13 sep 2022

Sabatons Sverigeturné 2023 – 20 föreställningar i 20 nya städer!


I år gav sig Sabaton ut på sin största Sverigeturné hittills. När alla trodde att de spelat i varenda stad som landet har att erbjuda kom nyheten – de förlänger Sverigeturnén 2023 med 20 nya städer!

Efter 30 otroliga, slutsålda och adrenalinstinna shower, har det nu adderats ytterligare 20 svenska städer till Sabatons Sverigeturné år 2023. Det blir många helt nya städer som de aldrig besökt förut – med start i Övertorneå i Norr och vidare hela vägen söderut i landet.

– Alla, inklusive vi, trodde att vi hade spelat i alla städer som fanns i Sverige, tills vi hittade 20 till. Men efter det här är vi klara. Det kan inte finnas fler städer att spela i, hälsar Pär Sundström.

Förband på turnén är bandets goda vän Hulkoff. Biljetterna släpps den 15 september klockan 10:00 här .

JANUARI 2023 27 – Övertorneå, Sporthallen (A-Hallen) 28 – Kiruna, Arena Arctic 31 – Mora, Idre Fjäll Arena

FEBRUARI 2023 2 – Visby, ICA Maxi Arena 4 – Lindesberg, Lindesberg Arena 5 – Uddevalla, Agnebergshallen 6 – Arvika, Parkhallen Folkets Park 9 – Nyköping, Rosvalla Arena (A-Hallen) 10 – Alingsås, Estrad 11 – Västerås, Västerås Arena 13 – Karlskrona, Brinova Arena 14 – Trelleborg, Söderslättshallen 15 – Vara, Sparbanken Blackbox 17 – Kungsbacka, Tjolöholms Slott 18 – Motala, Lokverkstad 19 – Göteborg, Gothenburg Film Studios 21 – Växjö, Fortnox Arena 23 – Ystad, Ystad Arena 24 – Eksjö, Oldsberg Arena 25 – Lund, Sparbanken Skåne Arena

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Sabaton with support on The Great Swedish Tour 2023 leg – 2 – Sparbanken Skåne Arena Lund, Sweden

March 13, 2023 Anders Sandvall 2023 , Concert Reviews 0

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

Sabaton – headline The Great Swedish Tour 2023 leg – 2 –

Hulkoff – support act, sparbanken skåne arena lund, sweden 25/2 – 2023, live review and pictures by: anders sandvall.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

As if the grand 30-gig tour through Sweden last year wasn’t enough, Sabaton booked another 20 shows in different cities in Sweden that they didn’t visit last time, and of course most of the shows were sold out as soon as they were announced. Sabaton is currently one of the biggest metal acts we have in Sweden at the moment and I can’t remember a band that managed to sell almost all of the 50 shows they booked. The band is on tour to celebrate the birthday of their album CAROLUS REX, which will be 20 years old in 2021.

I had the opportunity to see the band at their last show of the tour, which took place in the city of Lund on a Saturday. The arena holds about 4000 people and most of the tickets were sold out. The support act Hulkoff was supposed to go on stage at 7:30 pm, Sabaton one hour later and the doors opened at 6:30 pm. It was possible to buy tickets that guaranteed an early entrance, about 30 minutes before everyone else, and these tickets cost 150 SEK more than the regular tickets.

When I arrived about 60 minutes before the doors opened, there was already a long line in front of the arena. After some problems with getting my press pass, there was another one. The organizers said that the show would be filmed, which meant that there was no room for photographers in the photo pit during the first three songs. A camera on wheels was placed there to film the bands. This meant that me and the rest of the photographers were told to take pictures standing among the fans. This meant that we would have our hands and phones in the way of taking pictures. Well that was a big disappointment and there was no information given to the fans that the show was going to be filmed.

There was nothing on stage but a drum set and microphones waiting for Hulkoff to start his show, and finally the lights went down and it was time for the opening act to kick off the night.

“Sigragaldr” started the show and as soon as the band entered the stage the fans were screaming at the top of their lungs. “Holmgång” followed immediately and just as I expected it was really hard to take pictures standing in the crowd. I was standing in the fourth row and people in front of me were jumping up and down and throwing their hands in the air. Hulkoff thanked the fans and said it was nice to be back in southern Sweden. “Ingvar” followed and both Hulkoff and bassist Johansson moved around the stage encouraging the fans to go crazy. Hulkoff said that the night was being recorded, but that he didn’t know the purpose of it. Are you ready for some Swedish Viking metal, he asked and launched into “Till Valhall”.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

“Hammarslag” followed immediately and it was obvious that the fans were longing for the band’s music. Everyone sang for a long time and supported the band throughout the show and it seemed that the band really appreciated the response they got from the fans. “Uldin” and “Dragonrider” continued the show, after which Hulkoff said that the band had a really nice time on the road with Sabaton. Despite the fact that the band had done a sick amount of shows, both on the first leg of the tour as well as on this second leg, there was no sign that the guys were tired or anything like that. The show continued at a furious pace and “Blood and Iron” was dedicated to all the fans in the arena that night. Hulkoff introduced the band members and when he came to bass player Karl Johansson he said that he is a legend in the making, his father is already a legend and his name is Anders Johansson and he played drums with Yngwie Malmsteen and another band called Hammerfall. “Einherjer” followed and Hulkoff thanked the Sabaton crew and named everyone working behind the stage in English. The next song was originally dedicated to his son, but on this night it was also dedicated to everyone in the arena, “Scyth” was the next song and this song also ended the show for the band.

The show lasted about 40 minutes and Hulkoff is always fun to see live. The sound was great, but the lights could have been better and with all the smoke on stage and all the hands in front of me it was hard to take pictures. Hulkoff is the perfect band to open for Sabaton, the band everyone has been waiting for.

Setlist Sigrgaldr Holmgång Ingvar Till Valhall Hammarslag Uldin Dragonrider Blood and Iron Einherjer Scyth

The crew immediately started preparing the stage for Sabaton. They took away Hulkoff’s equipment and behind a curtain Sabaton’s equipment was already placed and positioned. On both sides of the drums there were two columns with two mannequins dressed as old Swedish warriors. The backline looked really nice and fit perfectly to the music we were about to hear. It felt like the band had put some thought into it and the time went by pretty fast and suddenly the clock read 8:30 and it was time for the night’s headliner to enter the stage.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

The intro consisted of songs from the CAROLUS REX album in orchestral versions and the fans started singing the lyrics to the songs. As soon as the intro was over, the band members ran out on stage and fired off “The Lion From The North” in a Swedish version as the first song. Needless to say, the sing-a-long was a fact from the beginning and continued throughout the show. This was followed by “Gott Mitt Uns” in a Swedish version which made the fans ecstatic. The parts of the song originally sung by legendary producer Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy, Pain) were taken over live by guitarists Rörland and Johansson. Sabaton is;

Joakim Brodén – lead vocals Pär Sundström – bass Chris Rörland – guitar Hannes Van Dahl – drums Tommy Johansson – guitar

If it was hard to get shots of Hulkoff, it was even harder to get shots of Sabaton because of all the hands waving in the air and people constantly filming with their cell phones. “Bismark” followed and all members moved around the stage to connect with the fans at the front of the stage. It was full speed ahead from the beginning and it was obvious that the band was comfortable on stage and they all felt really relaxed. Brodén asked how the fans were doing and if they were ready to hear “The Red Baron”.

The band, just like Hulkoff, didn’t show any signs of tiredness or whatever, it was full speed ahead from the beginning and the guys really showed a lot of energy until the end. “Dreadnaught” from the band’s latest album THE WAR TO END ALL WARS followed and even though it is a more recent song, the fans all sang along and it felt like the fans got an energy boost when they heard the song. When the fans started to shout Sabaton Sabaton singer Brodén smiled and thanked the fans. It’s so much fun to be here tonight, he said, and it’s nice to be back in Lund, here’s “The Last Stand”.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

Drummer Van Dahl took the mic and said the band wanted to thank everyone for coming to the show, it means the world to us that you and everyone who has seen us on tour have our backs. We are so grateful for your support, here is “Soldier Of Heaven”. And once again, even though the song is from the latest album, the fans sang along. “The Attack Of The Dead Men” followed and the band left the stage while the fans chanted Sabaton Sabaton. When the members returned, they were wearing gas masks and Brodén had a flamethrower on his back. But instead of fire it threw smoke, they all left the stage again and an intro was played over the speakers. After a short while the members came out wearing army coats like the soldiers of the old Swedish king Charles XII had and it was time for the band to play one of their biggest hits in “Carolus Rex”. Brodén let the fans take over the chorus and I have to say that the Swedish version of the song is stronger than the English version. He wanted everyone in the arena to sing along with “The Carolean’s Prayer”, which of course everyone did, and it was actually a pretty magical moment to experience.

Since you are at Lifetime of War” Brodén said and when he heard the enthusiastic crowd singing he smiled and looked really happy. The band took off the army coats and Brodén asked if the fans wanted to hear some older songs, the old “Primo Victoria” set the fans on fire and it felt like the roof was going to blow off. But even though the temperature rose quite a bit during the show, it never got too hot or sweaty inside, which was good. It was fun to hear the old classic “Primo Victoria” from the band’s 2005 debut album live again. For some reason the guys are now focusing more on playing the newer songs and leaving the older ones behind. To date the band has released 10 studio albums and CAROLUS REX have sold 120,000 copies in Sweden alone, which is quite impressive.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

As a piano came on stage, Sundström took the mic and thanked everyone for coming to see the show, it means a lot to us, he said. When we planned the first leg of the tour through Sweden, a lot of people said we couldn’t do it, but we did it and we sold out most of the shows. And when we said we were going to add 20 more shows in 2023, people thought we were out of our minds. But we did it anyway and I don’t know any other band that did what we just did. It just goes to show that you have to follow your dream and don’t listen to negative people trying to put you down. Thanks to all of you, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Brodén sat down at the piano and it was time for “Christmas Truce”, a popular ballad from the new album. And it was quite nice that the tempo slowed down a bit, it felt like both the band and the fans needed to take a breather from the furious and energetic speed. Personally I don’t think it’s the best song the band has written, but again it was nice to get a chance to breathe and slow down the tempo. Johansson played a shorter solo leading up to “Swedish Pagans” and the electricity between the band and the fans was restored.

The members seemed to have a great time together on stage, joking around with each other, and Johansson started to play a few notes of the Shakira song “Whenever, Wherever”, which turned into “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, as well as “Highway To Hell” by AC/DC. Brodén laughed when he heard Johansson’s jukebox session: “Thank you Lund, we had a great time tonight and we’ll keep this in our hearts. Your support means a lot to us. “To Hell And Back” closed the show and as the members took off their instruments, the fans gave them a warm farewell as they left the stage.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

The show lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes and what a show the band gave the fans. It was full of energy, speed, fun and heart. The band always delivers when they are on stage, but this particular show was exceptional, it was nothing short of a showcase of how top notch melodic power metal should be done. The setlist was perfect with a great mix of both older and newer songs and once again I was struck by how solid each and every CAROLUS REX song is. Sabaton move from clarity to clarity with their music and it felt like the band was having as much fun on stage as the fans below them on the floor. The guys felt humbled by the fact that they are nothing without their fans and they give everything to make sure the fans have a great live experience that night.

The 50 shows the band played on this two-legged tour were seen by a total of 80,000 people! That must be some kind of Swedish record. I tip my hat in awe to the mighty Sabaton!

Next up for Sabaton is a European tour, the tour was originally postponed due to the pandemic, but now it’s Europe’s time to enjoy some fine Swedish Melodic Power Metal. They will be joined by Babymetal and Lordi and the tour will start in April/May.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

The Carolean’s Prayer/Gott Mitt Uns/A Lifetime Of War/Carolus Rex – intro 1 Dominium Maris Baltici – intro 2 The Lion From The North – Swedish version Gott Mitt Uns – Swedish version Bismark The Red Baron Dreadnaught The Last Stand Solider Of Heaven The Attack Of the Dean Men Stormtroopers Interluder – Carolus Rex Swedish version The Carolean’s Prayer – Swedish version A Lifetime Of War – Swedish version Christmas Truce Swedish Pagans Whenever, Wherever – I Want It That Way, Highway To Hell – short medley To Hell And Back Dead Soldier’s Waltz – outro Monster’s Of The World – outro

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

Thanks to head of Kulturbolaget Totte Lundgren for help with press/photo pass to the show. www.kulturbolaget.se

Facebook /  instagram /  twitter , www.facebook.com/hulkoff twitter, label www.faravidrecordings.com, www.sabaton.net facebook /  twitter /  instagram /  youtube , label www.nuclearblast.com/eu facebook /  twitter /  instagram /  youtube.

sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  • carolus rex
  • Chris Rörland
  • Hannes Van Dahl
  • Joakim Broden
  • Nuclear Blast
  • Pär Sundström
  • Sparbanken Skåne Arena
  • The Great Tour Of Sweden 2023 - leg 2 -
  • The War to End All Wars
  • Tommy Johansson

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sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

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I år gav sig Sabaton ut på sin största Sverigeturné hittills. När alla trodde att de spelat i varenda stad som landet har att erbjuda kom nyheten – de förlänger Sverigeturnén 2023 med 20 nya städer inklusive stopp i bland annat Visby, Uddevalla, Alingsås, Göteborg, Kungsbacka, Växjö, Lund, Trelleborg och Ystad!

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Efter 30 otroliga, slutsålda och adrenalinstinna shower, utökas nu Sabatons Sverigeturné år 2023 med nedslag i många helt nya städer som de aldrig besökt förut!

– Alla, inklusive vi, trodde att vi hade spelat i alla städer som fanns i Sverige, tills vi hittade 20 till. Men efter det här är vi klara. Det kan inte finnas fler städer att spela i, hälsar Pär Sundström.

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Sabaton is a Power Metal band from Falun, Sweden that have a strong lyrical fixation on war history and the nature of battle. Though the group formed in 1999, it was not until the mid 2000s that the group broke out of their cult status to reach a wider audience.

Though the band did not put out their debut album until 2005 they began recording as early as 1999. Sabaton’s recording sessions took place in The Abyss studio where noteworthy doom metal bands like Children of Bodom, Overkill and, Dispatched have recorded. The band’s recordings attracted a couple of record labels, one of them being the Italian label, Underground Symphony. This label issued the band’s first commercially distributed album, which was the 1999-2000 compilation, “Fist for Fight”. The album was largely seen as a promotional tool as it was released with the intent to get people excited about the band’s upcoming albums.

Sabaton’s first official LP was supposed to be their 2002 recorded album “[[]]”; however, it was shelved for 2 years and eventually discarded. The band finally put out their second album and first commercially released LP entitled “Primo Victoria”. The band signed on with the label Black Lodge for this release and would go on to put out their next album “Attero Dominatus” through this label. At this time the group recruited keyboardist Daniel Myhr for the band. This allowed the group’s previous keyboardist/singer, Joakin Broden, to take full reign over vocals.

In 2007 Sabaton released “Metalizer”, which was an accumulation of their early demo recordings and their previously unearthed debut album. The band’s follow up record was based on the book “The Art of War” by the Chinese military leader Sun Tzu. The group was increasingly getting more recognition and by 2009 they were playing festivals such as Atlanta’s ProgPowerUSA and Bloodstock ’09 in Derby. They also toured throughout Europe during this time, which included a 18 show stint in the UK supporting DragonForce. The band’s next album “Coat of Arms” came out on 2 October 2010 and peaked at No. 2 on the Swedish Albums Chart. It’s lyrics were heavily inspired by World War II and its closing track “Metal Ripper” was an instrumental piece paying tribute to a long list of the band’s musical influences.

The band experienced a crucial line-up change in 2012, with four members leaving, making singer Broden and bass player Sundström the only remaining members. The newly comprised band released “Carolus Rex” in 2012 and went on a large scale North American tour in the Spring of 2014.

Shortly afterwards Sabaton put out their commercially successful album “Heroes”, which debuted at No.1 on the Swedish Album Charts. The group has built a substantive reputation for themselves in the metal community, particularly one in their homeland in which they host their own festival. In addition to touring extensively around the globe the band also has an annual cruise called ‘Sabaton Cruise’ that embarks every November.

Live reviews

I attended Sabaton’s concert in the UK in 2023. The concert was amazing. The drummer (Hannes) and guitarists (Tommy, Chris, Pär) are all extremely talented. I also love Joakim’s voice. I think that Sabaton are actually even better in person!

Sabaton are very sweet people who really care about their fans and know how to interact well with their audience. The audience was encouraged to join in on songs like The Red Baron and Swedish Pagans. The talks in between songs by band members were interesting, well-humoured and friendly. They also took feedback from data they had previously collected from fans who wanted them to play older and faster songs so they played Into The Fire.

The showmanship was amazing. There were coloured lights and confetti, fire and smoke and of course the tank that Hannes sits on to play the drums. The screen behind the band made it easier to see the band but also showed cool visualisers for some songs. During some songs there were even people on stage playing some of the people from the songs, for example, there was a guy in a red plane for The Red Baron and a guy playing a scientist (Fritz Haber) for Father. For Christmas Truce everyone turned their phone lights on and it was beautiful.

When they went off the stage, there was still a lot of hype and everyone shouted “SABATON! SABATON!” and their encore was 3 songs but after that Man Of War played through the speakers when Sabaton were done performing. There was also a really amazing breakdown after the performance when they were saying goodnight before Man Of War started playing through the speakers.

Also, Sabaton have earplugs as part of their merch for only £10. They are very high quality and they made the concert not sound too loud but at the same time I could hear everything easily and the audio quality was fantastic. Also, the earplugs are very comfortable. They are also washable and reusable.

I would absolutely love to see Sabaton live again and I would highly recommend their concert for any other fans!

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MetalAndRockLover’s profile image

"If you have ever been to a Sabaton concert you know you are going to rock out. Based out of Falun, Sweden, Sabaton is a power metal band who gets their audience energetic right from the start. Everyone was crowded in the front by the stage so we could get as close to the action as I wanted. I didn’t mind being packed tightly with my fellow concert goers as we danced and head-banged our way through each song. Being close to the front I was able to experience the thrill of the pyrotechnics used by Sabaton. The lights and fireworks are synced perfectly with the flow of their songs. \tMost of the lyrics of Sabaton’s are based on war and battle. Though they have a definite hard rock sound Joakim Broden has a very lyrical sound to his voice. As Chris Rorland and Thobbe Englund rock out on their guitars Broden’s lyrics are very fluid and melodic in many songs. The look of the band also adds to the experience. With many of them possessing a head-banger’s dream of long locks, they show you how to rock out. If you have never been into head-banging before, they will make you want to try it! The concert is non-stop rock and when it is over you will leave wanting to see them again. The energy from the band and crowd is unbeatable. One of the best metal concerts of all time!"

There is a chorus of metal hungry attendees engaged in conversation about the support acts this evening as the lights begin to fade out gradually, to the sounds of orchestral swells filling the speakers and of course this huge room. The audience’s response is that of a predominantly male cheer as if they’re about to go to battle.

On stage, appears a band from Sweden called Sabaton who kick off the evening with the sound of a very distorted guitar playing the opening bars of “No Bullets Fly” which is taken from their most recent album, “No Bullets Fly”. The reaction is a mixture of more battle cries with the movements of a circle pit beginning to take shape, sweeping people from the sidelines into it gradually getting bigger – all of which is completely encouraged by vocalist, Jaokim Broden.

Sabaton have a whole lot of material to get through this evening as they fill this set only with the very best material from their career that has, despite being fifteen years long, seen seven studio albums.

Lannistaar’s profile image

Heroes on tour, with relative dates, were announced by Sabaton and as soon I saw a concert in Milan I managed a couple of friends to come with me and we booked the tickets right away. It was an event that we couldn't miss.

The tickets came fast, February unfortunately not.

Once we were in Milan we went to Alcatraz, were Sabaton, Delain and Battle Beast played. We didn't know the building but in the end the location was very cool.

What about the concert? Simply awesome! Battle Beast started the event with power, turning on the audience. Than Delain played. When it was Sabaton's turn the crowd drove crazy.

Sabaton played with power and passion. Sound very good and the show between one song and the other very entertainfull. The big tank on stage with the drums on it fantastic idea.

Hope to have them again in Italy and really looking forwards to the next concert.

I recommend this band, no matter where they play.

luca-vinatzer’s profile image

This was a very nice show! I knew neither of the two acts playing before Sabaton, but they opened up well! The venue is one of the larger ones in the Netherlands, and it was completely packed with people!

First up: Twilight Force had a lot of energy and were clearly having a lot of fun on stage, with a bunch of antics while still playing good music. Their fantasy speedmetal was a nice way to get in the mood.

Next up was Accept. They had quite a large large scenery built up on stage, which was impressive and fit their more serious heavy metal.

Sabaton was a crowd success from start to finish. I don't think the audience skipped a single song for singing along! The stage was twice as large as Accept (they removed the back wall for this) and looked impressive. The band played really well and importantly played a lot of classics as well as some newer songs.

If they are in the Netherlands again, I'm definitely going again!

Narnach’s profile image

A great bill with Kreator opening up for Sabaton. And Kreator absolutely killed it. Great live show. The sound was fantastic and the band was tight and on point throughout. The crowd was amped, very fired up from the first note to the last. A violent pit moshed in front of the band in the strong metal venue. Kreator, one of the Teutonic Big 4, are a must see. Great live metal band.

Sabaton isn't really my style of metal, but the crowd loved them and they put on a very strong show. Very interactive with the audience, and there is plenty of fist pumping, clapping along, and singing along to the chorus.

The 2 bands together made for an awesome show.

Athomso2’s profile image

Yesterday, I had the chance to experience Sabaton live, for the second time! First, I saw them two years ago on the festival Rock in Vienna. It was a great performance!

And yesterday, they surprised me again. It was unbelievable! The equipment was very authentical, the huge panzer in Front of the drums and the other one on the left hand side of the stage shot up. Additionally, they prepared a great fire show!

Furthermore, the audience never stopped jumping and singing, the atmosphere was awesome.

They made really funny jokes and the all time joke "noch ein Bier" must not lack.

Overall, it was a fantastic concert!

Santa667’s profile image

Honestly one of the best shows I've ever been to. Both Sabaton and Hammerfall killed it. Insane energy all night, with a constant pit all night long and crowdsurfers too.

Both bands sounded great live, and played a perfect mix of old and new songs. Venue was pretty solid too. A little old, but the well-sloped floor with great visibility and amazing sound made it all worth it.

Enjoyed every minute of the show. Would definitely go see them again Even got to meet, shake hands, and get photos with Hammerfall for free after the show :)

sheldonjjack’s profile image

Sabaton are a really good band to see live because they really interact with the crowd or audience and they feed off the interaction. Rather than worrying about the amount of money they make and the size of the venue they care about what the crowd thinks about their music and like the crowd to be involved in the song choice. They also have a lot lf humour and despite their limited English vocabulary they are still able to communicate with the crowd. Despite their crudeness they are really friendly and passionate about their music.

quentin-gray’s profile image

Great Show,very theatrical, good pyrotechnics,amazing performance from the entire band Sabatons vocals are insanely powerful live.

Sabatons crowd makes up half the show everyone at the London show was singing along to practically every song and other fans where generally friendly.When it came to the pit it was how it should be bloody insane as a 5'3 Woman there is nothing i appreciate more than when mosh piters don't go easy on me i got bashed around like no ones business and it was fucking awesome.

TheScarletBlaze’s profile image

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sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

Svenska Sabaton har sedan länge varit ett av våra främsta heavy metal-band. Det är framför allt utomlands deras röster verkligen hörts. Inte minst i Östeuropa där de behandlas som hjältar. Gigantiska urnéer har genomförts, bland annat tillsammans med band som Helloween, Edguy och Dragonforce.   I somras utsåg den engelska hårdrockstidningen Metal Hammer Sabaton till årets "Breakthrough Artist" på deras stora gala i Londons O2 Arena. En bedrift långt mycket större än vad de flesta förstått.   Hemma i Sverige gjorde de förra året en turné lika välbesökt för att fylla Globen. De mottog dessutom en Grammis-nominerng för sitt sjätte album "Coat of Arms". En skiva de senare kammande hem en Bandit Award för årets bästa svenska album.

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Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour Earns $579 Million

By Steven J. Horowitz

Steven J. Horowitz

Senior Music Writer

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Beyonce Renaissance Album

The Renaissance World Tour may have come to an end this past Sunday in Kansas City, but it’s safe to call it a smashing success for Beyoncé.

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The trailer shows footage of her daughter (and consistent tour guest star) Blue Ivy Carter rehearsing, as well as her and Jay-Z’s twins, Rumi and Sir. Insiders claim that the movie will feature highlights from the Renaissance World Tour and footage recording the album, as well as the long-awaited music videos for songs from the project.

Beyoncé initially released “Renaissance” in July 2022 and teased the tour three months later. The Renaissance World Tour kicked off on May 10 in Stockholm, Sweden, continuing on through Europe before landing in Toronto on July 8. Throughout its duration, Beyoncé led a team of more than 300 touring crew members, bringing out guests including Kendrick Lamar, Megan Thee Stallion and Diana Ross .

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  • Apr 02 2023 Slaktkyrkan Stockholm, Sweden Add time Add time
  • Apr 04 2023 Tavastia Helsinki, Finland Add time Add time
  • Apr 05 2023 Tanssisali Lutakko This Setlist Jyväskylä, Finland Add time Add time
  • Apr 06 2023 Sawohouse Kuopio, Finland Add time Add time
  • Apr 07 2023 Kerubi Joensuu, Finland Add time Add time

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sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist


  1. Sabaton Lindesberg Setlist

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  2. Sweden Tour 2023

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  3. Växjö, Sweden

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  4. Sweden Tour 2023

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  5. Sabaton complete 2023 tour lineup with Babymetal replacing The Hu

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist

  6. Sweden Tour 2023

    sabaton tour 2023 sverige setlist


  1. Sabaton

  2. Sabaton

  3. Sabaton Live @Sportpaleis Antwerp 2023

  4. Sabaton

  5. Sabaton

  6. Sabaton Live Frankfurt 22.04.2023


  1. Sabaton Setlist at Avicii Arena, Stockholm

    Get the Sabaton Setlist of the concert at Avicii Arena, Stockholm, Sweden on April 28, 2023 from the The Tour To End All Tours Tour and other Sabaton Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  2. Sabaton Setlist at Sparbanken Skåne Arena, Lund

    Get the Sabaton Setlist of the concert at Sparbanken Skåne Arena, Lund, Sweden on February 25, 2023 from the The Great Tour of Sweden II Tour and other Sabaton Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  3. Sabaton Concert Setlist at Lokverkstan, Motala on February 18, 2023

    Get the Sabaton Setlist of the concert at Lokverkstan, Motala, Sweden on February 18, 2023 from the The Great Tour of Sweden II Tour and other Sabaton Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  4. Sabaton Johanneshov Setlist

    Sabaton setlist from Avicii Arena in Johanneshov, Sweden on Apr 28, 2023 with Lordi, and The Hu.

  5. ANNOUNCEMENT: Sweden tour 2023

    Sabaton have announced that they are extending the Great Sweden Tour with 20 new shows in 20 new cities in 2023. Find out more.

  6. Sabatons Sverigeturné 2023

    Efter 30 otroliga, slutsålda och adrenalinstinna shower, har det nu adderats ytterligare 20 svenska städer till Sabatons Sverigeturné år 2023. Det blir många helt nya städer som de aldrig besökt förut - med start i Övertorneå i Norr och vidare hela vägen söderut i landet.

  7. Sabaton's 2023 Concert & Tour History

    Sabaton is a Swedish heavy metal band from Falun, Sweden. ... Sabaton - The Tour To End All Tours 2023 Photos Setlists. Atlas Arena: Lodz, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland: May 07, 2023 Sabaton / Lordi / BABYMETAL. Setlists. Wiener Stadthalle - Halle D: ... What setlist does Sabaton play live?

  8. Sabaton Stockholm Tickets, Avicii Arena, 28 Apr 2023

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Sabaton's upcoming concert with Lordi at Avicii Arena in Stockholm on 28 Apr 2023.

  9. Sabaton with support on The Great Swedish Tour 2023 leg

    Next up for Sabaton is a European tour, the tour was originally postponed due to the pandemic, but now it's Europe's time to enjoy some fine Swedish Melodic Power Metal. They will be joined by Babymetal and Lordi and the tour will start in April/May. Setlist The Carolean's Prayer/Gott Mitt Uns/A Lifetime Of War/Carolus Rex ...

  10. Sabaton Cruise 2023

    As a subscriber to the Sabaton newsletter, you'll be the first to know when new Sabaton music and tour tickets are available! We will also contact you from time to time about new merchandise, exclusive offers, competitions and news about the band.

  11. Sabaton

    2022 gav sig Sabaton ut på sin största Sverigeturné hittills. När alla trodde att de spelat i varenda stad som landet har att erbjuda kom nyheten - de förlänger Sverigeturnén 2023 med 20 nya städer inklusive stopp på ICA Maxi Arena i Visby den 2 februari! Efter 30 otroliga, slutsålda och adrenalinstinna shower, utökas nu…

  12. Nya spelningar läggs till på Sabatons Sverigeturnélista 2023

    Sabatons svenska fans har mycket att se fram emot 2023. Bandet har nyligen presenterat en lång turnelista och biljetter släpps idag klockan 10. Sabaton har gått ut med följande uttalande på sina officiella sociala medier:

  13. Sabaton Setlist at Rosvalla Eventcenter, Nyköping

    Get the Sabaton Setlist of the concert at Rosvalla Eventcenter, Nyköping, Sweden on February 9, 2023 from the The Great Tour of Sweden II Tour and other Sabaton Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  14. SABATON gör ytterligare en megastor Sverigeturné i början av 2023

    Kolla in hela turnéplanen på www.sabaton.net. Förbered dig på många svenska låtar från vårt fyra gånger platinasäljande album, Carolus Rex - det här är trots allt The Great Sweden Tour - såväl som andra låtar, inklusive spår från vårt senaste album, The War To End All Wars. TURNÉPLAN: JANUARI 2023

  15. Sabaton fortsätter sin stora Sverigeturné

    Sabaton fortsätter sin stora Sverigeturné. I år gav sig Sabaton ut på sin största Sverigeturné hittills. När alla trodde att de spelat i varenda stad som landet har att erbjuda kom nyheten - de förlänger Sverigeturnén 2023 med 20 nya städer inklusive stopp i bland annat Visby, Uddevalla, Alingsås, Göteborg, Kungsbacka, Växjö, Lund, Trelleborg och Ystad!

  16. Sabaton Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2024 & 2023

    Sabaton tour dates and tickets 2023-2024 near you. Want to see Sabaton in concert? Find information on all of Sabaton's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2023-2024. Sabaton is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 19 concerts across 1 country in 2023-2024. View all concerts.

  17. Sabaton Setlist at Sabaton Cruise 2023

    Get the Sabaton Setlist of the concert at Tallink Silja Baltic Queen, Stockholm, Sweden on December 14, 2023 and other Sabaton Setlists for free on setlist.fm!

  18. Sabaton biljetter 2024

    I somras utsåg den engelska hårdrockstidningen Metal Hammer Sabaton till årets "Breakthrough Artist" på deras stora gala i Londons O2 Arena. En bedrift långt mycket större än vad de flesta förstått. Hemma i Sverige gjorde de förra året en turné lika välbesökt för att fylla Globen.

  19. EUROPEAN TOUR 2023: Stockholm show is officially SOLD OUT!

    Our show at the Avicii Arena in Stockholm on April 28, 2023, is now SOLD OUT! Sweden, you've done us proud once again. A total of six shows of the European tour are officially out of tickets. These include Paris, Frankfurt, Oslo, Helsinki, Amsterdam and now, Stockholm. Our tour commences this Friday.

  20. Updated schedule for European leg of The Tour To End All Tours 2023

    Sabaton announces the updated schedule for the European leg of The Tour To End All Tours in 2023. See the dates and locations of the concerts in April and May 2023 and get your tickets.

  21. Beyoncé's Renaissance World Tour Earns $579 Million

    Beyoncé initially released "Renaissance" in July 2022 and teased the tour three months later. The Renaissance World Tour kicked off on May 10 in Stockholm, Sweden, continuing on through ...

  22. Tour Dates & Tickets

    Find out when and where Sabaton, the Swedish heavy metal band, will perform live in 2024. Check the calendar and buy tickets for their shows in Canada, the US and Sweden.

  23. Horizon Ignited Setlist at Tanssisali Lutakko, Jyväskylä

    Get the Horizon Ignited Setlist of the concert at Tanssisali Lutakko, ... Finland on April 5, 2023 from the Towards the Dying Lands Tour and other Horizon Ignited Setlists for free on setlist.fm! setlist.fm Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists ... Sweden Add time. Add time. Apr 04 2023. Tavastia Helsinki, Finland ...

  24. Tour & Shows

    Find out the latest news, tour dates and shows of Sabaton, the Swedish heavy metal band. See their upcoming concerts in 2023 and 2024, including the Invincible Shield Tour with Judas Priest and the Sabaton Cruise.

  25. Sweden Tour 2023

    Sabaton began the Great Sweden Tour Part 2 in January 2023 and stopped off in 20 additional cities following the success of their 2022 tour.