10 Natural Wonders in Switzerland (Sceneries To Die For)

nature switzerland

The nature available in Switzerland is nothing short of mind-blowing! Between the Swiss Alps, the glaciers, valleys, waterfalls, and blue lakes, there are more natural wonders in Switzerland than you can shake a stick at!

Despite being a small country with amazing public transport, it would take you years to see all the natural wonders this country has to offer, so what not start with the best and most impressive of them?

Join me as I run through all the awesome slices of nature Switzerland has to offer so you can incorporate a few or all of them the next time you visit.

Table of Contents

Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne

Sitting in Central Switzerland, Lake Lucerne is possibly the most impressive lake in the country and one of the natural wonders of Switzerland everyone should experience. It is not the largest lake in Switzerland, which would be Lake Geneva, but is the most beautiful.

Lake Lucerne is best visited during the summer when you can enjoy the lake to its maximum. You can sunbathe on the beaches of Lake Lucerne, go paddle boarding, boating, water skiing, fishing, and even take a boat ride across it.

Known as the “Lake of the Four Forested Elements” the shape of Lake Lucerne is unique with its four arms that stretch into different directions. The surrounding mountains are very impressive and the never-ending views into the Alps are hard to beat.

The city of Lucerne is also very charming with a very well-preserved medieval old town and the famous Chapel bridge across the Reuss River. The surrounding area is also filled with wonderful biking and hiking trails that give you different perspectives on the beauty of the area.

Lake Lucerne is, without a doubt, one of the natural wonders of Switzerland you have to visit!

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Chapel bridge in lucerne: all you need to know, swiss national park.

Swiss National Park

One of the natural wonders you simply have to visit while in Switzerland is the Swiss National Park. Located in eastern Switzerland close to the Italian border, this is the only national park in the entire country!

The Swiss National Park is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and may be the best destination in the world if you want to see preserved dinosaur footprints. This speaks volumes to just how well-preserved and old this part of the Alps is.

The park is home to a range of different ecosystems from alpine peaks to meadows and forests which support a diverse array of flora and fauna.

While hiking around this magical part of the world you might encounter marmots, chamois, golden eagles, bearded vultures, ibexes, and if you are lucky a brown bear or two.

The Swiss National Park is the most pristine and best-looked-after part of the country, and that is saying something, so it is one of the “must” places to visit in Switzerland.

Lauterbrunnen Valley

Lauterbrunnen Valley

The Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Bernese Oberland was where J. R. R. Tolkien got the idea for Rivendell in his books “The Hobbit” and “The Lord Of The Rings”. To create that kind of inspiration, this must be one of the best natural wonders in Switzerland.

The Lauterbrunnen Valley is known as the valley of waterfalls and it is just that. It was carved millions of years ago by a glacier that created a valley with 3000-foot walls on each side, down which 72 waterfalls fall.

Hiking down the valley from waterfall to waterfall is pretty incredible. You will have the alps as a backdrop as you wander through the snow-covered or wildflower-filled meadows and forests.

Be sure to see the Staubbach waterfall while you are there as it is mighty impressive as it drops with such power and force.

Visiting Staubbach Falls, Lauterbrunnen: A Detailed Guide

Rhine falls.

Rhine Falls

Europe’s largest waterfall, the Rhine Falls is another of the natural wonders that you have to see while visiting Switzerland.

By Europe’s largest waterfall, I mean largest in terms of volume, not height. Rhine Falls is created by the Rhine River and during the summer months of peak snow and glacier melt, it pumps out 600,000 liters of water per second.

Sitting in northern Switzerland, close to the German border, and not far from Zurich, the Rhine Falls is mightily impressive to see. The sheer force of the water pouring out of Rhine Falls is incredible and there are a number of ways of seeing it.

The most spectacular is on a boat ride which takes you right up close to the falls. You can feel the power of the Rhine River as it pounds down the 23-meter drop.



Oeschinensee is an incredible alpine lake and without a doubt another of the Swiss natural wonders, you have to see while visiting.

It sits in the heart of the Bernese Alps and its waters are about as crystal clear and blue as an Alpine lake could be.

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You can enjoy this Swiss lake all year round. It is an awesome place for hiking, fishing, and swimming. One can rent boats to explore the lake and hop on a paddle board, and in winter it is great for ice fishing too.

This is a very popular spot, so is not one of those secluded alpine lakes you can enjoy on your own. Expect to share it with locals and visitors. The mountain views and surrounding landscapes are spectacular.

Oeschinen Lake: How to Visit, Best Things To Do & More

The matterhorn.


The Matterhorn is one of the natural wonders of Europe and it just so happens to be in Switzerland. Sitting just outside of the resort town of Zermatt, the Matterhorn is an iconic part of Swiss nature and probably the most iconic peak in the entire Alps Range.

Known for its amazing shape, the Matterhorn has everyone’s jaw-dropping when they catch a glimpse of it for the first time. The jagged, shark-tooth look of this mountain peak is mesmerizing and it is for this reason that it is the most photographed mountain in the world.

The peak is 4,478 meters above sea level and is one of the tallest mountains in the Alps. You can visit the Matterhorn via a train and tram that will take you to the glacier at its base to see one of the best views in all of Switzerland.

Most Popular Glaciers In Switzerland (Visit Them Soon)

Trümmelbach falls.

Trümmelbach Falls

One of the more unique natural wonders of Switzerland is the Trümmelbach Falls . Trümmelbach Falls is a subterranean waterfall, meaning it is an underground waterfall that cascades through the heart of a mountain, how amazing is that!

This is the largest underground waterfall in Europe with a drop of 140 meters over 10 different cascades which 20,000 liters of water per second falls down. That is a lot of natural power, to the point that the mountain constantly rumbles as the waterfall crashes within it.

You will find this waterfall in the stunning Lauterbrunnen Valley and you can use the exceptional infrastructure to view it. There are galleries, lifts, viewing platforms, and paths to see it up close in all its glory.

Visiting The Trummelbach Falls: A Masterpiece Of Nature



Jungfraujoch is often described as the top of Europe. It is there where you will find a mountaintop observatory that you can access via a railway. The view from the viewing platform is hard to describe and almost impossible to beat.

You are literally at the top of the alps looking across some of the most incredible landscapes you will ever see. From mountain peaks to valleys and more, staring out from the observatory is a must.

There is more to Jungfraujoch though if you can believe it. You can stroll through an Ice Palace filled with sculptures, go on incredible glacier hikes with a guide, and there is even a Snow Park where you can zipline over the longer glaciers in Europe.


The north wall of the Eiger is a sight to behold. It is simply a shear wall created by some of the tallest mountains in Europe and is quite a force of nature.

The wall of Eiger was considered unclimbable and more than 60 climbers have died trying to attempt to scale it. It wasn’t until 1938 that a climber actually managed to get up it.

You can visit Eiger via the historic Jungfrau railway which tunnels through it and provides you with amazing views of the mountain on each side. You will then arrive at the saddle, some 10,332 feet above sea level for unparalleled views.

Aletsch Glacier

Aletsch Glacier

Another Swiss wonder found in the Valais region is the Aletsch Glacier . Again, this natural wonder is hard to comprehend as the Aletsch Glacier creates the largest frozen area in all of Europe.

The Aletsch Glacier covers 81. 7 km squared, 23 km long, and has a volume of 15.4 km cubed. That is a lot of ice and just seeing this alive mountain being is nothing short of incredible.

The glacier has actually retreated in the last 100 or so years and is now 3.2 km shorter than it used to be and 300 meters thinner too.

Hiking to the glacier is the best way to see it and you can ski all around it with amazing views of it too!

Aletsch Glacier: Everything You Need to Know

Map of swiss natural wonders.

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  • Switzerland
  • 17 Natural Wonders In Switzerland...

18 Natural Wonders in Switzerland That'll Take Your Breath Away

best places to visit in switzerland nature

For such a small country Switzerland , a land of mountains, is spoiled by its spectacular natural scenery. In almost any part of the country, you’ll be treated to view that will take your breath away, and leave a lasting memory. Here, discover the natural wonders that can be found in Switzerland.

1. matterhorn.

Hill Station

Matterhorn, Zermatt, Schweiz

Renowned as the most photographed mountain in the world, the jagged tooth-like Matterhorn is a wonder to behold. At a dizzying 4,478-metres high it’s one of the tallest mountain in the Alps .

2. The Rhine Falls

Natural Feature

The Rhine Falls, Europe’s largest waterfall, is a wall of frothing white foam that thunders from afar as hundreds of cubic feet of water flow over it every single second. Even more impressive are the rocks at its centre which have somehow withstood its erosive power for centuries.

3. Lac Léman

Pretty building on the shores of Lac Leman, or Lake Geneva, in Switzerland

The largest lake in Switzerland, and in the Alps, Lac Léman (also known as Lake Geneva) curves for 73 kilometres from Geneva , on the western border with France , all the way along to the resort town of Montreux. Towering above it are the Alps, making for dramatic views along the breadth of the water’s edge.

4. Jungfraujoch

Train Station

Jungfraujoch, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

5. Lauterbrunnen Valley

This ancient glacial valley is 3 kilometres deep! Its distinctive U-shape makes it easy to imagine the massive glaciers that carved it from the surrounding mountains. Not to mention, a staggering 72 waterfalls line the valley.

people cheering on a mountain

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6. Lake Lucerne

Pretty buildings on the shores of Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

7. Staubbach Falls

Among the many waterfalls in the Lauterbrunnen Valley are the Staubbach Falls, the highest free-falling waterfall in Europe, where the water cascades from 300 metres high.

8. Lake Lugano

Architectural Landmark

High viewpoint of the azure waters of Lake Lugano, on the border of Switzerland and Italy

Bordering with Italy , the glacial Lake Lugano is a lovely stretch of water that is named after the charming city of Lugano, in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. There are boat tours available for visitors, which offer gorgeous trips to places around the lake, including the wonderful historic village of Gandria . It is also notable for having such a large variety of fish, including crayfish, carp and catfish, as well as being the site of fossils dating as far back as the Triassic period. Recommended by Colette Lewis.

9. Aare Gorge

Another glacier carved wonder is Aare Gorge, where the Aare River, fed by glacial run-off, cut through 200 metres of limestone leaving behind a 1.4 kilometre long gorge. Walking along the length of the gorge and running a hand along of the smooth surfaces gives a sense of the power of the natural forces that shaped the surrounding land.

10. Thunersee

Lake Thun, Thunersee, Switzerland

An Alpine lake situated in the heart of the Bernese Oberland, Thunersee is made especially picturesque by the magnificent mountains that surround it and the quaint villages along its banks. The town of Thun , from which the lake takes its name, is worth visiting in order to experience the grand castle and historical medieval Old Town. Also of note are the 12 beautiful churches that occupy the coastline, all dating back to the medieval period. Recommended by Colette Lewis.

11. Trümmelbach Falls

Glacial flow from the nearby Eiger Glacier is responsible for the wonder that is the Trümmelbach Falls, a spectacular network of 72 underground waterfalls. It’s possible to follow the falls through a trail of bridges and tunnels.

12. Lake Constance

Person kayaking on Lake Constance

Situated on the Rhine , and part of Germany and Austria as well as Switzerland, stunning Lake Constance is the third largest lake of central Europe. It contains several picturesque islands, including the lovely Bavarian Lindau. It is also interesting from a political perspective, since there is still debate about where the borders really lie between the three countries it links, and even today there are a number of disputes about which country has the right to fish within certain parts of the lake. Recommended by Colette Lewis.

Lac souterrain St-Léonard

Europe’s largest underground lake is found in Switzerland, along the Rhone valley. On a boat ride you can explore its eerily calm waters .


Other lakes may be larger, but few challenge the Oeschinensee in terms of beauty. Like a mirror, it reflects the surrounding mountain walls that surrounds it, making it perhaps the most photogenic lake in the Alps. One of the great glaciers from the last Ice Age, the Aletsch Glacier stretches for 23 kilometres and is the largest glacier that can be found in Europe today.

Fairies’ Grotto

Carved by thousands of years of erosion, the Fairies’ Grotto in St. Maurice is home to a subterranean lake and a thundering 50 metre high underground waterfall.

Creux de Van

Admire nature’s transformative power at the Creux de Van which looks uncannily like a giant amphitheatre. This 160 metre high curving bowl is also a great place to spot ibex and other wildlife.

Les Grottes de Vallorbe

The floor blends with the ceiling in the Vallorbe Caves as natural limestone stalactites and stalagmites are dotted around this cave complex that follows the course of the Orbe River. Also on show is the “Fairies’ Treasure”, a large collection of minerals and crystals.

Pyramides d’Euseigne

The Earth Pyramids of Euseigne are a veritable wonder. Between 8,000 to 10,000 years old, these earth columns were created during the last Ice Age when the retreating glaciers left behind large rocks that stopped the ground beneath them from eroding.

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Best places to visit in switzerland.

Switzerland is known around the world for its chocolate, cheese, charming towns and scenic landscapes . Everywhere you turn, you're treated to a little bit of history and a little bit of nature's beauty, as well as plenty of mouthwatering cuisine in between. U.S. News considered factors like sights, culture, accessibility and variety of things to do, plus traveler and expert input, to calculate the best places to visit in Switzerland. Peruse the list below, and vote for your favorite spots.

Appenzell District

Jungfrau region.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Interlaken's unique location between two lakes – Lake Brienz and Lake Thun – makes it a breathtaking spot for a vacation. Here, you can spend hours hiking various trails, taking in the castle-studded shores of Lake Thun on a boat cruise or gazing at the surrounding mountains from the Harder Kulm observation deck (accessible via a funicular). To see more of the region's stunning scenery, go for a ride on the Schynige Platte Railway or sign up for a paragliding or skydiving excursion.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Travelers looking to ski or snowboard in the Swiss Alps should head to Zermatt. This small, car-free town in the middle of the Alps is famous for housing one of the world's most famous attractions — the Matterhorn (a peak so popular that it inspired a Disneyland ride) — and Switzerland's highest ski resort. Novice and expert skiers and snowboarders can spend the bulk of their vacation hitting the slopes, which showcase incredible mountain views. After shredding powder, visitors can ride the Gornergrat train, pick up a slab of homemade chocolate from a local shop or savor cheese fondue at a traditional Swiss restaurant.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Picturesque Lucerne sits on Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland, framed by snowcapped mountains and medieval buildings. This beautiful city's old town is home to historic attractions, lively town squares, boutique shops and old churches. Top attractions include the Musegg Wall and its towers (the preserved fortifications date back to the 13th century) and Europe's oldest wooden covered bridge, the must-see Chapel Bridge, which was originally built in the 1330s. Those looking for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure can also ride a cable car to Mount Pilatus for stunning views of Lake Lucerne and plenty of activities at the top.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

This lakefront city on the Swiss-Italian border offers visitors a unique travel experience. Because Lugano shares waters with neighboring Italy, the city features a mix of Swiss and Mediterranean influences in everything from its cuisine to its architecture. Plus, Lugano boasts unforgettable panoramas. Visit Monte San Salvatore and Monte Brè, both of which you can reach by funicular, for bird's-eye views of Lake Lugano and the city. Or, spend a few hours hiking the Olive Grove Trail or strolling the gardens of Ciani Park. If you'd rather lounge on a beach, head to Lido di Lugano.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Zurich is a cosmopolitan financial center, a foodie haven and a romantic European city that appeals to all types of travelers. A vacation here should include spending time admiring Lake Zurich, exploring the trendy bars and Michelin-starred restaurants, meandering through Lindenhof park and exploring the city's distinct neighborhoods. Join well-heeled shoppers (or just admire the window displays) on Bahnhofstrasse, a world-famous exclusive retail boulevard. While here, be sure to sample the famous dark chocolate Champagne truffles from specialty chocolatier Teuscher.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Visit the medieval town of Gruyères if you want to feel as if you've stepped back in time during your next trip. Its good looks (think: car-free cobblestone streets, fountain-filled squares and a 13th-century castle) create an old-world ambiance you're bound to love. Plus, the town is world-renowned for its Gruyère cheese, which you can sample and learn more about at a local cheese dairy or cellar. Sampling chocolate is also a must-do here, so be sure to check out a chocolate factory or attend a chocolate workshop while in town.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Like its neighbor Lugano, Locarno is located in the Ticino region near the Italian border. This quiet, small town is surrounded by stunning scenery (it sits on the shores of Lake Maggiore in the foothills of the Alps), and since it's the warmest destination in Switzerland, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get outdoors and explore. Be sure to stroll through the picture-perfect main square, Piazza Grande, where the city hosts several summer festivals, and trek to Madonna del Sasso, considered sacred among Roman Catholics. Then, head to the Verzasca river valley to swim or bungee jump.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Appenzell captures the essence of Switzerland with rolling hills, a car-free village and well-preserved customs. Visitors can take in the scenic landscape of the Appenzell District (located in the northeastern part of the country) by taking a cable car to the oft-photographed Aescher guest house, picturesquely built into the rock face, or hiking the region's "experience trails" like the Gonten Barefoot Trail and Appenzeller Kapellenweg, which weaves past 11 chapels. Meanwhile, the tiny village of Appenzell boasts quaint, frescoed shops and Museum Appenzell, which highlights the region's traditional crafts, folk music and art.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

You'd be hard-pressed to find a small town that boasts more charm and incredible scenery than Brienz. Located in the stunning Bernese Oberland region, Brienz sits on the northeastern shore of Lake Brienz, which features gorgeous turquoise water and is flanked by towering evergreen mountains. Some of the best ways to soak up the awe-inspiring setting include strolling picture-perfect Brunngasse (often proclaimed the most beautiful street in Europe), riding the Brienz Rothorn Bahn (which traverses a steam rack railway) and taking a boat tour to lake attractions like Giessbach Falls.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Set along the banks of crystal-clear Lake Geneva in western Switzerland, this city is known for its incredible views and as the headquarters of the Red Cross and the United Nations. Geneva is also home to some iconic sights, including the Jet d'Eau (one of the world's tallest water fountains) and an old town with cobblestone streets and picturesque squares. While exploring the latter, be sure to check out the Saint Pierre Cathedral, which features Roman, Gothic and neoclassical details.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

The capital of Switzerland, Bern sometimes gets overlooked for flashier Swiss cities like Zurich and Geneva. But Bern holds many charms, including an old town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) featuring the iconic Zytglogge clock tower, Renaissance-style fountains and a Gothic cathedral with the highest spire in Switzerland. The city also boasts many museums – several dedicated to Albert Einstein, who lived in Bern when developing his theory of relativity. Head to Gurten mountain – which you can reach by funicular, by bike or on foot – for sweeping views of the city below.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

As the largest ski area in central Switzerland, Engelberg is a winter playground, with a long, snowy season for downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding and sledding. But don't sleep on a summertime visit here; warmer months allow for a bevy of fun family activities like a toboggan run, 300-plus miles of hiking trails and water activities on Trübsee lake. Regardless of when you visit, you won't want to miss the TITLIS Rotair, a revolving cable car that takes riders up Mount Titlis, and the other cable lifts that stop at a glacier cave, a panoramic restaurant, and the TITLIS Cliff Walk.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Considered "the birthplace of Alpine winter tourism," St. Moritz welcomes travelers with world-class skiing, swanky hotels, renowned après-ski offerings and top-notch restaurants. In addition to offering downhill skiing trails so highly regarded that the town has hosted the Olympics twice, St. Moritz features excellent spots for cross-country skiing, sledding and winter hikes. Come summertime, the area invites outdoor lovers to golf, bike, hike or enjoy water sports and swimming in the surrounding lakes.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

The Jungfrau Region is the perfect place for first-timers wanting to experience the otherworldly splendor that is the Swiss Alps. But be forewarned: The destination is sky high. Popular attractions like the Jungfraujoch (which features Europe's highest train station), the Grindelwald-First cable car and the First Cliff Walk Presented by Tissot sit at the top of towering peaks. The innovative Eiger Express gondola offers even faster transport to the top (just 15 minutes from Grindelwald). For those who'd rather stick closer to Earth's surface, prioritize a hike on a lower-level valley path and a visit to the Pfingstegg toboggan.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Tourists may not be as familiar with Montreux as they are with its Lake Geneva neighbors, which makes this Swiss town such an undiscovered gem. Quaint Montreux features a waterfront promenade dotted with flowers and trees, a medieval castle and a charming old town, not to mention a statue commemorating Freddie Mercury (Queen recorded multiple albums here from 1978 to 1995). Montreux is also surrounded by vineyards and hosts a popular open-air jazz festival every summer, while the holiday season brings the festive Montreux Noël market.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

Located less than 5 miles from Montreux, Vevey is another Lake Geneva gem. This town's picturesque promenade along the lake is filled with flowers and features a sculpture of Charlie Chaplin, who spent the last 25 years of his life in Vevey. The Alimentarium, a nutrition-focused museum, also adorns the shoreline with its beautiful sandstone building, which once served as the headquarters to Nestlé (the company is still based in Vevey). After admiring the town, visitors can take a cog railway to the scenic Les Pléiades vantage point for its stunning views and the astronomy-centric Astropléiades trail.   

best places to visit in switzerland nature

The second-largest city on Lake Geneva, Lausanne is characterized by its renowned Gothic cathedral and surrounding hilly terrain. The stunning lake views and colorful city center don't hurt, either. Travelers can take in Lausanne's lively atmosphere by checking out the city's cafes, admiring the old town's beautiful architecture and perusing the exhibits at the Olympic Museum. No visit would be complete without venturing outside the city to nearby Lavaux, where you can enjoy wine from vineyards that are so scenic and well-preserved (some date back to the 11th century), the area was deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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  • 7 Most Natural Wonders In Switzerland All World Envy

natural wonders in switzerland

30 Jul 7 Most Natural Wonders In Switzerland All World Envy

  • Written by Christian Schweitzer
  • Categorised awesome articles

Natural Wonders In Switzerland and its nature…a love story already Goethe wrote about. And while we recently discovered the 10 Secret places in Swizterland for Adventurers, today we present you the list of:

7 Swiss Most Natural Wonders In Switzerland

7. matterhorn.

natural wonders in switzerland

Matterhorn – undoubtedly the most famous of all Swiss mountains, maybe of the entire Alpine range. Its characteristic and unique shape make it a true wonder. In fact, thousands of people were attracted by the Matterhorn, in the attempt of conquering its peak. The race started in 1857 mostly with Italian climbers. But despite appearances, the Italian side is harder than the Swiss side. Many expeditions had to turn around, and it was only 8 years later, in 1865 Edward Whymper, Charles Hudson, Lord Francis Douglas, Douglas Robert Hadow, Michel Croz and the two Peter Taugwalders (father and son) were able to reach the summit by an ascent of the Hörnli ridge in Switzerland.

6. Northern Walls of the Jungfrau and Eiger

natural wonders in switzerland

If “The Wall” of Game of Thrones was real, this would be it. Not built by man, but rather by geological forces. This mountain wall is made of various peaks which rank among the highest in Europe. It is also the largest glacier area in whole Europe, making it a really inhospitable place. The night watch might have had fewer problems if this was the wall designed to protect them from the White Walkers.

Nowadays, one of the many Swiss Alpine railways and cablecars have made it unnecessary to challenge the brutal force of nature, but also these peaks have been virgin until the 19th century.

5. Aletsch Glacier

natural wonders in switzerland

Guess what you find in the largest frozen area of Europe? The biggest glacier obviously! And that already makes this glacier, one of the Swiss natural wonders. Aletsch Glacier is 23km long, with a volume of 15,4km 3   and covers 81,7km 2

Since 1870, Aletsch GLacier has retreated 3,2km and has lost 300 meters of its thickness.

But it remains an astonishing view for anyone who gets to see it. And it is a protected UNESCO Natural Heritage since 2001.

4. Lakes of the Upper Engadine

Between Maloja and St. Moritz, the Upper Engadine lake plateau presents itself sometimes almost as a kitschy tableau. Besides the four big lakes (St. Moritz, Silvaplana, Champfèrer, and Silser) a large number of romantic mountain lakes are hidden in the forests.

St. Moritz Lake

Silvaplana lake.

natural wonders in switzerland

Champfèrer Lake

3. lake lucerne.

natural wonders in switzerland

The Swiss country is blessed with an endless water supply, and Lake Lucerne is a good example of it. The surrounding mountains generously offer their clean water to Lake Lucerne, which has become a beloved travel destination. But it is the local community that enjoys the real perks of this wonderful sea, which come with the change of season. Being surrounded by many small and cozy cities, the locals here enjoy a fantastic range of activities as the weather changes.

In Summer, the lake is used for boating, sailing, paddling, scuba diving, and obviously swimming in the cold water and cool down from the warm Summer temperatures.

In Autumn, chestnuts and rusty colors put any mind at ease, feeling in harmony with the surrounding nature.

During Winter the lake doesn’t frost, but if so, the Swiss would definitely play hockey on it. And we would be their proud sponsors once again ! Instead, Winter falls as a charm on the lake, and the locals use this time to ski and snowboard on the surrounding Alps.

While in Spring the lake comes back to life with the colorful alpine flowers and the beautiful emerald green reflections of this season. A Swiss natural wonder that all world envy to this little but pretty country.

2. Oeschinensee

natural wonders in switzerland

Oeschinensee already made it in our list of top 5 best hiking trails in Switzerland for Summer , and for a good reason. It is an Alpine lake like no other. Its crystal clear blu water is a wonder that leaves anyone astonished.

The lake offers many recreational activities, from fishing to mega slides, from swimming to hiking, and is, therefore, a beloved leisure spot for Swiss people.

But while you can expect to enjoy most Swiss mountain lakes in loneliness and peace, be prepared to share the beauty of lake Oeschinensee with other people. It is one of Switzerland’s natural wonders, and the locals have long enjoyed this special place.

1. Rhine Falls

natural wonders in switzerland

The N.1 most astonishing natural wonders in Switzerland all world envy, are the spectacular Rhine Falls. Europeans biggest waterfall is 150 meters wide and 23 meters tall.

Being located in a city, the waterfall offers many different activities.

From restaurants in good view:

To boat tours:

To hiking trails:

Switzerland has many natural wonders worth seeing. Millions of tourists visit our pretty little country, looking for incredible natural scenarios. When on the move in Switzerland, grab some Swiss typical items to enjoy the place just like locals do. For example, the ICON 47 Black is a wonderful backpack to come around in this unique country!

swiss ruigor backpack


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swiss flag in front of the snowy alps at mannlichen in jungfrau region, one of the most beautiful places to visit in switzerland

17 Spectacular Places to Visit in Switzerland (+ Map!)

Nestled in central Europe and dominated by the Alps, the best places to visit in Switzerland are downright sublime.

When it comes to jaw-dropping landscapes, quaint small towns, and enchanting cities that perfectly blend the past, present, and future, nowhere does it quite like Switzerland.

Many people (us included) put off planning trips to Switzerland’s beautiful corners for years because of its deserved reputation for high prices–but the best Swiss travel destinations are so incredible that, while expensive, you never doubt that you’re getting your money’s worth.

To help get you excited about planning your bucket list Switzerland vacation, we’ve worked with several other travel bloggers to round up the most magnificent places in Switzerland to visit!

Whether your dream Swiss trip involves Alpine hiking, lake swimming, skiing, or simply eating lots of fondue while overlooking the mountains, there’s an incredible getaway in Switzerland here for you.

Here are some of the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland!

Table of Contents

Stunning Cities to Visit in Switzerland

Beautiful small villages + mountain towns in switzerland, more of the best places to visit in switzerland, map of the most beautiful places in switzerland to visit.

kate storm in a black dress with the alps in the background on the murren to gimmelwald hike

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From Rachel of Rachel’s Ruminations

Basel is a lovely little city with a historical core that is just perfect for strolling and soaking up the atmosphere.

The houses are simple and charming, some dating to the Middle Ages.

Art dots the streets: fountains, decorative sculpture, and painting on the centuries-old buildings as well as amusing modern art, like the dragon sculpture that breathes actual smoke!

“Reaction ferries” – no motor or sails – carry passengers across the Rhine between the two halves of the city.

If you like to see historical sights, the Romanesque and Gothic Basel Cathedral is one of the best sights in Basel , and climbing the spire to see the view is also worth the effort.

close up of red decor on basel town hall with clock in the center

Three of the original city gates still stand, restored to their medieval glory, and the bright red Rathaus (city hall) is quite a sight too.

The more modern Tinguely fountain is an amusing cross between a fountain and a kinetic sculpture.

The Foundation Beyeler, on the edge of town, houses a truly exceptional collection of modern masterpieces by major artists such as Rothko, Picasso, Monet, and Mondrian. It’s just outside of town but easy to reach.

Basel is a year-round destination, but summer is the best season for enjoying the outdoor attractions and architecture.

However, December brings a different charm: Basel is home to what is widely considered to be the best Christmas market in Switzerland!

view of old town basel, one of the best cities to visit in switzerland, with river in the foreground

From Caroline of Veggie Wayfarer

Snowcapped mountains, half-timbered houses, and a city that seemingly rolls down a hill right into the most pristine lake, upon which steamboats glide to and back from France: this is the storybook city of Lausanne, in the  Vaud-region .

Built atop three hills, the very first thing you will want to bring with you is a good pair of walking shoes. Start at the Lausanne Cathedral for some of the best views over the entire city, walk down the famous wooden staircase ( Escaliers du marché ) into the heart of the city at the  Place de la Palud , which contains a clutch of restaurants and bars as well as the oldest working fountain of the city.

skyline of lausanne switzerland with gothic cathedral prominent

Meander through the tiny streets until you hit  Palais de Rumine , a Renaissance palace well worth a visit.

The buzzing Flon district is great for a night on the town, or grab a drink at Brasserie Montbenon if you are looking for a more intimate setting.

Make your way to Lake Geneva at the foot of Lausanne, where you’ll find a variety of watersports on offer throughout the year.

Time permitting, hop of a steam peddler to Chillon Castle.

On the way make a brief stop at the UNESCO Lavaux vineyards, to try a glass of locally-produced wine.

view of chateau in lausanne with flowers and lake in the foreground, one of the best switzerland cities to visit

From Zoe of Together In Switzerland

For one of the best places to visit in Switzerland, consider booking your next Swiss getaway in Lugano!

Located in the heart of the Italian-speaking Ticino region, Lugano is beautiful to visit all year round.

However, the best time for  Lugano is in the summer , with long warm days and lots of local events in the city.

Since Lugano is well known also for its Lake Lugano, one of the best things to do after exploring and shopping in the city is to get out onto the lake!

You can rent cute red little paddle boats for a minimum of 30 minutes, or else book a larger boat trip that includes sightseeing at some local villages nearby. 

view of lugano city and lake from above

Lugano also is home to two funiculars that you can take up either Mount San Salvatore or Monte Bre.

Both nearby mountains are just above 900 in elevation and both have gorgeous views of the lake and the city of Lugano.

Summer is especially beautiful at each top mountain as they both have a restaurant serving drinks and food late into the night.

From there, you can see the sunset from above as well as watch the city light up in the darkness. 

If you’re visiting Switzerland in the summer, it’s also a must to bring your swimsuit to Lugano as you should not leave without swimming in the lake!

There are a few dedicated swimming areas to choose from, such as at Lido Riva Caccia right in the city center. 

paddleboats parked near the shore in lugano, one of the most beautiful places switzerland

From Kristin of Global Travel Escapades

When looking for the best travel destinations in Switzerland, you won’t want to miss the lakeside city of Geneva.

The city is in the French-speaking region of Switzerland and is located right next to the border of France, not far from Annecy.

In addition to being a beautiful city with lots of French-style architecture, Geneva’s location along Lake Geneva makes it an ideal Swiss city to visit.

The most iconic attraction in Geneva is the Jet d’eau Geneve, a 140m tall water jet in the middle of Lake Geneva.

Jet d'eau Geneve in geneva swizterland near sunset

After seeing the fountain, you can walk along the harbor and admire the colorful flower clock in the nearby Jardin Anglais.

The flower clock features over 6,500 flowers that create the watch’s face.

No trip to Geneva would be complete without paying a visit to Palais de Nations.

You’ll see the flag of each country that is part of the United Nations!

So if you’re looking for places to visit in Switzerland, consider Geneva, and make sure you visit during the summer months to minimize your chances of rainy weather!

view of lake geneva and the city from saint pierre cathedral in geneva, one of the best places in switzerland to visit

From Dymphe of Dym Abroad

One of the best places to visit in Switzerland is the picturesque city of Lucerne.

Whether you are spending  one day in Lucerne  or enjoying a longer trip, this German-speaking city nestled along the River Reuss is a beautiful travel destination.

One of the best things to do in Lucerne is to visit the Kapellbrücke, a covered pedestrian wooden bridge that spans the river in the city that dates back to the 14th century.

The Kapellbrücke has unique architecture and there are historic interior paintings that are very interesting to see.

chapel bridge in lucerne, one of the most beautiful cities in switzerland to visit

If you like the Kapellbrücke, the Spreuer Bridge is another must-see!

Other top attractions in central Lucerne include climbing the towers along the Musegg Wall for incredible views of the city and Lake Lucerne and visiting the Swiss Museum of Transport .

Another one of the best things to do in Lucerne is to spend time on Lake Lucerne to enjoy spectacular views of the mountains. You can ride the ferry or go swimming in the summer.

While visiting Lucerne, don’t miss the chance to head up to Mount Pilatus , either–not only are the views incredible but getting to the top includes riding the steepest cog railway in the world!

view of tower and lake lucerne from musegg walls, one of the best things to do in lucerne

From Sarah of CosmopoliClan

Nestled amidst rolling green hills and hugged by the crystal-clear Aare river, lies the city of Bern.

It’s the political epicenter of Switzerland with the Bundeshaus as the seat of the Swiss Parliament.

Bern’s picturesque Old Town may be compact, this UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site has a lot offer.

Visiting the Zytglogge, or Clock Tower, is one of the most popular of  things to do in Bern .

This landmark featuring a bear parade, golden rooster and time god Chronos as it strikes the hour, seems to come straight out of a story book.

As you stroll the elegant flag-lined streets of Bern, you’ll notice the many colorfully decorated water fountains.

historic center of bern switzerland street lined with flags and clock tower in the distance

Other architectural highlights are the stately arcades and the vaulted cellars that guarantee a pleasant shopping or dining experience regardless of the weather.

For a wonderful view over the city, climb the 312 steps to the viewing platform of the Bern Minster. This cathedral has the highest spire in all of Switzerland.

Behind it, you’ll find the Mattelift which will take you to the lower-level Matte district with its artistic flair and half-timbered houses.

From there, you can cross the Aare river to the Bärengraben where you can meet some of the city’s most famous residents: the bears.

The legend goes that the Duke who founded Bern would name the city after the first animal he encountered while hunting and that happened to be a bear.

End your visit at the Rosengarten park and take in the most spectacular panoramic view over the Altstadt and the white mountain peaks of the Bernese Oberland.

aerial view of bern surrounded by aare river, one of the most interesting switzerland cities to visit

From Emma of Travel on a Time Budget

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland , with no shortage of things to do.

It’s also a beautiful city, with the Limmat River flowing through the old town and Lake Zurich at one end, surrounded by mountain peaks.

Among the best things to do in Zurich is to spend some time in the historic old town.

This has picturesque cobbled streets and squares to wander through, with beautiful churches, wonderful cafes and restaurants, and a 17th-century renaissance town hall.

Boat trips run along the river and around the lake; the ferry stops at Zurichhorn for the chance to walk around the park and visit the small pretty Chinese Garden with its lake and colorful temples.

Zurich also has a number of fascinating museums to visit.

These include the Swiss National Museum, the Lindt Home of Chocolate Museum , the Rietberg Art Museum, and the FIFA World Cup Museum dedicated to the history of football.

For visitors looking for some relaxation, there is the rooftop thermal pool at the Thermalbad and Spa that provides views out across the city.

view of zurich switzerland from above in the summer, one of the best places to go in switzerland

Zurich is a wonderful place to visit at any time of year.

The summer months are perfect for walking around the lake or dipping in the water in one of the city’s lidos.

In the winter, there is skiing in the nearby mountains and ice skating in the city.

The city’s streets are lit up, and there are cozy cafes to pop into to warm up with the local fondue. At Christmas, the city hosts several markets.

Though deservedly famous for being expensive, Zurich has a range of accommodations to suit most Switzerland-friendly budgets.

The Hotel Montana near the main train station is ideal for short city breaks.

For more luxury, The Dolder Grand , with its hilltop setting, complete with an ice rink in winter, is a great option. 

central zurich decorated for christmas at night with a tram running down the street

From Megan of Megan & Aram

Interlaken, also known as the “Adventure Capital of Switzerland”, is a gorgeous place that can be visited in any season!

There are so many things you can do regardless of whether  you visit in winter   or summer… you just need to dress appropriately for the weather.

Go kayaking on beautiful Lake Brienz in all seasons, and relax on the beach after a swim session in the summer.

Interlaken has many fantastic hiking trails to choose from, and some of the most popular ones are Oberburghorn or Hardergrat.

You can take the funicular up the mountain to the Harder Kulm viewpoint, where you can enjoy the stunning views and dine at the Panorama Restaurant.

people standing on observation deck overlooking interlaken, one of the top travel destinations switzerland

To see the countryside from another perspective, take a hot air balloon ride!

And for even more views, take Europe’s highest railway to Jungfraujoch, where you will get breathtaking views from an elevation of nearly 3,500 m (about 11,500 ft).

You will never get tired of the spectacular scenery no matter how many viewpoints you go to!

Travel back in time by visiting the following fairytale-like places: St. Beatus Caves, a cave system over a kilometer long where legend says St. Beatus ousted a dragon living there in the 6th century; the medieval Thun Castle; or the charming village of Grindelwald.

Interlaken is a must-visit location in Switzerland and should be added to every itinerary!

historic center of interlaken with river in the foreground

From Paul D’Souza of Paulmarina.com

Mürren  is a beautiful, small village in the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland.

Situated at 5400 feet (ca. 1,646 m) above sea level, this car-free village can only be accessed by cable car or mountain train.

Visitors can get there within 10 minutes from Stechelberg with the Schilthornbahn or take the iconic mountain train via Grütschalp to travel to Mürren within 20 minutes.

The views from Mürren are beyond stunning and will enthrall every nature and mountain-loving traveler.

Mürren and the Schilthorn peak came to fame thanks to a James Bond movie. Take the cable car further up to Birg and Schilthorn to discover Bond World and enjoy brunch in the Piz Gloria rotating restaurant.

people walking through central murren switzerland in the summer

From there you can spot the Mönch, Jungfrau, and Eiger peaks.

Adventure lovers will enjoy the Brig Via Ferrata trail, a rock climbing, zip lining, and tight rope walking trail further down.

Every season is beautiful and has its perks in Mürren, but the warmer months are more suitable to go hiking and paragliding.

Skiing and snowshoe walking are popular winter activities in the area.

A winter wonderland awaits you from December to March with plenty of snow and snow-dusted Swiss mountains.

ranger storm sitting on a stump in murren switzerland with alps visible behind him

From Dean and Laynni of Routinely Nomadic

Home to the world-famous Matterhorn, Zermatt has long been one of the most popular tourist destinations in Switzerland.

So, yes, it can get very busy. But the fabulous mountain scenery more than makes up for that.

While the iconic Matterhorn dominates the skyline, the town is completely surrounded by impressive mountains and fantastic viewpoints, many of which are accessible by cable car .

Truly a year-round destination, Zermatt is one of the top skiing destinations in Switzerland in the winter, while in summer it attracts outdoor enthusiasts from all over to enjoy mountain biking, rock climbing, paragliding, white-water rafting, and, of course, hiking.

If you have your heart set on seeing the Matterhorn , try to give yourself a few days in Zermatt in order to increase your odds of clear weather.

hiking trail in zermatt switzerland with matterhorn in the background, one of the most beautiful places in switzerland to visit

Along with a wide variety of gorgeous day hikes, Zermatt serves as the start or end point of the incredible  Walker’s Haute Route , a phenomenal 2-week hut-to-hut trek through the Alps that is arguably the best long-distance hike in Europe.

Secluded at the top of a picturesque valley, Zermatt is closed to vehicles (except for electric hotel and work shuttles), making it a wonderful place to wander on foot.

While long-time visitors to Zermatt lament the ever-growing number of hotels, restaurants, and retail stores, they make it a very easy place to have fun and every new building still conforms to the town’s classic ski town vibe.

Those looking for a luxury stay with amazing Matterhorn views should check out the Europe Hotel & Spa , although there are practically endless Zermatt accommodation options to fit most budgets.

view of zermatt from above at dusk with matterhorn in the background, one of the best places to visit in switzerland

Baden, Switzerland

By Nina of Nina Out and About

Baden is the spa capital of Switzerland, yet most people have never heard of it.

Unlike Bath in the UK, Baden has remained off the beaten paths for tourists, and even most  expats who live in Switzerland .

Baden is a small town located in Aargau, about 20 minutes by train from Zurich.

It’s routinely confused with Baden-Baden in Germany (even when you try to buy a ticket to visit). But don’t be fooled: it does exist!

Baden’s claim to fame is the natural springs that have made it a popular spa destination for centuries.

The most well-known is the Friedensquelle (“Peace Spring”), but there are several others to explore as well.

baden switzerland with river in the foreground, one of the beautiful small towns in switzerland

In addition to its spas, Baden is also home to a beautiful old town with plenty of shops and restaurants. There’s also an interesting museum dedicated to the history of the town’s springs.

You can try out the hot springs for free along the riverside.

There’s a bench with a trough of natural hot water that you can put your feet in while you enjoy a hot chocolate or takeaway pastry.

The spa inside has evening and early morning discounted tickets, which will allow you to enjoy the spa when it’s nearly empty.

If you’re looking for a relaxing day trip from Zurich to one of the most underrated places to visit in Switzerland, Baden is the perfect place to head.

The best time to visit Baden is in the spring or summer when the weather is warm and you can enjoy all the town has to offer.

view of the center of baden switzerland from above in the summer


From Martha of May Cause Wanderlust

Lauterbrunnen is a village at the base of the stunningly beautiful Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Bernese Oberland region, and it is indisputably one of the absolute best places to visit in Switzerland!

It is the epicentre of this bucolic area, which boasts of pretty waterfalls, steep snow-capped mountains and quaint wooden chalets, and there are plenty of  things to do in Lauterbrunnen  and the surrounding area.

In the village itself, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to scenery. On either side of the village, there are green hillsides dotted with chalets and sheer cliff faces.

The stunningly delicate and impossibly tall Staubbach Falls seem to be falling on the village – although they are actually just a short walk outside it.

village of lauterbrannen switzerland with waterfall visible on the right

And the best view of all is southward across the village towards Lauterbrunnen Church.

Looking in this direction, you see the pretty church steeple flanked on either side by the steep valley walls and the Staubach Falls, with the snow-capped peaks of the Alps behind them.

It is so picture perfect, it almost doesn’t feel real!

To explore the countryside around Lauterbrunnen, there are hiking and cycling trails, and you can also take trains and/or cable cars to the neighbouring car-free alpine villages of Mürren and Wengen.

You can also take a series of trains from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfraujoch for an up-close look at one of Switzerland’s remarkable glaciers.

For a reasonably affordable stay, with good food and a chance of gorgeous views from your room, check out the Hotel Oberland .

lauterbrunnen valley from above as seen via switzerland train ride

From Marianne of Pasta, Pretzels & Passports

Located approximately 25 kilometres southwest of Lucerne, in the heart of a UNESCO biosphere reserve, lies the picturesque town of Entlebuch.

Covering a 22-square-mile area, the town is home to only 3,300 people.

But don’t let its size fool you! Entlebuch is one of the prettiest towns you will ever see.

And if you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, climbing, or canoeing, then this town is definitely one of the best places to visit in Switzerland.

Entlebuch offers more than 60 kilometers of well-marked hiking trails.

You can also choose one of the 13 loop trails that wind through gorgeous forests, along clear rivers, and through mountain meadows.

hiking path through tiny village in switzerland on sunny summer day

But if you are looking for something truly unique, head over to  Stillaub Lama  where you can go Lama-Trekking with a guided tour! Enjoy an incredible hike accompanied by llamas.

If canoeing is something that interests you, the Canoe Club in Entlebuch offers canoe rentals or even guided excursions.

Paddle along the scenic Emme (Emmenuferweg) river between Hasle and Entlebuch.

And although summer is an incredible time to visit Entlebuch, if you like winter activities, the town has plenty to offer at that time of the year as well.

From snowshoeing to winter hiking, cross-country and downhill skiing, you won’t find a more scenic location.

And after an exhilarating day of exploring this incredible area, head back to town where you will find several excellent restaurants serving local cuisine.

church with steeple in the alps of entlebuch switzerland

From Trijit of Budget Travel Buff

On the banks of Lake Geneva stands the charming resort city of Montreux, which happens to be one of the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland.

The town looks out over the entrancing splendor of the surrounding countryside as it lies peacefully tucked away within the Swiss Alps.

The architecture of the historic cities and the ancient castles of Montreux has made it a place worth exploring.

The ideal months to visit Montreux are from April to October, but you’ll also find a charming Swiss Christmas market here in December!

The French-speaking Vaud region of Switzerland, which stretches from Lausanne to Montreux, is the heart of the Swiss Riviera and has a distinct Mediterranean character.

The lakeside resorts provide a surreal view of the lush green landscape, where you can unwind.

It’s one of Switzerland’s most picturesque locations due to its gorgeous lakeside location, expansive vineyards, and mountains, hills, and valleys.

woman leaning over a rail overlooking montreux and lake geneva, some of the best places to visit in switzerland bucket list

Take a relaxing boat trip on Lake Geneva to take in the beauty of the surrounding landscape and the lakefront villages.

You can visit the Freddie Mercury statue, wander along the Old Town’s streets, and circle the Montreux Lake.

It is unusual to visit Switzerland without trying  Swiss chocolate , the country’s most well-known delicacy.

The chocolate train on the Montreux-Berner Oberland Railway is devoted to the world’s most delicate temptation.

The famous Château de Chillon, which is about a 30-minute walk from Montreux, is another reason to visit.

This 13th-century fortress comes from the Middle Ages and features a beautiful view of the lake.

Château de Chillon as seen from across lake geneva with a path and flowers in the foreground

From Michelle C. of Intentional Travelers

When it comes to beautiful places in Switzerland to add to your bucket list, nothing compares to the Alps.

Nendaz, a small ski resort town up in the mountains, is popular for both winter and summer activities.

Arrive via train to Sion, in the valley, and then take a Postbus up to town.

The drive up the winding mountain road is a beautiful initiation to the area with spectacular views.

In the summer and fall, there are great hikes leaving from town so be sure to pack  walking shoes !

nendaz switzerland with bernese alps looming behind the town

Several of the trails in the region follow along the “ bisses ,” or old waterways, in and out of small villages and farms, through the hills and forests.

The ski lift to Tracouet’s Black Lake provides another panoramic perspective and more hiking trails.

The vacation rental options in Nendaz are abundant, although many of the hotels close in the shoulder season (fall).

Staying in Haute (“high”) Nendaz not far from the Tourist Office is best for easy access to restaurants, grocery stores, bus stops, and the ski lift.

Nendaz can also be a good base for day trips to other excellent Switzerland travel destinations like Sion, Martigny, Zermatt, and even places a little further like Spiez, Interlaken, and Bern.

cable cars rising above nendaz, one of the best mountain towns in switzerland

Ascona, Switzerland

From Giorgy of G-Extreme Travel

The small lakeside town of Ascona is located in Ticino, the sunny, warmest, and most charming place in Switzerland.

Indeed, it boasts more than 300 days of sunshine a year and its mild climate makes it a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.

There are always plenty of delightful things to do in Ascona, regardless of the time of year.

From hiking to discovering the holy Monte Verità, and from soaking in the Maggia or Verzasca Valley surrounded by magical waterfalls to visiting historical museums such as Castello san Materno, Galleria Borgo, and Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna.

ascona switzerland with lake in the foreground and town visible in the background

And, of course, the Ascona lido is always tempting in the summer.

Don’t forget to walk along the famous lungolago, where there are plenty of restaurants offering delicious Italian cuisine.

From this promenade, you can take an electric train around Ascona to discover the local attractions.

Or, you can take a boat to Brissago Island in the middle of Lake Maggiore letting you live an exciting story of only Switzerland’s Botanical Garden on the island.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing vacation or an action-packed getaway, this little hidden gem is an incredible Switzerland travel destination to add to your bucket list!

black and red sign reading "i heart ascona" near lake shore

Bernina Express

It’s hard to say whether a train ride counts as a Switzerland travel destination–but then again, trains in Switzerland are a bit more exciting than just about anywhere else.

Famous for being one of the most spectacular train rides in the world, the Bernina Express runs from Chur, Switzerland to Tirano, Italy, covering truly spectacular scenery along the way!

Featuring nearly 200 bridges and more than 50 tunnels along the way, this 4-hour scenic journey definitely belongs on your Switzerland bucket list.

Dramatic views of the Alps, glaciers, the soaring bridges, and more are waiting to be enjoyed through panoramic windows.

Be sure to book this Swiss travel experience in advance–the train is deservedly popular, and gets booked up quickly!

bernina express entering tunnel over landwasser viaduct, one of the most beautiful places in switzerland

Schynige Platte

From Amela of Stay Wild Travels

If you’re heading to the Jungfrau Region in Switzerland, then visiting the summit of  Schynige Platte  is a must.

In order to get there, you’ll need to hop on board the Schynige Platte-Bahn, an old-fashioned, historic railway that leaves from the small village of Wilderswill which is not too far from Interlaken.

It chugs slowly up the mountainside and offers fantastic views, which is an incredible experience in itself.

Once you’ve arrived at the summit, you’ll find a plethora of hiking trails, a restaurant and a botanical alpine garden, to name a few.

historic red cogwheel train approaching schynige platte with alps in the background, one of the most beautiful places in switzerland vacation

The most popular hiking trail is the Panorama Trail. As the name suggests, this offers unmatched views over the Jungfrau Region, including the three major peaks in the area: Jungfrau, Mönch and Eiger.

You’ll be able to visit Schynige Platte from the end of May to the end of October.

Those looking for a traditional stay among the mountains are in luck, as the restaurant also offers doubles up as a popular hotel .

The rooms are quaint with Swiss décor and offer picture-perfect mountain views.

It’s worth noting that Swiss Travel Pass holders receive a discount on the trip, and Jungfrau Pass holders have a visit included with their card.

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2 photos of swiss travel destinations, black and red text reads "17 spectacular places switzerland"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

2 thoughts on “17 Spectacular Places to Visit in Switzerland (+ Map!)”

One place that should be a must to visit when in Switzerland is the Rheinfall (Rhinefall) near Schaffhausen which also is a beautiful town. It is less then 1 hour from Zurich. PS: A small typo, the river in Lucerne is called Reuss, not Neuss

Thanks, Thomas, I’ll get that fixed. 🙂

And yes, I hear the falls are supposed to be gorgeous!

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20 Beautiful Places to Discover in Switzerland

The landlocked European country is known for its attractive cities, which are ski-chic, and famously idyllic mountain scenery, complete with cuckoo-clock houses and bell-adorned cows—Switzerland is still a place where you can imagine Heidi skipping through the Alpine meadows!

From my many visits to this breathtaking country, here are my favourite beauty spots…

1. Lake Geneva

Switzerland is often called the country of mountains and lakes – it harbours around 1500 lakes, and I think all are beautiful! My favourite, though (and many others!), is Lake Geneva, the largest lake in the Swiss Alps and the second-largest freshwater body in Central Europe.

It fascinates with its pristine beauty and apparent waters and has even been compared with a mirror! This natural mirror reflects picture-postcard mountain peaks, vineyards, tall spruces, buildings, and medieval castles scattered across the slopes.

You can even go on a beach holiday here, where you sunbathe whilst admiring snow-capped mountains!

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Zurich old town

Located on the northern shores of the eponymous lake, Zurich wins hearts with a magnificent panorama of the snow-covered Alps on the horizon.

The city centre is bristling with tourist attractions, sights, and exciting things to do – more than 50 museums, 100 art galleries, boutiques, and a vibrant nightlife will keep you pretty busy.

Architecture lovers will appreciate centuries-old buildings adorned with fresco paintings and plants in flowerpots. When visiting the Old Town of Zurich, I suggest looking closely at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Europe’s most prominent clock face!

If you prefer recreational activities outside of city confines, you can boat on the lake or hike along the scenic Uetliberg Mountain trails.

3. Lucerne and Lake Lucerne

Lucerne - the prettiest places to visit in Switzerland

Lucerne, located at the foothills of picture-perfect Mount Pilatus, is a quintessentially Swiss city beloved by many visitors. It is home to traditional town squares, historic buildings, painted facades, and narrow cobbled streets lined with shops selling traditional goods.

The gorgeous city is also famous for its beautifully preserved medieval bridges, one of which dates back to 1333. There are many things to see and do in Lucerne; add extra visiting time for the picturesque Lake Lucerne.

It’s a vast, irregularly shaped lake encircled by towering mountains – an area often said to be similar to Norway’s famous fjords.

4. Swiss National Park

Swiss National Park

Switzerland has only one national park, but this one is pretty special, and I’m a huge fan! It is located in the Western Rhaetian Alps in eastern Switzerland and is part of the UNESCO biosphere reserve.

It’s home to beautiful scenery, wildlife, and 80 kilometres of paths that allow visitors to explore the carefully preserved alpine environment. Expect to see winding, wild, azure rivers, stunning peaks, and dense areas of beautiful alpine forest.

5. Chateau de Chillon

Lake Geneva is one of the world’s most famously beautiful lakes, but if you want to crank up the fairytale factor, head for Chateau de Chillon . This medieval castle lords over Lake Geneva from its rock island, offering gorgeous views inside and out.

The remarkably well-preserved castle displays over a thousand years of history, and the building has inspired the works of famed writers Jeans-Jacque Rosseau and Lord Byron—if you visit, you’ll see why!

6. Zermatt and the Matterhorn

Beautiful Matterhorn and Zermatt

This is Switzerland’s highest ski resort in southern Switzerland’s Valais canton. Zermatt is a car-free Alpine village famous for its picture-postcard prettiness and close location to the imposing Matterhorn.

The steep slopes of this famous mountain once intimidated hikers from even attempting to scale it. Since the first successful attempt in 1865, many more brave mountaineers have reached the top of the famed mountain.

I love this place, but this kind of scenery comes at a price – accommodation in Zermatt is among the most expensive in the country! 

Bern - best places to go in Switzerland

There are many stunning cities in this country, but I personally think Bern, which is located near the country’s centre, stands out! It’s Switzerland’s capital but one of Europe’s smallest capitals. Bern’s Old Town’s medieval streets are particularly scenic and have earned them a UNESCO World Heritage status .

It’s a compact, relaxed city where time moves slowly, and the locals don’t seem nearly as busy as in other cities.

Expect to see covered arcades, whimsical fountains, cobbled streets, world-class galleries, fantastic urban swimming, and traditional architecture, all framed by rolling hills and the glacial Aare River. 

Pretty town of Wengen Switzerland

The Alpine village in the Bernese Oberland region is seriously picturesque! Wengen is an impossibly perfect example of an Alpine village where traditional timber chalets cling to the slopes of the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

It’s been developed into a car-free resort town with an exclusive upscale feel and a fine collection of belle époque hotels. In winter, the high altitude and gorgeous scenery attract a discerning skiing crowd; in fact, Wengen has so many skiers at this time that its population has increased almost tenfold.

9. Lake Oeschinen

Located in Switzerland’s Kander Valley, this stunning lake is fed by the glacial brooks of three surrounding mountains.

It’s a beautiful and tranquil spot where nature lovers come to swim, row, hike, and – in winter – ride the 3.5-kilometer-long toboggan run, which travels from the lake to the gondola station.

The surrounding area is also known for its rich flora and fauna – orchids, gentian, edelweiss, and herds of grazing sheep and cows all call this place home.

10. Interlaken

Interlaken in Switzerland

This is a traditional resort town located between two Alpine Lakes. However, it’s not so much the town that has earned itself a place on this list as the surrounding area—Interlaken follows the footsteps of the most beautiful alpine range in the country and arguably the whole world.

The scenery is breathtaking, with snowcapped mountains sprinkled with waterfalls, glacial lakes, and lush green alpine meadows. It’s also the main transport gateway to the region’s mountains and lakes, making it an excellent base for exploring.

Expect stunning mountains, dense forests, alpine meadows, and glaciers, which are great for hiking and skiing.

11. St Moritz

St Moritz - a glitzy alpine resort town

One of the oldest ski resorts in the world, it is the highlight of the Engadin Valley and tends to attract a well-heeled crowd. While its counterparts often suffer from unpredictable weather, St. Moriz boasts 322 sunny days yearly.

This is likely why royal dynasties, politicians, billionaires, and celebrities prefer St. Moriz as a resort of their choice. The high cost puts many people off St. Moritz, but those who get here benefit from a kind of ski’ business class’. Skiing (sledging, snowboarding, and cross-country skiing) is the best reason to visit these parts, but not the only one.

St. Moritz-Bad is a famous health resort with many spas, thermal pools, massage salons, beauty parlours, mud baths, and saunas.

Beautiful views of Brienz Switzerland

Brienz is a traditional village located near Interlaken, surrounded by towering mountains and on the shores of the brilliant turquoise Lake Brienz. It deserves a special mention.

For a touch of romance, head for Brunngasse, which was once awarded the title of the most beautiful street in Europe. Here, most of the houses are wood-carved and date back to the 18th century, giving them a chocolate box prettiness.

13. Villars-Sur-Ollon

Villars Switzerland

Sitting on the sunlit southern terrace in the Rhone Valley, the gorgeous upscale resort town of Villars-sur-Ollon offers breathtaking views of the Dan du Midi, Mont Blanc massif, and Lake Geneva.

The world-famous ski resort boasts 25 kilometres of premier snow slopes and 44 kilometres of cross-country ski trails. Besides that, it has three snowparks, a snow kindergarten, sledging hills, and numerous winter hiking trails, not to mention the lively après ski activities! 

I would also recommend trying out one of my many wellness centres in the thermal spring area. In summer, the main activities of Villars-sur-Ollon are hiking, mountain biking, and golf.

You can explore over 300 km of marked trekking routes and 150 km of mountain bike trails. One of the most exciting routes leads to the pretty mountain lakes Lac de Chavonne, Lac de Bretaye, and Lac Noir.

14. Grindelwald


One of Switzerland’s most famous ski resorts, Grindelwald, sits in the shadow of three magnificent peaks: Jungfrau (4158 m above sea level), Mönch (4099 m), and Eiger (3970 m).

Nature skillfully crafted this one-of-a-kind landscape consisting of steep rocks, neat plateaus, and gentle slopes. No place in Central Europe has glaciers so close to the valley, and they are easily accessible for snow enthusiasts.

Besides skiing, you can explore the mysterious Blue Ice Grotto and the sublime Glacial Canyon, just a stone’s throw from Grindelwald. However, in my opinion, the main highlight of this place is the cogwheel railway nestling on the summit of the Kleine Scheidegg Mountain.


Divided in half by the Rhine River, Basel, the third-largest Swiss city, proudly sits between Germany and France . It owes its cultural diversity and bizarre mixture of architectural styles to this unique geographical position.

This is perhaps the only place on Earth where you can travel to another country (more precisely, to two foreign countries) by tram! 

If you focus only on Basel’s centre, you’ll have much to see and do. Head to the market square with its richly embellished government buildings and the Gothic cathedral to soak in history or visit one of the 40 local museums – concrete proof that Basel is a city of arts.

16. Lake Constance

Lake Constance Switzerland

Situated at 400 meters in northeastern Switzerland, this lake is known as Lake Constance, Bodensee, and the Swabian Sea.

The vast reservoir, about 65 kilometres long, is the third-largest lake in Europe. Thanks to its enormous size, it washes the shores of three countries – Switzerland, Germany, and Austria.

The picture-perfect landscape around the lake is a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Water sports, hiking, roller-skating, and biking activities lure tourists worldwide. While you are here, I highly recommend cruising across the azure waters! 

17. Seebergsee


The Seebergsee Lake,  in the canton of Bern, seems almost like a pond compared to other Swiss lakes. However, while being inferior to its counterparts in size, it is not defective in beauty.

This oasis of tranquillity offers several routes for cyclists and backpackers running across ravishing green foothills. Picturesque grassy landscapes framing the lake are ideal for picnics, sunbathing, and chilling out.

Feel free to plunge into these calm waters and swim across the lake (remember to keep safe!). Afterwards, you can climb cliffs, lending epic views of the Seebergee and the surrounding mountain terrains.

18. Jungfraujoch


A journey to Jungfraujoch Mountain is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who love mountain peaks, clear air, crystal clear sky, and chilling wind. You can get there by the cog railway Jungfrau, running 9 km from the Kleine Scheidegg pass to Jungfraujoch.

By the way, the Jungfraujoch station, housed at 3454 meters above sea level, is the highest in Europe. It offers fantastic panoramic views of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau mountain peaks and the longest glacier in the Alps.

Spend a few minutes enjoying these divine views and then plunge through a tunnel to reach the Ice Palace, which exhibits an extensive collection of ice sculptures. Afterwards, you can climb the Sphinx observation terrace or stroll along the Alpine Sensation circular underground walk.


Spiez is a small town in the picturesque bay of Lake Thun. The city is charming in the summer, filled with lush greenery and flowers. Unlike many other cities in Switzerland, Spiez does not have an ancient core—except for an old castle dotted with small but lovely low-rise buildings.

However, the local nature is worth visiting Spitz on your trip to Switzerland. The skyy waters of Lake Thun are surrounded by the towering Swiss Alps, which carefully protect the lake from calm winds.

The stunning greenery of Swiss nature and vineyards complement the blue-ish colour palette. I suggest trying the local wineries’ products—they’re delicious!

20. Appenzell


This pretty region is a place where traditional Swiss culture and tradition are still very much alive! Although it’s only 66 square miles in size, it’s packed with charm and cultural richness!

Protected by the surrounding mountains, gorgeous villages dot the rolling hills, and historical pastimes like folk music and traditional dancing are still a regular occurrence here! 

25 thoughts on “20 Beautiful Places to Discover in Switzerland”

I couldn’t agree more, Switzerland really is an unbelievable country! Amazing that a country so small has so much unbelievable nature and scenery. Thanks for the tips for spots to check out!

What a great place! I really want to go now, it look likes heaven!


Wonderful pics!

What a beautiful country, would love to visit one day!

I have to agree with this list, personally I really love Bern, Lucern, Zermatt and the Oeschinensee. You really shouldn’t miss this, when you are in Switzerland.

What a stunning list of places to visit in Switzerland! I have to admit, Switzerland was one of our favorite places to visit, there is beauty everywhere you look!

Some of these places don’t even look real!! Gorgeous post.

Happy travels 🙂

Great Switzerland views!

I went on a road trip to Switzerland last year, obviously I missed out on Zermatt, but I would absolutely like to confirm that Interlaken deserves being on this list. Easily my favourite place of the ones I stayed at on my trip 🙂

Bloody expensive country though, yikes! (And I’m from Norway!)

Gorgeous! Interlaken is on my list. I traveled Switzerland a lot ten years ago, but somehow missed that part!

Hi Tiana, it’s a place on my list too!

Switzerland is overwhelming!

Thanks Walter, will check those out. It’s definitely a photogenic country!

Gorgeous photos, of course, Switzerland looks like one of those destinations where it would be almost impossible to take an unattractive photo, but these are great. The only thing that stops me from adding Switz. to my European must-go list is that it is one of the most expensive countries on planet Earth to visit, so maybe someday when I win that lottery…

Yes shame that beauty comes at a price!

omg they all looks so perfect!

That is very nice post and switzerland is the place I so want to go at least one time in my life . Have number of friends there with their families so I dont’ think so I will have any problem for accommodation there.

Switzerland is one of those places I never got to explore 🙁 But this listing is very inspirational!

Thanks Rebecca! 🙂

WOW! Looks fab! I love the photos!!

Gorgeous! I’m dreaming up schemes to get myself to Switzerland now.

Beautiful post! We were up in the Lauterbrunnen/Wengen area and it is just gorgeous. A few of our own photos to add to yours: http://bbqboy.net/lauterbrunnen-and-the-berner-oberland-switzerland/ Nice blog! Frank (bbqboy)

I would add Canton Ticino, on the southern part of Switzerland. Great places between mountains and lakes, good food and some sun. http://www.ticino.ch/en/

I would add Gstaad as well – Beautiful little village with lots to do around

Thanks Raj! 🙂

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best places to visit in switzerland nature

6 staggering natural wonders in Switzerland


Recently updated on July 10th, 2023 at 11:57 am

It’s fair to say that when natural beauty was being assigned, this small country in the heart of Europe was given an extra sprinkle of glorious landscapes and alpine beauty. Legendary mountains, dramatic waterfalls, scenic hikes, and turquoise lakes, need we say more? Many travellers visit Switzerland for snow-capped alps and a peek at the peak, but aside from the iconic Matterhorn there are many more examples of awe-inspiring Switzerland nature just waiting to be discovered here.

GET INSPIRED: Experience the Best of Switzerland with Trafalgar

best places to visit in switzerland nature

The Ruinaulta

The Ruinaulta is, hands down, one of the most incredible natural wonders you can experience when you’re looking for Switzerland nature. Known by a few different names, including the Rhine Gorge and ‘The Swiss Grand Canyon’, this marvel was formed over 10,000 years ago when an intense rockslide occurred in the Anterior Rhine Valley. During the warmer months, eager adventurers looking for things to do in Switzerland head to the Ruinaulta for biking, hiking, and even kayaking or rafting along the gorge’s sapphire-coloured river.

To truly appreciate the scope of this landscape, hike through the Flims forest to the Il Spir observation platform, where you will be met with dizzying panoramic views over the canyon. The only view that could possibly compare to this is from a window seat on the Glacier Express. Travelling directly through the canyon, this rail journey is surely one of the world’s most beautiful, providing an opportunity for travellers to escape the elements and soak in the view of one of Switzerland’s most celebrated natural spaces in absolute comfort.

RELATED CONTENT: 5 jaw-dropping places to visit in contemporary Switzerland


The Rhine Falls

Surprise, surprise. Europe’s biggest waterfall is in Switzerland, and the sheer power of Rheinfall will take your breath away. Also known as The Rhine Falls, this impressive waterfall spans over 150 metres, spilling over a 21-metre-high ledge into the thundering Rhine River. Want to get a closer look at this breathtaking slice of Swiss nature? A boat ride along the Rhine will help you reach the mighty rock in the midst of the waterfall, or viewing platforms on both sides of the river are another option if you’d prefer to stay dry. 

Rhine Falls

Lauterbrunnen Waterfalls

Speaking of waterfalls, here’s another 72 to add to your list of Switzerland nature to visit. Aptly nicknamed the ‘Valley of Waterfalls’, Lauterbrunnen Valley is incredibly picturesque, with its chalet-style houses and mountainous backdrop – you’d be forgiven for thinking you’ve been transported into a postcard. From the moment you set eyes on the town, the iconic Staubbach Falls captures (and holds) your attention. Looking for even more ways to witness the valley’s endless waterfalls? Take a trip on the Wengernalp railway up to the nearby town of Wengen for unbeatable views.


Swiss National Park

Located in eastern Switzerland, the Swiss National Park is the country’s only national park and should be a must on your list of places to visit in Switzerland. It is also a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and the landscape is so ancient and unaltered that some of the best-preserved dinosaur footprints in the world have been found here. The park’s diverse range of terrains, from snow-capped high alpine landscapes to pine forests and meadows, is home to an equally diverse variety of wildlife. While exploring the Swiss National Park, keep an eye out for the resident ibexes, chamois, marmots, bearded vultures, and majestic golden eagles. Occasionally, the park is even known to be visited by brown bears from across the Italian border.

Swiss national park

Lake Lucerne Region

Nestled within the serene, mountainous region of central Switzerland, Lake Lucerne may not be the country’s largest lake ( Lake Geneva takes that title) but it certainly is one of the most unique examples of Switzerland nature. Visiting the Lake Lucerne Region is a highlight of Trafalgar’s Contra sts of Switzerland trip. During your visit, you could choose to enjoy a peaceful cruise across the lake from Lucerne to Stans, followed by a cable car ride up the nearby Mount Stanserhorn to admire the lake from a new perspective.

Of course you’ll want to make the most of your time lakeside, so take a dip at one of the popular bathing spots, stroll along the educational Swiss Path, or hop aboard a traditional paddle steamer to fit in some extra sightseeing. Don’t leave without stopping by the region’s most photographed destination, the Chapel Bridge and its iconic Water Tower.

WATCH: The best things to do in Lake Lucerne / WATCH: Discover Mount Stanserhorn by cable car

best places to visit in switzerland nature


Wow. Just wow. If Jungfraujoch doesn’t blow your mind, we don’t really know what will. It’s the ultimate Top of Europe experience, and while the viewing platform doesn’t exactly fit into the category of a ‘natural wonder’, the incredible surrounding landscape is the dictionary definition of an alpine wonderland. 

There is plenty to keep you occupied during your visit to Jungfraujoch, from thrilling guided glacier hikes, to wandering through the sculptures of the Ice Palace, and all the action of the Snow Fun Park where you can even zipline over Europe’s longest glacier. 

best places to visit in switzerland nature

How would you like to discover Switzerland nature for yourself? We’d love to hear, so share your unmissable experiences in the comments below.


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Matterhorn Complete Guide

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Places to Visit in Switzerland

The Best 17 Places to Visit in Switzerland

best places to visit in switzerland nature

It's no secret that Switzerland has scenery in spades. The small European country is big on towering, snow-capped mountains, shimmering lakes, storybook villages, and vibrant cities. For active vacationers, Switzerland offers virtually every winter sport, including, of course, some of the world's best skiing, plus hiking, biking, climbing, hang-gliding, and other temptations for adrenaline junkies. There's also plenty to fill a more leisurely vacation, with hearty cuisine, including what some say is the world's finest chocolate, high-end shopping, first-rate museums, and, at every turn, another gobsmacking panorama.

Switzerland is a year-round destination, and it would take many, many trips to see all that it has to offer. But assuming you don't have a lifetime to explore the country, here's our list of the top 17 places to see in Switzerland.

TripSavvy / Michela Sieman

Switzerland's largest city is a stunner—at once historic and modern, cosmopolitan and bohemian. Divided by the Limmat River and wrapping around Lake Zurich's shores, Zurich offers some of Switzerland's best museums, Swiss and international dining , and Bahnhofstrasse—rightfully called the world's most expensive shopping street. Plan to spend much of your time in the Altstadt, or Old Town, and enjoy at least one traditional meal in a restaurant housed in a former medieval guildhall. Many a tour of Switzerland begins or ends here, as the city is seamlessly connected to the rest of the country and Europe, thanks to the ultra-efficient Swiss Rail System .

©GenèveTourisme; ©www.geneve.com 

Switzerland's second-largest city, French-speaking Geneva sits at the southwestern end of Lake Geneva and has a long lakefront promenade on two shores offering views of the famous Jet d'Eau fountain. Geneva is one of Europe's most expensive cities in which to live; that prosperity is felt in its elegant streets and parks, high-end shopping avenues, and five-star hotels with luxury sedans parked out front. But the city is also rich in history, as the center of the Swiss Reformation and, today, the home of the International Red Cross and the United Nations.

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

The Swiss capital of Bern sits on a sharp bend in the River Aare in the western part of the country. Its Altstadt, or Old Town, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to so many well-preserved medieval buildings. But the undisputed star of the show is the Zytglogge, the fascinating astronomical clock that Einstein is said to have studied when developing his Theory of Relativity. Bern Minster has the tallest church spire in Switzerland and a stunning main portal. Those with more modern tastes can head to Zentrum Paul Klee, a museum dedicated to the country's most famous artist.

Like so many Swiss cities, pretty, walkable Lucerne occupies a magnificent setting—this time on Lake Lucerne with the Alps as a backdrop. The 14th-century wooden Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) is one of the most photographed sights in Switzerland, and Lucern's medieval Altstadt (Old Town) looks much the same as it did hundreds of years ago. The innovative Swiss Museum of Transport  is the most visited museum in Switzerland.

Lake Geneva


With one shore in Switzerland and one shore in France, Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) is a sparkling, half-moon shaped international playground. On the Swiss side, it offers the elegant city of Geneva; relaxed Montreux , famous for its jazz festival; and Lausanne, home of the International Olympic Committee. The terraced vineyards of the Lavaux wine region are a UNESCO World Heritage Site—some date back to the 11th-century. Last but definitely not least, 12th-century Chillon Castle is everything a castle should be—complete with a (partial) moat, dungeons, and a keep.

David Hanson/GettyImages 

The smallest Swiss canton, Appenzell Innerrhoden is set in the rolling hills south of Lake Constance. This is storybook Switzerland, complete with villages of brightly painted houses, folk traditions, and residents in traditional costume. In the fall, the cows literally come home, as herdsmen bring their cattle—decked out in bells and flower garlands—down from the mountains for the winter. Appenzell's car-free village is a center for folk-art, traditional festivals, baked goods, and yes—yodeling.

St. Moritz & the Engadine

Francesco Meroni / GettyImages

St. Moritz ranks as one of the world's top winter playgrounds for the jet set, and its palatial hotels, luxury shopping, and tony apres-ski scene are fun to dip into. Non-one-percenters might prefer some of the smaller, more down-to-earth towns and villages of the sunny Engadine Valley, known for its glaciers, snowy peaks, glacial lakes, forest, and folk culture. Listen closely, and you may hear Romansch being spoken—the ancient Latin-based language is still taught in the Engadine schools. The area is also a summer paradise for hikers, mountain bikers, and windsurfers.

Interlaken & Jungfrau

TripSavvy / Lauren Breedlove

Set between lakes Thun and Brienz, the pleasant town of Interlaken is the most convenient base for exploring the towering peaks of the Bernese Oberland—the region of glaciers, craggy mountains, and pristine lakes that offer postcard views at every turn. From Interlaken, a system of trains, cable cars, and cogwheel rails connect to the region's major ski areas and the Jungfraujoch, the highest railway station in Europe. For more than a century, it’s been the highest railway station in Europe. There, a high altitude playground awaits, with observatory platforms offering multi-peak views, the Eispalast (Ice Palace) walk inside a glacier, plus restaurants, and, of course, more skiing.

Lugano and Ticino

You'd be excused for thinking you've crossed over into Italy once you reach Ticino, the region wedged between the Alps and the Italian border. There's a distinctly Mediterranean vibe here, and Italian, not Swiss, is the first language. Lakes Lugano and Maggiore shares shores with Italy and offers a summertime playground for hiking, sailing, and swimming, with a touch of la dolce vita thrown in. Lugano's lakefront city is the bustling regional hub, but climb—or take a cable car—up any mountain to discover sleepy, rustic villages, clean air, and traditional country inns and restaurants.

raymondchan photo / GettyImages 

Something looms large over the car-free, stylish-yet-traditional mountain town of Zermatt—the Matterhorn. Europe's most famous mountain peak draws hordes of visitors to this otherwise sleepy town in the valley for skiing, ice-climbing, and arduous summer hikes and mountain biking. There's plenty of passive sightseeing to do here as well, and the views never disappoint. A mountaineering museum, traditional restaurants, luxe spas, and cozy—if not cheap—hotels can keep you pleasantly occupied here for a few days.

Stuart Dee/GettyImages

Near Lake Constance and the border with Liechtenstein, historic St. Gallen has a car-free center, a UNESCO-listed abbey and cathedral, and a textile-making tradition more than a thousand years old. The Rococo-style abbey library, stocked with 170,000 priceless volumes and documents, is a must-see here. There's a full cultural program in this important university town, as well as easy access to biking, hiking, boat rides on Lake Constance, and jaunts into Germany, Liechtenstein, and Austria.

Andrew Bain / GettyImages 

Pass the cheese, please. Though there's more to this charming medieval town than its namesake cheese, it would be a shame to leave Gruyères without sampling traditional raclette or fondue and visiting the Maison du Gruyère, where they make—you guessed it. In-between bites of cheese, visit the imposing 13th-century Gruyères Castle and take in the pastoral countryside. Oh, and did we mention there's a chocolate factory here, too?

Great St. Bernard Pass

irisphoto2 / GettyImages

Connecting Italy to Switzerland, the Great St. Bernard Pass has been a strategic gateway for the continent—long before the Romans first laid claim to it. The St. Bernard Hospice is still here, as are the iconic St. Bernard dogs—though they perform fewer mountain rescues than they once did. You can drive over the scenic pass or spend the day crossing it on foot, stopping at cozy village inns for hearty sustenance along the way.

Rhaetian Railway

 Dirk von Mallinckrodt / GettyImages

It's all about the journey rather than the destination when you climb aboard one of the Rhaetian Railway trains, the network of scenic Alpine train rides that includes the Glacier Express and the Bernina Express . Panoramic train cars allow for sweeping views of passing glaciers, glacial lakes, mountain passes, and dense forests. The astonishing engineering feats of these high-altitude train tracks are reason enough to make the trip on at least one leg.

Trümmelbach Falls

Catalin Daniel Ciolca / GettyImages 

If you're visiting the Jungfrau, be sure to stop and see where all that spring snowmelt goes. Trümmelbach Falls are a series of falls that crash through a scenic gorge, carrying waters of the Jungfrau as they roar through underground caverns and pools. A series of elevators, bridges, and pathways puts visitors right in the spray of the mighty falls, which are closed in the wintertime.

Ayhan Altun / GettyImages

Palm and lemon trees give Locarno a nearly tropical feel. Switzerland's warmest city sits on Lake Maggiore and is the relaxed alternative to busy Lugano. Wandering the narrow streets of the town, strolling along the lake, and having a coffee or aperitivo on Piazza Grande—these are the simple pleasures of Locarno. A hike or funicular ride up to the Madonna del Sasso pilgrimage church rewards with breathtaking views of the lake, the town, and the surrounding mountains. From there, explore the villages and streams and waterfalls of the surrounding Valle Verzasca.

 Alexander Spatari / GettyImages

Literary Lausanne has inspired writers and artists through the ages, no doubt inspired by Lake Geneva's views, the city's pedestrian-only medieval center, and, perhaps, its mighty Gothic cathedral. Divided between upper and lower towns connected by a subway, Lausanne the smallest city in Europe with a metro system. It's the International Olympic Committee's home and a sporty vibe pervades—as evidenced by all the bikers, walkers, swimmers, and sailors.

Switzerland Travel Guide

One Week in Switzerland: The Ultimate Itinerary

The Top 20 Things to Do in Switzerland

A Guide to Airports in Switzerland

The Most Beautiful Lakes in Switzerland

The Best Time to Visit Switzerland

The Top 9 Scenic and Novelty Train Rides in Switzerland

Getting Around Switzerland: Guide to Public Transportation

The Complete Guide to Switzerland's Nature Parks

The Top 15 Things to Do in Geneva, Switzerland

The 12 Best Hikes in Switzerland

Your Trip to Zurich: The Complete Guide

11 Great Day Trips From Zurich

Geneva Switzerland Guide | Europe Travel

The 5 Best Day Hikes in the Swiss Alps

Matterhorn: The Complete Guide

The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

25 Beautiful Places to Visit in Switzerland

Written By: The Planet D


Updated On: June 18, 2024

Switzerland is spectacular . Whenever anyone asks us where we have seen the most beautiful mountains in the world , we always reply, “Swiss Alps.” After our latest visit to Switzerland, we loved it even more! With every turn in every destination, we looked on in awe as we remarked how we felt we were walking through a work of art. As one person put it when writing in a journal sitting on a bench at the top of Grindelwald-First “I feel like I am looking at a Bob Ross painting.”

Table of Contents

Best Places to Visit in Switzerland

Switzerland has more beautiful places than just in the Alps; there’s the enchanting Lake Lugano sharing its border with Italy, the stunning Lake Maggiore with its Mediterranean vibes, picturesque towns, and lakeside living, beautiful Basel which we fell in love with, and the sophisticated city of Zurich. Appenzell is a picturesque town known for its hand-made cheeses and rolling green pastures and one you don’t want to miss. It can be difficult to decide where to go when you visit Switzerland , so we are going to break down the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland to help you choose. Or better yet, do as we did and see them all!

1. Swiss Alps

best places to visit in switzerland

I know we said there is more to Switzerland than The Alps, but with their snow-capped mountains, they truly house the most spectacularly beautiful places in Switzerland, so we must start in the mountains.

The Alpine Region is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and for good reason. It is impossible to beat when it comes to beautiful landscapes in the country, therefore, making it our #1 choice for the best places to visit in Switzerland . Plus, the Swiss have done an outstanding job making their mountain peaks accessible and easy for everyone to see.

The Swiss Alps offer spectacular mountain scenery that can be enjoyed while exploring the region, adding to the allure of this natural wonder.

From Grindelwald to Jungfrau in the Bernese Oberland Region to St. Moritz and Zermatt-Matterhorn, these mountain destinations should be put at the top of your list of places to visit in Switzerland.

2. Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe

best places to visit in switzerland jungfraujoch

Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it truly lives up to the hype. It is one of the top tourist attractions in Switzerland, and once you see it with your own eyes, you’ll understand why!

Located in the Bernese Alps of the Jungfrau Region, a trip to Switzerland’s most exciting UNESCO World Heritage Sites takes you up to the most modern cable car in the world to the highest train ride in Europe on a cogwheel train to an elevation of 3454 meters (11,332 feet).

This viewpoint offers incredible views of the snow-capped peaks, including the 4000-meter peaks of Jungfrau 4,158 meters (13,642 ft), Eiger 3,967-metre (13,015 ft), and Mönch 4,110 meters (13,480 ft).

  • For more information on traveling to Jungfrau,  visit the tourism website.
  • To purchase tickets up to Jungfraujoch via  Jungfrau Railways here.

3. Aletsch Glacier

Ice Palace best places to visit in switzerland Jungfraujoch top of Europe

After you have taken in the beautiful scenery, take a walk under the Aletsch Glacier to explore the ice palace, a labyrinth of tunnels spanning 1000 meters under the sea of ice. We enjoyed our time at Jungfraujoch so much that we put it at the top of our most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland, not only for the beauty but for the experience.

There are so many things to do at Jungfraujoch that your senses will be overwhelmed with fun and excitement. Read more at Spectacular Switzerland, a Visit to Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe

4. Gornergrat

best places to visit in switzerland

We didn’t think it was possible to top Jungfraujoch, but when we hopped on a train ride to Gornergrat in Zermatt, we couldn’t believe our eyes as we looked out the window. Located at an elevation of  3,089 m, Gornergrat has been one of Switzerland’s top places to visit for more than a century.

The stunning views of the surrounding mountains include the Matterhorn in all its glory, but it is the sea of glaciers that really took our breath away. Reaching the top takes you to a view of 29 mountains reaching more than 4000 meters. With every turn, it is one dazzling view after another.

The best way to get around the mountains and to explore all the things to do in Zermatt is to purchase an all-inclusive lift package that gives access to cable cars, the cog railway and gondolas. You can search for the right one for you at the  Zermatt tourism website. Zermatt is popular in the summer, but it is also one of the premier places in Switzerland for winter sports.

places to visit in switzerland Zermatt Blacknose Sheep

Make sure to hike down to the Toblerone viewpoint in search of the cute black-nose sheep that roam the hills. The black nose sheep have become one of the top tourist attractions in Zermatt in their own right.

They are so darn cute and there is an app that you can download to see where they are roaming on the mountain. It works too! We found them during our hike down from Gornergrat. This is one of the most beautiful walks we’ve ever done in our lives. Read more: Incredible Zermatt, Switzerland – 23 Exciting Things to See and Do

5. Grindelwald-First

best places to visit in switzerland grindelwald first

Grindelwald-First is one of the most popular places to visit in Switzerland, and with good reason. Located in the Interlaken-Oberhasli administrative district in the canton of Berne, Grindelwald First has one of the most photographed places in Switzerland.

Bachalpsee (Lake Alpsee) is a beautiful alpine lake that reflects the surrounding mountains when the weather is just right. Visit the  Grindelwald Tourism website  for more information on traveling to Grindelwald.

6. First Cliffwalk and Adventures

Things to do at Grindelwald First

One of the most popular things to do at the top of Grindelwald first is to take the first cliffwalk. It’s free to enter and offers beautiful views of the velley below. There is a reason Grindelwald-First is so popular, besides its stunning scenery. It has some of the best tourist attractions in the region.

From unique adventures like Trottibiking and mountain carting to the First Flyer and First Glider, there’s plenty of hiking, a heart-racing cliff walk, and cute marmots squeaking in the distance it makes for a great choice when planning your trip to Switzerland. Read more: The Complete Guide to Grindelwald-First in Switzerland

7. Zermatt Matterhorn

beautiful places in switzerland matterhorn

The Matterhorn is one of Switzerland’s most recognizable landmarks and one of the most photographed mountains on earth. In fact, the town of Zermatt was created to promote this spectacular landmark, making it the country’s first tourist destination. Over the years, it has become one of the top tourist attractions in Switzerland.

Hiking out to Lake Stellisee at sunrise is one of the most beautiful places to see it. Take the train ride up the Sunnegga-Rothorn Valley station for sunrise and then hike out to Stellisee for the most beautiful view of the Matterhorn. After you have enjoyed the morning, continue on to the 5 Lakes hikes for extraordinary stunning views of the Matterhorn and the surrounding mountains of Zermatt.

When you visit Switzerland, make sure not to miss seeing the Matterhorn. It took us three visits before we finally witnessed it, and it turned out to be our favourite destination in the entire country. Read more: 5 Lakes Hike Zermatt – Incredible Matterhorn Views

8. Matterhorn Glacier Paradise

beautiful places in switzerland matterhorn glacier paradise

Matterhorn Glacier Paradise is another amazing destination in Zermatt. Zermatt may be a small town, but it is the most popular and beautiful place in Switzerland. When you reach the top of the world’s highest cableway, you are treated to a view of 38 four-thousand-meter peaks (13,000 feet) and 14 glaciers across Italy, Switzerland, and France.

There is also an awesome maze of tunnels to visit under the second-largest glacier in Europe. This is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland to ski. Glacier Paradise is Switzerland’s highest ski resort, and you can ski here all year long.

9. St. Moritz

beautiful places in switzerland st moritz

St. Moritz is the original winter tourist destination, and for good reason: there are plenty of winter sports to enjoy. This beautiful Switzerland destination has been welcoming tourists to its slopes since the 1800s. St. Moritz, known as the birthplace of Alpine winter tourism, offers world-class skiing, cross-country skiing, sledding, and winter hikes and has hosted the Winter Olympics twice. But let’s not forget that St. Moritz is an all-season mountain destination with spectacular hikes, world-class hotels and dining, and more than 250 km of ski trails and 580 km of hiking trails, it is an outdoor lover’s dream.

Winter sports lovers flock to St. Moritz as it truly is a winter wonderland, but it is an amazing place in Switzerland to visit in the summer, too. Read our full article on What to do in St. Moritz.

10. Harder Kulm Interlaken

beautiful places in switzerland harder klum

Interlaken is one of the top places to visit in Switzerland making for a great base to explore the Jungfrau Region of the Bernese Oberland. This beautiful lake destination has a gorgeous lookout.

Take the cogwheel train up to the spectacular Harder Kulm, 1322 meters above sea level. The view lets you see, Lake Brienz and Lake Thun and the striking peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau.

beautiful places in switzerland zurich

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and should not be missed. Located on Lake Zurich and the Limmat River, Zurich is beautiful as the steeples from its old town churches line the waterfront. As the financial capital of Switzerland, Zurich has its share of upscale attractions including one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world.

Take a stroll along the cobbled streets of Old Town and marvel at the stunning sunset over the spires of the city’s cathedrals. We suggest spending at least three days in Zurich enjoying its museums (most notably, the Swiss National Museum and the House of Lindt).

The affluent banking capital of the world (okay, we are just speculating here) has so much to see and do. Take a boat ride on Lake Zurich, hike into the mountains, and enjoy its fine cuisine. Read More: Amazing Zurich – Discover the Best of Switzerland’s Largest City

How to get to Zurich beautiful places in switzerland

As Switzerland’s largest city, Zurich is a place you can spend days exploring, there are plenty of cultural attractions, and outdoor adventures from taking the train to Uetliberg Mountain for panoramic views of the city to stand-up paddleboarding through the marinas of Lake Zurich.

Don’t forget to visit the chocolate museum at Lindt Home of Chocolate. Read more: The Perfect 3 Days in Zurich, Switzerland

12. Basel on the Rhine River

places to visit in switzerland zurich

Basel is a wonderful city located directly on the Rhine River. Sharing a border with France and Germany, it is an ideal location to make a base and explore the countryside. Known as the cultural capital of Switzerland, Basel boasts some of the country’s most unique and beautiful architecture.

Its modern structures blend seamlessly with the Altstadt (Old Town) spanning across the Rhine as Basel Minster, the largest cathedral in Basel, stands like a sentry looking over from Grossbasel (Left Side of the River Bank) toward Klein Basel (Right Side of the River Bank)

  • Read more: 20 Reasons to Fall in Love with Basel, Switzerland
  • 24 Fantastic Things to Do in Basel, Switzerland

13. Ticino Region – Italian Switzerland

things to do in ticino switzerland video

When you visit Switzerland, the Mediterranean isn’t something that springs to mind, but that is exactly what you’ll get in Ticino. The Mediterranean feel of the Ticino Region of Switzerland will transport you to Italy. In fact, it is almost entirely surrounded by Italy. Ticino has a distinct feel from the rest of Switzerland.

Just a short trip away, Lake Maggiore on the southern border of Switzerland near the Italian border offers Mediterranean vibes with picturesque towns, gelato in piazzas, and Italian architecture. The warm climate and lakeside living with subtropical touches make it a perfect spot for various outdoor activities.

The warm weather and colorful buildings lining the likes of Lake Lugano feel as if you are on the Italian Riviera and the Cinque Terra. When looking for something different, make sure to put Ticino at the top of your places to visit in Switzerland.

14. Lugano in Ticino

beautiful places in switzerland lugano

The town of Lugano is the star attraction of Ticino, with mountains framing its long beach and waterfront path along pristine glacial Lake Lugano. Known as the “Little Rio of Switzerland,” Lugano is the perfect place to slow down and take in the sunshine. (It really did remind us of Rio de Janeiro )

It rivals nearby Lake Como in Italy for beauty and luxury, and it makes complete sense since Lake Lugano shares its border with Italy. Read more: Things to do in Lugano and the Ticino Region of Switzerland

15. Verzasca Valley

beautiful places in switzerland Verzasca Valley

The Verzasca Valley is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland. It isn’t quite as famous as other places in the country, but it has not been for long! It is known for its electric emerald green waters flowing through polished layers of rocks, it is a gorgeous way to spend a day.

Swim in the waters, go for a hike, or marvel at the cliff jumpers leaping from the double arches of the Ponte dei Salti. (A lovely medieval footbridge crossing the river)

16. Castles of Bellinzona

beautiful places in switzerland Bellinzona

The capital of Ticino is not to be missed for its UNESCO World Heritage Sites – The Castles of Bellinzona. The castles consist of three well-preserved castles and fortified walls, Castelgrande, Montebello, and Sasso Corbaro, which are not to be missed when visiting Southern Switzerland. For more information on traveling to Ticino – visit the  Ticino Switzerland website.

17. Leukerbad

beautiful places in switzerland leurkerbad

Switzerland is known for its spa experiences, and one of the most beautiful spa retreats is in Leukerbad. The thermal baths date back to Roman times.

This wellness retreat attracts tourists to its 65 natural springs containing 3.9 million liters of hot water to relax in the healing pools of Valais Valley. It is one of the largest and most popular spa resorts in Switzerland. For more information on traveling to Leukerbad, visit the tourism website.

18. Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

beautiful places in switzerland bad ragaz spa

The Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is the granddaddy of spas in Switzerland. Located just 1 hour from Zurich, this is the ultimate luxury spa retreat. The hot springs were discovered in the 1200s and people have been seeking their healing properties for centuries.

The hotel opened in 1869 and in 1872 it housed the first thermal water indoor pool in Europe. Today it is a five-star hotel that sits in the Rhine Valley. Visit Tamina Therme for more information on visiting the spa.

19. Lake Geneva

beautiful lake geneva switzerland places to visit

Lake Geneva is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland, and one would argue that it is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland.

Surrounded by the Alps on one side and terraced vineyards on the other, it’s one of the most romantic places in the world. As the largest body of water in Switzerland, it’s also pretty hard to miss. Straddling the border of France and Switzerland, Lake Geneva is also Europe’s largest alpine lake.

20. Chateau de Chillon Montreaux

beautiful places in Switzerland Chateau de Chillon Montreaux

Montreux is famous for the Montreux music festival. We loved walking along the waterfront of this beautiful city set among the backdrop of the Alps and Lake Geneva. One of the top historical places to visit in Switzerland is the picturesque Chateau de Chillon. Dating back to the 12th century, the historic castle stands like a fairytale on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The top things to see at Chateau de Chillon are the Gothic underground rooms, its paintings dating back to the 17th century, and its chapel. But it is truly its setting that took our breath away. Read more: Montreux and its Musical Legacy

beautiful places in switzerland Geneva

While we are on the subject of the Lake Geneva region, no trip to Switzerland would be complete without visiting Geneva. Geneva is home to the headquarters of the United Nations, and the international Red Cross Committee. There are plenty of cultural attractions in Geneva including the Grand Theatre and the Opera House.

It is also the city where Dave got stuck on Swiss Rail without his passport, phone, or wallet. The train system is efficient in Geneva, and when he dropped his tripod while getting off the train, the doors closed in front of him. I was carrying all his ID and was stuck on the other side. It was 3 hours later that he made his way back to me while I sat in the metro station waiting for his return in a huge panic! (But that’s another story)

22. Bern – The Capital City

beautiful places in switzerland bern

e only spent a day in the Capital City of Switzerland , but I wish we spent more. Bern’s medieval old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site boasting the world’s longest-covered shopping promenades with 6 km (3.7 miles) of arcades. It is the gateway to the Alps, houses the highest cathedral in Switzerland, and is the seat of parliament. The Old Town snakes alongside the Aare River, creating a picture-perfect setting.

Don’t miss stopping to see the landmark medieval clocktower tower in Bern, The Zytglogge. It is one of the top attractions in the city.

23. Lucerne

beautiful places in Switzerland lucerne bridge

Like many cities in Switzerland, Lucerne has a gorgeous old town on a picturesque body of water. Lake Lucerne is the focal point of visiting the city, with the gorgeous Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) spanning the River Reuss.

Lucerne’s most popular landmark dates back to the 14th century and is the oldest covered bridge in Europe. With the Swiss Alps nearby, we ventured off the spa, taking the Rigi Bahn cogwheel train for a ride on Europe’s first railway. It’s a wonderful place to spend a few days.

Additionally, boat trips on Lake Lucerne offer a unique perspective of the city and its natural landmarks, enhancing the overall travel experience.

24. Swiss National Park

It is hard to believe that Switzerland only has one national park, but it is true. It is aptly named Swiss National Park and is a favorite among nature lovers.

Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps in eastern Switzerland, Swiss National Park was established in 1914 and covers an area of over 170 square kilometers (65 square miles).

The park offers a network of well-maintained hiking trails that cater to different skill levels, from gentle walks through lush meadows to challenging ascents to alpine peaks, there’s a trail for every adventurer.

25. Swiss Grand Canyon

places to visit in switzerland video

The Rhine Gorge is often touted as the Swiss Grand Canyon. Visitors can witness this beauty by taking one of the most scenic train routes along the Rhine Gorge Adventure Train. Check out America’s Grand Canyon Attractions.

Best Way to Get Around Switzerland

Switzerland had an extensive rail system and you can easily travel to Ticino via rail with a  Swiss Travel Pass.

  • A Swiss Travel Pass includes:
  • Unlimited travel by  train, bus,  and boat
  • Public transportation in more than 90 cities and towns
  • Including mountain excursions: Rigi, Schilthorn, Stanserhorn, and Stoos
  • Free admission  to more than  500 museums  throughout Switzerland
  • Get your Swiss Travel Pass  Here.
  • Two free informative apps to help plan your Switzerland journey are:  Grand Train Tour of Switzerland app  and the  Swiss Travel Guide app
  • Our trip to Switzerland is in partnership with MySwitzerland.com  Visit their website  to start planning your trip today.

One of the must-visit attractions in Lucerne is the Swiss Transport Museum. It features extensive exhibits on all forms of transport, including air and space travel, railroad locomotives, and a Planetarium.

There are so many amazing and beautiful places in Switzerland, and we have not seen them all, but we certainly look forward to visiting this beautiful country. We have had the good fortune of visiting Switzerland three times, and each time we visit, we find it to be more beautiful than the next. We can’t wait to visit again! Have you been to Switzerland? What are your favourite places to visit in Switzerland?

Plan Your Trip To Switzerland With Our Recommendations

  • Spectacular Switzerland, a Visit to Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe
  • The Ultimate One-Week Switzerland Itinerary
  • 10 Simple Ways to Travel Switzerland on a Budget
  • Unique and Crazy Things to do in Switzerland
  • Our Best Switzerland Pictures

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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3 thoughts on “25 Beautiful Places to Visit in Switzerland”

Absolutely stunning guide to Switzerland’s top destinations! I’m captivated by the majestic Swiss Alps, especially Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat. The Aletsch Glacier’s ice palace sounds incredible! Ticino’s Mediterranean charm and Lake Lugano’s beauty are enticing. Excited about spa retreats in Leukerbad and Bad Ragaz! One question: What are the must-try traditional dishes in Switzerland?

nice place to visit thank you for sharing those information

Firstly, Thankyou for sharing such an amazing piece of content with us. I have next year’s plan for the Switzerland travel trip and bookmarked this blog for the structuring of my travel plan. Thanks again.


17 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Switzerland

Written by Becca Blond and Joni Sweet Updated Mar 20, 2024

Switzerland's natural beauty is as addictive as its mouthwatering chocolates – one taste and you'll be left craving more. Whether you are on the hiking trails outside Zermatt, laying eyes on the iconic Matterhorn for the first time, or marveling at the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau mountains schussing down a ski trail beginning atop the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland seduces quickly.

Matterhorn and mountain scenery in Switzerland

This landlocked central European country is home to two mountain ranges, the Alps in the south and the Jura in the northwest. But Switzerland's natural attractions don't stop with peaks and glaciers. You'll also find glimmering turquoise lakes, emerald valleys where tingling bell-wearing cows and sheep graze, charming chalets, and flower box-filled villages that look ripped from the pages of a fairytale storybook.

Amid all this natural beauty are also some fantastic urban diversions and places to visit. With four official languages (French, German, Italian, and Romansch), Switzerland has a multicultural sophistication to its cities, which all offer something different when it comes to history and culture.

French speaking Geneva is home to four major offices of the United Nations and has a large international population. German speaking Zurich is Switzerland's largest city and financial center, known for its shopping, museums, and nightlife. The capital city of Bern boasts a medieval old town with a famous moving puppet clock tower and a stunning riverfront locale.

Switzerland is a four-season destination with countless things to do for outdoor adventurists. In winter you can partake in snow sports at world-class resorts, while summers are perfect for hiking, biking, climbing, and paragliding.

Getting around Switzerland is easy. Although you can rent a car and drive, we recommend utilizing its excellent train system that goes almost everywhere in the country. Trains are fast, mostly on time, and allow you to just sit back and soak up the stunning scenery.

Explore in more depth by checking out our list of top attractions and places to visit in Switzerland

1. The Matterhorn

3. jungfraujoch: the top of europe, 4. interlaken, 6. lake geneva, 7. chateau de chillon, montreux, 8. st. moritz, 10. lake lugano and ticino, 12. the rhine falls, 13. swiss national park, 14. the albula/bernina railway line, 15. oberhofen castle, 16. swiss grand canyon, 17. gruyères, best time of the year to visit switzerland.

The Matterhorn

You'll never forget the first time you see Switzerland's most symbolic mountain, the Matterhorn. Maybe you arrive in the charming village of Zermatt, at its base , on a clear blue day and the 4,478-meter high , tooth-shaped mountain looms clearly in front of you. Or maybe it is spitting rain when you first set foot in the car-free town, and it isn't until the next morning that you witness the emblematic peak emerging from a sea of dissipating clouds. Whichever way you first see this legendary mountain, it will remain seared into your memory for years to come. It's that impressive.

One of the highest mountains in the Alps, the Matterhorn sits on the border with Italy. It has four steep faces rising to its craggy tip. Climbers have been intrigued by this mountain from the first successful summit in 1865 by British climber Edward Whymper and his team. The trip still ended tragically when four of the climbers fell to their deaths during the descent.

Today, thousands of experienced climbers come here in a summit bid each summer. There are several routes to the top of this mountain, which is not accessible by cable car. The easiest route is the Hörnligrat, which begins in Zermatt.

Things to Do at the Matterhorn

Gornegrat Bahn cog railway and the Matterhorn

If you don't have the skills to summit the Matterhorn, there are still plenty of ways to experience the mountain. One top excursion is to ride the Gornegrat Bahn cog railway to the summit of the 1,620-meter Gornergrat mountain for stunning Matterhorn views. Europe's highest open-air cog railway, and the first fully electric train of its kind, departs from Zermatt station multiple times per day.

The ride itself is also bound to leave you speechless. Taking 33 minutes and climbing 1,469 meters it crosses dramatic bridges, passes turquoise-hued mountain lakes, and at times clings to the side of the mountain with views down into rocky ravines.

Once you reach the mountaintop, you'll find an observation deck with views in all directions including a view of Switzerland's highest mountain and the second biggest glacier in the Alps. Keep an eye out for wild ibex near the viewing platform in summer.

Europe's highest-altitude hotel, the Kulmhotel Gornegrat is also here. Besides lodging, it has a restaurant and shops open to the public. There is excellent hiking in summer, while Switzerland's highest sledding hill provides winter fun.

Buildings in the village of Zermatt

At the foot of the Matterhorn, lies the charming village of Zermatt, a top international resort that is one of the most popular ski destinations in Switzerland , and a hiking, biking, and climbing paradise in summer.

Laid out along just a few main streets with a surreal-looking blue river running through it, motorized vehicles except for official electric taxis are banned to preserve the air quality and the town's peaceful ambiance.

Zermatt can also only be reached via helicopter (very pricy) or the Matterhorn Gotthard railway via the towns of Visp or Brig. If you drive to the region, you'll need to park your car down the valley in the town of Tasch, and then continue by train. As such, staying in Zermatt truly feels like you hiked into a remote mountain paradise.

View from the Top of the Rothorn

In the winter, skiers can play on more than 300 kilometers of slopes accessed via a funicular and the Blauherd and Rothorn gondolas. In the summer, these slopes turn into hiking and mountain biking trails.

The Five Lakes Trail is one of the most popular hikes, beginning at the top of the Blauherd gondola and eventually taking you back to town via a series of five lakes, three of which you can see the reflection of the Matterhorn in on a clear, windless day. If you want to paraglide, this is also available.

Summer street scene in Zermatt

Back in town, you'll find dozens of shops, restaurants (order Raclette, a cheese and potato dish that is a regional specialty), and hotels. If you are interested in history, pay a visit to the Matterhorn Museum , which tells the story of the mountain village turned international holiday resort. It also provides facts and photos from the Matterhorn's first ascent.

  • Read More: Top Tourist Attractions in Zermatt & Easy Day Trips

View from the Top of Europe

Since 1912, tourists have been making their way to the fairytale-like village of Grindelwald for an excursion to the Top of Europe (also known as Jungfraujoch). As its name suggests, it's the highest train station in Europe.

It offers panoramic views of the UNESCO-recognized Jungfrau region that will make your jaw drop. The Sphinx Observatory, an astronomical observatory that looks like a Bond villain lair perched 3,454 meters above sea level, is the best place to see the magnificent Aletsch Glacier and the 4,000-meter peaks that flank it. With snow 365 days per year, it's also a prime spot to get a break from Europe's heat in the summertime.

Sphinx Observatory

This famous attraction has come a long way in the last 100 years, giving tourists lots of things to do at the top. Step into the 360-degree cinematic experience room for a closer look at the glacier and the Swiss Alps (perfect for ensuring you still get a wonderful view on a foggy day). Walk through a 250-meter-long corridor with artifacts and exhibits on the history of the miners who built the railway to Jungfraujoch—the antique mining equipment hanging on the walls will give you a deeper respect for these early pioneers.

The Top of Europe

Peek inside a giant snow globe that depicts the region with charming moving figures, like yodelers and gondolas. Then, glide through the Ice Palace. Frozen from floor to ceiling, it features smooth, icy hallways filled with ice sculptures of animals, including several penguins around an igloo.

Jungfraujoach's highly sustainable cable car, the Eiger Express , shortened the journey between Grindelwald and Jungfraujoch from 45 minutes to just 15 minutes when it opened in late 2020. That makes it possible to summit the Top of Europe on a day trip from Interlaken or even Zurich, but if you have time, it's worth sticking around Grindelwald to hike for a few days .

Panorama Trail

The trails here are among the most beautiful in the world and most trailheads are easily accessible through the town's network of cable cars and gondolas. The aptly named Panorama Trail takes you along paths lined by wildflowers with a backdrop of snow-capped peaks, while the Grindelwald First cable car station puts you on the path to the world-famous Bachalpsee lake.

You can also break up your days of hiking with adventure activities. Grindelwald First is home to a zip line that soars at 80 kilometers per hour and a mountain cart attraction that lets you race down winding gravel paths, plus a trail you can tackle on a "trottibike"—a unique cross between a scooter and a bike that's surprisingly fast.

Jungfruajoch - Section map

Nestled on a strip of land between two glassy lakes, Interlaken looks like a postcard brought to life. The enchanting resort town has been a popular vacation destination for centuries, giving tourists a home base to explore the Bernese Oberland. Visit in the spring or summer to take in the striking sight of the town's lush gardens blooming with the snow-dusted Eiger, Jungfrau, and Mönch towering in the background.

Interlaken's proximity to Lake Thun to the west and Lake Brienz to the east, along with soaring alpine mountains, has helped it become the "Adventure Capital of Europe" —and it offers thrills for any taste.

Interlaken Harderbahn

Want to hike? Take a 10-minute ride on the Interlaken Harderbahn, a funicular railway that's more than 100 years old, to the Harder Kulm (Interlaken's closest mountain). A brick path lined with quirky Swiss statues takes you to the trailhead for the Harder Kulm Circular Path , a relatively easy, forested path that opens up to panoramic views of Interlaken.

From mountainside slopes, you can also take the sky on a paragliding adventure in the summer, or slip on a pair of skis and zip down fresh powder in one of five winter sports areas around Interlaken. It's also a lovely place to get out on the water. Rent kayaks, row boats, and pedal boats for a serene experience on the lakes. Or challenge yourself to wakeboarding, windsurfing, or water skiing.


The beautiful part about Interlaken, though, is that it's as much a place for excitement as it is for a laid-back retreat. Once you've gotten your share of adrenaline, wind down with a stroll on the Höheweg , Interlaken's main boulevard, or find a moment of peace at the Garden of Friendship, the country's first Japanese garden.

  • Read More: Top Tourist Attractions in Interlaken & Easy Day Trips


Imagine a sparkling blue lake surrounded by mountains, a car-free medieval old town, covered bridges, waterfront promenades, frescoed historic buildings, and sun-splashed plazas with bubbling fountains. No wonder Lucerne (in German, Luzern) is a top spot for tourists.

Famed for its music concerts, this quintessential Swiss town lures renowned soloists, conductors, and orchestras to its annual International Music Festival . The Culture and Convention Center is home to one of the world's leading concert halls.


One of the city's most famous landmarks is the Chapel Bridge , built in the 14th century. In a small park, lies the famous Lion Monument , a poignant sculpture of a dying lion, which honors the heroic death of Swiss Guards during the attack on the Tuileries in the French Revolution. History buffs will enjoy the Swiss Transport Museum with extensive exhibits on all forms of transport, including air and space travel, railroad locomotives, and a Planetarium.

For beautiful views of Lucerne, the Alps, and the lake, ride the funicular to the Dietschiberg on the north side of Lake Lucerne; cruise up Mt. Pilatus on the cableway; or head to the Rigi , a famous lookout point.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Lucerne

Lake Geneva

Lake Geneva, Europe's largest Alpine lake , straddles the Swiss/French border, and laps at the shores of some of Switzerland's most popular cities. The city of Geneva (in French Genève; in German Genf) sits between pretty snowcapped peaks at the point where the Rhône spills into Lake Geneva.

This French-speaking "capital of peace" is the European seat of the United Nations and exudes a pleasing blend of French joie de vivre and Swiss structure. Promenades, parks, and gardens surround the lake, and the old town is a lovely spot to stroll among the historic buildings. The Jet d'Eau , a fountain in Lake Geneva shooting water 150 meters into the air, is a famous landmark. Cultural attractions include the Opera House and the Grand Théâtre , which stages international acts.

Also on the lake, about 62 kilometers from Geneva, Lausanne boasts lovely views over the surrounding region and the lake, with the Alps rising in the distance. Take a stroll through the medieval old town with its cute cafés and boutiques and stunning Gothic cathedral. At the foot of the Alps, on Lake Geneva, Montreux hosts the world-famous Montreux Jazz Festival in June/July.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Geneva

Chateau de Chillon, Montreux

On the shores of Lake Geneva, near Montreux , the Chateau de Chillon (Chillon Castle) has inspired artists and writers for centuries. Lord Byron, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Victor Hugo are among the luminaries who have written about this architectural treasure.

Once the stronghold of the Counts and Dukes of Savoy from the 12th century, the complex encompasses about 25 buildings clustered around three courtyards. Highlights include the Great Halls, with magnificent views of Lake Geneva; the Gothic underground rooms; the Chapel , adorned with 14th-century paintings; and the Camera Domini , a bedroom occupied by the Duke of Savoy decorated with medieval murals.

View over St. Moritz

St. Moritz is a city of firsts. The world's first electric light clicked on here in December 1878. In 1889 it hosted the Alps' first golf tournament and in 1935 began operating one of Switzerland's first ski lifts. Additionally, the town is considered the birthplace of Alpine winter tourism after a hotelier convinced British summer guests to winter here in 1864. It went on to host the Winter Olympics twice (1928 and 1948).

In the Upper Engadin region in southeast Switzerland, in a valley surrounded by the Alps, today it is one of the world's most ritzy ski resorts , favored by billionaires and celebrities. It has 350 kilometers of ski and snowboard runs with some of Switzerland's steepest terrain.

Winter sports run the gamut, from skiing, snowboarding, skating, and bobsledding to tobogganing. One of the oldest natural ice runs for toboggans on the planet is found here, the famous 1.2-kilometer-long Cresta Run . There is also a snowboard fun park and 150 kilometers of winter walking and cross-country ski trails.

St. Moritz

In summer, St. Moritz attracts hikers, bikers, horseback riders, and rock climbers. If you prefer to golf, you can play four courses with fantastic mountain views. You can also enjoy the iron-rich natural mineral hot springs here year-round. They were discovered about 3,000 years ago.

Adding to all this spectacular mountain scenery, St. Moritz is a cultural crossroads. Romansch, German, Italian, French, and English are all spoken in the surrounding areas, not to mention the different languages of the many well-heeled international visitors and expats.

The town is divided into two parts: St. Moritz Dorf sits on a sunny terrace overlooking the Lake of St. Moritz. The other part of town, lakeside St. Moritz Bad on the valley floor, is a health resort with less expensive lodging.

  • Read More: Top Tourist Attractions in St. Moritz & Easy Day Trips


In a stunning location, perched on a peninsula of the River Aare, the Swiss capital of Bern exudes old-world charm, and the city's medieval old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Strolling along the cobbled streets, visitors can explore the tallest cathedral in Switzerland, with panoramic views from its tower; 16th-century fountains; the Zytglogge medieval clock tower with moving puppets; and six kilometers of shopping arcades, called " Lauben " by the locals. The Rose Garden (Rosengarten) offers beautiful views of the old town center.

Bern has many tourist attractions waiting to be discovered, including excellent museums. Art lovers will appreciate the impressive galleries, including the Zentrum Paul Klee, the world's largest collection of works by this famous artist, and the Bern Museum of Art (Kunstmuseum).

Don't miss the markets, held in the Bundesplatz (parliament square) with views of the elegant Renaissance-style parliament building (Bundeshaus). Families will also enjoy a visit to the Bear Park.

Lake Lugano and Ticino

Lake Lugano lies on the Swiss/Italian border in Ticino, Switzerland's only official Italian-speaking canton, and offers a tantalizing taste of the Mediterranean. Citrus, figs, palms, and pomegranates flourish in the mild climate here–even as snowcapped peaks beckon in the distance.

In the towns around Lake Lugano and Lake Maggiore to the west, the feel of Italy is unmistakable in the architecture, the piazzas, and the passion for fine food, which spills over the Italian borders from the south, east, and west.

Visitors can explore the area by touring the lake on one of the white steamers or renting a boat. For a panoramic overview, Monte San Salvatore offers one of the most spectacular vistas of the surrounding countryside, lake, and snow-capped peaks.

Lugano , a financial center and the largest and most significant town in Ticino, is a popular summer resort. Northwest of Lugano, in sun-drenched Locarno on Lake Maggiore, Swiss lakeside living takes on a subtropical touch with warm days, blossoming gardens, and palm-studded estates. In Bellinzona , capital of the canton, three magnificent castles are UNESCO World Heritage sites.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Lugano, Locarno, and the Ticino Region


Zurich is Switzerland's largest city, a major transportation hub, and a top starting point for travelers. The city lies at the northwestern end of Lake Zurich astride the river Limmat. Beyond its buttoned-up façade, this affluent banking capital boasts a rich line-up of cultural treasures.

A great place to begin a walking tour is the cobbled streets of the Old Town with its quaint shops, cafés, and galleries. Mile-long Bahnhofstrasse , one of Europe's finest shopping strands, beckons with designer stores selling fashion, watches, and jewelry.

Venturing away from the boutiques, visitors will find more than 50 museums and 100 art galleries, as well as many other tourist attractions . A top pick is the Kunsthaus Zürich , the museum of fine arts, with an impressive collection of art from the Middle Ages to the present day. Another favorite is the Rietberg Museum , which focuses on non-European art with many works from China, India, and Africa.

A short stroll from Zürich's main station, the Swiss National Museum , in a Gothic chateau, spotlights Swiss cultural history. Families will love the Zurich Zoo with an elephant park, penguin parade, and Madagascar pavilion. From the city, take a train ride to Uetliberg Mountain for panoramic views of the city and countryside.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Zürich

The Rhine Falls

Spanning 150 meters, the Rhine Falls (Rheinfall) at Schaffhausen are the largest falls in Europe. The best time to visit is during June and July when the mountain snow melts, and the falls swell in volume to spill over a 21-meter-high ledge of Jurassic limestone.

Boat trips up the Rhine provide excellent views of the falls, as do the viewing platforms on both sides of the river.

Hiking trail in the Swiss National Park

Founded in 1914, Swiss National Park in the Engadine Valley is the oldest reserve in the Alps. The park sits right on the border with Italy and encompasses more than 170 square kilometers of flower-dotted hollows, fast-flowing rivers, and limestone crags. The scenery is especially dramatic in winter when the forested mountains are covered in a blanket of snow, and the views from the cross-country ski trails are stunning.

Nature lovers can explore the region on the large network of trails, though veering off these paths is forbidden in an effort to preserve the natural ecosystems. More than 5,000 species of wildlife call the park home, including marmot, red deer, chamois, ibex, fox, and more than 100 species of birds.

Swiss National Park - Layout map

One of the very few railway lines in the world designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage listing, the Albula/Bernina line on the Rheatian Railways offers a majestic ride not to be missed. The route extends throughout the Albula and Bernina landscapes, covering 122 kilometers and winding through almost 200 bridges, the Graubünden mountains, and a number of tunnels and viaducts along the way.

A ride on this train means panoramic seats that overlook unspoiled mountain landscapes, including the Piz Bernina, the highest mountain in the Eastern Alps at just over 4,000 meters tall. The train operates all year long, and the views are just as magical in summer as they are in winter.

Oberhofen Castle

Right on the shore of Lake Thun and surrounded by a 2.5-hectare park, this 13th-century castle is one of the most breathtaking in Switzerland. Because Oberhofen Castle changed hands many times through the centuries, and new owners kept adding rooms to it, the result is a magical mix of many styles: Bernese Baroque-style buildings, Romantic-style facades, and Prussian-inspired exotic new areas (including a library and a smoking room).

The castle also houses a living museum showcasing the times and lives of feudal societies that called the castle (and its surroundings) home from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

View over the Ruinaulta (Swiss Grand Canyon)

The Ruinaulta (also known as the "Swiss Grand Canyon") is a deep gorge surrounded by expansive meadows and forested cliffs. Located in Eastern Switzerland, it was created over 10,000 years ago–when the Ice Age Rhine Glacier retreated, it led to a chain of events that resulted in a massive rockslide in the Rhine Valley. As the Rhine River seeped through the rock walls, the gorge was filled with water.

Today, the Swiss Grand Canyon is not only one of the most beautiful areas in Switzerland, but also a preferred destination for hikers, bird-watchers, and nature lovers. It's possible to raft the rapids here between May and October, or rent a canoe or kayak for a gentler route with stunning views of the steep cliffs all around.

Aerial view of Gruyères Castle

Even if you don't know anything about this small medieval town, you've probably heard about the hard yellow cheese that made its name famous. Today, that's one of the town's main attractions. Visitors can tour a cheese factory, sample the local specialties, and wave to the cows that call the surrounding green hills home. If cheese isn't enough, the Maison Cailler Chocolate Factory also operates in town.

Gruyères might be tiny – it covers an area of just 28.4 square kilometers and is home to around 2,000 permanent residents – but it makes up for it with plenty of things to do, including the 13 th -century Castle of Gruyères and its two small arts and regional museums, as well as Saint-Germain Castle, which was bought by Swiss surrealist painter and sculptor H. R. Giger, and it now houses a museum dedicated to his work. The Tibet Museum, housed in an old church in town, is also worth a visit.

Stunning landscapes surround Gruyères, including the Gorges de la Jogne (favorite with hikers) and the nearby Mont Moléson, popular with climbers in the warmer months and home to ski and snowshoe trails during winter.

Train crossing a bridge in Switzerland with the Matterhorn in the distance

The best time to visit Switzerland depends partly on why you're going there. If you're going for the skiing, then of course winter is the best time to visit. For mountain hiking, summer is best, as it's warm even high up in the mountains, and you won't encounter much rain to disrupt your outdoor plans.

If your visit to Switzerland will include a bit of everything, then the months between April and June are your best choice . You'll still find some snow if you arrive early in this period, and warm days if you arrive later on.

Temperatures vary between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius, and you'll get a bit of rain, but you'll also see long days with plenty of sunshine, perfect for hiking and sightseeing . May is the most unpredictable month weather-wise – you might see rain and cold evenings or sunshine with temperatures in the low 20s.

Since the summer crowds don't arrive until July, and the winter crowds are long gone, you'll get more privacy and a chance to grab better deals on flights and accommodations .

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best places to visit in switzerland nature

The 20 most beautiful nature parks in Switzerland

There are 20 nature parks in Switzerland that you can visit for free. These parks include the Swiss National Park, the only national park in the country. Most of the parks are very well accessible by public transport and are suitable for outdoor activities. The majority of the nature parks are located in the settlement area and are inhabited.

Nature is a precious commodity. Apart from the world-famous Swiss chocolate and the versatile Swiss army knife, it is an important trademark of Switzerland.

Who doesn't think of snow-covered mountains, green meadows with grazing cows, or sparkling mountain lakes when he - or she - dreams of the small confederation in the Alps?

Some of these typical Swiss landscapes are part of a support program launched by the federal government in 2007. Within the framework of this program, financial support is currently flowing to a total of 19 parks of national importance. A distinction is made between three categories: National parks, regional nature parks and nature discovery parks.

Naturpark Karte

Thus, parks are supported throughout Switzerland that are characterized by "beautiful landscapes, rich biodiversity and high-quality cultural assets". Regions, cantons and municipalities can apply to the federal government for this label and, if the required criteria are met, may benefit from financial support for their nature park.

If you are interested in starting your own nature park in Switzerland, you can find the requirements here .

However, if you are more interested in an overview of the already existing parks, you can find it here.

  • All nature parks in Switzerland

We have compiled here all 20 nature parks of national importance in Switzerland. They are listed according to location, size and population.

Regional Nature Park Schaffhausen

The Schaffhausen Regional Nature Park celebrated its entry into the federal funding program in 2018. Two of its municipalities lie across the Swiss-German border.

  • How to reach the regional nature park Schaffhausen

All communities located in the regional nature park Schaffhausen can be reached by public transport . Be it by bus, train or boat. By car, it is best to drive via Schaffhausen and then make your way to your destination.

Naturpark Schaffhausen

Wilderness Park Zurich with Sihlwald and Langenberg

The Wildnispark Zürich is the smallest Swiss nature park. It includes Sihlwald as well as Langenberg. It is the first nationally recognized nature experience park. It has been part of the federal government's funding program since 2010.

  • How to reach the Zurich Wilderness Park

Both parks are easily accessible by public transport from Zurich, Thalwil and Horgen. It is also possible to get there by car, although the parking fees are a flat rate of CHF 10 per day for the zoo and CHF 5 for the wilderness park.

Sihlwald Naturpark

Jurapark Aargau

Since 2012, the Jurapark Aargau has borne its nature park title. It extends in the north to the German border, which is formed by the Rhine. On the eastern and southern edge, the park is bordered by the Aare River.

  • How to get to Jurapark Aargau

All the communities of Jurapark Aargau can be reached either by car, by bicycle - for example on the Route Verte - or by public transport from Aarau, Brugg, Zurich or Basel.

Jurapark Aargau is also ideally located for travel by car and can be easily reached via the freeway from Aarau, Brugg, Zurich, Basel and Bern.

Jurapark Aargau Bäume

Thal Nature Park

Another old hand in the business is the Thal Nature Park , which has been one of the Swiss nature parks since 2010. It extends in the canton of Solothurn. With its location in the triangle between Bern, Zurich and Basel, it is very easy to reach.

The Nature Park website offers a wealth of further information on experiences, accommodation, mountain restaurants, hikes, sports activities and events.

  • How to reach the Thal Nature Park

The Thal Nature Park is easily accessible by public transport from several directions. Be it by train via Oensingen and Balsthal , by cable car via Solothurn and Weissenstein or by post bus from the canton of Basel-Landschaft.

The park is also well accessible by car, as it has direct access to the A1 freeway via Oensingen and is not far from the Egerkingen freeway junction.

Naturpark Thal

Parc du Doubs

If the Doubs has already found no place in the enumeration of water bodies in Switzerland , it is at least duly mentioned here. This river characterizes the northern part of the nature park and is responsible for its naming. At the same time, it forms the border to France north of the Jura mountains.

The Parc du Doubs accommodates a large portion of nature on its surface and no densely populated settlements.

But all the more horses.

_Swiss Activities Tip: Be prepared for cooler temperatures in the Franches-Montagnes than on the banks of the Doubs. Even on sunny days, appearances can be deceiving and having an extra layer of clothes up your sleeve is certainly not a bad idea

Naturpark Doubs See

For more information, discoveries and suggestions for this area, visit the website of the Parc du Doubs.

  • How to reach the Parc du Doubs

You can reach the Parc du Doubs by public transport, but not as easily as, for example, the Jurapark Aargau. However, if you have a little more time, this is not a serious problem

The cities of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Le Locle and St-Ursanne are on the SBB network and various villages in the Franches-Montagnes can be reached by train. Buses and cable cars also provide access to the park

With your own car you are of course also in good hands here. In this case, it is best to travel via Biel or Neuchâtel via La Chaux-de-Fonds.

St Ursanne Naturpark Doubs

Parc régional Chasseral

  • Facts and figures about the Parc régional Chasseral

For the Chasseral Nature Park , we will stay in the Jura mountains for the time being. It was named after the Chasseral, the highest elevation in the Bernese Jura, which is also considered the viewing terrace of the Swiss Jura. It has held the title of regional nature park since 2012.

For more information on discovering the Chasseral Nature Park, with up-to-date details and offers, visit this website

  • How to reach the Parc régional Chasseral

If you are not on your way from Schaffhausen to Geneva by bike, you can also reach the Chasseral Nature Park by public transport. From Biel, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel you can reach the park in less than 20 minutes. You can either take the train, the bus or your own car.

Naturpark Chasseral

Jura Vaudois Nature Park

The Jura Vaudois Nature Park has been part of the Swiss Nature Parks since 2013. It is the westernmost park in Switzerland and thus the last in our list to be located in the Jura mountains. Thanks to its proximity to the densely populated coast of Lake Geneva, it is a popular destination for the people of western Switzerland.

More suggestions and inspirations can be found on the website of the Jura Vaudois Nature Park. However, the site exists exclusively in French, although the many pictures fortunately speak a globally understandable language

  • How to reach the Jura Vaudois Nature Park

The park is very easy to reach from different starting points. Whether you start in Geneva, Nyon, Morges or Lausanne, public transport gives you easy access

Within the park there are several train and post bus lines, which makes a car practically unnecessary. Although you can of course also reach the park by choosing any access road from the direction of Lake Geneva.

Naturpark Jura Vaudois

UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch

  • Facts and figures about the Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve

There are around 700 biosphere reserves worldwide, with one of them located in the canton of Lucerne. The Entlebuch Biosphere is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and covers an area of 395 km². It extends over seven municipalities and is home to around 17,700 inhabitants

The Entlebuch has been a UNESCO Biosphere since 2001 and since 2008, when the federal program was launched, it has been one of Switzerland's regional nature parks.

  • What awaits you in the Entlebuch Biosphere

The Entlebuch Biosphere is characterized in particular by its many moorland landscapes. The "wild west of Lucerne" , as the area is also called, consists of a quarter of moors of national importance. Nowhere in Switzerland will you find more moors than here

But also alpine meadows, wild mountain streams and the imposing Schrattenfluh are part of this nature park. It is not for nothing that the Entlebuch is considered a model and showcase region by UNESCO

Due to the wide range of leisure activities, the Entlebuch is a popular vacation region that offers something for almost every taste. If you are looking for a relaxing beach vacation, you will unfortunately be disappointed here. But otherwise you are sure to find something that suits your preferences.

 Entlebuch Biosphäre

The assortment of ways to pass the time in Entlebuch is immense and you will not find it difficult to occupy yourself here for a few days. Especially for families, the nature park offers a lot of options, which makes it a suitable destination for active family vacations.

You can find more information on topics such as accommodation, gastronomy, packages, events and much more on the website of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch

  • How to reach the Biosphere Entlebuch

The nature park is easily accessible by public transport from various directions, whether by bus or train. Trains run regularly from Lucerne and Bern to the Entlebuch, and various post bus routes lead to the more remote villages. By the way, the Entlebuch belongs to the validity area of the Tellpass .

The biosphere is also easily accessible by car via Lucerne or Bern.

Entlebuch Biosphäre

Gantrisch Nature Park

  • Facts and figures about the Gantrisch Nature Park

Things get much more mountainous in the Gantrisch Nature Park, which has been one of Switzerland's nature parks since 2012. Covering an area of 404 km², it extends over the territory of 19 municipalities and is home to around 37,400 inhabitants

The park was named after the Gantrisch chain, a mountain range in the Bernese Alps southwest of Thun. Unlike the parks in the Jura Mountains, the peaks here are considerably higher, at more than 2,000 meters above sea level

  • What awaits you in the Gantrisch Nature Park

The Gantrisch Nature Park advertises many features, one of which immediately catches the eye. Due to the low light pollution, you can experience clear starry nights in the park and hunt for shooting stars. So make a note of your most urgent wishes and go on a shooting star hunt.

Also during the day there is a lot to see and discover in the Gantrisch Nature Park. On the one hand, there are deep canyons and gorges through which the river "Schwarzwasser" meanders. On the other hand, you encounter vast moorlands, the striking Gantrisch chain and endless forests. The importance of the forest must be especially emphasized here

The Gantrisch Nature Park is home to one of the largest contiguous forest areas in Switzerland. In addition, four times more people work here in the agricultural and forestry sector than the Swiss average.

From a cultural-historical point of view there are some treasures to be found here. Spread over the park you will find castles, various baths in the Gurnigel area - which bear witness to the old bathing culture - but also the Schwarzenburg chapel, a part of the Jakobsweg with the Rüeggisberg monastery and various farmhouses built in the style typical of the region. In addition, the Gantrisch Nature Park has eight museums and three observatories

You remember the clear nights? That was no joke.😉

Naturpark Gantrisch

  • How to reach the Gantrisch Nature Park

The Gantrisch Nature Park is well served by public transport. On the one hand with the train from Bern or within the park with various post bus lines. In winter there is even a snow bus

If you arrive with your own car - no matter if you come from Bern, Thun or Fribourg - there are several parking lots available

 Radfahren Gurnigel Gantrisch

Gruyère Regional Park

  • Facts and figures about Gruyère Regional Park

We are cheating a bit with this park. Its full name is "Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut" . A tongue twister that I would like to spare you and me. Therefore, for the moment, we give it the pet name "Regional Park Gruyère"

It has been part of the inventory of Swiss nature parks since 2012 and covers an area of 503 km². Its territory includes 13 communes and about 14,700 inhabitants. It stretches from the shores of Lake Geneva in Montreux to the Gruyère region and the Saanenland region near Gstaad.

  • What awaits you in the Gruyère Regional Park

Well-known cheeses such as Gruyère, l'Etivaz and Fribourg Vacherin come from this region, so it is not surprising that there are several opportunities to follow in the footsteps of one of Switzerland's most important trademarks

Other features of the Gruyère Regional Park are deep valleys, lush alpine and mountain meadows, numerous wooded areas but also rock faces and steep scree slopes

The medieval town of Gruyères and the Cailler chocolate factory in Broc are located just outside the park. Just in case you get a craving for chocolate after a long hike, followed by a photo stop in Gruyères

  • How best to explore the Gruyère Regional Park

The park is a true hiker's paradise. By bike you are less well off here than in most other parks, although there are nevertheless isolated bike routes. So we suggest you put on your walking shoes and choose one of the many hikes.

  • On the route Les Granges - Gérignoz - l'Etivaz you will find yourself in the largest nature reserve in western Switzerland. This five-hour hike will challenge your legs as you climb over 1,000 meters in altitude
  • The cheese trail from Allières to Montbovon is a bit more leisurely. Yes, there are indeed cheese trails in the Gruyère Regional Park. Here you'll find more candidates
  • This hike through the moorland at Col des Mosses leads past alpine huts, cow pastures and last but not least the enchanting mountain lake Lac Lioson
  • For an excursion on a bike, there are two signposted routes from Schweizmobil. On the one hand there is the Alpine Panorama Route for cyclists and on the other hand the Panorama Bike Route for mountain bikers


More route suggestions and details about the Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut - seriously, who came up with that name? - can be found on this website

By the way, the Golden Pass Line , one of the five big panoramic trains, passes right through the Gruyère Regional Park on its way from Montreux to Lucerne. If you're not much of a hiker and more of a connoisseur, this would be a calorie-saving option to visit the park.

  • How to reach the Gruyère Regional Park

The Gruyère Regional Park is well connected by train and several post bus lines. Be it from Fribourg, Gstaad, Montreux or Bulle. If you like winding roads, you will also be happy here with your own car

However, there is no direct road from the heart of the park down to the southern part on Lake Geneva. For that you would have to take the highway from Bulle via Vevey to Montreux or the train through the mountains

Naturpark Gruyere

Jorat Nature Park

  • Facts and figures about the Jorat Nature Park

Small but mighty takes on a whole new meaning in connection with the Jorat Nature Park. Strictly speaking, it is not a nature park, but only a nature park candidate . It has been on the list since 2016 because it would like to be a nature discovery park

Registered or not, no one is left out here. With a manageable 9 km², it is located in a single municipality and only 20 people live on its territory

  • What awaits you in the Jorat Nature Park

One thing above all awaits you in the Jorat Nature Park.

At 40 km², the Jorat forests are the largest contiguous forest area in the Swiss midlands. Since it rains a lot here, the forest is considered a water reservoir that could temporarily guarantee the region's water supply in case of pollution of Lake Geneva.

In addition, the Jorat landscape provides a home for a variety of insects, amphibians, birds and mammals. Since the park is not far from the last metro station of the Lausanne Métro, it registers about one million walkers per year

So you see. Small, fine but very busy.

  • The best way to discover the Jorat Nature Park

The best way to discover the Jorat Nature Park is on foot along one of the numerous walking trails, paths and boardwalks. Cyclists pass the southern edge of the park on the Swiss mobile route from Lausanne to Payerne .

For more information on the project around the Jorat Nature Park and its goal of earning a place in the federal program, visit this French-language website

  • How to reach the Jorat Nature Park

With the Métro to Epalinges and a subsequent bus ride, the Jorat Nature Park is easily accessible from Lausanne.

Naturpark Jorat

Diemtigtal Nature Park

  • Facts and figures about the Diemtigtal Nature Park

On the other side of Gstaad, midway between the Gruyère Regional Park and Lake Thun, lies the remote Diemtigtal. With its 136 km², the nature park is rather one of the smaller ones of its kind. It has been part of the Swiss nature parks since 2012, is located on the territory of two municipalities and has about 2400 inhabitants

Somehow also small and fine - although not in the same style as the Jorat Nature Park. The 19 km long valley stretches from Oey-Diemtigen - which, by the way, is also on the route of the Golden Pass Line - to the Landvogtehore, a 2,616 meter high mountain peak at the end of the valley

  • What awaits you in the Diemtigtal Nature Park

With around 140 alpine farms that lead more than 10,000 cows, cattle, sheep and goats into the Diemtig Alps in summer, the Diemtigtal is one of the most important communities in the Swiss alpine economy. The concert of bells during the hikes and mountain bike tours is therefore pre-programmed.

What you can also look forward to are magnificent flower meadows, a wild mountain landscape, beautiful views wherever you look, ice-cold mountain streams, glittering mountain lakes and a diverse animal world. So keep your eyes open on your hikes for ibexes, chamois, marmots and other mountain creatures.

Particularly impressive are the many beautiful Diemtigtaler houses, which are decorated with elaborate carvings and paintings. By the way, these are connected in various themed trails that can be walked with the help of an app. But we'll get to that in a moment.

Naturpark Diemtigtal

  • How to best explore the Diemtigtal Nature Park

The range of activities in the Diemtigtal Nature Park is very comprehensive. You can explore it on foot, by bike, on a mountain bike, on horseback or along one of the many themed trails

  • Everything about hiking, including suggested routes to mountain lakes, peaks and the Alps, can be found on the hiking page of the Diemtigtal Nature Park .
  • The three Diemtigtaler Hauswege lead you past the most beautiful houses and let you marvel again and again. Don't forget to install the app for it
  • Thanks to various other theme trails you will never get bored here. Whether you are interested in birds, cultural history, churches or wild roses
  • Bikers get their money's worth in the Bike Park Wierihorn and on the numerous biking routes . Put on your helmet and get into the fun.
  • The scooter fun on the Wierihorn is something for small and adult children
  • You can also enjoy the Diemtigtal Nature Park in the air or on horseback .

As you can see, the Diemtigtal offers something for everyone. No matter whether you are looking for peace and quiet and a few beautiful photos or for a proper adrenaline rush. You can find more information about the nature park on this website

  • How to reach the Diemtigtal Nature Park

The Diemtigtal is only accessible from one side. Unless you are on a hiking tour and arrive via one of the many mountains standing around. Otherwise you can travel by train to Oey-Diemtigen and change there to the post bus

If you are traveling by car, drive via Spiez in the direction of Zweisimmen and take the turnoff to Diemtigtal in Oey.

Naturpark Diemtigtal See

Pfyn-Finges Nature Park

  • Facts and figures about the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park

In the canton of Valais - which, along with Ticino, is one of the two southernmost cantons in Switzerland - there are two nature parks. One of them is the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park, which covers an area of 277 km² and 12 communes. It has been part of the inventory of Swiss nature parks since 2013 and is inhabited by around 11,000 people

The special feature of this park is that it is located on the language border between the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland. In addition, the differences in altitude within its territory are considerable, as the lowest point is at 500 and the highest at 4153 m.a.s.l. As you can see, this is a very contrasting area.

  • What awaits you in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park

The variety of landscapes and habitats in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park is impressive. On the one hand, glaciers, rocky steppes, some of the highest mountains in Switzerland and several alpine huts can be found in the park, while not far away are endless pine forests, stately castles, various floodplain areas and the fertile Rohnetal valley with its numerous vineyards.

The core of the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park consists of the Pfynwald protected area. This forest is one of the largest pine forests the Alps have to offer and is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in Switzerland on 17 km². The park is also a paradise for ornithologists, as it is home to a large number of different bird species. Even eagles can be observed in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park.

If you have a little sommelier slumbering inside you and would like to give it some exercise, you will get your money's worth here. Over 80 wine shops offer their regional products and wine tastings, most of which can be found in the wine village of Salgesch and on the wine island of Varen

  • How you can best explore the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park

With over 450 km of signposted hiking trails, there are more than enough options for exploring Pfyn-Finges Nature Park on foot. You can also make good progress by bike or mountain bike. If you don't have your own bike, you can rent one in Leuk or in Sierre .

The nature park website has numerous route suggestions, excursion ideas and themed trails posted. These include the following:

  • The Wine Trail from Sierre to Salgesch takes 2-4 hours and leads through the heart of the Valais wine industry.
  • On the Birdwatching Tour , which is about 15 km long, rare bird species such as the kingfisher can be observed with a bit of luck.
  • A completely different landscape is revealed on the Lämmeren Glacier Trail , which leads through a floodplain landscape of national importance.
  • Various biking routes meander through the park. Be it leisurely along the water or on hair-raising trails at higher elevations.
  • The Soundwalk focuses on the fact that you can perceive the area not only with your eyes, but also with your ears.

For more information, inspiration, interesting facts and descriptions about the nature and landscape center in Sangelsch, visit the website of the nature park Pfyn-Finges.

  • How to reach the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park

Along the Rhone Valley, the nature park is accessible by fast and regional trains. Since the park is somewhat remote - of course, this is always a question of perspective - you have to allow about two hours for the journey from the larger Swiss cities such as Geneva, Zurich, Lucerne or Basel. From Bern, you can reach the park in a little more than an hour.

Within the park you will find various post bus lines and cable cars that will take you to your destination. By car, you can either reach the park via the Lake Geneva region via Montreux or by car transport through the Lötschberg tunnel, if you don't want to take the detour through western Switzerland.

Naturpark Pfyn Finges

Binntal Landscape Park

  • Facts and figures about the Binntal Landscape Park

The second nature park in the Valais is the Binntal Landscape Park. This comparatively small park is located on the border with Italy and covers an area of 181 km². Its territory extends over five municipalities and about 1200 inhabitants call it home.

This side valley of the Valais, which used to be used by smugglers as a route on their way to Italy, has held the title of a nature park since 2012.

  • What awaits you in the Binntal Landscape Park

No other Alpine region is as rich in minerals as Binntal and it is not for nothing that Binn is known as the "Mineraliendorf" . So far, more than 300 different types of minerals have been found in this area, far beyond the well-known rock crystals. If you are interested in these fascinating gems, you can find more information here .

Otherwise, the Binntal Landscape Park presents itself at its best with its enchanting views, authentic villages, extensive wildlife, the unique Grengj wild tulip, sparkling mountain lakes and breathtaking mountain landscapes.

  • How to best explore the Binntal Landscape Park

The best way to get around the Binntal Landscape Park is on foot or by mountain bike. In addition, the Alpin bus runs during the summer months, transporting excursionists from Binn to Fäld and back to Binn after the hike

On one of the numerous signposted hiking trails you can reach every corner of the landscape park, whereby you also have the option for a guided tour or a theme trail. Here's a small selection of possible pastimes:

  • On the Hike to Schaplersee you'll see the Swiss mountain landscape from its chocolate side.
  • If you are interested in the history of the world-famous hotelier Caesar Ritz (Ritz-Carlton, ring a bell?), the theme trail "The Life of Caesar Ritz" offers a cultural excursion
  • For those with a head for heights, the 92-meter suspension bridge Goms Bridge is an impressive experience
  • Choose one of the more than 30 further hiking suggestions to discover the Binntal Landscape Park on foot.
  • On one of the guided tours you will be shown the park by a professional. Most tours take place in winter as part of a ski tour
  • Bicyclists and mountain bikers will find a selection of tours and routes here
  • Of course, there are also several offers dealing with the Binntal minerals . These include guided hikes on the topic, grinding courses and mineral hunts or a visit to one of the two museums.

Naturpark Binntal

This list is by no means exhaustive, and you can find more ideas for all kinds of experiences in the Binntal Landscape Park on the park website

  • How to reach the Landscape Park Binntal

Getting to the Binntal Landscape Park is a bit of a hassle, but it's still easy to get there by public transport. From Brig or Göschenen, the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn takes you directly to the park. The suspension bridge is also accessible by train. In addition, there are regular buses and in summer the Bus Alpin within the Binntal.

By car you arrive in the same way as to the nature park Pfyn-Finges. Either via the Lake Geneva region via Montreux or by car transport through the Lötschberg tunnel

Naturpark Binntal

Parco Val Calanca

  • Facts and figures about Parco Val Calanca

Another nature park, which for the time being is only a candidate for the title and is waiting to be included in the federal inventory, is the Parco Val Calanca in the canton of Graubünden. It covers an area of 120 km² and extends over the territory of four municipalities. With only about 400 inhabitants, it is very sparsely populated.

The sunny valley is open towards the south and is protected in the north by mountains up to 3000 meters high. In addition, the park is home to a small mountain lake in the shape of a heart, which the organizers immediately incorporated into their logo

  • What to expect at Parco Val Calanca

Some of the features of the idyllic Parco Val Calanca are the traditional stone and wooden settlements, well-preserved mule tracks, a wild and unspoiled nature with a diverse wildlife, two very remote villages that can be reached only by cable car and a crystal clear river landscape in the bottom of the valley.

Parco Val Calanca is far from the transit traffic between the northern and southern Alps, which makes it a very quiet destination. For wildlife, the park offers an ideal habitat and if you keep your eyes open a bit, you may be lucky enough to see ibexes, deer, chamois and even golden eagles or black grouse

Water-wise, the park has a lot to offer. On the one hand there is the Calancasca River, but also several waterfalls and mountain lakes can be found in this small area.

  • The best way to explore Parco Val Calanca

In Parco Val Calanca you are ideally on foot. Bicycle and mountain bike routes are not really found here, but there are several beautiful hikes that will lead you into the hidden valley:

  • The Via Calanca is a hike that can be done in three stages.
  • The Panoramic Calanca Valley Trail is a leisurely hike that is also suitable for families.
  • In the Lower Calanca Valley there is a circular hike that is perfect for nature lovers who are in good shape.
  • Other trails start in Rossa , a village at the end - or beginning? - of the Via Calanca

Additional information about this park candidate can be found on the website of Parco Val Calanca.

  • How to reach the Parco Val Calanca

With public transport it is a bit of a cramp to reach the Parco Val Calanca. With the post bus from Chur or Bellinzona you can get to Rossa, a good starting point for various hikes, with one or two changes

The Calanca Valley is easily accessible all year round via the A2 and A13 freeways. Here you will find a more detailed description of your journey to the Parco Val Calanca

Naturpark Calanca See

Beverin Nature Park

  • Facts and figures about the Beverin Nature Park

Let's move on to a somewhat larger park for a change. The Beverin Nature Park covers an area of 515 km² and extends over nine municipalities. It has been a regional nature park since 2013 and has about 3700 inhabitants

Ibexes excluded.

The park is named after the Piz Beverin, a 2998 meter high mountain that characterizes the image of this nature park in the canton of Graubünden. The area includes four valleys and two linguistically distinct settlement areas

  • What awaits you in the Beverin Nature Park

In the Beverin Nature Park, incomparable landscapes of the Grisons mountains await you

Deep gorges such as the Rhine Gorge - also known as the "Swiss Grand Canyon" - imposing mountain landscapes around the Piz Beverin, a hunting reserve that is home to over 350 ibexes, and regionally important mining areas are among the features of the nature park.

One of the three gorges that make their way through the valleys is the famous Viamala Gorge. The name means something like "bad way" . And it is not by chance. If you find yourself on the well-prepared hiking trail with bridges and wooden footbridges in this unpleasant gorge and imagine how dangerous this obstacle on the way south used to be, the pessimistic naming will hardly surprise you.

  • How you can best explore the Beverin Nature Park

The Beverin Nature Park can be explored on foot, by bicycle or mountain bike. But certain gorges are also available for a trip in a canoe or a canyoning tour. It all depends on how much adrenaline you want to release during your stay in the park. Among the options you can choose from are:

  • The Via Capricorn is entirely dedicated to the ibex and takes you on a 51 km hike, covered in three stages, across the ibex territory at Schamserberg. The overcoming of 3,400 meters of altitude should not stop you if you want to enjoy this hike.
  • Information and suggestions about the Rhine Gorge, which touches the northern edge of the Beverin Nature Park, can be found on the Ruinaulta website
  • On the Heinzenberger Gratweg you will be accompanied by wonderful views of the Grisons Alps
  • By bike, the Graubünden Route leads you in several stages through various parts of the canton. The fifth stage from Thusis to Splügen runs, among other things, through the Viamala Gorge and along the Hinterrhein.
  • Several mountain bike routes, such as the Alpine Bike Route, can be found on the interactive map from Schweizmobil .
  • Offers for rafting excursions or guided mountain tours are listed on the website of the Beverin Nature Park .

Hiking trails and other activities are rather sparse on the park website . Nevertheless, you will find helpful information and details about current offers

  • How to reach the Beverin Nature Park

The Beverin Nature Park can be reached by car on the A13 via Chur, or by train on the Rhaetian Railway, also via Chur or Thusis. Within the park there are various post bus lines and regional trains

Naturpark Beverin

  • Facts and figures about Parc Ela

Parc Ela is also located in the canton of Graubünden and, with an area of 548 km, is the largest nature park in Switzerland. It covers the territory of six municipalities and unites a whole three language cultures - German, Romansh and Italian. In total, only about 5200 inhabitants live within its borders.

Parc Ela has been part of the Swiss nature parks since 2012 and directly borders the Beverin Nature Park to the west. The lowest point is in the Schin Gorge at 745 meters and the highest point is on Piz Kesch at 3418 meters above sea level.

  • What awaits you in Parc Ela

In Parc Ela you will encounter a wild landscape, steep mountain peaks, moorlands of national importance, beautiful Graubünden villages - such as Bergün - and vast landscapes surrounded by glaciers and mountain lakes. In addition, the Albula mountain line, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Rhaetian Railway, runs over the Albula Pass. With all its helical tunnels and loops that the train passes through to overcome the altitude, you can quickly lose your bearings.

With over 70 species of mammals, Parc Ela provides habitat for a rich diversity of animals. Starting with the dwarf shrew weighing 3 grams and ending with the red deer weighing over 200 kg. By the way, since 2009 wolves can be detected in the park again. Bears have also found their way in sporadically, although this has not happened since 2008.

In the nature park there are also numerous medieval castles and churches, which can be visited on various excursions

  • How to best explore Parc Ela

In this park, which is large by Swiss standards, you can get around in a variety of ways. There are endless hiking trails and mountain bike routes, pass roads for bikers and motorcyclists, and various Rhaetian Railway lines

A very impressive train ride is on the Albula line, which is on the line of the Bernina Express. This panoramic train runs from Chur past the Rhine Gorge and along the winding Albula line to St. Moritz in the Engadine. Other possible ideas for excursions and activities are as follows:

  • A hike in Parc Ela is almost a must. Various long-distance hikes, which lead in several stages through the canton of Graubünden, pass by the nature park. But also shorter hikes are possible on the more than 100 km of hiking trails.
  • The pretty, small Palpuognasee, which we described in more detail in this article , is located directly on the Albulapass road and is definitely worth a visit
  • On a total of 26 themed trails you can discover the uniqueness of Parc Ela
  • By bike or mountain bike you have an almost endless choice of routes at your disposal

A variety of excursion destinations in Parc Ela - 523 to be exact - are listed at this link . Further information about the park is compiled on the nature park website

  • How to reach Parc Ela

Parc Ela is easily accessible by public transport as well as by car from Davos, St. Moritz or Chur. Various post bus lines take you to the places that do not have a railroad line

The park is also popular with cyclists and motorcyclists who take a tour over the passes of the canton of Graubünden

Parc Ela

Swiss National Park

  • Facts and figures about the Swiss National Park

There is only one national park in Switzerland. But this one has it all... Nowhere else in Switzerland will you encounter so many marmots, ibexes and other wild animals in the wild

The Swiss National Park has existed since 1914 and is located in the Engadine in the canton of Graubünden. It covers an area of 170 km²] and apart from a very rich wildlife, there is no permanent resident population in the park.

Since 2010, together with the municipalities of Val Müstair and Scuol, it forms the UNESCO Biosphere Val Müstair, which you will learn more about later. With over 100 years under its belt, it is not only the oldest national park in the Alps, but also the best protected.

  • What to expect in the Swiss National Park

As you can guess, it's all about one thing

The national park is open to visitors on around 100 km of signposted hiking trails and a total of 21 routes. You can expect a variety of animals such as ibex, marmots, chamois, red deer, foxes, squirrels, bearded vultures and many more. In addition, the park has a rich flora, breathtaking views and unspoiled landscapes.

However, in order to make all the beautiful aspects possible, there are a whole set of rules that every visitor has to follow. For example, due to the high protection of the national park, it is not allowed to leave the trails, make an open fire, spend the night freely in the park or take any plants with you

A detailed list of what is forbidden in order to preserve nature in all its beauty can be found here

The only possibility for an overnight stay in the Swiss National Park are on the one hand the Chamanna Cluozza - a simple hut in the middle of the Val Cluozza - and on the other hand the Hotel Parc Naziunal il Fuorn .

  • How you can best explore the Swiss National Park

Apart from hiking, all sports are prohibited in the National Park. That means: put on your hiking boots, put on your backpack and off you go.

The 21 hiking routes, which are, however, closed in winter, can be filtered on the Swiss National Park website according to marching time, altitude gain and difficulty

The main entrance to the park, through which virtually all hiking trails can be reached, is Zernez. Here is also the Visitor Center , where all conceivable information is served to you on a silver platter

Speaking of information: The Swiss National Park website is your best source to prepare for your trip. Whether it's finding out more about the app created for the park , browsing special tourist offers , or securing a place at the accommodation

  • How to reach the Swiss National Park

Due to its peripheral location, the National Park can only be reached with a certain amount of time. However, the access with the trains of the SBB and the Rhaetian Railway to Zernez is very good. Detailed information on how to get there can be found here

Arrival by car is also possible, although the number of parking spaces directly at the park is rather limited.

Schweizer Nationalpark

Biosphere Val Müstair

  • Facts and figures about the Val Müstair Biosphere

This idyllic spot on earth has been part of the Swiss nature parks since 2011 and covers an area of 199 km². The park is located in a single municipality and is home to around 1,400 inhabitants.

Like the Entlebuch, the Val Müstair Biosphere also bears a UNESCO World Heritage designation. Or rather two of them. The two awards went on the one hand to the monastery of St. Johann in Müstair and on the other to the high alpine biosphere reserve that Müstair shares with the national park and the municipality of Scuol

  • What awaits you in the Biosphere Val Müstair

The Val Müstair Biosphere is a small world in itself on the other side of the Ofen Pass. Biodiversity is a priority here and several projects are dedicated to endangered animal species and the preservation of existing landscapes, among other things.

Typical Graubünden villages, spectacular mountain landscapes, several museums, a traditional hand weaving mill, the great variety of wildlife, the famous monastery of St. Johann, crystal clear mountain streams and rivers make up the beauty and uniqueness of the Biosphere Val Müstair.

  • How you can best explore the Biosphere Val Müstair

The Biosphere is best discovered on foot or by mountain bike. A visit is also possible by car or post bus, although you will definitely see more of the park at a slower pace. Here for the last time a selection of possible hikes, mountain bike tours and other specialties:

  • Just before the border with Italy in Müstair, as mentioned above, is the Benedictine monastery of St. Johann. Information about this UNESCO awarded building can be found here
  • On the theme trail A la riva dal Rom you follow the course of the wild river Rom for 18 km. You will see flowering meadows, dense alder forests and impressive landscapes
  • Various guided tours deal with topics such as wildlife, the stories of the local villages or the return of the wolf.
  • The second stage of the Alpine Bike Route leads through the Val Müstair Biosphere
  • Several hikes, such as a stage of the Way of St. James , can be found on the interactive map of Switzerland Mobile

What else is waiting for you in the Biosphere Val Müstair, such as tips on local products or current attractions, you can find on this website

  • How to reach the Biosphere Val Müstair

Whether you travel by public transport or individually with your own car, the Biosphere Val Müstair is not easy to reach. Nestled in the very tip of Switzerland, the journey to the Engadin and via Zernez is a time-consuming undertaking, but one that is clearly worthwhile.

By train, the journey takes place from almost all corners of Switzerland via Landquart with a subsequent trip through the Vereina tunnel to Zernez. By car, you either drive over one of the mountain passes or you send your car through the Vereina tunnel by car transport.

Biosphäre Val Müstair Fluss Berge

  • Further practical information

Finally, we share a few more tips with you about Swiss nature parks:

  • There are various helpful apps that will accompany you on your visit and keep you on the right path.
  • On this interactive map you can get a good overview where to find which nature park.
  • For the journey by public transport we recommend you to use the timetable on the SBB website .

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20 of the Best Places to Visit in Switzerland — From Quaint Villages to Glamorous Cities

From tiny medieval towns to iconic ski resorts, here are 20 of the best places to go in Switzerland.

best places to visit in switzerland nature

OlyaSolodenko/Getty Images

When you close your eyes and think of Switzerland, what do you see? Is it snow-capped mountains? Perhaps a verdant valley punctuated by springtime wildflowers? Or maybe it's a quaint Swiss city filled with cultural attractions and world-class restaurants. No matter which vision comes to mind, all of them are right — because Switzerland is all that and more. 

"Switzerland is small, yet we have four official languages, and every single one of the 26 cantons (states) is unique and has something different to offer," Catja-Camilla Straub, a tour guide with GatyaGoes , shared with Travel + Leisure . "There are different ways to explore and experience Switzerland, and there is something for everyone's interests: the outdoors, activities, luxury, a large number of festivals, food, culture, and history." 

Straub isn't the only one to see the nation's remarkable beauty. "Switzerland can offer you all Europa has to offer in one country," Tim Wehrle, a tour guide and underwater archaeologist in Zurich, said. "From lonely mountain valleys to a Mediterranean flair in the south of Switzerland, from busy nightlife to historic town centers, you can find everything in Switzerland." 

Ready to see it all? Here are 20 of the best places to visit in Switzerland.

Stephanie Pollak/Travel + Leisure

“Zurich is a small gem with only 450,000 inhabitants, yet it's the largest and most vibrant city in Switzerland,” Straub shared. Zurich may be best known for its banking and shopping, but, as Staub noted, it “actually has a rich history dating back to the Romans.” Staub recommends seeing it all and learning everything you can on a walking tour with a local like her.

Mount Rigi Kulm

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Make your way to the top of Mount Rigi to get a view of three countries at once. The mountain, located between Lake Lucerne and Lake Zug, offers views of Switzerland, France, and Germany at the top, which you can reach by taking a train or hiking all the way .

Lake Lucerne

Xantana/Getty Images

Lake Lucerne offers some of Switzerland’s most fantastic views. The glittering lake stretches on for 43 square miles, offering visitors the chance to hike around it, boat through it, or stay at any number of fantastic hotels lining its shores to enjoy the view. 

volgariver/Getty Images

Make your way about an hour northeast of Lake Lucerne to the town of Rapperswil , which sits on Lake Zurich. The town is known for its abundant roses in the spring and summer and for its medieval architecture, including its very own castle.

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History lovers, this one is for you. Ticino, a town in southern Switzerland, is home to not one but two UNESCO World Heritage Sites — the Bellinzona castles and Monte San Giorgio. Come explore them all year long, dive in the lake in summer, or take to the mountains for a ski trip in winter. 

Janoka82/Getty Images

Tucked between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, travelers can find the town of Interlaken . It’s well known as an adventure-lovers paradise, offering the chance to hike, ski, paraglide, skydive, and more through the majestic mountain range surrounding the town.

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Quinten , which sits on the shores of Lake Walen, is the place to be for those who love to see everything on foot. The entire community is car-free and offers spectacular views throughout its terraced neighborhoods lined with vineyards overlooking the Churfirsten mountain range.

Tambako the Jaguar/Getty Images

Want another car-free adventure? Head to the picturesque town of Appenzell in northeast Switzerland. The small community of just 7,000 full-time residents is known for its hand-made cheeses, best enjoyed with a picnic out in the rolling green pastures. 

Pintai Suchachaisri/Getty Images

Montreux, positioned on the shores of Lake Geneva, is loved for its palm-lined promenade, castles, and gorgeous alpine vistas. It’s also the place to be over the summer when it hosts the annual Montreux Jazz Festival, which is worthy of planning an entire trip around.

Julien Viry/Getty Images

If you’re into cheese, you’ve likely heard the name Gruyère before. Visit its namesake town, located in southwest Switzerland, to dig into the cheese-making tradition and to visit its fairy-tale streets surrounded by a positively bucolic landscape.

Oeschinen Lake

DaLiu/Getty Images

Explore another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Switzerland with a visit to the glacial Oeschinen Lake. Like many places in Switzerland, this lake comes flanked by snow-capped peaks and alpine meadows, and it offers more than its fair share of outdoor fun, including everything from hiking and biking to ice fishing in the winter.

Lavaux Vineyard

Leslie Robinson/Getty Images

Wine lovers will adore visiting Lavaux Vineyard, the nation’s largest contiguous vineyard area that goes on for nearly 2,000 acres. The vineyard is yet another one of Switzerland’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which comes with the added bonus of gorgeous views and divine wine tastings .

Jasper Lee/Getty Images

Want to feel like you’re on top of the world? Head to Stoos , a town located at 4,265 feet. The entire (car-free) town is adorable, but the coolest part is its funicular railway — which holds the record as the steepest on Earth — that takes guests some 2,400 feet high in under 10 minutes. 

Meindert van der Haven/Getty Images

Find a little slice of luxury in St. Mortiz. The high-end town marries some of the best skiing in the world with some of the best shopping. It’s got glitz, glamour, and plenty of bona fides to back up its reputation as a winter sports heaven; St. Moritz hosted the 1928 and 1948 Winter Olympic Games.

David Madison/Getty Images

Geneva, the second-largest city in Switzerland, is renowned for its international organizations like the United Nations European headquarters and the International Committee of the Red Cross. It’s also a spot where travelers can find luxuries galore, including high-end watch shops selling some of the most exclusive pieces on Earth.

Rhine Falls

Mirza Cosic/Getty Images

Feel the power of Mother Nature at Rhine Falls, Europe's largest waterfall. Visitors can marvel at the thunderous waters from viewing platforms, and those feeling more adventurous can take boat trips for a closer experience. Just make sure to wear something waterproof.

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Zermatt , which sits in the shadow of the Matterhorn, is one more car-free village that combines rustic charm with high-end amenities, including some of the best skiing in Europe. Of course, guests can explore the mountains all spring, summer, and fall by hiking and biking, or just enjoy the town’s fantastic (year-round) shopping opportunities.

Bern, Switzerland's capital, offers an enticing mix of old and new. The city has retained much of its medieval architecture and cobblestone streets, now the setting for world-class dining venues, boutiques, and beer gardens, all worthy of visiting on your next trip.

mikolajn/Getty Images

Find a little taste of Italy in Lugano, the largest Italian-speaking city in Switzerland (which counts Italian among its four official languages). The Swiss city offers more gorgeous promenades to stroll, along with delicious Italian-influenced restaurants and an art scene that can't be beaten. 

Swiss National Park

Get one more taste of Switzerland’s incredible natural beauty with a visit to Swiss National Park , located in the Engadin Valley. The park encompasses 68 square miles, making it a fantastic place to explore. While on a hike, see how many animals you can spot, including the park’s resident marmots, ibexes, and golden eagles.

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Thanks to its unique geographical location at the heart of Europe, Switzerland is endowed with an extraordinary variety of scenic countryside.

Lake at Lungern

The rhine falls, staubbach falls - free falling waters with a mist of spray, seven springs and the simmen falls, saut du doubs, advertisement, giessbach falls and hotel giessbach, trümmelbach falls, engstligen falls / engstligenalp, saignelégier, lake derborence, grande cariçaie and champ-pittet, sihltal - sihlsprung - sihlwald, creux du van, matterhorn (4,478 a.s.l.) - symbol for switzerland, montreux - rochers-de-naye cogwheel railroad, swiss alps jungfrau-aletsch, tectonic arena sardona, bondasca and albigna valley, karstlandschaft silberen, the very middle of switzerland, monte san giorgio, the earth pyramids of euseigne, viamala gorge, trient gorge, suworow monument and schöllenen gorge, botanical garden geneva, glacier garden lucerne, réclère - grottos and prehisto-park, the fascinating seleger moor park, glaubenberg moorlands, alpinum schatzalp – botanical garden, ornithological institute visitors centre, papiliorama & nocturama, goldau nature park and zoo, knies children's zoo, brissago island, st. peter's island, lavaux, vineyard terraces, more scenic nature, mines d'asphalte.

For over 100 years asphalt was laboriously mined in the underground asphalt mines of La Presta and exported all over the world for road construction. Today the mines are no longer in operation and are partially open to the public as a museum.

Moulins souterrains du Col-des-Roches

If brooks and rivers run only sluggishly above ground, hydropower is nearly impossible to harness. That is why the inhabitants of the valley of Le Locle began to use subterranean streams. This is how the cave mills of "Col-des-Roches" arose.

Ice Pavilion - view of the interior of the glacier

High above Saas-Fee at an altitude of 3,500 m lies the entrance to the heart of the Fee Glacier. The Ice Pavilion was completely revamped in spring 2016. Visitors to the ice grotto can now experience an avalanche simulation with lighting effects and a shock wave that reverberates through their entire body.

This Ticino hill landscape ranges from the Gulf of Agno on Lake Lugano to Monte Lema. Picturesque Ticinese villages, narrow mountain lanes and vast chestnut forests define the region, which is ideal for hiking and biking tours.

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15 Best Places To Visit In Switzerland In Summer in 2024


Home » 15 Best Places To Visit In Switzerland In Summer in 2024

Switzerland in the Summer is stunning. The snowcapped mountains become lush and bright green inviting you for amazing outdoor hikes.

This European country has so many amazing places to visit in the summer.

But with so many places to explore, it can be daunting to narrow down your options.

That’s why we asked 15 different travel bloggers to share their top picks for the best summer destinations in Switzerland.

They’ve written about their own personal experiences and described why these places should definitely be on your must-visit list this summer.

These Switzerland summer destinations offer a whole range of outdoor activities, from hiking, to enjoying the lakes or swimming in some rivers.

Best places to visit in Switzerland in summer

So if you’re not sure which places you should check out while in Switzerland, you can trust the advice of the thousands of travelers who’ve been there and done that!

If you are looking for a European summer vacation, then be sure to have a look at this list of 15 must-see places in Switzerland in summer.

15 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland in Summer

This travel guide listing the best places to visit in Switzerland for the summer will help you plan the most amazing summer vacation to this European destination due to the warm climate in Switzerland in August .

From the best places to visit in Switzerland during summer where you can enjoy and sample some of Switzerland’s finest food and wine to the most scenic city in Switzerland or the best things to do in Switzerland in the summer – this list covers all of them!

1. Montreux

Contributed by Bulgarian On The Go

Montreux in Summer

The first destination on our list of the best places to visit in Switzerland in summer is Montreux.

Montreux is one of the most exciting places to visit in the summer.

The main reason is very simple – the Montreux Jazz Festival . This is the second-largest jazz festival in the world and it takes place annually in early July on the Lake Geneva shoreline.

It’s become so popular that around 200,000 people visit it every year.  

The summer in Montreux also allows for many water sports in Lake Geneva , such as paddle boats, canoes, kayaks, and even water skiing.

Even if you’re not a fan of water sports, you can still take advantage of the beautiful Lake Geneva shore and enjoy a day at the beach . 

For all hiking lovers, there are quite a few hiking routes near Montreux which are worth exploring. Some ideas for hikes include the Gorge du Chauderon, Via Alpina, and Rochers de Naye. 

Do not forget to add the Chillon Castle (make your life easier and grab your entrance ticket online here ), the statue of Freddy Mercury , and the Queen’s Studio to your itinerary of things to do in Montreux .

Chillon Castle in Montreux in summer by Bulgarian on the Go

The town is incredible to visit in any season, but it’s additionally special in summer due to the wide variety of activities provided during this time of the year. 

Popular Summer Montreaux Tours To Book

Here are some of our top picks for tours that will make your time in Montreux extra special!

1. Full-day tour to Riviera Col du Pillon & Glacier 3000

suspension bridge, Glacier 3000 in Switzerland

Experience the beauty of Les Diablerets in Switzerland!

Admire the majestic glacier, standing 3000 meters tall, and the Peak Walk – the world’s first suspension bridge connecting two peaks.

Have fun sledding down a slope or enjoy a thrilling descent on Europe’s highest Alpine Coaster.

This is a must-do tour.

2. Relax on This 2-Hour Riviera Cruise

Take a summer cruise on the Swiss Riviera

Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the Swiss Riviera with a 2-hour paddle steamer boat cruise.

Admire striking views of Lake Geneva, the Swiss and French Alps, and Chillon Castle.

This unforgettable experience promises to leave you breathless and awestruck.

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Montreux

Montreux is a charming little city that deserves more than a day trip (although it is totally doable as a day trip).

We suggest staying for 2-3 nights to make the most of the tours and truly enjoy its allure.

For your stay, we recommend you stay at the super popular Eurotel Montreux .

Eurotel Montreux

Conveniently located in the heart of the city (close to sights, restaurants, and a train station) and with a magnificent view of Lake Geneva and the Alps, Eurotel Montreux offers guests luxury 4-star accommodation.

With its remarkable location on the lake, Eurotel Montreux provides an ideal setting for those who wish to enjoy all that Montreux has to offer during their summer escape.

Contributed by Dymabroad

Zurich in the Summer

Is Zurich worth visiting in the summer? Absolutely!

Zurich is one of the best Swiss cities to visit in summer.

This is the largest city in the country and there are a lot of things that you can do in the city during summer. 

Zurich summer cruise

One of the best summer activities in Zurich is to check out the outdoor pools in the city .

There are several pools on or next to Lake Zurich. For example, a nice one is Flussbad Oberer Letten . 

Furthermore, you can go to Film am See, which is an open-air movie theater. 

Besides that, hiking is a great activity to do in Zurich during summer. There are beautiful hills with nature that surround the city.

Also, it can be great to go to the Uetliberg Lookout Tower when you do this. This is an observation tower from where you can get a panoramic view of the city and its surrounding. 

Also, the Zürcher Theater Spektakel takes place during summer.

This is a performing arts festival during which you can see all kinds of performances at various venues in the city. For example, there are live theater shows at this festival.

Zurich is definitely one of the best cities in Switzerland and one of the best places to go in Switzerland in summer.

Popular Summer Zurich Tours To Book


Discover Zurich’s hidden gems with these top-rated tours! Elevate your experience with our hand-picked selection of unique and unforgettable adventures.

  • City Tour, Cruise, and Lindt Home of Chocolate Visit – Enjoy a 5.5-hour city tour with a cruise. See the top sights and enjoy some yummy tastings at the Lindt Home of Chocolate. Book your tour here .
  • Lindt Home of Chocolate Entry Ticket – Enjoy this skip-the-line ticket where you can enjoy unlimited chocolate tasting whilst learning all about chocolate. Grab your skip-the-line entrance ticket here .

Popular Day Trips From Zurich Worth Booking

Grindelwald Switzerland

Looking to add to your trip and explore some of the beautiful surrounding locations?

Here are our favorite day trips that are 100% worth booking.

  • Day Trip to Jungfraujoch – Take a breathtaking journey through the Swiss Alps on the cogwheel railway. Enjoy a panorama from Europe’s highest railway station and explore a glacier in the Ice Palace. Book your spot here .
  • Mount Titlis Day Tour – Discover the city of Lucerne before heading up Mount Titlis. Get panoramic views of the Swiss Alps from the Rotair cable car and visit the ice grotto. Book this tour here .
  • Day Trip to Grindelwald & Interlaken – Includes a scenic train ride, free time in both towns, a cable car to Mt. First plus more! Book this tour here (for spectacular scenery!)
  • Stein am Rhein and Rhine Falls Half-Day Trip – Visit Europe’s largest waterfall, enjoy a guided stroll through the medieval village of Stein am Rhein and visit the Laufen Castle. See if there are spots free on this tour .

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Zurich

We suggest staying for a minimum of two days, but we encourage you to extend your stay if you’d like to explore the beautiful places mentioned earlier with a day trip.

Book your stay at H+ Hotel Zürich . It is a very popular hotel is located 2 min away from a tram stop.

H plus hotel Zurich Switzerland

If you’re looking for an enjoyable summer vacation in Zurich, then look no further than the 4-star H+ Hotel Zurich.

With comfortable rooms ideally designed for 2-3 people, a convenient location, and an amazing breakfast every morning, it’s easy to see why H+ is the perfect choice!

Contributed by Travels In Poland

Lucerne in Summer

Lucerne is one of the most beautiful and popular summer destinations in Switzerland. 

With the base of the Swiss Alps, Lake Lucerne offers amazing water and mountain-based activities for visitors. 

Lucerne, located in central Switzerland, is the largest city on the lake and is located at the northern tip of the lake is a great city to visit when visiting the lake. 

The city offers a range of amenities, a beautiful old wooden walking bridge , a small city feel, and numerous amenities.

Old bridge Kapellbrucke in Lucerne, Switzerland

The quaint villages and small cities sprinkled around the lake can be accessed by boats that make numerous daily crossings across the lake. 

One of the towns, Weggis, has high-end luxury hotels and spas, though this is also true for other cities on the lake. 

Viztnau is also a great destination as it offers a cogwheel train up to Rigi Mountain ( here is a great tour to book for Mt Rigi ), a popular destination for hiking . 

Campgrounds can be found in the cities along the lake, and visitors should not be surprised to see RVs lining up at each site.

The lake has hundreds of offerings of water-based activities , such as boating, swimming, fishing, canoeing, paddle boats, kayaking, and much more. 

There is access to public beaches in many areas, which allows visitors to spend the day at the lake however they wish. 

One of the best parts of Lake Lucerne is the hundreds of lakeside cafes, restaurants , hotels, spas, and much more. 

Travelers can simply pick and choose a beautiful city to visit along the lake, and they can easily find fine Swiss dining and beautiful views.

Besides visiting the lake, you can also head for the mountains.

Mount Pilatus is only a 15-minute bus ride away ( or book this super popular tour ) and the summit is easily reached via cable cars and a gondola.

Mount Pilatus

The mountain has snow-capped peaks even during the summer season. On a clear day, you can enjoy panoramic views over the Alpine peaks and lakes.

Lucerne is called the heart of Switzerland, and in my opinion, might just be the best city to visit in Switzerland in summer, and is well worth a visit if you haven’t been.

Popular Summer Lucerne Tours To Book

Lucerne Switzerland, city and river view

Unearth the hidden gems of Lucerne with these carefully curated, top-rated tours!

  • Relax on This 1-Hour Cruise on a Panoramic Yacht – Relax and enjoy the cruise to Meggenhorn Castle. Take in the views of villas, hills, and the deep blue lake. Book your spot here .
  • Join a Combined Lucerne Walking and Boat Tour – Experience the highlights of Lucerne in just one day! Join a small group for a leisurely 5.5-hour walking and sightseeing boat tour. Grab a spot here .

Popular Day Trips From Lucerne Worth Booking

Mt. Pilatus and Lake Lucerne view in Switzerland, cable car

Explore stunning nearby locations! Here are our top day trips worth booking.

  • Mount Pilatus Summer Day Trip – Experience Mt. Pilatus on a 5.5-hour journey! Take a gondola to Fräkmüntegg, then ascend to the peak by cableway. Descend on the steepest cogwheel to Alpnachstad & catch a boat for a scenic Lake Lucerne cruise. Book your spot on this tour (it is the most popular one).
  • Jungfraujoch Top of Europe Day Trip – Such a spectacular day tour with all of these stops included: Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen, Jungfraujoch, Ice Palace, Sphinx Observatory, cogwheel train down to Eigergletscher and V-Cableway Eiger Express. Don’t miss this one! Secure your spot on this tour here.

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Lucerne

To make the most of your visit, we suggest staying for a minimum of two days . Lucerne is also the starting point for our 4 days in Switzerland itinerary .

You can spend one day exploring the city’s offerings and use the other day to embark on a day trip to one of the nearby mountains.

The 5-star Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern is the perfect place to stay during a summer vacation in Lucerne.

Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern, where to stay in Lucerne, Switzerland

This family-owned hotel in downtown Lucerne’s Old Town is perfect for couples and families, footsteps from the lake.

The elegantly decorated rooms come with modern amenities, and there’s an onsite spa area.

Whether it’s a romantic getaway or a fun-filled family vacation you’re after, Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern is ready to welcome you!

4. Gruyères

Gruyeres Switzerland best places to visit

So if I asked you: what is Switzerland known for ? I bet some of you might think about chocolate and Swiss cheese. And this little town is about both, making it the best village in Switzerland .

Gruyères is a beautiful walled Medieval town packed with tons of charm. Whilst there are many things to do in Gruyères during the day, you’ll love walking along the cobblestone streets.

This quaint town has few shops and homes which makes the experience of visiting this town one of the must-see places to see in Switzerland in summer.

Gruyères is known for its cheese which is used in a number of gourmet dishes around the world.

As an avid traveler, I adore experiencing local delicacies. Recently, I tried the fondue. Although the dish tasted lovely, the richness of the cheese was overwhelming. My recommendation to fellow foodies would be to order fondue as a shared platter to relish its flavor without it dominating your meal.

Be sure to try the village specialty dish, known as Moitie-Moitie , which is a dish made with the popular Gruyères and another locally sourced cheese named Vacherin from the Fribourg area.

It is also known for the HR Giger Museum where you can see paintings and sculptures of many alien movies that have been made.

There is also the Medieval Gruyères Castle that you can explore and visit – the views from up on that level are spectacular!

Gruyères Village in Switzerland

For all those chocolate lovers, the Cailler Chocolate Factory is accessible with a short 5-minute walk from the Broc train stop and well worth a visit.

Enjoy a tour of the factory, relax at the café, and grab some delicious souvenirs from the chocolate shop on the way out.

We recommend you visit Gruyères on a day trip from Geneva . The town is small and I wouldn’t stay overnight in the area.

This Gruyères Day Trip from Geneva includes a panorama train ride, and chocolate and cheese tasting.

Contributed by The World In My Pocket

Lugano Switzerland The World In My Pocket

Lugano is a fantastic summer destination in Switzerland.

The Swiss city, located on the shores of the lake with the same name, has a certain Mediterranean feel that is best enjoyed during the summer months when the days are long and terraces open until late in the evening. 

There are plenty of things to do in Lugano in summer. The city has a wonderful lido , as well as a public beach where you can cool off from the heat, by swimming in the lake .

For nature enthusiasts, going up Mont Bre to hike and admire the panorama of the Swiss and Italian mountains is a must. You can book this tour to Mont Bre .

At the top of Mont Bre you can enjoy a drink with a view from the outdoor terrace of the restaurant there, which has a 360 panorama of the lakes and mountains below.

There are plenty of trails here as well that can take you all the way to Italy. 

In summer in Lugano, you can also enjoy a relaxing time by hiring a pedalo boat to explore more of the lake at your own pace. The boats are very cute, in the shape of old race cars. 

Even if you are  going to Lugano on a day trip , this city is so worth visiting in summer.

On a side note, did you know that you could easily reach Italy for a day trip from Italy?

  • Lugano is the closest Swiss city to Milan and you can easily reach it on a train – which will only take 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • If you want to visit Lugano on a day trip from Como , a train journey will take only 45 minutes.

You can easily explore all of Lugano’s highlights in one single day so we recommend visiting Lugano on a day trip from Zurich, Milan, or Lake Como.

Popular Summer Lugano Tours To Book

Explore Lugano’s hidden summer treasures with these highest-rated tours!

  • Monte Brè Tour from Lugano by Funicular – Uncover the treasures of Monte Brè on this delightful full-day tour. The itinerary features a lake cruise as well as a funicular train ride to the peak. Book this tour here .
  • Skip the Line Falconeria Locarno Ticket – Escape bustling Lugano with a visit to Locarno’s Falconry! Get up-close with birds of prey like hawks, owls, and eagles in an awe-inspiring traditional show! Grab your skip-the-line tickets here.

6. Interlaken

Contributed by Megan Starr

Interlaken summer - by Maria Starr

Interlaken is a fantastic summer destination with a plethora of activities to choose from. You’ll never be bored!

There are many great hiking trails to explore the area’s natural beauty.

Try the easier Rugen trail or the more challenging Harder Kulm trail (or take the funicular up to Harder Kulm ) for breathtaking views over the lake, mountains, and town.

Interlaken Kulm trail in Summer

Grindelwald , just a short train ride away, is a paradise for hikers with many gorgeous mountain trails.

For less strenuous options, stroll on the lakeside of beautiful Lake Brienz or Lake Thun . You can also jump in the water for a refreshing swim.

Kayaking, canoeing, and stand-up paddleboarding on these blue lakes are fun activities to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

If you are a thrill-seeker, Interlaken is one of the most stunning places to go paragliding ( here is the most popular paragliding tour ), an activity  offered both in winter  and summer!

And don’t miss out on visiting the enchanting Oberhofen Castle and strolling through its colorful gardens, with unhindered views of lovely Lake Thun.

Interlaken also hosts some great summer music festivals .

Check out the Greenfield rock festival, and the International Trucker and Country Music Festival, or head to nearby Spiez for the Seaside Festival, featuring different genres of music from both Swiss and international music stars.

For all these reasons and more Interlaken is one of the best places to visit in Switzerland !

Popular Summer Interlaken Tours To Book

Interlaken Switzerland

Explore Interlaken’s summer wonders with these highly-rated tours!

  • Tandem Paragliding Experience from Interlaken – Soar above Swiss Alp peaks on a tandem paragliding flight with transportation from Interlaken. Marvel at views of Lake Thun and the snowy summits of Jungfrau! Book this popular experience here .
  • Grab Your Boat Day Pass on Lake Thun and Lake Brienz . Enjoy a summer trip to witness St. Beatus Caves, Giessbach Falls & castles around the lake. The lake offers glorious views of the Bernese Oberland mountains.
  • Kayak Tour of the Turquoise Lake Brienz – Kayak across River Lütschine exploring cliffs, Ringgenberg Castle & hidden beaches on this fun kayak tour! Book the Lake Brienz kayak tour .

Popular Day Trip From Interlaken Worth Booking

Sphinx Observatory on Jungfraujoch, Most Beautiful Places in Switzerland

Looking to add to your trip and explore some of the beautiful surrounding locations? Here are our favorite day trips that are 100% worth booking.

  • Day Trip to Jungfraujoch Mountain – Explore Jungfraujoch on a full-day guided tour from Interlaken. Take a cable car ride, witness sweeping views of Europe from the Sphinx Observation Terrace, and venture through the Ice Palace tunnels. Book this awesome day trip here.

We recommend staying 2-4 days to truly relish the town, lakes, and mountain hikes, with a day trip to Jungfaujoch .

The best hotel to book for your stay is The HEY Hotel .

The Hey Hotel in Switzerland, most beautiful places in Switzerland

The hotel is in the center of the town, has comfortable rooms and it’s only 400 meters from the Interlaken-West train station.

7. Lavertezzo

Contributed by Together In Switzerland

Lavertezzo in Summer

Switzerland in Summer can be truly magical, such as when visiting the mountains in combination with a lake or river for swimming.

A recommendation of one of the best places to visit in Summer is Lavertezzo, a dreamy little location in the Ticino Canton. 

Pack your sun cream, sunglasses, and your swimwear as you will want to dip into the stunning  crystal clear waters at Lavertezzo .

The river flows through the Verzasca Valley, a popular spot with locals and a few tourists who make the visit.

You can visit by car, but the easiest is with the local public bus that stops right in the area. 

As well as swimming in the waters at Lavertezzo, you can hike along the river’s edge either North or South through the forestry area and past the local houses.

During Summer it is very idyllic to relax and take your time in the area, so bring yourself a picnic full of delicious treats. 

It’s very rural in the area, but the Ponte dei Salti double arch stone bridge is a top highlight even for locals.

If you’re a daredevil, join the locals by jumping off this bridge directly into the deep but clear waters below. It’s about a 4-meter drop so it’s not for those scared of heights! 

From Lavertezzo, you can also consider adding to the day with a visit to either Ascona or Locarno.

Both are located at Lake Maggiore where the Verzasca valley and river end. 

8. Lausanne

Contributed by Passion for Hospitality

Pretty Lausanne in Switzerland

Lausanne , Switzerland’s fourth largest city is not only considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the country but has also enjoyed global recognition as the Olympic capital since 1994.

You can visit the Olympic Museum – grab your ticket online here .

This important title makes Lausanne one of the most reputable and significant locations in the sports world and the summer months are a perfect time of year to enjoy several sporting events .

From Cyclotour du Léman,  a popular cycling race that runs along the Swiss and French shores of Lake Geneva to the Ladies Open Lausanne , and of course Lausanne Triathlon , one of the most anticipated sports events not to be missed!

Apart from being a sporting capital, Lausanne is located in a widely popular wine-growing region which is a UNESCO World Heritage site as well.

Wine lovers are guaranteed to enjoy some of the most prized wine varieties paired with a highly relished local cuisine.

Lausanne boasts a myriad of wonderful experiences throughout the year and the summertime is a perfect season to enjoy its rich cultural program which combines exciting theatre performances with dance, music, and circus. 

We love visiting Lausanne on a day trip from Geneva or Montreux.

Popular Summer Lausanne Tours To Book

Lausanne in the summer

Explore Lausanne’s summer wonders with these highly-rated tours!

  • 2-Hour Lake Geneva Cruise Along Lavaux Vineyards – Set sail on a serene cruise from Lausanne to Vevey and witness the beauty of the Lavaux vineyards. Marvel at the views along Lake Geneva. Grab your tickets here.

9. Maggia Valley

Contributed by G-Extreme Travel

Maggia Valley in Switzerland

Switzerland is known for its majestic mountains, stunning lakes, and pristine valleys.

While the country offers a wide range of outdoor activities year-round, nothing beats exploring Switzerland in the summertime.

One of the best places to experience the best of what Switzerland has to offer is Maggia Valley. It is located in the southwest corner of the country, close to the Italian border .

Maggia Valley is best known for its awe-inspiring waterfalls and lush green mountain valleys .

Maggia Valley

The best way to experience this paradise of nature is to go on a hike. You can explore hiking trails along the river or venture out onto one of the many peaks in the region .

You’ll be rewarded with views of the valley, beautiful streams, and waterfalls cascading down the mountains.

Switzerland is well known for its traditional dishes such as fondue, raclette, and rosti… but in this majesty valley, you’ll encounter the Grottini Ticinesi, a place made of traditional rustic stone huts, that serve delicious regional dishes like pizzoccheri, polenta, and other deliciousness!

Here you can sample some of the best local food while enjoying an amazing view of the mountains.

Besides spectacular views and delicious food, Maggia Valley has something for everyone in terms of activities.

Many of the trails are suitable for families , while others are more challenging and best suited for experienced hikers.

Maggia Valley is a true gem for visitors looking to experience Switzerland’s best in the summertime.

From its stunning waterfalls and lush green mountains to its delicious restaurants and wide range of activities, there is something for everyone in this valley.

So if you’re looking for a summer getaway that offers something special, then Maggia Valley should definitely be on your list.

Contributed by Life Part 2 And Beyond

Vevey in Summer

The lovely town of Vevey lies on Lake Geneva’s north coast. It’s a beautiful place to visit during the summer months. 

You can take a swim in the lake, a boat trip, a pedalo, or a kayak, or simply relax by the water’s edge. And don’t forget to take that Instagram photo of Vevey’s iconic giant fork that sticks out of the water. 

Then explore the old town and lose yourself in its cobbled streets. If you’re there on a Tuesday or Saturday, be sure to visit the farmers market in the Grand Place. 

Visit Vevey in August and enjoy the entertainment from the Street Artists Festival . 

And did you know that Charlie Chaplin lived in Vevey for the last 20+ years of his life?

His old house is now a fascinating museum about Chaplin’s life , and there’s an interactive movie studio showing his movies too. A trip to Chaplin’s World is a must on any visit to Vevey. 

Just on the edge of town is a funicular that takes you up to Mont Pelerin .

From the mountain top, there are great views of Vevey, the lake and the mountains and some great summer hiking options . All trails are clearly marked. 

Vevey is best visited on a day trip. You can easily reach it from Geneva, Lausanne , or Montreux.

Contributed by Global Travel Escapades

Geneva in Summer

Is Geneva worth visiting in the summer? One of the best places in Switzerland to visit during the summer is the gorgeous city of Geneva .

During the summer, the city experiences a pleasantly mild climate , with temperatures usually around 77-78F (25-26C) – ideal for soaking up the sun!

You can find plenty of activities to enjoy around Geneva during the summer. For example, you can cool off by swimming in the refreshing and clear waters of the Rhône River at Plage de Rhône.

Alternatively, if you prefer to lounge around and indulge in some of the region’s famous fondue, head on over to the Bains des Pâquis !

Here, you will find several areas of Lake Geneva that have been sectioned off, water structures that kids can play on, a restaurant, and even a few diving boards!

Lastly, you won’t want to miss seeing the iconic Jet d’eau Geneve . This giant water jet propels water a whooping 140m into the air!

Afterward, you can stroll along the harbor and admire the colorful flower clock in Jardin Anglais which is believed to be created out of over 6,500 flowers!

So, if you’ve dreamt of swimming in Switzerland’s clear blue waters, then consider a visit to Geneva! Here is a fun 5-day itinerary in Switzerland that starts in Geneva for you to follow.

Popular Summer Geneva Tours To Book

Discover Geneva’s summer gems with these top-rated tours!

  • 3-hour Chocolate Tasting and Old Town Visit – Experience the allure of Geneva through a tour that combines the city’s sights with the indulgence of Swiss chocolate. Book this tour here .
  • 50-Minute Lake Geneva Cruise – Experience the beauty of Lake Geneva’s shores on a sightseeing cruise. Enjoy views of the Swiss Alps while learning about local landmarks with an audio guide. Book your tickets here .

Popular Day Trips From Geneva Worth Booking

Mont Blanc

  • Guided Day Trip to Chamonix and Mont-Blanc (in France) – Take a day tour from Geneva to Chamonix, a mountain resort at Mont Blanc’s base. Experience breathtaking views atop Aiguille du Midi via cable car. Book this awesome tour here !
  • Annecy Half-Day Trip (in France) – Discover Annecy, the Venice of the Alps! This charming city boasts vibrant markets, colorful pedestrian streets, and an enchanting old town area. Book this tour .
  • Gruyères Tour With Train Ride, Chocolate and Cheese Tasting – If you ever wanted to visit Gruyeres, this is the best tour to do so. Book your tour here .

If you want to visit a country near Geneva , Switzerland, France is easy to reach, however, I would suggest adding on at least an additional day to your travel itinerary to fit it in.

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Geneva

We suggest staying for a minimum of three days, so that you can fit in some of the day trips to explore surrounding places.

For one of the best places to stay, look no further than CitizenM Geneva .

citizenm geneva

CitizenM Geneva is the perfect place for any traveler looking to get a four-star experience in an amazing location.

Not only is it super innovative, but the incredible breakfast and modern amenities make it perfect for younger modern couples.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic weekend away or for a base to explore surrounding areas in Switzerland, CitizenM Geneva has everything you need.

12. Zermatt

Contributed by Destination Checkoff

Zermatt Town Switzerland Destination

Zermatt is a year-round destination and has plenty of activities and sights to enjoy in the summer.

The biggest draw of Zermatt is the Matterhorn mountain at 4478 meters towering above the town ( grab your cable car tickets here ). 

Zermatt Town in Switzerland

During the summer, take the 30-minute cog railway to Gornergrat for some epic views of the Matterhorn mountain from the Gornergrat observation deck at 3089 meters.

Zermatt is a popular summer destination for hiking and mountain biking . There are several trails here for all levels of hikers and mountain bikers.

Hike the Five Lakes Walk Trail for some stunning scenic lakes and reflection of the Matterhorn in the lake waters. 

Zermatt town is a nice place to walk around and explore the shops and restaurants.

To learn about the history of Zermatt make sure to visit the Matterhorn Museum . The Findeln Chapel and the English Church are sacred places to admire in Zermatt.

Every summer in August, the Folklore Festival celebrates the Swiss culture with a huge parade that features a variety of traditional Swiss music, dance, and costumes. 

In Zermatt town, you will find charming boutique hotels with spas offering great relaxation after a day of hiking or summer adventures.

There are several restaurants offering delicious Swiss cuisine as well as international cuisine.  

Popular Summer Zermatt Tours To Book

Discover Zermatt’s summer gems with these top-rated tours!

  • Pre-book your Matterhorn Glacier Paradise Cable Car Ticket here.
  • Purchase your Skip-the-line Gornergrat Bahn Cogwheel Train Ticket online before you go.
  • Why not book something unique? This paragliding tandem flight in Zermatt has with spectacular views of the Matterhorn and its surrounding peaks.
  • Never been skiing before? You can enjoy skiing even in the summer here. Book this private 3-hour private ski lesson so you can get out on the fun slopes as soon as possible.

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Zermatt

To make the most of your time in Zermatt, I recommend spending at least 2-3 nights.

This will give you a couple of full days to explore the area, or more if you’re interested in experiencing some of the amazing skiing opportunities available.

We recommend you stay at Hotel Ambassador Zermatt .

Hotel Zermatt in Switzerland

This property has it all! Boasting an unbeatable location, the rooms are ultra cozy, featuring breathtaking views and there’s a pool and sauna for your indulgence.

Contributed by The Discovery Nut

Ascona in Summer in Switzerland

Located along the shores of Lake Maggiore in Southern Switzerland, Ascona is a perfect summer destination if you are looking to enjoy the Mediterranean flair, enjoy boat rides , and take a couple of hikes in the nearby Valley Maggia . 

This cute town sits near the Italian border in the Canton of Ticino , the only Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland that’s located less than 2 hours away from Milan. 

Ascona boasts a colorful old town with a prominent clock tower, small stores, and gelato shops along the cobblestone streets.

If you spend a couple of days here, you might think that you have just stepped into Italy: the cobblestone streets of Old Town Ascona are lined with boutique shops and gelato stores where you can buy a tasty treat on a hot summer day. 

Ascona makes a perfect stop on your Switzerland itinerary and the best part is that it’s less discovered than some of the most popular destinations in the region like Lugano and Lake Como which receives the majority of visitors. 

Whether you want to go hiking, explore the medieval architecture of Old Town Ascona, or spend a few days enjoying the lake, you will have a great time here.

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Ascona

We suggest staying for two to three days in order to be able to enjoy some of the summer activities.

The 4-star Charme Hotel al Torchio is the perfect choice for travelers looking for a luxurious stay in Ascona. Its prime location in the old city puts you just steps away from the lake, and within easy reach of all the historical sites.

Swissôtel Kursaal Bern

The hotel was recently renovated to offer modern amenities such as comfortable beds and fantastic bathrooms with showers.

But that’s not all: Hotel al Torchio also offers a wonderful buffet breakfast every morning that is sure to put a smile on your face!

So if you’re looking for the best hotel in Ascona, look no further than Charme Hotel al Torchio. You won’t be disappointed!

Contributed by Paul from Paul Marina

Bern Switzerland Paul Marina

Bern, the capital of Switzerland , is located at the heart of the country. The medieval city was founded more than 800 years ago at the bend of the Aare River. 

The turquoise blue waters, and cute houses with clay-colored roofs as a backdrop, enthrall most visitors with their unique beauty.

Architectural marvels and the  top attractions of Bern  can be explored on a stroll through the well-preserved old town ( here is a great walking tour that you can book ). 

Bern Old Town, most beautiful places in Switzerland

A popular summer activity is swimming in the crystal clear Aare River . Locals and visitors from all over the world just tuck their belongings into a dry bag and jump into the refreshing waters.

Floating down the river is a relaxing unique experience, and you get to see the city from a different angle.

Families with kids will appreciate the free public pools in Bern to beat the hot summer heat. 

The open-air grocery market at the Bärenplatz has seasonal local fruits in the summer and the adjoining flea market is a treasure trove worth exploring.

For those looking to get active, the cycle trails along the Aare River are popular and a great way to explore the green areas of Bern. 

The funicular to the Gurten mountain peak takes one closer to various hiking trails . Exceptional views of the city and of the Bernese Oberland Alps can be expected here!

Popular Summer Bern Tours To Book

Zytglogge Clocktower Bern Switzerland

Here are some of our top picks for tours that will make your time in Bern special!

  • Zytglogge – Tour through the Clock Tower – Tour the iconic Zytglogge clock tower, witness its inner workings & enjoy a charming puppet show. Don’t miss this memorable experience! Book this popular tour .
  • 90-Minute Walking Tour Through the Old Town – Explore the UNESCO-listed Old Town of Bern, and marvel at its fountains, towers, winding streets, & more with an expert guide. Experience 800 years of local history condensed into one unforgettable walk! Book your walking tour here .

How Long To Stay For + Where To Stay in Bern

We suggest staying for a minimum of two days or three if you prefer exploring at a more relaxed pace.

Book your stay at the Swissôtel Kursaal Bern . This 4-star hotel exceeds all your expectations: close to the city center & attractions, and with stunning views of medieval Old Town & breathtaking Alps.

Swissôtel Kursaal Bern guarantees a luxurious experience with a 24-hour gym, casino, 2 restaurants, a bar, and a garden lounge.

This contemporary hotel has all you need for an amazing time.

Lavaux in Summer

Visiting Lavaux, the wine region of Switzerland , make this one of the best places to visit in Switzerland during the summer months for any wine lover.

The region of Lavaux is known for its terraced vineyards that stretch along the northern shores of Lake Geneva for over 30 km.

Lavaux is not just for wine lovers though. Lavaux has some of the best things to do in Switzerland in the summer.

You can explore the 800 hectares of magnificent terraced vineyards on foot or by bicycle .

And if wine is your thing, be sure to take part in a wine tasting in the many wine cellars and sample the best wines that Switzerland has to offer.

When you travel through the region of Lavaux, there are many charming pintes (mini-restaurants) that you can stop at to enjoy the local produce and food.

Exploring Lavaux, a UNESCO World Heritage Site , should be at the top of anyone’s list when visiting Switzerland.

Our favorite tour departs from Geneva and lasts 8-10 hours. It takes you through the picturesque streets of Vevey, as well as giving you the opportunity to take a cruise on an old steamboat (if selected).

You will also visit the famous Montreux, with its beautiful walks, and notable castle of Chillon.

To top it off, enjoy a glass of wine in Lavaux itself – a truly unique experience!

How to Get Around Switzerland

Before we hop into our post of the best places to visit in summer in Switzerland, let’s just quickly cover how to get around Switzerland.

1. Public Transport

Public transport in Switzerland is an easy and economical way to explore the country.

The “ Swiss Travel Pass ” offered by SBB provides discounted and unlimited access to public transport by train, bus, and boat to explore over 41 cities, scale mountain peaks, and cruise on breathtaking lakes in Switzerland.

Swiss Travel Pass for Trains


Save money and make life a lot easier with a Swiss Travel Pass. Allowing you to simply hop on trains, busses, and boats in most destinations.

Allowing travelers to go wherever they want without worrying about booking individual tickets or spending too much money on transportation costs. Grab your Swiss Travel Pass online with ease here .

2. Rent a Car

We are a family of 5 and we have young kids. When we visited Switzerland our youngest was only 1 year old, so we just found it so much easier to rent a car.

That way we can come and go when we wanted rather than waiting around for trains or buses to arrive.

Discover Cars is our go-to for car rental in Switzerland .

As a comparison site, it fetches the most competitive prices from all the leading car rental companies in the country.

It’s easy to use and makes car rentals a breeze!

rent a car in switerland


I recommend  and use   Discover Cars . They search through all rental companies to find and offer only the best deals.

With transport cover, let’s talk about which summer destinations in Switzerland you should include on your list of places to visit.

When is Summer in Switzerland?


From June to mid-September, Switzerland is a perfect place for a warm getaway. With plenty of daylight hours, travelers will be able to enjoy the stunning views that this country has to offer.

The attractions are open for longer periods during this time and visitors can take advantage of the extended hours.

Plus, with the higher temperatures, sightseeing and outdoor activities become even more enjoyable.

Hiking trails are in full bloom and mountaintops offer refreshing breezes for those looking for a break from the summer heat.

You will also find a range of watersports activities, from kayaking and sailing to fishing, all of which can be experienced on the crystal-clear waters of the lakes in this country.

Switzerland in Summer Weather: What to Expect?

Switzerland itinerary 5 days including Lucerne

In the summer, beautiful days and pleasant temperatures await travelers looking to book a warm summer vacation in Switzerland.

You can expect mild temperatures ranging from 20°C (68°F) in June and September, and up to 25°C (77°F) in July and August.

The weather will vary depending on where you are. In the Alps, temperatures tend to be cooler than those experienced at lower altitudes.

Let’s have a quick look at the average temperatures you can expect in popular destinations in Switzerland.

What to Wear in Switzerland in Summer

family on bike in Switzerland- Lauterbrunnen

Pack clothing that can be easily layered. Light, breathable fabrics such as loose-fitting shirts, shorts, and dresses are ideal for warmer days in Switzerland during the summer months.

For cooler evenings or high-altitude areas, pack a lightweight sweater or jacket to keep you warm and comfortable.

Bring sandals for easy slip-on shoes along with some comfortable hiking shoes for when you explore the great outdoors of Switzerland.

Don’t forget to bring a hat and sunglasses along with sunscreen and lip balm to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

FAQ About Switzerland Summer Destinations

Find below answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about summertime and weather in Switzerland as well as answers to the best Switzerland summer destinations.

Views over Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland

1. Is it worth visiting Switzerland in Summer?

Yes. Europe is wonderful in the summer and with many Switzerland places to visit in summer, it is definitely worth visiting.

2. When is summer in Switzerland

Summer is from the months of mid-June to late September.

The temperature range during the summer months ranges between 65° – 82° F (18 to 28 °C) making it a very comfortable temperature to enjoy the many activities and places Switzerland has to offer.

3. What is Switzerland like in the summer?

Switzerland in the summer is really beautiful. The sun is out, hiking trails are open, and the many lakes around Switzerland are warm enough for swimming.

The summer weather is great for exploring the lush green hills and mountainsides by foot or bicycle.

4. Is Switzerland crowded in summer?

As you can imagine, summer in Switzerland will be one of the busiest times next to the Swiss ski season so be prepared for crowds if you travel during the high season of June through to the end of August.

If you still want great weather but want to avoid the crowds, visit during the months of April – May or September – October.

5. Should you visit Geneva or Zurich in Summer?

Geneva and Zurich are two of the best cities to visit in Switzerland in summer. Both cities have warm climates during the summer months with hot and sunny weather.

Geneva tends to be drier than Zurich, although it is a little more humid, so if you want to try and avoid summer showers, Geneva may be best.

Final Thoughts on Where to Visit in Switzerland in Summer

Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, and it is a true dream to visit if you love nature, outdoor activities, and gorgeous towns and villages.

We hope that this list of where to go in Switzerland in summer is a great guide to help you put together your list of Switzerland summer destinations.

If you want more ideas for the best places in Switzerland in summer be sure to read our Switzerland Travel Blog Posts for more inspiration.

Tip: Check out our blog posts on Switzerland:

  • Best times to visit Switzerland
  • Why is Switzerland so beautiful?
  • 7-day Switzerland itinerary
  • Reasons to visit Switzerland
  • Travel Insurance Switzerland
  • Switzerland in June

15 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland in Summer

Jolene Ejmont

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7 of the most spectacular road trips in Switzerland

Kerry Walker

May 24, 2024 • 8 min read

best places to visit in switzerland nature

There are picturesque landscapes at every turn in Switzerland © ake1150sb / Getty Images

Switzerland might look tiny on paper, but with most of its land gobbled up by the Alps, this little European nation packs in a lot of elevated space.

Wherever you go, you’re in for one hell of a drive: roads unfurl along the shores of great lakes and glaciers, mountain passes corkscrew up to fairy-tale medieval castles, and on the high roads, every glorious bend makes you want to screech to a halt and yodel in delight.

Neatly wrapping it all up is the big one – the 1,643km (1,021-mile) Grand Tour of Switzerland – an epic, efficiently signposted lap of the country that links 12 UNESCO World Heritage sites and shows off the Alpine nation from its most flattering angles.

Short on time? Don’t worry – here are seven alternative road trips in Switzerland to give you a head start.

A lone road through the Furka Pass wiggles through a valley that is hemmed in by giant, snow-capped mountains in Switzerland

1. Furka Pass

Best road trip for glaciers and mountain peaks Obergoms–Andermatt; 35km (22 miles)

The wows never leave your lips, and the Alps never leave your rear-view mirror on this astonishingly steep, snaking, stop-the-car-and-grab-the-camera drive from the remote valley of the Goms in Valais to mountain-encrusted Andermatt in Uri.

If you begin to feel rather Bond-like behind the wheel, it’s no coincidence: this road starred in the car chase scene in the 1964 movie Goldfinger and brings out the 007 in everyone.

Swerving precariously around switchbacks, it tops out at the 2,429m (7,969ft) Furka Pass, where you can peer across the lunar rockscape of a wind-battered plateau and park to see the deeply crevassed Rhône Glacier and its ice grotto before the long, sweeping descent to Andermatt.

Planning tip: Drive the Furka Pass west to east for full-on, hairpin-riddled drama and views of austere peaks and glaciers that will draw constant gasps. Open roughly from June to October, the best time to go is the summer, as the road closes when the snow arrives. Check conditions before heading out.

2. The Appenzell rural route

Best road trip for rural Switzerland Appenzell–St Moritz; 200km (124 miles)

Switzerland’s rural, folksy heart beats loudest in the Appenzell region, snuggling up to Liechtenstein in the country’s northeast. It’s a terrifically unsung region for a road trip, with rolling dairy country giving way to lavishly frescoed towns. A week? Doable. Two weeks? Now you’re talking…

The route passes Säntis mountain (at the summit of which you can see six countries), the seven wavy limestone peaks of the Churfirsten range and the pretty medieval hamlet of Werdenberg before crossing little-but-lovely Liechtenstein, with an essential stop-off at its castle-topped capital, Vaduz .

The mountains soar ever higher as you cruise south to vine-rimmed Maienfeld – the setting of the beloved Swiss children’s book Heidi – and the gorge-spanning Salginatobel Bridge, a feat of engineering described as a work of art. 

Storybook Engadine villages with fountains and frescoed houses like Guarda and Zernez entice you into the nature-gone-wild Swiss National Park before your drive south to St Moritz , where sky-high peaks are ripe for Alpine adventures.

Planning tip: Factor in time to break from the wheel and stretch your legs with a properly wild hike in the Swiss National Park. The national park visitor centre in Zernez can hook you up with rangers. 

Boats and lake side buildings in the small village of Gandria on Lake Lugano.

3. Southern Switzerland's peaks 

Best road trip for mountain scenery Lugano–Zermatt; 264km (164 miles)

The Alps are your constant companion on this ravishing drive through the high mountains of southern Switzerland, which takes in both the Gotthard and Furka passes. You'll want to allow at least a week to do it justice. 

Begin at the route’s end in lakeside Lugano , which shoulders up to Italy and delivers a shot of la dolce vita in its cafe-rimmed piazzas and palm-fringed parks. From here, the road cruises north to Locarno – another beauty with its botanical gardens and palazzo-filled Renaissance Old Town – and UNESCO World Heritage Bellinzona with its trio of hilltop medieval fortresses.

The language flicks from Italian to German as you power north into the Alps proper and Airolo at the foot of the Gotthard Pass. This drive is simply too good to rush, so factor in time for a break in Andermatt, where big wilderness, high-elevation hikes and sensational Alpine scenery await.

Just west of here, the heart-quickening, hairpin-bend-riddled Furka Pass leads you up and over into the glacier-encrusted mountains of Valais. The final stretch of the trip encompasses Bettmeralp, the epic Aletsch Glacier and Brig, with its whimsical Stockalper Palace, building to a crescendo in Zermatt , where the mighty Matterhorn holds you in its thrall.

Planning tip: This route is seasonal, with both the Furka and the Gotthard Passes closing over winter. Check the Alpine Passes website for details on opening dates and current snow and road conditions.

The Gotthard Pass weaves down a mountain in Switzerland, with many switchbacks

4. Gotthard Pass

Best road trip for gorges and canyons Andermatt–Airolo; 26.5km (16.5 miles)

Sure, you could take the tunnel (one of the world’s longest) through the St-Gotthard Massif, but where’s the fun in that?

If it’s Alpine highs you’re after, the old road over the 2,108m (6,196ft) Gotthard Pass enthralls. Buckle up, roll down the window and prepare for a feast of wild, lonely, bleakly beautiful mountain scenery on this serpentine road linking the Italian-speaking Swiss region of Ticino to the German-speaking region of Uri. If the curvy road seems a challenge today, just think of the poor souls that once made the arduous journey on foot and with pack animals.

In a former customs house at the top of the pass, the seasonal Museo Nazionale San Gottardo gives insight into the history and culture of the pass, but it’s the heart-quickening views you’ll remember most.

Even the Romans shied away from the Gotthard, and it wasn’t until the Devil’s Bridge was built in the 1300s that the pass became properly accessible. The bridge straddles the Schöllenen Gorge, where walls of sheer granite plunge to the raging Reuss River far below. On the south side of the Gotthard Pass, the cobblestone Tremola is a tour de force of 37 switchbacks that send you pinballing down to Airolo.

Planning tip: The road is weather-dependent – it's usually open from May to November.

5. Julier Pass

Best road trip for getting off the beaten track Chur–St Moritz; 157km (98 miles)

Scenery like this should come with a drumroll. Unfurling through the otherworldly gray, jagged, moraine-streaked Alps of Graubünden , the 2,284m (7,494ft) Julier Pass is the icing on the cake of a lovely, long, winding drive that connects the Alpine city of Chur to St Moritz in the Engadine Valley.

Little-trafficked and thrillingly wild, the pass has been used since Roman times, and remains of a Roman temple are still visible. The road dives deep into the heart of the Albula Alps, ticking off pristine mountain landscapes like Parc Ela , Switzerland’s biggest nature park, where you might be tempted to temporarily swap the open road for a hiking trail or two. 

Unspooling like a ribbon, the Julier Pass frequently tops polls of Switzerland’s most beautiful drives, and for good reason: its remote, far-away-from-everywhere feel adds to its appeal tenfold.

Planning tip: While the drive is technically open year-round, take care with snow and ice. You’ll need winter tires and snow chains in the cold months.

Aerial view of Geneva Old Town from St. Pierre Cathedral with Mt. Saleve on background

6. Wheel through Western Switzerland

Best road trip for lakes and forests Geneva–Neuchâtel; 190km (118 miles)

The Alps get a lot of love, but sidling up to France in Switzerland’s not-so-wild west, the deliciously off-the-radar Jura region has its own quiet, unexpected beauty with lakes and vineyards rolling to châteaux and pine forest-cloaked hills. 

Begin with a powerful hit of culture in worldly Geneva , reclining gracefully on the shores of its croissant-shaped lake. From here, the route tiptoes off the beaten track north into the Jura Vaudois Nature Park for hikes with lake views and tastings of Gruyère cheese at rural Alpine huts.

Devote at least a couple of days to the second half of the drive as you cruise north to serene Lac de Joux, with its watchmaking heritage, and Vallorbe, where Switzerland’s most astounding limestone caves reveal a wonderland of subterranean rivers, waterfalls and rock formations.

Near Lac de Neuchâtel, you’ll find the lushly rolling Val-de-Travers, birthplace of the “green fairy” (absinthe) and the great crescent-moon canyon of Creux du Van . The drive ends with a metaphorical bang at Neuchâtel , topped off by a turreted fantasy of a medieval castle.

Planning tip: The drive is part of the well-signposted and mapped Grand Tour of Switzerland . See the website for details on stages and route highlights.

A bridge spans the Aare River in Bern, Switzerland

7. Switzerland's top cities

Best road trip for nature amidst urban Switzerland Zürich–Bern; 315km (196 miles)

Bookended by Switzerland’s de facto capital Bern and the country's largest city Zürich (commonly mistaken for the capital), this sensationally varied road trip leaps joyously from the urban to the outdoors, winging you from culture-crammed cities to great abbeys, medieval castles, lakes and mountains of myth.

Bidding Zürich’s big-hitting museums and cool waterfront bars a reluctant adieu, the drive swings south along the shores of Lake Zürich with tantalizing views of the Alps on cloudless days. Stop off at ludicrously pretty towns, such as vine-ribbed, castle-topped Rapperswil, before heading south to Einsiedeln and its whopping Benedictine abbey.

Lucerne hits the cultural sweet spot with its perfect-looking Old Town and galleries. Detour to fjord-like, exquisitely turquoise Lake Uri for a taste of the country’s geographical and spiritual heartland. Squeeze in dairy tours and meadow strolls in mellow Emmental as you ease your way southwest to Bern, the city of Einstein, elegant arcades and wild swims in the Aare River.

Planning tip: Aim for at least a week behind the wheel – preferably more.

Ready to plan your trip to Switzerland? Here are your next steps:

  • Save these top places to visit to your profile
  • Start crafting your budget with these tips
  • Traveling with kids? They'll love these activities
  • And here's everything you need to know before you go

This article was first published Dec 16, 2020 and updated May 24, 2024.

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    Check availability for the Lake Geneva Scenic Cruise. 7. The Matterhorn. The Matterhorn is one of the most iconic symbols in Switzerland and one of the most picturesque places in Switzerland. The peak of The Matterhorn is one of the Alps' highest points that borders Italy and has a height of 4,478 meters.

  4. 11 of the best places to visit in Switzerland

    3. Geneva and Lake Geneva. Best for a cosmopolitan city experience. In Switzerland's western crook, crescent-shaped Lake Geneva (Lac Léman to Francophones) is a joy to behold with its mountain backdrop, spirit-lifting views, vineyards and shoreline necklaced with handsome cities and castle-crowned towns.

  5. THE 10 BEST Parks & Nature Attractions in Switzerland (2024)

    Nature & Parks in Switzerland. 1. Lake Lucerne. Take a cruise on the lake - it is stunning, with a backdrop of mountains and punctuated by little towns, villages and... 2. The Matterhorn. Hiking around its base was an absolute thrill, and the serene lakes and alpine meadows add a touch of tranquility to...

  6. 17 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland

    St. Moritz. #13 in Best Places to Visit in Switzerland. Considered "the birthplace of Alpine winter tourism," St. Moritz welcomes travelers with world-class skiing, swanky hotels, renowned après ...

  7. 20 Most Beautiful Places in Switzerland to Visit

    Best place for hiking/nature: Grindelwald. Best place for foodies: Basel. Best place for museums: Zurich. Best place for families: Lauterbrunnen. Best place for skiing: Zermatt. Best hidden gem: Thun. In no particular order, here's my detailed list of my favorite places in Switzerland: 1.

  8. 7 Most Natural Wonders In Switzerland

    7 Swiss Most Natural Wonders In Switzerland. 7. Matterhorn. Matterhorn - undoubtedly the most famous of all Swiss mountains, maybe of the entire Alpine range. Its characteristic and unique shape make it a true wonder. In fact, thousands of people were attracted by the Matterhorn, in the attempt of conquering its peak.

  9. Nature

    Swiss Parks. The Swiss Parks are exceptional places, where local people are dedicated to maintaining their glorious landscapes, lively traditions and sustainable regional economies. Genuine natural experiences, fascinating stories and delicious regional specialities are just waiting to be discovered. Show all.

  10. 17 Spectacular Places to Visit in Switzerland (+ Map!)

    Entlebuch is one of the prettiest towns you will ever see. And if you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, climbing, or canoeing, then this town is definitely one of the best places to visit in Switzerland. Entlebuch offers more than 60 kilometers of well-marked hiking trails.

  11. The Complete Guide to Switzerland's Nature Parks

    Phone +41 33 552 26 00. Web Visit website. Diemtigtal Nature Park is a 16-kilometer-long ode to Switzerland's pastoral beauty. Highlights include the Diemtigtal House Trail, which allows hikers, cyclists, and even those driving through the park to discover the intricately carved and painted farmhouses of the valley.

  12. THE 10 BEST Switzerland Nature & Wildlife Areas

    THE 10 BEST Switzerland Nature & Wildlife Areas. 1. Pilatus Luzern. Strolling around the summit we had magical views over lovely Lake Luzern and to snow-capped Jungfrau and further Alps... 2. Creux du Van. The canyon is massive, the natural park is huge. 3. Falconeria Locarno.

  13. 20 Beautiful Places to Discover in Switzerland

    14. Grindelwald. One of Switzerland's most famous ski resorts, Grindelwald, sits in the shadow of three magnificent peaks: Jungfrau (4158 m above sea level), Mönch (4099 m), and Eiger (3970 m). Nature skillfully crafted this one-of-a-kind landscape consisting of steep rocks, neat plateaus, and gentle slopes.

  14. 6 staggering natural wonders in Switzerland

    Lake Lucerne Region. Nestled within the serene, mountainous region of central Switzerland, Lake Lucerne may not be the country's largest lake (Lake Geneva takes that title) but it certainly is one of the most unique examples of Switzerland nature.Visiting the Lake Lucerne Region is a highlight of Trafalgar's Contra sts of Switzerland trip. During your visit, you could choose to enjoy a ...

  15. The Best 17 Places to Visit in Switzerland

    The 14th-century wooden Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke) is one of the most photographed sights in Switzerland, and Lucern's medieval Altstadt (Old Town) looks much the same as it did hundreds of years ago. The innovative Swiss Museum of Transport is the most visited museum in Switzerland. Continue to 5 of 17 below.

  16. 22 Beautiful Places to Visit in Switzerland

    Best Places to Visit in Switzerland. Switzerland has more beautiful places than just in the Alps; ... It is aptly named Swiss National Park and is a favorite among nature lovers. Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps in eastern Switzerland, Swiss National Park was established in 1914 and covers an area of over 170 square kilometers (65 square ...

  17. 17 Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Switzerland

    6. Lake Geneva. Lake Geneva. Lake Geneva, Europe's largest Alpine lake, straddles the Swiss/French border, and laps at the shores of some of Switzerland's most popular cities. The city of Geneva (in French Genève; in German Genf) sits between pretty snowcapped peaks at the point where the Rhône spills into Lake Geneva.

  18. 10 Most Beautiful Places in Switzerland + Where To Stay

    Adelboden is a traditional Alpine village where you'll find traditional chalet's, over 300km of mountain and hiking trails, and many wellness options. Adelboden is also next to the second tallest waterfalls in Switzerland, the 600m high Engstligen waterfalls, which are just a 90-minute walk from the town. In regards to the wellness options ...

  19. 11 Natural Wonders in Switzerland to Explore by Hiking in the Swiss Alps

    How to visit the Swiss Alps . Switzerland has an excellent public transport network, in fact, it is one of the most punctual in the world. Buses go to even the most remote valleys and every major lake has a system of ferries. The best way to travel quickly and stress-free through the country is the Swiss Travel Pass. With this ticket, you can ...

  20. The 20 most beautiful nature parks in Switzerland

    Parc Ela is also located in the canton of Graubünden and, with an area of 548 km, is the largest nature park in Switzerland. It covers the territory of six municipalities and unites a whole three language cultures - German, Romansh and Italian. In total, only about 5200 inhabitants live within its borders.

  21. 20 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland

    Xantana/Getty Images. Lake Lucerne offers some of Switzerland's most fantastic views. The glittering lake stretches on for 43 square miles, offering visitors the chance to hike around it, boat ...

  22. Scenic nature

    Ice Pavilion - view of the interior of the glacier. High above Saas-Fee at an altitude of 3,500 m lies the entrance to the heart of the Fee Glacier. The Ice Pavilion was completely revamped in spring 2016. Visitors to the ice grotto can now experience an avalanche simulation with lighting effects and a shock wave that reverberates through their ...

  23. 15 Best Places To Visit In Switzerland In Summer in 2024

    15. Lavaux. Visiting Lavaux, the wine region of Switzerland, make this one of the best places to visit in Switzerland during the summer months for any wine lover. The region of Lavaux is known for its terraced vineyards that stretch along the northern shores of Lake Geneva for over 30 km.

  24. 7 best road trips in Switzerland

    Best road trip for nature amidst urban Switzerland Zürich-Bern; 315km (196 miles) Bookended by Switzerland's de facto capital Bern and the country's largest city Zürich (commonly mistaken for the capital), this sensationally varied road trip leaps joyously from the urban to the outdoors, winging you from culture-crammed cities to great ...

  25. Best places to visit Switzerland ,France Italy beautiful nature p4

    I love more than Switzerland! Not only is it absolutely beautiful, but it is one of the cleanest, most well run, and just overall perfect countries in the wo...