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Schengen short-stay visa (foreigner in france for up to 3 months).

Verified 27 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland (outside EU), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein (outside EU), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (outside EU)

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

A set of computer techniques that automatically identify an individual based on their physical, biological, or behavioral characteristics. Most of them have the particularity of being unique and permanent (DNA, fingerprints, iris, etc.).

Heavy acts (drug trafficking, impersonation, facilitation of illegal entry, movement or residence, concealed work, scams, etc.) which make a person dangerous in the future

European file allowing law enforcement and magistrates from Schengen countries to have information on wanted persons (fugitives, missing persons, etc.). Foreigners refused entry to a Schengen country are also entered in this register.

You are a foreigner and you want to stay in France for less than 3 months? You must have a visa short-term (Type C). This visa is common to the countries of the Schengen area . It allows you to stay in France and in the other countries of space Schengen , except in exceptional circumstances. Other documents are also required, depending on the purpose of the stay. Here's the information you need to know.

Who must hold a Schengen short-stay visa?

You are affected if you meet the following 3 conditions:

  • You are foreigner
  • Your stay is one maximum duration of 3 months in France (or in another space country) Schengen )
  • You don't have a residence permit or long-stay visa in a space country Schengen


This procedure does not concern a foreigner who is a national of European country nor the members of his family living in France with him.

Depending on your nationality and the type of passport, you may be exempt from the visa requirement. You can check if you need a visa using the Visa Assistant service. The process is done on the Internet:

Check if you need a visa - Visa Assistant

What is a Schengen short-stay visa?

A visa is a sticker affixed by a country's administration to a person's passport to allow him or her to enter and stay for a specified period of time.

The short-stay visa allows you to enter and travel in France and other countries in space Schengen .

Exceptionally, it may be valid in France or in one or more countries in space Schengen only (for example, France and Belgium).

Unlike a national long-stay visa (type D) , the visa Schengen does not allow you to settle in France.

On what grounds can a Schengen visa be granted?

This visa can be granted for example for one of the following reasons:

  • Tourist trip
  • Business travel
  • Family visit
  • Short Training, Internship
  • Exercise of a paid activity (for example if you are an artist on tour in France, sportsman, model, etc.), after having obtained a provisional work permit

What is the authorized length of stay with the Schengen visa?

The short-stay visa allows you to stay for a maximum of 90 days for a continuous stay or for several stays in the countries of space Schengen over a period of 180 days.

At the end of this 90-day maximum, you must leave the space Schengen .

A simulator allows you to calculate the maximum length of a non-European foreigner's stay in the Schengen area:

Calculate the maximum permissible length of short stays in Schengen countries

What documents are required for a short stay, in addition to the visa?

Depending on the reason for your stay, you must present the following documents, in addition to the visa:

  • Proof of your livelihood (cash, traveler's checks, international bank cards, etc.)
  • Proof of guarantees for your repatriation (return transport ticket, etc.)
  • Insurance covering medical and hospital expenses, including social assistance, for care you may receive in France (the minimum coverage requested is €30,000 )
  • Proof of reception or proof of accommodation in a hotel or a host establishment, if your stay is part of a private or family visit
  • Documents on the purpose and conditions of your stay in France, if your trip is touristic or professional or is for hospitalization or research work

If you want to work during your short stay, you must have a work permit .

How to apply for a Schengen visa?

You must complete your visa application on the internet:

Apply for a visa

The request must be made at the earliest 3 months before departure planned.

After completing your application on the internet, you must make an appointment at the French Consulate of the country in which you reside.

The process is done on the Internet.

Who shall I contact

  • Visa department (French embassy/consulate abroad)

Please note

If the main destination cannot be determined, it is the country of entry into the Schengen area who is competent to issue you the visa.

For example, if you plan to spend 15 days in Belgium and 15 days in France for tourism arriving through Belgium, you must make your request at the Belgian consulate.

Validity of the passport

Your passport must be valid at least 3 months after the end date of your visa. It must also have been issued since under 10 years .

Recording of the applicant's data

Your data biometrics are saved to a file, called Visabio .

These data are the scanned images of your photo and fingerprints (children under 12 years of age are not affected).

You cannot object to this registration. However, you have the right to access and correct the file.

What is the cost of a Schengen visa?

To find out the cost of the visa, you can consult the Rates of the pages of the France-Visas wizard:

France-Visas - Cost of visa according to country

The amount of the visa fee must be paid to the visa office at the time of application.

In countries where the State has entrusted the receipt of applications to a private provider, the application fees must be paid to that provider. The latter may also charge additional service charges abroad.

After payment, a receipt with an indication of the amount paid shall be given to the applicant.

In case of refusal of the visa or cancelation of the stay, the amount paid is not refunded.

Can the issue of a Schengen visa be refused?

A Schengen visa may be refused on the following grounds:

  • You can't introduce the supporting documents concerning your stay in France (proof of accommodation, resources, medical insurance, etc.)
  • You present false travel documents or documents of questionable authenticity
  • You have already stayed 90 days during the current period of 180 days in the French territory
  • Your presence in France would represent a threat to public order
  • You are registered for the purposes of non-admission in the Schengen Information System or pose a threat to the security, public health or international relations of a country the Schengen area
  • You are subject to a prohibition order ( judicial prohibition of french territory , expulsion order , return ban , administrative inadmissibility )
  • Your intention to leave French territory before the end of the visa is not established
  • You cannot provide precise information about the purpose and conditions of your stay in France

The short-stay visa requested by the holder of a diplomatic or service passport may be refused to a national of a State which does not cooperate sufficiently in the readmission of its nationals in an irregular situation or which does not comply with a bilateral or multilateral agreement on the management of migratory flows.

Your Schengen visa may be refused:

  • Explicitly by a written decision which must specify the reason for the refusal
  • Implicitly if your request is not answered after 2 months

Can an appeal be lodged against a refusal to issue a Schengen visa?

You can appeal against a visa refusal decision in court. But you must first make a mandatory prior administrative remedy (Rapo).

How to make a Rapo?

You must write to the Deputy Director for Visas of the Directorate-General for foreigners in France (Ministry of the Interior), which is responsible for examining administrative appeals against decisions by diplomatic or consular authorities to refuse short-stay visas.

The Rapo must be trained in 30 days from the date on which you were notified of the visa refusal decision.

The Deputy Director of Visa may:

  • Dismiss your appeal, or
  • Either instruct the consulate to issue you the requested short-stay visa.
  • Deputy Director of Visas

What if the Rapo is rejected?

The Rapo : titleContent shall be rejected:

  • Either if a written decision to refuse is sent to you (explicit rejection),
  • Or if you don't have a response within 2 months of sending your RAPO (implicit rejection).

You can then file an application for annulment, within 2 months after the implicit or explicit rejection of your Rapo.

The Administrative Court of Nantes has jurisdiction to hear and determine actions for annulment of visa refusals.

Administrative Court of Nantes

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Statute and miscellaneous references

Regulation of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas

Articles 16, 17, 32 (2), 34 (6) and Annex 6

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: Articles L312-1 and L312-1-1

Principle of short-stay visas

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: article R313-1

Documents relating to the purpose and conditions of the stay

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: article R313-2

Livelihood documents

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: article R313-3

Coverage of medical and hospital expenses

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: Articles R313-4 to R313-5

Repatriation guarantees

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: Articles R142-1 to R142-10

Visabio File

Code of entry and residence of foreigners and right of asylum: Articles D312-3 to R312-8

Appeal against visa refusals

Code of Administrative Justice: Articles R312-6 to R312-19

Jurisdiction of the Administrative Court of Nantes: Article R312-18

Decree No. 2014-1292 of 23 October 2014 on exceptions to the principle of "silence means acceptance" and exceptions to the 2-month period of birth of implied decisions (domestic)

Implicit refusal in case of silence on the visa application by the consulate for more than 2 months

Order of 10 May 2010 on the documents and visas required for foreigners to enter the European territory of France

Online services and forms

Online service

What is the "student competition" short-stay visa?

Additional topics

The steps of applying for a visa

Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

How to read a Schengen visa sticker? (PDF - 33.7 KB)

Photo Standards for a Visa Application (PDF - 586.5 KB)

Specific disputes: jurisdiction of the administrative court of Nantes

Map of the Schengen area

All of Europe

Compulsory prior administrative appeal

Here's what you need to know about visas when visiting France

Catherine Le Nevez

May 9, 2023 • 4 min read

Young black woman walking in Paris near Notre Dame cathedral.

Here's everything you need to know about visas for visiting France © LeoPatrizi / Getty Images

A trip to France is one of the world’s most sought-after travel experiences.

Whether you need a visa will depend on your individual circumstances, such as your citizenship, your reasons for travel, and how long you plan to stay. Still, all visitors should be up to speed with the entry and exit procedures. Here's our guide to help you on your way.

What you need to know about visas for France

France is part of the  Schengen area , a bloc of 27 European countries that have abolished internal border controls. As a result, citizens of Schengen member countries (including non-EU countries Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) and Ireland (a member of the EU but not Schengen) can enter France with just a passport or national ID card ( carte d'identité in French) for an indefinite stay.

What about non-EU nationals?

To enter France, nationals of countries outside the EU and Schengen Area will need a passport valid for at least three months after their intended date of departure, along with proof of insurance, evidence of an onward travel ticket and accommodation (or sufficient funds to pay for these), and a visa if required.

Check the French government’s France-Visas website for full details of the information you’ll need to present on arrival in France . The site also has a handy  Visa Wizard to help you find out if you need a visa and details of how to apply. France has a well-deserved reputation for red tape, so make sure all your documents are in order.

Passengers and trains at Lyon's busy railway station

Many nationalities can visit France visa-free

Citizens of around 60 non-EU countries, including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and many Latin American countries, don’t need a visa for a short stay in France.

Nationals of visa-free countries can normally stay for up to 90 days within any 180-day period. Once you leave, you can’t re-enter the Schengen Zone for a further 90 days (you can estimate dates on the EU’s travel day calculator ).

Some countries have special bilateral visa waiver agreements that allow visitors to spend time in one Schengen country without reference to time spent in other countries in the Schengen Area, subject to permission from border officials; check your home country’s government travel advice.

There are some changes ahead

The EU’s Entry/Exit System (EES) , which has suffered some delays but is due to be operational by the end of 2023, will beef up security at external EU borders by electronically monitoring border crossings, making it easier to identify anyone overstaying.

The new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will come into operation in 2024. Under the new rules, nationals from visa-free countries will need to apply for pre-travel authorization online (arrange it 72 hours ahead of travel). The cost is €7 for a three-year, multi-entry authorization (there's no charge for travelers under 18 and over 70).

Non-EU nationals will need to apply for a Schengen visa

Nationals of non-visa-free countries, including China, India, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa, need a Schengen Visa to visit France and other member countries. A short-stay Uniform Schengen Visa allows visits of up to 90 days within a 180-day period and is valid for travel throughout the Schengen area. The cost is €80 for adults and €40 for children aged six to 12 (free for children under six).

Visit the French government’s website France-Visas for the latest regulations and information on the process for applying. Find your closest French embassy or consulate on the  Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - France Diplomatie website.

Young man photographing French breakfast with croissants on the table in sidewalk cafe in Paris, France

Tourist visas can't be extended within France

When your visa expires, you'll need to reapply from outside France to spend more time in the country. It’s not possible to extend tourist visas within France, except in emergencies (for example, a medical emergency), in which case you should contact your nearest Préfecture .

Student visas are available

Tourist visas cannot be changed into student visas after arrival, but students sitting university-entrance exams or attending interviews in France can apply in advance for a special short-term étudiant concours (literally, "student-in-competition") visa. Details are listed on the French government website Campus France .

Working holiday visas in France are valid for a year

If you’re from a country with a working holiday visa agreement with France and are aged between 18 and 30 (or 35 if you're from Canada), you may be eligible to apply for the programme vacances-travail (PVT) scheme through the French embassy or consulate in your home country. The scheme allows participants to live and work in France for 12 months. Currently, France has arrangements with Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Taiwan, and Uruguay.

This article was first published May 6, 2021 and updated May 9, 2023.

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France Tourist visa

Required documents for france schengen visa.

Documents for a French Schengen visa application must be completed or translated into English, French or Spanish.

  • At least 2 blank pages
  • With the applicant’s signature
  • Not more than 10 years old
  • Valid for at least 3 months after the expiration of the requested visa
  • Previous passport, if applicable
  • Size 3.5 x 4.5 cm
  • Plain white background
  • Taken within the past 6 months
  • Forward-facing with facial features visible and clear
  • Completed application form
  • Biometric data (Fingerprints)
  • France Schengen Visa fee
  • Travel Itinerary or plan
  • Proof of return to the country of residence or forward ticket to another country
  • Reason for travel to France
  • Flight reservations
  • Proof of financial means (bank statements over the last 3-month period, personal properties, and/or other assets)
  • Proof of accommodations (with booking reference number, location, and contact number of the hotel)
  • Valid through the entire visa period
  • Valid in all Schengen countries
  • Minimum coverage of 30,000 EUR must be purchased
  • Insurance conditions such as validity, duration, and extent of your coverage to be clearly stated on the confirmation letter or insurance document
  • Name and address of employer
  • Nature of employment
  • Starting date of employment
  • Purpose of travel
  • Duration of time off from work for travel
  • Personal-ID page of passport.
  • Older Schengen visas (if relevant).
  • Residence permit (if relevant).
  • If the minor applicant is adopted, adoption documents are required
  • If the minor applicant's parents are divorced, divorce papers are required
  • If the minor applicant's parents are deceased, death certificates are required
  • Letter of consent from both parents or legal guardians
  • Passport copies of both parents or legal guardians
  • It may also be necessary to submit supplementary documents in relation to your travel visa application.

France Schengen Visa Fees

The standard fee for the application of a French Schengen visa is 80 EUR. However, there are particular applicants who are exempted from fees, such as most student visas and visas for children below the age of 6. Applicants have to pay a separate, non-refundable service payment with their application.

France Application Steps

  • Prepare all the required documents.
  • Select “Tourism” as the reason for travel on the visa application form.
  • Decide the number of entries needed to France or the Schengen area.
  • Generally, applications for a French Schengen visa are lodged online through the country’s application portal . In addition to English and French, it is also accessible in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.
  • Register if you’re a new user or log in if you’re already registered.
  • Fill out and submit the application form, and print it together with the receipt.
  • This paper application copy must be submitted together with any additional documents relevant to your application to a French Consulate or visa processing center.
  • Most applications require an in-person appointment at the nearest French Consulate or visa center in order to submit the application. Alternatively, applications may be submitted without prior appointment during normal operating hours. Contact the French Consulate or visa center to determine if there is a need to schedule an appointment.
  • Note: Applications must be submitted at least 15 days before the date of travel but not earlier than 6 months before the date of travel.
  • Generally, applications must be submitted in person to the French Consulate or visa processing center. However, there may be a few differences in the submission procedures.
  • Applicants will likely be required to submit their fingerprints (biometric data). Children below the age of 12 are exempted from fingerprint data collection. Applicants who have submitted their fingerprints within the last 59 months will most likely not be asked to resubmit.
  • Pay the visa application fee.

When to Apply

Visa applications must be submitted at least 15 days before the travel date but not earlier than 6 months before the travel date.

Where to Apply for France Visa

Applications should be submitted either through a French consulate or a visa application center that is connected with France.

Applications should be submitted only in the country of citizenship or residence.

Applicants can check for the locations of French Consulates and visa application centers here .

In countries without any French consulate, applications may be submitted through a Schengen state consulate representing the interests of a French consulate.

France Visa Processing Time

Generally, it takes approximately 15 to 60 days to process French Schengen visa applications.

For approved visa applications:

Applicants must ensure that the information on the visa is complete and valid upon collection.

Applicants who have received their Schengen Visa for France should remember the following things:

  • Inform the French Consulate or visa application center of any change to your itinerary after submission is completed.
  • The approval of a Schengen visa does not guarantee entry upon arrival to France or other countries in the Schengen area.
  • Additional documents pertaining to your financial means or accommodation may still be required to gain entry to France or other Schengen areas.

For denied visa applications:

  • If your application for a French Schengen visa was rejected, you have the right to appeal the decision within 2 months.
  • Applicants will receive a standard-issued French Schengen visa refusal form containing the procedures of the appeal process and the reason why the visa application was denied.
  • The Schengen visa appeal must be in writing in the French language and must be signed.
  • The appeal must be lodged to the Commission de Recours Contre les Decisions de Refus de visa.
  • Applicants may also take further action at the French administrative court, depending on the nature of the visa rejection.
  • A non-refundable appeal fee may need to be paid for the appeal to be processed.

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Schengen Visa for Tourists: Everything You Need to Know

Updated: October 19, 2023

Schengen Visa Image

The Schengen visa is a type of visa that allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area. As per the UN, the continent of Europe is comprised of 44 countries. Of these, 27 countries are part of the Schengen agreement. The Schengen agreement abolished internal borders between these 27 countries.

A Schengen visa is a unified visa for short stays (up to 90 days) for these 27 European countries. Therefore, a Schengen visa is the only visa you will need to travel to any of these 27 countries.

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The Schengen visa policy was introduced in 1995 which abolished internal borders between the Schengen countries. 

Once you have obtained a Schengen visa, you can travel freely between the Schengen member countries without any border controls. For example, if you enter France and would like to go to Germany, you will not pass through passport controls at the France-Germany border. 

Keep in mind that the Schengen visa policy only applies to the Schengen area and not to the entire European Union.

Schengen visa countries

There are currently 27 countries in the Schengen area that you can visit with a single Schengen visa. Below is the list of countries.

  • Czech Republic
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Apart from the above 27 Schengen member countries, you also travel to 50 non-Schengen countries visa-free using a Schengen visa .


Those intending to visit the Schengen countries for tourism must either be visa-exempt or hold a valid Schengen visa from the embassy. 

  • Visa EXEMPTION (ETIAS from 2024)
  • Type-A (Airport Transit Visa)
  • Single-entry
  • Double-entry
  • Multiple-entry
  • Type-D (Long Stay Visa for stays more than 90 days)
  • Limited Territorial Schengen Visa

For this guide, we will focus only on visas for tourism intent, that is Type-C Uniform Schengen visas. 


Schengen Visa Requirements by Nationality

Minimum passport validity required to enter the Schengen area

Passport must be valid for at least 3 months from your planned departure from Schengen area.

Example: If your trip is from Mar 10 to Mar 20, your passport must be valid at least until Jun 20.

Visa EXEMPT nationalities

90-day entry.

  • Antigua And Barbuda
  • Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • El Salvador
  • Marshall Islands
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Korea
  • St Kitts And Nevis
  • St Vincent and The Grenadines
  • Timor-Leste
  • Trinidad And Tobago
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City

Visa REQUIRED nationalities

  • Afghanistan
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Congo, Dem. Rep. of
  • Congo, Rep. of
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Dominican Republic
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • North Korea
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Sao Tome And Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Turkmenistan

IMPORTANT Palestine and Kosovo are not recognized by at least one Schengen member state. If you are a Palestinian or Kosovo national, please inquire at your nearest Schengen consulate for visa requirements for your passport.


Currently, 62 nationalities can enter the Schengen area without a visa. Though you do not require a visa, you must consider the total duration of your stay in the Schengen area and must carry the mandatory documents.

Duration of Stay in Schengen Area – the 90 days/180 days rule

Non-EU Passport holders who are visa EXEMPT are allowed to stay in the Schengen area countries for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. This “90 days in any 180 days” applies to all short-stay visitors to the Schengen area.

  • Stays in EU countries that are NOT part of the Schengen area (Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Ireland) are not counted in calculating the period of stay.
  • Stays in non-EU countries that are part of the Schengen area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) are counted in calculating the period of stay compliance with the 90-day / 180-day rule.
  • Both the day of entry and the day of exit are counted in the calculation.
  • The 180-day period is referenced backward from the day of checking.
  • A simple rule of thumb is, if you are out of the Schengen area for a continuous period of 90 days allows you a new stay of 90 days.

You can use the Schengen calculator to determine the number of days you are allowed to stay in the Schengen area. Here is the manual on how to use the Schengen calculator.

Documents to carry

Visa EXEMPT individuals must carry the following documents when entering the Schengen member states.

  • Valid passport
  • Proof of onward travel
  • Proof of accommodation


Schengen visa sample

Currently, 104 non-EU nationals require a visa to enter the Schengen area. These nationals must be in possession of a Schengen visa when entering the Schengen zone.

Validity of Schengen Visa

The Schengen visa validity depends on whether you are a first-time applicant or a subsequent applicant. 

First-time application: If you are applying for the first time, your visa will be valid for the exact number of days you have asked for. In some instances, you may get a few buffer days as additional. 

For example, if your itinerary is 12 days, your visa will be valid for exactly 12 days. 

As a first-time visa applicant, I suggest adding a few extra days to your itinerary so you will get a few extra days on your visa validity. That way, you can have some flexibility in your travel plans.

First-time Schengen visas are usually single-entry or double-entry. 

Subsequent applications: If you are applying for the second or third time, you may likely get a visa valid for 90 days. The visa may likely be multiple-entry. 

Rules for obtaining Schengen visa valid for 1, 2 or 5 years

  • To obtain a 1-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used 3 Schengen visas within the last 2 years
  • To obtain a 2-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used a 1-year Schengen visa within the last 2 years
  • To obtain a 5-year Schengen visa, you must have obtained and used a 2-year Schengen visa within the last 3 years

Duration of Stay in Schengen area – the 90 days/180 days rule

Visa-required passport holders are allowed to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. This “90 days in any 180 days” applies to all short-stay visitors to the Schengen area.

  • Stays in non-EU countries that are part of the Schengen area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) are counted in calculating the period of stay compliance with the 90 days / 180-day rule.

Where to apply for Schengen visa

Most tourists plan to travel to more than one country during their Europe trip. The Schengen visa is valid for 27 countries, so you must first determine your Schengen country of application. This helps greatly in avoiding visa delays and refusals.

Follow the below guidelines to determine your country of application.

CASE 1: If you plan to visit only one Schengen country, you must apply for your visa at the consulate of that particular country.

Example: If you are traveling to Spain only, then you must apply for your visa at the Spain Embassy or Consulate.

CASE 2: If you plan to visit several Schengen countries, you must apply for your visa at the consulate of the country of your main destination (the country where you will be spending most days).

Example: If your itinerary is 10 days of which 4 days in Spain and 6 days in France, then you must apply for your visa at the French consulate since you will be spending more time in France.

CASE 3: If you intend to visit several Schengen countries but do not have a main destination (same amount of days in each country) then you should apply for your visa at the consulate of the country of your first point of entry.

Example: If your itinerary is 10 days of which you will be spending 5 days in the Netherlands first and 5 days in France after, then you must apply for a visa at the Netherlands Consulate since the Netherlands is your first port of entry.

When to apply for Schengen visa

You must apply for your Schengen visa no later than 15 days prior to your travel. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted.

You can apply for your visa up to 6 months in advance. So, apply as soon as you can to avoid delays, refusals and disappointments.

Schengen Visa Application Process

There is a plan to implement online systems of Schengen visas. But as of now, the visa can only be applied in person. Visa application is a 4 step process

  • Fill out your Schengen visa application form 14076-02 (online or offline)
  • Schedule an in-person Schengen visa appointment (at the consulate or visa agent such as VFS Global)
  • Appear in person to submit your visa application, documents, biometrics and visa fee
  • Pick up your original passport with the approved visa.

You can apply for a Schengen visa through a visa/travel agency in some countries. Travel agencies that offer vacation packages to Europe usually are allowed to apply for the visa on your behalf.

Documents required for Schengen visa

The following documents are required for your Schengen visa.

  • Filled and signed visa application form (online or downloadable from the consulate page)
  • Original passport
  • Copy of the visa/residence permit if applying in a third country
  • One recent passport-size photo
  • Confirmed round-trip flight reservation
  • Proof of health insurance
  • 3-month bank statement
  • 3-month salary slips
  • Original signed employment letter
  • Cover letter with a detailed itinerary

Application Form

Filling out the application form can be done online or offline depending on the Schengen country. For example, the application form for France is online whereas for Spain, it’s paper.

Photo Requirements

The photo must be 4.5cm x 3.5cm. That is, 4.5cm high and 3.5 cm wide. The face must be 3.2 to 3.6cm or 70-80% of the photo.

Proof of Health Insurance

It’s MANDATORY to submit travel medical insurance for Schengen visa . You must attach a certificate of travel health insurance in the Schengen area or worldwide with 100% coverage with no deductibles or co-pays.

It must have a minimum coverage of €30,000 EUR for medical, hospitalization, emergencies and repatriation services.

You can purchase Schengen travel insurance from any online provider. You can cancel and get a refund if your visa is denied. Once you purchase the travel insurance for your desired dates, you can download the visa letter that you can submit with your visa application.

Recommended Schengen visa insurance:

  • VisitorsCoverage | Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements | Costs $1 a day

Schengen Visa Fee

The Schengen visa fee for an adult is approximately €80 EUR. For children between the ages of 6 and 12, it’s €40 EUR. Children under the age of 6 are exempt from paying the visa fee.

The fee must be paid in local currency, in the form of cash or bank money order. Most Schengen consulates have outsourced the visa process to VFS or BLS. Therefore, in addition to the visa fee, you may have to pay a fee for biometric collection and courier services.

Schengen Visa Processing Time

Schengen visa processing can take from 15 calendar days to 45 calendar days depending on the consulate, country or agent. Apply no later than 15 days prior to your travel. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted.


Schengen Entry and Exit Stamps

Entering Schengen Zone by Air

You do not need to fill in any arrival/departure card on entering the Schengen area. Do not panic if your flight attendant did not give you an arrival/departure card on your flight.

At the immigration, you will generally be asked about your final destination, places you will be visiting and the number of days you are planning on staying. You might also be asked if it is your first time in Europe.

The immigration officer will stamp your passport upon arrival. The number of days you are allowed to stay will not be marked on your passport.

As always, carry a copy of your return ticket and hotel booking just in case. If you are traveling on a one-way ticket, don’t forget to get proof of onward ticket .

Leaving Schengen Zone by Air

You must go through passport control on exiting the Schengen area. You will not be asked any questions unless you have overstayed your visa. Passport control is fairly quick, about 10-15 minutes depending on the airport.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa?

The minimum bank balance required for a Schengen visa depends on the country you are applying from and the duration of your stay. As a general rule, you should have at least €60 per day for your stay in the Schengen area. This should cover your travel expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation.

Does Schengen visa cover Switzerland?

Yes, the Schengen visa covers Switzerland. Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Area. You can travel to Switzerland and other Schengen countries with a single visa.

Which Schengen visa is hardest?

There is no specific Schengen visa that is considered the hardest to obtain. But visa refusal statistics show that Norway, France and Belgium have the highest refusal rates.

Which country gives fastest Schengen visa?

The processing time for a Schengen visa may vary depending on the country you are applying from and the purpose of your visit. However, some countries may have faster processing times than others. For example, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are known to have relatively fast processing times.

Which country gives Schengen visa easiest?

There is no specific country that gives Schengen visa easiest. But visa refusal statistics show that Finland, Hungary, Estonia and Poland have the lowest refusal rates.

Do US citizens need a visa to enter the Schengen area?

No, US citizens do not need a visa to enter the Schengen area. US citizens can travel to the Schengen territory for up to 90 days within any 180-day period without a visa for tourism or business purposes.

Schengen Visa Requirements - Eiffel Tower Paris France

Europe is usually the first choice for most first-time international travelers. It’s a dream for most people to visit European countries at least once in their lifetime. Europe has such an impeccable beauty, history, art, and cuisine.

A Schengen visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area, comprised of 27 European countries. Non-EU nationals who are visa-exempt and visa-required are allowed to stay in the Schengen zone for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

Schengen visas are single, double or multiple-entry visas. First-time Schengen visas are limited in validity, but subsequent visas are 90 days to 5 years of validity.

  • European Comission, Migration and Home Affairs
  • European Union Law (EUR-Lex), Visa Code


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


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How to Apply for France Schengen Visa?

How to Apply for France Schengen Visa?

Table of Contents

Overview of france, france schengen visa eligibility, required documents for france visa.

  • Valid passport
  • Passport sized photos
  • Application form
  • Fingerprints (biometric data)
  • Travel medical insurance
  • Reason for visit
  • Where you will stay (accommodation)
  • How you will fund your trip (finances)
  • Proof that you will leave France before your visa becomes invalid/expires. This is often in the form of a paid roundtrip plane ticket (proof of return).

France Schengen Visa Fee

France Schengen Visa

How to Apply for France Schengen Visa: Steps

  • Step 1:  Determine your Purpose for travelling to France, which will determine the Type of visa you should apply for.
  • Step 2:  Determine how many Entries to France/the Schengen area you need.
  • Step 3:  Gather your Required Documents .
  • Most French consulates/visa centers require you to schedule an appointment in order to submit your visa application. Alternatively, you may be able to drop off your application without prior arrangement, so long as you do so during normal operating hours. Contact your consulate/visa center directly to find out if you need to schedule an appointment in order to submit your french visa application form.
  • Apply for your Schengen visa through France’s online visa navigator (in addition to French and English, this method is also accessible in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic) though this link . Once completed, print out both your completed application and your receipt. Submit this paper application copy, along with any other relevant supplementary documents, to whichever French Consulate/visa center you are applying through.
  • Step 6:  Pay the application fee .
  • Different French consulates/processing centers have different procedures for submitting applications. In almost all cases, applications must be submitted in person to the consulate/center you are applying through. When you submit your application, you will likely also be asked to submit biometric data (fingerprints). Children younger than 12 years are likely exempt from having their fingerprints collected. If you have previously submitted fingerprints (within the last 59 months), you likely will not need to resubmit them.

When to Apply French visa application form

Submit your application at least 15 days before you intend to travel, and no earlier than 6 months before you leave.

Where to Apply for French visa application

Applications for Schengen visas to France should be submitted at either a French Consulate or a visa application center that has a relationship with France.

You must lodge your application for a French Schengen visa in the country where you legally reside/are a citizen. Use this link to find out the consulate/visa center in your area and to make an appointment to submit your application.

In countries where there is no French consular presence, applications may be lodged via the consulate of a Schengen state representing French consular interests.

Processing Time for France Schengen Visa

Processing times for French Schengen visas vary depending on the time of year and your specific application , usually ranging from 15-60 days.

If your visa was approved:

Collect your visa and make sure the information it contains is valid and complete.

If your visa was denied:

If you receive a Schengen visa rejection for France, you have the right to an appeal, within 2 months of receiving your rejection.

Begin this process by picking up your standard issued-visa refusal form, which describes why your request was denied, and explains the detailed steps of the appeal process.

You should sign and submit your Schengen visa appeal in writing, in French.

You must first appeal to the French appeals board for visa refusal rulings: the Commission de Recours Contre les Décisions de Refus de visa.

Depending on the nature of your refusal, you may choose to take further action at the French administrative court.

Please note, you may have to pay an appeal fee, which is likely non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the appeal (positive or negative).

Finally, once you obtain your Schengen Visa for France, please note the following:

Your visa may be revoked if you do not notify the French Consulate/visa application center of any changes to your trip itinerary that occur after you have submitted your application.

Being approved for a French visa does not guarantee you entry to either France or the general Schengen area – you can still be refused entry to both places upon arrival.

Alternatively, you may have to show additional documents regarding your finances or accommodation in order to enter France/the Schengen area.

FAQs about France Schengen Visa

Who needs a france visa.

Tourists, students, athletes, visitors, and people traveling to France for multiple other purposes who intend to stay in the country for fewer than 90 days will need a visa for France, unless they are a citizen of a country on the “Schengen visa-free access” list. To see if your country is on that list (and if you therefore do not need a visa to visit France) click here .

How to get a Schengen visa for France?

Follow these abbreviated steps to get a Schengen visa for France: 1. Find your application destination (French Embassy/Consulate/Visa Application Center in your country of residence). 2. Select your French visa type and entry category. 3. Access the French visa portal to meet your online visa requirements and schedule your visa appointment. 4. Gather the physical copies of your required documents and materials. 5. Attend your Schengen visa appointment (at your application destination) to submit your complete application and biometric information (fingerprints and photos), pay your visa fees, and sit for a short interview. 6. Await a decision on your application.

Do I need Travel Medical Insurance for my France visa application?

If you are applying for a France Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory, you will have to submit proof of coverage with your application. This insurance is meant o provide you with coverage in the event that you experience medically related repatriation, medical care, and/or hospitalization or death while you are in the Schengen area on a Schengen visa. Therefore, if you experience a medical issue while you are abroad that requires you to go ot the hospital, your travel medical insurance will pay for the cost of your treatment, rather than your host country. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Compliant Schengen Visa insurances. If you wish o proceed: Buy my Travel Medical Insurance.

If you are applying for a Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Travel Medical Insurances. If you wish to proceed, please click below:


Accueil > Our rubrics > Visa, staying, working > Visa

  • Company directors
  • Startup founders
  • Work permit
  • Accompanying family
  • Employment contract
  • Termination of work contract
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Employees registered in France
  • Seconded employees
  • French tax resident
  • Non tax resident
  • Discover France
  • Driving in France

Visa, staying, working

Fact sheet: long stay visa

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A visa allows you to enter French territory. The duration of your visa will depend on the length of your stay in France. A short-stay visa allows you to remain in the Schengen area. A long-stay visa allows you to stay more than 3 months and to settle in France. If you stay between 3 months and 1 year, you will have a long-stay visa equivalent to a residence permit . For short stays, repeated over time, you can obtain a travel visa . Some nationalities are exempt from visa requirements, such as EU, EEA and Swiss nationals .

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schengen tourist visa for france

South Sudan seeks Schengen visa for Olympic game fans in Paris

J uly 1, 2024 (JUBA) – South Sudan is seeking permission from French authorities to grant temporary visas to all government-nominated and approved Olympic game fans in Paris.

Discussions involving officials from the two countries have been taking place, with French authorities placing requirements for some fans.

French authorities seek assurance of some of the fans taking advantage of the travel to remain in France and other European countries, using the Olympic games in Paris as the opportunity to achieve personal dreams.

A senior official in South Sudan’s Foreign Affairs ministry told Sudan Tribune that talks examining all possibilities, including some athletes, and fans choosing to remain in Paris after the games and decision to go to other European countries have been informing the focus of the discussions which have been talk advantage of this gesture by the authorities.

“Assurances have been given during several meetings held by the minister of youth and sports and the minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation on the one hand and the ambassador of France on the other and assurances have been made that all our fans and players, at least they are carrying the passport of French and other the European countries. Those who do not have these other passports apart from holding a passport of South Sudan will return after the games are over”, the official with direct knowledge of discussions said on Monday.

South Sudan’s minister of foreign affairs, Abdallah Mohammed Goch told Sudan Tribune he met and held discussions with the ambassador of the French on June 28 at his office and agreed the process could be expedited.

“The ambassador came to my office and we discussed the issue of the visa, not only for South Sudan but also for French nationals wishing to come to South Sudan for investment and exploratory opportunities, including agriculture, energy sector, and in other economic sectors. For us as the government, we have been welcoming European nationals, including the nationals of France, and issuing them visas on arrival. This arrangement has been there but we would like to strengthen it and develop cordial and mutual relations with other countries including France,” he explained.

Goch said his country is ready to grant temporary visas to other countries.

A Schengen visa is an entry permit for non-EU nationals to make a short, temporary visit of up to 90 days in any 180 days to a country in the Schengen area. It was part of a treaty that led to the creation of Europe’s Schengen Area, in which internal border checks have largely been abolished.

The treaty was signed on 14 June 1985 by five of the 10 member states of the then European Economic Community and enacted a decade later, with all countries in the European Union (EU), except the U.K. and Ireland, joining over the coming years. Countries in Europe but outside the EU have also joined, including Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland. Britain has subsequently left the EU – meaning it is extremely unlikely to join Schengen in the foreseeable future.

The treaty is used by countries with special relations with the European Union and countries whose citizens are required to hold a visa when crossing its external borders. However, the arrangement has been exploited and abused by immigrants, causing some European Union countries like the United Kingdom to exit while others have imposed restrictions.

South Sudanese officials are asking French authorities to relax visa requirements for certain types of travelers to certain countries since it gives permits to diplomats, armed forces, refugees, and pupils on school tours. It allows some non-EU nationals to hold an airport transit visa when connecting through the international transit areas of airports located in any of the Schengen states.

“We are in discussion with French authorities through their ambassador in South Sudan because fans, officials, and athletes will participate in the Olympic games in Paris and this will require a visa to be granted because an airport transit visa for citizens of countries outside the European Union is required when connecting through the international transit areas of airports located in some of the Schengen countries. Yes, we know There are categories of people who get exempt from the requirement to hold an airport transit visa under Article 3(5) of the visa code. But those who do not qualify are the reason we are in discussion”, said Goch.

He explained that some players, athletes, fans, and government officials never had an opportunity to travel outside the country during their entire lives and have now been nominated and authorized to travel and participate in the race.

Signed by Luxembourg, France, Germany and Belgium, the agreement abolished border checks at the signatories’ common borders within the area, allowing individuals to travel freely. It gives the residents in border areas the freedom to cross borders away from fixed checkpoints and has harmonized visa policies. It permits citizens to stay for short stays of under 90 days since traveling from one country to another within the Schengen Area is done without border controls.

The Netherlands signed the original Schengen Agreement in 1985.

The Economic Times

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Indians spent over €12 million in rejected schengen visa applications last year.

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In 2023, Indians faced high rejection rates for Schengen visas, resulting in a loss of €12.1 million. Schengen states rejected 1.6 million visa applications, generating €130 million. Indians, Turks, Algerians, Moroccans, and Chinese were among the most affected, with Indian and Turkish nationals experiencing the highest financial losses.

schengen visa

Germany: The top choice for obtaining multiple-entry Schengen Visa this year

Schengen Visas became costlier starting June

Indian travelers to europe.

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  1. Online application

    Visa Application Guidelines; France in the Schengen area; Short-stay visa; Airport Transit Visa; Long-stay visa; Tourism / Private stay . Tourist or Private visit; Young traveller (working holiday) Volunteering; Professional purpose . Business travel; Self employed person or liberal activity; Job Search - Business Creation; Salaried employment

  2. Tourist or Private visit

    Your visa. You must apply for a long-stay " visitor " visa. You will be issued with a long-stay visa serving as a residence permit (VLS-TS). This visa is subject to an online validation procedure after you arrive in France. Where appropriate, a temporary long-stay visa (VLS-T) can be issued to people who are certain that they will not extend ...

  3. France Visa

    Airport Transit Visa: For transiting through French airports to reach a destination outside the Schengen Area. Tourist Visa: Designed for those wanting a vacation or sightseeing experience in France. ... A Schengen France visa is typically valid for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. However, it can be issued for a shorter duration ...

  4. Short-stay visa

    Short-stay visa. This type of visa is generally issued for tourism, business trips or family visits. It is also issued to persons entering to France to take part in short training programmes, internships, conferences and corporate meetings, or to engage in remunerated activities (whatever the form), not exceeding 90 days.

  5. France Tourist Visa

    Complete the French Tourist Schengen visa application form. Collect the required documents. Book an appointment. Pay the fees. Show up at the appointment. Complete the French Tourist Schengen visa application form. You can find the France tourist visa application form at the website of the France embassy in your home country.

  6. Schengen short-stay visa (foreigner in France for up to 3 months)

    The short-stay visa allows you to enter and travel in France and other countries in space Schengen. Exceptionally, it may be valid in France or in one or more countries in space Schengen only (for ...

  7. Applying for a short-stay visa for France

    Short-stay visa application form (Cerfa no. 14076*01) duly completed, signed and dated via France-visas website and France-visas receipt. Three standardized passport photos. €32.50 a day for foreigners with an accommodation certificate. €65 a day for foreigners with proof of a hotel room booking.

  8. Schengen Visa for Tourists

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    Nationals of non-visa-free countries, including China, India, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa, need a Schengen Visa to visit France and other member countries. A short-stay Uniform Schengen Visa allows visits of up to 90 days within a 180-day period and is valid for travel throughout the Schengen area. The cost is €80 for adults and €40 ...

  10. Schengen Tourist Visa

    The difference between a Schengen tourist visa and a Schengen visitor visa is the purpose of the visit. For example, you apply for a visitor visa to visit a family member or a close friend who lives in the Schengen Area, while you apply for a tourist visa for tourism or leisure purposes. Usually, a visitor visa requires an invitation letter ...

  11. France Visa

    A France Schengen visa is issued to foreigners that wish to visit France, the French territories or another Schengen area country for less than 90 days within a 6-month period. You can apply for a French Schengen Visa if you are traveling for one of the following purposes:

  12. France Visas : The official French website for Schengen visa

    Visa applicants are invited to proceed via to register for their Schengen visa applications and then only use TLScontact's website to book their appointment.. With the help of «visa wizard», you are able to determine which visa you need, obtain the list of documents required and fill in and print out your filled-in application form, individual checklist and application ...

  13. France tourist visa Requirements, Application, and Types

    Select "Tourism" as the reason for travel on the visa application form. Decide the number of entries needed to France or the Schengen area. Fill out the application form. Generally, applications for a French Schengen visa are lodged online through the country's application portal. In addition to English and French, it is also accessible ...

  14. Visa application process

    STEP 2 - Set up my online application Fill out the visa application form. To submit a visa application, you must provide at least the following : A travel document (original + copy) in good condition, issued less than 10 years ago, with at least two blank pages, which is valid for at least three months after the date on which you have planned to leave the Schengen Area, or in the event of a ...

  15. Schengen Visa for Tourists: Everything You Need to Know

    A Schengen visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area, comprised of 27 European countries. Non-EU nationals who are visa-exempt and visa-required are allowed to stay in the Schengen zone for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Schengen visas are single, double or multiple-entry visas.

  16. Schengen Tourist Visa Requirements

    To apply for a Tourist Schengen Visa, you need to determine the Schengen country where you will be spending the most time on your trip. You will apply for the Tourist Schengen Visa through that country's consulate. Select " Tourism " as a reason for traveling. Determine how many " Entries " to the Schengen area you need.

  17. France Tourist Visa

    The tourist visa for France is valid up to 90 days, from the day you arrive in the Schengen Area. It allows you to travel in France but also in the Schengen Area, under the same regulations. A sticker will be added on the traveler's passport which proves the traveler is allowed to stay and travel in the country.Here is everything you need to know about the France tourist visa.

  18. How to Apply for France Schengen Visa?

    France Schengen Visa Fee The standard French Schengen visa fee for an adult is 80 Euros. Certain types of applicants (most students, children under 6) are exempt from all visa fees. To get a Schengen visa for France, you will likely have to submit a service payment with your visa application-this is a separate cost from the visa fee.

  19. All type of visas for France

    A short-stay visa allows you to remain in the Schengen area. A long-stay visa allows you to stay more than 3 months and to settle in France. If you stay between 3 months and 1 year, you will have a long-stay visa equivalent to a residence permit. For short stays, repeated over time, you can obtain a travel visa.

  20. Rules for Entering the Schengen Area: First Point of Entry

    The first point of entry determines where to submit your application in the following instances: You will only visit (and enter) one Schengen country - in which case, you apply at the Embassy or Consulate of that country. You will visit multiple Schengen countries for the same duration of time - in which case, you apply at the Embassy ...

  21. Accueil

    Digitization. The France-Visas application offers students the possibility to send digital copies of their supporting documents when they enter their visa application online. This procedure, which remains optional, allows for an accelerated process with the external service provider.


    fafkaytravels on July 4, 2024: "Another testimony on France visa… congratulations #schengen #europe #visa #schengenvisa #travel #canada #germany #studyabroad #europa #italy #immigration #france #vize #australia #uk #eu #studyineurope #spain #greece #studyvisa #visas #portugal #goldenvisa #instadaily #usa #photooftheday #poland #dubai #solotraveller #solotraveler".

  23. South Sudan seeks Schengen visa for Olympic game fans in Paris

    July 1, 2024 (JUBA) - South Sudan is seeking permission from French authorities to grant temporary visas to all government-nominated and approved Olympic game fans in Paris.Discussions involving ...

  24. Indians spent over €12 million in rejected Schengen visa applications

    In 2023, Indians faced high rejection rates for Schengen visas, resulting in a loss of €12.1 million. Schengen states rejected 1.6 million visa applications, generating €130 million. Indians, Turks, Algerians, Moroccans, and Chinese were among the most affected, with Indian and Turkish nationals experiencing the highest financial losses.

  25. Arrival in France

    Upon your arrival in France, you will be subject to administrative obligations to transform your visa into a regular residence permit. These formalities will also allow you to access the services and benefits provided by the French administration. They differ depending on the visa issued to you. Long-stay visa with the obligation to apply for a ...

  26. The UK used to be a European tourism hot spot. Here's how it ...

    A visa for a Chinese visitor to the UK lasts a year, but costs the same about as a 10-year visa to the US, she says. Marcus Lee, CEO of China Travel Online says that visa efficiency is one of the ...

  27. Long-stay visa

    Tourist or Private visit; Young traveller (working holiday) Volunteering; Professional purpose . ... the long-stay visa is equivalent to a Schengen visa, enabling you to move around and stay in the Schengen Area outside France for periods not exceeding 90 days over any period of 180 consecutive days, under the same conditions as if you held a ...