Travel Guide Egypt

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Egypt is the oldest tourist destination on earth. Ancient Greeks and Romans started the trend, coming to goggle at the cyclopean scale of the Pyramids and the Colossi of Thebes. During colonial times, Napoleon and the British looted Egypt’s treasures to fill their national museums, sparking off a trickle of Grand Tourists that eventually became a flood of travellers, taken on Nile cruises and Egyptological lectures by the enterprising Thomas Cook.

Where to go in Egypt

Travel ideas for egypt, created by local experts.

The Best of Egypt

The Best of Egypt

Explore the history and culture of Egypt and its ancient rulers on this trip throughout the country. Start and end in Cairo and make your way down to Luxor, Aswan and Abu Simbel. Instead of domestic flights, you will hop on luxurious sleeper trains for your journey.

Cairo & a luxurious Dahabieh sailing cruise

Cairo & a luxurious Dahabieh sailing cruise

Explore Egypt at a leisurely pace on board a dahabieh, a traditional sailing ship. In Cairo, visit the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, and in Giza, the pyramids; cruise to world-renowned sites alongside lesser-known treasures, such as Luxor’s tombs, el Kab and Gebel Silsileh’s Temple of Horemheb.

A Nile Cruise in Egypt

A Nile Cruise in Egypt

Experience Cairo with the pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian museum before flying to Luxor to board your Nile cruise. Highlights include Karnak temple, Valley of Kings, Hatshepsut temple and an optional visit to Abu Simbel. Spend your last night in fascinating Cairo.

Five Star Egypt

Five Star Egypt

A tour through the ancient wonders of Giza, Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan. Start and end your trip in beautiful Cairo, exploring the surroundings before heading down to Aswan: you will spend four nights on a luxurious Nile cruise ship, discovering ancient sites such as Abu Simbel.

An introduction to Egypt

An introduction to Egypt

Marvel at the pyramids in Giza, explore busy Cairo, sleep on a luxurious sleeper train and explore more temples close to Luxor. This itinerary is fast-paced, with several nights in Cairo at the beginning and end, enabling you to see many fascinating sights in Egypt.

Today, the most popular places to visit are not only the monuments of the Nile Valley and the souks, mosques and madrassas of Islamic Cairo, but also fantastic coral reefs and tropical fish, dunes, ancient fortresses, monasteries and prehistoric rock art.

The land itself is a freak of nature, its lifeblood the River Nile. From the Sudanese border to the shores of the Mediterranean, the Nile Valley and its Delta are flanked by arid wastes, the latter as empty as the former are teeming with people. This stark duality between fertility and desolation is fundamental to Egypt’s character and has shaped its development since prehistoric times, imparting continuity to diverse cultures and peoples over seven millennia. It is a sense of permanence and timelessness that is buttressed by religion , which pervades every aspect of life. Although the pagan cults of ancient Egypt are as moribund as its legacy of mummies and temples, their ancient fertility rites and processions of boats still hold their place in the celebrations of Islam and Christianity.

The result is a multi-layered culture , which seems to accord equal respect to ancient and modern. The peasants of the Nile and the Bedouin tribes of the desert live much as their ancestors did a thousand years ago. Other communities include the Nubians of the far south, and the Coptic Christians, who trace their ancestry back to pharaonic times. What unites them is a love of their homeland, extended family ties, dignity, warmth and hospitality towards strangers. Though most visitors are drawn to Egypt by its monuments, the enduring memory is likely to be of its people and their way of life.

Egypt’s capital, Cairo, is a seething megalopolis whose chief sightseeing appeal lies in its bazaars and medieval mosques, though there is scarcely less fascination in its juxtapositions of medieval and modern life, the city’s fortified gates, villas and skyscrapers interwoven by flyovers whose traffic may be halted by donkey carts. The immensity and diversity of this “Mother of Cities” is as staggering as anything you’ll encounter in Egypt. Just outside Cairo are the first of the pyramids that range across the desert to the edge of the Fayoum, among them the unsurpassable trio at Giza, the vast necropolis of Saqqara and the pyramids at Dahshur. Besides all this, there are superb museums devoted to Ancient, Coptic and Islamic Egypt, and enough entertainment to occupy weeks of your time.

However, the principal tourist lure remains, as ever, the Nile Valley, with its ancient monuments and timeless river vistas – Nile cruises on a luxury vessel or a felucca sailboat being a great way to combine the two. The town of Luxor is synonymous with the magnificent temples of Karnak and the Theban Necropolis, which includes the Valley of the Kings where Tutankhamun and other pharaohs were buried. Aswan, Egypt’s southernmost city, has the loveliest setting on the Nile and a languorous ambience. From here, you can visit the island Philae temple of Isis and the rock-hewn colossi at Abu Simbel, or embark on a cruise to other temples around Lake Nasser. Other sites not to be missed are Edfu and Kom Ombo, between Luxor and Aswan, and Abydos and Dendara, north of Luxor.

Besides monuments, Egypt abounds in natural wonders. Edged by coral reefs teeming with tropical fish, the Sinai Peninsula offers superb diving and snorkelling, and palm-fringed beaches where women can swim unmolested. Resorts along the Gulf of Aqaba are varied enough to suit everyone, whether you’re into the upmarket hotels of Sharm el-Sheikh, nearby Na’ama Bay or Taba further north, or cheap, simple living at Dahab and Nuweiba. From there it’s easy to visit St Catherine’s Monastery and Mount Sinai (where Moses received the Ten Commandments) in the mountainous interior. With more time, cash and stamina, you can also embark on jeep safaris or camel treks to remote oases and spectacular wadis.

Egypt’s Red Sea Coast has more reefs further offshore, with snorkelling and diving traditionally centred around Hurghada, while barely touched island reefs from Port Safaga down to Marsa Alam beckon serious diving enthusiasts. Inland, the mountainous Eastern Desert harbours the Coptic monasteries of St Paul and St Anthony, Roman quarries, and a host of pharaonic and prehistoric rock art, seen by few apart from the nomadic Bedouin.

While the Eastern Desert is still barely touched by tourism, the Western Desert Oases have been on the tourist trail for forty years and nowadays host safaris into the wilderness. Siwa, out towards the Libyan border, has a unique culture and history, limpid pools and bags of charm. Travellers can also follow the “Great Desert Circuit” (starting from Cairo, Luxor or Assyut) through the four “inner” oases – though Bahariya and Farafra hold the most appeal, with the lovely White Desert between them, the larger oases of Dakhla and Kharga also have their rewards once you escape their modernized “capitals”. And for those into serious desert expeditions, there’s the challenge of exploring the Great Sand Sea or the remote wadis of the Gilf Kebir, whose prehistoric rock art featured in the film The English Patient. In contrast to these deep-desert locations are the quasi-oases of the Fayoum and Wadi Natrun, featuring the fossil-strewn Valley of the Whales, diverse ancient ruins and Coptic monasteries.

On the Mediterranean, Egypt’s second city, Alexandria, boasts a string of beaches to which Cairenes flock in summer, and excellent seafood restaurants. Despite being founded by Alexander the Great and lost to the Romans by Cleopatra, the city today betrays little of its ancient glory; however, its magnificent new library, featuring statues raised from the sunken remains of Cleopatra’s Palace, and the Lighthouse of Pharos (which divers can explore) are restoring an air of majesty. Famous, too, for its decadence during colonial times, Alexandria still allows romantics to indulge in a nostalgic exploration of the city immortalized in Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet, while further along the Mediterranean coast is the World War II battlefield of El-Alamein. For divers, the waters off Alexandria offer an array of sunken cities and wartime wrecks to explore.

The Nile Delta, east of Alexandria, musters few archeological monuments given its major role in ancient Egyptian history, and is largely overlooked by tourists. However, for those interested in Egyptian culture, the Delta hosts colourful religious festivals at Tanta, Zagazig and other towns. Further east lies the Canal Zone, dominated by the Suez Canal and its three cities: Suez is grim, but a vital transport nexus between Cairo, Sinai and the Red Sea Coast; Port Said and Ismailiya are pleasant, albeit sleepy places, where you can get a feel of “real Egypt” without tripping over other tourists.

Top image © Marcelo Alex/Shutterstock

Discover more places in Egypt


  • The Western Desert Oases
  • The Nile Valley, Egypt
  • Abu Simbel Temples, Egypt
  • Saqqara, Egypt
  • Mount Sinai, Egypt
  • Abydos, Egypt
  • Siwa Oasis, Egypt
  • Dahab, Egypt

Egypt is one of the best diving destinations in the world. The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba are rich in sea life and home to a wonderful array of dive sites, with plenty of options for both novices and experts alike: remarkably preserved World War II wrecks, coral reefs filled with dolphins, rainbow-coloured anemone gardens, and shallow bays visited by turtles are just a few of the sites you can explore. The Sinai and Red Sea Coast chapters have detailed information on dive sites and recommended dive companies, as well as tips on safety and environmental issues.

The Red Sea’s stable climate, shallow tides and exceptionally high salinity provide perfect conditions for unusually brilliant corals and sponges – a revelation if you have previously dived in such places as Hawaii or the Caribbean, whose reefs will forever after seem dull by comparison. Created by generations of miniscule polyps depositing their limestone exoskeletons on the remains of their ancestors, coral reefs can grow by 4–5cm a year. Beside hard corals such as brain and fire coral, which have a rigid outer skeleton, the Red Sea hosts an abundance of soft corals , including whip coral and sea fans. Because most types of coral need a moderate amount of warm sunlight to flourish, the most spectacular formations are found within 30m of the surface.

Most Red Sea reefs are of the fringing type, with a shallow lagoon just offshore, whose warm water and rubble-strewn bottom attracts starfish and sea slugs. Clams and sea urchins hide in crevices, and schools of damselfish and butterflyfish flit about. Its seaward boundary is the reef flat, whose crest is usually a barren, rough-surfaced shelf, while deeper areas are rich in flora and fauna. Beyond is a coral-encrusted slope, leading to a drop-off like the edge of a cliff. Flatter areas may be dotted with coral pillars or knolls. Lower down, the coral is sparser, and you may find sandy terraces overgrown with seagrass, sustaining sea horses and pipefish. Beyond the drop-off lies open water.

Some of the Red Sea’s most colourful and endearing species are easy to spot in the shallows , where the sunlight is brightest. Among the commonest are beak-mouthed parrotfish and exotic-looking pennantfish, whose long dorsal fins end in filaments.

Wherever stinging anemones cling to the reef, you’ll see clownfish (or anemone fish). Angelfish are usually found close to the coral, while clouds of gold and vermillion anthias gather around coral heads and fans. Slopes and fore reefs are the habitat of snappers, goatfish and wrasses (the largest of these, the Napoleon Wrasse, can dwarf a person).

In deeper waters you may see sharks, including whitetip reef sharks, grey reef sharks and (occasionally) scalloped hammerheads. Spotted reef stingrays are often seen on the sandy bottom of the sea. Turtles are among the most thrilling species to encounter underwater; the Red Sea has several species, including green turtles and hawksbill turtles. Dolphin encounters are possible too, and those lucky enough to come across a pod of bottlenose or spinner dolphins on a dive are likely to count it among the highlights of their trip.

• The Arab Republic of Egypt covers 1,001,450 square kilometres, but 96.4 percent of that is desert . Only the Nile Valley, its Delta and some oases are fertile.

• Egypt’s population of 83.7 million is over twice that of the next most populous Arab country (Algeria) and a quarter of the population of the Arab world. 71 percent of Egyptians are literate. Average life expectancy is 73 years.

• Islam is the biggest religion, and some ninety percent of Egyptians are Muslim; most of the rest are Coptic Christians , with a small number of other Christians, and a tiny but ancient Jewish community.

• All Egyptians speak Arabic , but there are other Egyptian languages too: Nubian , related to the Nilotic languages of East Africa, is spoken around Aswan and Lake Nasser; Siwi , a Berber language like those of Morocco and Algeria, is spoken in Siwa Oasis; and Coptic , which is derived from ancient Egyptian, is used in church services, but not otherwise.

• Since the monarchy was ousted in 1952, Egypt has been a republic , ruled by a succession of military strongmen up until the 2011 revolution that overthrew Hosni Mubarak. Elections in 2012 resulted in an Islamist government under President Mohammed Morsi . The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is the largest in parliament, followed by the Salafist Al-Nour party, the liberal Wafd party and Egyptian Bloc.

• Tourism has long been Egypt’s biggest money-earner, followed by tolls on the Suez Canal, and exports of oil, petroleum products, natural gas, cotton and textiles. Over forty percent of the population lives below the poverty line, and the economy would collapse without $2 billion a year in financial and food-aid from the US.

Travel advice for Egypt

From travel safety to visa requirements, discover the best tips for traveling to Egypt

  • Eating and drinking in Egypt
  • Getting around Egypt: Transportation Tips
  • Travel Tips Egypt for planning and on the go
  • Culture and Etiquette in Egypt
  • How to get to Egypt
  • Shopping tips for Egypt
  • Sports and Outdoor activities in Egypt
  • Travelling with children in Egypt
  • Best time to visit Egypt

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written by Rough Guides Editors

updated 26.05.2021


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Guía turística de Egypt

A land of contrasts  encompassing breathtaking desert scenery, the majestic  River Nile  and awe-inspiring ancient world wonders, Egypt attracts millions of visitors each year, offering them a  journey through history .

Egypt Travel Guide

  • General information
  • What to see
  • Hotels & cruises
  • What to Eat

Why visit Egypt?

Considered the birthplace of civilization, Egypt is a unique country: a destination full of magic and history  that offers its visitors an unforgettable experience.

Immerse yourself in a  passionate fusion of adventure, culture, and mystery . Get swept away by the  hustle and bustle of Cairo ; lose yourself amongst colossal temples ; scuba dive in the Red Sea ; enjoy the peace of a cruise on the Nile and contemplate the majestic Pyramids , before treating yourself to delicious Egyptian cuisine.

Before traveling

When planning a trip to Egypt, the first decision to make is whether you want to travel there independently or go on an escorted tour . We'll help you decide with this handy guide about the pros and cons of both options.

Worried about traveling to Egypt?

If you'd like to visit Egypt but you're worried about it being dangerous, have a read of our top tips  and  travel safety advice guides.

top activities

3 Night Nile Cruise from Aswan to Luxor No trip to Egypt would be complete without a cruise on the Nile, the most memorable experience on a memorable trip. This 3 day cruise goes from Aswan to Luxor.

Day Trip to the Suez Canal At the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia , the famous Suez Canal is one of Egypt's greatest engineering marvels. Discover it with this excursion from Cairo.

Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan Embark on a 4-night cruise from Luxor to Aswan , for an enchanting Egyptian adventure. Explore iconic temples and sail through the wonders of the Nile River !

Best of Egypt: 8 Day All Inclusive Tour Cairo, Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Aswan... see all the unmissable sights in Egypt in 8 days . The best way to really discover the land of the Pharaohs!

Egypt 11 Day All-Inclusive Tour This 11-day package includes  the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Philae Temple, the Edfu Temple , a cruise on the Nile , and relaxing on the shores of the Red Sea .

Pyramids of Giza, Memphis and Saqqara Go back 5,000 years to the land of the pharaohs on this excursion to the Giza pyramids, the Saqqara necropolis and Memphis , once the capital of the country.

Complete Cairo Tour with Tickets Explore Cairo's historic centre , touring its unmissable locations: the Citadel, Mohamed Ali Mosque, Khan el-Khalili market, and Egyptian Museum.

Temple of Philae Sound & Light Show Experience the captivating history of Egypt through a unique sound and light show at the Temple of Philae  that will leave you spellbound.

Excursion to Alexandria The cultural legacy of Alexandria can be seen in all of its monuments and archaeological sites. Delve into the past with this excursion from Cairo .

Enjoy a leisurely felucca ride along the River Nile and discover Aswan's largest island: Elephantine Island . Its landscapes will captivate you!

White Canyon & Ain Khunra 4x4 Tour Discover the breathtaking White Canyon of Sinai with this 4x4 tour and relax by the palm trees at the Ain Khudra Oasis . You'll love it!

Complete Guided Tour of Luxor Embark on a fascinating journey through Ancient Egypt with our comprehensive Luxor tour . Discover the rich history of Luxor as we explore its must-see sites.

Dinner and Night Show at the Giza Pyramids Enjoy a spectacle filled with light & sound at the Giza pyramids, one of the ancient wonders of the world . Complete your evening with a traditional dinner!

Nile Cruise with Dinner and Show Want to try something different? On this cruise down the River Nile , you'll be seduced by the best views of Cairo lit up by night, and enjoy a delicious dinner.

Whirling Dervish Show + Dinner Enjoy a traditional show in the Egyptian capital, with this dance of the famous Whirling Dervishes. An unforgettable night, topped off with a delicious dinner.

Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine's Monastery Experience sunrise from Mount Sinai : one of the most sacred places in Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike and see the oldest Christian Monastery in use.

Excursion to Abu Simbel On this excursion,  visit the astonishing temples of Abu Simbel , the only monuments in Egypt that can hold a candle to the grandiosity of the 3 pyramids of Giza.

Guided Tour of Luxor and Karnak Temples On this tour, we'll visit two of the most spectacular temples in Egypt, the Luxor Temple, and Karnak , separated by the 3-kilometer long Avenue of the Sphinxes.

Giftun Island Snorkelling Be seduced by the exotic Red Sea, contemplating the coral reefs and the colourful fish of Giftun Island, one of the best snorkel spots in Egypt .

Excursion to Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza See the pyramids of Khufu, Khafra & Menkaure - a must-see in Egypt. The archaeological complex at Giza, will surprise you from the moment you arrive!

2 Day Abu Simbel Excursion See the temples of Abu Simbel on a two-day tour, and be fascinated by the majesty by night. Ancient Egypt in all its splendour!

Guided Tour of the Coptic Neighborhood The Coptic neighborhood of Cairo , the Christian part of the city, plays host to a great historic & monumental heritage. Explore it with this guided tour.

Luxor Hot Air Balloon Float over the thousand-year-old Luxor temples as the sun rises, so you'll get a bird's eye view of these majestic remains of the time of the pharaohs. 

Abydos and Dendera Temple Excursion On this excursion we'll leave Luxor behind, making our way to Abydos and Dendera, two cities on the banks of the Nile where fascinating temples can be found .

Red Sea Beginners Scuba Diving On our beginners scuba diving activity, you'll admire the seabed of the Red Sea. Whether you're a beginner or a pro diver already, you'll have a blast!

Make the most of your time in Egypt, vist one of the most fun areas on the Red Sea on this boat trip to Orange Bay : enjoy snorkelling and other water sports !

Enjoy incredible views of the Red Sea in a unique way: parasailing in Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most fun water activities in this lively beach area! 

Neverland Nights Show Discover one of the most popular shows in the Middle East at the Neverland Nights show in Alf Leila We Leila Palace - an unforgettable evening!

Desert Safari and Bedouin Dinner Exploring the beautiful Egyptian scenery on a 4x4 vehicle with this Desert Safari and Bedouin Dinner. You'll have the chance to sample a traditional dinner.

Guided Tour of Hurghada Feel the history of Hurghada with this guided tour where you'll see monuments such as the spectacular Grand Mosque and the Coptic Church of Hurghada .

Turtles, sharks, and manta rays await you at  Hurghada Grand Aquarium . Don't miss visiting this exhibition, also known as the  Red Sea in Glass , on your trip!

Swim with Dolphins in Hurghada Swim with friendly dolphins in the warm waters of the Red Sea and ride a banana boat with this boat trip from Hurghada ! You'll have a blast!

Day Trip to the Pyramids of Giza + Egyptian Museum Discover one of the Wonders of the Ancient World on this day trip to the pyramids of Giza by plane . We'll also visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo !

Desert Safari and Snorkel in the Blue Hole Enjoy an unforgettable safari in the Egyptian desert with this unforgettable experience. We'll also go  snorkelling in the Blue Hole !

Snorkel in the Ras Mohamed National Park Fauna, flora, and spectacular landscapes come together in the Ras Mohamed National Park, one of Egypt's environmental jewels. Go snorkelling off its coast.

Guided Tour of Alexandria Discover the extraordinary historical heritage of this city founded by Alexander the Great , where Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures mix.

Historic Tour of the Fatimid Caliphate's Cairo Discover some of the most famous and most incredible places and monuments in Cairo, places that leave the traditional tours behind .

Red Sea Day Trip On this excursion we'll leave the immense Egyptian Capital behind for  Ain Sokhna, a beach town found on the west coast of the Red Sea , near the Suez Canal.

Wadi El Natrun Monasteries and El Alamein Trip Discover the monastic complex of Wadi El Natrun and the location of the famous battle of El Alamein when you take our fantastic trip from Cairo.

Nile River Kayaking Tour On this Nile kayaking tour, we'll paddle the sacred river of Ancient Egypt as it passes through Cairo we'll see the old city from a different perspective !

Looking for a great day out in Hurghada? Don't miss this  Jungle Aqua Park Trip , the perfect way to cool off and enjoy the fun of a water park!

Glass Bottomed Boat Tour Admire the wonders of the submarine depths on this glass bottomed boat tour . We'll sail the waters of the Red Sea in search of incredible marine wildlife.

Explore the most fun beaches in Egypt with your family and friends on this  Orange Bay Speedboat Trip . Spend a morning sunbathing and swimming in the Red Sea!

Escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life in Hurghada on this tour:  explore the ghost city of Umm el Howeitat on a jeep safari and quad bike tour !

Horseback Riding in Hurghada Join us as we cross exotic beaches and vast deserts on this horseback ride through Hurghada , one of the most popular destinations on the Red Sea coast .

Sinai Desert Trip with Dinner and Show Explore the sands of Sinai with us on this excursion where you can also enjoy an authentic spectacle and Bedouin dinner .

Day Trip to Petra Feel like Indiana Jones in ' The Last Crusade ' with this day trip to Petra , the Jordanian city which was once the capital of the Nabataeans .

Ancient Egypt Nile Tour Join us on a boat tour along the legendary Nile River , exploring the Valley of the Princes , Kitchener Island, and Sehel Island, home to the  Famine Stela .

Excursion to the Fayoum Oasis Head south from Cairo and you'll find one of the most incredible natural spaces in Egypt: the Fayoum Oasis . Discover where history and nature meet.

Karnak Temple Light Show ​Embark on a journey to the past sure to leave you gobsmacked , with this light and sound show projected onto the Karnak temple.

Day Trip to Abu Simbel by Plane Ramses II left behind one of Egypt's great monumental complexes for posterity: the temples of Abu Simbel . Decode their secrets on this excursion. 

Nubian Village Day Trip Cross the River Nile on a traditional felucca, to discover the most authentic village in Egypt , Gharb Soheil, where you can see the daily life of the Nubians .

Private Tour to Luxor by Plane Join us on a  private tour from Sharm El Sheikh to Luxor , complete with airfare and entrance fees to the Valley of the Kings , Karnak , and Hatshepsut temples .

Looking for adrenaline-inducing water sports? Experience the Red Sea in a whole new way enjoying this  flyboarding activity in Hurghada !

Sharm El-Naga Snorkel Trip Spend a day making the most of Egypt's beautiful beaches with this Sharm El-Naga Snorkel Trip from Hurghada . Discover the marine wildlife of the Red Sea! 

Spend an unforgettable day in one of the most famous bays on Giftun Island. Snorkel, enjoy a banana boat ride and swim among coral reefs on Paradise Island .

See the Red Sea from a unique perspective with this  parasailing experience in Hurghada . Enjoy the adrenaline rush of flying over its crystal-clear waters!

Night Tour of Sharm El-Sheikh On this night tour of Sharm El-Sheikh, you'll  discover the magic of this beautiful Egyptian city located between the Sinai Peninsula desert and the Red Sea .

Spend a day feeling like a pirate on this cruise in Orange Bay  from Hurghada. Sail the waters of the Red Sea, snorkel, and visit a paradise beach.

Discover the natural landscapes around Hurghada in the most fun way: explore the desert on this  quad bike and dune buggy safari ​! What are you waiting for?

Breathtaking  landscapes of the Red Sea await on this horseback ride through Sharm el-Sheikh . We'll stop at a Bedouin camp for tea in the middle of the desert .

On this submarine tour in Hurghada, we'll enjoy the depths of the Red Sea . The coastline of this Egyptian city is home to a rich variety of fish and reefs.

Menia 2 Day Tour Become and Egyptologist for a day as you discover all the ancient treasures of the city of Menia on this fantastic 2-day tour from Cairo !

Disconnect from the world and forget the stresses of everyday life on a trip to the  Turkish Bath in Hurghada . Enjoying a massage at a hammam  is a must-do!

On this tour, we'll visit the iconic pyramids of Giza , the Great Sphinx , the Khan Al-Khalili Market and the Egyptian Museum and the main attractions of Cairo .

Cruise and Snorkelling on Tiran Island Fancy a dip in the warm waters of the Red Sea? Try snorkelling off the wild island of Tiran , and enjoy a unique experience in an Egyptian diving paradise.

On this guided tour of the Temple of Karnak , we'll explore this sanctuary dedicated to Amun , which was the main center of worship in Ancient Egypt .

Kalabasha, Beit El-Wali and Kertassi Temples Visit three very different temples : from Roman-era Kalabasha, to rock-carved mausoleums like Beit El-Wali, which dates from the time of Ramses II.

Edfu & Kom Ombo Temples Tour Why was Horus one of the most fascinating Ancient Egyptian deities? Discover sacred secrets on this guided tour of the temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo .

Cairo Food Tour Dive into the vibrant streets of Cairo and uncover the rich flavors of the Egyptian capital  on this food tour that will tantalize your taste buds.

Night Tour of Al-Azhar Park & Dinner Discover one of the 60 largest parks in the world on this night tour of Al-Azhar Park and enjoy a delicious Egyptian dinner!

4-Day Private Trip to the White Desert Embark on a  4-day private tour , leaving the bustling city of Cairo to immerse yourself in the wonders of the White Desert , Fayun Oasis , and Bahariya Oasis .

5-Day Siwa Oasis Private Tour Embark on a 5-day private tour from Cairo and travel into the desert to see a unique part of Egypt . The Siwa Oasis, Shali, ancient towns, and Temples await us!

Grand Egyptian Museum Tour If you're passionate about the Pharaonic culture , then you can't miss this tour of the Grand Egyptian Museum . You'll have a blast!

White Desert & Bahariya Oasis Private Day Trip On this private day trip to the White Desert and Bahariya Oasis from Cairo, we'll see stunning limestone formations and much more!

Utopia Island Excursion Crystalline waters, golden beaches, coral reefs, exotic fish... delight your senses with a unique experience, on this excursion to Utopia Island on the Red Sea.

Sinbad Aqua Park Excursion Toboggans, water attractions and endless surprises are waiting for you at the thrilling Sinbad Water Park ! It's fun for all the family.

Sunset Felucca Trip to Banana Island On this excursion from Luxor , we'll enjoy a felucca ride down the Nile River towards Banana Island , where we'll explore the island's many fruit plantations!

Desert Quad Tour + Bedouin Dinner Discover the magical Egyptian desert by quad bike with this Desert Quad Tour + Bedouin Dinner. Enjoy an unforgettable and traditional experience.

On this tour of Luxor , we'll explore the old capital of ancient Egypt aboard a horse-drawn carriage , one of the typical means of transportation in the country!

Red Sea 8-Day All-Inclusive Tour From exploring the Egyptian desert to snorkelling in the Red Sea : make the most of your trip to Hurghada on this all-inclusive 8-day tour package.

Valley of the Nobles, Medinet Habu and Deir el-Medina Discover some of the best conserved funeral monuments of the New Kingdom on this tour, visiting the burial site of Ramses III and the necropolis.

El Gouna Day Trip On our unforgettable El Gouna Day Trip from Hurghada , we'll explore the Venice of Egypt. Get ready to see dolphins, go banana boating, and snorkel!

Luxor Museum and Museum of Mummification Guided Tour On this tour, we'll visit the Luxor Museum & the Museum of Mummification ,   two of the most important and most visited museums in Egypt .

Edfu & Kom Ombo Day Trip Intricately carved reliefs, mummified crocodiles and a unique double sanctuary: discover the Ancient Egyptian temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo .

Aswan Dam, Philae Temple, and The Unfinished Obelisk On this tour, we'll see the greatness of humankind's achievements across history : the beautiful Philae temple, the Unfinished Obelisk, and the Aswan Dam.

White Desert & Bahariya Oasis 2 or 3-Day Private Tour On this private 2 or 3-day tour of the White Desert and the Bahariya Oasis , you'll witness the stunning Egyptian landscapes accompanied by a tour guide.

On this quad tour around the pyramids of Giza, we'll discover one of the most remarkable places in the world . Ready to speed through the desert?

Sinai Desert Quad bike Tour Discover the reds, purples, oranges and ochres at sunrise and sunset in the Egyptian desert . Head straight for adventure with this quad bike excursion!

Valley of the Kings and Queens, Colossus and Hatshepsut Tour On this excursion we'll visit the most famous necropolis in ancient Thebes, where you can find the tombs of pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, Ramses II and Set I

Night tour of Cairo with Dinner Explore the Khan el-Khalili market and the city's most charming streets on this night tour, finishing with dinner in a traditional restaurant.

Luxor Tour & Valley of the Kings and Queens The wonders   of Ancient Egypt await you on this tour to Luxor . Plus, complete the experience with a visit to the Valley of the Kings and Queens .

Day Trip to Petra by Plane Travel to Jordan by plane, and discover the remains of Petra, the ancient capital of the Nabataeans , along with the mysteries of this architectural jewel.

If you'd like to meet some of the friendlist residents of the Red Sea, you'll love our  Abu Dabbab National Park Tour  from Hurghada.

4-Day Lake Nasser Cruise Experience the magic of a 4-day cruise on Lake Nasser with everything included, the perfect way to immerse yourself in the treasures of Ancient Egypt .

5-Day Cruise on Lake Nasser Make the most of your time in Egypt visiting its spectacular ancient temples on this  five day cruise on Lake Nasser ​from Aswan .

Egypt Tour Package: 15 Days All-Inclusive Embark on a 15-day all-inclusive tour exploring bucket-list Egyptian sights , from Cairo to the Red Sea paradise of Hurghada , with this Egypt Tour Package .

Egypt + Lake Nasser Tour Package: 11 Days Enjoy a cruise on the Nile and Lake Nasser with this all-inclusive  Egypt + Lake Nasser Tour Package lasting 11 Days. Visit the Giza pyramids and Luxor Temples.

The best Egypt travel guide

This travel guide explains what others don't. Learn everything you could possibly need for your trip to Egypt : if it's safe, how to haggle, and how much you should pay for things, amongst much more. The guide is written simply - by travelers, for travelers .

The information and practical data found in this guide are correct as of  January 2023 . If you find any errors or see anything we need to change, please contact us .

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Say “Egypt” and most people think of pharaohs, mummies, and age-old pyramids. The country isn’t just temples and tombs, though. Immerse yourself in the noise and color of urban bedlam, then come up for air on a lonely desert dune or upon the palm-fringed banks of the Nile. Haggle with vendors in a maze-like souk, then sit quietly in a tranquil mosque or Coptic church and observe centuries-old rituals that still resonate in modern life. Go beyond the monumental glory of the pharaohs and you’ll discover a true Egyptian experience.

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A man on a camel at sunset in front of the pyramids in Alexandria, Egypt

Photo by givaga/Shutterstock

Can’t miss things to do in Egypt

Egypt’s ancient rulers competed to outdo each other by scattering a cache of lofty temples across the land. The Pyramids of Giza, Luxor’s Karnak and Valley of the Kings, and Ramses II’s grandiose pat-on-the-back at Abu Simbel are the highlights of the pharaohs’ marvelous architectural achievements, but factor time during your visit to explore smaller relics such as the Kom Ombo and Philae temples as well. When temple fatigue sets in, replenish energy levels by discovering Egypt’s natural wonders. More ancient than any pyramid, this nation’s jagged mountain peaks, sinuous Nile, and empty desert expanses are superlative reminders that manmade treasures are only a part of Egypt’s bountiful beauty.

Food and drink to try in Egypt

Egyptian cuisine is infused with fresh and hearty flavors, with influences from the North Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. This is comfort food at its best: non-fussy, wholesome dishes where seasonal produce plays the starring role. Restaurant menus generally feature kebabs (grilled meat on a skewer) with simple meze-style plates of crispy salads and dips. Heavier specialties include mahshi (stuffed vegetables) and fatteh (chicken or beef with rice and bread, all immersed in a garlic sauce), and the more adventurous hamam (pigeon) and molokhia (a glutinous mallow-leaf stew).

Culture in Egypt

Egyptians are a boisterous, pragmatic people with a sharp sense of humor used to shrug off the hardships of life. Traditional culture and religion still play a prominent role in society, and close-knit family ties are at the heart of daily life. Although conservative in values, you’ll find Egyptians anything but insular. This is a nation that adores having fun and any excuse is used for a celebration. Not known for being stand-offish, and rightly proud of their history, a booming ahlan wa sahlan (“Hello and welcome!”) followed by invitations for tea and a chat are extended to all visitors. Accept those on-the-spot offers and you’ll experience warm and effervescent Egyptian hospitality at its best.

Put your haggling hat on and get ready for an adventure. The souk is the quintessential Egyptian shopping experience where you can unearth everything from tawdry plastic pyramids to antiques. The wares at these markets have no fixed prices; the final sum depends upon your haggling skills. But keep in mind: Haggling for your treasure isn’t supposed to be about beating the shopkeeper down to the lowest price possible. It should be light-hearted and fun. For the best souk action in Egypt, head to Cairo’s Khan al-Khalili, whose winding lanes are crammed with textiles, copper workers, perfume, and a bewildering array of kitsch souvenirs. If you’re searching for antiques, look for bargains in Alexandria’s Souk Attareen.

Practical Information

Egypt’s summer (Jun–Aug) is stifling and best avoided unless you enjoy searing temperatures. Spring (Mar–May) and fall (Sep–Nov) are more manageable heat-wise, but winter (Dec–Feb), with its pleasantly warm, sunny weather, is when most choose to visit. Visas are required; most nationalities can buy one upon arrival. Most international flights land at Cairo (CAI) but there are also services direct to Alexandria’s Burg al-Arab (HBE), Luxor (LXR), and Sharm al-Sheikh (SSH). The bus network is extensive. The train is useful for journeys between Cairo and Upper Egypt (Luxor, Aswan), and to Alexandria. The language is Egyptian Arabic; the currency is the Egyptian pound, pronounced “guinea.” Electricity is 220 volts with European 2-pin sockets.

Guide Editor

Jessica Lee is a travel writer who specialises in the Middle East, Turkey, and North Africa. She likes deserts and mountains, and is on a constant quest to find the perfect hummus.

the Grotto in Bruce Peninsula National Park featuring a rocky alcove and turquoise blue water

The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Egypt Travel Guide

Your ultimate egypt travel guide, with tips, things to do, and best things to see in egypt. great for first-time and returning travelers..

Egypt.  The Land of the Pharaohs  and one of the world’s greatest civilizations, with its temples, hieroglyphs, mummies, and pyramids.

It is filled with iconic landmarks and remarkable landscapes. It has a rich history, strong culture and it boasts world-class diving, incredible beaches, and exciting nightlife. 

Egypt really does have it all. 

This Egypt travel guide will help you plan your next vacation.

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Table of contents

Table of Contents

Fast Facts about Egypt

  • Power: Egyptian power voltage is 220 V 50Hz;  Plug C & F
  • Currency: The Egyptian currency is the Egyptian pound and is around 7 EGP to 1 USD
  • Egyptian laws towards alcohol are quite liberal, except for the month of Ramadan when alcohol is strictly forbidden
  • Egypt has a reasonably modern telephone service including three GSM mobile service providers: Mobinil, Vodafone, and Etisalat. It is possible to purchase tourist mobile phone lines for your trip, which usually will cost around 30 EGP.
  • Random fact:  More than 90% of Egypt consists of desert
  • SIM Cards: You can get a local sim card from Vodafone or Orange in Cairo. We suggest getting a SIM card at the airport when you arrive.

Things to See and Do in Egypt

  • See all the amazing Temples of Egypt
  • Scuba dive in the Red Sea – Egypt has some of the best diving in the world where avid scuba divers can get up close and personal with hammerhead sharks, colorful coral, and wrecks.
  • Alexandria  – the pyramids and tombs aren’t the only ancient monuments in Egypt, the trolleys of Alexandria are one of the country’s historical treasures, dating back to 1860.
  • Explore Egypt’s Red Pyramid, Inside and Out  – The Red Pyramid is the 4th largest pyramid in all of Egypt and is located just 40 km outside of Cairo.
  • Visit the White Desert  – this national park is best known for its chalk rock formations that look strikingly like snow strewn across the desert.

Egypt Travel Guides

  • Everything You Need to Know About Alexandria, Egypt
  • Amazing Places to Visit in Egypt
  • The Red Pyramid of Egypt – Experience it Inside and Out
  • Slow Travel Guide to Cairo
  • 10 Amazing Temples of Egypt – That We’ve Seen


Budget: You can find hostels and budget hotels in the range of 100-260 Egyptian Pounds per night. The hostels come with private or dorm-styled rooms, free Wi-Fi and breakfast, storage lockers, and great city locations. 

Mid-Range: For mid-range, expect to pay around 330-1,500 Egyptian Pounds per night. Enjoy private rooms with a television, room service, a hotel restaurant and bar, free breakfast, and a fitness center. 

High-End: For luxury hotels, expect to pay around 1,500- 8,000 Egyptian Pounds per night. Take in the best with fine dining options, rooms and suites with balconies and dining rooms, spa services, outdoor pools with lounge areas, and refined hotel bars.

Egyptian cuisine favors fruit, vegetables, rice, and legumes as staples. Kushari (rice, lentils, chickpeas, and macaroni) is a favorite dish in Egypt, as is Kofta (minced lamb).

When out and about, look for full beans (often put in a sandwich) or mahshi (rice-stuffed peppers) .. You can also head to a sit-down restaurant to sample more authentic Egyptian cuisine. In total, expect to pay around 100 Egyptian Pounds per day for food.

The Best Ways to Get Around Egypt

Getting to Egypt: The main airport to fly into is the Cairo International Airport, located 13.7 miles from the city center of Cairo. Alexandria also has its own international airport (4.3 miles from the city center). Hurghada International Airport is another busy one, but it is mainly for European flights. You can check for the best flights to Egypt on Skyscanner .


Buses : Buses are one way to get around, though they tend to be slower than other means of transportation. A typical fare is 1.50-2.50 Egyptian Pounds.

Metro: Cairo has its own metro system, with tickets costing just 1 Egyptian Pound and operating daily from 5:30 AM to midnight.   

Taxis: Taxis are metered and have a starting fee of 7 Egyptian Pounds and increase about 5 Egyptian Pounds per mile traveled, though these prices can vary. Knowing Arabic can help with negotiations for prices or for getting to and from destinations.

Car Rental:   To rent a car, you need to be at least 25 years old and have both a U.S. driver’s license and an International Driving Permit. Note that it is not recommended to drive unless you really know the roads, as they are more hectic than in the US. Prices start at around 800 Egyptian Pounds for drivers 25 and over.

Uber: Uber is available in Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada, Mansoura, Tanta, and Damanhour.

When to go to Egypt

The best time to visit Egypt is between October and April. During these months, temperatures are lower (highs of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit), which makes going to the pyramids or other outdoor activities more pleasant.

If you are looking to avoid some of the crowds, go before or after December and January, as this is Egypt’s peak tourist season and hotel rates will also be at their highest.

Where to Stay in Egypt

Steigenberger Hotel El Tahrir Cairo : Stay at this four-star hotel in downtown Cairo. See views of the Nile River from your room while enjoying in-room minibars and flat-screen TVs, two saunas, an outdoor pool and hot tub, the hotel restaurant that serves international cuisine, and the fitness center. Kids 12 and under stay free with a parent. 

Grand Pyramids : Just a short walk from the Giza Pyramids (so close you can see them from your room), this popular hotel in Giza comes with rooms with flat-screen TVs and balconies, multiple hotel restaurants serving Italian and international cuisines, a spa, a kid’s pool plus an outdoor pool and heated indoor pool, and a gym. 

Paradise Inn Beach Resort Maamoura : Relax at this great resort in Alexandria. Head to Maamoura Beach or the Montaza Palace (both a short trip away) or stay in the hotel for complimentary breakfast, the indoor and outdoor pools, a café and bar right on the beach, and the open-air hotel restaurant.

Check out our favorite booking platforms , Tripadvisor, and VRBO for the best deals on accommodation in Egypt.

What to Pack for Egypt

Egypt has a  hot desert climate that is generally dry .

The most moderate temperatures can be found near the thin coastal strip in the north and November through March are considered the most comfortable months to travel.

Although temperatures can reach up to 40 degree Celsius travelers must remember that Egypt is a rather conservative country and therefore it is wise to pack accordingly.

  • Avoid packing skirts or shorts –  instead invest in a good pair of long pants made from a breathable fabric like linen.
  • Scarves or a light sweater  – short sleeve tops and sleeveless tops are acceptable for women visiting tourist areas, however it is recommended that travelers carry around a scarf or light sweater to cover up when traveling to and from tourist destinations.
  • Protection from the sun  – the sun can get extremely hot in the summer months so make sure to pack sunscreen, a sturdy had and a good pair of sunglasses.
  • Walking shoes  – Egypt is a sightseeing country and travelers do a lot of walking. Make sure you bring a comfortable pair of shoes that you have already broken in and leave the flip flops at home.

See our packing tips: packing list for smart travel.

Egypt Travel Guide: Best Booking Resources

Whenever we travel to we make sure to start with these companies. We have tried a lot of different ones over the years and all of these have consistently proven to be the best when it comes to offering great prices.

We have used every one of these personally and continue to do so.

  • :  This is our go site to when comparing prices for accommodation. It usually has the cheapest prices, especially in Europe and we love their interface. Not to mention you get free cancellation and you are guaranteed the best price.
  • Trip Advisor :  What we like about Trip Advisor is that we can look at all the reviews and then book our accommodation. TripAdvisor is where we go when we want to compare prices with multiple accommodation providers.
  • VRBO:   VRBO is the main search engine we use when we are looking for a home or apartment rental. It can sometimes be cheaper than hotels and it is the best way to stay in areas that offer a more local feel.
  • Hostelworld:  With one of the largest databases of hostels in the world, Hostelworld is the go-to site when you are looking for budget accommodation.
  • Skyscanner:  This is the first place we check for flights. It consistently comes back with the cheapest and best options. It allows us to compare a lot of airlines to get the best price.
  • Rome 2 Rio:  If you want to see how to get somewhere by plane, train, bus, ferry or car Rome2Rio lays it all out for you as well as related costs.I love how they show it all to you on a Google Map and it works offline.
  • Get Your Guide:  For all your day trip and city guide needs, we use Get Your Guide. It has the world’s largest collection of things to do with more than 30,000 activities in 7500 destinations.
  • World Nomads Insurance:  When traveling to Italy you should always have travel insurance. We have found the best bang for your buck is by far World Nomads.

Egypt Travel Guide: Related Articles

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Egypt Travel Guide: Plan Your Perfect Trip

Written by Jess Lee Updated Sep 24, 2021

Egypt is one of the world's great historic destinations. Its tourism focuses both on the country's glut of Pharaonic treasures and on the long, sandy shores of the Red Sea, which is a favorite family-friendly winter vacation escape.

As well as the beaches, and the pyramids, tombs, and temples along the Nile, you'll find cities such as Cairo and Alexandria, brimming with cultural monuments and vibrant city life, and the desert landscapes of both the Sinai and the Western Desert.

Whether your travel plans initially are all about cruising on the Nile (Egypt's most popular holiday activity) or diving the coral reefs of the Red Sea, Egypt offers plenty more to see beyond its famed highlights.

On This Page:

Inspirational ideas for planning your trip to egypt, best time to visit egypt, visitors guide to cairo, visitors guide to luxor, best towns in egypt, outdoor attractions & activities in egypt, historic highlights of egypt, essential stats & facts, first-time traveler tips for egypt.

Passageway in the Temple of Horus in Edfu

Egypt's glut of historic sites makes it difficult to choose what to include on your trip itinerary, particularly if you have limited time. Decide what not to miss with our overview articles on Egypt's best destinations.

  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Egypt
  • Top-Rated Resorts in Egypt
  • Egypt in Pictures: 15 Beautiful Places to Photograph

Pyramids of Giza

Summer: June, July, and August is tourism low season in Egypt, with the intense heat making sightseeing a chore. The temperatures along the Mediterranean are more bearable, so Egyptians head to Alexandria for beach breaks.

Fall (September & October): From late-September, temperatures start dropping down from scorching, but the popular tourist sites still aren't crowded, so October is a great time to travel.

Winter (November to February): This is Egypt's most popular tourism season for good reason. Sunny and warm weather in Upper Egypt (Luxor and Aswan) and along the Red Sea coast bring tourists flocking to both the beaches and to the major historic sites. This is also the best time for desert adventures in the Western Desert.

Cairo and Alexandria get a fair amount of rain during mid-winter and despite blue skies during the day throughout the country, it does get chilly after dark, so pack something warm for the evenings.

Spring (March to May): Overall, this is a good time to travel, though be aware that occasional dust storms in March and April can hamper both sightseeing and transport.

Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan as seen from Cairo's Citadel

Egypt's capital is one of the world's great historic cities, with so many mosques and other monuments from the era when Cairo was the center of the Islamic empires that it would take you months to see it all.

Many visitors treat Cairo just as an overnight base to see the Giza Pyramids (which lay on the outskirts) before moving on to the Pharaonic treasures of Luxor, but Cairo deserves a trip in itself.

  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Cairo
  • Pyramids of Giza: Attractions, Tips & Tours
  • From Cairo to Alexandria: 4 Best Ways to Get There

Inside the Temple of Medinat Habu on Luxor's west bank

Luxor is Egypt's highlight destination, with more temples and tombs that you'll ever be able to see on one visit. For most travelers, this is a place to base yourself for a few days to explore famous Pharaonic sights such as the Temple of Karnak and Valley of the Kings. It's also the key start or finish point on the most popular Nile cruise itinerary.

  • Top-Rated Attractions in Luxor & Easy Day Trips
  • Exploring the Temples of Karnak: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Karnak's Great Temple of Amun, Luxor
  • Exploring the Valley of the Kings: A Visitor's Guide
  • From Cairo to Luxor: 5 Best Ways to Get There

Felucca sailing on the Nile at Aswan

While Luxor remains the main focus for many visitors, Aswan is Egypt's most relaxed town and the prime base for Nile felucca rides and visits to Philae Temple and the Temples of Abu Simbel. Alexandria is Egypt's famed Mediterranean city, dripping with faded grandeur, and visitors looking for relaxed beach vacations head to the coastal centers of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada.

  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Alexandria
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Aswan
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Sharm el-Sheikh
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Hurghada

Diving in Egypt's Red Sea

Cruising the Nile is Egypt's most popular activity and is a relaxing, no-hassle way of visiting some of the country's most famous tourist sights with everything organized for you. If you're into diving, the Red Sea will probably be your main target, as Egypt is one of the top diving destinations in the world.

  • Cruising the Nile in Egypt: The Complete Guide
  • Diving the Red Sea: Best Dive Sites
  • Top-Rated Beaches in Egypt
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in the Red Sea Region

Statue of Ramses II guarding Abu Simbel

Anyone interested in Egypt's Pharaonic history will obviously want to hit the Pyramids of Giza and Luxor's sights. After those, though, the Nile-side temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu are definite must-sees on any Nile journey. The necropolis of Saqqara is worth staying an extra night in Cairo for, and in the far south, the colossal Temples of Abu Simbel, overlooking Lake Nasser, is one of Egypt's most impressive sights.

  • Exploring Abu Simbel: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Edfu's Magnificent Temple of Horus
  • Exploring Kom Ombo Temple: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring the Philae Temple Complex: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Saqqara: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring the Temples of Abydos: A Visitor's Guide
  • Saint Catherine's Monastery: A Visitor's Guide

Beach at Sharm el-Sheikh

  • Population of Egypt: The population of Egypt is 105 million. It is the 14th most populous country in the world. Nearly the entire population (95 percent) lives along the banks of the Nile.
  • Capital of Egypt: The capital of Egypt is Cairo, with an estimated population of 20 million.
  • Geography of Egypt: The vast amount of Egypt is desert, with the narrow fertile strip of the Nile River winding through the center of the country from south to north. Both the Sinai Peninsula and Eastern Desert have mountainous spines, while the Western Desert is speckled with isolated oases and large areas of undulating sand dunes.
  • Language of Egypt: The official language of Egypt is Arabic.
  • Currency of Egypt: The currency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound.
  • Time Zone of Egypt: The time zone of Egypt is UTC+2.

Tomb interior inside the Valley of the Kings

Tourist Visas: Most nationalities can receive a 30-day tourist visa on arrival. They cost US$25 and must be paid for in either US dollars, euro, or British pounds.

Electricity: Egypt uses two-prong European-style plugs.

Visiting Mosques: The grand mosques of Cairo are one of Egypt's most spectacular architectural highlights. Most have free entrance (a few have small entry fees) for all visitors.

Wear long trousers/skirts and long-sleeved tops if you want to visit, and female travelers should don a headscarf. Shoes are taken off at the door. If there is an attendant at the entrance looking after the shoes, tip them when receiving your shoes on exit.

Clothing: Except on the tourist beaches of South Sinai and the Red Sea coast, travelers should err on the conservative side with their clothing, covering knees and shoulders.

Money: Egypt has a shortage of small bank notes (which are useful in small shops, cafés, and restaurants and for tipping). Always try to break big notes at every chance you get — at popular tourist sites when paying for tickets and at larger businesses.


Egypt - Giza Sphynx Pyramids, Egypt

Introducing Egypt

About egypt.

  • Images of Egypt
  • History, language & culture
  • Weather & geography
  • Doing business & staying in touch

Plan your trip

  • Travel to Egypt
  • Where to stay

While you’re there

  • Things to see & do
  • Shopping & nightlife
  • Food & drink
  • Getting around

Before you go

  • Passport & visa
  • Public Holidays
  • Money & duty free

Book your flights

  • Cairo International Airport
  • Hurghada International Airport
  • Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport
  • Hurghada beaches
  • Sharm el-Sheikh beaches

Cruise Locations

  • Sharm el Sheikh

Egypt travel guide

A complicated but fascinating country with some of the most enduring historical monuments on Earth, Egypt stands as an unforgettable travel destination. It’s had to deal with its fair share of turmoil in recent times, but this North African nation remains proud, welcoming and accessible. And with treasures as timeless as the temples and pyramids of the Nile to shout about, it’s not somewhere that’s going to slip from public consciousness any time soon. A trip here still very much has the potential to thrill.

In many ways, there are two Egypts. The first is the Egypt of Cairo and the Nile, of bustling medieval bazaars, noseless Sphinxes, river cruises and Agatha Christie-era exoticism. The second, and just as integral to many visitors, is the Egypt of the Red Sea, where a spread of large-scale modern resorts caters to sun-seekers and scuba divers. Sharm el Sheikh, with its world-class diving, high-end hotels and desert adventures, is the best known of them.

Most of the country’s ancient treasures were built during the time of the pharaohs. The Pyramids of Giza (the sole survivors of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World); the lotus-columned temples of Luxor and Karnak; the Valley of the Kings; Aswan and the temples of Abu Simbel: strung along the Nile, these monuments have drawn visitors for centuries. They represent a lasting legacy of one of the most fabled periods of human history.

Of course, the country is best understood not so much for its great monuments or its coral reefs, splendid though they are, but through its people. Bartering for a bargain in Cairo’s ancient Khan al-Khalili bazaar, taking tea and falling into long conversation with a local, or simply stopping awhile in a remote village, silent but for the chatter of hooves on tarmac, will give a glimpse of a country full of character, colour and fortitude.

1,001,450 sq km (386,662 sq miles).

94,137,816 (UN estimate 2016).

88.4 per sq km.

Cairo (El Qahira).

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi since 2014.

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli since June 2018.

Travel Advice

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice. Consular support is also severely limited where FCDO advises against travel.

Egypt-Libya border

FCDO advises against all travel to within 20km of the Egypt-Libya border, except for the town of El Salloum (where we advise against all but essential travel).

North Sinai

FCDO advises against all travel to the Governorate of North Sinai.

Northern part of South Sinai

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the northern part of the Governorate of South Sinai, beyond the St Catherine-Nuweibaa road, except for the coastal areas along the west and east of the peninsula.

The eastern part of Ismailiyah Governorate

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Ismailiyah Governorate east of the Suez Canal.

Western Desert

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the area west of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta regions, except for:

  • Luxor, Qina, Aswan, Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings
  • the Governorate of Faiyum
  • the coastal areas between the Nile Delta and Marsa Matruh
  • the Marsa Matruh-Siwa Road
  • the oasis town of Siwa
  • the Giza Governorate north-east of the Bahariya Oasis
  • the road between Giza and Farafra (but we advise against all but essential travel on the road between Bahariya and Siwa)
  • Bahariya Oasis, Farafra, the White Desert and Black Desert

Hala’ib Triangle and Bir Tawil Trapezoid

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Hala’ib Triangle and the Bir Tawil Trapezoid.

Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel .

Conflict in neighbouring Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs)

The Israeli government has declared a state of emergency across the whole country. International borders in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) could close at short notice. As a result, the land border into Israel from Egypt at Taba could close with little notice. Check with local authorities and consult the travel advice for  Israel  and the  Occupied Palestinian Territories  before trying to cross the border.

In response to events in Israel and the OPTs, a number of demonstrations have taken place in Egypt and protests have been planned, including after Friday prayers. Demonstrations could take place at short notice, with a heavy security presence in place. You should avoid large gatherings, demonstrations and protests. See  Safety and security

Entering Egypt from Gaza

The Rafah border crossing partially opened on 1 November. This is primarily to facilitate the evacuation of seriously wounded Palestinians and some foreign nationals. We understand that the crossing will continue to be open for controlled and time-limited periods to allow specific groups of foreign nationals, including British nationals, to cross. It is for the Egyptian and Israeli authorities to determine who is permitted to cross, and when. The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will contact Embassies to let them know when their foreign nationals can cross. Should we receive notification from the Israeli and Egyptian authorities that individuals are permitted to cross, we will notify those people individually.

Movement to the Rafah crossing and beyond is at your own risk. You should only travel if you judge it is safe to do so. Check the  Israel and The Occupied Palestinian Territories travel advice.

The Egyptian authorities have said all aid going into Gaza from Egypt must be channelled through the Egyptian Red Crescent:

  • telephone: + 20 226 703 979, + 20 226 703 983
  • fax: + 20 226 703 967

They are unlikely to consider requests for humanitarian access made in Egypt at short notice.

Concern for friends and family

If you are concerned about friends or family, or need consular assistance call:

  • British Embassy Cairo on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000
  • +44 1767 667 600  (UK number) if you experience technical difficulties with the above number

Incidents in South Sinai  

On 27 October, an Egyptian Armed Forces spokesperson confirmed that an unidentified drone fell near a medical facility in the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Taba next to the Israeli border, injuring six people. An additional unidentified drone also struck outside the town of Nuweiba, though no casualties have been confirmed. The authorities are conducting ongoing investigations.

Incident in Alexandria

On 8 October 2023, an Egyptian police officer is reported to have shot and killed two Israeli tourists and an Egyptian tour guide in Alexandria. A third tourist was injured. Remain vigilant and exercise caution at tourist and religious sites, as well as public gatherings. Find out more information on current risks on the  Safety and security .

Border crossings from Sudan

There are still people trying to cross the border into Egypt at Argeen and Qustul. Our ability to provide consular assistance is very limited.

If you are a British national and have crossed the border without valid documentation, contact the British Embassy in Cairo for consular assistance on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000.

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide as well as support for British nationals abroad which includes:

  • advice on preparing for travel abroad and reducing risks
  • information for women, LGBT+ and disabled travellers

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Egypt set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Consulate General for Egypt in the UK .

Passport validity requirements

Your passport must be valid for 6 months from the date you arrive. Check with your travel provider to make sure your passport and other travel documents meet their requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

Visa requirements

British passport holders travelling to Egypt normally need a visa. Visa processing fees are non-refundable.

We advise you to get a visa before you travel, particularly if travelling for work or business. You can apply for a visa from the official Visa2Egypt portal or at your nearest Egyptian Consulate . Tourist visas granted using the e-visa system are valid for a maximum of 3 months.

The online e-visa portal (Visa2Egypt) does not currently accept applications from variant British passport holders (those from British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies).

All British passport holders can get a visa in advance by submitting an application in person or by post to the Egyptian Consulate in London . The specific requirements for the visa are listed on the website.

Alternatively, if you wish to get a visa on arrival, you can do so at approved bank kiosks within airport arrival halls, before reaching immigration counters. The visa fee is 25 US dollars, payable in dollars as the preferred currency, although you may also be able to pay in pounds sterling or euros. Visas granted on arrival are valid for a maximum of 30 days. There’s no need to buy a visa from an agent. In many cases agents will charge more than US$25 for a visa. If you’re harassed by an agent, report the incident to the tourist police in the airport terminal.

If you’re travelling to Sharm el Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba resorts for up to 15 days, you will receive a free entry permission stamp on arrival. If you intend to travel out of these areas or stay longer than 15 days, you must get a visa.

If you have travelled to one of the South Sinai Red Sea resorts, entered without a visa and your plans have changed, you can normally purchase a visa at Sharm el Sheikh airport to allow you to travel elsewhere.

Applications for visa extensions should be made at Egyptian Passport and Immigration Offices. You may have difficulties leaving Egypt with an out of date visa. You will normally have to pay a fine if your visa is out of date by more than 14 days.

For further information and enquiries, contact the Egyptian Consulate in London .

Visa extensions

Apply for visa extensions at the Egyptian Passport and Immigration Offices. You may face difficulties if you try to leave Egypt on an expired visa. You may be fined if your visa has expired by more than 14 days.

Contact the Egyptian Consulate in London for more information.

Visas at the Egypt-Sudan Border Crossing

If you’re crossing the border from Sudan, the Egyptian authorities have advised it is still possible to get a visa on arrival for the regular cost of 25 US dollars.

HIV test for work permits

You will need to show your result from a HIV test to apply for a work permit.

Vaccination requirements

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and certificates you need on TravelHealthPro’s Egypt guide . Depending on the country you’re arriving from, this may include a yellow fever vaccination certificate.

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods that can be brought into and taken out of Egypt . You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

You’re allowed to bring in or take out up to 5,000 Egyptian pounds. There is no limit to the amount of hard currency that you can bring in, but you must declare it when you arrive if it’s worth more than 10,000 US dollars.

You must also declare certain valuables, including electrical equipment or video cameras, when you arrive. These will be noted in your passport. You may be asked to show these items again when you leave the country. If you do not have them on you, you may have to pay a high rate of customs duty.

Officials are likely to confiscate satellite phones or radio communications equipment unless you have prior clearance from the Ministry of Telecommunications.

Contact the Egyptian embassy in your country of residence for further information on customs requirements

You should also read FCDO ’s overall travel advice and regional risks advice .

There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. You should remain vigilant at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out more about the global threat from terrorism .

Terrorism in Egypt

Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Egypt.

Terrorism is a risk across Egypt, particularly in North Sinai. Attacks could be indiscriminate. Targets might include:

  • Egyptian security forces
  • religious sites
  • large public gatherings
  • places visited by foreigners

The authorities in Egypt have a significant security presence across the country, including armed security officers at important sites, critical infrastructure and road checkpoints. Extra measures are in place at tourist sites. Recent attacks include:

  • in 2022, an attack to the west of the Suez Canal targeting security forces within the city of Ismailiyah
  • in 2019, at least 20 people killed by a car bomb in Central Cairo’s Manial district
  • in 2019, at least 16 people injured after an IED attack on a tourist bus near the Giza pyramids
  • in 2019, 3 security personnel killed by a suicide bomber in Central Cairo’s Darb al-ahmar district
  • in 2018, a roadside blast killed 4 people on a bus near the Giza pyramids
  • in 2018, gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying Coptic Christians in Minya province killing 7 people. Daesh (formally ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack

Terrorism during holiday periods

There is a heightened threat of terrorism in and around religious sites and during religious festivals, such as the month of Ramadan and the Christmas period (including Coptic Christmas in January). Terrorist attacks have occurred over local holiday weekends. See a list of public holidays on the Egyptian Presidency website .

You should:

  • follow the advice of Egyptian authorities
  • be vigilant in crowds and large gatherings

Airports and airlines

Terrorists in Egypt have the intent and capability to target airport buildings and planes.

The main threat is on the North Sinai Peninsula where Daesh operate with greater freedom, but terrorists are active throughout Egypt.

Co-operate fully with security officials at airports and pay attention to security measures on flights from Egypt to the UK.

Terrorist kidnap

There is a threat of kidnapping by groups operating in North Africa, particularly from Libya and groups originating in the Sahel. This includes Al Qaeda and Daesh-affiliated groups, who may travel across the region’s porous border. There is a heightened risk of kidnap in border and remote desert areas of North Africa. Terrorist groups have taken foreigners, government officials and civilians hostage for financial gain and for political leverage. Further kidnappings are likely.

British nationals are viewed as legitimate targets, including those engaged in tourism, humanitarian aid work, journalism or business sectors. If you are kidnapped, the reason for your presence is unlikely to serve as a protection or secure your safe release.

The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners builds the capability of terrorist groups and finances their activities. This can, in turn, increase the risk of further hostage-taking. The Terrorism Act (2000) makes payments to terrorists illegal.

Military activity in the Red Sea area       

Military activity is currently underway in response to attempts by Houthi militants to prevent movement of international shipping in the Red Sea. While the area of activity is limited to the Red Sea and Yemen, there is a possibility that Travel Advice for nearby countries could change at short notice. You should continue to monitor Travel Advice and follow any relevant instructions from local authorities.

Political situation

Since 2011 there has been significant political turmoil. The political environment remains restrictive. There have been violent protests and disturbances, resulting in a number of deaths.

Protests, marches and demonstrations occur across Egypt, particularly in cities. Avoid protests, marches or demonstrations as the situation could change quickly and without warning. Police have used water cannons, tear gas, birdshot and live ammunition as crowd control.

The authorities may close public spaces, including parks and beaches, at short notice, particularly around the holidays. Follow the guidance of the local authorities. You could be fined or arrested if you do not do as you are told.

Foreigners involved in any political activity or activities critical of the government may be at risk of detention or other measures.

There are reports that personal electronic devices are being checked by security personnel, particularly around places of public gathering, such as Tahrir Square.

The crime rate is generally low, but visitors have reported armed robberies, muggings (including in taxis), sexual assaults, and break-ins to accommodation and cars. Take extra care when travelling alone, particularly at night, in taxis and microbuses.

If you want to report a crime, contact the tourist police on 126. If you do not report a crime before you leave, it will be difficult to ask for a prosecution at a later date.

Sexual assaults and harassment

There are a number of sexual assaults reported to the British Embassy, including cases involving minors.

The majority of cases that have been reported took place in tourist resorts in the Red Sea region, often committed by someone the victim had already met, including hotel workers and excursion staff. There have also been reports of hotel staff discouraging incidents being reported to local police.

Female travellers should exercise caution when travelling alone, particularly at night, in buses, taxis and microbuses. If you are travelling on public transport including microbuses, avoid being the last passenger left on board.

Take extra precautions, including:

make sure children and young people are always accompanied by known and trusted people and not left alone with hotel or excursion staff

don’t allow hotel staff to enter your room when you are alone. Try to ensure a friend or relative is present

avoid travelling in a taxi alone. If this isn’t possible, apply extra security to your trip by sharing the details of your driver and trip with a friend, and using live location on WhatsApp

use reputable providers for any services and excursions, and carry out research beforehand, including by consulting your tour operator where you have one

avoid sharing personal contact or social media details

You may also want to read:

advice for women travelling abroad

information for British nationals affected by rape or sexual assault abroad

If you experience sexual harassment or assault, or anything you see doesn’t feel right, report it to the hotel or local authorities - Tourist Police on 126 and contact the British Embassy at +20 2 279 160 00 as soon as possible for advice and support. Or, you can call the local Police on 122. Both numbers provide English speakers.

Protecting your belongings

Keep a copy of your passport, visa and flight ticket separately from originals when travelling. Leave copies at home where others can access them, and also store them electronically so you can access them easily. If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the police immediately and get a police report.

Take particular care of your possessions on buses, trains and in crowds. Criminals may ride past on bikes and snatch valuables.

Be cautious in tourist areas, where scammers and touts target foreigners.

Staying safe at tourist sites

Tourists at popular tourist sites, such as the Giza Pyramids, may be confronted aggressively for money or business, even while travelling by car or taxi. Visitors using a pre-booked guide, or taking an organised tour to visit the Giza Pyramids, are likely to face fewer difficulties.

Laws and cultural differences

Egypt is predominantly an Islamic country. It is illegal to encourage conversion to the Christian faith.

Respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times. Make sure your actions do not cause offence, especially during Ramadan or when you visit religious areas.

Dress modestly, especially in rural areas, mosques and souqs (markets). Public displays of affection are frowned on. What may be acceptable in the tourist resort areas may not be in other areas.

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims. Ramadan in Egypt in 2024 will likely begin in March and end in April and will last for 30 days. Get more advice when you arrive from your tour guide, hotel or business contacts.

You should also:

  • check opening hours of shops and restaurants
  • be aware that if hotels and restaurants are providing food or drink in fasting hours, they may separate you from Islamic guests, for example with screens
  • follow local dress codes – clothing that does not meet local dress codes may cause more offence at this time
  • be aware that driving may be erratic, particularly when people are trying to get home at dusk
  • be patient and show tolerance

Personal ID

Police regularly carry out ID checks. Keep valid photo ID with you at all times.

Alcohol laws and bans

Drinking alcohol anywhere other than a licensed restaurant or bar is illegal and can lead to arrest.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs is a serious offence and can, even for small amounts, lead to lengthy prison sentences (25 years), life imprisonment or the death penalty. Those sentenced to life imprisonment on drugs charges will normally spend the rest of their life in prison with no possibility of parole or pardon.

Khat is illegal in Egypt.

Criticising the Egyptian government

Making political or negative comments about the Egyptian government, including about the President or security forces, can cause trouble with the authorities. People have faced prison sentences for making insulting comments on social media.

Restrictions on photography

You need a permit for professional photography or film equipment. This includes photography umbrellas, artificial outdoor lighting gear, and any equipment that occupies or blocks public roads.

You are not allowed to take or share photographs that could be considered damaging to the country’s image. You can only take photographs of Egyptian citizens can if you have their written permission. Do not photograph officials without their consent. Taking pictures of children is not allowed.

Photography of, or near, military property is strictly banned. This includes the Suez Canal. There are sensitivities about taking photographs of embassies, government buildings, churches and religious buildings. British nationals have been arrested for photographing churches, electricity stations, train stations and bridges. If you are in any doubt, get permission before taking photographs.

Do not use radio controlled helicopters or ‘drones’ to take photographs.

The import, production or use of drones is banned in Egypt unless you have prior authorisation from the Egyptian Ministry of Defence . Anyone who uses or imports drones without authorisation could be sent to prison for up to 7 years or fined 5,000 to 50,000 Egyptian pounds.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is not explicitly criminalised in Egypt, but LGBT+ people have been prosecuted under the law of ‘debauchery’. People have been arrested for flying rainbow flags at public events on debauchery charges.

There is little public acceptance of homosexuality in Egypt. Public expressions of homosexuality or displays of affection between same-sex couples are likely to get negative attention. See our information and advice page for the LGBT+ community before you travel.

Be cautious about sharing content or having discussions of a sexual nature on social media, especially about sexual acts that are considered illegal. Some travellers have been arrested and imprisoned for this.

Children and young people

Egyptian family law is very different from UK law, particularly around child custody. See FCDO guidance for those affected by international parental child abduction and how to get assistance.

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Insurance for adventure activities.

Make sure your travel insurance, or the tour or dive company, covers the costs for any air or sea rescue. The current fee can exceed 4,000 US dollars per hour. The Egyptian authorities will only undertake rescue operations when there’s a guarantee of payment. Book excursions for activities at your resort or through approved agents or tour operators.

See FCDO travel insurance guidance for more information on travel insurance.

Hot air balloons

Some UK tour operators have not been able to verify the safety standards for balloon flight operators and have stopped selling balloon flights. There have been a number of injuries and fatal accidents. Speak to your tour company before booking.

Diving and snorkelling

Safety standards of diving operators in Red Sea resorts vary considerably. Never dive or snorkel unaccompanied. Where possible make bookings through your tour representative. Very cheap operators may not provide adequate safety and insurance standards. Diving beyond the depth limit of your insurance policy will invalidate your cover.

Shark attacks are rare, but there have been a number involving tourists in the Red Sea region. Monitor any updates from local authorities or your tour operator.

Quad bikes and desert visits

There have been several serious quad bike accidents involving British nationals in resort areas. Take the same precautions as you would in the UK. Safety standards can vary considerably. Always wear a crash helmet.

There is a small risk from unexploded landmines in some desert areas, including:

  • in the north west of Egypt near to Alamein
  • on some limited stretches of the Mediterranean coast near Marsa Matrouh
  • on the Red Sea coast south of Suez

Dangerous areas are usually well marked with signs and barbed wire fencing. Take care and follow local advice, especially if planning trips off marked roads.

Transport risks

Road travel.

If you are planning to drive in Egypt, see information on driving abroad .

You can drive in Egypt on an International Driving Permit for up to 6 months. If you intend to stay in Egypt for a longer period you must apply for an Egyptian driving licence.

You may not be allowed to import a vehicle into Egypt. If you want to bring in a vehicle temporarily, you will need a ‘carnet de passage’ from the Automobile Association.

Accidents are common because of poor road conditions, dangerous driving and poor enforcement of traffic laws. Do not drive outside main cities and resorts at night. Make sure you have adequate insurance.

If you’re travelling off-road, employ a qualified guide and get a permit from the Ministry of Interior.

You must wear a seatbelt in the front of a vehicle.

Rail and bus travel

There have been serious bus crashes in recent years with large numbers of fatalities, including tourists.

There have also been fatal train collisions and derailments.

Suspect devices have been found at train stations and on the rail network. Although some have been hoaxes or false alarms you should be vigilant.

River and sea travel

Overcrowding and poor safety standards have led to several accidents on Red Sea ferries and Nile cruisers.

This section has safety advice for regions of Egypt. It only covers regions where FCDO has specific advice.

You should also read FCDO ’s overall travel advice and safety and security advice .

Egypt-Libya Border

FCDO advises against all travel to within 20km of the Egyptian-Libyan border, due to active military operations that target criminal activity, except for the border town of El Salloum (where we advise against all but essential travel).

FCDO advises against all travel to the Governorate of North Sinai, due to continuing criminal activity and terrorist attacks on police and security forces that have resulted in deaths.

There are frequent reports of terrorist attacks in North Sinai. Most attacks are in the northeast corner of the governorate between Al-Arish city and the border with Gaza, but the whole of the North Sinai Governorate is at risk. A state of emergency in North Sinai is in effect and a curfew is in place.

Most attacks in North Sinai are against the Egyptian government and military installations and personnel. However attacks have been carried out against civilians suspected of working with the authorities and local religious minority groups.

The northern part of South Sinai

If you plan to travel in a 4x4 vehicle from mainland Egypt through the Suez crossing, you need a permit from the Travel Permits Department of the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior. You should book any activities outside of resort areas through approved agents or tour operators.

Additional security measures are in place to protect the resorts of Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada and Marsa Alam and other tourist areas on the Red Sea. Security forces carry out routine security checks on vehicles and at airports. These are in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula and further south. These areas do not have a travel advice warning.

Ismailiyah Governorate

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the eastern part of the Ismailiyah Governorate east of the Suez Canal due to ongoing military operations against terrorists and criminals. Egyptian authorities at checkpoints may prevent onward travel to this region.

FCDO  advises against all but essential travel to the area west of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta regions, except for:

Tourists who enter the Western Desert areas of Bahariya Oasis, Farafra, the White Desert and Black Desert must apply for permits in advance and use an official guide. There is limited phone reception and poor medical facilities. Monitor travel advice and follow guidance from official guides and local authorities.

The FCDO advises against all but essential travel on the road between Al Bawiti and Siwa, including the desert areas near the start of the road in Bahariya. The road is closed and there are military checkpoints.

If you travel to the south west corner of Egypt near the border with Sudan or Libya you will need a permit from the Travel Permits Department of the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior . Bandits and armed groups operate in these areas.

Act with extreme caution in all border areas.

The  FCDO  advises against all but essential travel to the Hala’ib Triangle and Bir Tawil Trapezoid.

The Hala’ib Triangle remains disputed territory between Egypt and Sudan. If you’re in the Hala’ib Triangle and need urgent consular assistance, you should contact the British Embassy Cairo .

The Bir Tawil Trapezoid is unclaimed by either Egypt or Sudan. If you’re in this area and need urgent consular assistance, contact the British Embassy in the country you last travelled through (either the British Embassy Cairo or the British Embassy Khartoum .

Egypt-Sudan border

There are large numbers of people trying to cross the border into Egypt. There are 2 main land border crossings between Egypt and Sudan - Qustul and Argeen. The nearest town in Sudan to the crossings is Wadi Halfa (30km from border).

Travel in and from Sudan is taken at your own risk. There is almost no infrastructure at these border crossings. People are waiting several days to cross the border, with very limited access to food and water. The British Embassy in Egypt does not have staff at the border. Our ability to provide consular assistance is very limited.

If you are a British national planning to cross into Egypt at Argeen or Qustul, and you do not have valid documentation with you, contact the British Embassy in Cairo on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000.

If you are have crossed the border into Egypt, and need consular assistance, contact the British Embassy in Cairo on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000.

Read FCDO ’s Sudan travel advice .

If you are in Egypt and need consular assistance, such as an emergency travel document, contact the British Embassy in Cairo on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000.

Before you travel check that:

  • your destination can provide the healthcare you may need
  • you have appropriate travel insurance for local treatment or unexpected medical evacuation

This is particularly important if you have a health condition or are pregnant.

Emergency medical number

Dial 123 and ask for an ambulance.

Contact your insurance or medical assistance company promptly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.

Vaccinations and health risks

At least 8 weeks before your trip check:

the latest information on vaccinations and health risks in TravelHealthPro’s Egypt guide

where to get vaccines and whether you have to pay on the NHS travel vaccinations page

The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

Read best practice when travelling with medicines on TravelHealthPro .

The NHS has information on whether you can take your medicine abroad .

Some prescribed and over-the-counter medicines may be controlled substances in Egypt. You may need permission from Egypt’s Ministry of Health before you arrive. If you do not have prior permission or the required documentation, the medication will not be allowed in and you may be prosecuted under Egyptian law.

If you’re travelling with prescription medication, carry a letter from your GP that specifies:

  • your condition
  • the quantity of medication you will be carrying
  • that the medication is for your personal use only

For further information, contact the Egyptian Embassy in London.

Healthcare facilities in Egypt

FCDO has a list of English speaking doctors in Egypt .

Some hotel doctors have overcharged for treatment and medicines. Review your bill closely for excessive charges. Pharmacies outside hotels will often supply medication at lower prices.

Access to specialised treatment for psychiatric illness is limited and may not be available outside major cities.

Travel and mental health

Read FCDO guidance on travel and mental health . There is also mental health guidance on TravelHealthPro .

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) cannot provide tailored advice for individual trips. Read this travel advice and carry out your own research before deciding whether to travel.

Emergency services in Egypt

Ambulance: 123

Police: 122

Contact your travel provider and insurer

Contact your travel provider and your insurer if you are involved in a serious incident or emergency abroad. They will tell you if they can help and what you need to do.

Refunds and changes to travel

For refunds or changes to travel, contact your travel provider. You may also be able to make a claim through insurance. However, insurers usually require you to talk to your travel provider first.

Find out more about changing or cancelling travel plans , including:

  • where to get advice if you are in a dispute with a provider
  • how to access previous versions of travel advice to support a claim

Support from FCDO

FCDO has guidance on staying safe and what to do if you need help or support abroad, including:

  • finding English-speaking  lawyers ,  funeral directors  and  translators and interpreters  in Egypt
  • dealing with a  death in Egypt
  • being  arrested in Egypt
  • getting help if you’re a  victim of crime
  • what to do if you’re  in hospital
  • if you are affected by a crisis , such as a terrorist attack

Contacting FCDO

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this travel advice is updated.

You can also contact FCDO online

Help abroad in an emergency

If you are abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission .

FCDO in London

You can call FCDO in London if you need urgent help because something has happened to a friend or relative abroad.

Telephone: 020 7008 5000 (24 hours)

Find out about call charges

Risk information for British companies

The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.

A digital image at

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Egypt Travel Guide: Beyond the Pyramids and Sphinx

Why you’ll love egypt.

Diving into our comprehensive Egypt Travel Guide, this ancient land in the heart of the Middle East beckons with a mosaic of cultural histories, breathtaking landscapes, and enthralling adventures. Egypt, a crucible of civilization, stands as an unparalleled destination for explorers yearning for a journey through history and culture.

Its distinguished heritage, cradled by the mighty Nile River, offers a unique fusion of millennia-old monuments and contemporary vibrancy. You’ll encounter timeless wonders, from the grand Pyramids of Giza to the mystical temples of Luxor, against a backdrop of bustling city life and serene desert vistas.

Whether your quest is to uncover the secrets of ancient pharaohs, sail the tranquil waters of the Nile, or marvel at the rich tapestry of Egyptian life, Egypt promises an adventure like no other. From the aromatic alleys of Cairo’s bazaars to the majestic silence of the Sahara, each experience weaves into a compelling narrative of discovery and awe.

Egypt Travel Guide

Despite its vast expanse, Egypt presents a world of experiences in a single, accessible destination. It is a land where the past and present coalesce, offering a perfect blend of exploration, enlightenment, and leisure. Embark on a voyage to Egypt and let the legacy of the pharaohs guide your way.

When to Go and What to Expect

Woman traveling Egypt

Best Time to Visit

Timing plays a pivotal role in experiencing the magic this ancient land has to offer. The best time to embark on your Egyptian adventure is during the cooler months, from October to April. This period provides a comfortable climate for exploring Egypt’s vast monuments and outdoor treasures without the intensity of the summer heat. Imagine wandering through the Valley of the Kings, strolling along the Nile’s banks under a gentle sun, or enjoying the majestic views from a hot air balloon over Luxor at sunrise, making each discovery more enjoyable and profound. These months also celebrate a myriad of cultural festivals, offering a glimpse into Egypt’s vibrant traditions and local life.

Egypt Pyramid and Sphinx

Egypt at a Glance

Egypt, a land where every grain of sand whispers tales of yore, offers more than just its monumental relics. Beyond the iconic pyramids and Sphinx, Egypt unfolds as a tapestry of bustling markets, vibrant street life, and tranquil Nile cruises. From the chaotic charm of Cairo’s streets to the serene beauty of Aswan, Egypt is a juxtaposition of the ancient and the modern. Each city and site tells its own story, contributing to the rich, intricate mosaic that is Egyptian heritage. As you navigate through this guide, you’ll find that Egypt’s allure lies not only in its historical magnificence but in its ability to enchant and surprise at every turn, promising an unforgettable journey that resonates with every traveler.

Top Experiences & Attractions

Ruined Temple of Karnak

Expert Picks: Unmissable Attractions

Egypt’s tapestry of history offers a myriad of landmarks, but some shine brighter in the narrative of time. The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx stand as testaments to ancient ingenuity, beckoning travelers with their timeless allure. Not to be missed, the temples of Karnak and Luxor in the ancient city of Thebes offer a walk through the heart of Egypt’s religious life. For a touch of color and culture, the Khan El Khalili bazaar in Cairo provides an authentic glimpse into Egyptian commerce and craftsmanship, a bustling hub where history meets modern day.

Beautiful View of Cairo Tower

Where to Get the Best Views of Egypt’s Wonders

To truly embrace Egypt’s grandeur, knowing where to catch the best views is key. The panoramic vista from the Cairo Tower offers a breathtaking overview of the city, with the Pyramids in the distance. A felucca ride at sunset along the Nile presents a serene perspective of Egypt’s lifeline, with silhouettes of ancient structures lining the horizon. For the adventurers, a hot air balloon ride over Luxor at dawn reveals the magnificent spread of temples and the Valley of the Kings below, a sight that captures the essence of Egypt’s majestic landscape.

In essence, Egypt’s vast landscapes and rich history offer a journey through time, where each corner holds a story and every view etches a memory. Embark on this adventure to witness the wonders of an ancient world, unfolding before your eyes.


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Planning Your Egyptian Adventure

Embark confidently with these tailored tips and expert insights to navigate your journey through Egypt seamlessly.

Egypt Travel Itinerary

Crafting the perfect itinerary is key to unlocking Egypt’s treasures. A balanced plan might include the pyramids and Cairo’s rich museums, a cruise down the Nile from Luxor to Aswan, and a dive into the Red Sea’s vibrant reefs. For tailored experiences, consider exploring lesser-known gems like Siwa Oasis or the temples of Abu Simbel. Remember, every journey through Egypt is a personal odyssey – let it reflect your interests and pace.

Egypt Local Guide

Navigating Egypt’s wonders can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Allied Travel offers personalized planning services , leveraging local expertise to tailor your trip to perfection. From securing the best accommodations to arranging immersive tours, let professionals handle the details, ensuring a stress-free adventure steeped in authenticity.

Woman Learning Arabic

A successful trip hinges on preparation. Familiarize yourself with local customs and languages, pack wisely for Egypt’s climate, and stay informed about travel advisories. Embrace flexibility in your plans to accommodate unexpected discoveries. For comprehensive advice and support, Allied Travel’s experts are just a consultation away, ready to equip you with all you need for your Egyptian exploration.

Hurghada International Airport

Before setting off, ensure your travel checklist is complete. This includes obtaining necessary visas, vaccinations, and insurance. Align with Allied Travel to streamline these preparations, making your transition into Egypt’s enchanting landscape as smooth as possible. With everything in order, you’re free to immerse fully in the wonders awaiting you.

In harmonizing these elements, your journey through Egypt transforms into an enriching experience, blending the thrill of discovery with the peace of mind that comes from expert planning. Allied Travel is here to guide you through every step, ensuring your Egyptian adventure is nothing short of extraordinary.

Comprehensive Destination Guides

Unlock the mysteries of Egypt with these detailed guides to its most captivating destinations.

Egypt Cairo - Giza

Step into the heart of Cairo, where ancient marvels meet modern vibrancy. Behold the Pyramids of Giza, where history’s echo is loudest, demonstrating the awe-inspiring achievements of ancient architects. Wander through Cairo’s animated souks, visit museums brimming with artifacts, and marvel at towering minarets. A stroll in Old Cairo reveals a tapestry of history at every corner, inviting you to walk in the footsteps of history.

Luxor temple Karnak

Luxor invites you on an unparalleled journey back to ancient Egypt, standing proud as the world’s premier living museum. Venture from the awe-inspiring Karnak to the sacred Valley of the Kings, each site narrating tales of pharaonic grandeur. Greet the day from above in a hot air balloon, floating over Luxor as it basks in the golden sunrise, and connect with the enduring legacy of an ancient civilization in tranquil majesty.

The Great Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel, Egypt

The journey from Aswan to Abu Simbel is a voyage through time, showcasing the natural beauty and grand monuments along the Nile. Aswan, with its tranquil islands and Nubian culture, is the perfect starting point for a trip to the awe-inspiring Abu Simbel temples, relocated stone by stone to preserve them from the Nile’s rising waters. This journey encapsulates the enduring legacy of ancient Egypt, set against the backdrop of stunning landscapes.

Red Sea coast in Egypt, Sharm el sheikh

A trip to Egypt wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the Red Sea’s azure waters and vibrant coral reefs. From Hurghada to Sharm El-Sheikh, the Red Sea coast offers world-class snorkeling, diving, and beach resorts. Discover underwater marvels, relax on pristine beaches, and indulge in the region’s luxury accommodations. The Red Sea coast is Egypt’s promise of paradise, blending adventure with relaxation.

Each of these destinations tells a part of Egypt’s story, from ancient marvels to natural wonders. Together, they offer a journey through time, culture, and breathtaking beauty, making your Egyptian adventure truly unforgettable.

Handy Travel Tips for Egypt

Get ready for an Egyptian adventure that’s as smooth as the Nile with these easy-to-follow tips.

Woman travels in Egypt

Egypt is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Dress modestly to honor local customs, especially when visiting sacred sites. Carrying small change for tips will endear you to service providers. For a hassle-free experience, Allied Travel crafts journeys that marry adventure with the comforts of home, tailored just for you.

Travel budget - vacation money savings in a glass jar

Whether you’re cruising the Nile in style or backpacking through the desert, Egypt has something for everyone’s budget. Traveling outside peak seasons and eating at local favorites can save you a bundle. Allied Travel’s savvy planners can help you get the most bang for your buck, from cozy stays to skip-the-line access at ancient wonders.

portable WiFi

Keep in touch and share your experiences with ease. Pick up a local SIM card for affordable data, and use free WiFi in hotels and cafes for bigger uploads. For constant connection, ask Allied Travel about getting a portable WiFi device—never miss a beat or a post.

woman drink water egypt

Egypt’s sun is no joke—drink plenty of water and slather on the sunscreen. Keep a list of emergency numbers and your travel insurance details close, just in case. Allied Travel’s experts are always on standby to offer health and safety tips, ensuring your Egyptian adventure is memorable for all the right reasons.

These straightforward tips, brought to you by Allied Travel , are your keys to unlocking an effortless and enjoyable trip to Egypt, ensuring you’re well-prepared for everything from navigating local customs to staying connected on the go.

FAQs & Essential Tips

Dive deeper with essential advice tailored for a seamless Egyptian journey.

Beautiful woman looks oriental clothes in Egypt Bazaar

Got lingering questions? For powering devices, Egypt’s standard is 220V—don’t forget an adapter for convenience. Consider lightweight, breathable fabrics to navigate the climate comfortably. Nightlife enthusiasts will find Cairo’s vibrant scene inviting, with options ranging from traditional tea houses to modern clubs. For history buffs, a detailed guidebook enriches visits to ancient sites. Allied Travel experts are at your service, ready to fine-tune your trip with insider tips on lesser-known attractions and practical advice, ensuring your Egyptian journey is enriched with personalized insights and smooth experiences.

Tourist Woman in Karnak Temple in Luxor Egypt

For a worry-free trip, staying informed about your surroundings and local news is advisable. When exploring Egypt’s bustling markets or historical sites, keeping valuables secure and using official taxis or transportation services recommended by Allied Travel enhances your safety. Understanding and adhering to Egypt’s photography rules, especially around military areas or certain monuments, ensures a smooth experience. Allied Travel’s guidance can help you master these nuances, blending safety with respectful exploration.

These advanced tips bridge the gap between basic preparation and a truly insightful Egyptian experience, ensuring you’re well-equipped for an enriching, respectful, and safe adventure.

Final Thoughts & Getting Started

Embark on an unforgettable journey where ancient history and modern vibrancy meet.

Woman at the airport to Egypt

Egypt is more than a travel destination; it’s a leap into the pages of history, offering an unparalleled blend of awe-inspiring ancient wonders and warm, welcoming culture. From the majestic Nile River to the sprawling deserts and the mystic pyramids, each landmark tells a story of civilization’s dawn. Egypt promises an adventure that transcends time, inviting you to witness the legacy of the pharaohs and the beauty of its lands.


Ready to explore the riches of Egypt? Beginning your adventure is easier than you think. Allied Travel simplifies the journey , offering bespoke itineraries that cater to your interests, from historical exploration to leisurely Nile cruises. Partner with experts who know Egypt inside and out, ensuring your trip is not just a vacation but a profound exploration of an ancient world. Start your Egyptian odyssey with Allied Travel , where every detail is crafted for an experience as timeless as Egypt itself.

travel guide in egypt


Dean Burtch, the esteemed Navigator In Chief of Allied Travel, has steered the company with dedication and vision for 36 years. His global adventures, spanning from the historic wonders of Cairo to the vibrant heart of New York City, reflect a rich tapestry of travel expertise. Dean’s signature journey, a captivating sail through the Virgin Islands, marks the pinnacle of his travel experiences. He is a staunch advocate for diving into the essence of local cultures and believes that the most unexpected challenges often forge the most memorable and cherished travel tales. Dean’s guidance is a beacon for travelers seeking authentic and transformative experiences.

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14 things to know to help you plan the perfect trip to Egypt

Monica Gerges

Aug 18, 2023 • 9 min read

travel guide in egypt

Plan the perfect trip to Egypt with these essential tips on etiquette, health and safety © Grant Faint / Getty Images

Egypt’s  rich history reverberates through its modern-day culture. There’s plenty to do that will engage all your senses, from majestic ancient sights to lively streets rife with aromatic foods, and the vibrant and eclectic nightlife.

To fully indulge in all the excitement, there are some things you should consider, including the country’s cultural traditions. But worry not: this guide to planning and packing along with tips on health, safety and etiquette will have you ready for the a fantastic experience in Egypt.

1. Consider getting your visa in advance

Bags in one hand and paperwork in the other is all many travelers need to get on a plane and fly to Egypt. If you’re eligible , you can get a renewable single-entry tourist visa on arrival for USD$25, valid for 30 days. However, if you’re missing any documents or if there’s a problem processing your visa on arrival, you may be denied entry.

If you prefer a multiple-entry visa or want to avoid lines at the airport, you can apply for an e-Visa through the official government portal before travel to avoid any entry issues or delays.

Two figures lie in a turquoise lake surrounded by sandy desert

2. Prepare a rough itinerary

There’s so much more to Egypt than the pyramids, and planning ahead will help you avoid a logistical nightmare. Plan your days by area (especially in major cities where traffic is both intense and unpredictable) so it’s easier to move around between locations.

If you’re a beach lover , there are plenty of destinations on the North Coast or Naama Bay for diving or snorkeling trips. If you’re an avid explorer and prefer something off the beaten track , Egypt’s lesser-known gems – like the stunning Siwa Oasis  – are absolutely worth the adventure.

Egypt truly caters to every kind of traveler, and the best way to create a personalized experience is to focus on what’s important to you and plan accordingly.

3. Learn some basic Arabic phrases

Whipping out Google Translate for quick questions about directions can be helpful, but organic responses to basic niceties will prove useful. 

Most Egyptians are eager to help when asked, but you might need to tie up a few odds and ends in Arabic with unilingual locals. They also come in handy if you need to fend off hustlers or persistent merchants. Learning a few words and phrases like “ al salam alaykom ” (hello), “ shukran ” (thank you), “ aywa ” (yes), “ la’a ” (no), and “ ma’ al-salama ” (goodbye) will go a long way.

4. Don’t underestimate Egypt’s weather – both hot and cold 

Sunscreen is key if you don’t want to spend the better half of your vacation huddled up with ice packs. This is especially true if you’re visiting during the summer, but holds up throughout the year.

July is the hottest month, with temperatures ranging anywhere from 34.7°C (94.5°F) to a scorching 43.3°C (109.9°F). Yet, despite its year-round sunny skies, Egypt’s overall desert climate makes winters especially cold – the kind of cold that creeps beneath your clothes and gives you chills right down to your bones.

It doesn’t help that the poorly insulated buildings barely keep the freezing weather at bay, so you have to talk yourself into going outside because it’s warmer outdoors than it is indoors. Temperatures drop as low as 10°C (50°F) at times, so if you’re visiting between October and March , make sure to pack some warm clothes along with your sunscreen. 

5. Pack for the heat, but keep it conservative

Egypt is known for its cotton, and what better place to wear cotton than here. Pack airy breathable clothes, and break out all the pastels and bright colors in your closet. Most people in major cities dress casually and embrace comfort over fashion. But remember that Egypt is a country with primarily conservative locals.

You can’t go wrong with loose clothing, and exposing too much skin is generally frowned upon. Men can sport tank tops if they’re comfortable with a few extra stares, but short shorts are not advisable, and women should avoid low-cut tops, short shorts/skirts or revealing dresses.

Beach destinations bend these unspoken rules, however, and locals are accommodating to visitors, so if you're heading for the beach, you don't need to leave all your shorts and sundresses behind.

A man drives a car through the desert

6. Keep transportation in mind when booking accommodation

While booking your lodgings, look into modes of transportation in the surrounding area. If you’re planning a short time in your destination, opt for lodgings central to the sights on your itinerary or close to a metro station so you don’t waste too much time stuck in traffic. If you’ve got more time, you can opt for something a little less central, but remember that you could spend a chunk of your time traveling. 

Cairo and Giza are mostly accessible using the metro system, and if you’re a female traveler we recommend you seek out the carriages reserved for women.

Some destinations will require further planning, and white taxis and Uber rides are your best bet. If you opt for a white taxi, always make sure the meter’s running before you hop in, and hail it a few meters away from your hotel for a cheaper ride. Avoid taxis that don’t use meters and aren’t very tourist-friendly. Long-distance buses and domestic flights are an option too, depending on your budget.

7. Be mindful of your etiquette at religious and historic sites

It’s important to not just dress appropriately but to also be mindful of local etiquette especially at certain sights.

Visiting a mosque? Take off your shoes before entering and, if you’re female, cover your head. 

At a historic site? Don’t touch the antiquities and always use cameras without the flash.

On the beach? Yes you can sport your best swimsuit and relax, but like every place in the world, there’s always a code of conduct. Be observant and if in doubt, do what the locals do.

Local tip: Photography is encouraged at tourist sites, but don’t photograph people without their consent, and don't take photos where it is explicitly prohibited.

8. Avoid public displays of affection

We’ve established that Egypt leans toward conservative, and this extends to public displays of affection. While holding hands with your partner won’t garner much attention, limit your public physical interactions to what would be considered mild and proper. 

Platonic kisses on the cheek are a common greeting between friends in Egypt but, depending on your surroundings, should be limited to members of the same sex.

9. Bring small bills and be prepared to tip

Tipping in Egypt is still standard practice, especially in the service industry. Tips, or baksheesh , can range from 5 EGP (<$0.50) to 100 EGP ($5.50), depending on who you are paying and where.

Egypt is largely cash-oriented, so pick up both large and small bills when you’re exchanging currency to make payments and tipping easier.

Restaurants and cafes are easier to figure out, with 10-15% of the bill being customary, and loose change is the norm for food purchases from street vendors. Higher tips are usually reserved for people who provide you with long-term services, such as drivers and tour guides. While you’re not required to tip delivery services, taxis, and ride-hailing apps, you can round up the bill if you’ve had a satisfying experience. 

A shop in a market with colorful lights and lanterns displayed all over the walls

10. Haggling for souvenirs is part of the experience

From papyrus papers and traditional souvenirs to carefully crafted silverware and hand-painted ceramics, markets in Egypt are a treasure trove. But if you feel like something is overpriced, don’t shy away from haggling.

While vendors aren’t particularly fond of the back-and-forth, it’s all part of the experience and no matter what you pay in the end you can convince yourself it was a great deal.

Don’t attempt to haggle in bigger shops in or outside tourist attractions, and if there’s an official price posted on the product, it’s usually non-negotiable.

Pro tip: Keep your eyes and ears open and gauge the price range of similar items in nearby stores so you can tell if you’re being overcharged. Haggling is mainly confined to souvenir spots, souks (markets) and less formal selling areas. 

11. Don't drink the tap water and beware of food carts

To dodge any stomach bugs that might ruin your Egyptian adventure, avoid drinking tap water unless it’s filtered, especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Pack a good water-filtering system or do like the locals and use bottled water. 

While Egyptian cuisine is one of the country’s best assets, and the temptation to sample it every chance you get is understandable, some carts improperly store their food. It can be difficult to tell as a visitor, so it may be wise to opt for local shops instead. They often offer similar food but are generally safer to indulge to your heart’s content.

12. Flood season is June to September

Flooding is an issue in Egypt in June to September, but it’s usually mild and mostly limited to some coastal areas. It’s always a good idea to activate news alerts on your phone anyway and keep an eye on the local news.

The floods are usually easy to manage, but roads can be impacted, especially in some areas in South Sinai.

Four women stand on a train platform. The waiting train has female-only symbols above the carriage doors

13. Solo female travelers may receive unwanted attention

If you’re a woman traveling on your own , keep an eye out for harassers, scammers and hustlers who may be pushy and persistent. Confident interactions are often key to driving them away, but calling out for assistance or announcing you’ll involve the police can be a good deterrent as well. 

As a rule of thumb, try to avoid interactions with individuals in suspicious settings, like quiet alleyways, dark street corners, and empty spots, and look for crowds with women and children if you feel unsafe. Never get into a taxi or Uber with anyone but the driver. Ride in the carriages reserved for women on the metro in Cairo. And, as is sadly the case in most of the world, avoid walking alone late at night.

14. Tourist police can assist you in an emergency 

Egypt is generally considered safe to visit, but if you face any issues that you believe require law enforcement interference, look for police officers with a tourism police badge on their shoulders – it’s a navy blue half sleeve with a gold eagle in the middle, and “Tourism and Antiquities Police” written at the bottom. They are stationed at every tourist destination in Egypt and can also be reached by dialing 126 from any Egyptian mobile number.

If you’d rather file a complaint later, you can dial 19654 and communicate directly with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. It's also a good idea to keep the number of your home embassy or consulate handy.

Pro tip: Invest in an Egyptian SIM card upon arrival. They’re cheap and will make local interactions much easier for you. Vodafone, Etisalat, Orange and WE are Egypt’s top mobile service providers; you can find their booths in the final hall on your way out of Cairo International Airport. 

This article was first published Jul 23, 2022 and updated Aug 18, 2023.

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Egypt Travel Tips: 24 Essential Things You Should Know Before You Visit Egypt (2024)

Essential Egypt Travel Tips You Should Know in 2023

Travelling to Egypt? This Egypt travel tips guide will give you a detailed rundown of absolutely everything you should know before visiting Egypt. Including what to wear, tipping culture, scams, and loads of other useful hacks.

Egypt is awesome. Seeing its magnificent monuments and the mighty Nile will no doubt leave a lasting impression on you.

If you’re reading this, then there’s are good chance you have either booked your flights to Egypt  or you’re seriously considering going. Either way, that’s great! You’ve come to the right place and are in good hands.

You won’t regret deciding to travel to Egypt. I know  you will have a fabulous time.

How do I know that? Because you’re here reading this article!

You’re doing the right thing by researching and arming yourself with information. This is guide covers literally everything you need to know before visiting Egypt.

This is a very honest (and sometimes brutally honest)  guide. No sugar-coating. My intention is not to be a Debbie Downer. I simply want to prepare you, so you will have a wonderful time because there won’t be any nasty surprises.

You won’t find a more comprehensive guide out there on how to prepare for and what to expect in Egypt. I’ve literally poured all my knowledge (and then some!) into this guide because just like you, I was both excited about going to Egypt but also very anxious and probably a bit paranoid too.

With that in mind, here’s everything we’ll cover. Plus a bonus tip at the end you won’t want to miss!

Looking for something in particular? Use this table of contents below to jump around using the links.

Table of Contents

Why you should go to egypt, is it safe to travel to egypt.

  • Is Egypt Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
  • Survival Arabic Language Guide

When Should You Go to Egypt?

What is the safest way to travel around egypt.

  • Food and Upset Stomachs
  • Heat and Hydration
  • Vaccinations
  • Haggling and Bargaining
  • Nothing is free
  • Cairo Airport
  • Crossing the road
  • Photography
  • Camel Rides
  • School Children
  • Mosques and Religious Sites
  • Fridays and Saturdays
  • BONUS TIP: Fake Papyrus Scam

Egypt Travel Tips - Karnak Temple

Karnak Temple

There’s so much to love about Egypt and nothing comes close to experiencing it in in person and not through a TV screen. The history, the temples, the smells, the heat, the sand, the Nile and the moment when your eyes finally gaze up at the Pyramids of Giza. All along the Nile you can trace the Ancient Egyptians through history as you visit their impressive and carefully decorated temples and tombs. Learning about the Ancient Egyptians, how they lived, their beliefs, inventions, and actually seeing their creations is something that will stay with you forever. Egypt is simply a marvel that should be experienced by everyone.

Yes! It’s much safer than the media may lead you to believe. Which is probably why you’re here reading about this Egypt travel tips guide

As an Aussie, I always check the Australian Smart Traveller site for travel warnings. This is the equivalent of the travel warning list by the U.S Department of State for American citizens.

While Egypt is currently listed with a Level 2 travel warning (go to page 4 ) (True as of August 19, 2018), it’s important to remember that governments will always err on the side of caution.

There are four levels used. Where Level 1 means ‘exercise normal precautions’ and Level 4 means ‘do not travel’.

As you can see, this particular warning doesn’t mean you shouldn’t travel. It just means that certain areas are better off being avoided and you just need to be more cautious when visiting them. That’s up to you to decide what you’re most comfortable with.

As of August 2018, the areas of Egypt which are flagged as dangerous are:

  • The Sinai Peninsula (with the exception of travel to Sharm El-Sheikh by air) due to terrorism.
  • The Western Desert due to terrorism.
  • Egyptian border areas due to military zones.

The site goes on to suggest ways in which you can reduce any risk:

  • Stay alert in locations frequented by Westerners.
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
  • Obtain comprehensive medical insurance ( get a free quote here ) that includes medical evacuation.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Review the Crime and Safety Report for Egypt.
  • U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist.

There are other ways you can ensure your safety and help you to feel more confident with your decision to travel to Egypt. This is covered in a later section.

Because of all the negative attention Egypt has received, tourism has fallen drastically which is great for us travellers but not so great for the locals who depend on the tourist dollar.

With fewer visitors, there are also fewer scammers and smaller crowds at famous attractions. So, there is a silver lining.

On a more personal note, I felt safe during my entire Egypt trip which started in Cairo and went all the way down the Nile to Abu Simbel near the Sudan border.

If I can offer any addition peace of mind, it’s that tourist attractions are generally the safest areas to be in in Egypt as they are heavily guarded.

In addition to this, the locals who I met in hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, souks and the Telecom store where I bought my local SIM card, were all very helpful, kind, and friendly.

Is Egypt safe for solo female travellers?

Egypt Travel Tips - Pyramids Complex

Admiring the Pyramids

Yes! While Egypt is safe, as a female, you will feel a little bit uncomfortable. This feeling will come mainly in open public places such as walking down the street and in souks.

It’s in these places that you will find men loitering, either by themselves or with a couple of other men. I can only describe this as people watching as most of the time they are sitting on plastic chairs and watching the world go by, including us.

If you’re female, you will receive a lot of looks. In my experience they were harmless. If anything, it just made me feel a bit self-conscious.

Sometimes these men will try to start talking with you or guess where you’re from (they’re very good at getting this right, by the way). Somehow they can tell an Australian from an American just by looking or listening to us speak. Very clever cookies.

It’s at this point, you should do what a local Egyptian man told to me, and that is, to ignore them. Don’t even look at them. This will be enough to discourage them. It might seem like you’re being rude, but ultimately it will protect you.

I was told that the seemingly harmless conversations that start with something like guessing where you’re from, will eventually lead into being invited into their home, shop or restaurant, where they will offer you tea (a traditional welcoming custom), then after some more small talk, they will present you with something and insist you buy it. If you decline, they will get angry.

Okay, so I just painted a terrible picture, but it’s important to be aware of these things. I experienced this first-hand and didn’t know what had happened until my local guide told me that it’s a very common ploy.

Not all men are like this by the way. Just some that give the rest a bad name.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Survival Arabic Travel Phrase Language Guide

Knowing some Arabic ahead of travelling to Egypt is such a game changer. When you can show that you speak a bit of the Arabic language   and can recognise certain keywords, this will give you an extra layer of protection, especially when it comes to dealing with money.

Not only will you feel more in control, but locals will appreciate and respect your efforts to learn their language.

Here are 13 useful Egyptian Arabic words and phrases you should learn and use:

  • Hello – salam / marhaban / ahlan
  • Peace be with you – As-salāmu alaykum – Even though this literally means ‘peace be with you’, it is a commonly used greeting. The response would be Alaikum Salaam, meaning ‘upon you be peace’.
  • Thank you – shukran
  • Please – min fadlak (if you’re a male), min fadlik (if you’re a female)
  • Y ou’re welcome – Afwan
  • Yes – aywa, No – lā, Ok – Mashi
  • How much is this? – bi-kam da. You can say, I’ll pay 100 – Enna hafda meeya. Incidentally, if you say ‘meeya meeya’ (’100, 100′) this means ‘perfect’ or ‘really good’.
  • It costs too much – Da ghali awi
  • I would like… – momkin
  • I want – Enna iza (if you’re a female) or Enna ayez (if you’re a male). To negative the sentence, add ‘mish’. For example, ana mish iza/ayez (I don’t want)
  • I don’t understand – ana mish fahem
  • Go away – Em’shee
  • Pyramid – Haram. Most Egyptians don’t understand the word “Pyramids”, so make sure you learn the Arabic word for them, especially if you’re taking a taxi there. Haram also means. The strict translation of the Arabic word ‘harim’ means (a prohibited place) and is from the verbal root ‘harama’ (prohibited), designated as ‘haram’ (a pyramid). ( Source )

For more Arabic phrases, get my free Arabic travel phrases guide here. 

Between June and August, the temperature in Egypt is unbearable. While you may have the luxury of quiet tourist attractions and more hotel options, to be honest, in that heat you won’t want to do anything but relax in a pool somewhere.

The best time to visit Egypt is in Spring. The weather is pleasant and the major attractions such as the Pyramids of Giza, Aswan, and Luxor are still fairly quiet.

You’ll also benefit from cheaper hotel prices, especially if travelling either side of the high season which is December to February.

Avoid traveling during Ramadan.

Egypt Travel Tips - Safest way to get around Egypt

Cruising down the Nile at sunset

This is probably my top tip in this guide. It’s not Earth shattering, but it made all the difference to me and was the only way I could see myself travelling around Egypt and finally fulfil my childhood dream.

Go on an organised group tour!

To simplify and avoid overthinking everything, I knew that I had to travel with an organised group tour. That way I would have a local guide with me, I wouldn’t have to worry about transportation and other logistics and I could just concentrate on having a good time.

Choosing Topdeck to go to Egypt with was a no brainer, for two reasons. I’d already travelled with them before around Outback Australia and really rated my experience with them. The accommodation, transportation, guide and organisation was all spot on. Plus, I met some wonderful people that I’m still friends with.

The second reason (which might sound a bit silly) was that they are an Australian company, which I knew would put my dad’s mind at ease. I knew he would be super worried about me going. Even me living in London makes him worry!

By the way, remember that Egyptian guy I mentioned earlier who warned me about talking to strangers? That was our Topdeck tour manager, Ramzy. Top bloke!

Ramzy gave a bunch of useful tips, a language guide (on behalf of Topdeck), and was basically a kind of bodyboard who protected us from negative experiences and scared off a few scammers. This made all the difference. If you’re curious, I went on the Egypt Express tour . Book your Egypt tour here.

Now, let’s get into the niggity gritty of the everyday realities of travelling in Egypt.

Top 24 Egypt Travel Tips You Should Know Before You Visit Egypt

The tap water in Egypt is heavily chlorinated and tastes terrible. It’s okay for brushing your teeth with, but don’t drink it. Especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Buy bottled water. It’s easy to get and only costs 5 EGP (0.28 USD) for a 1-litre bottle.

2. Food and Upset Stomach

You’re in a foreign place with foreign food, diarrhoea will happen. To help prevent this, again, buy bottled water and check the seal isn’t broken. Avoid eating salads, raw vegetables, unpeeled fruit, and meat that isn’t thoroughly cooked. Don’t buy food from street vendors that don’t have running water. If you want an ice-cream, check that it hasn’t melted and been refrozen. If you do get an upset stomach, take diarrhoea relief tablets  and drink plenty of purified water  with fresh lime.

3. Heat and Hydration

Egypt Travel Tips - Dealing with heat and staying hydrated

Looking up at the Great Pyramid of Giza

Egypt gets hot, obviously. You’re in the desert! Dehydration, sunburn and heat exhaustion are common, especially in Upper Egypt. As your sweat evaporates you may not realise how dehydrated you are.

If you’re travelling outside of winter, then I highly recommend wearing loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibre. Keep up your fluids up by carrying around this travel bottle  and add a bit of extra salt to your food to replace salts lost in sweat. Pack electrolyte tablets to take just in case you feel unwell.

If you need further medical assistance, Egyptian pharmacists generally speak English and can be trusted to provide sound advice and help you find a doctor if needed.

4. Vaccinations

Officially, visitors to Egypt do not require any vaccinations unless you’re coming from an infected area. However, there are some vaccinations you should get or have topped up as a precaution.

Check with yourr GP what they recommend. Beyond ensuring your tetanus and polio is up to date, other common recommendations include getting vaccinations against typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, and rabies. Rabies is a problem throughout Egypt, so avoid touching stray animals such as cats, dogs, monkeys, and bats.

Money and Valuables

5. currency.

Egypt Travel Tips - Currency - Egyptian Pounds and Piastres

Remember the difference between 50 Piastres (top) and 50 Egyptian Pounds (bottom)

The unit of currency used in Egypt is the Egyptian pound, written £E or LE. The Egyptian pound is divided into piastres (pt). My top tip is to recognise the difference between the 50 pt against the 50 Egyptian Pound notes since they are very different in value.

Make sure that if you’re given change or are paying for something, that you’re not duped into thinking that 50 piastres (or cents) is the 50 Egyptian pounds note. This is a common scam that is used on unsuspecting tourists. When I found out about this, I made sure I kept both denominations on me so I could tell them apart. Compare the difference of the 50 pt and 50 LE in the photo above.

Another word to add your vocab is ‘baksheesh’, which means ‘tip’. You’ll hear this one a lot and it will be expected for anything and everything. Tipping locals for their services is expected and a way of life in Egypt.

Many Egyptians are paid such low salaries that receiving tips is an important part of their income. But rest assured you won’t have to fork out much.

In restaurants, it’s normal to round up the bill or give 10 per cent directly to the waiter. Smaller tips (0.25 piastres to 1 EGP) are given to the likes of lavatory attendants, porters, and anyone willing to bend the rules a bit like letting you enter a site after hours or taking a photo in a restricted area.

While the rules are often bent in Egypt, authorities are cracking down on certain things (like being able to take a photo inside King Tuts tomb) with hefty fines. Don’t risk offering money just to get your way.

7. Haggling and Bargaining

One of the best things to do in Egypt is to visit a souk market. When browsing comes to buying and you ask, bi-kam da? (How much is it?) be prepared to bargain hard or walk away. As a general rule, offer one third of the asking price and expect to pay half.

8. Nothing is free

Egypt Travel Tips - Karnak Temple

Taking a sneaky photo at Karnak Temple without being spotted

Want to take a photo of a camel at the Pyramids? If the owner catches you look, he will probably demand to be paid.

I learned this lesson the hard way. I was at least 20 metres away when I was spotted taking a photo of a camel resting. It’s up to you if you choose to offer the owner something and if you feel like you’ve done something wrong.

A similar incident happened when I was at Philae Temple. Three men were talking amongst themselves and with the temple behind them I thought it would make a great shot. With at least 50 metres between us , I took the shot. They spotted me and came over and offered to have a group photo. By this point I knew the drill and was happy to give them a little baksheesh.

9. Belongings

It goes without saying that you should always keep your valuables with you. Decide on whether or not you feel comfortable  leaving your passport, laptop or iPad in the hotel room safe or if you’re better off keeping it on you. Using a PacSafe is a great option if you want to leave stuff in your room and there is no safe available.

If you go on a tour, don’t leave anything valuable on the bus, even if the driver is around. They can’t be responsible if something happens.

travel guide in egypt

What to Wear

10. clothing.

Egypt Travel Tips - Souks and Markets - Khan el-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili market in Cairo

Egypt is dusty, sandy, and dirty. Your clothes will dirty easily and you’ll be washing your hair most nights. Be prepared to rinse out your clothes each night ( this will do the trick ) or pack extra items to wear.

So, what should you wear? As a general rule, wear loose-fitting clothes that are made of breathable material.

Ladies, it’s a bit more complicated for us. While Egypt is one of the more liberal Islamic countries, it has become more conservative in recent years with many women wearing a hijab or headscarf. Female tourists aren’t obligated to wear these but you may feel more at ease doing so, especially in mosques.

As a general rule, avoid showing your chest, shoulders or legs below the knees.

At this point you’re probably looking at my photos wondering why I didn’t cover up my legs, and you’re right! I did pack longer dresses, but when Ramzy told the group that it’s ok to wear shorts and normal summer attire when visiting monuments such as the Pyramids and the temples along the Nile, I felt comfortable in taking his advice.

The only exception he made was when visiting mosques, markets or souks. Which is why you’ll see me wearing long pants in the photo above in Khan el-Khalili souk in Cairo.

If you’re a female travelling alone, place ring on your wedding finger, this will show respectability.

11. Footwear

However hot and tempting it maybe to wear flip flops, with all the dirt, sand and grime present, I recommend wearing closed toe shoes.

You’re going to be doing a lot of walking in some pretty unclean areas and the last thing you want is having dirty feet all day.

Getting Around and Transportation

You need a visa! For Americans and Aussies, and a few other countries, you can either apply in advance for an Egypt e-Visa , or queue at the border for a visa on arrival.

For most travellers, the visa will cost roughly $USD25 (single entry, valid for 30 days) or $USD35 (multi-entry). Since I travelled with Topdeck, they organised my visa once I arrived. All I had to do was bring American Dollars to pay for it. Only American Dollars or Egyptian Pounds are accepted. In addition to your visa, ensure your passport is valid six months beyond your planned date of entry.

Taxis are cheap and easy to use. Simply go to a main street and wave your hand, that’s it. They even have Uber if you prefer!  Just be sure he follows the GPS.

Before jumping in the taxi, agree on the price beforehand and stick to it. Not matter what reason they come up with. For getting around Cairo, you can expect to pay 50 to 80 EGP. (2.70 – 4.50 USD).

If you’re staying in Downtown Cairo, getting to the Pyramids should only take 30 minutes, but Cairo has very busy roads so it can take 60-90 minutes.

There are three kinds of taxis in Cairo: Black Taxis, Yellow Taxis and White Taxis. Black taxis are the oldest ones. Most are without a meter and without air-conditioning. White taxis are the modern equivalent of black taxi. They have a meter and air-conditioning. Yellow taxis are professionally run and can be booked over the phone but are the most expensive. I recommend getting a white taxi and bargaining hard.

14. Air travel

With raised safety concerns in Egypt, some airlines like British Airways are becoming more strict with what you can take in your carry-on luggage or even in your checked luggage.

I flew both ways with British Airways but they only had an issue when returning to the UK. They had very strict guidelines on what size lithium batteries were allowed on board.

A bunch of us were fuming when we were forced to leave behind expensive powerbanks which we weren’t reimbursed for or given alternatively means of keeping them. To give you an idea, this is the one I had to part with. *sniff*.

Air France, who were also flying that day but didn’t have this rule. Check with your airline ahead of travelling so you’re not caught out and left out of pocket.

15. Cairo Airport

Cairo Airport is unlike any airport you’ve experienced. Upon arrival, everything seems pretty standard until after you go through passport control.

Once you pick up your luggage and head to the exit, there will probably be a massive long queue that wraps around the luggage collection hall. Guarding the exit is one or two men who will look you up and down and decide if they want to check your luggage.

Since we were with a Topdeck escort who came to help us get a visa and take us to the hotel, he was on familiar terms with the airport staff and was able to get us through quickly.

Once we got through to the other side, our escort disappeared briefly to hand back a permit he was given in order to come and meet us inside. This is just another reason why travelling with an organised tour is great.

If, at the end of your trip you leave via Cairo Airport, be prepared for three separate security checks; one as soon as you enter the airport at the entrance, one at customs, then another at the gate. The first one is where they’ll flag any illegal objects like my poor powerbank .

16. Crossing the road

Crossing the road in Cairo is a skill. If you’ve ever been to Rome  and stared down a driver then confidently walked out into a busy street, then you’re well-prepared for Cairo.

If locals see you struggling to cross, they will either let you join their own crossing convoy or come and assist you.

If you’re still too nervous to go it alone, you have some other options for crossing the road:

  • Wait for a lull in the traffic before crossing (this may take a while).
  • If possible, cross where there is only 1 or 2 lanes of traffic. Don’t stop in the middle of the road between the two lanes either. Cars will drive dangerously close to you while you wait for the other lane to have an opening.
  • Ask someone to join them as they cross. If they can’t understand English, simply smile and indicate to the other side of the road.
  • Find a policeman to help you, there are plenty around.

17. Driving

Whilst driving from Cairo to Luxor during the night, I noticed that many drivers didn’t have their headlights on. This is totally normal and nothing to be concerned about. Egyptians believe they see better this way.

When a car is approaching, they’ll flash their lights to let them know they’re there. Some drivers may keep their fog lights on. If you’re wondering, our Topdeck driver kept his headlights on.

Cultural Tips and Other Useful Tips

18. photography.

Egypt Travel Tips - Pyramid of Khafre and satellite pyramid

You will have to pay a small fee to take your camera inside the Pyramids Complex

Want to take your camera with you? Be prepared to pay for it!

Whether you want to take photos or film video, every monument, temple, tomb and museum you visit will charge a small fee just to take it inside. Expect to pay anything from 50 to 100 EGP (2.70 – 5.60 USD).

I was even charged extra when guards are Philae temple saw my tripod. At first they wouldn’t let me take it at all then they came around when I said I wouldn’t use it so they charged me for another camera ticket.

Once inside, flash photography is generally forbidden and should be strictly followed.

19. Camel Rides

Egypt Travel Tips - Camel rides

Camel and horse rides at the Pyramids of Giza

Going on a camel ride and taking a photo with the pyramids behind you is one of the most desired tourist souvenirs from a trip to Egypt.

If you know that going on a camel ride around the pyramids is something you definitely want to do, you may (and I hope), reconsider once you arrive and see how malnourished and badly treated the camels, and horses for that matter, are.

Egypt is a third-world country and many citizens are living in a state of desperation. As such, the men who run these camel rides prioritise feeding their families over feeding their camels. While they may have their priorities right, I can’t bring myself to support them. This has only become worse since tourism has declined.

If you do choose to take a camel ride, make sure you’re not hassled into paying more than the fair price. In order to crack down on scamming tourist signs have now been put up showing set prices for camel rides which are 50 Egyptian Pounds for 30 minutes.

Make sure you check out my guide on everything you need to know about visiting the Pyramids.

20. Toilets

Public toilets in Egypt are not the best, and that’s putting it lightly.

A trip to the loo will set you back 1 or 2 EGP and give you access to either a squat or western toilet. They generally don’t have toilet paper, are dirty, and the tap water may not be running. Bring your own toilet paper ( these flushable wipes are great ), hand sanitizer, and wipe down the seat if you must sit or get one of these.

There will usually be a hose next to the toilet, but the water will only be turned on if you pay a baksheesh.

Toilets in restaurants and hotels are usually staffed by an attendant who will give you toilet paper and turn on the tap for you. Giving a baksheesh of 25 – 50 piastres is standard.

21. School Children

You might feel famous when travelling around Egypt. At least that’s how the students in large school groups will make you think,

On countless occasions, at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Pyramids, and Karnak Temple, young kids would run up to us asking for selfies or yell out and wave as our group walked passed. They were so excited and interested in us.

When I asked Ramzy why, he said that we are sort of celebrities to them. They watch people like us on TV who have very different lives from their own so they get excited when they see us in their country.

It’s actually very sweet. However, if you say yes to one, they’ll all come running. It’s best to politely decline from the start.

22. Mosques and Religious Sites

Egypt Travel Tips - Visiting Mosques

A beautiful Mosque on the Nile

Dressing modestly is a must when visiting mosques. Some places may ask women to cover their hair and will provide you with a headscarf. Before entering you will be required to remove your shoes and leave them with a shoe custodian (give him a baksheesh).

If you want to climb the minaret (tower), carry your shoes with the soles pressed together. It’s best to avoid visiting mosques during prayer times as to not intrude on worshippers.

23. Smoking

Everywhere you go, everyone will be smoking. Whether it’s a cigarette or shisha water-pipe, if you’re a non-smoker it can get really annoying.

Smokers are allowed to light up pretty much anywhere. The only exception is in fast-food restaurants thanks to an initiative by the environment ministry.

Restaurants have non-smoking tables, but these are almost pointless since they are surrounded by smoking tables. If you’re outside, try and stay upwind and always ask for a non-smoking room in your hotel.

24. Fridays and Saturdays

As in most Arab countries, their weekend falls on a Friday and Saturday. This means tourist attractions are much more busy on these days than the rest of the week.

I strongly recommend not visiting the Pyramids, Cairo Tower or the Egyptian Museum in Cairo on either of these days. The queues will be torture.

25. BONUS TIP: Fake Papyrus Scam

Egypt Travel Tips - Fake papyrus scam

Lady writing my name in hieroglyphics on real papyrus

The Ancient Egyptians were one of the first to master the production of paper, known as papyrus. One of the nicest souvenirs you can get after a trip to Egypt is a papyrus print. But, there is a very common scam take catches out many tourists. Fake papyrus!

In many markets and other street vendors will sell fake papyrus that is actually made from banana leaf, not the papyrus plant. These will be cheaper than the real thing.

So, how do you spot a fake papyrus? Easy! First, notice how these vendors show or display their “papyrus”, it’s stiff, like cardboard and will tear when rolled which is why they’ll never roll it. Real papyrus is strong, flexible and durable and can be rolled up. Second, hold the papyrus up to the light, you should be able to see vertical and horizontal strips that make up the papyrus sheet, within these strips you should see little dark fibres or flecks. This is a good sign!

I hope this guide has helped you feel more prepared for your trip to Egypt. Remember, every country has its quirks. If things were the same as home, you wouldn’t be visiting.

I would go back to Egypt in a heartbeat. Everything I saw blew me away. It’s such an incredible country with a wonderful history. The locals are welcoming and it’s very cheap to travel to.

If you still have any questions or concerns, please reach out and leave a comment below. I’d be happy to help where I can. If not, then I wish you a wonderful trip! Support this blog and book your Egypt tour here.

Shukran for reading! ;)

Take a day trip from Cairo

  • Alexandria Day Tour: See the city built by Alexander the Great
  • Private Full-Day Tour of Historical Alexandria from Cairo
  • Pyramids of Giza, Sakkara & Memphis: Private Tour with Lunch
  • Pyramids, Museum & Bazaar Private Tour with Entrance & Lunch
  • Cairo: Dinner Cruise on the Nile River with Entertainment
  • Cairo: Egyptian Museum 4-Hour Private Tour with Transfer
  • Cairo: 1 or 2-Hour Felucca Ride on the Nile with Transfers
  • Old Cairo and Khan El Khalili Bazaar: Private Half-Day Tour
  • Cairo: Best Kept Secrets Night Tour
  • Plus loads more here …

Let me remind you again why Egypt is amazing and watch my Egypt vlog below.

Going to Egypt? Get my free Arabic travel phrase guide.

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Essential Egypt Travel Tips You Should Know

Sources Eyewitness Egypt

Over to you!

Which of these tips did you find the most useful? Is there anything you would add? Tell me below! Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

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travel guide in egypt

Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. Get her free guide 9 reasons you’re not fluent…YET & how to fix it! Planning a trip? Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today!

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26 best things to do in verona, italy + where to stay, 17 comments.

travel guide in egypt

Thank you so much for all the information.

Looking forward for a trip to Egypt !!

My pleasure! Have a wonderful trip :)

travel guide in egypt

Hi Michele, a lovely and useful article to read! Just wanted to check with you about passport safety: was it with you at all times, or you left it in your hotel room? Also – when entering Egypt have you been questioned about what, if any medication you had with you – as some over the counter meds in Europe or US can be problematic to bring into Egypt? Thank you!

Hi Jo, thank you so much and thank you for your questions. Yes, I always carried my passport on me. In fact, I do this wherever I travel. I would also ensure you have a photocopy in your luggage and a copy saved on your phone or on the cloud as an extra safety measure. When it comes to medication, I would email the airport directly for any questions you have. I was worried when flying from London to NY after I had heard that you can’t take a certain quantity of protein powder in your luggage. I emailed US customs and they said it was ok. I also kept a copy of that email on me and on my phone and was ready to show the customs officers on arrival if I had any issues. This is good practice as the problem with customs is that it’s sometimes open to interpretation and depends on how the officers feel on the day. I hope this helps :) Have a wonderful trip!

travel guide in egypt

Where do you recommend converting US $$ to LE and what volume of notes should I get to handle all the tipping. If at airport, is this best done before the border/customs or after? Thanks!

Hi David, before arriving, I ordered some USD so I would have enough to pay for my visa on arrival and have some money for incidentals. I had heard that they accept both USD and Egyptian Pounds at the airport. The tour company I travelled with had a guide on the ground who helped me through this process and I knew I need 100USD to pay for the visa. The rest of the time I used Egyptian Pounds. There is no tipping culture like the USA, so you can tip if you like but it’s not always necessary.

Hi David, before arriving, I ordered some USD so I would have enough to pay for my visa on arrival and have some money for incidentals. I had heard that they accept both USD and Egyptian Pounds at the airport. The tour company I travelled with had a guide on the ground who helped me through this process and I knew I need 100USD to pay for the visa. The rest of the time I used Egyptian Pounds. There is no tipping culture like the USA, so you can tip if you like but it’s not always necessary.

travel guide in egypt

Hi, I have read and re-read this several times. Thank you. I’m going with a friend to Egypt early March and want to go on organised trips but I’m disabled and can only walk very slowly. In other countries I’ve just let the group go ahead and done my own thing then joined back at the coach. Is this a good idea in Egypt or can I hire an electric mobility scooter while there.

Hi Gabrielle, I’m not 100% sure how this works and it will vary depending on the accessibility of the group tour company. I would reach out to them directly for advice before booking. Best of luck and I hope it works out :)

travel guide in egypt

Hello, thank you for your honesty. I enjoyed reading all of your tips. I am considering going in February from the 19th to the 24th. Do you think this is enough time to see everything you saw?

Hi Caroline, I went on a Top Deck tour, this is the best way to ensure you that we see everything and safely too. I highly recommend it. You can see the tour I did here

travel guide in egypt

Great info! Where did you take your photos??? THEY. ARE. FABULOUS.

Thank you SO much, Naomi. I took them during my Top Deck tour around Egypt . I highly recommend it! :)

travel guide in egypt

This has been helpful and has eased my mind about travelling to Egypt. Going in a tour group, can’t wait ! :D

I’m so happy to hear that. You’re very welcome, Jacinda :)

travel guide in egypt

Thank you so much for such a wonderful article, I can’t wait to land egypt.

Thank you so much, Priya :)

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14 Days best of Egypt Itinerary – The Ultimate self-travel guide

  • Published on November 26, 2022
  • Last updated on November 15, 2023

Egypt Itinerary Abu Simbel

In this blog post, we share our exact 14 Days Egypt Itinerary as we know many of you are also interested in traveling around Egypt independently. Most tourists visit Egypt on a guided tour, and self-traveling is not very popular yet, but it’s doable and safe. In this ultimate self-travel Guide, you will find all the information you need to plan your trip.

Best time to visit Egypt

The best time to visit Egypt is during winter time when the temperatures are the lowest. These months, from November to March, are also the busiest time for tourism. The summer months should be avoided as the temperatures are too high, making exploring very exhausting. Egypt is a desert country, and the highest temperatures can easily reach up to 50 degrees Celsius. We traveled around Egypt in October, shortly before the high season started, and we had a good experience. Anywhere between October and April is the best time to go.

Visa for entering Egypt

To enter Egypt as a foreigner, you need a Visa. You can either get your Visa on arrival or online. We recommend getting your Visa online here to avoid dealing with paperwork when you arrive. The single entry Visa we got was 25 USD per person and was valid for 30 days.

How to travel around Egypt independently

Rental car in egypt.

Most visitors travel around Egypt with a guided tour, and those usually get around by bus or on a Nile River Cruise. But it’s possible to rent a car and travel around Egypt independently. An international driving Licence is recommended. We rented our car via Discover Cars and had our pick up and drop off at Luxor Airport.

Driving in Egypt

The streets in Egypt are usually good, paved roads, especially when driving from one city to another. Drives can be very long (3-5 hours), so you should not mind driving long distances. Even if we are used to long drives, they felt extra long in Egypt as highways lead through the desert and views barely change. Important to know is that there are many police checkpoints that you will cross while you drive around the country. Don’t worry; the people are always amiable, and they were usually positively surprised that we drove ourselves. They will ask you for your name and country, and phone number. We think it’s for safety reasons as the next checkpoint usually knew already that we were coming.

14 Days best of Egypt Itinerary

We are very happy with our trip, and that’s why we share our exact 14 Days Egypt Itinerary with you here.

Day 1 – 3 Cairo

Our first stop on our Egypt Itinerary was Cairo, the capital city. Cairo is a huge city; you could spend more time exploring here. We mainly came for the pyramids, so the time was enough for us. We did not drive ourselves in Cairo as the traffic there was crazy. We recommend using Uber to get around here. 

The highlight of Cairo are the famous Pyramids. Here is our detailed guide on visiting the great Pyramids of Giza without a tour . Other top things to do in Cairo are the Khan El-Khalili souk (market) or the Egyptian Museum.

Where we stayed in Cairo

We stayed at the Nine Pyramids View Hotel , close to the Pyramids of Giza. If that’s your priority like it was for us, we highly recommend staying here as they even have an amazing rooftop to watch the sunset over the pyramids. 

A woman in a white dress strolls in front of the majestic Pyramids of Giza as part of her Egypt itinerary.

Day 3 – 6 Luxor

Luxor is a must-visit on every Egypt Itinerary. This ancient city is like an open-air museum. Luxor is divided into two parts by the Nile River. East Bank is the city’s bustling center, and West Bank is the quieter and greener part. As the drive from one side to the other takes around an hour, we decided to first stay on the East Bank and then on the West Bank to be close to the temples we wanted to explore.

Our highlights in Luxor are Karnak Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and Hatshepsut Temple. Click here for our detailed Self-travel Guide for Luxor with the 7 best things to do.

Where we stayed in Luxor

Luxor Egypt Karnak Temple

Day 6 – 8 Aswan

About 3-4 hours south of Luxor, you will find Aswan. Less touristy, and with lots of islands on the Nile River, it’s an extraordinary place to explore. Our highlight in Aswan was the beautiful Philae Temple, located on an island and can only be reached by boat. There is a cute cafe opposite the temple where you can have lunch with a fantastic view. Other places to see are the colorful Nubian Village and several other islands you can explore.

Where we stayed in Aswan

We stayed at the beautiful BenBen by Dhara Hotel in Aswan and highly recommend it. The views of Philae Temple and Nile River are stunning, the design is so unique, and the staff made our stay perfect.

A couple exploring Egyptian temples during their trip.

Day 8 – 9 Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel is a less popular place for tourism, and the visitors that visit Abu Simbel temple are all coming with a tour, most of them not even sleeping in Abu Simbel. That is why there are not many options for hotels to stay in. But if you are adventurous, we recommend coming to Abu Simbel as it is probably our favorite temple in Egypt and the most authentic place.

Where we stayed in Abu Simbel

The only budget-friendly option we found in Abu Simbel was Hllol Hotel . It was fine for one night, the location was great, and the staff was very friendly.

Couple holding hands in front of sphinxes on their Egypt itinerary.

Day 10 – 14 Marsa Alam

Our highlight in this Egypt Itinerary is the underwater world of the Red Sea. Especially if you are a diver, you can’t miss Marsa Alam. But you don’t need to be a certified diver to enjoy the beauty of the Red Sea; even while snorkeling, you can enjoy all the stunning colors and fishes.

We stayed at Red Sea Diving Safari in Marsa Shagra and loved our time there. We could do unlimited self-guided dives at the house reef, dive excursions, and snorkeling with Dolphins at Dolphin house reef. The staff and the whole camp were amazing too.

A group of dolphins swimming in the Egyptian ocean.

General Travel Tips for self-traveling Egypt

Vegan in egypt.

Traveling to Egypt as a vegan was not hard at all. Most local restaurants have plenty of vegan options once you know the dishes. Here are our top local dishes for Vegans:

  • Tamaya: Egyptian Version of Falafel made from Beans
  • Hummus: Chickpea mash
  • Baba Ganoush: Aubergine mash
  • Foul: Like Hummus but made of Fava Beans
  • Vegetable Tajine
  • Mashi: Vegetables stuffed with rice
  • Red Lentil Soup
  • Koshary: Egyptian Street food with pasta, rice, lentils, chickpeas, and tomato sauce

Internet Access

For the internet, we recommend getting a local SIM card. It will make your life easier as hotels often have terrible wifi in Egypt. Especially when you travel independently, it’s beneficial to always have good connection. We got our SIM card from Orange and paid 13 USD for 20 GB.

The most convenient option for travelers is the eSim Card (digital SIM card) from Airalo . You can download and install a digital data pack and get connected anywhere in the world as soon as you land, so there is no need to waste time looking for a local plastic SIM card. Now that we know this option, we will never go back to buying plastic SIM cards while traveling.

We recommend getting cash at the Egyptian National Bank (ENB) as it had no fees with our card from Revolut . It is helpful to have some money in cash in many situations.

People and Culture

We often got asked if we felt safe and if people weren’t very unfriendly in Egypt. Unfortunately, they usually have a terrible reputation. That comes from typical tourist scams and intrusive sellers in tourist places. And yes, that exists, and it can be unpleasant when you visit these places alone. But we never felt unsafe or harassed. Overall we had so many lovely encounters with the Egyptians and think they are very welcoming and friendly people. 

A blue painted building with couches and chairs in the sand, perfect for your Egypt itinerary.

Budget for this 14 Days best of Egypt Itinerary

To help you with your travel budget, we share here the actual expenses we had for this Egypt Itinerary:

  • Visa: 50 USD (for two people)
  • SIM Card 20 GB: 13 USD
  • Domestic Flight Cairo to Luxor:  70 USD with Egypt Air
  • Rental Car for 10 Days: 550 USD for 10 days
  • Accomodation: 30.00 – 100.00 USD per night (depending on the standard of accomodation)
  • Food 2 meals per day: around 30-40 USD for two people
  • Entrance fees for temples: from 7 to 15 USD per person (depending on the temple)

Conclusion to our independent Egypt Itinerary

Independent travel in Egypt isn’t the norm, but it’s very well-doable and safe. We had a lot of fun traveling around Egypt with our rental car, and we met many lovely people and had beautiful experiences outside the typical tourist places. But some of the temples and the pyramids are still a must-do in Egypt as they are truly unique, and their ancient history kept blowing our minds. What we love most about Egypt is the contrast between being a desert country and having the most incredible and alive underwater world we have ever seen. So no trip is complete without some days spent at the coast.

  • See what others think about this post and share your opinion with us


Love your trips😍😍

Sun Chasing Travelers

Thank you 🥰 Best wishes, Lea & Stefan


Hi guys! When did you drive in Egypt? Do you know if the situation is unchanged? Did you follow a convoy when travelling down to Abu Simbel?

Can you share more details about your driving experience? Thanks! 🙂

Hi Linda. Sorry for the late response. We were in Egypt in October 2022. We don’t know if the situation has changed as we haven’t been to Egypt since then. When driving to Abu Simbel, we didn’t follow a convoy and just drove on ourselves. In general, we had a good driving experience. For sure, the locals are not used to see tourists driving in rental cars, but everyone was friendly and helpful. If it’s your first time driving in a country outside of America or Europe, then it might be overwhelming in terms of the business, and sometimes chaotic …  Read more »

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Aerial view of Abu Simbel temples, showcasing the grand stone structures and surrounding desert landscape.

The Ultimate Egypt Travel Guide: Discover the Land of Pharaohs

Everything you need to know about planning your trip to egypt.

Whether you’re a history buff with a keen interest in the ancient world, a culture vulture who delights in diverse experiences, or a traveler on a quest for unique adventures, Egypt serves as a fascinating destination teeming with remarkable attractions. From the pyramids of Giza to the bustling markets of Cairo and the stunning waters of the Red Sea, this Ultimate Egypt Travel Guide is your perfect companion for navigating this historically rich land.

Majestic Great Sphinx of Giza, limestone statue with a lion's body and a human head.

Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the best deals on Egypt tour packages , generously discounted by One Nation Travel.

Overview of Egypt

Egypt, located at the northeastern tip of Africa, is one of the world’s oldest civilizations and the home to many world-famous ancient artifacts and archaeological sites. This country of 100 million people seamlessly blends its ancient past with modern-day traditions and cultures.

With a unique culture that’s a blend of African, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean influences, Egypt offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from the bustle of its cities to the calm of its deserts, the magnificence of its architecture to the warmth of its people.

Best Time to Visit

Egypt is primarily a desert, meaning it has a hot, dry climate year-round. The best time to visit Egypt is from October to April when temperatures are cooler, making it easier to tour the ancient sites and explore the desert landscapes. Keep in mind that this is the peak tourist season, so expect higher prices and crowded attractions.

Must-Visit Sites

Pyramids of giza.

One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Pyramids of Giza, including the Great Pyramid of Khufu, are a must-visit. Nearby, the Great Sphinx, another monumental limestone statue, is equally awe-inspiring.

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo

This museum holds an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities, including the golden mask of Tutankhamun. A tour here provides a comprehensive journey through Egypt’s rich history.

Luxor’s Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings

Luxor, known as the world’s largest open-air museum, is home to the Karnak Temple. Not far away, the Valley of the Kings is an expansive burial site, with notable tombs like that of Tutankhamun.

Aswan on the Nile River is home to many significant sites such as the Philae Temple and the Unfinished Obelisk. Don’t miss a chance to cruise on the Nile to soak in the scenery.

The Red Sea Riviera

For sun, sand, and sea, head to the Red Sea Riviera. Places like Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh are renowned for their beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and world-class diving and snorkeling spots.

Egyptian Cuisine

Egyptian cuisine reflects its diverse culture. Must-try dishes include Ful Medames (mashed fava beans), Koshari (a mix of pasta, rice, lentils, and chickpeas), and Shawarma (grilled meat wrap). For a sweet finish, try Kunafa, a cheese pastry soaked in sweet syrup.

Practical Tips

Visa and entry.

Most visitors require a visa to enter Egypt. This can be obtained in advance or, for some nationalities, on arrival. Always check the current visa requirements before traveling.

Health and Safety

Egypt is generally a safe country for tourists, but like anywhere else, it pays to take precautions. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and be aware of your belongings in crowded places. It’s advisable to have comprehensive travel insurance for the duration of your trip.

Local Customs and Etiquette

Respect for local customs and traditions is important. When visiting religious sites, modest clothing is expected. It’s also essential to remember that haggling is a common practice in Egyptian markets, so don’t be afraid to negotiate prices. A little bit of Arabic goes a long way, so try to learn a few basic phrases.

Getting Around

Egypt boasts a fairly efficient public transportation system. The metro in Cairo is the most convenient way to avoid traffic, while taxis and Uber are also available. For longer distances, trains and domestic flights are good options. However, if you’re planning to explore the more remote areas, consider hiring a private driver or joining a guided tour.


Egypt offers a wide range of accommodations to suit all budgets, from world-class luxury hotels to budget-friendly guest houses. Some unique options include staying in boutique hotels housed in historic buildings or even spending a night on a traditional felucca boat on the Nile River.

Egypt is a shopper’s paradise with plenty of souvenirs to choose from. Some popular items include Egyptian cotton products, traditional jewelry, papyrus art, hand-blown glass, and spices. The bustling Khan El Khalili Bazaar in Cairo is an unforgettable shopping experience.

Remember, this is just an introductory guide. Egypt is a vast country, and there’s so much more to see and experience. Plan carefully, stay flexible, and most importantly, embrace the adventure that awaits in this extraordinary corner of the globe. Happy travels!

Top Experiences in Egypt

  • Pyramid Tour at Giza : Experience the pyramids and the Sphinx at sunrise, with fewer crowds and stunning photography opportunities.
  • Luxor’s Balloon Rides : Float over the ancient city of Luxor in a hot air balloon at dawn.
  • Nile Felucca Adventure : Sail the timeless Nile on a traditional felucca, enjoying the serene landscapes and a unique perspective of the riverside attractions.
  • Egypt has a variety of transportation options, including trains, taxis, and buses. In cities, Uber is also available. For long distances, domestic flights are an option.
  • It’s advisable to stick to bottled water in Egypt, as tap water can upset stomachs, especially for those not accustomed to it.
  • Light, breathable clothing is ideal given Egypt’s climate. Don’t forget your sunscreen, hat, comfortable shoes for exploring, and a scarf or shawl for visiting religious sites.
  • Major credit cards are accepted in many places, but it’s always useful to carry some cash, especially in smaller towns and for local markets.
  • Yes, Egypt is a fantastic destination for families. The country offers a wealth of educational experiences for kids, and many hotels cater specifically to families.

Pharaoh’s Farewell: A Journey Through Time

As our journey concludes, the echoes of ancient chants and the golden sunset over the Nile’s rippling waters linger in the memory, promising that Egypt’s magic will call you back, time and again.

Top 3 Essential Egyptian Tour Experiences

10-Day Wonders of Egypt and Cruise on Nile

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Our team of experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you plan your adventure of a lifetime.

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Egypt travel information.

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Pyramids of Giza

Cairo Egypt

Sharm El-Sheikh


Tourist Egypt Tours

A variety of Egypt tours, designed by our team of experts, offering a unique way to explore and experience Egypt.

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Nile River Statue

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Sharm Old Town

Book your Egypt Hotels with Tourist Egypt and take advantage of our selection of the country's best places to stay, many with special benefits.

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Sharm El Sheikh Sunshine Resort Scaled

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It’s about giving all our guests a great feeling, experience, and lifelong memories, it’s about sharing our passion and love for what we do!

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Warnings and insurance

travel guide in egypt

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice. Consular support is also severely limited where FCDO advises against travel.

Egypt-Libya border

FCDO advises against all travel to within 20km of the Egypt-Libya border, except for the town of El Salloum (where we advise against all but essential travel).

North Sinai

FCDO advises against all travel to the Governorate of North Sinai.

Northern part of South Sinai

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the northern part of the Governorate of South Sinai, beyond the St Catherine-Nuweibaa road, except for the coastal areas along the west and east of the peninsula.

The eastern part of Ismailiyah Governorate

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Ismailiyah Governorate east of the Suez Canal.

Western Desert

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the area west of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta regions, except for:

  • Luxor, Qina, Aswan, Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings
  • the Governorate of Faiyum
  • the coastal areas between the Nile Delta and Marsa Matruh
  • the Marsa Matruh-Siwa Road
  • the oasis town of Siwa
  • the Giza Governorate north-east of the Bahariya Oasis
  • the road between Giza and Farafra (but we advise against all but essential travel on the road between Bahariya and Siwa)
  • Bahariya Oasis, Farafra, the White Desert and Black Desert

Hala’ib Triangle and Bir Tawil Trapezoid

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Hala’ib Triangle and the Bir Tawil Trapezoid.

Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel .

Conflict in neighbouring Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs)

The Israeli government has declared a state of emergency across the whole country. International borders in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) could close at short notice. As a result, the land border into Israel from Egypt at Taba could close with little notice. Check with local authorities and consult the travel advice for  Israel  and the  Occupied Palestinian Territories  before trying to cross the border.

In response to events in Israel and the OPTs, a number of demonstrations have taken place in Egypt and protests have been planned, including after Friday prayers. Demonstrations could take place at short notice, with a heavy security presence in place. You should avoid large gatherings, demonstrations and protests. See  Safety and security

Entering Egypt from Gaza

The Rafah border crossing partially opened on 1 November. This is primarily to facilitate the evacuation of seriously wounded Palestinians and some foreign nationals. We understand that the crossing will continue to be open for controlled and time-limited periods to allow specific groups of foreign nationals, including British nationals, to cross. It is for the Egyptian and Israeli authorities to determine who is permitted to cross, and when. The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will contact Embassies to let them know when their foreign nationals can cross. Should we receive notification from the Israeli and Egyptian authorities that individuals are permitted to cross, we will notify those people individually.

Movement to the Rafah crossing and beyond is at your own risk. You should only travel if you judge it is safe to do so. Check the  Israel and The Occupied Palestinian Territories travel advice.

The Egyptian authorities have said all aid going into Gaza from Egypt must be channelled through the Egyptian Red Crescent:

  • telephone: + 20 226 703 979, + 20 226 703 983
  • fax: + 20 226 703 967

They are unlikely to consider requests for humanitarian access made in Egypt at short notice.

Concern for friends and family

If you are concerned about friends or family, or need consular assistance call:

  • British Embassy Cairo on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000
  • +44 1767 667 600  (UK number) if you experience technical difficulties with the above number

Incidents in South Sinai  

On 27 October, an Egyptian Armed Forces spokesperson confirmed that an unidentified drone fell near a medical facility in the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Taba next to the Israeli border, injuring six people. An additional unidentified drone also struck outside the town of Nuweiba, though no casualties have been confirmed. The authorities are conducting ongoing investigations.

Incident in Alexandria

On 8 October 2023, an Egyptian police officer is reported to have shot and killed two Israeli tourists and an Egyptian tour guide in Alexandria. A third tourist was injured. Remain vigilant and exercise caution at tourist and religious sites, as well as public gatherings. Find out more information on current risks on the  Safety and security .

Border crossings from Sudan

There are still people trying to cross the border into Egypt at Argeen and Qustul. Our ability to provide consular assistance is very limited.

If you are a British national and have crossed the border without valid documentation, contact the British Embassy in Cairo for consular assistance on + 20 (0)2 2791 6000.

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide as well as support for British nationals abroad which includes:

  • advice on preparing for travel abroad and reducing risks
  • information for women, LGBT+ and disabled travellers

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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travel guide in egypt

The Ultimate Guide to Egypt: Dos and Don’ts Every Traveler Must Know!

W aving hello from the land of the Pharaohs , it's Kevin Erickson , your trusty travel companion. Ever dreamed of marveling at the Sphinx , floating on the Nile , or relishing in the historic hustle and bustle of Cairo's streets? Ah, Egypt, a majestic place! But, wait – do you know the etiquettes and local customs? Dive in as I unravel the treasures of Egypt and help you navigate potential pitfalls. 🌍

  • Dress modestly and respect religious practices
  • Greet, haggle, and tip like an Egyptian pro
  • Stay hydrated, savor local delicacies, but know where to draw the line
  • Relish history but respect boundaries
  • Dive deep into the culture but keep American sensibilities in mind

Why Egypt Should Be on Every Traveler's Bucket List

According to the World Tourism Organization, Egypt welcomed a staggering more than 11.3 million tourists in 2018. A beacon of history, culture, and cuisine, Egypt promises a travel experience like no other.

Cultural Nuances: Navigating Egypt's Rich Tapestry

1. dress to respect.

Egypt's culture is an intriguing mix of modern and traditional elements. In religious and rural areas, dressing modestly is the key.

Women, consider long skirts or pants and tops with sleeves, while men might ditch the shorts.

Remember, dressing appropriately is not just about blending in, it's about showing respect!

2. Communicate Like a Local

Starting with a warm " As-salamu alaykum" can break many barriers. It’s an essential phrase that means "Peace be upon you".

Plus, trust me; locals appreciate it when you put in the effort.

3. Fun with Finances: Haggle and Tip!

Haggling isn't just a transaction; it's an art form in Egypt .

Dive into the vibrant bazaars, start with half the price, and let the dance begin! And when it comes to tipping, small gestures can bring big smiles.

4. Food, Drinks, and the Egyptian Way

Egypt offers a culinary journey that your tastebuds will cherish.

From falafels to koshary, there's a world to explore. And here’s a zinger for my American friends: while Egypt is a Muslim-majority country, alcohol is indeed legal and available in many restaurants, hotels, and bars.

However, remember: public drunkenness isn't just frowned upon—it can land you in hot water!

5. Dive Deep into the History, but Respect the Boundaries

Egypt is, as Anthony Bourdain rightly said,

" a unique fusion of civilizations, cultures, and religions. Traveling here is like walking through layers of history."

But remember, while the Pyramids might tempt you, climbing them is a big no-no. Let's keep history preserved!

From a Traveler's Eye: Kevin's Secret Tips

  • The Nile - More Than Just a River - The Nile isn't just about those mesmerizing boat rides. Avoid swimming, especially near urban areas, due to pollution.
  • Not Everyone's After Your Bucks - Sure, there are hustlers, but many Egyptians are genuinely warm. Embrace the culture, make friends, and you'll discover the true heart of the country.
  • Step Outside the Tourist Spots - Discover Egypt's hidden gems. Beyond the Pyramids and Sphinx, there’s a whole world awaiting.

Embracing the Egyptian Adventure: A Final Word

The magic of Egypt is something that has enticed travelers for generations. Whether it's the mysterious allure of the Pyramids, the sprawling beauty of the Nile , or the vibrant tapestries of the bazaars, every corner of Egypt is a testament to its rich heritage and captivating culture. But beyond the visual spectacle, the soul of Egypt lies in its people – warm, welcoming, and eager to share their stories.

Traveling here is not just about checking off sites from a bucket list; it's about immersing oneself in a timeless narrative that has shaped much of the world's history. It's about understanding the delicate balance of tradition and modernity that Egyptians navigate daily. By respecting local customs and approaching each experience with an open heart, travelers can forge connections that transcend mere tourism.

Kevin Erickson' s insights and tips are crafted from a place of deep respect and admiration for this land. While the dos and don'ts serve as a practical guide, they also underscore a more profound message: Travel with empathy. Every "do" is an invitation to embrace and every "don't" a nudge to respect boundaries.

In conclusion, as you set out to experience Egypt, remember that it's a journey both external and internal. The monuments will leave you awestruck, the cuisine satisfied, but it's the memories made and the friendships forged that will truly stand the test of time.

So here's to Egypt – an eternal story waiting for your chapter. Safe travels!

What currency should I carry in Egypt?

Egypt uses the Egyptian Pound (EGP). While major cities and tourist areas accept credit cards, it's wise to carry some local currency for smaller vendors, tipping, and haggling in bazaars.

Do I need any vaccinations before traveling to Egypt?

It's recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before your trip. Common vaccines suggested for Egypt include Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Yellow Fever, especially if you're planning to visit rural areas.

Is English spoken widely in Egypt?

While Arabic is the official language, English is widely understood and spoken, especially in tourist areas, major cities, and by younger generations. However, it's always appreciated if you learn a few basic Arabic phrases.

Are there specific cultural or religious festivals I should be aware of?

Yes, Egypt has several religious and cultural festivals, the most notable being Ramadan, a month of fasting. During this time, many shops and restaurants may have altered hours. Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are also significant festivals with grand celebrations.

Is vegetarian or vegan food easily available?

Yes, Egyptian cuisine offers a variety of vegetarian and even vegan-friendly dishes. Staples like falafel, koshary, and molokhia are both delicious and vegetarian-friendly.

How do I get around within the country?

Egypt boasts a range of transportation options from trains, buses, and domestic flights to more local means like tuk-tuks and horse-drawn carriages. For major attractions like the Pyramids, it's often convenient to hire a taxi for the day or join a guided tour.

Is the tap water safe to drink?

It's advisable to stick to bottled water in Egypt, both for drinking and brushing your teeth, to avoid any potential stomach upsets. Always ensure the bottle seal is intact when purchasing.

  • World Tourism Organization
  • Egyptian Tourism Board
  • "Parts Unknown" by Anthony Bourdain

Clever Journey | Travel Gear Reviews, Packing Tips, Travel Advice

Cairo Travel Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Cairo, Egypt‪.‬

Publisher description.

Cairo, the sprawling capital of Egypt, stands as one of the most historically rich and culturally vibrant cities in the world. Often referred to as "the city of a thousand minarets" for its stunning Islamic architecture, Cairo is a city where the ancient and the modern intertwine seamlessly. From the grandeur of the Pyramids of Giza to the bustling bazaars of Khan El Khalili, Cairo is a city that invites exploration and offers a unique blend of old and new. Cairo's significance is not only historical but also cultural and political. As the largest city in the Arab world and Africa, it plays a pivotal role in the region's affairs. Its influence stretches beyond borders, making it a focal point for understanding the broader Middle Eastern and African contexts. Whether you are an adventurer drawn to its ancient ruins, a history buff fascinated by its past, or a culture enthusiast eager to experience its vibrant present, Cairo offers an unforgettable journey. The city's landscape is dotted with landmarks that narrate tales of bygone eras. The mighty Nile River, which bisects the city, has been a lifeline for civilizations over millennia. Today, its banks are lined with lush gardens, upscale hotels, and bustling promenades. As you delve into Cairo's essence, you will encounter the coexistence of antiquity and modernity, from centuries-old mosques and churches to contemporary art galleries and skyscrapers. Cairo's residents, known for their warmth and hospitality, add to the city's charm. Their daily lives, customs, and traditions reflect a rich tapestry of cultural heritage. Street vendors hawking their goods, families gathering for meals, and the ubiquitous sound of the call to prayer are everyday scenes that paint a vivid picture of life in Cairo. In this travel guide, we will explore Cairo in depth, providing insights into its historical evolution, practical travel tips, and recommendations for accommodations. Whether you are planning a visit or simply wish to learn more about this fascinating city, this eBook will serve as your comprehensive guide to understanding and appreciating Cairo's unique allure.

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Review of the Best eSIM Cards for Travel in Egypt

Planning a trip to Egypt? You’ll want to stay connected so you can easily get around, share photos, and look up information. But high international roaming charges make using your regular SIM card an expensive option.

The good news is eSIM cards provide an affordable and convenient alternative. eSIMs are digital SIM cards stored on your phone rather than on a physical card. This allows you to connect to a local network without fumbling with SIM cards.

I’ve tested and reviewed the top eSIM providers for Egypt. Read on for my picks of the best eSIM cards for Egypt along with tips for choosing the right plan.

Why Get an eSIM Card for Egypt?

Here are the biggest benefits of using an eSIM instead of a physical SIM or sticking with roaming on your regular plan:

  • Convenience:  Order online before your trip instead of buying SIM cards in Egypt. Just scan a QR code to connect.
  • Affordability:  eSIM data packages are much cheaper than roaming rates.
  • Flexibility:  Easily switch plans or extend your trip without the hassle of swapping SIM cards.
  • Security:  Keep using your number for incoming calls/texts without worrying about losing physical SIM cards.

So in short, eSIM cards make it incredibly easy to access cheaper, faster, and more secure data while visiting Egypt.

A Comparison of the Top eSIM Providers for Egypt

I compared leading eSIM companies like Airalo, Nomad, and Holafly across key factors to reveal the best eSIM cards for travel in Egypt:


Airalo is one of the most popular eSIM providers thanks to its budget-friendly data packages.

Plans and pricing

  • 1GB for 7 days – $7
  • 2GB for 15 days – $12.50
  • 3GB for 30 days – $17.50
  • 5GB for 30 days – $26.50
  • Inexpensive short-term data packages
  • Easy online purchase & self-installation
  • Allowed in 110+ countries
  • Maximum 3GB packages
  • Slow customer support response times
  • Calling/texting not available

Overall, Airalo is a top pick for short Egypt trips where you just need basic data without breaking the bank. But the small data caps make it less ideal for heavy data users.

Nomad stands out for its choice of both short-term and monthly eSIMs for Egypt.

  • 1GB for 7 days – $6
  • 3GB for 30 days – $13
  • 5GB for 30 days – $18
  • 10GB for 30 days – $28
  • Flexible short & long-term packages
  • Fast LTE speeds
  • Easy online setup
  • Support response can be slow

I like Nomad for offering both quick week-long plans alongside 30-day packages. This flexibility makes it a good eSIM pick for Egypt whether you’re traveling for just a week or a whole month.

Holafly stands out as the only major eSIM company providing unlimited data packages for Egypt.

  • Unlimited data for 24 hours – $8
  • Unlimited data for 48 hours – $15
  • Unlimited data for 72 hours – $21
  • Unlimited data for 96 hours – $26
  • Unlimited data for 120 hours – $29
  • Truly unlimited high-speed data
  • Excellent 24/7 live chat support
  • Allowed in 130+ countries
  • More expensive than limited data plans
  • 5 device limit for hotspot connections

Unlimited data makes Holafly the top eSIM choice for heavy data users. It’s excellent if you plan to stream films and video call home. But with no calling or texting, it may not suit solo travelers.

Tips for Choosing the Best eSIM for Egypt

eSIM Cards for Travel in Egypt

When deciding which eSIM company and plan is right for your trip to Egypt, keep these tips in mind:

Consider your data needs

Calculate how much data you typically use when traveling by checking your phone settings. Then pick a plan offering at least that amount to avoid surprise overage charges. Those streaming videos or having long video calls will need unlimited data.

Compare options for calling/texting

If you want to make calls or text while visiting Egypt, double-check your chosen eSIM plan includes this. Some eSIMs only provide data. Airalo’s new Digits plan does offer calling capabilities.

Check coverage details

Confirm your device, country, and locations within Egypt are covered by an eSIM provider before purchasing. Most tourist areas have coverage but double-check for any remote regions on your itinerary.

Look into connectivity extras

Some eSIM companies offer connectivity perks like free VPN access or global WiFi hotspot access. Figure out what features matter most and choose an eSIM card accordingly.

Consider support channels

Nothing’s more annoying than connectivity issues abroad and not being able to contact customer support. Check what support options each eSIM provider offers before deciding.

The Best eSIM Cards for Travel in Egypt

To recap, here is my roundup of the top recommended eSIM cards for travel in Egypt right now:

Overall Best eSIM for Egypt

For most travelers visiting Egypt,  Airalo  hits the sweet spot. Decent data caps starting at just $7 keep costs low while coverage across Egypt is excellent.

While you miss out on things like calling and unlimited data, Airalo’s packages work perfectly fine for the majority needing basic data to navigate Egypt and share some travel photos.

Best Unlimited Data eSIM

Heavy data users and digital nomads should grab a  Holafly  eSIM. For $29, you get unlimited high-speed data across Egypt for 5 straight days. This allows you to stream to your heart’s content without worrying about surprise bills.

24/7 chat support is also extremely helpful for any connectivity niggles. The only downside is no calling or texting functionality.

Most Flexible Egypt eSIM

If you want an eSIM card providing flexibility across both shorter and longer Egypt trips,  Nomad  is a superb choice.

One week just doesn’t feel enough? Extend your trip using their 30-day 10GB package. Quick Egypt stopover? Grab their 7-day cheapie 1GB plan instead. With strong Egypt coverage, Nomad works regardless of your length of stay.

Bonus: Best eSIM for Egypt + Europe Combi Trips

Planning to travel onto Europe after visiting Egypt? Grab the handy  Airalo Euro eSIM .

For just $39, this single eSIM plan provides a mammoth 25GB of roaming data you can freely use across over 40 European countries and Egypt too. Pretty neat!

No more juggling multiple SIMs as you jump around continents. Just one eSIM card lasting 30 days that seamlessly works across Europe and Egypt.

Step-By-Step Guide to Installing an eSIM for Egypt

Here is exactly how to purchase and set up an eSIM card for your Egypt trip:

Choose Your Plan

First, browse the available eSIM plans for Egypt and select one that meets your coverage needs, data usage, budget, and trip duration.

I recommend going through the eSIM company websites I’ve listed to compare options using the tips above.

Complete Online Purchase

Once decided, complete the eSIM provider’s online checkout process. All that’s usually needed is an email and credit card.

Some eSIM companies like Airalo let you purchase directly from their smartphone app as well.

Verify Your Email

Check your inbox for a verification email from the eSIM company. This ensures you entered a valid email when purchasing so they can send your eSIM details.

Just click the confirmation link inside to verify things.

Get eSIM Activation Codes

After purchasing and verifying, you’ll receive another email containing your eSIM activation codes and instructions.

This normally includes a QR code, EID number, and ICCID number.

If not in the email, login to your eSIM provider account to access them.

Install Using QR Code

Now comes activating your Egypt eSIM using those codes!

For most newer phones, just scan the QR code provided through your camera app. Follow the prompts confirming installation and you’re set!

For iPhones, head into Settings > Cellular > Add Cellular Plan to scan the QR code instead.

Enter Details Manually

If unable to scan QR codes for any reason, don’t worry. You can still install the eSIM plan manually.

Simply input the EID and ICCID numbers exactly as shown in your activation email when prompted during eSIM installation.

Once successfully activated, your phone should automatically connect to the purchased eSIM plan when you arrive in Egypt!

Just head into settings and ensure your new eSIM plan is enabled, while disabling roaming on your regular number to avoid expensive charges.

Then enjoy affordable, hassle-free data during your Egypt adventure!

The Final Verdict

Eager to decide on the best eSIM card for your upcoming Egypt trip?

For most travelers, I wholeheartedly recommend  Airalo . Their data-only packages cost just $7 for a perfectly fine 1GB of Egypt coverage. Scaling up to a 2-3GB plan still keeps spending low.

Heavy video streamers and remote workers needing lots of data should grab  Holafly  instead. For under $30, you get unlimited high-speed data lasting 5 entire days in Egypt. Pretty handy!

And intrepid travelers continuing onto Europe can conveniently use the handy  Airalo Euro eSIM  card. One eSIM plan covering both continents makes juggling multiple SIMs a thing of the past.

Whichever you choose, eSIM cards beat old school SIMs and roaming hands down. No more traipsing around Egypt seeking stores to swap SIM cards at extortionate rates!

So why not give eSIMs a try for your next Egypt trip? Safe travels!

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