Explore Murree

Murree Ki Sair Essay In Urdu

Murree, often referred to as the ‘Queen of Hills’, is a charming hill station nestled atop a range of the Himalayas in Pakistan. This enchanting town unfolds stunning beauty with its lush green meadows, dense forests, winding paths, and panoramic views of snow-capped mountains. The majestic sights, refreshing air, and pleasant weather of Murree make it a paradise for nature lovers.

Notably, Murree has emerged as a favored childhood tourist destination. Its appeal lies in the variety of family-friendly adventure activities it offers – from cable-car rides to leisurely walks in the woods, and picnic spots with captivating pastures to snowball fights in the winter. Indeed, a visit to Murree can create an array of unforgettable memories for children, imprinting in their minds a deep respect and love for nature’s beauty. So it is no surprise that “Murree Ki Sair” is a popular essay topic in schools.

We have included a nice essay for your convenience.

مری، پہاڑوں کی ملکہ کے نام سے مشہور ہے، ہمالیہ کے پہاڑوں کی ریاست میں واقع ایک دلکش ہل اسٹیشن ہے۔ یہ سحر آمیز شہر اپنی ہری بھری چراگاہوں، گھنے جنگلوں، مڑیلے راستوں اور برفیلا پہاڑوں کے دہلتے مناظر سے منظر کشی کا منظر کھولتا ہے۔ مری کاساحر کر دینے والے مناظر، تازہ ہوا اور خوشگوار موسم اسے محبت کرنے والوں کیلئے جنت بنا دیتے ہیں۔

خاص طور پر، مری نے بچپن کی سیر کی مقبول ترجیح کے طور پر اپنی جگہ بنائی ہے۔ اس کی کشش اس میں باقاعدہ ترتیب دہندہ خاندان دوستانہ مہم بھر تفریحی سرگرمیوں کی وجہ ہے – کیبل کار کی سواریوں سے لے کر جنگلوں میں لیژرلی چھٹوں تک، اور سمسنے کے مناظر کو پکنک جگہوں تک برف میں برف باری کرنے تک۔ واقعی، مری کا دورہ بچوں کے لیے بھول نہیں پانے والی یادیں پیدا کرسکتا ہے، جو ان کے دماغ میں قدرت کی خوبصورتی کے لیے گہری محبت اور احترام میں کچھ linچاسپید ہوتا ہے۔

پنڈی پوائنٹ میں میری گو راؤنڈز پر ہنسی اور آیوبیہ قومی پارک کے سفر میں وحشی حیات کی دریافت سے ہجوم۔ مری کی پیش کشوں کا تاثر مستحکم ہوتا ہے۔ یہ بچپن کے دوروں کے نتیجے میں صرف تفریحی سفر نہیں ہوتے بلکہ یہ ہمارے نوجوان نسلیں کی شعور کو قدرتی تراشیدگی کی قدردانی اور تحفظ کی طرف رہبری بھی کرتے ہیں۔

ہماری سفر کی تیاری مکمل ہو چکی تھی اور ہم نے مری کے لیے روانہ ہونے کا فیصلہ کیا ۔ سیر کا زور ازخود محسوس ہو رہا تھا اور ہم سب کو انتظار تھا کہ ہم اس خوبصورت ہل اسٹیشن میں کچھ وقت گزار سکیں ۔

روابط کا آغاز خاصی خوشی کے ساتھ ہوا، ہمارا گروپ بھرپور جوش و خروش سے بھرا ہوا تھا ۔ گاڑی کی خچھر خچھر کھڑکنے کی آواز اور تازگی سے محسوس ہونے والی ہوا نے ہمیں محسوس کیا کہ ہم اپنے گھر سے دور ہو گئے ہیں ۔

غیر ملکی موسیقی، دلچسپ باتیں اور بچوں کی ہنسی نے نیا حالچال اور بہترین ماحول فراہم کیا ۔ سفر کے ساتھ ساتھ، ہمہم پہاڑوں کے سفید مناظر سے بھرپور راستے سے گزرنے لگے ۔ ہم مزیدار خوراک اور مزیدار خوراک کے ساتھ ہے ۔ اس کے دوران، ہم نے کئی جگہوں کو بھی مشاہدہ کیا ۔

ہم نے اس مکمل سفر کو با مزہ اور خوشی سے منایا ، اور پھر اخیر کار ہم نے مری پہنچ گئے ۔

مری میں پہنچنے کے بعد: ابتدائی تاثرات اور رہائش

ہماری پہنچ مری میں ایک شاندار اور خوش آئند تجربہ تھی۔ سیاحوں کا ہمیں خوش آمدید کہنے کا انداز اور ادب سے بھرپور محفل کی بائکاوا سے ہم نے محسوس کیا کہ ہم اپنے گھر میں ہیں۔ محلی لوگوں کے پر انسانیت و محبت رد عمل نے ہمارے دلوں میں عید کی خواہش کو تازہ کر دیا۔

رہائشی مقام جو ہم نے منتخب کیا وہ جگہ بیشک کسی خوابی گھر سے کم نہیں تھی۔ باہر دیکھتے ہی ہماری نگاہیں ترے پہاڑوں، آبشاروں اور خوبصورت وادیوں کے مناظر کو چھوپے ہوئے فرشتوں کی جسامت نظر آتے ہیں ۔ ہمارے کمروں کے تختوں سے قدیمی درختوں کی لچکدار شاخوں کا کچا چھونا بہت سکون بخش تھا۔

ابتدائی تاثرات بہت تاثر گزار تھے۔ ہمارا دل طی کمرے میں بہترین مہمان نوازی اور سب کو خوش کرنے والی خدمت سے بھر گیا۔ محلی لوگ اپنی تقافت, روایات و معاملات کے بارے میں ہم سے بہت کچھ سِیکھنے کو تیار تھے۔

مصروفیت کے باوجود ہم نے اپنے آپ کو ہر وقت ہر طرف پھولوں کے گلشن، ٹھنڈی ہوائوں اور خوشگوار موسم سے محفوظ محسوس کیا۔ پہاڑوں کا سفر اور دہلیز پر چھپاکے ہوئے گاؤں کی سرگرمیوں نے ہمیں مزید سیاحت کی خواہش دے دی۔

بے شک، مری میں پہنچنے کے بعد کے ابتدائی دن، ہمارے لیے بہت دلچسپ اور یادگار رہے۔

مری کی خوبصورتی: مناظر کی تفصیل اور محسوسات کا بیان

مری کی خوبصورتی کو ختم کرنے کی کوششیں تمام الفاظ کی قابلیت سے باہر ہیں۔ یہ جگہ، جہاں ہری بھری وادیاں، تازہ ہوا، چرچراتے ہوئے پانی کے نالے اور ہمیشہ آباد خوشگوار فضا پیدا کرتے ہیں۔

جب آپ مری کی خوبصورتی کو الف کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں، تو آپکی تقریباً نگاہیں اچانک آسمان کمرے کے زرین بستر، موج مارتے ہوئے بادلوں کی نرم لہروں اور بہاروں کے رنگوں کے جھرمٹ میں کھو جاتی ہیں۔ سر سبز اور خوبصورت تاریک درخت، بلند اور پر یقین پہاڑ، شوخاب کے زیرے زمین مناظر کے ساتھ ساتھ سرمایہ داری کرتے ہوئے آپ کو گہرا دریافت کرنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہیں۔

حقیقت میں، مری کی خوبصورتی وہ نہیں جو آپ صرف دیکھتے ہیں، یہ کچھ ایسی ہے جو آپ محسوس کرتے ہیں۔ یہ ہوا کی ٹھنڈک، چھپچھپے نیلے آسمان کی خاموشی، آبشاروں کی ہلچل اور گونجتا ہوا ماحول ہے جو آپ کو وہاں بار بار لوٹنے کی خواہش میں محسوس ہوتے ہیں۔

محسوس کریں، چیختے ہوئے باغات میں زیر جمن لبادے کا آہستہ سے آ ہونے والے سرمے کے دھرے، سنگے دار درختوں کے نیچے لگے چھوٹے بستی کا جوشیلا بچہ، کسان کا محنت سے پیدا کیا ہوا مہکتا ہوا آناکوٹا، یہ سب آپ کے دل کو چھوہ لیتے ہیں۔ منظر نامہ آنکھوں کو منتعش کرتی ہیں اور اہمیت دل کو بھر دیتی ہیں۔

مری کی خوبصورتی نہیں صرف دیکھی جاسکتی، بلکہ اسے محسوس کیا جا سکتا ہے – چہرے پر تھیم تھیم کر چڑھنے والی ٹھنڈک، دل کو گرم کرنے والی هرے بھرے درختوں کی خوشبو، اور دل کو بہلا دینے والی پہاڑوں کی خاموشی۔ ہمارے لفظ واقعی یہاں کم ہو جاتے ہیں، مگر ہمارے دل کبھی نہیں بھولتے۔ یقینی بنا دیں، مری کی درست تعریف یہ ہے کہ اس کی خوبصورتی کا کچھ بھی حصہ اپنی جگہ کچھ خاص ہے۔

اطرافی سیاحتی مقامات کا دورہ

مری کے سیاحتی حسن کے بہترین مضامین میں سے ایک یہ بھی ہے کہ یہاں سے آپ کئی دیگر سیاحتی مقامات “کا دورہ” کر سکتے ہیں۔ ان میں کچھ اہم نام ہم نیچے بتا رہے ہیں۔

نتھیا گلی: مری سے صرف کچھ کلومیٹر کی دوری پر واقع نتھیا گلی ایک خوبصورت گلی (کوئے) ہے۔ یہ بہت ہی حقیقت پسندانہ طبیعت کے محیط میں واقع ہے اور یہاں آپ کو سبز ایمرلڈ جنگلوں، پہاڑی تلوں اور نشیمن دیکھنے کو ملتے ہیں۔

پٹریاتا گھاٹی: یہ مری سے تقریباً پچیس کلومیٹر کی سفری پر واقع ہے۔ پٹریاتا گھاٹی سرسبز اور پانی کی نالیوں سے بھر پور ہے جو آپ کو تازگی کی ایک نئی تصویر دیکھتے ہیں۔

آیوبیہ: مری سے 16 کلومیٹر کی دوری پر واقع ہے، یہ گرمیوں میں خصوصی طور پر مشہور ہے۔ آیوبیہ کے دیکھنے کے قابل مناظر میں آپ نیلے سماوات کا نزول، نشیمن ہوئے بادلوں کی چھاپ چھوڑ دیتے ہیں۔

مری کے قریب دیگر سیاحتی مقامات میں شامل ہیں بھوربن، نیلام وادی، گلی جگلان، شوگران اور ناران کاگھان وادی۔ یہ سب مقامات میں ذیلی مناظر میں سے عینیدار، مکمل طبیعت اور قدرتی خوبصورتی کے باعث, آپ کو مری کی سیر کی یاداشتیں دیتے ہیں۔

جب آپ مری کا دورہ کریں تو اپنے سفر کو برابر کرنے کے لیے ان سیاحتی مقامات کو بھی شامل کریں۔ یہ آپ کے سفر کو مکمل کرتے ہیں اور آپ کی خوبصورتی کے حسین تجربات کو تازہ کرتے ہیں۔

مری کی درست تشریح کرتے ہوئے حقیقت یہی ہے کہ آپ کسی پہاڑ کی چوٹی، گہرے جنگل، یا شفق کی روشنی کو الف کرتے ہوئے الف لوگوں کے دوران توقعات سے زیادہ خوبصورتی پائیں گے۔ مری اپنے آپ میں ایک سمندر ہے ، ایک جہاں جو آپ کو اپنی گہرائی میں خوشیوں کا مینار مہیا کرتا ہے۔ یہاں ہر ایک پل غیر معمولی ہوتا ہے، چاہے آپ غروب آفتاب کے لمحات کا لذت لے رہے ہوں یا پہاڑوں سے نکلتی سبحہٴ فجر کی کرنیں دیکھ رہے ہوں۔

تجرباتی خلاصہ

مری کا دورہ میرے لئے نصفتی خلاصہ تھا، یہاں آنے کے بعد سے لے کر واپسی تک ہر لمحہ، ہر منظرہ، ہر خوشبو نے متعدد جذبات اور خیالات کو جانم دیا۔ یہ جگہ نہ صرف خوبصورتی سے بھرپور ہے، بلکہ یہ آپ کو اپنے اندر کی سکون کی جگہ بھی دیکھانے میں مددگار ہوتی ہے۔

اخراجی جملے

خلاصہ کرتے ہوئے، میں یہ کہہ سکتا ہوں کہ مری کے فضا کا حسین تجربہ ہر صورت میں بہت کچھ مجھے پیش کرنے والا ہے۔ یہ مجھے یاد دلاتی ہے کہ وقت اور محال کی عدم مقدمت کے باوجود، فطرت کی خوبصورتی اور سکون کی خواہش ہمیشہ ہماری روح کو متجدد کرتی ہے۔ مقامی لوگوں کی مہمان نوازی، ترقیاتی کاموں کی پیشہ ورانہ کشش اور مری کی بے پناہ خوبصورتی نے مجھے متحرک کر دیا اور میں جلد ہی اسے دوبارہ زیارت کرنے کے لیے تیار ہوں۔

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English Essay

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay For School & College Students

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay For Students of Class 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Classes: Exploring the Lush Beauty of Murree Hello, readers! Welcome to another exciting essay post where I take you on a virtual journey to one of the most picturesque hill stations in Pakistan i.e Murree. In this English essay about A Visit to a Hill Station Essay , I shall share my personal experience & highlight some of the memorable moments from my trip to this enchanting destination.

Table of Contents

Background Information on Murree

Murree is located in the Rawalpindi district of Pakistani Punjab. It is a popular hill station nestled in the magnificent Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas. Murree is situated at an altitude of approximately 7500 ft above sea level. It offers breathtaking views & a pleasant climate throughout the year. It comes as no surprise that this charming hill station is a favourite among locals & international tourists alike.

English Essay

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay For School & College Students

One of the main attractions of Murree is Mall Road. Its a bustling hub of activity lined with shops, restaurants & hotels. This vibrant hi street offers a delightful shopping experience & allows visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture. Additionally places like Kashmir Point and Pindi Point provide panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. These 2 are must-visit spots for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Preparations for the Trip

As the date of my trip approached, I could not help but feel a surge of excitement. The anticipation of exploring the natural beauty & experiencing the charm of Murree was almost overwhelming. To ensure a comfortable stay, I packed warm clothes & made advance bookings for accommodations at Victoria hotel the Mall road Murree. It is always wise to plan ahead when visiting popular hill stations like Murree, as they tend to get crowded, especially during the peak tourist season.

Arrival in Murree

I was captivated by the scenic beauty of Murree at the moment I set foot in it.Murree. The refreshing mountain air & the lush green landscapes instantly rejuvenated my senses. The picturesque surroundings, coupled with the mild climate made it the perfect getaway from the hustle & bustle of city life . As I drove through the winding roads , I could not help but marvel at the natural wonders that unfolded before my eyes.

Exploring Murree

My days in Murree were filled with delightful activities & discoveries. One of the highlights of my trip was strolling along Mall Road. The vibrant atmosphere, the aroma of local delicacies wafting through the air & the wide variety of shops selling everything from traditional handicrafts to trendy clothing made the experience truly memorable. I could not resist indulging in some retail therapy and brought back beautiful souvenirs to commemorate my visit.

Another unforgettable experience was visiting popular viewpoints like Kashmir Point and Pindi Point. The panoramic views of the valleys & mountains from these vantage points left me in awe of nature’s grandeur. I spent hours gazing at the mesmerizing landscapes, capturing countless photographs to preserve the memories forever.

Natural Beauty of Murree

Murree’s natural beauty is incomparable. The lush green forests & the breathtaking landscapes make it a paradise for nature lovers. During my trip, I had the opportunity to visit Nathia Gali, a nearby hill station known for its picturesque beauty. The winding trails & dense forests offered a serene escape from the city’s chaos. The scenic beauty of Nathia Gali, with its vibrant flowers & snow-capped peaks, painted a picture-perfect setting that will forever be etched in my memory.

Local Culture and People

One aspect of my trip to Murree that truly stood out was the warm hospitality of the local people. I was welcomed with open arms & genuine smiles from the moment I arrived. The locals were always eager to share stories about their rich culture & unique traditions. It made me feel like a part of their community . I had the privilege of witnessing traditional music & dance performances , which added a vibrant touch to my overall experience

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In conclusion, my visit to Murree was an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking views, warm hospitality & unique cultural experiences. The natural beauty of this hill station, coupled with the vibrant atmosphere of Mall Road & the panoramic views from viewpoints like Kashmir Point, left me with memories that will last a lifetime. I highly recommend adding Murree to your travel bucket list if you haven’t already done so.

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Closing Remarks About A Visit to a Hill Station Essay

Thank you for joining me on this virtual trip to Murree. I hope this English essay has ignited your curiosity & inspired you to explore this magnificent hill station in person. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences, please feel free to leave a comment below about A Visit to a Hill Station Essay this essay post. Until next time, happy traveling!

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A Visit to a Hill Station Essay For 10th, 12th Class

During the last of my summer vacations, I got the chance to make a visit to a hill station (Murree) where some of our relatives were staying as well. No doubt this was a very pleasure full plan of outing. Our family decided that we would be visiting the place of Murree in the summer season for the reason that during that time of the season, the plains are very hot. This awesome season really feels or realizes the beauty of nature. I along with my family boarded the train at the place of Rawalpindi. It took several hours to reach. (A visit to a hill station essay for 10th class in English).

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay for 10th Class in English Pakistan

We passed through the cities of Islamabad and later on Rawalpindi and finally, we reached our destination of Murree. I was super excited! The splendid city of marvelous qualities and dazzling scenarios gives an outstanding look. The air was so cool and pleasant. The atmosphere and weather of this place were much changed from Karachi as our city place. The whole scenery of the place was charming and breathtaking to view. I fell in love with this place in just one look. The lush grassy fields, high sizzling mountains, and attractive lacks, prove that Murree is one of the blessed cities. As we reached the station, we hired the coolie and made our way to our relative destination. (A visit to a hill station essay for 12th class in English).

During the time of traveling, I get to witness the bird’s eye view of so many places. It was a complete amusement. I even visited Mall Road Murree for the very first time.  As I was visiting Murree for the very first time so I had already made a long list of the places which I will be visiting in Murree!

Also Check: A Rainy Day Essay for Class 10 in English

Every single morning and evening of the day I used to go for a long walk. The fresh air of Murree was really something energizing and refreshing to feel. Going up and coming down from the sloppy areas of the mountains was an adventurous experience.

So this was the short journey of my hill station trip which I visited just recently over my relative. It was a wonderful experience. I always remember this memorable day of my life. I would even suggest to you, readers, as well that if you have still not visited Murree yet then go and have a visit over it right now!

As a dedicated career counselor, my mission is to empower Pakistani students in their educational and career pursuits. By identifying each student's unique strengths and interests. we aim to unlock your potential and align your aspirations with the evolving job market, guiding you towards a fulfilling career.

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Tourism in Pakistan

Discover the Beauty of Pakistan


Murree, Pakistan: Beautiful Places to Visit in Murree

Murree is a charming hill station located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Its lush green valleys, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque landscapes have made it a popular tourist destination for decades. From scenic hiking trails and skiing in the winter to exploring the colonial-era architecture and sampling local cuisine. It offers a wealth of experiences for visitors to enjoy. Moreover, its convenient proximity to Islamabad and Rawalpindi makes it a popular weekend getaway for city dwellers seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life. In this essay, we will delve into the attractions, culture, and history of Murree, and discover what makes this hill station a beloved gem of Pakistan.

Best Places to Visit in Murree:

Murree is a popular hill station in Pakistan, attracting tourists from all over the world to its scenic landscapes and charming atmosphere. If you’re planning a visit, there are several must-see attractions that you shouldn’t miss. In this guide, we will highlight the top 12 tour places that you should visit:

mall road

A bustling street lined with shops, cafes, and restaurants; Mall Road is the heart of Murree’s social scene. Take a leisurely stroll along the road to soak in the local vibe and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding hills.

Kashmir Point:

Kashmir Pakistan

A popular viewpoint overlooking the lush green valley, Kashmir Point offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. It’s a perfect spot to capture memorable photographs and enjoy the cool mountain breeze.

Pindi Point:

It is Located on the outskirts of Murree, Pindi Point is a popular destination for adventure seekers. You can enjoy a thrilling cable car ride to the hilltop, which offers panoramic views of the city.

Patriata Chairlift:

chair lift

 If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, the Patriata Chairlift is a must-visit attraction in Murree. This chairlift takes you on a breathtaking ride over the hills, offering stunning views of the valley below.

Nathia Gali:

Nathia gali

 It is Located a short distance from Murree, Nathia Gali is a serene hill station that’s perfect for a day trip. The town is known for its stunning scenery, hiking trails, and local cuisine.

Ayubia National Park:

 A haven for nature lovers, Ayubia National Park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The park is a popular spot for hiking, picnicking, and wildlife watching.

Sozo Adventure Park:

It is Located on the outskirts of Murree, Sozo Adventure Park is a popular destination for families with kids. The park features a range of exciting rides, including a roller coaster, ferris wheel, and bumper cars.


A serene hill station located a short distance from Murree, Bhurban is known for its luxury hotels and scenic landscapes. The town offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and is a popular destination for honeymooners.

Murree Hills:

murree hills

The rolling hills surrounding Murree offer several scenic hiking trails that are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. The trails offer stunning views of the valley and are a great way to explore the natural beauty of the region.

Punjab House:

A colonial-era building that’s now a government guest house, Punjab House is a popular attraction in Murree. The building features stunning architecture and offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills.

St. Denys’ Church:

A historic church located on Mall Road; St. Denys’ Church is a must-visit attraction for history buffs. The church features stunning stained-glass windows and offers a glimpse into the colonial history of Murree.

A popular gathering spot in Murree, GPO Chowk is a bustling square surrounded by shops and restaurants. It’s a great place to soak in the local culture and enjoy some delicious street food.


In conclusion, Murree offers a wealth of attractions for tourists to explore, from scenic hiking trails and adventure parks to historic buildings and stunning viewpoints. By visiting these top 12 tour places, you’ll be able to experience the best of what Murree has to offer and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Is Murree safe to go?

Yes, Murree is generally safe for visitors, with numerous attractions such as hiking trails and scenic views.

What is the famous food of Murree?

It is famous for its street food, including gol gappay, samosas, and pakoras, which are all popular snacks.

Which is the highest place in Murree?

The highest point in Murree is Mukshpuri Peak, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area and hiking opportunities.

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trip to murree essay in urdu

Trip to Murree – The Experience of a Lifetime

Trip to murree.

Trip To Murree: There are many hill stations in Pakistan because of the abundance of hills and mountains all over the country. One of the best things about these hill stations is that they bring you closer to the skies, and you can witness clouds coming down to the hills. This is why hill stations are the most popular places for people looking for a getaway. Because of the elevation, the long drive to the hilltops is just magical and scenic, making the entire journey adventurous for you.

Trip to Murree Pakistan

Murree is one such place in Pakistan. It’s tucked between the Alpine Himalayan mountains in Punjab, about 30 kilometers northeast of Islamabad. When you hear “Murree”, you likely picture a romantic spot making you fall in love with everything around you. That’s true. Murree is Pakistan’s top holiday destination, surprising visitors time & again. As the most visited resort town, it often catches the government’s eye for development to help tourists out. One notable improvement is the Murree Expressway, a smooth highway that directly connects Islamabad to Murree (offering an easy commute).

So the next time you are planning a trip to Murree, you know which way to take.

Here’s the Only Guide You Need to Murree

How to Get to Murree

So the way to Murree is pretty simple and straightforward. From Islamabad, the drive via Murree Expressway only takes an hour. The expressway is a wide 4-lane road for fast traffic. Leaving in the morning is best to relish scenic mountain views & greenery while winding your way up to Murree.

You can opt for the old Islamabad-Murree road if the expressway is closed for any reason. This old highway takes 1 and a half hours to reach Murree. You can either drive yourself up or take the taxis or buses from different bus stands in Islamabad.

Things to Do in Murree

Being Pakistan’s top tourist destination, Murree offers exciting and fun activities for all people. From great food to interesting souvenir shops, traditional clothes, and thrilling rides, Murree has a lot in store for you.

The Mall Road Murree

mall road murree

Who has not heard of the famous Mall, more commonly known as the Mall Road? Murree’s Mall Road is like the soul of this town. Going to Murree and not seeing the Mall Road would be just like you never visited Murree.

The well-known Mall Road is the bustling heart of town. Souvenir shops, restaurants, & hotels line this street which becomes the most lit up at night. Pedestrians and tourists throng Mall Road until late, enjoying the lively atmosphere and picking up souvenirs for loved ones.

There are also many hotels and restaurants built on this strip that offer both continental and desi food. Eateries such as Usmania restaurant, KFC, Bundu Khan, Pizza Hut, Khyber Shinwari, Lintot’s restaurant, Afghan Turkistan Restaurant, and more, offer various cuisines and delicacies for all taste buds.

After a nice dinner, you can head out and enjoy Mall Road’s famous coffee and relax by walking in the chilly night and exploring the nearby shops. Or, to make your experience even better, visit the Huqqa Pani Lounge to enjoy some flavored sheesha with a spectacular view of the surroundings.

Kashmir Point

kashmir point view murree

Its situated on the mall road is a spot from where you can have a bird eye’s view of the surrounding mountains. It is the highest location in Murree, at an elevation of 7500 feet above sea level, from where you can view the far-off mountains of Kashmir.

Pindi Point

As the name suggests, Pindi Point is a spot in Murree from where you can view the entire cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Pindi Point also has a scenic chair lift ride facility from 9 am to 8 pm. A 1.5-kilometer-long chair lift ride takes you down while providing an exhilarating view of the surrounding lush green hills. Pindi Point also has a café and playground for children to have fun.

Murree Brewery Remnants

remnants of brewery

Founded in the 1860s, this marvelous architectural gem was once a brewery meeting beer demands during British rule You can still see bits of its European-style architecture in Murree today. To someone unfamiliar with the brewery, the building might look like an old European castle in ruins.

New Murree (Patriata)

Patriata is a hill station situated 15 kilometers southeast of the Murree hills. They also call it New Muree. It’s more developed & a sought-after tourist spot. Hills here are crisscrossed with trekking paths, perfect for enhancing a tourist’s experience.

chairlift patriata new murree

There is also a two-stage cable car and chair lift to provide a panoramic view of the entire region and take you to the topmost point of the Murree hills in Patriata, which is also the highest point of Punjab. The chair lift ride will take you up through the tall pine trees and to the highest point. The journey back is even more magical and thrilling as you can see a bird’s eye view of the entire Murree.

Trips to Nathia Gali, Ayubia, Patriata, Bhurban

If your itinerary allows, you can get around the other small towns of the Murree district and explore the area in depth. Nathia Gali, Ayubia, Bhurban, and Patriata are all a part of the Murree district, located at a short distance. These natural pieces of paradise will surely refresh your soul.

pearl continental bhurban

Some other things to do during Trip to Murree are:

  • Visiting the Sozo Adventure Park in Murree.
  • Golfing in Bhurban’s golf course.
  • Roaming around in the Murree Safari train.
  • Enjoying the snowfall in winter.

If you are visiting Murree to see snowfall, the best time is late December and early January. But if you are going in a warmer time, April till October is the best time to visit Murree, as the weather is pleasant most of the year. Looking forward to your trip to Murree? Get in touch with a travel agent here and let them do all the planning and bookings for you.  

Learn more about Murree

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Places to visit in Murree (A Guide to Pakistan’s Favorite Hill Station)

Places to visit in Murree

  • May 20, 2023 11:04 am

Murree is a hill station located in the Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas, about 30 kilometers northeast of Islamabad, Pakistan. It is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering stunning views, cool temperatures, and plenty of activities to enjoy. In this guide, we’ll take a look at some of the top places to visit in Murree and why they are worth visiting.

You may get a list of all the wonderful locations you can see during your trip to Murree by scrolling down. A list of popular sites is presented by us, so you can get a taste of natural beauty from all of the major places while traveling.

List of the 5 Places to visit in Murree

Pindi point, kashmir point.

  • Upper Topa and Lower Topa

Nathia Gali

Mall Road is the main thoroughfare in Murree and is lined with shops, restaurants, and hotels. It is a great place to go for a stroll, do some shopping, and grab a bite to eat. Some of the highlights of Mall Road include the St. Andrew’s Church, which dates back to 1857 and is an architectural beauty with its gothic style structure. The church is also a great place to learn about the history of Murree and the British Raj in Pakistan. Along with the church, there is also the Murree Brewery, which is Pakistan’s oldest brewery and offers tours and tastings. Visitors can learn about the brewing process and also sample some of their famous beers and other drinks.

Patriata is a small town located about 16 kilometers from Murree. It is known for its cable car, which offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It is also home to the Patriata Chairlift, which is Pakistan’s longest chairlift and takes you on a scenic ride to the top of the hill. This hilltop offers a panoramic view of the beautiful surroundings, making it a popular spot for photography and picnics. Patriata is also famous for its nature walks, where visitors can explore the lush green forest and enjoy the fresh mountain air.

Pindi Point is a popular spot for visitors to Murree. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and is a great place to catch the sunset. The point is also a popular spot for photography and picnics. Visitors can also find several souvenir shops and street vendors selling local handicrafts and snacks. Pindi Point is also a great spot for birdwatching, as many migratory birds can be seen here during the winter months.

Ayubia National Park

Ayubia National Park is located about 20 kilometers from Murree and is a great place to go for a hike or nature walk. The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including leopards, black bears, and many species of birds. It is also home to the Ayubia chairlift, which takes you on a scenic ride to the top of the hill. The park also offers several hiking and nature trails for visitors to explore the rich biodiversity of the area. Visitors can also find several camping sites in the park, providing an opportunity for an overnight stay in the lap of nature. It is also home to the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Motel, which offers comfortable accommodations and a restaurant with a panoramic view of the Himalayas. The PTDC Motel also features a golf course, which is considered one of the best in the region.

Kashmir Point is a viewpoint located on the Mall Road of Murree. It offers a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and is a popular spot for photography and picnics. Visitors can also enjoy pony rides and horse-drawn carriage rides from the point. It is a great spot to take in the beauty of the Himalayas and watch the sunset. The view from the point is especially mesmerizing during the monsoon season when the clouds seem to be at arm’s length.

Nathia Gali is a hill station located about 32 kilometers from Murree. It is known for its beautiful scenery, cool temperatures, and peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can go for a hike or nature walk in the surrounding forests, or simply relax and take in the views. Nathia Gali is also home to several hotels and guesthouses, as well as a number of shops and restaurants. Visitors can also enjoy activities like horse riding and trekking in Nathia Gali.

Upper and Lower Topa

Upper and Lower Topa are located about 6 kilometers from Murree. It is known for its beautiful scenery, cool temperatures, and peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can go for a hike or nature walk in the surrounding forests, or simply relax and take in the views. Upper and Lower Topa is also home to a number of hotels and guesthouses, as well as a number of shops and restaurants. Visitors can also enjoy activities like horse riding and trekking in Upper and Lower Topa.

Murree is a hill station that offers a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy. Whether you’re looking for stunning views, shopping, or outdoor activities, there is something for everyone in Murree. Some of the top places to visit include Mall Road, Patriata, Pindi Point, Kashmir Point, Ayubia National Park, Nathia Gali, Upper and Topa, and Lower Topa, each offering something unique and special. With a rich history, beautiful landscapes, and a lot of outdoor activities, Murree is a perfect destination for a family vacation or a romantic getaway.

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A Visit To Murree (Essay Sample)

A visit to murree.

Murree is a great visiting hill station that is located in Pakistan at the outs. From a distance, it looks more of a fantasy city. The place is visited by different people from different nations since it shields one from the sweltering heat. Though I am adventurous, I had never visited any hill station before. However, a few months ago, I planned to visit Murree. I had always heard stories about its beauty. I had always wished for that moment to be in Murree and experience this peaceful environment, and yes, my desire came true.

Well, on that day, we reached Murree with my friend at around 3.00 p.m. to me it was the best day of my life. The journey to Murree was quite different from the one am used to in the plains. Life around Murree is expensive. The cost of the hotels is too high for the ordinary man, but luckily we got a very dark bungalow at a reasonable price. Being too tired, we chose to rest and begin our adventures on the next day.

The following morning everyone woke up with anxiety and determination. We woke up early to have a view of Murree. The view was awesome. The area was filled with thick fog and beautiful trees that were filled with enticing flowers. The fog created an enchanting feeling that was utterly incredible. The valleys below gave the area a magnificent scenery since they were filled with green tree. It was utterly tremendous. The place was immensely fascinating, and no words can describe the emotions given by the view of Murree.

Though the trip was short, I experienced the wonders that nature holds that make Murree flourish. The area was all green, below it were streams and brooks that went down the mountains. The mountains were cool, and no amount of the sun heat disturbed us no matter how much it was.  Around birds chirped in a rhythm that seemed to be singing welcome songs to us. Some monkeys swayed from tree to tree, seemingly waiting for any visitor to offer them some food. The landscapes were distinctly inspiring, Murree’s neighborhood was satisfying. At Murree, we visited a theme park in Nathia Gali, and it was both wondrous and adventurous. There were many varieties of beautiful flowers and enticing ferns, and the smell of the flowers was pleasing, and I kept breathing in the scent from time to time. The nature of Nathia Gali seemed awakened, it looked like it had a magic touch. To me, this was a very new experience thus I watched everything closely with rapt attention.

The day ended, and we had to go back to the bungalow and wait for the next day so that we could travel home. On our way back, dark clouds were visible in the sky, and as a result, it rained heavily. On arrival to the bungalow, we were heavily drenched, and the only option was having some hot coffee. Throughout the night, there was a heavy downpour, but luckily when morning came, the rained had stopped. The sun rose gracefully, and it was time to travel back. Along the way, one could see a golden light lighting the mountains. The view was nothing less than fascinating.

To sum everything up, Murree is the best place that I have ever visited all my life. Till date, I still consider Murree as a fantastic place.

trip to murree essay in urdu

Pakistan Travel Guide

Murree Hill Station

trip to murree essay in urdu

Murree  is a popular hill station and a summer resort in Pakistan, Murree is specially for the residents of Islamabad. Murree is also visited as one of the most favourite destination for Pakistani tourists in Sumer and during snowfall of winter.

Murree is located along Islamabad-Kohala highway N75, some 30 km (19 mi) northeast of Islamabad.

The name Murree is derived from ‘marhi’, “high place” although there is a popular belief it was named after the virgin Mary during the British times

It is situated on the southern slopes of the Western Himalayan foothills as they ascend to the northeast towards Kashmir. During British Rule in the nineteenth century, its altitude was established at 7,000 feet (2,100 m), but its actual altitude has now been determined as 2,300 m (7,500 ft) above sea level.

Murree Hills - Image

Murree is accessible by road from the centre of the Islamabad and Rawalpindi areas. It is still associated with Britain; many British fruits (including cherries, raspberries and strawberries) thrive locally. There is a church, built in 1857, located at the centre of the town, which is still used as a place of worship. Many houses around the church are still standing, functioning mostly as hotels. Old traditional restaurants have been replaced by fast food shops and newer restaurants.

Murree has expanded since 1947 at a rate much greater than that which its infrastructure can sustain. Securing water and electricity has been a constant challenge. The jam-packed bazaar has caught fire a number of times in the last century, and the growth of tourism and a construction boom have had an adverse effect on the local environment.

Murree Hotels :

  • Blue Pines Inn Murree
  • Greens Hotel Murree
  • Pearl Continental Burban Resort Murree

History of Murree

Murree, aftermath of fire in 1875  A 19th century post officeMurree was founded in 1851 by the Governor of Punjab, Sir Henry Lawrence, and was originally established for the British troops garrisoned on the Afghan frontier[4] as a sanatorium.

The permanent town of Murree was constructed at Sunnybank in 1853. The church was sanctified in May 1857, and the main road, Jinnah Road, formerly known as The Mall (and still commonly referred to as), was built. The most significant commercial establishments, the Post Office, general merchants with European goods, tailors and a millinery, were established opposite the church. Until 1947, access to Jinnah Road was restricted for “natives” (non-Europeans).

The railway connection with Lahore, the capital of the Punjab Province, made Murree a popular resort for Punjab officials, and the villas and other houses erected for the accommodation of English families gave it a European aspect. It was described in the Gazetteer of Rawalpindi District, 1893�94 as follows:

The sanatorium of Murree lied in north latitude 33� 54′ 30″ and east longitude 73� 26′ 30″, at an elevation of 7,517 feet (2,291 m) above sea level, and contained a standing population of 1,768 inhabitants, which was, however, enormously increased during the [May-November] season by the influx of visitors and their attendant servants and shopkeepers. It is the most accessible hill station in the Punjab, being distant from Rawalpindi only a five hours’ journey by tonga dak. Magnificent views are to be obtained in the spring and autumn of the snow crowned mountains of Kashmir; and gorgeous sunset and cloud effects seen daily during the rains [July-August]. Part of the station, especially the Kashmir end, are also well wooded and pretty.[4] Murree also can boast of a world-class educational establishment: the *Lawrence School, Ghora Gali

In 1901 the population of the town was officially 1844, although if summer visitors had been included this could have been as high as 10,000.

In the hot season it was the headquarters of the Lieutenant General of the Northern Command. The Commissioner of the Rawalpindi Division and the Deputy-Commissioner of Rawalpindi also resided here during part of the hot season, for which period an Assistant Commissioner was placed in charge of the subdivision consisting of Murree Tehsil. The site was selected in 1850 almost immediately after the annexation of the Province, and building operations commenced at once. In 1851 temporary accommodation was provided for a detachment of troops; and in 1853 permanent barracks were erected. The garrison generally consisted of three mountain batteries. In 1873, 1874, and 1875 Murree was the summer headquarters of the Punjab Government. It was connected with Rawalpindi town by a service of tongas.

The houses crown the summit and sides of an irregular ridge, commanding magnificent views over forest-clad hill-sides into deep valleys studded with villages and cultivated fields. The neighbouring hills were covered during the summer with encampments of British troops, while the station itself is filled with European visitors from the plains and travellers to Kashmir. A fine view of the snowy peaks of Kashmir is to be had on a clear day, and the crest of Nanga Parbat (26,182 feet (7,980 m)) can sometimes be seen. The municipality was created in 1850.

The income during the ten years ending 1902�3 averaged Rs. 49,500, and the expenditure Rs. 48,200. In 1903�4 the income and expenditure were Rs. 5r,400, chiefly from octroi, and Rs. 54,400 respectively. The income and expenditure of cantonment funds averaged Rs. 10,000 between 1893 and 1903. The chief educational institutions are the Lawrence Military Asylum for soldiers’ children, and the St. Denys’ and Convent English schools for girls. The station contains the Lady Roberts Home for invalid officers and a branch of the Alliance Bank of Simla. The Murree Brewery was the only industrial concern of any importance.

Murree to Bhurban

Bhurban is celebrated as one of the only resort areas of the country where there is a 5 star hotel built by Pakistan Services Limited, the Pearl Continental Hotel. Bhurban is only 9 Kilometers from Murree and practically it can be called as an area of Murree.

Murre to Nathiagali & Nathiagali to Abbottabad (Tour Excursion)

Nathiagali the famous resort area is only 45 minutes from Murree. The descent on the Nathia Gali -Abbottabad road leads to the city of Abbottabad right under the Murree hills. Abbottabad, a popular summer resort in the midst of spacious valleys, is surrounded by green hills and is a pretty large city and is located at a distance of 116 km from Rawalpindi and 217 km from Peshawar if you follow the MAIN road. It can get pretty hot in summers and pretty cold in winters but the temperature range stays bearable. It may feel hot in the sun but its cool in the shade. Surrounded by high hills, Abbottabad is named after its first British Commissioner Sir James Abbott. It still has a very British air. The Cantonment area of Abbottabad is still very British. The European bungalows, the club, the churches and the cemeteries are still there. Lots of greenery in Abbottabad, beautiful trees and nice gardens.

There is a main road which is the centre of activity (I think its called the Mall). The good hotels are SpringField, Sarban and others. Abbottabad is famous for its golf courses. Take a visit. Also see Shimla Hill View Point, Illayasi Mosque with a natural water spring and there is a pool nearby which I think carries crocodiles. The place has beautiful gardens like; Jinnah Garden, Ladies Garden etc maintained by the local Cantonment Board. The splendid stretch of turf promises plenty of room for polo, football, hockey and golf. At the back of the station towards the west is the Brigade Center, which is an ideal place ideal for walks and picnic. Nice place to stay If you’re coming from Lahore to visit the North.

Wildlife in Nathiagali

The Nathiagali region serves as home to all kinds of wildlife; various species of birds, insects, butterflies and animals. Unlike the crows of the southern cities of Pakistan, you will find ravens in areas like Nathiagali. Visitors are advised to sun their bedding on arrival to get rid of bed-bugs, and to keep repellants and pesticides for insects as these have a tendency to show up a lot, especially in old homes, and in the monsoon season.

Horses are a common sight during summer months and are offered to children and adults alike for rides at rates that are often negotiable. Monkeys are aplenty, previously known to be a little shy, they have reportedly become more aggressive in recent years, some say this due to increased abuse suffered at the hands of tourists, who often tease these monkeys or try to steal them. Monkeys often come up to guesthouses and hotels in search of snacks and can be quite noisy and playful.

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Murree – A Guide to The Stunning Hill Station

Murree Hill Station in Pakistan

Well, how many of you love to visit places full of nature and enough to entice your mood? Indeed it’s a desire of all of us to travel and see attractive spots that help to replenish our mood.

When it comes to vacations or traveling, most people prefer to plan the places in the winter season, and among them, one of Pakistan’s highly recommended spots is to visit Murree.

Murree is one of the well-known and prominent mountainous resort cities. It is located in the Galyar Region of the Pir-Panjal range. The place is 7,517 feet above sea level and was founded in the 18th century by the British. Additionally, this mountainous area is bounded by the Jhelum River in the east, Abbottabad and Haripur to the West and the North, the capital territory Islamabad to the southwest, and the Kotli Sattian town of district Rawalpindi to the South.

Murree is more than just a favorite and recommended spot for Pakistanis. Still, internationally, people from all over the world travel to visit Murree and other Pakistan’s northern areas.

Despite the Murree, there are so many other essential things that you must know as a Murree tourist. So, instead of dragging it further, today’s article is based on the overview Murree guide, and I jot down all the primary facts about why Murree is the favorite tourist spot and what makes Murree appealing.

Murree Rawalpindi Punjab

When we talk about Murree in Punjab is a beautiful tourist spot in all seasons. It doesn’t matter in which season you visit the Murree in Rawalpindi; each season will give you a different vibe and make your visit memorable.

Generally speaking, Murree Hills is famous for its resorts, mountains, and gorgeous valleys. People in the city prefer to visit Murree hill station to enjoy the fresh air, scenic beauty of nature, dense green trees, chilly winds in winter, and a peaceful night with their family or dear ones.

In other words, Murree is also well-known as the new couple’s honeymoon destination, as most new couples prefer to spend their early days in the queen of hills and enjoy a beautiful new journey with their partners.

Famous and Attractive Places to Visit in Murree

Although the entire Murree hill station is beautiful, some famous Murree tourist spots prioritize it most. The Murree hills are among the most common names that come on top of the list.

It doesn’t matter if you are visiting first time or already exploring; in both conditions visiting again, the Murree hills is a must-deal for tourists. Apart from the islamabad Murree, there are also so many tremendous spots that make the stay enjoyable and adventurous.

If you plan to visit, remember to explore the jotted-down Murree tour places with your dear ones.

  • Ayubia National Park (ideal family and kid’s picnic spot)
  •   Patriata Chair Lift (world-class 7 km long cable cars and chair lift thrilling experience)
  •   GPO Chowk of Murree
  •   Dunga Gali
  •   Nathia Gali (one of the tremendous and most visited spots in Murree)
  •   Kohala (a fantastic place that leads you towards the Neelam point and an outstanding waterfall)
  •   Murree Mall Road (a road which is loaded with lots of foods, shops, restaurants, and Souvenir shops)
  •   Bhurban (one of the spectacular landscape places that lead directly toward Azad Kashmir)
  •   Upper and Lower Topa (worth seeing a spot in Murree)
  •   Murree ExpressWay (if you genuinely want to enjoy nature and sceneries, then this is the best place for you guys to consider)
  •   Ghora Gali (an area that is full of food, resorts, and view)
  •   Bandar Point
  •   Changla Gali
  •   Pindi Point
  •   Kashmir Point (if you want to see the breathtaking mountains of Kashmir and Kohistan views or the enormous nanga Parbat then visit this spot)
  •   Khanaspur (beautiful sight view for tourists)
Isn’t it great? Indeed. It is.

Why Murree Known as the Queen of Hills in Pakistan?

Murree in Pakistan is known as the queen of hill spots or the top-notch, highly visited hill station in Pakistan. The reason behind this is simple. 

Murree in Pakistan attracts tourists because of its nature, serene beauty, and attractive climbing spots. On the other hand, it also offers reliable and flexible resorts so that any tourist or visitor can easily stay and spend some cherished and quality time with their loved ones. Plus, most resorts and hotels are built on climbing places, which fascinates the visitors most when they visit Murree.

On the other hand, it is also a queen of hill stations because of its lavish and well-maintained climbing road infrastructure.

Islamabad residents or residents from the Punjab side who plan to visit always consider the Murree Islamabad adventurous road trip route. The reason for taking the Murree Islamabad route is that it is one of the easiest and straight routes and ideal for those traveling by road with their families and friends.

Apart from the Islamabad Murree route, there isn’t any accessible option for road travelers to reach Murree.

The Essential Guide to Murree: A Must-Visit Destination

However, there are some other specific facts that you should know about Murree. Suppose you are visiting the Murree for the first time. In that case, the ideal visiting months are between April and October because in between these months, you can truly enjoy this hilltop destination and make memories.

Furthermore, for international and new couples, there are also some Murree Pakistan tour packages that many tour companies offer. You can also consider Murree in Pakistan exclusive tour packages and enjoy your days in Murree freely without any stress.

But yes, while hunting Murree in Pakistan tourist packages, make sure you have done a little research, and remember to check out the reviews and ratings of the tourist company. It will help keep you away from scams, bankruptcy, and fraud.

Wait, this is not the end; there is much more you need to know about Murree Pakistan.

Some locals are planning a Murree trip and are concerned about the cost. No need to worry about it. The package of visiting Murree is affordable, and international travelers know Pakistan is the most affordable and cheapest tourist destination spot. Besides this, locals can also afford their expenses because of the exclusive Murree packages from tourist companies.

After reading the above-mentioned detailed overview of Murree Pakistan, I hope you know why thousands of locals and international tourists visit Murree every year. And what are the main reasons behind their visits that fascinates them most about Murree?

So what else do you want? Let’s plan and visit Murree, the queen of hills and explore all the thrilling and tremendous serene hill beauty and nature instead of regrets.

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trip to murree essay in urdu


Photo of Tech Asad

Murree is a great visiting hill station that is located in Pakistan at the outs. From a distance, it looks more of a fantasy city. The place is visited by different people from different nations since it shields one from the sweltering heat. Though I am adventurous, I had never visited any hill station before. However, a few months ago, I planned to visit Murree. I had always heard stories about its beauty. I had always wished for that moment to be in Murree and experience this peaceful environment, and yes, my desire came true.

Well, on that day, we reached Murree with my friend at around 3.00 p.m. to me it was the best day of my life. The journey to Murree was quite different from the one am used to in the plains. Life around Murree is expensive. The cost of the hotels is too high for the ordinary man, but luckily we got a very dark bungalow at a reasonable price. Being too tired, we chose to rest and begin our adventures on the next day.

Photo of 1 DAY TRIP TO MURREE 1/2 by Tech Asad

The following morning everyone woke up with anxiety and determination. We woke up early to have a view of Murree. The view was awesome. The area was filled with thick fog and beautiful trees that were filled with enticing flowers. The fog created an enchanting feeling that was utterly incredible. The valleys below gave the area a magnificent scenery since they were filled with green tree. It was utterly tremendous. The place was immensely fascinating, and no words can describe the emotions given by the view of Murree.

Photo of 1 DAY TRIP TO MURREE 2/2 by Tech Asad

Though the trip was short, I experienced the wonders that nature holds that make Murree flourish. The area was all green, below it were streams and brooks that went down the mountains. The mountains were cool, and no amount of the sun heat disturbed us no matter how much it was. Around birds chirped in a rhythm that seemed to be singing welcome songs to us. Some monkeys swayed from tree to tree, seemingly waiting for any visitor to offer them some food. The landscapes were distinctly inspiring, Murree’s neighborhood was satisfying. At Murree, we visited a theme park in Nathia Gali, and it was both wondrous and adventurous. There were many varieties of beautiful flowers and enticing ferns, and the smell of the flowers was pleasing, and I kept breathing in the scent from time to time. The nature of Nathia Gali seemed awakened, it looked like it had a magic touch. To me, this was a very new experience thus I watched everything closely with rapt attention.

The day ended, and we had to go back to the bungalow and wait for the next day so that we could travel home. On our way back, dark clouds were visible in the sky, and as a result, it rained heavily. On arrival to the bungalow, we were heavily drenched, and the only option was having some hot coffee. Throughout the night, there was a heavy downpour, but luckily when morning came, the rained had stopped. The sun rose gracefully, and it was time to travel back. Along the way, one could see a golden light lighting the mountains. The view was nothing less than fascinating.

To sum everything up, Murree is the best place that I have ever visited all my life. Till date, I still consider Murree as a fantastic place.

Article Written By ( techno records )

Further Reads

Photo of The Ramgarh Bungalow


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