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Poznávacie zájazdy podľa Vašich požiadaviek pre skupiny, jednotlivcov, školy


Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti od 150 €

Adršpašsko-Teplické skaly, to najkrajšie z východných Čiech-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti od 168 €


Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 349 €

Balkán - prírodné a historické perly, Vojvodina, Srbsko - Belehrad-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti od 235 €


Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 288 €


Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 298 €


Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 195 €

Česko-Saské Švajčiarsko-7

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 148 €

Košice a drevené kostolíky Unesco

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 89 €

Východné Slovensko - Gemer a Tokajská cesta-4

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 88 €

Stredné Čechy - zlatý prsteň Karla IV

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 118 €

Mauthausen, Hitlerove orlie hniezdo a Soľnohradsko-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 139 €

Medvedia tiesňava, Seegrotte, Graz a Baden-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 98 €

Praha prázdninová a jej kuriozity-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky vlak Podrobnosti 129/109 €

Východné Slovensko - Gemer a Tokajská cesta-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 94,50 €

Poklady Českého ráje-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 245 €

Mauthausen, Salzburg a Hitlerove orlie hniezdo

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 138 €

Poľsko - prírodné a historické skvosty - Balt a Mazury

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 115 €

Prírodné a historické krásy východných Čiech-2

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 215 €

Toskánsko - kolíska renesancie

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 235 €

Chorvátsko - národné parky, pamiatky a Jadranské more

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 180 €

Krásy Moravy

Termín: podľa požiadavky autobus Podrobnosti 210 €


Termín: 9.-11.11.2024 - posledné voľné miesta vlak Podrobnosti od 119 €

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Russia is again welcoming travelers!

  • A negative PCR test is all that's needed to enter Russia
  • Regular flights are now operating to / from Russia
  • Visas can be issues quickly (Volga Dream provides your invitation)
  • All Volga Dream personnel and guides are fully vacinated
  • Bookings are transferable without penalty for 12 months
  • Volga Dream arranges PCR-tests if needed for your outbound flight

Check our COVID-19 Policy page to learn more.

Lorem Ipsum

Luxurious river cruises in russia.

Explore authentic Russian cities. Enjoy premium service and engaging activities as you sail the Volga River.

Moscow. Red Square. St. Basil Cathedral

2022 Cruise Season

Join our signature small group journeys and cruise in luxury along the Russian Volga river!

St. Petersburg. Palace bridge

The Russian Odyssey

An extended 'South to North' view of Russia from Astrakhan to St. Petersburg through Moscow.

Kizhi Island

Explore Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia’s Golden Ring in greater depth. Stay at gorgeous Four Seasons hotels. Enjoy special access to iconic cultural sites.

Moscow. Red Square

Lower Volga

Treat yourself to an unforgettable experience cruising the Volga river from Moscow to Astrakhan. The tour includes 2 nights in Moscow.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

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A Volga river cruise is more than a geographical voyage; it’s also a journey through Russia’s rich and captivating history. No other experience takes you so completely to another place and time. The Volga is Europe’s longest and largest river; it meanders through the stories of Ivan the Terrible and his rise to power, the two historic ‘Greats’ Peter and Catherine, and then on into today. It’s a unique opportunity to see modern Russia in the context of its intriguing history, ably assisted by friendly and professional academics and tour guides. A Volga Dream Russian river tour promises to leave you with an unforgettable afterglow of fond memories.

St. Petersburg. Petehof

Moscow to St. Petersburg River Cruise

Moscow and St. Petersburg are Russia’s best-known cities, but the towns of Russia’s historic Golden Ring are delightful too. The luxurious Volga Dream offers a unique opportunity to visit these Russian gems by sailing gently along the Volga River on an unforgettable cruising experience. In small, exclusive groups you’ll enjoy preferential access to some of Russia’s most significant cultural sites.

Volgogard. Mamaev Hill

Moscow to Astrakhan River Cruise

Your River Cruise on the luxurious MS Volga Dream takes you from Moscow along Russia’s grand Volga River to the legend that is Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea. Along the way, you’ll discover the treasures of Yaroslavl, the oldest city on the Volga, medieval Nizhniy Novgorod and beautiful Kazan, the ancient Tatar capital. We plan our tour carefully to combine the very best of Moscow with a world-class Volga River cruise.

Discover Russia with MS Volga Dream - Click-through map

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We love hearing from guests about their time in Russia and one comment often hear is how surprised people are by the Russian capital. We can’t say for certain what people expected but we do know that it’s always far removed from what they imagined! It’s been called a modern metropolis, a cosmopolitan city, an historic gem, an architectural treasure and a cultural powerhouse, among other descriptions. Majestic Moscow has always surprised our guests and left them with lasting and fond memories.

Russia’s famous Golden Ring is an archipelago of historic towns surrounding Moscow. Uglich is one of the oldest and was founded under Igor, the last Varangian prince. It once resisted the Mongol invasion and its ancient walls saw the grisly murder of young Dmitri, son of Ivan the Terrible. The impressive Church of St. Dmitri on the Blood, with its classic onion domes and blood red walls, is a fine example of classic Russian architecture. The tour ends with an enchanting choral concert.

This, the oldest city on the Volga River, and now a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts a wealth of ancient orthodox treasures. The impressive Transfiguration of the Savior, adorned with murals depicting St. John’s apocalyptic visions can be seen in the Spassky Monastery. The Church of St. Elijah the Prophet is decorated with an awe-inspiring selection of rich frescoes. For a real taste of pre-revolutionary Russia, visitors are entertained by a costumed reception at the Governor’s House.

Close to the shores of White Lake once were the ‘tsar’s fishing grounds’. It lies in a place so serene that ancient monks chose to build no fewer than three holy sites here, including the Ferapontov Monastery. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, its chapels boast magnificent frescoes by Dionysius, one of Russia’s most renowned icon painters. The Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery was a refuge for many nobles during tumultuous times and later a fortress that successfully repelled invading armies.

The Karelia region is a vast and naturally beautiful wilderness that spreads all the way from St. Petersburg to the Arctic Circle. The glorious island village of Kizhi consists almost entirely of the traditionally styled wooden buildings of ‘Old Russia’. Among them is the famous Transfiguration Church built in 1714. Remarkably, and in testament to the craftsmen of the time, not a single nail was used in its construction! Kizhi is one of the favorite stops on the river cruise to St. Petersburg.

A typical rural hamlet brought to life by warm and welcoming villagers. Volga Dream guests are invited into local homes to enjoy classic Russian fare, tea with jam and ‘pirozhki’ (pies). Enthusiastic hosts share Russian traditions and the appeal of village life while proudly showing off their scrupulously kept homes and kitchen gardens. The tour continues with a brief bus ride to see a unique World War II memorial and then, for a real glimpse of Russian life, a visit to a local primary school.

Nizhny Novgorod

This was once a wealthy city thanks to its proximity to rich eastern trading routes. During the Soviet era, the city was closed to outsiders because of its military importance. It’s also where many political prisoners were sent to live out their days in exile. The 16th-century Kremlin ramparts offer spectacular views and the city is known for its elaborately decorated churches. For Volga Dream cruise guests, the highlight of the day is an evening folk concert performed by local children.

Sailing along the Volga river, the riverbank gradually ceases to be dominated by Orthodox churches. Instead, beautiful mosques appear as the river crosses into Tatarstan where the first stop is scenic Kazan, the region’s capital. Inside the white walls of the citadel, the famous Kul Sharif mosque and the old Cathedral of Peter and Paul stand side-by-side symbolizing the two faiths’ long and peaceful coexistence in the region. A concert of traditional Tatar music ends the Volga Dream tour in Kazan.

Passing the Zhigulevskie Mountains offers wonderful views from the sundeck before touring the city. One of the key attractions is the fascinating Space Museum, which offers a revealing glimpse of how the Soviet Union pursued its ambitious journey to the cosmos. The town is also noted for its beautiful esplanade, perfect for a relaxed stroll beside the Volga river. This in turn leads to the Samara State Art Museum. Founded in 1897, it is home to a collection of more than 16,000 works of art.

This city is best known for its close associations with cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. The Russian hero who achieved worldwide fame as the first man in space lived and studied here. Saratov used to be home to a large German community, a heritage that can still be seen in the local architecture. The Volga Dream tour visits the Radishchev State Art Museum, the first picture gallery in Russia outside Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Originally called Tsaritsyn, the city was renamed Stalingrad from 1925 to 1961 in honor of the USSR’s leader. During World War II, the city’s residents put up a heroic defense, repelling an advancing Nazi invasion. The battle for Stalingrad has gone down in history as a pivotal moment in the bloody conflict on the eastern front. The most ferocious and deadly fighting took place on Mamayev Hill, where an imposing memorial now stands close to the excellent Battle of Stalingrad Panorama Museum.

Saint Petersburg

If Moscow surprises, then St Petersburg delights. Peter the Great founded the city to showcase Russia’s newfound enlightenment. He wanted to show the modern world a cultured and advanced society. In short, he built the city to impress and in that he succeeded splendidly! The striking buildings were designed by some of the finest architects Europe had to offer and even now, the ‘Venice of the North’ never fails to enchant with its spectacular buildings and impressive canal network. It is a city of true grandeur.

Cocktails with the Captain

Commanding any ship is a complex role that calls for a long list of skills. Captains know their vessels inside out as well as well as the routes they sail and when things don’t go to plan, they have to make instant decisions. Above all though, the most important part of the job, underpinning everything they do, is to keep the ship and everyone aboard safe. The Captain’s cocktail party is a great and a wonderful opportunity for passengers and crew to get acquainted as the gets underway.

Matryoshka doll painting

There is nothing more typically Russian than a Matryoshka. It embodies the fact that there’s always something deeper to be found in every aspect of Russian life. Learning the traditional designs and techniques used to decorate these iconic dolls offers a pleasant diversion and some cathartic creativity!

Superb Service & Dining

Our restaurant serves the highest standard of international cuisine, freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. Choose either a sumptuous buffet or set menu for lunch while dinner is always four or five courses with full service. High praise for the exquisite quality of meals is yet another constantly recurring feature in feedback from our guests.

Meet the Professor

From the Mongol hordes to Soviet times, Russia’s history is, like all of Europe’s, a complex web of political intrigue, war and peace, trade and treaties, as well as heroes and villains. Academics devote whole lifetimes to studying Russia’s long past and one of them presents a series of lectures shedding light on everything from Gorbachev to Chekhov, Khrushchev to Ivan the Terrible and of course, contemporary Russia. Our Professor is on board throughout the river cruise for informal conversation.

Beginner’s Russian

The Russian language can be rather beautiful and poetic and we know that many seasoned travelers enjoy trying their hand at different languages. Our onboard teachers provide an introduction to the riches of Russian, so guests can try out a few useful words and phrases on real Russians during the exciting river tours from Moscow to St. Petersburg or from Moscow to Volgograd!

Russian tea tasting

The drink we tend to associate with Russia is vodka, but tea, in fact, is the much more universal beverage of choice throughout the country. Guests will get acquainted with the Russian tea etiquette, a fundamental component of the country's social culture, and enjoy the traditional tea ceremony while cruising from St. Petersburg to Moscow or taking a Grand Volga river tour.

Russian Dinner & Vodka Tasting

All our dining is international but for Russian Dining night, the Chef includes a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and no Russian table is complete without Borsch. To add to the ‘Taste of Russia’ optional Russian dress, or at least a touch of Russian style, is provided along with enthusiastic help from our staff!

Russian Cooking Class

A plate of pelmeni might not look like much to the untrained eye, but it forms the heart of Russian cuisine and culture. Basically, it's a type of dumpling: small portions of meat and onion wrapped in a thin sheet of unleavened dough and boiled, a little like ravioli. Guests can join a Russian cooking class onboard the MS Volga Dream to learn how to cook this delicious Russian dish.

Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov Piano Recital

Some of the greatest classical music ever written comes from Russia. It’s hard to imagine a more fitting stage for a virtuoso solo recital by our resident concert pianist than the mighty Volga or a better backdrop than the heart of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov’s own serene homeland.

Russian River Cruise Aboard Volga Dream

Moscow to St. Petersburg

Why Volga Dream

Kizhi Island

Family Owned & Operated

MS Volga Dream is Russia’s only family-owned river cruise ship. She can accommodate up to 100 guests, far fewer than most other cruise ships on the river making for a uniquely friendly and intimate atmosphere aboard.

Moscow. Four Seasons view

Five-Star Central Hotels

We at Volga Dream are completely convinced that, our guests should stay in great 5-star hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg within comfortable walking distance of all the major attractions, theaters and restaurants, rather than having to waste time in traffic.

MS Volga Dream. Owner's Suite

Luxurious Accommodation

The MS Volga Dream is the most intimate and elegant 5-star cruise vessel in Russia. She boasts 56 cabins, all river facing, ranging from comfortable Standard Cabins to spacious Junior Suites and the luxurious forward facing Owner's Suite.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

Russian Cultural Experience

Explore Russia's past with the help of professional tour guides. Our on-board program includes fascinating talks on Russian history and politics, Russian language lessons, a festival of Russian cuisine (including vodka tasting!), and much more.

MS Volga Dream cuisine

Gourmet Dining

Our on board restaurant serves international cuisine to the highest standard, all freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. For Russian Dining night, he prepares a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and Borsch.

MS Volga Dream bartenders

Tailored Service

All our service crew members are native Russians who are fluent in English and handpicked by the Owner. Proudly, the Volga Dream is famous for her hard working and very hospitable personnel who take care of every aspect of your life aboard.

Download Our Brochure

It's never been easier to plan your next holiday in Russia. Download our free brochure to learn more about authentic Russian river cruises.

Volga Dream Brochure

Escape the hassle and bustle and add a satisfyingly informative element to your trip and bring together a colorful mosaic of people, history, traditions,  religion, music and art. These are the many strands that time has woven into what is known today as Russia.

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Where to Go in 2022: The Most Exciting Destinations to Explore This Year

Our editors selected the top spots for your next year in travel

If 2021 was the year of diving headfirst into travel, 2022 is the year travelers will be planning their trips more thoughtfully than ever before. Endless months of rescheduled dream vacations allowed us to reflect on the reasons we love to explore and the joy and fulfillment travel brings to our lives. Now, as we navigate the many ways the world has changed in the past two years, one thing is sure: our appreciation for travel is at an all-time high. 

This year, TripSavvy’s editors compiled a list of the top destinations that intrigue and excite us. Some, like New Zealand, are reopening to tourism after extended border closures. Others, like West Virginia, have elevated their outdoor offerings to a whole new level. They all offer unique experiences that remind us why we love to travel and inspire us to start dreaming about that next life-changing trip. These are the flourishing spots that need to be on your radar right now.

Photo: Geraint Rowland Photography / Getty Images

The city of Dakar is a fascinating contradiction. It is at once a cosmopolitan and up-and-coming seaside rendezvous: locals pack its beaches at sunset with al fresco fitness classes; international workers and surfers sip cocktails infused with hibiscus tea known as "bissap" at its surf shacks; Dakar Fashion Week, founded by the designer Adama Ndiaye, known as Adama Paris, features some of the continent's edgiest couture.

But it also feels like a work-in-progress: gated mansions sit on unfinished dirt roads as construction workers pave them with cobblestones piled in horse-drawn wagons; diesel fumes salt the air from its thousands of jalopy taxis. Everything, from the leaves of acacia trees to your sneakers, is rusty with the red Saharan dust called harmattan, which blows through like a snowstorm between November and March.

Teranga is the civic motto here. It means "a sense of welcome" or "good hospitality" in Wolof, the local language of this francophone former French colony, and it is a personal philosophy for many Senegalese. And so they have welcomed creative entrepreneurs like the singer Akon, who is building Akon City, an $6 billion ultra-modern metropolis on its outskirts, that he has promised will be a real-life "Wakanda," but which locals skeptically see as a boondoggle.

Teranga drew in Kehinde Wiley, the artist. He was so charmed on a layover that he returned to establish Black Rock , a multi-disciplinary artist residence on a cliff of volcanic rock, to "galvanize growing artistic and creative energies that exist in Africa," according to his mission statement. 

But despite the energy of the new, Dakar's traditions beckon. HLM market in the eastern part of the city is a bazaar of thousands of colorful fabrics—fashion is practically a local sport here—and legions of tailors to make custom garments on the spot. On Sundays, the surfers drawn here by the classic movie "Endless Summer," which was shot here in part, clear out for sheep and goats, whom their keepers bathe in the Atlantic Ocean. It is part grooming, part spiritual practice in this predominantly Muslim country.

At nightfall, fishermen pull in white grouper (locally called "thiof"), and women grill it for picnicking couples straight on the beach; eat it with fonio, an ancient local grain that celebrity chefs like Marcus Samuelsson, an Ethiopian-American, are touting as the next quinoa. Or you can go for the more glamorous fare at Seku-Bi , a brand new boutique hotel in the city center where Naomi Campbell stays when she's in town. Either is good sustenance for clubbing, which starts ultra late here.

The city's history calls out: the bucolic Ile de Gorée, a UNESCO world heritage site, is a quick ferry ride past fishermen in brightly colored wooden skiffs off the coast. Deceptively pretty, it is where enslaved persons were stockpiled before making the deadly Middle Passage. A small portal in a cell there looks back at Senegal's shore, the last glimpse of home for kidnapped Africans, known now as "the Door of No Return." It is powerful to look through it at Dakar today. — Sarah Maslin Nir

Photo: Unsplash

While Switzerland's touristic roots primarily lie in the country's Alpine climate and landscapes, visitors would be remiss to skip the country's cosmopolitan cities—most notably Switzerland's largest city, Zurich .

Settled by Romans in 15 BC, Zurich has since transformed into a global financial center and transit hub, often a layover destination for visitors going elsewhere in the country. But next time you're passing through on your way to St. Moritz or Lucerne, slow down and take in all that's new in this easily accessible city.

Opened in September 2020, the Lindt Home of Chocolate welcomes children and adults alike to discover the magic of one of Switzerland's most significant exports. Creamy Swiss milk chocolate is the star of the show here, as visitors can gawk at a giant chocolate fountain, see the production process, and stuff their suitcases with souvenirs at the largest Lindt chocolate shop in the world.

With your sweet tooth satisfied, you could spend weeks on end immersing yourself in the arts in Zurich. Tonhalle Zurich , the city's 1,455-seat concert hall, reopened last September, and the stunning acoustics—among the best in the world—haven't disappeared. New nearby is LUX Restaurant & Bar , situated lakeside with a spacious terrace breathtaking views of the Swiss landscape. (Don't miss the spectacular Sunday brunch, where dishes like crispy duck bao and eggs benedict on a homemade bun are so good that you might be momentarily distracted from the views.)

In the industrial part of the city, art lovers have welcomed Licthalle Maag , the first permanent museum in Switzerland to show only immersive exhibitions. Viva Frida Kahlo remains on display through the end of February, with two more exhibitions planned for 2022.

And if you've been waiting to take in one of Switzerland's most important art collections, there's no better time than now. The Kunsthaus Zürich's David Chipperfield-designed extension opened in October, firmly situating the museum as one of the best in Europe. It boasts the most important impressionist collection outside of Paris, the largest dada collection in the world, and an extensive archive of native son Alberto Giacometti's works.

During your stay, shell out the Swiss francs for the Zurich Card —a travel pass that's good for either 24 or 72 hours and includes unlimited travel on the city's public transport network (including the cable car and the airport), free entrance to more than 40 museums, discounts on shopping, and extra treats in some of the city's best restaurants.

And before you depart, spend some time at the airport—Zurich has (wisely) followed in the footsteps of Singapore and other cities which have turned their airports into stand-along destinations. Riken Yamamoto's futuristic and bright Circle complex opened in November 2020, a sprawling modern development home to shopping, dining, office space, and two new Hyatt hotels.  — Laura Ratliff

Photo: John Crux Photography / Getty Images

The isthmus of Panama is a destination that travel brochures cannot do justice. It boasts over 1,400 islands and innumerable paradisiacal destinations, but perplexingly, it doesn't invite quite as much fanfare as neighboring Costa Rica and Colombia. Acquainting yourself with Panama will be easier than ever in 2022, however, with Copa Airlines' recently relaunched Panama Stopover program, allowing travelers can explore the country for up to seven days on the way to or from any of Copa's 80 destinations at no additional cost — perfect for dabbling in the year's action-packed schedule.

Panama has committed to a five-year sustainable tourism master plan and beckons purpose-driven travelers to explore all of its extraordinary biodiversity and untapped corners. In early February, the capital city hosts AdventureNEXT Latin America , highlighting the adventure experiences on offer with positive environmental and social impact. After that, water babies can pack their bags, but not plastic — as Panama was the first Central American country to ban these — and head over to the Caribbean coast for Bocas Invitacional , the first international bodyboarding competition and cultural event in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro , which kicks off on Feb. 15, 2022. The event promises Afro-Caribbean music, calypso dancing, community, and beach clean-ups. While in Bocas (as the region is affectionately called), get away from it all at Bastimentos Island's Azul Paradise , a secluded water bungalow resort with swimmable azure waters, eco cred, and an unhurried pace. From May to October, the Gulf of Chiriquí National Marine Park is the place to be for whale watching in all its turquoise glory.

All year round, once-in-a-lifetime feats await water-loving visitors to the sunny bridge of the world. Visit Panama to hike from ocean to ocean via the Camino Real, a route along which precious gold and silver were transported before the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad were built. Treat yourself to a catamaran tour of the boisterously blue San Blas Archipelago that's rumored to have one enchanting island for every day of the year. Bask under a never-ending stream (50 to be precise) of waterfalls at Santa Fe National Park in the Veraguas province. Some of the cascades are thunderous; others are meek—all are visit-worthy.

The capital, Panama City, also offers opportunities for dipping. Veracruz, the nearest sandy beach, is a mere 15-minute drive from downtown. The closest dreamboat island, Taboga, is just a 30-minute ferry ride away, and it once lent its good looks and tranquility to a then-unknown French painter by the name of Paul Gauguin. Bay-facing rooftop pools adorn Panama City's numerous skyscrapers and the old town's new developments, including Hotel La Compañía, Casco Antiguo , a living museum dating back to the 17th century. The 88-room luxury hotel swings open in March and will be the first Central American hotel to join Hyatt's Unbound Collection. Be sure also to relish the fruits of the sea while in the capital, which packs a powerful foodie punch. The toasted yuca with tuna carpaccio is just one of many lick-the-plate-great seafood dishes at Casco Antiguo's Fonda Lo Que Hay , which has a revolving menu and a no-reservations policy. — Rosie Bell

Photo: Prasit photo / Getty Images

If the popularity of BTS, “Squid Game,” and dalgona-flavored treats is anything to go by, South Korea is set to be a hot new tourist destination. And it’s well-deserved. Seoul , the capital city, has so much to offer that you could easily spend weeks exploring the city’s many delights, but the rest of the nation is just as worthy of your precious vacation time. As trite as it sounds, the offerings are so diverse there is truly something for everyone. 

Aiming to indulge in the glory that is Korean cuisine? You’ll be spoiled for choice from the moment you clear customs in Incheon . Want to visit a beloved volcanic island with some of the best tangerines you’ll taste? Jeju is waiting. Itching to get out in nature? Korea’s national parks have challenging hikes and breathtaking scenery, not to mention 21 ski resorts for winter sports lovers. Love to learn about the history and culture of a place? Beyond exploring the dozens of museums, Korea is dotted with lovingly maintained temples and palaces. When you factor in the affordable prices on food and clothes, efficient transportation system, and welcoming people, the real question is why wouldn’t you head to South Korea as soon as possible? 

The JW Marriott hotel group also has its eyes on South Korea as a top destination: the company expanded its Luxury Collection brand into the country with the opening of Josun Palace last May. Later this year, it plans to open a wellness center resort on the lush Jeju Island. (If you wanted a more traditional stay, Josun Palace takes its cues from its neighbor, Chosun Hotel , one of Korea’s first luxury hotels.)

During much of 2021, the country prepped for the return of tourism by investing in infrastructure and accessibility. At the beginning of the year, Korail debuted a brand new, eco-friendly high-speed train and launched a new route from Seoul to Andong, the birthplace of soju. The new train cuts travel time in half, giving you more time to enjoy the delights of Andong, like one of their famous open-air heritage museums or the Andong Folk Festival. 

In September 2021, the Seoul Tourism Organization expanded its accessible tour bus and van services to foreign residents and tourists. Self-guided and planned tours in vans have variable costs, while planning tours on the Danurim buses is free, taking people to major tourist hubs in Seoul. This service is only for people with disabilities, the elderly, and infants. The accessible buses and vans are just one portion of the Seoul universal tourism scheme , a multi-stage effort to make Seoul accessible for all tourists.

Though travel isn’t back in full swing just yet, South Korea is one destination that just keeps getting better and better. — Sherri Gardner

Photo: Robert Stough / Getty Images

John Denver was ahead of his time when he sang that West Virginia was "almost heaven." The state has always been revered for its rich natural beauty, but in recent years, West Virginia is finally getting the recognition it deserves as a great place to visit and live. This is especially true for remote workers who take advantage of the Ascend West Virginia program, which offers $12,000 and an outstanding year-long outdoor recreation package to relocate to the state. The timing has never been better since the first phase of the Elk River Trail opened with 37 miles of forested trails running along the Elk River in Central West Virginia. The mountain state is also home to America's newest national park, New River Gorge , with camping, fishing, white water rafting, hiking trails, and jaw-dropping views of one of the most ancient rivers on the continent. All four visitor centers, a fishing area, and many trails and vistas are wheelchair accessible.

West Virginia is also home to a growing culinary scene, including craft breweries, homegrown distilleries, and restaurants like the Vagabond Kitchen in Wheeling, focusing on modern takes on traditional Appalachian fare with dishes like smoked chicken cornbread casserole and butternut ravioli with beetroot pesto. It's comfort food at its best, with ingredients sourced from local farms and artisans. Just don't leave the state without partaking in a pepperoni roll—a local staple found at nearly every convenience store and bakery counter.

West Virginia was front and center for many of the most critical moments of the nation's history, and the state has done a remarkable job preserving that heritage. You'll' find many places steeped in lore, like John Brown's Fort at Harper's' Ferry National Park , the site of an abolitionist raid and federal standoff. It's one of the 24 restored buildings from the 19th century onsite, alongside hiking trails, jaw-dropping views, and a fascinating visitor center. The walls of the 160-year old Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston have lived through Civil War raids and barbaric medical treatments, and many believe it's haunted. A guided tour of the building is a must if you're in the area.

There is perhaps nowhere that West Virginia's past and present come together more beautifully than in the state's vibrant arts scene. There are countless studios around the state showcasing artists creating traditional Appalachian glass, pottery, and jewelry along with contemporary artists forging new rituals of their own. If you happen to be traveling along Highway I-77 through Beckley, you'll find the work of over 2,800 artists on display at Tamarack Marketplace , so be sure to leave some extra room in your suitcase.

If you're planning your visit, Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs encompasses the best that West Virginia has to offer. Surrounded by the Allegheny Mountains, the views are stunning year-round. This is a historic hotel, initially founded in 1858, with an award-winning golf course, a casino, and a mineral spa. In the first quarter of 2022, another hotly anticipated hotel, The Schoolhouse , is scheduled to open in White Sulphur Springs, transforming a historic schoolhouse building into the world's first fully-accessible hotel. Each of the 30 rooms will be wheelchair accessible, because it isn't "almost heaven" until everyone is included. — Tamara Gane

Photo: Fitria Ramli / EyeEm / Getty Images

Qatar is currently the most buzzing place in the Middle East. Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the country's infrastructure has been growing at a rate that warrants several visits simply to appreciate the changes that can take part in such a short time. While it is rare that you'd look at a football stadium as a piece of architecture, some of the world's best architects have been given free rein here, and the results, such as the Al Janoub Stadium in Al Wakrah by Zaha Hadid Architects, are superb. 

Apart from the nation's football fever lies its art scene. Qatar has invested money into world-class museums more than any other Arabian country, with the I.M. Pei-designed Museum of Islamic Art firmly at the top, alongside incredible public art installations that stand unrivaled. From the numerous artworks from top artists such as Small Lie by KAWS and COSMOS by Jean-Michel Othoniel within Hamad International Airport to the minimalistic but breathtaking East-West West-East installation by Richard Serra with its four large steel plates standing in the middle of the desert, there is art wherever you look.

The design hub Mshereib is becoming the city's trendiest quarter, with M7 at its heart, hosting superb design exhibitions, such as Christian Dior Designer of Dreams, on view until March 31, 2022. Within the quarter's minimalist architecture lies the elegant Mandarin Oriental Hotel , steps away from the cafes and art galleries, as well as Souq Waqif, the traditional souq, or marketplace, where you can shop, learn about falconry, and get up close and personal with not only Arabian thoroughbred horses but also thoroughbred camels. For a more boutique stay, head to Souq Waqif Hotel Qatar by Tivoli , spread across several townhouses for an intimate experience.

While Qatar is openly cosmopolitan, with top international restaurants, there is nothing quite like sampling the local cuisine to get a feel for a country. For lunch on the run, pop into one of the many small restaurants and juice stalls within Souq Waqif and ask for a traditional machboos rice dish. For a more sophisticated experience, head straight to Jiwan , inside the desert rose-shaped National Museum of Qatar , for delicious Qatari fusion food with a great view across the entire city.

In preparation for the anticipated influx of visitors in 2022, several new hotels are being opened to complement the city's already superb choices. In Lusail, just north of Doha City Centre, the dual-brand Fairmont Hotel and Raffles Hotel & Residences coming to the open circle building this year will dominate the skyline of Lusail, alongside the city's first Rosewood Hotel Lusail , whose sleek décor is inspired by coral.

Wherever you look, Doha offers an intriguing mix of modern amenities and experiences enhanced by local culture and traditions. — Ulrike Lemmin-Woolfrey

Photo: Worawat Dechatiwong / Getty Images

When New Zealand's borders closed in March 2020, few Kiwis imagined they would still be closed almost two years later. Now, as the world enters a third pandemic year, New Zealand is tentatively looking to open again to international visitors, albeit in a staged, controlled manner. With more than 90 percent of adult Kiwis vaccinated, mask mandates for most public indoor settings, and vaccination mandates covering workers in many public-facing roles, when the borders open, vaccinated visitors can be confident that travel in New Zealand will be about as low-risk as possible during an ongoing pandemic.

But where to go? A logical way to plan a trip is to pick either the North Island or the South Island , as doing them both justices would take a month or longer.

With the capital ( Wellington ), the largest city ( Auckland ), and the bulk of the country's population (4 million out of 5 million), the North Island is a logical choice for travelers who want to see and do a lot in a shorter time. While many visitors fly into Auckland and travel south from there–to well-known favorites like Waitomo , Rotorua , and Wellington–in 2022, it makes sense to head north to Northland.

In an era of Covid-related closures, the Northland city of Whangarei will see the opening of a fabulous new museum in February 2022: the Hundertwasser Art Centre . The Austrian-born New Zealand artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000) spent the last two decades living in the rural Bay of Islands , north of Whangarei. His plans for Whangarei's art center weren't realized in his lifetime but have been followed meticulously over the last few years. The tiled, gold-domed museum at Whangarei's Town Basin marina rivals any of his buildings in Vienna and will contain exhibits on Hundertwasser's art and the Wairau Māori Art Gallery. Previews of the on-site Aqua Restaurant and Bar give it rave reviews.

Te Waipounamu, the South Island, is the island of choice for those who prefer immersion in nature. The snow-capped Southern Alps form the island's backbone, providing the rivers, glaciers, ski fields , hiking and mountain biking trails, and incredible views. The lack of international tourists has been challenging for remote tourist-oriented towns such as Queenstown, Franz Josef , and Mt. Cook Village .

Hiking enthusiasts have an extra reason to visit the South Island in 2022: the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track in Southland/Fiordland is a step closer to becoming one of the Department of Conservation's dedicated Great Walks of New Zealand. The pandemic has led to delays, and the three-day trail may not be inaugurated into the Great Walks list until 2023-24, but it can still be hiked. Beat the crowds by getting in early in 2022.

If that sounds like hard work, some R&R in Queenstown may be preferable. With views across Lake Wakatipu and to the Remarkables range from many west-facing rooms, you don't even need to fling yourself off a bridge (bungee jumping), down a river ( rafting ) or waterfall (canyoning), or into the skies (paragliding) to experience Queenstown's best. Five-star Hulbert House Boutique Hotel offers the kind of understated luxury that many travelers love about New Zealand.

If New Zealand's been on your bucket list for years, this is the year to scratch that itch. — Elen Turner

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The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2022

From far-flung destinations to hometown favorites, 2022 is the year to get back out there and turn your dream trips into reality.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

Planning new adventures as a new year approaches is always a thrill, but finding the best places to visit in 2022 is unique. After two years of border closures, cruise cancellations, and travel restrictions galore , 2022 is the year we hope to get back out there, uninhibited (albeit vaccinated and COVID tested ), return to our favorite destinations, and cross new ones off our lists.

Though the hospitality industry was hit hard by the pandemic, many properties used the forced downtime to renovate rooms, add new amenities, and expand outdoor spaces to offer even more once guests return. 2022 is when many travelers will venture further from home, and even overseas, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, finally reaping the benefits of these valiant efforts.

Although COVID variants remain, regulations are still evolving, and precautions must still be taken, many of the destinations we chose for 2022 offer what we believe travelers are looking for in a post-pandemic world, from hotels with private accommodations to destinations teeming with fresh-air activities . Others, like Las Vegas, are for those who are ready and raring to make up for all the social time they missed — with a few splashy headliners, including Adele and the Raiders, thrown in for good measure.

As cruising makes its comeback , we included unforgettable places to see by water, from Antarctica to the Nile, and as hard-hit destinations like Italy and Asia recover, we found the buzziest reasons to return. Of course we didn't forget about all the stateside gems we got to know while domestic travel was surging, from Alaska and California to Florida and Michigan.

Our 2022 list, organized alphabetically, doesn't hold back, with aspirational trips as far away as India, Mozambique, Qatar, and even space — but we're also including hometown favorites, like Walt Disney World and its new Star Wars hotel ; the wellness retreats of beautiful Sedona; and the simple pleasures of small-town, farm-to-table living in Franklin, Tennessee. Because no matter what type of trip you've been dreaming of, we want to help you turn 2022 into the year you get back out there and make it a reality.

— Edited by Nina Ruggiero and Scott Bay

1. Abruzzo, Italy

Stretching from the heart of the Apennines to the Adriatic Sea on the peninsula's southeastern side, Abruzzo, Italy has long been one of the country's most overlooked destinations despite its unspoiled villages, picturesque Trabocchi Coast, and stunning natural escapes. Over the past few years, however, it has gone from a sleepy underdog to an ambitious harbinger of slow travel, sustainable gastronomy, and conscious hospitality. Villa Corallo , a 19th-century mansion near Civitella del Tronto was transformed into a five-star hotel in 2019. Dimore Montane , an eco-lodge opened in 2020 in Majella National Park, marries glamping with environmentally-friendly facilities with a zero waste policy. Meanwhile, restaurants like Bottega Culinaria in San Vito Chietino and Materia Prima in Castel di Sangro are redefining the region as one of Italy's most exciting food hotspots for their innovative and sustainable takes on local produce and traditional dishes (in case Niko Romito's three-Michelin-starred Reale wasn't enough). And completing construction this Spring is Via Verde dei Trabocchi: a cycling and pedestrian path along the Adriatic sea that's being built on a disused railway route. — Marianna Cerini

With many international borders closed over the last two years, many eager U.S. travelers' eyes turned to Alaska. The vast state, famous for its towering, snow-capped peaks, pristine wilderness, massive national parks, and colorful locals, made for a dynamic destination with no passport required. But as borders reopen, interest in the 49th state is showing no signs of slowing down. Alaska's tourism board said early forecasts are projecting that more than 1.57 million cruise ship passengers could visit southeast Alaska in summer 2022. That's an 18% jump from 2019, the previous record year. Many perennial favorite cruise lines , like Holland America, will be returning to full strength after a non-existent 2020 and abbreviated 2021. Others, like Windstar Cruises, UnCruise, and Hurtigruten are rolling out fresh itineraries or are launching new ships. On dry land, Alaska is set to see myriad new offerings and events. In Juneau, the Sealaska Heritage Institute will open their Arts Campus (where visitors will be able to learn about Alaska Native art and culture) and will host Celebration , one of the largest gatherings of Indigenous peoples. In Anchorage, Fur Rendezvous , Alaska's oldest and largest winter festival, will be back from Feb. 25 to March 6 (which also happens to be peak aurora season ). The event hosts activities like the Running of the Reindeer and the Outhouse Races, before culminating with the 50th running of the iconic Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race . — Bailey Berg

3. Anguilla

This easy-going Caribbean gem is simpler than ever to get to with American Airlines launching the first-ever nonstop, direct flight from Miami on Dec. 11. Private charter flights by Tradewind Aviation have also resumed service to the island. And the just-opened Aurora Anguilla Resort & Golf Club has a fleet of jets to ferry guests from key U.S. cities. The sprawling luxury resort will include a few restaurants overseen by chef Abram Bissell, formerly of Eleven Madison Park, The NoMad, and The Modern. Quintessence , a boutique luxury resort with perks like butler service and a 4:1 staff-to-guest ratio, is opening a more affordable annex of suites called Quinn that will debut in 2022 (along with a Champagne cellar tasting room and Art Bar). New Restaurant Uchu at Belmond Cap Juluca is taking inspiration from Belmond's collection of properties in Peru. Named after the Quechuan word for spice, the menu will feature contemporary Peruvian cuisine inspired by three of the country's regions: the coast, the jungle, and the highlands. — Scott Bay

4. Antarctica

The pandemic shutdown created a compelling reason to visit Antarctica in 2022: See how the whales, seals, and penguins react after nearly two years without seeing humans. New polar-class expedition ships and new ways to get to the White Continent are reasons to pack your boots too. Viking Expeditions will be in Antarctica for the first time in 2022 with new, twin 378-passenger expedition ships. Ponant's new 270-passenger Le Commandant Charcot introduces eco-friendlier sailing, as the first hybrid-electric ship fueled by liquified natural gas (rather than heavy fuel). Quark Expeditions' long-awaited 199-passenger Ultramarine delivers exciting heli-hiking adventures via two eight-seat twin-engine helicopters. Hit a craps table in between icy exploration on the luxurious new all-suite 200-passenger Crystal Endeavor. Silversea Cruises' posh, 144-passenger, all-suite Silver Explorer returns with a debut travel option: Skip the notorious (for rough water) Drake Passage and catch a private flight directly from Chile to Antarctica to board the ship. — Fran Golden

American travelers have long loved the Bahamas for its crystal-clear waters, sandy beaches, and sunshine just about 50 miles off the coast of Florida, but there are even more reasons to visit the island nation in 2022. Baha Mar on the Island of New Providence has a brand new water park equipped with everything from a lazy river to a surf simulator, and day passes are available for purchase to those who aren't resort guests. For more rest and relaxation, journey to the outer islands of the Bahamas. While charter flights will get you exactly where you need to go, Crystal Cruises is offering a Bahamas-centric cruise that brings guests to some of the quieter and more remote islands. On its mid-July cruise, guests will embark and disembark from Nassau and then be whisked away via "6-star" service to the islands of Bimini, Great Exuma, San Salvador, and Long Island. Beyond the beach, don't forget to indulge in some local food and culture. The Island archipelago is famous for its conch, stew fish, and rock lobster. From late April through early May, Carnival is celebrated in Nassau and back after a pandemic hiatus. Keep an eye out for the famous sound and dance of the junkanoo. — Jamie Aranoff

6. Barbados

Whether you want a relaxing all-inclusive stay or a vibrant vacation filled with dining and nightlife, Barbados has you covered. Nowhere is that more evident than the pedestrian-friendly South Coast, which is teeming with new resorts and restaurants. The O2 Beach Club & Spa is an all-inclusive resort set on the white sands of Dover Beach, with three pools, six dining options, seven bars, and the Acqua spa, featuring the only hammam treatment room on the island. It joins other luxurious South Coast hotels, including Sandals and Sea Breeze Beach House . If you can pull yourself away from the resort pools, head along the coast to Worthing Square Food Garden, an outdoor food hall with 20 vendors serving dishes from around the Caribbean. Or stroll down the mile-long boardwalk for easy access to ocean-front food and drinks at local favorites like Champers, Salt Café, Tiki Bar, and Chill Café & Bar. — Kevin Gray

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

A favorite of adventure travelers for its rainforests and divers who explore the Great Blue Hole and expansive barrier reef, Belize offers an abundance of casual spots and a handful of luxe resorts. The latest arrival is Alaia Belize, an Autograph Collection Hotel , in San Pedro on Ambergris Caye, opened mid-2021 with plans to add to its already extensive guest room, suite, and oceanfront villa accommodations. Major airlines are also recognizing the destination's potential with nonstop flights and convenient connections from most U.S. cities. In addition to United and Delta's nonstop flights from Houston and Atlanta, respectively, Alaska Airlines added nonstop service from Los Angeles and Seattle to Belize City in November, and Frontier Airlines will start weekly nonstop flights from Denver and Orlando. — Patricia Doherty

8. Budapest, Hungary

Very few places in the world capture both old-world charm and elegant modernity like Hungary's capital city, and Budapest's latest 130-room luxury hotel, Matild Palace , is a shining example. The neo-baroque palace-turned-hotel, which opened last summer in the city's District V, is a UNESCO-protected site that once housed the city's royalty. The hotel is now home to Wolfgang Punk's famed restaurant, Spago , the first of its kind in central Europe. It also hosts the Duchess bar — a rooftop "liquor library" that mixes craft cocktails using local wines and pálinka, Hungarian fruit brandy, which can be enjoyed alongside panoramic views of the Danube river. Surrounded by 22 wine regions, Budapest is a city for oenophiles. Enjoy a glass of Kékfrankos or Kadarka in the Castle District's newly opened wine bar, Takler Borbár Buda , founded by one of the country's renowned winemaking families. Don't leave the city without visiting Marlou , a biodynamic wine bar near the Hungarian State Opera, and Portobello , an unassuming coffee and natural wine bar around the corner from Matild Palace. — Stephanie Andrews

9. Burgundy, France

The region of Burgundy is known for — you guessed it — its Burgundy wine, but French wine isn't the only reason Burgundy is a must-visit in 2022. In the spring, the region's capital city of Dijon will welcome the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin (International City of Gastronomy and Wine), an expansive complex with a cooking school, a new hotel, a handful of restaurants, and a wine cellar with over 250 by-the-glass offerings. The new project is perfectly situated at the starting point of Burgundy's famed wine route — Route des Grands Crus — which runs from Dijon to Santenay and produces some of the country's most well-regarded wines, including pinot noir, chardonnay, and sauvignon blanc. — Evie Carrick

10. British Virgin Islands

Within the Caribbean, the 60 islands that comprise the British Virgin Islands have long held the reputation of luxury draped in relaxation. And now it's doubling down on that brand of island spirit with Richard Branson's second private island, the 125-acre Moskito Island that opened in October and sits right across from his first BVI paradise, Necker Island (which received a serious upgrade when it reopened last year after a two-year closure). The new destination will eventually have 10 private estates that can be rented through Virgin Limited Edition , but among the ones already available are Point Estate, starting at $17,500 a night, and Oasis Estate for $19,000. But Moskito isn't the only shiny new reason to visit BVI. Proving the area's resilience following the devastation after Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Saba Rock , the private island long known for its diving, went through a complete reconstruction before reopening in October; the Bitter End Yacht Club reopened in December with BVI's first over-the-water bungalows; and Oil Nut Bay will expand in early 2022 with new villas, a watersports center, and spa. Also on tap for 2022, the solar-powered White Bay Villas and new hilltop suites at Long Bay Beach Resort . And with the Spring Regatta and Sailing Festival returning in the spring of 2022 after being canceled for two years, BVI is proving it's truly back and stronger than ever. — Rachel Chang

11. Costa Smeralda, Sardinia

You're likely to glimpse Europe's pro athlete and yachting crowds at Marriott's four hotels on the Costa Smeralda, the glitzy Italian destination known for its Caribbean-like beaches and luxury resorts. Its glamorous Hotel Cala di Volpe has gradually been unveiling room renovations alongside new dining options, including its Harrods Suite, with a roof terrace and sea-facing plunge pool, and BeefBar 's first Italian outpost. The entire area is one big " Billionaire Experience ," but Formula One and entertainment mogul Flavio Briatore snagged the term for his new dining and nightlife venue in designer shopping destination Porto Cervo. For more of a low-key, family-friendly escape, the Baglioni Resort Sardinia opened 404 an hour south in San Teodoro in June, overlooking the stunning Tavolara Marine Reserve . — Nina Ruggiero

12. Crete, Greece

The Greek Islands have long been a perennial favorite vacation destination for discerning travelers, and Crete, the largest of the 227 islands in the archipelago, deserves a spot atop your must-see list. Yes, it's a place where you can find the white-washed buildings and blue roofs you've lusted after on Instagram for years, and a spot where you can dive into the cerulean blue waters of the Mediterranean at every turn. And of course you can dig deep into both history and mythology as humans have lived on the island since the 7th millennium B.C ., not to mention the fact that Crete is the birthplace of Zeus . It's little surprise then, with all this beauty and history, that Crete continues to harbor a rich creative community, mostly centered in the neighborhood of Chania. There, visitors can peruse works in museums like the Mediterranean Architecture Center , or seek out unique pieces in galleries like the Municipal Art Gallery or the Redd Gallery . To visit Crete, hop aboard a sailing with Silversea , which takes guests to Crete and several other stellar islands, or book a stay at the Blue Palace Elounda, a Luxury Collection Resort , named one of the Top 10 Greece Resort Hotels in Travel + Leisure 's World's Best Awards, 2021. — Stacey Leasca

13. Walt Disney World

The "World's Most Magical Celebration" — Walt Disney World's 18-month-long 50th anniversary event that kicked off on Oct. 1 — continues through 2022 with enchanting touches and highly anticipated ride and hotel openings. Star Wars : Galactic Starcruiser will begin offering its immersive, two-night adventures in a galaxy far, far away on March 1. The interactive, choose-your-own-adventure experience will have guests wielding lightsabers, sleeping on the ship, brushing shoulders with Star Wars characters, eating intergalactic cuisine, and maybe even going on a secret mission, making this a truly unique experience that you can't find anywhere else in the world. Other 2022 openings include the Guardians of the Galaxy : Cosmic Rewind indoor coaster at Epcot, slated for summer. — Elizabeth Rhodes

14. Doha, Qatar

As we ask ourselves what cities of the future should look like, we naturally look around for examples. Places like Shanghai, Tokyo, and New York City seem to fit the description on paper, but I'd argue that no city better encapsulates that definition than Doha, the capital of Qatar. There is so much to discover — from East-West/West-East , a series of four steel monoliths created by sculptor Richard Serra to the Museum of Islamic Art , the massive 560,000-square-foot gallery. Eat at Syrian comfort food spot Damasca One, Em Sherif a rooftop spot that serves up authentic regional dishes, and the lively corner restaurant Nourlaya Contemporary for Sri Lankan cuisine. Stay at the Mandarin Oriental Doha or Banyan Tree Doha . (Read Robinson's full dispatch on Doha in the July 2021 edition of Travel + Leisure) — Whitney Robinson

15. Edinburgh, Scotland

The Auld Reekie is buzzing with new energy. The highly anticipated Hotel W , designed by Jestico and Whiles in conjunction with Allan Murray Architects, is opening next winter. And several other hotels have recently opened in and around the city — Marine North Berwick , the Market Street hotel , Rusacks St. Andrews , and ship-turned-luxury-hotel Fingal . Gleneagles Townhouse , a first-ever city outpost from the famed Gleneagles estate, is opening in the spring. St James Quarter, a developing area of the city, and where Hotel W is being built, is opening next year with 85 shops, 30 restaurants, and a cinema. New in whisky is the September christening of Johnnie Walker Princes Street . And promising to shake up the scotch scene in the capital city is Leith Distillery , opening in the summer. — Scott Bay

16. Finger Lakes, New York

The Finger Lakes have bolstered their wellness and culinary offerings in recent years, carving out a name for themselves in the luxury travel realm. Inns of Aurora , comprising five historic mansions, debuted a holistic wellness facility in 2021 — set on 350 acres overlooking Cayuga Lake, complete with hydrotherapy pools, meditation areas, and a farm fresh cafe. Forty miles west of Cayuga, The Lakehouse on Canandaigua — situated on, yes, Canandaigua Lake — recently unveiled the Willowbrook Spa, which boasts lakeside barrel sauna sessions among other innovative treatments. Sandwiched between Cayuga and Canandaigua lakes is Seneca Lake, home to the largest of the Finger Lakes wine trails (this might be riesling country, but don't knock the lighter-bodied reds till you try 'em) and foodie draws like the 14-seat F.L.X. Table . Travelers visiting in the coming year will also see the Finger Lakes festival roster return in full force, including Rochester's Lilac Festival in May and International Jazz Festival in July, as well as attractions for the historically inclined road tripper, like Cayuga County's celebration of Harriet Tubman's birth through a number of walking tours and activations rolled out through 2022. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

17. Franklin, Tennessee

Despite its count of more than 80,000 year-round residents, the very walkable Franklin firmly grasps onto its small-town charms , starting with a quintessentially quaint downtown chock-full of shops and restaurants finding shelter in brick storefronts lining the sidewalks. The uninitiated might know this place for its past — Civil War museums, battleground sites, and historical markers telling the stories of a slave market, race riots, and Black soldiers in the U.S. Colored Troop division of the army all offer points of education and reflection. But the southern city has many modern-day draws as well — for starters, an exciting food and drink scene that includes the Tennessee Whiskey Trail and Arrington Vineyards , the largest winery in the region. Musical events and venues abound, too: The Pilgrimage Music Festival is one of the biggest in the state, and the 7,500-seat FirstBank Amphitheater , newly opened inside a former rock quarry, has welcomed the likes of the Jonas Brothers and Santana to its stage. There's also Leiper's Fork , a quirky-cool enclave filled with antique shops and art galleries. Even more brand-new to the scene is Southall , a 325-acre farm and inn with 62 rooms and suites and 16 cottages opening this June. The lush setting amid rolling hills makes active adventures (hiking, biking, kayaking), wellness pursuits (a spa, meditation, yoga, and two outdoor pools), and nourishing food (the restaurant uses ingredients grown, raised, and foraged on the property) easy to find. All of this and more lie just a short, 30-minute drive from bustling Nashville, making it tempting to tack onto a visit to the capital city. — Alisha Prakash

18. Galápagos Islands

The world's largest marine biosphere reserve will expand more than 20,000 square miles next year thanks to a recent presidential decree . The conservation measure seeks to combat illegal fishing by offering increased protection to the thousands of species that populate the archipelago's waters as well as a migration corridor stretching up to Costa Rica used by sharks, whales and other sea life. Come January, travelers can cruise this UNESCO-protected region on new nine-day adventures from Hurtigruten Expeditions and outfitter Metropolitan Touring aboard the 90-guest carbon-neutral MS Santa Cruz II. For a more intimate experience, passengers can book Aqua Expeditions ' seven-suite 164-foot superyacht, Aqua Mare, when it debuts in May. At the end of the year, eco-enthusiasts can sail to lesser-explored islands to spot giant tortoises, sea lions, flightless cormorants, Galápagos penguins, and marine iguanas on Quasar Expeditions ' new sustainable yacht — the 18-passenger M/Y Conservation featuring biodegradable amenities, renewable energy and a carbon-neutral footprint. Those with timid sea legs should check into the locally owned and run Montemar in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. — Nora Walsh

19. Greater Palm Springs, California

Greater Palm Springs is kicking its signature self-care into high gear in the coming year. Taking a cue from its sister property, Sensei Lanai , the new Sensei Porcupine Creek is converting a 230-acre private estate into a luxury wellness experience in Rancho Mirage in 2022. In Palm Springs proper, Agua Caliente Cultural Plaza will celebrate Indigenous art and history alongside the new Spa at Séc-he , where visitors will soak in approximately 12,000-year-old hot springs. Nearby, Fleur Noire Hotel just opened its adults-only casitas and bungalows, with a speakeasy Champagne bar to follow. Unexpectedly, the desert has a budding surf scene — the former Wet 'n Wild waterpark is becoming Palm Springs Surf Club , with a state-of-the-art wave pool, spa, restaurant, and bar; DSRT Surf is set to open a 5.5-acre wave lagoon in Palm Desert; and Kelly Slater himself is bringing a green energy–powered wave basin to Coral Mountain , a proposed new wellness resort with a hotel and residences, set to open in La Quinta by 2023 pending city approvals. And for entertainment outside the splash zone, the $250-million Coachella Valley Arena will host hockey, concerts, and more live events by the end of the year. — Nina Ruggiero

20. Greenville, South Carolina

Once in the shadow of Charleston and Asheville, Greenville has emerged in recent years as a go-to destination in its own right — and it keeps giving travelers more reasons to visit. In 2022, the city of just over 70,000 people will welcome a luxury boutique hotel, unveil a new public gathering place, and build on its well-earned reputation as a culinary and craft beer hotspot. The long-awaited, 187-room Grand Bohemian hotel is expected to open its doors this spring, complete with a two-story restaurant and bar, art gallery, and spa. The 60-acre Unity Park will feature plenty of greenspace, an observation tower, baseball fields, playgrounds, and walking and biking trails. And recently opened restaurants, including French Laundry alum Drew Erickson's Camp , Urban Wren, Coral, and an outpost of Nashville's famous Prince's Hot Chicken located inside Yee-Haw Brewing will ensure you're well-fed while in town. — Kevin Gray

21. Ilha Caldeira, Mozambique

While South Africa and Uganda grab headlines for African wildlife, Mozambique has been quietly making strides protecting 17 percent of its land — including beaches, coral reefs, and islands — showcasing its dedication to its natural beauty both on land and underwater. Ever since the country's 16-year civil war ended in 1992, the southeastern African nation has been aiming to build back in the right ways. Case in point: the private island of Ilha Caldeira, less than seven miles off the coast as part of the Primeiras and Segundas Archipelago, located within the marine-protected area with 20 percent of the country's intact living coral. It's here that the eco-luxury Banyan Tree resort chain has developed one of its most ambitious projects yet, a five-star property — accessible by jetty or helicopter — with 40 private pool villas that will be completely solar powered. Add to that a fish market restaurant with a 270-degree ocean view, the brand's trademark Banyan Tree Spa, and world-class diving, all in a too-pristine-to-believe beach setting, and this island escape is sure to draw attention away from its Indian Ocean neighbors when it opens at the end of 2022. — Rachel Chang

22. Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Those wary of traveling internationally in 2022 will find solace in Jackson Hole, a mountain town with endless open space (Wyoming is the least populated state in the U.S.) and plenty to do. In the winter, life revolves around Jackson Hole Mountain Resort , home to some of the nation's best skiing and snowboarding. In the summer, plan your trip around the Jackson Hole Food & Wine Summer Festival (June 23-25) or head to the nearby Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. For easy access to the mountain town, travelers can hop on one of Aero's high-end, seasonal flights and stay at The Cloudveil off the Town Square or the Caldera House at the base of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. — Evie Carrick

23. Kafue National Park, Zambia

Straddling three regions of Zambia, Kafue National Park is the largest (and oldest) in the country, measuring 8,648 miles. In the wildlife-rich Busanga plains — located in the secluded northern side of the park — spend the night at newly opened Chisa Busanga Camp in their bird's nest shaped rooms. Enjoy a silent safari, thanks to e-cruisers or an e-bike safari provided by the property. See wildlife from above with a hot air balloon safari from Shumba Camp or Busanga Bush Camp . Other accommodation offerings in the park include riverfront Ila Safari Lodge and Mukambi Safari Lodge . Both properties offer fishing, walking safaris, boat cruises, and have Instagram worthy pools (perfect for a soak and the traditional safari sundowner: a gin and tonic). — Mazuba Kapambwe

24. Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas, Lithuania has a lofty New Year's resolution. After a century of wars, Soviet rule, and, since the 1990s, independence, this UNESCO Creative City of Design is ready to cultivate a new identity — and it's doing so as one of two European Capitals of Culture for 2022 (alongside Novi Sad, Serbia). The festivities commence in January, with thousands of concerts, festivals, exhibitions, and events throughout the year to celebrate Kaunas' history while cementing its path forward . Also this year, Kaunas will welcome the highly anticipated $30 million Science Island, Lithuania's first national science and innovation center designed by UK firm Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC). By May, the city's former Magnus Hotel will reopen with sparkly new digs and a posh rooftop under the ibis Styles umbrella 404 . This lively city is also a main stop on the recently unveiled 1,330-mile Forest Trail across the Baltics. And, a host of just-announced Ryanair flight routes, including Madrid to Kaunas, will make visiting this capital of culture a breeze. — Stephanie Vermillion

25. Kyushu, Japan

Kyushu may be less than two hours from Tokyo by plane, but it feels far from Honshū's well-beaten tourist circuit. The southwesternmost Japanese main island is still largely unexplored, providing those willing to venture off the beaten path with a much different Japan than the one they'll find in its cities. As a warm, subtropical island, Kyushu is home to long, golden beaches and some of Japan's best snorkeling and scuba diving. Inland, the country's most active volcano, Mt. Aso, feeds the island's myriad natural hot springs — many of which offer sea views. And while the island has accommodations that include both hot spring resorts and luxury beachfront villas 404 , nothing tops a stay at Hirado Castle , which was recently restored and renovated to welcome visitors overnight . — Evie Carrick

26. Lanai, Hawaii

Wellness opportunities and cultural awareness are showcased along with luxury at Lanai's two Four Seasons resorts. At Sensei Lāna'i, A Four Seasons Resort , guests can now choose the Discover Sensei Experience , offering the ability to enjoy the retreat's amenities without joining the more comprehensive programs. New "Optimal Wellbeing" programs focus on improving performance in tennis and golf along with overall wellness. Four Seasons Resort Lanai is adding an observatory as part of "Love Lanai," featuring cultural experiences designed to share the island's rich heritage. The observatory program will center around the history of Pacific voyaging, native traditions, and astronomy. — Patricia Doherty

27. Las Vegas, Nevada

Never bet against the house: The pandemic may have put a damper on Las Vegas, but the ever-on-the-move city is back in a big way for 2022. A massive new development on the Strip, Resorts World Las Vegas, opened in June, has three distinct Hilton properties under one enormous roof, not to mention more than 40 restaurants and bars, plus pools (plural), and a handful of $15,000-a-night villas . Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, the Cromwell , and downtown's Circa Resort & Casino are also giving visitors fresh options on where to stay. The city's pro sports teams — also now plural — are drawing in fans. And off-Strip "immersive experiences," like the Omega Mart by Meow Wolf and the Illuminarium, both at Area15 , are lending an additional layer of things to do beyond the expected. Not that there's anything wrong with splashing out on dinner and a show after the past two years. Live acts — like Adele's just-announced residency at The Colosseum — are once again hot tickets, as is a table at chic new supper club Delilah , at the Wynn Las Vegas. Some things, thankfully, never change. — Paul Brady

28. Louisville, Kentucky

Your cowboy boots were made for walking the streets of Louisville. Nicknamed "The Bourbon City," an official gateway to Kentucky's bourbon trail, the city is expanding its bourbon footprint in 2022. In October, the Urban Bourbon Trail welcomed the first and only African American–owned distillery in the state, Brough Brothers . Meanwhile, its trailmate, Angel's Envy , will wrap its $8.2-million expansion project complete with a new event space and five tasting rooms in the spring. The city is most well known for hosting the annual Kentucky Derby every spring at the historic Churchill Downs racetrack, and the Downs will open the first installment of its multi-year expansion plan, the Homestretch Club , just in time for the 2022 Derby. There, attendees will be able to enjoy the race with an all-new trackside lounge experience. — Hannah Streck

29. Malaysia

Malaysia is home to a beautiful medley of cultures (Chinese, Indian, and Malay) and a diverse smattering of terrain: bustling cities with towering buildings, verdant rain forests with incredible wildlife, and idyllic islands with dreamy beaches. But all of this and more has been closed to the world for much of the pandemic. Now that the island of Langkawi is open via a travel bubble, with the rest of the country expected to follow suit in 2022, travelers can once again experience Malaysia's many gifts. Langkawi, a beach lover's paradise, blends unspoiled nature (UNESCO-listed Kilim Karst Geoforest Park ) and unparalleled luxury ( Four Seasons Resort , Datai Langkawi ), while cosmopolitan capital Kuala Lumpur draws visitors with its gleaming Petronas Towers, delicious hawker food stalls, and shopping. Then there's Borneo, complete with wildlife-packed jungles and a rich Indigenous culture, as well as Desaru Coast, a 3,900-acre area that's home to coveted resorts like the One&Only Desaru Coast , a tropical oasis that opened in early September 2020 (the brand's first in Asia). — Alisha Prakash

30. Maldives

The Maldives' 1,000+ islands sit in the Indian Ocean like a string of turquoise pearls. The tropical nirvana has 166 accommodation options, including the new Joali Being nature retreat, which leads guests on a transformative wellness journey. Alila Kothaifaru Maldives debuts in February with 80 beach and overwater villas on the Raa Atoll. Coming to the same atoll in May, also with 80 luxury villas, is Emerald Faarufushi Resort & Spa on a massive lagoon primed for snorkeling. The ever-innovative Soneva Fushi has a new experience that includes zip-lining to a six-course meal 30 feet about the sand. Along with Soneva Jani, they've debuted Soneva Soul , a new spa complex melding ancient and modern techniques. Other vacation favorites are unveiling new digs like the sleek, contemporary renovation of Naladhu Private Island and the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island , debuting in February. — Katie Lockhart

31. Newport, Rhode Island

Newport is considered one of the sailing capitals of the world. It is home to the largest fleet of America's Cup 12 Meter yachts , most of which are available for charter. In May, the coastal town is welcoming a Sailing Museum that is sure to solidify that title. Over the past few years, a slew of hotel openings have closed a much-needed gap for luxury accommodations, including Hammett's Hotel , Brenton Hotel , and The Wayfinder Hotel . The Vanderbilt, Auberge Resorts Collection is debuting the property's highly anticipated transformation conceived by Dallas-based design collective Swoon — the lobby, dining room, and shared areas are now complete with guest rooms finishing early next year. Renowned beverage executive Maxwell Britten has joined the team as chief cocktail curator alongside an amazing chef who cooks up a selection of elevated pub-inspired dishes. And don't miss Giusto , at Hammett's Hotel, which serves up excellent Italian with a Rhode Island twist. — Scott Bay

32. Nile Cruise, Egypt

There is no trip that will convert you to a life of river cruising quite like a sail down (well, technically, up) the Nile. In fact, the world's first river cruises sailed in Egypt, a country designed around the central waterway, where it makes sense that the Nile would act as your home base. A typical Egyptian river cruise sets sail from Cairo to Luxor and then Aswan, with the occasional stop to visit an island temple along the way — complete with sights like the Pyramids, Valley of Kings and Queens, Nefertari's tomb, and the Temple of Kom Ombo. In 2022, there's more than one new river cruise to choose from, between Uniworld's newly launched S.S. Sphinx and AmaWaterways' Amadahlia , both of which sailed their inaugural voyages in fall 2021. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

In late 2021, Panama launched a tourism platform along with the coolest tagline in travel: " Live for More ." With a booming coffee scene and a renewed focus on its culture, history, and biodiversity , the Central American nation is ready for its moment in the spotlight. It's an attractive place for those looking to get out of resort mode and into a world open for exploration and adventure. Immersive environmental experiences abound here, including trekking through the rainforest on its suspended hanging bridges and walking to the top of the Volcán Barú, an active volcano with both Pacific and Atlantic Ocean views from the top. There is also abundant opportunity to learn from Panama's seven Indigenous communities, each of whom offer their own personalized experiences and are happy to share their craftsmanship and traditions. Panama offers plenty of luxury, too. In its capital city, check into the American Trade Hotel , centrally located in Panama's Casco Viejo district, a historic neighborhood which happens to also be a UNESCO World Heritage Site. — Stacey Leasca

34. Phuket, Thailand

Before the pandemic, Phuket was beautiful but crowded, full of beach bars and tourists chasing all-nighters. It's still full of energy and surrounded by the same pristine sea glass–colored water, but its luxurious side is finally getting the attention it deserves, from its high-end coffee shops to its cocktail bars. Hide from the world in paradise with a stay in one of the private pool residences at Trisara , featuring kitchens, a private chef, butler service, and breathtaking views over the sea, as well as access to the resort's PRU restaurant , which has earned both a Michelin star and a Michelin green star. Or book a stay at the brand-new V Villas Phuket , which offers a curated selection of 19 private-pool, 1-, 3-, and 4-bedroom villas. Later, party the night away in Phuket Old Town with inventive cocktails at Club No. 43 (think: rum with grilled pineapple juice and espuma), or settle in for a great dinner and a night of daring performances at the Junkyard Theatre , which just launched a weekly Saturday night show. — Alison Fox

35. Pico, Portugal

The islands of the Azores — a Portuguese archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean some 900 miles west of Lisbon — are more popular than ever, and for 2022, travelers will want to fix their eyes firmly on the second-largest isle: Pico, an alluring, otherworldly locale covered with black, volcanic rocks. Conquering Portugal's highest peak, the cloud-shrouded, 7,713-foot-high Mount Pico, used to be the island's main draw, but a recent uptick in hospitality infrastructure has allowed for more opportunity to partake of Pico's most important agricultural output: wine. Renowned Portuguese winemaker Antonio Maçanita just opened a new winery that comes with bookable design-forward apartments adjacent to the island's unique vineyards. On Pico, grapes are planted on volcanic terroir that are then protected from Atlantic winds with rock walls. Maçanita's ​​ Azores Wine Company 's mineral, sometimes slightly salty wines could be the perfect celebratory drink after a grueling hike.The crashing waves around Pico are beginning to seduce surfers, too. And there are also ample opportunities to watch for marine life thanks to 20 species of dolphins and whales (including humpbacks and orcas) that can be spotted in these waters. But if you'd rather eat what's in the water: Try lapas, a local shellfish delicacy best served grilled with butter and garlic and finished with a squeeze of lemon. Thankfully, getting to experience all of this has never been easier: Starting July 1, United Airlines will for the first time connect Newark to the island of São Miguel (the Azores' largest island), and from there, it's a quick hop over to Pico. Or you could always get there via direct flights from Lisbon or Porto with Tap Air Portugal's stopover program. — Chadner Navarro

36. Quebec, Canada

After over a year of tight pandemic restrictions, Canada reopened to American tourists in 2021, so now might finally be time to plan that trip to the Great White North, starting with the province of Quebec. From the charming, French-influenced cities of Montreal and Quebec City to the region's snow-capped mountains, there's something new to explore every season. In December 2021, the first Club Med mountain resort in Canada, Club Med Quebec Charlevoix , opened, offering all-inclusive ski vacations just a short flight from several major U.S. cities. Regent Seven Seas Cruises is offering a foliage-packed autumn cruise from New York to Montreal in October. No matter what time of year you visit, Le Capitole Hotel in Quebec City and Humaniti Hotel Montreal are top picks for places to stay in the major cities. — Elizabeth Rhodes

37. Queensland, Australia

Australia's highly anticipated international border reopening will be well worth the wait, especially as more travelers seek nuanced cultural experiences and sustainable stays. The northeastern state has long been the gateway for visits to the rightly beloved Great Barrier Reef, and beginning in 2022, visitors can learn about conservation efforts and the ecosystem directly from the area's Traditional Land Owners and Indigenous guides during day trips from Dreamtime Dive & Snorkel . Aboriginal elders and Traditional Land Owners are also working with local operator Gudjuda Tours on a daylong excursion to tag and rescue one of the reef's most beloved creatures: sea turtles. Those who want to take a more extended trip to the Whitsunday Islands can look to Elysian Retreat , recently certified as the area's first fully solar-powered resort, or its carbon-negative sister property Pumpkin Island . Back on the mainland, within the verdant Daintree Rainforest UNESCO World Heritage Site, eco-luxury hideaway Silky Oaks Lodge will finally welcome guests back after its $15-million overhaul. — Sarah Bruning

38. Santa Ynez Valley, California

Two hours from L.A., the Santa Ynez Valley is rural, unassuming, and coming into its own. The region has grown grapes for decades and has even made a Hollywood cameo in the movie Sideways. The arrival of newer tasting rooms, restaurants, and hotels in recent years has firmly put the area on oenophiles' and travelers' radars. Start with a private olive oil tasting at Global Gardens and hard cider at Tin City Cider in Los Olivos. Follow with pizza pies at Full of Life Flatbread and vino at nearby female-owned A Tribute to Grace and Casa Dumetz . Detour to Firestone Walker 's outpost in Buellton for a few limited edition craft brews and finish with dishes such as roasted tomato and fennel risotto at the Ballard Inn's Gathering Table 404 . Though it's technically just beyond the boundaries of the valley in Lompoc, The Hilt Estate , is too good to miss. And once it opens this year as an Auberge property, The Inn at Mattei's Tavern will make for the perfect base from which to explore it all. — Tanvi Chheda

39. São Paulo, Brazil

Known for its dynamic combination of luxury, design, and fashion influence, São Paulo is an international metropolitan hub of arts and culture. It's the largest city in South America, hosting an array of entertainment opportunities such as fabulous hotels, decadent restaurants, high-class museums, and iconic mid-century architecture. With airlines including American adding flights throughout Brazil in 2022 and a flourishing hospitality renaissance throughout the city, São Paulo is well prepared for its anticipated influx of new travelers. A must-visit destination for 2022 is the Rosewood São Paulo , located in the heart of São Paulo's Cidade Matarazzo and housed in a historic landmark building. Here, visitors will encounter 200-plus luxurious guest rooms, suites, and residences, plus six restaurants and bars and two pools. — Molly O'Brien

40. Savannah, Georgia

This coastal Georgia city is rightly famous for its atmospheric, moss-draped streets and squares, not to mention its hundreds of years of history. But lately Savannah has been boosted by creativity and innovation outside the sometimes frozen-in-amber Old Town, which means now is a particularly compelling time to visit. Make home base the brand-new Thompson Savannah 429 , a slick 13-story tower with interiors by Studio 11 Design that anchors the still-developing Eastern Wharf neighborhood. Phase one of the 54-acre development, which aims to turn a once-industrial waterfront into a contemporary mixed-use destination, includes hundreds of apartments, fitness trails, access to the Savannah River, and multiple bars and restaurants, including Fleeting , a seasonally driven spot inside the Thompson. At the same time, Savannah's other major waterfront destination has also come into its own. The Plant Riverside District, a stone's throw from Old Town, marked its official grand opening in November 2021, putting a bow on a bustling JW Marriott hotel , countless restaurants and bars, and multiple live performance venues all along a rebuilt waterfront. Not that all the action is along the river: The ever-evolving Starland District, a short drive from Johnson Square, has its share of hangouts including Starland Yard , a food truck park that's also home to the excellent Pizzeria Vittoria Napoletana ; Two Tides Brewing Company , which pours hazy ales and delicious sours in a super-cool taproom; and Troupial , a Venezuelan cafe. You'll also want to pack Wildsam Savannah , a newly released field guide that helps visitors understand the layers of history (and the contemporary politics) that are fueling the latest renaissance in Savannah. — Paul Brady

41. Seattle, Washington

Few places offer both an urban and a natural escape in one destination — and the Emerald City might be one of the best. The city center is world-class with top hotel accommodations ( Four Seasons Hotel Seattle and Thompson Seattle ), locally focused fine dining, and countless cultural sites. Then, just minutes away from all of that is some of the most stunning outdoor recreation out there. Adding to the city's luster is the newly opened Lotte Hotel Seattle . The 189-room tower is bringing high design and refined service to the area. Charlotte , the hotel's restaurant on the 18th floor, serves up an inventive menu that is sure to become an all-time favorite dining experience. The landmark Fairmont Olympic Hotel recently completed a $25-million historic restoration of its public spaces, quickly becoming one of the most Instagrammable spots in town. Plus, its buzzy new culinary showpiece will debut in the months to come. Before leaving Seattle, don't miss a meal at celebrated pasta specialist Brian Clevenger's new restaurant, Autumn . — Scott Bay

42. Sedona, Arizona

Makito Umekita/Travel + Leisure

With tourism already surging thanks to the Instagram fame of attractions like Devil's Bridge, Sedona garnered even more of a following during the pandemic among cooped-up city dwellers enthralled by the destination's red rocks and energy vortexes. In 2022, set your sights on North America's first landscape hotel, Ambiente , home to 40 standalone accommodations (called "atriums"), most with private rooftop decks perfect for stargazing. Opening in May, the sustainability-focused retreat will offer on-site trailhead access — further immersing guests in the Sedona landscape while combating traffic along the city's main highway — and reactivate an ancient waterway to populate a stream running throughout the hotel. Experience Sedona's culinary clout right on property at Ambiente's restaurant, Forty1, housed in a refurbished airstream, or venture next door to Mariposa , the city's must-visit restaurant by chef Lisa Dahl, who pioneered fine dining in this town. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

43. Singapore

Singapore reopened to vaccinated American travelers in October 2021 with the introduction of the country's Vaccinated Travel Lane . Travelers can fly from the U.S. on Singapore Airlines' vaccine-mandatory flights ; the World's Best airline 26 years running launched Vaccinated Travel Lane flights this fall, and United Airlines plans to follow suit by January 2022. Even in the early stages of reopening to foreign travelers, the city-state is already unveiling new culinary ventures. Recently, chef Julien Royer, behind three-Michelin-star Odette, opened Claudine , and Raffles Singapore unveiled Osteria BBR 404 by Alain Ducasse, while Marina Bay Sands plans to debut chef Tetsuya Wakuda's second restaurant within the hotel in the new year. Of course, there's just as much flavor to be found at Singapore's famed hawker centers, now on the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage. As tourists return to Singapore, new cultural attractions follow — from the return of Singapore Art Week, beginning Jan. 14, to the recent unveiling of SkyHelix Sentosa , an open-air ride towering 300 feet above sea level, for anyone still in need of thrills after a 17-hour flight over the Pacific. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

44. Southwest Michigan

Beaches with ocean-like views were once the main draw to Michigan's southwest coast, but new high-style accommodations and hyper-local experiences are giving us more reasons to go. Where to stay with so many options? Consider the cool new motel-turned-boutique Lake Shore Resort in Saugatuck; The Fields glamping retreat with new spa tents in South Haven; the revamped, modern Harbor Grand Hotel in New Buffalo; or anywhere along the coast with high-touch Bluefish Vacation Rentals , which has killer lakefront homes now stocked with handmade local goods. Hop on the new pedestrian/bike trail in Union Pier, and definitely shop two new woman-owned standouts: the beautifully curated Haven and Ariane Prewitt's AP Cottage, scheduled to open this spring. Women are showing off the culinary scene, too, with everything from a special saison ale — winner of the 2021 Great American Beer Festival — at woman-owned Waypost Brewing Co. , to new herb-inspired cocktails at James Beard-winning chef Melissa Corey's Penny Royal Café & Provisions , to James Beard nominee Abra Beherns' Granor Farm , where dinners return this year in a new glass-enclosed barn. — Nina Kokotas Hahn

45. St. Moritz, Switzerland

If you're on the hunt for glitz, glamour, and powder for days, look no further than St. Moritz, Switzerland. The Alpine ski town has long been considered the birthplace of winter vacationing. Tourists first flocked to the mountain town in 1864 , when hotelier Johannes Badrutt took a few British travelers to the community, promising them bluebird days all winter. It wasn't long until others learned about this hidden winter oasis. Skiers and winter sports enthusiasts flocked to the mountain, which has now hosted the Winter Olympic Games not once, but twice. It's an ideal place for ski bunnies too, thanks to its luxury shopping, and its numerous Michelin-starred restaurants . This winter, head to St. Moritz for its fantastic events like White Surf (Feb. 6, 13, and 20, 2022), an international horse race that takes place across the frozen Lake St. Moritz, and the Snow Polo World Cup 404 (Jan. 28-30, 2022), which happens to be the world's only high-goal tournament on snow. Book a stay at the Badrutt's Palace Hotel , which officially reopened on Dec. 3 for the 2021/2022 season and offers guests the chance to try their hand at high-octane winter sports like skijöring, snowkiting, tobogganing, and even private helicopter tours to the peaks of Piz Bernina and Piz Palü. — Stacey Leasca

46. St. Pete/Clearwater, Florida

The beaches of St. Petersburg and nearby Clearwater are consistently ranked among the best in the U.S. and even the world , but there's more to this destination than white sand, pristine waters, and 361 days of sunshine per year. St. Pete/Clearwater offers more than 30 museums and galleries featuring world-renowned artists like Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso, as well as the largest collection of Salvador Dalí's work outside of Spain. One could say brewing the perfect beer is also an artform that St. Pete/Clearwater has mastered, with its trail of 35+ locally owned craft breweries. Playfully nicknamed the " Gulp Coast ," complete your experience with a digital passport that tracks your beer-sampling progress. These year-round offerings mean you can visit any time, but head over in June 2022 to revel in the 20th anniversary of St. Pete Pride , the largest Pride event in Florida, hosting events for everyone from friends and families to couples and solo travelers. — Jessica Poitevien

47. Todos Santos, Mexico

Todos Santos is one of Mexico's pueblo mágicos, or "magic towns," and locals are working to retain its history and culture while embracing the steady stream of travelers who have begun venturing an hour north of Cabo San Lucas to discover its charm. The area saw a handful of new boutique resorts pop up in 2021 that provide luxury amenities while keeping the rugged land and local flora the centerpiece. Wellness-focused Paradero describes itself as a "landscaping project" that just so happens to have luxurious suites, and El Perdido , an all-villa resort less than five miles south, provides all-terrain vehicles so visitors can get to Los Cerritos beach, the local surf break of choice. Oceanfront Rancho Pescadero 's multimillion-dollar transformation will be complete in the spring. Bookings for its oceanfront villas and penthouse rooms — some with private rooftops and plunge pools — open in January. Todos Santos has fully embraced farm-to-table dining, with Javier Plascencia's orchard-adjacent Jazamango leading the way, and Santa Terra , a cosmopolitan oyster bar meets arts and entertainment venue concept, is in the process of adding multiple bars and restaurants, plus a glamping site and amphitheater, according to its developer, "without chopping down a single tree." — Nina Ruggiero

48. Udaipur, India

After an extremely challenging 20-month closure, India reopened to vaccinated travelers on Nov. 15, 2021. Those looking toward South Asia in the new year, perhaps to see the Taj Mahal in Agra or hit the Goan beaches, should make sure Udaipur is on the itinerary. The city of lakes in southern Rajasthan is thought of as the most romantic Indian destination (even called the "Venice of the East") — but it's not just for honeymooners. From the vibrance of Hathi Pol bazaar and Shilpgram , an artisanal compound on the outskirts of the city with a festival set to return on Jan. 22, to the serenity of Lake Pichola, the artificial lake made in the 14th century, Udaipur is a city where you can fully immerse in Rajasthani culture. A hub of Indian luxury, Udaipur is now home to the country's first Raffles hotel, which opened in October. This private island hotel on Udai Sagar Lake is accessible only by boat — something of a trademark for the over-the-top hotels of Udaipur. Meant to be a flagship hotel in the Raffles portfolio, complete with brand staples (think: bars, both Long and Writers), 101 lavish suites, Rasoi cooking school, and lakeside open-air restaurant Belvedere Point. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

49. Wales, United Kingdom

The only path in the world to follow the whole of a country's coastline, the Wales Coastal Path celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022. Walking its 870 miles would take three months, but its most spectacular stretches can be seen in one visit — and in style. St David's in Pembrokeshire, west Wales, is Britain's smallest city with a mere population of 1,600 and is home to a Medieval cathedral , a luxury hotel inside Roch Castle , some excellent pubs, and the upscale St David's Gin & Kitchen . Hiking paths with unbeatable coastal vistas are within easy reach (try the St David's Head loop ) and pass neolithic tombs and hillforts. — Jamie Carter

50. Yucatán, Mexico

Mérida, the capital of the state of Yucatán, has emerged as one of Mexico's most popular cities thanks to its lively restaurant scene, a busy calendar of cultural events, and a relaxed tropical atmosphere. Increasingly, however, travelers are venturing beyond the city to explore the state's unspoiled nature reserves, ancient Maya sites, and sprawling haciendas — a number now converted into hotels. Among the destinations that are drawing travelers to Yucatán are El Cuyo, a quiet beach town that was long a closely guarded secret of windsurfers. Now visitors can also enjoy gourmet Mexican fare at the El Chile Gordo restaurant and boho-chic lodgings at the new Casa Mate . In Espita, a charming colonial town near Valladolid, is the Casona los Cedros hotel which opened in summer 2021. Sisal, a historic port in the western part of the state, has attracted new interest since being named a Pueblo Mágico at the end of 2020. A new highway completed in April now connects Sisal to Hunucmá (and then beyond to Mérida) making it easier for beachcombers to visit, and perhaps spend the night at the cool Club de Patos 404 . — John Newton

51. Bonus: Space

This was a monumental year for human spaceflight — not only did NASA and SpaceX achieve a regular cadence of astronaut launches for the first time since the Space Shuttle was retired in 2011, but space tourism has also lifted off in a major way, making space a top destination to visit in 2022. And it's a realistic trip, too, so long as you have the budget for it. Both Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic succeeded in taking passengers to space on short suborbital hops this year, and each company plans to ramp up those flights in 2022 — Virgin Galactic already has more than 600 bookings. The price for a quick jaunt to space? A few hundred thousand dollars . If you have an even bigger budget (say, a couple hundred million dollars), you could charter your own orbital flight in a SpaceX Dragon Capsule, as did entrepreneur Jared Issacman with his Inspiration4 mission in September. There are also tourism trips to the International Space Station in the works; Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa launches on his multi-day journey in December, courtesy of space travel agency Space Adventures and Russia's Roscosmos space agency, which plans to take even more " citizen space explorers " to the orbiting laboratory in the near future. Of course, not everyone has pockets deep enough to cover space travel, but more affordable journeys are on the horizon. Startup Space Perspective plans to launch high-altitude balloon rides to the edge of space in 2024 , for the relatively low price of $125,000. Potential dealbreaker, though — the balloons don't actually reach space, maxing out at 100,000 feet in altitude, while space is considered to begin somewhere between 264,000 feet (50 miles) and 327,360 feet ​​(62 miles). But hey, at least there's a bar on board. — Stefanie Waldek

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The best trips for 2022

The best trips to take in 2022

Our desire to get back out and discover the world is stronger than ever. From an intrepid trip to Antarctica to a go-slow train journey across some of southeast Asia’s most mesmerising landscapes, we’ve picked out our favourite in-the-know trips to plan for 2022, hand in hand with the most respected and trustworthy tour operators out there.


Tahiti with Turquoise

A speck in the turquoise waters between Tahiti and Easter Island, Pitcairn isn't on most people's radars. The only way to get to the smallest and most remote inhabited island in the world is by the sea – but instead of a bells-and-whistles cruise ship, your home for the duration of this trip is Aranui, organised by Turquoise. This cargo vessel is busy shifting supplies to some of the most far-flung islands on earth but don’t panic: cabins are supremely comfortable, and there’s a restaurant and swimming pool on board. After setting off from French Polynesia ’s buzzy capital, the boat trundles into the Tuamotu Archipelago, a group of heavenly coral atolls so flat they’re practically invisible from the sea. Land at islands ringed by blindingly white sand, renowned for their fly-fishing, pearl farms, jade lagoons and kaleidoscopic marine life, before stopping off at the Gambiers, a former cradle of Catholicism packed full of crumbling churches. From here, it’s on to Pitcairn: the descendants of the HMS Bounty mutineers still live here today – and although visitors are sparse, they’re warmly welcomed. Spend a few more days island hopping and snorkelling in gin-clear waters: this is real unchartered territory and you certainly won’t find any hotels or other tourists on this route – but that’s all part of the magic.

Price : 11 nights from £7,465 per person (set departure dates in September and October 2022) Book it:


Egypt with Pelorus

The year 2022 is a bumper one for Egypt . It marks 100 years since Howard Carter chiselled away at Tutankhamunhm’s tomb and made one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time; 200 years since Jean-Francois Champollion deciphered the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone and the opening of the long-awaited Grand Egyptian Museum. If there was ever a time to celebrate this beguiling country, it’s now. This Pelorus trip begins in Cairo, using the frenetic city as a base for trips to the Pyramids at Giza and an exclusive private viewing of the dazzling treasures on display at the Grand Museum. Take it all in from a unique perspective with a skydive over the desert, then continue to Luxor and the Valley of Kings where you’ll float across this extraordinary open-air museum in a hot air balloon. Of course, no Egyptian itinerary is complete without a Nile cruise: board the beautiful dahabiya Nour et Nil to drift languidly along the waterways linking Esna to Aswan , Egypt’s most peaceful riverside city. Along the way, stop to wander around ancient villages, duck into colourful bazaars, trek into the mountains and swim out to palm-studded islands. A timeless journey that shines the light on Egypt’s most awe-inspiring wonders.

Price : 10 nights, from £17,000 per person Book it:


Antarctica with Abercrombie and Kent

October 2021's COP26 summit was yet another reminder of the climate emergency facing the world. Now, more than ever, we’re being urged to travel responsibly – and this truly epic, once-in-a-lifetime trip from Abercrombie & Kent shines a light on one of the planet’s most fragile ecosystems from climate change ground zero itself. Departing from Ushuaia (the southernmost city in the world) during the austral summer, you’ll set sail on Le Lyrial, a next-generation cruise ship where sustainability initiatives – from the use of the greenest fuel on the market to the deployment of advanced sonar systems – go above and beyond. As you cross the notoriously choppy Drake Passage, you’ll be joined by Dr James McClintock, a professor of polar and marine biology who’s deeply passionate about raising awareness of global warming and heavily involved in the critical scientific research going on to help protect this vulnerable landscape. Once you reach the Antarctic Sound, it’s time for five days of exhilarating polar exploration as you cruise the South Shetland Islands and the Danco Coast. You’ll head out into this remote and inhospitable environment on daily Zodiac expeditions, gliding past lofty glaciers, getting up close with majestic humpback whales and tracking penguins as they waddle and toboggan across the ice. This is a place like nowhere else on earth – visit now, while you still can.

Price : 12 nights, from £10,445 per person (set December departure dates) Book it :


Israel with Wix Squared

A fascinating land of contrasts and contradictions, history-soaked Israel is well worth adding to any traveller’s list. Wix Squared kicks things off in Jerusalem, where you’ll spend three days dipping in and out of the ancient capital’s most enigmatic landmarks. Once you’ve had your culture fix, leave the city behind to hike up to the ancient mountaintop fortress of Masada before cooling off in the natural pools at the magnificent Ein Gedi oasis and floating in the Dead Sea. From here, it’s on to Nazareth: while you’re in the area, stop at one of the country’s award-winning wineries, before jumping in an off-road vehicle and cruising up to the Golan Heights. A drive along the fringes of the Syrian border is truly eye-opening and gives a real insight into the fractured geopolitics of the region. Israel’s 24/7 party city, Tel Aviv, is a total contrast: during your time here, explore the city’s boho neighbourhoods and enjoy the gorgeous pool at the former monastery-turned-design hotel, The Jaffa. The true highlight of this trip comes right at the end, with the final three nights spent at Six Senses Shaharut, a high-on-drama 2021 opening hewn into the cliffs of the Negev Desert. Here, dune boarding, mountain biking and camel trekking are paired with downtime in the mega spa, ensuring you feel fully rested before flying home.

Price : 13 nights, from £11,191 per person Book it:


Singapore and Thailand with Trailfinders

You can fly from Singapore to Bangkok in under two hours, but there’s a far more fun way to travel between these two iconic Asian cities: by train with Trailfinders. After two days exploring Singapore’s modern metropolis, board your mahogany-clad carriage on the Eastern and Oriental Express, the fabled slow train best-known for carving a captivating path through the Malaysian and Thai countryside. While you’re on board, your biggest luxury is time: harking back to the golden age of travel, days are spent gawping at the ever-changing scenery as it unfurls in front of you. Hop off for excursions to Kuala Kangasar, a Malaysian city with an important colonial past, or cross the River Kwai Bridge to learn about the region’s harrowing history. Rejoin the train for Michelin-quality suppers in the damask-curtained dining car as you glide through the moonlit, mist-covered landscape. A few days later, the train rolls into Bangkok – spend time temple-hopping before flying south to Koh Samui and flopping at Belmond Napasai, a peaceful beachside hotel squirrelled away in a corner of the island’s calm north shores.

Price : 11 nights from £3,999 per person Book it :


Sicily with Red Savannah

Whether it’s the picture-perfect mountain towns, splendiferous cities, pristine beaches or endless cultural riches, we’re sucked in by Sicily’s allure time and time again. This Red Savannah whistle-stop tour of the largest Mediterranean island takes visitors from the colourful capital of Palermo down to the sun-drenched south, tapping into the island’s serious foodie credentials en route. Using Villa Igeia – a beautifully-restored 19th-century palazzo sitting proudly on the Palermo shoreline – as your base, hop on the back of a Vespa to admire the city’s Arab-Norman architecture and make pit stops at the famed food stalls scattered through the streets. From here, head southwest, slicing through the island’s rural heart to reach Agrigento and the Valley of the Temples before continuing on to Noto , a half-day drive along the pretty Ionian coastline. Spend two days wandering the butter-coloured Baroque streets, broken up with a private cooking lesson with an Italian nonna. Then it’s onto Syracuse, whose historical centre Ortigia – a jumble of authentic trattorias, elegant piazzas and colourful markets – sits a quick hop across the water. The most spectacular spot is saved till last: bed down at a traditional Sicilian farmhouse at the foot of Mount Etna, with views across to the Med on one side and the volcano’s belching craters on the other. Buckle up for a jeep tour across the lunar-like landscape, before venturing down into the foothills to learn about the region’s burgeoning wine scene.

Price : Seven nights, from £3,145 per person Book it:

The American South West

The American South West with Scott Dunn

There are few more epic journeys than the all-American road trip. This Scott Dunn one begins in Las Vegas, where a few days hanging out on the Strip are broken up with a helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon: an adrenaline-pumping introduction to one of the country’s most spectacular national parks . Then the real journey commences: pick up your wheels and head along Interstate 15 to reach Zion National Park, an adventure seeker’s nirvana of rock climbing, canyoning and vertiginous hikes, where you’ll be joined by a guide to help you get the most out of this extraordinary landscape. After a few nights in the park, leave the dusty red-rock country behind and make your way towards the snow-capped Wasatch Mountains, settling into Sundance, Robert Redford’s chic mountain retreat. From here, visit the breathtakingly beautiful neighbouring valleys, perfectly primed for mountain biking, fishing and whitewater rafting. Then it’s on to Moab, the adventure capital of the southwest, followed by Monument Valley, where you’ll head off-road to explore terrain straight out of a movie set (quite literally – it’s provided the backdrop for some of the best-loved Westerns). Finish up at Amangiri, the undisputed star of the desert wilderness.

Price : 13 nights from £6,900 per person Book it:


Botswana with Black Tomato

It’s no secret that Botswana safaris can be eye-wateringly expensive. But one thing’s for sure: they’re about as exclusive as safaris get. It’s all to do with the country’s low-impact, high-value tourism model – while crowds don’t exist here, epic wildlife-spotting opportunities certainly do. Land at a remote airstrip on the edge of the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans to kick off this seven-night Black Tomato getaway – your first base is San Camp, where seven billowing white tents effortlessly blend in with the remains of an ancient lake stretching for thousands of miles across the Kalahari Desert. The Big Five are less prolific here than elsewhere, but this is the place to spot unique species including the elusive brown hyena and the cheeky meerkats that poke their heads out from their burrows. From here, you’ll set off on an extraordinary quad bike safari, travelling over 500km across the barren landscape and sleeping out under the stars in splendid isolation on Kubu Island. For the second part of the trip, you’ll transfer to the Okavango Delta and stay at the just-opened, ultra-sustainable Xigera Lodge, where the surrounding watery channels of the Moremi Game Reserve provide a stark contrast to the arid wilderness of Makgadikgadi. Here, the cast of wildlife shifts as the seasons change, but you’ll spend most of your time out on the water, keeping your eyes peeled for elephants, hippos and leopards. The ultimate bucket-list safari trip.

Price : Seven nights, from £19,750 per person Book it:


Uruguay with Journey Latin America

An unhurried introduction to the minuscule Latin American country wedged between Argentina and Brazil, this self-drive trip along Uruguay’s golden coastline, organised by Journey Latin America, is the perfect way to get under its skin. You’ll spend the first few nights acclimatising at a family-run vineyard on the fertile slopes just outside Montevideo, keeping itchy feet happy with trips into the Art Deco capital and strolls through the cobbled streets of Colonia, one of the country’s oldest and prettiest colonial towns. Once you’ve grabbed your own set of wheels, cruise along the open road to reach the remote and wildly beautiful Rocha region, watching deserted beaches roll into the frothy Atlantic. While you’re here, stay on a working ranch on the shores of Laguna de Castillos and nose around the area’s sparsely populated towns, still seemingly untouched by modern life. Time your trip right and soak up the lo-fi, salty-haired beach scene at your next stop, Jose Ignacio. The glossy hotels have finally arrived, yet this former fishing village still clings onto its barefoot charm. Spend your final few days splashing about on the blissful shores, popping into art galleries and feasting on lip-smackingly good fresh fish at Francis Mallman ’s restaurant, Garzon: it was the star chef who helped put this dreamy pocket of the country on the map, after all.

Price : 10 nights, from £2,632 per person Book it:


Rajasthan with Greaves India

An intoxicating mix of cities and remote locations, wildlife and wellness, this Rajasthani adventure takes you on a tour through some of the lesser-trammelled pockets of India’s brightest and most beautiful state. After a short layover in Delhi , Greaves India’s first stop is the brand-new Six Senses Fort Barwara, the 14th-century former home of the Rajasthani Royal family, located striking distance from the gates to Ranthambore National Park. Tiger-spotting is the main draw here, but the surrounding lush jungle is a haven for bird watchers too. The next day, shuffle through remote villages to reach the dusty desert town of Nagaur, best-known for its lively cattle fair and mighty fort which is packed full of palaces, temples and the most splendid ancient frescoes. From here, it’s on to Bikaner – once a bustling stop on the Silk Road, today a deeply authentic honey-hued town of rickety merchant houses, Jain temples and virtually no tourists. Then it’s off to the brilliantly blue city of Jodhpur, where, after checking into RAAS Jodhpur, a seriously cool heritage building-cum-boutique hotel, you’ll get lost in the serpentine-like alleyways and visit Mehrangarh Fort, which rises mirage-like from above the city walls. Finish up at another ravishing new opening: Raffles’ very first Indian outpost, set on a 21-acre private island in the middle of Udaipur’s Udai Sagar Lake. With whiffs of a grand English country estate, it’s the perfect spot to soak up this deliciously romantic city before transferring to Mumbai to catch your flight home.

Price : 10 nights, from £3,650 per person (excluding international flights) Book it:

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

Moscow Travel Guide

  • Guide to Russia
  • Russian Destination Guide

Why travel to Moscow

Contrasts: 12th century monasteries and some of the tallest skyscrapers in Europe can be found side-by-side in this complex and captivating city. The diversity of this mega-city is astounding. Only a few steps away from the solemn red facade of the Kremlin and the sounds of righteous church bells, a buzzing night scene and alternative-fashion boutiques can be found.

Culture: In Moscow only the best goes. Be it a theatre, restaurant or gallery, the standards are certain to be world-class. The Bolshoi ballet company is reputed to be even better than the Mariinsky’s and “MMOMA” (Moscow’s museum of modern art) exhibits works of art as profound as any that could be found in the famed MOMA.

Convenience: Unlike the rest of Russia, it’s easy enough to get by with just English in Moscow and, driving excepted, it is surprisingly safe: the murder rate is lower than in some of America’s major cities.

Top Sights in Moscow


St. Basil’s


Novodevichy Convent


  • Moscow Fact File
  • History of Moscow Russia
  • Arriving in Moscow
  • Getting Around
  • Moscow Museums
  • Nightlife in Moscow
  • Moscow Restaurants
  • Moscow Entertainment
  • Activities in Moscow
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Why visit Moscow

It would take more than two days to walk around the perimeter of the biggest city in Europe, Moscow. Many of its inhabitants barely know what’s beyond the few blocks around their flat and there are so many attractions that it’s almost impossible to know where to start. If there is such a thing as an antidote to boredom, Moscow City is it. The mind-boggling range and diversity of things to do, places to eat, parks, historical monuments and more means that a vacation in Moscow has a wealth of activities to offer for every type of traveler, from young families to retirees.

Reasons to Vacation in Moscow in 2022

The Bolshoi theatre is familiar to almost everyone as Russia’s grandest theatre, but what people don’t know is that there are many more bolshoi (big) sites in Moscow that are worth travelling all the way to Moscow to see. For more than 100 years, the world’s biggest bell has been hidden behind the Kremlin’s walls and inside Moscow’s main park (which is bigger than some countries!) there is the world’s largest outdoor ice-rink. Travelers that visit Moscow can stay at the Izmailovo, Europe’s biggest hotel, then eat at the largest and most historic McDonald’s in Europe and after that have fun at the largest European indoor theme park!

Ancient Past & Stunning Architecture:

As those who travel to Moscow will see, just because Moscow is a city of record-breaking, glitzy high-rises doesn’t mean that there is no history. On the famous Arbat street, time-worn, wooden storehouses and century-old churches are squashed up against grey, soviet blocks which are then towered over by 21st century office-blocks. Unlike its much younger sibling, St Petersburg, Moscow’s roots stretch way back to the 12th century. Within the walls of the Kremlin, the city’s oldest building the Cathedral of Assumption can be admired in all its 500+ years of age.

Culture & Convenience

For a foreigner who has never visited Russia, Moscow is the perfect stepping stone into this great land of mystery. From the country’s best classical ballet troupes to snow-white troikas trotting through the parks, all the highlights of Russian culture can be had in Moscow without any of the complications that would be expected in other, less developed regions of Russia.

Cheap as Caviar

In Moscow, everything is bargain when with the current foreign exchange rates being what they are. Even caviar doesn’t seem so dear when the exchange rate is at 60rub to the dollar, so go on indulge yourself! Take your 2022 vacation in Moscow and have the best of both worlds, with European luxury at very affordable prices.

ck trip 2022

Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

We had a great time both in Moscow and St Petersburg. Your travel agency was excellent in coordinating the whole trip. Everything worked like clockwork. The guides assigned to us were very nice and friendly. They had a great knowledge of their subjects. The cars and the drivers were great. The hotels were good and the itinerary was good. All in all, it was a wonderful experience. It was nice dealing with you and your company. Thank you very much for a great Russian experience. Have a great future ahead

  • 31 reviews of Express to Russia Moscow Tours in Moscow

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2022 Featured Tours

To make finding your next journey a little easier, we'll be regularly highlighting different journeys that are currently trending with travelers.

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Our journeys featured below are among those that are currently popular with guests – dates are available, but filling fast. We'll keep you updated throughout the year by featuring what's currently trending, so check back often.

We still have 2022 space on guest favorites such as: Classic Italy , Normandy, Brittany, Paris & the Loire Valley and Spain & Portugal , along with the journeys you see listed below.

Land Journey

Classic Italy

Time of Year:  

April- October

Northern Spain, The Rioja Valley and Madrid

Time of Year:

April - June

August - October

Spain and Portugal

April - October

Switzerland: Europe's Crown Jewel

May - September

European River Cruises

River Cruise

Cruising the Dutch Waterways

Amsterdam, Delft, Rotterdam, Rijksmuseum, Zuiderzee Museum

Amsterdam to Budapest by Riverboat

May - October

The Blue Danube

Rhine enchantment, milan to amsterdam.

Amsterdam, Zürich, Basel, Köln, Rüdesheim, Colmar

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Savannah, Charleston, Coastal Low Country, Beaufort, Hilton Head

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Best of the canadian rockies.

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Halifax, Lunenburg, Digby, Charlottetown, PEI National Park, Grand Pré National Historic Site

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Small Ship Cruise

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  2. Calvin Klein Spring 2022 Ad Campaign

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  3. Calvin Klein Launches Spring 2022 Campaign: All Together

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  1. Boreal Festival (Day Party) 2024

  2. Mussoorie Trip 2023

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  4. Top Floor Freestyle

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  1. Nejlepší nabídka zimních a letních zájezdů

    LÉTO 2022 . Sportovní cestovní kancelář CK Trip - Váš specialista na aktivní dovolenou 26.rokem... PROVOZNÍ DOBA CK TRIP ZDE. Dne 18. ... Celý náš tým je vám k dispozici na centrále CK TRIP v Jablonci nad Nisou 5 dní v týdnu a také na e-mailu [email protected] (zájezdy), nebo [email protected] ...

  2. CK Trip

    CK Trip - Poznávacie zájazdy podľa Vašich požiadaviek pre skupiny, jednotlivcov, školy. srdečne Vás pozývame na zájazdy a výlety v novom roku. Našu ponuku budeme postupne doplňovať o overené programy aj novinky a veríme, že si vyberiete. Sme Vám stále k dispozícii na telefónnom čísle 0949 144 833, mailovej adrese cktrip ...

  3. Nabídka zájezdů » Cykloturistika

    V KATALOGU CK TRIP 2024 najdete více než 60 různých cyklistických zájezdů. Listujte ZDE: DUBEN. 30.04.2024 - 06.05.2024 Jadran a Kras . KVĚTEN. 01.05.2024 - 05.05.2024 Cyklostezkami podél alpských řek. 07.05.2024 - 12.05.2024 Vivat termály-Goričko a Jeruzalém a Lendava

  4. Náš katalog CK TRIP LÉTO 2022 JE TU!

    Zájezdy rovněž najdete v příslušných sekcích na CYKLOTURISTIKA, CYKLOZÁJEZDY PRO DĚTI, TURISTIKA, INLINE SKATING, VODNÍ TURISTIKA a LYŽOVÁNÍ. ... Náš katalog CK TRIP LÉTO 2022 JE TU! V tradiční termín 11. 11. vám přinášíme cestovatelskou inspiraci v podobě našeho již 32. letního katalogu ...

  5. Zájazdy

    Poznávacie zájazdy podľa Vašich požiadaviek pre skupiny, jednotlivcov, školy. [email protected]; 0949 144 833; Toggle navigation

  6. The 15 Best Russian River Cruises for 2022

    8 days and 7 nights. Enjoy a short Russian river cruise on a comfortable 4-star ship. Our program includes all the most important sights on the Moscow to St. Petersburg route. Besides the Two Capitals, you will visit the ancient towns of Uglich, Goritsy, the island of Kizhi, and Mandrogui village. $ 811 From/Per person.

  7. Poznávacie zájazdy

    Poznávacie zájazdy - kolektívy. PERLY GEMERA, KOŠICE, TOKAJSKÁ VÍNNA CESTA. autobus. Podrobnosti od 150 €. Adršpašsko-Teplické skaly, to najkrajšie z východných Čiech-2. autobus. Podrobnosti od 168 €. POKLADY BENÁTSKA-3. autobus.

  8. Moscow and St. Petersburg Tours

    This is a brief tour of Moscow and St. Petersburg that will give you a good idea of the two cities. On this tour, you will spend one night in each city and travel between the cities on board of a high-speed Sapsan train. The highlight of the trip is the Hermitage, the fourth largest museum in the world and Russia's former Imperial residence.

  9. The Best Volga River Cruises for 2022

    14 days and 13 nights. With this cruise, you will get a feeling for both the south-eastern Russia with its link to the Asia and the Orient and the European, imperial Russia. You will start your trip in Astrakhan and sail practically the whole length of the Volga River from the edge of the Caspian Sea to Moscow. $ 2140 From/Per person.

  10. Escorted Tours, Small Ship and River Cruises and Family Travel

    Overview. Across Asia high-tech cultures are evolving beside ancient ones. From the elegant simplicity of a Japanese tea room to the neon cityscapes of Tokyo; from the intricate art of a Cambodian temple; from elephant walks to frenetic street markets to the serene beauty of the Taj Mahal, we'll guide you through the exotic pageantry of Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, India and Thailand ...

  11. Dovolenky 2024

    Vyberte si dovolenku v sezóne 2024. CK SATUR ponúka atraktívne pobyty v destináciách na celom svete. Či sú to pobyty pri mori, plavby loďou, poznávacie zájazdy.

  12. Russian River Cruises aboard the Volga Dream

    2022 Cruise Season. Join our signature small group journeys and cruise in luxury along the Russian Volga river! Find Your Cruise. The Russian Odyssey. ... The trip to Russia with Volga Dream was a success across the board. Very good hotels, competent guides, nice rides. The stay on the ship was extremely pleasant.

  13. What's hot: 22 trending bucket list trips for 2022

    7. Explore golden beaches and azure-blue seas as you cycle Croatia's sun-drenched Dalmatian Coast in 2022. Savour the sweet scent of lavender as you ascend the hills of Hvar and cruise down to the coast for a well-deserved waterfront lunch. 8. Discover the Balkan's secret sanctuary of quiet country roads, golden-sand bays and turquoise seas as ...

  14. CK TRIP

    Print All Pages. Print Current Page. Print Range Example: 2,5,8-26. Print

  15. Where to Go in 2022: The Most Exciting Destinations to ...

    In the first quarter of 2022, another hotly anticipated hotel, The Schoolhouse, is scheduled to open in White Sulphur Springs, transforming a historic schoolhouse building into the world's first fully-accessible hotel. Each of the 30 rooms will be wheelchair accessible, because it isn't "almost heaven" until everyone is included.

  16. The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2022

    This winter, head to St. Moritz for its fantastic events like White Surf (Feb. 6, 13, and 20, 2022), an international horse race that takes place across the frozen Lake St. Moritz, and the Snow ...

  17. Rick Steves Europe: Tours, Travel, TV & Vacations

    This week's show: Hear about Europe's lesser-known lingos, the challenges — and rewards — that women of color meet when exploring the world on their own, and tips for avoiding crowds when traveling in Europe. Show Description. Rick Steves is America's leading authority on European travel. Plan your own trip or take one of Rick's value ...

  18. The best trips to take in 2022

    Spend a few more days island hopping and snorkelling in gin-clear waters: this is real unchartered territory and you certainly won't find any hotels or other tourists on this route - but that's all part of the magic. Price: 11 nights from £7,465 per person (set departure dates in September and October 2022) Book it:

  19. Dovolenky 2024

    Vyberte si dovolenku v sezóne 2024. CK SATUR ponúka atraktívne pobyty v destináciách na celom svete. Či sú to pobyty pri mori, plavby loďou, poznávacie zájazdy.

  20. Where to travel 2022: The best destinations to visit

    Tourism to Peru in 2020 dropped to just 20% of 2019 arrivals, but those numbers will creep back up as the world tackles Covid-19. 2022 just might be the year to plan a good, long, meandering trip ...

  21. ZIMA 2022/2023 ODSTARTOVÁNA!

    ZIMA 2022/2023 ODSTARTOVÁNA! Prodej lyžařských zájezdů do Rakouska a Itálie byl odstartován! Inspirujte se již nyní v sekci lyžování na Katalog ZIMA 2022 si můžete prolistovat zde a stáhnout jako PDF zde: Tištěný katalog letos nevyjde. Zpět ». Prodej lyžařských zájezdů do Rakouska a Itálie byl ...

  22. Guide to Moscow for Traveling to Moscow in 2022

    Take your 2022 vacation in Moscow and have the best of both worlds, with European luxury at very affordable prices. Moscow Tours. 4.72 based on 105 customer reviews. Vivian Lewis, Canada ... Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill ...

  23. Featured Tours 2022

    Exotics. Our journeys featured below are among those that are currently popular with guests - dates are available, but filling fast. We'll keep you updated throughout the year by featuring what's currently trending, so check back often. We still have 2022 space on guest favorites such as: Classic Italy, Normandy, Brittany, Paris & the Loire ...