Is it ‘traveling’ or ‘travelling’?

What to Know When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel , traveled and traveling are more common in the US, and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else.

Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four ; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert , not desert .

But some words have two forms that appear often enough in edited text to make it clear that something else is going on. And so it is with forms of the verb travel : traveled and travelled , and traveling and travelling .

woman looking at departures board

It might have a different spelling wherever you're going.

One or Two L 's?

If you look at where the single l forms originate and where the double l forms originate a pattern emerges: in the United States, traveled and traveling predominate, and everywhere else travelled and travelling are preferred.

The reason mostly comes down to one man we at Merriam-Webster hold especially dear: Noah Webster. Our lexicographical father (brothers George and Charles Merriam bought the rights to Noah Webster’s 1841 dictionary after Webster died) was a great believer in spelling reform and wanted English spelling to make more sense—and if the English of his homeland had more logic to it than its British parent, so much the better. He decided that travel needed only one l in its past and present participle forms.

Webster’s logic is the reason behind the spelling of canceled and cancelled as well: in the U.S., they have just one l , but elsewhere two l ’s are the norm.

American English Words that Use 2 L 's

Webster didn’t think all double l ’s needed to be reduced to one, however: in cases in which the accent, or emphasis, is on the syllable with the l , two l ’s are preserved: expelled and expelling ; controlled and controlling ; patrolled and patrolling .

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travelling spelling australia

Is it Traveling or Travelling—Correct Spelling Guide

traveling or travelling

What is the correct way to spell “traveling?” Can you spell it “travelling” if you want?

To travel the world and visit other countries is often seen as an enjoyable way to spend one’s free time.

But how do you spell “traveling,” the verb form of “travel”?

Don’t search anywhere else; here is everything you need to know about the term “travel.”

travelling spelling australia

“Traveling” or “travelling”

The difference between the two terms is your audience.

That said, “traveling” is the preferred way to spell the word in the United States.

You will find this correct spelling in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

However, if your readers are located in the United Kingdom in the Commonwealth , the term is spelled “travelling.”

The subtle distinction of one “L” versus two simply depends on what country you are writing in/for.

Therefore , “travelers” and “traveled” are the U.S. forms, while “travellers” and “travelled” are the UK forms.

No matter the country, the present tense form of the word “travel” is spelled the same and does not require a second “L” at the end.

travelling spelling australia

Root word: travel

Travel can serve as a verb or a noun .

As an intransitive verb , “travel” is defined as “To go on a trip or tour to a destination.”

Similarly, as a transitive verb, “travel” is defined as “to journey through or over.”

The definition for “travel” in its noun form is “a journey, especially to a distance or unfamiliar place.”

Be aware that the noun version of the word is often used as a plural.

travelling spelling australia

Travelers definition

Another term that comes from “travel” is “traveler” or, in its plural version, “travelers.”

That said, a traveler is commonly referred to as “one that goes on a trip or journey.”

Essentially, “traveler” can be used to describe a person who is taking a trip by car, train, plane, etc.

If subjects in a sentence are going on a journey through different countries or simply to the grocery store, they are “travelers.”

travelling spelling australia

What type of word is “traveling?”

Verbs ending in “-ing” are either present participles or gerunds .

The two styles of words look the same, but their functions in a sentence are different.

Further , present participles can be used in all continuous verb formations ( past , present, future, etc.).

With verbs ending in “-ing,” the helping verb will tell the reader the tense (acting as a link) while the present participles remain unchanged.

Take the below examples, for instance:

  • “The boy is watching the trains.”
  • “Shelia was waiting for her survey.”
  • “My family will be coming to Canada in July.”
  • “The group would be moving to Germany if the cost wasn’t an issue.”
  • “I would have been picking out my free ice cream flavor by now.”

Intransitive vs. transitive verbs

According to the Merriam-Webster definition, “traveling” can act as both a transitive and intransitive verb .

Transitive verbs will always have a noun that receives the action described by the verb; this noun is called the direct object .

travelling spelling australia

“Tommy lifts the weight.”

In the previous example, “lifts” is the verb and “the weight” is the object receiving the verb’s action.

Therefore, “lifts” is a transitive verb.

On the other hand, intransitive verbs never have a direct or indirect object.

There is no object that receives an intransitive verb’s action.

“The group walks quickly to their destination.”

In this case, the verb is “walks,” and the modifying phrase is “quickly to their destination.”

As you will notice, no object receives the action that “walks” describes.

When to use traveling in writing

Recall that verbs ending in “-ing,” like “traveling,” can be used in the present, future, and past tense.

This present participles rely on the helping verb to indicate the tense of the sentence.

travelling spelling australia

So, you can use the term to say the same thing, just in different tenses .

“He is traveling abroad” can also begin the following ways and still be grammatically correct.

  • “He was…”
  • “He will be…”
  • “He would be…”
  • “He would have been…”

You use this term to describe a subject who is, will be, was on their way to a different area than where they came from.

Examples of traveling in a sentence

If you have the correct spelling of the term down but are having a tough time using the term in a sentence, take a look at these sentences.

Using travel/traveling as a verb

  • “If traveling were free, most people would take several trips a year.”
  • “After traveling all day, all Lucy wanted to do was rest.”
  • “I would like to travel and not get lost this time.”
  • “Mark was only traveling for fun and leisure, not for work.”
  • “All my life, I wanted to travel the world for fun, and now I finally get to!”
  • “Before I travel, I must obtain a fishing license.”

Using travel as a noun

“At this time, international travel is banned for safety reasons.”

“He wanted to obtain a free travel license from the site, but the page wouldn’t load.”

“Safety was the top priority for Lisa after she would arrive at her travel excursion.”

“My travels demanded that I use services associated with the train to see my sister.”

“All her life, Katy was never oriented with foreign travel.”

“The new social movement talked about the future of crime and travel in the country.”

“I’d like to use this travel to connect with as many people as possible.”

Why is traveling commonly misspelled?

Why does “traveling” have two different ways of spelling the term?

Most of this is credited to Noah Webster , one link of the famous dictionary we frequently use today.

As a lexicographer and linguist, Webster influenced American English more than most people realize.

That said, he preferred the shorter version of most words that had multiple different ways of spelling.

After including the shorter version of terms in his dictionary, these words became dominant in the United States.

The rest of the English-speaking countries out there preferred the longer spellings of terms.

That said, countries like Australia, Canada, and the UK spell the term “travelling” with two “L”s instead of one.

How to remember which word to use

In the case of the present participle version of “travel,” remember that shorter is better.

“Travelling” is the proper spelling in British English.

So, if that is your audience, use that version.

However, American English demands the spelling “traveling.”

External links to sources

  • Present participles: The -ing forms –
  • Traveler definition – Merriam-Webster
  • Verb Tenses – Grammarly
  • Types of Verbs –
  • Travel definition – Merriam-Webster
  • Traveling or Travelling? – Grammarly
  • Noah Webster | American lexicographer | Britannica
  • lexicographer – definition and examples – ThoughtCo

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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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Travel, Traveled & Travelling – What’s the Difference?

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| Candace Osmond

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

Traveling is a pleasant experience. You learn new cultures, meet new people, and taste new food. But is it traveling or travelling ? Is it travelled or traveled ?

Let me tell you that all four spellings are correct. I’ll show you the difference between traveled vs. travelled and traveling vs. travelling in this guide.

Does Travelled Have One or Two Ls?

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If you read different writing pieces, you’ll notice that the simple past and participle forms of the verb travel are either traveled or travelled. Both spellings are correct. Therefore, travelled can have one or two Ls.

Traveled, travelled, and traveling come from the el verb travel, which means to go from one place to another. But, as a Canadian who mostly writes for a US audience, I get the confusion. 

Traveled vs. Travelled

Now that you know both traveled and travelled are correct, when do you use which?

Traveled is the correct American English spelling. This English variant follows a single L to simplify English words. Other examples of simplified American spellings include humor instead of humour and annex instead of annexe.

Noah Webster of Webster’s Dictionary is a famous person who advocated for traveled instead of travelled . So if you’re American writing for an American audience, let them know you traveled instead of travelled to Europe.

Here are some examples of traveled in a sentence.

  • How many miles had they traveled today?
  • I traveled to Germany last month.
  • The 2022 Rockefeller Center Christmas tree has finally arrived at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City after it was cut down from its home in Queensbury, New York, and traveled 200 miles to the Big Apple. [ Today ]

Travelled is the British English spelling of the word. This English variant with two Ls is the original spelling of the verb. Travelled is also more common worldwide. For instance, Canada uses travelled because it’s one of the British Commonwealth countries.

Here are some examples of travelled in a sentence.

  • The famous adventurer travelled around the world.
  • He travelled thousands of miles during the presidential campaign.
  • Alex Sullivan, an Everton fan who has travelled to Qatar to support England during the World Cup, told talkSPORT that “we were having a good time, enjoying ourselves.” [ Marca ]

Traveling vs. Travelling

The rule for traveling vs. travelling is the same as traveled vs. travelled.

We use traveling as the American English spelling, as the linguist and lexicographer Noah Webster recommended. This significant person preferred shorter versions of words, which many Americans instantly followed.

Here are some examples of traveling in a sentence.

  • Rory and I were traveling during her birthday.
  • Our traveling expenses were lower than expected.
  • While traveling with his wife, Roxana, and his two young sons during the offseason, Ellis concluded that he had soured on many aspects of the NBA grind. [ Washington Post ]

Use travelling as the British, Canadian, and Australian spelling of the present participle form of travel.

Here are some examples of travelling in a sentence.

  • I enjoy travelling with my family every summer.
  • My travelling companion moved to Oklahoma with her husband.
  • As every keen traveller knows, there are a number of checks and research one must undertake before travelling to a new country. [ CN Traveller ]

Travel, Traveled, and Travelling Summary

While travel is a simple and common English word, its derivative forms can be confusing even for the best English writers. But I hope this guide helped you understand the difference between traveled vs. travelled and traveling vs. travelling.

Remember that traveled and traveling with a single L are the American spellings, while travelled and travelling with two Ls are the British and Canadian spellings.

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Travelling or Traveling: What’s the Difference?

Home » Travelling or Traveling: What’s the Difference?

traveling versus travelling

Are you taking a trip anytime soon? If so, where will you be traveling? Or is it travelling? How exactly do you spell this word?

The two words traveling and travelling can cause some confusion for those writers not exactly sure when to use which one. Are they just variations of the same word? Do they have different meanings? Do they function differently in a sentence?

In today’s post, I want to address all of these questions so you will never again wonder or second-guess yourself, “Is it travelling or traveling?”

The Difference Between Travelling and Traveling

Travelling and traveling are both verbs, obviously. To travel is to go from one place to another, as on a trip or journey. For example,

travelled or traveled definition: how to spell travelling

  • When the traveling pub is taken off a trailer and put together in a lot near Milwaukee and California avenues, it will boast 400 feet of bar space. – Chicago Sun Times
  • They travelled 5,000 miles from Myanmar to place a plaque in Seagrim’s native village of Whissonsett in eastern England. – Washington Post
  • Under that analysis, completion of the mobility plan would result in about 35 million miles per day being traveled on L.A. surface streets in 2035. – L.A. Times

You’re probably still thinking, “Okay, I still don’t know how to use these words.”

The difference between traveling vs. travelling isn’t much of a difference at all, really.

In fact, the difference between them is entirely dialectal. There is no demonstrable difference of sense or function, meaning both words can be used interchangeably.

When to Use Travelling

Even though the only thing separating travelling and traveling is a dialectical difference, it is still important to keep your audience in mind when picking which word to use and when.

Travelling (with two Ls) is the preferred spelling in British English and is used much more frequently than is traveling . The graph below shows the use of travelling vs. traveling (as a percentage of all words used) in British English books, journals, and magazines from 1800 to 2008.

traveled or travelled grammar difference

As you can see, travelling (with two Ls) clearly dominates in British English, being used at a rate of about 4:1.

Now, if we look at the same two words over the same time period but limit our search to American print sources, the results completely flip.

when to use traveling versus travelling

There’s actually a bigger gap between traveling and travelling in American English than there is in British English.

When to Use Traveling

As indicated in the above graph, traveled (with one L) is the preferred spelling in American English.

I’ve discussed the reason for the popularity of many shortened spellings in American English in other posts ( cancelled/canceled comes to mind ), but the basic reason stems back to Noah Webster himself.

He is usually credited with the shortening of many American spellings because in his original 1898 dictionary, he sought to simplify many British spellings he saw as unnecessary. This is where the British-American divide over words like color/colour came from.

Anyway, the point is, if you are writing to an American audience, traveling (with one L) is your best choice.

Remember the Difference – Traveling or Travelling?

One simple way to keep track of these two words is that the shorter spelling is American. If you can keep in mind that, generally speaking, British English favors (favours) the longer spelling of words, you will be able to remember the difference between these words.

It is also worthwhile to note that all of the distinctions in this post apply equally to travelled vs. traveled, traveled vs. travelled, traveller vs. traveler, traveler vs. traveller, etc.

Summary – Traveling vs. Travelling

Is it traveling or travelling? That depends on where you are writing and who is your audience.

  • Travelling is the preferred spelling in British English.
  • Traveling is the preferred spelling in American English.

Whether you’re talking about travelled or traveled or traveller or traveler, these same preferences still apply.

travelling spelling australia

Traveling vs. Travelling: What’s the Difference?


“Traveling” and “travelling” are both correct. The former is the preferred spelling in American English; the latter is the British spelling. In many places around the world, such as Australia and New Zealand, traditional British English has a stronger influence. As a result, people living in current and former British territories tend to prefer longer spelling variants, such as “colour,” “manoeuvre,” and “aluminium.” Even for words without longer and shorter versions, Americans and Brits sometimes use different letters, as in “pretence” (vs. “pretense”) and “analyse” (vs. “analyze”). 

To be fair, many of these British spellings predate the American spellings. The United States adopted simpler variants and shorter spellings based on the work of one man: the lexicographer and linguist Noah Webster. At the turn of the 19th century, he wrote the dictionaries and textbooks that would come to define American usage. As the Encyclopædia Britannica explains, “Webster was instrumental in giving American English a dignity and vitality of its own. Both his speller and dictionary reflected his principle that spelling, grammar, and usage should be based upon the living, spoken language rather than on artificial rules.” 

Webster decided that adding a suffix, such as the present participle -ing , should require double consonant spelling when the emphasis is on the last syllable in a multi-syllable word. Because the word “re pel ” has a stronger second syllable, “repelling” has two L s. Words like “travel,” where the emphasis is on the first syllable, should be written with a single consonant. 

So, that’s why both spellings work. Thanks to Noah Webster, Americans prefer traveling and South Africans prefer travelling.

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According to the Online Etymology Dictionary , the word “travel” probably comes from the vulgar Latin word tripaliare, “to torture.” That tells you how much people enjoyed journeys back in those days! By the 12th century, Old French adopted the word travail, meaning “work, labor, toil” or “arduous journey.” Use of the verb travailen in English dates back to 1300, and the spelling “travel” began appearing later that century. 

In Shakespeare’s Macbeth , which likely dates from around 1606, we can see the line, “And yet darke Night strangles the trauailing Lampe.” In this example, we can see both the – ai- spelling variant and the use of the letter U for V sounds, which was common in the middle of a word. 

The second edition of John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1674) exhibits a spelling variant closer to the modern form of “travelled”:

And long he wanderd, till at last a gleame  

Of dawning light turnd thither-ward in haste 

His travell’d steps; 

From these works, we can see that both the single L and double L spelling have historical precedents. 

travelling spelling australia


Merriam-Webster defines the word “traveling” as an adjective and lists “travelling” as a variant spelling. 

The dictionary provides the following meanings:

  • going to different places instead of staying in one place
  • carried by, used by, or accompanying a traveler

Traveling can also be a conjugation of the verb “to travel.” Merriam-Webster defines travel as, “to go on or as if on a trip or tour” and “to move or undergo transmission from one place to another,” among other definitions.

According to , synonyms for traveling include:

Other Words and Phrases

A “traveler’s check” is a preprinted check, used in the place of cash, intended to protect international travelers from theft. The Online Etymology Dictionary explains that the term originated in 1891.

A “travel-agent” or “travel agent” is a person or company employed to make travel arrangements. Although the term originated in 1925, the first travel agents ( Cox & Kings ) predated the moniker by over 150 years.

U.S. traveler Burton Holmes invented the word “travelogue” by combining the word “travel” and the Greek suffix – logue. A travelogue describes a piece of writing, a lecture, or a film about travel. 

 “Taking the path less traveled” is an idiom used to describe an uncommon choice. The phrase comes from the Robert Frost poem, “ The Road Not Taken ,” which contains the lines: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less traveled by.” 

“Traveling light” is an idiom referring to someone who travels without much luggage. The phrase can also be used in a figurative sense to describe someone without ties or responsibilities. 

The Words in Context

“…Experts say that traveling by car may be the safest option in a pandemic — but road trips still come with risks.” — The Washington Post , “Hitting the Road? Here’s What to Know…”

“An expanding list of Canadian politicians are in hot water after being caught vacationing or travelling abroad amid a worsening COVID-19 pandemic at home.” — CTV News , “Growing List of Canadian Politicians …”

“New York City has introduced quarantine rules for international travellers following emergence of new Covid variants in countries like the UK.” — BBC News , “Coronavirus: New York City Orders International Visitors…”

“Belize is the only English-language-official country in Central America. As a popular tourist destination, English is spoken by everyone, and many prices are listed in U.S. Dollars (the Belize dollar is tied to the U.S. Dollar with a fixed exchange rate), making it a comfortable destination for first-time international travelers.” — USA Today , “Did you know? English is the Official…”



Kari Lisa Johnson

I’m an award-winning playwright with a penchant for wordplay. After earning a perfect score on the Writing SAT, I worked my way through Brown University by moonlighting as a Kaplan Test Prep tutor. I received a BA with honors in Literary Arts (Playwriting)—which gave me the opportunity to study under Pulitzer Prize-winner Paula Vogel. In my previous roles as new media producer with Rosetta Stone, director of marketing for global ventures with The Juilliard School, and vice president of digital strategy with Up & Coming Media, I helped develop the voice for international brands. From my home office in Maui, Hawaii, I currently work on freelance and ghostwriting projects.

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“Traveling” or “Travelling”

Traveling and travelling are both English terms.

Traveling is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English ( en-US ) while travelling is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) ( en-GB ).

In terms of actual appearance and usage , here's a breakdown by country, with usage level out of 100 (if available) 👇:

  • In the United States , there is a preference for " traveling " over "travelling" (87 to 13).
  • In the United Kingdom , there is a 79 to 21 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In India , there is a 73 to 27 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In the Philippines , there is a 52 to 48 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Canada , there is a 58 to 42 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Australia , there is a 79 to 21 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Liberia , there is a preference for " traveling " over "travelling" (69 to 31).
  • In Ireland , there is a 78 to 22 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In New Zealand , there is a 74 to 26 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Jamaica , there is a 53 to 47 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Trinidad & Tobago , there is a 60 to 40 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".
  • In Guyana , there is a 58 to 42 preference for " travelling " over "traveling".

Below, we provide some examples of when to use traveling or travelling with sample sentences.

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Examples in Context

Examples of “traveling”.

  • … then leaves in his vehicle traveling away from his residence.
  • The squad was traveling on Route Vernon and was …
  • … Athens via Hungary and Romania, traveling from there to Marseille, where …
  • … had also been too busy traveling with Davis to make a
  • … female scientist to ever conduct traveling research in North Korea and …
  • … in Paris at Esmod, before traveling to London to study photography.
  • Traveling Husbands (1931)
  • … used by Amundsen for his traveling lectures.
  • … stopping point for Soviet tourists traveling up and down the Volga …
  • Are traveling toward the castle when the …

Examples of “travelling”

  • … (Danika Yarosh) is first seen travelling in the Arctic Circle, accompanied …
  • … and the protection of caravans travelling upland through Kikuyu territory to
  • … the shadow of the moon travelling at supersonic speed and inducing …
  • After travelling for one year, he went …
  • While travelling , his wallet is stolen and …
  • The play presents him as travelling through 100 years, witnessing corruption …
  • Caravan - Travelling Man (1998) compilation album to …
  • … and large movements of people travelling by train would have caused …
  • … reports that Bianchi had been travelling at when he left the
  • … the Hlahol Choir in Vinohrady, travelling with them to Yugoslavia and

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license.)

Too Much to Remember?

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'Travelling' or 'Traveling': What's the Difference Between the Two?

travelling spelling australia

'Travelling' or 'Traveling': two different ways to spell the same word. But which one is correct? The answer is actually pretty simple. Read on to find out.

In short, 'travelling' is the British English spelling, and 'traveling' is the American English spelling.

The Difference Between 'Travelling' or 'Traveling'

Firstly, let's define 'traveling'. Although I'm sure you're familiar with this word, I want to make sure we've covered all our bases. 'Traveling' is the participle tense of the verb 'to travel.' To travel is to take a journey somewhere, sometimes for the purposes of a holiday, other times it might be for a work trip or to visit family.

Back in 1828, Noah Webster, an American lexicographer, published his famous dictionary, "An American Dictionary of the English Language," hoping to standardize American speech. The man was famous for preferring words to be written the way they sounded. That makes sense, right?

So he spent many years editing the spellings of words that came from British English in order to make them look more like they sound. One of the many changes he made was to remove extra letters where he deemed them to be unnecessary. 'Traveling,' 'traveler,' and 'traveled' were among those. Some other words where the spelling was cut short include:

These words all have alternative spellings in British English that are either longer or don't look exactly as the word is pronounced. Take 'mom,' for instance. The Brits spell it 'mum,' which is pretty close to how you pronounce the word, but the spelling with the 'o' is closer to the American accent.

Remember the Difference - 'Traveling' or 'Travelling'?

As a result of his editing, Mr. Webster cut out a lot of unnecessary 'l's. But not all of them. In words where the pronunciation emphasis is on the syllable with the 'l,' two 'l's remain. For example:

  • controlling

But do you want to know the simplest way to know which spelling the American one is? When looking at the two same words with different spellings, the American one is usually the shorter one. It's true! Let's look at earlier examples as evidence of this:

  • American spelling: color British spelling: colour
  • American spelling: canceled British spelling: cancelled
  • American spelling: totaled British spelling: totalled

And while this logic doesn't apply to the examples 'center' and 'mom', the logic of spelling the word as it's pronounced does.

Therefore, whether to use 'traveling' or 'travelling' depends on your audience. Are you writing for an American audience? Then use 'traveling.' Are you writing for a British or other Commonwealth audience (Canada, Australia...)? Use 'travelling.'

'Traveling' and 'Travelling': Examples

Now that we're clear on the meaning of the word and which spelling to use when it's time to look at some examples of the word used in a sentence. I'll only use the spelling 'traveling,' but bear in mind that both spellings are interchangeable. I'll also cite some examples that use 'traveled' and 'traveler.'

I haven't seen him in ages; he's been traveling since last year. Last year we traveled to Costa Rica for our honeymoon. A true traveler never arrives. Traveling is one of my favorite pastimes. Have you ever traveled solo? I met a bunch of travelers last night; they're touring Central America.

Concluding Thoughts on 'Traveling'

So there you have it. The difference between 'traveling' and 'travelling' is simply based on where you are based or where your audience is based. Other than that, they mean the exact same thing. So don't sweat it if you're unsure which to use; in any case, both are acceptable. But a good way to remember is that the American spelling is usually the shorter one.

To learn about more confusing words , including American vs. British words, visit our blog . We've covered many commonly misspelled and misunderstood words and will continue to cover many more!

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  • Traveling or Travelling? Which is the Correct Spelling?
  • Learn English
  • James Prior
  • No Comments
  • Updated February 5, 2024

Traveling or travelling

Traveling or travelling? Which is the correct spelling?!

Traveling is one of the most popular activities in the world. It can take many forms, from going on a weekend getaway to taking a luxurious vacation abroad. Despite its popularity, there is still some confusion surrounding the correct spelling of the word.

As DoTEFL is a website dedicated to teaching English and traveling via TEFL , it only feels right that we clear up any confusion about the correct spelling of traveling (or should I say travelling?). After all, it’s a question that gets asked a lot and spelling is an important part of English grammar.

So, before you start writing your packing list and set off on your travels, let’s explore the difference between traveling and travelling and look at which spelling should be used.

So, what’s the answer?

Table of Contents

Traveling Vs Travelling?

Traveling or Travelling? When it comes to the English language, there can be quite a bit of confusion in regards to spelling. While “traveling” is the preferred spelling in American English, “travelling” is the preferred spelling in British English.

Firstly, the spelling of both words is correct and they are both the same word! However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when deciding which one to use. 

The first difference between traveling and travelling is geographical location. American English typically uses “traveling” while British English opts for “travelling”. So, if you’re an American writer, “traveling” will generally be your go-to choice; if you’re British, or if you live in one of the other commonwealth countries , then “travelling” should do the trick!

However, you also need to keep in mind your audience. If you’re writing for an American audience it would make sense to use “traveling”. Whereas if you’re writing for an English audience you’d want to opt for “travelling”. In my case I am an English writer but our website has a larger audience in the U.S. so I have used the spelling of traveling with one ‘l’ here.

Traveling Vs Travelling

Where is Traveling Used?

Traveling is used when the author is writing in American English or writing for an U.S. audience.

Where is Travelling Used?

Travelling is used when the author is writing in British English. However, the audience isn’t just confined to Britain here.

There are 54 countries in the Commonwealth, which is an association of countries across the world historically connected to the British Empire. They all use the British English spelling of “travelling” with two ‘L’s. This includes Commonwealth Countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, plus all the other commonwealth countries.

So, if you travel across the U.S. border into Canada you go from being a traveler to a traveller!

Can you use a mix of traveling and travelling?

It’s best to avoid using a mixture of the two spellings, even if your audience is unclear. This is because you should always be consistent with your grammar throughout a piece of writing.

You should also be aware of this if you ever use a grammar checker to go over your work. For example, if you write in British English but the grammar checker is set to American English, you may find yourself inadvertently making corrections from “travelling” to “traveling”. If this does happen, make sure that you don’t accidentally only change half by mistake!

Should you change travelling to traveling?

The answer to this question comes down to your audience. You have to write according to what your audience understands and needs. If they are a British English audience you should keep “travelling”. If the audience uses American English then you’ll want to consider changing it to “traveling”.

On this site we predominantly use the spelling “travelling”. However, if there are articles that are mainly read by our audience in the UK we will use “travelling”.

For whatever piece of writing your doing, the key thing is to choose a spelling and stick to it. Consistency is the key.

And, if you want to avoid the traveling Vs travelling conundrum altogether you can always get creative. For example, instead of writing “I like travelling”, you could write “I like to travel”. Or, instead of “I’m a traveler”, you can just use “I travel”.

Traveler or Traveller?

Traveler or traveller

The same rules apply for the spellings of traveler or traveller and traveled or travelled. If you’re using American spelling go with one ‘L’ but if you’re writing for countries that use British English conventions go with two ‘L’s!

Conclusion: The Road Less Traveled?

When determining whether to use “traveling” or “travelling” it is important to consider your audience and understand that language conventions may vary from region to region. “Traveling” is more commonly used in the United States, but in nearly all other English-speaking countries, the spelling of “travelling” is preferred.

With this in mind, you should write for the needs of your audience. Where you are from should be secondary to where your audience is from, as it they who you serve and seek to provide value to.

What about you, do you use traveling or travelling? What were you taught in school? Let us know in the comments and continue to enjoy your travels!

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“Traveling” or “Travelling” (Which Spelling is Correct?)

  • February 12, 2024

Traveling or travelling?

Traveling or travelling?

The verb travel , which is to “go from one place to another, especially over a long distance”, uses different spellings based on UK English and US English:

  • British English spells “ travelling ” with the double “L”.
  • American English spells “ traveling ” with one “L”.

The same goes with other verb forms of “travel” in the past tense i.e., traveled and travelled ; or as a noun, traveler and traveller .

Other words (like traveling or travelling)

Word forms of travel.

Other verb/noun forms also conform to the same spelling rules based on US/UK English:

Sentences with traveling/traveling (present participle)

The travelling / traveling public have had enough of fare increases.
She grew up in a travelling / traveling family.
The birds are travelling / traveling south for the winter.
She enjoys travelling / traveling around Europe.

Sentences with traveled/travelled (past tense)

They travelled / traveled cross-country from New York to California.
The pain travelled / traveled down his back.
They travelled / traveled on the bus to and from work together.

Synonyms of travel

  • peregrinate (to travel especially on foot)

Phrases with travel

  • travel light
  • travel-sick/travel sickness
  • travel agent or agency

Origin of the word travel

Etymonline on travel :

Late 14c., “to journey,” from travailen (1300) “to make a journey,” originally “to toil, labor”. Replaced Old English faran . Related: Traveled ; traveling . Traveled (adj.) “having made journeys, experienced in travel” is from early 15c. Traveling salesman is attested from 1885. —Etymonline, travel.

Read more about US English vs. UK English

  • Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of humor.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 12 February, 2024.
  • “Peregrinate.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, . Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

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Traveling vs. Travelling: Which One Should You Use?

By: Author Oliver

Posted on Last updated: September 5, 2023

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Are you confused about whether to spell it as “traveling” or “travelling”? Do you find yourself switching between the two spellings, unsure which one is correct? You’re not alone! The difference in spelling between “traveling” and “travelling” can be confusing, especially for those who are not native English speakers. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two spellings and help you understand when to use each one.

Traveling vs. Travelling

Traveling vs. Travelling: Which One Should You Use?

Traveling vs. Travelling: The Differences

Traveling vs. travelling | definition.

Travelling and traveling are two spellings of the same word, which means to move from one place to another. The only difference between them is the way they are spelled. Travelling is the preferred spelling in British English, while traveling is the preferred spelling in American English.

Traveling vs. Travelling | Usage

The choice between traveling and travelling depends on the region where you are writing or speaking. If you are writing for an American audience, use traveling. If you are writing for a British audience, use travelling. However, it is worth noting that both spellings are acceptable in both regions, and there is no right or wrong choice.

Key Differences between Travelling and Traveling in a Comparing Table

It’s important to note that the differences between travelling and traveling are minor and do not affect the meaning of the word. Both spellings refer to the same action of moving from one place to another.

Traveling vs. Travelling Examples

When it comes to the spelling of the present participle of the verb “travel,” there are two different spellings: “travelling” and “traveling.” The spelling you choose depends on which English you are using, British or American.

Correct Usage in Different Contexts

In British English, “travelling” with two “Ls” is the standard spelling, while in American English, “traveling” with one “L” is preferred. It is important to note that both spellings are correct, and the choice between them is a matter of regional preference.

Examples of Travelling in Sentences

Here are some examples of “travelling” in sentences:

  • I will be travelling to Europe next month.
  • She enjoys travelling to new places.
  • The company reimburses employees for their travelling expenses.

Examples of Traveling in Sentences

Here are some examples of “traveling” in sentences:

  • I will be traveling to Europe next month.
  • She enjoys traveling to new places.
  • The company reimburses employees for their traveling expenses.

As you can see, the meaning of the sentences is not affected by the spelling choice. However, it is important to be consistent in your spelling choice throughout your writing.

Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

When it comes to the spelling of “traveling” and “travelling,” there are a few common mistakes and misconceptions that people often have. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Mistake #1: Thinking That One Spelling Is Always Correct

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to “traveling” and “travelling” is assuming that one spelling is always correct. In reality, both spellings are correct, but they are used in different parts of the world. In the United States, “traveling” is the preferred spelling, while in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, “travelling” is more commonly used.

Mistake #2: Using the Wrong Spelling in the Wrong Context

Another common mistake is using the wrong spelling in the wrong context. For example, if you are writing for an American audience, you should use “traveling,” while if you are writing for a British audience, you should use “travelling.” Using the wrong spelling can make your writing look unprofessional and can even make it difficult for readers to understand what you are trying to say.

Misconception #1: One Spelling Is More Correct Than the Other

Some people believe that one spelling is more correct than the other, but this is not true. Both spellings are equally correct, and it is simply a matter of regional preference. If you are unsure which spelling to use, it is always a good idea to check the audience you are writing for and use the appropriate spelling for that region.

Misconception #2: The Spelling Determines the Meaning

Another misconception is that the spelling of “traveling” or “travelling” determines the meaning of the word. In reality, the spelling has no impact on the meaning of the word. “Traveling” and “travelling” both refer to the act of going from one place to another, regardless of how it is spelled.

To summarize, both “traveling” and “travelling” are correct spellings of the same word. However, they are used in different parts of the world and should be used based on your audience. Remember that the spelling does not determine the meaning of the word, so use the appropriate spelling based on your audience and context.

Tips to Remember the Difference Between Travelling and Traveling

Travelling and traveling are two variations of the same word, and they have the same meaning. The only difference is in their spelling, which is entirely dialectal. However, if you want to use the correct spelling, you need to know which one to use and when.

Here are some tips to help you remember the difference between travelling and traveling:

  • Know your audience : If you are writing for an American audience, use “traveling.” If you are writing for a British audience, use “travelling.”
  • Use a spell checker : If you are unsure which spelling to use, you can use a spell checker to help you. Most spell checkers will give you the correct spelling based on the dialect you have selected.
  • Remember the double “L” : The British spelling of “travelling” has a double “L,” while the American spelling of “traveling” has only one “L.” This is an easy way to remember which spelling to use.
  • Use consistent spelling : If you are writing a document or article, make sure you use the same spelling throughout. This will help to avoid confusion and make your writing look more professional.

Here are some examples of the correct usage of travelling and traveling:

  • I am traveling to New York next week. (American spelling)
  • She enjoys travelling to Europe every summer. (British spelling)
  • The airline offers free Wi-Fi when you are traveling internationally. (American spelling)
  • He has been traveling around Asia for the past six months. (American spelling)

Traveling vs. Travelling Exercises

Do you know the difference between “traveling” and “travelling”? These two words have the same meaning, but they are spelled differently depending on where you are in the world. In this section, we will give you some exercises to help you understand the differences between these two words.

Exercise 1: True or False

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

“Traveling” is the correct spelling in British English.

“Travelling” is the correct spelling in American English.

“Traveling” is more commonly used in the United States.

“Travelling” is more commonly used in the United Kingdom.

Exercise 2: Compare and Contrast

Look at the following table and compare the differences between “traveling” and “travelling”.

As you can see, the only difference between these two words is the spelling. “Traveling” is spelled with one “L” and is more commonly used in the United States, while “travelling” is spelled with two “Ls” and is more commonly used in the United Kingdom.

In conclusion, whether you use “traveling” or “travelling” depends on where you are in the world. It’s important to be aware of these spelling differences so that you can communicate effectively with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of traveling?

Traveling provides many benefits, including the opportunity to experience new cultures, meet new people, and learn about different ways of life. It can broaden your perspective and help you gain a better understanding of the world. Traveling can also be a great way to relax, escape from your daily routine, and create lasting memories.

How can I write a good travelling essay?

To write a good traveling essay, you should start by choosing a specific topic or destination that you want to write about. Then, you should conduct research to gather information and details about the place or experience. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the sights, sounds, and experiences you encountered. Finally, make sure to edit and revise your essay to ensure that it is clear, concise, and engaging.

What is Travelling Basketball?

Travelling basketball is a term used to describe youth basketball teams that travel to different locations to compete against other teams. These teams often participate in tournaments and leagues that require them to travel to different cities or states to play.

What is the difference between traveler and traveller?

The difference between traveler and traveller is simply a matter of spelling. Traveler is the American English spelling, while traveller is the British English spelling. Both words refer to a person who travels.

How do you correctly use traveling in a sentence?

Traveling is a present participle that can be used as a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means to move from one place to another. As an adjective, it describes something related to travel. Here are some examples:

  • I am traveling to Europe next week.
  • The traveling circus is coming to town.
  • The traveling salesman visited several cities in one day.

In summary, traveling and travelling are both correct spellings of the present participle of the verb “travel”. The spelling tends to vary based on whether you’re writing in American or British English. Use the spelling that is appropriate for your audience.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I write a good travelling essay?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Travelling Basketball?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the difference between traveler and traveller?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the AP Style for travelled or traveled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

According to the AP Stylebook, both traveled and travelled are acceptable spellings. However, the preferred spelling is traveled, without the extra \"l\". This is the spelling used in American English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you correctly use traveling in a sentence?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

In summary, traveling and travelling are both correct spellings of the present participle of the verb \"travel\". The spelling tends to vary based on whether you're writing in American or British English. Use the spelling that is appropriate for your audience.

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Teaching Traveling

Traveling or Travelling? Which is Correct Spelling?! Learn Here…

By: Author Lillie Marshall

Posted on Published: January 25, 2020  - Last updated: January 11, 2023

Is it Traveled or Travelled ? 

Traveler or traveller , traveling or travelling .

Traveling or travelling: One L or two?

Answer: The spelling depends on WHERE you are in the world.

Now, the main purpose of this site is to share teacher travel grants and other global education opportunities, but I couldn’t resist creating this grammar article, because the “Traveling” spelling question comes up often, and causes kerfuffles.

I’ve been a full-time English teacher since 2003, so allow me to (ahem, pun coming) SPELL out the “Traveling or Travelling” rule for you in order to spread confidence and accuracy in the world.

Hey — it might even help in editing your applications for teacher fellowships , or assist in determining the correct way to structure a spelling lesson if you decide to teach English abroad !

Beautiful pattered antique hotel carpets. Traveling or travelling

Traveling vs. Travelling  = U.S. vs. British Spelling

It’s all about geographical linguistics, my friends! The United States (and other countries that use American  English spelling conventions) are in the “ one L ” boat for spelling.

In other words, if you’re in New York, or writing for a New York audience, what is correct is to write: “ Traveling ” because that’s the American spelling. If you’re in London, or writing for a London audience, tap: “ Travelling ” into your keyboard.

The same goes for all versions of Traveler/Traveller, and Traveled/Travelled: One “L” for countries that use American spelling, and two for places that embrace British English writing conventions. Simple !

Pretty pink flower

Canada: Traveling or Travelling?

Wait… maybe it’s not THAT simple. What about Canada? That country is geographically close to the U.S. and thus should use just one “L,” right? Wrong . 

Canada is one of the Commonwealth Countries: more than 50 nations that once were part of the British Empire. Hence, Canada uses the double – L rule, and if you’re in Quebec City , the correct spelling is: Travelling .

Other Commonwealth Countries that use the “two L” spelling (Travelled, Traveller, and so on) include Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand. 

Photo at Rocky Mountain National Park overlook. Is she a traveler or traveller?

Is this Site Teaching Traveling or  Travelling ?

The reason this site is called  Teaching Traveling with ONE “L” is because I’m American , and my readership is predominantly American. (The one “L” thing is also a nice connection to the fact that my other site is called Around the World “L” !)

Alas, when things get tricky is when geographical worlds start to mix. This issue may pop up for you, too, so let’s address it directly. 

Red Lion Inn bottle cap chair

What About a Mix of American and British Contexts?

Chances are you may find yourself in a situation where it’s unclear whether you should use the American or British version of our favorite “T” word. What then?

Here’s a frequent example I encounter on this site: If a British teacher types her answers to my interview questions using the double-L spelling, Travelling , do I go in and “ correct ” every instance of it to the single-L version ?

My American spell-checker sure thinks I should, and in fact is yelling at me to fix it at this very moment, its jaggedy red teeth bared!

Rocky Mountain National Park view

Should Travelling  be Changed to Traveling ?

So what’s the answer to this two-context spelling dilemma? You have two choices, and either can be justified, depending on what your audience  genuinely needs and wants.

Option #1 :  Pick one spelling and stick to it throughout your body of work. In my case, if I chose this option, I would change all spelling on this site to the American one-L “Traveling.”

Sometimes I do this, clicking through all the U.S. spell-check suggestions to “fix” the British double L, because the article is one I know will mostly reach U.S. readers who might be confused by the unfamiliar spelling. Usually, however, I opt for the other option.

Driving up Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National park

When to Keep “Travelling” Spelling

Option #2 : Change between “Travelling” and “Traveling” based on what the majority audience of the piece is expecting.

This option is what I chose to do for interviews with these  teachers from Canada  and Ghana , because I decided that readers would understand that the “Travelling” spelling was correct in the context of the British English country the speakers were from.

I also knew that the interviewees would also be sharing the articles with their friends, who in turn were used to the double-L spelling. In other words, it  wouldn’t be correct for me to “correct” their British spelling in that situation.

Avoiding   Traveling vs. Travelling

Bonus Option :  Really stuck for whether to use Traveling or Travelling? If your piece is short enough, alter word choice so you don’t need to use either! For example, instead of saying, “I’m a traveller,” write, “I’m a person who loves to travel.” Kind of sneaky and sometimes silly, but if you’re really stuck, it’s an option.

Sunrise in Boulder, CO

So, Traveling or Travelling?

In summary, it comes down to this: What does the specific  audience  of your written piece need and expect? Who you are and where you’re from becomes secondary to who they are and what  they need.

That’s kind of deep , eh?

I hope you enjoyed this grammar lesson and found it useful. It’s the first one I’ve written (well, besides a tutorial on how to use the word “ Dushi “), and I must say that I found it so fun to write that I might just start putting down more of my 15 years of English teaching knowledge into articles…

Is the correct spelling Traveled or Travelled? Traveling or Travelling? Traveler or Traveller? Learn rules of which way to write it, adding 1 L or 2 by country. #grammar #writing #travel #traveling #travelling #spelling #lessons #esl

So what about you? What’s been your experience with the Traveling/Travelling divide? Did you know this rule before, and how did you learn it?

Are there other grammar, writing, or global education lessons you’d like to see on these pages? Do share!

Lillie Marshall of Teaching Traveling

The author, Lillie Marshall, is a 6-foot-tall National Board Certified Teacher of English from Boston who has been a public school educator since 2003. She launched in 2010 to share expert global education resources, and over 1.6 million readers have visited over the past decade. Lillie also runs AroundTheWorld Travel and Life Blog, and for educational art. Do stay in touch via subscribing to her monthly newsletter, and following @WorldLillie on social media!

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Monday 4th of January 2021

Thank you, Lillie! This was so helpful! I first learned English in Canada and often find myself "mixing up" American and British rules. It wasn't until recently that I learned that Canadian spelling is independent and consisting of both American and British rules! (normally including the "double L" rule and the "z" in words like specialize).

Lillie Marshall

So glad this helped! Very interesting that Canada uses a hybrid of British and American spellings, including the Z swap!

Tuesday 8th of September 2020

Lol I do have this issue in India is a Commonwealth country. Similarly, we have colour and color. Now I can say as long as you understand but when my kids were schooling I was after them for British spellings.

So interesting! Thank you for sharing!

Randy Franciose

Saturday 29th of August 2020

I misspelled this word on my wife's grave marker and only noticed my error yesterday, a year after she died. Does this imply she was an Anglophile or merely that her widower is a deficient speller?

Monday 11th of January 2021

@Lillie Marshall, Agreed!

Sunday 30th of August 2020

Never fear -- what you wrote was written with love and that's what matters!

Tuesday 28th of April 2020

When I was in Elementary School in the 1960's we were taught the double L rule. This was in the US.

Wednesday 11th of August 2021

@John, Same here. In Pennsylvania in the 1960's and 1970's, I was taught the double L rule, and still use it.

This is so interesting!!! Thank you for sharing this information. Do we think conventions changed over the years?

M Nazmul Huq Talukder

Tuesday 4th of February 2020

Yes, i faced problems while spelling this word.

Saturday 22nd of February 2020

Hope this helps!

Travelling or Traveling: What’s the Difference?

Are you taking a trip anytime soon? If so, where will you be traveling? Or is it travelling? How exactly do you spell this word?

The two words traveling and travelling can cause some confusion for those writers not exactly sure when to use which one. Are they just variations of the same word? Do they have different meanings? Do they function differently in a sentence?

In today’s post, I want to address all of these questions so you will never again wonder or second-guess yourself, “Is it travelling or traveling?”

When to Use Travelling

Even though the only thing separating travelling and traveling is a dialectical difference, it is still important to keep your audience in mind when picking which word to use and when.

Travelling  (with two Ls) is the preferred spelling in British English and is used much more frequently than is  traveling . The graph below shows the use of travelling vs. traveling (as a percentage of all words used) in British English books, journals, and magazines from 1800 to 2008.\

When to Use Traveling

As indicated in the above graph,  traveled  (with one L) is the preferred spelling in American English.

I’ve discussed the reason for the popularity of many shortened spellings in American English in other posts (cancelled/canceled comes to mind), but the basic reason stems back to Noah Webster himself.

He is usually credited with the shortening of many American spellings because in his original 1898 dictionary, he sought to simplify many British spellings he saw as unnecessary. This is where the British-American divide over words like color/colour came from.

Do you like to spend some days vacation in a beach, park or island? If…

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There are times when you have to travel alone either for business meetups or just…

Anyway, the point is, if you are writing to an American audience,  traveling  (with one L) is your best choice.

Remember the Difference: Traveling or Travelling?

One simple way to keep track of these two words is that the shorter spelling is American. If you can keep in mind that, generally speaking, British English favors (favours) the longer spelling of words, you will be able to remember the difference between these words.

It is also worthwhile to note that all of the distinctions in this post apply equally to travelled vs. traveled, traveled vs. travelled, traveller vs. traveler, traveler vs. traveller, etc.

So, is it traveling or travelling? That depends on where you are writing and who is your audience.

Travelling  is the preferred spelling in British English.

Traveling  is the preferred spelling in American English.

Whether you’re talking about travelled or traveled or traveller or traveler, these same preferences still apply.

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travelling spelling australia

Travelling or Traveling – Which Word is Correct?

Travelling or traveling – Which word is correct?

As a researcher, you might have questioned yourself whether to use the spelling “travelling” or “traveling” in your research documents, reports, or presentations. Both of these words refer to the act of going from one place to another, but they differ in spelling based on regional variations in English. Let’s find out more.

Travelling vs. traveling – Is there a difference?

The difference between “travelling” and “traveling” is primarily in spelling, with “travelling” being the preferred spelling in British English, and “traveling” being the preferred spelling in American Englis h. Hence, there is no difference in the meaning of the two words.

However, it is worth noting that both spellings are accepted in both forms of English, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference and consistency in usage.

Travelling vs. traveling examples

Here are a few examples of how to use “travelling” or”traveling”:

  • “The study involved travelling to several remote locations to collect data.” (British English)
  • “The study involved traveling to several remote locations to collect data.” (American English)
  • “The researchers traveled across Europe to collect samples for their study on air pollution.” (American English)
  • “The researchers travelled across Europe to collect samples for their study on air pollution.” (British English)

In conclusion, the spelling “travelling” or “traveling” depends on your regional variation of English, and it is essential to be consistent in your usage throughout your research work.

If you liked this explanation and want to resolve your dilemma for more such commonly confused words, do check our blog section catering to grammar nuances related to research.

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  • Thread starter Meysha
  • Start date Jan 12, 2005


  • Jan 12, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm writing a cover letter at the moment and just ran it through two different spell checkers and one of them picked up on this word: Travelling... one of them wanted to change it to Traveling (one l) the other likes it with 2 l's. ARGH! So I went and looked them up in the wordreference dictionary and they are both there under the same entry. So is one just American and the other British/Australian? I really want to use the Australian spelling because I'm applying for a job with an Aussie company. Thanks a million! Vicky  


Senior Member

Yes, it's another US/UK (and Australian, Canadian, etc.) thing. "Traveling" is American... and my spell-checker says that "Travelling" is the accepted spelling in Australia.  


Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

  • Jan 13, 2005


  • Oct 5, 2010
elroy said: transfer --> transfering (ditto) Click to expand...
elroy said: Yup. In American English, in a multisyllabic word with a final consonant directly preceded by a single vowel, that consonant does not get doubled if the stress does not fall on the last syllable. travel --> traveling (stress falls on the first syllable) marvel --> marveling (ditto) transfer --> transfering (ditto) forbid --> forbidding (doubled because the stress falls on the last syllable) concur --> concurring (ditto) defer --> deferring (ditto) Possible exception: The spelling "kidnapping" is becoming more and more common even though, according to the rules above, it should technically be "kidnaping." The reason there is hesitance about this spelling is that it causes a confusion about the pronunciation of the "a" as a long vowel. Hope this helps! Click to expand...


Member Emeritus

  • Nov 16, 2010
Meysha said: I really want to use the Australian spelling because I'm applying for a job with an Aussie company. Click to expand...
  • Nov 18, 2010

Hey, Thats weird! I too am writing a covering letter for a job and fell at the same hurdle. I am very grateful for all of your replies to this thread. Cheers.  

Oculus capricorni

  • Aug 11, 2013

Thanks for this information. I am English, and thought my spelling was better than average, then read somebody's spelling of traveling which to me looked as though it should be spelled travelling, so I looked it up and had already started to suspect it was something to do with the difference between English and American spelling. Can anyone answer me this. I have always spelt (side issue, is it spelled or spelt, I veer towards the shorter word when I am not needing to be really careful, as in a spelling forum) transitting but on American dominated astrology forums everyone spells it as transiting. To my ear that single t changes the "sit" syllable into "site". Very recently I started spelling it transiting, because everyone else does, but this feels wrong, and different from what I have always done.  

Aide-toi et le ciel t'aid

  • Oct 25, 2013


sabretoof said: In fact, transfer is doubled because the emphasis is on the last syllable for the verb, it's only on the first for the noun. Click to expand...
  • Oct 26, 2013


Traveled vs. Travelled: What is the Main Difference?

In the English language, we often encounter words that seem to have more than one correct spelling, leading us on a search to understand the variations and their proper use. One such pair of words is “traveled” and “travelled.” At first glance, they might seem like mere typographical differences or stylistic choices, but there’s actually a rule behind their usage that corresponds to geographical dialects.

The Main Difference between Traveled vs. Travelled

Traveled vs. Travelled: Unraveling the Spelling Mystery

Traveled vs. Travelled: Key Takeaways

  • “Traveled” and “travelled” are both correct but differ by English dialects.
  • American English favors “traveled,” while British English prefers “travelled.”
  • Understanding regional spelling variations helps in accurate communication.

Traveled vs. Travelled: The Definition

What does traveled mean.

“Traveled” is the past tense form of the verb “travel,” which means to go from one place to another. This spelling variant is primarily used in American English. When we say someone has traveled , it indicates that they have gone on a trip or journey.

What Does Travelled Mean?

“Travelled” also refers to the action of going from one location to another and is the past tense of “travel.” This form is consistently used in British English, as well as other variations of English influenced by the UK, such as in Australia and Canada. When we say we have travelled , it suggests that we have experienced travel.

Traveled vs. Travelled: Usage and Examples

In American English, “traveled” is the accepted convention. It’s spelled with one ‘l’. We use this form not only in the past tense of the verb “travel” ( He traveled last summer ) but also in the adjective form ( She is a well-traveled person ).

British English, on the other hand, favors the double ‘l’ – “travelled.” This applies to all derivative forms such as “travelling” and “traveller.”

For example, in a sentence, we may say:

  • In American English: She traveled to New York for work.
  • In British English: She travelled to London for the weekend.

Remember, this rule applies to other verbs in English that end with ‘l’. Depending on whether you’re adhering to American or British English, you will need to adjust your spelling accordingly. So, if you find yourself writing for a diverse audience, it’s worth noting these differences to ensure clear and accurate communication.

Tips to Remember the Difference

When we face the conundrum of choosing “traveled” or “travelled,” we can rely on a simple rule to guide us. Remember, the difference lies in the form of English we are using. We’ve got a couple of tips to ensure we pick the right spelling for our audience.

  • Memory Aid : Associate the single ‘L’ in American English with the United States. Hence, when writing for an American audience, we’ll use “traveled” with a single ‘L’.
  • British Association : For British English, which is also used in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, we double up the ‘L’. So, if our readers are from these regions, we’ll spell it as “travelled”.

Traveled vs. Travelled: Examples

Example sentences using traveled.

  • We traveled to the Grand Canyon last summer and experienced its overwhelming beauty.
  • They’ve traveled across the United States in an RV to explore the diverse landscapes.
  • I have traveled by car more often than by airplane.
  • Has he traveled to Europe before this business trip?
  • Our family has always traveled light to avoid extra baggage fees.

Example Sentences Using Travelled

  • Yesterday, we travelled by train through the Scottish Highlands.
  • She has travelled extensively for her research on ancient civilizations.
  • Our friends have travelled to every continent except Antarctica.
  • Have you travelled on the new high-speed railway yet?
  • We travelled together to several coastal towns on our last holiday.

Related Confused Words

Canceled vs. Cancelled

  • In American English, we use “canceled” (with one ‘l’).
  • In British English, it’s “cancelled” (with two ‘l’s).

Modeled vs. Modelled

  • “Modeled” is the preferred American English spelling.
  • “Modelled” would be correct for British English users.

Labeled vs. Labelled

  • In the States, you’ll commonly find “labeled.”
  • Across the ocean, in the UK, “labelled” is standard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there two different spellings for ‘traveled/travelled’?

The variation in spelling reflects the differences between American and British English. “Traveled” with one ‘l’ is the preferred spelling in American English, while “travelled” with double ‘l’s is favored in British English.

Can you explain the difference in usage between ‘traveled’ and ‘travelled’?

Usage typically aligns with the variety of English spoken. In American English, we use “traveled” and “traveling.” In British English, the words “travelled” and “travelling” are the standard forms.

When should I use ‘travelled’ instead of ‘traveled’ and vice versa?

Use “travelled” when writing for a British audience or following British English standards, and “traveled” for an American audience or when adhering to American English conventions.

Is there a difference in pronunciation between ‘travelling’ and ‘traveling’?

There is no difference in pronunciation between ‘travelling’ and ‘traveling.’ The variation only exists in the spelling.

How does the spelling of ‘travelled/traveled’ change with different English-speaking countries?

In American English, we spell it “traveled” and “traveling,” while in British English, as well as in other countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, “travelled” and “travelling” are the correct forms.

In what context would you use ‘had travelled’ as opposed to ‘travelled’?

We use “had travelled” when expressing an action that was completed in the past before another past action, using the past perfect tense. “Travelled,” in the past simple tense, indicates a completed action that happened at a specific time in the past.

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  • Travelling or Traveling | Difference & Example Sentences

Travelling or Traveling | Difference & Example Sentences

Published on 11 August 2022 by Eoghan Ryan . Revised on 6 February 2023.

Travelling and traveling are two different spellings of the present participle of the verb ‘travel’ (and the identical gerund ) meaning ‘move from one place to another’ (typically over a long distance). The spelling tends to vary based on whether you’re writing UK or US English :

  • In UK English , ‘travelling’ (double ‘l’) is standard.
  • In US English , ‘traveling’ (one ‘l’) is correct.

If you’re travelling / traveling   through Central Europe, you should visit Berlin.

Karen likes travelling / traveling   by train because she enjoys watching the landscape go by.

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Table of contents

‘travelling’ and ‘traveling’ as adjectives, ‘travelled’ or ‘traveled’, other interesting language articles.

Travelling and traveling can also be used as adjectives to describe someone or something that moves from place to place.

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travelling spelling australia

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Travelled and traveled are the past forms of the verb ‘travel’. The same spelling distinction applies to these past forms and to the nouns traveller and traveler :

  • In UK English , ‘travelled’ and ‘traveller’ are standard.
  • In US English , ‘traveled’ and ‘traveler’ are more common.

If you want to know more about commonly confused words , definitions , and differences between US and UK spellings , make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

Confused words

  • Affect vs effect
  • Further vs farther
  • Loose vs lose
  • Whose vs who’s


  • Bear with me
  • Presumptuous

US vs. UK spellings

  • Canceled or cancelled
  • Dreamt or dreamed
  • Gray or grey
  • Learnt vs learned
  • Theater vs theatre

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Ryan, E. (2023, February 06). Travelling or Traveling | Difference & Example Sentences. Scribbr. Retrieved 27 September 2024, from

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Eoghan Ryan

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    When to Use Travelling. Even though the only thing separating travelling and traveling is a dialectical difference, it is still important to keep your audience in mind when picking which word to use and when. Travelling (with two Ls) is the preferred spelling in British English and is used much more frequently than is traveling. The graph below ...

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    8. There is no hard-and-fast rule that is universally applied, but in general, many and perhaps most writers of American English use just one single L there. Other varieties, including British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand, South African, and (usually (but not always)) Canadian, almost invariably use two Ls there.

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