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Les Sables d'Olonne > Découvrir > Patrimoine > Monuments > La Tour d'Arundel & Le Château Saint-Clair

La Tour d'Arundel & Le Château Saint-Clair

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Place Maraud 85100 LES SABLES D'OLONNE

Construit par les Princes de Talmont au XVème siècle, Soubise chef protestant s’empare du château en 1622 et y fait construire des fortifications. Garnison sous Louis XIII, bombardé en 1796 par les anglo-hollandais, racheté par l’État en 1835 puis restauré de 1986 à 1994. La tour fait partie du système défensif du château Saint-Clair. Le premier feu fut installé en 1593. Au XVIIIème siècle, le feu de la Chaume est le seul phare de Vendée. Sa forme actuelle résulte de travaux de restauration opérés de 1857 à 1858. La tour est inaccessible au public.

  • Ouvert toute l'année


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  • Arundel à 50m
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  • Bus de Septembre à Juin - n° ligne

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Guide Complet : Visiter la tour d’Arundel et le château Saint Clair en Vendée

  • Pays de la Loire
  • Quoi faire aux Sables-d'Olonne
  • La Tour d’Arundel, un monument historique vital pour comprendre l’histoire maritime de Vendée.
  • Le Château Saint Clair, un voyage dans le temps entre architecture médiévale et légendes fascinantes.
  • Des conseils pratiques pour une visite enrichissante et confortable des deux sites.
  • L’importance de la préservation de ces joyaux historiques pour les générations futures.
  • Une expérience touristique unique, alliant découverte historique et beauté architecturale.

Les Sables Chateau Saint Clair

Aux Sables-d’Olonne, deux édifices captent l’attention des passionnés d’histoire et des amateurs de belles pierres : la Tour d’Arundel et le Château Saint Clair. Ces monuments, emblématiques de la région, offrent une fenêtre sur le passé fascinant de cette ville côtière de Vendée. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons un guide touristique détaillé de ces lieux historiques. Découvrez la Tour d’Arundel, gardienne de la ville, révélant des histoires de batailles et de stratégies maritimes. Puis, plongez dans l’univers mystérieux du Château Saint Clair, entrelacé de légendes et d’architecture médiévale. Enfin, nous partagerons des conseils pratiques pour enrichir votre voyage et quoi faire aux Sables-d’Olonne pour une expérience touristique complète. Que vous soyez un amateur d’histoire, un passionné de la culture française, ou simplement en quête d’une escapade enrichissante, suivez-nous dans cette aventure à travers le temps.

La Tour d’Arundel : Un monument historique et son héritage

La genèse de la tour d’arundel : un bastion maritime.

La Tour d’Arundel, s’élevant fièrement aux Sables-d’Olonne, est un monument qui raconte une histoire riche et mouvementée. Construite au cours du XVe siècle, cette tour servait initialement de balise maritime, avant de se transformer en un bastion défensif crucial pour la ville. Sa position stratégique en faisait un point de surveillance et de défense contre les invasions maritimes, notamment pendant les guerres de Religion en France.

L’architecture de la Tour : entre fonctionnalité et esthétique

L’architecture de la Tour d’Arundel reflète son importance historique. Avec ses murs épais et sa structure robuste, elle était conçue pour résister aux attaques et aux intempéries. Le style architectural, typique de l’époque médiévale, témoigne d’un savoir-faire impressionnant en matière de construction de fortifications.

La Tour d’Arundel dans l’histoire locale

La Tour a joué un rôle clé dans l’histoire des Sables-d’Olonne. Elle a été témoin de nombreux événements historiques, servant de point de défense mais aussi de prison. Les récits et légendes qui entourent la Tour contribuent à son aura mystérieuse et fascinante.

La Tour aujourd’hui : un héritage préservé

Aujourd’hui, la Tour d’Arundel est non seulement un monument historique, mais aussi un symbole de la résilience et de l’histoire de la ville. Elle attire de nombreux visiteurs, désireux de découvrir son passé et d’admirer la vue panoramique qu’elle offre sur la mer et la ville.

L’importance de la Tour d’Arundel dans le patrimoine vendéen

La Tour d’Arundel est un élément crucial du patrimoine culturel et historique de la Vendée. Elle représente une page importante de l’histoire maritime de la région et continue d’inspirer les générations actuelles et futures.

Sables D Olonne

Le Château Saint Clair : Entre histoire et légendes

Mystères et origines du château saint clair.

Le Château Saint Clair, autre fierté des Sables-d’Olonne, est enveloppé de mystères et de récits historiques. Ses fondations remontent au Moyen Âge, époque où il servait de résidence seigneuriale. Au fil des siècles, le château a été témoin d’innombrables transformations, reflétant les différentes périodes de l’histoire française.

Architecture médiévale : un voyage dans le temps

Le château présente une architecture médiévale typique, avec ses tours robustes, ses murs en pierre et ses toits coniques. Ces caractéristiques architecturales ne sont pas seulement esthétiques, elles racontent aussi l’histoire des méthodes de construction et des styles de vie de l’époque.

Légendes et folklore : les récits du Château Saint Clair

Les légendes qui entourent le Château Saint Clair sont nombreuses, ajoutant une dimension mystique à sa visite. Des histoires de fantômes aux récits de trésors cachés, ces légendes attirent autant les curieux que les passionnés d’histoire.

Le Château dans la vie moderne : préservation et tourisme

Aujourd’hui, le Château Saint Clair est un site touristique majeur aux Sables-d’Olonne. Les efforts de préservation ont permis de maintenir son charme et son intégrité, offrant aux visiteurs une expérience immersive dans le passé.

Rôle culturel du Château dans la région

Le Château Saint Clair joue un rôle crucial dans le paysage culturel de la Vendée. Il est un centre d’événements, d’expositions et de rencontres culturelles, contribuant à la vitalité artistique et historique de la région.

L’expérience touristique : Visiter et découvrir les sites

Planifier votre visite à la tour d’arundel et au château saint clair.

Visiter ces monuments historiques nécessite une planification adéquate pour en tirer le meilleur parti. Des informations sur les horaires d’ouverture, les tarifs d’entrée, et les visites guidées sont disponibles pour aider les visiteurs à organiser leur séjour.

Activités et attraits autour de la Tour et du Château

Outre la visite des sites eux-mêmes, les alentours offrent une multitude d’activités. Des promenades dans les jardins historiques aux ateliers de découverte culturelle, chaque visiteur trouvera de quoi enrichir son expérience.

Conseils pratiques pour une visite agréable

Pour profiter pleinement de votre visite, il est recommandé de porter des chaussures confortables, de prévoir du temps pour explorer les sites sans hâte, et de se renseigner sur les événements spéciaux qui peuvent avoir lieu.

L’importance de la préservation et du respect des sites

En tant que monuments historiques, la Tour d’Arundel et le Château Saint Clair méritent respect et préservation. Les visiteurs sont encouragés à adopter une attitude respectueuse et à participer à la sauvegarde de ces trésors pour les générations futures.

L’expérience enrichissante de la découverte historique

La visite de la Tour d’Arundel et du Château Saint Clair est plus qu’une simple sortie touristique ; c’est une plongée dans l’histoire et la culture de la Vendée, offrant des perspectives uniques et des souvenirs impérissables.

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Presentation of: la tour d'arundel & le chateau saint-clair, other: châteaux.

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Tour d'Arundel

Monument aux sables-d'olonne.

Tour d'Arundel - Monument aux Sables-d'Olonne

Le Château fut construit par les princes de Talmont au XV e siècle, Soubise chef protestant s'empare du château en 1622 et y fait construire des fortifications. Garnison sous Louis XIII, bombardé en 1796 par les anglo-hollandais, racheté par l'Etat en 1835 puis restauré de 1986 à 1994, le château abrite actuellement le musée de la Mer. Par la visite de ce musée, vous pourrez accéder à la tour pour découvrir un magnifique panorama de la ville, de la baie des Sables-d'Olonne et des marais environnants.

La tour fait partie du système défensif du château Saint-Clair. Le premier feu (phare) fut installé en 1593. Au XVIII e siècle, le feu de la Chaume est le seul phare de Vendée .

Tour d'Arundel (© Antoine Martineau)

Autres monuments aux environs

Activités de loisirs.

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Chambres d'hôtes

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Locations de vacances

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Articles connexes Tour d'Arundel

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Open again tomorrow at 10:00 am

Arundel Castle

Opening times & prices

  • How to find us
  • Group Bookings
  • Food & Drink
  • Education Visits
  • Disabled Access
  • Video Gallery
  • Castle history
  • Role of Earl Marshal
  • Catalogues and Guides

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Castle & Gardens open from 28 March - 3 November 2024 Gardens 10.00am - 5.00pm Fitzalan Chapel 10.00am - 5.00pm * Keep 10.00am - 4.30pm Castle rooms 12.00 noon - 5.00pm

Last admission 4.00pm

Closed on Mondays, except bank holidays and in August

How to book a visit

  • Tickets can be bought on-line and on the day at our ticket office (by credit or debit card only).
  • Please take care and check your visit date is correct before confirming.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with your reference number.
  • You will receive a paper ticket at our ticket office.
  • Gardeners World 2 for 1: see  our FAQs (below) for details.
  • Historic Houses members:  see our FAQs (below) for details.
  • Closed on Mondays, except bank holidays and in August.
  • See our FAQs (below) for further information and guidance.

Please see our Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions for more details.

The Mill Road Car Park in Arundel is operating at a reduced capacity due to waterlogged areas.

Please note the following exceptions:

The formal gardens (including Earl's Garden, Tropical, English & Kitchen Gardens, Glasshouses and Stumpery) and Tea Terrace are closed on Saturday 27th July 2024. The Castle and the grounds as far as the Fitzalan Chapel including the White Garden, Rose Garden, Lower Lawns and Stew Ponds will be open as normal.

Garden only tickets will not be available on the following event dates: 6th - 7th July and 24th - 26th August (Purchase a Castle ticket for these events).

You will need an International Medieval Jousting Tournament ticket for entrance to the Castle and Gardens 30th July - 4th August.

* The Fitzalan Chapel is generally open to visitors from 10.00am to 5.00pm on days when the Castle is open. It is however closed when a private mass/service is taking place. The Chapel will open at 12 noon on the following dates; 20th June and 2nd November. The Chapel closes at 4.00 pm from 22nd October until the end of the season.

Bedroom tickets are not available from 26th - 28th July.

The Victoria Bedroom is closed for the 2024 season for major refurbishment.

The Castle Chapel is closed on Saturday 19th October from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Gift Aid. If you are a UK taxpayer you will have the option to add Gift Aid to your ticket . Gift Aid is a means for charities to claim tax back on your total ticket price which is then used to preserve our historic buildings for future generations.

How it works: You kindly donate 10% extra on your ticket price and on arrival we give you a voucher to spend in our shop or café. (e.g. You donate an extra £1.50 for an adult garden entry and we give you a voucher worth £3.00).

Please confirm you have read all the conditions explained on this page before buying your tickets.

Choose ticket:

Please be advised as from the 14 June 2021 Arundel Castle Gardens will no longer be accepting the Gardeners World 2 for 1 entry card.

Some frequently asked questions

Are any areas of the castle currently closed for refurbishment works, can i buy a ticket at the gate.

Yes, you can buy tickets at the gate (by credit or debit card only).

Do you have food & drink on site?

We have a café and Garden Tea Terrace (all with varying opening times/seasons/menus) with a range of sandwiches, drinks, indulgent cakes & muffins plus Castle made scones and a range of hot food options in the café. On event days our Knights’ Table will serve delicious food & drinks in the grounds.

Can I bring a picnic?

Visitors are welcome to picnic in the Castle grounds. We encourage visitors to take their rubbish home with them and recycle where appropriate.

Can I use a pram or pushchair in the castle?

Please note that for conservation and for practical reasons, prams & pushchairs need to be left in the 'buggy park' on the lower ground floor at the main Duke Henry visitor entrance to the Castle building.

Can I bring my dog / pet?

Only Assistance Dogs are permitted. Non-accredited/registered Assistance Dogs and Emotional Support/Other Support animals are not permitted.

Do you have any guidance on access for the castle?

Yes, in our Plan Your Visit section there is advice on disabled access 

I'm a Historic Houses member, can I use my card?

Valid for Garden (only) entry. Not valid on event days or during April. Present your card at the ticket office. A full Castle & Garden ticket is needed to enter the Castle. Upgrades from Garden to Castle & Garden tickets are available. All tickets to be purchased on arrival (no pre-booking option available on the website).

Can I use Gardeners’ World 2 for 1?

On production of a card, valid Tuesdays to Fridays for Garden (only) entry.

Not valid April, July and August, weekends or event days.

Tickets to be purchased on the gate only on arrival (no pre-booking option available on the website).

Upgrades to Castle entry tickets are not available. Gardeners’ World visitors are welcome to visit the Coffee Shop, Café, Shop and toilet facilities in the Castle.

What's included with a Plant Fair ticket?

Plant Fair included in standard garden or castle entry tickets. Plant Fair only (not Gardens) tickets at £5.00 are also available on the day at the Ticket Office (not available on line).

Disabled entry tickets

For adults that require the assistance of a carer, the accompanying carer receives free entry. Book one ticket on-line or buy at gate and request carer's ticket on arrival at ticket office. For under 16s requiring the assistance of a carer, the child has free entry, the adult pays standard entry price. Proof of disability or carer may be requested.

What is Gift Aid?

You will have the option to add Gift Aid to your ticket. Gift Aid is a means for charities to claim tax back on your total ticket price which is then used to preserve our historic buildings for future generations.

How it works: You kindly donate 10% extra on your ticket price and on arrival we give you a voucher to spend in our shop or catering facilities. (eg You donate an extra £1.50 for an adult garden entry and we give you a voucher worth £3.00).

Is car parking available?

The Mill Road pay & display car park is directly opposite the Castle entrance Sat Nav BN18 9PA. The current charges are from £2.50 for up to 3 hours to £5.00 all day.

Do I need to wear a face mask?

Visitors are welcome to wear a face masks should they wish to.  Some of our staff choose to wear face masks.

Can I wear heely shoes / trainers in the castle?

You need to keep the wheels retracted when inside the castle to prevent damage to the floors.

Can we bring children's scooters into the castle and grounds?

For the safety of all of our visitors and staff, and for conservation and insurance reasons, please note that bicycles, roller skates, inline skates, skateboards, scooters, etc. are not permitted into, or allowed to be used in the Castle, grounds and gardens.

Is photography allowed at the castle?

Visitors are welcome to take still photographs and videos in the grounds & gardens. Only still photographs are permitted inside the Castle. Tripods (or similar) are not permitted anywhere in the grounds,gardens or Castle. No photoshoots or commercial photography of any sort is permitted.

Do you accommodate weddings at the castle?

We do not offer facilities for wedding ceremonies, wedding catering or pre-wedding and wedding photography.

Can I use the castle and grounds for a photo shoot?

We do not offer the castle and grounds for photo shoots.

Are drones & model aircraft permitted ?

Drones (remotely piloted aircraft systems) are not permitted within the Castle grounds or gardens. The wider use of drones is governed by the CAA regulations.

Are unaccompanied under 16s allowed in?

Unaccompanied under 16 years are not permitted. They must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

August 2020

Choose ticket type:

 If you are a UK taxpayer you will have the option to add Gift Aid to your ticket. This will entitle you to a voucher to spend in our shop or café.


Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions

Castle and Gardens open

  • Tickets can be bought on-line and on the day at our ticket office.
  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms prior to your arrival time, please do not visit.
  • Gardeners' World 2 for 1 no longer accepted, please see FAQs (below)

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 ​ Restaurant tradit ionnel   3 place d e l'o rmeau 85100 Le s Sables d'Olonn e Tél : 02.51.2 1.22.53

Suivez notre actualité en cliquant ici.

Il y a de la nouveauté au P'tit Phare !!!

Dorénavant, il est possible de réserver votre table via notre site internet

Situé aux Sables d’Olonne, dans le quartier de la Chaume, le P’tit Phare

vous accueille chaleureusement dans un décor marin.

Vous pouvez y déguster des plats traditionnels "fait maison"

(spécialités d'anguilles et grenouilles) mais aussi des galettes et crêpes en profitant

d’une vue sur le chenal et la Tour Arundel.

Le P’tit Phare est également l’endroit idéal pour venir déjeuner ou dîner en terrasse

(ouverte en saison)


Le chef Cyril HERY, membre de l’Académie Nationale

de cuisine , il s’est vu remettre le panonceau «Qualité Tradition Régional» car il s’engage à mettre en œuvre et promouvoir la cuisine régionale.

Sa carte est composée en privilégiant

les produits frais et régionaux.

tour d'arundel horaires


3, place de l'ormeau, 85100 les sables d'olonne, tél :, stationnement à proximité, parking place maraud, horaires d'ouverture :  du mardi au vendredi de 10h à 15h. le samedi et veille de jours fériés de 10h à 22h le dimanche et jours fériés de 10h à 18h fermé le dimanche soir et le lundi du 1er juillet au 31 août : 10h-22h tous les jours sauf le lundi moyens de paiement acceptés espèces, cb, ticket restaurant (25 euros maximum), chèque vacances ancv (50% de l'addition maximum). nous vous informons que les chèques bancaires ne sont pas acceptés..

Host cities

  • San Gottardo
  • Blatten-Belalp
  • Villars-sur-Ollon

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  • Bergenergie
  • Bike&Fun
  • Publicity Caravan

TV Broadcast

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  • Women's Statistics

Tour de Suisse 9. – 18. June 2024

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Tour de Suisse Fanzone by primeo energie

Explore the route 2024.

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Social Media


Als die Tour de Suisse zum letzten Mal Gast in Blatten-Belalp fuhr Eddy Merckx noch im Peloton und gewann am Ende sogar die Gesamtwertung. Ein Rückblick in vergangene Zeiten und den damaligen Herausforderungen für das lokale Organisationskomitee.⏮

Als die Tour de Suisse zum letzten Mal Gast in Blatten-Belalp fuhr Eddy Merckx noch im Peloton und gewann am Ende sogar die Gesamtwertung. Ein Rückblick in vergangene Zeiten und den damaligen Herausforderungen für das lokale Organisationskomitee.⏮

Wir zeigen euch hier nur ein paar der grossen Namen, die an der diesjährigen #tourdesuissewomen teilnehmen💯🚴‍♀️ Alle wichtigen Fahrerinnen findest du in unserem Vorschaubericht➡️ Link in bio!⁣ .⁣ Only a few favourites here to take part at the #tourdesuissewomen2024 💯🚴‍♀️ Read the latest news to see all the big names of the race➡️ Link in bio!⁣ .⁣ 📸 @buchlifotografie⁣ .⁣ #tds #tourdesuisse #cycling #womenscycling #favourites

tour d'arundel horaires

Die heutige Etappe findet verkürzt statt und startet um 15.00 Uhr in Ulrichen⚠️⁣ .⁣ Today`s stage is shortened and starts at 3.00 pm in Ulrichen⚠️⁣ .⁣ #tds #tourdesuisse #tds2024 #tourdesuisse2024 #cycling

Asking the riders if they having some sweets from time to time🍬😍 . #tds2024 #tourdesuisse #tourdesuisse2024 #cycling #sweets #haribo

Inside the Peloton of stage 5 🤩 #velon #gopro #tourdesuisse #tds2024 #cari #ticino #uciworldtour #procycling

How hard was this day in the saddle?🥵 Ask @gall_felix or @_pascal_ackermann_ Only our leader @adamyates7 keeps smiling🙂⁣ .⁣ 📸 @buchlifotografie⁣ .⁣ #tds #tds2024 #tourdesuisse2024 #cycling #climbing #mountains #switzerland

Grande Adam👏🏼👏🏼 @adamyates7 wins the Ticino stage in @nuova.cari 🏔️🏆 . #tds2024 #tourdesuisse #cycling

Prost lieber Kameramann🍷😅 @stefankueng . #tds2024 #tourdesuisse #cycling #srfsport

tour d'arundel horaires

UAE Team Emirates dominates Stage 6

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A host of top riders lining up for Tour de Suisse Women

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Adam Yates wins and defends the yellow jersey

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Torstein Træen triumphs on the Gotthard

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Primeo Energie: sustainable sponsorship

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Hirschi’s attack falls short – Nys triumphs in the sprint

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Bryan Coquard sprints to victory

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Yves Lampaert wins – Swiss rider a close second

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Atmospheric kick-off in Vaduz

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A Line Up of Field Favourites and Swiss Stars

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Tour de Suisse Stage 6 Shortened

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Öpfelchaspers’ bike couriers take on the Tour de Suisse

Sponsors & partner.

Successful implementation of the Tour de Suisse would not be possible without the support of our partners. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their commitment.

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Sights Better Seen


Arundel Castle: All You Need to Know for Your Visit

Arundel Castle in England with pink roses in the foreground

But if you don’t, well, we really shouldn’t be friends.

Arundel Castle grounds in England

But aside from its beauty, what was the most mind blowing thing about this castle to me? Um, that people actually STILL LIVE THERE.

Arundel Castle in England

Imagine telling your friends that you live in a freaking castle. But also, how do I meet these people and become friends with them so I can stay there??

However, I also saw lots of semi-creepy paintings in them with people dying and what not so idk how I feel about that – like it MUST be haunted, right???

But at the same time, it’s a castle, so idk I’d imagine any of the potential ghosts would be pretty cool to hang out with anyway. If anything, they must have some epic stories.

Arundel Castle grounds viewed from one of the windows inside the castle

Of course, it was remodeled and rebuilt along the way, but it’s still pretty cool that it was originally built so long ago.

Arundel Castle is located in southern England and easy to get to by train

I went while I was staying in Chichester and it was a super convenient bus ride away! I could have also taken the train if I wanted, too. Yay for wonderful public transportation – this continues to amaze me since I grew up in the states, where the public transportation is literally the worst.

There are various ticket levels to choose from, with the priciest being the Gold Plus that includes all the rooms, including the bedrooms. The castle itself is BEAUTIFUL, and if you’re a castle geek definitely get the ticket that includes the interior rooms of the castle. They are STUNNING!

Arundel Castle in England

If you’re wondering, when people are touring the castle, the family goes to another set of quarters that are still part of the castle, but off-limits to visitors (yes I asked because I’m hella nosy haha.)

The Fitzalan Chapel at Arundel Castle

However, I’d recommend just brining your own food and having a picnic somewhere outside if the weather’s nice! There are a TON of prime picnic spots just begging to be picnicked.

Here are the different spots you can visit in and outside of the castle:

View of Arundel Castle grounds from The Keep


A greenhouse in the gardens at the Arundel Castle

Also, did you know that hedgehogs are actually native to parts of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia? Maybe if you live in one of these places you’re totally aware, but I am not, and had no idea. I honestly thought that hedgehogs were some sort of exotic pet that appeared out of thin air (or assumed they were from some random tiny island somewhere), but alas, they are actually native to many parts of the world!

The gardens at Arundel Castle are all organic!


The Cathedral at the Arundel Castle


Interior of the Fitzalan Chapel at Arundel Castle


Arundel Castle in England as seen from the rose garden

It’s a little off to the side, near the entrance of the castle. Of course, the roses aren’t always in bloom, but I was lucky enough to be there when they were (I went in early August.) It’s a great place for photos of the castle, too!


Interior of the Arundel Castle

I paid for the Gold Plus because I wanted to see what was up with everything (plus it was only £2 more than the Gold Ticket) but I wasn’t, like, ENAMORED with the bedrooms. They were cool to see, though, but I wouldn’t say they’re necessary to your entire experience.

Toilet in the Arundel Castle


Half-timbered building in Arundel, England

  • Get your afternoon tea on at one of the many tea places in town
  • Check out some cute shops
  • See the view above the town
  • Check out the Arundel Museum (only £1 when you show your entry ticket to the castle!)
  • The Blackfriar Dominican Friary Ruins are cool, too (they’re right outside the castle)

Part of Arundel Castle from the Outside

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September 21, 2019 at 5:02 pm

I love visiting castles! This one is beautiful, I love all your pictures. Pinning for later when we visit!

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September 22, 2019 at 8:39 pm

Glad you enjoyed! And yeah, my castle obsession is probably unhealthy haha

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September 21, 2019 at 7:15 pm

Who doesn’t love castles? They’re awesome. My hometown has one and I never get tired of telling people that I can see the castle from my old bedroom window. How cool is that? This looks amazing, so beautiful

September 22, 2019 at 8:40 pm

Omg wait I’m so jealous that your hometown has a castle!!! Sounds like you were living in an actual fairytale haha

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September 21, 2019 at 7:32 pm

I’m from England and although I’ve heard of arundel castle I never where it was or just how beautiful is was. I don’t live in England any more but I will try get a visit in next time I’m home!

September 22, 2019 at 8:41 pm

Yeah, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in England but had never heard of it either! Literally only went because it was close to my house sit, but now I’m so glad I did! Hope you get down there next time 🙂

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September 21, 2019 at 7:39 pm

That is so cool that you can visit the castle even though people are living there! It really would be amazing to live in one. Love all your tips and hope to visit Arundel the next time I’m in England! 🙂

September 22, 2019 at 8:42 pm

Right! I was mindblown that people actually still lived there haha. I still have hope – maybe going to petition them to let me move in or something 😉 Like I’ll clean the dungeon (if that’s still a thing lol) – I don’t care!!

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September 21, 2019 at 8:37 pm

This place is gorgeous! I love the little hedgehog house they have too. Putting this on my bucket list for a future trip to England!!

Yeah the hedgehog house was my favorite thing ever! So cute. And yesss, definitely do!

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September 22, 2019 at 3:10 am

Gahh England has so many great towns! Those Londoners are lucky to be close to so many gems. Loved this post and your photos! I’ve never heard of this place and now adding it to my list.

September 22, 2019 at 8:43 pm

I know, I really want to go back and see more! And hopefully with a car – I feel like it makes things 10000 times easier haha. 🙂

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September 22, 2019 at 6:13 am

Oh, I love castles and like to wander around the rooms and would enjoy trying to find some hidden connections between all the rooms. Ha; it always reminds me of those old movies about the D´Artagnan and the Musketeers…

September 22, 2019 at 8:52 pm

Castles are literally the BEST. And haha by hidden connections I’m assuming you mean secret passageway-type things and I am HERE FOR THAT

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September 22, 2019 at 9:21 am

What a beautiful castle! Definitely have to put it on my list!

Yes, one of my faves!! (Although let’s be real, I haven’t visited THAT many castles but I do think it’s super pretty haha)

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September 22, 2019 at 2:25 pm

I love castles too! Never heard of this one before but now I definitely want to visit.. Thanks for sharing 🙂 Hopefully I’ll get to see the hedgies – ooomg so cute

September 22, 2019 at 8:53 pm

Yeah I hadn’t heard of it either but so glad I stumbled upon it! And yes – I was really crossing my fingers that I’d see one, but maybe you’ll have more luck than me!

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September 23, 2019 at 12:14 pm

SO GOREGEOUS!! You’re right, who DOESN”T love castles haha? I love that people still actually live there! And that fountain with the crown – how cool is that?! I’d definitely love to visit this castle one day!

September 23, 2019 at 10:29 pm

For real, I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t lol. And yessss that was my fave thing ever!

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February 1, 2021 at 1:57 pm

I would live to visit Arundel Castle. My family are decendants of the FitzAlan’s. After taking an DNA test I began researching my heritage. My paternal Grandmas father’s side of the family are direct decendants. British Castles season 1 episode 6 Arundel Castle which can be seen on Netflix shows paintings of the FitzAlan dukes that is eerily similar to my Dads photos. I can’t wait to visit and learn more about my families history!!!

February 9, 2021 at 5:55 pm

That’s amazing! I’d love to have royal family – sounds like a really cool thing to explore. Maybe they’ll even let you live there!

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December 27, 2021 at 12:05 pm

I used to visit Arundel Castle when I was on holiday around 60 years ago. The Armoury with its huge two handed swords as well as suits of armour and dozens of other ancient weapons made a huge impression on me. Am planning to re-visit this Spring (Covid 19 permitting!) Still love our great British heritage even after all these years 😊

December 28, 2021 at 9:12 pm

It’s such a fantastic place! Crossing my fingers that you’ll be able to visit again 🙂

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Special exhibitions

Legion life in the roman army . final weeks ..

Bronze helmet lying on the earth.

Michelangelo the last decades . Book now .

Sketches of the face of an elderly man, a figure, and the archway and pillar of a building float in diagonal rectangular stripes against a black background

Silk Roads . Book now .

Procession of camels with lone figure leading in shadow against orange sky

Free exhibitions and displays

Contemporary collecting david hockney to cornelia parker   . free ..

Cornelia Parker - Jug full of ice

New life Rembrandt and children . Free .

Black chalk drawing of a baby in a cap, traditionally thought to be the artist's son, Titus van Rijn, sleeping in a cradle.

Admonitions of the instructress to the court ladies . Reopens July 2024 .

Three figures and calligraphy upon an ancient scroll.

Highlight events

Ornate gold brooch with the relief of a face in the centre, encircled by a ring of teardrop-shaped rays pointing outward, followed by another ring of smaller rays. The figure's hair is decorated with single rows of fine granulation and the surrounding rays are bordered by twisted gold wire.

  • 21 June 2024

Here comes the sun . Free .

Black and white artwork consisting of a collage of drawings of figures and bodies held within a white triangle shape, surrounded by a dark shaded border made up of many pencil marks

  • 22 June 2024

Transcending time . Free .

TBCPale stone sculpture of a male figure wearing a helmet with a cloak draped over his shoulders standing next to a perched eagle.

  • 28 June 2024

Deaf-led BSL tour of the Desire, love, identity trail . Book now .

Guided tours.

A group looking at sculptures on display in a gallery.

  • Various dates

Desire, love, identity – an LGBTQ tour of the British Museum . Book now .

A tour group looking at lintel carvings in the Mexico gallery.

Around the world in 90 minutes tour . Book now .

Small groups of children and adults looking in display cases in the Enlightenment gallery.

Out-of-hours tour: an introduction to the British Museum . Book now .

Uk touring exhibitions.

A British Museum Touring Exhibition

Drawing attention emerging artists in dialogue . On UK tour .

A female, neck up visible, wearing a flower petal necklace, looking out. Behind her are green leaves.

For the curious and interested . On UK tour .

Graphic Chinese print of a Kingfisher with a yellow belly and long orange beak perched on a branch between a flourish of foliage and hydrangea flowers. Two columns of Chinese characters have been written on the top left corner of the print.

International touring exhibitions

International touring exhibition

Egyptian mummies: exploring ancient lives . On world tour .

Profile of mummy facing right.

Feminine power: the divine to the demonic . On world tour .

Gajalakshmi depicted in a gouache painting, India c 1780

Past exhibitions

A black textile adorned with a colourful scene, including sitting figures surrounded by trees, a figure shooting an arrow towards the sky, and  Hanuman flying through the air carrying a rock, Hanuman (possibly carrying the Mountain of Herbs or Building the Bridge to Lanka), and Hanuman talking to a sage (with two hares below).

Lines open 9am to 5:30pm 01202 767022

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Explore the picturesque town of Arundel on this wonderful day trip.

  •  Detailed Overview
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  •  Pick-up Points
  •  Departure Dates
  •  Useful Links

Approximate Journey Time: 1.5 hours

Time at destination: 5 hours

Planned comfort stop on route.

Your journey will start in the local area in the morning, after concluding all pick ups you will head toward Arundel Via the A31, M27 and A27.A short comfort break on route will be provided. You will arrive at aproximately 1130 and have 5 hours free time to explore Arundel at your leisure. The coach drop off and pick up point is Mill Road Coach Park.

The coach will depart for home at approximately 1630 and arrive back in the local area at approximately 1830.

Arundel is a market town and civil parish in the Arun District of the South Downs, West Sussex, England. The much-conserved town has a medieval castle and Roman Catholic cathedral. Arundel museum is coveiniently located in the coach park, the town comes second only to the much larger City of Chichester in its number of listed buildings in West Sussex.

Experience the timeless charm of Arundel with a day trip to this picturesque market town nestled in the heart of West Sussex. Stroll along the quaint streets lined with boutique shops, galleries, and cozy tearooms, all set against the backdrop of the South Downs. Don't miss a visit to Arundel Cathedral, a striking example of Gothic architecture. As you meander by the River Arun, you'll be captivated by the town's serene beauty and rich heritage. Arundel offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural splendor, making it a perfect destination for a day of exploration and relaxation.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

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Pick-up Point Times

To make a booking firstly select the correct number of passengers that will be travelling. This will perform an availability check to see that there is sufficient space on the tour. If the date you want is available select the Book Now button and you will be guided through the online booking process. If your date is unavailable you can use the Call Back facility to discuss further options.

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Laguna Travel, Suffolk Road South, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6AZ

Tel No: 01202 767022

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tour d'arundel horaires

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Welcome to Arundel

Discover things to do, what's on, places to eat and drink and where to stay in arundel, a wealth of attractions, arundel music festival, fiesta fundraiser at arundel castle, arundel festival of the arts, special offers, countryside & walks, do you live, work or volunteer in arundel looking for businesses, services, community groups and local news - check out our sister site, visiting arundel - what do you want to do today, there's something for everyone, below are just a few ideas.

Arundel captures the essence of heritage, urban chic and country pursuits, all within a stone’s throw of London. Experience this market town and you will discover more than you’d expect. Most of all it is a place to return to and tell others about.

Combining one thousand years of  history  with independent  shops , contemporary  art galleries,   restaurants ,  cafes ,  delightful drinking spots , great  attractions  and a thriving  events calendar , plus  outdoor activities  from  walking  across the South Downs to canoeing or cycling… there is something for everyone.

Combining one thousand years of  history  with independent  shops , contemporary  art galleries,   restaurants ,  cafes ,  delightful drinking spots , great  attractions  and a thriving  events calendar , plus  outdoor activities  from  walking  across the South Downs to canoeing or cycling… there is something for everyone.

Click here to read Visit Arundel’s COVID-19 message

Independent & Local Shops

Planning a day trip only have a few hours or a whole weekend see a suggested itinerary here >, places we recommend you visit, handpicked places, arundel wetland centre, a gorgeous nature reserve, home to incredible wetland birds including the new coastal creek aviary.

  • 01903 883355
  • WWT Arundel
  • Nature & Countryside

Arundel Museum

Arundel museum is more than a museum. it's an experience.

  • 01903 885866
  • History & Culture

Arundel Castle

Arundel castle, with magnificent views across the south downs and the river arun.

  • 01903 882173

The Burger Shop Co.

Come for the juicy burgers and tasty wings, stay for the great vibes and epic experience.

  • 01903 44 69 12
  • The Burger Shop Co. 14-16 High St Arundel BN18 9AF United Kingdom

Arundel Events

What's happening throughout our town, english wine week - wine tasting.

  • Digby Fine English 55-57 High St Arundel BN18 9AJ United Kingdom
  • June 15, 2024 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Vintage Night

The swan hotel.

  • September 7, 2024 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm
  • July 26, 2024 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm


  • July 26, 2024 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Arundel Accommodation

From cosy cottages to historic town houses, there is always a warm welcome, simple getaway, holiday let management agency & rentals.

  • 07762096617
  • Estate & Letting Agents & Architects

The Swan Hotel is a Grade II listed Victorian building that has recently been refurbished...

  • 01903 882314
  • Hotels & Retreats

Comfort Inn

The comfort inn hotel in arundel is conveniently positioned between arundel and littlehampton..

  • 01903 840840
  • Norfolk Arms

The Norfolk Arms is a Georgian Coaching Inn with many original features...

  • 01903 882101

Where to Eat & Drink

Locally produced dinner and wine or homemade hearty cream teas, take your pick, digby fine english, wine true to its chalky terroir: sophisticated yet racy.

  • 020 7112 8887
  • Pubs, Bars & Breweries

The Brewhouse Project

The brewhouse project is a restaurant and bar, brought to you by arundel brewery.

  • 01903 889997
  • The Brewhouse Project Calceto Ln Lyminster Rd Arundel BN17 7QL United Kingdom

Swanbourne Lodge Tearooms

Friendly tearoom baking and making fresh homemade food hot and cold. row boat hire..

  • 01903 884293
  • Swanbourne Lodge Tearoom
  • Tearooms, Cafés & Coffee Shops

The Edge Café @ Edgcumbes

Edgcumbes produce superb freshly roasted coffee and quality loose-leaf teas.

  • 01243 555775
  • Edgcumbes Coffee Roasters & Tea Merchants The Old Barn Ford Ln Ford Arundel BN18 0DF

Uncover the 'Real' Arundel

Explore the stories, the people, latest news & interesting facts from one of the uk's best market towns.

10th July – 1st Sept 2024 Get ready for Chichester and Arundel’s first large…

  • Community Blog

And the answer is a resounding YES! When people live with dementia, they face a huge…

There’s always plenty happening in and around the town and that means lots to look…

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Tour de France 2024 : toutes les étapes qui attendent Tom Pidcock

Les cyclistes roulent sur le parcours de la deuxième étape du Tour de France 2023 entre Vitoria-Gasteiz et San Sébastián en Espagne.

Le parcours officiel du Tour de France 2024

© Tour de France

Le grand départ de l’autre côté des Alpes

  • 1ère étape - Samedi 29 juin - De Florence à Rimini - 206 kilomètres - Accidentée
  • 2e étape - Dimanche 30 juin - De Cesenatico à Bologne - 199 kilomètres - Accidentée
  • 3e étape - Lundi 1 juillet - De Plaisance à Turin - 230 kilomètres - Plat
  • 4e étape - Mardi 2 juillet - De Pinerolo à Valloire - 140 kilomètres - Montagne

Tom Pidcock à Nove Mesto na Morave, en République Tchèque

© Bartek Wolinski/Red Bull Content Pool

Retour dans l’Hexagone

  • 5e étape - Mercredi 3 juillet - De Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne à Saint-Vulbas - 177 kilomètres - Plat
  • 6e étape - Jeudi 4 juillet - De Mâcon à Dijon - 163 kilomètres - Plat
  • 7e étape - Vendredi 5 juillet - De Nuits-Saint-Georges à Gevrey-Chambertin - 25 kilomètres - Contre-la-montre
  • 8e étape - Samedi 6 juillet - De Semur-en-Auxois à Colombey-Les-Deux-Églises - 183 kilomètres - Plat
  • 9e étape - Dimanche 7 juillet - De Troyes à Troyes - 199 kilomètres - Accidentée

Découvrez le programme Red Bull Junior Brothers :

Quentin Ruel a testé pour nous le workout Red Bull …

Voici les gagnants du red bull junior brothers, tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur red bull junior brothers, cap sur l’ouest de la france.

  • 10e étape - Mardi 9 juillet - D’Orléans à Saint-Amand-Montrond - 187 kilomètres - Plat
  • 11e étape - Mercredi 10 juillet - D’Évaux-Les-Bains à Le Lioran - 211 kilomètres - Montagne
  • 12e étape - Jeudi 11 juillet - D’Aurillac à Villeneuve-Sur-Lot - 204 kilomètres - Plat
  • 13e étape - Vendredi 12 juillet - D’Agen à Pau - 165 kilomètres - Plat

Wout van Aert sur la 9e étape du Tour de France 2023

© Kristof Ramon/Red Bull Content Pool

Au cœur des Pyrénées

  • 14e étape - Samedi 13 juillet - De Pau à Saint-Lary-Soulan - 152 kilomètres - Montagne
  • 15e étape - Dimanche 14 juillet - De Loudenvielle à Plateau de Beille - 198 kilomètres - Montagne

Wout van Aert lors de la 2e étape du Tour de France 2023 à Saint-Sébastien

La dernière ligne droite

  • 16e étape - Mardi 16 juillet - De Gruissan à Nîmes - 189 kilomètres - Plat
  • 17e étape - Mercredi 17 juillet - De Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux - 178 kilomètres - Montagne
  • 18e étape - Jeudi 18 juillet - De Gap à Barcelonnette - 180 kilomètres - Accidentée
  • 19e étape - Vendredi 19 juillet - D’Embrun à Isola 2000 - 145 kilomètres - Montagne
  • 20e étape - Samedi 20 juillet - De Nice au Col de la Couillole - 133 kilomètres - Montagne
  • 21e étape - Dimanche 21 juillet - De Monaco à Nice - 33 kilomètres - Contre-la-montre

Vous en voulez plus ?


  1. La Tour D'arundel à Les sables d olonne 85100

    tour d'arundel horaires

  2. LA TOUR D'ARUNDEL & LE CHATEAU SAINT-CLAIR: Châteaux France, Pays de la

    tour d'arundel horaires

  3. Getting To Arundel

    tour d'arundel horaires

  4. La Tour d´Arundel (Les Sables-d'Olonne): All You Need to Know

    tour d'arundel horaires

  5. Getting To Arundel

    tour d'arundel horaires

  6. Getting To Arundel

    tour d'arundel horaires


  1. La Tour d'Arundel & Le Château Saint-Clair

    La Tour d'Arundel & Le Château Saint-Clair. Construit par les Princes de Talmont au XVème siècle, Soubise chef protestant s'empare du château en 1622 et y fait construire des fortifications. Garnison sous Louis XIII, bombardé en 1796 par les anglo-hollandais, racheté par l'État en 1835 puis restauré de 1986 à 1994.

  2. Tour d'Arundel et Château Saint Clair

    Ce qu'il faut retenir. La Tour d'Arundel, un monument historique vital pour comprendre l'histoire maritime de Vendée. Le Château Saint Clair, un voyage dans le temps entre architecture médiévale et légendes fascinantes. Des conseils pratiques pour une visite enrichissante et confortable des deux sites.

  3. Écomusée

    Informations et horaires sur TOUR D'ARUNDEL & CHATEAU ST-CLAIR. Fermé du 1er octobre au 1er avril. Basse saison : ouvert de 15h à 18h. Haute saison : tous les jours de 10h15 à 13h et de 15h à 18h. Adulte : 5 € (tour + musée). Enfant (de 5 à 15 ans) : 3 € (tour + musée).


    Built by the Princes of Talmont in the 15th century, the chateau was seized by the Protestant leader, Soubise, in 1622, whom ordered fortifications to be built. First a garrison under Louis XIII, the château, which currently houses the Sea Museum, was bombed in 1796 by the Anglo-Dutch, seized by the government in 1835, and finally restored between 1986 and 1994. The tower forms part of the ...

  5. La Tour d´Arundel

    per group (up to 15) 3 Hour La Rochelle Private Tour. 1. Historical Tours. from. $89.74. per adult (price varies by group size) Discovery day in the footsteps of Baudet du Poitou. 24.

  6. La Tour D'Arundel & Le Chateau Saint-clair

    Built by the Princes of Talmont in the 15th century, the chateau was seized by the Protestant leader, Soubise, in 1622, whom ordered fortifications to be built. First a garrison under Louis XIII, the

  7. Écomusée

    TOUR D'ARUNDEL & CHATEAU ST-CLAIR - Les Sables-D'Olonne 85100 - La Chaume Place Maraud Écomusée : En 1622, Soubise chef protestant s'empare du château construit...

  8. Tour d'Arundel

    Chambre à partir de 72 €. Le Kyriad Les Sables d'Olonne - Plage - Centre des Congrès est installé dans la vieille ville des Sables-d'Olonne, à seulement 50 mètres de la plage et du port de plaisance ainsi qu'à 1,5 km de la gare. Une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite est disponible…. Situé à 320 m de la Tour d'Arundel.

  9. Musée

    Grimpez jusqu'au sommet de la Tour d'Arundel et appréciez le magnifique panorama qui s'ouvre sous vos yeux (attention, les enfants doivent être accompagnés). ... Informations complémentaires. Informations et horaires sur MUSÉE DE LA MER ET DE LA PÊCHE. Fermé du 29 septembre au 12 avril. Haute saison : ouvert tous les jours de 10h15 à ...

  10. La Tour d´Arundel

    Skip to main content. Discover. Trips

  11. Opening times & prices

    Castle & Gardens open from 28 March - 3 November 2024 Gardens 10.00am - 5.00pm Fitzalan Chapel 10.00am - 5.00pm * Keep 10.00am - 4.30pm Castle rooms 12.00 noon - 5.00pm Last admission 4.00pm Closed on Mondays, except bank holidays and in August How to book a visit Tickets can…

  12. La Tour D'arundel À La Chaume Les Sables-d'olonne

    LA TOUR D'ARUNDEL À LA CHAUME LES SABLES-D'OLONNE : La Tour est un élément du système de défense du Château Saint-Clair. À l'origine, le feu installé entre 1703 et 1773 avait une visibilité limitée. Pendant la Révolution, le feu a été étei

  13. Programme du Tour d'Arundel à Les Sables-d'Olonne, dates, horaires et

    Retrouvez en ligne le programme des évènements de Tour d'Arundel Les Sables-d'Olonne. Dates, horaires et informations pratiques

  14. Au pied de la tour d'Arundel : à la découverte du passé

    Catalog; For You; Les Sables Vendée Journal. Au pied de la tour d'Arundel : à la découverte du passé Les archéologu­es de l'Institut national de recherches archéologi­ques préventive­s (Inrap) sont actuelleme­nt sur le site de la tour d'Arundel à la Chaume pour opérer des fouilles préventive­s avant la constructi­on du musée des gens de la mer. Des visites pou

  15. Arundel Castle

    Arundel Castle and Gardens open from 5th August 2020. Open Tuesdays to Sundays inclusive and August bank holiday Monday. Arundel Castle, home of the Duke of Norfolk, reflecting nearly 1,000 years of history,and commanding the surrounding landscape with magnificent views across the South Downs and River Arun. Fine furniture and works of art in ...

  16. leptitphare

    d'une vue sur le chenal et la Tour Arundel. Le P'tit Phare est également l'endroit idéal pour venir déjeuner ou dîner en terrasse (ouverte en saison) 2022-08-15. 2021-10-25. ... Horaires d'ouverture: Du mardi au vendredi de 10h à 15h. Le Samedi et veille de jours fériés de 10h à 22h

  17. Tour de Suisse

    Discover the Tour de Suisse 2024! Spectacular stages for climbers, sprinters and time trialists with summits such as the Gotthard Pass and exciting finishes in Carì and Blatten.

  18. La Tour d´Arundel

    per group (up to 15) La Rochelle : Private Custom Private Walking Tour With a local. 5. Historical Tours. from. £48.25. per adult (price varies by group size) 3 Hour La Rochelle Private Tour. 1.

  19. Arundel Castle: All You Need to Know for Your Visit

    Check out the Arundel Museum (only £1 when you show your entry ticket to the castle!) The Blackfriar Dominican Friary Ruins are cool, too (they're right outside the castle) [Castle walls in part of the town] I hope you enjoy your visit to this magical place! And say hi to the hedgehogs for me 😉 [Castles + roses = a happy heart!]

  20. Exhibitions and events

    On UK tour . 27 October 2023 - 24 August 2024. On UK tour. A British Museum Touring Exhibition. For the curious and interested . On UK tour . 20 January - 7 September 2024. On UK tour.

  21. Arundel

    The coach will depart for home at approximately 1630 and arrive back in the local area at approximately 1830. Arundel is a market town and civil parish in the Arun District of the South Downs, West Sussex, England. The much-conserved town has a medieval castle and Roman Catholic cathedral. Arundel museum is coveiniently located in the coach ...

  22. Arundel Castle

    Description. Welcome to Arundel Castle & Gardens - Ancient Castle, Stately Home & Gardens. Set high on a hill in West Sussex, this great Castle commands the landscape with magnificent views across the South Downs and the River Arun. Founded at the end of the 11th Century, it has been the family home of the Dukes of Norfolk and their ancestors ...

  23. Home

    The Burger Shop Co. Come for the juicy burgers and tasty wings, stay for the great vibes and epic experience. 01903 44 69 12. The Burger Shop Co. 14-16 High St Arundel BN18 9AF United Kingdom. Restaurants.

  24. Tour de France 2024: le parcours et toutes les étapes

    Comme tous les ans au mois de juillet, le Tour de France 2024 va prendre possession des routes de l'Hexagone. Et comme tous les ans, le parcours et ses étaptes comptent son lot de surprises.