Federal government

  • Visa application forms

The visa application form is a key part of your application. You can download the different documents for free here.

  • Visa & residence
  • Visa procedure

You will need an application form for your visa application. As a rule, the digital Videx application is required. Complete the online form and submit it with the required documents to the German embassy responsible for you. Alternatively, you can also use the visa application forms (PDFs), which you can download from the download area .

Fees for visas and temporary and permanent residence permits

If you wish to apply for either a visa or a temporary or permanent residence permit , you will generally have to pay a fee. The amount depends on the place, duration and purpose of your stay. 

The fee for visa of any category is €75. As a general rule, you can pay the fee in your local currency to the German mission abroad . The maximum fee for a first application for a residence permit and EU Blue Card is €100. Between €113 and €147 are charged for the granting of a settlement permit . 

However, under certain circumstances you can get a reduction or even be exempted from the fee altogether. For example, the spouses and children of German nationals are exempt from visa fees. Also, if your stay in Germany is funded by a public scholarship, you do not have to pay any visa fees. You can find out more about this topic from the German mission abroad in your country (see “visa fees”) or your local foreigners authority (fees for temporary or permanent residence permits). The Federal Foreign Office also provides a list of visa fees .

Information on the web

  • Federal Foreign Office (FFO) You can find out which visa you need in order to come to Germany with the Visa-Navigator.
  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) Centre of Excellence for Asylum, Migration and Integration in Germany

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

You can find out more about the various contact options by clicking on one of the icons in the bar below.

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Proceed anyway

Residence permit

German: Aufenthaltserlaubnis

The Immigration Act provides for two titles which govern entry and residence in Germany: the settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) and the residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). The residence permit is temporary and is granted for a specific reason, such as gainful employment, training or family reunification, or else for humanitarian, legal or political reasons. 

Theme: Visas

EU Blue Card

German: Blaue Karte EU

The EU Blue Card is a residence title for academics outside the EU who wish to work in an EU Member State. To obtain an EU Blue Card, applicants are required to have a university degree and a work contract which meets the minimum gross salary requirement.

Theme: Working , Visas

Settlement permit

German: Niederlassungserlaubnis

The settlement permit has permanent validity and entitles holders to exercise gainful employment. People applying for a settlement permit have to satisfy specific requirements which are laid down in the Residence Act.

Mission abroad

German: Auslandsvertretung

German missions abroad are diplomatic institutions outside Germany. They represent Germany’s interests abroad and foster political relations.

Theme: Visas , Institutions & Authorities

What are you looking for?

Visa regulations, eu nationals.

  • Non-EU nationals

Information for Britons and their family members

Bodies responsible for issuing visas, time required to process a visa application, application procedure, requirements for the issue of short stay (schengen) visas, requirements for the issue of visas for longer stays and/or stays entitling the holder to take up gainful employment, simplifying the procedure for applying for schengen visas, legal provisions relating to the issue of visas (selection), additional content.

EU nationals do not require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany.

Non- EU nationals

Generally speaking, all other foreigners require a visa for stays in Germany. A visa is not required for visits of up to 90 days in an 180‑day period for nationals of those countries for which the European Community has abolished the visa requirement.

You will find an overview on visa requirements here:

Table of countries whose citizens require/do not require visas to enter Germany

Information is provided on the Homepage of the German Missions in the United Kingdom .

Under German law (section 71 (2) of the Residence Act), responsibility for issuing visas lies with the missions of the Federal Republic of Germany, i.e. its embassies and consulates‑general. In principle, the Federal Foreign Office is not involved in decisions on individual visa applications, nor does it have any knowledge of the status of individual applications being processed by the missions.

Ratione loci competence (local responsibility) for issuing the visa lies with the mission responsible for the area in which the applicant has his/her ordinary residence or domicile.

Ratione materiae competence (subject‑matter responsibility) lies with the mission of the Schengen state in whose territory the sole or main destination is situated.

Since 11 June 2024, the fee for Schengen visas has been increased to EUR 90, to be paid upon submission of the application.

The fee for national visas has been EUR 75 since 1st of September 2017.

However, both the Visa Code (Schengen visas) and the Ordinance Governing Residence (national visas) provide for fee reductions or waivers in certain cases.

Fee waivers

A) for schengen visas:.

Visa fees are waived by all Schengen states for the following categories of persons, regardless of their nationality:

  • Children under six years
  • School pupils, undergraduates, postgraduates and accompanying teaching staff who undertake trips for the purpose of study or training
  • Representatives of non-profit organisations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations
  • Researchers from third countries travelling within the European Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research as defined in Recommendation 2005/761/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005
  • For the “replacement” of an old, valid visa in a “full” travel document (one that has no empty pages) with a new visa valid for the same period in the applicant’s new travel document

b) For national visas:

  • Foreign nationals receiving a scholarship from public funds during their stay in Germany, as well as their spouse or partner and minor children as long as they are covered by the funding
  • Members of the diplomatic missions, consular posts and international organisations in Germany, as well as their spouse and children up to and including the age of 25
  • Where Germany has undertaken to do so in bilateral or multilateral agreements

c) General fee waivers

Visa fees are waived for the spouses, same-sex partners in a civil union and minor single children of German citizens, the parents of minor German citizens and family members of EU /EEA nationals, provided they enjoy freedom of movement.

Reduced fees

a) The visa facilitation agreements with Armenia and Azerbaijan stipulate a fee of EUR 35.00 for a Schengen visa worldwide and various waivers of this visa fee (e.g. for visits to relatives). For those nationals of Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Albania, Ukraine and Georgia who still require a visa (holders of non-biometric passports), visa facilitation agreements stipulate a fee of EUR 35.00.

b) A reduced fee of EUR 45.00 for granting a Schengen visa applies to children between the ages of 6 and 12.

c) For national visas, the fee for minors is half of the regular rate, i.e. EUR 37.50.

The German missions will also consider waiving or reducing the fees charged in individual cases if the applicant is seeking to enter the country to promote cultural interests, interests in the field of foreign policy, development policy or other areas of vital public interest or for humanitarian reasons. Foreign exhibitors at German trade fairs who present an official trade fair pass are also exempt from the visa fee.

Enquiries regarding visa fees in individual cases should be directed to the German mission responsible for the application in question.

As a rule, missions require between two and ten working days to decide on an application for a short stay visa. Applications for visas entitling the holder to a longer stay or to take up gainful employment may take several months to process.

During the peak travel season there may be a waiting period for making an application to a German mission. Persons requiring a visa to enter Germany should therefore submit their applications in good time.

As a rule, applicants must submit visa applications, together with all necessary documents, in person at the German mission responsible for their place of residence. In order to avoid time‑consuming requests for additional information or documentation, applicants should consult the website of the respective mission well in advance of their departure date to find out about the visa procedure and about the documentation which has to be submitted.

Visa application forms can be obtained from the mission free of charge (in the local language). Applicants may also download the forms at the bottom of this page. The forms submitted must be original versions in the appropriate language of the mission in question. Application forms may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the competent mission.

Since 5 April 2010, Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) forms the statutory basis under European law in all Schengen states for the issuing of visas for transit through the Schengen area or for short‑term stays in the Schengen area not exceeding 90 days in any 180‑day period.

The Visa Code standardises the visa requirements which must be examined by the mission in the course of the visa procedure. The respective mission makes a decision on the visa application at its own discretion, taking into account all the circumstances in any given individual case.

There is no automatic entitlement to a Schengen visa.

The mission must ensure that the following requirements have been met in each individual case:

  • The purpose of the trip to Germany must be plausible and comprehensible.
  • The applicant must be in a position to finance his/her living and travel costs from his/her own funds or income.
  • The visa holder must be prepared to leave the Schengen area before the visa expires.
  • Documentary evidence must be provided of travel health insurance with a minimum coverage of 30,000 euros valid for the entire Schengen area.

Should an applicant be unable to prove that he/she can finance the journey and stay from his/her own funds, a third person may undertake to cover all costs associated with the trip in accordance with sections 66 and 68 of the Residence Act. This undertaking is normally to be made to the foreigners authority in the place of residence of the person making the undertaking.

Persons whose entry into the Schengen area would jeopardise security or public order in the Schengen states or who do not fulfil one or more of the above‑mentioned requirements, cannot be granted a visa.

Should a visa application be rejected, the applicant will be informed of the main reasons for the rejection. Every applicant is entitled to take legal recourse against the mission’s decision.

As a rule, all foreigners require visas for stays of more than three months or stays leading to gainful employment. Exemptions apply to EU and EEA (European Economic Area) citizens and Swiss nationals.

Furthermore, citizens of Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States of America may obtain any residence permit that may be required after entering Germany. Citizens of all other countries planning a longer stay in Germany must apply for visas at the competent mission before arriving in the country. Such visa applications must be approved by the relevant foreigners authority in Germany, i.e. the foreigners authority in the place where the applicant intends to take up residence. If the approval of the foreigners authority is necessary before a visa can be issued, the procedure can take up to three months, in some cases longer, since the foreigners authority will often consult other authorities (e.g. the Federal Employment Agency). Missions may only issue visas once they have obtained the approval of the foreigners authority.

Visas entitling holders to take up gainful employment often do not require the approval of the foreigners authority, which speeds up the application process.

Visa application forms for a long‑term stay (longer than three months) can be obtained from the relevant mission free of charge. They can also be downloaded here (German, English, French, Italian). The forms submitted must be original versions (at least two sets) in the appropriate language of the mission in question. Please contact the mission beforehand to find out exactly which forms are required.

The foreigners authorities are also responsible for measures and decisions pertaining to residence law for foreigners already residing in Germany. Foreigners authorities are not subordinate agencies of the Federal Foreign Office, and the Federal Foreign Office cannot influence their decisions. They are in fact accountable to and operate under the supervision of the respective interior ministries and senators of the Länder (federal states).

As a result of Regulation 265/2010 it is now possible for anyone in possession of a national visa (D visa) and a valid travel document to move freely in the Schengen area up to three months in any six‑month period.

The possibility of downloading and filling in visa application forms online, and then taking the completed and printed out form to the interview at the visa section where they can be scanned in electronically via a barcode has done much to reduce the time required to process the application at the visa counter. In addition, many German missions have introduced an electronic appointments system to help manage the number of visitors to the mission and thus shorten waiting times.

The increasing number of visas issued which entitle holders to multiple short stays in the Schengen area over a long period of time means it is no longer necessary to submit visa applications repeatedly. This option is of particular benefit to persons who have to travel frequently for professional or private reasons and have proven their reliability by using previous visa legally.

In future all missions will electronically scan in applicants’ fingerprints when accepting visa applications. This biometric procedure will be introduced gradually region by region, probably by the end of 2014. Once a person’s fingerprints have been scanned in, an interview at the mission will only be necessary in exceptional cases when submitting a visa application. A renewed biometric procedure is envisaged after five years.

Number of short stay Schengen visas (transit, visits, business, tourism, etc.) issued by German missions in 2021: 287.614 (2020: 353.983, many of which were issued before the start of the pandemic).

Number of national visas issued by German missions (usually for longer stays and stays leading to employment) in 2021: 304.773, reaching almost pre-pandemic numbers. In 2020 a total of 191.485 national visas was issued.

Number of visa applications rejected by German missions in 2021: 92.772 (2020: 92.165)

Detailed statistics on Schengen visas are also provided by the European Union - Migration and Home Affairs

  • Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement (Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders)
  • Visa Code Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 of 13 July 2009
  • Third countries whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals who are subject to prior consultation (Article 22 of the Visa Code) PDF / 88 KB
  • Third countries for whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals “ex post” information is required (Art. 31 of the Visa Code) PDF / 313 KB
  • Residence Act of 30 July 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I, No. 41, p. 1952)
  • Ordinance Governing Residence of 25 November 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I, No. 62, p. 2945)
  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement (Official Journal L 81/1 of 21 March 2001); Council Regulation (EC) No. 2414/2001 of 7 December 2001 amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001), in the respective current version
  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 453/2003 of 6 March 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement
  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 1932/2006 of 21 December 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement
  • Council Regulation (EC) No. 1244/2009 of 30 November 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement
  • Freedom of Movement Act/ EU of 30 July 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I, No. 41, p. 1986)
  • Ordinance on the admission of foreigners for the purpose of taking up employment of 22 November 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I, No. 62, p. 2937)
  • D visa regulation Regulation ( EU ) No. 265/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 March 2010 amending the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement and Regulation (EC) No. 562/2006 as regards movement of persons with a long‑stay visa

The above‑mentioned Federal Law Gazettes can be obtained from Verlag des Bundesgesetzblattes, Postfach 13 20, 53003 Bonn, Germany, and the Joint Ministerial Gazettes from Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Gereonstrasse 18‑32, 50670 Cologne, Germany, or through booksellers. The Official Journal of the European Communities is available from the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L‑2985 Luxembourg.

Application for Schengen Visa (German/English)

  • Application for Schengen Visa (German/English) PDF / 277 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards

Application forms for longer-term stays in Germany (national visa, category D)

  • Application for a national visa (German - Arabic) PDF / 680 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa (German - Chinese) PDF / 552 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa ( German - English) PDF / 485 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa ( German - French) PDF / 492 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • Application for a national visa (German - Portuguese) PDF / 508 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa ( German - Russian) PDF / 641 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa ( German - Spanish) PDF / 539 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards
  • application for a national visa ( German - Turkish) PDF / 499 KB / File does not meet accessibility standards

Videx data protection declaration

Translation Information in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 of Regulation ( EU ) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) Last updated on 25 October 2019 The Federal Foreign Office will…

The Schengen Agreement

Citizens of Schengen countries can cross the internal borders of all member states without passport checks. The Schengen visa entitles the holder to visits of up to 90 days every 6 months in the entire Schengen area.

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german tourist visa application form

What are you looking for?

Visitor visas.

This means that you want to enter Germany for a short stay of up to 90 days to visit someone who lives there.

You need to submit the following documents as originals:

The following documents need to be submitted additionally for visit visas:

The required documents must be submitted complete at the personal interview. Documents sent in advance cannot be considered.

It is not possible to process incomplete applications. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Note on proof of financial means:

In general, all costs of the trip must be borne by the applicant. Only a personal and worldwide accessible bank account is suitable as proof of financial means. Bank statements and pay stubs are considered proof of financial means. Please note that the Embassy will not accept or consider bank statements from unlicensed microfinance institutions or unlicensed banks. Lists of officially licensed financial institutions can usually be found on the homepage of the respective bank responsible for licensing (e.g. www.bog.gov.gh). It is strongly discouraged to use a bank statement from a microfinance institution or rural bank for a visa application.

Note on formal obligation:

If the cost of the trip cannot be borne by the applicant: Formal obligation of the host/invitee according to §§ 66 to 68 Residence Act in original, confirmed by the local aliens authority in Germany.

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german tourist visa application form

What are you looking for?

A step-by-step guide to apply for a schengen visa.

File your Schengen visa application at your Visa Appication Centre in three easy steps.

Duly completed application forms may be submitted three months prior to the intended travel date. As application numbers peak during the months of April through September, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply well in advance of their actual travel dates. This will help towards the smooth organization of your trip. Please note that it can take up to two weeks to process your Schengen visa , and even longer in individual cases.

File your Schemgem visa application at your Visa Application Centre in three easy steps:

Prepare the necessary documentation for your visa application using the following checklists: If you are planning to visit Germany as a tourist: Checklist for a Tourist Visa If you are planning to visit Family or Friends in Germany: Checklist for a Visit Visa If you are planning to visit Germany for a business trip of less than or up to 90 days: Checklist for a Business Visas If you are planning to visit Germany for a Trade Fair: Checklist for a Trade Fair visa If you are planning to visit Germany for a Training program of less than or up to 90 days: Checklist for a Training Visa If you're visiting Germay as a professional for a cultural, films, sports, or religious event: Checklist for Group Visas If you require an Airport Transit visa: Checklist for Airport Transit Visas

If you are visiting Germany as a Guest Scientist for less than or up to 90 days: Checklist for Guest Scientist Visas If you are visiting Germany to receive Medical Treatment: Checklist for Medical Treatment Visas (Kindly note that your photographs should meet biometric photos requirement . These photos can be obtained, among other things, at the Visa Application Centres.)

Please fill out the online application form , print it out, sign it and submit it along with the other documents. Those applying for a Schengen visa in Mumbai are kindly requested to fill in the online application forms according to VIDEX format, which can be found above. Please ensure that a high quality printout of the barcode is submitted with the application.

Please print out & sign the following declarations in order to complete your documentation: Declaration on True and Complete information Declaration on Health Insurance Additional Contact and Legal Representation information

Now you can schedule an appointment for the submission of your visa application and submit it at the nearest Visa Application Centre.

For further information, please visit the VFS Global Website

Alternatively, after scheduling an apppointment, you may also submit your visa application at the German Mission of your local jurisdiction.

Visa Application Centres

List of Visa Application Centres across India.

How to schedule an appointment?

Find information on how to schedule appointments for Schengen Visa, German National Visa & for attestations.

Travel Medical Insurance

Please note: German Missions accept Indian Travel Medical Insurances only from approved Indian Travel Insurance companies.

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german tourist visa application form

Apa yang Anda cari?

Selamat datang di situs web kementerian luar negeri jerman, schengen visa - visitor.


  • The German Embassy might ask for additional documents and/ or call the applicant for an interview.

Documents, forms and declarations which are in Bahasa-Indonesia have to be submitted with a German translation. Only official translations are accepted . You can find a list of recognized translators in Indonesia on our website . The translation can be carried out by a recognized translator in Germany as well. English translations are only accepted along with proof of the translator being officially recognized as an English translator in Indonesia or Germany. Failing to provide proper translation will result in the document, form or declaration considered “missing”.

  • Only complete applications can be accepted. Submission of incomplete documentation will result in the application’s refusal.
  • Processing time at the German Embassy is 15 days for applications submitted in Jakarta and 21 days for applications submitted in Bali and Surabaya, in general. In individual cases, it might take up to 45 days. Applicants are requested to apply well in advance, but not more than 180 days prior to the intended date of journey. Status updates are available on the VFS Global website. The German Embassy does not entertain status queries.
  • During the application, the passport remains at the German Embassy. Requesting a passport return during the processing will require a cancellation/ withdrawal of the application.

REMARKS to be filled in by VFS staff (please tick what is relevant):

Applicant has □ NO Schengen Visa □ Previous Schengen & National Visa (please attach copies)

Applicant travels

□ with family member/s

□ with a group as ……………….....….. (please specify e.g. colleague, friends,...)

Applicant’s documents are □ complete □ NOT complete

Due to incomplete documents, □ Applicant has been informed of option to withdraw application as to avoid refusal. □ Applicant wishes to submit application.

Other remarks:

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




…………………………………………… …………………………………………… City and Date (Signature of Applicant)

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… City and Date (Signature VFS Staff)

Optional: Download PDF

Schengen-visa - visitor.

  • Schengen-Visa - Visitor PDF / 531 KB / bebas hambatan / 08.05.2024
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german tourist visa application form


Get started

Essential Guidelines: How to Apply for a Germany Tourist Visa

Last Update: 29-05-2024

Man smiling in sunglasses and a jacket, with snowy mountains in the background.

Aditya Jain

Winter view of Neuschwanstein Castle amidst snowy mountains.

⚡Quick Summary

Germany Tourist Visa for Indians

Do Indian Citizens Need a Visa to Visit Germany?

Yes, Indian citizens typically need a Schengen visa to visit Germany for tourism. The German visa is stamped on your passport and allows you to stay in Germany for 90 days or more depending on the visa type you have applied for.

Table of Contents

Introduction, when should i apply for a germany schengen visa, types of germany visas for indians, how to apply for a germany visa for indians, germany tourist visa requirements for indians, what is the germany tourist visa processing time for indians, fees for germany visa from india, what is the validity of a germany tourist visa for indians, how to check the status of a germany visa application for indians, do i need a germany airport transit visa as an indian, what are the reasons for germany visa rejection in india, what to do if my germany tourist visa gets rejected, do indian citizens need travel insurance for a germany visa, what to do after reaching germany airport.

Exploring the vibrant culture of Germany requires careful planning, and obtaining a tourist visa is a key step for Indian travellers. Our guide simplifies the process, covering essential details such as Germany tourist visa requirements, application procedures through Teleport or VFS Global, and necessary documents.

Whether you're applying for a short-stay, or long-stay visa, we break down the steps for a hassle-free experience. If you have questions or need assistance, our dedicated team is ready to help.

Contact us at 073148 52914 or reach us on WhatsApp . 

Prepare for a smooth journey to Germany – Safe Travels!✈️

Can Indians Get a Germany Visa on Arrival?

Germany does not offer visas on arrival for Indian citizens. To visit Germany, Indian citizens must apply for and obtain a visa in advance through a pre-approval process.

Applying for a Schengen Visa at a Germany Diplomatic Mission:

  • Single Country Visit: Apply at the German consulate if you're visiting only Germany as your single Schengen country and it's your first entry point.
  • Visiting Multiple Countries: If visiting several Schengen countries consider applying for a Germany visa if you intend to spend the maximum duration of your trip in Germany. If visiting several Schengen countries with a similar number of days at each one (e.g., tourism in France, Germany, and Switzerland), apply at the consulate of your first entry country—Germany, in this case.
  • Main Purpose of Visit: Your main purpose determines where you apply. If it's unclear and you're visiting multiple countries, submit your application to the embassy or consulate of your first entry point to the Schengen area. Example: For instance, if your main purpose is attending a conference in Germany while touring multiple countries, apply at the German consulate.

Teleport’s Expert Tip

Schengen visa: If your stay in Germany is up to 90 days, apply for a Schengen visa, often called "short-term visas". Issued as a "C" visa for various purposes including tourism, medical treatment, business, culture, sports, visits, official or political matters, study, internship, scientific research, employment, seasonal employment, training, and more.

National Visa: If your intended stay in Germany exceeds 90 days, apply for a German National visa, commonly known as "long-term visas" or "D visas. The national visa is designed for individuals planning a long-term stay in Germany, exceeding 90 days, for a specific legally-defined purpose. Typically, it is granted for a specified duration, which may extend up to one year in certain situations. After arriving in Germany, you will need to apply for a residence permit, which corresponds to the purpose of your stay.

Work Visa: This visa enables skilled foreign individuals with vocational training or a recognized university degree to visit Germany for a maximum of six months. During this period, they can search for employment matching their qualifications. If successful in securing a job within six months, there's no need to leave; they can apply for the necessary residence permit at the Immigration Office. While actively seeking employment, individuals are restricted from regular employment, except for a trial period of up to 10 hours per week.

Student Visa: If accepted by a German university (including a preparatory language course) or a preparatory college (Studienkolleg), you can apply for a study visa in Germany. It's advisable to secure admission from the university at the earliest. While studying, you can take up part-time student jobs, allowing you to work for up to 20 hours per week to support your expenses.

Research Visa: For researchers from non-EU countries, the following criteria apply:

  • Hold a doctoral degree or possess a relevant degree from a German or foreign university granting access to doctoral programs.
  • Be selected by a research institution and granted entry into a Member State.
  • Engage in a research activity typically requiring such an advanced degree.

This category also includes doctoral students enrolled at a foreign university who wish to visit Germany for research purposes.

Family Reunion Visa: You need this visa, specifically a residence permit, in the following cases:

  • If you're marrying or planning to marry a German citizen.
  • If you're a parent of a German minor child and seeking permanent residency in Germany.

After submitting all required documents, your application goes to the Immigration Office at your intended residence in Germany. Processing usually takes up to 12 weeks, but additional documents can affect this time. Once approved, the Embassy/Consulate issues a national visa for the first 90 days. The Immigration Office grants a final residence permit upon arrival for a more extended stay. The family reunion visa also provides entitlement.

Airport Transit Visa: If you stay within the international airport during your layover in Germany and your final destination is not in a Schengen country, you won't need a transit visa.

But, if you have to go into the Schengen area for any reason, like changing terminals or if your destination is in a Schengen country, you might need a visa. Be sure to plan for this situation.

There are, however, exceptions to this requirement:

  • Individuals holding valid visas and national residence permits from EU and Schengen countries.
  • Individuals with certain national residence permits from specific countries, including Andorra, Japan, Canada, San Marino, and the United States of America.
  • Those who hold valid visas from the EEA countries (the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), as well as visas issued by Japan, Canada, and the United States of America.

Apply for Germany Visa with Teleport

Getting your Germany visa for Indians is now easy and hassle-free with Teleport. Follow these simple steps for a smooth tourist visa application:

  • Step 1: Start Your Application: Go to Teleport's Germany Application website and click on ‘Start your Application ’.
  • Step 2: Fill in your details and Pay: Enter your travel and passport details, and make your visa payment through Teleport. Choose either full or partial upfront payment.
  • Step 3: Prepare and Review Documents: Submit your documents to Teleport. Teleport’s relationship manager will carefully review and organize all the necessary documents for your Germany visa application.
  • Step 4: Appointment Booking: Teleport's dedicated relationship manager will set up an appointment for you at the VFS Appointment Centre as per your preferred location and timings.
  • Step 5: Visit the VFS Centre: Attend your appointed slot at the nearby VFS Visa Application Centre. There, you'll submit biometrics and the required documents.

The documents are sent from VFS to the consulate for review. Once the consulate makes a decision, they send the documents back to VFS. 

Afterward, you can choose to have your passport delivered to your location or pick it up in person from the VFS visa centre. 

✅ Teleport’s relationship manager is ready to assist you throughout the entire process for comprehensive support.

Apply at VFS Global Application Centre in India for a Germany Visa

Step 1: Determine Your Visa Type

Start by identifying the appropriate visa type for your trip to Germany and ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements. Familiarise yourself with the necessary documents, estimated processing times, and relevant fees.  

Step 2: Prepare Documents

Collect the required documents for your visa application, which vary based on your visa category. Ensure that any photos meet biometric requirements. You can usually get these photos at Visa Application Centres, among other places.

Step 3: Fill out Application Form

  • Fill out the online application form , print it, sign it, and gather other necessary documents.
  • Use the VIDEX format for the online application form. A high-quality printout of the barcode is essential.
  • If you can't complete the online form, you can print it and fill it out by hand.
  • If your fingerprints have been collected for a Schengen visa application in India within the last 59 months, you can authorise someone to submit your application. Use the provided authorization letter for the travel agent or representative.

Step 4: Schedule Appointment Book an appointment for submitting your visa application and for biometric data collection, which includes fingerprinting and a photograph. Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation email containing your appointment letter.

Choose the Right Visa Application Centre Based on your Location

Step 5: Pay Your Fees

Once you have made your application, you will need to pay your visa application fee. If you download the application form, print it and bring it to the Visa Application Centre where payment can be made at the time of your appointment. Fees can be paid in cash or by card (Visa, Rupay and Mastercard are acceptable)

Step 6: Visit the Visa Application Centre

For Schengen visa (short-term visa) processing at the German Consulate Mumbai, you have the flexibility to book appointments and submit your Schengen visa applications at any Visa Application Centre operated by VFS Global across India , irrespective of your place of residence.

Please remember to ensure that you bring your visa application form and the necessary documents as outlined in the Germany tourist visa checklist for your specific visa category.

You must personally submit your fully completed visa application form and documents at one of the designated Visa Application Centres, unless otherwise instructed.

Step 7: Track Your Application

If you submitted your application at a VFS Visa Application Centre, you can use the VFS online application tracking tool to check the status of your application. Simply provide the following details:

  • The reference number issued to you while making the payment at the VFS centre.
  • Your date of birth.

Step 8: Collect Your Visa

After your visa application has been processed, you have the option to get your documents and passport from the Visa Application Centre. Alternatively, you can opt for a courier service, which involves an additional fee.

Note: Collection of documents or passports by third parties is generally not allowed, with some exceptions:

  • Immediate family members (parents, children, siblings).
  • One member collecting on behalf of the entire group.
  • Persons collecting on behalf of government officials, if duly authorised on official government letterhead.
  • Representatives of companies must provide an authorization letter on company letterhead along with an official ID card.

Teleport’ s Expert Tip

Mandatory Documents

Supporting documents, photograph requirements and specifications for germany visa application.

Photo requirements for a Germany visa as an Indian citizen includes:

Recent Photo: Your visa photo must be no older than 6 months.

Size and Dimensions: Your visa photo should measure 35mm x 45mm (width x height) with a 70 to 80% face coverage.

Germany Visa Photo Dimensions

Head Position: Ensure your head is fully visible and centred in the photo.

Eyeglasses and Headgear: If wearing eyeglasses, no glare should obscure your eyes. Religious headgear is allowed, but your entire face (from chin to forehead, including cheeks and ears) must be fully visible.

Quality: The photo should be in colour, high-resolution, and well-lit, with no shadows, red-eye, or reflections.

Germany tourist visa processing time is 15 to 21 working days after your appointment at the visa application centre is completed.

Both Germany tourist and business visas let you stay in Germany for 90 days within a 180-days time frame.

The actual validity may vary, as it is subject to the discretion of the embassy. While they can issue it for up to 6 months (180 days), it's not guaranteed in every case.

Track Your Germany Visa Application Using Teleport

Stay informed about the status of your Germany visa application with Teleport. If you've applied through Teleport, receive real-time updates via WhatsApp, email, or directly on the Teleport Dashboard. To check your application status:

  • Log in to the Teleport Dashboard.
  • Navigate to 'Your Applications.'
  • Click on your submitted application for the current status.

Track Germany Visa Application Via VFS

Alternatively, you can track your Germany visa application status through VFS Global:

  • Visit the VFS online application tracking tool.
  • Choose the country where you submitted your application.
  • Enter the application reference number provided during payment at the VFS centre.
  • Provide your last name.

Indian nationals, in general, are not granted transit privileges and thus need to obtain an airport transit visa (Category A) for transiting through a German airport.

  • Those in possession of valid visas from the EEA countries (the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland).
  • Incomplete Documentation: Ensure you submit all required documents, as missing any may result in rejection.
  • Providing False Information: Giving inaccurate details can not only lead to rejection but also result in future bans on visa applications.
  • Insufficient Financial Evidence: It's crucial to demonstrate adequate funds (at least EUR 65 per day per person) to cover your expenses during the stay.
  • Unexplained Sources of Income: Providing clear and transparent information about your income sources is vital to avoid raising suspicions .
  • Limited Travel History: Past instances of overstaying visas, especially in Schengen countries, may have a negative impact on your application.
  • Suspicion of Fraudulent Intent: Failing to clearly explain the purpose of your visit can make officials suspicious.
  • Criminal Record: A history of criminal activities or involvement in illegal actions can lead to visa rejection.

Teleport Expert's Tip

After receiving an official visa rejection letter, the applicant has three options:

  • The applicant can reapply for a Germany visa.
  • Request a re-assessment of the visa application through a process called remonstration. This is a free procedure, and a signed remonstration letter must be submitted to the relevant mission /consulate within one month of receiving the rejection.
  • The applicant also has the option to file a lawsuit against the refusal, which will lead to a re-assessment of the application by the administrative court in Berlin.

Yes, when applying for a Germany visa, it is mandatory to have minimum travel insurance coverage of 30,000 Euros. It's strongly advisable for travellers to consider acquiring health insurance coverage from reputable providers such as Tata AIG, Digit Insurance, HDFC Ergo, and others.

When arriving at a German airport, it's essential to follow these steps to ensure a seamless and trouble-free exit:

  • Prepare Your Travel Documents: Have your passport, valid Germany sticker visa, return ticket, and hotel bookings ready for quick verification by immigration authorities. This will expedite the arrival process and help you navigate through smoothly.
  • Unaccompanied Minor Guidelines: If you are travelling as an unaccompanied minor, it's crucial to stay close to your designated flight attendant for safety. Identify your assigned adult at the destination airport to ensure a secure and well-coordinated arrival experience.
  • Understand Germany’s Regulations: Familiarise yourself with Germany's customs regulations. If you have items to declare or require baggage inspection, proceed to the customs area. Being aware of the Customs Regulations at German airports will help you navigate these processes smoothly and avoid any complications during your arrival.

Learn More About Germany Visas

Germany Visa For Indians

Germany Visa Processing Time India

Germany Visa Appointment

German Visa Tracking

Apply Germany Visa Online

In conclusion, using the information provided in this guide, obtaining a Germany visa can be a straightforward process. Ensure you fulfil the specific requirements for your travel purpose, and get ready to explore Germany's rich culture and breath taking landscapes.

Wishing you safe travels and an enjoyable journey in Germany!

For a smooth Germany visa application experience, consider applying with Teleport. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the application process, ensuring your submission meets all necessary criteria.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us. Our dedicated team is prepared to offer guidance and support.

You can reach us at 073148 52914 or contact us on WhatsApp .

Do Indian citizens need a visa to visit Germany?

How long does it take to process a Germany Tourist Visa?

What is the validity of a Germany Tourist Visa for Indians?

Can I get a Germany visa on arrival?

Is travel insurance mandatory for a Germany visa?

Can I travel to other Schengen countries with my Germany Schengen visa?

Can I extend my Germany tourist visa?

Can I visit other Schengen states with my visa issued by the German Consulate?

Can I work in Germany with a tourist visa?



  1. Download Schengen Visa Application Form 2018

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  2. Low doc business: How to fill german national visa application form

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    german tourist visa application form

  4. Germany Visa Application Form Pdf 2023

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  5. 【How to】 Fill German National Visa Application Form

    german tourist visa application form

  6. Application Process and Document Requirements for Germany Business Visa

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  3. Germany Asylum New Rules

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  5. German Tourist Visa Convert To Study Visa || how i Changed Schengen Tourist Visa To Study Visa

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  1. Germany Schengen Visa

    Learn how to apply for a Schengen visa to visit Germany and other Schengen countries for tourism, as well as the visa requirements, fees, duration, and more. Find out the documents you need, where to apply, and how to prepare for the interview.

  2. Visa applications in the Consular Services Portal

    Apply for a visa to enter and stay in Germany online and securely through the Consular Services Portal. Find out which visa you need, how to apply and where to go for your in-person appointment.

  3. Germany VISA Information, Requirements & Application Form

    Learn whether you need a visa to enter Germany and how to apply for one. Find out the documents, fees and steps for different visa types, including tourist, business, study and work visas.

  4. How to Complete the German Short-Stay Visa Application Form with VIDEX

    Learn how to fill out the official VIDEX form for a short-term stay in Germany. The portal guides you through six sections, explains special characters and lets you save your progress.

  5. Visa Information

    Adjustment of the fee for a Schengen visa. Since 11 June 2024, the fee for a Schengen visa has been increased to 90 euro, or 45 euro for children from the age of six years and below the age of 12 years - cf. Article 16 (1) and (2) of the Visa…. Overview "Consular Services". Federal Foreign Office website.

  6. Important Information regarding the use of the web-based visa

    To apply for a visa. You cannot submit your visa application online. You must apply for a visa at the responsible German Embassy or Consulate General. To apply please bring the following documents with you: visa application form (please sign this form) instruction according to Section 55 (2) (1) of the Residence Act (please sign the instruction)

  7. Business / Tourism / Visitor Visa

    The visa application centers facilitate the application process. BLS International has no influence on processing of your application. A final decision about visa applications will be solely taken by the competent German mission. Please note processing time of minimum 2 weeks. In some cases processing time may take up to 4 weeks plus additional ...

  8. Visa application forms

    The suitable application form can be found here: Application form for a national visa (German-English; PDF) Application form for a national visa (German-Spanish; PDF) Application form for a national visa (German-French; PDF) Application form for a national visa (German-Chinese; PDF) Application form for a national visa (German-Arabic; PDF ...

  9. German Schengen Visa

    The application for a German Tourist Visa has to be lodged at the Embassy or Consulate of Germany in the country where you live. Pay the visa fee. The fee of applying for a German Tourist Visa is €90, while for children of age 6-12 you have to pay 40€, while it is free for those aged 0-6 of age.

  10. Visa regulations

    Reduced fees. a) The visa facilitation agreements with Armenia and Azerbaijan stipulate a fee of EUR 35.00 for a Schengen visa worldwide and various waivers of this visa fee (e.g. for visits to ...

  11. Applying for a Germany Schengen Visa in the US

    Determine where to lodge your visa application. Complete and download the visa application form . Schedule your German visa appointment . Prepare the required documents . Attend your visa appointment . Wait for the visa to process . Collect your passport .

  12. Visitor visas

    1. completed and signed visa application form for Schengen visa. 2. valid passport and 1 copy of the passport data page. Validity of passport must exceed the duration of intended stay in Germany by at least 3 months. Passport must contain at least 2 blank pages and must have been issued within the past 10 years. 3.

  13. Submission of Schengen visa application at a Visa Application Centre

    Declaration on health insurance (for multiple entry visas only) Additional contact and legal representation information. Step 3: Schedule an appointment for the submission of your visa application and submit it at the nearest Visa Application Centre. Kindly note that you have to pay the VFS Service charge already when booking the appointment.

  14. A Step-by-Step Guide to apply for a Schengen Visa

    File your Schengen visa application at your Visa Appication Centre in three easy steps. Duly completed application forms may be submitted three months prior to the intended travel date. As application numbers peak during the months of April through September, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply well in advance of their actual travel dates.


    Please prepare the following documents for your interview: One completed application form for Schengen visa and declaration of accuracy of information. One recent passport size photo. gen States and non-Schengen countries) with the name of passenger and one copyA health insurance covering at least 30,000,- €, valid for all Schengen countries ...

  16. Application process for Germany VISA

    Step 1 - Prepare your visa application. Depending on the purpose of your visit to Germany please check with our site the appropriate visa type you need to apply for, the visa fees and all the required documents. Complete and sign the application form and collect all the required documents before applying. * Please ensure that you complete the ...

  17. How to Apply for a Germany Visa?

    Before you begin the visa application process to Germany, you have to make sure that you have the correct visa form. Generally speaking, there are two main types of German visa application forms: A short-term visa form (visa C). This is the application form for a tourist visa that allows you to enter and visit Germany for as long as it's ...

  18. Applying for a Schengen Visa to Germany

    Determine where to lodge your visa application. Complete and download the visa application form . Schedule your German visa appointment . Prepare the required documents . Attend your visa appointment . Wait for the visa to process . Collect your passport .

  19. | vfsglobal

    Apply for a visa to Germany with VFS Global, the trusted partner of governments and diplomatic missions worldwide. Find out how to schedule an appointment, track your application, and access other services on the VFS Global website.

  20. Schengen Visa

    Application form (Original) ... he/she can give the consent to the child's visa application at a German Embassy/Consulate General in the country of his/her residence; ... Schengen-Visa - Visitor. Schengen-Visa - Visitor. PDF / 531 KB / bebas hambatan / 08.05.2024. Ke Daftar {0}

  21. Download Schengen Visa Application Form 2024

    Click here to download the New Harmonised Schengen Visa Application Form. It is valid for all Schengen member countries. This is the only form to be used starting from 02.02.2020. The short-stay visa application form bears the reference "cerfa No. -14076*02" (do not use outdated forms bearing the reference "cerfa No. -12160*01");

  22. PDF Schengen visa

    Schengen visa General Information The visa application can be submitted at the earliest six months prior to the planned trip. Documents that are not issued in German or English must be submitted together with a translation. Each visa application is reviewed individually. Therefore, the requested documents might vary.

  23. Germany Tourist Visa: Requirements, Fees & Application Guide

    VFS Appointment fees: Euro 20 (INR 1,762/-) Embassy fees: Euro 80 (INR 7,100/-) Germany Visa Validity. 180 Days. Germany Visa Stay Duration. 90 Days. How to apply for a Germany visa. Apply through Teleport in under 2 minutes. Apply through VFS Global website.

  24. German Visas in 2024: Types, Costs and How to Apply

    Complete the visa application form online or download the PDF version. Gather the required documents including the completed application form, passport, proof of funds, etc. Book an appointment at the nearest German embassy or Visa Application Centre (VAC) responsible for processing visas in your country.

  25. Estonia Visa

    Complete and Download the Visa Application Form. To complete and download the Schengen visa application form for an Estonia visa, follow the steps below: Visit the official visa application website. Start your application. Fill out the application form. Finish and download the application.