
The best images of time travellers from throughout history.

Every now and then an image appears online which people claim shows a time traveller somewhere they shouldn't be. Are they real though?

Every now and then an image appears online which people claim shows a time traveller somewhere they shouldn't be. But are they just cases of people letting their imaginations run wild?

We've rounded up some of the best and most interesting images of time travellers throughout history. Some turned out to be plain fakes or cases of mistaken identities, but others are certainly intriguing.

Which have you seen before?

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The time travelling hipster

This photo was snapped in 1941 at the re-opening ceremony for the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia.

If you look carefully, on the right-hand side you can see an unusually dressed man in what appears to be modern clothing, sporting sunglasses at a time when most were wearing hats and smart jackets.

Many argue this is a time traveller, while others have countered that he's simply a man with a fashion sense ahead of his time. Snopes has shown his clothing is relevant to the time and the area, but it's still great to imagine.

World Cup celebrations

This photo comes from the 1962 World Cup and shows the celebrations as the Brazilian team lifts the trophy.

If you look closely though, you'll see in the bottom centre of the image what looks like someone with a mobile phone snapping a photo of the event.

Could this be a time traveller as well? A bit odd to think someone in the future might have a flip phone , but then they have been making a comeback recently and we know folding phones are about to be big too .

The time travelling sun seeker

This image from 1943 apparently shows British factory workers escaping to the seaside for a break during the midst of wartime. The clothes and beachwear of most people certainly fit the era, but in the centre of a frame appears to be a man dressed like Mr Bean checking his mobile phone.

Or maybe it's a time travel device? Likely a bit of a stretch or a case of overactive internet imagination, but we still enjoy the thought. Maybe there are no public beaches in the future?

Mohawk time traveller

This image from 1905 appears to show the usual happenings of the time - including workers and a banana boat delivering its goods.

However, if you look near the edge of the boat you can spy a man in a white shirt with what appears to be a Mohawk-style haircut. A very unusual haircut for the time and possible proof of a time traveller? Who can say?

Film footage captured during the recording of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 silent film "The Circus" appears to show a lady dressed all in black, wearing a hat and walking around the set talking on her mobile phone.

The footage is a little iffy as is the idea that anyone could be talking on a mobile device in the 1920s, but it's certainly got some suggesting it might be proof time travellers are among us.

The ancient astronaut sculpture

In Salamanca, Spain, there's a cathedral with multiple sculptures carved into its sides. One such sculpture appears to show the likeness of a modern-day (or perhaps futuristic) astronaut.

Considering the cathedral's construction dates back to 1513, people have taken this as proof that time travellers made their way back to that time. However, the truth is the astronaut is merely a modern addition to the artwork carried out by Jerónimo García de Quiñones during renovations in 1992.

Time travelling celebrities

There's an interesting trend of people who closely resemble folks from a bygone era. This could just be a spooky coincidence, but maybe it's proof that time travel is possible.

Perhaps these celebrities are living a double life in another century. Here, Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Leader Mahir Cayan who was born in 1946 and died in 1972 is shown to bear a striking resemblance to TV star Jimmy Fallon. Is Jimmy Fallon living a double life as a revolutionary communist? Seems hilariously unlikely.

A man and his mobile phone

Some claim that this oil painting by Pieter de Hooch, which was lovingly crafted in 1670 appears to show a young man holding his mobile phone. In an age where such a thing would probably have seen him burnt at the stake, this one is hard to believe.

A description of the image also suggests the young man is a messenger and that's a letter in his hand, not a phone, but it's still nice to let your imagination run wild once in a while. We've often wondered what it would be like to be able to travel back to simpler times to see what life was like for ourselves.

The Adidas trainers mummy

A couple of years ago, an ancient mummy was unearthed by archaeologists digging in Mongolia. At the time, it was suggested the funky-looking footwear she was wearing bore a striking resemblance to Adidas trainers. More evidence of a time traveller visiting ancient times? Investigation of the body dated it around 1,100 years old. That's one heck of a blast through the past.

However, further unearthing showed the woman was more likely to have been a Turkic seamstress which might explain the fresh kicks. She was found with an ancient clutch bag, a mirror, a comb, a knife and more. But no mobile phone.

The time surfer

Another image of an out-of-place individual that people have latched on to as proof that time travel is a reality.

This image dates back over 100 years and shows some smartly dressed Canadians sitting on the side of a hill.

On the left-hand side though, sits a young man in what appears to be a t-shirt and shorts with ruffled hair. He was quickly referred to as the surfing time traveller due to how unusual his attire is. Others have suggested people in the photo appear shocked by his appearance, even pointing out the woman on the right who seems to be gesturing in his direction. Again, this a bit of a stretch as would a time traveller really go through time dressed like that?

A visitor to wartime Reykjavík

This photograph apparently shows a scene from downtown Reykjavík in 1943.

In the heart of wartime, soldiers and sailors can be seen everywhere in the streets among civilians. The man circled though, appears to be on a mobile phone.

We've really got a theme going with these smartphone using time travellers. Who is he calling? And how? And if he is a time traveller, why is he not in Berlin trying to assassinate Hitler?

The dabbing WWII soldier

There's an apparent theme to these time traveller photos that not only includes smartphone users, but also people visiting the second world war.

In this image, a young soldier is seen dabbing, a dance move that became popular around 2014, but certainly wasn't known in wartime.

Of course, it turns out this photo isn't an image of a time traveller, but rather just an image of some actors from 2017's blockbuster Dunkirk . The fact that most of the soldiers are smiling should also be a bit of a giveaway with this one.

Greta Thunberg

In 2019, the internet discovered a photograph from 1898 which showed three children working at a gold mine in Canada's Yukon territory.

The image seemed to show a girl with an incredible likeness to the young climate activist Greta Thunberg. Does this make Thunberg a time traveller who's come through time to save the planet? Weird year for her to choose, but it's a nice idea.

A woman clutching a smartphone (1860)

The painting " The expected one " from 1860, by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller appears to show a woman walking along a rough path, about to be accosted by an adoring young man clutching a pink flower.

A close look though and you'll see she appears to have her attention firmly glued to a modern smartphone. Is this woman actually a time traveller?

Vladimir Putin

A few years back, a number of images surfaced online that seemingly showed Russian President Vladimir Putin snapped over various decades without ageing. Either proof that he's a time traveller or perhaps just immortal?

If true, he's incredibly patriotic, with each image showing him serving his country in one way or another. Though it's more likely to just be a strong likeness.

The AI time traveller

Here's a time traveller with a difference. Stelfie the Time Traveller has been using AI to travel through time. Or at least to give the illusion of doing so.

This creative individual has been using Stable Diffusion to insert the likeness of a modern man into ancient civilisations including Egypt when the pyramids were being constructed, Rome with the centurions and the land of the dinosaurs . It's fun to imagine these as being real, though if you look closely they're clearly AI-generated. As this artificial intelligence improves we'll no doubt get even better images like this. Interestingly even the character taking the selfies isn't real here, but is also made using AI.

traveller old pictures

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Crazy Pictures Of People Who Might Just Be Time Travelers

Ashley Reign

Would the discovery of modern people in old pictures be enough to convince the world, or even you, of the existence of time travel? If so, then you're about to find out for yourself as you get a load of the following photographs, which some people claim are actually old photos of time travelers who were accidentally caught on film. In other words, some may believe this is proof of time travel. Whether you believe these time travel photos are simple coincidences or eyebrow-raising evidence of the ability to chill in other eras is up to you, but along the way you'll get the chance to get a look at some pretty interesting pictures - images weird enough to make even the boldest skeptic take a second look. 

Among the following would-be time traveler pictures you'll see some evidence of modern technology being used long before it was invented. You'll also get the chance to pick a couple of folks in eerily modern clothing out of crowds of people who lived long ago and decide whether they were just super fashion-forward or travelers from another time altogether. 

So strap on your time-traveling seat belts and get ready for a creepily modern blast from the past as you check out what some claim is evidence of time travelers who accidentally got caught on film. After all, if these people could do it, maybe there's something to the idea? Maybe ?

Greta Thunberg's 19th Century Doppelganger

Greta Thunberg's 19th Century Doppelganger

  • University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
  • Wikimedia Commons

The Guy Taking A Photo With His Phone In 1962

The Guy Taking A Photo With His Phone In 1962

  • Felipe Alvear
  • CC-BY-SA 4.0

This Woman On A Cell Phone At The Premiere Of A Charlie Chaplin Film

This Woman On A Cell Phone At The Premiere Of A Charlie Chaplin Film

This Guy Talking On A Cell Phone Long Before They Were Invented

This Guy Talking On A Cell Phone Long Before They Were Invented

  • Berenice Abbott
  • Brooklyn Museum Collection
  • No known copyright restrictions

This Time Portal Caught On A Security Camera

This Time Portal Caught On A Security Camera

This iPhone-Wielding Time Traveler In A 17th Century Painting

This iPhone-Wielding Time Traveler In A 17th Century Painting

  • Pieter de Hooch
  • Public Domain

This Photo Of A 'Time Traveler' Allegedly Taken During The Civil War

This Photo Of A 'Time Traveler' Allegedly Taken During The Civil War

  • Library of Congress
  • No known restrictions on publication

A Guy Checking His Phone On The Beach In The 1940s

A Guy Checking His Phone On The Beach In The 1940s

  • @StuartHumphryes

A time-traveling tourist may have been spotted hanging out with beach-goers in Cornwall, England. In a photograph dated 1943, a man in a brown suit appears to be checking his phone in that all-too-familiar, hunched-over, squinty-eyed pose to which we all conform when checking those important playoff game scores and what our ex is up to on Instagram. Yet this was WWII-era - there were certainly no cell phones around. One skeptic surmised the bespoke man was probably just rolling a cigarette or something similar; regardless, he still looks a little odd in his dark suit, standing out among even the more modestly-dressed swimsuits of the day.

  • Interesting
  • Time Travel
  • Optical Illusions

As they say in well-written scripts, "You mean... like time travel?" + also a few bizarre stories about real people who have claimed, despite every law of physics, they have traveled through time.

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traveller old pictures

Does a Photograph Capture a Time-Traveling Hipster?

An intriguing photograph from the 1940s purportedly documents an obviously out-of-place time-traveler., published feb. 22, 2015.


About this rating

A photograph supposedly showing a "time-traveling hipster" has been circulating on the Internet since at least 2010:

Although the image in question is real and unaltered, the man singled out in the picture for his supposedly unusual appearance is not a time traveler.

The image was first made available to the public in 2004 when it was featured in the Barlorne-Pioneer Museum's exhibit "Their Past Lives Here." The photograph was taken in 1941 at the reopening of the South Fork Bridge in Canada, and when the museum digitized and placed online the collection that included this picture in 2010, some Internet users noted that a man in the photograph appeared to be dressed far too modern for 1940:

Web sites such as Fark , BoingBoing , and Forgetomori picked up on the phenomenon and republished the image with headlines such as "Time traveler caught in 1940 photo?"

The idea that the man in the photograph is a time traveler hinges on three items he is seen wearing or holding that appear to be of too modern a vintage for the 1940s: a logo t-shirt, a small portable camera, and wrap-around sunglasses. But all of those items were readily available in the 1940s.

His t-shirt, for instance, bears the logo of the Montreal Maroons, a temporally appropriate hockey team that played in the NHL from 1924-1938:

Glasses with protective side shields were also available in the 1940s. While this style of eyewear was not yet widespread, it is more plausible that the photograph shows a man of his time with unusual fashion sense rather than a time traveler:

The final nail in this time traveler's coffin comes to us courtesy of Kodak. While many viewers assumed that the camera that the man is shown holding is simply too small to have existed in the 1940s, Kodak did in fact make several portable cameras that were available in 1941, such as the following:

The man in the image may look out of place at first glance, but nothing about his appearance was impossible for the time the photograph was taken.

By Dan Evon

Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes.

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Imaging The Past With Time-Travel Rephotography

traveller old pictures

Have you ever noticed that people in old photographs looks a bit weird? Deep wrinkles, sunken cheeks, and exaggerated blemishes are commonplace in photos taken up to the early 20th century. Surely not everybody looked like this, right? Maybe it was an odd makeup trend — was it just a fashionable look back then?

Not quite — it turns out that the culprit here is the film itself. The earliest glass-plate emulsions used in photography were only sensitive to the highest-frequency light, that which fell in the blue to ultraviolet range. Perhaps unsurprisingly, when combined with the fact that humans have red blood, this posed a real problem. While some of the historical figures we see in old photos may have benefited from an improved skincare regimen, the primary source of their haunting visage was that the photographic techniques available at the time were simply incapable of capturing skin properly. This lead to the sharp creases and dark lips we’re so used to seeing.

Of course, primitive film isn’t the only thing separating antique photos from the 42 megapixel behemoths that your camera can take nowadays. Film processing steps had the potential to introduce dust and other blemishes to the image, and over time the prints can fade and age in a variety of ways that depend upon the chemicals they were processed in. When rolled together, all of these factors make it difficult to paint an accurate portrait of some of history’s famous faces. Before you start to worry that you’ll never know just what Abraham Lincoln looked like, you might consider taking a stab at Time-Travel Rephotography .

Amazingly, Time-Travel Rephotography is a technique that actually lives up to how cool its name is. It uses a neural network (specifically, the StyleGAN2 framework) to take an old photo and project it into the space of high-res modern photos the network was trained on. This allows it to perform colorization, skin correction, upscaling, and various noise reduction and filtering operations in a single step which outputs remarkable results. Make sure you check out the project’s website to see some of the outputs at full-resolution.

We’ve seen AI upscaling before, but this project takes it to the next level by completely restoring antique photographs. We’re left wondering what techniques will be available 100 years from now to restore JPEGs stored way back in 2021, bringing them up to “modern” viewing standards.

Thanks to [Gus] for the tip!


traveller old pictures

49 thoughts on “ Imaging The Past With Time-Travel Rephotography ”

It’s not restoring as the info never was there in the first place. Now this is called enhancing!

The fun fact is AI predicts color, but from paintings and the few remaining autochrome pictures we know the color palette in clotching and buildings was way more colorfull than AI is believing us to think. Also take a look at the pictures made by Prokudin-Gorski to see that peasants always wore very bright colors. Way more than we do now with our pale blue jeans.

Lets not forget its an altering of historical evidence and could in the long run be seen as the real thing. The question is: does it matter?

I think the colour ‘prediction’ is the worst aspect of this – in each case it’s notable that the sibling has been (manually) chosen to have a skin tone that they want the image to have, implying that little comes from the original (understandably so as the red component is lacking).

In several of the images, the clothing is miscoloured too – white collars turn skin-toned.

I also agree that this is _not_ restoring. It’s more akin to asking an artist to draw a picture of the person from a photo.

Not even enhancing, but re-imagining.

And the colors were never that bright until the invention of synthetic dyes for clothing. Paints and photographic emulsions could use compounds which provided vibrant colors, but wouldn’t stick to fabric or would have been extremely toxic to use. The early color photographs were a little bit embellished on that point.

Synthetic dyes started appearing around 1858, so about in period with the rise in photography, certainly before the invention of the dry plate gelatin process.

We assume the world was dull before colour photography came along, but we are swayed by the fact most photos are B&W. Painting don’t show that and if we look at the very early colour photography pioneers such as Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, we see a world full of vibrant colours.


Wondering if the problem is being approached the wrong way. Instead of a detailed analysis of how photographs degrade.

An interesting aside to the colouring in problem is that the original art deco style was supposed to be pastel coloured buildings. Thanks to B&W photography sending images around the world this quickly changed to the all white style of buildings we now associate with art deco

Interesting, but perhaps not grass-roots DIY, hacking. On this website, I still enjoy the small-time player hacks. These pro-endevours and tech-demos create provocative posts, but two much pepper spoils the Hackaday soup.

There do seem to be more write-ups of pro level stuff these days. I like it though as it breaks things up a bit. They’re quite nicely written too.

Used to read popular mechanics, but they’ve gone far too far the other way and everything is dumbed down. Some articles either have obvious errors (I don’t look for them), and others seem to be written from peculiar sensationalist prospectives.

Or more simply, from my prospective – Hackaday kicks popular mechanics butt.

I’m a professional photographer and historical technics expert. In this process I see only Instagram beauty filer applied to high detail images.

Do the scientific thing in this situation: get one of their origin images, apply Instagram’s beauty filter, and show us how it compares to the results shown here.

I have some plate photos of my grandfather’s family from about 1895 and the detail is extraordinary – down to the weave of the cloth in their clothes and leather grain in shoes. Clearly the guy behind the shutter took great pains to get it exactly, perfectly correct. Applying the same “beauty” filters as this article does a great disservice to the painstaking craftsmanship of the original by removing detail and turning Abe into another Insta prima donna, of which we have a superabundance already.

Disturbingly, most talking-head television “news” these days is applying the same effect in real time – making the distinction between an AI commentator and a real one almost nil, beyond the AI version likely being more literate.

I recall being in high school and having shot hundreds of rolls of 35mm film in different grades and trying different things. I found a 4×5 view camera in the photography labs store room. No one had touched it many years. I was eager to play with it. One of the most vivid memories I have from the film photography days was taking that negative, we had one big old enlarger in the corner that held the negative between glass plates you had to carefully clean. Another piece no one had used in years, and I had a grain focus scope to focus the thing with. You get used to 35mm and how sharp things get before they fall past the peak and get fuzzy on the other side. This blew my socks off because I kept turning the focus knob and it just kept getting better. Amazing detail compared to 35mm.

People who tend to move, I can see them not making the sharpest images, but an old photo of something stationary, with decent optics and a big negative, the resolution would be hard to beat.

« We’re left wondering what techniques will be available 100 years from now to restore JPEGs stored way back in 2021, bringing them up to “modern” viewing standards. »

I added an entry in my Google Calendar for April 13th, 2121, telling myself (or I guess my AI-merged consciousness or *something*), to go on the Internet (if Vtubers have not replaced it) and come back here to answer this very comment with some information about what we now do with old JPEGs.

Hopefully future me has more interesting stuff to say than present me.

Arg, it’s not 2121 yet, but mentioning Vtubers already makes this comment dated as heck…

There is already e.g. https://topazlabs.com/jpeg-to-raw-ai/

In a way it is a quite simple problem for JPEG that has been compressed once, as there aren’t that many different JPEG encoders in existence, they are fully deterministic and the encoding parameters are available from the file. But for a repeatedly compressed file there will be compression errors of compression errors.

I had to look it up what that vtuber thing is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_YouTuber

Reminds me of the Blue Man Group, Gorillaz, and that pop group with those helmets on (forgot their name, can’t bother to look it up). And there are probably others from decade’s before.

So what else is supposed to be new?

Daft Punk? Or that 1980s group Devo?

I’m very surprised you hadn’t at least heard the name/concept of Vtubers mentioned *somewhere*.

It really had quite the cultural impact, on Youtube and Twitch, during the isolation/stay-home days of Covid-19 in 2020, where people watched a lot of Vtuber content.

It’s a bit like not having heard of Gangnam-Style in 2013 or the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2016…

Max headroom has got to be the canonical one, surely. Blipverts can’t be far off now…

“Max headroom” ?

Surprised you haven’t heard of it…

“primitive film isn’t the only thing separating antique photos from the 42 megapixel behemoths that your camera can take nowadays”

Primitive perhaps, but not necessarily low resolution. One of the most popular methods of the day wet plate collodion consisted of silver nitrate suspended in a liquid solution. Its resolution matches and surpasses modern sensors because basically a “pixel” is a single molecule of Silver Nitrate. Due to this modern scans often do not give justice to the amount of detail contained.

However they are tricky to make and they are not a negative so they cannot be re-produced.

The limiting factor of those old photographs was the lenses, not the size of the silver grains. Now, as ever, the larger the size of the image sensor/negative the better the quality of the results. The trade-off is in the size of the camera and weight/portability of the system. Modern smart phones have tiny image sensors, but use lots of image processing and extremely high quality fixed lenses to compensate. There is however still a market for medium format and 35mm digital cameras purely because of the extra quality of the results and the flexibility that exchangeable lenses offer. Large format is, for the most part, impractical in the digital age because of the economics of manufacturing sensors on fixed size wafers with known defect rates.

Probably the bigger limiting factor was the length of exposure required. Even today if you use a 40 MP sensor it is very sensitive to even small movement. With exposure times sometimes in minutes, the camera needed to be clamped down and in terms of subjects they had to remain still for an extended period.

Modern camera lenses are a miracle of modern material science, but a lot of that is concentrated on wide or long lenses and reducing them down to a usable size. Old lenses can be remarkable good, especially when mounted on a large camera when the size of the lens is not a problem. Also black and white is less of a problem for lens because they don’t have to worry about things like fringing

I agree on the resolution. When a 35mm slide is magnified enough, you can see details even after the grain shows clearly. If the slide is duplicated with a full frame digital camera to 1:1, the pixels will show way before you can see any grain. Another plus with film is that the exposure/density relatioship is continuous instead of the stepped nature of digital.

When it comes to wet plates, you are slightly wrong. A Daguerreotype is made on a metal plate and will produce a very weak negative image that will show up as a positive under correct lighting. It is copyable by rephotography. The wet plate is made on glass and will produce a normal negativc, transparent image that is just as easy to print as any nitrate or acetate based negative. Dry plates act the same with the difference of being coated with a gelatin based silver halide emulsion instead of mixing the halide with collodion.

To me, the big difference is that film grain looks nice, while pixels or compression artifacts are ugly.

Really a molecule, or a small crystal?

Grain in film are clumps of silver nitrate, not individual molecules. This is why different developers give you different grain – they influence the way silver nitrate forms clumps. Bigger clumps catch more light, which means that more sensitive film generally looks more grainy.

Collodion or wet plate has molecular resolution. It’s grainless. And for this problem you need a lot of light to register image.

Wet plate collodion could produce negatives. The image of Lincoln is literally from a wet plate collodion negative.

The Lincoln picture is made from a collodion wet plate negative.

Are we just not going to talk about how one side of Lincoln’s collar is now his skin?

Nice catch!

AI knows better silly hu-mon

Make them MOVE ! https://www.myheritage.com/deep-nostalgia

That’s a bit chilling, make your ancestors look like they’ve forgotten why they came into the room.

But will future generations know that I could wiggle my ears or flare my nostrils?

Colourizing old photos seems to reduce everyone to the same weird colour of ham…

Well, I think that just looks a retoched Charleton Heston, the new image (can’t call it a photo) has lost all the character of the original. Step backwards for me. Give an AI an airbrush, and end up with a Tellytubby.

And the whole right side seems out of focus and seems to be lacking huge detail in the hair and beard. Where did the fuzzy eyebrows go?

Am I the only one who wondered if Lincoln really needed a nose reduction?

And why in the above picture his collar is coloured differently on each end, one side being flesh-toned.

I’m wondering if it would make more sense to just take pictures of modern people with old camera technology and use *that* as the training data. Then you can compare modern photos and “historic” photos of the same person to predict *exactly* the impact of the technology.

The most interesting takeaway I saw here is how the original photos were almost on ultraviolet film. I had thought the black and white was more ore less an average of the visible spectrum. Looks like that was an unwarranted guess on my part. I wonder if there are any old photos that show details that wouldn’t register at all to the human eye, like how some flowers are ultraviolet colored.

+1 same here. The whole ‘sibling’ concept seems a bit silly (IMHO) – doesn’t seem you’re really enhancing an original at that point, and just ‘playing’ and creating a new image that kind of looks like the original person – but is something/someone different at that point, and seems to have 0 ‘historical’ value at that point.

These sorts of things always get attention as they trip people’s “novelty detectors” but in the end most of them end up gathering dust in the digital effects bin because almost nobody can use them well enough to have the result not look filtered or off in some way. Remember the faked HDR fad a while back and the awful mess people would make of images with it? I am glad people grew out of that delusion. If your tool marks are obvious, but not deliberate, then it tool is dictating the end result and you have mastered nothing.

Really relateble I just started my own travel blog and then covid hit and I could not travel anymore from my country. No travel planning for me at all 😦

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20 Famous Time Traveler Photos & Videos You Must Have Seen

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Time traveling is a mystery yet to solve. It has been one of the most discussed topics in the science fiction industry over the years- both movies and novels. Besides movies and books, some time traveler photos also get revealed from time to time.

In this article

Part 1: is time traveler believable.

Would you believe it if someone tells you that they have visited the past or the future? Well, if you follow science fiction and are a time-travel enthusiast, it might be a possible thing to believe for you. But people, in general, might not find time traveling believable. However, time travel pictures may guide them to the exact opposite belief. Time-traveling seems possible as a person of science due to its correspondence with motions and physics laws. Nevertheless, to this day, time-traveling remains on the verge of being both believable and unbelievable.

Part 2: 10 Famous Time Traveler Photos You Should Know

From time to time, some pictures get viral as time travel photography. Here are 10 such time travel images that you should know about.

1. Greta Thunberg time travel

Greta Thunberg is a young climate activist and environmental heroine. In a 120-year-old picture, there seems to be a girl resembling her. That is where the gossip started. Could Greta Thunberg be a time traveler who traveled through time to save mankind from its uprising climate crisis? Maybe, maybe not. But the 1898 image shows a goldmine operator, ‘Greta Thunberg.’

time traveler photo greta

2. The modern hipster

When you see a picture with someone with a totally different kind of clothing, it must raise the question of whether they are a time traveler. This time travel picture has most people in hats and suits, whereas a man seems to wear sports glasses and modern clothing, like a t-shirt and a sweater.

time traveler photo hipster

3. World Cup 1962

If the football world cup 1962 is not remembered due to the game, it must be remembered due to the time travel image. When the champion team was celebrating with their trophy, the picture shows that a man seems to capture the moment with his cell phone. A cell phone in 1962? That must be time travel.

time traveler photo world cup

4. A cell phone?

A common practice of identifying a picture as time travel pictures are through cell-phone or such modern devices in age-old pictures. Here is another one. It shows a man speaking through his cell phone in a time, which seems to be too advanced for a cell phone.

time traveler photo cell

5. Time traveler skips town?

This was actually the heading of the news in a newspaper. Andrew Carlssin, a self-proclaimed time traveler, was jailed for insider-trading charges. He claimed to be from the year 2256. More to the amusement, he just vanished from inside the cell.

time traveler photo skip town

6. Another cell phone?

Here is another picture that could be one of the time travel pictures involving a cell phone. But this time, it is a woman with a cell phone. The photograph was captured from behind the scenes of a movie of Charlie Chaplin.

time traveler photo chaplin

7. An astronaut in the 1600s?

Space travel was introduced only a few decades back. But what if you see pictures that tell otherwise? Here is the picture of a sculpture on the wall of a church building. The building was built in the 1600s-1800s. So when the sculpture is that of an astronaut, it is pretty weird.

time traveler photo astronaut

8. The same tattoo?

This is another self-proclaimed case of time traveling. A man from Sweden claims that he has traveled to the future through a time travel portal from under his sink. The claim even includes a photograph, which shows two hands with the same tattoo. The man claimed that he had taken a picture of the tattoo of his future self, and that was it. It could be better if he took an image of his future version.

time traveler photo tattoo

9. A time travel ad!

In 1997, a newspaper clipping got viral, which had an advertisement for time traveling in it. The ad owner was looking for someone who could go back in time with them. The movie, Safety Not Guaranteed, was created based on this event.

time traveler photo ad

10. John Titor time machine photos

Now comes some photos of a claimed-to-be time machine. John Titor designed the machine. He is known as the most famous time traveler across the world. His predictions were quite vague. However, they were pretty specific, making it a plausible explanation for time travel.

time traveler photo machine

Part 3: Top 10 Time Traveler Videos

Here are some of the videos that stand for time travel and teleportation.

1. Time traveler caught on camera

If you were a time traveler, you would never want others to find out. The man didn’t want to either, as it seems from the footage. However, the camera caught him trying to do so. Watch time traveler video here.

2. The Charlie Chaplin movie

The scene was caught behind the scenes from a Charlie Chaplin movie. A woman was seen walking with a cell phone in her ear. It may not seem anything weird as for today, but it was pretty awkward for that time.

See Charlie Chaplin movie here.

3. Same tattoo from the future self

Previously, we have shown the time travel picture of two hands with the same tattoo, which was claimed to be the person with his future self. Here is the video footage of the person describing the whole claim. Let’s see if we can believe the theory.

4. Vonhelton

There are only a few instances where time traveling is thought to be really real. It is one of those instances. Vonhelton claims that he has traveled through both time and space. He even shows specific pictures of himself being in England in 1857, France in 1916, and Germany in 1945. Let’s give in to imagination for the rest.

5. A Cell-phone time travel video

The film goes back to 1938. It shows a woman who seems to be talking on a cell phone or a similar device. One thing is for sure, no such devices were available at that time.

6. The Mike Tyson Fight

We all know that smartphones weren’t available until recently. However, the time travel video shows something different. It was a fight between Mcneely and Mike Tyson, and one of the audience seems to bring a smartphone and take pictures. Quite a time travel, right?

7. The time traveler biker

The footage shows a biker riding his bike. After a while, he just disappears from the footage into something that seems to be a flash of light.

8. Lost in the troops

The incident took place in Russia. On March 19, a person appears on the train platform wearing the same military dress as in the 1940s. He claims that he got lost with the troops. He also carries an ID card that was issued in 1930.

9. Cell-phone aging over 800 years

A few years back, some researchers unearthed a cell-phone-like ancient structure, which is supposed to be from 800 years back. The interesting fact is that the cell phone resembles a Nokia phone to quite a great extent. This raises the question of whether the cell phone is really from another civilization or a time travel.

10. Future, revealing time traveler

A person named Noah claims to have visited the future. He also shows a video that is claimed to be from the future. Nevertheless, Noah predicts some future incidents for the Philippines, what he claims to be prophecy.

If time travel is really possible remains a question till the day. Whether it is true or not, we see some pieces of evidence of it from time to time through time traveler photos and videos.

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Time Travel in Photography

All aboard the anachronism express! The photographs on these pages may look as if they were taken a century ago, but in fact they were all made in the past 15 years. Lensman Joel Jensen’s romance with the rails began in 1984, when the Mason City, Iowa, native got stuck in a Wyoming roundhouse while bumming around the country as a young man and spent the night on the cab floor of Union Pacific’s Engine No. 844. Years later, by chance, he saw his first working steam engine chuffing down the tracks. “Ironically, it was the same one that offered a dirt-poor, freight-train-riding college kid a place to sleep,” he says. “From that point on, steam became an obsession.”

Jensen, now 54, is not alone: There are 1.5 million “railfans” in the United States, many of them steam buffs. And although mainline railroads had converted to diesel-electric engines by 1960, as of the latest count there were still some 221 operational steam locomotives in the U.S. and Canada, most of them tourist attractions. To capture his carefully framed, timeless portraits of these singularly American icons, Jensen has ridden the rails behind steam locomotives for more than two decades and 10,000 miles, with whistle-stops in some of the most magnificent landscapes in the American West. Ready to take a ride in a time machine? It’s pulling out of the depot.

All aboard!

The Iron Horse

The West was won with thousands of miles of track that,with the Golden Spike in 1869,connected the vast expanses of a transcontinental nation. Railroads also severed the arteries of American Indian life, making it possible for the descendants of European immigrants to gobble up natural resources and carve out settlements across the continent, as well as interrupting the migrations of species on which the Indians depended. The burgeoning industry created a new species—the railroad man, as peripatetic as his distant cousin, the hobo. And by 1926, there were 69,114 steam engines that could—and did. Fast freights and passenger trains crisscrossed the land, highballing it down the tracks.

Where There’s Smoke

A steam engine is just that: a power plant on wheels. The fireman feeds the firebox with coal, wood or, nowadays, oil carried in a tender behind the engine. The firebox heats water to build up a head of steam. The pressurized steam goes into cylinders and pushes pistons connected to the driving wheels, as well as powering the brakes, bells and whistles. The steam and smoke, made up of soot and cinders, exit through the smoke box and a stack, creating the distinctive plume. A fireman’s job requires not only strength—some shovel tons of coal—but also careful calibration to ensure that the right amount of steam is produced. Most firemen these days are buffs trained by retired railroad employees. Indeed, Jensen himself has stoked a firebox or two.

Back at the Roundhouse

Union Pacific still runs the last two steam engines made in the U.S., No. 3985 and the only mainline locomotive never retired, No. 844. Like many other “heritage” trains, they are corporate symbols that travel to rail festivals and other special events. Restoration can take years, with costs running into the millions; for every hour of operation, a steam engine requires hours of upkeep. Most are provided by volunteers who pound stakes, clean coach toilets, get greasy in machine shops or, as in Jensen’s case, rebuild boxcars. Their only reward is a ticket to ride on what former Smithsonian curator John H. White Jr. calls “monuments to our industrial past.” The photographer who gets the close-ups lives conveniently near the Nevada Northern Railway, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, in Ely, Nev.

Clickety-clack. Click.

Originally published in the April 2012 issue of American History. To subscribe, click here .

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The Picture Show

Daily picture show, documenting the irish travellers: a nomadic culture of yore.

Lauren Rock

Bill Cassidy and Kathleen Connors, Saggart

Throughout my life I have regularly traveled to my mother's home city of Dublin. During these trips I would regularly see groups of people living in caravans on the sides of the road, and I always wondered who they were and what their lives were like.

I later found out they belonged to a small ethnic minority called "Travellers" — nomads who spend most of their life, literally on the road. While their history has been hard to document — they have no written records — they are thought to have separated from the settled Irish community at least 1,000 years ago.

The Travellers (until recently also called "tinkers" or "gypsies") often live in ad hoc encampments, in direct contrast to "settled" people in Ireland. They are thought to be descended from a group of nomadic craftsman, with the name "tinker" a reference to the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil. (The reference is now considered derogatory.)

In 1965 Dublin-born photographer Alen MacWeeney stumbled across a Travellers' encampment and became fascinated with their way of life. He spent the next six years making photographs and recording their stories and music. Despite shooting the photos in the late '60s, it wasn't until 2007 that he found a publisher for his work.

traveller old pictures

Bernie Ward, Cherry Orchard Courtesy of Alen MacWeeney hide caption

Bernie Ward, Cherry Orchard

In his book, Irish Travellers: Tinkers No More — which also comes with a CD of Traveller music recordings — MacWeeny shows us a gritty, intimate portrait of the people he eventually came to call friends. He compares the Travellers to the migrant farmers of the American Depression: "poor, white, and dispossessed."

"Theirs was a bigger way of life than mine, with its daily struggle for survival, compared to my struggle to find images symbolic and representative of that life," he said in his book.

MacWeeney got his start at age 20 as an assistant for Richard Avedon in Paris and has since made a career as a portrait and fashion photographer. But his images of the Travellers reveal a raw and intimate side to his work.

"Traveller families have always been very close-knit, held together in a tight unspoken knot, with lifelong bonds and sometimes varying a lifelong set of troubles," he said.

Today, however, the Traveller lifestyle has changed dramatically from even a few decades ago. Many have embraced modern culture and become "settled," no longer living apart from the mainstream. There is even a reality TV show, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding , which showcases Traveller girls and their theatrical, over-the-top weddings.

But MacWeeney believes that the Travellers are "reluctant as settled and envy the other life of travelling." His book stands as a document of an era, and a way of life that is slowly fading into the past.

Irish Traveller twins


Life With the Irish Travellers Reveals a Bygone World

One photographer spent four years gaining unprecedented access to this close-knit community.

When Birte Kaufmann first encountered Irish Travellers, she was on a trip with friends in the Irish countryside and saw a girl and her little brother running toward a roadside camp. The caravans and horses reminded Kaufmannn, who is German, of the Romany camps she had seen elsewhere in Europe, but the people looked intriguingly different.

Who were they, she wondered, and how could she delve deeper into their culture?

"People said, You'll never get an insight into that community—forget about it," Kaufmann recalls of sharing with Irish friends her burgeoning plans to photograph the close-knit Travellers.

An ethnic minority in Ireland , the Travellers have lived on the margins of mainstream Irish society for centuries. Efforts have been made to incorporate the nomadic group into mainstream culture by settling them into government housing and enforcing school attendance. But even living among "settled people," they face ongoing discrimination.

Kaufmann describes theirs as a parallel world, where deeply-rooted gender roles and an itinerant lifestyle have kept them apart from the broader Irish community even as their freedom to roam has become increasingly curtailed.

To gain access to the community, Kaufmann first attempted to engage through human rights groups that work with them—to no avail. So she decided to do it "the hard way," she says. She had heard about a “halting site”—walled areas on the outskirts of large towns that contain houses as well as spaces for caravan parking—and on her next trip to Ireland, she simply showed up.

She was met by barking dogs, one of which bit her. A young woman approached, speaking English with an accent so thick that Kaufmann had trouble comprehending. Undeterred, she decided to lay her cards on the table. "I was really honest. I told [her] I was coming from Germany , where we don't have our own traveling community, [that] I knew who they were and was interested in how [they live]," Kaufmann recalls.

The young woman "was totally surprised, but finally they invited me for a cup of tea. I was sitting in a caravan with her grandfather. I asked them if I could come back and stay with them." Kaufmann says they chortled, as if to say, Yeah, right.

When she next returned from Germany, it was with a camper van of her own, so that she could stay alongside the extended family clan that would become the focus of her project. "I knew it was a high risk," she says, “but I gave them some pictures I had taken in the caravan of the grandfather. And they said, 'Ok. Now you're here. We have the images. One cup of tea. Now go. We are busy.'"

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As a photographer, and especially as a woman, Kaufmann was something of a novelty given the strictly defined gender roles of the Traveller community—men tend to the horses and livestock, women to home and family. Girls marry young and only with the blessing of their parents. Men don’t typically speak to women in public.

She slowly gained their trust to the point that one of the family members—a young mother who took a particular shine to her and was perhaps even amused at her struggle to understand what they were saying—began teaching her Gammon, their unwritten language.

"She tried to teach me words to say if the guys are being rude," she says. "And then the father started telling me what I should say. [They] tried to make me feel more comfortable." Her knowledge of words selectively and seldom shared with outsiders demonstrated to other Travellers that one of their own had trusted her enough to share.

And in turn, understanding how they communicate with each other helped her get past the sense of feeling unwelcome and deepened her appreciation of their differences. "At first [the talk] sounds really rough," she says. "Then there was this point at which I realized it was their language. They don't really call anyone by name. It's 'the woman over there,' 'the man over there,' 'the child,'" she explains. "It's not personal, [but] at first it sounds very rude.”

Kaufmann made multiple visits to the family over the course of four years, eventually living with them. The men gradually accepted her and allowed her to photograph them hunting and trading horses at a fair. She was able to blend into the background and photograph them as an unobtrusive observer of their everyday lives—lives, she says, that are filled with a lot of idle time. As Ireland becomes less agrarian, the Travellers’ traditional work as horse traders, farm laborers, tinsmiths, and entertainers has become more scarce.

"The older generations can't read or write," Kaufmann says, "but they have their own intelligence. On the one hand life was so sad and boring because everything their lives were stemming from wasn't there anymore. On the other hand there was this freedom—they live their lives in their own way."

And then, she says, she found herself taking no photographs at all. "One of the boys who really didn't like to be photographed said, 'Do you know what's really strange with Birte now? She's here and she's not really photographing anymore.'"

And that's when she knew her project was done.

Birte Kaufmann's project on the Travellers is now available as a book . You may also see more of Birte Kaufmann's photographs on her website .

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James corden defended by passengers after exchange with british airways staff, james corden exchange with airline staff ... passengers take his side.

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James Corden wanted to get to the bottom of an international air travel snafu, seeking out airline employees ... and this time he's got the public on his side.

The comedian was photographed at an airport in Portugal appearing agitated with several British Airways staffers ... chatting them up after some travel issues, a welcome sight for others on board.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... while he might've looked peeved, he was actually just talking to airline employees and seeking info. There were reports James confronted the crew but we're told he didn't confront anyone ... and wasn't "venting frustration" either.

James was on a plane from Portugal to the UK, but the passenger jet had to make an emergency landing in Lisbon after a mechanical issue with the wings ... with passengers saying they were told to brace for impact and possibly head for the emergency exits.

Once on the ground, James and his fellow fliers reportedly were kept on the plane for 3 hours as it sat on the tarmac ... a sure recipe for sowing discontent among travelers.

The process didn't get much smoother once they were let off the plane, JC and others were herded to an immigration area but there were no BA staffers directing them and it turned into another big mess.

James was photographed speaking with the airline crew, and people who were on the flight defended his actions to media outlets ... a contrast to some of James' prior public spats, like his old beef with a NYC restaurant owner .

This time, the travelers say James was totally in the right for his exchange with British Airways staffers ... and they say he also provided the entertainment during the 3-hour ordeal on the tarmac, telling jokes and taking pics as he walked up and down the aisle.

We reached out to British Airways ... so far no word back.

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  6. These vintage photos show the timeless allure of travel

    These vintage photos show the timeless allure of travel. 1 of 41. Brownsville, Texas: 1938 Women in period dress greet travelers arriving on a Pan Am flight. Photograph by B. ANTHONY STEWART, Nat ...

  7. Time Travel in Photography

    Time Travel in Photography. by Claudia Glenn Dowling 8/9/2017. Share This Article. All aboard the anachronism express! The photographs on these pages may look as if they were taken a century ago, but in fact they were all made in the past 15 years. Lensman Joel Jensen's romance with the rails began in 1984, when the Mason City, Iowa, native ...

  8. Old Traveller Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

    Portrait of senior passenger looking at camera. of 100. United States. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Old Traveller stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Old Traveller stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.

  9. Documenting The Irish Travellers: A Nomadic Culture of Yore

    His book stands as a document of an era, and a way of life that is slowly fading into the past. In the 1960s Alen MacWeeney photographed indigenous Irish nomads called the Travellers. Fifty years ...

  10. The Irish Travellers Uphold the Traditions of a Bygone World

    Life With the Irish Travellers Reveals a Bygone World. One photographer spent four years gaining unprecedented access to this close-knit community. When Birte Kaufmann first encountered Irish ...

  11. 323,034 Older Traveller Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

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  12. Free to Use and Reuse: Historical Travel Pictures

    Free to Use and Reuse: Historical Travel Pictures. Take a century-old "grand tour" of the world in these historical travel images. This set is just a teaser from the stunning Photochrom Prints Collection.This collection features, in color, Europe, the Middle East, Canada, Asia and the South Pacific as they appeared in the 1890s and early 1900s.

  13. Old Traveller Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

    Canon R5 old traveller stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Multi generation family sightseeing beautiful town of Valldemossa, Multi generation family sightseeing beautiful town of Valldemossa. Sunny summer day in Majorca, Spain. Mother, grandparents and three teenagers are looking at the magnificent view of the town of Valldemossa and ...

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    Find Old Traveller stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, 3D objects, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. ... 14,832,846 old traveller stock photos, 3D objects, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.

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    Browse 464 authentic irish travellers stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional gypsy or ireland stock images to find the right photo at the right size and resolution for your project. Group of Travellers in Ireland, March 1951. Original Publication : Picture Post - 5423 - Irish Tinkers - unpub.

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  18. This 3.6-million-year-old footprint was made by our earliest known

    A 91-year-old returned to the spot where he first entered America. Something unexpected had changed. Africa's richest man says he needs 35 visas to travel in Africa.

  19. James Corden Defended By Passengers After Exchange With British ...

    Passengers Take His Side!!! James Corden wanted to get to the bottom of an international air travel snafu, seeking out airline employees ... and this time he's got the public on his side. The ...

  20. Motels near Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Motels near Electrostal History and Art Museum, Elektrostal on Tripadvisor: Find 1,362 traveller reviews, 1,954 candid photos, and prices for motels near Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal, Russia.


    Many travellers enjoy visiting Summery House A.I. Morozova (5.4 miles) and Shirokov House (7.1 miles). See all nearby attractions. Yantar Hotel, Elektrostal: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Yantar Hotel at Tripadvisor.

  22. YAKOR HOTEL: See Reviews and Traveller Photos ...

    Yakor Hotel, Elektrostal: 6 Hotel Reviews, traveller photos, and great deals for Yakor Hotel, ranked #3 of 7 hotels in Elektrostal and rated 3.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  23. Old Travellers Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

    The main focus is one woman wearing a jacket and scarf, she is smiling while looking down. old travellers stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Exercising as a Group. A group of male and female friends walking up a hill on a coastal path along a cliff edge overlooking the sea in Cornwall.

  24. YANTAR-SITI: See Hotel Reviews and Traveller Photos (Elektrostal

    Yantar-Siti, Elektrostal: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Yantar-Siti at Tripadvisor.