Create a Travel Agency Promotion Video

Boosting your visibility with a travel agency promotion video, tips for making a persuasive travel agency promo video, how to make a travel agency promo video that stands out.

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9 Ways to Use Video for Tourism Marketing

  • April 18, 2024
  • Travel Marketing , Travel Video Production

A recent survey found that most marketers believe in the power of video marketing but need help with the time or know-how to focus on it. We know marketing teams at tourism boards and travel destinations are in this same bucket.

So today, we’re sharing examples of platforms and content types your brand can use to harness the power of video marketing. These video marketing examples will remove the “know-how” barrier to simplify planning your video strategy.

And when it comes to time and execution, as a travel video marketing agency , Forge Apollo can help with that, too.

Let’s dive into some examples.

5 Video Marketing Channels

Where do videos fit into your tourism marketing strategy? Here are some ways you can integrate videos into your existing channels.

Enhance the visuals on your website and make it more engaging with high-quality video highlights throughout.

Organic Social

With Reels, TikTok, Shorts, and whatever the next platform will be, audiences want to see more video content on organic social.

Include video content in your emails to increase engagement. For example, add facility tours or attraction highlights to welcome emails.

Our Secrets to Romance case study highlights how Secrets Resorts uses a video in an email campaign to drive millions in incremental revenue and bookings.


All of your ads, from social media ads to Google display ads, can be enhanced with video. Plus, high-quality video can make television and online commercials more effective.

YouTube Videos

Many consumers turn to YouTube to do research for their next vacation, so posting content there can help them discover your brand.

9 Types of Tourism Video Content To Make

Knowing what tourism marketing channels you want to add video to is one thing. But figuring out what types of content to fill them with is another challenge.

Here are 9 types of video marketing examples you can use to inspire your content.

1. Video Tours

Showcase the amenities, accommodations, activities, and more of your resort or tourist destination with a video tour.

2. Lifestyle Footage

Create content featuring people enjoying your facilities and amenities to show your audience what it’s like at your destination.

For example, in this video by Forge Apollo, Hilton Enclave highlights its various amenities with shots of people enjoying them. This helps to humanize the brand and let the audience imagine themselves there.

This ad from Wildwoods Tourism does the same, highlighting the Wildwood experience from the audience’s perspective.

3. Testimonials

Give your testimonials and reviews an extra human touch by creating a video to inspire trust and credibility.

4. Drone Footage

Create stunning drone footage of your location, landscapes, and attractions.

For example, this video from the Mahalo Diamond Beach resort uses drone footage to highlight the nearby Wildwood Boardwalk.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Mahalo Diamond Beach (@mahalodiamondbeach)
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by ICONA Avalon (@iconaavalon)

5. Highlighting Events

Highlight special events, promotions, discounts, and more to attract potential visitors.

For example, this Instagram Reel highlights a Valentine’s Day package at ICONA Diamond Beach.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by ICONA Diamond Beach (@iconadiamondbeach)

6. Influencer Content

Partner with influencers to create an inside view of what it’s like to visit your destination.

7. Behind the Scenes

Give your audience a view into the day-to-day operations and people behind your resort with behind-the-scenes videos.

For example, in this video, Applebrook Golf Club sits down with the course architect and other team members to show off the club from an inside perspective.

8. Tapping Into Emotions

Connecting with your audience’s emotions is the perfect way to resonate and have staying power. Whether humor, frustration, happiness, or anything else, tapping into an emotion has a powerful effect.

For example, this video from Secrets Resorts taps into romance, love, and connection.

Meanwhile, this video from Breathless Resorts starts with humor to hook the viewer.

9. Live Streaming

Highlight real-time events, activities, or views to engage with your audience in the moment through live streams.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you determine the best type of video content for different social media platforms.

The key to selecting the right type of video content for each social media platform lies in understanding both the platform’s unique features and its user behavior.

For example, Instagram Reels and TikTok favor short, engaging clips that quickly capture attention, making them ideal for showcasing snippets of destinations, quick tours, or exciting activities. Conversely, YouTube supports longer-form content, allowing for in-depth explorations, comprehensive tours, or detailed storytelling about a place’s history and offerings. 

It’s also important to consider the platform users’ demographics to tailor the content accordingly. Analyzing successful competitors or similar destinations on each platform can provide insights into what works best.

What tips do you have for creating engaging video content that stands out in the crowded tourism market?

To stand out, it’s crucial to focus on storytelling and emotional engagement. Videos that tell a compelling story or connect emotionally—whether through humor, awe, inspiration, or warmth—are more likely to be remembered and shared.

High-quality visuals are a must. However, authenticity shouldn’t be sacrificed for polish. Showing real experiences, featuring guests, and highlighting what makes your destination unique can set your content apart. Incorporating user-generated content can add authenticity and encourage engagement.

Staying up-to-date with trends and using them creatively in your content can also increase its appeal and shareability.

How often should tourism brands update their video content to keep potential visitors engaged and interested?

The frequency of updating video content can depend on several factors. This includes the platform, the target audience, and the brand’s marketing goals. However, maintaining a consistent presence without overwhelming your audience is a good rule of thumb.

For platforms that thrive on frequent updates, like Instagram or TikTok, posting new video content at least once a week can help maintain visibility and engagement. A bi-weekly or monthly schedule might be more appropriate for platforms like YouTube, where longer-form content is prevalent.

It’s also beneficial to align video content updates with seasonal changes, special events, or promotions to keep the content timely and relevant. Regularly analyzing engagement metrics can help refine the strategy, ensuring the content remains fresh and exciting to potential visitors.

Partner With a Video Marketing Agency

If your brand still has concerns about bandwidth to execute video marketing, Forge Apollo can help. We’re a Philadelphia video production agency that travels worldwide to film. We’re more than a video marketing agency alone, though. Our digital marketing gurus can take your content and strategize how to best use it to reach your audience.

Contact us today to harness the power of video for your tourism marketing strategy.


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A Guide to Successful Video Marketing for Tourism Businesses


In this article:

Craft great tour videos to inspire your customers.

In the age of online visual content, video is a dynamic and hugely popular medium that can bring destinations to life, captivate potential travelers, showcase your tours and activities—and ultimately generate more leads and sales.  Video marketing may be just what your tour business needs.

tourism company promotional video

Picture this: You’re on the couch on a dark, drizzly January afternoon planning your summer vacation online. You come across a video on YouTube that begins with drone footage providing a birds-eye view of a breathtaking sunset over a pristine beach. Next, you’re eating breakfast at a quaint café, before finding yourself in the middle of a lively shopping street. Then you’re kayaking along the coast as evening approaches, before the video concludes with a romantic dinner on a terrace with a view of the same sunset that wowed you at the start. “Yes! This is the type of vacation we want,” you think. You see the video is part of a series on a travel company’s YouTube channel, so you forward a link to your partner, inviting them to check out some videos. Meanwhile, you visit the company’s website to explore more of what they offer. 

This is an example of what Google calls an “I-want-to-get-away” travel micro-moment at the start of a typical travel customer journey, when people are dreaming of their ideal trip and looking for inspiration. A Google study found that 65% of travelers watch travel-related videos when thinking about taking a trip and exploring their options.

6 reasons video content is important for a tour company

Video marketing has become a transformative tool for travel businesses to inspire, engage, and connect with your audience. Here are five key reasons why video content should be a core part of any tour company’s marketing strategy:

tourism company promotional video

  • Provide a captivating visual experience: Video offers a multi-sensory experience, combining visuals, audio, and storytelling to create a more immersive experience than text. It’s an excellent way to capture viewers’ attention and make a lasting impression, especially at the discovery stage of their customer journey. It allows you to showcase the beauty of destinations, the fun and excitement of activities, and the variety of cultural and other experiences that await. 
  • Connect with travelers: Travel is an emotional experience, and video has the power to evoke those emotions in viewers, especially when compared with static text and images. By showcasing the joy, awe, and wonder of travel, videos can inspire and motivate potential travelers to explore new destinations or try new things. Done well, video content can create an emotional connection and desire to be a part of the experience shown.
  • Build trust and authenticity: Video marketing for tourism allows you to build trust by showcasing real experiences, genuine interactions, and authentic testimonials. By providing an inside look into your offerings, you can position yourself as a credible and reliable tour company—something that is crucial for many travelers at the decision stage. 
  • Broaden your reach: Video content is highly shareable and has the potential to go viral. With the popularity of video-sharing platforms and social media, you can use video to reach a wider audience and attract new customers. 

tourism company promotional video

  • Explain important things clearly: Video can be a good tool for presenting important information for travelers in a clear and engaging way. For example, some airlines have now augmented the traditional pre-takeoff safety demonstration with a video (for example, Air Canada’s safety video ). According to a report by Wyzowl , 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • Build your competitive advantage: High-quality video content is a way to differentiate your company by showcasing your unique experiences, expertise, and brand identity. You can tell your stories, highlight your values, and communicate your value proposition in a compelling and visual way. Sixty percent of B2B and B2C marketers use video as part of their marketing strategy, according to the Content Marketing Institute .

Types of videos for different stages of the travel customer journey

tourism company promotional video

Like all customer journeys, the travel customer journey includes three key stages. Let’s take a look at examples of the types of video content that can work at each stage.

Inspiration and awareness

Potential travelers are seeking ideas and exploring destinations. 

  • Destination highlight videos: Showcase the best attractions, landmarks, and natural wonders of a destination, providing a visual overview of what travelers can expect to experience on one of your tours. For example: “Think you know Singapore” by VisitSingapore addresses misconceptions about the country.
  • Travel “vlogs” and influencer videos: Collaborate with travel influencers or vloggers to create destination-specific videos that add an authentic and personal touch. These videos offer an insider’s perspective, sharing experiences, recommendations, and hidden gems. For example, “A little surf fun” by Sonia’s Travels with Travel Mexico invites travelers on a Mexican vacation with her.

Consideration and evaluation

Potential travelers have narrowed down their options and are evaluating different tour companies or destinations.

  • Tour and activity highlight videos: Showcase specific tours, activities, or itineraries to give viewers a glimpse into what they can expect. For example, G Adventures’ “Virtual tour of Mount Kilimanjaro” video provides an overview of an iconic trek.
  • Testimonial and review videos: Create videos with real customer testimonials and reviews to provide social proof and build trust. For example, TCS World Travel created a testimonial video about their private jet travel experience. 

Decision and booking

It’s decision time, when potential travelers are hopefully ready to book. 

tourism company promotional video

  • “Why us?” videos: When making a final decision, many people look deeper at the companies they are thinking of booking with. A “Why us?” type video can give people a final nudge toward your company by showcasing what makes you different. For example, G Adventures’ “Why go with G Adventures?” video focuses on making a deeper connection with potential travelers.
  • Limited-time offer and promotional videos: Create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time discounts, early bird offers, or exclusive deals to encourage potential travelers to take immediate action. For example, Travel Australia’s “Be the first” video invited New Zealanders to travel there first.

Storytelling techniques for engaging and memorable videos

Effective storytelling is the backbone of engaging and memorable videos. Here are a few ways to grab and hold the attention of viewers:

tourism company promotional video

  • Create a narrative: Develop a narrative arc that takes viewers on a journey, starting with an enticing hook, building up the excitement, and culminating in a satisfying resolution. A compelling story with relatable characters and emotional moments will leave a lasting impact.
  • Showcase authentic experiences: Highlight real travelers and local guides, showcasing authentic interactions and genuine emotions. This humanizes the experience and establishes a connection with the audience, making the video relatable and trustworthy.
  • Leverage stunning visuals: Capitalize on the beauty of destinations by capturing visually striking shots. Showcasing breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unique activities will transport viewers and inspire them to explore the destination themselves.
  • Keep it concise and engaging: Attention spans are short, so it’s important to keep videos concise and engaging. Engaging videos are more likely to be shared, commented on, and liked, leading to increased engagement, brand awareness, and potential bookings.

Quick start guide to creating your first tourism video

tourism company promotional video

Ready to have a go at creating your first tourism marketing video? Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

  • Define your purpose: What is the goal of your video (e.g. to inspire, educate, or showcase your offerings)? Clarify your target audience and the key messages you want to communicate.
  • Plan your story: Develop a short script or storyboard that outlines the narrative, visuals, and key scenes. Consider how you want people to feel and what you want them to do.
  • Capture engaging footage: Use a high-quality camera, smartphone, or even a drone to capture the footage you need. You can also incorporate still photos and graphics. 
  • Edit and enhance: Use video editing software or apps to create your final video. Add captions and music to bring the footage to life even more. Keep it short; 30 seconds (or even shorter) to two minutes long is a good length. Focus on the most compelling aspects of the destination or experience.
  • Add a call-to-action (CTA): Guide viewers toward a desired action, such as visiting your website, social media channels, or booking platform to learn more or book. You can also invite them to subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list.
  • Optimize for distribution: Choose the platforms and channels that align with your target audience and marketing goals, e.g. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, etc., and optimize your videos for each specific channel. 
  • Amplify your reach: Use the power of social media, email marketing, and strategic partnerships to broaden the reach of your videos, and maybe even go viral. 

After you have created your video and released it to the world, don’t forget to measure its success and impact. Monitor metrics such as views, shares, likes, conversions, and customer feedback to gain insights into what works and what needs to be improved.

HubSpot found that 85% of consumers want to see more video content from brands. The ease of production and lower cost of producing videos in recent years has made video one of your most powerful tools. There’s no better time to channel your inner Stephen Spielberg and produce the video content your customers want.

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Written By | Rob Mathison

Rob Mathison is a Vancouver-based freelance writer focusing on tech, travel, digital marketing, and education. He is a co-author of The Complete Resident’s Guide to Vancouver.

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5 Fresh Ways to Use Video for Tourism & Destination Marketing

Tourism video still tops the list of effective content marketing for destinations, but it's important to keep with the times. Basic video strategies from five years ago just don’t cut it anymore. 

Traveler tastes have moved on, and different kinds of travel video get the best engagement today. Here are five important video trends in tourism and destination marketing right now.

1. Virtual Reality (VR) for Tourism

With the recent launch of the Oculus Quest 2 headset VR is more attainable now than ever before. There are many different VR strategies and tactics to create an overall integrated campaign. 

Currently, popular experiences like National Geographic VR , which takes users to places such as Antarctica – where they can navigate icebergs in a kayak, climb an ice shelf and survive a raging snowstorm as they search for a lost emperor penguin colony.

Through the pandemic,  Germany’s National Tourist Board unveiled a number of immersive projects like taking a walk around Berlin or livestream a theatre performance then continuing on to Frankfurt to take in an interactive museum tour. The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation is using VR to showcase experiences such as beach yoga and snorkeling.

2. Video 360-Degree Tours

360 videos for destination marketing help to deliver powerful, immersive content that helps customers truly understand your destination or location. 

360 marketing videos can offer a jam-packed view of local attractions, hotels and scenery; putting the viewer in the driver’s seat means they control what they see and how long they see it. All while helping to drive engagement and increase conversions on your website. 

Threshold 360 , the leading provider of interactive 360° virtual tours, has some great examples of destinations using 360 tours .   

3. Drone Video for Destination Marketing

Aerial video used to be expensive, but today, aerial tourism shots can be accomplished cost-effectively with a single drone. With its birds-eye views, aerial video offers a perspective that people aren’t used to, making it especially captivating. 

Rafat Ali, the founder of Skift, described drone videos as "a new arsenal that travel marketers should be looking at seriously now, while the novelty wow factor lasts." Just keep in mind that drones are regulated. Know the FAA rules and check your local laws and ordinances before shooting from high in the sky. 

4. Capturing Authentic Video 

"Authentic," "genuine" — whatever word you use, it's the same idea: people want reality. Gone are the days of stock photos and over-produced promo films. Instead, user-generated content (UGC) has surged ahead in video for travel marketing. Why? Because it's real. 

One authentic method of utilizing video is through story format on social media. Millions of people use Instagram and TikTok every day. Encourage visitors to post videos of their experiences to show the true personality of your destination. 

CrowdRiff has four examples to use the story format to reach today’s traveler , to get you started. 

5. Livestreaming Attractions & Destination Hotspots

Streaming video through platforms like Facebook Live may sound ho-hum at this point, but it’s still a great way to add variety to your video marketing. It also gives people the authenticity they crave. After all, live video delivers real-time experiences with zero post-production polish.

The idea of going live can be daunting, especially the first time out of the gate. Learn more about livestreaming for tourism , give yourself some practice runs and when you're ready, remember to have fun!

Photo by Noiseporn   on Unsplash

Deanna Sparling

Deanna Sparling

As Director of Operations, Deanna Sparling oversees the day to day operations and account management for Simpleview DAM (formerly Barberstock). With more than 10 years of tourism, hospitality operations and marketing management experience, she fosters constructive and collaborative working relationships with her clients and team, and achieves goals with forward-thinking strategies, precise organization and creative problem-solving skills. Results-driven, she ensures the delivery of simple yet robust asset management solutions that exceed client expectations. 

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Promo Video Ideas For Travel Agencies

If you’re wondering how you can create a promo video for your travel agency, then you’ve come to the right place! 

Below, we’ll dissect two promo video examples , which you can use as inspiration to help you create your very own branded promo videos. 

Let’s take a look at our first example. 

tourism company promotional video

Travel Agency Promo Video Ideas

Our first travel agency promo video example is animated. And even though it’s only a generic promo video that any travel brand could use, it still manages to highlight travel in a fun and lighthearted way. 

For instance, the video starts out by engaging the viewer, asking what they’re up to this summer. 

Then, the video shows various travel destinations, such as Paris, Egypt, Mexico, and the Vatican City. 

One important factor to note is that the video not only highlights luxury travel destinations, but it also takes the time to explain what the brand does and how they can help. 

This highlights the customer benefit, which is crucial to always include when crafting promo video content for your brand.  

Finally, the video ends by engaging the viewer once more, practically urging them to book a flight for their next vacation. 

Precisely the type of strong call-to-action that every good promo video should include. 

Promo Video Marketing For Travel Agents

Next, this travel promo video by Haltrip is yet another perfect example of how you too can create stunning, attention grabbing promo videos for your brand. 

Unlike our first example, this promo video starts out with a bit of basic animation showing different travel destinations around the world. But then, the video zooms in and specifically highlights travel and vacations in the Maldives. 

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s true, these stunning HD shots of Maldives’ breathtaking beaches and awe-inspiring ocean vistas are worth a few million words. 

The video lets the destination’s tropical beauty do most of the work. But the video is put together using a series of quick cut shots, which allows you to take in as much of the destination as you possibly can through a video.

Finally, and one of the most important promo video marketing tips to remember, the video ends with the branding, which leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. 

tourism company promotional video

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Tourism Video Marketing: Strategies for Promoting Your Destination Marketing

tourism company promotional video

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How to promote local tourism using video, influence of video marketing on tourist visiting, how to attract global tourists to your business, role of influencer videos in destination & tourist attraction, why tourism video advertising is essential, creative video marketing ideas for tourist attractions, strategies for promoting your destination video marketing.

When it comes to tourism marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. A well-made Tourism Video can capture the essence of your destination and entice potential visitors to come and explore.

So whether you’re just starting or you’re looking for new ideas, read on for some tips that will help you create an engaging and successful tourism video marketing campaign.

If you’re looking to promote your tourism destination, video marketing is a great way to do it. Videos can help engage potential visitors and showcase all that your destination offers. We’ll discuss some strategies for creating effective tourism videos if you’re ready to start promoting your destination.

You should add videos to your social media platforms. Having a YouTube channel is the best way to promote local tourism because it’s easy and effective.

To promote local tourism, create a video that shares some of the best experiences in your area. It doesn’t have to be about the history or economy of your town; it can just show fun things to do and places to visit.

Please stop by the tourism office and ask what kinds of videos they have. You can also contact a film production company, which often does freelance work for local businesses like yours!

Although you should use various strategies to promote tourism in your area, there’s no denying that video can be an effective resource.

It’s simple. In this era of videos, you just have to record your adventures and use a few hashtags to reach the right audience. Also, make it short enough so people can watch it!

It is incredible how online video marketing can increase the number of tourists visiting a country.

The influence of video marketing on tourist visiting has a positive effect. The reason is that the main goal for all tourists when they travel abroad is to experience something new, different, and exciting.

Video marketing is a potent way to attract tourists to visit a location. According to statistics, approximately 80% of people who view a specific site will see said place in real life.

Making your business accessible is the first step. We have several resources to help you do so, including guides and videos in multiple languages.

Tourists from all over the world are looking for places to visit on vacation. If you start a business that attracts them, you can make an unprecedented amount of money.

If you want the business to be successful, you need to attract Global tourists. Luckily, there are many ways to do this.

Attracting global tourists to your business may seem like an overwhelming task.

The best way to attract global tourists is through the internet. There are many online communities for travelers, such as TripAdvisor and Airbnb, that make it’s easy for people Globally to come together and share their experiences.

Destination and tourist attraction videos are a great way to promote your location to potential tourists. They can be used to show off the area’s natural beauty, cultural attractions, and historical landmarks. By featuring residents and experts in your videos, you can give potential tourists a taste and visit your destination. Additionally, influencer videos can help attract attention from social media users who might not have otherwise heard about your attraction.

Destination and tourist attraction videos are becoming increasingly popular to market a location. They can show off the area, attract new visitors, and give people a taste of what they can expect if they visit. There are many different types of influencer videos that can be made for this purpose, each with its advantages.

Some of the most popular include:

Tourist Videos: These videos are shot by tourists who have visited the destination or attraction. They typically capture the sights and sounds of the area in a natural, unscripted way. This type of video is excellent for giving potential visitors a realistic idea of what to expect if they visit.

Traveling is a fantastic experience that you can get in life. It helps you discover new places and cultures, have fun with your family and friends, grow as a person, relieve stress, and make memories that will last forever.

Tourism is an important part of many countries’ economies and governments. Tourism is also a way to preserve your culture because when you travel to another country, you get to learn about their history in a hands-on way.

Tourism video advertising is essential in today’s fast-paced world. People need to see the beauty of your area and what it has to offer through videos, rather than just reading about it on a blog post or website.

The advertising of tourism videos is essential to the tourism industry. As a result, tourists can see videos showing attractive sites and areas to explore while on vacation.

Creating exciting videos for your tourism business is a great way to attract new customers. However, you’ll need professional quality video production with high-quality sound and editing to stand out from the crowd.

Tourism is a beneficial industry and is a key part of the economy in many regions, countries, or cities. As a result, tourism video advertising is essential to spreading awareness about why people should travel to certain places.

  • Create an interactive video with a virtual tour of your attraction
  • Offer tutorials on how to create DIY crafts that are inspired by your attraction
  • Create a 360-degree video of the inside and outside of the attraction, so people can feel like they’re there
  • Give away free tickets to random people who leave comments on your post
  • Create a video of your attraction and use it as an introduction to your website
  • Create a video about the history of your attraction, including interviews with people who have been there for years
  • Conduct interviews with people who have visited and share their experience
  • Share information about different attractions in your area, including what to do there, how much it costs, and when you can visit
  • Offer discounts for visitors who use the hashtag #visitourtown on social media
  • Create a video that highlights the best parts of your tourist attraction, using drone footage and time-lapse shots
  • Host a video contest with prizes for people who create their videos about your attraction
  • Upload photos and videos of your attractions to Youtube or Facebook Live
  • Create a video with the attractions in your area
  • Have someone take a video of you while they’re visiting to show what it’s like
  • Show people why they should visit your attraction, including things to do and see, who visits, and how much it costs
  • Take pictures of all the attractions around town or on vacation
  • Create a video of your attraction and upload it to YouTube
  • Add the video to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.
  • Make sure you have an attractive thumbnail for the video
  • Produce a video that showcases your destination’s best attractions
  • Interactive map with videos embedded and links to more information about each location
  • Upload videos of local events or festivals so visitors can get a feel for what it’s like to live in the city
  • Offer tours through your website, including pricing and booking instructions
  • Create a video where you tell the story of the attraction from its inception

  • Interview locals who live in the area and ask them what they love about it
  • Provide historical information about why this place is special to them
  • Give tips on how to have an enjoyable time at the attraction
  • Share videos of people who have visited your attraction to show what they enjoyed
  • Create a list of things to do in your city, and share that with visitors
  • Make sure your video is high quality and accurately represents your destination
  • Use a strong headline and catchy tagline to draw people in
  • Share your video on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube
  • Embed your video on your website and blog
  • Send the link to travel agents, bloggers, and other tourism-related businesses
  • Upload the video to video sharing websites such as Vimeo or Dailymotion
  • Create a press release about your video and send it to local newspapers and magazines
  • Host a launch party for your video
  • Research the best keywords to use
  • Create a landing page for your video
  • Send an email blast about your video
  • Create a catchy headline and description for your video
  • include a link to your video in email newsletters
  • submit your video to online directories and websites that focus on travel videos
  • create a custom thumbnail for your video
  • use paid advertising to promote your video
  • Create a catchy and interesting title
  • Email your video to friends, family, and colleagues
  • Post about your video on travel forums and websites
  • Make a promotional poster for your video
  • Translate your video into other languages
  • Research your target audience
  • Send an email blast to your subscribers
  • Distribute your video through other channels
  • Plan your content calendar in advance
  • Create a video landing page
  • Distribute your videos through video sharing sites
  • Hold a contest or giveaway
  • Write articles about your destination and include a link to the video
  • Contact travel bloggers and journalists who might be interested in writing about it
  • Hold a contest or giveaway related to the video
  • Use video analytics to track the success of your campaigns
  • Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you
  • Keep up with current trends in video marketing
  • Create a robust and consistent brand identity

  • Make use of video SEO to help people find your content online
  • Collaborate with other businesses in your industry
  • Collect feedback from viewers and use it to improve future videos.


Tourism video marketing is a great way to promote your destination and increase visitation.

Creating creative, informative, and engaging videos can reach potential visitors who may not have otherwise known about your destination.

Contact us today for more information on tourism video marketing services and how we can help you create an effective video campaign that promotes your destination to the world.

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10 Best Examples of Tourism Videos That Work Well

The tourism industry has taken a huge hit the past few years because of the pandemic but nowadays, more and more countries are starting to open up to tourists because of the ease in travel restrictions. With the resurgence of tourism, a lot of countries have also been creating great tourism videos to encourage more visitors. These tourism videos evoke wonder, adventure, and excitement to convince tourists to visit their country. This article will cover the 10 best examples of tourism videos that work well and will persuade you to enjoy a vacation there.

10 Examples of Tourism Videos That Work Well

1. australia – welcome back new zealand.

In 2021, Tourism Australia launched its “Be the First” campaign. This campaign invited their neighbours from New Zealand to be the first people to take advantage of all the awesome experiences that Australia has to offer.

The video personally addresses New Zealand itself by admitting that they are responsible for a lot of recorded “firsts” in the world.

However, with so many beautiful sights in Australia, they want tourists from New Zealand to add another first to their list.

Video Link:

2. Singapore – Think You Know Singapore?

The Singapore Tourism Board launched a new campaign and it was accompanied by a great tourism video about Singapore. The SingapoReimagine campaign is at the spotlight of this video that lets tourists know more about the country.

THe video features Singaporeans from different walks of life as they showcase travel experiences that some tourists may not know about. They want to challenge the perception that the country is just a small city with all skyscrapers.

The aim of the video is to show that Singapore is so much more and can offer so many different experiences and adventures that are unique only to the country.

Video Link:

3. France – What Really Matters

The French Tourism Department along with other regional tourist boards and agencies came together to launch the “#ExploreFrance What Really Matters” campaign across their target markets in Europe.

The tourism video that they made for it takes a more emotional and inspirational tone asking the viewers what matters most to them.

In the video, when the narrator talks about what matters most to them, it is accompanied with all of the ways that France can provide an experience that will make the narrator happy.

France offers satisfying travel aspirations and having the best experiences to recharge the batteries of those that have been burned out by the pandemic.

Video Link:

4. Switzerland – No Drama

Switzerland’s tourism video features their new ambassador, Roger Federer, along with Robert De Niro. It is a short and simple spot where Federer is pitching a film project in Switzerland to De Niro.

However, De Niro is unimpressed and doesn’t like it because he thinks Switzerland is too perfect of a place. He says that there is no drama and that the country is too pure, impressive, and beautiful.

It is one of the more unique tourism videos. This is because it relies on reverse psychology and sly humour from two well-known personalities.

Video Link:

5. Japan – Where tradition meets the future

In 2016, the Japan National Tourism Organisation launched a campaign called “Where tradition meets the future”. This campaign aimed to promote inbound tourism from European visitors. This tourism video focused on portraying the harmony Japan has between their traditions and innovations.

The tourism video showcases more traditional experiences and areas and contrasts it with the innovative areas and advanced technological activities that you can experience in Japan.

It is a perfect way of showcasing the essence of Japan. Having and experiencing this equal blend of the past and the future can make for a great visit.

Video Link:

6. Iceland – Let It Out!

In July 2020, during the peak of the pandemic, Promote Iceland launched an attention-grabbing campaign and video that asked people to let out all of their frustrations with a scream.

It is a creative video that shows people in frustrating situations due to the pandemic and being transported once they screamed and let it all out.

This is their way of communicating that if you want to let everything out, you should go to Iceland to avoid all of your problems. It is a playful concept that allows Iceland to promote themselves as a place to relax and unwind.

Video Link:

7. South Korea – This is my Korea. What’s yours?

This tourism video released by South Korea’s tourism organisation is accompanied by a campaign that features Premier League football player and South Korea international Son Heung-min.

In the video Son introduces his home country to fans around the world for the first time in English. Based on the lucky number 7 in Korea, he chooses 7 words that describe his own personality as well as South Korea itself.

South Korea’s tourism video is a great way to showcase Son Heung-min as an ambassador as well as their own experiences and locations to tourists as well.

Video Link:

8. Portugal – Hello World. It’s me, Tomorrow.

VisitPortugal launched a campaign called #CantSkipTomorrow which calls for the promotion of responsible and sustainable tourism. The tourism video has a more serious approach as it appeals to the viewer to take care of our world.

The message of the video is to call for a collective conscience and will about our responsibility to take care and protect all of the beautiful destinations in Portugal and everywhere around the world.

The video ends by reminding viewers to change today so that we can still keep visiting tomorrow.

Video Link:

9. The Philippines – Wake Up in the Philippines

Wake Up in the Philippines is a tourism video that the Philippines created at the height of the pandemic when international travel was barely allowed. This was during the time where a lot of people were still spending indoors without any opportunity to travel elsewhere.

The tourism video highlights different local regions along with the different activities and scenery that can be experienced in the country.

The video feeds into the wanderlust that people were feeling but maintained the reality that it is difficult to travel during this time. However, they ended with a call for everyone to stay at home, dream, and wake up in the Philippines.

Video Link:

10. Canada – Travel is the heartbeat of Canada

Destination Canada created a tourism video in 2021 which highlights the places and the people that makes the experience in Canada unique and special. The video spotlights the different places that tourists can visit in the country.

However, the video did not just showcase the places themselves. They also featured actual tourism workers instead of actors. One of these is a drummer who is essential to the video as the drums provide energy and hope.

The usage and significance of the drums reflect the heartbeat and spirit of Canada as it is an instrument of celebration. This represents the tourism industry who is remaining positive despite the hardships from the pandemic.

Video Link:

Hopefully all of these tourism videos will not only inspire you to travel to your dream destinations, but also inspire you to create your own videos as well. If you need help creating tourism videos and hospitality videos , then our team at fewStones is ready to help.

When you work with fewStones for your live action videos , you get to collaborate with experienced video production professionals who will provide you with the best experience and the best video possible. You can get a free instant quote on all of our services by clicking here .

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  • Video Marketing trends in Singapore 2023: Statistics, Data & Strategy
  • 7 Ways the Hospitality Industry Can Benefit from Video Marketing
  • 8 Examples of Effective Hotel and Accommodation Videos

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Skamania, WA

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Park Hyatt, NYC

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Grand Hyatt, TX

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Kingston Resorts, SC

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Little Palm Island, FL

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Rosewood Mayakoba, MX

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What is Crowdstrike? What to know about company linked to global IT outage

Portrait of Gabe Hauari

A global tech outage disrupted major airlines, media companies, banks, and telecommunications firms worldwide Friday morning.

Australia's government said the outage appeared to be linked to an issue at cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike , which is used by over half of Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. firm said in a promotional video this year.

According to an alert sent by Crowdstrike to its clients and reviewed by Reuters, the company's "Falcon Sensor" software is causing Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen, known informally as the "Blue Screen of Death."

The alert, sent at 1:30 a.m. ET on Friday, also shared a manual workaround to rectify the issue. A Crowdstrike spokesperson did not respond to emails or calls requesting comment.

In a post on X, Crowdstrike CEO George Kurtz said the company is "actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts." Kurtz also clarified that the incident is "not a security incident or cyberattack."

In the post, Kurtz says the issue has been identified, a fix has been deployed, and that the company will "continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website." Additionally, Kurtz said the company is "fully mobilized to ensure the security and stability of Crowdstrike customers."

According to its website, Crowdstrike launched in 2012 and currently has the "world's most advanced cloud-native platform that protects and enables the people, processes and technologies that drive modern enterprise."

Tech outage live updates: Global tech outage grounds flights, hits banks and media businesses

Flight cancellations: Over 670 US flights canceled as global IT outage prompts ground stop

Global tech outage leads to flight cancellations, delays

Air passengers worldwide faced delays, cancellations, and problems checking in as airports and airlines were caught up in the outage.

Several U.S. carriers, including American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, issued ground stops for all their flights early on Friday due to communication problems, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

There were over 2,000 flights canceled and more than 6,100 delays as of 1 p.m. ET, according to flight-tracking website  FlightAware . Most airlines were able to resume operations as the morning progressed, but many said they expected disruptions to continue throughout the day.

Around the world, airports and airlines advised customers to arrive earlier than normal for flights. Analysts said the outage was likely tied to a glitch in Microsoft software used globally.

Microsoft said users might be unable to access various Office 365 apps and services due to a "configuration change in a portion of our Azure-backed workloads."

Microsoft said in a statement on X that "the underlying cause has been fixed," however, residual impacts continue to affect "some Microsoft 365 apps and services. We're conducting additional mitigations to provide relief."

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement on X Friday morning it and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are working with Crowdstrike, Microsoft and federal, state, local and critical infrastructure partners to "fully assess and address system outages."

Outages impacting other industries as well

From the United Kingdom to Singapore, the effects of tech outages were far-reaching on Friday.

British broadcaster Sky News went off-air, and train companies in the U.K. reported long delays. Departure boards at several U.K. airports appeared to freeze, according to passengers who posted reports on social media.

London's Stock Exchange reported experiencing disruptions. Some hospitals also reported difficulties processing appointments and several chain retail stores said they couldn't take payments. The soccer club Manchester United said on X that it had to postpone a scheduled release of tickets.

In Australia, media, banks, and telecoms companies suffered outages.

There was no information to suggest the outage was a cyber security incident, the office of Australia's National Cyber Security Coordinator  Michelle McGuinness  said in a post on X.

New York's  Metropolitan Transportation Authority  said some of its systems were offline due to a worldwide technical outage. It said MTA train and bus services were unaffected.

Contributing: Kim Hjelmgaard, Christopher Cann, Zach Wichter and Josh Rivera, USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

What we know about CrowdStrike’s update fail that’s causing global outages and travel chaos

Person looking at monitors with overlaid Crowdstrike and Microsoft Windows logos (Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch)

A faulty software update issued by security giant CrowdStrike has resulted in a massive overnight outage that’s affected Windows computers around the world , disrupting businesses, airports, train stations, banks, broadcasters and the healthcare sector.

CrowdStrike said the outage was not caused by a cyberattack, but was the result of a “defect” in a software update for its flagship security product, Falcon Sensor. The defect caused any Windows computers that Falcon is installed on to crash without fully loading.

“The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed,” said CrowdStrike in a statement on Friday . Some businesses and organizations are beginning to recover, but many expect the outages to drag on into the weekend or next week given the complexity of the fix. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz told NBC News that it may take “some time for some systems that just automatically won’t recover.” In a later tweet , Kurtz apologized for the disruption.

Here’s everything you need to know about the outages.

What happened?

Late Thursday into Friday, reports began to emerge of IT problems wherein Windows computers were getting stuck with the infamous “blue screen of death” — a bright blue error screen with a message that displays when Windows encounters a critical failure, crashes or cannot load.

The outages were first noticed in Australia early on Friday, and reports quickly came in from the rest of Asia and Europe as the regions began their day, as well as the United States.

Within a short time, CrowdStrike confirmed that a software update for Falcon had malfunctioned and was causing Windows computers that had the software installed to crash. Falcon lets CrowdStrike remotely analyze and check for malicious threats and malware on installed computers.

At around the same time, Microsoft reported a significant outage at one of its most used Azure cloud regions covering much of the central United States. A spokesperson for Microsoft told TechCrunch that its outage was unrelated to CrowdStrike’s incident .

Around Friday noon (Eastern time), Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella posted on X saying the company is aware of the CrowdStrike botched update and is “working closely with CrowdStrike and across the industry to provide customers technical guidance and support to safely bring their systems back online.”

What is CrowdStrike and what does Falcon Sensor do?

CrowdStrike, founded in 2011, has quickly grown into a cybersecurity giant. Today the company provides software and services to 29,000 corporate customers, including around half of Fortune 500 companies, 43 out of 50 U.S. states and eight out of the top 10 tech firms, according to its website .

The company’s cybersecurity software, Falcon, is used by enterprises to manage security on millions of computers around the world. These businesses include large corporations, hospitals, transportation hubs and government departments. Most consumer devices do not run Falcon and are unaffected by this outage.

One of the company’s biggest recent claims to fame was when it caught a group of Russian government hackers breaking into the Democratic National Committee ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. CrowdStrike is also known for using memorable animal-themed names for the hacking groups it tracks based on their nationality, such as: Fancy Bear , believed to be part of Russia’s General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU; Cozy Bear , believed to be part of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR; Gothic Panda , believed to be a Chinese government group; and Charming Kitten , believed to be an Iranian state-backed group. The company even makes action figures to represent these groups, which it sells as swag .

CrowdStrike is so big it’s one of the sponsors of the Mercedes F1 team , and this year even aired a Super Bowl ad — a first for a cybersecurity company. 

Who are the outages affecting?

Practically anyone who during their everyday life interacts with a computer system running software from CrowdStrike is affected, even if the computer isn’t theirs. 

These devices include the cash registers at grocery stores, departure boards at airports and train stations, school computers, your work-issued laptops and desktops, airport check-in systems, airlines’ own ticketing and scheduling platforms, healthcare networks and many more. Because CrowdStrike’s software is so ubiquitous, the outages are causing chaos around the world in a variety of ways. A single affected Windows computer in a fleet of systems could be enough to disrupt the network. 

TechCrunch reporters around the world are seeing and experiencing outages, including at points of travel, doctors’ offices and online. Early on Friday, the Federal Aviation Administration put in effect a ground stop, effectively grounding flights across the United States, citing the disruption. It looks like so far the national Amtrak rail network is functioning as normal. 

What is the U.S. government doing so far?

Given that the problem stems from a company, there isn’t much that the U.S. federal government can do. According to a pool report, President Biden was briefed on the CrowdStrike outage, and “his team is in touch with CrowdStrike and impacted entities.” That’s in large part because the federal government is a customer of CrowdStrike and also affected.

Several federal agencies are affected by the incident, including the Department of Education , and Social Security Administration, which said Friday that it closed its offices as a result of the outage.

The pool report said Biden’s team is “engaged across the interagency to get sector by sector updates throughout the day and is standing by to provide assistance as needed.” 

In a separate tweet, Homeland Security said it was working with its U.S. cybersecurity agency CISA, CrowdStrike and Microsoft — as well as its federal, state, local and critical infrastructure partners — to “fully assess and address system outages.”

There will no doubt be questions for CrowdStrike (and to some extent Microsoft, whose unrelated outage also caused disruption overnight for its customers) from government and congressional investigators. 

For now, the immediate focus will be on the recovery of affected systems.

How do affected customers fix their Windows computers?

The major problem here is that CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor software malfunctioned, causing Windows machines to crash, and there’s no easy way to fix that. 

So far, CrowdStrike has issued a patch, and it has also detailed a workaround that could help affected systems function normally until it has a permanent solution. One option is for users to “reboot the [affected computer] to give it an opportunity to download the reverted channel file,” referring to the fixed file.

In a message to users , CrowdStrike detailed a few steps customers can take, one of which requires physical access to an affected system to remove the defective file. CrowdStrike says users should boot the computer into Safe Mode or Windows Recovery Environment, navigate to the CrowdStrike directory, and delete the faulty file “C-00000291*.sys.”

The wider problem with having to fix the file manually could be a major headache for companies and organizations with large numbers of computers, or Windows-powered servers in datacenters or locations that might be in another region, or an entirely different country.

CISA warns that malicious actors are ‘taking advantage’ of the outage

In a statement on Friday, CISA attributed the outages to the faulty CrowdStrike update and that the issue was not due to a cyberattack. CISA said that it was “working closely with CrowdStrike and federal, state, local, tribal and territorial partners, as well as critical infrastructure and international partners to assess impacts and support remediation efforts.”

CISA did note, however, that it has “observed threat actors taking advantage of this incident for phishing and other malicious activity.” The cybersecurity agency did not provide more specifics, but warned organizations to stay vigilant.

Malicious actors can and will exploit confusion and chaos to carry out cyberattacks on their own. Rachel Tobac, a social engineering expert and founder of cybersecurity firm SocialProof Security, said in a series of posts on X to “verify people are who they say they are before taking sensitive actions.”

“Criminals will attempt to use this IT outage to pretend to be IT to you or you to IT to steal access, passwords, codes, etc.,” Tobac said.

What do we know about misinformation so far?

It’s easy to understand why some might have thought that this outage was a cyberattack. Sudden outages, blue screens at airports, office computers filled with error messages, and chaos and confusion. As you might expect, a fair amount of misinformation is already flying around , even as social media sites incorrectly flag trending topics like “cyberattack.”

Remember to check official sources of news and information, and if something seems too good to be true, it might just well be.

TechCrunch will keep this report updated throughout the day.

TechCrunch’s Ram Iyer contributed reporting.

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Reporting by Daniel Wiessner in Albany, New York

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Dan Wiessner (@danwiessner) reports on labor and employment and immigration law, including litigation and policy making. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide

Airlines, hospitals and people’s computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

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A view from above of a crowded airport with long lines of people.

By Adam Satariano ,  Paul Mozur ,  Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel

  • July 19, 2024

Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code.

A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around the world on Friday. The company, CrowdStrike , based in Austin, Texas, makes software used by multinational corporations, government agencies and scores of other organizations to protect against hackers and online intruders.

But when CrowdStrike sent its update on Thursday to its customers that run Microsoft Windows software, computers began to crash.

The fallout, which was immediate and inescapable, highlighted the brittleness of global technology infrastructure. The world has become reliant on Microsoft and a handful of cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike. So when a single flawed piece of software is released over the internet, it can almost instantly damage countless companies and organizations that depend on the technology as part of everyday business.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

A cyberattack did not cause the widespread outage, but the effects on Friday showed how devastating the damage can be when a main artery of the global technology system is disrupted. It raised broader questions about CrowdStrike’s testing processes and what repercussions such software firms should face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions.

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How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

While outages are common, often caused by technical errors or cyberattacks, the scale of what unfolded on Friday was unparalleled.

“This is historic,” said Mikko Hypponen, the chief research officer at WithSecure, a cybersecurity company. “We haven’t had an incident like this.”

George Kurtz, CrowdStrike’s chief executive, said that the company took responsibility for the mistake and that a software fix had been released. He warned that it could be some time before tech systems returned to normal.

“We’re deeply sorry for the impact that we’ve caused to customers, to travelers, to anyone affected by this,” he said in an interview on Friday on NBC’s “Today” show.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive, blamed CrowdStrike and said the company was working to help customers “bring their systems back online.” Apple and Linux machines were not affected by the CrowdStrike software update.

A White House official said the administration was in “regular contact” with CrowdStrike and had convened agencies to assess the impact of the outage on the federal government’s operations.

CrowdStrike, founded in 2011 by Mr. Kurtz and others, has built a reputation over the years as a firm that could solve even the toughest security problems. It was tapped to investigate a 2014 hack of Sony Pictures and the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee, which exposed Hillary Clinton’s emails.

But problems stemming from CrowdStrike’s products have surfaced before. In April, the company pushed a software update to customers running the Linux system that crashed computers, according to an internal CrowdStrike report sent to customers about the incident, which was obtained by The New York Times.

The bug, which did not appear to be related to Friday’s outage, took CrowdStrike nearly five days to fix, the report said. CrowdStrike promised to improve its testing process going forward, according to the report.

On Thursday, the tech issues began when Microsoft dealt with an outage on its cloud service system, Azure, which affected some airlines .

Then CrowdStrike sent an update for its software called Falcon Sensor , which scans a computer for intrusions and signs of hacking. If everything had gone according to plan, CrowdStrike’s software would have received minor improvements and customers would have hardly noticed.

Instead, when CrowdStrike’s faulty update reached computers running Microsoft Windows, it caused the machines to shut down and then endlessly reboot. Workers around the world were greeted with what is known as the “blue screen of death” on their computers. Insufficient testing at CrowdStrike was a likely source of the problem, experts said.

As computers restarted themselves over and over, known as the “doom loop,” there was little CrowdStrike could do to fix the problem. Tech staff at affected companies were faced with a choice: walk around to each machine and remove the bit of flawed code, or wait and hope for a solution from CrowdStrike.

The problems cascaded instantly. At Sydney Airport in Australia, travelers encountered delays and cancellations, as did those in Hong Kong, India, Dubai, Berlin and Amsterdam. At least five U.S. airlines — Allegiant Air, American, Delta, Spirit and United — grounded all flights for a time, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

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50% of flights

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Dhaka Shahjalal

Minneapolis-Saint P aul

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London City

Amsterdam Schiphol

Chicago O'Hare


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Reagan National


1:20 a.m. ET

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Health care systems were crippled, forcing hospitals to cancel noncritical surgeries. In the United States, 911 lines went down in multiple states, though many of those problems were being resolved later on Friday. Britain’s National Health Service also reported issues.

“We knew we had a catastrophe on our hands,” said B.J. Moore, the chief information officer for Providence Health, which has 52 hospitals in seven states. He said 15,000 servers were down and 40,000 out of Providence’s 150,000 computers were affected, adding that it was “worse than a cyberattack."

The United Parcel Service and FedEx said they were affected. Customers with TD Bank, one of the biggest banks in the United States, reported issues accessing their online accounts. Several state and municipal court systems closed for the day because of the outage.

At CrowdStrike, engineers described an atmosphere of confusion as the company struggled to contain the damage.

Executives urged employees not to speculate on why the mistake happened and directed them to focus on a fix for the computers that were affected, said two engineers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Computers not connected to the cloud required a physical fix to the error introduced by CrowdStrike, they said, which could take weeks.

Within several hours of the faulty software going out, CrowdStrike sent out a software patch as a fix that would stop computers from endlessly rebooting.

Lukasz Olejnik, an independent cybersecurity researcher and consultant, said the outage would still take time to resolve because a suggested solution for some organizations involved rebooting each computer manually into safe mode, deleting a specific file and then restarting the computer.

While that is a relatively straightforward process, security experts said, it may not be easy to do at scale. Those with organized and well-staffed information technology teams could potentially fix the issues more quickly, Mr. Olejnik said.

Unlike the iPhone software updates that Apple sends to customers, the incident highlighted information technology systems that operate in the background. The CrowdStrike issues were compounded because the software being updated performed critical cybersecurity tasks, giving it access to scan a computer to look for viruses and other malicious attacks.

Cybersecurity tools operate quietly in the background to defend computers against attacks. The software is frequently updated with new defenses as hackers develop fresh methods of attack, but constant updates mean there are many opportunities for mistakes to happen.

“One of the tricky parts of security software is it needs to have absolute privileges over your entire computer in order to do its job,” said Thomas Parenty, a cybersecurity consultant and a former U.S. National Security Agency analyst. “So if there’s something wrong with it, the consequences are vastly greater than if your spreadsheet doesn’t work.”

On Friday, the stock price of CrowdStrike, which reported $3 billion in annual revenue last year, closed down 11 percent.

CrowdStrike’s stock price so far this year

The company faces questions about what liabilities it and other software makers face for major disruptions and cybersecurity incidents. The consequences for significant outages can be so minimal that companies are not motivated to make more fundamental changes, experts said. While a car manufacturer would face stiff penalties for faulty brakes, a software provider can often issue another update and move on.

“Until software companies have to pay a price for faulty products, we will be no safer tomorrow than we are today,” Mr. Parenty said.

Meaghan Tobin , Aaron Krolik and Jill Cowan contributed reporting.

Adam Satariano is a technology correspondent for The Times, based in London. More about Adam Satariano

Paul Mozur is the global technology correspondent for The Times, based in Taipei. Previously he wrote about technology and politics in Asia from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Seoul. More about Paul Mozur

Kate Conger is a technology reporter based in San Francisco. She can be reached at [email protected]. More about Kate Conger

Sheera Frenkel is a reporter based in the San Francisco Bay Area, covering the ways technology impacts everyday lives with a focus on social media companies, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Telegram and WhatsApp. More about Sheera Frenkel


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