
Itinerario in Corsica: 6, 7 o 8 giorni + I miei migliori consigli

Itinerario: 6-7-8 giorni in corsica – cosa vedere e dove dormire.

Avete intrapreso un viaggio in Corsica e state cercando il miglior itinerario di 7 giorni?

Siete nel posto giusto!

Per aiutarvi a pianificare il vostro viaggio , ho preparato questo per voi questo dettagliatissimo itinerario della Corsica di 6, 7 o 8 giorni . Durante il vostro viaggio, scoprirete tutti i migliori posti da visitare nella Corsica Settentrionale!

Una breve nota: se preferite visitare la Corsica Meridionale ( Bonifacio , Porto Vecchio, Ajaccio ) durante il vostro viaggio, dovreste leggere questo itinerario: Come visitare la Corsica Meridionale in 1 settimana.

E se preferite trascorrere 1 settimana in Corsica soggiornando in un solo posto , cliccate pure qui .

In questa guida di viaggio, oltre alle migliori cose da fare e alle attrazioni da non mancare , troverete anche la mia lista dei migliori posti dove dormire nella Corsica Settentrionale a seconda del vostro budget .

E come sempre, vi darò anche tutti i miei migliori consigli per sfruttare al meglio il vostro soggiorno!

Allora, quali sono le cose migliori da fare in 7 giorni in Corsica?

Dove dormire a Bastia

Dove dormire nel capo corso (macinaggio), dove dormire a saint-florent, dove dormire a calvi, dove dormire a porto, in corsica, dove dormire a corte, 6) ritorniamo a bastia (1 giorno), 6, 7 o 8 giorni in corsica soggiornando nella stessa città, prezzi dei voli e dei traghetti per la corsica, noleggiare una barca in corsica, 0) arriviamo a bastia.

Se avete intenzione di intraprendere un itinerario della Corsica Settentrionale di 7 giorni, la cosa migliore è arrivare a Bastia .

Bastia è la città più grande del nord della Corsica e ci si può facilmente in arrivare in aereo o in traghetto.

Navi e aerei arrivano a Bastia durante tutto il corso della giornata, anche la sera tardi (sono arrivato alle 23 durante il mio viaggio in Corsica!).

Ciò significa che potreste dover trascorrere una notte a Bastia prima di iniziare il vostro itinerario della Corsica di 7 giorni. Di seguito potrete trovare il mio elenco dei migliori hotel di Bastia.

Se non avete intenzione di arrivare in Corsica con la vostra auto, dovrete noleggiare un’auto per visitare la Corsica, altrimenti molti luoghi rimarranno inaccessibili!

Per prenotare la vostra auto, dovreste utilizzare il sito web di Cars .

Vi permetterà di confrontare i prezzi tra tutte le compagnie di autonoleggio sia in aeroporto che nei pressi del porto di Bastia. Sarà quindi facilissimo scegliere l’agenzia più economica o quella con le migliori recensioni dei clienti!

E se non disponete di un’assicurazione con la vostra carta di credito, potrete anche optare per la loro “Assicurazione di Protezione Completa” che vi rimborserà integralmente tutti i costi in caso di incidente o furto. (Mi hanno già rimborsato più di 1300 euro fino ad oggi! 😁)

Conoscete già le date delle vostre prossime vacanze in Corsica? Allora dovreste prenotare la vostra auto in anticipo per ottenere il prezzo migliore.

Se arriverete a Bastia abbastanza presto, dovreste direttamente guidare verso Capo Corso e trascorrere la vostra prima notte a Macinaggio, ad un’ora di macchina da Bastia. Sarà più conveniente per il giorno successivo!

  • Best Western Bastia Centre: Situato a 1 km da Porto Vecchio e dal centro della città. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie spaziose e davvero pulite a partire da 75€ a notte, con colazione a 11.50€. I suoi punti forti: le camere confortevoli, il parcheggio privato, il personale gentile. Un’ottima scelta a Bastia per il suo rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • Hotel Port Toga: Questo hotel è situato nel cuore di Bastia, di fronte al terminal dei traghetti. Apprezzerete moltissimo le sue moderne camere doppie e i comodi letti. I prezzi partono da 85€ a notte. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la splendida terrazza sul tetto, la vista sul mare, la ricca colazione. Se dovete prendere il traghetto, è senza dubbio una scelta perfetta per le vostre vacanze a Bastia!
  • Hotel Restaurant & Spa L’Ostella: Situato a 4 km dal centro e a 500 metri dalla spiaggia. Qui, potrete godervi confortevoli camere doppie, alcune con balcone e vista mare, a partire da 90€ a notte, con colazione a 12.50€. I suoi punti forti: il personale caloroso, il ristorante davvero eccellente, il centro benessere con piscina coperta e jacuzzi.
  • Alivi: Situato a 350 metri dalla spiaggia e a 2 km dal centro di Bastia. Le camere doppie con terrazza sul mare partono da 135€ con colazione a 16€. I suoi punti forti: la piscina, la posizione, la vista, il ristorante. È la scelta che raccomando per chi desidera un soggiorno di lusso a Bastia!
  • Hotel Des Gouverneurs: Situato nella cittadella, a soli 2 minuti a piedi dal Porto Vecchio. Qui potrete godrete di camere doppie eleganti e accoglienti a partire da 180€. Colazione a 19€. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la splendida vista su Bastia e sul mare, la posizione eccezionale, il personale caloroso e accogliente e la piscina coperta. È la scelta che raccomando per chi desidera un soggiorno di lusso a Bastia!


1) Capo Corso (1 giorno)

Cominciamo il nostro viaggio di 7 o 8 giorni in Corsica con una bellissima escursione a Capo Corso .

Percorrerete il famoso sentiero dei doganieri, che parte da Macinaggio , situato a 1 ora di auto da Bastia. Potrete arrivarci il giorno prima o la mattina, a seconda dell’orario in cui arriverete a Bastia.

Questo sentiero lungo 19 km collega i villaggi di Macinaggio e Centuri, ma ci concentreremo sulla sua parte più interessante: quella che va da Macinaggio a Barcaggio .

Questo sublime sentiero costiero offre dei paesaggi preservati e dei panorami mozzafiato. Scoprirete anche molte spiagge e calette se durante la vostra passeggiata vorrete fare un tuffo!

Dalla spiaggia di Macinaggio , camminate per circa 3h30 fino a raggiungere Barcaggio. Mettete in conto un po’ di tempo in più, poiché vi fermerete sicuramente per fare delle splendide foto o godervi un picnic!

Avrete 2 opzioni per tornare a Macinaggio:

  • A piedi: tornate alla Cappella di Santa Maria. Una volta lì, potrete prendere il sentiero attraverso l’interno dell’isola, poiché è circa 1 ora più breve del sentiero costiero!
  • In nave: potrete optare per il battello navetta che collega Macinaggio e Barcaggio. È un ottimo modo per visitare il Capo Corso dal mare e godervi una rilassante gita in barca dopo la vostra faticosa passeggiata. Troverete maggiori informazioni su questo sito.

Trascorrete la notte a Macinaggio.

Se non avete molta voglia di camminare, potrete optare per una crociera commentata da Macinaggio per visitare il Capo Corso.

Durante questa gita in barca, scoprirete il Capo Corso e le sue torri genovesi, così come gli arcipelaghi di Finocchiarola e Barcaggio. Vi godrete anche una breve pausa per nuotare in delle splendide acque turchesi.

Troverete maggiori informazioni su questa gita in barca nel Capo Corso su questo sito web.

È inoltre possibile ottenere una mappa del Capo Corso presso l’ufficio turistico di Macinaggio, situato sul porto.

  • Marina D’oro: Situato sul porto di Macinaggio, a 100 metri dalla spiaggia. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie classiche a partire da 70€, con colazione a 7.50 €. I punti forti: la terrazza con idromassaggio, la sua vicinanza a ristoranti e negozi. È uno degli hotel più economici di Macinnagio, una scelta eccellente per un soggiorno economico!
  • Adonis Macinaggio: Situato di fronte al porto. I monolocali o gli appartamenti con piccola cucina e balcone con vista sul giardino o sul mare partono da 75€ a notte. I punti forti: gli appartamenti sono stati rinnovati di recentemente, la pulizia, il parcheggio privato gratuito.
  • Stella Marina: Situato a 100 metri dal porto. Apprezzerete moltissimo le camere doppie moderne e luminose recentemente rinnovate con la grande terrazza. I prezzi partono da 78€ a notte con colazione a 9.50€. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la piscina, la tranquillità, il parcheggio privato, il personale caloroso e accogliente. Rappresenta un’ottima scelta a Macinaggio per l’eccezionale rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • Hotel U Ricordu: Situato a 150 metri dal porto. Le camere doppie moderne e confortevoli partono da 80€, con colazione a 14€. Ciò che ho apprezzato: le 2 piscine esterne riscaldate, la vasca idromassaggio, i comodi letti, la tranquillità.
  • The Tomino: Questo hotel a 4 stelle si trova sulle alture di Macinaggio. Apprezzerete le suite molto confortevoli e spaziose con terrazza privata e vista sul mare a partire da 345€, con colazione a 19€. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la piscina a sfioro, l’eccezionale vista sulla baia, il ristorante, l’ambiente tranquillo e rilassante. È l’hotel che raccomando per chi è alla ricerca di un soggiorno di lusso nel Capo Corso!

Capo Corso

2) Capo Corso / Saint Florent (1 giorno)

Per il secondo giorno del vostro itinerario della Corsica di 7-8 giorni, percorrerete la costa occidentale del Capo Corso per raggiungere la città di Saint Florent.

Sulla strada, scoprirete i bellissimi villaggi tipici del Capo Corso e ammirerete dei panorami mozzafiato sul mare.

Ecco l’ itinerario migliore per sfruttare al meglio il vostro road trip del Capo Corso:

  • Da Macinaggio , guidate per 20 minuti sulla strada D80 per raggiungere il belvedere del Mulino Mattei. Qui, scoprirete una splendida vista panoramica di Centuri, l’isolotto di Capense e persino il deserto delle Agriate .
  • Scendete nel grazioso porto di Centuri.
  • Scoprite il borgo di Morsiglia.
  • Raggiungete il piccolo paese di Pino per scoprire il convento di San Francesco e la Marine di Scalo , rinomata per le sue graziose case in pietra in riva al mare!
  • Tornate alla vostra macchina per scoprire il piccolo borgo di Minerviu. Qui, potrete ammirare un mausoleo che somiglia un po’ a una versione in miniatura del Pantheon di Roma .
  • Recatevi a Canari per ammirare il panorama dal belvedere.
  • Visitate il villaggio di Nonza, famoso per la sua spiaggia di ciottoli neri.
  • Godetevi una rinfrescante pausa per nuotare sulla spiaggia di Farinole. Adorerete questa bella spiaggia sabbiosa con acque poco profonde!
  • Continuate il vostro percorso per raggiungere finalmente Patrimonio, rinomato soprattutto per i suoi vini Patrimonio DOP. Ci sono diversi vigneti lungo la Strada del Vino.

Se desiderate maggiori informazioni su cosa vedere nel Capo Corso, dovreste dare uno sguardo al mio articolo: La guida definitiva per visitare il Capo Corso.

capo corso paesaggi

È giunto il momento di visitare Saint Florent , l’ultima tappa di questa giornata!

Nel villaggio, passeggiate lungo il porto e per le sue stradine strette, in fine salite fino alla cittadella. Offre una splendida vista sul Golfo di Saint Florent!

Potrete anche godervi un pomeriggio di relax sulla spiaggia di Roya, situata proprio accanto al porto.

A Saint-Florent , potrete anche praticare svariate attività , come Jet Ski , Parasailing , Stand Up Paddle o Flyboard .

Trascorrete la notte a Saint Florent.

Potrete trovare maggiori dettagli su tutte le più imperdibili attrazioni di Saint Florent nel mio articolo: Le 12 cose da vedere a Saint Florent.

Dato che Saint Florent è una città piuttosto piccola, potrete facilmente visitarla a piedi.

C’è un parcheggio a pagamento (durante l’estate) al porto e dei parcheggi gratuiti alla cittadella e allo stadio. È inoltre possibile parcheggiare lungo la strada D81, a sud del porto.

  • Adonis Saint-Florent: Situato a 600 metri dal centro di Saint Florent. I monolocali e gli appartamenti climatizzati con piccola cucina e balcone partono da 70€, con colazione a 9.50€. I punti forti: la piscina, la pulizia, l’ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. È l’hotel che raccomando per un soggiorno economico a Saint Florent!
  • Hotel Tettola: Situato a 1.5 km dal porto di Saint-Florent. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie a partire da 90€ a notte. I punti forti: la piscina, la posizione perfetta davanti al mare e a poca distanza dalla spiaggia, il personale cordiale e accogliente.
  • U Palazzu Serenu: Questo hotel davvero grazioso e affascinante si trova a Oletta, a soli 10 minuti di auto da Saint-Florent. Questo hotel si trova all’interno di un palazzo del 17° secolo, con vista sul golfo e sul deserto delle Agriate. Offre delle camere splendide e spaziose, decorate con opere d’arte originali. Dato che l’hotel dispone solamente di 6 camere e 2 suite, avrete la garanzia di godere di un soggiorno intimo e tranquillo. Dovreste prenotare le vostre camere il prima possibile, per assicurarvi che non sia già tutto al completo! I prezzi partono da 180€ a notte durante l’inverno e 340€ durante l’estate, colazione inclusa. Cosa ho apprezzato: la grande piscina all’aperto, la magnifica vista (ancora di più al tramonto), il personale caloroso e accogliente, la tranquillità. È l’hotel che raccomando per chi cerca un soggiorno di lusso durante le proprie vacanze a Saint Florent!


3) Deserto delle Agriate / Calvi (2 giorni)

Per il terzo giorno del vostro viaggio di 7 giorni nel Nord della Corsica, scoprirete una delle attrazioni più imperdibili dell’isola: il deserto delle Agriate.

Dal porto di Saint Florent, prendete il battello per raggiungere il deserto delle Agriate e le sue 2 splendide spiagge in meno di 30 minuti. Potrete scegliere tra:

  • La Spiaggia di Saleccia
  • La Spiaggia di Lotu

Vi innamorerete sicuramente di queste 2 magnifiche spiagge con sabbia fine e acque turchesi. Non dimenticate il costume da bagno e la crema solare per godervi una fantastica in cui nuoterete e prenderete il sole nelle 2 più belle spiagge della Corsica!

La barca vi lascerà a Saleccia o a Lotu. Se desiderate visitare le 2 spiagge nello stesso giorno, avrete 2 opzioni per andare a piedi da una spiaggia all’altra:

  • Una passeggiata di 45 minuti sul sentiero attraverso la macchia
  • Un piccolo sentiero costiero, più bello ma più lungo (1h20)

E ovviamente, se non avete voglia di camminare, nulla vi vieta di trascorrere l’intera giornata presso la stessa spiaggia!

E se volete godervi una bella giornata in barca nel deserto degli Agriates , dovete optare per questa crociera di lusso in barca a vela.

Il capitano vi porterà a fare un bagno nei luoghi più belli degli Agriates e potrete gustare un pranzo tipico corso a base di prodotti freschi locali.

Poiché questa crociera in barca a vela è estremamente popolare, è necessario prenotarla non appena si conoscono le date del viaggio!

Per prenotare la tua crociera in barca a vela nel deserto degli Agriates , devi solo cliccare sul pulsante verde qui sotto:

Se state cercando ulteriori informazioni su cosa vedere nel Deserto delle Agriate, dovreste leggere il mio articolo dettagliato: Come visitare il Deserto delle Agriate?

Per trascorrere una giornata perfetta nel deserto delle Agriate, dovreste optare per una gita privata in barca di un’intera giornata VIP.

Secondo me questo è il modo migliore per sfruttare al meglio la vostra giornata!

Potrete noleggiare una barca con uno skipper esperto che si prenderà cura di mostrarvi i posti più belli intorno a Saint Florent, compreso il deserto delle Agriate, naturalmente.

Motoscafi, barche a vela, catamarani e persino yacht: scegliete la barca che più desiderate per trascorrere la vostra giornata da sogno!

Come potrete immaginare, questo tipo di giornata VIP in mare è estremamente richiesta, quindi dovreste noleggiare la vostra barca con skipper il prima possibile . Sarebbe un vero peccato perdersi una giornata del genere nel caso in cui tutte le barche fossero già noleggiate!

Potrete trovare tutte le barche con skipper a Saint Florent facendo clic sul pulsante qui sotto:

Dopo esservi goduti questo scenario paradisiaco, prendete la barca per tornare a Saint Florent e guidate per 1 ora e 30 minuti per raggiungere la città di Calvi . Trascorrerete qui le vostre prossime 2 notti.

Troverete alcuni splendidi posti da scoprire lungo la strada tra le 2 città, se vi rimane un po’ di tempo.

A metà strada tra Saint Florent e Calvi, potrete fare un salto nella spiaggia di Ostriconi.

Questa spiaggia di sabbia davvero molto graziosa si trova sulla foce di un fiume ed è delimitata dalla macchia mediterranea. Se non avete voglia di raggiungere a piedi la spiaggia, potrete semplicemente fermarvi sulla strada per ammirare il panorama.

Potrete anche fare una breve passeggiata nelle 2 località balneari di Ile Rousse e Algajola.

Sono subito prima di arrivare a Calvi, attraverserete il grazioso villaggio arroccato di Lumio , che offre una splendida vista sulla baia di Calvi!

Trascorrete la notte a Calvi.

Deserto delle Agriate

Proseguiamo il nostro itinerario della Corsica di 7 giorni per visitare Calvi e i suoi dintorni.

Al mattino, camminate fino alla Cittadella di Calvi. Qui potrete ammirare degli splendidi panorami sulla città e sul mare.

Durante la vostra passeggiata nella città alta, scoprirete:

  • La Cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista: questa chiesa, classificata come monumento storico, ospita 2 statue molto venerate dalla gente del luogo: il Cristo dei Miracoli e la Madonna del Rosario.
  • L’ex palazzo del governatore genovese risalente al 15° secolo.
  • L’Oratorio di Saint-Antoine
  • Le rovine della casa natale di Cristoforo Colombo (secondo una leggenda locale, dato che sarebbe nato ufficialmente 10 anni dopo a Genova).

Una volta che avrete visto la Cittadella, dirigetevi verso la città bassa di Calvi, molto vivace con i suoi numerosi negozi di souvenir e artigianato locale.

Nel centro storico potrete visitare la Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore o assaggiare le migliori specialità della Corsica al mercato coperto situato accanto alla chiesa.

Concludete la vostra passeggiata al porto. Con i suoi numerosi ristoranti e caffè, sarà il luogo perfetto per mangiare su una terrazza all’ora di pranzo!


Nel pomeriggio, avrete diverse alternative a seconda di ciò che vi piace di più:

1) Un soggiorno rilassante nella Spiaggia di Calvi.

Situata proprio accanto al porto e delimitata da una pineta, questa spiaggia di sabbia fine lunga 4 km è il luogo perfetto per fare un bagno pomeridiano e prendere il sole.

Potrete anche godervi una serie di attività nautiche, come stand up paddle, kayak, windsurf, boe trainate e tanto altro!

2) Un’escursione nella foresta di Bonifatu , a 30 minuti di auto da Calvi.

Qui potrete scegliere tra diversi sentieri segnalati di varia difficoltà.

Dopo la vostra escursione, andate al fiume e fate un tuffo tra sue bellissime piscine naturali. È il luogo perfetto per una gita in famiglia durante il vostro viaggio di 7 giorni in Corsica!

3) Un’altra splendida passeggiata alla scoperta della penisola della Revellata , a 10 km a nord-ovest di Calvi.

Da Calvi prendete il sentiero dei doganieri per raggiungere la penisola della Revellata e il suo faro. Durante la vostra passeggiata, ammirerete degli splendidi panorami su Calvi e sulla costa.

E se desiderate fare una nuotata rinfrescante, potrete scegliere tra la selvatica spiaggia di Alga o una delle tante belle calette sparse per la penisola.

Dopo la vostra passeggiata, non perdetevi la cappella di Nostra Signora della Serra (Notre-Dame de la Serra), che domina la città. Qui scoprirete una delle viste panoramiche più belle di Calvi e della sua baia!

E se non hai voglia di camminare, ti consiglio di fare questo giro in quad con una visita guidata di 2 ore . Puoi prenotarlo cliccando direttamente sul link qui!

4) Una gita in barca alla Penisola Revellata, dal porto di Calvi.

Questa crociera include una sosta per nuotare sulla spiaggia di Alga. Vi godrete anche un tipico aperitivo ammirando il tramonto sulla baia!

Fate clic sul pulsante in basso per prenotare questa gita in barca verso la penisola della Revellata durante il tramonto:

Trascorrete una seconda notte a Calvi.

Per saperne di più su Calvi e i suoi luoghi di interesse, dovreste leggere il mio articolo dettagliato: Le 15 cose da vedere a Calvi.

  • The Holy Erasmus: Situato a 850 metri dal porto, sul mare. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie ben attrezzate con letti confortevoli. I prezzi partono da 70€ a notte, con un supplemento di 10€ per la colazione. I suoi punti forti: la piscina, il parcheggio privato gratuito, il personale gentile.
  • Camping La Pinède: Situato a soli 200 metri dalla spiaggia di Calvi. Gli chalet e i bungalow con aria condizionata e completamente attrezzati con terrazza privata partono da 70€ a notte. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la piscina, i campi da tennis, il parco giochi per bambini, il parcheggio gratuito. È l’alloggio che consiglio a chi vuole intraprendere un viaggio in famiglia a Calvi!
  • Hotel Revellata: Situato a 450 metri dal porto. Il design e le confortevoli camere doppie partono da 85€ a notte. La colazione ha un prezzo di 12€ a persona. I suoi punti forti: le piscine all’aperto e al coperto, il centro benessere, la palestra, la splendida vista, l’eccezionale colazione. Una scelta grandiosa a Calvi per l’eccezionale rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • Hotel Casa Bianca: Situato a 250 metri dalla spiaggia. Apprezzerete le camere doppie spaziose e moderne che partono da 100€, con 12€ in più per la colazione. I suoi punti forti: ottima posizione, personale accogliente, camere confortevoli.
  • La Signoria: Questo hotel a 5 stelle si trova a 3 km dalla spiaggia di Calvi. Offre delle suite belle e spaziose con spogliatoio, bagno in marmo e terrazza. I prezzi partono da 320€ a notte, colazione inclusa. Ciò che ho apprezzato: il ristorante gastronomico, la spa, la piscina, la tranquillità, l’ottima colazione. È ciò che consiglio a chiunque cerchi un soggiorno di lusso a Calvi!

La Revellata Calvi

4) Porto / Scandola / Calanchi di Piana (1 giorno)

Per il quinto giorno del vostro tour della Corsica di 7-8 giorni, spostiamoci a sud verso il villaggio di Porto, che si trova a 2 ore di macchina da Calvi.

Porto è il punto di partenza per dei tour in barca che vi permetteranno di scoprire 2 magnifici siti Patrimonio dell’Umanità dell’UNESCO:

  • La Riserva Naturale di Scandola , che ospita un’incredibile fauna marina e terrestre. Ha un accesso strettamente regolamentato e ci si arriva solamente in barca!
  • I Calanchi di Piana e le sue bellissime rocce di porfido rosso modellate dall’erosione.

Durante questa crociera di 4 ore, vi fermerete anche nell’antico villaggio di pescatori di Girolata, accessibile solamente in barca o a piedi. È senza dubbio la più bella gita in barca che ho fatto durante il mio itinerario del Nord della Corsica di 7 giorni!

Questi tour in barca sono l’attrazione più interessante di Porto e devono essere prenotati il ​​prima possibile.

Avrete la possibilità di scegliere tra 2 tipi di barca:

  • Una barca ibrida con propulsione elettrica, per limitare l’impatto sull’ambiente.

Fate clic sul pulsante qui sotto per prenotare la vostra gita su una barca ibrida:

  • Una barca semirigida , per un massimo di 12 persone.

Potrete prenotare la vostra crociera su una barca semirigida proprio qui:

Trascorrete la notte a Porto.

Se desiderate maggiori informazioni su cosa vedere nella Riserva Naturale di Scandola, date un’occhiata al mio articolo dettagliato: Come visitare la Riserva Naturale di Scandola?

Queste crociere di 4 ore per Scandola, i Calanchi di Piana e Girolata partono da Porto intorno alle 9:00 o alle 14:00.

Dovreste quindi lasciare Calvi prima delle 10 per essere sicuri di non perdere la crociera pomeridiana. Avrete abbastanza tempo per pranzare a Porto e salire a bordo della barca.

  • Hotel and Residence Cala di sole: Situato a 1.2 km dal porto di Porto. Le camere doppie con balcone partono da 80€ a notte. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la piscina, la splendida vista sul mare e sulle montagne, il personale caloroso e accogliente. È uno degli hotel più economici di Porto e offre davvero un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • Hotel Le Romantique: Situato a soli 100 metri dalla spiaggia di Porto. Questo hotel offre delle spaziose camere doppie con un piccolo balcone e vista sul porto. I prezzi partono da 90€, con colazione a 9.50€. Punti forti: il personale gentile, la posizione perfetta vicino al porto e alla spiaggia, la ricca colazione.
  • Logis Hotel Le Lonca: Situato a 2 km dal porto e a 1 km dalla spiaggia. Apprezzerete le camere doppie pulite e spaziose a partire da 100€ a notte. Colazione a 11€. Punti forti: la piscina, il parcheggio privato, la colazione sulla terrazza, il personale disponibile.
  • Les Flots Bleus: Situato sul lungomare. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie recentemente ristrutturate con balcone che si affaccia sul mare, a partire da 105€ a notte, con colazione disponibile a 10€. Ciò che ho apprezzato: la magnifica vista, la posizione eccezionale, il personale caloroso e accogliente. Un’ottima scelta a Porto per il suo eccezionale rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • Residence Hotel Capu Seninu: Situato sulla riva del fiume, proprio accanto al porto. Questi monolocali e appartamenti moderni e ben attrezzati con lavastoviglie, lavatrice e balcone partono da 160€ a notte. Punti forti: le stanze spaziose e ben arredate, il parcheggio privato. È l’hotel che consiglio per chi desidera fare delle vacanza in famiglia a Porto, dato che potrete affittare un appartamento che può ospitare fino a 6 persone!

Gita in barca a Scandola, Calanchi di Piana e Girolata

5) Corte (1 giorno )

Continuiamo il nostro giro della Corsica in macchina di 7 giorni e dirigiamoci verso le splendide montagne dell’isola e Corte .

Da Porto, ci vogliono 2 ore per arrivare a Corte in auto, ma ci sono moltissimi posti fantastici da visitare durante il percorso! Ecco perché dovreste trascorrere un’intera mattinata, se non di più, in questo viaggio in auto.

Cosa vedere a Porto e a Corte:

  • Un’escursione nella foresta di Aitone , rinomata per i suoi pini centenari. Qui, potrete anche fare un tuffo rinfrescante nel fiume! Questa foresta si trova a 40 minuti di auto da Porto.
  • Un’altra escursione alla scoperta del lago Nino : il secondo lago più grande della Corsica è circondato dalle tipiche pozzine. Il viaggio di andata e ritorno dalla casa forestale Popaghja dura circa 5 ore.
  • Un bagno alle cascate di Radule, raggiungibili in 1 ora a piedi.
  • Un’altra nuotata rinfrescante nel fiume Golo , nei pressi del ponte in pietra Albertacce.
  • Una breve sosta al Lago di Calacuccia , nel Niolo.

Dopo il Lago Calacuccia, attraverserete la gola della Scala di Santa Regina.

Questa stretta gola con enormi rocce è stata modellata dal fiume Golo. Offre uno scenario impressionante e selvaggio, ed è senza dubbio tra i paesaggi più belli della Corsica!

foresta di Aïtone Corsica

Una volta arrivati a Corte , parcheggiate l’auto e visitate la città a piedi .

Camminate fino alla cittadella e visitate il Musée de la Corse, chiamato anche Museo Regionale di Antropologia . Questo interessante museo è anche l’unico accesso al belvedere del nido dell’aquila.

Dopo aver visitato il museo, recatevi al Belvedere, per ammirare uno splendido panorama della cittadella di Corte e dei suoi dintorni.

Quindi, camminate tra i suoi stretti vicoli pedonali. Passerete dal negozio di alimentari Ghionga, uno dei più antichi negozi di generi alimentari d’Europa! Arriverete a Piazza Gaffory per vedere la Chiesa dell’Annunciazione.

Continuate la vostra passeggiata per raggiungere la Chapelle Sainte-Croix, classificata come monumento storico, e concludete la vostra visita a Corte a Cours Paoli. Qui scoprirete molti ristoranti e negozi.

Trascorrete la notte a Corte.

Potrete trovare maggiori informazioni su come visitare Corte nel mio articolo dettagliato: Le 20 cose da vedere a Corte.

Dovreste assolutamente provare il ristorante “La rivière des Vins” per cena. Si trova a 5 Rampe Sainte-Croix.

Questo ristorante serve carni cotte nel forno a legna, accompagnate da patatine fritte fatte in casa . Tutti i piatti sono deliziosi e sostanziosi e l’hamburger è semplicemente fantastico!

I dolci fatti in casa sono anche davvero buoni e abbondanti. Non perdetevi il loro incredibile tiramisù!

  • San Giovanni House: Situato a 3 km dal centro di Corte. Le camere doppie graziose e pulite partono da 60€ a notte, colazione inclusa. Punti forti: il personale grandioso, la buona colazione a base di prodotti freschi, la calma. Un’ottima scelta a Corte per l’eccezionale rapporto qualità-prezzo!
  • U Passa Tempu: Situato nel centro di Corte, proprio accanto alla Chapelle Sainte-Croix. I monolocali e gli appartamenti ben attrezzati con una piccola cucina partono da 90€ a notte. Cosa ho apprezzato: la posizione centrale, la calma, il parcheggio privato, l’accoglienza calorosa.
  • Hotel Si Mea: Situato a 15 minuti a piedi dal centro. Questo hotel offre delle camere doppie spaziose e accoglienti a partire da 120€ a notte. Punti forti: la piscina, la ricca colazione a base di prodotti locali, la splendida posizione.
  • Casa di a Restonica: Situato a 1 km dal centro. Le camere doppie moderne e confortevoli partono da 140€, con colazione a 14€. Punti forti: la piscina, la camera confortevole, la calma.
  • Hotel Dominique Colonna: Questo hotel 4 stelle si trova a 1 km da Corte, sulle rive del fiume. Apprezzerete moltissimo le loro splendide camere doppie a partire da 400€, colazione inclusa. Cosa ho apprezzato: la splendida piscina, la terrazza sull’acqua, l’ambiente idilliaco, il personale gentile. È l’hotel che raccomando per un soggiorno di lusso a Corte!

Cittadella di Corte

Il vostro tour della Corsica in auto di 7 giorni è giunto al termine! Da Corte, guidate per circa 1h15 per raggiungere Bastia.

A seconda dell’orario di partenza, potrete andare direttamente in aeroporto o al porto, oppure optare per una breve passeggiata a Bastia.

In questa città potrete scoprire:

  • Piazza San Nicola
  • Via Napoleone
  • Il Porto Vecchio
  • La Cittadella

Desiderate maggiori dettagli su Bastia e i suoi luoghi di interesse? Date un’occhiata al mio articolo: La guida definitiva per visitare Bastia.

Se avete intrapreso un itinerario della Corsica Settentrionale di 6 giorni, potrete saltare la prima tappa di questa guida, ovvero l’escursione a Capo Corso. Da Bastia, guidate direttamente verso Saint Florent e visitate i suoi dintorni.

Per visitare il nord della Corsica in 8 giorni, dovreste trascorrere un giorno in più a Calvi o a Corte per fare un’escursione nella gola della Restonica. Troverete maggiori informazioni in questo articolo.

Preferite rimanere nella stessa città durante il vostro tour della Corsica di una settimana?

Non preoccupatevi, troverete tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno per pianificare le vostre vacanze in Corsica nei miei articoli dettagliati per ogni città:

  • Ajaccio: le migliori 20 cose da fare e vedere
  • Bastia: 17 posti da non perdere
  • Bonifacio: le migliori 20 cose da fare
  • Calvi: 15 posti da non perdere
  • Cap Corse: le migliori 15 cose da vedere
  • Corte: le migliori 20 cose da vedere
  • Porto (Corsica): le migliori 12 cose da fare
  • Porto-Vecchio: 17 posti da non perdere
  • Saint-Florent: le migliori 12 cose da fare e vedere

Se avete bisogno di aiuto per pianificare il vostro itinerario della Corsica di 6, 7 o 8 giorni, non esitate a farmi qualunque domanda nella sezione commenti qui sotto.

L’aereo è senza dubbio l’opzione più veloce per arrivare a Bastia.

L’aeroporto si trova a 20 km dal centro della città.

I prezzi dei voli per Bastia possono variare molto durante l’anno! Ecco perché dovreste prenotare i vostri biglietti aerei il prima possibile. Potrete utilizzare il nostro comparatore di voli, in collaborazione con Skyscanner, per verificare le tariffe e gli orari. È un ottimo modo per ottenere i migliori prezzi dei voli!

Potrete anche arrivarci in traghetto da Nizza , Marsiglia, Tolone e dall’ Italia .

Se desiderate noleggiare una barca per trascorrere una bella giornata all’insegna del mare durante il vostro itinerario in Corsica, dovreste prenotarne una con Samboat.

Motoscafi, barche a vela, yacht, piccole imbarcazioni senza patente, con o senza skipper: semplicemente troverete l’offerta più completa per le vostre barche a noleggio!

Allora, cosa aspettate a prenotare la vostra barca durante le vostre vacanze in Corsica? 😊

State per visitare la Corsica? Questi articoli possono aiutarvi!

Esplora tutti i miei articoli sulla Corsica : Tutti gli articoli che possono aiutarvi durante il vostro viaggio in Corsica si trovano qui.

  • Cosa vedere in Corsica? Le 30 migliori posti da visitare
  • Itinerario: 2, 3, 4 o 5 giorni in Corsica – L’itinerario perfetto per un breve soggiorno in Corsica
  • Itinerario: 1 settimana in Corsica – Il miglior itinerario per visitare la Corsica del Sud
  • Itinerario: 10 giorni in Corsica – Il miglior itinerario di 10 giorni in Corsica
  • Itinerario: 2 settimane in Corsica – Come visitare la Corsica in 14, 15 o 16 giorni.
  • Deserto delle Agriates – La guida definitiva
  • Calanchi di Piana – Come visitare le Calanchi di Piana in barca, in auto e a piedi
  • Isole di Lavezzi – Organizza il tuo viaggio sull’isola Lavezzi facilmente!
  • Riserva Naturale di Scandola – Tutti i miei migliori consigli per visitare Scandola
  • Le 23 più belle spiagge della Corsica

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6 7 8 giorni in Corsica

Creatore del blog Voyage Tips, amante dei viaggi e della fotografia.

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Discussion 4 commenti.


Ciao, abbiamo deciso di seguire I tuoi consigli per u tour del nord. Purtroppo non ci sono indicazioni su i ristoranti e avrei bisogno di un tuo consiglio su un paio di cene speciali a Calvi puoi aiutarmi ? Grazie mille


Ciao Francesco,

Potete trovare i miei suggerimenti sui ristoranti negli articoli dedicati a ciascuna città. Ho inserito i link nel mio articolo.

Per Calvi, si tratta di questo: Le 15 cose da vedere a Calvi . Avete una sezione “Dove mangiare a Calvi”.

Buona settimana nel Nord della Corsica!


Ciao Vincent stiamo valutando una vacanza in Corsica per la prossima estate e abbiamo trovato il tuo persorso di viaggio molto bello e interessante, siamo una famiglia di 4 persone, secondo te è fattibile partire da Bastia e arrivare a Bonifacio con 4 o 5 tappe per la notte e poi traghettare verso la Sardegna? Per non essere vincolati con gli orari, pensando di partire la seconda settimana di luglio può risultare facile trovare camere per dormire se non prenotiamo? Grazie per le info che vorrai darci

Ciao Erika,

Grazie mille! Sono felice che il mio itinerario di 7 giorni per la Corsica ti abbia aiutato a organizzare il tuo viaggio.

Per le 4 o 5 tappe tra Bastia e Bonifacio, ti consiglierei di dormire a Saint-Florent, Calvi, Porto-Ota per l’escursione in barca alle Calanques de Piana, Ajaccio e Bonifacio. Se è troppo, potete anche andare direttamente da Bastia a Calvi senza fermarvi a Saint-Florent.

Per quanto riguarda l’alloggio per 4 persone, sarà quasi impossibile trovare qualcosa se non si prenota in anticipo. E gli alloggi rimanenti saranno molto, molto costosi. Siamo in estate, quindi c’è molta gente. Per esempio, ho appena controllato su Booking, per Calvi, l’88% degli alloggi è già esaurito per la seconda settimana di luglio. Per la Corsica è necessario prenotare con largo anticipo.

Se avete bisogno di aiuto, qui trovate tutti i miei articoli sull’isola: Destinazione Corsica .

Buon soggiorno in Corsica!

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20 Best Boat Trips in Corsica with Map

best boat trips in Corsica

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The northern neighbor to Sardinia, flanked by the warm waters of the Mediterranean, Corsica is a blissfully underrated French island that fuses astounding geographical diversity with colorful and historic cliffside fishing villages , oh-so-special special gastronomy (it is French, after all), and a unique island culture that you won’t find anywhere else.

As you explore this sun-kissed locale on land, you’ll be spoiled for choice with pretty hilltop villages to wander, secret coves to swim in, and wild mountainscapes to hike – but the real magic of Corsica is only truly revealed when you set sail and explore by boat.

From the dramatic red and orange cliffs of the Calanques de Piana , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to the sheltered coves and crystal-clear waters of the Scandola Nature Reserve , a protected area teeming with marine life, there is a tour for everyone. You can be visiting the secluded beaches of Bonifacio aboard a luxury catamaran one day, and embarking on a day trip to the Lavezzi Islands for world-class snorkeling and diving.

And with so many options to choose from, you can tailor your experience to exactly what you’re looking for whether it’s an action-packed adventure or a relaxing escape.

Steeped in history as the homeland of Napoleon, with its dramatic coastline stretching over 1,000 km , this mountain in the sea remains a hidden gem, relatively undiscovered by international tourists.

But as word gets out, this is changing fast. So check out 20 of the best boat trips in Corsica that will help you explore this amazing island in all its glory, from the comfort of a luxury yacht or a humble kayak (or something in between), and start planning your visit today while the mountain in the sea remains off the beaten track.

Don’t feel like reading ahead? Check the best boat tours in Corsica available right now!

  • boat tours in Corsica

Are you traveling to a specific part of the island? Click the link below to see the best boat tours departing from that area.

Boat trips in South Corsica

Boat trips in west corsica, boat trips in north corsica, multi-day boat trips in corsica.

Before you start reading, browse the map to get the lay of the land. As you’ll see, South Corsica is the most popular region for boat trips , followed by the west and the north, while the eastern side of Corsica is considered less interesting because of a lack of coves.

But, with so many ports to choose from, you’re never too far away from the action regardless of where you’re staying.

Now that you know where you want to go (read: everywhere), it’s time to start planning your trip.

boat trips in South Corsica

A stunning slice of the island, and the most popular destination for boat tours, South Corsica is home to some of the best coastline in the region, hands-down.

With hiking trails and killer views galore, the Col de Bavella is a must-see, while the Aiguilles de Bavella – or Bavella Needles – are some of the rarest (and most photographed) rock formations on the island.

Lush forests, wild mountainscapes, and sheltered coves make this part of Corsica a nature lover’s paradise, while the towns of Bonifacio and Porto-Vecchio ooze old-world charm. And don’t even get us started on the food. From fresh seafood to locally made cheese and charcuterie, you’ll be in gastronomic heaven here.

For those looking for a more active adventure, the Scandola Nature Reserve is a protected area teeming with marine life where you can go snorkeling and diving in the crystal-clear waters.

From the south, odds are you’ll set sail from either Porto Vecchio , Bonifacio, or Propriano. The former is a lovely hilltop town with great restaurants and bars; sitting on the southern tip, Bonifacio is the bustling gateway to the Lavezzi Islands; while Propriano is a small, charming port town with a relaxed vibe.

And then there’s Solenzara, further up the coast yet still classified as South Corsica – a small town straddling the Tyrrhenian Sea. Rich in authentic Corsican culture, Solenzara is the perfect place to experience a more laid-back way of life.

1 – Lavezzi Islands

Lavezzi Islands, Corsica

Sitting about 10 km off the southern coast of Corsica (about 30 minutes by boat), the Lavezzi Islands are a postcard-worthy must-visit for anyone traveling to the region.

A part of the Scandola Nature Reserve , this granite archipelago is teeming with rocky inlets and secluded beaches that fade away into the warm waters – and as such, it’s home to some of the best snorkeling and diving in Corsica, with crystal-clear coves and an abundance of colorful and friendly marine life.

There are two main islands in the archipelago: Lavezzu and Cavallo. Lavezzu is the smaller of the two, and home to a number of sheltered coves where you can relax on one of the many secluded beaches. Cala della Chiesa, for one, boasts translucent and aquamarine waters, while Cala Lazzarina offers a large boulder that beckons thrill-seeking divers and cliff jumpers. While you’re on the island, the Santa Maria Chapel is worth checking out, likewise the historic cemeteries and lighthouse.

Lavezzi Islands boat trips

Cavallo, on the other hand, is the only inhabited island in the area, which means you’ll have more access to hotels and spas to complement the still impressive list of beaches, coves, and hikes.

Pristine and beautiful, a boat trip to the Lavezzi Islands should definitely be on your Corsica bucket list.

The best way to visit the Lavezzi Islands is on a boat tour from Bonifacio, which departs daily (typically hourly) during the summer months. And whether you go for a few hours or stay overnight, it’s certainly up there with the best boat tours in Corsica.

2 – Fazzio (near Bonifacio)

kayaking in Fazzio

A little slice of paradise not too far from Bonifacio, Fazzio is one of the most sheltered coves on the island.

And as such, it’s a heavenly spot for swimming, sunbathing, and simply taking in the view from the golden sand beach.

Considered a pool-like bay – which makes this an ideal destination for families – the water here is shallow and crystal clear, with a sandy bottom that’s perfect for little ones.

If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of Bonifacio (and the rest of Corsica, for that matter), Fazzio is definitely the place to do it.

Fazzio boat trips

There are several boat tours that depart from Bonifacio that will take you to Fazzio, passing by the Phare de la Madonetta lighthouse along the way. Or, if you prefer a little more flexibility, so that you can also tick off nearby hot spots like the Plage de Paraguan (Paraguan Beach) or Cala Genovese (Genovese Cove), you can rent your own private boat for the day (with or without a skipper, depending on your budget and preferences).

Keep in mind: while the boat trip west from Bonifacio to Fazzio is worthy of a spot on the bucket list, there’s also a popular inland route for those who want to cruise one way and hike back the other. About a two and a half hour, moderately challenging trek (halve that if you’re only going one way, obviously), the Fazzio Island and Paragan Beach Loop is a coveted route for birding and trail running.

3 – Beach of Capo Bianco (south of Plage de Balistra)

Beach of Capo Bianco, Corsica

Just south of the Plage de Balistra, a kitesurfing hot spot that’s about 11 km northeast of Bonifacio, is the Beach of Capo Bianco. Not to be confused with the eponymous towering mountain in the center of the island, this Plage de Capu Biancu is a small yet sublime spot for swimming and sunbathing.

Clear turquoise waters and seldom a crowd (on land or on sea) make this a great place to snorkel or scuba dive, with plenty of fish and other marine life to see just below the surface.

Accessible either by car or, a more scenic journey, by boat, the Beach of Capo Bianco is well worth the effort it takes to get there. While it’s difficult to call this seaside local a town (being as tiny as they come), there are certainly a couple of amenities worth noting: after you’ve moored the boat at the small pier, and burned a few calories swimming in the warm water, be sure to take advantage of the Restaurant U Capu Biancu-Bonifacio Corse – after all, nothing quite beats a fresh seafood lunch with a view.

Beach of Capo Bianco boat trips

Looking to make an entire day of it? If venturing around the area on a boat, whether you’ve departed from Bonaficio or Porto-Vecchio, consider stopping at any of the following for a well-rounded perspective of the nature and culture on offer: Plages de Sant’Amanza (perhaps ducking into the Restaurant Le Santa Manza for dinner), Gurgazu (a bayside town with jet ski rentals and eateries), the Plage de Maora ( a popular, long, and family-friendly beach in the Gulf of Santa Manza), or the quiet and oh-so-beautiful Plage de Vo’lpe (a romantic backdrop for a sunset picnic, if ever there was one).

4 – Plage de la Tonnara (on the southwestern shore)

Plage de la Tonnara, Corsica

Making our way over to the western side of the southern tip, we come to the Beach of the Tonnara (Plage de la Tonnara).

While most southern Corsica visitors tend to hang out over near the beaches around Porto Vecchio, anyone who takes the time to venture west will uncover a treasure trove of tranquility and some of the most beautiful coastline on the island.

The Beach of the Tonnara is no exception: this long, sandy beach is famous for its sunsets, and with good reason – they’re simply stunning. And it’s not one of those talked-about locales that headlines guidebooks, so what you get is genuine and unspoiled beauty.

While the beach is lovely any time of day, thanks to the rocks and little islets that shelter it from the sea, it’s definitely worth sticking around for sunset. On those windy days, kitesurfers can provide great entertainment, while the beach bar and quad or jet ski rental shop also beckon many a visitor for different reasons.

kitesurfing at Plage de la Tonnara

This stretch of sand is also great for swimming, boogie boarding, or just relaxing in the sun with a good book (or people watching – you’re bound to see some interesting characters here).

Pro tip: Head over around mid-afternoon, bring a bottle of wine and some cheese from one of Bonifacio’s many markets, find a cozy spot on the sand, and enjoy the show as the sun dips below the horizon in all its glory. Since different areas of the beach are a little rocky, beach shoes come highly recommended – likewise a hat and suncream since there isn’t too much natural shade (you can rent chairs and umbrellas from the beach bar though).

5 – Plage de Carataggio (AKA Tahiti Beach)

Plage de Carataggio, Corsica

Since the postcard-worthy Plage de Carataggio sits around the corner from Porto-Vecchio, about 5 kilometers as the crow flies, you’d think it would be a popular spot. But, in fact, it’s quite the opposite: due to its location at least 15 minutes hike from any roads, and lack of public transport options, this beach is typically only accessible by boat.

So while it does see a fair number of visitors and boasts an impressive reputation (after all, it has been nicknamed Tahiti Beach for its turquoise waters and small, crescent-shaped slice of white sand), you won’t find too many people here at any one time – making it ideal if you’re looking for a quiet place to relax.

The water is crystal clear and perfect for swimming or snorkeling, with plenty of fish to see just below the surface. And since the beach is sheltered by rocks on either side, it’s usually calm even when the wind is up – another plus if you’re looking to take a dip.

Plage de Carataggio boat trips

Whether you head there with a guide or make your own journey with a rental boat, the combination of convenient location, secluded beauty, and the added bonus of the beachfront Bar Carrataghj makes this celebrated as one of the best boat trips in Corsica.

While you’re in the area and once you’ve soaked in the Carataggio beauty, consider cruising up north for a few minutes to La Chiappa. With watersports companies, beach bars (simply named BarPlage de la Chiappa), and a dive center, it’s a popular adventure spot.

6 – Plage de Palombaggia (near Porto-Vecchio)

Plage de Palombaggia, Corsica

Continue a few minutes south of Plage de Carataggio but staying well and truly in the Porto-Vecchio vicinity, the Plage de Palombaggia is a beach that sure as hell lives up to the hype. Flanked by mountain scenery, it’s an Insta-worth spot where lush green trees dot the shoreline, juxtaposing white sand and a water hue that fades gradient-like from clear aqua to royal blue.

With its gentle slopes and clear, shallow waters, it’s a great spot for families with small children as well as anyone who wants to spend lazy days swimming, sunbathing, and paddle-boarding in between reading sessions and naps in the shade of a parasol.

The fine sand and turquoise waters are nothing short of idyllic – no wonder this place is one of Corsica’s most photographed beaches. And while it can get busy during peak season (July and August), there’s still plenty of space to spread out and find your own little piece of paradise here.

Plage de Palombaggia boat trips

There are several restaurants along the beach if you get peckish, as well as a few ice cream stands and a beach bar serving up cocktails to enjoy as you watch the sun dip below the horizon.

If you’re staying in Porto-Vecchio, this is one beach you won’t want to miss. And even if you’re not, it’s worth making the journey for a day of relaxation and beauty that will stay with you long after you leave.

7 – Plage de Santa Giulia (near Porto-Vecchio)

Plage de Santa Giulia, Corsica

If you’re looking for a few snaps that are sure to light up any social media feed, look no further than Plage de Santa Giulia. With its gentle slopes, clear azure waters, and picturesque surroundings, this beach has it all.

Sitting about 7 kilometers south of Porto-Vecchio at the foot of a mountain, this idyllic spot is not just a pretty face – Santa Giulia is also great for swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling, with plenty of fish to see in the crystal-clear Mediterranean water. Plus, with water sports aplenty (flyboarding and waterskiing to name a couple), you can scratch that itch for adreniline. And if you get hungry, several restaurants are serving up delicious Corsican cuisine right on the beach.

Santa Giulia boat trips

Whether you’re looking to relax in the shaded areas under the trees, hire a paddleboard for an hour or two, or explore the forest-like backdrop on foot, Plage de Santa Giulia is definitely worth a visit – and make sure you bring your camera!

While you’re in the area, if you want to back up your visit with something even more secluded, Plage de Porto-Novo is the next beach south and only accessible by hiking trail or boat!

8 – Plage du Petit Sperone (on the island’s southern tip)

Plage du Petit Sperone, Corsica

Rated one of the best boat trips in Corsica thanks to its dramatic setting and dramatic cliffs, the Plage du Petit Sperone (Little Sperone Beach) is an absolute must-see.

Nestled between a pair of rock walls, this beach is about as south on the island as you can get, pipped out by its bigger neighbor around the corner, Plage du Grand Sperone (Big Sperone Beach).

Seeing as it’s tough to reach this picturesque strip of sand by foot, requiring a 20-minute stroll from the parking lot, it welcomes far fewer visitors compared to its neighbor, while remaining just as (if not more) beautiful.

Plage du Petit Sperone boat trips

The shallow-to-deep blue water and serene surroundings make for a tranquil atmosphere, even though this spot is popular with both locals and tourists alike. And while there are no restaurants or bars on the beach itself, there is a scattered selection of options close by if you need to refuel after your swim (like L’effet Mer or the Restaurant du Golf de Sperone), not to mention a golf course and campsite (Camping des Iles).

And while there’s not a lot of information about it at the site itself, the Villa Romaine de Piantarella ruins sit on the hillside nearby, offering a unique appeal that separates this area from most seaside destinations.

If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience and some incredible photos to boot, put Plage du Petit Sperone high on the list.

9 – Plage de Roccapina (between Bonifacio and Propriano)

Plage de Roccapina, Corsica

Venturing over to a new part of the island now, about a 45-minute drive northwest of Bonifacio (or 45 minutes south of Propriano), the next stop on our list of the best boat tours in Corsica is the Plage de Roccapina.

Roccapina beach is one of those places that are just as beautiful as it is unique, with its distinct red and black sand that’s a result of years of erosion from nearby cliffs.

The water here is clean and clear, making for perfect swimming and wakeboarding conditions, but if you’re not feeling too adventurous, there is no shortage of soft white-grey sand to lounge about (or build sandcastles).

Despite being accessible by car, the last few kilometers are notoriously twisted and bumpy. And if you leave the car at the side of the main paved road, avoiding the potholed section, you’re still dealing with a roughly 30-minute walk to the beach. You know what that means? Avoid the headaches by taking a boat instead!

Plage de Roccapina boat trips

After you’ve moored the boat and soaked up the sun, the walk to the Genovese Tower takes about 20 minutes — a manageable stroll well worth doing for the wonderful high-up views that follow.

You won’t find any amenities here – no bars, no restaurants, no toilets. And while that only adds to the peace and quiet, make sure you come prepared with everything you need for the day (and then some), including food and drink, sunscreen, swimwear, and towels.

10 – Plage d’argent (on the southwestern coast)

Plage d'argent, Corsica

Take note: this untouched oasis is not to be confused with “La Plage d’argent”, a lively restaurant over an hour north. That said, while you wouldn’t want to rock up at the wrong place, there are far worse accidents to happen than ending up at a picturesque beachfront eatery.

Now, back to the task at hand.

This particular Plage d’argent is only accessible by boat (or a very long and difficult hike, or some off-road trails), making it one of the most secluded beaches on the south side of the island.

Plage d'argent boat trips

It’s wilder than many of Corsica’s other beaches, with a handful of hills and no shortage of green canopies that provide plenty of dramatic scenery, as well as some excellent opportunities for sunset photography and trekking.

As there are no amenities here (which simply adds to the allure for any serenity-seeking traveler), you’ll need to come prepared with everything you need for the day, including food and drink, sunscreen, swimwear, and towels. But if you’re looking for a truly unique experience away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this is definitely one place to consider when putting your list together for the best boat tours in Corsica.

boat trips in West Corsica

Overflowing with diverse attractions, from prehistoric sites and ancient castles to bustling port cities, unique volcanic landscapes, and pristine beaches, the western portion of Corsica is an endlessly captivating destination – and while there’s a bounty of things to do on land (which you should definitely leave time for), to truly epitomize that vacation vibe, it’s one that’s best explored by boat.

Here in the west of the island, you’ll find some of the most popular (and easily accessible) attractions, including Ajaccio , the island’s capital city; the Scandola Nature Reserve in the Gulf of Porto, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1975; and the Calanches de Piana, a series of red rocks that have been eroded over time into surreal shapes.

But while these are all must-sees when you’re in the area, they’re just the tip of the iceberg – and to help you make the most of your time (and budget), we’ve put together a list of some of the best boat tours in Corsica specific to the island’s west, and the most renowned (and underrated seaside destinations) that well worth squeezing into the itinerary.

The majority of the west Corsica boat adventures will depart from Ajaccio, a bustling city with a rich history, an impressive natural harbor, and no shortage of things to see and do.

  • boat tours in Ajaccio

11 – Les Iles Sanguinaires (near Ajaccio)

Les Iles Sanguinaires, Corsica

A picture-perfect collection of four small islands just off the main coast near Ajaccio (about 12 kilometers from the city, to be precise), Les Iles Sanguinaires (or “The Blood Islands”) are one of Corsica’s most iconic landmarks.

Formed millions of years ago by volcanic activity, the islets – which consist of one large island (Mezu Mare) and three smaller ones (Des Cormorants, Cala d’Alga et Porri, and the bare rock, U Sbiru) – are best known for their unique red rocks, which take on an even more striking hue at sunset.

While you can certainly enjoy the views from land (there are a few different lookout points located around Ajaccio), to really make the most of your experience, we recommend booking a boat tour that will take you right up close to the islets themselves.

Les Iles Sanguinaires boat trips

On Mezu Mare you’ll find a handful of excellent hiking routes if you want to dock and stretch the legs. Keep an eye out for wild goats and small Corsican horses roaming around, and be sure to bring the camera to snap memories of the 150 endemic species of flora that dot the archipelago.

Many of the boat companies in Ajaccio offer tours out to Les Iles Sanguinaires (often combined with a stop at one or two of the other attractions on this list). While you’re floating down the coastline, be sure to check out the Iles Sanguinaires’ lighthouse, and don’t forget to ask your skipper or guide about the islands’ rich and mysterious past: fabled stories of life of these islands date back to the 16th century.

12 – Plage de Portigliolo (north of Propriano)

Plage de Portigliolo, Corsica

Tucked away about halfway between Propriano and Ajaccio on the west coast in the Gulf of Valinco, despite being one of the largest beaches in the area, Plage de Portigliolo remains one of Corsica’s best-kept secrets.

Stretching close to 4 kilometers in length, and easily accessible from both the road and the water, this long and sandy beach is the perfect place to spend a lazy day swimming, sunbathing, and simply taking in the incredible views.

Unspoiled and seldom crowded thanks to its size (just walk past the boat hire and playing families if you want to sit back and relax), this spot is ideal for those who want to enjoy a more authentic Corsican beach experience with lots of shops nearby for food, activities, and souvenirs.

Plage de Portigliolo snorkeling boat trips

For those looking for a little more adventure, there are plenty of activities to keep you busy in and around the water, including windsurfing , kayaking , sailing, SUPing, and even scuba diving – and with so much coastline to explore (not to mention all of the hidden coves and caves that can be found along the way if making the journey down the coast by boat from Ajaccio), you could easily spend a whole day here and not get bored.

Up for a stroll? From the beach to the Tour Génoise de la Castagna – an ancient tower overlooking the bay – it’s about a 90-minute round-trip trek.

13 – Anse de Cacalu (between Ajaccio and Propriano)

Anse de Cacalu, Corsica

Serenity at its finest, Anse de Cacalu is a small, secluded beach about halfway between Ajaccio and Propriano on the island’s midwestern coast.

Framed by rocky cliffs and lush vegetation, this spot is well known for its dramatic scenery and crystal-clear water – not to mention its excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.

If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of some of Corsica’s more popular beaches (and want a bit of a hike at the same time), then this is the place for the to-do list.

Once you arrive at Anse de Cacalu, you’ll find a few small coves to relax in, as well as a few rocky outcroppings that are perfect for exploring. The main event here, however, if you’re venturing around the area on a boat, is simply to anchor down in the bay and soak in the beauty of the tree-lined cliffs as they tumble into the water below. While many beaches on the island are great for sightseeing, this is one that delivers exactly what you imagine when you think of “vacation”.

hiking in Anse de Cacalu

Want to stretch the legs? Bring the walking shoes and follow the small path that leads up to the top of one of the nearby cliffs, where you’ll discover an ancient lookout tower: the Torra di Capu di Muru (or Tour Génoise de Capo di Muru, in French). While you can’t access it directly from the Anse de Cacalu, there are a few nearby places to moor.

14 – Plage de Cala d’Orzo (between Ajaccio and Propriano)

Plage de Cala d'Orzo, Corsica

Selling itself as one of the best boat trips in Corsica thanks to its dramatic coastline (think: red rocks and white sandy beaches), Plage de Cala d’Orzo is a must-see for anyone venturing around the island by boat – access by car is very difficult (but possible).

A hidden gem for both locals and tourists alike, this beach pleasantly surprises with its aquamarine to ultramarine water gradients, and its secluded – meaning rarely too busy – location. And, of course, like much of the island, with dramatic green-covered cliffs that make for an excellent backdrop to a day spent lounging on the sand.

Plage de Cala d'Orzo boat trips

Cala d’Orzo is also a great place to explore if you’re interested in Corsica’s history and culture, as there are several archaeological sites nearby that date back to the Roman Empire. Namely, the two towers that stand on the two capes at Capo di Muro and Capo Nero.

One of the best things about this beach, however, is that it’s still relatively unknown compared to some of the other beaches on the list, which means that you can often have the place to yourself if you arrive early enough in the morning.

15 – Scandola Nature Reserve (northwestern coast)

Scandola Nature Reserve, Corsica

A UNESCO World Heritage Site for decades (1975), the Scandola Nature Reserve is one of Corsica’s most popular tourist destinations – and, with spectacular mountain formations, vibrant sea life, and rocky colors unseen anywhere on the island, for very good reason.

Located on Corsica’s western coast, this 1,900-hectare reserve (900 on land, and 1,000 in the sea) is home to some of the most unique and dramatic landscapes in all of Europe, with red cliffs that jut out into the Mediterranean and crystal-clear water that beckon sun-seeking travelers for a quick swim or snorkel.

As a designated wildlife refuge, the area is also home to many rare and endangered species of birds, plants, and animals – making it a perfect destination for those who love nature and want to learn more about Corsica’s ecology… on land and beneath the ocean surface.

Scandola Nature Reserve boat trips

Among the highlights are the Calanques de Piana, Girolata (a small medieval fishing village), the natural basalt organs, and the tafoni (loosely translated to hollow water sculptures), as well as the diverse animal life – keep your eyes peeled for both the peregrine falcon and the infamous osprey.

One of the best ways to explore the Scandola Nature Reserve is by boat, and lucky for us, there is no shortage of companies that offer tours of the area (both with and without guides). Whether you’re looking for a leisurely cruise around the reserve or an action-packed day of hiking and swimming and even scuba diving, there’s sure to be a tour that quenches whatever your thirst might be. And, with so much to see and do in the reserve, you might just want to take more than one!

16 – Calanche de Piana (near the Scandola Nature Reserve)

Calanche de Piana, Corsica

Also known as the Calanques de Piana, which you’ll find within the Scandola Nature Reserve (scroll up), these forebodingly beautiful red cliffs have become one of Corsica’s most iconic images – featured on postcards, in magazines, and on social media feeds all around the world.

The red rocks are a result of years of erosion from both wind and water, which has created unique formations that look more like something you’d find in a fairytale than on an actual island in the Mediterranean. And, while the cliffs might look impossibly high and dangerous, there is a selection of hiking trails that wind their way around – and even through – the rocks, giving visitors an up-close-and-personal look at this natural wonder.

hiking in Calanche de Piana

Just be sure to wear proper footwear (hiking boots or shoes with good traction) as some of the trails can be quite slippery when wet. And, if you’re visiting in summer, make sure to bring plenty of water as it can get very hot!

If you’re looking to hit up this area by boat (why else would you be reading this, right?) then, if you’re not renting your own vessel, your best bet will be a tour that departs from one of the nearby towns, like Porto or Ajaccio. These tours will typically take you on a leisurely cruise around the reserve, with plenty of time to stop and explore, and in the warmer months, plenty of time to jump in for a refreshing swim too!

boat trips in North Corsica

Moving our attention from the popular southern and western shores over to the northern coast of the island now, let’s take a look at some of the best boat tours in Corsica that depart from the roads less traveled.

To give the lay of the land, the two main tourist areas along the island’s northern shores are Calvi and Bastia (and while this one is on the south, Solenzara is a common departure point for tours of the north).

Kickstarting things with Calvi , this is a great base for those who want to explore the nearby Scandola Nature Reserve (which we talked about earlier). But, Calvi is also home to a truckload of other attractions and activities that are well worth your time. Case in point: the Baroque St-Jean-Baptiste Cathedral, which dates all the way back to the 13th century, and the Notre-Dame de la Serra, a beautiful church that’s perched atop a hill dishing up sublime views.

There are also plenty of beaches in and around Calvi for those who want to soak up some sun, like Plage de l’Ile Rousse, Cala di Sant’Ambrogio, or Plage d’Algajola . And, for those who want to explore beyond the town limits, there is a good chunk of boat tours that depart from Calvi’s harbor – ranging from day-long excursions to longer multi-day trips.

Bastia , on the other hand, is Corsica’s second-largest city (after Ajaccio) and is known for its well-preserved old town – which is full of medieval streets and buildings – as well as its lively port area. There are also a number of museums and art galleries in Bastia if you’re looking to do some indoor exploring, like the Bastia Museum or the small Military Museum (free entry from Tuesday to Thursday).

Or, if you’d rather spend your time outdoors, then you can check out one of the city’s many parks, like Jardin Romieu. And, of course, there are plenty of beaches to relax on too, like Plage de l’Arinella or Plage de Miomo, with its impressive medieval watchtower.

Boat tours departing from Bastia will typically take you along the island’s northeastern coast – past places like Cap Corse and over to the nearby islands like Elba Island or Capraia Island. These trips can range from day-long excursions to longer multi-day adventures, so there’s something for everyone!

17 – Plage de Sainte Restitude (one of many near Calvi)

Plage de Sainte Restitude, Corsica

A short boat ride from the Calvi harbor on the island’s northwestern coast (or a quick 15-minute drive, if you’re on wheels), Plage de Sainte Restitude is a great spot for those who want to relax on a quiet beach without having to travel too far from town.

Walking distance to the Matahari restaurant as well as the Pain de Sucre eatery, despite being a supervised beach it still boasts an air of solitude, with natural seawater pools, usually calm waters, and brilliant sunset viewing making up a collectively beautiful panorama of the Bay of Calvi.

Golfe de la Revellata, Corsica

Sainte Restitude isn’t the only beach in the area though – there’s also Plage de Revellata (a remote spot with a lighthouse to boot), Plage de l’Arinella (a red pebble beach that stands out from the rest – not wonderful for tanning, but certainly for some beautiful scenery and photos), and Plage de l’Alga (a scenic beach that’s popular for boaters looking to jump in for a quick and refreshing swim).

So, if you’re looking for a day that’s the perfect mix of adventure and relaxation, find yourself a boat tour (or rent your own) and hop around the peaceful beaches of greater Calvi!

18 – Plage de Saleccia (near Saint Florent)

Plage de Saleccia, Corsica

Looking like something stolen out of the Caribbean and widely considered one of the most aesthetic beaches not just on Corsica but in Europe – it was, after all, chosen as the backdrop for the 1962 flick “The Longest Day” – this idyllic combination of white sand, aquamarine waters, and lush vegetation is about as close to paradise as you can get.

If you don’t have your own vessel, you’ll need to hop on one of the boat taxis — but the ride from St. Florent is a picturesque one at that.

And, if you happen to visit during the summer months, you might even spot some cows wading in the shallow waters or grazing on the grassy dunes – just another quirky addition to an already unique beach!

Plage de Saleccia boat trips

So, if you’re looking for a beach that has it all – breathtaking scenery, delicious food, and plenty of things to do – then look no further than Plage de Saleccia!

Hot tip #1: while you should definitely come prepared with snacks and water, contrary to popular belief for such a secluded spot, there is actually a restaurant about 200m from the north end of the beach in the pine forest, with a decent menu of food and cold drinks, plus toilets and shower facilities.

Hot tip #2: nearby sits the less famous Lotu Beach (see #19). Combine both of the beaches into one day for a complete experience!

19 – Plage de Lotu (near Saint Florent)

Plage de Lotu, Corsica

Accessible only by boat or hot and heavy coastal trek, this off-the-beaten-track landscape makes for the perfect pairing with Saleccia (see #18) — water taxis from Saint Florent can pick you up and drop you off at either of these beaches, while pre-organized tours will often make a stop at both… and, of course, if you rent your own boat, you can do as you please.

About a 45-minute walk from the more popular Plage de Saleccia With its clear waters and soft sand, Lotu Beach is the perfect spot for a relaxing day spent swimming, sunbathing, and simply taking in the incredible views.

At 400 meters long, even on the busier summer days when myriad yachts and speedboats come out to play, you’ll still easily find some peace and quiet here.

Plage de Lotu snorkeling boat trips

With a lovely little cafe for a spot of lunch or well-deserved ice cream (you’re on vacation, after all), this beach has everything you need for a perfect day spent enjoying the sun, the sand, and the sea.

And, like its more famous counterpart, you’re likely to spot a couple of cows lazing about on the shoreline – but that’s just part of the charm, right?

Whether you visit Lotu solo or as a double-whammy with Saleccia, you’ll quickly understand why it’s considered one of the best boat trips in Corsica – or the best destinations, at least.

20 – Cap Corse (the island’s northernmost cape)

Cap Corse, Corsica

Jutting out from the northernmost tip of the island like a giant arm reaching out to sea, Cap Corse is one of Corsica’s most unique and beautiful landscapes.

A haven for nature lovers, this 40km-long peninsula is home to some of the most stunning scenery on the island, with its rocky coastline, sheltered coves, and secluded beaches all combining to deliver an authentic atmosphere of serenity – exactly what you expect of an island getaway.

But that’s not all – Cap Corse is also home to myriad quaint villages and towns, each with its lovely unique character and charm.

From the fishing village of Nonza with its black pebble beach to the medieval town of Centuri with its fortified walls and towers, there’s something for everyone here.

Cap Corse boat trips

And, if you’re looking for a little more adventure on land after docking, hiking trails are a dime a dozen (for a very easy half-day hike, look no further than the Centuri track from the Mattei Windmill to the Port), while the bounty of little inlets and coves make for snorkeling and diving galore.

In short, Cap Corse is the perfect destination for those who want to enjoy a little of everything that the island has to offer – and it’s most definitely one of the best boat tours in Corsica if you want to escape the crowds (even though, compared to mainland France, Corsica is rarely crowded anyway).

multi-day boat trips in Corsica

With so many options for pre-organized tours – on yachts, sailboats, speedboats, and everything in between – it can be tough to decide which one is right for you.

But, whether you’re looking for a relaxing day spent exploring secluded coves and swimming in crystal-clear waters or you’re after something a little more adventurous with plenty of stops along the way, there’s a tour out there that’s perfect for you.

And who says you have to limit yourself to just a day on the water? You’ll find several multi-day tours that will take you to all the best spots, both on land and at sea. Some will stay around Corsica, while others will combine the French island getaway with Sardinia or La Maddalena, for example. Then there’s Elba, and, of course, both the Italian and French Rivieras — but if you’re looking to hop around those, you’re looking at far more comprehensive multi-day trips (still, can and should be considered!).

Corsica is an absolutely incredible island with so much to offer – and there’s no better way to experience it than from the deck of a boat. So, if you’re looking for the ultimate way to experience everything that Corsica has to offer, a multi-day boat tour is undoubtedly the way to go.

Bonus: La Maddalena Archipelago

La Maddalena Archipelago boat trips

Just below Corsica is the Italian island of Sardinia, a coveted destination in its own right but also home to the gorgeous La Maddalena Archipelago.

Comprising over 60 islands, islets, and rocks, this little slice of paradise is a must-visit for anyone spending time in Sardinia – or Corsica, for that matter.

And, while you could easily spend weeks exploring all the nooks and crannies of this stunning archipelago, most of the best La Maddalena boat trips will focus on just a handful of the highlights.

These usually include Spargi (with its dramatic cliffs and secluded coves), Budelli (famous for its pink beach), Santa Maria, and Caprera (both home to plenty of history and culture), as well as Razzoli and Santa Stefano (two of the most popular spots for snorkeling and diving).

But, no matter which islands you end up visiting, one thing is for sure – you’re in for a treat. The La Maddalena Archipelago is truly one of the most beautiful places on earth and a must-visit for anyone lucky enough to find themselves in Sardinia or Corsica!

  • boat tours in Maddalena

Final thoughts

best boat tours in Corsica

So, there you have it – our pick of the 20 best boat tours in Corsica . Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day spent exploring secluded coves or you’re after something a little more adventurous with plenty of stops along the way and a chance to explore the vast and diverse inland towns and nature retreats, there’s a tour out there that’s got your name written all over it.

For the ones that wish to visit the inland, make sure to check out our list of fun things to do in Corsica .

And, if you’re looking to combine your French island getaway with a visit to Sardinia or the La Maddalena Archipelago, there are plenty of options for multi-day boat trips as well.

And, if you’re planning a trip to Sardinia, be sure to check out some of the best things to do in Sardinia for some inspiration.

Do you have any other recommendations for the best boat trips in Corsica? Let us know in the comments below!

Bon voyage!

The 6 Best Boat Tours From Porto, Ajaccio Or Porticcio In Corsica [2024 Reviews]

The best way to explore Corsica is on a boat tour from one of the main resort towns. In fact, there are several beautiful parts of the island you can only reach by boat, such as the village of Girolata and Scandola Nature Reserve.

Corsican boat tours from Porto are a great way to admire the island’s beautiful coastline. But you can also charter boats from other Corsican towns like Ajaccio or Porticcio.

I’ve selected 6 of the top-rated boat tours in Corsica to review. 4 are tours in Porto and 2 sail from other towns. Each Corsican boat excursion visits a different selection of attractions around the coast of Corsica. One of them will be perfect for you.

Best Boat Tours From Porto, Ajaccio, Or Porticcio In Corsica

Quick answer: the 6 best boat tours from porto, ajaccio, or porticcio in corsica.

  • From Porto: Piana Creeks & Scandola Small-group Boat Tour
  • Corsica: Scandola and Calanche de Piana Boat Tour from Porto
  • Porto: Scandola Nature Reserve Eco-Friendly Boat Tour
  • Corsica: Calanche de Piana 1.5-Hour Boat Cruise from Porto
  • From Ajaccio or Porticcio: Full-Day Boat Tour to Bonifacio
  • Scandola, Girolata and Calanche de Piana Full-Day Boat Tour

Best Boat Tours From Porto, Ajaccio, Or Porticcio In Corsica Reviewed

#1 from porto: piana creeks & scandola small-group boat tour.

  • Departure Point : La Calipso Hotel Dock, Porto
  • Departure Time: 8:30 AM, 1:00 PM
  • Duration : 3 hours
  • Includes : English speaking guide, boat tour, explore Piana’s creeks, and visit Scandola Nature Reserve

You’ll be sailing aboard a small, semi-rigid, pneumatic boat designed to impact the environment as little as possible. Since it’s only designed to carry 12 passengers, you’ll be part of an intimate group tour. Also, the small size of this tour boat enables it to transport you inside some of Corsica’s unique sea caves.

On this boat tour in Corsica, it’s not unusual to spot marine mammals, like dolphins or seals. The marine life around the Scandola Nature Reserve is especially rich and varied. However, most visitors to this UNESCO World Heritage Site are more interested in its amazing birdlife, including ospreys, sea eagles, and peregrine falcons.

Tour Information & Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, #2 corsica: scandola and calanche de piana boat tour from porto.

  • Departure Point : Nava Va Promenades, Place de la Marine, Porto
  • Departure Time: 9:00 AM
  • Duration : 3½ hours
  • Includes : English speaking guide, boat cruise, visit Scandola Nature Reserve, visit Girolata, and explore the Calanche de Piana

The remote village of Girolata is only accessible from the sea, so this tour enables you to visit an isolated, traditional Corsican community. While there, you can explore the village or take the chance to swim in the warm Mediterranean Sea.

In Scandola Nature Reserve, watch out for peregrine falcons and sea eagles. This renowned nature reserve is one of the last places you can see the endemic flora of the Mediterranean. Established in 1975, the reserve is now only accessible by boat.

You’ll love sailing along the inlets of the Calanche de Piana. These unique pink granite structures were formed by the action of wind and waves on igneous rocks in this area. Your guide will be happy to educate you about the rich geological diversity of the rocks found here.

#3 Porto: Scandola Nature Reserve Eco-Friendly Boat Tour

  • Departure Point : Nave Va kiosk, Marine, Porto
  • Departure Time: 9:30 AM, 2:30 PM
  • Includes : English speaking guide, boat cruise, explore Scandola Nature Reserve, and visit Girolata

The Scandola Nature Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a wonderful place to spot birdlife, such as peregrine falcons and ospreys. The marine life around the reserve will enthrall anyone interested in nature. You’ll be sailing on a silent hybrid boat, which is respectful toward the environment.

When you stop at Girolata, you can take the opportunity to swim in the crystal-clear waters. Alternatively, you can explore this isolated community and learn about the traditional lifestyle of Corsican fishermen.

#4 Corsica: Calanche de Piana 1.5-Hour Boat Cruise from Porto

  • Departure Time: 1:00 PM, 5:30 PM
  • Duration : 1½ hours
  • Includes : English speaking guide, 1½-hour boat tour, and views of the Calanche de Piana

This UNESCO World Heritage Site features many interesting seabirds and rich marine life. Your guide will explain the geological and geographical processes that have led to the creation of this natural landmark.

While there are many Porto Corsica boat trips you can choose from, few will show you so much in so little time. The silent hybrid boat used for this tour is not only fast, but it also is better for the environment than the boats used by other less responsible tour operators.

#5 From Ajaccio or Porticcio: Full-Day Boat Tour to Bonifacio

  • Departure Point : Nave Va, Porticcio or Nave Va, Port Tino Rossi, Ajaccio
  • Departure Time: 8:00 AM
  • Duration : 1 day
  • Includes : English speaking guide, cruise along the southern coastline, visit Bonifacio, and mini-train shuttle

The limestone cliffs around the Bay of Bonifacio are famous for their rock formations, sea caves, stacks, and beauty. The citadel of Bonifacio stands proudly atop the cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, providing you with fantastic photo ops.

You’ll have 4 hours free to explore the winding medieval streets of Bonifacio. Watch out for the “Staircase of the King of Aragon” carved into the cliffs during the 1420 Siege of Bonifacio. Your tour includes a mini-train shuttle from the port of Bonifacio up to the upper town and citadel.

If you’re planning to take a boat charter in Corsica, this is one of the best you can choose. The views from the citadel of Bonifacio are stunning, and you’ll see both natural wonders and historic landmarks that you’ll never forget.

#6 Scandola, Girolata and Calanche de Piana Full-Day Boat Tour

  • Departure Point : Either Nava Va, Porticcio or Nave Va, Port Tino Rossi, Ajaccio
  • Includes : English speaking guide, boat transport, visit a fishing village only accessible by sea, and visit the Scandola Nature Reserve

The Scandola Nature Reserve is a wonderful place to observe endemic birdlife and flora. Watch out for peregrine falcons and ospreys in their natural habitat. Few Corsica boat trips provide you with such fantastic opportunities to come close to nature on this beautiful island.

Your tour also includes a 2-hour stopover in the coastal village of Girolata. This secluded village is only accessible by sea. Take a look at the traditional lifestyle of Corsican fishermen and maybe eat lunch in the seafood restaurant.

Your boat tour will continue on into the hidden inlets of the Calanche de Piana where you can admire the beauty of pink granite shores weathered down into unique rock formations by the actions of wind and waves.

Corsica Travel Guide

Corsica is the Mediterranean’s hidden gem. Although it’s a region of France, you’ll find it to be a culturally unique island and very different from the French mainland. Corsica is a great destination for anyone interested in history or exploring beautiful landscapes. And what’s truly great about this island is that it remains largely undiscovered by mass tourism. It’s less developed and more authentic than any other Mediterranean island you can visit.

Airports & Entry

The two best ways to reach Corsica are by air or by sea.

Corsica is served by 4 international airports: Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte Airport, Bastia – Poretta Airport, Calvi – Sainte-Catherine Airport, and Figari – Sud Corse Airport. During the summer high season, budget airlines like EasyJet and Ryanair provide flights from European cities to all these airports. Generally, flights to Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte Airport will offer the best deals because it’s the busiest airport on the island.

When planning your flight, use a flight comparison site like Kayak to ensure you get the best deals. Even off-season, you can get an EasyJet flight from Paris to Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte Airport that takes 1 hour 45 minutes for as little as $79.

Car ferries link Corsica to both nearby Italy and mainland France. Over 2 million passengers every year pass through Bastia, the busiest seaport. If you’re traveling across Europe by car, these links can be very useful. You can compare crossing times and prices on ferry price comparison websites like Aferry .

A person with a small car can cross from Savona in Italy for as little as $100 in 14 hours. The crossing from Livorno in Italy only takes 4 hours 30 minutes but can cost $170. And you can cross from Marseille in France in 13 hours for around $100. Much like with flights, you’ll find more services running during the high season.

Planning Tips

Corsica is a unique region of France. You’ll be fascinated by its culture and history. Here are 5 tips to help you plan your vacation.

Tip #1: Decide what you want to do before planning your visit to Corsica

There are lots of interesting things to do around Corsica, but you should plan your visit around what you mainly want to do. Some people come for the scenery and natural landmarks while others come for the historic sites. However, note that the island can become crowded and hot during the summer high season.

If you’re planning on hiking to remote locations, you might want to come during the shoulder season to benefit from cooler but still warm weather and smaller crowds. But if you mainly want to sunbathe on Corsica’s many pristine beaches, or enjoy the nightlife at its peak, then you’ll want to come during the high season in July and August.

Tip #2: Don’t rely on credit cards

An unusually high number of businesses refuse to accept credit cards in Corsica. You’ll find that even busy restaurants and stores won’t take cards. Before traveling to Corsica, ensure that you’re able to take out enough cash to cover your purchases from ATMs around the island.

Tip #3: Be prepared for unexpected hot weather along the coast

Although Corsica doesn’t suffer such high average temperatures as more southerly Mediterranean islands, the temperature near the beaches can rapidly rise. If you go hiking or spend a day on the beach, ensure you take along plenty of bottled water for hydration. Also, take along sunscreen, a sun hat, and maybe a parasol on the beach.

Tip #4: Book in advance, especially during summer

Corsica doesn’t get as many tourists as other areas of France or nearby Italy. While this is great if you don’t like crowds, it also means there are fewer hotel rooms and tour spots available for visitors. So, if you want to avoid disappointment, ensure you book any essential tours and your hotel rooms in advance.

Tip #5: Be prepared for problems on the road

Most visitors to Corsica decide to hire a car to explore its wonderful scenic landscape. However, once you leave the main roads, the road quality rapidly deteriorates. You’ll find narrow roads where cars cannot pass and lots of holes in the road. You should also keep an eye out for DUI menaces and farm animals crossing the road in more rural locations.

Restaurants & Eating Out

Much like the French, Corsicans enjoy a long and leisurely lunch, often with 3 courses and accompanied by Corsican wine. Traditional dishes often include cheeses and cured meats along with leafy vegetables and the seafood you’d expect in any Mediterranean island. Many Corsican recipes involve local brandy or wine.

Although Corsica is a region of France, its proximity to Italy and history mean that you can expect to see strong Italian influences in the food, like meat dishes served with polenta or pasta.

Traditional meat dishes

Many traditional meat dishes involve cured meats. These include liver sausage, salami-style sausage, smoked ham, black pudding, and the unique Fromage de tête—a cheese-like substance made from pig’s brains.

However, despite this proliferation of preserved meats, Civet de Sanglier is Corsica’s signature dish. This is a rich casserole made using wild boar cooked in red wine along with carrots, onions, chestnuts, garlic, and fennel. A Casa di l’Orsu in the town of Corte in the very heart of Corsica is a fantastic restaurant to sample traditionally cooked Civet de Sanglier.

Another popular stew is veau aux olives made from olives, onions, tomatoes, herbs, and tender veal cooked in rosé wine. And if you prefer your meat roasted, try agneau Corse slow-roasted lamb with potatoes, whole garlic cloves, and rosemary.

Given that Corsica is a Mediterranean island, you can expect to see lots of seafood around the coast. Bouillabaisse is a popular fish soup made using unique ingredients including surmullet, tub gurnard, and scorpionfish. This is traditionally served with a spicy rouille sauce. Another popular method of eating fish is grilled. You’ll find grilled tuna, shrimps, swordfish, and shellfish on many menus. A popular seafood restaurant you can try is the Restaurant Les Quatre Vents in Bonifacio.

Dairy Products

In the mountainous areas of Corsica, many recipes call for copious use of local dairy products. For example, Brocciu is a unique local kind of cheese similar to goat’s cheese but made using ewe’s milk. An interesting cheese to watch out for is casgiu merzu, which is a unique ewe’s milk cheese containing live cheese fly maggots. Most Corsican cheeses are made using goat’s milk or ewe’s milk.

Corsican desserts

Many traditional desserts are made from milk or eggs. A unique local cheesecake called fiadone is made using brocciu cheese, chestnut flour, and eggs flavored with brandy and lemon zest. Flan a la farine de Chataigne is a delicious chestnut tart made using chestnuts, eggs, and brandy.

Paglia Orba in Corte is a fantastic place to try out many of Corsica’s tastiest desserts. It is one of the top-rated restaurants in Corsica and specializes in a wonderful range of sweets from around the island and other parts of France.

Nightlife & Entertainment

Corsica is far from the wildest nightspot in the Mediterranean, but you can find a selection of lively bars where you can let your hair down and meet new friends. Corsican nightlife is relatively low-key and is often focused on restaurants or cafés with attached bars and maybe live music.

All the larger towns feature a selection of bars. And because there are so many fantastic local wines, you’ll find atmospheric bars in small villages where you’re encouraged to try the local product. If you want to familiarize yourself with the full range of local wines, you might want to visit the Simonini Emmanuel Wine Bar on the Ruelle de la Fontaine in Corte.

You’ll find a good variety of bars in Ajaccio, though live music and other entertainment tends to be found in the larger restaurants. In the summer high season, Bastia hosts seasonal night clubs packed with students. There are many bars in Bonifacio, but they’re almost all closed by midnight.


Some restaurants have a long history of providing live music and entertainment. The most famous venue for cultured live music on the island is Chez Tao on the Route de la Citadelle in Calvi. The Chez Tao Restaurant was established in 1935 and is renowned as the place where the wealthy and sophisticated gather to eat and enjoy wonderful views of the bay accompanied by live piano playing.

If you want to dance through the night, check out Porto Vecchio where some clubs open until 4 am. The best known of these is Via Notte , which claims it’s the largest outdoor nightclub in Europe. Like most nightlife venues in Corsica, it’s based around a restaurant. But in summer, Via Notte stages parties for up to 5,000 people hosted by famous international DJs.

Getting Around

Unlike the rest of France, public transport isn’t great in Corsica. If you want to get around the island and see things, you should either hire a car and drive yourself or take tours that provide transport.

Most visitors to Corsica who want to explore the island’s stunning scenery hire a car. Although there are no freeways in Corsica, the main roads are well maintained and signed. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the narrow, winding mountain roads and remote rural roads.

You must take great care when navigating around blind turns through the mountains. Note also that French drivers don’t have a great reputation for safe driving. The speed limits are 37 mph (60 km/h) in urban areas, 56 mph (80 km/h) on country roads, and 68 mph (110 km/h) on 2-land highways. You’ll see lots of congestion and busy roads during July and August. During the rest of the year, the roads are relatively quiet.

To drive anywhere in France, you require a passport, valid driver’s license, and proof of insurance on your person. Note that the minimum age for drivers is 18! It’s recommended you obtain an International Driver’s Permit that provides a translation of your license details into French. However, if you have any valid EU driver’s license, you won’t need an International Driver’s Permit.

Vehicle sharing

There is a popular car-sharing website in France that you might want to check out called BlaBlaCar . This website can help you connect with local people in Corsica who are planning drives across the island and would be willing to share their car if you’ll pay for their gas. While this doesn’t give you the freedom to explore on our own, it does give you the unique opportunity to connect with local people and learn about Corsican culture from a native.

Although I wouldn’t recommend the trains in Corsica for every journey, you should try them at least once during your stay. The mainline crosses through the mountains from Bastia to Ajaccio and provides amazing scenic views. However, the local U Trinighellu has tiny and uncomfortable shaking carriages. The services are notoriously unreliable and sometimes simply just don’t run.

Corsica does have reliable public buses. However, the services are infrequent, with only 1 or 2 buses a day between the main towns on the island. You should only rely on the buses if you have a lot of time on your hands.

For short journeys, you can always arrange a taxi. However, they are super expensive when compared with the cost of hiring your own car.


Corsica’s tourism industry is relatively underdeveloped. This offers the advantage of a relatively unspoiled landscape and few crowds. However, you’ll also find accommodation around the island relatively expensive and with fewer amenities than the French mainland. The main resorts include Ajaccio, Porto, Porticcio, Calvi, and Porto Vecchio.

If you want to explore off the beaten track, and you’re hiring a car, you might want to consider renting a holiday villa. If you’re coming with your whole family or a large group of friends, you’ll probably find it more economical to rent a villa for the week than to stay in a hotel. Villas also provide you with a home away from home and more privacy than is possible in a hotel. You’ll find hundreds of villas in Corsica listed on .

This seaport is the capital and largest town of Corsica and Napoleon’s birthplace. You can visit Maison Bonaparte and wander around the house where France’s greatest statesman and general was born. And the Musee Fesch , established by Napoleon’s uncle, is famous for its Renaissance art. The Hotel Dolce Vita offers great views of the Iles Sanguinaires, which are a group of rocky islands off the coast near Ajaccio.

Porto is a popular location for nature lovers. You can access the Scandola National Park by water from here, and this town is a great base for diving and hiking. The Hotel le Belvedere is great for visitors on a tight budget.

Porticcio attracts a young, beach-loving crowd. Porticcio Beach is touristy and over-commercialized, but Ruppione Beach and Agosta’s sands are more attractive. Le Maquis Hotel features its own private cove for visitors who can afford 5-star accommodation.

Calvi is a more up-market resort in a photogenic area of the island. A Foreign Legion citadel dominates the town, and the 3-mile beach is a popular place for drinking at the beach bars or long, romantic walks. Although the area is renowned for its sophistication, you’ll find affordable rooms with sea views at the Hotel St Erasme .

Porto Vecchio

This long-established resort stretches over 8-miles of sandy bays. A popular marina dominates the heart of the resort, which is popular with watersport enthusiasts, families, and couples. The Casa del Mar is great for anyone with deep pockets seeking luxury rooms, an infinity pool, and spa. But if you’re visiting with your family, the Hotel San Giovanni offers comfortable and affordable accommodation.

If you like historic locations, you’ll love Bonifacio’s old town, fortifications, and labyrinth of streets. The deep-water inlet provides mooring for the international yachting set, and you’ll find the better restaurants and hotels along the quay. If you’re looking for reasonably priced, stylish accommodation near the harbor, check out the Hotel Residence du Centre Nautique .

This is another great town for history lovers. Due to ancient vendettas and feuds in this medieval town, many of its older houses are built like fortresses. The vineyards around this town are reputed to produce the best red wine on the island. The Hotel la Villa Piana on the edge of town provides comfortable and affordable rooms.

The coastal areas of Corsica feature a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. Further inland, higher areas only experience warm summers. And the very highest altitudes in Corsica experience a subarctic climate with cold summers!

The winter is coldest in January, with an average daily high of 57 0 F and a low of 41 0 F. By April, the fields turn green, and flowers flood the island with color. The temperatures range from a high of 64 0 F to a low of 48 0 F.

August is the hottest month, with an average high of 85 0 F and a low of 67 0 F. The earliest grape harvests come at the end of summer, with the main harvests during September and October. November sees a drop in temperatures. The average daily high drops to 63 0 F and the low 49 0 F.


Corsica features a mixture of fantastic historic and natural attractions.

Corsica’s capital boasts several notable landmarks, such as the Place de Gaulle where you can see an amazing equestrian statue of Napoleon Bonaparte erected in 1865. Many visitors flock to Ajaccio to visit Napoleon Bonaparte’s birthplace , where you can see family memorabilia, documents, and portraits of Ajaccio’s most famous son.

In the Palais Fesch art museum, you can visit a gallery dedicated to Napoleon which includes a collection of coins and medallions connected to his life story. However, the museum is more famous for its unique collection of Renaissance artwork. And the 16 th -century Cathedrale d’Ajaccio is where Napoleon was Christened in 1771.

This fortified town looms over the Mediterranean Sea atop a steep limestone cliff. At the heart of this medieval town is the 12 th -century Eglise Sainte-Marie-Majeure, a beautiful Romanesque church. The history of the fortified citadel stretches back into the 9 th century. In recent history, the fortress was an administrative center for the French Foreign Legion.

Bonifacio is found within the Reserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio, which is Corsica’s biggest nature reserve. The reserve is renowned for its beaches, limestone cliffs, and sea caves. Some visitors also use Bonifacio as a base for visiting Sardinia, because there is a regular 1-hour ferry to Santa Teresa di Gallura.

Sant Antonino

The ancient citadel of Sant Antonino sits atop a 1,600-feet-high granite hilltop. It was founded by the Moors in the 9 th century and now boasts stunning views of the sea and surrounding countryside. This walled settlement is one of France’s Plus Beaux Villages—a list of the most beautiful villages in France.

Near Sant Antonino is the Couvent Saint-Dominique de Corbara. The convent is found tucked between snow-topped mountains and welcomes visitors on spiritual retreats.

Scandola Nature Reserve

The red granite coastline and beautiful bays of the Gulf of Porto form one of Corsica’s most famous views. The reserve can only be reached by boat or on foot. The Scandola Nature Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The sea around the reserve is popular with scuba divers and snorkelers. Tour boats often visit the area to enable visitors to admire the coral reefs, dolphins, seals, swordfish, and moray eels.

Gorges of Tavignano & Restonica

The glacial landscape found near the town of Corte is unique in the Mediterranean. The picturesque valleys offer pine forests, tumbling rivers, sculptured slopes, and rock pools. This is a great area for hiking and sightseeing.

Quality of vessel

Variety of sites.

We have reviewed the major boating tours in Corsica. Take a look at one that suits you best.

Richard Moore

Related articles, the 5 best stonehenge tours from london [2024 reviews], the 5 best florence wine tours [2024 reviews], the 7 best vatican tours ⛪ [2024 reviews], the 5 best seine river dinner cruises [2024 reviews].

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To awaken your senses in Corsica - Claire et Manu’s Blog

Calanques de Piana (Corsica): boat, road, hikes

by Claire ROBINSON , Region Lovers | 22 June 2023 | no intrusive ads, no sponsored content, just some affiliate links - if you use them, we get a small commission (read more)

Classified by Unesco, the calanques de Piana are one of the most important places in Corsica. The steep red cliffs offer beautiful scenery! But, how to visit them? What are the best options? By boat, on foot, by car, when, how long … Here are all our tips to help you, based on our unforgettable experiences with our photos.

visit calanques piana corsica boat walk

Are the calanques de Piana worth it?

For anyone visiting Corsica, the calanques de Piana are a must-see (or a must-stop if you are on a road trip). The road is winding and long, whether you come from Calvi in the North or Ajaccio in the South. The question is: are the calanques de Piana worth it?

What are the calanques de Piana Corsica

Yes. Absolutely. The calanques de Piana are worth the detour. It is one of the most beautiful places in Corsica and the whole Gulf of Porto is one of the most beautiful destinations to go to . The rocks have intense shades of pink, orange and red. This phenomenon intensifies at sunset when the light is weak. Moreover, as it is a hard rock, it is straight with fractures. Erosion has created large shapes that may remind us of mystical animals. It is quite mesmerizing to watch!

What are the calanques de Piana Corsica 2

What are the calanques de Piana?

The calanques (also called calanches of Piana) are creeks and high cliffs of an intense orange/red color. They are located in the Gulf of Porto . It is a geological formation made of red porphyry which is a magmatic rock (the origin of Corsica is volcanic). This hard rock has been sculpted by the wind and the sea creating a natural work of art.

Virtual visit – video

First of all, in case you are not yet convinced to visit this amazing Unesco site, here is our short video on exploring the Corsican creeks. And if you are already convinced, it will help you dream of being there even more!

How to visit the calanques de Piana: map and options

Before sharing with you lots of pictures of the different parts of the creeks, here are all our advices to choose how to visit them.

Where are the calanques de Piana?

  • On the central-western coast of Corsica
  • Southern part of the Gulf of Porto
  • The whole area is only accessible by a narrow road, so driving times are quite long.
  • The road D81 crosses them
  • Ajaccio to Piana – 1h45 by car
  • Calvi to Piana – 2h15 by car
  • Bastia to Piana – 3h30 drive
  • Here is a map to help you find your way
  • And see all our tips for planning a dream trip to Corsica here

Map calanques de Piana Corsica


  • Compare prices on our preferred platform: DiscoverCars – one of the best rated sites.
  • Choose a car that is powerful enough (the roads are steep) but compact (some passages are narrow).
  • Think of the complete insurance (some roads are tortuous and narrow).
  • There is a lot of demand, book it early .

corsica tour barca

Boat It is also possible to see part of the Gulf from several cities on the west coast. There is:

  • tours of the calanques from Ajaccio,
  • from Cargese
  • and from Calvi

See a lot of options for boat tours on Viator and on Getyourguide .

How to visit them?

3 options to appreciate the rock formations of Piana:

  • By boat Sailing along the walls to Capo Rosso on a boat allows you to realize their size and the cuts in the rock. The more cracks you can get into.
  • On foot Hiking in the creeks allows you to get closer to the rocks, to observe them more closely and to enjoy the views of the Gulf.
  • By car To drive the road dug in the creeks is already a very beautiful experience, the views are very beautiful on the rocks and on the gulf. And you can continue climbing towards the inland villages such as Ota and Evisa for even more unforgettable views.

How to visit the calanques de Piana

We liked all 3 options and will show you each with photos later in the article. But the boat trip to the calanques de Piana is, in our opinion, the best. It gives you a complete overview of the geological system and allows you to really realize how the landscape is shaped and how large the area is. And if you really like rock formations, we recommend you to combine it with an excursion around the Scandola Reserve (see our article ).

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  • Practical advice

How much time to allow

  • I recommend 2 to 4 days to explore the area. It is really worth it.
  • The easiest is to stay in Piana or Porto, but Cargèse is also a good option if you want to enjoy beautiful beaches. The journey will be a little longer each day.

When to visit the calanques de Piana?

If you can avoid the summer months, your experience will be much better. The roads are narrow, so when there are all the tourists on summer vacation, the experience becomes less enjoyable.

No preferred day. And as for the time of day, prefer the late afternoon when the sun goes down and hits the cliffs and they are even more colorful.

Mist on the calanques de Piana

Even if the weather is not great, go ahead. On the contrary. Cloud cover is best for enjoying the cliffs, as it will allow you to see more detail and color.

In any case, book your boat tours in advance to have space! See a lot of options for boat tours on Viator and on Getyourguide .

Where to park?

For hiking, you will find a few small parking lots along the main road. And in Porto-Ota, where the boats leave, there is a large free parking lot south of the village. This is the beach parking lot. Then you pass over a small bridge to reach the village and the boats.

View on Porto Ota

Where to sleep near the calanques de Piana

3 main options to stay in the area:

  • Cargèse (30min from Piana)

Otherwise, you can sleep further away at:

  • Calvi – 2h15 drive – see the best rated accommodations
  • Ajaccio – 1h45 drive – see the best rated accommodations


To enjoy this show, it is better to spend a night or several! The colors change with the sunset and the weather. Our suggestions:

Option 1 : Piana village

Sleep on higher ground in the village of Piana, in the heart of the Calanques. Many hotels have incredible views of the Gulf.

  • Hotel Scandola and its views of the Gulf of Porto – see prices, photos and availability
  • Hotel Capo Rosso and its famous swimming pool with view – see prices, photos and availability

Hotel Capo Rosso - Swimming pool

Option 2 : Porto Ota village

Spend the night in Porto Ota, the village at the center of the gulf. It’s ideal for boat tours.

  • Residence Capu Seninu with mountain views – see prices, photos and availability
  • Hotel les Flots Bleus with its view of the Genoese tower – see prices, photos and availability

corsica tour barca

See all our reviews in our article: where to sleep in Piana

Option 1: the calanques de Piana by boat (from Porto Ota)

Let’s start with the fantastic tour that takes you by boat from Porto Ota along the cliffs to Capo Rosso.

About the boats

Different types of boats allow you to visit the calanques and Scandola. It’s up to you to choose what you prefer:

Medium size boats

Boat to visit the calanques de Piana

  • Advantages: there is a covered area and you can move around
  • But: the groups are more numerous and the maneuverability more limited

Speedboat to visit the calanques de Piana

  • Advantages: small groups, possibility to get very close, fun speedboat experience
  • But: no possibility to stand up, no protection from the rain, no possibility to stabilize for the pictures

Our tips for a better experience

  • Choose a late afternoon visit so that the colors are more intense.
  • Bring binoculars to see the details and spot the birds
  • Go even if the weather is not good – with rain, the sea can be calmer and the clouds are better to see all the details in the cliffs.
  • For this tour, both sides of the boat are good, but we spend more time on the way to Capo Rosso, so we saw more sitting on the left side of the boat.

On board the boat of Piana


All the information you need for your trip:

  • 7 maps that make planning easier
  • 130+ pre-selected locations
  • + 220 photos to help you choose

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The calanques de Piana in pictures

The boat takes you first out of the port of Porto Ota. You can see the famous square tower, a rarity in Corsica

Boat calanques de Piana photos 1

And soon after, you get closer to the cliffs. Some sections have a mixture of pink and grey rocks.

Boat calanques de Piana photos 2

You can clearly see the strata in the rocks. Inside the cracks grow many plants. One of them is the rare Dianthus gyspergerae.

Boat calanques de Piana photos 3

The very straight and steep shapes of these cliffs are due to the fact that the granite rock is very hard. Thus, erosion does not cause it to break so easily and it remains huge and healthy.

The calanques create a mini V-shaped mountain range. The highest point reaches 698m. So you can imagine how impressive these straight cliffs are when you approach their base with the boat!

Boat calanques de Piana photos 6

Rare birds enjoy this environment as much as we do, with large saw nests installed at the top of points. We spotted this little bird on the picture below (that’s why we advise you to bring binoculars…).

Boat calanques de Piana photos 7

Sometimes, some sea pillars appear near the cliffs. They are made of the same colored rock.

Boat calanques de Piana photos 8

Erosion by the sea has created cavities and cracks. This makes the experience even more fun when looking through it.

Boat calanques de Piana photos 9

Visiting the calanques de Piana by boat takes you to the cliffs under the Capo Rosso. This is the last peak in the photo below. It reaches 330m of altitude. It is the highest cliff of Corsica. At the top is the Turghju Tower, but because of the clouds we can’t see it here. There is a nice hike that takes you there (more info later in the article).

Boat calanques de Piana panorama photos

Definitely one of the best things to do in Corsica (see our list ).


corsica tour barca

Option 1: by ferry

Departure from France and Italy

  • See all ferry options in our article
  • Compare schedules, prices and availability directly

Advantage: you can take your car!

corsica tour barca

Option 2: by plane

Airports in Bastia, to visit the North, Figari to visit the South, or Ajaccio convenient for all Corsica. Compare flights!

Option 2: Calanques to Piana by car

The classic way to experience the Calanques is to cross the only road dug into the rock. Anyway, if you come from Ajaccio to Porto Ota, you have no other choice than to take this road (unless you make a detour through the mountains via Vico and Evisa).

About the Corsican creeks road

Route calanques de Piana

The road to the calanques de Piana is the D81 which cuts through the red cliffs. North of Piana, the winding road of 2 to 3 kilometers is quite impressive. In some sections, it is not wide enough to pass larger vehicles. That’s why there are regular places cut in the rock to shift and cross. But these are not parking spaces! We have seen people leaving their cars unattended there, which blocks the traffic.

Tips for crossing the creeks by car

Route calanques de Piana - parking

  • It is better to leave very early to avoid traffic and have time to enjoy the trip.
  • The best colors are in the late afternoon/sunset, but the road is still very busy because everyone has the same idea (especially with the summer crowds)
  • Towards the end of the road is the panoramic café of the Roches Bleus. It’s a great place to stop (if the parking lot is not full ….) but go consume!
  • We recommend driving in both directions to see different views. As you drive north, you will see more of the cuts and cliffs. On the way to the South, you will be able to see better how the cliffs that go down under the road.

Photos of the calanques de Piana road

It is really hard to find words to describe the area and the views. So it’s better to show you in pictures:

Route calanques de Piana by car photos 1

And sometimes you can see the gulf of Porto with the Scandola reserve in the background:

Route calanques de Piana by car photos 4

It’s great in any weather. Even in the fog!

Route calanques de Piana by car photos 5

The small building on the picture below is the café les Roches Bleues with a panoramic terrace:

Route calanques de Piana by car photos - café les roches bleues

THE BEST OF calanques de Piana

Our 5 must-have articles:

  • Visit the calanques de Piana
  • Best things to do in the Gulf of Porto Ota
  • The Scandola reserve
  • Where to sleep in Piana – best hotels
  • Best restaurants in Piana
  • Ficaghjola beach (coming soon)

Option 3: Hike in the calanques de Piana

You can find several hikes to get into the calanques de Piana. Here, we propose you to discover one of the most known: the castle of Piana.

The hikes around Piana – map

Here is a map with all the main hiking trails of Piana.

  • The thick brown line is the road that crosses the calanques
  • The light green line on the left is the castle of Piana, the one that approaches the water.
  • The red line represents the Palani trail
  • In blue, the path of Capu d’Ortu
  • In darker green, the path of Capu di u Vitullu
  • In orange, the mule track.

Piana hiking map

Tips for hiking from the Castle of Piana

The most famous walk is the one of the ‘castle of Piana’ or the walk of the dog’s head. It starts in a lower section near the coves with 3 parking lots. The “Castle” is not a castle, do not expect much. It is simply a square rock… But it offers beautiful views!

Officially, the tour is rated Easy and lasts 1 hour. Well, everyone who did it at the same time as us agreed that it’s not a good evaluation. Allow 1.5 hours and consider it a moderate hike, especially after the rain. The narrow, rocky trail can get quite slippery!

Parking Calanques de Piana

Our advice:

  • Take this walk early or late in the summer. It is very busy and the parking lots fill up quickly. Moreover, the path is not very wide and it is annoying to have to pass people every 30 seconds.
  • Wear appropriate hiking shoes and bring water
  • If you don’t feel like walking the whole way, you can walk the first section under the trees to the very impressive rock I call the Eagle (see below). It’s easy and only takes 10 minutes each way

Photos of the hike in the calanches of Piana

The walk begins in the forest of Piana where you can find large rocks. There is even one that looks like a hand. I really enjoyed seeing such a different aspect of the area. The place looks almost mystical. The forest is mainly composed of maritime pines that can live up to 150 years and reach a height of 20 to 30 meters.

The creeks of PIana on foot - Piana castle hike 1

Our favorite rock formation in the creeks is what we call the “Eagle” because we immediately thought of this animal when we saw it. But you can also think of a hypogriff, like in Harry Potter! It’s fun to see everyone imagining their own animals or fantastical creatures in these rocks.

The creeks of PIana on foot - Piana castle hike 3

See the size of our father next to the rock. This is huge!!!

The creeks of PIana on foot - Piana castle hike 4

A little further on, you can see the valley between the rocky points:

The creeks of PIana on foot - Piana castle hike 5

The trail is easy at first but then it descends steeply:

The creeks of PIana on foot - Piana castle hike 7

And at the end, you enjoy a view of the Gulf of Porto and the Scandola reserve:

The creeks of PIana on foot - castle of Piana hike 8


Inspiration destinations

  • Best things to do in Corsica
  • Ajaccio or Bastia?
  • North or South Corsica?
  • Planning a road trip in Corsica
  • Itineraries: 3 days – 4 or 5 days – 1 week – 10 days – 2 weeks

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  • The most beautiful beaches of Corsica
  • The most beautiful villages of Corsica
  • The most beautiful cities of Corsica
  • The most beautiful destinations in Corsica
  • The museums of Corsica
  • Hidden gems in Corsica
  • The most beautiful natural pools
  • What to do in North Corsica
  • Best things to do in South Corsica
  • Canyoning in Corsica

Beach of Ostriconi

Where to stay

  • Where to sleep in Corsica
  • The most beautiful hotels in Corsica
  • Best luxury hotels in Corsica
  • Best seaside hotels

Hotel Cala di Greco

  • Which ferry to Corsica
  • How to get to Corsica
  • Renting a car in Corsica
  • Driving in Corsica

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Option 4: Explore the villages around the calanches

Thanks to these extraordinary landscapes, the region has several of the most beautiful villages in Corsica . Here are the 3 main ones:

The village of Piana, Corsica

village of Piana Corsica

You can also stop in the village of Piana to explore its charming streets with its old houses. The village has the red rocks of the Calanques in the background and faces the Gulf of Porto and the Scandola reserve. I have to admit that it is not the most charming village I have seen in Corsica, but its geographical location makes it really special.

Its baroque church as a beautiful square tower and inside you can see frescoes typically Corsican.

village of Piana Corsica 2

The village of Porto Ota

corsica tour barca

Ota is located a little above Porto Ota (starting point of the boat tours). You can enjoy spectacular views of the sea and the inland. Porto Ota to Evisa = 10 min drive.

The village of Evisa


One of the most beautiful villages of Corsica, not so much for the village itself as for its environment. It is surrounded by wooded hills (mainly chestnut trees) and mountains, with the peaks of the calanques de Piana in the background. Porto Ota to Evisa = 35 min drive.

Option 5: Ficajola beach – where to swim in the calanques de Piana

Ficajola - beach of the calanques de Piana

Inside the creeks, there is only one beach. It is called Ficajola (also written Ficaghjola). It is a very small cove with little sand but quite unique with the high pink cliffs that surround it. To get there, you have to take the road to Arone and turn right in a narrow and winding road for 4 kilometers hoping not to cross the path of another car. And then you have to walk 10 to 15 minutes to get to the beach. Despite the difficult access, it is very popular in summer…

For more beach options, you’ll have to drive a bit and leave the calanques de Piana.

Beach of Arone

Go north and Calvi to find:

  • The beach of Portinello
  • The beach of Gradelle
  • The beach of Galeria

Towards the south and Cargese to find:

  • The beach of Arone
  • The beach of Peru
  • The beach of Chuini

Option 6: Hiking in Capo Rosso

Another very famous hike in the area is the one to Capo Rosso.

This is a longer hike of moderate level. It takes 4 hours round trip to complete (even though it says 3 hours – everyone would have to be a marathoner to stick to that time)!

Hiking from Capo Rosso parking

The path allows you to go to the tower of Capo Rosso (built in 1608) that you can see in the photo below (on the highest point). You can see the landscape in this same image which shows you that the path is rarely flat. It keeps going up and down. And the last part to climb to the tower at 330m is rocky, slippery and a bit difficult.

Hiking in Capo Rosso 1

But the final view is worth it. On a clear day, you can see the steep cliffs and mountain ranges that make Corsica so famous!

Hiking of Capo Rosso - tour view

Other things to do around the calanques de Piana

The reserve of scandola.

The other half of the Golde de Porto, facing the creeks, is the Scandola Nature Reserve. Many more natural wonders await you. And a little further, the village of Girolata which is accessible only on foot or by boat. Read more

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Diving in the Gulf of Porto

The places are not only wonderful on land but also underwater. It is a wonderful place for diving (at the border of the reserve).

The gorges of Spelunca

From the road between Evisa and Porto Ota, the road to the bottom of the gorge is in the direction of the village of Ota. The road is a little more difficult, narrower and with a bad surface. But it’s not very long.

The promenades are not only famous for the high walls all around, but also for the historical Genoese type bridges. One is visible from the road while the other is hidden in the forest. They have a very typical shape with a triangle on top.

corsica tour barca

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  • Visit all the places we tell you about.
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Claire and Manu

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