint or autonomy problems , as the boat can hit the water pretty hard.

#3. Whale watching in a Kayak

Whale watching aboard a kayak is certainly the most exciting , but also the most ecological way to observe marine mammals in Tadoussac.

With no surprise here, a minimum of physical fitness is required to partake in the activity. It will however be one of the highlights of your eastern Canada holiday .

Also note that departures are weather dependent . Indeed, the activity may be cancelled in the event of bad weather (rain or strong winds).

Several companies offer departures during the summer season. Don't hesitate to shop around for prices and different types of cruises to suit your needs.

#4. Whale watching from the shore

Can't take a cruise? It does not matter because you have all your chances of seeing whales in Tadoussac while staying on dry land .

In the village, the best place to see whales is undoubtedly the Pointe-de-l'Islet trail . The start is near the marina and the trail is very easy to access. Allow 20 minutes to complete it.

The shores of Cap-de-Bon-Désir near Les Bergeronnes and Baie Ste-Catherine are other great option for whale watching.

When can I see whales in Tadoussac ?

The whale watching season in Tadoussac begins in May and stretches until the end of October .

Whale sightings can vary during the summer as they track their food, but in recent years the trend has seen that they are more numerous and active in September and October . The months of July and August remain good choices.

There is no better time during the day to see these magnificent sea creatures. However, the busiest cruises are the mid-day departures. So if you can, opt for the morning depatures for a quieter experience.

Tips to locate whales

Form a team and sweep your eyes across the water. One person patrols with a pair of binoculars and the other with the naked eye.

Look for the whale breath that forms a white column above the water . It looks a bit like an explosion of water on the horizon.

Sometimes you will hear the sound of a whale's breath before you even see it.

From the first breath, you will have the chance to observe them a few times before they plunge back in for a few minutes.

Do I need to book my Tadoussac cruise in advance ?

Going on a cruise to observe whales in Quebec will certainly allow for unforgettable moments. Obviously, the cruises are very popular and will fill in quickly during high season.

If you are visiting in July or August, it is preferable to book in advance to ensure availability. For the rest of the summer, you don't necessarily have to, but be prepared to have less departure options to choose from the day of. 

And there you have it!

If you have any questions or comments , please feel free to leave them in the comment box below .

An enthusiast of both our vibrant cities & great oudoors, my life revolves around travel & adventure. It's a no brainer that I have to share the wonders & secrets of my neck of the woods with other travelling souls. Enjoy the journey!


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Marine Mammal Interpretive Centre, Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada @DownshiftingPRO

Ultimate Guide to Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec – Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park

Table of Contents

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Where to Start Your Whale-Watching Tour?

It’s that magical time of year between May and October when you can see plenty of whales in Cote Nord and Quebec Maritime! Located just three hours from Quebec City, it is an easy and very enjoyable drive on to Baie St. Catherine’s where you will cross over to Tadoussac on a ferry.

The first place to stop is to the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM) in Tadoussac.  If you are going to look for whales in the ocean, you may need a little guidance and the CIMM keeps track of whale sightings on a daily basis.

Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre CIMM @DownshiftingPRO scaled

I found the center to be helpful in understanding the different types of whales that you will see on the Whale Route .  Only one of  four National Marine Conservation Areas in Canada , the marine park provides a protected area for marine mammals. The centre also works with the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) , a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific research and marine conservation education in conjunction with the government and Canadian universities.

These collaborations track whales and help us understand what is needed to keep just over 900 beluga whales safe.  This is an essential task because, in 2017, they were placed on the endangered list!

Marine Mammal Interpretive Centre, Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada @DownshiftingPRO

Within the centre, you can view a short film describing the migration of beluga whales and the research in the St. Lawrence with other marine mammals.  It has an impressive 13-meter skeleton of a sperm whale and a few other smaller whales.  There are bones you can touch and whale sounds you can listen to. 

This is an interactive centre with activities for children and adults to learn more about whales before you embark on your whale-watching tour.  It has pictures to help you identify some of the belugas found in the St. Lawrence Seaway.

North Atlantic right whale at the CIMM Tadoussac Quebec

What Kind of Whales Will I See?

Within the center, you will see a poster of what species of whales live in the St. Lawrence Seaway. You can also purchase a fan deck with pictures of the whales and their characteristics from the gift shop (all the while supporting CIMM and its research). I’ve left the poster with the French names so you can listen for those names while on your whale-watching tour!

Whale Watching in Quebec Maritime @DownshiftingPRO

  • Humpback Whale
  • Minke Whale
  • Harbour Porpoise
  • White Beak Dolphin
  • Long-finned Pilot Whale
  • Killer Whale
  • Sperm Whale
  • North Atlantic Wright Whale
  • Northern Bottlenose Whale (not on poster)
  • Atlantic White-sided Dolphin (not on poster)

The number one whale that you want to see is the Beluga.  As an adult, it is white, and when it comes up for air, there is a very bright reflection that is unmistakable once you know what to look for.  If you spot a small grey whale beside it, it’s likely a baby beluga!

Keep a lookout for a plume of water to spot a whale. Keep an eye out for this sign as you watch the horizon.  On your whale-watching in Tadoussac, the naturalist on these excursions is very helpful at finding whales.

How should I see them? On Land or by Sea?

Once you have learned more about the whales,  step out to the boulders facing the Saguenay River to spot any beluga and minke whales.  We were fortunate enough to spot a few from the rocks at Islet Point, just a short walk from the CIMM.  From this point, I recorded a FB Live post that you can view here . 

At the very beginning of the video, the shoreline across the bay is Pointe Noire in Baie St. Catherine where you will find the Interpretation and Observation Centre for the Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park.  This is worth a quick visit as you may see some belugas pods during the summer.

Islet Point, Tadoussac, Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park

There are a number of options for you to see whales in their natural habitat but be forewarned this is NEVER easy or guaranteed.  I have been whale watching in this region three times and each time was very different from the other.  Little did I know that our first excursion with AML Croisiers would be the most successful.  Maybe it was the time of year (beginning of July) as opposed to the end of August or the beginning of May (the second most successful tour).

Kayaking in Tadoussac for Whale Watching in Quebec @DownshiftingPRO

I have kayaked – although it was more in the Saguenay Fjords and, therefore, less likely to see any whales. The benefit of kayaking is you are closer to the water and marine life while moving stealthily as you paddle through the water.  Although it may be more intimidating if you see a giant whale, it is also exhilarating!

I also took three large boat cruises (the most effective for covering large areas), and we also went on a Zodiac (which could have been more successful).  The key is knowing that you may or may not see whales or seals, but you will have a wonderful trip through the St. Lawrence and Saguenay.

Whale Watching in Quebec Maritime by St. Simon @DownshiftingPRO

You can also see some beluga pods from the two different observatories: Pointe Noire by Baie St. Catherine (where you take the ferry across to Tadoussac) and Islet Point in Tadoussac.

If you have never been whale watching you are missing out on one of the most unique events in Quebec Maritime .  As the St. Lawrence Seaway flows in from the Atlantic, in to the estuary found in the Saguenay Fjords.  The seaway in Quebec Maritime is home to 13 types of whales because the waters are both cold and deep enough with plenty of fish to provide food and shelter to different types of whales and seals.  There are four different types of seals that you may encounter:  grey, harbour, hooded seals, and harp seals.

What Should I Wear While Whale Watching?

It did not matter whether it was May, July, August or October, it was cold on the water.  This is northern Quebec and the wind blows right off the Atlantic, so bundle up.  Make sure you have a warm jacket with a fleece, gloves or mitts, a hat and possibly a scarf .  Don’t let the sun fool you, it is a cold northern wind that hits you in the face when you are on the St. Lawrence Seaway. 

If you are cruising in the Saguenay Fjords, the wind will be a bit less intense but it will be there nonetheless.  I would avoid wearing shorts, dresses or skirts for the same reason – the wind! In my short video, as we enter the Fjords on the cruise, you can hear the wind in the audio!

Whale Watching in Quebec Maritime @DownshiftingPRO

If you are taking a Zodiac, ask the company ahead of time if they provide wet gear.  On our zodiac tour with Croisières Essipit , we were covered from head to toe!  At first, it seemed like overkill but there was fog that day and the wind was strong – the wet gear kept us warm and dry!  In a Zodiac, there is nowhere to hide from the wind and splash of the water.   Don’t forget, you will also be wearing a life jacket underneath your coat!

AML Croisiers - Cote Nord & Quebec Maritime DownshiftingPRO©2018

What Else Should You Know?

  • Bring sunscreen!  The sun is strong and you run the risk of a sunburn with all that sun reflecting off of the water.
  • These are usually 3-4 hour tours
  • Take snacks with you if you are going on a cruise (there is food available but if you have dietary restrictions, it’s best to bring your own snacks)
  • Admission to the CIMM centre is good for 24 hours if you want to go back and read up on the whales that you saw or chat with the naturalist should you have any questions
  • Every tour is different and it is the luck of the draw if you see whales or not.  The captain of the ship or the naturalist guiding the tour cannot guarantee that a friendly pod of whales is going to swim up to the boat.
  • Be alert and just take it in. Don’t worry about getting the perfect picture because they are very quick to come up for air!
  • Adopt a Beluga! That will guarantee that scientists continue their work to protect these amazing marine mammals and their environment
  • Where to stay? you ask… here are quite a few choices that you can find in my post:  Where to Stay in Quebec from futuristic pods to log cabins and geodomes in trees

Other interesting posts on Quebec Maritime:

  • 10+ Quirky and Unique Accommodations in Quebec Maritime
  • Quebec by the Sea – The Lighthouse Trail in Quebec Maritime – Detailed Itinerary
  • 6 of the Best Road Trips in Quebec Maritime
  • Family Travel in Quebec Maritime – Ferme 5 Etoiles Family Farm is a must-see
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec – Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park
  • International Garden Festival – Large Scale Garden Installations in the Jardin Metis/Reford Gardens
  • Percé Rock in the Gaspésie Region of Quebec–#QuebecMaritime
  • From Working Farms to Futuristic Pods in the woods: Your Guide to Where to stay in Quebec
  • Video – FB Live of Jacob the Wolf at Ferme 5 Etoiles in Quebec Maritime
  • Video – Lighthouse Trail in Quebec Maritime Part One and Part Two

Whale Watching in Quebec Maritime @DownshiftingPRO

Margarita Ibbott

Margarita Ibbott is a travel and lifestyle blogger. She blogs about travel in Canada, the United States and Europe giving practical advice through restaurant, hotel and attraction reviews. She writes for DownshiftingPRO.com and other online media outlets.

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16 thoughts on “Ultimate Guide to Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec – Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park”

I love this! I visit Quebec City all the time and never knew about this. I can’t wait to do this on my next visit!

You can watch at home. It’s whale watching from the comfort of you own home! But the real thing is even better! Thanks for stopping by.

Gosh call me incompetent but I had no idea Quebec had whale watching!! I guess the only part I’ve been to is Montreal. This would be so much fun. Now I want to go!

Although Montreal is my home town, there is so much more to Quebec than the urban centres of Montreal and Quebec City. I long to go back and see the beatiful Quebec Maritime again!

I would love to go whale watching and actually see a whale. We tried in Iceland and didn’t see any!

I’ve been a few times and the first time I went in July, we saw a bunch of whales. I was back in May a few years later and we only saw a few. They can be hard to spot sometimes but still worth the cruise on the beautiful St. Lawrence.

I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know you could see Beluga whales from Quebec. Your video makes me really want to visit so I can see them too!

There are also belugas in other parts of Canada but they love the St. Lawrence seaway. It was very exciting to see them, the museum is great to visit if you have a chance. That’s where I saw the video.

This looks like such a fun experience in Quebec! I’ve only been whale watching off the coast of Los Angeles, and obviously it’s a very different experience.

I just think it would be a bit colder in Quebec Maritime. It is such a cool thing to see if you are lucky enough to see these majestic creatures. Thanks for dropping by.

Good post which includes both practical tips and personal observations. It sounds like a very educational trip. Thanks for sharing.

I have to admit, I didn’t know a lot about whales and how many varieties reside in the St. Lawrence River. That whole Quebec Maritime and Lac St. Jean/Saguenay region is extraordinary. I would love to live in the area.

Oh my goodness look at you in that gear!! LOL. I didn’t realize you get completely soaked on a zodiac but that makes sense. Glad we took the boat instead in May. This is a wonderful adventure and I loved whale watching. It was exciting to see the whales and the seals too. Tadoussac is a gem.

It was easier than getting into those wet suits when we went kayaking but it was quite the chore to suit up in these huge pants and jackets!

I feel our next Girl’s Getaway needs to be somewhere warmer. Don’t you think?

What a fUN experience. I’ve been but I haven’t been on a boat while I was there. Saving this for later.

So.much.fun. Certainly a destination to put on your bucket list.

Comments are closed.

Justin Plus Lauren

Whale Watching in Tadoussac: How to See Whales in Quebec

Posted on Published: July 14, 2022  - Last updated: July 6, 2024

Categories Blog , Canada , Ecotourism , Kind Travel , Quebec , Quebec Maritime , Wildlife Tourism

Whale watching in Tadoussac is one of the best activities you can do in Quebec, especially if you’re a nature and wildlife lover. When we embarked on a seven day road trip of the Gaspé Peninsula , I added a trip to Tadoussac specifically so we could go whale watching. It did not disappoint!

In this travel blog post, I’m going to show you the best ways to go whale watching in Tadoussac, part of Quebec’s whale route. While going on a whale watching tour is the best choice, there are a few other ways you might be able to spot a whale or two when you’re there that might surprise you.

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Whale watching in Tadoussac Quebec

I’ll include a few more pointers about travelling to the town of Tadoussac, including another attraction that’s a must visit if you find whales to be fascinating. I’ve also included more useful information, like how to get to Tadoussac, the best time of year to spot whales, where to stay in town, and other insightful tips.

Table of Contents

Ways to Go Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec

Whale watching in Tadoussac

Tadoussac is an idyllic village where the salt waters of the St. Lawrence River meet the freshwaters of the Saguenay River. This is the oldest village in North America with lots of history.

Indigenous peoples (the Innu) lived here for centuries and called this place, “Totouskak”, meaning “bosom”, referring to the rounded hills near the village. When European settlers arrived in the mid-16th century, they recognized this place as an important centre for trade.

Tadoussac is a prime location in Canada (and the world!) to go whale watching. In a whale watching tour spanning a couple of hours, you will likely see multiple species of marine mammals as well as breathtaking landscapes.

The waters surrounding the Saguenay Fjord, Tadoussac Bay, and St. Lawrence River are a massive feeding ground for whales. Marine mammals spend their summers hunting for krill and other small fish. In the winter, they retreat thousands of kilometres to warmer waters.

There are a number of ways to go whale watching in Tadoussac. The best ways to spot whales in Tadoussac are by taking boat trips, kayaking excursions or simply watching whales from the shore. Our favourite way to go whale watching in Tadoussac was by taking a zodiac boat tour .

Getting to Tadoussac From Quebec City

There are a couple of ways to get to Tadoussac. Many people drive from parts of Canada and the USA, even if it takes several hours to get there. Justin and I flew from Toronto to Quebec City. Then, we picked up a rental car at the Quebec City Jean Lesage International Airport. Find the  best rates on flights to Quebec City  with Skyscanner.

If you’re flying and picking up a rental car, I recommend comparing the prices online ahead of time to make sure you get the best deal. We love booking our rental cars through Discover Cars and always find the best prices.  Compare car rental prices here.

The Best Whale Watching Tour in Tadoussac

If you’re visiting Tadoussac, you must take a whale watching tour. It’s such a great place for seeing many whale species. There are a couple of different kinds of whale watching tours to take from Tadoussac. We personally experienced the zodiac boat whale watching excursion and highly recommend it. Book your zodiac tour here.

Zodiac Whale Watching Tour

Whale Watching Tadoussac

Your zodiac whale watching tour will depart from the Tadoussac Marina or Baie-Ste-Catherine Pier. The tour operator offers two pick-up locations. We stayed in Tadoussac so we met at the Tadoussac Marina for our trip. The tour itself lasts approximately 2.5 hours and includes whale watching in the St. Lawrence River and cruising the mouth of the Saguenay fjord.

Whale Watching Tadoussac

This zodiac boat tour takes place on a 25-foot passenger inflatable or a 60-foot rigid boat, depending on the amount of guests. Justin and I sailed on the 60-foot rigid boat and it was a fantastic way to see the whales close up in their natural habitat.

We met our group at the Tadoussac Marina (Croisières AML tent) and were provided with waterproof jackets and pants to wear. These kept us dry and warm out on the water, though I recommend that you also bring a hat if it’s a chillier day.

Our zodiac boat had a captain and a naturalist on board. The naturalist told us many intriguing facts about the whales and marine mammals on our journey. She also pointed out any whale sightings. We saw beluga whales, minke whales and humpback whales on our zodiac whale watching tour from Tadoussac.

Whale Watching Tadoussac

I also love that the tour company complied with all of the rules and regulations of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. The boat is not allowed to stop or follow belugas. A guide can point out the belugas as we sail away from them. We also did not follow any whales, but allowed them to appear before us. It’s important to protect and respect these magnificent creatures.

Saguenay Fjord - Whale Watching Tadoussac

After we spent a couple of hours searching for whales, we headed back towards the Saguenay fjord. Our captain piloted the boat towards a little waterfall coming down from the lush cliffs. We also drifted past some cute seals lounging on the rocks. All in all, we highly recommend  booking this zodiac whale watching tour  when you visit Tadoussac.

Take a Whale Watching Cruise

Whale Watching Tadoussac

The whale watching cruises operate on much larger vessels, like the AML Grand Fleuve with AML Cruises. It’s generally a more comfortable trip as you can sit in an enclosed area indoors or outdoors. But, you may not be able to see the whales as close as you would on a zodiac boat tour. The zodiac boats also travel faster and can cover more ground.

The Tadoussac whale watching cruise operates for a longer amount of time than the zodiac boat tour (three hours). You will sail similar waters, the St. Lawrence River and the Saguenay fjord. There is a guide on board with bilingual commentary.

I preferred taking the zodiac boat tour as it’s a more intimate experience where you’ll feel closer to nature. However, there are some other reasons why someone may choose the whale watching cruise over the zodiac tour.

You cannot take the zodiac boat tour if you are pregnant, have back problems, or use a wheelchair. Children under six years old cannot take the zodiac tour either, but can sail on the whale watching cruise. Book your whale watching cruise in Tadoussac here.

More Ways to See Whales in Tadoussac

Aside from taking a whale watching boat cruise or a whale watching zodiac boat tour, there are other ways to see whales in Tadoussac. Some of these ways require more effort than others. It’s possible to go whale watching from the shore! Keep your eyes peeled for whales when you’re walking around Tadoussac and you never know when you might spot one.

Seeing Whales From the Shore

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

If you’re lucky, you may be able to see whales from dry land in Tadoussac. One of the best place to go whale watching from the shore is the Sentier de la Pointe-de-l’Islet trail. Walk along the boardwalk in town past the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre and around this looped path. There is a lookout point facing the Saguenay River where you can perhaps spot white beluga or minke whales. This walk takes about 20 minutes to complete, though I recommend staying longer when looking for whales.

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

The exterior of the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre is another place where you might be able to see whales. Once you’ve finished touring the museum, walk out onto the rocks surrounding the centre to see if you can catch glimpses of any marine life.

The  Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre  combines history and the wonders of nature in a peaceful setting on the edge of the Saguenay-Saint-Laurent Marine Park (Parks Canada property). From the parking lot, follow the Porpoise Trail on a short forest walk down to the shores of the St. Lawrence River. Sit out on the massive flat rocks to admire the panoramic scenery.

Whale watching Tadoussac - Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre

It’s possible to spot whales, seals, and marine mammals from this location, even while sitting on the shore. I recommend spending at least an hour, if not longer, relaxing and gazing out towards the horizon for your best chance to see whales.

Go Sea Kayaking to See Whales

Another way to see whales in Tadoussac is by sea kayak. The tour companies, Mer et Monde and Tadoussac Autrement offer half day and full day kayaking trips from Tadoussac. You can paddle in Tadoussac Bay, the St. Lawrence Estuary or along the cliffs of the Saguenay Fjord. It’s possible to see endangered beluga whales, minke whales, and seals on your kayaking trip. Mer et Monde also operates out of the nearby Les Bergeronnes.

If you rent a kayak, you must adopt responsible practices as you navigate the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. It is such a privilege to be able to watch these brilliant creatures in their natural habitat. These are sensitive regions and it’s very important that we do not disturb the populations of beluga whales (which are declining). Please follow this guide to learn the most responsible and eco-friendly behaviours.

Seeing Whales From the Ferry

Gaspe road trip: Ferry Between Baie-Sainte-Catherine and Tadoussac

It’s possible to see whales on the ferry between Baie-Sainte-Catherine and Tadoussac. You’ll take this ferry when driving to Tadoussac. It operates all year long, 24 hours a day, and it is free to use.

Gaspe road trip: Ferry Between Baie-Sainte-Catherine and Tadoussac

Drive your car straight onto the ferry for this 10 minute crossing. Enjoy the stunning views of the Saguenay fjord and the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park on the way. It’s possible to see whales from the ferry. Once you get out of your car, take a look and you might spot some.

Gaspe road trip: Ferry Between Baie-Sainte-Catherine and Tadoussac

While we didn’t manage to see any whales during the ferry crossing, you may have better luck than us. The ferry makes regular crossings every 20 minutes (or every 30 minutes overnight). You don’t need to make any special plans to arrive for the ferry at a certain time, and you don’t need a ticket. Here is the  ferry schedule  if you’d like to see more information.

Visit the Marine Mammal Intrepretation Centre

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

The  Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre  (CIMM) is a science museum and exhibition devoted to the whales of the St. Lawrence River. It is the most popular museum in the region and delves into the scientific research of whales, presented in interesting and unique ways.

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

It is an absolute must visit if you’re interested in whales. We suggest visiting the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre in the morning before you embark on a whale watching tour in Tadoussac. You can learn all about the kinds of whales that you’ll spot later in the day on your tour. This museum is incredibly detailed with lots of fun activities and engaging exhibits.

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

Aim to spend about an hour at the Marine Mammal Intrepretation Centre. Check out all of the displays beyond the skeletons, too. There are exhibits detailing the acoustic sounds of whales, ones where you can pick up a narwhal tooth, informative films with impressive drone footage, and the naturalists on site are there to answer all of your questions.

Tadoussac Quebec: Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM)

Ask them to see the sound and lights show while you’re there. They’ll dim the lights and you’ll see the skeletons illuminated in a whole new way, set to music. Justin and I were really impressed with the presentations and extremely knowledgeable staff at CIMM. It’s a must visit, especially if you plan to take a whale watching tour in Tadoussac.

Tips for Whale Watching in Tadoussac

Beyond all of the ways that I have described above, there are some general tips for whale watching in Tadoussac and other places around the world. You will gaze out across the water and look for water shooting up on the horizon. When whales come up for a breath, they will emit a white column of water into the air.

Once you see this narrow explosion of water, you know that there’s a whale there. You’ll probably spot its dorsal fin, too. Then, you have moments to watch this whale before it dives back down into the water for a few minutes. Here are the kinds of whales you can see in Tadoussac:

  • Blue Whales : Largest animals on the planet, only a few hundred exist (a threatened species)
  • Fin Whales : The world’s second largest animal, a few dozen live in the St. Lawrence Estuary
  • Minke Whales : The smallest of the baleen whales, one of the most observed whales in this region
  • Beluga Whales : Easily identifiable by their white skin, they live year round in the St. Lawrence and they are also endangered species
  • Humpback Whales : Well known large cetaceans who expose their tales when they dive down

Where to Stay in Tadoussac

Hotel Tadoussac

Hotel Tadoussac  is an iconic accommodation in the middle of town. It’s the most dominant building whether you’re admiring Tadoussac by land or by sea. It’s a wonderful place to call home for a couple of nights, and I couldn’t imagine staying anywhere else.

Hotel Tadoussac

The rooms are clean and comfortable with views overlooking Tadoussac Bay. There’s complimentary Wi-Fi and an on-site restaurant. The location can’t be beat. You can leave your car behind at the hotel and walk anywhere in town. If you’re making the drive from Quebec City after a flight, stay at Hotel Tadoussac for two nights. You’ll want at least one full day in Tadoussac to do the whale watching tour and see all of the town’s attractions.


Frequently Asked Questions About Whale Watching in Tadoussac

Have more questions about going whale watching in Tadoussac? This FAQ will help answer any remaining questions that you might have before embarking on your trip.

The whale watching season in Tadoussac runs from May until the end of October. Mid-June to August are excellent choices. In September and October, the whales become even easier to spot as they are most active in the fall. You can see whales in Tadoussac any time of the day.

You can see many varieties of whales in Tadoussac. These include: Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Minke Whale, Beluga Whale, and the Humpback Whale. You may also spot the Harbour Porpoise, Harp Seal, Harbour Seal and Grey Seal. There is also a Narwhal that lives in these waters, though it’s extremely rare to spot it.

Yes, you can see whales from the shores in Tadoussac. It is easier to spot them on a whale watching cruise or kayaking in Tadoussac Bay, but you can go whale watching from dry land. The best places to see whales from the shore are along the Pointe-de-l’Islet trail or a little bit outside of town at Cap-de-Bon-Désir near Les Bergeronnes.

Whale watching tours operate rain or shine. The whales are not bothered by the rain. You can still go whale watching in the rain and you will spot whales regardless of the weather. On a whale watching tour, you will be wearing waterproof clothing, so the rain will not bother you either!

Of course, it’s Tadoussac! There are so many species of whales that frequent the St. Lawrence River, Tadoussac Bay, and the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord.

More Things to Do in Quebec

For more Quebec travel guides and itineraries, please check out these popular travel blog posts:

  • 20 Best Things to Do in Laval
  • Mont Tremblant in Summer
  • Mont Tremblant in Winter
  • Montreal 3 Day Itinerary
  • Terrebonne and Ile-des-Moulins, Quebec
  • Quebec City 3 Day Itinerary
  • Quebec City in Winter
  • Quebec Winter Carnival
  • Snow Tubing in Quebec at the Ultimate Winter Playground
  • Quebec City Christmas Market
  • Ice Hotel Quebec: A Survival Guide to Staying Overnight
  • Le Monastere des Augustines: Quebec Monastery Turned Wellness Centre
  • 7 Day Itinerary for a Gaspe Peninsula Road Trip
  • Whale Watching in Tadoussac
  • 3 Days In Lanaudière Mauricie Itinerary

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Here's how to go whale watching in Tadoussac, Quebec! You'll be able to spot wildlife and many beautiful places on a whale watching tour.

Lauren is the full-time travel blogger and content creator behind Justin Plus Lauren. She started Justin Plus Lauren in 2013 and has travelled to 50+ countries around the world. Lauren is an expert on vegan travel as one of the very first vegan travel bloggers. She also focuses on outdoor adventure travel, eco and sustainable travel, and creating amazing travel itineraries for cities and small towns.

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Zodiac Whale Watching Tours in Tadoussac

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Lieux 64Px

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Where would you like to start from? All types Departure location

When would you like to take your cruise? All types All locations Date of the cruise

Zodiac excursion and whale coming out of the water

Zodiac Whale Watching 2.5-hour Expedition Tour in Tadoussac

From May 04 to November 3, 2024

Departures at 10:15 AM and 1:30 PM

Duration of about 2h30

The price may vary depending on the cruise date. Optional products and taxes not included. Starting at $119.99 /adult

Whale tail out of the water

Zodiac Whale Watching 2-hour Adventure Tour in Tadoussac

From Jun 01 to September 29, 2024

Departures at 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM

Duration of about 2h00

The price may vary depending on the cruise date. Optional products and taxes not included. Starting at $99.99

whale tours tadoussac

Bear Observation and Zodiac Whale Watching Tour Combo

From May 14 to October 19, 2024

Duration of about 3h00

The price may vary depending on the cruise date. Optional products and taxes not included. Starting at $149.99 /adult

Zodiac in front of a waterfall in the Fjord

Private Zodiac Tour in Tadoussac

The price may vary depending on the cruise date. Optional products and taxes not included. Starting at $2,199.99

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Calendar : Whale watching cruises onboard the "L'Estuaire"

The only 24-persons zodiac in tadoussac.

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Photo credits: Renaud Pintiaux

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    For the Best Whale-watching Cruises. Tadoussac is known as one of the best places in the world for whale watching. Passengers often see two or three marine mammal species, sometimes more, in a two- or three-hour tour. Embark on a tour boat to observe these giants and live an unforgettable experience. A dozen whale species visit the Lower ...

  2. Whale Watching Quebec

    Zodiac Whale Watching 2.5-hour Expedition Tour in Tadoussac. From May 04 to November 3, 2024. Departures at 10:15 AM and 1:30 PM. Duration of about 2h30. Climb aboard our Zodiacs with our experienced captains for an exhilarating and sporty experience in the heart of the world's best whale-watching site.

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    About. Croisières AML offers extraordinary whale-watching excursions in Tadoussac, Quebec. With experienced guides and comfortable vessels, you can experience the majestic beauty of whales in their natural habitat, providing an unforgettable experience at the heart of Canada's wild nature and the world's premier whale-watching site. Tadoussac ...

  9. Whale Watching Cruise From Tadoussac or Baie-Ste-Catherine

    Cruise in the Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park on a whale watching adventure. Try to spot numerous aquatic creatures—you might even see the blue whale. Learn as you go with the help of the live guide, a certified naturalist. Meet-up in scenic Tadoussac, just about a 2-hour drive north of Quebec City. Option to select a boat or zodiac.

  10. Four Fun Ways to Go Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec

    One of the largest whale watching tour boats in Tadoussac - spot the minke whale in the foreground! 2. Kayaking with whales in Tadoussac. For a more intimate encounter with whales, consider a kayaking trip on the St Laurent or Saguenay Rivers. Not only is the scenery spectacular, but the chance to paddle with whales is a once in a lifetime ...

  11. Whale Watching Cruise from Tadoussac or Baie Ste-Catherine

    Admire Canada's natural beauty on this whale watching adventure in Quebec. Cruise in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, and see the Saguenay Fjord. Keep your eyes open for 13 different whale species that spend time in Quebec. Pick a departure point—you can leave from Tadoussac or Baie Sainte Catherine.

  12. Whale Watching Cruise From Tadoussac or Baie-Ste-Catherine

    Tadoussac. Stop: 2 hours. Aboard a boat or a zodiac specially designed for whale watching, you will navigate in the Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park, the greatest observation site in the world for marine mammal! This unique experience will give you the chance to meet up to 13 different species including six varieties of whales, with the ...

  13. THE BEST Tadoussac Dolphin & Whale Watching Tours (with Prices)

    Things to Do. Full-Day Private Tour of Cappadocia (Car and Guide ) 2-Hour Guided Segway Tour of Huntington Beach State Park in Myrtle Beach Private Transfer from FCO Airport or Rome to Cruise Ship ABBA Voyage Express Coach with Ticket option from Central London. More. Top Tadoussac Dolphin & Whale Watching Activities: See reviews and photos of ...

  14. THE TOP Tadoussac Whale Watching Tours (w/Prices)

    Whale Watching Cruise From Tadoussac or Baie-Ste-Catherine. 193. Cruise off the coast, breathe the fresh sea air, and catch a glimpse of some of the globe's most elegant creatures with this whale watching adventure. Hop aboard the vessel designed just for whale watching, and head into Quebec waters known as one of the best places on the planet ...

  15. Zodiac Whale Watching 2.5-hour Expedition Tour in Tadoussac

    Duration: This whale-watching expedition in a Zodiac lasts approximately 2.5 hours. Professional Captains and Guides: An experienced captain will guide you through this expedition aboard our 24-passenger Zodiacs. Additionally, a certified naturalist guide joins our 60-passenger Zodiacs to comment on the observations and answer your questions.

  16. Best Whale Watching in Tadoussac Quebec Cruises

    Croisieres AML whale-watching boat. From May to October is the best time to see whales in Tadoussac when you'll have the best chance of seeing several species of whales including minke whales, humpback whales, fin whales, and blue whales. You can only purchase a whale-watching tour at this time. The Beluga whale, however, can often be seen ...

  17. Whale watching in Tadoussac : tips and infos

    Tips to locate whales. Whale off the shores of Tadoussac. Form a team and sweep your eyes across the water. One person patrols with a pair of binoculars and the other with the naked eye. Look for the whale breath that forms a white column above the water. It looks a bit like an explosion of water on the horizon.

  18. Ultimate Guide to Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec

    Where to Start Your Whale-Watching Tour? It's that magical time of year between May and October when you can see plenty of whales in Cote Nord and Quebec Maritime! ... Ultimate Guide to Whale Watching in Tadoussac, Quebec - Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. June 14, 2023 March 24, 2023 by Margarita Ibbott. Table of Contents. Where to Start ...

  19. Whale Watching in Tadoussac: How to See Whales in Quebec

    Go Sea Kayaking to See Whales. Another way to see whales in Tadoussac is by sea kayak. The tour companies, Mer et Monde and Tadoussac Autrement offer half day and full day kayaking trips from Tadoussac. You can paddle in Tadoussac Bay, the St. Lawrence Estuary or along the cliffs of the Saguenay Fjord.

  20. Tadoussac or Baie-Sainte-Catherine: Whale Watching Boat Tour

    Full description. Embark on an extraordinary journey at the world's best whale-watching spot, the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park! Our Whale Watching Boat Tour offers a comfortable bilingual experience aboard specially designed boats. Expert naturalist-guides lead the way, revealing up to 13 majestic whale species, providing an unforgettable ...

  21. Small Group Whale Watching Cruise from Tadoussac or Baie Ste ...

    Glide through Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park on a whale watching cruise. Spot diverse sea life in the Quebec waters and enjoy views of Saguenay Fjord. Choose a departure time that's convenient—in the morning or afternoon. Meet in Tadoussac, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers.

  22. Zodiac Whale Watching Tours in Tadoussac

    4 cruises. Zodiac Whale Watching 2.5-hour Expedition Tour in Tadoussac. From May 04 to November 3, 2024. Departures at 10:15 AM and 1:30 PM. Duration of about 2h30. Climb aboard our Zodiacs with our experienced captains for an exhilarating and sporty experience in the heart of the world's best whale-watching site.

  23. Calendar : Whale watching cruises

    Calendar : Whale watching cruises onboard the "L'Estuaire" The only 24-persons Zodiac in Tadoussac! This calendar shows all our cruises with the number of available places. To book now, simply click on the cruise which interest you and specify the number of persons. SOLD OUT.