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How I Learned To Astral Travel

astral travel and depression

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere, including cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, power lines, and electrical wiring, making the places a person can astral travel almost limitless. This means a person can astral travel through cell phone text messages or internet usage or even phone calls. Human spirits can use any device that runs on electricity to travel into any type of building or vehicle, etc.

While God created the ability for a human soul to leave the body as a form of protection, Satan has twisted it in order to use it to further his Antichrist agenda. He starts at a young age using trauma to teach people how to leave the body to avoid harm, and then while they are out of the body, he funnels in other human spirits, demonic spirits, and other high ranking entities from the Kingdom of Darkness.

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you

Deuteronomy 31:6

I knew very little about astral travel until I became a Christian, even though I had been astral traveling all of my life.  I was taught from a very young age to leave my body as a defense mechanism to protect myself, but I had no idea what I was doing. It is very possible to astral project out of your body and not even know you are doing it, but because it is not openly talked about it, Satan continues to use astral travel to his advantage.

From the time I was an infant, I was sexually abused by my family as a form of indoctrination into the occult. Sexual abuse is damaging for any person, but for an innocent and helpless infant, it is especially damaging. When the abuse would begin, my poor soul would have no idea what to do with all of the feelings that would come over me. The human body is designed for sexual pleasure, but an infant is not yet wired in this way. So with encouragement from my family members, I would leave my body and therefore leave behind the pain and confusion that the body was experiencing.

In order to fully understand how a person can astral project out of the body without being aware, we must first understand how dissociative alters are created through trauma. When trauma occurs to the body or psyche, it can cause enough damage so that the mind actually creates a rift in the conscious self, creating an alternate personality that holds all of the pain and memory of that trauma. You do not have to be a child to have trauma affect you in this way, it is just that the devil uses this technique on children because they are the most susceptible.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

God created dissociation to help the human mind continue to function through terrible circumstances, such as living in an abusive home or relationship, living through war, traumatic accidents, death of loved ones, and so on. Trauma is an event which negatively impacts the human psyche and continues to impact the person long after the event has occurred. It is through the trauma that dissociation occurs but alters are only created when the trauma is so extreme there is no other way for the psyche to deal with the negative effects of the trauma.

The dissociative alter then can function separately from the conscious mind, becoming a part of the subconscious or superconscious mind, while still affecting the thoughts and feelings of the conscious mind. So if your dissociative alter feels angry, rejected, sacred, etc., you too will feel those feelings, you just will not understand why. You might find an outside source to use as the reason for these feelings, and therefore rationalize them as being normal.

For me, astral travel has been something I have relied on heavily in my life. My body has been run by a complex inner system set up through Satanic ritual abuse and mind control programming where my dissociative alters have had more control over my life than my conscious self has, even once I was saved. These dissociative alters have been trained through abuse to leave the body any time there seems to be a good reason.

And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

At first, I was trained through abuse to leave the body in order to protect myself from experiencing the abuse , then I was also trained to leave the body in order to help or protect other people as well. My abusers would use threats of harm to others I cared about and my dissociative alters would feel compelled to leave the body in order to try to save them. Obviously, a person’s soul astral traveling cannot actually stop a physical act from happening, but as a child who is experiencing this, you don’t understand these facts and you are desperate to stop all threats of harm.

The training to teach me to leave the body began in infancy and continued throughout my childhood until it became an automatic response to any type of trauma or situation where I felt scared, out of control, angry, helpless, etc. I did not have to consciously make the decision to leave the body, because my dissociative alters had an independent choice from my conscious mind. And because you cannot see a human spirit astral traveling I never saw any signs that would indicate I was leaving the body.

If you have ever had an experience where you felt you were looking down on yourself or observing your experience from a distance, that is a form of astral travel. It is actually quite a common occurrence that people have had during near-death experiences, with head trauma, traumatic experiences, drug use and even during sleep. Many people have these types of out of body experiences and don’t realize that a part of their soul is leaving their body.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

It wasn’t until I was in intensive therapy for almost a year that I realized I was actually still astral traveling. I was just beginning to understand astral travel and as a Christian, I didn’t want to think that I could still be astral projecting out of the body. It felt like there was something wrong with me if it were true because I had been working so hard to heal my dissociative alters. I wanted desperately to just be better.

The problem with “being better” is we do not have the same standards for being better as God does. In my mind I would be 100% healed of all of my dissociative alters; which means no more going to rituals, no more astral travel, no more emotional breakdowns or depression. Just “normal”. However, when I asked Jesus what He thought better would look like for me a couple of months ago, He said: “not astral traveling”.

So while I am looking for a complete body, mind and soul healing, Jesus is telling me not astral traveling anymore is what He is looking for. It seems like such a small thing in the big picture of everything I see is wrong, but the truth is astral traveling has been wreaking havoc on my life.

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.

1 Thessalonians  5:23-24

It has taken me a while to be able to write this post because I wanted to get to a place where I felt that I was in a place where I was not constantly astral traveling. I feel that now I can say that astral travel is not my go-to solution anymore when problems arise. I am quite certain I do still have alters that choose to leave the body or possible live outside of the body, but I am also certain that astral travel happens less and less now.

It might sound strange for some that I would seem to talk about astral travel so casually. It has been a great source of distress and even terror for me during the process of healing, but I have worked diligently to help every alter I have found traveling outside of the body. You have to understand that because these dissociative alters, for the most part, were created during my childhood, they are very young and emotionally immature.

These alters were also created purposefully during traumatic events in order to be controlled, so the understanding of the bigger picture of my life or the world at large is very limited for them. These alters often don’t understand they have the option to say no to human spirits that come to take them from the body or call them out to rituals. They also don’t understand that they are no longer under threat from the people who originally created them.

 But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.

Hebrews 10:39

Once my alters realize that they can choose to be free from the occult and not be hurt for anymore then they almost always say ‘yes’ to Jesus. Finding out I was astral traveling could have made me believe I was a terrible human being, not saved by the grace of God, but destined to hell. Instead, I allowed Jesus to use it to shape me into a place of submission and humility. I could never be where I am without an extra helping of humility.

astral travel and depression

You were not born to be a prisoner, you were born to be free. Freedom doesn’t come by leaving all pain or humanity behind you, it comes from excepting Christs love for you, even in the darkest places of sin. Stop allowing the shame you feel define your identity and start believing that God alone can define who you are.

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell . Matthew 10:28

You are a son/daughter of the Most High God. You are dearly beloved, very special, called out for a purpose before time began to do good works prepared by God the Father . None of your actions or sins can ever change that truth, because if it could then we would not have the Bible because the entire thing was written by sinners who lived only by the grace of God.

I do look forward to a time when I feel whole again, and free from the occult. Until then, I am learning to rest in Jesus, one day at a time. I am finding out that the strength I once thought I had by relying on the occults secret knowledge was actually just slavery. Learning to trust in Jesus and let Him be the final authority over me is true strength, and I am now proud to boast in my weaknesses.

We are on this journey together and you are not alone. I know sometimes you feel as though no one understands you, but I assure you, Jesus does, and you are never alone. He does not have to come searching for you when you call, because he lives right inside of you. You are His home, and it’s time to make Him yours. I love you all. Keep fighting the good fight.

 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,

1 Peter 3:18

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Susan Blackmore Ph.D.


Out-of-body experiences: into the astral, part 3: does the theory of astral projection make sense.

Posted June 27, 2019

In my previous posts, OBEs Part 1 and Part 2 , I described a long and powerful out-of-body experience (OBE), culminating in a mystical experience of oneness. I was just a first-year student, studying psychology and physiology, neither of which helped me in any way to explain these travels of the mind. How was I to understand what had happened to me?

The obvious starting point, and one urged on me by fellow students in our Oxford University Society for Psychical Research, was the theory of astral projection . This idea, still wildly popular in occult and alternative circles, was an important part of Theosophy, a movement founded by the Victorian occultist and spirit medium, Madame Blavatsky. She claimed to have traveled the world, studied with Tibetan gurus, contacted the dead, and learned to reach higher planes with Hindus and Buddhists. Her followers, Annie Besant (1896) and C.W. Leadbeater (1895), wrote about the ‘ancient wisdom ’, the power of ‘thought forms’, and ‘the seven principles of man’. They always spoke of ‘man’ even though Annie Besant was a feminist, atheist and campaigner for marriage reform.

The idea of thought forms enchanted me and a version of it lurked for many years in my (ultimately abandoned) theories of consciousness and the paranormal (Blackmore 1982). According to this ‘ancient wisdom’, every thought creates a form and these forms have a life of their own, attracted by similar thoughts, repelled by opposites, making up our dream life, forming apparitions of the deceased, and facilitating telepathy and clairvoyance. By learning to concentrate deeply we can produce powerful thought forms that leave the mind that created them and continue to exist on another plane.

The Seven Bodies of Man

Theosophy teaches that each of us is a continuing Self that enters and leaves different bodies, over and over again, while really existing on a high mânasic or mental plane” (Besant 1896 p 90). This is, of course, a version of the idea of personal reincarnation. This meme is extraordinarily popular in both certain religions and in New Age thinking. I find it strange and rather depressing that it even persists in Buddhism, despite the fact that the Buddha taught the difficult idea of ‘anatta’ or ‘no self’; based on his experience of enlightenment he explicitly denied that selves are persisting entities – discovering that, like everything else, selves are impermanent and ever-changing (Rahula 195.

But back to Theosophy. The bodies that this eternal Self inhabits are the seven ‘vehicles of consciousness’ and we use different ones in different regions of the universe, from the gross physical world to the subtlest and most spiritual realms beyond. We must learn, says Besent, that this Self is the owner of the vehicle, and we can exist in far fuller consciousness outside the vehicle than inside it.

A typical list of the vehicles includes:

 From web licensed for reuse and edited by Susan Blacmore

1. The physical body.

2. The etheric body or body of vitality.

3. The astral body.

4. The mental body.

5. The causal body.

6. The Buddhic, diamond or cosmic body (there is much less agreement over the higher levels).

7. The celestial, eternal or nirvanic body.

The physical body, composed of ‘ordinary matter’, confines consciousness to the laws of space and time. It is interwoven with the etheric double or ‘vehicle of vitality’ which transmits energy between the physical and higher bodies and may briefly survive after death as ghost or graveyard wraith. It is an exact replica of the physical body but made of ether.

This clearly makes no sense now, but in the late 19th century, the idea of an interpenetrating ether seemed far more plausible than it does today. Most scientists still believed in the need for a ‘luminiferous ether’ to explain the propagation of light, until the great Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 disproved its existence and presaged a revolution in physics. Even so, the idea of the ether persisted in the popular imagination and seemed to provide a haven for the higher planes of theosophy and spiritualism.

Onto the astral planes

We can now see where astral projection fits in because the astral body can leave the physical and etheric bodies behind and go traveling on the astral planes. Sylvan Muldoon was one of the most famous astral projectors of the twentieth century and worked with psychical research Hereward Carrington, producing books about OBEs and diagrams (shown here) of how he typically left his body (Muldoon & Carrington 1929, 1951). It is said to be the ‘vehicle of consciousness’, which means that the astral body is supposed to be doing our thinking, seeing, feeling and being conscious. We don’t need to be ‘in’ our body at all. We can fly free without it, seeing the world from any place we like to go, and moving completely free of the encumbrance of a physical body.

You are probably asking yourself the obvious questions - if the astral body can see without using physical eyes why do we need to have eyes in the first place? And if we do need eyes, how is the astral body supposed to see without them? These are not trivial questions. Indeed, if astral projection theory is to be any use at all, it must answer them.

astral travel and depression

In my next post, I will try tackle these questions and ask whether astral projection theory really can explain my OBE, and those of many thousands of other people who seem to leave their body and go flying.

Besant, A. 1896 Man and his bodies , London, Theosophical Publishing House

Blackmore, S. 1982 Beyond the Body , London, Heinemann

Blackmore, S. 2018 Seeing Myself: The new science of out-of-body experiences, London, Robinson

Leadbeater, C.W. 1895 The astral plane: Its scenery, inhabitants and phenomena . London, Theosophical Publishing Society

Muldoon,S. and Carrington,H. 1929 The Projection of the Astral Body London, Rider & Co.

Muldoon,S. and Carrington,H. 1951 The Phenomena of Astral Projection . London, Rider & Co.

Rahula,W. 1959 What the Buddha Taught, London, Gordon Fraser

Susan Blackmore Ph.D.

Susan Blackmore, Ph.D., is a British psychologist, writer and broadcaster, and author of The Meme Machine and Conversations on Consciousness .

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What exactly is astral projection here's what to know about the phenomena.

Sarah Regan

You've probably heard of lucid dreaming, and maybe even out-of-body experiences, but how about astral projection? The rare phenomena (which we can't actually confirm with science, btw) has been anecdotally recorded throughout history—with lore of how to do it and more recent accounts remaining today. Here's what to know.

What is astral projection?

Astral projection is an intentional out-of body experience (OBE) in which the "subtle" or "spirit" body travels outside the physical body at the whim of the individual. An out-of-body experience itself occurs when a person temporarily feels like their spirit or soul has left their physical body, often the unintentional result of an accident or near-death experience.

Through astral projection, it's said that someone essentially wills an OBE to happen, with common anecdotal experiences including feeling a vibration as your soul leaves your body, seeing your body lay in bed, and even traveling around your home, neighborhood, and beyond. (Some people even say astral sex is possible with another person astral projecting at the same time.)

Your soul never completely disconnects from your body, believed to be always connected by a "silver chord." And speaking of, accounts of an astral plane, astral projection, and this silver chord can be seen throughout numerous traditions, from Hinduism to Buddhism, Christianity to Kabbalistic teachings, and more.

According to  Graham Nicholls , an OBE researcher and author of  Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience , one theory is that an OBE is "a construct or schema that is based upon  sensory information not coming from the ordinary senses 1  (extrasensory perception, if you will)." When this happens, he explains, the self or one's consciousness seems to be able to function and perceive independently of the physical body.

While OBEs have most definitely been researched and proven to be a real phenomenon 2 , astral projection hasn't gotten that far, at least in the scientific community.

What the research says so far.

There are tons of online forums where everyday people describe their experiences entering the astral plane at will . But, for obvious reasons, very little scientific research has been conducted to see whether it's actually possible to mentally detach from the physical body. Matters of the soul are incredibly hard to study in a laboratory setting.

There is, however, one 2014 case study out of the University of Ottawa's School of Psychology, in which a woman who said she could astral project was put under a fMRI machine. The patient was physically stationary for an hour but guided in and out of astral projections in which she was prompted to move her nonphysical body in different ways. Researchers monitored the activity in different regions of her brain throughout the exercise and found that they did show activity that correlated with motion 1 during the times she claimed to be astral projecting.

"The existence of such a case and its presentation raises the possibility that this phenomenon may have a significant incidence," the study reads. "This would be reminiscent of the discovery and eventual study of synesthesia."

Eben Alexander, M.D. , a neurosurgeon, has also been the subject of research on out-of-body experiences and astral projection. In 2008, an inexplicable brain infection left Alexander in a weeklong coma. When he awoke, he claims to have had profound memories of a journey deep into another realm. Since then, he's dedicated his life to exploring the mysteries of human consciousness.

Though his near-death experience was not voluntary, it did cause Alexander to think astral projection was possible. He tells mbg he now uses binaural beats-based audio recordings to travel beyond the five senses and explore nonphysical aspects of consciousness.

The problem when it comes to declaring astral projection "real" or "fake" is that much of the information about it is anecdotal. Pinning down human consciousness within the realm of modern science has proved a very difficult (and potentially impossible) task.

Why it's difficult to prove.

When it comes to Western science and medicine, the burden of proof is heavy. Psychiatrist Roxanna Namavar, D.O. , who completed her residency at the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies (where Alexander's own near-death experience was actually studied), explains, "Fundamentally the scientific community in this country is very Westernized, very much based in 'What does the evidence say?'— and that can sometimes pull away our curiosity for things greater than ourselves."

Plus, she adds, there is no real way to definitively measure astral projections or compare them to a control group. Not to mention, studying these things requires someone with funding to have interest. And to that end, most people don't know how to astral project, so rounding up a solid sample size for research would be difficult.

These are some reasons why, she says, "There tends to be this split between science and spirituality," adding, "I don't think you can prove or disprove astral projection or out-of-body experiences."

How to try it yourself:

According to Nicholls, it would be best to learn to astral project with the help of a professional. There are also resources online, such as videos and guided meditations for astral projection that you can try.

More generally, though, Nicholls says you can help induce OBEs through techniques that break down your sense of self. For example, he suggests  visualization methods ,  breathing techniques , and even physical exhaustion, to get to the state of deep relaxation necessary to astral project. Once there, you can follow this sequence:

  • As you're laying in bed, start to work with the sensation of your  soul separating  from your body. You want to be completely relaxed, in a quiet, dark room. (Some say it's easier to astral project when you've woken up in the morning, as opposed to when you're going to bed, because you're more relaxed.)
  • From this dreamy state , with your eyes closed, start to visualize your body in your mind's eye, imagining you were moving different body parts, without actually moving them physically. You may start to feel vibration, which is fine.
  • From there, you make the move "out-of-body." This can take some trial and error, but once you feel it, look back at your body laying in bed. Explore around the room if you can, and return to your body. Once you've done this successfully, you can start traveling around your home, and even outside.
  • Always be sure return to the body when you're done exploring. Additionally, for extra protection, crystal expert Ashley Leavy previously recommended both obsidian and malachite for protection and aid in astral travel, so try holding one (or both) or putting them on your chest while you make the voyage.

The takeaway.

Research may never be able to confirm the existence of the astral plane , let alone astral travel, but countless people throughout history (and still today) swear it's happened to them. The only way to truly for sure is to give it a try yourself—happy traveling.


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Astral Travel: The Royal Road to Self-Knowledge and Healing

Since ancient times, spiritual seekers across cultures have used astral projection as a portal to unlock deep insights about themselves. By journeying beyond the body, we transcend the ego’s limitations and access expanded states of awareness.

From this elevated perspective, we can heal and integrate long-neglected aspects of our being, realign with our highest potentials, and understand our essential divine nature.

In this guide, we’ll thoroughly explore the many facets of how astral travel accelerates self-discovery and healing.

Want to fast track to Astral Projecting right now? Secret Methods hidden here

abstract, light, woman

Table of Contents

Meeting and Unifying with Your Higher Self

A profound and commonly reported experience during conscious astral projection is encountering a figure who represents your Higher Self – your eternal soul identity beyond this temporary incarnation.

Appearing as a brilliant, compassionate presence, the Higher Self conveys intricate insights into your true divine essence, soul lessons for this lifetime, latent abilities waiting activation, and your unique strengths and weaknesses.

By objectively conversing with this Higher Self and receiving its wisdom, you integrate disconnected fragments of your multidimensional being. The seeded insights germinate, allowing your fullest potentials to blossom.

Resolving Trauma and Painful Memories

Unprocessed traumas often reside frozen in the energy body, disconnected from our narrative awareness. During astral travel, you can re-experience traumatic events from an empowered observer perspective.

Seeing with detached clarity, you recognize any mistaken beliefs you took on, including assumptions about how others judge you. From this compassionate witness vantage point, the residual emotional charge of the trauma dissipates. You may even meet inner child versions of yourself in need of comfort and reassurance.

These curative experiences enable integration of long-avoided memories into the psyche, transmuting their toxicity. Leaving no shadow untouched, astral work thoroughly resolves suffering-based constructs that limit the evolution of consciousness.

Realigning with Your Soul’s Purpose

The astral plane’s elevated vantage reveals your unique talents and what specific gifts you came here to share. You may receive vivid flashes of envisioning your destiny path forward. Celestial beings may appear to impart insights to help realign your actions with your soul’s divine purpose.

You recognize any misguided ambitions based in ego and fear. Your mission here becomes crystal clear when filtered through the Higher Self’s eternal perspective. You embody the understanding that dedicating yourself to selfless service leads to the highest fulfillment.

Overcoming Fears and False Beliefs

Outdated fears passed down through generations and collective cultural narratives often hold us back from shining fully. In the astral domain, you can intentionally face and dissolve these illusory fears one by one.

Without the ego blinders, you keenly recognize that any limiting beliefs, from anxieties to religious dogmas, were always only mental constructs – not objective truth. Continually separating truth from illusion, you reclaim your sovereign spiritual power.

Gaining Insight into Relationships and Life Themes

Our close relationships inevitably magnify unhealed emotional wounds and activate karmic patterns from past lives. But amid the subjectivity of 3D life, the bigger picture often eludes us.

From beyond body-based entanglements, your higher wisdom can explain these connections and dynamics from an enlarged perspective. You understand how certain relationships were destined to catalyze growth. Recognizing the root themes underlying your struggles brings acceptance, forgiveness and peace.

Receiving Answers to Prayers and Questions

Seeking guidance about relationships, career, finances or other complex issues? Through astral travel, you can directly commune with your inner divine wisdom, departed loved ones, high-vibration teachers and compassionate spiritual guides.

Their lucid counsel offers illuminating perspectives and solutions you could not access from the entrenched physical plane perspective alone. All genuine seeking is supported with profound clarity from these realms.

woman, moon, stars

Accessing Healing Energies and Psychic Surgery

Many explorers report experiencing downloads of nurturing energy, blissful sensations, light body activations, chakra alignments and psychic surgery to remove energy blockages during astral trips.

You may also request healing intentions across time and space for loved ones in need. Visions of them healed and thriving will reprogram limiting beliefs about what’s possible for activating highest-potential timelines. And your own body-soul integration deepens.

Awakening and Practicing Psychic Abilities

As filters between dimensions dissolve in the astral state, your innate psychic senses become active. You can practice telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, teleportation and more. Then integrate these reawakened abilities into ordinary waking life as your natural birthright.

Manifesting Abundance and Desired Life Experiences

The elevated vibration of the astral opens you to more direct experience of yourself as an unlimited creator. From this space of flow, vividly construct and bring alive your desired life experiences – the perfect career, loving relationships, vibrant health, creative accomplishments, etc.

The skills learned in manifesting through focused imagination during astral trips transfers into greater creative capacity across all areas of earthly life. As below, so above. Wielding this knowledge, you confidently generate the reality your soul wishes to explore.

Of course, caution is advised when doing vulnerable inner work across dimensions. Having an experienced guide provides needed stabilization. And always approach astral events with discernment when evaluating their messages.

But used judiciously, astral travel offers unprecedented access to your highest truth and wholeness. What may seem bizarre or even blasphemous from the earthly view makes perfect sense when perceived from the cosmic overview perspective.

Each inward journey leads inevitably to healing insights, self-realization and actualized potential. By courageously navigating the inner terrain of consciousness through astral projection, you will awaken to your limitless divine magnificence.

You are ready to reclaim lost fragments of your being and reunite them with your awareness here and now. The mystical realms await… along with your rediscovered luminous essence. Bon voyage!

ai generated, triangle, fire

Frequently Asked Questions About Astral Projection for Self-Discovery

Here are answers to some common questions about using astral travel for inner exploration:

Is astral projection safe for digging into emotional issues?

With proper precautions like having an experienced guide, astral work can help safely process emotions. However, caution is warranted in very fragile states.

Can I retrieve soul memories from past lives during astral trips?

Yes, many explorers report vividly accessing past life memories to gain evolutionary context on their current challenges.

Does astral travel require esoteric rituals or expensive training?

Not at all! With practice of relaxation techniques and OBE methods, astral projection is accessible to all regardless of faith, culture or background.

How often should I practice astral projection to gain insights?

Consistency is key. Daily practice provides momentum while recording sessions preserves important takeaways.

Can the terminally ill use astral travel to ease their transition?

Yes, clinical research shows guided astral practice can help the dying mentally prepare by de-identifying with the physical form before death.

Are there risks of contacting negative entities on other planes?

Unpleasant encounters are possible but avoiding fear and invoking spiritual protection keeps your higher vibration intact.

Can I access telepathic communion with my soulmate through astral travel?

Absolutely, your unique energetic signature allows for intuitively connecting with your soulmate’s higher self, if aligned for your highest good.

Does astral projection conflict with any particular religion or spiritual beliefs?

While some faiths discourage esoteric practices, no specific religion uniformly objects to it. Most view it as a personal choice.

I hope this thorough exploration dispels any fears and illuminates the immense healing potential of exploring inner space through astral travel. The journey promises to be fascinating beyond imagination.

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The Boundless Journey: A Guide to Astral Travel

Embarking on an astral journey may sound like an adventure straight out of a science fiction novel, but for those who've tapped into the teachings of Robert Monroe, it's a vivid, transformative experience. Monroe, a pioneer in exploring the outer reaches of human consciousness, introduced the concept of Locale II, a dimension that transcends our physical laws and material constraints. It's a place where thought and movement merge, where the impossible becomes possible.

An imaginative depiction of an astral journey inspired by Robert Monroe's teachings. The image showcases a tranquil room prepared for astral travel, with a figure lying in alignment, transitioning into a state of vibrations.

Monroe’s guidance beckons the curious to explore these realms through out-of-body experiences (OBEs). He outlined practical steps for those seeking to navigate the astral plane:

1. Prepare the Space: Retreat to a warm, quiet room, ensuring you won't be disturbed. Align your body northward, lie flat, and settle into a state of relaxation.

2. Calm the Mind and Body: Begin by soothing your mind, closing your eyes, and breathing rhythmically. Let go of the day's stress and focus on a singular, tranquil image.

3. Enter the State of Vibrations: As you drift toward sleep, maintain a semi-aware state. Concentrate on your relaxation, allowing your mind to ease into the threshold of sleep.

4. Welcome the Vibrations: When you sense the vibrations, the harbingers of OBE, visualize them starting at your head and moving down to your toes, creating a loop of energy within you.

5. Command the Vibrations: Take control of these vibrations. Visualize them flowing through you, from head to toe, in a continuous circuit, reinforcing your intention to separate from the physical form.

6. Sever the Tether: When ready, encourage the sensation of separation. Imagine the lightness of your astral form rising, floating freely above your physical self.

7. The Return: When you decide to end the journey, focus on merging your astral self with your physical body, reintegrating the two into one conscious being.

Monroe's detailed guidance provides not just a method, but also a philosophy for astral travel. It's about more than just the experience; it's about expanding our understanding of consciousness and the realms beyond our sensory perceptions.

Whether you're a skeptic or a seeker, Monroe's legacy in astral projection offers an intriguing invitation to explore the vast landscape of the human psyche and the mysteries that lie just beyond our physical reach.

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Do you have aphantasia, but ONE time you were able to see something? Have you ever had a near-death experience?

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Exploring the ethereal: the fascinating world of astral projection.

Astral Travel Meditation: Techniques and Spiritual Exploration

Aura Health Team

Astral Travel Meditation is a powerful practice that allows individuals to explore the depths of their spiritual existence . By transcending the physical body, one can embark on a journey through the astral plane, a realm of higher consciousness and spiritual exploration. This article will delve into the various techniques and safety measures involved in Astral Travel Meditation, as well as the profound spiritual experiences that can be encountered along the way.

Understanding Astral Travel Meditation

Before delving into the techniques and spiritual exploration, it is essential to understand the concept of Astral Projection. Astral Projection refers to the process of intentionally separating the consciousness from the physical body to travel in the astral plane. It is believed that each one of us possesses an astral body, which can be liberated through meditation .

Meditation plays a vital role in Astral Travel by quieting the mind and allowing the individual's consciousness to detach from the physical realm. Through deep relaxation and focus, one can reach a state of heightened awareness, creating the perfect conditions for astral projection.

When practicing astral travel meditation, it is important to find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without any distractions. This can be a dedicated meditation room, a peaceful corner of your home, or even a secluded spot in nature. Creating a serene environment will help you to enter a deep state of relaxation and focus.

Once you have found your ideal meditation spot, it is time to prepare your mind and body for astral projection. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This will help to calm your mind and release any tension in your body.

Next, start to focus your attention inward. Close your eyes and visualize a bright, white light surrounding your entire body. Imagine this light filling you with a sense of peace and tranquility. As you continue to breathe deeply, allow this light to expand, enveloping your entire being.

As you enter a state of deep relaxation, you may begin to feel a sense of weightlessness or a tingling sensation throughout your body. This is a sign that you are entering a heightened state of awareness, which is necessary for astral projection.

Now, imagine yourself floating above your physical body. Visualize your astral body separating from your physical body, gently and effortlessly. Feel the freedom and lightness as you soar through the astral plane, exploring new dimensions and realms of existence.

During your astral travel, you may encounter various entities, landscapes, and experiences. It is important to approach these encounters with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Remember, the astral plane is a realm of infinite possibilities, and each journey is unique.

As you navigate through the astral plane, you may choose to explore specific locations or connect with spiritual guides and teachers. Trust your intuition and follow the path that resonates with you. Remember, astral travel is a deeply personal and transformative experience.

When you are ready to return to your physical body, simply visualize yourself floating back and merging with your physical form. Take a few moments to ground yourself, feeling the connection between your astral and physical bodies. Slowly open your eyes and take in your surroundings, bringing the energy of your astral journey back into your everyday life.

It is important to note that astral travel meditation requires practice and patience. It may take time to achieve a full astral projection experience, but with dedication and perseverance, you can unlock the limitless potential of your consciousness and explore the vastness of the astral plane.

Preparing for Astral Travel Meditation

Embarking on an astral travel journey can be a transformative and enlightening experience. To ensure a successful and fulfilling meditation session, it is essential to create a calm and conducive environment. Finding a quiet space where you can be free from distractions is paramount. Consider selecting a room in your home that is away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Once you have found your ideal meditation space, it is time to set the mood. Lighting candles or burning incense can help create a serene atmosphere that is conducive to deep relaxation. The soft flickering of candlelight and the gentle aroma of incense can transport you to a tranquil state of mind, preparing you for the astral journey that lies ahead.

In addition to candles and incense, surrounding yourself with objects that promote relaxation and spirituality can enhance your meditation experience. Crystals, for example, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can aid in astral projection. Choose crystals that resonate with you and place them strategically around your meditation space. As you enter a deep state of meditation, these crystals may help align your energy and facilitate a smoother transition into the astral plane.

Another element to consider when preparing for astral travel meditation is achieving the right mindset. Calming the mind and letting go of any worries or attachments is crucial for a successful projection process. Before beginning your meditation, take a few moments to practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply, allowing the breath to fill your lungs, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or stress. As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize yourself being lifted out of your physical body, feeling weightless and free. Picture your consciousness soaring through the vast expanse of the astral plane, untethered by the constraints of the physical world.

Remember, astral travel meditation is a deeply personal and unique experience. It is essential to approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. As you continue to explore the realms of astral projection, you may discover new techniques and practices that resonate with you. Embrace the journey and allow yourself to fully immerse in the wonders of the astral plane.

Techniques for Astral Travel Meditation

There are various techniques you can employ to facilitate the process of Astral Travel Meditation. One popular technique is known as the Rope Technique. Imagining a rope hanging from the ceiling above you, reach out with your astral hands and visualize yourself pulling your astral body up and out of your physical form.

The Monroe Technique, named after its creator, Robert Monroe, involves inducing a state of deep relaxation and then visualizing yourself floating above your body. As you feel the sensation of floating, allow yourself to drift away from your physical form and navigate the astral plane .

In the Displacement Technique, visualize a familiar location and imagine yourself being transported there in your astral body. With practice, you will be able to visit different places and explore the astral realm at will.

Safety Measures in Astral Travel Meditation

While Astral Travel can be a fascinating and enlightening experience, it is important to take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Grounding techniques, such as visualizing roots extending from your physical body deep into the Earth, can help maintain a connection to your physical self during astral projection.

Additionally, protecting your spiritual self is crucial in the astral plane. Visualize a protective shield around your astral body, made of pure white light, to safeguard yourself from any negative energies or entities that may be present. With these safety measures in place, you can explore the astral realm with confidence and peace of mind.

The Spiritual Exploration in Astral Travel

One of the most intriguing aspects of Astral Travel Meditation is the opportunity to encounter spiritual entities. As you navigate the astral plane, you may come across guides, deceased loved ones, or even celestial beings. These encounters can provide profound insight, guidance, and healing.

Navigating the astral plane allows you to explore different dimensions of consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual self. You may witness breathtaking landscapes, encounter ancient wisdom, or experience profound spiritual realizations. The possibilities are endless.

Remember to download the Aura Health App to enhance your meditation practice and explore the world of Astral Travel Meditation further. Unlock your spiritual potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

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Out Of Body Experience, Astral Travel And The Third Chakra

February 10, 2013

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Astral Projection Experiences Are Fun And Enlightening

astral projection experiences can be fun and illuminating

Are Out Of Body Experiences Real?

An out-of-body experience is not identical from one individual to another just like dreams aren’t. However, one commonality is a feeling or sense that you are floating above your physical body and peering down at reality. Neuroscientists have been studying these phenomena. They now believe that an OBE experience happens in partnership with the vestibular system of the inner ear. It is a system of canals that track an individual’s actual place and how that data gets integrated with all your other senses.

These scientists have found that many of the participants in their studies of the vestibular system seem to exhibit signs or suffer from dizziness. There were connections found that those patients that display this disorder in some manner had more probability of having OBEs than healthy people without this affliction. Their conclusion, in many cases, is that the data from the ear and that from the visual senses do not match causing a mismatch. This results in the sensation or perception of having an out-of-body experience.

In another study, Neuroscientists have stimulated the brain with electric charges in the area of the brain that unites the data from the vestibular and visual systems. This resulted in what seemed to be visions or the illusion of an out-of-body experience.

what's an out of body experience like

The scientific world, however, has begun to cross the long and deep chasm that stands between it and spirituality and consciousness. It was thought to be a way to woo-woo. Now though there is a realization that there may be more to meditation and the like than earlier thought. You and I knew that.

Out Of Body Experience Meditation

Meditation is the best way to get in touch with your true nature that of Spirit. Spirit is not bound by time or space. Hence astral travel is more conceivable and likely when you are connected with your higher self. Learning how to meditate is easy and has many more benefits as well.

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What’s an out of body experience like.

what's an out of body experience like

Astral experiences are when the spirit travels outside of the physical body, like an out of body experience during meditation. They are more realistic with time progression and interactions just like physical body experiences. It can be a challenge not to get too caught up in astral plane reality or to prefer it to physical reality as it can be a lot of fun and especially as it feels closer to our true spiritual nature.

It Is Important To Remember We Created A Physical Body For A Purpose.

That purpose is to focus within time and space, to experience things in a more focused way, conscious awareness, and to use the learning from those experiences to expand and grow. The key is to balance these two realities and use the astral reality to enhance physical reality and not escape it.

It is possible to learn to consciously operate in the astral body. There are many books on this subject and many techniques that you can use to do this. Once this ability is developed you can consciously use the astral plane to learn about yourself and others, clarify your goals, plan your future, heal your body and heal your past. You can also use it to get in touch with your unique spiritual information by experiencing your reality from outside of the physical body and then by bringing this information back into the physical body.

Join us on this episode of Unlocking Your Truth, Out Of Body Experience, Astral Travel, And The Third Chakra, and learn what causes out of body experiences and about spirit leaving the body while sleeping.

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Unlocking Your Truth is my weekly radio show. During the one-hour show, we discuss all things metaphysical such as Out Of Body Experience, Astral Travel, And The Third Chakra ! And much more! The show airs on CIVL 101.7 FM at 7-8 PM (Pacific Time) every Tuesday evening or live-stream the show at

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Rev. Dr. Lesley Phillips is the founder of the School of Intuition, where she teaches online psychic development classes. She is the host of the Unlocking your Truth Radio Show and Podcast. She has also written quite a few spiritual books.

Lesley Phillips

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The Most Important RESEARCH On Astral Projection Explained

In this article, we’ll be summarising the most IMPORTANT research and studies performed on astral projection , and explaining what it MEANS.

Out-of-the-body experiences are not rare, they’re just relatively uncommon, being that they’re outside of ordinary human consciousness.

Commonly known as astral travel or conscious projection , this phenomenon is as old as humankind, maybe even significantly more antiqued than that.

Astral projections aren’t something unnatural or abstract; they’re quite reasonable in existence. However, humanity still hasn’t reached higher levels of consciousness. In other words, people don’t believe it’s real.

When you think about the limitations of the brain, you realize that they are few and that almost everything is possible. It’s out a physical form, our body that has limits, which our spiritual-self doesn’t suffer from.

Everything we can imagine can be manifested if we chose to, all we need is to focus, and astral projection is proof of that.

Table of Contents

What is astral projection?

Astral projections, or OBEs, are a process of temporary separation of our spiritual self, from our physical bodies.

Most people reject the existence, or even the idea, of astral projections, being possible . Many people that encountered this phenomenon kept it from the public eye, fearing they’ll be disapproved by society.

However, a few people did disseminate their experiences, and along with the near-death experience, the phenomenon has gained popularity. Those who had experienced NDEs describe their properties similarly to astral projections.

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OBE usually happens accidentally and entirely unexpectedly. However, we can experience it ourselves, commandingly, but only once we sufficiently exalted our mind and spiritual-self.

Has it been proven?

Various studies report that one of ten people experienced a conscious OBE.

Controlled OBE’s can be achieved through enough practice until one attains the ability to willingly, though temporarily, leave the physical body.

Spontaneous OBE’s are a different matter and can happen at any time since the individual has no control. They do occur in more specific situations, usually when an individual is in an altered or highly stressful state.

This includes sleeping, during sickness, under medication, during an accident, or even while meditating.

Astral projection research in history

From the beginning of time, there are various historical documentations of astral travel. In ancient Egypt, for example, there is 5000 to 3000-year-old proto-written evidence.

The Egyptians were aware of the existence of astral form – Kha, they called it.

The even decorated the walls and constructions with drawings and engravings, representing it as an unpretentious light surrounding and leaving the physical body.

There are several references to astral travel within the Temple of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis, Greece. Several ancient Greek philosophers and historians like Plutarch, Herodotus, Plato, and Hermotimus mention astral travel in their writings. The most interesting being the one of Arisdeu, told by Plutarch.

Arisdeu was a dishonest person of awful reputation in his community.

However, he suffered a sudden twist of fate when he fell and hit his head. The fall resulted in Arisdeu being in a coma that lasted a couple of days. Throughout this coma, Arisdeu saw himself outside of his body and was greeted by his spiritual guide, which he was able to communicate with.

During the time in which his physical body was in a coma, Arisdeu became aware of another dimension inhibited with spirits and thoughts. They had no physical form, and Arisdeu observed them for a certain amount of time, accompanied by his spiritual guide.

At a certain point, he felt a forceful pressure pulling him back inside his physical body. He woke up a few moments before his burial, inciting the disbelief of the masses gathered at his funeral. Still, driven by what he has experienced, Arisdeu changed his ethics and values and corrected his behavior to reflect them better. He transformed himself into a respected citizen, valued in his community.

During the Middle Ages, the projections of consciousness were studied and practiced by specific schools and secret societies, sue to the repression of the Inquisition.

These occult and esoteric movements continued to withhold the information from the larger population even after the end of the Inquisition.

The Tibetans had records of astral travel

The Tibetans referred to the astral body as a “secondary body,” which “houses the soul.” This body, or twofold, penetrates the physical one as shading does the bowl of water.

It’s made of very subtle matter, contrasting the rigidity of our physical body, which is electrical and attractive in its quintessence.

Delicate matter this body is comprised of is unusually flexible and undergoes only small changes during our lives. It’s this flexibility that allows the astral body to expand to unimaginable levels.

Astral Projections are often confused with Lucid Dreaming since both are fundamentally the same. However, with lucid dreaming, you are entering into an astral state from an effectively sleeping condition, unlike legitimately waking state of awareness during astral travel.

The term “lucid dreaming” alludes to a state in which the dreamer becomes aware of the dreaming state. Bringing his or her waking consciousness to the astral plane seems like the next logical step.

However, when dreaming, the individual doesn’t think to wake their awareness, it does so by the influence of (usually) external stimuli.

And while the dreamer might gain some control of the dream characteristics, this state is not to be confused with entering into the astral plane.

If you aim to achieve an astral venture, while lying in bed, you should simply relax. The best possible method is to attempt to put the body to rest while enabling the psyche to remain alert by simultaneously relaxing and focusing.

How to astral project

To achieve astral travel, you should ensure the conditions in which you can relax your body and psyche, allowing your awareness to tune into an alternate measurement.

When you’re able to disconnect physically, you’ll feel a sense of transparency or freedom, which enables your thoughts to direct your spirit to a place it wishes to go.

When in position, you should remain loose, enabling your body to relax, while keeping the mind awake. Keeping the mind and consciousness awake may be a tedious task at first, but it gets better with practice.

To keep the mind engaged, one should consider anything; envisioning specific things or specific pictures is not necessary at all.

All that’s required is to remain alert.

The most specific thing one should consider is to remain mindful, keeping the mind concentrated on mindfulness. If the individual relinquishes mindfulness while trying to enter the astral plane, he will nod off and unknowingly slip into a dream state. Focusing on mindfulness is required to move into the astral world intentionally.

Mornings are the best time to try and achieve OBE, especially when you’ve just woken up. It makes the body sufficiently relaxed and not worn out at the same time.

The loosened body is the first necessary condition for achieving an OBE. If you can’t properly relax, the excess of awareness will be centered around the body instead of within.

The most efficient relaxation technique includes deliberately flexing each muscle until there’s slight exhaustion, at which point you should relax the muscles. This technique will relax the muscles further than before intentional flexing.

While performing this relaxation exercise, you’ll become additionally aware of your body. At the same time, you should keep your mind centered on mindfulness. This is the absolute most crucial advice.

There are five critical focuses on centering your psyche for OBE acceptance. They are perspective, visualization, movement, receptivity, and lack of involvement.

The best perspective is the one of a calm, totally aloof, determined eyewitness. Visualization is crucial in numerous OBE’s, and this inactive perspective allows you to visualize pictures more quickly, without your mind wandering.

Movement, the third point, concerns the influencing change felt inside the body. The crucial fourth focus is receptivity – an open state of mind that is prompting the vibrations that isolate the astral body from the physical one.

The fifth focus is detachment, which entirely depends on the previous four steps. As you become more skilled at achieving the last four steps, detaching your spiritual self from your physical self becomes easier.

When beginning, you should investigate the state between waking and resting. Start nodding off, then re-energize until completely conscious and awake. Repeat the process until the body is relaxed, and the mind is in its “inactive” state.

Visualizing a small object is the next step. You can visualize, for example, a little cube, approximately six feet straightforwardly in front.

Visualize the object until it becomes clearly visible by the inner consciousness. At that point, move the item back and forth, bringing it closer and closer to you, and pushing it further and further away. Attempt to feel the influence your astral body has on an object.

Also, visualize that the object has a gravity of its own, influencing the swaying. After the image becomes distinctive and crystal clear, try and grab the object as it draws near.

As the image sways away, your awareness should follow it, being intentionally pulled away from your physical form. At this point, your physical and your astral body are separated.

After the separation, you can abandon the questioned perspective, and extend your awareness, wakefulness, and alertness, as you’re entering an astral plane. From here on, one can investigate, meander, contemplate, and simply have a great time.

The conceivable outcomes of the astral plane are still unfathomable, and in the best-case scenario, limited by the creative mind.

In the end, projecting is the same as any other expertise; it requires discipline. Dissimilar to different aptitudes learned in the physical world, the elements that underline one’s capacity to project are fundamentally mental.

Insight, character, emotional makeup, social upbringing, and conviction frameworks are the factors that determine how hard or how simple projecting is.

This is just a very basic guide. To learn more, read my post on how to astral project instantly , or check out our detailed ebook guide with over 15 powerful techniques for astral traveling. 

What does it feel like?

For some individuals, entering the astral plane and achieving astral travel tends to be an extremely exceptional encounter .

For those unprepared, or uncertain of what’s happening, the first run through may induce panic. Nonetheless, numerous people mostly explain it as a sort of flying out of your sleeping shell at first.

Most people?

Most people report coasting over their sleeping bodies, seeing their room in the most astounding, lovely, and radiant light. They typically repost having “ghostly” bodies that can go through solid objects and often report seeing places and occasions that were out of their visual perception.

Those who attempted it, after taking the experience further, discovered that they could travel anywhere, to any place known to man, further exploring the astral dimension.

Here’s the interesting part:

They also describe the astral plane as an aggregate plane of thought-for awareness where a vast number of creatures live and visit. Yet, deductively, it’s neither recognized nor comprehended.

Benefits of astral travel

Developing your awareness and grasping the reality beyond the physical world comes with many benefits. Astral Projections allow us to explore things outside of our physical senses, identify the reasons for our existence, experience flying, and many other benefits.

Once you gain the ability to access the astral realm , the first thing you realize is the independency of your astral form from your physical body.

Your astral body doesn’t suffer the limitations your physical body does. As a result, many individuals reported a complete loss of the fear of death.

One of the results of traveling through the astral plane is the newfound appreciation of the physical realm and everything it contains. You’ll start to perceive the physical world differently, which will grant you excessive strength to battle with life’s potential hardships.

When the astral body leaves your physical form, it puts your body in a sleep-like state. In this state, just like when you’re sleeping, the body does a better job of healing itself. Not only do the OBEs improve the body’s healing process, but they also allow for a better connection with the body’s inner energy.

These are just some of the many benefits of astral projection . 

Though superficially supported by the scientific community , astral projections and its benefits were thoroughly documented during ancient times.

As our collective consciousness grows, science is slowly starting to unravel the mysteries and the mechanics of astral projections.

As the scientific explanations continue to unravel, they only serve to attest to the existence of astral plane, and astral projections, and their collective benefits.

Written By The AstralHQ Team

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I started AstralHQ as a way to share my more ‘spiritual’ experiences and knowledge with the world. At the time, I only had my lucid dreaming site and channel as an outlet and I felt I needed another place to share this sort of thing.

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Rashmi Dhakad

Rahul mathur, ujwal sardesai, virendra pal.

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are hallucinatory visual experiences that involve seeing the physical body placed in an external visual space. Many psychiatric disorders, brain dysfunctions, pharmacological agents, and altered psychological states are reportedly associated with these phenomena. OBEs have been linked to various brain lesions, particularly in the parietal and temporal regions, psychiatric disorders, severe emotional states like a near-death experience, substance use, migraine, and epilepsy, but very few have been reported in dissociative identity disorder. In this report, we present the case of a 15-year-old male patient who described a strange experience where he found himself to be floating outside his own body while he visualized his own body from a third-person perspective. On further evaluation, a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder and dissociative fugue was formulated. The patient showed improvement after undergoing abreaction, hypnosis, and relaxation training along with supportive psychotherapy. Dissociative disorders occur due to an internal conflict between ego and self, when a person is unable to successfully repress a traumatic experience, or when a repressed memory or experience comes out of the cocooned barrier, leading to an altered state of perception and self-experience, which is described by the patient as OBE. This report presents a scarce differential in the context of psychiatric illness, which might be helpful in the formulation of approaches toward management in cases of such OBE, making it a strange yet intriguing addition to the literature.


Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are visual hallucinatory experiences in which the individual sees his/her own physical body placed in external visual space, like a reflection in the mirror. Many psychiatric disorders, altered psychological states, brain dysfunction, psychoactive substances, and pharmacological agents are reportedly associated with these phenomena [ 1 ]. There are about six major variants of the autoscopic phenomenon, namely negative autoscopy, which refers to the failure to perceive one’s own body either in a mirror or when looked at directly; inner autoscopy, which pertains to the experience of visual hallucinations of internal organs in extra-corporeal space looked at directly; the feeling of presence where the patient has a distinct feeling of the physical presence of another person; heautoscopy proper where the patient does not localize himself in the position of the mirror image; autoscopic hallucination, which refers to the patient seeing an exact mirror image of himself, or of his face or trunk; and OBE, which is characterized by the projection of an observing (psychological) self in extrapersonal space seemingly totally dissociated from the physical body [ 2 - 3 ]. 

In OBE, the projection of an observing (psychological) self is seen in extra-personal space that seems totally dissociated from the physical body. In this phenomenon, the patient from a location distinct from his physical body sees himself and the surrounding world. These phenomenological states are divided into three categories, namely disembodiment, the sense of seeing the body from a remote and raised visuospatial perspective (extra-corporeal egocentric perspective), and the sense of seeing one’s own body from an aerial position, which is sometimes referred to as astral projection [ 3 - 4 ]. OBEs have been linked to various brain lesions, particularly in the parietal and temporal regions, psychiatric disorders, severe emotional states like a near-death experience, substance use, migraine, and epilepsy, but very few have been reported in dissociative identity disorder. The recent Marvel movie “Dr. Strange”, and "The Last Hour", an over-the-top (OTT) series, have dealt with this fascinating phenomenon where the character experiences a form of depersonalization with his parasomatic component coming out of his body and is visualized by his own self from a third-person perspective described as astral projection. An OBE can be understood as a form of dissociation and transpersonal experience. There is a plethora of anecdotal but little empirical evidence related to the connection of dissociation and OBE, implying a shortcoming in the understanding of OBEs [ 5 - 6 ]. This strange and rare phenomenon has usually been reported in organic states, under substance influence, and intense emotional states. In this report, we present a case involving a lucid state of OBE in the context of dissociative identity disorder.

Case presentation

The patient was a 15-year-old male child belonging to an urban, middle socioeconomic class, who was living with his father; his mother had abandoned him as a child. He presented to the department of psychiatry with his father, who reported that the child had frequently run away from home in the past three to four years; he had started behaving differently and had shown decreased social interest, irritability, and persistent sadness of mood for the past two to three months. The father reported that after the patients' most recent disappearance from home, he had been contacted by police officials of another state one month after the patient had run away; they had informed him that the patient was at a childcare facility and could be picked up from there. The patient described that after he had run away, he would assume the identity of an 18-year-old Mr. S, who was an electrician. During subsequent interviews, patients described an unusual experience where he had found himself to be floating outside his own body while he visualized his own body from a third-person perspective. This incident had occurred during one of his fugue states in another city; he described being inside a hospital room with doctors who were questioning him about his current state. Later, he had felt like someone else had occupied his body and his soul had left his body and floated up to the ceiling and was completely detached from his body; from his visuospatial angle, he had been able to visualize his own body, which had been very clear while the parasomatic body had not been well defined and he could only see its hands, He had tried tirelessly to reach back to his original self but had been unable to do so. He had seen his body being interviewed by the doctors to whom his parasomatic image tried to reach out, but he had little control over its movement and kept on floating. This episode had only lasted for a short period of time, about 10-15 minutes as estimated by the patient, during which he had remained in the air observing his original self and in very little control of the parasomatic body. The original self had been replying briefly to the interviewers as per the patient as he described it was not him who was in control of his original self.

The patient’s past history revealed that he had fled from his residence on three occasions previously, but he did not remember the reason for fleeing. His medical history was negative for symptoms of epilepsy, migraine, syncope, cerebrovascular accident, neurological deficit, etc. There was no history of episodes of hyperpyrexia warranting admission. No psychiatric illness or substance dependence was present in the family. His mother had left home when he had been a year old. His upbringing was done by his father. He was living in a joint family and as per the patient, the relations between family members were not congenial. Also, as per the patient, his father was very aggressive and short-tempered, and frequently hit him brutally, and he had sustained multiple injuries as well. This was why he frequently ran away, according to the patient.

Personal history revealed that the patient had been a full-term normal delivery with appropriate developmental milestones. The patient had speech disorder in the form of lisping since childhood and had traits conforming to conduct disorder, such as bullying young children and threatening them, behaving deceitfully, lying, and manipulating people to obtain favors, episodes of truancy from school, staying outside beyond home curfew, etc. He had a prior relationship with three girls, of which his father had not approved, and those had been short-lasting. He had fallen foul of the law during his time away from home, and he had spent few months in a correctional facility for juveniles in Gujarat, India. After corroboration from reliable informants and patient interviews, substance use was ruled out; also, the patient did not display any features of substance withdrawal during his inpatient stay. Premorbid personality assessment revealed that he was an introvert, optimistic regarding new situations, short-tempered, and self-dependent.

Vitals including temperature were unremarkable, ruling out hyperpyrexia. No other abnormality was detected during general and systemic examinations; an otorhinolaryngology opinion was also sought to rule out vestibular defects, which could contribute to OBEs. During the serial mental status examination, a rapport was built with the patient and he revealed that the lack of a mother and harsh parenting by his father had led to him to a state of persistent stress and he wished that this fugue-like state would end and described a feeling of helplessness and persistent sadness, which was also evident in his affect. He did not have any delusions or hallucinations and denied any change in sense of agency routinely. His speech was appropriate with a slight lisp, and his psychomotor activity was normal. Cognitive tests were unremarkable and appropriate to age. Baseline investigations including hemogram, liver, and renal function tests were within normal limits. Electroencephalography (EEG) did not reveal any abnormality. CT scan of the brain did not show any pathological findings.

A diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder and dissociative fugue was formulated along with secondary depression as per the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). His Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale-II (A-DES) score was 118/300 (suggestive of moderate dissociative experience) on initial assessment. Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS) was used to assess depressive symptoms; the patient scored 9, which suggested possible depression. The neuropsychological assessment involved IQ assessment, and the Rorschach test was suggestive of depressive and anxiety disorder but no psychotic features. As a therapeutic modality, abreaction was performed using a guided interview along with injecting 1 mg Intravenous lorazepam after obtaining written consent from the patient and his guardian. He had another OBE during his interview, which was similar to the previous one. During the interview, he slipped into a trance-like state and gave brief answers. He stated as follows: “below me, I saw my body, from outside lying on bed and the doctor standing near me was asking some questions.” His voice was changed, his lisping was absent, and his tone was loud, and within few seconds, he started shouting but later calmed down within a few minutes. After the abreaction, his stress symptoms and depression improved. Escitalopram was initiated at a dose of 10 mg, which was titrated up to 15 mg in four weeks along with clonazepam 0.25 twice a day. Abreaction, hypnosis, and relaxation training along with supportive psychotherapy were provided to the patient in a structured format. His father was psycho-educated about his illness and was briefed about interpersonal conflict management. After four weeks of inpatient management, the symptoms of dissociation and the OBE phenomenon resolved. The patient was followed up for the next six months and did not report any further dissociative state or OBE.

OBEs are perceptual disturbances where the subjectively experienced location of the perceiving self is altered. It is characterized by a unique sense of visuospatial orientation and the presence of a real and parasomatic component. Dissociative experiences are very unusual and can present in different forms, which in turn can lead to reality-altering perceptions in the patient. The etiopathogenesis behind them could be psychopathological, neurological, social, or environmental, and secondary to their cultural relevance and acceptance, they could be presented in clinical settings and at times may remain undetected. One of the variants of dissociative experiences is the OBE. OBE can be understood as a state of depersonalization/derealization that manifests as feeling disconnected from one’s body/surroundings, unusual body experiences, with a background of emotional blunting. The literature on the cause of OBE mainly entails various neurological conditions like epileptic seizures and migraine, deficient visual, vestibular, and multisensory processing, near-death experiences, and psychedelic drug use. These peculiar experiences have been described as secondary to the psychopathology of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, personality disorders, depersonalization, anxiety, dissociative disorders, and depression [ 7 - 8 ].

Delving into the psychopathological angle of OBE, we found increasing support for the theory that attributes the origins of OBEs to the mismatch and deficient working of neurocognitive processes that maintain self-awareness, which in turn creates distortions in the sense of agency, presence, and embodiment. The malfunctioning of multisensory integration can lead a person to transcend into a state of dissociation and associated perceptual distortions, which are construed as strange projections of self out of the body. Dissociative disorders represent a tussle between conscious and unconscious, when a person is unable to successfully repress a traumatic experience, or when a repressed memory or experience comes out of the cocooned barrier, leading to an altered state of perception and self-experience, which is described by the patient as OBE [ 9 - 10 ]. In our patient, his mother’s absence since childhood may have hindered regular feeling of attachment, evidenced by the lack of his bonding with his primary caregiver and association only with a small social group, which could have predisposed him to the dissociative state.


In our report, OBE was found secondary to dissociative disorder, which improved with the help of psychotherapy and psychotropics. The various differentials were ruled out using various investigations, vestibular defects testing, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological tests. Given the patient's response to psychopharmacology and the absence of further OBE in him, there is ample evidence to suggest that astral projection can be construed as a part of the dissociative experience rather than a breakdown of the sensory neural system or any significant organic state in the current report. Thus, this report presents a scarce differential in the context of psychiatric illness, which might assist in the formulation of approaches toward management in the case of such OBEs, making it a strange yet intriguing addition to the existing body of literature.


This case report was prepared with contributions from the patient and his father who were the informants and cooperated throughout. Their efforts and patience for the same are deeply appreciated. Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow residents who helped me through the report formulation.

The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.

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Human Ethics

Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Ethics and Scientific Review Committee, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore issued approval N/A. This study has been approved by the Ethics and Scientific Review Committee, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore.

astral travel and depression

Exploring Astral Travel

by The Enlightenment Journey ·

Exploring Astral Travel

What is Astral Travel?

Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is the practice of leaving the physical body and traveling in an astral form to different planes of existence. It is believed that during astral travel, the consciousness or soul can explore realms beyond the physical world. This phenomenon is often associated with out-of-body experiences where individuals report being able to see their physical body from a different perspective. Astral travel is a deeply spiritual practice that has been documented across various cultures and traditions throughout history.

History of Astral Projection

The concept of astral projection dates back centuries, with mentions in ancient texts and spiritual traditions. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all had beliefs in the existence of a soul or spirit that could leave the body and travel to other realms. In the 19th century, the Theosophical Society popularized the idea of astral travel as a means of spiritual exploration. Today, astral projection is a topic of interest in various New Age and esoteric practices.

Benefits of Astral Travel

Practitioners of astral travel believe that there are numerous benefits to exploring different realms in the astral plane. Some of the reported benefits include:

  • Gaining insight into one’s true nature and purpose
  • Communicating with spiritual guides or higher beings
  • Healing on a spiritual and emotional level
  • Overcoming fears and limitations
  • Developing psychic abilities
  • Experiencing a sense of freedom and liberation from the physical body

How to Prepare for Astral Travel

Preparing for astral travel involves creating a conducive environment for the experience. Here are some tips to help you get ready for astral projection:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing
  • Set a clear intention for your astral travel experience
  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to keep your energy levels balanced
  • Keep a dream journal to track your experiences and progress

Techniques for Astral Projection

There are various techniques that can be used to induce astral projection. Some common methods include:

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  • Visualization: Imagine yourself floating out of your body and into the astral realm
  • Rope Technique: Visualize pulling yourself out of your body using an imaginary rope
  • Body Awareness: Focus on different parts of your body until you feel a separation from your physical form
  • Binaural Beats: Listen to audio tracks designed to stimulate brainwave patterns conducive to astral projection

Common Misconceptions about Astral Travel

Despite its long history and reported benefits, astral travel is often met with skepticism and misconceptions. Some common misconceptions about astral projection include:

  • It is dangerous and can lead to negative experiences
  • Only highly spiritual individuals can achieve astral travel
  • Astral projection is the same as lucid dreaming
  • It is a form of escapism from reality
  • Astral travel is purely a product of imagination and has no basis in reality

Exploring Different Realms in Astral Travel

During astral travel, practitioners believe they can access different realms and dimensions beyond the physical world. Some of the realms that can be explored include:

  • The Astral Plane: A dimension of existence where thoughts and emotions take form
  • The Mental Plane: A realm of higher consciousness and spiritual wisdom
  • The Etheric Plane: A layer of reality that bridges the physical and astral realms
  • The Akashic Records: A cosmic library where all knowledge and experiences are stored

Dangers and Risks of Astral Projection

While astral travel is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks and dangers to be aware of:

  • Loss of connection with the physical body leading to difficulty returning
  • Encountering negative entities or energies in the astral realm
  • Disturbances to the energetic body resulting in imbalances or illness
  • Overreliance on astral projection for escapism or avoiding real-life issues

Scientific Studies on Astral Travel

Despite the lack of empirical evidence, some researchers have conducted studies on astral travel and out-of-body experiences. While results have been inconclusive, there is ongoing interest in exploring the potential scientific basis for astral projection.

Famous Cases of Astral Projection

Throughout history, there have been many reported cases of individuals claiming to have experienced astral projection. Some famous cases include:

  • Sylvan Muldoon: An author who wrote extensively about his out-of-body experiences
  • Robert Monroe: Founder of the Monroe Institute, dedicated to studying consciousness and astral travel
  • Edgar Cayce: A renowned psychic who claimed to access the Akashic Records during his trance states

Astral Travel in Different Cultures

Astral travel is not limited to one culture or tradition but has been a part of diverse belief systems around the world. In Tibetan Buddhism, practitioners engage in dream yoga to achieve lucid dreaming and astral projection. In Native American traditions, shamans use astral travel to communicate with spirits and ancestors. The similarities and differences in how astral projection is practiced across cultures highlight the universal nature of this spiritual phenomenon.

Tips for a Successful Astral Travel Experience

To enhance your astral travel practice and ensure a meaningful experience, consider the following tips:

  • Practice patience and persistence as astral projection can take time to master
  • Surround yourself with positive energy and intentions before attempting astral travel
  • Work on developing your intuition and psychic abilities to navigate the astral realm effectively
  • Keep a journal to record your experiences and insights from astral projection sessions
  • Seek guidance from experienced practitioners or teachers to deepen your understanding of astral travel techniques.

Astral travel, or astral projection, offers a unique opportunity for spiritual exploration and self-discovery. Through the practice of leaving the physical body and exploring different realms, practitioners can gain insight, healing, and a deeper connection to the universe. While there are risks and misconceptions associated with astral travel, with proper preparation and guidance, individuals can safely explore the wonders of the astral plane. By delving into the history, benefits, techniques, and cultural significance of astral projection, one can unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and expand their consciousness beyond the confines of the physical world. Whether seeking personal growth, psychic development, or a deeper connection to the divine, astral travel remains a powerful tool for those on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Exploring Astral Travel


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Exploring Astral Travel

The Enlightenment Journey is a remarkable collection of writings authored by a distinguished group of experts in the fields of spirituality, new age, and esoteric knowledge.

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The Enlightenment Journey is a testament to the collective expertise of these luminaries, providing readers with a rich tapestry of ideas and information to illuminate their spiritual path.

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Is Astral Projection Safe? A Guide to the Pros and Cons


Astral travel, or out-of-body experience (OBE), is a phenomenon in which a person feels as if they have separated from their physical body and are able to travel through an alternate dimension. While astral travel has been reported for centuries, there is no scientific evidence to support its existence. Some experts believe that astral travel is a natural phenomenon that occurs during sleep, while others believe it is a product of the imagination.

Whether or not astral travel is real, it is a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the attention of people for centuries. In this article, we will explore the history of astral travel, the different theories about how it occurs, and the potential risks and benefits of astral travel. We will also provide some tips for safely and effectively attempting astral travel.

Is Astral Travel Safe?

| Pros | Cons | Risks | |—|—|—| | Pros | | * Can experience heightened spirituality and sense of connection to the universe. | * Can gain new insights and perspectives on life. | * Can help to heal emotional trauma. | Cons | | * Can be physically and emotionally draining. | * Can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the physical world. | * Can be dangerous if not practiced safely. | Risks | | * Can lead to psychosis or mental illness. | * Can cause physical harm if the astral traveler becomes lost or stuck in the astral plane. | * Can be dangerous if the astral traveler encounters negative entities or energies.

Astral travel, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), is the alleged separation of a person’s consciousness from their physical body. During an out-of-body experience, people often report feeling as if they are floating above their bodies and looking down on themselves. They may also experience a sense of peace and tranquility, or they may feel fear or anxiety.

Astral travel has been described by people from all cultures and religions throughout history. In some cultures, it is seen as a spiritual experience, while in others, it is considered to be a paranormal phenomenon. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of astral travel, but many people believe that it is a real phenomenon.

In this article, we will explore the history of astral travel, the different types of astral travel, and the arguments for and against its safety. We will also discuss the risks associated with astral travel and how to stay safe while astral traveling.

What is Astral Travel?

Astral travel is the alleged separation of a person’s consciousness from their physical body. During an out-of-body experience, people often report feeling as if they are floating above their bodies and looking down on themselves. They may also experience a sense of peace and tranquility, or they may feel fear or anxiety.

There are many different theories about what happens during an out-of-body experience. Some people believe that the astral body is a real entity that can travel outside of the physical body. Others believe that out-of-body experiences are simply dreams or hallucinations.

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of astral travel, but many people believe that it is a real phenomenon. Some people believe that astral travel can be used for spiritual growth, healing, or communication with the dead.

History of Astral Travel

Astral travel has been described by people from all cultures and religions throughout history. In some cultures, it is seen as a spiritual experience, while in others, it is considered to be a paranormal phenomenon.

One of the earliest recorded accounts of astral travel comes from the Hindu Vedas, which were written between 1500 and 500 BCE. The Vedas describe a state of consciousness called “turiya,” which is said to be beyond the physical world. In turiya, the soul is said to be free from the body and able to travel to other realms.

Astral travel is also mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures. In the Buddhist tradition, astral travel is called “astral projection” or “vipassana.” Vipassana is said to be a state of consciousness in which the mind is able to see things as they truly are.

In the Western world, astral travel was first popularized by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Swedenborg claimed to have had many out-of-body experiences, and he wrote extensively about them in his books.

In the 20th century, astral travel was further popularized by the writings of Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) and Robert Monroe (1915-1995). Huxley wrote about his own out-of-body experiences in his book “The Doors of Perception” (1954). Monroe founded the Monroe Institute, which teaches people how to have out-of-body experiences.

Today, astral travel is still practiced by people from all cultures and religions. There are many different techniques that can be used to induce an out-of-body experience. Some of the most common techniques include meditation, yoga, and lucid dreaming.

Different Types of Astral Travel

There are many different types of astral travel. Some of the most common types include:

  • Projection: This is the most common type of astral travel. During a projection, the astral body separates from the physical body and travels to another location.
  • Remote viewing: This is a type of astral travel in which the astral body travels to a specific location and observes what is happening there.
  • Astral healing: This is a type of astral travel in which the astral body travels to another person and provides healing energy.
  • Astral communication: This is a type of astral travel in which the astral body communicates with other beings, such as spirits or angels.

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of astral travel, so it is impossible to say definitively whether or not it is safe. However, there are some risks associated with astral travel that should be considered.

  • Fear: Some people experience fear or anxiety during out-of-body experiences. This is often due to the unfamiliarity of the experience or the fear of what might happen.
  • Disorientation: During an out-of-body experience, people may become disoriented and lose track of

Astral travel, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), is a phenomenon in which a person’s consciousness seems to leave their physical body and travel to another realm. While astral travel is often associated with spirituality and mysticism, there is no scientific evidence to support its existence.

Some people believe that astral travel is a dangerous practice that can lead to mental illness or even death. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. In fact, many people who have experienced astral travel report feeling positive and transformative effects.

Ultimately, whether or not astral travel is safe is a personal decision. If you are considering trying astral travel, it is important to do your research and proceed with caution.

Benefits of Astral Travel

There are many potential benefits of astral travel, including:

  • Spiritual benefits: Astral travel can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and development. It can allow you to connect with your higher self, explore other dimensions, and learn about the nature of reality.
  • Psychological benefits: Astral travel can help to improve mental health and well-being. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also promote creativity and problem-solving.
  • Physical benefits: Astral travel can have a positive impact on physical health. It can improve sleep quality, reduce pain, and boost the immune system.

How to Astral Travel

Astral travel is a difficult skill to learn, but it is possible with practice. There are a number of techniques that can be used to induce an OBE, including:

  • Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for astral travel. It can help to relax the mind and body, and create a state of deep focus.
  • Binaural beats: Binaural beats are sound waves that can be used to induce an altered state of consciousness. They can be listened to through headphones or earbuds.
  • Yoga: Yoga can help to improve flexibility, balance, and coordination. These are all important skills for astral travel.
  • Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in which you are aware that you are dreaming. It can be used to induce an OBE.

Techniques for Astral Projection

There are a number of techniques that can be used to project your astral body. These include:

  • The rope technique: This technique involves imagining a rope hanging down from the ceiling. You then visualize yourself climbing the rope and emerging out of your physical body.
  • The roll-out technique: This technique involves lying down on your back and relaxing your body. You then visualize yourself rolling out of your physical body and into the astral plane.
  • The separation technique: This technique involves focusing on the area between your eyebrows. You then visualize yourself separating from your physical body and floating up into the air.

Common Obstacles to Astral Projection

There are a number of obstacles that can make it difficult to achieve an OBE, including:

  • Fear: Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to astral travel. If you are afraid of what might happen, you will be less likely to be successful.
  • Distractions: Distractions can make it difficult to focus and achieve an OBE. It is important to find a quiet place where you can relax and focus on your practice.
  • Lack of sleep: Astral travel is more likely to occur when you are tired. If you are sleep-deprived, you will be less likely to be successful.

Tips for Successful Astral Projection

There are a number of tips that can help you to achieve an OBE, including:

  • Practice regularly: Astral travel is a skill that takes practice. The more you practice, the more likely you are to be successful.
  • Set a goal: When you are trying to achieve an OBE, it is important to have a goal in mind. This will help you to focus your energy and intention.
  • Be patient: Astral travel takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed right away. Just keep practicing and you will eventually achieve your goal.

Astral travel is a fascinating phenomenon that has been studied for centuries. While there is no scientific evidence to support its existence, many people believe that it is a real experience. If you are interested in trying astral travel, it is important to do your research and proceed with caution.

Astral travel is a controversial topic that has been debated for centuries. Some people believe that it is a dangerous practice, while others believe that it is a safe and natural way to explore the universe. There is no definitive answer to this question, as the safety of astral travel depends on a number of factors, including the individual’s mental and emotional state.

What are the risks of astral travel?

There are a number of potential risks associated with astral travel, including:

  • Mental health problems: Astral travel can be a very intense experience, and it can trigger mental health problems in people who are not prepared for it. These problems can include anxiety, depression, and psychosis.
  • Physical health problems: Astral travel can also lead to physical health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, and nausea.
  • Accidents: Astral travelers can accidentally harm themselves or others if they are not careful. For example, they may fall out of bed or walk into objects while their body is asleep.

** Is astral travel legal?

Astral travel is not illegal in most countries. However, there are some countries where it is considered to be a crime. It is important to check the laws in your country before engaging in astral travel.

How can I astral travel safely?

There are a number of things you can do to astral travel safely, including:

  • Be prepared: Before you attempt to astral travel, make sure that you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the experience. This means being in a good state of mind and having a strong understanding of what astral travel is and what it entails.
  • Set boundaries: When you are astral traveling, it is important to set boundaries. This means knowing what you are willing to do and what you are not willing to do. It also means being aware of your surroundings and being careful not to interact with entities that you do not want to interact with.
  • Be careful: Astral travel can be a very intense experience, and it is important to be careful not to overdo it. This means not astral traveling for too long or too often. It also means taking breaks and listening to your body if it is telling you that you need to stop.

Is astral travel real?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the reality of astral travel is still debated by scientists and philosophers. However, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that astral travel is a real phenomenon. This evidence includes accounts from people who have had out-of-body experiences, as well as scientific studies that have shown that the mind can affect the body in ways that are not yet fully understood.

Astral travel is a complex and controversial topic. There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not it is safe, but there are a number of things that you can do to minimize the risks. If you are interested in astral travel, it is important to do your research and to take precautions to stay safe.

astral travel is a complex and controversial topic with no easy answers. There is no scientific evidence to support or refute the claims of those who have experienced it, and it is ultimately up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe it is possible. However, it is important to remember that astral travel can be a dangerous practice, and those who choose to attempt it should do so with caution.

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Master Astral Projection Techniques: The Ultimate Guide

by Brianna Cartwright | Nov 21, 2023 | Astrology & Zodiac Insights

astral projection techniques

Welcome to the ultimate guide on mastering astral projection techniques . If you’ve ever been curious about exploring other dimensions and realms beyond the physical body , astral projection is for you.

This ancient practice has captivated cultures around the world for centuries and offers incredible freedom and spiritual growth. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience with astral projection, this guide will provide you with time-tested techniques and tips to help you embark on enlightening journeys beyond the physical realm.

Key Takeaways:

  • Astral projection is the conscious act of leaving the physical body to explore other dimensions and realms.
  • It offers the opportunity to experience a higher state of consciousness and connect with higher frequency beings.
  • Relaxation , visualization , and meditation techniques are essential for successful astral projection.
  • Setting clear intentions and prioritizing safety are crucial during astral journeys.
  • Astral projection can lead to personal growth, self-discovery , enhanced psychic abilities , and spiritual connection .

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Table of Contents

What is Astral Projection?

Astral projection, also known as astral travel or out-of-body experience, is the conscious act of leaving the physical body and exploring other dimensions using the astral body . The astral body is believed to be a separate entity from the physical body, capable of traveling through the realms of consciousness .

Quantum physics , a branch of science that explores the fundamental nature of reality, supports the concept of astral projection. According to quantum physics , everything in the universe is made up of energy and interconnected, suggesting that consciousness can extend beyond the confines of the physical body.

Astral projection is widely believed to be a real phenomenon across different cultures throughout history. It offers individuals the opportunity to explore the astral realm, experience a higher state of consciousness, and connect with higher frequency beings and realms.

The Astral Body and the Physical Body

In astral projection, the astral body separates from the physical body and travels independently. The astral body is often described as a more subtle and ethereal form, capable of moving through astral planes and dimensions.

When consciously projecting astrally, individuals maintain their sense of identity and awareness, perceiving their surroundings from the perspective of their astral body rather than their physical body. The physical body remains in a state of deep relaxation or sleep while the astral body embarks on its journey.

Astral projection offers a unique opportunity to explore the nature of consciousness and expand one’s understanding of reality beyond the limitations of the physical realm.

How to Astral Project

Astral projection requires a relaxed state of mind and body. To prepare for astral projection, create a calm atmosphere in a quiet space. Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation , visualization , guided meditation , or meditation music to relax your body and quiet your mind.

One effective technique is to visualize yourself floating above your body or climbing a rope while focusing on the sensation of ascension. This helps shift your consciousness from the physical realm to the astral realm. Experiment with different techniques such as the belly button method, hammock technique , rope technique , herbal aids , or forgetting everything you know .

Consistent practice of meditation and visualization can significantly increase your chances of successful astral projection. It is important to dedicate regular time to these practices to develop a deeper connection with your astral body and expand your conscious awareness.

Astral projection is a skill that takes time and patience to master. Be patient with yourself and trust in the process. With persistence and dedication, you will be able to unlock the profound experiences and spiritual insights that astral projection has to offer.

Astral Projection Techniques

Different Astral Projection Techniques

Safety and tips for astral projection.

When practicing astral projection, it is essential to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to ensure a positive and secure experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate the astral realm:

Set Clear Intentions

Before embarking on your astral journey, it is important to set clear intentions. Clearly state your purpose for astral projection, whether it is for self-exploration, spiritual growth , or connecting with higher realms. Visualize a white protective light surrounding you, or call upon your spiritual guides and guardians for protection throughout your astral adventure.

Seek Guidance from Experienced Practitioners

Astral projection can be a complex and deeply personal experience. If you encounter difficulties or have questions, seek guidance from experienced practitioners who have successfully navigated the astral realm. They can provide valuable insights, tips, and techniques to enhance your astral projection practice.

Maintain a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is crucial when it comes to astral projection. Be patient with yourself and the process, as astral projection may not happen immediately. Practice consistency and perseverance, and trust that with time and dedication, you will improve your ability to astral project. Remember to approach each experience with an open mind and heart, embracing the transformative potential of astral travel.

By following these tips and prioritizing safety, you can embark on astral projection journeys that offer spiritual growth, self-discovery , enhanced psychic abilities , and emotional healing. Remember to always listen to your intuition and respect your own boundaries as you explore the vast and awe-inspiring astral realm.

astral projection tips

Benefits of Astral Travel

Astral projection offers a wide range of benefits for those who practice it. Let’s explore some of the key advantages that astral travel can bring:

  • Anxiety Reduction: One of the significant benefits of astral projection is its potential to alleviate anxiety . By experiencing the astral realm and realizing that consciousness can exist outside the physical body, individuals can gain a different perspective on the fear of death and the unknown. This newfound understanding can help reduce anxiety and bring a sense of peace and acceptance.
  • Psychological Breakthroughs: Astral projection can lead to significant psychological breakthroughs . As individuals explore different dimensions and realms during their astral journeys, they may gain clearer visions and dreams that provide insights into their own subconscious mind. These revelations can lead to personal growth, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions.
  • Self-Discovery: Engaging in astral travel allows individuals to explore different realms and spiritual practices, leading to profound self-discovery . Through these experiences, individuals may uncover hidden talents, untapped potential, and aspects of their personality that were previously unknown. This journey of self-discovery can bring about personal transformation and a deeper connection with oneself.
  • Enhanced Psychic Abilities: Astral projection is often associated with the development and strengthening of psychic abilities . By exploring the astral realm and connecting with higher frequencies and beings, individuals can enhance their intuition, clairvoyance, and other psychic gifts. This heightened awareness and sensitivity can bring about a deeper understanding of the universe and foster spiritual growth.
  • Spirituality: Engaging in astral projection can be a profoundly spiritual experience. By venturing beyond the physical realm and connecting with higher dimensions, individuals can deepen their understanding of spirituality . Astral travel offers an opportunity to communicate with spirit guides, receive guidance, and access higher states of consciousness. This spiritual connection can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

These are just a few of the many benefits that astral travel can offer. By embracing the practice and committing to consistent exploration, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness.

Setting Up To Astral Project

Creating the right atmosphere is crucial when preparing for astral projection. Find a calm and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Ensure the room is dark but not completely black to allow for subtle visualizations. It’s also important to wear loose and comfortable clothing, as physical comfort contributes to mental relaxation during the astral projection process.

Relaxation techniques play a significant role in setting the stage for successful astral projection. Deep breathing exercises help calm the mind and relax the body, allowing for a deeper state of relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation is another effective technique that involves tensing and then releasing each muscle group, promoting overall relaxation. Visualization is key during this process – imagine yourself floating above your physical body, detached and weightless, ready to explore the astral realm.

Experiment with various visualization methods to find what works best for you. Some individuals find success by imagining a specific destination they want to visit in the astral realm, while others focus on the sensation of ascending by visualizing themselves climbing a celestial rope. The key is to find a technique that resonates with you personally and allows for a deep state of relaxation and focus.

The combination of a calm atmosphere, relaxation techniques , and visualization methods sets the stage for a successful astral projection experience. Remember to be patient with the process and let go of any expectations. With practice, anyone can learn to master astral projection and embark on enlightening journeys beyond the physical realm.

visualization methods

Different Techniques to Astral Project

When it comes to astral projection, there are various techniques that you can employ to induce an out-of-body experience. Each technique offers a unique approach to shifting your consciousness and exploring other dimensions. Let’s take a closer look at some of these techniques:

Belly Button Technique

The belly button technique involves focusing your attention on your belly button as a point of concentration. This technique requires you to visualize energy flowing in and out of your belly button, creating a sense of expansion and detachment from your physical body. By maintaining a deep focus on your belly button, you can enhance your chances of achieving astral projection.

Hammock Technique

The hammock technique allows you to imagine yourself lying in a comfortable hammock, feeling weightless and relaxed. Visualize the sensation of gentle swaying as you let go of physical tension and sink into a state of deep relaxation. By embracing the feeling of weightlessness, you can detach from your physical body and open yourself to the astral realm.

Rope Technique

The rope technique involves visualizing a thick, sturdy rope hanging from the ceiling. Imagine yourself reaching out and grabbing hold of the rope, then using your arms to pull yourself upward. As you ascend, feel the sensation of leaving your physical body behind and entering the astral plane. The rope technique provides a tangible focal point to guide your consciousness into the astral realm.

Aside from these techniques, herbal aids such as mugwort tea can be used to enhance astral projection experiences. Additionally, some practitioners believe that forgetting everything you know about astral projection can help remove mental barriers and allow for a more fluid and natural experience. The key is to experiment with different techniques and find what resonates with you personally.

Now, let’s take a look at a table summarizing these different astral projection techniques :

Different Astral Projection Techniques

Remember, astral projection is a deeply personal and subjective experience. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to approach astral projection with an open mind and a willingness to explore different techniques. With practice and patience, you can unlock the incredible power of astral travel and embark on enlightening journeys beyond the physical realm.

Astral projection is a truly remarkable experience that offers individuals the opportunity to transcend the limitations of their physical bodies and explore the vastness of other dimensions. By mastering a variety of techniques such as relaxation, visualization, and meditation, one can unlock the doors to the astral realm and embark on extraordinary journeys.

While on this path, it is essential to prioritize safety and approach astral projection with clear intentions. Setting up a protective atmosphere and seeking guidance from experienced practitioners can help ensure a positive and transformative experience. It’s important to remember that astral projection may not happen immediately. Patience and persistence are key as you continue to refine your techniques and deepen your understanding of this incredible phenomenon.

The benefits of astral travel extend far beyond the physical realm. It opens the doors to personal growth, self-discovery, and enhanced psychic abilities. By exploring different dimensions and connecting with higher realms, astral projection enables a profound spiritual journey that can lead to greater enlightenment and a deeper understanding of the universe.

What is astral projection?

Astral projection, also known as astral travel or out-of-body experience, is the conscious act of leaving the physical body to explore other dimensions and realms.

Is astral projection a real phenomenon?

Yes, astral projection is widely believed to be a real phenomenon and has been practiced for centuries by different cultures around the world.

What are the benefits of astral travel?

Astral travel offers numerous benefits, including personal growth, self-discovery, enhanced psychic abilities, and a deeper understanding of the universe.

How do I prepare for astral projection?

To prepare for astral projection, create a calm atmosphere in a quiet space and use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization .

How can I stay safe while practicing astral projection?

Prioritize safety by setting clear intentions, visualizing a protective light, and seeking guidance from  experienced practitioners .

What techniques can I use to induce astral projection?

Some common techniques include the belly button method, hammock technique, rope technique, herbal aids, and letting go of preconceived notions.

What if astral projection doesn’t work for me right away?

Don’t get discouraged if astral projection doesn’t work immediately. Keep practicing different techniques and seek guidance from experienced practitioners.

What can I expect to experience during astral travel?

Astral travel offers the opportunity to explore other realms, communicate with higher frequency beings, and even have astral sex.

Can astral projection provide evidence of life after death?

Many people consider astral projection as evidence of life after death and the existence of higher dimensions.

Can astral projection help with anxiety?

Yes, astral projection can help with  anxiety  by providing a different perspective on the fear of death and offering  psychological breakthroughs .

Source Links


Brianna Cartwright, MSEd, is an experienced spiritual counselor and author. more

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Astral projection: Facts and theories

Astral projection is the supposed act of leaving your body while sleeping — but is it real?

Many people believe in Astral Projection

Is astral projection real?

Additional resources, additional links, bibliography.

What is astral projection? The phenomenon was featured in the 2016 blockbuster "Doctor Strange,"and the sequel "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness", where  the titular superhero has the ability to separate his physical body from his spiritual one and engage in fights. 

Netflix's series "Behind her Eyes" utilized the technique as a major aspect of its plot, where multiple characters have mastered the art. )  Yet Astral Projection is not just another creation of Marvel maestro Stan Lee or Netflix producers, it is a spiritual practice with a long history. 

Surveys suggest that between 8 and 20 percent of people claim to have had something like an out-of-body experience at some point in their lives — a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body. While most experiences occur during sleep or under hypnosis , some people claim to do it while merely relaxing. 

Astral projection is fun and fascinating — but is it real? 

History of astral projection

Helena Blatavsky, the founder of Theosophy

The idea that humans can leave their bodies during dream states is ancient. Countless people, from New Agers to shamans around the world, believe that it is possible to commune with cosmic intelligence through visions and vivid dreams experienced during astral projection, also known as out-of-body experiences. However it's most recent resurgence has its roots in the spiritual boom of the 19th century and early 20th century. 

"The idea comes from a 19th century mystical system called theosophy which claims that we have seven bodies from the lowest physical to the highest spiritual and mental bodies" Dr Susan Blackmore told HowStuffWorks during an interview. 

According to John L Crow in his paper " Taming the Astral Body: The Theosophical Society's Ongoing Problem of Emotion and Contro l" The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875 by Helena Blatavsky. According to Susan Blackmore in Psychology Today ; "She claimed to have travelled the world, studied with Tibetan gurus, contacted the dead, and learned to reach higher planes with Hindus and Buddhists". 

Theosophy teaches that there are 'Seven Bodies of Man', the third of which is 'the astral body'. According to Blackmore: "the astral body can leave the physical and etheric bodies behind and go traveling on the astral planes". According to Engelberg Ideas , Theosophy had a profound effect on artists and Scientists in the 19th and early 20th century. As Astral Projection became a subject of popular fiction we can see some of the origins of its use in films such as 'Doctor Strange'. In Dennis Wheatley's 1941 novel Strange Conflict , the hero the Duc De Richleau uses it to travel the globe in his sleep. 

Though originally a private, quasi-religious meditative practice it has — like many New Age beliefs — been commercialized. Astral travel can be big business, and there are many books, seminars, DVDs and other materials that promise to teach students how to leave their physical bodies and access other dimensions. But does astral projection work? 

If Astral Projection is real, why has science not been able to prove it?

Practitioners of astral travel insist that the experience must be real because it seems so vivid, and because some of the experiences are similar, even for people from different cultures. But it's not surprising that many people who try astral projection have similar experiences — after all, that's what the term "guided imagery" is: when an authority (such as a psychologist or astral travel teacher) tells a person what they should expect from the experience. 

It may be a profound experience, but the fundamental problem is that there's really no way to scientifically measure whether or not a person's spirit "leaves" or "enters" the body. The simplest and best explanation for out-of-body experiences is that the person is merely fantasizing and dreaming. Because there is no scientific evidence that consciousness can exist outside of the brain , astral projection is rejected by scientists. 

Why hasn't astral projection been proven scientifically? Some claim it's because mainstream scientists are closed-minded and refuse to even look at evidence that doesn't fit their narrow worldview. However, in science those who disprove dominant theories are rewarded, not punished. Proving the existence of psychic powers, astral projection or alternative dimensions would earn the dissenting scientists a place in the history books, if not a Nobel Prize . 

Scientifically testing the validity of astral travel should be quite simple; for example, you might hide ten unknown objects at different locations and then ask a person to project their consciousness to each place and describe exactly what's there. Either the descriptions match or they don't. 

According to researcher Susan Blackmore, author of " Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences, " people who experience astral travel "have been found to score higher on measures of hypnotizability and, in several surveys, on measures of absorption, [a] measure of a person's ability to pay complete attention to something and to become immersed in it, even if it is not real, like a film, play, or imagined event." Out-of-body experiencers are more imaginative, suggestible, and fantasy-prone than average, though have low levels of drug and alcohol use, and no obvious signs of psychopathology or mental illness . 

In 2021, the Medical Science journal Cureus published a paper entitled " Astral Projection: A Strange Out-of-Body Experience in Dissociative Disorder " which examined a purported case of Astral Projection in a 15 yr-old boy. The paper detailed the many possible causes of out of body experiences, stating: "The literature on the cause of OBE mainly entails various neurological conditions like epileptic seizures and migraine, deficient visual, vestibular, and multisensory processing, near-death experiences, and psychedelic drug use. 

These peculiar experiences have been described as secondary to the psychopathology of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , personality disorders, depersonalization, anxiety , dissociative disorders, and depression ". When discussing the particular case the paper was examining, the authors stated that the patient had frequently ran away from home, as well as having "shown decreased social interest, irritability, and persistent sadness of mood for the past two to three months" according to the report. 

Having ran away, the patient would often assume the identity of an 18 year-old electrician and it was during one such event that he had what appeared to be an out of body experience. They concluded that due to his circumstances the patient was mostly likely in a dissociative state and that in this case: "astral projection can be construed as a part of the dissociative experience"

Yet there are other possible causes of out-of-body experiences and astral projection. In 2017, a study reported on by The Atlantic analysed some 210 patients who suffered with vestibular disorders. The Vestibular system within the inner ear is responsible for providing the body with its sense of balance and issues relating to this system can result in a sense of 'floating'. Questioning the patients, it was discovered that some 14% reported out of body experiences compared to the 5% without any form of vestibular issues. 

We need not resort to such artificial tests, since the real world provides countless opportunities for astral projection to be demonstrated beyond any doubt. If proven, astral travel would be incredibly useful to the world. There would be no need to send humans into very dangerous conditions — such as nuclear disasters — to determine what the situation is. 

People whose consciousnesses can fly and move through walls would save lives during natural disasters such as earthquakes, easily moving through rubble and collapsed buildings to locate survivors and direct rescue workers to them. Astral projectors, like psychics, would be invaluable to police during mass shooting and hostage situations, describing exactly how many suspects there are, where in the building they can be found, and other crucial details. The absence of these individuals during life-or-death situations is revealing.

Though astral projection practitioners insist their experiences are real, their evidence is all anecdotal — just as a person who takes peyote or LSD may be truly convinced that they interacted with God, dead people, or angels while in their altered state. Astral projection is an entertaining and harmless pastime that can seem profound, and in some cases even life-changing. But there's no evidence that out-of-body-experiences happen outside the body instead of inside the brain. Until the existence of an astral plane can be proven — and made accessible — there's always the continuing adventures of the Sorcerer Supreme. 

This study from Frontiers in NeuroScience assesses an attempt at voluntary out of body experiences. Healthline explores some of the possible causes of out of body experiences. Jodi Walker attempts to project her soul across the universe in this piece for the Ringer.  

  • Strange News
  • Tripping on LSD is Really Like Lucid Dreaming
  • Nina Khan; " A Beginner's Guide to Literal Out of Body Experiences " Bustle, Oct 14th 2020
  • John L Crow " Taming the Astral Body: The Theosophical Society's Ongoing Problem of Emotion and Contro l" Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2012
  • Susan Blackmore: " Out-of-Body Experiences: Into the Astral? " Psychology Today, June 27 2019
  • Engelberg Ideas
  • Varchasvi Mudgal, Rashmi Dhakad, Rahul Mathur, Ujwal Sardesai, Virendra Pal " Astral Projection: A Strange Out-of-Body Experience in Dissociative Disorder " Cureus, August 2021
  • Sarah Zhang: " Why People Have Out-Of-Body-Experiences " August 2021 

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11 Astral Travel Tips

astral travel tips

Astral travel occurs when the mind leaves the physical body and is free to roam around the parallel astral plane. You can go anywhere in the universe that you want to and meet up with other consciousnesses that are travelling on the astral plane, including those people that you already know. Everyone has the ability to enter the astral plane. Follow these 11 tips to help with your astral travel.

1.Look After Your Health

Make sure that you are in good health, as a weak body can affect the ability to be able to project.

2. Be Relaxed

You must be completely relaxed, in body and in mind. Practice relaxing your entire body by concentrating on a specific muscle group and relaxing the muscles, then move on to another muscle group and so forth. Move your way around your body in this way until you are completely relaxed. Clear your mind of all the chaotic thoughts that so commonly whizz uninvited through our minds. Feel your mind becoming quiet, peaceful and still.

Concentrate on your breathing patterns. Take slow breaths and fell the air entering and leaving your body as you slowly inhale and then exhale. Visualise the air entering and leaving your body. Meditation is the perfect way to achieve a calm state of mind.

3. Use Sounds to Help

Try listening to sounds known as binaural beats when trying to project; these sounds alter the frequency of your brainwaves and make you better placed to be able to perform an astral projection.

4. Try Different Methods of Projection

Experiment with different methods of projecting yourself. What works well for one person may not be the best way for another person. Some common methods include the rope method, where you imagine yourself climbing out of your body using a rope, a visualisation technique whereby you invoke a vivid visualisation of floating free from your physical body, and another is where you imagine a solid object and imagine that you are using this object to pull yourself out of your body.

5. Experiment with Different Times of the Day

Practice trying to project at different times of day. For some people last thing at night works well, others find that they are more successful first thing in the morning. There is no set time of day to have an astral projection.

6. Release Fear

As your vibrations lift, you will feel your body start to pulse and vibrate. This is completely normal. Do not become distracted from whichever method you are using to project. Focus solely on that and do not be afraid of the sensations happening to your body. As your consciousness is almost ready to leave your body, you will experience a partial, or sometimes full, paralysis. This can be unnerving, but understand that it is natural and you will regain all movement when you re-enter your body. You not allow any fear to prevent the final stages of your projection. You will then feel yourself free of your body, with a floating or hovering sensation.

You cannot get lost on the astral plane, and you cannot become stuck outside of your physical body. Your body and your consciousness are connected at all times by the silver cord – an energy flow that keeps you linked at all times.

7. Be Patient

If you do not succeed on your first attempt, try again. Do not allow yourself to become easily disheartened. Remain confident that it is possible and believe that it will happen sooner or later. You must be determined and motivated.

8. Want to Project

Have a strong wish to travel. Curiosity is not enough. You must really have the intention and desire to leave your body and visit the astral realm.

9. Learn More

Read as much as you can about the topic, to gain a greater understanding of how to do it and what to expect. Watch documentaries and other recorded accounts. Hearing about other people’s experiences can be very helpful.

Likewise, sharing your own experiences with like-minded people can help you to understand better.

10. Move Away from Your Body

When you leave your body, move away from it. This will prevent you from being immediately being snapped back in. Explore and familiarise yourself with your surroundings.

11. Record Your Experiences

After each astral projection, keep a record of your experiences. Try and note the amount of time that you spent outside of your physical body.

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How to Perform Astral Projection

Last Updated: June 4, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Tracey McKee . Tracey McKee is an Astrologer & Intuitive Healer and the Founder of Mindful Soul Wellness, based in Waleska, Georgia. Tracey offers astrology readings, energy healing sessions, past life regression therapy sessions, and soul coaching sessions to empower people to live a more mindful, balanced, and engaged life. She has certifications as a Reiki Master, Soul Coach, Vibrational Sound Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, and Hypnotist. Tracey has a B.A. in Religious Studies and an M.A. in Elementary Education. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 112 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 4,932,346 times.

Astral projection refers to an out-of-body experience (OBE) during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. People often experience this state during illness or when involved in a near-death experience, but it is also possible to practice astral projection at will. This article contains instructions on how to get started.

Step 2 Start in the morning.

  • It's easier to perform astral projection alone than it is with someone else in the room. If you usually sleep with a partner, choose a room other than the bedroom to practice astral projection. A good time to do it is when no one else is in and make sure no one is going to walk into the room when you're in astral flight.
  • Draw the shades or curtains and rid the room of distracting noises. Any type of interruption could disrupt the state of relaxation you need to achieve.

Step 4 Lie down and relax.

  • Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head. Make sure every muscle is completely relaxed when you are through.
  • Breathe deeply and exhale completely. Don't hold tension in your chest and shoulders, just relax.
  • Focus your mind on your breathing. Don't get carried away with thoughts of outside worries, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.
  • It can be helpful to use a quartz crystal to raise and speed up your vibrations as preparation. Gently hold the crystal on your third eye slightly above the center of your eyebrows with closed eyes and breathe deeply. Feel the vibrations and your head clearing; you can envision golden, white, purple, or any colour light if you like. During the meditation and astral travelling, you can hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your chest or abdomen. The crystal will empower and protect you because of its high vibrations; negative energies have lower vibrations. [3] X Research source

Moving the Soul From the Body

Step 1 Reach a hypnotic state.

  • Broaden your focus on the rest of your body. Move your legs, your arms, and your head using only your mind. Keep your focus steady until you're able to move your whole body in your mind alone. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Enter into a state of vibration.

  • Your OBE is successful if you feel as though you are gazing upon your body from across the room, and that your conscious self is now separate from your body.
  • It takes a lot of practice to get to this point for some people, though for others it comes as naturally as breathing. Either way, it is possible for everyone if it is desired and practiced enough! If you have trouble completely lifting your soul from your body, try lifting just a hand or a leg at first. Keep practicing until you're able to move across the room. [8] X Research source

Step 4 Return to your body.

Exploring the Astral Plane

Step 1 Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body.

  • Next time you practice the astral projection, don't turn around to look at your body. Instead, leave the room and walk into another room in the house.

Step 1 Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body.

  • Return to your body. Physically go into the room you previously projected yourself into. Walk to the article you examined during the astral travel. Can you confirm the details you noted when you explored the object with your mind?

Step 2 Explore further.

  • There is so much to get into, but know that no harm will come to you unless you think it will. The thrill of having an OBE keeps some people out of their bodies for long periods, which is said to weaken the silver cord but the silver cord cannot be weakened. It is pure energy and energy can't be eliminated or removed, only moved from one place to another, or one form or another so don't worry about astral travelling; it is natural, powerful, and healing.
  • The silver cord can never be broken, but it is said that your soul can be delayed from re-entering your body if you spend too much energy outside of it. Yet your soul and body are so intrinsically entwined that the soul will naturally come back when it's right to.
  • Some say that demons can inhabit the body while the soul is being projected. If you fear this may happen, protect your body by blessing the room with a prayer before you perform the projection. It is only hearsay anyway and seeing as you'll have already asked for light protection nothing bad will occur.
  • Your soul can also interact with other astral projections. Try it with a friend who has practiced as much as you have. Some say astral sex is mind-blowing. However, remember to always return to your body.
  • It is possible to heal others during astral travel; this is a form of distance healing that is very powerful. Envision the sick person, perhaps lying in their bed. It doesn't matter if they're not physically in their bed while you're doing it because time and distance become void when you're in the astral plane. Always ask for protection, healing power, and guidance from whomever you pray to and envision light; you can ask during astral projection as and when you wish. See light in your hands as white and strong as you can, and if you feel ready put one hand on their forehead and another on their abdomen and pour the light into them. Your intentions must be pure and you should be feeling nothing but love for them. Sometimes people will report back to you that something amazing has happened to them, even though you didn't tell them you were the source of it! Enjoy your astral journeys!

Expert Q&A

Tracey McKee

  • Interactions while in the Astral Plane are unlimited. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 6
  • Visualize a white or yellowish light surrounding you while you Astral Project to protect yourself from bad entities who may suck your energy if you let them. Also, you can try to raise your vibrations. Thanks Helpful 38 Not Helpful 17
  • Astral Projection can turn into whatever you want it to be. It can also make your growth in anything spiritual raise quickly which is why you should not give up. It's pretty easy for what it can help you do in the future. Thanks Helpful 22 Not Helpful 8

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  • Beliefs play the largest part in Astral Projection. If you believe that you are going to be possessed, you may feel like you are possessed. If you feel in any sort of physical danger do not attempt to astral project. If you feel like your "silver cord" is "weak" and that you can't return, you will feel stuck. Feelings and thoughts are instantly manifested in the Astral Plane, anything you think/fear can seem to happen. Keep your thoughts positive. Don't try Astral Project after watching a scary movie. Thanks Helpful 37 Not Helpful 20
  • Astral projections are banned in some religions, like Catholicism, so find what your church teaches before you try. Thanks Helpful 43 Not Helpful 24

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About This Article

Tracey McKee

To perform astral projection, start by lying down in a dark, quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Once you're comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Lie like this until you're just about to fall asleep but you're still awake. When you start to feel vibrations in your body, imagine yourself standing up and stepping out of your body. If you're able to look around and see yourself lying down, you've astral projected! To learn how to explore the astral plane after you astral project, read the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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An online course designed to get you out-of-body and to experience the greater realms for yourself. Click right to find out more!

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INTRODUCING:  An Online Astral Travel Course From Renowned Astral Traveler and Author  Greg Doyle

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How to leave your physical body consciously and astral travel, watch this video to learn more:, astral travel - a breakthrough course  is an online course designed to get you out-of-body and to experience and explore the greater realms for yourself. have you ever wondered what it's like to leave the physical body and experience higher states of consciousness firsthand to witness past lives, visit future and past events, communicate with guides and otherworldly beings... hi i'm greg doyle  and i invite you to take this journey of discovery with me. in 1999, i began to spontaneously astral travel. it changed everything. and it was the beginning of an adventure i could never have imagined., want to know more about me check out my website at before we get started, know that astral travel/projection is a natural phenomenon and one that need not be feared. we all leave our bodies when sleeping. astral awareness is merely the art of becoming conscious of doing so—of waking up within your astral body. it's also about waking up to what you truly are.  , i welcome and look forward to guiding you through the wonderful and transformative experience that is astral travel..

See you soon! Your Astral Travel Breakthrough Course awaits you...

What's Included In The Astral Travel Breakthrough Course:

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The How To's

I'll share with you   the  

techniques,  exercises and meditations that I've found to be personally invaluable in inducing astral projection.

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4+ Hours Of Video

You'll have unlimited access to hours of very specific and easy to follow, step by step video instruction. Each lesson is carefully sequenced to give you the maximum results.

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MP3 Meditations

Sit back, close your eyes, put on a pair of headphones, and let me guide you into the astral world. With body and mind relaxed, remarkable things begin to happen! 


Each video lesson is followed by the essential points contained within, to help clarify and keep you on track.


"if you're new to astral travel, or if you're like me and you've had an experience but for some reason cannot find your way back to exploring these states, i highly recommend greg doyle's course  on astral travel..

It had been some time since I had an experience of awareness outside the body. After taking Greg's course I had my first experience that day!  I can't say that will happen to everyone but I can say that it does testify to the how effective the course is. I had an experience before even finishing  the course...  Greg is helping all of us realise we are more than our physical bodies. And that's a good matter who you are." Joe Rupe Host of Lighting The Void


"Astral travelling has been a big part of my life and is nothing new to me. However leaving the body through conscious will definitely is!  Greg's course has given me many lovely meditations to practice that help me to focus on the job at hand properly. The information he shares is very valuable because this type of training is rare. I have searched for over 23 years to find a teacher who focuses on my favourite subject! To me, this course  is priceless!  Within 5 days of starting Greg's course I experienced an out-of-body that had a huge spiritual meaning that had the answers to a life long struggle. Very enlightening and healing!  I appreciate how long it takes to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Greg's training would have been so welcomed 23 years ago!  Better late than never!" Maree Faint The Healers Hut for Women Psychic Tarot Healing


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Traveling With Depression: The Strategies That Help Me Make the Most of Every Trip

By Sara Iannacone

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All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

It was day three on a bucket list trip to the red city of Marrakech . Since stepping off a sleepless, turbulent red eye , my senses had been battered with dizzying heat radiating off the clay walls and chaotic crowds with vendors shouting at me in the medina. I looked at my husband, struggling to put my shoes on to leave the room, and the tears started flowing as I wailed, “I’m just so tired. I don’t want to do this tour; I just want to go back to bed.” Internally, the exhausted, depressed part of me was battling the part that was still euphoric about being in this city I had dreamed of traveling to for the better part of a decade. That part of me didn’t want to miss a thing, which made the emotions even more difficult to manage.

This is what travel is innately like—stressors and things outside your comfort zone throwing you for a loop. Yet, those with major depressive disorder (also referred to as MDD or depression) are arguably affected by it more severely.

“Depression affects every aspect of life,” says Dr. Therese Mascardo, a licensed clinical psychologist and CEO & founder of Exploring Therapy . “One of the most challenging aspects of depression is that at any given time, symptoms can span from mild annoyances like low energy or self-critical thoughts to completely debilitating, where a person can’t get out of bed or has suicidal thoughts.”

“Travel will inevitably involve a level of stress and unpredictability, but taking steps to minimize it can make the situation much more manageable,” says Dr. Mascardo. As someone with depression, I've found that taking those steps makes it more enjoyable, too.

Her biggest piece of advice is to give yourself shameless permission to pack everything you might need , even if it means checking a bag. It’s harder to find things on the go, especially if you're dealing with limited resources and mental health struggles. She urges travelers to ask themselves, “what can I pack to set my future self up for success?” while focusing on four key areas: sleep, emotional support, immune support, and movement.

For a long time, especially after my diagnosis, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to experience the glimmers of the world the way others could. However, over time, I’ve realized that my depression is why I feel and experience a place so deeply; and honestly, I wouldn’t trade that for anything. With the right tips, tools, and a proper support system—as well as therapy and medication—I'm able to enjoy traveling fully; here's what I've found helps most, along with guidance from Dr. Mascardo that can apply to other travelers with depression.

My best tips for traveling with depression:

Prioritize your sleep habits, avoid isolation and seek emotional support, make immune support a priority, keep your body moving.

According to the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT), there is a duality to sleep struggles for those living with depression—it can manifest as either insomnia or oversleeping.

Either can leave you feeling drained and lethargic with a deep brain fog that makes it hard to get dressed and brush your teeth, never mind navigate your way through a foreign city or order food in a new language. Naturally, this can be exacerbated by vacation habits like drinking more and scheduling early wake-up times for excursions, as well as jet lag. For that reason, I always try to take a jet lag supplement for long-haul trips to help me reset and prioritize sleep habits.

My nighttime routine starts with laying on an acupressure mat after taking CBD sleep gummies or a magnesium glycinate supplement. While the mat is sometimes hard to pack, I’ll happily ditch an extra outfit or check a bag to bring it along since it makes such a huge difference in my mood. I like to put my sleep mask on, listen to a podcast or audiobook, and shut my eyes for 20 minutes while on the mat, quieting the outside world and decompressing from a day of stimulation to induce a calm state that lulls me to sleep. Dr. Mascardo also recommends earplugs and a portable sound machine to drown out any disturbances that may disrupt your sleep patterns.

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My depression isn’t something I typically like to call attention to, especially when traveling with friends or colleagues. But in reality, sharing and welcoming that support often changes my experience because someone understands what I’m going through. Dr. Mascardo recommends letting at least one trusted travel partner in on your situation or having someone ready on FaceTime.

Dr. Mascardo also recommends bringing a journal or even just a lined notebook for a consistent place to get out your thoughts and emotions and begin to process them. This can also be good for solo travelers with social anxiety—take it to a café and you'll have something to do without feeling uncomfortable.

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“Depression can weaken the immune system and make a person more susceptible to illness. Catching a cold on a trip can be annoying, but for a person with depression, a cold might mean more intense symptoms such as severe exhaustion or irritability,” says Dr. Mascardo. She recommends talking to your doctor about what supplements and vitamins will best support your immune system and mental health and investing in travel insurance so that you won’t have to worry about seeking care if you do feel unwell.

For me, prioritizing electrolytes and hydration and packing daily supplements in a pill case is a total game changer. I also love carrying hand sanitizer with invigorating scents to rejuvenate myself while keeping my hands free of germs.

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Ultimately, Dr. Mascardo says, “It’s better to preventatively invest in mental health and self-care than to be forced to react to a mental health crisis.” One of the best ways to do this is actually free: move your body, both before and during travel.

She recommends something as simple as walking, which you’re probably doing anyway when traveling—all you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes . When I can, I'll pack a workout outfit and add a fun local workout class like a puppy yoga class to my itinerary, too.

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Condé Nast Traveler does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare and/or mental health professional.

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The 13 Most Inhospitable Places For Tourists

E ver found yourself yearning for a vacation spot where comfort is an afterthought, and survival skills are a must? No? Well, buckle up (not literally, of course)! This list is for the intrepid adventurers out there who see “inhospitable” as a challenge, not a deterrent . From scorching deserts to frozen wastelands, these destinations are not your average tourist traps.

1. Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

Considered one of the hottest places on Earth, the Danakil Depression is a cocktail of extremes. It sits below sea level, boasts active volcanoes, and has sulfur springs that smell like rotten eggs (lovely, right?).

Temperatures can soar above 122°F, making it less “vacation” and more “how long can you last before you melt?” Adventurers who brave this hellish landscape are rewarded with alien-like terrain and the chance to boast about surviving one of the planet’s most hostile environments.

2. Antarctica

Fancy a trip to a frozen desert? Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, and driest continent. You won’t find cozy lodges or tropical beaches here. Instead, there’s ice, snow, and temperatures that can plummet to -128.6°F .

The only residents are scientists, penguins, and seals— none of whom are terribly hospitable . Getting there requires a boat or plane ride that might make a roller coaster seem tame. But hey, great for those who want to experience what it’s like to be a popsicle!

3. Death Valley, USA

Well, the name pretty much gives it away. Death Valley is where the Earth cranks up the heat to “broil” with summer temperatures often over 120°F . Think of it as nature’s oven—baking cookies on your car dashboard is totally a thing here.

The scenery? A delightful medley of salt flats, sand dunes, and rock formations that look like an alien planet. Despite its spooky name, the place is crawling with life that just shrugs at the blazing sun. Survive this scorcher of a trip, and you’ll have bragging rights and some jaw-dropping photos to show off.

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4. Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine

For those who scoff at ghost towns, Chornobyl is the ultimate eerie destination. Abandoned practically overnight after the 1986 nuclear disaster, it’s like stepping into a Soviet time capsule, minus the radiation-suits. Radiation levels are still off the charts, so don’t forget your trusty Geiger counter !

Sure, you can book a tour, but this isn’t your typical walk in the park—it’s a radioactive reality check with a hefty dose of creepiness. Perfect for those who like their history lessons served with a side of nuclear fallout.

5. Mount Everest, Nepal/China

Ah, Everest. The ultimate bucket-list item for mountaineers and masochists alike. Standing at a nosebleed-inducing 29,029 feet, the world’s highest peak isn’t here to play nice . Thin air, freezing temperatures, and treacherous terrain make it a no-go zone for anyone but the most hardcore climbers.

Many have tried; some succeeded, and way too many didn’t live to tell the tale. Make it to the top, and congrats— you’re now both a legend and probably oxygen-deprived .

6. Rub’ Al Khali, Arabian Peninsula

Welcome to the “Empty Quarter,” the world’s largest continuous sand desert . Picture a never-ending sea of sand, with dunes taller than skyscrapers. Water? Scarce. WiFi? Non-existent. Starbucks? Dream on.

This place is perfect for anyone looking to disconnect from modern life—and possibly civilization altogether. The relentless heat and vast emptiness make it a true test of endurance. Survive this, and you’ve got ultimate bragging rights and a newfound appreciation for air conditioning.

  • Uncover More: From the biggest desert to some of the best beaches. Find out the hidden beaches you should hit up before everyone else does .

7. Lake Natron, Tanzania

This lake looks like it belongs in a horror movie—and honestly, it kind of does. With water temperatures reaching up to 140°F and high alkalinity that can turn animals into mummified statues , Lake Natron is not your average summer getaway. And the air smells like soda ash, adding to the overall vibe of “stay away.”

But if you’re daring enough to visit, the striking red and orange hues of the lake create a bizarrely beautiful, almost otherworldly landscape. Just maybe leave the swimming trunks at home.

8. Door To Hell, Turkmenistan

The “Door to Hell” sounds like a place you’d find in a video game, but it’s real and fiery. This natural gas field collapsed into a cavern near Darvaza , and has been burning continuously since 1971.

The crater, about 230 feet wide, emits a hellish glow visible for miles. It’s a surreal sight, but standing too close might singe your eyebrows off.

9. Aral Sea, Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan

Once one of the world’s four largest lakes, the Aral Sea is now what happens when humans seriously mess things up . Thanks to Soviet irrigation projects, it has shriveled into a ghostly version of its former self, complete with abandoned shipwrecks and vast salt flats.

The remaining water? Heavily polluted, practically a no-go for both humans and wildlife. It stands as a sobering reminder of nature’s fragility and mankind’s not-so-great impact—a hauntingly beautiful yet grim destination for those curious enough to see it.

  • Uncover More: Are all these desolate places making your dream of more beautiful locales? How about checking out the most beautiful national parks in the U.S. you shouldn’t miss.

10. Iquitos, Peru

Deep in the Amazon Rainforest, Iquitos is accessible only by boat or plane— because, apparently, roads are too mainstream . The jungle climate? Hot and humid, with bugs that treat DEET like it’s ranch dressing . Yet, this remote city is bustling with life and has a storied past.

As a gateway to some mind-blowing biodiversity and rich indigenous cultures, it’s perfect for those craving an adventure that’s anything but five-star. Just remember, “roughing it” takes on a whole new meaning here.

11. Atacama Desert, Chile

Welcome to the Atacama Desert, Earth’s ultimate no-moisture zone. Seriously, some spots haven’t seen rain in centuries —your skin will dry out faster than you can say “moisturizer.” The landscape is a mashup of salt flats, volcanic geysers, and Martian-esque terrain.

Yet, for all its harshness, this place boasts some of the clearest skies on the planet. Astronomers and stargazers flock here for a reason; the night sky is nothing short of magical.

12. Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Volcanoes, geysers, and bears, oh my! The Kamchatka Peninsula is nature’s untamed playground in Russia. Known for its explosive volcanic activity and jaw-dropping landscapes , it’s a paradise for thrill-seekers who love their adventures with a side of isolation.

The weather here? Totally unpredictable. The terrain? Downright challenging. But for those daring enough to venture into this wild frontier, the rewards are beyond epic.

13. Skeleton Coast, Namibia

Named for its litter of shipwrecks and whale bones, the Skeleton Coast is the epitome of eerie beauty. Picture a foggy, windy coastline that’s as harsh as your high school gym teacher, with treacherous waters and desert conditions that are definitely not for the faint-hearted.

It’s a place where Mother Nature flexes her “no mercy” policy, but the dramatic landscapes and historical wrecks make it a must-see for those who love a good challenge.

  • Uncover More: Why Mount Everest may not be for you, Mount Rainier is certainly more accommodating to the average traveler. There are some incredible tours to help you conquer this mountain one step at a time.

Ever found yourself yearning for a vacation spot where comfort is an afterthought, and survival skills are a must? No?...


  1. Astral Travel For Beginners

    astral travel and depression

  2. Astral Projection: A Comprehensive Guide on Astral Travel, Out-of-Body

    astral travel and depression

  3. Astral Travelling Guide: How to Practice It

    astral travel and depression

  4. How to do Astral Travel

    astral travel and depression


    astral travel and depression

  6. The Reality of Astral Travel

    astral travel and depression


  1. Post Travel Depression 😭✈️ #travel

  2. 零下25度暴風雪騎行西藏,借宿牧民家的車庫,全村人都跑來圍觀

  3. Как попасть в астрал медитация ✅Как выйти из тела✨ Осознанное сновидение

  4. What is astral travel. How to do it

  5. Are astral travel and dreams connected?? EXPLAINED #education #knowledge #dreams #astral #moors

  6. astral travel explained


  1. How I Learned To Astral Travel

    Astral travel or astral projection is when a part of your soul leaves the body to travel through the astral plane. The astral plane is compromised of a series of electromagnetic ley lines that interconnect throughout the universe to create a magnetic field of travel. ... no more emotional breakdowns or depression. Just "normal". However ...

  2. Out-of-Body Experiences: Into the Astral?

    4. The mental body. 5. The causal body. 6. The Buddhic, diamond or cosmic body (there is much less agreement over the higher levels). 7. The celestial, eternal or nirvanic body. The physical body ...

  3. Astral travel

    This phenomenon consists of an experience in which the individual has the perception of being outside his physical body. When a person goes through an astral journey, he is still able to perceive the environment around him and even interact with other people who are also projected at that moment. This phenomenon is studied by a specialty called ...

  4. Is Astral Projection Real? What The Experts Say + How To Try It

    Astral projection is an intentional out-of body experience (OBE) in which the "subtle" or "spirit" body travels outside the physical body at the whim of the individual. An out-of-body experience itself occurs when a person temporarily feels like their spirit or soul has left their physical body, often the unintentional result of an accident or ...

  5. Astral Travel: The Royal Road to Self-Knowledge and Healing

    During astral travel, you can re-experience traumatic events from an empowered observer perspective. Seeing with detached clarity, you recognize any mistaken beliefs you took on, including assumptions about how others judge you. From this compassionate witness vantage point, the residual emotional charge of the trauma dissipates.

  6. The Boundless Journey: A Guide to Astral Travel

    Imagine the lightness of your astral form rising, floating freely above your physical self. 7. The Return: When you decide to end the journey, focus on merging your astral self with your physical body, reintegrating the two into one conscious being. Monroe's detailed guidance provides not just a method, but also a philosophy for astral travel.

  7. Astral Travel Meditation: Techniques and Spiritual Exploration

    Astral Travel Meditation is a powerful practice that allows individuals to explore the depths of their spiritual existence. By transcending the physical body, one can embark on a journey through the astral plane, a realm of higher consciousness and spiritual exploration. This article will delve into the various techniques and safety measures ...

  8. Out Of Body Experience, Astral Travel And The Third Chakra

    Another opinion is that these physical issues in conjunction with emotional state problems such as depression, stress, or anxiety can be the cause of out-of-body adventures. ... During the one-hour show, we discuss all things metaphysical such as Out Of Body Experience, Astral Travel, And The Third Chakra! And much more! The show airs on CIVL ...

  9. The Most Important RESEARCH On Astral Projection Explained

    Astral projections, or OBEs, are a process of temporary separation of our spiritual self, from our physical bodies. Most people reject the existence, or even the idea, of astral projections, being possible. Many people that encountered this phenomenon kept it from the public eye, fearing they'll be disapproved by society.

  10. Astral Projection: A Strange Out-of-Body Experience in Dissociative

    Abstract. Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are hallucinatory visual experiences that involve seeing the physical body placed in an external visual space. Many psychiatric disorders, brain dysfunctions, pharmacological agents, and altered psychological states are reportedly associated with these phenomena. OBEs have been linked to various brain ...

  11. Exploring Astral Travel

    What is Astral Travel? Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is the practice of leaving the physical body and traveling in an astral form to different planes of existence. It is believed that during astral travel, the consciousness or soul can explore realms beyond the physical world. This phenomenon is often associated with out-of ...

  12. Is Astral Projection Safe? A Guide to the Pros and Cons

    Is Astral Travel Safe? Learn the risks and benefits of astral projection and whether it's safe for everyone. ... It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also promote creativity and problem-solving. Physical benefits: Astral travel can have a positive impact on physical health. It can improve sleep quality, reduce pain, and boost ...

  13. Master Astral Projection Techniques: The Ultimate Guide

    Astral travel offers an opportunity to communicate with spirit guides, receive guidance, and access higher states of consciousness. This spiritual connection can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. These are just a few of the many benefits that astral travel can offer. By embracing the practice and committing to consistent ...

  14. Cureus

    Abstract. Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are hallucinatory visual experiences that involve seeing the physical body placed in an external visual space. Many psychiatric disorders, brain dysfunctions, pharmacological agents, and altered psychological states are reportedly associated with these phenomena. OBEs have been linked to various brain ...

  15. Astral projection

    Astral projection is an entertaining and harmless pastime that can seem profound, and in some cases even life-changing. But there's no evidence that out-of-body-experiences happen outside the body ...

  16. 11 Astral Travel Tips

    Follow these 11 tips to help with your astral travel. 1.Look After Your Health. Make sure that you are in good health, as a weak body can affect the ability to be able to project. 2. Be Relaxed. You must be completely relaxed, in body and in mind. Practice relaxing your entire body by concentrating on a specific muscle group and relaxing the ...

  17. PDF Astral Travel: Your Guide to the Secrets of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences

    astral trips; they are the result of a large body of trained subjects working with conscious intent for a common end. The participants come from all walks of life, and from all nations of the free world. You can astral travel too. You can do it without fear, for no one in all the thousands of

  18. How to Perform Astral Projection: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

    Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. [2] Concentrate on your body and how it feels. The goal is to achieve a state of complete mind and body relaxation. Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head.

  19. Astral Travel

    Astral Travel - A Breakthrough Course is an online course designed to get you out-of-body and to experience and explore the greater realms for yourself. Have you ever wondered what it's like to leave the physical body and experience higher states of consciousness firsthand? To witness past lives, visit future and past events, communicate with ...

  20. Astral projection

    Astral projection (also known as astral travel, soul journey, soul wandering, spiritual journey, spiritual travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the astral ...

  21. Depression

    Depression by Astral Fortress, released 12 June 2024 1. Lullaby (to My Love) 2. Where Have You Gone? 3. Don't Go... 4. I Forgive You 5. Depression (Part One) 6. Depression (Part Two) 7. Funeral For An Angel

  22. can depression stop me from astral projection? : r ...

    title. i feel like one of the causes of my depression could be stagnation and how im basically repeating the same day over and over without any way out. im hoping that with astral projection, I can gain new experiences and change my world view. but with all this "high-vibes" stuff, i'm a little worried that maybe i won't ever do it…

  23. Traveling With Depression: The Strategies That Help Me Make the Most of

    This is what travel is innately like—stressors and things outside your comfort zone throwing you for a loop. Yet, those with major depressive disorder (also referred to as MDD or depression) are ...

  24. The 13 Most Inhospitable Places For Tourists

    Danakil Depression, Ethiopia. Considered one of the hottest places on Earth, the Danakil Depression is a cocktail of extremes. It sits below sea level, boasts active volcanoes, ...