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Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour: Complete Adventure Guide

This is a full guide and review of our two-day experience with Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tour in the Khao Yai National Park in Thailand. We had an amazing time with the company and wanted to share our experience with the world for anyone wanting to make a similar trip.

After a week in Bangkok , we decided to move on and get out of the city. Our initial plan was to head straight up to Chiang Mai via Ayutthaya , but after reading about Khao Yai National Park and the fantastic Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tour we decided to head out to the jungle instead!

NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION: COST OF ACCOMODATION : 300 Baht per night (per room) COST OF TOURS: 500 Baht for half day tour, 1,500 Baht for full day tour, 1,800 Baht for both (per person) HOW TO BOOK: Email [email protected] TRAINS & BUSES: Can be booked to Pak Chong from Bangkok via, search below.

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Greenleaf Guesthouse Review

The housing area at Greanleaf Guesthouse

Greenleaf Guest house in Khao Yai national park is a well-established operation that offers accommodation and two options for tours in the national park. They will pick you up from the station in Pak Chong which is really convenient if you are coming from Bangkok by train.

The rooms are basic but well looked after. Each has a private bathroom and shower, though there was only cold water when we were there. The rooms each have a fan but no air-conditioning. There was free WiFi right the way across the grounds.

There were washing facilities on-site as well as home-cooked food. Payment is made in cash, so make sure you bring enough with you as there is no ATM available locally.

Greenleaf Guesthouse Eating Area

The food at Greenleaf is superb, all cooked by hand in the kitchen right beside the outside eating area. The fried rice became our go to favourite, but you also have to try either the green or red Thai curry for a main meal. Yum!

Our Thoughts

We absolutely loved our time with Greenleaf Guesthouse. It was a really convenient service to be picked up from the station and it was our first stop outside Bangkok on our 3-month Southeast Asia sabbatical.

The team were knowledgable when in the park and fantastic hosts when back at the guesthouse. The communal areas make it easy to meet up with other people and the property set in the lush grounds make it feel like you’re right in the jungle.

We would definitely visit again, fingers crossed we get to see elephants next time!

Greenleaf Guesthouse Half Day (Evening) Tour  

With a mix of couples from around the world (Poland, Italy, France and Belgium), we headed off for our evening of adventures.

We all hopped into the back of a truck and headed off towards the jungle.

Stop 1 – Ban Tha Chang Spring

Swimming in the blue waters of Ban Tha Chang Spring

The first stop off on the trip was the Ban Tha Chang Spring. With it being the weekend of Labour Day, it was really busy, with the local people coming to enjoy a splash around in the rejuvenating pools.

Ban Tha Chang Spring is famous for its crystalline blue waters, caused by the high calcium carbonate content. The spring is at the bottom of a limestone mountain, and it’s this that gives the water its beautiful blue colour.

Whilst we were playing around at the edge of the water, Joe our guide headed off and returned with a massive millipede! What a whopper! He let it have a walk on us. They are so strong, even when walking vertically it managed to cling on, giving us a little tickly massage.

A giant millipede walking across a woman's hand

Stop 2 – A Flock of Parakeets

The birding skills of the guides at Greenleaf Guesthouse are legendary, and they proved it as we were driving to our next destination. They pulled over to the side of the road and asked us all to jump out.

After setting up the scope, they pointed out a big flock of parakeets settling down for the evening at the top of a tree. I have no idea how they managed to spot them from such a distance!

Bird Watching with Greenleaf Guesthouse

Stop 3 – Keaw Sara Pad Neuk Cave

The next stop was our first bat cave.

We were issued with torches, before heading down an incredibly steep staircase into the darkness.

green leaf guest house and tour

It was an amazing place, also used by monks for meditation. Kudos to them for sitting down here by themselves in the dark. That is some serious commitment! There were lots of small shrines and statues that occasional appeared from the darkness to scare the life out of us!

One of our guides disappeared into the darkness whilst Joe was telling us about the history of the cave and came back with various little monsters, including this tailless whip scorpion . This little guy is technically a spider, but it only walks on six legs, with the front two modified for sensing its way around in the dark. Despite a rather menacing appearing, it is in fact completely harmless.

A woman holding a tallies whip scorpion

A little further on in the cave we found a tarantula sticking its head out a little alcove. Thankfully it was far too quick for Joe to catch it, a blessing if ever I’ve known one!

The main reason we were here was not for creepy-crawlies though, it was bats.

And whilst this was only a starter before the main course of two million later on, it was really impressive.

Joe took us gradually through the cave, using a number of different tactics to help us learn about them.

The best moment, was switching all the lights off and cupping our hands to our ears. He then made us creep slowly forward into a different part of the cave. The tinny squeaks grew louder, and the whooshing of wings seemed to be travelling right past us. When we switched the lights back on and looked up, we were underneath hundreds of them, stretching and testing their wings ahead of a long night of bug-catching.

A photo of bats on the ceiling of a cave in Khao Yai National Park

It was a great experience, but not one for the claustrophobic or chiropterophobic (though if you are scared of bats, surely you’ve signed up for the wrong tour!)

One last gift in this rural location. We came out of the cave by a different entrance, and were greeted by the temple of Wat Sa Nam Sai with it’s striking hillside statue of Buddha protected by the seven-headed Naga.

With the light fading, this was an unexpected addition to our nature-watching trip! As we wandered back to the truck, we saw monks sitting around drinking tea, looking completely content with the world. In a location like this, it’s not hard to understand why.

A red sand road leading up to some steps where at the top is a giant Buddha statue

Stop 4 – Khao Luk Chang Cave

Our final stop was the ultimate one, and an experience that will rank right up there at the start of the highlight reel of our three month stay in Asia.

As dusk set in, and the sky turned from blue into an inky darkness, great waves of bats poured out of the cave above our head. We’d set up down the hill from the cave, as access is restricted, so we had the perfect viewing point to see the bats head off out into the distance.

green leaf guest house and tour

The most striking thing was the noise. I’ve seen big murmurations of starlings like this as home, but I don’t recall the sounds that accompany them being quite this loud. Here the air was filled with the hum of wings beating. It was like an amplified version of the sounds you hear from a rotating fan, building as the bats came closer, and then quieting down as they made off over the hills. They came out in cycles, a constant stream, but not consistent numbers, giving a rise and fall to the sound.

We stood and watched for 15 minutes, and still they came. The official figure is somewhere around two million bats in this cave, that’s alot of logistics to work out for them! Eventually it became too dark to see them anymore, so we headed back to the truck.

With the full blood moon rising behind us, we bounced off down the dirt track back towards the Guesthouse, still dazed by an unforgettable experience.

One final surprise on the way back. One of the tour group had mentioned how much they loved mangoes so we stopped at the side of the road to do some negotiating with a local farmer. This was made much easier thanks to our Thai speaking guides! 

I think we got a good deal? There was alot of shouting, pointing and squeezing, but we eventually walked away with two fresh mangoes to enjoy over the next couple of days.

green leaf guest house and tour

All done for the day, we enjoyed green curry and fried rice back at the guesthouse, and headed to bed before another big day tomorrow.

Khao Yai National Park Full Day Tour

It was an early start today (well by our sabbatical standards!) for a day of animal watching and trekking in the jungle of Khao Yai National Park – Up, showered, eaten and ready to go by 8am! Go us!

We were joined by four other couples from Poland, Italy, France and Belgium. Nothing highlights the British way of travelling more than this scenario, being the only ones (driver and guide included) who couldn’t speak another language. ‘Learn French’ was quickly added back on to my to-do list.


Entering Khao Yai National Park

We all hopped in the back of a converted Toyota Hilux, the go-to vehicle for rural pursuits around the world, and motored off towards Khao Yai National Park.

green leaf guest house and tour

The park was fairly close by to our accommodation and we got there fast, what struck me as we drove into the park was the similarity in style to the Kruger National Park in South Africa . From the grand entrance to the rangers in full camo gear, this had a very familiar feel and quickly send tingles of anticipation down my spine.

Khao Yai National Park with Greenleaf Tours

After battling our way up some pretty serious gradients, we stopped off at a lookout point. Here we could see the vast scale of the area we were later to explore looking for the few wild elephants left (200-300 within this park). It was a sea of green, rolling mountains heading off long into the distance.

From here we climbed back into our truck and headed out looking for adventure. The way things generally work in national parks, is that whenever something cool is spotted, a minor traffic jam builds out as everyone hops out to have a look. Sure enough, a bit further up the road we stopped beside a few other vehicles to join a group of people pointing up into the tree canopy.

Gibbons!!! Wow, what a sight. 

Up in the trees a long way up, a family of Lar gibbons were, quite literally, hanging out. Our guide set up the viewing scope, but we also borrowed cameras from some of the local amateur photographers, who were out in the park, enjoying their Labour Day national holiday.

Gibbons seen with Greenleaf Tour

We had a good few hours in the vehicle, stopping off numerous times thanks to the well-trained eye of our guides and the helpful animal-related traffic jams! The highlight was the spectacular Great Hornbill , the largest hornbill in Asia. It has a huge wingspan, and its wings unmistakeable whooshing sound when flying. For those of us with an over-active imagination, it’s easy to imagine pterodactyls up there, swooping through the treetops.

Trekking into the Jungle

When our bums had gone numb, our guide decided a nice two hour trek through the jungle was much needed. Ok, ok, it was clearly marked out in the Khao Yai National Park full day tour, and something we were looking forward to, but personally I’d been really enjoying sitting at the front of the pickup, overlooking the cab with the wind blowing away the last of the early-start cobwebs,

We pulled on our leech socks – a big cotton tie up guard you wear over your normal socks and trousers to keep the little biters away (super-sexy!) – and headed off into the darkness.

What first struck us was the noise, a mixture of shrieks, buzzing and bird calls. We proceeded in ant fashion, one after another in a single line following the guide.

Khao Yai Trekking with Greenleaf Guesthouse

We battled up muddy paths, and through springy branches that did their best to block the way. The landscape seemed to change every 50 metres or so, with the eternal battle for light that takes place in dense forest creating pockets of species grouped together.

This is the kind of place you could walk through everyday and see something different. The forest was so thick in places you wouldn’t know if there was an elephant standing a stone’s throw away.

Huge Tree in Khao Yai National Park

In a quest for the energy that sunlight provides, some trees had grown to truly incredible sizes. Occasionally we’d find one with enough space around it to get an idea of how far up they went, but even then it was hard to truly comprehend how something can grow this big.

Imagining the things that have changed on this planet in the time this tree has been alive is mind-boggling. It’s amazing how little respect mankind gives to plants that have been alive so much longer than any human being. As we edge further and further into the countryside, trying to find space for ourselves, let’s not forget how long it’s taken for these forests to find a space of their own.

Khao Yai Pit Viper - Greenleaf Tour

We stopped for spiders, birds and bugs, but the most impressive creature that showed itself today was this pit viper, hanging lazily from the branches of a tree.

Famous Waterfalls

Waterfall from the Beach Movie

After the walk we hopped back in the truck and carried on through the park. After a spot of lunch at one of the rest camps We ventured on to a couple of waterfalls, both impressive sights after the rainfall from the last few days. 

One of them, is actually quite famous. 

Haew Suwat waterfall featured in the 2000 movie The Beach , where Leonardo DiCaprio and his co-stars jump from the top of it whilst on the run. The film is set on the island further south in Thailand , but there is no such waterfall in Phi Phi Leh or in Maya Bay so they had to film in Khao Yai.

The second one required a climb of two hundred steps, which was a task with the ever increasing humidity! It was worth the trip though, with some beautiful old bridges along the 1km route.

green leaf guest house and tour

After the walk out to the final waterfall, we chilled out at a rest spot some saw Crab-Eating Macaques , though these ones seemed much happier feasting on the leftover mango and watermelon that the cooks had thrown out into the bush.

green leaf guest house and tour

Unfortunately one of the big goals of the trip didn’t happen. Despite lots of searching, we didn’t get to see any Asian elephants in the wild.  Although we saw evidence of them, dung and footprints, all the guides and rangers said that the last spotting was three days previous. With so few in such a big area our chances were low, but we held out hope right until the last rainstorm forced us out of the park. It was a shame, but this is one of the realities of National Parks. If you want a guarantee, then go to a zoo!

Despite not seeing the elephants, this has been an incredible day. Thanks so much to Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours for nearly 12 hours of amazing experiences.

And one last bonus on the way back….

Khao Yai Scorpion Kissing

It’s amazing the lengths so people will go to for their Instagram account!

Getting the Train from Bangkok to Pak Chong

This was our first time using the trains in Thailand , so we were a little nervous, but we had no need to be!

We had decided on the 1009 train as we needed to be in Pak Chong at around 1400 so we could be on the Greenleaf Half Day Tour that started at 1500.

The trains leave from Hua Lamphong station in Bangkok, which is easily accessible by taxi, or it has its own metro station if you are near one of the other stops on the line (perfect if you are staying in the Lumphini Park area.

Here is a guide to the train times.

The journey is just under four hours.

Thailand Rail Map

green leaf guest house and tour

Metro System Map

green leaf guest house and tour

Buying a Ticket to Pak Chong

It was really easy to buy a ticket. The guy at the counter spoke perfect English, booked us on to the 1009 train, and told us exactly which platform to go to. 

The cost was 186฿ per person, less than we paid for the taxi ride to the station itself!

Because this journey is relatively long, you are allocated seats. The ticket that prints off tells you exactly which carriage and seat you are in. The only challenge is working out where you carriage will be on the platform, but the train arrived with enough time to walk down and find the right place.

If you are worried about booking tickets on the day – it is easy to book them online using the 12GoAsia website. Use the search form below to find a ticker and it will take you straight to their website. I used 12GoAsia to book all of our trains and buses on our Southeast Asia sabbatical , it is such a smooth process and reassuring if you’re worried about the language barrier.

The Train Ride to Pak Chong

Hua Lamphong to Pak Chong Train

As you can see from this photo, there is space above the seats for bags, which was more than big enough for a 50 litre rucksack. There is no air-conditioning, but the windows open fully, and a good breeze moves through the carriage when the train is moving. 

There are sellers who walk up and down the carriages selling everything from bottled water and pop to cooked food similar to what you’d find on the street food stalls in Bangkok.

The seats are not the most comfortable, but the were good enough for this four hour journey.

It is a bit of a stop/start journey getting out of Bangkok, as the train has to stop at all the level crossing, but once you get out into the countryside it is a stunning journey.

Train from Bangkok to Pak Chong

The closer you get to Pak Chong, the better the views out into the countryside are, especially when the train hauls itself up into the mountains.

It stops at a number of beautiful little stations along the way, with more sellers trying to sell small products such as ice-creams through the windows.

Train Ride to Pak Chong

Pick-up from Pak Chong Station

We arrived at Pak-Chong station at about 1340, so the train was actually a bit quicker than scheduled!

We had emailed Greenleaf Guesthouse to tell them which train we were on, and, as promised, there was a lovely lady waiting for us at the station. It was easy to find her in the company branded t-shirt!

She took us out to the car park, where we hopped in the back of a pickup truck. This really felt like the start of an adventure!

Greenleaf Guesthouse Pickup from Station

We were taken from Pak Chong over to the Guesthouse, which was about a half hour trip.

Once we arrived there was time for some lunch before the half day tour we had booked for the evening.

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the reeves family picture


Reeves Roam , is a first-hand travel blog. The Reeves have lived in the UK, South Africa and Australia and have travelled extensively in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Booking your trip via the links on this page earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

You can also buy us a coffee . 

Thanks – Ben, Becca and Gracie

Take a walk in the woods. Photo by: David Luekens

  • Northeast Thailand
  • Khao Yai National Park
  • Where to stay

Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours


  • Accommodation (all)

Popular all-in budget option Published/Last edited or updated: 8th September, 2016

A long-running and popular choice for a package including room and tour, Greenleaf does a fine job of helping budget travellers enjoy Khao Yai on the cheap.

Travelfish says:

Located right along Thanarat about halfway between the park’s northern gate and Pak Chong, Greenleaf greets you with a simple roofed eatery that looks more like part of a ramshackle house -- blink and you’ll miss it. Stroll out back to find a handful of basic but clean rooms set in a few longhouse-style buildings with tables out front. Rooms come with nothing but fans, thin mattresses set over tile floors, windows and attached wet bathrooms with cold-water showers. There’s not much ambiance but we had no complaints for the prices. Rooms are only offered to those who book tours through Greenleaf; we talked to a few travellers who were happy with the tour, accommodation and Thai food served up front. The company also offers free WiFi, pick-up service in Pak Chong, and help with transport to/from the campgrounds inside the park. If you seek the cheapest way to experience Khao Yai with few hassles, Greenleaf remains a solid option.

Contact details for Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours

Address: 52 Thanarat Rd, Khao Yai T: (044) 365 073 ; (089) 424 8809;   Email: [email protected] Web: Coordinates (for GPS): 101º24'5.94" E, 14º36'32.42" N See position in Apple or Google Maps: Apple Maps | Google Maps Room rates: Under 600B

What we were quoted as a walk-in.

Reviewed by David Luekens

David Luekens first came to Thailand in 2005 when Thai friends from his former home of Burlington, Vermont led him on a life-changing trip. Based in Thailand since 2011, he spends much of his time eating in Bangkok street markets and island hopping the Andaman Sea. David is also the founder of Thai Island Quest —a newsletter focused on covering every island and beach in Thailand.

Browse other hotels in Khao Yai National Park on Agoda

Provided by Travelfish partner Agoda .

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Where to stay in Khao Yai National Park

Inside khao yai national park.

  • National Park accommodation (From 150 baht Walk-in)

Thanarat Road or Highway 2090, the northern access road

  • Watermill Resort ( US$59 with Agoda )
  • Hotel des Artists (From 3,000 baht Walk-in)
  • Sankhao Yai (From 700 baht Walk-in)
  • Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours (From 200 baht Walk-in)
  • Khao Yai Garden Lodge (From 350 baht Walk-in)
  • At Home Hostel (From 300 baht Walk-in)
  • The Goodville Cottage (From 750 baht Walk-in)
  • Bobby’s Apartment and Jungle Tours (From 100 baht Walk-in)
  • Pak Chong Hotel ( US$16 with Agoda )
  • Ndol Streamside Thai Villas (From 2,700 baht Walk-in)

Gulp Roam

Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour: Complete Adventure Guide

May 9, 2024

Greenleaf Guesthouse

Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour is an all-encompassing retreat for adventure-seekers and nature lovers looking to explore the great outdoors. Nestled in a picturesque location, it serves as the perfect base camp from which guests can embark on a variety of excursions, ranging from serene nature walks to adrenaline-fueled activities. Whether you’re drawn by the call of the wild or the need for a peaceful respite away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Embark on an unforgettable day trip to Nikko with our comprehensive guide for 2024. Discover hidden gems, iconic landmarks, and insider tips for an enriching adventure.

green leaf guest house and tour

As an expert who has delved deep into the world of travel and adventure, I’ve encountered numerous guesthouses, but Greenleaf stands out with its attention to the finer details and its commitment to an authentic experience. Their dedication to sustainability and the local community is apparent, intertwining adventure with cultural enrichment. From personal experience, the sunrise trek is an absolute must-do; watching the day break over a breathtaking landscape is an experience that resonates on a profound level long after the journey ends.

Table of Contents

Greenleaf guesthouse review.

Discover the charm of simplicity and the warmth of Thai hospitality at Greenleaf Guesthouse, a cozy haven nestled on the fringes of Khao Yai National Park. Perfectly crafted for nature aficionados and adventure zealots, Greenleaf Guesthouse promises an immersive experience, balancing basic comforts with raw, unadulterated adventure. Whether it’s reveling in the captivating allure of the private rooms or relishing home-cooked meals, this guesthouse is an embodiment of rustic elegance. Moreover, the convenience of being whisked away from Pak Chong station adds to its allure, offering a seamless transition from the urban grind to tranquil bliss – all echo in this Greenleaf Guesthouse review.


Nestled in the heart of nature’s paradise, Greenleaf Guesthouse offers a tranquil escape from the daily grind. As a seasoned traveler, I’ve found it to be a perfect blend of adventure and serenity. The hospitality extended by the knowledgeable hosts turns a simple stay into an unforgettable experience. The convenience of station pick-up and the richness of the local flora and fauna amplify the charm of this delightful haven. 

The communal spaces foster a warm camaraderie amongst guests, cementing Greenleaf Guesthouse as a top-notch choice for anyone visiting Southeast Asia. With the lush jungle as your backyard, it’s more than a stay—it’s a journey into the wild.


Embark on a magical evening escapade with Greenleaf Guesthouse’s Half Day Tour that promises an experience as diverse as the myriad of cultures it attracts. From the cobblestone streets of Poland to the sun-kissed vistas of Italy, and the romantic boulevards of France to the medieval charm of Belgium, Greenleaf Guesthouse unites wanderlust spirits in pursuit of adventure. Feel the thrill of the open road in the back of a rugged truck, the wind in your hair as you traverse towards the untamed heart of the jungle. This is where your story begins; this is where adventure calls. Join us and let the Greenleaf Guesthouse be the gateway to your next great tale.


green leaf guest house and tour

Escape the ordinary and experience the enchanting allure of Greenleaf Guesthouse, your gateway to the natural wonders surrounding Ban Tha Chang Spring. Discover the vibrant hues of the spring’s blue waters, where locals and tourists alike gather to unwind in the healing embrace of nature. Nestled amidst the tranquility of a limestone mountain, the brilliantly blue pools of Ban Tha Chang Spring offer a serene escape, complemented by the warm hospitality and insider knowledge that only Greenleaf Guesthouse can provide. Join us for an adventure where each splash in the spring’s glistening waters is a memory in the making, crafted by the expert guiding hands of our seasoned staff.


The unparalleled expertise of the guides at Greenleaf Guesthouse ensures an unforgettable nature-watching experience. An encounter I’ll always remember is when our vigilant guides brought us face-to-face with the spectacle of a flock of parakeets. Their sharp eyes caught the vibrant birds perched atop a distant tree as we neared our next stop, inviting us to marvel at the scene through their trusty scope. It’s moments like these – unexpected and skillfully presented – that highlight the Greenleaf Guesthouse’s commitment to delivering extraordinary wildlife encounters to their guests.


Embark on an unforgettable journey with Greenleaf Guesthouse, where the thrill of exploration meets serene spiritual retreats. Venture deep into the heart of KEAW SARA PAD NEUK CAVE, a hidden gem tucked away from the world, illuminated only by the soft glow of torchlight. With Greenleaf Guesthouse as your guide, brace yourself for the steep descent into a world of mystery and tranquility. The cave, a sacred sanctuary for meditating monks, is also a silent witness to history and nature’s marvels, where even the most harmless creatures like the tailless whip scorpion can evoke awe. Experience the perfect blend of adventure and peace at Greenleaf Guesthouse—a true haven for the intrepid soul.


Nestled in the heart of nature’s paradise, Greenleaf Guesthouse offers an experience that stands as a testament to the wonders of the natural world. The Khao Luk Chang Cave, a marvel in itself, entices with a nightly spectacle that effortlessly makes its way to the top of your travel memories. Picture this: as evening whispers in, a seemingly endless stream of bats emerges into the twilight, their collective wings creating a symphony that resonates through the hushed air. This moment, a blend of sight and sound, is emblematic of the raw beauty that Greenleaf Guesthouse stands vigil to. Witnessing this natural exodus is a reminder of the unspoken magic that travel bestows upon us.


green leaf guest house and tour

Embark on an unforgettable journey with Greenleaf Guesthouse’s full-day tour of Khao Yai National Park. An immersive experience awaits as you trek through the lush jungles, where the symphony of nature fills the air, and wildlife spotting gives you a thrilling glimpse into the untamed beauty of Thailand. Meticulously planned, the tour from Greenleaf Guesthouse ensures you’re up and ready for an 8 am adventure, joining a diverse group of travel enthusiasts.

As personal experiences attest, embracing the early start leads to a day rich in exploration and camaraderie, reminding us that language barriers dissolve in the face of shared, awe-inspiring moments. Whether you’re adding ‘Learn French’ to your list or eager for the next escapade, Greenleaf Guesthouse is your gateway to adventure.


Nestled just a stone’s throw from the majestic Khao Yai National Park, Greenleaf Guesthouse offers an ideal haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. As you embark on a journey through this lush paradise, the welcoming comfort of Greenleaf Guesthouse serves as your home away from home. The sense of anticipation and excitement that fills the air as you explore the park’s rugged terrain, echoes the world-renowned Kruger National Park’s vibe. 

Greenleaf ensures that your wildlife adventures are not only thrilling but also steeped in the tranquility provided by their expertly guided tours. Prepare to be immersed in a world where the call of the wild elephants harmonizes with the serene rolling mountains.

Nestled deep in the heart of nature’s serenity, Greenleaf Guesthouse is the ideal outpost for adventure-seekers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Imagine the thrill of spotting a family of Lar gibbons, effortlessly swinging through the treetops as you join other explorers in a shared moment of awe. Our knowledgeable guides are ready to enhance your experience, offering viewing scopes to bring you closer to the action as you capture memories to last a lifetime. With personalized service and an insider’s touch, Greenleaf Guesthouse isn’t just a stay—it’s an adventure crafted just for you.


Embark on an unparalleled adventure with Greenleaf Guesthouse as you traverse the untamed beauty of Khao Yai National Park’s dense jungle. Their full-day tour provides not just a thrill for the intrepid traveler, but also that well-needed stretch after a scenic ride through breathtaking vistas. And with practicality at the core, Greenleaf ensures that even the smallest of jungle critters are kept at bay with their fashion-forward leech socks. Experience the symphony of nature as you step into the lush wilderness, guided securely by the expertise of Greenleaf’s seasoned guides. This isn’t just a trek; it’s a full sensory immersion into the heart of the jungle.


Nestled amidst the lush greenery and serene landscapes, Greenleaf Guesthouse offers travelers a chance to witness some of Thailand’s most famous waterfalls, including the iconic Haew Suwat Waterfall. As seen in the movie ‘The Beach,’ this breathtaking natural wonder is a testament to the raw beauty nature offers, and Greenleaf Guesthouse ensures you don’t miss out on this cinematic piece of paradise. After a delightful lunch at a cozy rest camp, guests can continue their adventure, embracing the humidity and the rewarding trek up the two hundred steps to another mesmerizing waterfall. 


Journeying from the bustling heart of Bangkok to the tranquil embrace of nature, we found ourselves aboard Train 1009 en route to Pak Chong. Our destination was the renowned Greenleaf Guesthouse, where an afternoon of adventure awaited us. Despite the initial jitters of navigating Thailand’s railway for the first time, we quickly realized that our worries were unfounded. 

The journey was as smooth as the silk for which Thailand is famed, and much like the country’s iconic fabric, it seamlessly wove the vibrancy of Bangkok with the serene charm of Pak Chong. Greenleaf Guesthouse proved to be the perfect sanctuary for travelers on the lookout for authenticity.


green leaf guest house and tour

Embarking on a journey to Pak Chong becomes seamless when you opt for the welcoming comforts of Greenleaf Guesthouse. Known for its ease of accessibility and exceptional service, securing your ticket to this adventure gateway couldn’t be simpler. English-speaking staff effortlessly guide you through the booking process, ensuring you’re well-informed of your travel details—from platform number to seat assignment. 

With prices that are surprisingly affordable, your journey begins with the reassurance of value. Moreover, for those inclined towards pre-planning, reliable online booking through platforms like 12GoAsia transforms your travel arrangements into a worry-free experience.


Embark on a scenic journey with the train ride from Hua Lamphong to Pak Chong, where comfort meets convenience, setting the stage for your arrival at the illustrious Greenleaf Guesthouse. As you settle into the modest yet accommodating seats of the train, an authentic Thai adventure unfolds through the open windows, inviting a refreshing breeze alongside panoramic views of the countryside. While the train snakes its way out of the hustle of Bangkok, prepare for the serenity that awaits. The train buzzes with the energy of vendors offering a taste of local flavors, ensuring your four-hour voyage to Greenleaf Guesthouse is not just a trip, but a cultural experience to cherish.


Discover the charms of a rustic getaway with Greenleaf Guesthouse, your haven of solace after an exciting day of exploration. Located just a stone’s throw from Pak Chong station, where our reliable pickup service ensures your journey to comfort begins with ease. Upon your arrival, our friendly staff, donned in their distinguishable company attire, greet you warmly – a hallmark of our impeccable customer service. As you settle into the back of our trusty pickup truck, let the sense of adventure wash over you; with Greenleaf Guesthouse, every detail is thoughtfully curated to elevate your travel experience.


In conclusion, Greenleaf Guesthouse is not merely a place to stay; it’s a comprehensive experience for those yearning for adventure amidst serene landscapes. Each day is a new opportunity to connect with the beauty of Thailand’s outdoors, from the convenience of station pickups to the immersive nature tours. It embodies a commitment to sustainability, community, and the quintessence of Thai hospitality. 

Whether it’s a thrilling exploration of uncharted caves or the simple joy of watching bats flutter into the dusk, Greenleaf Guesthouse stands as a testament to the wonders of travel. The value of such an experience is immeasurable, much like deciphering the enigma of Uluru Cost—an endeavor that rewards the curious and the brave.

Common Question of Greenleaf Guesthouse

What services does greenleaf guesthouse provide to guests arriving at pak chong station.

Greenleaf Guesthouse offers a comfortable and convenient pickup service for guests arriving at Pak Chong station. When you inform us of your arrival details, our friendly staff will be there to greet you and ensure a smooth transfer to the guest house, kicking off your adventure with ease and comfort.

Can Greenleaf Guesthouse accommodate adventure tours for all experience levels?

Absolutely, Greenleaf Guesthouse caters to adventurers of all levels. From beginner-friendly nature trails to more challenging excursions, our guides are skilled at customizing tours to suit your comfort and skill level, ensuring a fulfilling and safe adventure for everyone.

Is the Greenleaf Guesthouse eco-friendly and community-oriented?

Yes, Greenleaf Guesthouse is deeply committed to sustainability and supporting the local community. Our operations are conducted with respect for the environment, and we strive to offer guests an authentic experience that also benefits the local culture and economy.

What type of accommodation can I expect at Greenleaf Guesthouse?

Greenleaf Guesthouse provides a range of accommodations designed to blend comfort with the essence of the natural surroundings. Guests can expect clean, comfortable, and serene lodgings, designed to give you a restful respite after a day full of adventure.

Does Greenleaf Guesthouse offer any unique experiences for guests?

Greenleaf Guesthouse prides itself on offering unique experiences, such as sunrise treks that allow you to witness the splendor of nature in an extraordinary setting. Each adventure is crafted to leave a lasting impression, ensuring your time spent with us is unforgettable.

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61 Best Things to Do in St Petersburg FL [Local’s Guide]

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best things to do in st petersburg fl is to see these views of downtown. Located next to Alfred Whitted Park you'll see sailboats and park views of the water.

Table of Contents

Looking for the best things to do in St Petersburg FL? As a local expert, this ultimate guide shares top attractions as well as some hidden gems.

Located on Florida’s Gulf Coast, St Petersburg is a vibrant city that boasts plenty of activities and attractions for people of all ages.

From white sandy beaches to a colorful artsy atmosphere, you’ll find lots of little details that make it special.

biking in st petersburg - rows of bikes you can rent

With year-round sunshine and warm temperatures, it’s no wonder why it was nicknamed years ago, The Sunshine City. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed weekend or a relaxing getaway, you’ll no doubt fall in love with this city. It is also a great city to bike to either downtown or on the Pinellas Trail .

For those new to the area, here are some fun facts about St Pete FL:

  • The city of St Petersburg was named after St Petersburg, Russia
  • The first commercial flight occurred in St Petersburg on New Year’s Day in 1914
  • St Petersburg has the largest collection of Salvador Dali’s artwork.
  • St Petersburg has the world’s largest shuffleboard club
  • The St Petersburg Museum of History has the world’s largest collection of autographed baseballs.

Even as a local, I am constantly finding new adventures and fun places to check out. So, here are the current top things to do in St Petersburg FL in 2023!

ett divider

Where to Stay in St Petersburg, Florida

Photo of Hampton Inn on Beach Drive in St Petersburg, Florida

🏆 Affordable Downtown St Pete Hotel: Hampton Inn & Suites

My favorite hotel in mid-priced hotel in downtown St Petersburg is the Hampton Inn & Suites . It has excellent water views, and it’s in an ideal location on Beach Drive. You can walk to most places when staying here, such as the St Pete Pier, The Dali, and more!

If you’re looking for a luxury or budget-friendly hotel, check out my list of the best hotels in downtown St Pete . The splurge-worthy hotel is definitely The Vinoy ! But, if you don’t mind a little drive then you should consider either The DonCesar or The Sand Pearl Resort .

VRBO rentals in St Petersburg are another popular option, especially with larger family gatherings. For some rentals, you can literally walk out your door into the action. This top-rated 2-bedroom VRBO rental is a favorite in the area for its walkability to all the St Pete shops and restaurants.

🏝 Pro Tip: If you can’t afford a splurge-worthy hotel but want a relaxing 5-star experience, I highly recommend booking a spa day at The DonCesar or The Sand Pearl! You’ll get to use some of the amenities without staying the night.

Visit the Best Beaches in Florida

St Pete Beach with turquoise waters and white sandy beaches

No trip to St. Petersburg would be complete without a visit to its pristine beaches! If you want to read about two of my favorite beaches you’ll want to check out my St Pete Beach or Clearwater Beach article.

If you like hidden gems, you’ll need to read about Pass-a-Grille Beach , Upham Beach , and Gulfport Beach .

Don’t forget your sunscreen—the Sunshine City lives up to its nickname!

Downtown St Pete Pier

View from the St Pete Pier of downtown showing some of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg - strolling by the water.

A visit to St Petersburg is only complete with spending some time at the iconic St Pete Pier. Close to the water’s edge of Tampa Bay, St Pete Pier is a bustling place thanks to its abundance of shops, restaurants, parks, and museums.

If you have the time and opportunity, you should visit the stunning waterfront because there are lots of events and activities to do there.

This glittering new facility on the city’s waterfront promises endless entertainment from frequent travelers to locals. The 26 gorgeous acres effortlessly blend Tampa Bay’s calm waters with the vivid greenery of the city’s parks to create the ideal location for strolling, biking, dining, jungle gyms, shopping, swimming, attending concerts, and more.

While the St Pete Pier has free admission, there is a fee to see the museums, as well as metered parking.

Visit the World Class Museums

I love museums and have spent countless hours in them. If you’re a museum fan, you definitely need to make this a priority on your St Pete vacation.

You’ll also want to check out my article about the  best museums in St Petersburg , which offers information on how to get free tickets.

Here is a short guide to some of my top favorite museums in the area.

Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Great explorations childrens museum photo of inside jungle gym

The Great Explorations Children’s Museum is an excellent place for kids to explore, learn and have fun. With its interactive exhibits, exciting activities, and engaging educational programs, it’s the perfect spot for younger visitors to get curious and engaged with the world around them.

The museum offers a broad range of topics that can be explored through hands-on learning. This is one of our favorite places to take to my toddler. Great Explorations Children’s Museum also has a separate area for babies and toddlers to play safely. Check out my article below on how locals can get free admission .

Read Next: Ultimate Guide to Great Explorations Children’s Museum

The Salvador Dali Museum

The Salvador Dali Museum in St Petersburg

The Salvador Dali Museum is a must-see when visiting St Petersburg. Not only does it boast an impressive permanent collection of Salvador Dali’s works, but it also offers visitors the chance to experience the surreal world of the artist. It features masterpieces from every stage of Dali’s career, allowing guests to gain a comprehensive understanding of his unique talent.

The Salvador Dali Museum itself is a work of art. Drive around back along the waterfront, and you’ll see what I mean. There is a beautiful garden and sitting area you can enjoy. Don’t miss the gift shop, where you can find unique gifts to take home. The Mahaffey Theater is located next door if you decide to stay for a show.

Plus, you are traveling with young children, one of the hidden gems in St Petersburg is Albe rt W hitted Park , directly behind the Dali Museum. It has beautiful views of the waterfront and it overlooks the airport. Kids can climb on the playground equipment designed to look like airplanes, while you enjoy watching the sailboats. There are also shaded gazebos for a picnic.

🤑 Pro Tip: There is metered parking along the water and sometimes easier to find rather than Central Avenue or Beach Drive.

James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

The James Museum in St Petersburg

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art is perhaps one of the most beautiful western art museums I’ve ever been to. From the time you enter the museum, you’ll be awed by the flawless layout with massive bronze sculptures of Native Americans and depictions of the old west.

Visitors can take part in many educational programs or even arrange guided excursions. I was surprised at how kid-friendly this museum was, offering classes and other things to do.

I also found some unique items in their gift shop, such as beautiful jewelry and kid’s trains, etc. It’s definitely well worth a visit to see this permanent collection of the old west.

Museum of the Arts & Crafts Movement

Museum of the Arts & Crafts Movement exterior

One of the newer museums in St Petersburg is the Museum of the Arts & Crafts Moment. This massive 40,000 square feet of gallery space has a retail store, an upscale café and restaurant, a children’s gallery, a theater, a graphic studio, and more!

Here you will see fine arts examples by Gustav Stickley, Frank Lloyd Wright, William Grueby, Newcomb Pottery, Charles Rohlfs, Margaret Patterson, Louis Sullivan, plus many other gifted women and craftsmen.

Beyond the artists, you will see a variety of original pieces from handmade furniture, pottery, tiles, lighting, photography, fine arts, textiles, metalwork, room installations, and other artwork.

Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

The Chihuly Collection is a unique exhibition at the Morean Arts Center that houses a long-term collection of the unique glass works of Dale Chihuly, an internationally renowned artist.

Dale Chihuly’s artwork has been seen throughout Paris and London, along with Seattle’s spectacular Chihuly Garden. Here you can see his sculptures, plus glass-blowing demonstrations.

One of his most famous pieces is the ruby red icicle chandelier at the Morean Arts Center. The Ruby Red Icicle Chandelier is a spectacular studio glass piece that truly stands out with its pointy red droplets.

The Florida Holocaust Museum

The Florida Holocaust Museum with photos, of many of the families affected

Located in downtown St Pete, The Florida Holocaust Museum has been providing education for over 30+ years on the travesty that occurred during World War II.

Here you will find one of the best museums on the Holocaust, with many authentic artifacts such as clothing, photography, eating utensils, handwritten notes, etc. This permanent collection really leaves you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for our freedom today.

The Florida Holocaust Museum also has a small, but reasonably priced gift shop with donations that support the museum.

The Museum of Fine Arts

The Museum of Fine Arts

For art lovers, you’ll want to make a stop at the Museum of Fine Arts in the heart downtown on Beach Drive.

The museum features an extensive permanent collection of decorative arts along with folk arts artwork from African Art, American photography, and European paintings.

Imagine Museum

While I could keep going with the amazing art museums, The Imagine Museum is my last one for this article. If you are into contemporary glass art you’ll have to visit the Imagine Museum.

Just a few years ago, the Imagine Museum was not yet opened, but within a short time has gained popularity. It is the first museum in the US to focus solely on contemporary glass art and shares vital details about the movement and studio glass artists.

You’ll be blown away by what magnificent glass masterpieces. Plus, if you’re needing a little motivation, there are inspirational quotes throughout the 2-story building. The Imagine Museum has a little scavenger hunt that makes it a lot of fun for the whole family.

St Pete Boat Tours: Make Time on the Water!

boats in downtown St pete

There are many different tour types available, depending on what type of adventure you are looking for. If you really want to see dolphins, you can sign up for one of the dolphin boat tours . These tours are very reasonably priced for a day out on the water.

In Tampa Bay there are beautiful sunset cruises , tiki tours , night kayak tours , which are great activities for couples. They also have family snorkeling tours to Egmont Key or Shell Key, which are ideal for families with children.

⛵️ Read Next: The 11 Best Boat Tours in St Petersburg

Take the Cross Bay Ferry to Tampa

Cross Bay Ferry

Taking the downtown ferry to Tampa is a fun way to explore Tampa especially if you’re staying at downtown St Pete hotel. You can easily walk from Straub Park and jump aboard. Avoid the traffic and enjoy some time on the water!

Tampa has so much to offer! From fun things to do for couples or families , you won’t run out of interesting sights. If you only have a day to explore, I highly recommend the ferry. Otherwise, Tampa really deserves more time and stay the night in downtown Tampa hotel .

🌴 Read Next: Tampa vs Orlando: Which is Best For You?

Explore Historic Landmarks in St Pete

Bike rentals or scooter rentals are available.  Photo at Straub Park of bikes to rent.

St. Petersburg is home to several historic landmarks and buildings that are worth exploring. Downtown St Pete is super easy to navigate whether you go for a bike ride or stroll. From the breathtaking Vinoy Renaissance Resort & Golf Club located right by the waterfront (which was built in 1925). In recent years, they have been doing a lot of construction to bring it back to its glory.

Whether you book a hotel night stay here or visit for a drink, it’s one of the most iconic hotels similar to the glorious pink palace in St Pete Beach, The Don CeSar .

St Petersburg offers self-guided audio tours if you have interest in seeing the Historic Outdoor Museum of Roser Park, African American Heritage Trails, and Downtown Waterfront Walking Tours.

Eat at the Best Restaurants in Downtown St Petersburg

Try out some of the numerous cafés, restaurants, and bistros while in St. Petersburg. You will surely get hungry in downtown St Petersburg whether your favorite meal is an American sandwich or a Swiss dessert.

Parkshore Grill

Outdoor seating area at Parkshore Grill St Petersburg

The Parkshore Grill is one of my long-time favorite restaurants for consistent quality meals with a gorgeous setting. I recommend booking in advance on OpenTable.

It’s also no surprise that this restaurant is always busy, given the wonderful scenery just outside the restaurant. You can choose to eat al fresco while overlooking the city’s waterfront.

It also has a great weekend brunch menu in addition to lunch and dinner.

Steaks, fresh fish, burgers, sandwiches, salads, and paninis are just some of the options. Some of my favorites: the scallops, salmon, parkshore salad, and the decadent mac and cheese.

The Ceviche St Petersburg has a luxurious and grand feel to it, and it’s a great place to relax and spend time with friends and family. Brussels, fresh salmon, oxtail, and churros are just a few delicious things you can order from its menu. Don’t pass on their red sangria (I prefer it the standard way).

For a fun date night, order a variety of tapas for your table to share. If you like the outdoors or people-watching, ask for a table outside. This is a prime location on Beach Drive just to enjoy the scenery.

On less than desirable weather conditions, they have a gorgeous interior with bright colors and beautiful tiles that make you want to stay longer.

Urban Stillhouse

The Urban Stillhouse is a great place to eat an expensive steak and drink whiskey (sounds like Yellowstone!).  This 2-story restaurant has a dark interior with a high-end industrial vibe.

The Urban Stillhouse offers novel and traditional American foods that are grilled to order. It’s best to book a table in advance on OpenTable.

The Library Restaurant

The Library Restaurant is one of my favorite brunch locations. While it’s not near the heart of downtown, it’s just a short drive away.

The Library provides an escape from daily stresses with a unique atmosphere and delicious entrees.

Casita Taqueria

Casita is orange building on Central Avenue with bikes out front.

Casita Taqueria on Central Avenue is a go-to casual spot for locals who like a wide range of tasty tacos! If you’re craving Shrimp, Carnitas, or Slow Roasted Pork, you’ll be delighted by their savory options.

All of their corn tortillas are prepared in-house, and they only use the freshest available local produce. They also have delicious chips and queso, and a cute patio outback for guests to utilize.

Pub Trolley Tour

You need the trolley pub tour when you want to go from bar to bar in a city. Why not get a tour and drinks while on vacation? It’s truly a win-win.

With this tour, you can go to different breweries and drink their incredible, one-of-a-kind drinks without a care in the world. Along the way, you can also meet new people who like the same things you do and take pictures going to and from each checkpoint.

Read Next: The Best Tours in St Petersburg Florida

Grand Central District

Salty Nun is a good place for brunch

As a local, I’ve seen the Grand Central District really take off in the last 10 years. It’s gone from bland to fabulous as more local restaurants, coffee shops, breweries, and artsy boutiques continue to flock here.

Take time for a stroll, and enjoy the scene! Anyone that travels with dogs, must make time at one of my favorites, The Dog Bar . Plus, you have the Hatchet Hangout Axe Throwing , antique shops , and more. Three Daughters Brewing is located in this district.

Visit Local St Pete Breweries & Distilleries

Green Bench brewing, best breweries in St Petersburg FL

If you enjoy drinking, St. Petersburg won’t let you down. Here are a few in the downtown area that are excellent choices.

3 Daughters Brewing

A couple of my personal favorite breweries are the 3 Daughters Brewing and Green Bench Brewing. Both have a lot to offer and are good for the entire family.

At the 3 Daughters Brewing, you could stay most of the day since they have other things to do, such as live music events, food, games, and local vendors selling their handmade items.

Green Bench Brewing Company

Green Bench Brewing Company specializes in a family-friendly beer garden serving IPAs, ales, and ciders. From dogs to children, everyone is welcome! It has a spacious interior and friendly staff. If you like good beer, this is one of the best breweries in St Petersburg.

Kozuba and Sons Distillery

As far as distilleries, Kozuba and Sons Distillery is a fun place to stop and sample (try the lemon vodka). The distillery has a great atmosphere, like a speakeasy during the prohibition era.

St Pete Distillery

St Pete Distillery has a delicious coconut rum, and the orange liqueur is particularly good. While it’s at the end of town, it’s a good take-home gift idea to remember your time in the area.

Stopping at these places for a while will give you and your friends new things to do. Visiting these places will not only allow you to have unique and fine wine but also find out how they brew their alcohol. Who knows, you might even start your brewery one day.

Beautiful Outdoor Parks & Gardens in Downtown St Pete

Beautiful parks and gardens in the center of St. Pete St. Petersburg, Florida, are surrounded by trees and plants that are very healthy and full of life. This means that people can enjoy the peace and greenery that the area.

You can unwind as you spend hours touring the many parks in the city. So, here are my top favorite parks in downtown St Petersburg.

Sunken Gardens

Sunken Gardens one of the older attractions and things to do in St. Petersburg FL

The Sunken Gardens are home to the region’s oldest tropical plants, some of which are over a century old. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful display gardens, horticultural programs, flowing waterfalls, flamingos, and a live collection of more than 6,000 plant species.

The gardens are attached to the Great Explorations Children’s Museum , which makes it an ideal stop for families. You can easily see both on the same day. While I like Sunken Gardens, I seem to spend more time in the local parks.

Since it is one of Florida’s last remaining roadside attractions, Sunken Gardens visitors should be prepared to stay on the paved trails and avoid touching the plants. There is also an admission fee to tour Sunken Gardens.

Glazer Family Playground at St Pete Pier

St Pete Pier Playground

At St Pete Pier, you’ll find a large playground for the kids (toddlers to older children), concessions, and a splash pad. They also have Spa Beach, which is a nice place to cool off on a hot day. This is a popular spot, and best to come early if you want to avoid crowds.

Vinoy Park has gorgeous views of the waterfront in st pete.  Showing boats and tall buildings.

Looking for that perfect photo to take of downtown St Petersburg? Make a quick stop in Vinoy Park.

Vinoy Park, a two-mile stretch of shoreline in the heart of St. Petersburg, provides picturesque views of the city, the breathtaking waterfront, and the nearby historic Vinoy Renaissance Resort . The park is a nice spot to unwind in the shade while reading a book or to spend time with friends and family in the open green areas. Many of the top events held in the city each year take place there as well, like Florida’s Largest Pride Parade .

It’s one of the hidden gems in St Petersburg since it’s not something most still know about.

North Shore Park & Aquatic Complex

North Shore Aquatic Complex with lots of swimmers in the pool.

North Shore Park is a 30-acre waterfront park with a North Shore Aquatic Complex , a kid’s playground, a dog park, beach volleyball courts, softball fields, and more!

It is located next to Vinoy Park and offers an array of activities, low-cost or free things to do. While in North Shore Park, visit the free gardens and enjoy a walk along the waterfront.

Dell Holmes Park

Dell Holmes Park

Dell Holmes Park is one of my new favorite parks in St. Petersburg, Florida. If I’m honest – finding a park that checks all my family’s boxes is challenging, especially if you want to avoid crowds like at the St Pete Pier. In fact, I would drive all the way up to Tarpon Springs Waterpark to find something similiar.

Dell Holmes Park is just south of downtown St. Petersburg and is free to use. The park is situated on Lake Maggiore which is ideal for boating, fishing, and walking trails. My husband especially appreciates the driving range and putting green. At the same time, my son loves the massive playground area and waterpark. You’ll find plenty of picnic areas and covered space so you can enjoy the park year round.

Crescent Lake Park

Crescent Lake Park

Crescent Lake Park stands out from the rest of St. Petersburg’s parks because of its stunning scenery. People are calmed by the trees, plants, and water as they walk around the perimeter of the pond.

Crescent Lake Park is surrounded by lovely banyan trees and is a popular spot for a range of activities. Bring a blanket or sit on the grass and participate in Healthy St. Pete’s Free Yoga in the Park program.

Additionally, The Huggins-Stengel Sports Complex, TASCO’s Center for Teen Technology, a playground, a dog park, and recreation paths are all located in this park. 

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Pro Tip:   If you have young children, Crescent Lake has a nice shaded playground that’s close to downtown and less busy than the St Pete Pier (with free parking).

Check Out the Adorable Boutiques & Bookstores

Sundial Shopping

Unique souvenirs are simple to find in downtown St. Petersburg, thanks to the abundance of boutiques and unique bookstores downtown.

Check out Jackie Z Style Co. in the Sundial Mall for unique high-end clothing. Afterwards, you can grab dinner or a movie, since AMC Movie Theater entrance is steps away.

Tombolo Books, off 1st Avenue S, is a cute shop full of delightful reads. Or if you like a book with your wine (or a coffee), you must stop in at Book + Bottle .

Best Coffee Shops in Downtown St Pete

A cup of steaming coffee is ideal for waking up and preparing for the day ahead. There are numerous cafés in downtown St Petersburg where you may purchase their best coffee. The best coffee businesses have inviting décor and delectable beverages, like Bandit Coffee Co. and Black Crow Coffee Shop. My personal favoirte is Bandit Coffee Company, and it’s next to Wild Child (another one of my secret hidden gems for Sunday brunch)!

Tampa Bay Rays Game

The Tampa Bay Rays, a major league baseball team from St. Petersburg, are worth checking out if you enjoy a ball game. Check out the schedule for the Tropicana Field prior to your visit.

During the off-season or away games, they have other events at Tropicana Field, such as Enchant ( Christmas Lights ), Boat Shows, and more! For years, Tampa Bay Rays talked about moving their stadium to Tampa or even out of state! Locals like myself are glad to see they are staying put while they build a brand new stadium on the property!

Helicopter Tours of Downtown St Pete

Helicopter flying over sunset with waterfront

Is there anything more exciting than helicopter travel? Enjoy an invigorating thrill in high-over the city.

This helicopter tour experience will give you the most amazing views of downtown St Petersburg. You will soar above some of the most beautiful sights in the area, including the award-winning beaches.

🌴 Read Next: 9 Highest Rated Tours in St Pete

Spend Time at Unique & Local Markets in St Petersburg

Florida’s St. Petersburg is home to numerous unique and local markets. Flea markets, farmer’s markets, and Saturday morning markets are important locations where you can easily buy household goods, food, and souvenirs.

Mazzaro’s Italian Market

IMG 1694

Customers and tourists can purchase a variety of delectable items at Mazzaro’s Italian Market. For those that love fresh coffee beans, cheese, homemade pasta, meat, and wine, you’ll have to make a stopover on 22nd Avenue North.

My personal favorite is getting their fresh homemade to-go lasagne and caesar salad. The portion is large enough for sharing, and it’s delicious! Plus, don’t miss the dessert area – I have had so many amazing things here.

Saturday Morning Market: Downtown St Pete Farmer’s Market

Downtown St Pete Farmer's Market showing green beans and fresh produce.

Travel is sometimes exhausting and enjoyable. A great chance to breathe in the air while preserving the local culture is to visit the Saturday morning market.

With more than 100 vendors that sell everything from fresh food to artisan desserts made at local farms. They also sell outstanding handmade crafts, goods, and other products.

The Saturday morning market is the best place to go when planning a picnic – pick up a few things and then stroll over to Vinoy Park or the St Pete Pier.

Corey Avenue Sunday Market on St. Pete Beach

Corey Avenue Sunday Market on St. Pete Beach

St. Petersburg has a boatload of fantastic markets, but another one of my top things to do in St. Petersburg is visit the Corey Avenue Sunday Market. The whole street is shut down as live music, fresh produce, locally made crafts, and 75+ unique vendors come together every Sunday. We usually like to walk around and then pop over to Upham Beach and grab a pasterie and coffee at CocoAddiction .

Enjoy the Performing Arts & Live Music in St Petersburg

Elle King on stage in St Pete at Jannus Live.  Jannus has a beautiful outdoor patio, and it's one of my favorite things to do in St. Petersburg at night.

You’ll be amazed as to why music is such a significant component of the events planned in St. Petersburg, Florida. Well, it’s because the locals love music, and they enjoy listening to rock, jazz, and other genres of music, resulting in numerous live music performances.

Mahaffey Theater

The Mahaffey Theater (Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts) is a sophisticated performing arts and concert hall located in the same complex as The Dali. It has over 2,000 seats with beautiful views of Tampa Bay.

The Mahaffey Theater is where you will see headliners or see a ballet or other large-scale event. I’ve seen a variety of performances over the years, from Lorretta Lynn to performing arts shows. The Mahaffey Theater often has shows for the whole family – such as the popular, Big Red Dog Musical.

See a Show at Jannus Live

Located in downtown St Pete, Jannus Live is one of the premier outdoor music venues in St. Petersburg. With a variety of genres spanning rock, pop, hip-hop, and jazz, there’s an eclectic offering of musical talents. Get ready for an unforgettable night of live music!

Floridian Social Club

Because of its well-known, distinctive exteriors and interiors, this area stands out from other places. It hosts public concerts, private events, and open-to-the-public social gatherings. Additionally, there is an open lounge where food and drinks will be served to attendees of a certain event. Check out their upcoming events page to hopefully catch their performing arts while you’re in town.

Unique Bars in Downtown St Pete

Stillwaters Tavern is a nice option for a beer with lighter fare. Showing outdoor seating and beautiful views of highrises.

There are numerous bars in St. Petersburg’s downtown where visitors may have a good time. Going to the local taverns is a great opportunity to learn about the history of the community and how hospitable the people are. Additionally, you have a variety of options to select from, allowing you to try something new.

Canopy Rooftop Lounge

Located far above the streets, The Canopy is a rooftop bar where you can have a drink and take in the amazing view. The stylish lounge is situated on the roof of the Birchwood Hotel and offers private cabanas, cozy fire pits, and comfortable lounge seats with unobstructed views of the downtown St Petersburg waterfront.

The Full-Service Bar offers patrons a choice of handcrafted cocktails, fine wines, and an assortment of spirits, while birchwood’s upper-level cuisine serves a seasonal menu for casual dishes, including sandwiches, flatbreads, and appetizers all prepared in-house.

This is my favorite rooftop bar in downtown St Petersburg. Come at happy hour, which runs from 4-7 pm, and take in the sunset. Enjoy the drink specials(such as red or white sangria for 5 bucks). They have a very nice charcuterie board with a great mix of meats, cheese, fruits, and nuts. Late night hours, this becomes more like a nightclub with a DJ or live music.

If you are looking for a unique atmosphere and fun cocktails, check out The Saint. This speakeasy requires a password to get in (it’s on their website and Instagram), so you’re bound to have a great time. It is located in St. Petersburg’s Grand Central neighborhood. Keep in mind, the drinks are expensive.

Bacchus Wine Bistro

Bacchus Wine Bistro

If you like charcuterie and small plates with wine, check out Bacchus Wine Bistro . While it’s not as unique as some of the other bars, its quaint atmosphere is nice for conversational seating with friends or couples.

For those that enjoy wine, they have an extensive list. I prefer their outdoor seating when it’s available for a carefree hour or two!

🥂 Read Next: A Local’s Guide: The 16 Best St Pete Beach Bars & Nightlife!

See the Historic Neighborhoods of St Petersburg

The Vinoy Golf Club on Snell Isle

I’ve often seen Historic Kenwood listed as the most charming neighborhood because of its bungalows designed in the 1920s.

While I enjoy seeing Historic Kenwood, my preferred historic sites include the Historic Old Northeast, Coffee Pot Boulevard NE and Snell Isle.

If you want to see some of the finest houses where local politicians such as Charlie Christ live. Then you’ll want to drive along N. Shore Drive NE to Coffee Pot Boulevard to Snell Isle. This short drive from downtown won’t take you more than an hour roundtrip, so you could possibly fit in Historic Kenwood too!

Watch the Tampa Bay Rowdies Play

If you enjoy soccer, you should watch the St Petersburg squad, the Tampa Bay Rowdies.

This professional soccer team goes under the radar for most people on vacation, but it’s definitely a lot of fun to watch. Check out their schedule for a full list of upcoming games.

Check Out the Beautiful Murals

St Pete Mural with hand reaching out

St. Petersburg, Florida, is also known for the murals you can see all over the city, especially on walls in public places. There is also the Grand Central Arts District, which is filled with murals.

In St. Petersburg, there probably is a daring and magnificent piece of art covering any outdoor surface. The murals that decorate the city’s walls are renowned (in fact, there are more than 150). There is even an annual mural festival called SHINE that takes place in St Petersburg in October and invites artists from all over the world.

Beyond Downtown | Other Amazing Things to Do in St Petersburg FL

Bellwether Beach Resort has amazing views of the gulf of Mexico being directly on the beach, St Pete Beach.

While I listed a lot of amazing places in downtown St Petersburg. St Petersburg is more than just a city of fascinating exhibits.

There are many things to see, especially outdoors in Pinellas County in St Pete Beach , Madeira Beach , Treasure Island, Indian Rocks Beach , Gulfport , and more!

🏝 Read Next: 13+ Best Things to Do in Madeira Beach

Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto Park showing an old cannon

If you’re looking for one of the best things to do in St Petersburg FL, for nature lovers, you have found it.

Fort De Soto Park was built on Mullet Key under the direction of Robert E. Lee. It is now largely known for having some of the best award-winning beaches, boating, fishing, and wildlife, with over 1,100 acres to explore. Make sure to spend some at the picturesque white sand beaches (I especially like North Beach).

There are miles of paved nature trails, camping and picnic spots, two fishing piers, bird watching, ferry rides to Egmont and Shell Keys, and a dog area. Of course, you can’t leave without seeing the historic fort and museum.

Camping at Fort De Soto Park is truly the best way to experience all that this park has to offer. There are a total of 236 campsites with facilities that also include access to electricity, washers and dryers, restrooms, playgrounds, and campsite stores.

You can also bring your dog. Fort De Soto Park has one of the best dog beaches in Florida.

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge

Egmont Key State Park

Egmont Key State Park is a secluded private island only accessible by boat. Since there’s no admission fee (only transportation cost).

Island Ferry of St Pete Beach is one ferry option, or you can visit through For De Soto Park. Keep in mind, you’ll need to bring your own beach or snorkel equipment.

One of the best ways to see Egmont Key State Park is on a boat tour. They provide the equipment and you can relax and enjoy the island! This 4-Hour Egmont Key Boat Tour provides snorkel equipment, bottled waters, and an indoor cabin with air-conditioning when it gets hot. Plus, they take you by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge for gorgeous photo opportunities.

You can spend time at the white sand beach, go snorkeling or swimming in crystal clear waters, or enjoy the nature trails. The blue-green water is shallow and clear at Egmont Key, so it’s easy to see the beautiful shells and fish swimming around you.

Keep your eyes open for old structures that have since been submerged in the Gulf of Mexico. You can also see (and we often do) manatees, dolphins, and other marine life while snorkeling around this island.

Take a break from snorkeling and see some of Egmont Key by walking the nature trail. The brick paths will lead you to several structures and a lighthouse that are historic ruins of Fort Dade that date back to 1858.

Before you visit, make sure you have good weather. Egmont Key State Park is a distance by boat and you don’t want to be out there in a storm.

Enjoy a Round of Golf in Pinellas County

Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club in St Petersburg

With gulf coast breezes and sunny weather, a day on the golf course is another one of the fun things to do in St Petersburg FL. Check out our article on the best golf courses in Pinellas County .

If you prefer a miniature golf course, Smugglers Cove has a couple of locations in Tampa Bay. Some even have live alligators and pirate ships!

Weedon Island Preserve

If you’re not yet oversaturated by beaches and parks, Weedon Island Preserve is another beautiful spot in Tampa Bay. With 3,1900 acres of nature trails and green spaces, you have plenty of bird watching opportunities. Plus, you can enjoy a paddling trail with canoe or kayak rentals available to rent.

Weedon Island Preserve offers guided tours which are great for the whole family. One of the most interesting nature hikes is an active archaeological dig site on Weeden Island Preserve. Here you can learn about the early inhabitants of Weedon Island thousands of years ago.

Observation towers are another great way to see wildlife. At Wheedon Island Preserve, their observation tower provides visitors with an excellent view of Tampa Bay and the cities of St Petersburg and Tampa .

Make Time for Day Trips in St Petersburg Area

Sunset photo was taken on the water of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Tampa Bay really has a boatload of places to see! You’ll definitely want to make time for some day trips. I have an extensive list of favorite places, but here are a few to mention:

Bradenton Florida Marina showing boats

Head over the beautiful Sunshine Skyway Bridge to the city of Bradenton, Florida. Before you get there, some people like to stop at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park for beautiful views of the Gulf of Mexico. The fishing piers are the location of the old bridge which has great fishing, such as Spanish mackerel, tarpon, and sea trout.

In Bradenton, you’ll find a nice laid-back waterfront town with a beautiful riverwalk. One of my favorite science museums, The Bishop Museum of Science & Nature , is located downtown with manatees in their aquarium. Check out my full list of fun things to do in Bradenton .

Clearwater & Clearwater Beach

Clearwater church of scientology

Beyond the Church of Scientology, Clearwater is famous for the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of suffering marine animals. They provide public education, including dolphin boat tours and conservation efforts in a hands-on experience.

The aquarium gained worldwide recognition for being where the Bottlenose Dolphin, “Winter” lived. Winter was the main character in the 2009 book Winter’s Tale and, more notably, became the 2011 film, Dolphin Tale .

Downtown Clearwater Beach is also worth visiting, and one of my favorite staycations! Read more about deciding between St Pete Beach and Clearwater Beach for vacation here !

💰 Local Tip: If you are here on vacation get a Tampa Bay CityPass to save 53% off! The CityPass includes Busch Gardens, The Florida Aquarium, Zoo Tampa at Lowry Park, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, The Tropic Boats Tour, and the Museum of Science & Industry (MOSI).

Dunedin Museum

If you love quaint towns on the waterfront, Dun edin has a lot to offer! Some of the best local breweries in Pinellas County are in the charming city. You’ll be impressed by the many restaurants , shops, and the parking is usually free. However, it is a drive from downtown St Petersburg, so you’ll definitely want to plan for being there all day.

Madeira Beach

Madeira Beach

Come to the land of the pirates! As legend has it, Madeira Beach’s first resident was a pirate which helped shape its unique history.

It is widely known for its 2.5 mile long white sandy beaches and the historical John’s Pass Village. This beautiful shopping district has over 100 unique shops and many restaurants, bars, and watersports equipment available to rent.

John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk has been ranked the #1 attraction in Pinellas County.

Tampa Florida Waterfront view

If you’re looking for world-class thrill rides, zoos, concerts, and a big-city feel, you can’t miss Tampa . As I mentioned earlier, you’ll definitely want to make time for this fantastic city on your trip itinerary.

Read Next: The 25+ Fun Date Things to Do in Tampa for Couples

Tarpon Springs

Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks, photo of boat with sponges

Tarpon Springs is a city located on the Gulf of Mexico. Known for its Greek eateries that line the waterfront of Dodecanese Boulevard, it has a rich Greek heritage. In the early 1900s, Greek sponge divers settled here and the town was famous for selling sponges.

Enjoy a leisurely walk to see the Historic Sponge Docks are a reminder of the once booming industry. If you get time for a meal, try Hellas Restaurant (they also have a delicious bakery on the property).

Safety Harbor

Safety Harbor downtown

Safety Harbor wasn’t one of the first cities in St. Petersburg to attract my attention. However, it’s been one of my more frequent places to visit in the last year. This quaint town is also located on the water with a super laid-back vibe, with local breweries, antique shops, and golf carts replacing cars for locals. While the city is most known for it’s famous healing springs, there’s plenty to do here on a day trip from St Pete.

Final Thoughts on Things to Do in St Petersburg FL

I hope my favorite things to do in St. Petersburg list are helpful to you! Whatever you do, make sure to spend some time on a boat or near the water. Our gorgeous white sand beaches and crystal clear water are one of a kind. I always feel rejuvenated after spending a couple of hours walking the beach or on a boat.

As I mentioned, I continue to find new things I adore about the Sunshine City. Please feel free to message me anytime if you see new things I need to add to my list!

Before You Go…

Make sure you take full advantage of everything this incredible city has to offer. You’ll definitely want to book a hotel and check out the related articles below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i spend a day in st. petersburg.

Explore Downtown St Petersburg with world-class museums, art galleries, restaurants, and amazing views from St Pete Pier. You are a stone’s throw from some of the best beaches in Florida, including Spa Beach, St Pete Beach, and Fort Desoto Beach.

Is St. Petersburg, Florida worth visiting?

In addition to its gorgeous white sandy beaches, Saint Petersburg also offers the world-renowned Salvador Dali Museum, top-rated restaurants, and beautiful Fort DeSoto Park. This city is ideal for those that want a beautiful beach location with interesting places to explore!

Did You Find This Post Helpful? Share It!

If so, I would love to hear about your favorite things to do in St Petersburg FL. You can follow me on Instagram , and tag your images to @erinstraveltips and hashtag #erinstraveltips. I look forward to seeing you there!

Related Travel Articles to Read Next

9 Highest Rated Tours in St Petersburg, FL in 2023
25+ Best Things to Do in St Pete Beach + Local Top Picks
12 Best Hotels in Downtown St Pete | Local MUST Know Tips
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St Pete Beach vs Clearwater Beach – Which is Best for You?
Where to Stay in Clearwater Beach: 9 Amazing Vacation Hotels

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4 thoughts on “61 Best Things to Do in St Petersburg FL [Local’s Guide]”

So much to do and see. I had no idea there was a holocaust museum there. I would definitely want to visit it.

Oooh nice! I had no idea there was so much art in St Petersburg! The Salvador Dali Museum (and the others) sound really fun to explore.

It may be named after the city in Russia, but this couldn’t look much more different!! So much sunshine!

The Dali Museum is awesome. Next time I need to do a boat tour and also visit some breweries.

Wow, Erin! This is an awesome list of things to do in St. Petersburg. I can’t believe that we have yet to visit. I would love to check out some of the restaurants you mentioned. I mean, you had me at tacos!!

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green leaf guest house and tour

Casa del Merman at GayStPete House


1. The house was built in 1928 on the then outskirts of Saint Petersburg as a single family residence by F.W. Webster, a railroad executive and a member of the St Petersburg City Council.  The 3 car garage was built first at a cost of $400. The 9 room two-story house was started a month later at a cost of $6,000.  (The Pass-A-Grille room was originally the laundry room, and the poolside half of the Honeymoon Island room was the sunporch. The Fort Desoto room and the massage/pool bath were the 3 car garage. Total heated square footage is approximately 4000.

2. In 1959 Owner Henry McPhee apparently started creating rental units (perhaps without permits) and added a steel fire escape to the exterior adjacent to the parking lot.

3. In 1975, Owner Philip Green added the swimming pool and deck at a cost of $4750 , a cypress fence at a cost of $400, and some bathrooms.

4. In 1982, Owner Loretta Swift had a severe fire on the SW corner of the main house. Permitted repairs were listed at $20,000. It is believed more bathrooms were added at this time. The house was approved for 5 apartments, but apparently there were more.

5. In 2000, the current owner Brian Longstreth bought the property with the intention of returning it to it’s legal 5 units (there were nine) and living on the ground floor of the main house. Brian had the pool refinished, added fencing, a hot tub, and turned the carport in to a poolside bar area

6. In 2008 Brian turned his office and one bedroom in to guestrooms and started GayStPete House. In the next few years the remaining apartments were turned in to guestrooms and began fully operating as a Bed & Breakfast. Required improvements were an exterior staircase replacing the fire escape and a fire suppression sprinkler system. In 2021 a logo and name change took effect becoming Casa del Merman at GayStPete House.  Improvements to “The Big Gay House”  continue to this day, and we hope you enjoy your stay.  “Relax and Enjoy”

To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

The Main Cabana

Greenleaf Guesthouse is located at km 7.5, along the road from the town of Pak Chong to Khao Yai National Park.

Pak Chong is easily reached by train or bus. If you plan to stay at our guesthouse we can pick you up from the train or bus station. And if you join our full day tour, transportation from Pak Chong to our guesthouse is free! In case you book accomodation elsewhere but want to join one of our tours, please contact us first to check about transportation requirements and costs.

Please, note that you can only book a room directly with us via phone or email, we are not listed on any booking websites such as Agoda. We have noticed that some guests have erroneously booked another Greenleaf Guesthouse through Agoda, located in Malaysia!

We do not recommend renting a motorbike to visit Khao Yai. Riding a motorbike in Thailand is risky and accidents occur frequently. Due to previous experiences, we cannot accept bookings if you plan to come by rented motorbike.

Contact Details:

Tel: 044-936 361, 044-936 373, 063-303 1580

Mobile: 089 - 424 8809 (Mr. Nine)

Line: 3031580

WhatsApp: 063 303 1580

Address: 52 Moo 6 Thanarat Road (km 7.5), Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130

License No. 53-0022

GPS: +14° 36' 31", +101° 24' 5"

© Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour | Design by Somyod

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The Chinese Palace

There is nothing particularly Chinese about this charming building in the southern corner of the park at Oranienbaum. Built by Antonio Rinaldi between 1762 and 1768, it was the first major building project to be ordered by Catherine the Great, who planned for the building to serve as her private dacha. In fact the Empress spent only 48 days there during the 34 years of her reign. However, the building, which is currently undergoing full-scale renovation, is considered one of the finest examples of rococo in Russia, with has superbly ornate interiors featuring a range of late 18 th century styles, including Chinoiserie, a trend imported to St. Petersburg from England rather than from the East.

From the outside, the palace is a relatively simple building, single-storey except for the small central pavilion, painted in a mellow combination of ochre and yellow. The seventeen rooms inside, decorated by Rinaldi and other leading artists and craftsmen of the day, feature pink, blue and green scagliola, painted silks, and intricate stucco work. Rinaldi's parquet floors are wonderfully ornate, using several types of rare Russian and imported wood. Among the highlights of the Chinese Palace interiors are the Glass Beaded Salon, the walls of which are hung with 12 panels of richly coloured tapestries depicting exotic birds and fauna. The fine white glass beads that form the backdrop of the tapestries give the whole room a diaphanous, shimmering quality that was designed to be particularly effective in the glowing twighlight of the White Nights. The full influence of Chinoiserie is in evidence in the gaudy Large Chinese Salon, where the walls are covered with marquetry paneling of wood and walrus ivory depicting oriental landscapes, and large Chinese lanterns hanging in the corners. The room also contains an English-made billiard table with superb wood carving.

The interiors of the Chinese Palace are particularly prized because they have survived almost completely intact since Catherine's reign. Whereas most of the interiors of St. Petersburg's imperial palaces had to be completely reconstructed after the wanton destruction of the Nazi invaders, the decorations of the Chinese Palace were successfully evacuated, and re-installed in the early fifties. They are, however, in chronic need of restoration, and the process is finally underway in ernest, with several major Russian and international conservation agencies involved in the process. As yet, there is no date set for the completion of works.

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  1. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour

  2. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour

  3. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour

  4. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour

  5. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour

  6. Green Leaf Guest House/Hotel

    green leaf guest house and tour


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  2. Green Leaf at Hermitage Apartment Community

  3. Green Day Emirates Stadium 01/06/2013 Full Concert

  4. Tea Leaf Green

  5. All Prime Productions: Maple Leaf Gardens



  1. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Welcome to Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour, a great place to enjoy the beauty of Khao Yai National Park and the relaxing Thai lifestyle. What Do We Offer? On our tours we take you to explore the tropical forest with our expert guides. We'll go trekking in the jungle and look for many species of animals that live in the park, such as gibbons ...

  2. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Tour Prices: Half day tour: 500 Baht per person; Full day tour: 1,500 Baht per person; Promotion: If you take both tours the price is 1,800 Baht per person. You can also choose to take only one tour. We don't give any discounts on the tour price. Please note that we only accept cash payment at our guesthouse, and you don't need to pay anything ...

  3. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand. We have 21 rooms that are clean and comfortable, all with private bathroom and fan. The room rate is 300 Baht per night only. It is recommended to book in advance to avoid disappointments.

  4. Khao Yai National Park

    Khao Yai National Park - Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour, Amphoe Pak Chong. 4,363 likes · 1 talking about this · 3,262 were here. Trekking to watch Wild Life with Greenleaf in Khao Yai National Park,...

  5. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour: Review, Pricing & Experiences

    COST OF ACCOMODATION: 300 Baht per night (per room) COST OF TOURS: 500 Baht for half day tour, 1,500 Baht for full day tour, 1,800 Baht for both (per person) HOW TO BOOK: Email [email protected]. TRAINS & BUSES: Can be booked to Pak Chong from Bangkok via, search below. Powered by 12Go Asia system.

  6. Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours

    Greenleaf Guesthouse and Tours (From 200 baht Walk-in) Khao Yai Garden Lodge (From 350 baht Walk-in) Pak Chong. At Home Hostel (From 300 baht Walk-in) The Goodville Cottage (From 750 baht Walk-in) Bobby's Apartment and Jungle Tours (From 100 baht Walk-in) Pak Chong Hotel (US$16 with Agoda) Muak Lek. Ndol Streamside Thai Villas (From 2,700 ...


    Greenleaf Guesthouse, Pak Chong: See 495 traveler reviews, 406 candid photos, and great deals for Greenleaf Guesthouse, ranked #1 of 59 B&Bs / inns in Pak Chong and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  8. Greenleaf Guesthouse Review

    Room Type: Double Room. Price Per Room: 300 Thai Baht. Ratings: Greenleaf Guesthouse is the perfect budget accommodation choice for those wanting to visit Khao Yai National Park. Khao Yai is roughly 180km from Bangkok and twenty minutes drive from the town of Pak Chong. Visiting Khao Yai from Pak Chong is only possible if you have you own ...

  9. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour: Complete Adventure Guide

    Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour is an all-encompassing retreat for adventure-seekers and nature lovers looking to explore the great outdoors. Nestled in a picturesque location, it serves as the perfect base camp from which guests can embark on a variety of excursions, ranging from serene nature walks to adrenaline-fueled activities.

  10. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Private tour options. Family tours suitable for all ages. Wildlife and nature. Bird watching. Mammals, insects or reptiles. Wildlife photography. And more ... The price of a private tour depends on the size of the group and the type of activities. Please by email or phone to discuss your special wishes for a private tour so we can provide a quote.

  11. great atmosphere, friendly helping staff, lots of info and tour

    Green Leaf Guest House: great atmosphere, friendly helping staff, lots of info and tour possibilities - See 56 traveler reviews, 82 candid photos, and great deals for Green Leaf Guest House at Tripadvisor.

  12. Great tour of park and tea gardens

    Green Leaf Guest House: Great tour of park and tea gardens - See 57 traveler reviews, 82 candid photos, and great deals for Green Leaf Guest House at Tripadvisor.

  13. 61 Best Things to Do in St Petersburg FL [Local's Guide]

    Downtown St Pete Pier. One of the best views in Tampa Bay: St Pete Pier. A visit to St Petersburg is only complete with spending some time at the iconic St Pete Pier. Close to the water's edge of Tampa Bay, St Pete Pier is a bustling place thanks to its abundance of shops, restaurants, parks, and museums.


    Greenleaf Guesthouse, Thailand/Pak Chong: See 495 traveller reviews, 406 candid photos, and great deals for Greenleaf Guesthouse, ranked #1 of 59 B&Bs / inns in Thailand/Pak Chong and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  15. The House

    The 9 room two-story house was started a month later at a cost of $6,000. (The Pass-A-Grille room was originally the laundry room, and the poolside half of the Honeymoon Island room was the sunporch. ... In 1975, Owner Philip Green added the swimming pool and deck at a cost of $4750 , a cypress fence at a cost of $400, and some bathrooms. 4. In ...

  16. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Tours; Rooms; Food; Contact; Greenleaf Guesthouse is located at km 7.5, along the road from the town of Pak Chong to Khao Yai National Park. Pak Chong is easily reached by train or bus. If you plan to stay at our guesthouse we can pick you up from the train or bus station. And if you join our full day tour, transportation from Pak Chong to our ...

  17. Chinese Palace, Oranienbaum, St. Petersburg

    From the outside, the palace is a relatively simple building, single-storey except for the small central pavilion, painted in a mellow combination of ochre and yellow. The seventeen rooms inside, decorated by Rinaldi and other leading artists and craftsmen of the day, feature pink, blue and green scagliola, painted silks, and intricate stucco work.

  18. Drive-thru salad restaurant Greenlane to open on 4th Street in St. Pete

    Greenlane, a health-conscious-driven restaurant expanding into several Tampa Bay-area submarkets, is getting ready to turn dirt at 8001 4th Street North for its third location. The 1,200-square-foot bright green building will have a single drive-thru lane and pickup window where customers can quickly order sweet and spicy salads or build their own.

  19. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand. These are videos and photographs of the wildlife you might see on our tours. They can appear all of a sudden so make sure you have your camera ready! Our guides are expert camera handlers, so don't hesitate to pass them your camera for a great shot. Remember that a national park is not like a zoo ...

  20. 1908 Burlington Ave N Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

    For Sale - 1908 Burlington Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL - $700,000. View details, map and photos of this single family property with 3 bedrooms and 3 total baths. MLS# TB8301179.

  21. Greenleaf Guesthouse & Tour Khao Yai Thailand

    Our kitchen is open from early morning to evening, preparing breakfast (served all day) and a variety of Thai dishes. All meals can be adjusted for vegetarians. Fried noodles Thai style (Pad Thai) Spicy Chicken Soup (Tom Yam) Sample Menu: Here's a sample of some of the favorite items on our restaurant menu. All these dishes are 40-50 Baht.


    greenleaf guesthouse hotel pak chong. LOCATION. Thailand Nakhon Ratchasima Province Pak Chong District Pak Chong. NUMBER OF ROOMS. 5. Prices are the average nightly price provided by our partners and may not include all taxes and fees. Taxes and fees that are shown are estimates only. Please see our partners for more details.