What You Should Know About a FAM Trip

Annie Brigham, Digital Marketing Coordinator

What is a FAM trip?

Who attends a fam trip, who pays for a fam trip.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

What are the benefits of a FAM trip for the Hosts?

What are some things to keep in mind when planning a FAM trip?

A FAM trip stands for “familiarization trip” and is one incentive of being in the travel industry. FAM trips are exclusive educational trips for travel agents, media personnel, and resellers. These familiarization trips provided by travel businesses such as travel operators, tour operators, and accommodation suppliers allow them to experience their services and destinations first-hand. FAM trips are opportunities for travel businesses to familiarize agents and media personnel with their destination and immerse them in the local culture, introduce them to local operators, and highlight the benefits their company offers, essentially take them backstage. For instance, they can have the opportunity to meet a celebrity chef that they have been referring their clients to.

The usual people presented on these trips are Travel Agents, suppliers, and media partners such as Journalists, Editors, Influencers, & Tour Operators. These individuals are necessary for countless travel businesses’ success, and as suppliers and travel operators, you are looking to build a long-term working relationship with them. The aim is to keep track of key industry influencers and invite people relevant to your industry’s success. These invitations may rope in a travel agent you have worked with in the past, who you want to enhance your relationship with or introduce new offerings to, or a new prospect who has recently jumped on your radar who can potentially help you collect new business.

Though FAM trips are endlessly changing and evolving, and differentiate per business, tour operators, cruise lines, and hotels interested in showcasing their points of interest typically provide everything for these trips. FAM trips are more often than not fully sponsored invite-only events unless there is a partnership with a rental car company or airline that exists. Sponsorships are customary because the host provides the money or product in exchange for their visit.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to Travel Agents and Media Personnel?

Familiarization trips present numerous benefits to the attendees. The head benefit of a FAM trip is that it allows travel agents and other travel industry providers to gain ideal first-hand experience. This involvement enables them to understand better the several benefits that different kinds of trip excursions offer to their clients. As a result, they can better supply the perfect services and vacations to their client based on their desires and needs and effectively inform their clients on what they can expect. In addition, media personnel, travel writers and editors, and photographers can gain first-hand experience that can help provide better content, details, and photographs for their future publications. These trips grant journalists opportunities to develop tailored stories that they may want to develop further. For example, the trip may introduce them to a chef who has a fascinating life story or recipe to share. A further benefit is that the FAM trip guests can expand their professional network by building connections with other travel agents, suppliers, and media personnel; most FAM trips embrace downtime to relax with other professionals. This schedule allows them time to get in touch with industry experts and exchange stories on what has worked for their business. By developing long-lasting relationships with travel operators and suppliers, they will also acquire better deals for themselves and their future clients.

What are the benefits of a FAM trip to the Hosts?

Arranging a “familiarization trip” is a valuable marketing tool. As a host of a FAM trip, one benefit is that you can generate new leads and business for your company. By permitting these professionals to gain first-hand experience with your products, they will better understand and share the benefits of your travel offerings with their clients. When it comes to benefits from hosting media personnel is that you are enhancing your media coverage; travel writers and photographers take part in these trips to photograph your offerings and compose content. If you can impress and inspire your guests during a FAM trip, then you should be able to generate first-rate reviews and recommendations for your travel business. For example, one of our clients , Arizona, invited an Editor in Chief on a FAM trip to their destination. The Editor in Chief made a customized trip with a luxury angle and published over 20 full pages of material about the destination and included them in the cover. The clients were very thankful for these results and said that the benefits of these results were worth more than five times that than the overall cost of the FAM trip.

After conversing with some of our employees regarding their client’s FAM trip success stories, we have put together some things we think you should consider when planning your FAM trip: You must research and plan the trip and itinerary during the FAM trip planning stage according to your media personnel and travel agent’s profiles. Look at their previous publications and create activities that they will find appealing, craft experiences with multiple “wow factors” that they can share in their publications. Keep in mind that it is up to the criteria of your guest when it comes to what will get published; not everything that they experience will be incorporated. Provide thorough itineraries and trip information as soon as possible in the planning process; this will allow your FAM trip guests to raise any concerns or questions ahead of time and will enable you to customize their stay exceedingly well. When crafting a detailed itinerary for your guests, you must also be mindful of their time on your trip; you must provide a good balance of activities and educational events with free time to relax and take a breather. Lastly, put together a plan for contingencies; keep in mind that not everything will go to plan. It would be safest to prepare for anything from a last-minute guest cancellation up to flight cancelations, emergencies, or lockdowns. But, again, it is better to over plan.

Special thanks to our Connect Worldwide FAM trip experts Eduardo Peraza and Pedro Berruecos for contributing to this article. Contact us today if you are looking for a destination marketing partner or are interested in learning more about attending, planning or hosting a FAM trip.

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Travel Agent FAM Trips: What is a FAM Trip?

Written by: Guest on April 16, 2018

a fam trip is

There are a lot of perks to becoming a travel agent and one of them is FAM Trips. FAM Trip stands for “familiarization trip” and it is a trip exclusively for travel agents (and sometimes their guests!) that are provided by suppliers or travel operators. Seminars at Sea are similar to FAM trips, but they are offered by cruise lines and give agents the chance to experience the ships and sailing itineraries that they’ll be selling.

These trips are provided as a way for agents to gain an understanding of the benefits of different trips that they can sell to their clients.

When you’ve seen a resort or on a cruise for yourself, you can better help your clients understand what to expect. The more first-hand experience you have, the better you will be able to choose the perfect vacation for your clients based on their wants and needs .

a fam trip is

KHM Travel Group agents participate in various FAM Trips and Seminars at Sea throughout the year. We have excellent relationships with many of the top preferred suppliers in the industry, and that allows our agents to get great deals and have wonderful experiences on FAM trips.

One of many benefits to becoming a travel agent, these “working trips” allow our agents to have fun, enjoyable and useful experiences at resorts and destinations across the country and around the world. When you go on a FAM Trip, you will return with the education and confidence you need to make new bookings! In fact, you can take photos and post them on your own social media accounts or share them directly with your clients to spark their desire to reach out to you about their next trip.

a fam trip is

Another benefit to FAM trips and Seminars at Sea is that while you’re having fun, you also get the opportunity to network with other travel agents! While these trips are “working trips” there is usually time set aside for agents to relax and enjoy the pools, beaches, bars and other activities. Take advantage of the “down time” and mingle with fellow agents and discuss what has and hasn’t worked for their business. Make sure to exchange information and stay in contact. It’s a great way to extend your professional network!

Curious about what these trips are like? Check out our recaps from a few of our past FAM trips and Seminars at Sea:

KHM Travel Agents Experience Culture & Adventure on Azores FAM

Club Med FAM Highlights an Action-Packed, All-Inclusive Punta Cana Experience

Exploring the Western Caribbean on the Norwegian Getaway Seminar at Sea

Want to become a KHM travel agent? Contact us to learn more about this rewarding career, or easily get started online today .

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Travel Agent FAM Trips: What They Are + How to Find Them

Ahhhh.... the travel industry. It's a beautiful industry and one we here at HAR are lucky enough to work/play in! One of the greatest perks in travel are travel agent familiarization trips, or FAM trips for short. They're also sometimes called FAM tours.

Here's the thing, people outside the industry usually have two conflicting thoughts about travel agents:

1) When they find out I work with travel advisors they ask if travel agents still exist.

2) Then they immediately think I'm a travel advisor and ask, " Do you get to travel a lot? For free?!? "

Here's the answers to those questions:

1) Ooooooh, my friend, travel agents sure do exist! In 2022, traditional travel agencies market share was 21% and online travel agencies was 22% ? True story. Here's more on a travel agent career outlook .

2) And yes, as a producing travel advisor you get to travel a lot and sometimes for free or at a significant discount. Producing is the key word here. :)

What I can never figure out is how you can think travel agents aren't around if they get to travel all the time to gorgeous destinations for free or reduced costs. 🤔 Wouldn't the market be flooded with people wanting to become a travel agent if that was the case?!

Jumping off waterfall on mexico familiarization trip

These enviable trips are called FAM trips and they're key to travel advisors being invaluable resources to their clients.

(For those of you dying for some 'me time' on the beach, don't worry, FAM trip is short for familiarization trip. It DOES NOT mean you have to bring your family with you on the trips. 😂 In fact, if +1s are allowed, it is often at a little higher cost but often FAM trips are just for advisors.)

So let me break down what a FAM trip is, what happens on FAM tours, where you can find FAM trips, and the question I know you all are asking, how you can get invited on a familiarization trip!

What is a FAM trip for travel agents?

A travel agent FAM trip is a trip offered by a vendor, destination or another entity in the travel industry

Jamaica travel agent FAM tour

Let's clarify one thing. A FAM trip is not the same as travel agent discounts on personal travel. For that, you can check out our article with over 200+ travel agent rates we lovingly keep updated for you. :)

A travel agent FAM trip is a trip offered by a vendor, destination or another entity in the travel industry—like an industry association, a host agency or a travel consortium to travel advisors—allowing the travel agent to experience the product/destination so that they can better sell it.

Travel advisors are salespeople at their core and like any salesperson, they can sell more when they experience the product or service.

Vendors and destinations know that travel agent FAM tours are a cost-effective way to increase sales. All the pics the travel agents post while on FAM trips are darn good PR and advertising!

I'll tell you a secret: once you become a travel agent and start connecting with industry colleagues

a) you will get out of offices all. the. time. from colleagues traveling to awesome places and

b) your social feed will be crammed full of pics from your industry besties traveling around the world. :)

What are the different types of familiarization (FAM) trips?

Those social feeds crammed with enviable travel photos I just mentioned? Well, they are meant to be marketing the destination/property/etc. So you should definitely be feeling FOMO and jealousy.

BUT! That could literally be the only hour the advisor was able to enjoy the pool or beach during their 3-day familiarization trip. Like most things on social, the reality of a FAM trip is often much different than what the photos painted.

Let's break down FAM tours into a few categories so you have a better idea of what to expect.

And for the record, I just created these categories since I really feel like we need to differentiate them so please help me grow this industry lexicon and start throwing them around in industry forums! 😂

Vatnajokull Glacier, Lagoon, ATV Excursion travel agent familiarization trip

Working FAM trips

These FAM trips are exactly what they sound like. Working FAMs are the majority of familiarization trips and they are meant to maximize your time in the destination.

This means that you're often up at 6 am, on your feet all day visiting multiple properties (called site inspections ) or having in-destination experiences like a pasta-making class or white water rafting.

After a full day of action, you sit down for your dinner and do some serious networking. You don't hit the bed until 10 or 11 pm. FAM trips are tons of fun, but they are also tiring! It's like traveling with your ADHD friend that is inexhaustible. :)

The company or destination that organized the FAM trip wants you to see and experience as much as possible so you often have a jam-packed schedule from sun up to past sundown.


Experiential FAM trips are still working familiarization trips but have a more relaxed schedule, as in you won't be touring 4 resorts in Jamaica a day and then have evening activities. :)

You might be staying at a dude ranch and each day have an activity or two planned.

Or you might have attended a travel conference and signed on for the pre/post tours where you get to do a guided activity each day and then return to your hotel at night. (Here's a guide to maximize your travel conference learning and networking.)

Experiential FAM tours are my favorite FAMs because they're easier to remember more vividly. Plus, I don't come away completely overstimulated and sleep deprived!

Iceland lagoon travel agent FAM tour


When your agency starts really producing, award FAM trips will open up for you.

Simply put, they're awards trips for top producing travel agencies but they also function as a FAM because they may include visiting a few properties. Plus, when most people think of FAM trips, they're wondering about free or discounted tours and award FAM trips fall into that category.

On award FAM trips, the host really pulls out the stops so you can experience all the host and the destination have to offer

On award FAM trips, the host really pulls out the stops so you can experience all the host and the destination have to offer! After all, these are the agencies that bring in a lot of sales.

Award FAM trips are typically fully comped and the familiarization trip host will have all sorts of great things planned for you! It's a lot of networking and fun, and less work. :)

What happens on a travel agent FAM trip?

Your itinerary will vary based on the type of travel agent FAM trip you're on. As I mentioned earlier, working FAMs have jam packed schedules!

If I were to generalize, I would say that on a FAM tour expect to be wined and dined at different properties or restaurants. You'll tour various properties where you'll see different room categories as well as meet with key staff that will allow you to better serve your clients.

When it comes to cruise ships, cruise FAM trips are often called Seminars at Sea when you get to sail on the ship and ship inspections when you tour it while it's in port.

Travel Agent Fam trip Ship inspection

And equally as important on FAM tours is the networking and bonding that happens with your host and fellow travel colleagues. Most advisors have their family and then they have their 'travel family', which are the colleagues they get to travel around the world with. As we all know, travel bonds people like nothing else!

Cruise FAM trips are often called Seminars at Sea when you get to sail on the ship and ship inspections when you tour it while it's in port.

Travel agent FAM trip technology + FAM trip marketing

You'll take tons of pictures and videos to share with clients and use for marketing. You'll also take a lot of notes. How do you keep all that FAM trip info straight? Here's a few resources for you.

Fam with Intention has a paid course on what to do before, during and after your travel agent FAM tour to make sure you maximize the experience.

Keeping track of everything you see and do, as well as the people you meet on travel agent FAM trips is challenging. HAR has free ship inspection forms as well as free site inspection forms that can help you out. They're old school PDF but can't beat free!

And if you are looking for something way more snazzy in app form (paid), check out MyFamTrip or FamGuru .

How much do travel agent FAMs cost?

travel agent fam trip white water rafting

I wish I had a specific answer for you but travel agent FAM prices will vary from completely free (sometimes referred to as hosted, as in they're 100% hosting you) to a decent discount.

Here's what you can generally expect included on a travel agent FAM trip:

  • Excursions/Activities

What's usually not included on travel agent FAM tours:

  • Tips for your drivers, bellhops, guides, housekeeping, etc. (These people work incredibly hard and depend on tips so make sure to bring cash.)
  • Your travel insurance (never included)

Where can I find a list of travel agent FAM trips?

Great question! Here are a few places you can find FAM trips listed.

HAR's INDUSTRy calendar

We have a great list of FAM trips on HAR's free travel industry event calendar that you can check out.

Often times travel industry conferences in popular tourist destinations will offer pre/post-add-ons that allow you to experience the destination at a discounted rates.

FAM-SPEcific websites

Other online places to find travel agent FAMs are destination-specific websites like:

  • MexicoFamTrips.com
  • CaribbeanFamTrips.com
  • JamaicaFamTrips.com

There are also a few websites that list travel agent FAM trips like :

  • Famtrips.travel
  • FAMrates.com (paid subscription)
  • WanderfullyFammed , which are led by an advisor/photographer and part of the trip is that she provides all the marketing content for advisors to promote it during and after.

But here's another secret, the real travel agent FAM deals that are generously subsidized are not publicized. They are invite-only FAM trips or require you to apply, where the competition is stiff.

Ireland Castle on travel agent familiarization tour

Travel Consortium + Host AgencY FAM TRIPS

Your host agency and/or consortium are one of the places where you can find the generously subsidized FAM trips.

Only members of their networks have access to these FAM trips and there may be sales or other requirements you need to meet. They may send out an email with the opportunity or they may reach out to advisors they know would be a good fit for it so that's another reason to cultivate those relationships with your host and consortium!


Another place where you can find severely discounted travel agent FAM trips is through destinations and preferred suppliers like cruise lines, tour operators, destination management companies (DMCs), and resorts.

\When you sign up as an advisor with them that gets you into their database and you'll receive information on upcoming travel agent FAM opportunities.

These FAM trips may be emailed out to the entire database and you have to apply, or it may be that the organization reaches out individually to their ideal travel advisors. Again, build those relationships at travel industry events so you're top of mind. :)

travel agent ship inspection FAM trip lunch

How the heck can I get invited on a travel agent FAM trip?!?

Love your enthusiasm!

Let's back up a step because the first requirement is that you're a travel agent. If you aren't one but think it would be a cool career (it totally is), check out our article with more info on how to start your travel agency .

The next requirement hurdle is you'll need to be a producing advisor.

On rare occasions, new advisors without a history of sales can be invited on a travel agent FAM trip, but you'd have to show you have the potential to bring in sales. This is usually done by showing your network of friends/colleagues/clients as the target demographic for that particular FAM trip.

Another option for newbies is you can show that you are serious and focused on selling that particular brand/destination/trip type. Do this by reaching out to your BDM (business development manager) and writing up an in-depth sales plan on what you'll do to bring them sales.

Other than that, each FAM will have its own requirements which they'll communicate to you.

travel agent familiarization (fam) trip scuba diving

FAM Trip Etiquette

Believe it or not, not everyone behaves well on FAM trips. Whether this is your first FAM trip or your 30th, it's important to know FAM trip etiquette.

We put together a one sheet for you to help promote proper FAM etiquette. Share with colleagues or print some out for your upcoming FAM and offer them to any new advisors who may need some guidance on etiquette!

If you're someone that hosts FAM trips, feel free to use the image and send out with your FAM materials.

FAM Trip etiquette

You now are fully educated on one of the best travel industry secrets... travel agent FAM trips! I hope you can experience one soon as they're amazing experiences. :)

If you're an advisor that landed on this article, I would LOVE to have you share any FAM experiences or advice in the comments below!

About the Author

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

Steph grew up in the travel industry, helping on and off with her mom's homebased travel agency. She has worked with thousands of agents in her role as a former host agency director before leaving in 2012 to start HAR. She's insatiably curious, loves her pups Fennec and Orion, and -- in case you haven't noticed -- is pretty quirky and free-spirited.

If you’re looking for Steph, she leaves a trace where ever she goes! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (her fav) and Pinterest as 'iamstephly'. 🙂 You can also catch her on her Substack, Bumblin' Around, where she writes on things outside the world of HAR.

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

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What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them

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Familiarisation Trips, better known as Fam Trips, are educational trips organized exclusively for media partners or travel agents and resellers, by travel businesses such as tour operators and accommodation establishments.

Fam Trips are designed to equip participants with adequate product knowledge to either sell onto clients or publish for media coverage. Travel businesses host Fam Trips to showcase their business and product to the people who resell or cover them in media.

Either way, the fundamentals of Fam Trips remain the same, you want to create memorable, fun, and personable experiences for the people who undertake them. They are essentially marketing tools that highlight your travel offering and are one of several ways to generate leads and new business for your travel company.

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Who Goes On Fam Trips?

Fam Trips are usually set up either as invitation-only sponsored learning trips or at discounted rates exclusively available for travel agents to book.

Travel agents and resellers go on Fam Trips to experience first hand a travel product or offering. This gives them insight into the finer details of the offering and lets them add a personal touch to their sales pitch.

Travelers are on the lookout for personalized travel experiences and something as simple as a travel agent knowing whether there is a packed breakfast available to take on a day hike excursion without needing to check details with the establishment saves time, conveys efficiency and will attract customers to your travel business .

Fam trips are not only for travel agents or resellers though, media partners also participate in them too. Travel writers or photographers join Fam Trips for media to write up articles and take beautiful images to post and share in their publications.

Fam Trips

Tips On How To Run Successful Fam Trips

You want to apply the same basic principles to your Fam Trips regardless of whether you are hosting Media or Suppliers. In both cases, the trips should be experiential and relevant to your product.

Set Expectations

Email your suppliers and media partners their proposed itineraries a few weeks in advance so that they know what to expect from the Fam Trips and can raise any questions they may have to prepare for it.

When hosting Fam Trips for Media discuss your expectations for the press coverage before the trips begin so that you are all on the same page. Establish where the write-ups will be published, the length and frequency of the articles, expectations for social media posting etc.

Fam Trips

Offer Authentic Experiences

While you do need to pull out the stops and offer the same experiences that full paying guests would get, you do not want to misrepresent your offering by including something not ordinarily part of your repertoire.

Clients will be disappointed if they read about a sundowner experience on the riverbank but discover on arrival at your lodge that it is not in fact on your activities list it.

Create Partnership Offerings

Contact surrounding travel businesses to see if they would be interested in creating partnership offerings to provide to the suppliers and media partners.

Approach restaurants who might be interested in hosting groups for some of their meals. Or contact a bicycle tour operator to ask if they would lead groups on a trail experience.

This will give the other businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility and get mentions in the media and it will help you to spread some of the costs involved in hosting Fam Trip groups.

Fam Trips

Offer Alternative Itineraries

Where applicable, showcase a number of your most popular activities to the people on your Fam Trips. Not only will this highlight more aspects of your travel business, but it will also negate the possibility of accidentally excluding someone from partaking in particular activities.

Consider people’s varied interests and add one or two alternatives to your itineraries. The idea is for your suppliers and media partners to make the most of their Fam Trip experience so limiting your educational Fam Trip activity to a snorkeling trip might not work in your favor if you are hosting people who do not enjoy swimming for example.

Set A Manageable Schedule

Remember the people you host on your Fam Trips are working even if it may not always seem like it. With this in mind, remember to allocate a certain amount of downtime on your Fam Trips to allow your travel agents and media partners to check in with the office, organize the information they are putting together on your travel product, or have a quick catch up with the family at home.

Fam Trips

Provide All Necessary Information

Your suppliers and media partners are going to need the details of all the accommodations they stay in, restaurants they dine at, and activity providers who guide them on their Fam Trips. As the organizer, you will have easy access to all of this information.

Compile a list of all the names, email addresses, contact numbers and social media handles of your partners onto a database and share it with the people on your trip. This way they will be able to accredit everyone accordingly.

You can include the brochure images and write-ups of your travel product in this informational package too. You might find that your suppliers need to update your product on their site and this will make sure that they have what they need.

Most of this information will likely be required in a digital format, so either email it or make it available to download from a limited access portal.

Make Follow Ups After The Trips

Do not leave it too long after your Fam Trips have finished to follow up with your travel agents and resellers to get their feedback.

See if they have any questions or suggestions for you and check that your media posts are published and all the information is optimized, correct, and up to date.

Keep the communication lines open and find out what worked and what didn’t and learn from each experience and Fam Trip.

Fam Trips

Remember that your travel agents, suppliers, and media partners are key players in your business’ success and Fam Trips are a good way to nurture relationships with them. So consider the time and resources you spend hosting Fam Trips and nurturing relationships as an investment in marketing your business and promoting your travel offering.

In an industry where experience is everything, going the extra mile and working together to give clients the best possible service will translate into stellar reviews and glowing recommendations for all parties involved.

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Maria Claudia Lira (she/her)

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Travel agent fam trips explained.

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By Courtney Eisen

January 9, 2024

The prospect of becoming a travel agent is indeed thrilling. Many individuals exploring this career path fantasize about working remotely while enjoying complimentary global travel. While we appreciate this aspiration and believe it's attainable, there are appropriate and inappropriate approaches to achieve it. If your goal is to earn a six or even seven-figure income in this industry and gain respect among vendors, pay attention. FAM trips may not be as glamorous or reputable as you think.

Understanding travel agent fam trips.

FAM trips, short for "Familiarization" trips, are designed for agents to gain firsthand knowledge of a property. These free trips often involve dozens of agents from various travel agencies. They participate in mandatory meetings and group tours of the property. 

We've overheard discussions among travel agents who spend their entire year attending FAMs and conferences, yet barely make any sales. There exists a harmful subculture of agents seeking free travel and expecting something for nothing. These agents, often frequenting budget all-inclusive resorts, mistakenly believe they understand the travel industry.

Travel Brands' Perspective on FAM Trips

One might assume that hotels would welcome a group of agents eager to learn about their offerings. However, the travel industry is evolving, and often, those participating in group FAM trips aren't the ones driving sales. On one occasion, our team was visiting a property and having lunch with the sales manager when a rowdy group of inebriated travel agents were dining nearby. When asked if any of these agents had requested a meeting, the sales manager responded, "No, they just want the free trip. Those types of agents are all the same."

The takeaway here is that while FAM trips can be enjoyable, aligning yourself with individuals seeking handouts isn't a wise strategy in the travel world. Successful agents know how to foster profitable relationships with properties, leading hotels to go the extra mile for their clients. Conversely, if hotels perceive you as a constant drain on resources, they're less likely to extend special favors. In essence, FAM trips may end up costing more than you anticipate.

Which FAM Trips Are Considered Reputable?

Certain FAM trips are respectable, such as those for property grand openings or inaugural cruises. These invite-only events provide an opportunity to learn about new travel offerings before anyone else. However, don't attend solely for the free trip. Make it a point to meet key personnel like sales or revenue managers and discuss business. Demonstrate your intention to provide a return on their investment. If you don't plan on selling their product, politely decline the invitation.

Is Free Travel Acceptable for Agents?

Absolutely. Our top agents could practically live in hotels year-round for free while maintaining the respect of the property. The secret lies in understanding your value. The more business you generate, the more hotel and cruise brands will want you to experience their properties. Unlike group FAM trips, your visits will be solo or with a partner, allowing for productive, revenue-focused discussions and comprehensive tours tailored to your clients' interests.

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For instance, we frequently visit high-end hotels like Rosewoods and Amans, providing video walkthroughs of penthouses for our clients. Such personalized experiences would be impossible on a FAM trip due to the presence of numerous other agents.

In Conclusion: Embrace Free Travel, But Avoid FAM Trips

Free travel is undoubtedly one of the greatest perks of being a travel agent, but it must be earned. Avoid cheapening your reputation with budget FAM trips. Instead, focus on generating business and strategically building relationships with hotels, visiting each property with a clear purpose.

Suggest Article: What is it Like to be a Travel Agent?

If your ultimate goal is to get something for nothing and attend FAM trips to low-end properties, our host agency may not be the right fit for you. However, if you aspire to generate such substantial business that you enjoy complimentary stays in luxury suites worldwide without the need for group trips, we invite you to learn more about becoming a travel agent with our host agency. 

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FAM Trip Checklist for Travel Advisors

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As we head into the fall, we look forward to things cooling down a bit – the temperature, and maybe even your workload! If fall is a slower season for you, this might be the optimal time to plan a FAM trip. A FAM trip, or a familiarization trip, is a vacation exclusively for travel agents that is either free or deeply discounted by travel vendors, hotels, resorts, or cruise lines. The purpose of a FAM trip is to help a travel agent become familiar with the products and services travel vendors offer so they can help their clients choose the perfect vacation package.

FAM trips are one of the many fun parts about being a travel agent. But what many of your friends may not realize, is that it’s also a work trip! In order to make the most of any FAM trip travel agents ask questions, make notes, and take any learning experience that comes their way. If you’re getting ready for an upcoming FAM trip, make sure you’re checking off a few important to-do’s.

➡️ Related: 8 Ways for TA’s to Stay Productive During a Slow Season

Get Ready for Your Next FAM Trip

1. set goals for yourself.

Don’t leave home without writing down goals for your trip! What do you hope to learn, try or see? Once you have your goals, figure out how you will accomplish them, whether it’s adding something to your itinerary or connecting with a vendor you want to work with.

2. Try new things

Even if you have a narrow target demographic, your clients represent a diverse group of interests and preferences. Put some unique experiences and outings on your itinerary. Try a wide range of activities that will cater to all of your clients.

3. Take trips that fit your niche

Of course, take some trips just for you to enjoy! But make sure you are also staying up-to-date with the ins and outs of your niche . Take a trip (or multiple!) specific to your niche each year. There will always be something new to learn!

4. Take notes

Keep a little notepad with you for taking specific notes you might be more likely to forget when you return home. When taking notes, think about some of the most frequently asked questions you get from clients and jot down info you think would benefit them the most.

5. Let travel frustrations be learning experiences

Rather than be frustrated with a travel delay (problem), look at it as a learning experience. Any problem you run into is one you can now help your clients avoid. Any problem you experience (and survive!) just gives you that much more credibility to advise your clients.

6. Network while you’re there

A good industry network is PRICELESS to travel agents. This is because relationships with travel vendors is one thing your clients do not have and cannot buy. A FAM trip is a great time to do a little networking !

7. Ask questions

Good questions – the best way to learn! Ask vendors specific questions about their properties, tours, excursions and whatever else your clients might need to know.

8. Take photos and videos

You don’t have to be the world’s greatest photographer. But you can still improve your photography and videography skills! Travel marketing is 90% visual so you cannot overlook the skill of getting some high quality photos to share with potential clients. Take some time to learn photography basics, then make sure you are capturing some good stuff while you’re traveling!

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Shawna Levet

Shawna is passionate about helping travel agents grow their business and expand their knowledge as travel experts. She has been in the travel industry since 2011, helping agents and travelers alike find the best negotiated airfare and travel coverage to meet their needs.

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Travel Fam Trip

Travel Fam Trip

The Best Travel Fam Tips

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Fam Trips for Travel Agents: Exploring the Perks of Travel Industry Adventures

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In the fast-paced world of travel, staying ahead of the game is crucial for travel agents. Familiarization trips, commonly known as fam trips, are an excellent way for travel agents to enhance their knowledge, experience, and expertise in the destinations they promote. In this article, we will delve into the world of fam trips, understanding their significance, benefits, and how they can be an invaluable tool for travel agents.

Table of Contents

What are Fam Trips?

Gaining First-hand Experience

Building Strong Supplier Relationships

Improving Productivity and Sales

Creating Memorable Customer Experiences

Meeting Sales Targets

Proving Expertise and Market Knowledge

Building a Solid Reputation

Research and Plan Ahead

Act Professionally and Respectfully

Network and Collaborate

Take Detailed Notes and Photos

Time Constraints

Competition for Spots

Balancing Personal and Professional Time

Creating Engaging Content

Utilizing Social Media

Hosting Informative Workshops

Establishing Client Trust

How Fam Trips Transformed My Career

A Destination’s Impact on Sales

The Art of Storytelling

Fam trips are organized by travel suppliers, tourism boards, and hotels to offer travel agents firsthand experience of a destination or travel product. These trips are designed to provide agents with an in-depth understanding of the destination’s attractions, accommodations, activities, and culture. Fam trips are not only limited to popular tourist destinations; they can also cover niche markets, luxury travel, adventure trips, and more.

The Importance of Fam Trips for Travel Agents

Fam trips allow travel agents to experience destinations personally, giving them a deeper insight into what they are selling. Being able to speak authentically about a destination enhances the agent’s credibility and builds trust with potential clients.

Participating in fam trips fosters relationships with travel suppliers and industry professionals. This personal connection can lead to better deals, exclusive offers, and improved support for the agent’s clients.

Knowledge gained from fam trips empowers travel agents to create tailor-made itineraries that match their clients’ preferences and needs. This personalized approach can significantly increase sales and customer satisfaction.

The first-hand knowledge gained during fam trips enables travel agents to curate unique experiences for their clients. This personalized touch can turn a regular trip into a memorable and extraordinary adventure.

How to Qualify for Fam Trips

Travel agents who consistently meet or exceed sales targets are often given priority for fam trip invitations. Suppliers seek agents who have a proven track record of actively selling their destinations.

Agents with comprehensive knowledge of a specific destination or market niche are highly sought after for fam trips. Demonstrating expertise and specialization can increase the chances of being selected.

A strong professional reputation within the travel industry can lead to more opportunities for fam trips. Positive reviews and recommendations from clients and industry peers are valuable in this regard.

How to Make the Most of Fam Trips

Before embarking on a fam trip, travel agents should thoroughly research the destination and create a list of specific aspects they wish to explore. Proper planning ensures agents make the most of their time during the trip.

While fam trips are meant to be enjoyable, it is essential for agents to remember that they are also a form of business. Acting professionally and respectfully towards suppliers and other participants is crucial.

Fam trips provide an excellent opportunity to network with fellow travel agents and industry professionals. Collaborating with peers can lead to valuable insights and potential partnerships.

During fam trips, agents should take detailed notes and photographs to refer back to when creating content or recommending the destination to clients.

Challenges and Limitations of Fam Trips

Fam trips are often packed with activities and site visits, leaving limited free time for exploration. Agents need to manage their time effectively to experience as much as possible.

Due to their popularity, fam trips can have limited spots, and competition among travel agents to secure a place can be fierce.

While fam trips offer exciting experiences, agents should remember to find a balance between personal enjoyment and professional obligations.

Tips for Leveraging Fam Trip Experiences

Agents can use their fam trip experiences to create engaging content for blogs, social media, and newsletters. Visual storytelling through photos and videos can captivate audiences.

Sharing real-time updates and experiences on social media platforms can generate interest and engagement from potential clients.

Agents can host workshops to share their newfound knowledge and experiences with colleagues and potential clients, showcasing their expertise.

By relaying their personal experiences, agents can instill trust in their clients, convincing them that they are recommending destinations based on genuine experiences.

Success Stories: Real-life Accounts from Agents

Mary, a travel agent, shares how participating in fam trips shaped her career and helped her become a destination specialist.

John recounts how a fam trip to an exotic location boosted his sales and allowed him to target a new market segment.

Linda explains how the experiences she gained from fam trips enabled her to craft compelling stories for her clients.

Fam trips are a gateway for travel agents to enhance their expertise, build strong industry relationships, and offer unique experiences to their clients. Embracing these opportunities can elevate a travel agent’s career and enrich their clients’ journeys.

  • How much do fam trips cost for travel agents? Fam trip costs are usually covered by suppliers or tourism boards. However, agents may need to bear their travel expenses and incidentals.
  • Are fam trips only for experienced agents? Fam trips are open to both experienced and novice agents, but preference is often given to those with proven sales records and expertise.
  • Can agents bring companions on fam trips? Some fam trips allow agents to bring companions at their own expense, while others may be exclusive to agents only.
  • How can I maximize the benefits of a fam trip? Research the destination beforehand, network with industry peers, take detailed notes, and create engaging content based on your experiences.

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What is the meaning / definition of FAM Trip in the hospitality industry ?

The term FAM stands for Familiarisation. The Tours – commonly known as FAM Trips – are trips organised by travel providers (can be a Tour Operator, an Airline, a Hotel Chain , a Tourism Board or other DMOs representing a Destination, etc.) with the purpose of educating about their products &amp services and promoting them.

Usually it is dedicated to everyone who is involved in the selling and promoting process of this particular product/ property / destination. It typically hosts travel agents and expedients, travel media (writers, journalists, bloggers) and other important players &amp partners.

Creating awareness and at the same time networking and building relationships are the main aims of a FAM trip .

FAM´s are very important in the hospitality industry . Basically speaking if the travel agent knows and likes your property (and the location), he will book his clients into it. FAM´s are usually FOC ( free of charge ) or available at a discounted fee.

  • Online Travel Agency ( OTA )
  • Free of Charge ( FOC ))

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Fora FAM Trips: Everything You Need to Know About Our Travel Advisors' "Workcations"

Fora Author Fora Travel

The Modern Travel Agency

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Picture this: You’re sitting around a campfire at a luxury resort just steps from the Yellowstone River in Montana. During the day, you’re horseback riding and fly fishing. In the evening, you’re sipping an Old Fashioned in a hot tub. At a certain moment you think to yourself, “Is this even real?”

Not only is this completely real, but for a Fora Advisor, it’s one of the epic perks of the job. It’s called a FAM trip, or “familiarization trip,” and it's one of the many community benefits offered to Fora Advisors. Read on to learn more about Fora’s recent FAMs, and how you can get on board. Want to get started? Join us and become a Fora Advisor today.

What are Fora FAM trips?

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FAM trips, or “familiarization” trips, are when a group of travel agents (at Fora, we call them advisors), visit a property to “familiarize” themselves with it. They stay at the hotel, sample the activities and meet with the General Manager and other hotel leadership. Advisors get first-hand experience to recommend the hotel and destination more effectively to clients. 

The best part? Travel advisors attend FAM trips for a fraction of the cost of staying at the hotel or visiting the destination on their own, due to Fora’s existing relationships with hotels. Hotel managers love hosting Fora Advisors because travel advisors are decision-makers for dozens (even hundreds) of clients. This means when FAM trips happen, our advisors benefit from VIP treatment, behind-the-scenes access and exclusive introductions, all while networking and connecting with other travel advisors.

Note: There are also industry FAM trips, which are available to a select group of Fora Advisors. These FAMs are hosted by hotels and resorts, cruise lines, tourism boards and other travel providers like tour operators. Fora FAMs, however, are exclusive to advisors in our community.

What do Fora FAM trips entail?

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Fora has hosted two amazing FAM trips in our first six months as a business, each wildly interesting and a whole lot of fun.

The first FAM was to Sage Lodge, a luxury resort just 35 minutes from Yellowstone National Park. Fora Advisors stayed three nights in their own room in one of Sage Lodge’s ranch houses, enjoying meals and activities (including dinner at The Grill, an on-site restaurant that serves magnificent regional cuisine like beef and bison, cooked over an open fire). Fora Advisors were welcomed to their FAM weekend with a cocktail reception, a mixologist lesson, a tour of Yellowstone National Park, a spa day, an evening of stargazing and even an afternoon of ax throwing. Plus, Fora Advisors were able to meet with Justin Robbins, Sage Lodge’s General Manager, creating lasting relationships that will benefit Fora travelers for years to come. 

Our second FAM happened on Cape Cod, along the coast of Massachusetts. (Check out our guide on what to do in Chatham, MA .) Fora Advisors visited Chatham Bars Inn, a stunning resort situated along a private quarter-mile beach. There, they walked along the inn’s boardwalk and gazed at the blue waters of Aunt Lydia’s Cove, sipped beverages under private cabanas and participated in a tour of the on-site farm. This farm produces 100,000 pounds and 125 varieties of vegetables and features innovative farming techniques such as hydroponics and Slovenian beekeeping.

While the activities are certainly a highlight of the FAMs, many Fora Advisors shared that their favorite aspect is the ability to get to know other Fora Advisors and build meaningful relationships with each other.

“It was really a great cast of characters,” says Fora Advisor Gaya Vinay , reflecting on the Montana FAM. “Everybody was so kind and lovely and could not be more different, which was so nice. There were people who had been in the travel business for a while. And then there was a younger crowd that was just sort of starting out. We had a great time.”

Deb Swacker , who was also on the trip, recently reconnected in New York with other Fora Advisors who went on that same Montana trip. 

“It was like a high school reunion,” she laughs. “We were so excited to see each other.”

(Psst: FAM trips can be sea-bound, too. Check out our FAM trip on a Virgin Voyages adults-only cruise .)

What are the benefits of Fora FAM Trips?

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There are a lot of reasons to go on a Fora FAM trip. Getting first-hand experience of a destination is not only fun, but makes it that much easier to recommend a place to your clients and to give them helpful tips along the way. 

Many advisors use FAM trips as built-in marketing opportunities, taking pictures and sharing them on their websites, social networks and other media to inspire wanderlust and build bookings.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to really experience a place without paying out-of-pocket for a vacation, a FAM trip is a great way to get a “lay of the land” through a quick, and much less expensive visit. Because the intention of a FAM is to familiarize , Fora Advisors are able to experience a lot of different parts of a place at once. They participate in site visits, seeing multiple room styles at a hotel property, and often hear directly from the General Manager and other hotel management staff, ultimately giving them a well-rounded and informed view of a destination.

a fam trip is

All of these perks happen while simultaneously building your network and tapping into Fora’s in-person community. Fora Advisors are able to form relationships with hotel management to make sure their clients’ experiences are top-notch. They also take time to interact with Fora Advisors and our HQ team. This has a lasting impact not just on future trips to the FAM destination, but on Fora Advisors’ ability to refer their clients or get valuable support and help from other advisors in the future.

FAM trips are just one of the many benefits of being a Fora Advisor, and the benefits of community and connection don’t just stop after a FAM is over. Fora Advisors have access to a wide network of hundreds of other travel advisors around the world who can help them build their knowledge and destination expertise. This happens inside Fora’s own community platform, called Forum, where Fora Advisors have the ability to post questions and message other advisors, get advice and feedback from the Fora team, participate in virtual destination trainings and business management skills, and more.

“I have been incredibly thankful for Forum and being able to ask questions about properties and locations,” says Kerry Boyd , who recently went on Fora’s Chatham FAM. “Having Forum there is sort of a support system. And for me, it’s been incredible to know that the Fora team is available and able to help you.”

Eager for more? Learn how to turn your passion for travel into $$$ with Fora.

How can I attend a FAM trip in the future? 

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The Fora team is already planning its next FAM trips for Fora Advisors to see, taste and experience the world. We currently offer these FAMs to select groups of certified Fora Advisors (who are invited based on their expertise, training level and Fora training participation), and look forward to welcoming more advisors as our community grows.

Not only do Fora Advisors get to travel the world, but they also can make meaningful income planning travel for others. Want to get started? Learn more about our Fora 's training and sign up to become a Fora Advisor today.

Looking for more intel? Read our piece on how to become a travel agent . Or, check out resources on other types of travel agent careers:

How to Become a Travel Agent from Home

How to Become an Independent Travel Agent

How to Become a Luxury Travel Agent

How to Become a Disney Travel Agent


Author - Fora Travel

We empower anyone with a passion for travel to transform it into meaningful revenue. Sign up to become a travel advisor today.

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The COMPLETE Guide to FAM Trips & Travel Agent Discounts

The Complete Guide to FAM Trips & Travel Agent Discounts

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Join our travel agent community. Only $19.95 for a 12-Month Subscription. Gain access to countless FAM Opportunities.

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Sunny Land Tours – Since 1964

Sunny Land Tours – Since 1964

Unforgettable Travel Experiences Over 50 Years

Travel Agents FAM TRIPS

Nobody offers more Travel Agent FAM Trips than Sunny Land Tours.

With more than 35 unique FAM Trips, it’s hard to choose which one to take first! Select from our 2024 / 2025 weekly FAM Trip dates, some of our FAM Trips allow you to select your own date! Best yet, we welcome your friends and family and we encourage travel agents to bring their guests along. Some of our FAM Trips allow your guests to benefit from the same rate! Book your FAM Trip now for travel through 2025 to the world’s most amazing places and know that you’ll be traveling with the signature service that has been our hallmark for 60 years! This collection of FAM Trips is our way of thanking you for your support for over 60 years!


We have long worked with travel agents from all over the world who help us in  Delivering Unforgettable Travel Experiences since 1964 . Travel Agents –  Sunny Land has a special web-portal access established exclusively for Travel Agents Professionals Click to access the exclusive  Travel Agent web portal  and booking engine. If your agency is new, or not in our Agency database, we’ll ask that you complete the  New Agency Information Page  so that we have completed information on your agency and you. If you are a returning agent and have forgotten your password, please click on  Forgot Password? and the system will reset and e-mail you a new password. Once connected, update your profile and select a new password if desired.

Sunny Land welcomes your bookings, and thanks for entrusting your customers to our care. Sunny Land pledges to  Deliver an Unforgettable Travel Experience to your clients.


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FAMTRAVELFORME.COM  is a RESOURCE for TRAVEL AGENTS  SELLING Travel.  We LIST HUNDREDS of Supplier offerings of Travel Agent Discounts and Travel Agent Rates and FAMS.  We list the SUPPLIER Promotions and you BOOK Directly with them! We are  your  "One Stop Resource" has been designed specifically for the Professional Travel Agent in the USA/CANADA with a valid IATA, IATAN card, CLIA or TRUE travel agent recognition cards.

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Croatia Sailing FAM trip

Travel Dates: 27 Jul - 3 Aug, 2024

Start / End: Split, Croatia to Dubrovnik, Croatia

Cost: $650 USD

  • Tick another country off your bucket list as you sail up the spectacular Neretva River in a traditional wooden boat to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Taste some local olive oil at the local museum in Brac – the longest island in central Dalmatia – before exploring this gorgeous island at your own pace.
  • Drop anchor in the middle of port towns like Hvar or Korcula and explore straight off the boat – one of the many benefits of small-ship cruising.

Applications closed on March 17, 2024.

Download itinerary

India Women's Expedition Experience

Travel Dates:  23 Sep - 30 Sep 2024

Start / End: Delhi, India

Cost: $400 USD donation to Intrepid Foundation partner Pink City Rickshaw Company

  • Starting in Delhi, take the metro train in a women’s-only care into Old Delhi, to experience how women travel around Delhi, before spending the day touring the city. 
  • Then you’ll visit one of India’s most iconic sights, the Taj Mahal, inspired by the love of an exceptional woman. 
  • Your journey also includes the remote countryside village of Tordi Garh, and the iconic city of Jaipur. 

Applications closed on April 7th, 2024.

Costa Rica Experience

Travel Dates:  5 Oct - 11 Oct 2024

Start / End: San Jose, Costa Rica

Cost: $400 USD 

  • Start with a visit to a homestay in Santa Rosa de Pocosol, where you’ll experience an authentic slice of life in the Costa Rican countryside.
  • Then it’s on to La Fortuna, where you’ll marvel at the iconic Arenal Volcano, and perhaps go for a dip at the nearby thermal hot springs.
  • Then you’ll embark on incredible journeys through the Cloud Forest of Monteverde and the famous Manuel Antonio National Park, getting an up-close look at the incredible biodiversity of the region, before returning back to San Jose. 

Applications are open now until June 9th, 2024.

  For more information, please email us at [email protected]

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Mickey and Minnie Statues in Front of Cinderella's Castle During Fireworks

Hello! We will be purchasing our fam of 6 tickets through a military base for fall 2025 trip. If i purchase friends tickets separately, will i still be able to load her tickets onto my app with ours? ”

Hey there, hi there, ho there, Kayla! Welcome to planDisney, and thank you for your question! As of today, the renewal for both Disney Military Salute and Magic Your Way with military discount tickets for 2025 hasn't been announced. Typically, the Salute renewals happen in the fall. The Disney Parks Blog and the Walt Disney World website will announce the Salute renewals first, be sure to follow @disneyparks on Instagram for all the latest magical updates!  When you purchase the Salute tickets for yourself and your travel group, you can link everyone's tickets in your My Disney Experience mobile app, as long as your friends are a part of your Family & Friends List. On previous visits, I have been able to link my sister's Salute tickets to her account. Here are the steps to add her to your list:

  • Open your My Disney Experience mobile app, and select the "☰" icon.
  • Scroll and select "My Profile". Select "Family & Friends List".
  • If your friends are linked, they'll appear under "My Other Family & Friends". If not, select "Add a Guest", and follow the steps.

Once you arrive at Walt Disney World, stop by Guest Relations (located at all four theme parks) or the Disney Ticket Center to activate your Salute tickets. If you purchase Magic Your Way tickets, this step isn't needed. Both ticket types do require Theme Park Reservations. Kayla, I hope all of this information was helpful! Thank you for your question again, and please revisit planDisney if you need additional pixie dust! Magic Awaits! Frances

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Meet the Panelist: Frances, North Carolina

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Jessica Alba shares photos with daughters who wore her dresses from past red carpets

"I looove seeing my girls wear some of my archived pieces," Alba said.

Jessica Alba's daughters are rocking their mom's past looks.

On Friday, the actress shared several photos on Instagram of her and her daughters Honor and Haven at the " Trigger Warning " premiere earlier this month where they wore her dresses from past red carpets.

Jessica Alba shares how she and Cash Warren keep their marriage strong

PHOTO: Haven Garner Warren, Jessica Alba and Honor Warren attend the screening of Netflix Film "Trigger Warning" at Netflix Tudum Theater in Los Angeles, June 11, 2024.

"Throwing it back all the way to '07 and '10 in the sweetest way ever 🥹," Alba said. "For the screening of Trigger Warning, Honor wore my @prada dress from the 2007 premiere of Valentine's Day in London 💙 & Havie wore my @dolcegabbana dress from Comicon for Good Luck Chuck in 2010 🖤"

Editor’s Picks

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Jessica Alba attends Taylor Swift's Eras Tour 'with the fam': See the photo

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Jessica Alba gets zodiac tattoos in honor of her 3 children

Alba also shared photos of herself from both the "Valentine's Day" premiere in London in 2007 and the 2010 Comic Con.

While Haven accessorized her mom's plaid Dolce and Gabbana dress with a cross necklace and hoop earrings, Alba kept the look simple when she wore it and paired it with a stack of bracelets.

PHOTO: Jessica Alba in 2007, Haven Garner Warren, Jessica Alba and Honor Warren in 2024, Jessica Alba in 2010.

Honor mirrored her mom's Prada look from 2007 with minimal jewelry and also wore her hair down.

Jessica Alba steps out with her family on the red carpet: What to know about her kids

"I looove seeing my girls wear some of my archived pieces and adding their own touch," Alba added.

Alba is also the mom to son, Hayes, with husband Cash Warren .

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Celebrity Scramble -- Guess Who! Part 6

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Lupita Nyong'o -- Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Lupita Nyong'o Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Kevin Costner Says He Used Morphine While Filming 'Hidden Figures'

Kevin Costner Says He Used Morphine While Filming 'Hidden Figures'

Patrick and brittany mahomes all smiles on fam vacay in spain, patrick and brittany mahomes ... all smiles on family vacay in spain.

Patrick and Brittany Mahomes TOUCHed DOWN in Spain and they've scored big-time with an adorable family trip! Hang up your gear and hit the beautiful beaches of Spain with the Mahomes' fam! Check out all the scenic snaps !

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  1. What You Should Know About a FAM Trip

    A FAM trip is a familiarization trip for travel agents, media personnel, and resellers to experience travel products and destinations first-hand. Learn who pays for a FAM trip, what are the benefits for both parties, and what to consider when planning one.

  2. Travel Agent FAM Trips: What is a FAM Trip?

    FAM Trips are familiarization trips for travel agents to experience different destinations and products. Learn how to become a travel agent and access FAM Trips and Seminars at Sea with KHM Travel Group.

  3. Travel Agent FAM Trips: What They Are + How to Find Them

    FAM trips are trips offered by vendors or destinations to travel agents to experience their products or services. Learn about different types of FAM trips, what happens on them, and how to get invited.

  4. Travel Agent Fam Trips, travel agent discounts, travel agent rates

    Only $19.95 for a 12-Month Subscription. Gain access to countless FAM Opportunities. BONUS: Also includes a FREE downloadable copy of: Once you subscribe, a downloadable copy of: "The Complete Guide to FAM Trips & Travel Agent Discounts" will be available. This guide will teach you, step-by-step, how to set-up and request your own fam trips and ...

  5. Getting the Most Out of a FAM Trip

    What is a familiarization—or FAM—trip all about? There is no substitute for personal visits as a way of learning about a destination. Governments, as well as suppliers—such as cruise lines and tour operators—often sponsor FAM trips. These trips are offered to bona fide travel professionals and others in the travel industry at a reduced ...

  6. What Are Fam Trips And How To Get The Most Out Of Them

    Customer Experience. Articles. Familiarisation Trips, better known as Fam Trips, are educational trips organized exclusively for media partners or travel agents and resellers, by travel businesses such as tour operators and accommodation establishments. Fam Trips are designed to equip participants with adequate product knowledge to either sell ...

  7. What Are FAM Trips & Press Trips? How To Get Paid For All-Inclusive Travel

    "A fam trip (short for Familiarization Trip) - or influencer marketing campaign, or press trip - is a free (or low-cost) trip often including a salary for travel bloggers, social influencers, travel agents or consultants, paid for or sponsored by a tourism board, travel brand, tour operator, airline or industry conference organizer. ...

  8. How to find fam trips: Travel Weekly

    Chu-Bermudez is also a co-host of the "TIN Lounge" podcast and the creator of Fam with Intention, a course on maximizing fam trips for advisors. To identify fam opportunities, Chu-Bermudez first ...

  9. Travel Agent FAM Trips Explained

    Understanding Travel Agent FAM Trips. FAM trips, short for "Familiarization" trips, are designed for agents to gain firsthand knowledge of a property. These free trips often involve dozens of agents from various travel agencies. They participate in mandatory meetings and group tours of the property. We've overheard discussions among travel ...

  10. FAM Trip Checklist for Travel Advisors

    A FAM trip, or a familiarization trip, is a vacation exclusively for travel agents that is either free or deeply discounted by travel vendors, hotels, resorts, or cruise lines. The purpose of a FAM trip is to help a travel agent become familiar with the products and services travel vendors offer so they can help their clients choose the perfect ...

  11. Fam Trips for Travel Agents: Exploring the Perks of Travel Industry

    Fam trips are organized by travel suppliers, tourism boards, and hotels to offer travel agents firsthand experience of a destination or travel product. These trips are designed to provide agents with an in-depth understanding of the destination's attractions, accommodations, activities, and culture.

  12. Fam Trip Definition / Meaning

    What is the meaning / definition of FAM Trip in the hospitality industry?. The term FAM stands for Familiarisation. The Tours - commonly known as FAM Trips - are trips organised by travel providers (can be a Tour Operator, an Airline, a Hotel Chain, a Tourism Board or other DMOs representing a Destination, etc.) with the purpose of educating about their products & services and promoting ...

  13. What are FAM Trips and Site Inspections?

    What are FAM Trips & Site Inspections anyway? A "FAM" Trip is short for Familiarization trip. These trips are offered by suppliers to travel agents so that they can experience their products and services firsthand. Often carried out on fam trips, site inspections allow travel agents to "inspect" or study their products and services.

  14. Diversity Dictionary: What is a fam trip?

    In this instance, fam is short for 'familiarisation' - therefore a fam trip means familiarisation trip. Travel agents go on familiarisation trips to learn first hand about the locations, airlines, tours, hotels and cruises they sell. This could mean staying at hotels, assuming the role of a safari goer, attending a cultural event or a ...

  15. What is a "FAM" and why are they so important?

    A familiarization trip, or FAM for short, is a trip designed for travel advisors to learn about a destination, a partner travel company, or an airline, and sometimes, all of the above. While I can discuss unique experiences, boutique hotels, and level of service with our partners over the phone, on webinars, and at trade shows, nothing compares ...

  16. Fora FAM Trips: Everything You Need to Know About Our ...

    FAM trips, or "familiarization" trips, are when a group of travel agents (at Fora, we call them advisors), visit a property to "familiarize" themselves with it. They stay at the hotel, sample the activities and meet with the General Manager and other hotel leadership. Advisors get first-hand experience to recommend the hotel and ...

  17. The Dos and Don'ts of a Fam Trip

    On the "do" side of fam trips, be sure to connect with the sales manager. "Give them your business card and leave a professional impression with them so they remember you," Tracy said. "It may help you in the future. Don't be afraid to ask the sales manager questions, even if the questions seem silly." Take photos.

  18. The COMPLETE Guide to FAM Trips & Travel Agent Discounts

    The official & complete eBook is available for download after subscribing. Includes, important tips to follow before, during, and after your FAM Trip. Also includes tips on writing your request and sample request & thank you letters. Learn everything there is to know about Travel Agent Discounts from travel industry veterans who have over 20 ...

  19. Travel Agents FAM TRIPS

    Travel Agents FAM TRIPS. Nobody offers more Travel Agent FAM Trips than Sunny Land Tours. With more than 35 unique FAM Trips, it's hard to choose which one to take first! Select from our 2024 / 2025 weekly FAM Trip dates, some of our FAM Trips allow you to select your own date! Best yet, we welcome your friends and family and we encourage ...

  20. Fam trips: Why it is important for us to learn from other destinations

    A fam trip (familiarisation trip) is a learning visit in which media, influencers, writers or travel trade are invited to a destination to showcase it. In this article Aoibheann Boyle refers to a tourism trade fam trip, reasons for learning from other destinations and tips to prepare for a fam trip.

  21. Famtravelforme.com

    TRAVEL AGENT RATES and FAMS. FAMTRAVELFORME.COM is a RESOURCE for TRAVEL AGENTS SELLING Travel. We LIST HUNDREDS of Supplier offerings of Travel Agent Discounts and Travel Agent Rates and FAMS. We list the SUPPLIER Promotions and you BOOK Directly with them! We are your "One Stop Resource" has been designed specifically for the Professional ...

  22. FAM Trips for Travel Advisors

    Travel Agents, elevate your expertise with the FyndTravel FAM Directory - your ultimate resource for discovering exclusive familiarization trips (fams) and TA rates. Seamlessly search by location, type, dates, and keywords, optimizing your FAM Calendar experience.

  23. Agent FAM Trips 2024

    Croatia Sailing FAM trip. Travel Dates: 27 Jul - 3 Aug, 2024. Start / End: Split, Croatia to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Cost: $650 USD. Tick another country off your bucket list as you sail up the spectacular Neretva River in a traditional wooden boat to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Taste some local olive oil at the local museum in Brac - the longest ...

  24. Questions for fam with teens

    Answer 1 of 2: My family of 6 (with 3 teens, 1 preteen) will be visiting Charleston next week over Fourth of July. We have never been, and excited to spend several days in the city and surrounding areas. I have perused the forum, but would appreciate some fresh...

  25. Hello! We will be purchasing our fam of 6 tic...

    On Jun 24, 2024 Kayla from GA Asked Please note that experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer. Hello! We will be purchasing our fam of 6 tickets through a military base for fall 2025 trip.

  26. Emma Stewart

    28 likes, 2 comments - emstewart14 on June 22, 2024: "Happy premature 70th birthday Mum. The cake highlighting Mum's online shopping addiction!!! Lovely day with the fam. Bus trip to Epicurean in Red Hill. Thanks Dad. ️".

  27. Carrie Underwood Posts Rare Glimpse of 2 Sons During ...

    Carrie Underwood documents family's recent trip to Hersheypark in new photos with husband Mike Fisher and their sons, Isaiah and Jacob. ABOVE: Carrie Underwood attends 2022 American Music Awards.

  28. Jessica Alba shares photos with daughters who wore her dresses from

    Jessica Alba attends Taylor Swift's Eras Tour 'with the fam': See the photo ... Gig-tripping travel trend skyrockets with Swifties. Jun 28, 3:10 PM. Noah Kahan, Kelsea Ballerini drop new single.

  29. Patrick And Brittany Mahomes All Smiles On Fam Vacay In Spain!

    Patrick and Brittany Mahomes TOUCHed DOWN in Spain and they've scored big-time with an adorable family trip! Hang up your gear and hit the beautiful beaches of Spain with the Mahomes' fam! Check ...