My 10 Favorite Travel YouTubers of 2023

Travel Youtubers

I’ve been completely obsessed with YouTube travel channels for several years now. In fact, when I’m not working or writing for my blog, I’m spending my free time seeking out new travel YouTubers to follow.

Since I dedicate so much time to this hobby, I feel highly qualified to share with you some of the best travel Youtubers on the platform today.

Admittedly, I’m not attempting to define what “best” means when it comes to travel Youtubers, I’m simply sharing with you my personal favorites.

Now that we’re all not traveling and spending a significant amount of our time at home, I’ve figured there was no better time than the present to put this post together for you.

I hope you enjoy.

Travel Youtubers blog post

Table of Contents

My criteria for selecting the best travel Youtubers

Before we get into my top 10 Best Travel Youtubers of 2023, I want to share with you the critieria I used for selecting my personal top 10.

Like everyone else, there are certain qualities I enjoy when watching travel Youtubers and certain qualities that annoy me. And obviously, I do my best to avoid the ones that annoy me.

Here are the primary factors and questions I asked myself when putting this list together:

In addition to the above criteria, I also have a low tolerance for certain qualities often found on Youtube channels. I do my best to avoid channels that include the following:

What’s described above are the factors I used to select these 10 Best Travel Youtubers in 2020. You may have different criteria, but at least you know where I’m coming from.

I’m hoping the use of the criteria I identified has resulted in a list that showcases high quality channels, with interesting people, doing interesting things in a positive way.

Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are my favorites.

10 Best Travel YouTubers of 202 3

1. Wolters World

Wolters World is a fairly recent discovery for me, but has quickly become one of my favorites.

The channel is run by Mark and Jocelyn, a husband and wife couple from the United States traveling the world part-time.

Wolters World features down to earth vidoes giving you the top Do’s and Don’ts for each country. They also have a series about Love’s and Hate’s that I particularly enjoy.

Each of their videos is filled with honest and practical travel tips that will help those visiting a country for the first time.

What I love most about Wolters World is that there’s no fluff. They give you straight talk and get right to the point, creating true no BS travel vlogs.

If you want unique and down to earth travel tips, head over to Wolter’s World.

Best travel YouTubers #1: Wolter’s World

2. Kara and Nate

Kara and Nate have become the most popular and likeable travel influencers on YouTube. They consistently post unique, high quality content which has earned them well over a million subscribers.

Kara and Nate became full time travel vloggers when they left their home in Nashville back in 2016. Their original goal was to take a year off to travel the world before resuming their lives back home.

This eventually led them to the goal of traveling to 100 countries by the year 2020, which they recently accomplished. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, they are still traveling.

What I love most about Kara and Nate are two things. First, they have mastered the art of storytelling.

Through Kara’s quality editing skills, the viewer feels like they are tagging along as Kara and Nate enjoy the street food of Jerusalem or see whales for the first time in Antarctica.

A Kara and Nate video makes you feel like you’re there with them experiencing these same things for the first time.

Second, Kara and Nate are the least annoying travel vlogger couple on YouTube. If there was an award for this, they’d win it every time.

No one wants to watch a couple bicker and argue on camera, or one be condescending to the other. Kara and Nate never do this and as a viewer, I am infinitely grateful.

So what are you waiting for, go check out their massive catalog of travel videos. This is also the perfect channel to start with from the beginning.

Best travel YouTubers #2: Kara and Nate

3. Be My Travel Muse

The Be My Travel Muse YouTube channel is run by Kristin Addis. She also owns the extremely popular travel blog of the same name.

While her YouTube channel is relatively new, Be My Travel Muse has quickly become one of my favorite travel channels on YouTube.

I would describe Be My Travel Muse as an outdoorsy adventure travel channel. The viewer gets to tag along on solo trips with Kristin hiking in Patagonia and swimming with Humpback whales in French Polynesia.

Sprinkled in with her travel videos you’ll also find content on meditation, chakras, and natural travel products.

What I love most about the Be My Travel Muse channel is that it’s consistently down to earth and authentic. You’ll get both the good and the bad.

If something sucks, she’ll tell you about it. If she’s frustrated, she’ll tell you about it.

Her trips are pretty awesome though, so her videos are fun to watch.

Even better, Kristin also seems to enjoy one of my own favorite pastimes, avoiding crowds. She shares great tips and advice for how to get the perfect photos without other people in them.

If you like adventure travel in unique destinations, this channel is for you.

Best travel YouTubers #3: Be My Travel Muse

4. Hey Nadine

Nadine Sykora of Hey Nadine is one of the original travel YouTubers and has been creating content on the platform for over a decade.

Nadine’s videos cover everything from solo travel, adventure travel, travel tips, and packing guides. She produces high quality videos with useful, practical information, all with a dash of humor.

What I love most about Hey Nadine is that she provides insight into affordable travel options that are within most people’s budget and realm of possibility.

She’s not strictly a budget traveler per se, but she makes practical travel choices and isn’t a show off.

Yes, I’m sure she has the occasional splurge, we all do. But this isn’t one of those channels featuring luxury stays at the Shangri La and a Louis Vuitton bag placed casually in all the shots. (You know the ones.)

Hey Nadine is realistic, lighthearted and fun, and utterly refreshing.

Best travel YouTubers #4: Hey Nadine

5. Kristen and Siya

Kristen and Siya are a travel couple from Canada. They used to travel the world full time and even spent some time living in a van.

More recently, they have returned to Canada, had a baby, and bought a house with some friends. Not to worry though, they will continue to travel part time and share their adventures on YouTube.

I first began watching Kristen’s videos on her Hopscotch the Globe channel, which has since turned into what is currently named Kristen and Siya.

The content is the same, with the obvious addition of her husband Siya, who is fortunately just as likeable.

What I love most about Kristen and Siya are two things. First, their personalities. You can tell they are super fun to be around and that they are genuinely nice people.

Second, much of their content incorporates planet conscious living and travel choices.

They are constantly thinking of how their actions will impact the planet. They provide tons of tips and ideas on how to minimize one’s footprint both at home and when traveling abroad.

They also do it in a way that isn’t condescening or intended to shame you. They simply provide good information if you care to use it.

Best travel YouTubers #5: Kristen and Siya

6. Girl vs. Globe

Girl vs. Globe is a travel channel run by Sabina, a part time globetrotter born in the Czech Republic and currently residing in Scotland. She also runs one of the top travel blogs which goes by the same name.

Sabina started blogging and creating YouTube travel videos back in 2014. Since that time she has created fun and engaging travel content from around the world.

Her content primariy focuses on Europe, but she has content from other regions of the world as well, including one of my favorite video’s above from her trip to New York City.

Girl vs. Globe has also recently launched a new interview series called Womankind where Sabina interviews inspiring women from around the world about topics such as kindness, self love, and what it means to be a woman in the world today.

What I love most about Girl vs. Globe is that Sabina is so happy and full of energy in her videos. Her enthusiasm for each new destination immediately makes you wish you were there to experience the new destination with her.

Best travel YouTubers #6: Girl vs. Globe

7. Sorelle Amore

Sorelle Amore isn’t technically a travel youtuber. She’s more of a photographer and digital nomad who just so happens to travel a lot and creates incredible YouTube travel videos in the process.

Sorelle primarily focuses on photograhy and has an incredibly user friendly set of videos that teach viewers how to take beautiful photographs of themselves with tips on posing, scene selection, equipment, and even editing.

She’s uniquely talented in capturing stunning photographs of herself as she travels to beautiful places around the world.

What I love most about Sorelle Amore (besides looking at her stunning photographs), is that she keeps it real.

She shares her struggles and mistakes candidly as she works through challenges and disappointments in her personal life and career. It’s admirable and much appreciated that she’s willing to share the lows as well as the highs.

Best Travel YouTubers #7: Sorelle Amore

8. Luke Life Charms

Luke Life Charms is a Youtube travel channel run by a European professional basketball player turned world traveler.

His content focuses primarily on Southeast Asia and Europe. Luke Life Charm’s travel videos are filmed with a casual, laid back style as he explores each new city on foot, motorbike, tuk tuk, train, you name it.

I’ve been enjoying his Southeast Asia content most lately since this is a region of the world I’ve not yet visited. I love tagging along as he hikes to waterfalls, motorbikes around big cities, and samples adventurous street food in local markets.

What I love most about Luke Life Charms is his super positive happy go lucky attitude. No matter what happens on his adventures, he’s always got a positive outlook. You can see people are drawn to him by all the people that stop to speak with him as he walks by.

In short, Luke Life Charms will inspire you to visit destinations you’ve never considered before, all while putting a big smile on your face.

Best Travel YouTubers #8: Luke Life Charms

9. Vagabrothers

The Vagabrothers, as the name suggests, is made up of two brothers Alex and Marko. They travel the world part time making high quality and highly entertaining travel content.

Like many others on this list, the Vagabrothers have mastered the art of editing and storytelling, as a result their travel videos and engaging and some of the best I’ve seen on the platform.

What I love most about the Vagabrothers is their selection of travel destinations. They choose interesting, less popular destinations to visit, giving the viewer a unique perspective on a location they might not have considered visiting otherwise.

I also love that Alex and Marko are clearly quite different individuals, with different interests and thus different perspectives on the destinations they visit. It’s interesting to hear their thoughts on a destination from their differing perspectives.

Best Travel YouTubers #9: Vagabrothers

10. Rick Steves Europe

Yeah, I said it. I’m calling Rick Steves a travel YouTuber. In fact, I think of him as one of the original travel YouTubers, or at least travel vloggers. He’s also damn good at it.

And to be fair, he also now has a YouTube channel.

Rick Steves has been creating travel content in the form of guide books and videos since the 1970s. He’s one of the most respected authorities on European travel and creates in depth and insightful videos of the most popular cities and towns across Europe.

At the same time, he also encourages tourists to explore outside the major tourist zones and to experience Europe like a local.

By highlighting cultural activities and artistic events travelers will be left with inspiring and unique stories to share with friends back home.

What I love most about Rick Steves is that he not only tells you where to go, but he tells you why you should go there.

By incorporating relevant information about each destination, he inspires you to want to see these places for yourself. At the same time, he instills a deeper appreciation for the places you’ll visit.

Best Travel YouTubers #10: Rick Steves Europe

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post about the my favorite picks for the best travel youtubers in 2020 and that their videos will help inspire you to select a truly unique destination for your next trip. If you enjoyed reading this post please consider sharing. It really helps me a lot. Thanks for reading.

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Here, There & Gone

The Best Youtube Channels To Watch For Travel Inspiration in 2023

Travel inspiration on YouTube is an ever-evolving thing. Every year fresh faces pop up with their own unique style, either showcasing exotic locations with cinematic montages or with their own distinctive way of storytelling.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve accumulated a collection of Youtube channels that I like to keep an eye on to help inspire new travel destinations, and 2023 will be no different.

Now that international travel is well and truly back to normal, I’ve updated this list with a bunch of new fresh channels as well as a few regular staples of the travel YouTuber sphere to keep an eye on throughout the year to help inspire your own travels.

Have you spotted a channel I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments below.

Stephen and Jessica Parry Valentine (Flying The Nest)

I’ve not seen this Australian husband and wife duo appear on any other Youtube travel inspiration list, and I’m not sure why. Stephen and Jessica’s videos are fun and informative as they explore the world and put together a small series of videos for each destination they visit.

From Van-Life around Australia to a vast array of international destinations. They’ve got something for everyone.

Check out Flying The Nest on Youtube and look at their website for more great tips .

Kara and Nate (Kara and Nate)

This husband and wife duo have been on the road and documenting their travels since January 2016. The pair started out on a quest to visit (and document) 100 countries before 2020.

Their travels continue as they mix between visiting new locations and re-visit some of their favourites. Follow their story over at Kara and Nate on YouTube .

Mark Wiens (Migrationology)

If travel is all about the cuisine for you, then Mark Wiens might be more your flavour. Based in Asia but also travels around the world, Mark’s videos on his main channel Migrationology are all about the local food experiences he discovers during his explorations, particularly street foods and local restaurants. Also following the links on his main Youtube channel to his Mark Abroad channel for general travel videos.

Christianne Risman (Backpacking Bananas)

Christianne started her channel as a backpacker sharing her journey around exploring South America, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Her fun and infectious backpacker style still continues to this day as she adopts the digital nomad lifestyle, visiting destinations all over the globe.

Check out Backpacking Bananas to find out more.

Christian LeBlanc (Lost LeBlanc)

After cinematic travel videos which a quirky sense of humour? Canadian YouTuber Christian and his channel Lost LeBlanc might be for you.

Now based in Bali he splits his time between the Indonesian island and his native Vancouver as well as travelling the world.

Christian’s content previously was primarily focused on cheap travel around South East Asia; however as his video style has become more and more cinematic, he’s since expanded his portfolio to more luxurious destinations.

Check out his Lost LeBlanc to find out more.

Brieana Young

Brieana is an Australian Flight Attendant documenting both the behind-the-scenes of her career as well as personal travels. Predominantly travelling around Australia, Brieana occasionally visits international destinations as well. Check out her latest videos.

Alina Mcleod

Another fresh face on this list. Alina is a Canadian traveller exploring the places and destinations that aren’t often featured by the mainstream media.

After a short stint back in Canada, she’s back on the road and exploring more interesting places that you won’t see on many other travel YouTube accounts.

Check out her channel to find out more.

Rhett and Claire

South African couple Rhett and Claire are a recent addition to the travel vlogging world. Not only do they document their travels but they also offer an insight into how they manage to work nomadically. Get more information on their channel.

Itchy Boots

Noraly decided to quit her job and combine her passion for travel and motorbikes, embarking on a solo adventure around the world.

This Dutch vlogger documents her two-wheeled travels as she makes her own way around the world. She’s visited some of the most remote locations as she rides through different countries. Head to the Itchy Boots YouTube channel or her own website to find out more .

Allison Anderson

Allison has been a longtime travel photographer, documenting her travels on her own YouTube channel.

Her content is a mix of solo travel, photography and minimalism. But it’s her cinematic videos of the destinations she visits that really capture my attention.

Head to Allison’s YouTube channel to find out more.

Hannah (Currently Hannah)

Another travel-obsessed Australian, Hannah has been based in Japan over the last couple of years, producing an interesting mix of creative and cinematic style travel videos showcasing the world in her own unique style.

Check out Currently Hannah on Youtube or visit – to find out more.

A local New Yorker, the vast majority of her channel is sharing unique travel insights with visitors of her home city. However, Sarah occasionally visits further afield, documenting those travels as well. Check out Sarah Funk on Youtube to find out more.

Eamon and Bec (Eamon & Bec)

Van life became a bit of a theme for travel vloggers during 2020 and 2021, but if you are looking to delve further into life on the road with a couple who were well and truly ahead of the van life trend, then Eamon and Bec’s channel might be more of your speed.

They’ve taken to life on the road driving their way around the globe, in fact, they have two vans, one in Europe and one in Canada and an off-the-grid cabin they built while international borders were closed. More recently they’ve embarked on a new adventure in Mexico. Find out more on their channel – Eamon & Bec .

Little Grey Box

Phoebe is an Australian traveller who has recently ramped up her adventures again. She’s on a fresh journey of self-discovery visiting some amazing places along the way. You can find out more about it on her channel – Little Grey Box.

Louis Cole (Fun For Louis)

No travel YouTuber list would be complete without mentioning Louis Cole. With around 2 million subscribers on his personal channel Fun For Louis , this British traveller became synonymous with daily travel vlogs.

These days Louis now travels with his partner Raya and the pair have since created a joint channel. The couple split their time between travelling across North America in a custom-converted bus and exploring other international destinations.

Find out more about their recent travels on the Raya and Louis channel.

Nadine Sykora (Hey Nadine)

Another stalwart of the Youtube travel community, Nadine’s a Canadian creator who has been putting out amazing travel content for several years.

While Nadine’s focus has moved more towards her new young family she still continues to share her travel tips from time to time on her channel. That said there is still an abundance of great, fun and informative travel content in her back catalogue.

Head over to Hey Nadine on Youtube as well as her website to find out more –

Samuel & Audrey

Samuel & Audrey are travel bloggers with a passion for eating local food and travelling around the world.

After moving to South Korea to teach English, the two started dating before embarking on their journey to create travel guides highlighting the best places to visit and the local foods worth eating at all these destinations.

Recently they’ve started to document the setting up of a more permanent home in Argentina in addition to their travels.

Head to their channel to watch the videos , or check out their individual travel blogs – &

Eric & Allison (The Endless Adventure)

Eric and Allison from The Endless Adventure have been documenting their travels for the last four years.

The videos this fascinating couple produces are a combination of exploring and eating local cuisine and showcasing destinations in their own unique style. Check out their channel The Endless Adventure to find out more.

Jetting Julia

Julia is an American Flight Attendant documenting her work (and non-work) adventures predominately through the United States, but occasionally to other international destinations as well. Find out where she has been lately with her latest videos.

Jason and Nikki Wynn (Gone with the Wynns)

After travelling all over North America in an RV, Jason and Nikki bought a sailboat and set out to explore the world with absolutely no sailing experience. They’ve spent the last few years documenting the trials and tribulations of life on the water but also the destinations they visit along their journey.

Check out their channel Gone with the Wynns to find out more.

Planning on visiting the happiest place on earth? All Ears is your go-to destination for all the latest in all things Disney. With a fun bunch of presenters, most of which were formerly Disney cast members, you’ll get all the latest information to maximise your trip to Disney and some other major theme parks.

Check out the All Ears channel to find out more.

The Bucket List Family

Self-proclaimed Family Travel Journalists, this young family made the life-changing decision to sell everything and embark on a non-stop adventure around the world.

Jessica, Garrett, Dorothy, Manilla and Calihan document their travels as they learn and discover different destinations around the globe. Head over to The Bucket List Family YouTube channel to find out more.

Jason Billam (Jason Billam Travel)

From the UK, Jason has been capturing his travels over the last four years. Currently exploring the Middle East, he is one of the few travel vloggers who has been creating fresh international travel content despite ongoing restrictions over the last couple of years.

Head over to Jason Billam Travel to find out more about his travels.

Ashley and Jordan (Keep Going Places)

Some fresh faces on this list, this Texan couple took a sabbatical in 2019 and commenced their travels around the world.

While their international adventures were briefly interrupted, Ashley and Jordan have continued to document their travels around North America on their channel Keep Going Places .

That said, now that international travel is opening up, the pair has just ticked off their 40th country, with more international adventures on the cards for 2022.

Ash (Winging It With Ash)

Ash, formerly from The Way Away , has gone out on her own and is building up her own channel documenting the process of building her new life as she looks to pursue a career in travel. Check out her new channel – Winging It With Ash .

Ellie Quinn

Ellie is a travel blogger turned travel vlogger from the UK. She has not only documented her travels over the last couple of years but also her journey in adopting the Muslim faith. Check out Ellie Quinn on Youtube and her website to find out more –

Into the Archives:

While these channels aren’t producing the same frequent travel content they once did, they still have a significant back catalogue of great videos to check out.

Marko and Alex Ayling (Vagabrothers)

Marko and Alex, these Californian brothers, originally won a competition to video their adventures ticking off the biggest baddest bucket list.

After the biggest baddest bucket list series, the duo has turned their attention to building up their own travel Youtube channel with a unique dynamic that only brothers could create.

Their videos focused on discovering local unique experiences during their travels. You can check out those videos on the Vagabrothers Youtube Channel .

While it’s been well over a year since a video was added to the Vagabrothers channel, Alex has continued documenting his own adventure moving to New Zealand with his partner Carrie. Head to his personal channel to find out more.

Robyn Kimberly (Robyn Kimberly)

Robyn Kimberly is a Canadian solo-female travel vlogger who spent the last several years exploring the world one video at a time…

Her channel has gone quiet over the last year or so, but there is still a great collection of stunning cinematic videos from all over the world.

Cody Buffinton

Cody has sporadically travelled the world travels. Documenting them along the way. While he hasn’t posted anything recently this American traveller has created epic cinematic videos while exploring some of the most beautiful places around the world. Check out Cody Buffinton on Youtube to see more.

I hope you have found a Youtube channel or two to help inspire your next travel destination.

If you’d like to get more information to help plan your trip to and around Australia…  Check out the rest of my blog posts.

Also, make sure you check out the travel tools that I use the most to help you save some money when booking your next trip.

Keep up to date with all the latest Here, There & Gone! adventures by following along on  Facebook ,  Twitter  and  Instagram .

And if you have a travel-related question, you would like me to answer, head on over to my  contact page  to get in touch and let me know.

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Rhys Vandersyde

United States of America – The Ultimate Guide For First Time Visitors

Bathurst, new south wales – the ultimate guide, 3 thoughts on “the best youtube channels to watch for travel inspiration in 2023”.

Please give a shoutout to FAMILY travel vloggers too that have their comments disabled by YouTube because they have kids! We’re a family sailing around the world ⛵️ ? with kids, low carbon footprint, high content output.. yet struggle to reach a wider audience because of YouTube restrictions. So we need collaborators to spread the word that starting a family doesn’t mean an end to travel and adventure – we recently visited the Turkey/Syrian border region! So please find these channels and give them a boost! ?

when i look at a few lists like this here about best travel vblogs , then i wonder, where is Bald and bankrupt ? , he got 3,1 mil subs on you tube. Why is he not on any of the best travels blogs list ? , i think he is for sure one of the best i saw .

I’ll have to check out his channel.

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Smart Travel Choices for 2022: Video of our Live Q&A

Can you believe the holiday season is almost upon us? Despite everything, this year really flew by, and we are now feeling hopeful and excited for 2022, mainly because so many of you are eagerly planning to get back out there exploring the globe again. To help you prepare to head back overseas, Billie and Brook and I hosted a live Q&A on Smart Travel Choices for 2022.  We talked about our strategies for smart travel decision-making for next year, as well as last-minute holiday availability this year. Watch the video below (or share it with a friend) to hear our tips for staying safe, how to manage testing, where you can still go for the holidays, when and where to travel next year, and what we’ve learned from our travels during Covid—which have included France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Dubai, the Maldives, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe.

For a sense of the ins and outs of travel right now, I encourage you to check out the latest reviews from your fellow travelers who are just back from  trips we’ve monitored .

To start planning your own trip, reach out to one of the recommended local experts on The WOW List using Wendy’s introduction form—that way, you’ll be designated a VIP traveler and get the other benefits of using Wendy’s  WOW approach  to securing an extraordinary, safe trip. If you’re not sure who the right WOW Lister is or where to go that will meet your specific trip needs and goals, use the  Ask Wendy  questionnaire for a personalized recommendation.

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The 2021 holiday season is shaping up to be a busy one. These places are already open to U.S. travelers and ideal for the holidays.

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The Top 5 Travel YouTubers to Follow in 2023

Have you ever had a video make you feel you were in it? Sometimes dreaming away by the adventures other people engage in is better than being in it yourself. I wouldn’t plunge into the freezing Antarctic myself but watching it, triggers my wanderlust! Below are the top 5 travel YouTubers that will inspire you to get moving in 2023!

1. Kara and Nate

Kara and Nata are a husband and wife from Nashville who started their YouTube channel when they decided to take a year off. They traveled to over 100 countries and lived in a van for 2 years. They often review their first and business class experiences on their channel from Emirates to Turkish Airlines. They also engage in a lot of adventurous activities on their travels. They attempted to swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco, ran marathons and tried to survive on an island for 3 days without any amenities. Definitely worth the watch!

2. The Bucket List Family

The bucket List Family is a bit less into extreme activities because they have 3 children aboard! This definitely doesn’t make it boring though! The Gee family, consisting of Garrett, Jessica, Dorothy, Manilla and Calihan, isn’t just your average family. 7 years ago, they decided to leave all behind and begin a journey around the world. In the first 3 years they visited over 60 countries and they are counting! Although they found their home base in Hawaii, they still wander the world and upload an exciting video each week!

3. Discover With Ruhi Cenet

Ruhi Ceenet is a content creator from Turkey. He doesn’t just share videos on his YouTube channel but also fantastic short documentaries. He visits unique places unknown to many and tries to shine a different light on them as not many know them. These special places often go hand in hand with unique experiences. He went to the coldest city on earth, Yakutsk, visited the world’s most dangerous road in Pakistan and stayed in the most air polluted city in the world, Lahore. He only started 1 year ago, but with what he’s already created, I believe there is much more to come. So stay tuned!

4. Sailing La Vagabonde

Riley and Elayna are an Australian couple who started their YouTube channel in 2014 and decided to fulfill their dreams and sail the ocean without any experience. In the first 4 years they sailed over 65.000 miles (105.000 kilometers), including multiple ocean crossings. Every Monday, they upload a new video with vlogs of their amazing trips and often some helpful information on sailing. If you are into sailing the salty ocean and love beautiful sunsets on the horizon, this channel is for you!

5. Drew Binsky

This man has been to every country in the world(!) and is still going strong! He doesn’t just share vlogs but posts short documentaries where he shares extraordinary stories about the people he encounters, cultures he experiences and stories he hears. Drew has had crazy adventures where he went to North Korea, took an extreme Russian bath and threw a party in the least populated country. He also tried seeing what 1 dollar can get you in different countries and even had Mcdonald’s in 77 countries. So something for everyone!

Let’s see what adventure inspires you next!

smart travel youtube 2023

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47 Ideas for YouTube Travel Niches in 2023

The best ideas for new youtube travel niche channels in 2023.

Who doesn’t love to travel? Since travel is such a broad topic, there’s hundreds of YouTube travel niches out there for big travelers. A travel niche is great for the content creator who like sharing their journey, giving travel tips, and showcasing their life traveling the world.

If you’re a creative traveler looking to make a travel YouTube channel this year, look no further than this list of YouTube travel niche channels to start in 2023.

Plus, there’s tons of opportunity to build a business on YouTube focusing on travel niche videos. You could do product reviews, work with brand sponsorships, become an affiliate, or even launch your own line of products or services geared towards travel and travel-based experiences.

Here’s what this article covers

47 youtube travel niche channels to start now, 1. minimalist travel & living.

Check out the subreddit growth for r/OneBag. This is a community focused on travel with “one bag” and basically backpacking around the world. You could turn this into a YouTube channel focused on vlogs, travel gear, and safety tips for the minimal travelers or digital nomads.

Subreddit growth for r/OneBag minimalist travel

2. Island hopping travel

Focusing on island hopping travel could make for a great YouTube channel. Which islands? Whatever you want! The Caribbean, Hawaii, Indonesia, The Philippines, really anything you could think of could turn into a great travel-based YouTube channel. 

Island hopping google search volume

Launch strategy: Build up a library of several videos and start posting in February before search volume jumps in March during spring break to ride the wave of traffic and push your channel to the top!

3. Airline tips & tricks

If you’re familiar with a couple different airlines, you could start a channel evaluating travel options when it comes to different airlines and what they offer. You could make videos discussing first class options, luggage fees, or rating meals served in flight.

One interesting idea would be making videos on how to optimize travel rewards and benefits as a frequent flyer with different airlines that offer perks for certain customers.

4. Living as a digital nomad

Are you a digital nomad? If so, this could be the travel niche for you!

Digital Nomad subreddit growth

Becoming a digital nomad has turned into a huge topic over the years since COVID. If you’re a digital nomader or want to become one, turn your interest into a YouTube channel.

5. Luggage review

A luggage review YouTube channel could be killer at affiliate income if you want to make a little money on the side. If you work out a deal with some manufacturers to review their bags, you could get some for free and then talk about what you do and don’t like and send viewers to affiliate links to purchase online.

Review-based videos are great, especially if you’re trying to grow as a beginner on YouTube. Why? Because they’re easy to make! It’s completely based off your experience and opinion and doesn’t require a lot of research and due-diligence.

Review channels can be solely focused on your own observations and preferences that can build a great relationship with your audience if you articulate them well.

6. Alaskan Travel

Alaska! It’s part of the United States but we all forget it exists. I bet you could make a great YouTube channel if you’re interested in Alaska or if you live there because I’m sure there’s plenty of people (myself included) who really want to check it out one day.

Your audience potential might not be as big as if you focused on North American travel or even Canadian travel, but you could carve out a powerful niche talking about Alaska, best places to visit, and touristy activities for newcomers to the area.

7. Middle Eastern Travel Destinations

Dubai? Saudi Arabia? Israel? Plenty of people visit the Middle East so this is a great opportunity where you could start a channel to talk about places to visit, safety tips, and the do’s and dont’s of traveling in the Middle East as a foreigner.

8. Living in a van

An interesting subreddit you’ll want to check out is r/VanDwellers. Look how much it’s grown! There’s definitely a growing interest in van life and working remotely from your van.

VanDwellers subreddit growth for living in a van

9. Cruise Travel Review

Ahoy cruise enthusiasts! If you want to start a YouTube channel about cruise travel, you could make a lot of money! You could make videos to review various cruise lines and compare the amenities like dining, suites, spas, fitness, and service on board.

Answer people’s questions about cruise if they’ve never been on one before, like what to do and what to avoid while on board, best times of year to travel, and some of the overrated and underrated cruise destinations.

10. Canadian Travel

So you like Canadian travel, eh? Good news, it could make a great YouTube channel. From the cities like Toronto and Vancouver, to the mountains and parks like Banff, and seasonal resorts, you could make a killing by focusing on Canadian travel.

Who do you want to target? You could make content for people who love the outdoors like hikers, skiiers, or people coming to Canada for a road trip.

You could also make content for young professionals and digital nomads who want to WFH in Canada. They might want to hear more about the urban setting and night life throughout the major cities in Canada.

11. Travel gadgets

If you’re into tech and travel gear, you could make a YouTube channel talking all about gadgets for travelers! This could be normal travel stuff like backpacks, luggage, noise-cancelling headphones, or you could talk about some quirky gadgets.

Why not make videos about all the weird travel gear people can buy? Like portable bidets.

Your content could target specific travelers if you want to niche down. Like travel gear for parents, or students, or backpackers who need a lot of gadgets. The world is your oyster.

It doesn’t even have to be travel-related gadgets if you’d rather create a YouTube channel talking about tech gear, I have another list of ideas for tech niche channels here. 

12. Airbnb vlogging & reviews

Are you an Airbnb superhost? Or just an avid traveler? Either way, you could make a rapidly growing YouTube channel focused on Airbnb travel.

If you love going to obscure or extravagant Airbnbs, why not show the world? You could make vlogs, video tours, and reviews of some wild and crazy Airbnbs.

You could show some of the most interesting and lavish places to stay. OR, you could target a specific persona who is looking for Airbnbs. Students traveling for spring break? A group of girls planning a bachelorette getaway? A digital nomad wanting to work abroad?

There’s a lot you could do here. You’ll want to think about how much your content should focus on 1. The Airbnb, 2. The type of person who would stay there, and 3. You and your opinions as a host or guest of Airbnb.

13. Best study abroad programs

If you’ve studied abroad before, you know it can be a hassle getting paperwork, visas, housing, and travel plans taken care of before leaving. It can also be expensive. A great YouTube channel could focus on study abroad programs, destinations, and opportunities for students who want to get out in the world and go abroad.

Your videos could focus on things like:

  • Application process for different programs
  • Uncommon ways to study abroad
  • Scholarships to study abroad
  • Reviews of different programs
  • Tips & tricks for the study abroad process

There are a bunch of study abroad programs for all different focuses. The state department has several programs. I did a trip through the US State Department called NSLIY  when I graduated high school.

It was great, but I wish I had watched YouTube videos from other people who had done it before me when I was applying to get a sense of what it would be like.

14. Mexico Travel Tips

If you love Mexico, why not make a YouTube channel all about Mexico travel tips? You could make videos about the best beaches to visit, the most amazing food to try, and the most vibrant cities to explore.

Share your experiences about the culture, language, and customs of Mexico. You could also talk about safety tips, how to bargain in markets, and how to avoid common tourist scams.

You could target different types of travelers too, like families, solo travelers, or budget travelers. And if you know a specific area of Mexico like the back of your hand, share it with the world!

15. Cheap vacation destinations

If you’re looking for a travel idea that won’t break the bank, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on cheap vacation destinations. Your audience will love to hear your secrets for finding affordable flights, accommodations, and activities.

You could feature different types of destinations, like beach getaways, mountain retreats, or city breaks. Share your tips for saving money while traveling, and highlight the best budget-friendly experiences in each location.

16. Living in cabins

For those who love the great outdoors, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on living in cabins. Share your experiences about different cabins you’ve stayed in, whether it’s for vacation or long-term living.

You could talk about the pros and cons of cabin living, like the peace and quiet, the beauty of nature, and the challenges of being off the grid. And if you have any tips for building your own cabin or living sustainably, share them with your audience.

Feature different types of cabins too, like treehouses, yurts, or tiny homes. And if you know of any unique cabin communities or co-living spaces, your audience will love to hear about them.

17. Weddings Abroad

Destination weddings are becoming increasingly popular, so why not make a YouTube travel channel all about them? Share your experiences about different wedding destinations, from beachfront ceremonies to mountain retreats.

You could feature different types of weddings too, like elopements, vow renewals, and traditional ceremonies. And if you have any tips for planning a destination wedding, your audience will love to hear them.

Talk about the pros and cons of having a wedding abroad, like the cost, the logistics, and the cultural differences. And if you’ve been a guest at a destination wedding, share your experiences and advice for other guests.

18. Dubai travel & tips

Dubai is a fascinating and luxurious destination that’s perfect for a YouTube travel niche channel. Share your experiences about the best things to do in Dubai, from shopping in the world’s largest mall to skiing in the desert.

Talk about the cultural differences in Dubai and how to respect local customs. Share your tips for navigating the city, finding affordable accommodations, and making the most of your time in Dubai.

You could also make videos about the best food to try, the most unique experiences to have, and the most luxurious accommodations to stay in. And if you have any tips for traveling sustainably or responsibly in Dubai, your audience will love to hear them.

19. European Travel

Europe is a fascinating continent with a rich history and diverse culture, making it an excellent travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about the best cities to visit, the most beautiful countryside to explore, and the most delicious food to try.

You could feature different types of travel too, like backpacking, luxury travel, or road trips. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and highlight the best experiences in each location.

Talk about the cultural differences in different European countries and how to respect local customs. And if you have any unique experiences or hidden gems to share, why not include some personal stories too!

20. Instagram-based travel

Instagram has become a popular platform for travel inspiration, and you could make a YouTube travel channel based on it. Share your experiences about the most Instagram-worthy destinations, the best photo spots, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could also talk about the pros and cons of Instagram-based travel, like the pressure to take the perfect photo and the impact of over-tourism. Plus if you have any tips for taking great travel photos, talk about them!

21. Family vacations

For families looking to travel together, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on family vacations. Share your experiences about the best family-friendly destinations, accommodations, and activities.

You could feature different types of family travel too, like road trips, theme parks, or beach getaways. You could make a bunch of videos specifically on traveling with kids too. Tips, tricks, and smart hacks to make it easier to travel with little ones!

22. Visiting Hawaii

Hawaii is a dream destination for many travelers, making it an excellent travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about the best beaches to visit, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could also talk about the cultural differences in Hawaii and how to respect local customs. Share your tips for navigating the islands, finding affordable accommodations, and making the most of your time in Hawaii.

23. Tropical Travel destinations

For those who love tropical destinations, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on them. Share your experiences about the best beaches to visit, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could feature different types of tropical travel too, like island hopping, snorkeling, or hiking.

24. Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is a popular way for students to explore new cultures and gain valuable experience, making it an excellent travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different study abroad programs, destinations, and opportunities.

You could make videos about the application process for different programs, uncommon ways to study abroad, scholarships to study abroad, and reviews of different programs. Share your dos and don’ts for the study abroad process, and highlight the benefits of studying abroad.

25. Seasonal travel locations

Seasonal travel locations are a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about the best destinations to visit during different times of the year.

You could feature different types of seasonal travel too, like winter wonderlands, fall foliage, or spring blooms. And if you have any tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly during peak tourist seasons, your audience will appreciate it.

Talk about the unique experiences each seasonal location offers, from winter sports to beach activities. Share your tips for packing appropriately and making the most of your time in each destination.

26. International Travel

International travel is a broad travel niche with endless possibilities for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different countries, cultures, and cuisines.

You could make videos about the best destinations for foodies, history buffs, or nature lovers. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of traveling internationally.

And if you have any unique experiences or hidden gems to share, your audience will love to hear about them.

27. Underrated countries for travel

While some countries get a lot of attention from travelers, others are often overlooked. Consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on underrated countries for travel.

Share your experiences about the best destinations to visit, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have. And if you have any tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly in these countries, share them with your audience.

Talk about the cultural differences in these countries and how to respect local customs. Share your tips for navigating the destinations, finding affordable accommodations, and making the most of your time in each location.

28. Living off the grid

For those who love sustainable living, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on living off the grid. Share your experiences about different sustainable communities, eco-retreats, and homesteading.

You could make videos about the challenges and rewards of living off the grid, like growing your own food, using renewable energy, and reducing waste. Share your tips for building your own sustainable home or finding sustainable communities to join.

And if you have any advice for living a more sustainable lifestyle while traveling, your audience will appreciate it.

29. Road tripping

Road tripping is a classic travel niche that’s perfect for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different road trip routes, scenic drives, and roadside attractions.

You could make videos about the best road trip vehicles, how to pack for a road trip, and the pros and cons of different road trip styles. Share your tips for staying safe and comfortable while on the road, and talk about the best places to eat and sleep.

30. Thailand travel tips

Thailand is a popular travel destination that’s perfect for a YouTube travel niche channel. Share your experiences about the best things to do, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could make videos about the best places to stay, the cultural differences to be aware of, and the pros and cons of different types of travel in Thailand. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and highlight the best experiences in each location.

31. City exploration

City exploration is a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different cities around the world, from the most popular tourist destinations to the hidden gems.

You could make videos about the best places to eat, the most interesting cultural attractions, and the best ways to get around each city. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly in cities, and talk about the challenges of city travel.

32. Going abroad for the first time

Going abroad for the first time can be overwhelming, but it’s an exciting travel niche for a YouTube channel.

Share your experiences about different destinations, the cultural differences to be aware of, and the challenges and rewards of international travel.

You could make videos about the best ways to prepare for international travel, how to overcome culture shock, and how to make the most of your first trip abroad. Share your tips for staying safe and comfortable while traveling, and talk about the best destinations for first-time travelers.

33. US based cities and destinations

For those who want to explore the United States, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on US-based cities and destinations. Share your experiences about different cities, national parks, and cultural attractions.

You could make videos about the best places to eat, the most interesting historical sites, and the best ways to get around each location. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly in the US, and talk about the challenges of US travel.

34. Asian Travel

Asia is a diverse and fascinating continent with endless travel opportunities, making it an excellent travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different countries, cultures, and cuisines.

You could make videos about the best destinations for foodies, history buffs, or nature lovers. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of traveling in Asia.

35. South American Vacations

South America is a diverse and exciting continent with endless travel opportunities, making it an excellent travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different countries, cultures, and cuisines.

You could make videos about the best destinations for adventure travel, history buffs, or foodies. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of traveling in South America.

36. Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean Islands are a popular travel destination that’s perfect for a YouTube travel niche channel. Share your experiences about the best beaches to visit, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could make videos about the best places to stay, the cultural differences to be aware of, and the pros and cons of different types of travel in the Caribbean. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and highlight the best experiences in each location.

37. Traveling by Train

Traveling by train is a unique and exciting travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different train routes, scenic trains, and the pros and cons of train travel.

You could make videos about the best train journeys around the world, how to pack for a train trip, and the challenges and rewards of train travel. Share your tips for staying safe and comfortable while on the train, and talk about the best places to eat and sleep.

38. Exotic travel destinations

Exotic travel destinations are a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about the best destinations to visit, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have.

You could feature different types of exotic travel too, like island hopping, jungle trekking, or wildlife safaris. And if you have any tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly in these destinations, share them with your audience.

Talk about the cultural differences in these destinations and how to respect local customs. Share your tips for navigating the destinations, finding affordable accommodations, and making the most of your time in each location.

39. Activity-based travel

Activity-based travel is a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different adventure travel destinations, from hiking and trekking to scuba diving and surfing.

You could make videos about the best destinations for adrenaline junkies, the most interesting cultural attractions, and the best ways to get around each location. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly while being active, and talk about the challenges of activity-based travel.

40. Risky travel destinations

For the more adventurous travelers, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on risky travel destinations.

Share your experiences about the best destinations to visit, the most dangerous places to explore, and the risks and rewards of traveling to these places.

You could make videos about the best ways to stay safe in risky destinations, how to navigate challenging situations, and the unique experiences you can have in these places.

Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of traveling to risky destinations.

41. Foreign language study abroad

Foreign language study abroad is a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about the best language programs, cultural differences to be aware of, and the challenges and rewards of studying abroad.

You could make videos about the best ways to learn a new language, how to overcome language barriers, and how to make the most of your study abroad experience. Share your tips for staying safe and comfortable while studying abroad, and talk about the best destinations for language learners.

42. Travel vlogging

Travel vlogging is a popular travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different destinations, cultures, and cuisines.

You could make videos about the best places to eat, the most interesting cultural attractions, and the best ways to get around each location. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of travel vlogging.

And if you have any unique experiences or hidden gems to share, your audience will love to hear about them. Plus, the possibilities for creativity in travel vlogging are endless.

43. Resort tour & review

For those who love luxury travel, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on resort tours and reviews. Share your experiences about the best resorts, spas, and amenities.

You could make videos about the best rooms and suites, the most delicious food to try, and the most unique experiences to have at each resort. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly in luxury travel, and highlight the best experiences in each location.

And if you have any advice for travelers on a budget or traveling solo, your audience will appreciate it.

44. Unconventional travel & living

Unconventional travel and living is a great travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about alternative ways of traveling, like van life, RV living, or house-sitting.

You could make videos about the challenges and rewards of unconventional travel and living, the best ways to find affordable accommodations, and how to stay sustainable and responsible while on the road. Share your tips for staying comfortable and safe while traveling unconventionally, and talk about the unique experiences you’ve had.

45. Mountain hiking & exploration

Mountain hiking and exploration is a thrilling travel niche for a YouTube channel. Share your experiences about different hiking routes, scenic views, and the pros and cons of mountain travel.

You could make videos about the best mountain ranges around the world, how to prepare for a mountain hike, and the challenges and rewards of mountain exploration. Share your tips for staying safe and comfortable while on the mountain, and talk about the best places to eat and sleep.

46. Living in Canada

For those interested in living in Canada, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on Canadian living.

Share your experiences about the best cities to live in, the cultural differences to be aware of, and the challenges and rewards of living in Canada.

You could make videos about the best places to work, the most interesting cultural attractions, and the best ways to get around each location. Share your tips for living sustainably and responsibly in Canada, and talk about the best destinations for each season.

47. Remote travel locations

For the adventurous travelers, consider making a YouTube travel channel focused on remote travel locations. Share your experiences about the best destinations to visit, the most remote places to explore, and the challenges and rewards of traveling off the beaten path.

You could make videos about the best ways to get to remote locations, how to stay safe and comfortable while traveling, and the unique experiences you can have in these places. Share your tips for traveling sustainably and responsibly, and talk about the challenges of traveling to remote locations.

And if you have any unique experiences or hidden gems to share, your audience will love to hear about them. Plus, you could inspire your viewers to venture out of their comfort zones and discover the beauty of these hidden destinations.

Start a YouTube Travel Niche Channel

No matter what type of travel niche you choose to focus on, creating a YouTube travel channel is a great way to share your passion for travel with the world. So why not start your own YouTube travel niche channel today?

Be sure to check out our ultimate list of YouTube growth tips for beginners if you’re just getting started with your YouTube channel!

A Backpacker's Tale

21 Best Travel Vlogs YOU Need to Follow in 2023

What are the best travel vlogs to follow in 2023?

We got you covered!

And there are many reasons to pay attention to travel vloggers . Not only are they a source of entertainment. But they are extremely helpful.

When I first started to travel, it was overwhelming. There were so many things I didn’t know about how to plan a trip and even more things I didn’t know about what to do once we got there! At that time, there weren’t any excellent resources out there for beginners like me who wanted to learn how to travel better.

But today there are endless amounts of information. And travel vlogs are one of the best sources out there.

Best Travel Vlogs To Follow in 2023

Best Travel Vlogs

Below you will find travel videos that cover the beaten path places in Southeast Asia or explore a National Park. But also travel content that helps viewers get ready to travel. Like the best things to do in New York. Or just some much-needed travel inspiration .

Youtube Travel Vloggers and Vlogs

Ginger on the go.

Ginger on the Go is a newer travel vlogger but growing quickly. Stephen is a great adventure travel vlogger with videos on travel tips, city guides, and quirky adventures. Ginger on the Go journey started with his first trip to Ireland. Years ago.

He has unique video ideas for his viewers, like exploring a new city and using coin flips to decide what he does. But also helpful instructions, tips, and packing guides. And a fun editing style.

As one of the many digital nomads, he was once a travel blogger but is now one of the best travel vlogs to follow in 2023. With a quickly growing Youtube Channel.


The Vagabrothers are a pair of brothers who document their travels and the food they eat along the way. Their motto is: “Our journey of cultural and Culinary Discovery across the world”. Which is a very accurate description of what you’re going to see if you tune in. They’ve been traveling since 2012. They’ve racked up over 1 million subscribers on YouTube, which must be why they had their travel show.

The brothers have some seriously good taste for finding interesting places. Like their Ireland video.

Fun for Louis

Fun for Louis is a travel vlogger with a great sense of humor. He has almost two million subscribers, and his videos are filled with fun, laughter, and adventure.

He showcases the hard work that goes into preparing for his travels, as well as the interesting people he meets along the way.

Wolter’s World

Wolters World Gives Honest 1st Hand Travel Advice to Help Fellow Travelers Get the Most out of Their Travel Experience. And every video is great, helpful, and well edited.

Videos about helpful topics like the Shocks of Traveling to a new country. And traveling as a solo trip, plus other travel tips for packing, budgeting, planning, and safety.

Mr Ben Brown

Mr Ben Brown’s videos are always very informative and entertaining. He focuses on places that are off the beaten track, which makes them even more interesting if you are planning to travel there yourself.

Adventure Vloggers

Fearless & far.

Fearless & Far is a travel vlogger who has been featured on the Travel Channel and many other media outlets.

Mike Corey, the brain behind the channel, is one of the best travel vloggers out there. He has lived a life full of incredible experiences. Like his exploding hammer video. His fearless nature led him down many paths. But ultimately led him to one-of-a-kind experiences. He is my favorite adventure vloggers out there.

Drew Binsky

Drew Binsky is a travel vlogger from the United States who has over 3 million subscribers on his YouTube channel . He hopes to inspire people to explore hidden cultures and crazy adventures through his videos. His videos are mostly focused on traveling to every single country in the world.

This may seem like an impossible task, but Drew recently reached that goal! He shows all of us how it’s done by making great videos from different countries all around the world. This is great because you have videos that cover everywhere in the world, from South Korea in Asia to British Columbia in North America. And even the middle east. He is one of the biggest adventure vloggers out there.

Migrationology – Mark Wein

Mark Wiens is a food lover, and one of the biggest adventurers. He loves to travel around the world. His videos are very informative and entertaining to watch. He has been traveling for many years now and has visited over 100 countries.

In his videos, he shows his viewers how to make delicious meals with local ingredients that can be found in each country he visits. He also gives them tips on how to save money while traveling in each country by finding cheap hotels and eating at local restaurants. Every tip is great. And It is a great vlog, and one of the biggest travel YouTube channels. And full of mouth-watering food.

We can find travel vloggers in all corners of the globe. Video content helps us explore places we haven’t visited. And travel vlogging can not only inspire us but prepare us for a journey. Discover unknown places we have never been to, like New Zealand, South America, or Nova Scotia .

Couple Travel Vlogs

Kara and nate.

You might not be familiar with Kara and Nate, but you should be. They are a married couple who travel the world together, having fun bouncing around the globe, chasing our passions, and interesting stories. They have been to over 100 countries, so they know what they’re talking about with travel. Their videos are mostly about traveling around the world.

Flying the Nest

Maybe you’ve heard of our family vloggers, Flying the Nest? Maybe not. But you should check them out.

Stephen, Jess, and baby Hunter have traveled around dozens of countries! They’ve had some amazing adventures along the way. They aim to inspire others to venture out, explore, take risks, and go on their adventure.

Their videos include luxury hotels and spas, as well as cool things to do around Europe. Easily making them a great YouTube channel. But one of the best travel vloggers on the internet. Their travel-related videos are fun. And make them one of the best digital nomads making videos today.

Sailing La Vagabonde

Sailing La Vagabonde is a couple of travel vlog with the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sailboat. We have now sailed over 90,000nm each across many oceans and seas. They aim to inspire others to explore alternative options of living and to spread ocean awareness.

They have many’a vlog and video about sailing around the world for adventure seekers who wish to travel. And they seek the goal of sharing a positive message and inspiring others with our journey through life! What more could you want from a travel video?

These are a couple of the best travel vloggers who have a great YouTube channel .

The Endless Adventure

The Endless Adventure is a couple of travel vlogs, in which the hosts live in a renovated 1976 Coachmen RV. Their videos feature good road trips, around the USA and beyond.

They are one of the best travel vloggers , as well as a great YouTube channel to follow.

Best Female Travel Vloggers on Youtube


Christine Kaaloa is the creator of the travel channel GRRRLTRAVELER. She has been traveling around the world for years. Her storytelling is all about her adventures, solo travel, and food. She currently lives in Hawaii, where she works as a photographer and writer. Christine’s videos are all about her travels and the things that she loves to do while traveling. She has a great perspective, and sense of humor. And is very charismatic, and entertaining to watch!

Eva Zu Beck

Eva Zu Beck is a raw adventurer seeking the experience of feeling alive. She has over 1 million subscribers on her channel, where she posts videos from around the world. Highlighting her solo adventures in places like Iceland and Belize. Right now, she is on the I’m living Expedition Wild – driving the length of the Pan-American Highway in her Land Rover. And preparing to survive a solo adventure in Alaska.

Hey Nadine is a travel vlog that follows the adventures of Nadine and her husband as they travel around the world. They share their experiences and give travel tips. Plus document their family’s new life on the road in an RV/campervan. Their newest family member is baby Isla, who goes on these adventures with them.

Jennelle Eliana

Jennelle Eliana is a travel vlogger and creator of the YouTube channel Jenn Eliana travel vlog. The channel documents her life living and traveling in a 1995 GMC Vandura Explorer”. She has over two million subscribers on YouTube and aims to inspire you guys to get out there and do what makes you happy. In her travel video , she talks about taking road trips, van travel, camping, exploring fresh places, as well as her favorite destinations.

I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen is a travel vlogger who specializes in solo travel and digital nomad work. She quit her job in the Philippines to pursue her dreams, and has since visited all 7 continents. And it is a country worth visit, that is just one of the facts about Philippines !

Her videos include everything from Iceland to Japan . Her videos focus on an adventure. Aileen is a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie who loves to solo travel, flying over Victoria falls and taking part in any other adventure activities she can find. But don’t let that fool you. She’s also super sweet!

Allison Anderson

Allison’s channel is filled with inspirational travel vlogs and tutorials on how to plan your trip. But she also includes videos about life after traveling and minimalism.

Family Travel Vlogs

The bucket list family.

One of the biggest names in travel vlogging is The Bucket List Family. This family has been traveling the world together for years and started posting videos on their YouTube channel over 7 years ago. Their mission? To see as many countries in the world, make travel vlogs, and have adventures along the way.

Y Travel is a travel vlog that focuses on the adventures of the Y family. They have been traveling for over 23 years, and they currently live in Brisbane, Australia. The family loves the outdoors, craves adventure, is sports mad, and can’t ignore a good festival or farmer’s market.

This is one of the best Family Travel Vlogs , but they are also one run a great travel blog.

The Planet D

If you’re looking for travel vloggers, look no further than Dave and Deb of The Planet D . They traveled over 100 countries and all 7 continents. Their videos highlight our favorite destinations. And things to do with travel guides, travel tips, and beautiful, 4k, drone shots. They live by the motto “Adventure is for Everyone” . And they filled many of their travel videos with fun, inspiration, and helpful information. They are also fantastic photographers, wanderlusters, and full of positive energy.

From the most extreme places to the most ordinary ones, there is a video and a YouTube Channel for everyone. Whether it’s about exploring new cultures. Or sharing tips on how to travel by yourself and still make friends along the way. These best travel vloggers and YouTube channels are sure to inspire you!

These are the best travel vlogs to follow in 2023.

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Top 5 Travel YouTube Channels in 2023

Our favorite travel YouTubers that inspired us to travel full time

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The Top 5 Travel YouTube Channels that inspired us to change things up and start travelling full time in our renovated RV!

#1 | Kara and Nate

Kara and Nate

Kara and Nate have traveled to over 100 countries and have participated in many cool events.

This couple deserves a major shoutout for taking a chance back in 2016 that would not only change their lives, but also ours! (they were a big inspiration for us to start traveling)

The first 4 years they had a goal to travel to 100 countries and then did van life for over a year. As travel opened back up they started traveling internationally again.

I came across them when I kept seeing their repositioning cruise videos in the recommended section.

Curiosity got me because I was interested in cruises and didn’t know what a “repositioning” one was so I clicked and started watching an energetic couple give a tour of the ship.

While watching their cruise videos, Youtube started recommending their Trans Siberian Railroad videos which were even more interesting so again I clicked and since then have been hooked.

I’ve seen every video (they have over 800) and always look forward to seeing what adventure they’re doing next!

You can watch all of their videos in chronological order starting from beginning here:

They've stayed in some extraordinary hotels and Airbnbs all around the world:

They participated in some really cool physical challenges that we've never even heard of before:

#2 | The Endless Adventure

Eric and Allison of The Endless Adventure

We came across Eric and Allison when they did a collaboration video with Kara and Nate while traveling Estonia in 2017.

We were always looking for similar travel channels so after watching some of their videos we became fans right away and binge watched for days.

They make really entertaining videos including all different kinds of travels, stays and adventures around the world.

They started their adventure late 2015 and ever since have created over 700 videos.

We actually got to meet The Endless Adventure in person during the first ever Gutted Event in 2021.

Eric and Allison are super genuine people and what you see on YouTube is what you get in real life.

All videos from The Endless Adventure YouTube channel starting from their first video:

In 2020 they started an RV renovation with a 1970s Coachmen Leprechaun which resulted in a beautiful restored tiny home. They have one of our favorite RV interiors that we've seen!

After completing the RV remodel, which took over 2 years, they started their adventure to travel the 50 states of USA, maybe not Hawaii though.

#3 | Sailing Zatara

Finn, Kate, Keith, Jack and Renee of Sailing Zatara (not pictured Anna)

This Dallas, Texas family of 6 decided to sell their house, belongings and start a new adventure sailing around the world in 2016.

They have sailed to many beautiful islands and the dad is very knowledgeable and shares his experiences dealing with electrical and mechanical issues. 

They provide a real view of what boat life is and show the troubles that arise at sea.

It’s also interesting to see the kids grow up on the boat over the years and how the family dynamic changed as they got older.

Watching them sail around the world was really inspirational to us because if they can do it with 4 kids on water, we can do it with 2 cats on land.

They had a crossover episode with Gone with the Wynns when they were in Fiji.

This playlist starts at a time when they replaced their monohull with a catamaran and began sailing in the Mediterranean Sea.

This is a good point in time for their channel because they got the hand of recording and editing and the videos were very entertaining and high quality

These are some of the most recent videos and are notable because they are some of the first people to sail the Saudi Arabian coast now that its waters are partially open to international travelers.

#4 | Eamon & Bec

Eamon and Bec

This Canadian couple began their journey in 2017 with vlogging their international travels.

Not too long after they started van life by converting a Sprinter van and traveled through Canada, USA and Mexico.

In 2020 they purchased a cabin and shifted focus to home renovation and back to van life travel a couple years later. 

After watching most of Kara and Nate I was looking for similar channels and discovered Eamon and Bec during their 2nd van build series.

Their van design inspired some elements in our own RV renovation!

#5 | Gone with the Wynns

Jason and Nikki of Gone with the Wynns

Gone with the Wynns is the oldest running channel on this list starting back in 2011.

Jason and Nikki traveled across the country for many years in their RV.

Their composting toilet videos were the most notable to us because they did a good job of showing how it works and the advantages.

In 2016 they sold their RV and started a new way of travel on a sailboat ever since.

They visit pretty islands all around the world and show behind the scenes of boat life.

They had a crossover episode with Sailing Zatara when they were in Vava’u Tonga in the Pacific Ocean.

We started rug tufting!

Making rugs for our friends as we learn the craft

smart travel youtube 2023

Our Off Grid Renovated RV is for Sale!

A 2019 Coachmen Leprechaun 23CB with 79k miles

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Overnight Chia Seed Pudding

Simple and nutritious with only 3 ingredients

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Cruise Excursions in Costa Maya and Cozumel, Mexico

Things to do during a cruise stop in Costa Maya and Cozumel

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Very Berry Smoothie

A deliciously nutritious smoothie - the perfect treat for your body and taste buds

smart travel youtube 2023

Iced Caramel Coffee with Oat Milk

A McDonald's favorite made at home

smart travel youtube 2023

Allure of the Seas Cruise Ship Review

Our experience on one of the biggest cruise ships in the world

smart travel youtube 2023

Slow Cooker Pot Roast

Delicious and tender 8 hour slow cooked pot roast

smart travel youtube 2023

Boba Milk Tea with Brown Sugar Syrup

Tastes just like the local boba tea shop

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Pink Drink - Starbucks Copycat Recipe

A non-caffeinated take on the infamous Starbucks Pink Drink

smart travel youtube 2023

  • Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 
  • Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing
  • Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans
  • Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development
  • Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving
  • Why You Should Trust Us

Best Online Financial Advisors 2024: Find the Right Fit for Your Needs

Paid non-client promotion: Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews.

What Are Online Financial Advisors?

A financial advisor is a catch-all term that includes financial planners and investment advisors. Most online advisors offer investment management — whether it's carried out by a human or a sophisticated computer algorithm — and financial planning services or tools.

Types of Online Advisors

The main types of online financial advisors are: 

  • Robo-Advisors: Automated investment platforms (aka robo-advisors) use algorithms to generate a custom investment portfolio based on an individual's risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Robo-advisors typically offer low-cost ETFs as a cost-effective way to instantly diversify an investor's asset allocation and mitigate risk. 
  • Human Advisors (Virtual): Financial advisors that offer personalized financial planning and investment advice online through virtual meetings, email, and other virtual communication channels. 
  • Hybrid Models: Some online brokerages offer hybrid financial advice, combining automated investment advice and management through a robo-advisor and one-on-one consultation from a human advisor. 

Benefits of Using Online Financial Advisors

Online financial advisors allow you to ditch the in-person hassle and access expert financial guidance from your phone or home computer. Online financial advisors leverage investment technology and generally low-cost compared to traditional in-person consultants.  

Not only does it make investing more affordable for many individuals, but clients can more easily adjust and monitor their investments on their own time. Robo-advisor and hybrid online advisors typically offer online dashboards and tools for convenient managing and monitoring. 

Compare the Top Online Financial Advisors 2024

For this list, we didn't consider online advisors that match clients and advisors for comprehensive financial  planning services, such as Zoe Financial or Facet Wealth . Instead, we focused on tech-driven firms where you can access an automated and personalized portfolio and consult a professional for advice when needed.

Here are our top picks for the best online financial advisors as picked by Business Insider editors in 2024.

SoFi Automated: Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 

SoFi SoFi Automated Investing

SoFi Automated Investing supports individual investment accounts, joint accounts, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, and 401(k) rollovers.

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No account minimum or management fees to invest
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal planning and automatic portfolio rebalancing
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Range of other account options across SoFi website
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. SoFi offers complimentary CFP access across all accounts
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No tax-loss harvesting
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No socially responsible portfolio options

SoFi Invest is one of the best investment apps and the best investment apps for beginners. It's a great platform for US investors who are looking for an intuitive online trading experience, an open active or automated investing account, and assets like cryptocurrencies.

  • Promotion: None at this time.
  • Consider it if: You're new to investing and want to leave the trading decisions to professionals.

SoFi Automated Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage accounts , traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA.

SoFi stands out for its lack of advisory fees, free one-on-one consultations with CFPs, portfolio diversity, and goal-planning features. SoFi builds a personalized investment portfolio based on your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Additional SoFi membership perks include loan discounts and career counseling. 

What to look out for: SoFi doesn't have tax-loss harvesting features and limited portfolio diversity. 

SoFi Invest review

Betterment: Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing

Betterment Betterment Investing

Betterment offers individual or joint accounts, IRAs, trust accounts, and cash reserve or checking accounts.

$0 to open, $10 to start investing ($100,000 for premium plan)

$4 per month (or 0.25%/year) for digital plan; 0.40%/ year for premium plan; 1%/year for crypto portfolios

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No minimum for standard investing account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal-based planning, tax-loss harvesting, charitable giving, and socially responsible investing available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app with external account syncing options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You'll have to pay to consult a human advisor, unless you have the premium plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. $4 monthly fee (or 0.25% annual fee)

Betterment is best for hands-off investors who want to take advantage of professionally built, personalized ETF and cryptocurrency portfolios. The platform offers CFP access, so it could suit those in search of additional guidance from human advisors.

  • App store rating: 4.7 iOS/4.5 Android
  • Consider it if: You want access to robo-advice with multiple service levels.

Betterment Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, inherited IRA, and trust.

What stands out:  Betterment is a robust trading platform offering premium plans with unlimited access to CFPs through phone or email. Investors can use the platform's goal-setting feature, ESG investing, automatic rebalancing, and easy-to-use financial dashboard. 

What to look out for:  Accounts with a $100,000 balance can upgrade to get advisor access, but the annual fee increases from 0.25% (an industry low) to 0.40%

Betterment review

Wealthfront: Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans

Wealthfront Wealthfront Investing

Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

$1 ($500 for automated investing)

$0 for stock trades. 0.25% for automated investing (0.06% to 0.13% for fund fees)

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low annual fee for investment accounts; crypto trust investments available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Tax-loss harvesting, portfolio lines of credit, 529 college savings plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cash account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app and investing and retirement tools
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You need at least $100,000 to utilize additional investment strategies
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No human advisor access

Wealthfront is one of the best robo-advisor options if you're in search of low-cost automated portfolio management, and one of the best socially responsible investing apps for features like tax-loss harvesting, US direct indexing, and crypto trusts.

  • Consider it if: You're balancing several goals and want to streamline your finances.
  • Promotion: Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

Wealthfront Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, trust, and 529 savings plan .

Wealthfront is one of the best online financial advisors for college education savings and cryptocurrency trusts. You can borrow up to 30% of your investment balance at a low interest rate with a portfolio line of credit. Wealthfront also offers personalized recommendations with smart financial planning software. 

What to look out for:  On-staff financial advisors don't offer personalized advice

Wealthfront review

Ellevest: Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development

Ellevest Ellevest

Ellevest offers two investing portfolios to fit your needs.

$1 - $240 (varies by portfolio)

$54 - $97 annually; $5 or $9/month

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Personalized, automated investment advice with a $0 minimum requirement
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Monthly plans include discounted access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Automated IRA accounts and 401(k)/403(b) rollovers available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Private wealth management for individuals, families, and institutions who have at least $1 million to invest
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No active trading opportunities available; money is mainly invested in stock ETFs and bond ETFs
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You can only open individual investment accounts and retirement accounts; joint accounts or custodial accounts not available

Ellevest is one of the best robo-advisors for goal-focused investing. It could be a good fit if you want automated investing and retirement accounts.

  • Consider it if: You're looking for a one-stop shop for financial planning.

Ellevest offers individual taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA (all held at Folio Investments).

Ellevest is a comprehensive financial advisor and trading platform built around women's unique needs and challenges. Investors get access to an extensive library of content and advisor-led workshops. Additionally, Ellevest offers a socially responsible investment portfolio and monthly progress reports. 

What to look out for:  Financial coaching costs extra (but members get 30%- 50% off). Access to retirement account management requires an upgrade.

Ellevest review

Ameriprise Financial Investments: Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving

Ameriprise Financial Services Ameriprise Financial Investments

Ameriprise Financial Services has been operating for 130 years Ameriprise Financial Services is licensed in all 50 states but only has 10 physical locations throughout the US; it's currently headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Varies by account

$500 annual advisory fee, 2% AUM

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to personal finance research and investment tools
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Fiduciary financial advisor access
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Various account and investment options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High account minimums
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Difficult to navigate website
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Complex fee structure

Ameriprise Financial Services is a brokerage and financial advisory firm best for experienced, passive investors interested in using the site's financial planning services, wealth management tools, and fiduciary advisor access.

Ameriprise Financial Investments offers three managed account options that can be opened as an individual brokerage account, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, Simple IRAs, SEP IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 529 plans, and Coverdell education savings accounts (CESA). 

Ameriprise Financial Investments is one of the largest registered investment advisors in the US and is best for experienced investors looking for advanced charting and investing features. You'll get access to fiduciary financial advisors for consultations or account management. 

What to look out for: Ameriprise 's managed account fees are high, and it has a complex fee structure. 

Ameriprise Financial Services review

How Much Do Online Financial Advisors Cost?

Financial advisors providing financial advice often charge by the hour, typically between $100 to $300. Advisors creating a comprehensive financial plan tend to charge a flat rate between $1,000 and $3,000. 

If you hire an advisor to manage your investment portfolio, you'll be charged a percentage of your account balance, typically between 1% and 3% annually. In comparison, that's much higher than the fees that the best robo-advisors charge; you get the added benefit of building a relationship with a trusted source who can adjust your strategy as needed, provide personal recommendations, and answer questions when they arise.

How to Choose the Best Online Financial Advisors

The best online financial advisor for you depends on your goals, risk tolerance, investments, and time horizon. If you're a new investor interested in passive investing, an online robo-advisor is likely a good place to start. On the other hand, if you're looking for professional insight and a customized financial plan, you're better off with access to a human advisor through phone or video calls. 

You can also meet with an expert in person for financial guidance. So if you prefer to meet face-to-face, here are some tools to find some in your area:

  • This is a database of all CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals who are authorized to use their CFP® marks by the CFP® Board and are accepting new clients.
  • Using the advanced search function, you can choose from over 40 focus areas you're looking to get help with and include your current amount of investable assets.
  • Click here to visit the CFP Board website .
  • This database helps connect young professionals — those in generations X and Y (millennials) — with individual advisors.
  • Every advisor holds the CFP® certification, is a fiduciary , does not require a minimum net worth to take on new clients, and does not earn commissions.
  • Click here to visit XY Planning Network .
  • This platform maintains a database of fee-only financial advisors, not specifically CFP® certificates, who commit to a fiduciary oath once a year. 
  • You can filter by location to see a list of advisory firms in your area.
  • Click here to visit the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors website .

Online financial advisors are generally trustworthy. The best advisors follow the fiduciary rule, meaning they operate in their clients' best interest and are fee-only. This means client fees are their only compensation, and they don't earn a commission when they invest in certain funds or buy financial products.

Not everyone needs a robo-advisor, but beginners or passive investors looking for a hands-off approach to stock trading may prefer how cost-effective and convenient robo-advisors are. Affordable financial advisors can be hard to come by, so robo-advisors are a great alternative for many people. However, a financial advisor may be better if you need specific advice on your finances or investment strategy or if you're too overwhelmed or confused by your money to plan for retirement or invest in the stock market. 

The cost of an online financial advisor varies from platform to platform and advisor to advisor. The cost largely depends on the services, licensing, account balance, and complexity. Robo-advisors typically charge lower fees than human advisors. 

Why You Should Trust Us: Our Methodology

We Reviewed the best online financial advisors using Business Insider's methodology for rating investment platforms . We compared a long list of Registered Investment advisors (RIAs), considering fees, investment selection, access, ethics, and customer service. The best online advisors have top marks in all five categories. Investment platforms are given a rating between 0 and 5.

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  • Credit cards
  • Investing apps
  • Retirement savings
  • Cryptocurrency
  • The stock market
  • Retail investing

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  • Main content

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smart travel youtube 2023

15 Awesome Travel YouTube Channel Ideas for 2024

L aunching a travel YouTube channel can be quite the task; especially, when you’re not sure what to upload. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of travel YouTube channel ideas to help you fill up your content calendar. 

Even if you’ve already started uploading videos to your channel, you may find these video ideas helpful. Also, this list might help jog your creativity to come up with even more video concepts! 

Travel YouTube Channel Ideas

1. airport vlog.

What’s the difference between an airport vlog and a travel vlog? An airport vlog is more focused on getting to a destination than the destination itself. 

For example, if you’re taking a 15 hour flight or have a 24 hour travel day you can vlog about your experience and how you survive such a long travel day. You can also talk about flying with a specific airline, what the food on the plane was like, and how the different airports were. 

This is also a good time to throw in a little airport ootd or what’s in my carry on. 

2. Pack With Me

Pack with mes are another popular video idea for travel youtube channels. Whether you’re packing for a cruise, Disneyland, or a tropical getaway, a pack with me video is a great way to share packing tips with your audience. 

You can share things like what toiletries you’re bringing, how you keep things organized, what outfits you’re bringing, etc. You can also include affiliate links in your video description to help generate some income. I use RewardStyle for style and Amazon products.

Sample Ideas:

  • Pack with me for Paris – Winter Edition
  • Packing for a 10 Day Caribbean Cruise
  • What to Pack for for a Aspen Ski Vacation

3. Bucket List

Share with your audience what destinations you’re dying to visit. 

Don’t simply list them off, tell them WHY you want to visit these destinations. Is there great food? Is there a specific resort you really want to stay at or a really cool attraction? Educate while you share. 

People are always looking for suggestions on where to travel and by sharing your bucket list you may just be influencing their next vacation!

4. General Travel Tips

General travel tip videos are another great travel YouTube channel idea. Again, this is an opportunity to educate your audience. While we like to think everyone’s traveled before, there’s tons of people who may be taking their first trip ever at any given time. 

In these videos, you can share ways to save money, packing hacks, tips for a better plane ride, etc. 

  • Tips for Solo Female Travelers 
  • How to Make Traveling with Kids Easier 

5. Destination Specific Travel Tips

Piggybacking off of general travel tips, is destination specific travel tips. 

While general travel tips will serve many travelers, destination specific tips are for those visiting a particular place. You could also think of this as a “Know Before You Go” type video. For example, a Positano travel video might include things like the best time to go to avoid crowds, what airport to fly into and the transfer options, how to get around the area, and other info visitors might find helpful.

  • 10 things to know before visiting Greece 
  • 5 Tourist Traps to Avoid in Paris
  • Tokyo Travel Tips to have the best trip ever 

6. Travel Vlog

If you’re starting a travel youtube channel, chances are you’ve already planned on doing travel vlogs. Depending on the trip, I will either break my travel vlogs down by destination or by day. For example, for my 10 day trip to Spain and Portugal , I did a vlog for each city we visited. However, for Disneyland I did two vlogs, one per day we were there.

Very few people will sit around and watch a 40 minute travel vlog. So, I like to break down the content into more digestible segments. 

7. Travel Essentials

Sharing Amazon Travel Must-Haves or general travel essentials is another popular video idea for travel YouTube channels. 

People are always looking for ways to be more efficient when traveling and for products that help them with this. These videos are also a good way to generate some affiliate income. I like to use LiKETOKNOW.IT to link all my products. It works with Amazon and a bunch of other brands.

Sample Video Ideas:

  • Camping Travel Essentials
  • Road Trip must-haves 
  • The Best Amazon Travel Finds 

8. What’s in your Travel Makeup Bag/Toiletry Bag

If you’re like me and like to share a mix of beauty and travel content, a “what’s in your travel makeup bag” or “what’s in your toiletry bag” video is a good way to blend the two. 

Talk about the different skincare and beauty products you bring with you when you travel and why. 

Looking for more beauty channel ideas? Read my Beauty video ideas post ! 

9. Destination Budget Breakdowns

Follow up your travel vlog with a destination budget breakdown. 

For this video you can do a mix of talking head clips with some destination footage. Walk your audience through how much each attraction cost, what you spent on meals and transportation, and any other expenses for your trip. 

You can also throw in a few tips on how to save money. 

10. Travel Makeup Routine

Another beauty/travel crossover video idea is a travel makeup routine. 

If you’re already sharing different makeup looks on your YouTube channel, this is an easy video idea to implement. 

  • Glowy Summer Vacation Look
  • Simple 5-Step travel makeup routine
  • My Go-To Beach Makeup Look

11. Luggage Unboxing

My most popular video on YouTube is my Monos Luggage Unboxing .

People are always on the hunt for the best suitcases and carry on bags. So, if you’ve recently purchased a new travel bag or have an old reliable piece, film an unboxing or luggage review sharing the ins and outs. 

12. Travel Camera Equipment

If you have a variety of cameras and accessories that you bring with you when you travel, show what’s inside your travel camera kit .

And this doesn’t just have to be cameras and lenses. Share what memory card you use, which bags and pouches you use to keep everything organized, and any other tools you use.

13. Travel Resources

For a travel resources video, share which sites and apps you use to plan, book, and execute your travels.

Think Rome2Rio, Booking, Going (formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights), Viator, etc. 

Some people have never traveled before or have only traveled locally, which is why sharing resources is one of the more helpful travel YouTube channel ideas.

14. Lookbook

Lookbooks are an oldie but a goodie YouTube video concept. The idea is to show off all the different elements of your outfits for a particular season or event. 

For example, you could do a Hawaii Lookbook or a cruise lookbook featuring all your outfits that you wore during your vacation.

This is another good opportunity to share affiliate links and generate some extra income. 

15. Plan A Trip with Me/ How to Plan a Trip

For this video, walk your audience through your travel planning process . From picking the destination and booking flights to building an itinerary, show off how you plan your vacations.

  • Planning my Southwest Road Trip
  • Travel Plan with Me 
  • How I’ve Planned my 2 Month Trip to South America

I hope you find these travel YouTube channel ideas helpful! I know when I was first getting started I had trouble coming up with ideas, so hopefully this list helps.

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Launching a travel YouTube channel can be quite the task; especially, when you’re not sure what to upload. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of travel YouTube channel ideas to...


5 Travel Behaviours we expect to see in 2023

young woman travelling in portugal

Last year was one of highs and lows for the tourism industry. Full of optimism for the post-pandemic travel boom, but plagued by wide-scale disruption and uncertainty as the sector scrabbled to adjust after a two-year hiatus. But while there are still plenty of lessons to learn and service improvements to make, the great travel comeback gave us plenty to look forward to in 2023. Because if last year taught us anything, it’s that people value their freedom to travel and enjoy leisure experiences. We expect the energy and enthusiasm for enriching travel adventures to continue this year, but despite their desire to get away, many are going to have to take extra financial, emotional and practical considerations into account when planning and booking their trips and leisure getaways.

Our Chief Behavior Officer, Milena Nikolova, offers an expert outlook on what the industry can expect from travellers in 2023 and reveals the five most influential travel behaviours we’ll be watching this year.

1) Seeking smart-leisure breaks

People will seek smart ways to enjoy the benefits of travel and leisure, without adding to mounting financial pressures caused by the cost of living.

We expect that uncertainty and the rising cost of living will sober many who indulged last year in post-COVID-19 revenge travel. In 2023, we expect that travellers will become comparably more conservative when it comes to leisure spending. But there is a nuance that makes this downturn different – the recent pandemic offered us all a renewed appreciation of the benefits of travel, solidifying the importance we assign to leisure experiences and their contribution to our overall health and wellbeing. Border closures and restrictions gave us a chance to learn that these joys of leisure time might be found much closer and without flying to dream destinations. We expect that despite the squeeze on their finances many will retain their strong appetite for leisure experiences but will seek to satisfy it through smart-leisure breaks—taking shorter escapes to places that are closer to home but that still offer relaxation and rejuvenation, exploration and fun.

We saw this behaviour take hold last year, with the rise of micro-vacations; one or two-night stays in hotels, cottages and resorts just a short journey from home. These low-effort escapes promise a truly relaxing slow-down without the stress of potential cancellations, delays and long journeys. A recent survey of 5’000 Europeans found that 28.5% were planning a domestic holiday in the next 6 months, while 35.5% were planning on holidaying in a neighbouring European country so our expectation for 2023 is that smart-leisure escapes will increasingly fulfil travel desires without unwanted costs and hassle.

2) Relocating to reduce costs and maximise enjoyment

Digital nomads with flexible situations and working arrangements will discover the benefits of relocating to budget-friendly, sun-drenched destinations to save money and maximise travel opportunities.

The cost-of-living crisis shows little sign of waning in 2023, especially in colder parts of Europe, where energy bills are soaring and grocery shopping is costly, impacting people’s quality of life across the continent. We expect that this will power another visible travel behaviour pattern. The spread of the digital nomad culture, combined with the growing acceptance of the work-from-anywhere culture for professions that do not require permanent physical presence at the office is likely to fuel smart escapes from higher bills. Young professionals without the commitments of families or location-specific responsibilities are becoming increasingly savvy to the benefits of relocating to spend a few months on a Greek island or a small town along the Portuguese coast. Temporary escapes to warmer parts of Europe or elsewhere around the world would allow them to combine lower cost of living with all the joys of an extended getaway — new gourmet experiences, a change of scenery, immersion in local culture, a milder climate and no tourist crowds!

We expect that this emerging travel pattern will create new market opportunities for sunnier destinations and businesses that are based there, especially if they move fast to meet the demands of this audience. From offering co-working or other flexible work setups to packaging cost-effective accommodation, food service and tour offerings for extended stays, businesses who tap into the specific needs of digital nomads will benefit from their spending power.

woman sitting in yoga pose in a sunny destination

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

3) Expecting sustainability-as-norm

Travellers have good intentions when it comes to having a positive impact on the places they visit, but they find it hard to take on the responsibility for that and will increasingly expect travel companies to take the lead in making sustainability effortless.

Climate and sustainability are increasingly top of mind for our societies and all of us as individuals. But with so much pressure to reduce the footprint of everyday living, many will seek to escape sustainability anxiety during holidays. This will lead to growing frustration that suppliers of hospitality and leisure services don’t take environmental considerations and responsibilities seriously and do not make responsible consumption effortless for their clients. Companies and service providers who are smart about this growing demand for change will begin realigning their operations to make responsible consumption easier. Designing out plastics where possible, relying on local suppliers where possible, pointing to healthier options where possible; all efforts to introduce smart changes in the design of holiday and leisure experiences will be appreciated by travellers who are increasingly sustainability-conscious, but desire some peace of mind.

As recently discussed in our blog , travel tech has an especially big role to play here. With the digitalisation of so many hospitality and leisure services – from ordering food to planning our holidays – technology players have the power to scale responsible consumption without extra cost or hardship. If travel tech companies prioritise effortless sustainability they can become catalysts of the faster (and much needed) transition to sustainability as a norm. We foresee that those who lead in this will gain more consumer appeciation while those who wait will fall victim to the growing pressure from a frustrated clientele.

4) Attracted by creative circularity

People are interested in smart creative solutions embracing circular principles without the need for dramatic transformations.

Growing sustainability awareness leads us to understand that endless growth isn’t compatible with healthy human populations and a healthy planet. There are many systems in our societies that are inefficient and unsustainable by design. Their transformation or replacement will take time but there is growing understanding that even in the existing realities much can be improved by smart changes in our behaviour. In some societies, we are already seeing consumer patterns shift away from outright consumerism in favour of smart ways to align everyday living with the principles of circularity. From pre-loved fashion to micro-mobility rental platforms, globally, 72% of people are looking to adopt circular practices and contribute to efficient use of existing resources. This year, people will continue to embrace smart solutions that enable them to be active, to travel and experience the joys of leisure and optimise their footprint while doing so.

Destinations and travel businesses will benefit from finding creative ways to align with circular principles within existing infrastructure. What does this mean? For one, access to and availability of on-demand services must remain a priority; from rental bikes, scooters and other forms of transport, these services help tourists who already participate in these schemes and services at home feel like they are enjoying destinations in a low-impact way like the locals. Smart menu designs that minimise food waste are another example of how circularity can be embraced in ways that can even help cut costs. Similarly, hotels can source second-hand furniture as a means of reducing their impact and promoting the avoidance of unnecessary extraction of raw materials. Such smart circularity tactics will be appreciated by a conscious travel audience while offering companies opportunities for co-creation with local communities and cultures.

rental scooters lined up in the street

Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash

5) Choosing to take it back-to-basics

After a tumultuous few years, people are seeking to reconnect with themselves, other people and Mother Nature, by shedding the baggage of modern life and taking it back-to-basics.

Awareness of the importance of wellbeing will grow as people deal with the post-pandemic realities, the pressures of climate anxiety and the sobering reality that peace is not a given even in the 21st century. The need to rebalance their lives will drive further demand for experiences that present the opportunity to reconnect with nature, and benefit from its power to rejuvenate them as people and to restore harmony with their inner selves, and each other. Short leisure escapes and longer holiday trips will increasingly be seen as opportunities for many to take it back-to-basics; 55% of travellers surveyed said they want to take an off-grid holiday in 2023 and 58% said they wanted to learn survival skills like lighting fires without matches and sourcing drinking water.

This interest in simple living and outdoor activities in nature offers many destinations the opportunity to attract travellers with their natural landscapes and wilderness, while tourism businesses can further develop nature or adventure-based experiences that tap into the growing desire to explore, learn, connect and reflect away from the daily grind in harmony with Mother Nature.

Got some thoughts on our travel behaviours for 2023, or want to speak to Milena to learn more about how understanding human behaviour can support your plans for the year? Get in touch .

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🏆 Tennessee wins first-ever title

💪 How the Vols conquered the 2024 MCWS

👀 Tennessee's Dreiling is MOP

🎥 Game 3 highlights

Tennessee wins the 2024 Men's College World Series

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  • Championship Info
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Men's College World Series

  • 🗓️ 2024 schedule
  • 🔮 Future dates
  • 🤔 How the MCWS works
  • 🏆 Programs with the most MCWS titles
  • 💪 Coaches with the most MCWS wins
  • ⚾ Every champion in tournament history

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Everything you need to know about how the Men's College World Series works

Di baseball news.

  • From the gridiron to the diamond: FBS players who excelled in college baseball
  • Finishing 'unfinished business' — how the Vols conquered the 2024 Men's College World Series
  • Tennessee vs. Texas A&M : 2024 Men's College World Series Finals Game 3 highlights
  • Tennessee baseball wins the 2024 Men's College World Series | Final out
  • Here's what's happened in every Game 3 in MCWS finals history

smart travel youtube 2023

College baseball career home run leaders

smart travel youtube 2023

Here are the baseball programs with the most Men's College World Series titles

smart travel youtube 2023

The 7 longest home runs in MCWS history (that we know of)

Follow di baseball, 🔸 good ol' rocky top | tennessee wins 1st title 🏆.

Tennessee baseball

The Tennessee Volunteers beat Texas A&M in Game 3 of the 2024 Men's College World Series finals, 6-5 . With their 60th win of the season, the Vols won the first national title in program history.

Texas A&M beat the Vols, 9-5,  in Game 1 of the MCWS finals, then Tennessee completed the come-from-behind feat for the title,  using late offense to top the Aggies in Game 2, 4-1 , and maintaining an early lead in Game 3. With an RBI and a home run in Game 3, Dylan Dreiling won Most Outstanding Player of the 2024 MCWS. Dreiling also made history as the first player to hit a home run in all three of the MCWS finals games.

The Vols went up 6-1, highlighted by Hunter Ensley's acrobatic slide to avoid Jackson Appel's tag, before the Aggies scored four straight runs in the final two innings to cut the deficit to one. Tennessee closer Aaron Combs finished the job, striking out Ted Burton for the Tennessee victory.

📌 Texas A&M tacks on 2

The Aggies get two more on the board with Hayden Schott's RBI single and Caden Sorrell's RBI double, scoring Schott. The scores brought Texas A&M's deficit to three, 6-3.

Keep chipping away! #GigEm x @CadenSorrell x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 25, 2024

🪄 Two-out magic for the Vols

Tennessee conjured three runs with empty bases and two outs in the bottom of the seventh.

Billy Amick singled first, then Dylan Dreiling swatted his third homer in the last three games, sending a no-doubter over the right field wall for two insurance runs. 

Hunter Ensley then singled to left and Kavares Tears' double bounced off the centerfield wall to grant Ensley just enough time to round the bases. Watch his slide to the bag to avoid the tag ⤵️

SAFE!! 111 mph off the bat from KT and an incredible slide at home by Hunter to avoid the tag!!! 📺 (ESPN) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 25, 2024

🤫 Aggies & Vols add RBI hits in the 3rd

Texas A&M centerfielder Travis Chesnut stole third and advanced home on Gavin Grahovac's single to knot the score at 1-1 in the top of the third.

The Vols responded with Dylan Dreiling's sac fly to score Blake Burke at third, granting the Vols the lead again. Dean Curley slammed another RBI single to extend Tennessee's lead, scoring Hunter Ensley. Tennessee finishes the third up 3-1.

Vols add another 🍊 #MCWS x 🎥 ESPN / @Vol_Baseball — NCAA Baseball (@NCAABaseball) June 25, 2024

👋 C-Mo sends one out of the park

A leadoff homer off the bat of Christian Moore puts the Vols up early, 1-0.

C-Mo came to play! Vols strike first! 📺 (ESPN) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 24, 2024

Game 3️⃣ lineups

Here are the starters for Game 3 of the 2024 MCWS finals:

Tennessee starters

MCWS Game 3️⃣ | The Grand Finale

Texas A&M vs. Tennessee for MCWS Finals

This is it. Tonight's game between Texas A&M and Tennessee will determine the 2024 Men's College World Series national champion. The series is tied 1-1 after the Aggies won Game 1, 9-5, and the Vols secured a 4-1 win with a late rally in Game 2. Each team is within reaching distance to claim their program's first-ever national title.

Here's how to keep up with tonight's game:

  • MCWS Final Game 3 :  Tennessee vs. Texas A&M

Check back here for live updates on big plays, scores and more. |  Tap here for the full bracket.

🙂‍↕️ Vols force Game 3

Tennessee baseball

Tennessee held on to its 4-1 lead to force a winner-take-all MCWS Finals Game 3 tomorrow. Two 2-RBI homers in the seventh and eighth innings gave Tennessee the advantage as the Vols held the Aggies scoreless after Jace LaViolette's first-inning homer. Though the Aggies put two runners on in the bottom of the ninth, they were unable to finish the job against Tennessee closer Nate Snead, flying out twice to end the game.

This marks Texas A&M's first loss in the 2024 NCAA tournament — the last time the Aggies had lost a game this season was to Tennessee in the SEC tournament (7-4). 

The Aggies and top-seeded Volunteers will face each other once more in Game 3 — the winner will be crowned the 2024 national champion. Tune in tomorrow at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN.

Vols add ✌️

STARK INDUSTRIES 🚀 BANG! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

😏 Tennessee takes the lead

The Volunteers struck big in the seventh. After Christian Moore walked and stole second, Dylan Dreiling sent a ball over the right field wall to plate two. Tennessee leads in the top of the 8th, 2-1.

They don't make 'em any more CLUTCH than DYLAN DREILING! LET'S GOOOO! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

⚔️ Pitching duel thru 4

GOT HIM IN TIME #GigEm x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 23, 2024

🔥 Drew Beam strikes out the side

Drew Ks the side in in the second and has struck out five in a row! 📺 (ABC) #GBO // #OTH // #MCWS // #BeatTAMU — Tennessee Baseball (@Vol_Baseball) June 23, 2024

☄️ Aggies strike first

AGS STRIKE FIRST 💣 #GigEm x @JaceLaViolette2 x #MCWS — Texas A&M Baseball (@AggieBaseball) June 23, 2024

MCWS Finals Game 2️⃣ Lineups

MCWS Game 2 lineups

💪 Texas A&M takes Game 1

Texas A&M baseball

Despite Tennessee's effort to gain runs back in the final innings, Texas A&M's massive third inning and lockdown defense sealed its Game 1 win, 9-5. The Aggies set the tone with a leadoff homer from Gavin Grahovac and didn't let off the gas in the third, plating five with Kaeden Kent's two-RBI single as the exclamation point. The Aggies did not err once defensively as the Vols racked up three errors, one resulting in an A&M RBI. Evan Aschenbeck secured the win, pitching 2.2 innings while striking out seven and allowing two hits and no walks.

The teams face off in Game 2 of the MCWS finals at 2 p.m. ET Sunday on ABC.

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Southwest Airlines says a key measure of pricing power will be weaker than expected in 2Q

Associated Press

DALLAS – Southwest Airlines, already under pressure from a hedge fund for disappointing financial results, said Wednesday that a key revenue ratio will be weaker than expected because of changes in how consumers book travel.

The airline said it still expects second-quarter revenue to hit a record.

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However, Southwest said, revenue for each seat flown one mile – a closely watched measure of pricing power – will fall by 4% to 4.5% compared with the same quarter last year. In April, the airline said the decline would be 1.5% to 3.5%.

Costs per mile will rise by 6.5% to 7.5% compared with a year ago, said the airline, which is dealing with rising labor costs.

The Dallas-based carrier said the revenue per mile outlook is worsening mostly due to “complexities” in adapting its pricing to "current booking patterns in this dynamic environment.”

Travel is booming. Airlines expect a record number of passengers this summer, but they have undercut their pricing power by adding more flights and seats. Southwest still plans to increase flying by 8% to 9% over the second quarter of last year.

After losing $231 million in the first quarter, Southwest announced it will end service at four airports and shrink its work force by 2,000 people this year.

This month, hedge fund Elliott Investment Management bought a $1.9 billion stake in Southwest and called for the ouster of CEO Robert Jordan and former CEO and current Chairman Gary Kelly, saying they had failed to modernize the airline's technology and strategy to keep up with changes in travel.

Jordan says he is not resigning , and he promises to unveil a plan to boost profit during an investor day in September.

Elliott said Wednesday marked the eighth time Southwest had lowered financial guidance in 18 months.

“Southwest’s industry-trailing revenue performance is clearly continuing along the same disappointing trend line, despite management’s repeated promises for improvement,” two of the firm's executives said in a statement. “Southwest is led by a team that has proven unable to adapt to the modern airline industry.”

Southwest shares fell more than 4% Wednesday morning before recovering to close down a fraction of 1%. Shares are down about 15% in the past year, while the S&P 500 index is up 28%.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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The real cost of cheap airline tickets

What you don’t know could cost you.

Amy Davis , Investigative Reporter

HOUSTON – I love to travel with my family. And I love a bargain.

That combination means we’ve flown plenty of discount airline flights to save money.

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As a consumer investigative reporter, I feel more knowledgeable than most about all the ways things can go sideways when you fly no frills airlines Spirit and Frontier . But I still click “buy now” when I see an incredible airfare deal that’s too good to pass up.

Some examples of great airfare deals I’ve found:

  • Last December, I booked 4 roundtrip tickets to Florida for $401.56 on Spirit .
  • I found 4 roundtrip tickets to Los Angeles between Christmas and New Year’s for $352.92 on Frontier Airlines.

You know the old saying- “You get what you pay for.” I believe that; and so I set the bar pretty low when I book these low priced flights. I actually expect delays. In some strange mind trick only a thrift junkie would understand, I think of the unknown ways things could go wrong as part of our adventure. You may be less adventurous and more averse to delays, cramped seats ( I’m under 5′2″. The lack of legroom doesn’t bother me or my children) , and being nickel and dimed for every little thing.

Knowing what to expect helps relieve some of the anxiety you may have flying budget airlines. It’s why I wanted to share my experiences to expose the true cost of cheap airfare .

Your flight times will change after you book

Sometimes the changes are minor, like leaving 30 minutes late. Other times, the change can alter your entire trip.

I recently booked a roundtrip flight to Denver for my family of four on Frontier for $567 total. The times were perfect. We would fly out on a Thursday at 9:42 am and fly back home from Denver at 3 pm. Our flight was scheduled to land at Hobby Airport at 6:31 pm. Less than a week after I purchased the tickets, Frontier Airlines sent me an innocuous email with the subject “Important changes to your flight itinerary.” The change shaved 10 hours off the final day of our trip. Our flight home moved from 3 pm to 5:22 am. Bummer!

Legally, I could have cancelled the flights and gotten a full refund (since the airline changed the flight time by more than 3 hours), but I had already booked lodging in Colorado that I couldn’t cancel.

Sometimes flight times aren’t adjusted until you’re at the gate ready to board the plane. In these cases, as long as the airline claims delays are caused by weather or some other factor not in the airline’s control, you’re sort of at their mercy.

Frontier has one flight out of IAH to Denver every Thursday. The departure time is in the 9pm hour; but in my experience, it never leaves on-time. Last summer, my flight didn’t leave Houston until after 11pm.

One month later, the same flight scheduled to leave Houston at 9:12 pm didn’t leave until after 11pm.

Leaving flexibility in your schedule on travel days makes these changes more manageable.

Baggage fees are expensive: Pack accordingly

Everyone knows that Southwest Airlines is one of the only airlines that still lets you check bags for free with the purchase of your airfare. You’re going to pay for your bags on other airlines. When you’re counting your pennies, the fees at Spirit and Frontier add up quickly. Make sure you factor this into the cost of your airfare.

Purchasing a checked bag is least expensive when you pay for it at the same time that you book your flight. If you wait to pay for your bag when you check in at the airport, the price doubles. On Frontier, one checked bag purchased when you book your flight is $48 (each way) and $99 (each way) if you wait to add it when you check in.

You can avoid checked bags altogether by carrying on a travel bag that is the same size as a “personal item.” On Frontier Airlines, personal items can be 14″H x 18″W x 8″D. This is actually a decent size bag. My kids all have rolling bags that match these dimensions. Essentially, they all bring their “free” carry-on with their clothes and activities for the plane. You can also search bags by these dimensions online when shopping.

Talking to Humans Costs Extra

When flying Frontier, it is almost impossible to speak to a real person. The airline bagged its call-in customer service line years ago. If you want to reach a customer service representative, you have to start a chat through WhatsApp. To avoid charges from checking in with a Frontier representative at the airport (up to $25 per passenger), you will need to download the Frontier app and set up an account.

Spirit Airlines also uses chat bots and WhatsApp texts to communicate with customers. The best way to manage flights with both airlines is through their mobile apps.

They want you to pay to sit with your family. Here’s why you may not need to.

Both Spirit and Frontier Airlines make you pay for assigned seats if you want to make sure you are sitting next to your family or friends. What you may not know is that if your child is 13 or under, Frontier will automatically seat them next to you for free. If you are traveling with multiple children 13 and under, Frontier and Spirit will seat you all next to one another at no additional cost.

Expect Gotchas!

It’s no secret all the extra fees and add-on services are where these bargain airlines butter their bread. That doesn’t mean you have to pass them the knife. You have to be hyper focused when booking and flying to get the savings you’re sacrificing some of your sanity for.

  • Last October, I found a Frontier fare for a winter flight to Los Angeles for me and my three children.
  • It was $352 for four roundtrip tickets.
  • I purchased the tickets as soon as I saw them, knowing that you can legally cancel within 24 hours and get a full refund.
  • I realized within a few hours that the cost of lodging and a rental car in LA was more than what I wanted to pay.
  • But when I went to cancel the reservation, I realized Frontier never sent a confirmation or receipt.

My credit card showed the transaction, but I had no confirmation number to cancel online. I emailed the airline and finally got a response confirming my purchase. By that time, 24 hours had passed. Fortunately, within 48 hours, Frontier agreed to process the refund. But the whole thing seemed very shady.

Have the DOT Complaint site bookmarked

The U.S. Department of Transportation regulates airlines. You should file a complaint with this agency if you have an issue with any airline you can’t resolve. The DOT requires airlines to acknowledge consumer complaints within 30 days of receiving them and to send consumers written responses addressing these complaints within 60 days of receiving them.

Do you have a question for Amy? Email [email protected].

Sign up for the weekly Ask Amy newsletter.

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.

Travel Continuously

How to Start a Travel YouTube Channel (Do THIS First)

So you’ve decided you want to start a travel YouTube channel. You’re not exactly sure where to start, but that’s why you’re here .

In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps that you need to take to get your new travel YouTube channel off the ground.

We’ll give you the 7 steps to begin creating content, building a following, and promoting your channel.

So what are you waiting for? Start reading below!

smart travel youtube 2023

Table of Contents

Choose a Name For Your Channel

When starting a YouTube channel, it can be tempting to spend hours agonizing over the perfect name. However, it’s important to remember that you can always change your channel name later on.

In the beginning, it’s WAY more important to focus on creating great content.

With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a name for your YouTube channel.

First, consider your niche. If you plan on making videos about a specific topic, it can be helpful to include that in your channel name. For example, if you’re a travel vlogger, you might choose a name like “Budget Backpacker” or “Luxury Traveler.”

The only issue with this is that you might ‘pinhole’ yourself into only making certain content. For example, it might be difficult for ‘ Budget Backpacker ‘ to create a vlog about luxury travel.

This is why some people choose to use their own name instead, which can be a great option if you eventually want to branch out into other topics. For example, for my first channel I chose ‘The Life of Jord’ .

Ultimately, the best way to choose a name for your YouTube channel is to go with whatever feels right for you.

smart travel youtube 2023

Pick a Niche for Your YouTube Channel

It can be tough to figure out what kind of niche you want your YouTube channel to fall into.

There are already so many channels out there, and it can feel like everything has been covered already. But the most important thing is to choose something you’re passionate about.

Once you’ve found your niche, try focusing on an aspect of that niche that you think maybe hasn’t been covered so far on YouTube – or something that you can cover better!

Having a niche will help you attract viewers who are interested in what you have to say, and it will make it easier for you to come up with content ideas.

So if you’re feeling stuck, just ask yourself what it is that you like talking about – and go from there!

smart travel youtube 2023

Create a Channel Trailer and post it on YouTube

So, you’ve picked a niche for your YouTube channel… congratulations!

One of the next steps is to create a channel trailer.

This is a short (usually around 1 minute) video that gives viewers an idea of what your channel is about and what kind of content they can expect to see. It’s a great way to introduce yourself and your channel, so don’t be afraid to be creative and have fun with it!

One thing to keep in mind is that quality isn’t massively important at this stage – you can always change and update your channel trailer later on. Just focus on talking to the camera and explaining what your channel is all about.

Be sure to inject some of your personality into it too – viewers want to see the real you, not just a polished version of yourself.

Once you’ve created your channel trailer, it’s time to start uploading content!

Practice makes perfect, so the more videos you upload, the better you’ll become at creating engaging content that people will want to watch.

Start Creating Videos – make sure they’re interesting and engaging to watch

The most important part of creating a successful YouTube channel is uploading videos on a regular basis.

It doesn’t matter if they’re perfect, the main thing is that you’re putting content out there for people to watch.

Over time, you’ll start to get a sense of what your viewers like and what kind of videos they respond to. Once you know that, you can start to work on making your videos more engaging.

Keep improving the quality of your content and eventually, you’ll start to see your channel grow.

In addition, make sure to use the newest and best editing software available to keep up the quality of your channel.

The most important thing is to be consistent and keep uploading new videos. Just keep going!

READ MORE: Starting a Travel YouTube Channel in 2022: Is It Too Late?

Share Your Videos on Social Media and Other Online Platforms

If you’re like me and you’re this far in, you love making YouTube videos and sharing your creativity with the world.

But once you’ve made your video, how do you get people to watch it?

One way is to share it on other social media platforms. This can help you reach a whole new audience who might not have found your video otherwise. And don’t be afraid to ask people to share it too!

Another tip is to create smaller versions of your content that you can repurpose for other platforms. For example, you could make a short clip for Instagram or TikTok. This is a great way to grow your audience and get more people interested in your videos.

Finally, remember to find your tribe. There are other YouTubers out there who share your interests and who would be happy to promote your videos.

So reach out and make some connections!

By working together, you can help each other grow your audiences and reach even more people with your great content.

Engage with Viewers and Other Creators in the Travel Community

As a travel creator, it’s important to engage with your viewers and other creators in the travel community.

Answer comments, engage with people with similar interests and build a community around your channel.

There are often even travel creator meetups in your local area! This is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and get tips and advice from others in the industry.

By engaging with the travel community, you’ll be able to learn from others and make connections that will help you in your travel YouTube career. There are great travel fairs such as World Travel Market or ITB .

READ MORE: How I Travel Continuously with YouTube – 5+ Years of Lessons

smart travel youtube 2023

Keep Uploading Videos and be Consisent

As a travel YouTuber, one of the most important things is to be consistent with your uploads. You never know which video is going to take off and get a ton of views, so it’s important to keep putting out new content regularly.

Whether that means uploading one video per week or two videos per week, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

At the same time, don’t sacrifice quality for quantity – make sure you’re taking the time to edit your videos and put out your best work.

If you can strike a balance between those two things, you’ll be on your way to success!

smart travel youtube 2023

How to Start a Travel YouTube Channel in 2023?

In conclusion, there’s never been a better time to start a travel YouTube channel than right now!

Travel is a huge growing industry right now and there are plenty of opportunities for new travel YouTube channels.

Hopefully our guide gave you some useful information and the inspiration you need to start creating videos.

Here are our top tips to get your travel YouTube channel started:

  • Choose a name for your travel channel
  • Pick a niche
  • Create a channel trailer and post it on YouTube
  • Start creating videos – make sure they’re interesting and engaging to watch
  • Share your videos on social media and other online platforms
  • Engage with viewers and other creators in the travel community
  • Keep making videos, and try to be consistent

Are you starting a new travel YouTube channel in 2023? Let us know in the comments below.

How I Became a Professional Travel Vlogger in Under a Year (& How You Can Too)

RELATED ARTICLES How I Travel Continuously with YouTube – 5+ Years of Lessons How to Create Passive Income From Old Travel Videos Starting a Travel YouTube Channel in 2022: Is It Too Late? How to Become a Niche Travel Blogger (Get PAID to Travel)

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Traveler & Content Creator

My name is Jordan Simons and over the past few years I've learned how to travel the world continuously. Now I want to show you how to do the same.

Hi, I’m Mohamed Ali and I’m want to start travel you tube channel soon, I really appreciate if you can share more your experiences with me, also I need to know do I need to register with you tube ? And how do I do that.

Many Thanks

Hi there if I’m based in one country but my niche is on another country, should I set my YouTube channel to be in the country I’m vlogging about? Will that be best for the algorithms and reach?

Hiee..i wnt to start an youtube channel with travel vlogs..kindly advise few tips

Hi Jordan, Thank you for creating this article. I just started a brand new faceless YouTube Travel Channel. After reading your article I realize that I need to create a trailer. I’ve done some travel in the past but my precious 90 year old mother lives with me now so we don’t get to travel much these days. So I’m doing the next best thing… I research places I’ve been or want to go and then I create videos about those destinations. Here’s a link to my channel if you want to have a look.

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Best Fourth of July Home Security Sales: Take Advantage of Hot Summer Savings

Celebrate your freedom with big discounts on important security devices including video doorbells, cameras and whole-home security systems.

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Ready for Fourth of July security deals? Now is an excellent time to buy security kits, cameras and other protective devices for your home, with discounts that can help you hang on to some money. Here are the best Independence Day deals on gadgets for protecting and monitoring your surroundings.

We keep our list current with the latest sales for the summer, where you can save 30% to 50% on home security tech from our top-recommended brands. Before you buy, make sure the discounted product is compatible with your current smart home setup (for example, Google Home or Apple's HomeKit) and your  overall privacy goals . You'll also want a strong home router for connecting any outdoor cams.

For more, check out our lists of the best home security systems for renters , best value video doorbells and  best smart locks in 2024.

Best Fourth of July home security cam deals

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Ring video doorbell: $50

Ring has a whole crop of video doorbells, but this 1080p, battery-powered option is one of the most affordable, no-nonsense versions that's still received updates to get the latest Ring features. Those include customizable privacy zones and audio privacy for two-way talking, as well as improved night vision. It works particularly well with Alexa, too. A Ring Protect plan will be necessary to store video footage and get smart alerts. 

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TP-Link Tapo C210 2K pan/tilt cam: $22

Tapo's C210 is our favorite budget indoor cam model, a powerhouse that can see anywhere and goes for an incredibly affordable price. It includes options for local or cloud storage, and it works with both Google Home and Alexa. Two-way audio, a siren and night vision are all included.

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Eufy EufyCam 2C Pro: $90

While it's a little more expensive than budget cams, this EufyCam is 40% off for Prime members, with an unprecedented opportunity to get rare features like Apple Home compatibility and object recognition with no additional fee. It also offers a 2K resolution and IP67 weatherproof rating, as well as night vision. You don't usually see a high-end outdoor cam at this price, but keep in mind, if you want video storage, you'll need to buy a Eufy hub and microSD card. Or you could choose this two-cam Eufy package that comes with a hub and is $110 off thanks to a similar deal. 

Did you   know ? We have an  Amazon Storefront  with some of the best deals available.

Best Fourth of July home security bundle deals

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Blink video doorbell plus a pair of Outdoor 4 smart security cameras (fourth gen) with Sync Module 2: $95

Blink combines reliability and affordability with its compact devices, and we love its easy-to-use app. The Blink Outdoor 4 is a particularly good general-use outdoor camera, with a long battery life, and it complements the simple video doorbell well. With the Sync Module 2 hub, you also have the option of going local storage for videos, but the $3 per month subscription does add person detection.

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Arlo Essential XL 3-camera outdoor kit: $200

Arlo cameras are accurate, durable and easy to install. This three-pack of Essential cams has a high, 2K resolution and great battery life, too. Color night vision, noise-canceling two-way audio and an integrated spotlight make the cams excellent all-around watchdogs for your home. An Arlo Secure plan really elevates these cams with its cloud storage and smart alerts, so we suggest planning for a subscription if you want all the best features.

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TP-Link Tapo 2K outdoor wireless cameras (2-pack): $140

TP-Link's affordable Tapo system includes two 2K-resolution cams and a connection hub, ideal for a front-and-back camera setup at your home. The cameras are weatherproofed, come with 49-foot night vision, and allow you to set activity zones for identifying people, pets and vehicles. They're all-purpose outdoor security cams that can fill many roles, although you may want to grab a microSD card if you don't plan on using the Tapo subscription service.

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Ring doorbell and 5-piece security system: $200

Ring is one of our top picks for easy DIY installation if you want a speedy system equipped with door and window sensors. The five-piece model is a perfect starting point, and this bundle throws in the Ring video doorbell for front door protection as well. A Ring subscription (starting at $5) is a very good idea, but it's still an excellent choice for a discounted starter kit.

smart travel youtube 2023

SimpliSafe 8-piece whole home security system: $150

Finding a large home security system can feel frustrating if you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars and risk getting locked into a contract. Using this hefty discount, this SimpliSafe system is available for well under $300, and while a monitoring subscription is available, you can choose to self-monitor and waive the monthly fees.

Included in this kit is a base station, keypad, pack of entry sensors, motion sensors, and key fob. That makes it an effective DIY way to outfit a new home or apartment that's never had security tech before.

Best Fourth of July smart lock deal

smart travel youtube 2023

August Home smart lock (fourth gen): $120

August's durable smart construction often comes with a price to match, but this deal lets you get a fourth-generation August smart lock on more affordable terms. The Wi-Fi smart lock fits onto your existing deadbolt, providing it with app management including the ability to share digital keys. You can also set schedules or make sure the door automatically locks after a certain period. The lock also has excellent compatibility, working with platforms including Alexa, HomeKit, Google Home and Samsung SmartThings.

Best Fourth of July deals on smart home tech

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Emdmak doorstop alarm (2-pack): $12

If you're looking for simpler security tech, these little doorstops sound an alarm when they're activated. That's it, they just help you know when a door has been opened. Sometimes that's all you need, and at under $15, this pair is currently a very good deal.

Best Fourth of July sale security platform pick

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ADT security system deal

A free nest doorbell and $200 reward card.

ADT is offering a special deal that adds a free Google Nest doorbell and a $200 ADT Visa rewards card for any purchase of $500 or above for its DIY systems. This deal requires a three-year contract. Since the Visa card can be used like a Visa debit card, it's a lot like $200 back in your pocket, which could make this ADT deal especially attractive for outfitting your home.  

What is the best time to buy home security devices?

Though prices fluctuate year-round and Black Friday and holiday sales bring some great buys, the best prices on home security devices, including cameras and smart locks, often show up during Amazon's Prime Day , when the gigantic e-tailer slashes prices and its competitors step up to match those. This year Prime Day is set for July 16 and 17, but if you're shopping for a home security device and you want it sooner rather than later, check out the Fourth of July sales. 

How we choose the best Fourth of July security device deals 

At CNET we have a team of expert shoppers and deal-hunters with years of experience. Our goal is to make sure buyers understand which major sales and deals -- such as  Black Friday ,  Prime Day ,  Memorial Day  and countless other shopping events -- are legitimately good and which are more routine. We've gotten very good at weeding out scams and superficial deals so you see only the best offers on security devices from retailers all over. 

We look for real discounts, quality reviews and remaining sale time when choosing a deal to show you.

  • Real discounts mean exactly that. We look at the price history for that product to make sure no manufacturers are inflating prices to make the discount seem more substantial than it is.
  • Reviews are important for any product, but especially for deeply discounted items. If an item breaks the first time you use it, the deal isn't a good one at any price.
  • Remaining sale time is a huge part of our vetting process. If a deal seems like it will only be around for a short while or will only be available for the remaining stock, we'll let you know upfront so you don't come back to the deal later only to be disappointed.

We keep our articles as up-to-date as possible to bring you the best current prices. 

Impulse Buys Under $25 That Actually Make Great Gifts

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