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By: Bastian Herre and Veronika Samborska

Tourism has massively increased in recent decades. Aviation has opened up travel from domestic to international. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of international visits had more than doubled since 2000.

Tourism can be important for both the travelers and the people in the countries they visit.

For visitors, traveling can increase their understanding of and appreciation for people in other countries and their cultures.

And in many countries, many people rely on tourism for their income. In some, it is one of the largest industries.

But tourism also has externalities: it contributes to global carbon emissions and can encroach on local environments and cultures.

On this page, you can find data and visualizations on the history and current state of tourism across the world.

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Tourism – Definition, Types & Forms, History & Importance of Tourism

Tourism is one of the world’s fastest-growing industries and a major foreign exchange and employment generation for many countries. It is one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena.

The word ‘tour’ is derived from the Latin word tornus, meaning ‘a tool for making a circle.’ Tourism may be defined as the movement of people from their usual place of residence to another place ( with the intention to return) for a minimum period of twenty-four hours to a maximum of six months for the sole purpose of leisure and pleasure.

According to WTO (1993), ” Tourism encompasses the activities of persons traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.”

The Rome conference on tourism in 1963 defined tourism as ‘ a visit to a country other than one’s own or where one usually resides and works. This definition, however, did not take into account domestic tourism, which has become a vital money-spinner and job generator for the hospitality industry.

The UNWTO defines tourists as ‘ people who travel to and stay in place outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

According to the Tourism Society of Britain ,” tourism is the temporary short-period movement of people to destination outside the places where they usually live, work; and activities during their stay at these destinations.” This definition includes the movement of people for all purposes.

The development of technology and transportation infrastructure, such as jumbos jets, low-cost airlines, and more accessible airports, have made tourism affordable and convenient. There have been changes in lifestyle – for example, now retiree-age people sustain tourism around the year. The sale of tourism products on the internet, besides the aggressive marketing of the tour operators and travel agencies , has also contributed to the growth of tourism.

27 September is celebrated as world tourism every year. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of UNWTO were adopted. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the role of tourism within the international community.

History of Travel and Tourism

Inbound tourism, outbound tourism, domestic tourism, forms of tourism, classification of tourism, nature of tourism, importance of tourism, economic impacts, social impacts, cultural impacts, environmental impact, industries related to tourism, tourism products.

Travel is as old as mankind on earth. At the beginning of his existence, man roamed about the planet’s surface in search of food, shelter, security, and better habitat. However, with time, such movements were transformed into wanderlust.

About five thousand years ago, climate changes, dwindling food and shelter conditions hostile invaders made the people leave their homes to seek refuge elsewhere like the Aryans left their homes in Central Asia due to climate changes. Perhaps, this leads to the development of commerce, trade, and industry.

Religion, education, and cultural movement began during the Hindu and Chinese civilizations. Christian missionaries, Buddhist monks, and others traveled far and wide carrying religious messages and returned with fantastic images and opinions about alien people.

For centuries movement of people continued to grow due to the efficiency of transport and the assistance and safety with which the people could travel. By the end of the 15th century, Italy had become Europe’s intellectual and cultural center. It represented the classical heritage both for the intelligentsia and the aristocracy.

During the 16th century, travel came to be considered an essential part of the education of every young Englishman. Travel thus became a means of self-development and education in its broadest sense. The educational travel was known as the ‘ Grand Tour .’

The industrial revolution brought about significant changes in the pattern and structure of British society. Thus, the economy of Britain was greatly responsible for the beginning of modern tourism. It also created a large and prosperous middle class. Because of remarkable improvement in transportation systems in the latter half of the 18th century and the first quarter of the 19th century, an increasing number of people began to travel for pleasure.

Travel was inspired initially by the need for survival (food, shelter, and security), the desire to expand trade, and the quest to conquer. As the transportation system improved, the curiosity for transforming the vast and virgin world into a close neighborhood created a new industry, i.e., Travel and Tourism .

However, the developments of rails, roads, steamships, automobiles, and airplanes helped to spread technology across the globe. Earlier travel was a privilege only for wealthy people, but with the industrial revolution, the scenario altogether changed. Transportation, as well as accommodation, became affordable to middle and working-class citizens.

Essentially, with the development of jet travel, communication, new technology, tourism, and travel became the world’s largest and fastest-growing industry.

Travel and tourism have recently emerged as a dominant economic force on the global scene, accounting for more than 12% of total world trade and growing at 8 percent annually.

Types of Tourism

Tourism has two types and many forms based on the purpose of visit and alternative forms of tourism. Tourism can be categorized as international and domestic tourism .

Tourism has two types and various forms. Based on the movement of people, tourism is categorized into two kinds. These are the following:

International Tourism

When people visit a foreign country, it is referred to as International Tourism . To travel to a foreign country, one needs a valid passport, visa, health documents, foreign exchange, etc.

International tourism is divided into two types; Inbound Tourism & Outbound Tourism.

This refers to tourists of outside origin entering a particular country. Traveling outside their host/native country to another country is called inbound tourism for the country where they are traveling. For example, when a tourist of Indian origin travels to Japan, it is  Inbound tourism for Japan because foreign tourists come to Japan.

This refers to tourists traveling from the country of their origin to another country. When tourists travel to a foreign region, it is outbound tourism for their own country because they are going outside their country. For example, when a tourist from India travels to Japan, it is outbound tourism for India and Inbound tourism for Japan.

The tourism activity of the people within their own country is known as domestic tourism . Traveling within the same country is easier because it does not require formal travel documents and tedious formalities like compulsory health checks and foreign exchange. A traveler generally does not face many language problems or currency exchange issues in domestic tourism.

Tourism has various forms based on the purpose of the visit and alternative forms. These are further divided into many types according to their nature. Forms of tourism are the following:

Some most basic forms of tourism are the following:

  • Adventure Tourism
  • Atomic Tourism
  • Bicycle Tours
  • Beach Tourism
  • Cultural Tourism
  • Industrial Tourism
  • Medical Tourism
  • Religious Tourism
  • Rural Tourism
  • Sex Tourism
  • Space Tourism
  • Sports Tourism
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Virtual Tourism
  • War Tourism
  • Wildlife Tourism

Tourism can be classified into six distinct categories according to the purpose of travel. These are the following:

1) Recreational : Recreational or leisure tourism takes a person away from the humdrum of everyday life. In this case, people spend their leisure time in the hills, sea beaches, etc.

2) Cultural tourism satisfies cultural and intellectual curiosity and involves visits to ancient monuments, places of historical or religious importance, etc.

3) Sports/Adventure : Trips taken by people with a view to playing golf, skiing and hiking, fall within this category.

4) Health : Under this category, people travel for medical, treatment or visit places where there are curative possibilities, for example, hot springs, spa yoga, etc.

5) Convention Tourism : It is becoming an increasingly important component of travel. People travel within a country or overseas to attend conventions relating to their business, profession, or interest.

6) Incentive Tourism : Holiday trips are offered as incentives by major companies to dealers and salesmen who achieve high targets in sales. This is a new and expanding phenomenon in tourism, These are in lieu of cash incentives or gifts, Today incentive tourism is a 3 billion dollar business in the USA alone.

Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon comprises the activities and experiences of tourists and visitors away from their home environment and are serviced by the travel and tourism industry and host destination. The sum total of this activity experience and services can be seen as a tourism product.

The tourism system can be described in terms of supply and demand. Tourism planning should strive for a balance between demands and supply. This requires an understanding not only of market characteristics and trends but also of the planning process to meet the market needs.

Often tourists from core generating markets are identified as the demand side; the supply side includes all facilities, programs, attractions, and land uses designed and managed for the visitors. These supply-side factors may be under the control of private enterprises, non-profit organizations, and the government. New and innovative forms of partnerships are also evolving to ensure the sustainable development and management of tourism-related resources.

The supply and demand side can be seen to be linked by flows of resources such as capital, labor, goods, and tourist expenditures into the destination, and flows of marketing, promotion, tourist artifacts, and experiences from the destination back into the tourist generating region.

In addition, some tourist expenditures may leak back into the visitors generating areas through repatriation of profits of foreign tourism investors and payment for improved goods and services provided to tourists at the destination. Transportation provides an important linkage both to and from the destination.

For planning purposes, the major components that comprise the supply side are:

  • Various modes of transportation and other tourism-related infrastructure.
  • Tourist information.
  • Marketing and promotion.
  • The community of communities within the visitor’s destination area.
  • The political and institutional frameworks for enabling tourism.

The tourism system is both dynamic and complex due to many factors linked to it and because of the existence of many sectors contributing to its success. These factors and sectors are linked to the provision of the tourist experience and the generation of tourism revenue and markets .

The dynamic nature of the tourism system makes it imperative to scan the external and internal environment of the destinations on a regular basis so as to make changes when necessary to ensure a healthy and viable tourism industry.

Thus, it is now an accepted fact that tourism development can no longer work in isolation of the environment and the local communities, nor can it ignore the social and cultural consequences of tourism.

Tourism and hospitality , which are inextricably linked to each other, are among the major revenue-earning enterprises in the world. They happen to be among the top employers too. There has been an upmarket trend in tourism over the last few decades as travel has become quite common. People travel for business, vacation, pleasure, adventure, or even medical treatments.

Tourism constitutes an important industry today. It has opened up new vistas for the play of economic emancipation. It provides a very potent contribution by strengthening and developing the financial resources of a country. Moreover, it is a process in which mutual material and mental benefits occur. Furthermore,

  • Tourism fetches foreign exchange in the form of invisible exports, which results in the manifold progress of the nation.
  • Tourism generates jobs. These employments are the main contribution of tourism to generating national income. But one should remember that employment in the tourism industry is often seasonal.
  • Tourism often leads to the commercialization of art forms and especially handicrafts. Art items with cultural or religious meaning are sought by tourists as souvenirs. As more and more tourists visit a destination, souvenir production has increased, often leading to mass production. This production also generates income.

Importance of Tourism

With several business-related activities associated with tourism, the industry has a tremendous potential to generate employment as well as earn foreign exchange. Many countries, such as Mauritius, Malaysia, Singapore, Fiji, and the Caribbean, whose economies are primarily driven by tourism. Tourism can contribute to the economic growth of a country in the followings ways:

Employment Generation

It creates a large number of jobs among direct services providers (such as hotels , restaurants, travel agencies , tour operators , guide and tour escorts, etc.) and among indirect services providers (such as suppliers to the hotels and restaurants, supplementary accommodation, etc.)

Infrastructure Development

Tourism spurs infrastructure development. In order to become an important commercial or pleasure destination, any location would require all the necessary infrastructure, like good connectivity via rail, road, and air transport , adequate accommodation, restaurants, a well-developed telecommunication network, and, medical facilities, among others.

Foreign Exchange

The people who travel to other countries spend a large amount of money on accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, etc. Thus, an inbound tourist is an important source of foreign exchange for any country.

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) predict in 1997 that the twenty-first-century economy would be dominated by three industries: telecommunications, information technology, and tourism. The travel and tourism industry has grown by 500 percent in the last 25 years.

Now withstanding this bright outlook and prospects, the tourism and hospitality industries are very vulnerable to the fluctuations of national economies and happenings in the world, especially terrorist attacks that have at times dealt severe blows to business.

In recent years, there have been a few setbacks in tourism, such as the terrorist siege of the Taj and Oberoi in Mumbai, India (26 November 2008); the attack on the World Trade Centre in the United States of America (11 September 2001); bombing in a hotel on the Indonesian island of Bali (12 October 2002); tsunami in Southeast Asia and South Asia on 26 December 2004, in which thousands of the lives where lost and consequently tourism was hit. Nonetheless, the sector is now getting back to business.

Impacts of Tourism

Tourism is a multi-dimensional activity. The scope of tourism activities is so wide and varied that it cannot be restricted to any particular field of activity. Tourism has ramifications in almost all sectors and is influenced by the performance of each of these sectors directly or indirectly. Tourism in any country can be an apt reflection of the nation’s economic and social endowment apart from its natural wealth.

Tourism has vast potential to bring about changes in the country’s economic, environmental, societal, and cultural edifice. Tourism has two basics: the supply of facilities and the demand for participation. The twin market forces of supply and demand interact to produce tourism patterns. These patterns are associated with economic, social, cultural, environmental, and ecological impacts.

Impact of Tourism

Establishing or developing a tourism industry involves expenditure, gains, costs, and benefits. If these impacts are considered from the outset of planning, strengths and opportunities can be maximized while weaknesses and threats can be minimized.

Each destination will be different in terms of tourism characteristics . The cost and benefits of tourism will vary in each destination and can change over time, depending on tourism and other activities in a destination’s local and regional context.

Tourism activities impact the economy of the country as well as the local economy of the destination.

Economics Benefits

  • Tourism generates local employment, directly in the tourism sector and in the support and resource management sectors.
  • Tourism stimulates profitable domestic industries, hotels and other lodging facilities, restaurants and food services, transportation systems, handicrafts, and guide services.
  • Tourism generates foreign exchange for the country and injects capital and new money into the local economy.
  • Tourism helps to diversify the local economy.
  • Improved tourism infrastructure.
  • Increase tax revenues from tourism.

Economic Costs

  • Higher demand created by tourism activity may increase the price of land, housing, and a range of commodities necessary for daily life.
  • Demands for health services provision and police service increase during the tourist seasons at the expense of the local tax base.

Tourism also affects the society of the destination in good as well as bad ways. It benefits and costs the local communities.

Social Benefits

  • The quality of a community can be enhanced by economic diversification through tourism.
  • Recreational and cultural facilities created for tourism can be used by local communities as well as domestic/international visitors.
  • Public space may be developed and enhanced through tourism activity.
  • Tourism Enhances the local community’s esteem and provides an opportunity for greater understanding and communication among people of diverse backgrounds.

Social Costs

  • Rapid tourism growth can result in the inability of local amenities and institutions to meet service demands.
  • Without proper planning and management, litter, vandalism, and crime often accompany tourism development.
  • Tourism can bring overcrowding and traffic congestion.
  • Visitors bring with them material wealth and apparent freedom. The youths of the host community are particularly susceptible to the economic expectations these tourists bring which can result in complete disruption of traditional community ways of life.
  • The community structure may change, e.g. community bonds, demographics, and institutions.
  • The authenticity of the social and cultural environment can be changed to meet tourism demands.

Tourism activities also affect the culture of the host country. There are many positive and negative cultural impacts of tourism.

Cultural Benefits

  • Tourism can enhance local cultural awareness.
  • Tourism can generate revenue to help pay for the preservation of archaeological sites, historic buildings, and districts.
  • Despite criticism about the alteration of cultures to unacceptable levels, the sharing of cultural knowledge and experience can be beneficial for hosts and guests of tourism destinations and can result in the revival of local traditions and crafts.

Cultural Costs

  • Youth in the community begin to emulate the speech and attire of tourists.
  • Historic sites can be damaged through tourism development and pressures.
  • There can be long-term damage to cultural traditions and the erosion of cultural values, resulting in cultural change beyond a level acceptable to the host destination.

Tourism impacts the environment in positive as well as negative ways. These impacts are following below.

Environmental Benefits

  • Parks and nature preserves may be created and ecological preservation supported as a necessity for nature-based tourism.
  • Improved waste management can be achieved.
  • Increased awareness and concern for the environment can result from nature-based tourism activities and development.

Environmental Costs

  • A negative change in the physical integrity of the area.
  • Rapid development, over-development, and overcrowding can forever change the physical environment and ecosystems of an area.
  • Degradation of parks and preserves.

Over the years, tourism has become a popular global activity. Depending upon the nature and purpose of their travel, tourists, need and demand certain facilities and services. This has given rise to a wide range of commercial activities that have acquired industry proportions. Thus travel and tourism nowadays represent a broad range of related industries.

Hotels are a commercial establishment that provides accommodation, meals, and other guest services. In the travel and tourism industry, the hotel industry plays a very significant role, as all tourists need a place to stay at their destinations, and require many more services and facilities to suit their specific needs and tastes.


Restaurants are retail establishments that serve prepared food and beverages to customers. In the travel and tourism industry, restaurants and other food and beverage outlets are very important as tourists like to experiment with the local cuisines of the places they are visiting.

Retail and Shopping

The retail industry is very important as tourists shop for their day-to-day necessities as well as look for mementos and souvenirs. In recent years, some cities in the world have been promoted as shopping destinations to attract people with a penchant for shopping by offering various products, such as garments, electronic goods, jewelry, and antiques. New York, Paris, London, and Milan in Italy are famous as fashion havens of the world.


It is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. A well-developed transport industry, as well as infrastructure, is integral to the success of any travel and tourism enterprise.

Travel Agencies

A travel agency is a retailing business that sells travel-related products and services, particularly package tours, to customers on the behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise liners, hotels, railways, and sightseeing.

Travel agencies play a very important role as they plan out the itinerary of their clients and make the necessary arrangements for their travel, stay, and sightseeing, besides facilitating their passport, visa, etc.

Tour Operators

A tour operator assembles the various elements of a tour. It typically combines tour and travel components to create a holiday. Tour operators play an important role in the travel and tourism industry.

Tourist Destinations

A tourist attraction is a place of interest for tourists, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, nature or building beauty or amusement opportunities. These are the basic fundamentals of the tourism industry.

Cultural Industries

Cultural or creative industries are responsible for the creation, production, and distribution of goods and services that are cultural in nature and usually protected by intellectual property rights. As tourists like to visit places of cultural significance and soak in the culture of the area, the cultural industry is very important to travel and tourism.

Leisure, Recreation, and Sport

Leisure or free time is a period of time spent out of work and essential domestic activity. Recreation or fun is spending time in a manner designed for therapeutic refreshment of the body or mind. While leisure is more like a form of entertainment or rest, recreation requires active participation in a refreshing and diverting manner.

As people in the world’s wealthier regions lead an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, the need for recreation has increased. These play a significant role in the travel and tourism sector.

A tourism/tourist product can be defined as the sum of the physical and psychological satisfaction it provides to tourists, during their ‘traveling and sojourn’ en route at the destinations.

Since the travel and tourism industry is an agglomeration of too many sectors that promote travel-related services. These sectors are referred to as travel vendors and their services and goods are called ‘travel products’. A tourism product includes five main components such as physical plant, services, hospitality, freedom of choice, and a sense of involvement.

Thus, whatever the natural and man-made resources and services brought about the consumption of tourists are called tourism products .

Charecterstatics Of Tourism Products

By now, you must have understood what a tourism product is. Now let us look at some of its characteristics:-

1) Intangible : Tourism is an intangible product means tourism is such a kind of product that can not be touched or seen and there is no transfer of ownership, But the facilities are available for a specified time and for a specified use. For e.g. a room in the hotel is available for a specified time.

2) Psychological : The main motive to purchase a tourism products is to satisfy the psychological need after using the product, by getting an experience while interacting with a new environment. And experiences also motivate others to purchase that product.

3) Highly Perishable : Tourism product is highly perishable in nature means one can not store the product for a long time. Production and consumption take place while a tourist is available. If the product remains unused, the chances are lost i.e. if tourists do not purchase it.

A travel agent or tour operator who sells a tourism product cannot store it. Production can only take place if the customer is actually present. And once consumption begins, it cannot be stopped, interrupted, or modified. If the product remains unused, the chances are lost i.e. if tourists do not visit a particular place, the opportunity at that time is lost. It is due to tourism reason that heavy discount is offered by hotels and transport-generating organizations during the offseason.

4) Composite Product : Tourist product is a combination of different products. It has not a single entity in itself. In the experience of a visit to a particular place, various service providers contribute like transportation The tourist product cannot be provided by a single enterprise, unlike a manufactured product.

The tourist product covers the complete experience of a visit to a particular place. And many providers contribute to the tourism experience. For instance, the airline supplies seats, a hotel provides rooms and restaurants, travel agents make bookings for stay and sightseeing, etc.

5) Unstable Demand : Tourism demand is influenced by seasonal, economic political, and other factors. There are certain times of the year that see greater demand than others. At these times there is a greater strain on services like hotel bookings, employment, the transport system, etc.

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Resources for visiting the city

When you come for a visit, you’ll find friendly agents at easily accessible points in central Montréal, all ready to assist you in making your visit the greatest and most memorable trip ever.

Tourist welcome office in Old Montréal

Official brochures

Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History

Official Tourist Guide

This is your tourist guide to living like a local, with cool businesses, landmarks and attractions.

Structure Bonjour

Official Tourist Map

You'll find everything you need to experience the city of joie de vivre, neighbourhood by neighbourhood in this tourist map.

Parc Jean-Drapeau

Bonjour Québec

Tourism information about Montréal and other Québec regions.

514 873-2015/1 877 BONJOUR (266-5687)

Email | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube  | Twitter #BonjourQuebec

Montreal welcomes you | Tourist Welcome Office in Old Montréal

Montréal Tourist Information Office

Tourism information about Montréal. Tourist bus and transit fares (card transactions only) and Passeport MTL.

174 Notre-Dame Street East | Metro Champ-de Mars | Email

May 1 to June 15, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; June 16 to August 31, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; September 1 to October 31, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; November 1 to April 30, Thursday to Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ( closed from December 24 to January 3 ).

Tourist welcome office in Old Montréal

Kiosque de l'Esplanade Tranquille

Esplanade Tranquille, 1442 rue Clark

Thursday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. August 8 to August 31 inclusive, Thursday to Sunday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

At the corner of Saint-Laurent Boulevard and Saint-Paul Street

Mobile Tourist Welcome Office

The Mobile Tourism Services Team scours the central districts on foot or on an electric scooter. May 1 to September 30: Daily, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Kahnawà:ke Tourism Welcome Center

1 River Road, Kahnawà:ke


Courriel | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Twitter

Old Montréal West Tour - Guidatour

Montréal Professional Tourist Guides Association

The Montréal Professional Tourist Guide Association (APGT) is an NPO representing more than 150 tourist guides, graduates of the AEC Tourist Guide program of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) and holders of a license to the City of Montréal.

Its main mission is to represent its members with the various stakeholders in the Montréal, Québec and international tourism community. The APGT also offers professional development and networking activities to its members in addition to supervising them using a code of ethics and liability insurance coverage. www.apgt.ca

Authentik Canada

Authentik Canada

Le bonheur dans les valises - Bora Bora

Le bonheur dans les valises

Concord tours and travel, groupe voyages quebec, mobile apps.

Air Canada

All mobile services are available at your fingertips. Use the Air Canada app to search and purchase flights, view flight details, select your seat and share your itinerary with family and friends.


Official application of the bike sharing system in Montréal. This free application lets you know, in real time, the number of bikes and docking points available at each station while also providing handy maps.

P$ Mobile Service

P$ Mobile Service

Driving a car around Montréal? This app enables you to pay for your parking space with your smartphone from wherever you happen to be.


Users can source public transit options and also alternative options, such as BIXI (bike share) information and Uber drivers in the area.

Summer in Arizona is the perfect time to make a splash in our many rivers and lakes or trek through cooler parts of the state, such as our mountain ranges and Northern Arizona’s pines and plateaus. But plenty more fun experiences await, like soaking up the sunshine in a stunning resort pool and exploring our state parks and monuments. Start planning your Arizona summer vacation now!

Rivers & Lakes

Find Your Oasis

Arizona’s Rivers & Lakes

Blessed with 128 lakes and 5 major rivers, Arizona beckons outdoor enthusiasts to hike, raft, ski and fish year-round.

Parks & Monuments

Natural Beauty

Parks & Monuments

From cactus to canyons, pine forests to sky islands, Arizona's parks and monuments feature a wide array of scenery, history and activities for...


Red Rocks and Forests

Arizona features surprising elevation changes, which invite visitors to cool off during the summer months in the state’s mountains and forests.

Only In Arizona

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4-Day Northern Arizona Itinerary for Families

Crafting an itinerary for a multi-generational group vacation is a balancing act. But a trek through Flagstaff, Williams, Clarkdale and Prescott should keep everyone in your tribe smiling.

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Arizona Resorts With the Best Summer Pools

Summertime in Arizona means big pools with even bigger water features. Make a splash at these stylish and family-favorite resorts.

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Arizona Revealed: Phoenix

What makes a destination unique? Who are the people that give a place life and spirit? The video series “Arizona Revealed” delves into these questions – and more – as it explores the state’s big cities and small towns. This episode takes us to Phoenix.

Explore More

Travel Tips

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Travel Tips

Traveling here is simple enough—Arizonans put their leather chaps on one leg at a time just like you do.

Road Trips & Tours

Road Trips & Tours

In Arizona, road trips are as much about the journey as they are the destination. No matter where you go, you're sure to spy sprawling expanses...

American Indian Tribal Lands

History & Heritage

Visiting American Indian Tribal Lands in Arizona

Discover the rich history and traditions of the native communities in Arizona, where art and culture continue to be a major influence throughout...

Arizona's Hispanic and Latino Culture

Viva la Cultura

Arizona's Hispanic and Latino Culture

Experience Arizona's vibrant Hispanic heritage at historic sites and colorful festivals across the state. Find authentic and award-winning...

7 Places to Enjoy Arizona’s Dark Skies

Outdoor Adventures

7 Places to Enjoy Arizona’s Dark Skies

Clear skies, diverse landscapes and low humidity make Arizona a prime location for stargazing. Wondering where to go to see celestial wonders?...

Events & Festivals in Arizona

Find out what's happening.

Barrio Viejo Walking Tour

Aug 25th – Sep 21st

Barrio Viejo Walking Tour

481 S. Main St Tucson, Arizona 85701

Mesa Ghosts

Mesa Ghosts

53 N Macdonald, Mesa, AZ Mesa, Arizona 85201

Scottsdale Ghosts

Scottsdale Ghosts

7333 E Scottsdale Mall, Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Tombstone Terrors: Ghosts and Gunslingers of the Wild West

Tombstone Terrors: Ghosts and Gunslingers of the Wild West

6TH Street And E Allen St., Tombstone, AZ Tombstone, Arizona 85638

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Cities & regions.

From the abundance of Saguaro cactuses and unique wildlife in the Sonoran Desert to the high country and forests of the White Mountains to the breathtaking Grand Canyon, Arizona’s regions are full of experiences that don’t disappoint.

Discover your Chicago Style

Chicago is a city that does things its own way. We’re the birthplace of the skyscraper, a city within a garden, a place with big city culture and a welcoming Midwestern soul.

Come discover your own Chicago style — and find why Condé Nast Traveler readers voted Chicago the Best Big City in the country for a historic seven years in a row.

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Chicago is proud to welcome the 2024 Democratic National Convention to our great city. Discover things to do while you’re here with our curated guides.

Premier League Chicago

Premier League

Premier League Mornings Live is bringing match day excitement to Chicago on Sept. 21 and 22.

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Labor Day weekend

Make the most of the holiday weekend with free live music, alfresco dinners, scenic boat cruises, and more.

Plan your Chicago style weekend

Shedd Aquarium

Free things to do

Discover free and cheap things to do all month long, from live music to neighborhood tours to free museum days.

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There are tons of ways to experience our great city. Explore these guides to find your own unique Chicago style.

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Family fun

Couple’s trip

Woman getting drinks at the bar

Hidden gems

Millennium Park festival

On a budget

DuSable Black History Museum

Black culture in Chicago


Asian culture in Chicago

Humboldt Park flag sculptures

Hispanic & Latino culture in Chicago

Guichard Gallery


River boat tour

Classic Chicago

Chicago fun festivals and events

Festivals & special events

Tours and sightseeing

Tours and attractions

Food & drink

Food & drink

Chicago museums and culture

Museums and culture

West Side Story image

Theatre & performing arts


Music & nightlife

LIncoln Park Outdoors

Parks & outdoors

Chicago cubs

Chicago sports


Architecture and history

Holidays & celebrations

Holidays & celebrations

See chicago like a local.

See the city through the eyes of the people who know it best — Chicago locals. Read our blog for insider tips and guides.

Dovetail Brewing

Blog , Neighborhoods

What to do, eat, and drink in lincoln square and ravenswood.

Premier League fans

Blog , Special events , Sports & recreation

Premier league mornings live is bringing match day excitement to chicago this september.

LatiNxt Music Festival

Blog , Special events

Things to do in chicago this weekend.

A woman in a wheelchair and her travel companion on a CTA platform in Chicago

How Chicago is hosting the most accessible Democratic National Convention in history

McCormick Place

Special events

Meet the chicago businesses in the spotlight during the democratic national convention 2024 .

Chicago Live! at Navy Pier

Your guide to Chicago Live! 2024 at Navy Pier

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Home to unique neighborhoods

Chicago is a city of neighborhoods, each with its own vibe and personality.

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Upcoming events

  • This weekend

Level Up: Writers & Gamers

Museums, Galleries & Exhibitions , Tours & Attractions

Level up: writers & gamers.

American Writers Museum

Chicago: Home of House Exhibit

Museums, Galleries & Exhibitions

Chicago: home of house exhibit.

Open Your Eyes: Explore Chicago’s Underground Pedway & Other Secrets of the Loop

Tours & Attractions

Open your eyes: explore chicago’s underground pedway & other secrets of the loop.

Chicago Pedway

Sunday in the Park with Lyric

Music & Comedy , Theatre & Performing Arts

Sunday in the park with lyric.

Millennium Park

Pier Fitness: Rush Hour & Sunset Yoga

Sports & Recreation

Pier fitness: rush hour & sunset yoga.

Navy Pier’s Polk Bros Park

ARC Music Festival

Festivals, Fairs & Special Events

Arc music festival.

The Infinite Wrench

The Infinite Wrench

The Neo-Futurist Theater

Neighborhood Pop-Ups Summer Series

Neighborhood Pop-Ups Summer Series

Walking Tour: Haunted by Our Dark Side

Walking Tour: Haunted by Our Dark Side

Inside Chicago Walking Tours

Chicago Dance Month’s Wave Wall

Theatre & Performing Arts

Chicago dance month’s wave wall.

Wave Wall Wax at Navy Pier

Wave Wall Wax at Navy Pier

Navy Pier, 600 E Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, United States

Chicago Fire FC vs. Inter Miami CF

Chicago Fire FC vs. Inter Miami CF

Soldier Field

Bike The Drive

Festivals, Fairs & Special Events , Sports & Recreation , Tours & Attractions

Bike the drive.

Grant Park, Butler Field

Taste of Chicago Grant Park

Taste of Chicago Grant Park

Printers Row Lit Fest

Printers Row Lit Fest

Historic Printers Row

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Chicago Sunset Skyline

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Information Technology & Tourism

Information Technology & Tourism  is the first interdisciplinary journal focusing on the nature and role of digital technology in tourism, travel and hospitality.

  • Addresses issues emerging from the intersections between IT and the field of tourism, travel and hospitality.
  • Embraces both technical and social science perspectives.
  • Topics include, but are not limited to, development, adoption and use, management and governance of digital technology.
  • Supports theory-focused research as well as industry-oriented research.  
  • Luisa Mich,
  • Zheng Xiang

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Latest issue

Volume 26, Issue 3

Latest articles

Travelers’ viewpoints on machine translation using q methodology: a perspective of consumption value theory.

  • Kanghee Lee

Solving the tourist trip planning problem with attraction patterns using meta-heuristic techniques

  • Kadri Sylejmani
  • Vigan Abdurrahmani
  • Egzon Gashi

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Modelling barriers to metaverse adoption in the hospitality and tourism industry

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Automated photo filtering for tourism domain using deep and active learning: the case of Israeli and worldwide cities on instagram

  • Abigail Paradise-Vit
  • Aviad Elyashar
  • Yarden Aronson

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Sequential framework for analyzing mobile click-through decision in online travel agency with user digital footprints

  • Hongming Gao
  • Zhouyang Liang

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Journal updates

📢announcement: information technology & tourism has been included in the list of class a-journals of anvur, best paper award, the “viewpoints on it & tourism” series in the journal of information technology & tourism.

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That's how you Montana

How does your Montana vacation play out?

When you Montana, you discover a feeling that can only be found here. To Montana is to live fully, to experience authenticity, to awaken your inner adventurer. So come, Montana with us, and take in the essence of a place affectionately known as “the last best.” A place that’s as welcoming as it is wild. A thing that’ll change you forever.

Outdoor Adventure

Bring the fam, rv and camping, how will you montana, start planning, getting to montana, all regions, leave no trace, travel alerts, montana guidebooks.


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Welcome to Seattle

Your next great pacific northwest adventure awaits., support seattle's small businesses, i know a place explore like a local, things to do.

Music, Theatre, Museums, Festivals and More

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August 3-17 Seattle Opera opens the new season with Pagliacci. Known for the iconic aria “Vesti la giubba,” this classic Italian verismo (“slice of life”) opera offers unmatched music and drama.

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THING Festival

August 9-11 An an eclectic and intimate family-friendly three day festival of music and arts held at Remlinger Farms in Carnation.

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August 31 & September 1 Seattle's legendary Arts & Music Festival fills Seattle Center with a celebration of creation and innovation.

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Poke in the Eye: Art of the West Coast Counterculture

Through Sept 2 Explore offbeat ceramics, paintings, and sculpture from West Coast artists of the 1960s/70s to today, featuring traditional craft techniques, bold color, and frequent irreverent humor.

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Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks

Through Sept 29 See astonishing skyscrapers from North America, Asia and Australia constructed in breathtaking detail by Ryan McNaught, one of only 21 LEGO® Certified Professionals worldwide.

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Calder: In Motion, The Shirley Family Collection

Through October 20 Discover the iconic American artist who revolutionized sculpture. This exhibition presents more than 45 works from the Shirley Family collection for the first time.

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Mary Ann Peters: the edge becomes the center

Through January 5 The Frye Art Museum presents the first solo museum exhibition of Seattle artist Mary Ann Peters, whose mesmerizing abstract drawings explore displacement and untold stories.

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MASSIVE: The Power of Pop Culture

Ongoing Explore the impact of global pop culture on our daily lives as you deep-dive into your role as a creator and consumer of modern pop culture.

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Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King

Ongoing Danish environmental artist Thomas Dambo has a worldwide following for his large, inventive trolls made from recycled materials. Now you can discover six new friends in the PNW!

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Click here to learn more about the NW Trolls, Way of the Bird King

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Food and Drink

It’s hard to beat the Pacific Northwest when it comes to fresh ingredients, forward-thinking chefs, and an unparalleled dedication to all things local.

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Hotels & Accommodations

You won’t be left sleepless in Seattle.

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Getting Around

Seattle is easy to navigate with a wide variety of smart transportation options.

A graphic with a green gradient background and three covers of Visit Seattle's Official Visitors' Guide. The cover on the left and the right are layered under the cover in the middle. The cover of Visit Seattle's Official Visitors' Guide shows an image of the Seattle skyline with the ferris wheel and Elliott Bay in the foreground, skyscrapers and the Space Needle in the middle ground, and a sunset sky with colors of glowing yellow and orange fill the background. Words on the cover include: waterfront fun, city strolls, local dining, Visit Seattle, summer/fall 2024, and Official Visitors' Guide.

Maps & Guides

Your one-stop resource for Seattle trip planning and on-the-ground information.

Upcoming Events

Festival Sundiata presents Black Arts Fest

Now through 8/25/2024.

Festival Sundiata presents Black Arts Fest will take place at the Armory Food & Event Hall and Mural …

Savor Seattle Signature Tour: Pike Place Market

Seattle’s original food and cultural tour of Pike Place Market! Become a market insider on this behind-the-scenes adventure …

Inayah takes the stage at Nectar Lounge.

Las Leonas take the stage at The Moore Theatre.

The Winds5 Wind Quintet Matinee

Join The Winds5 Wind Quintet for an afternoon performance at The Royal Room.

The Crocodile will host a double bill of music and comedy featuring Nerd Halen and Comedian Hal Sparks.

2024 Apple Cup

University of Washington battles rival Washington State University for 2024 Apple Cup.

Palaye Royale

Palaye Royale hits the stage with Diamante, Weathers, and I See Stars at The Neptune Theatre.

Bumbershoot 2024

8/31/2024 through 9/1/2024.

Bumbershoot is a full-spectrum arts and music experience—from punk to performance art, ballet to wrestling, pole dancing to …

Featured Blog Posts

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Summer Fun: Your Guide to 5 Outdoor Activities in Seattle

Summer in Seattle is a magical time. Discover 5 locations for family fun in the sun—plus, with exciting new products from Starbucks Reserve, enjoying the great outdoors has never been easier.

Fireworks illuminate the night sky above the water, creating a mesmerizing display of colors and patterns. The fireworks burst in colors of red, yellow, white, and blue. The colors reflect off the dark water.

Celebrate Independence Day at the Seafiar Fourth of July Celebration at South Lake Union

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to celebrate Independence Day in Seattle with a night of fun, music, and breathtaking fireworks at South Lake Union Park.

A white child wearing a blue and white striped shirt and grey pants walks across a green grass lawn towards a colorful play structure. The Playstructure has towers with wooden roofs, a green metal climbing structure that resembles a tree, blue slides, and wood chips on the ground. Large evergreen trees border the playground.

Play Break: Top 10 Transit-Accessible Seattle Playgrounds

Whether you’re visiting Seattle or a local to the city, save this list of 10 playgrounds near downtown to ensure your family returns home full of joyful memories.

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Happy 50th Birthday, SIFF!

SIFF brings the world to screens across Seattle, featuring hundreds of films from more than 80 countries. Join this Pacific Northwest tradition and celebrate #SIFFTY years of incredible film.

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The Best Weekend Activities in Seattle that Embrace Wellness

From cold plunges and saunas to yoga, meditation, foraging walks, and discovering the city's wellness food scene—check out tips on the best ways to spend a relaxing weekend in the Emerald City.

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Forage & Feast with Savor the Wild Tours

The PNW is a mecca for fresh seafood. Go on an adventure that takes you right to the source and enjoy an experience for all the senses.

The marquee sign at Jazz Alley promoting the upcoming shows

The Iconic Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley

Dimitriou's is a premier jazz club in Seattle, bringing in renowned artists and offering a live music experience hard to find anywhere else.

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Must-do Adventures if you're going to Emerald City Comic Con

Seattle is a pop culture hub with tons of fun places to explore, from the Museum of Pop Culture to a rubber chicken museum. Check out our list of must-sees in the Emerald City.

Find us on TikTok!

Follow along for even more travel inspiration as we show you the businesses, locations, and opportunities that make the emerald city so special. find us @visitseattle ..


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Pioneer Square

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Capitol Hill

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Chinatown-International District

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Seattle Good News

Good things are happening in Seattle – join us in celebrating the stories of resiliency, hope and optimism that are taking place all around our city and region every day.

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Destination Practicalities

Aug 24, 2024 • 7 min read

Australia is so vast and varied that the best time to visit depends entirely on what you want to do. Here's how to choose the perfect time for your trip.

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Aug 24, 2024 • 10 min read


Aug 23, 2024 • 8 min read

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Aug 23, 2024 • 0 min read

Scenic road in the Canadian Rockies during a vibrant sunny summer sunrise. White RV Driving on route. Taken in Icefields Parkway, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada., License Type: media_digital, Download Time: 2024-08-21T21:06:05.000Z, User: bfreeman_lonelyplanet, Editorial: false, purchase_order: 65050, job: Online Editorial, client: Best places to RV , other: Bailey Freeman

Aug 23, 2024 • 7 min read

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Aug 22, 2024 • 13 min read

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Aug 22, 2024 • 12 min read

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Aug 22, 2024 • 11 min read

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Aug 22, 2024 • 8 min read

Panama City, Panama - September 12, 2013: Woman walking the streets and a vendor sleeping, in historic Casco Viejo district of Panama City, Panama.

Aug 22, 2024 • 3 min read

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Aug 22, 2024 • 0 min read

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mountain overlooking valley

About Iceland

Visa information, geography of iceland, general information, the northern lights, volcanic eruptions, sustainable travel, iceland academy, plan your trip, how to get there, accommodation, things to do, map your journey, getting around, carbon footprint, destinations, the regions, scenic routes, national parks, trip suggestions, towns & villages, inspiration, food and beverages, lbgt+ travel, explore iceland.

Read handpicked articles to get you inspired by Iceland

a couple kissing by the Icelandic sunset

Iceland for lovebirds

Why is Iceland ideal for a romantic getaway, and how can you add some extra romance to your trip? Search no further, we have the answers!

A fissure eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Sýlingarfell on May 29, 2024

Volcanic activity has resumed on Reykjanes Peninsula

Reykjavik skies alluminated by Northern lights

How to capture the Northern lights with a smartphone

Birdview of a swimming pool situated on the cliffs by the ocean, the sun is shining

Minibreak North Iceland

A person sitting on a mountain top in Iceland

Planning a trip to Iceland

Center of Reykjavik

Reykjavík Weekend Getaway

Tent, Jeep and Motorbike under the Northern Lights

Camping in Iceland

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LGBT+ Travel in Iceland

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Around Iceland in 14 days

A man hiking in Iceland

Hiking in Iceland

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Quality of Life in Iceland: The Secrets to Know Before Visiting 

Keflavik international airport

How to Get to Iceland

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Experience the 2026 Total Solar Eclipse in Iceland

A woman riding a dark horse turns around, and gives a thumbs-up. to fellow riders.

6 Unforgettable riding tours in Iceland

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Getting Around Iceland: Transport for Independent Travelers

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Swimming pool culture in Iceland

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Incredible travel experiences money can indeed buy

Man walking away from Fagradalsfjall volcano. Photo Credit: Thrainn Kolbeinsson

The Volcanic Way - An Adventure Through Iceland in the Making

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Somebody Feed Phil Foodtrail in Iceland

People dining at Tjöruhúsid restaurant in Ísafjördur

16 places of Character and Charm to eat for Every Corner of Iceland

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What to wear in Iceland

Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption in Iceland 2010

Volcanos of Iceland

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New destinations in 2024

A woman sitting in pink coloured wool pieces draped on the floor and hanging from the ceiling. She is dressed in beige knitwear.

How to practice your hobby in Iceland

The village of Vík í Mýrdal

Vík: The idyllic Icelandic village

Striking Vikings in Iceland

Key Locations for Viking History in Iceland

Rugged coastline with impressive seastacks

A 3 day mini-break in West Iceland

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Iceland's Three UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Famous film sights in Iceland

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The Eastfjords

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Safe travel in Iceland

Midnight sun setting along the Arctic Coast Way, a road, cliffs and ocean in the picture

Arctic Coast Way

Dettifoss waterfall

The Diamond Circle

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Þingvellir National Park

A series of volcanic craters surrounded by a moss-grown lava field


Since 2021, the Reykjanes Peninsula has witnessed a surge in seismic activity, including several volcanic eruptions. Despite this, Iceland has remained a safe and open destination for travelers. For a detailed look into the recent volcanic activities and their safety implications, the Icelandic Meteorological Office offers insights through this informative video.

Featured image

Take the Icelandic Pledge

Are you visiting Iceland? Be a responsible tourist and take the Icelandic pledge. Encourage your friends to do the same!

Looking for things to do?

Featured image

Regions of Iceland

Iceland is typically divided into 7 different geographical regions. Each region differs slightly in respect to culture and landscapes, but are uniquely Icelandic. Find your favorite part of Iceland.

A panoramic view of the maritime museum in Siglufjörður showing part of the harbour, the museum komplex and few houses in the background

Appreciate our towns & villages

Did you know that there are over 100 towns and villages to explore throughout Iceland? We encourage you to stop and look into these charming, beautiful, and often quirky places. History, art, nature, local cuisine, and year-round swimming pools abound. You might be surprised at what you find!

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There's Only One DC

See the only Da Vinci in the Americas. Explore the oldest urban national park. Visit the largest library in the world. Do it all in the only place you can. There’s Only One DC.

The Show Goes On

With 60+ playhouses, 99+ companies and 180+ productions per year, DC's theater scene is in a class of its own

Warner Theater Performance

Welcome to Washington, DC

Best of fall.

From  vibrant foliage  and waterfront views to family-friendly festivals and fabulous shopping, there's endless things to see and do this fall in the District. Catch DC’s exciting sports teams in action, spook your friends at the best  Halloween events  and explore free and interactive museums across the city. Just make sure to save time to take in the sights along the National Mall in full autumn splendor. Look no further than Washington, DC for the best trip ever this fall.

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Dupont Circle

Yoga in q street park, penn quarter & chinatown, open studio fridays, friday happy hour: live music & paddle at key bridge boathouse, logan circle, the sports bra pop up bar at hotel zena, capitol hill, iconic capitol hill architecture tour, foggy bottom, afternoon tea at the watergate hotel, the phillips collection presents multiplicity: blackness in contemporary american collage, pop-up market on p street, janet echelman’s 1.8 renwick, mazika - sunday dj brunch, district bbq wine pairing event, live concert series on the plaza, women's equality day event, 2024 dc jazz festival, dc festival of magic 2024, tour the city tavern building, national mall, historic change: an evening celebrating the life and legacy of celia cruz, open house at the national law enforcement museum, capitol riverfront, designers & makers pop-up.

Featured Events

Here's what's going on in Washington, DC

Discover the best things to do in Washington, DC, from events happening right now to annual festivals and so much more.

Find Out What's Popular Right Now

5 reasons you should attend the 2024 national book festival in washington, dc.

Experience the power of the page at this annual summer festival in t...

Your Guide to DC JazzFest

This year, the DC JazzFest will take place from Aug. 28 – Sept. 1.

Exploring Washington, DC's Alleys & Offshoots

Discover the historic (and somewhat hidden) backstreets that house s...

The Best Places to Get Ice Cream in Washington, DC

Everyone’s favorite frozen dessert can be found at locations all ove...

Competitive Socializing Spots in Washington, DC

Discover the top places for fun, games and friendly competition in D...

20+ Cool & Interesting Museums in Washington, DC That Aren’t On the National Mall

Venture off the National Mall to these knowledge centers for a uniqu...

Ways to Enjoy Labor Day Weekend 2024 in Washington, DC

Celebrate summer’s last big weekend Aug. 30-Sept. 2 with free events...

Book Your Stay

Boutique hotels, family-friendly hotels, budget-friendly hotels - whatever you're looking for, you'll find it. Explore the hotel options waiting for your arrival.

Locals know the difference between Washington and DC. The latter is a city made up of neighborhoods, where people live and visit, where restaurants and pubs buzz, where cabs are hailed, hotels are busy and friends laugh.

Adams Morgan is much more than a neighborhood with a crowded nightlife scene. You’ll find historic row houses around 18th Street, including the Adam's Inn B&B, as well as a variety of independently owned stores.

DC in the News

The best cities to visit in the u.s. right now, dc is the #1 park system for 2024.

Trust Public Land

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Food & Wine

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National Geographic

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Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Global tourism industry - statistics & facts

What are the leading global tourism destinations, digitalization of the global tourism industry, how important is sustainable tourism, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2019-2034

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 1950-2023

Global leisure travel spend 2019-2022

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Leading global travel markets by travel and tourism contribution to GDP 2019-2022

Travel and tourism employment worldwide 2019-2034

Further recommended statistics

  • Basic Statistic Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Leading global travel markets by travel and tourism contribution to GDP 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Global leisure travel spend 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Global business travel spending 2001-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 1950-2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism employment worldwide 2019-2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034

Share of travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP worldwide in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in leading travel markets worldwide in 2019 and 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leisure tourism spending worldwide from 2019 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Global business travel spending 2001-2022

Expenditure of business tourists worldwide from 2001 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 1950 to 2023 (in millions)

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 2005 to 2023, by region (in millions)

Number of travel and tourism jobs worldwide from 2019 to 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in millions)

  • Premium Statistic Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023
  • Premium Statistic Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value
  • Basic Statistic Leading hotel companies worldwide 2023, by number of properties
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023

Market size of the hotel and resort industry worldwide in 2022 and 2023 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value

Leading hotel brands based on brand value worldwide in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading hotel companies worldwide 2023, by number of properties

Leading hotel companies worldwide as of June 2023, by number of properties

Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024

Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024

Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Countries with the highest number of hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide as of the first quarter of 2024

  • Premium Statistic Airports with the most international air passenger traffic worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Market value of selected airlines worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Global passenger rail users forecast 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Daily ridership of bus rapid transit systems worldwide by region 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of car rentals worldwide 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023
  • Premium Statistic Carbon footprint of international tourism transport worldwide 2005-2030, by type

Airports with the most international air passenger traffic worldwide 2023

Leading airports for international air passenger traffic in 2023 (in million international passengers)

Market value of selected airlines worldwide 2024

Market value of selected airlines worldwide as of May 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Global passenger rail users forecast 2017-2028

Worldwide number of passenger rail users from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast through 2028 (in billion users)

Daily ridership of bus rapid transit systems worldwide by region 2023

Number of daily passengers using bus rapid transit (BRT) systems as of April 2023, by region

Number of users of car rentals worldwide 2020-2029

Number of users of car rentals worldwide from 2020 to 2029 (in millions)

Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023

Number of users in selected countries in the Car Rentals market in 2023 (in million)

Carbon footprint of international tourism transport worldwide 2005-2030, by type

Transport-related emissions from international tourist arrivals worldwide in 2005 and 2016, with a forecast for 2030, by mode of transport (in million metric tons of carbon dioxide)


  • Premium Statistic Most visited museums worldwide 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Most visited amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023
  • Basic Statistic Monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list 2023, by type
  • Basic Statistic Selected countries with the most Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide 2023

Most visited museums worldwide 2019-2023

Museums with the highest attendance worldwide from 2019 to 2023 (in millions)

Most visited amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023

Leading amusement and theme parks worldwide 2023, by attendance (in millions)

Monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list 2023, by type

Number of monuments on the UNESCO world heritage list as of September 2023, by type

Selected countries with the most Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide 2023

Number of Michelin-starred restaurants in selected countries and territories worldwide as of July 2023

Online travel market

  • Premium Statistic Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Basic Statistic Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028

Online travel market size worldwide from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast until 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2023

Estimated desktop vs. mobile revenue of leading online travel agencies (OTAs) worldwide in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023

Number of aggregated downloads of selected leading online travel agency apps worldwide in 2023 (in millions)

Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023

Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide as of September 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Estimated EV/Revenue ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to revenue (EV/Revenue) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Selected trends

  • Premium Statistic Global travelers who believe in the importance of green travel 2023
  • Premium Statistic Sustainable initiatives travelers would adopt worldwide 2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Technologies global hotels plan to implement in the next three years 2022
  • Premium Statistic Hotel technologies global consumers think would improve their future stay 2022

Global travelers who believe in the importance of green travel 2023

Share of travelers that believe sustainable travel is important worldwide in 2023

Sustainable initiatives travelers would adopt worldwide 2022, by region

Main sustainable initiatives travelers are willing to adopt worldwide in 2022, by region

Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023

Revenue of Airbnb worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Airbnb nights and experiences booked worldwide 2017-2023

Nights and experiences booked with Airbnb from 2017 to 2023 (in millions)

Technologies global hotels plan to implement in the next three years 2022

Technologies hotels are most likely to implement in the next three years worldwide as of 2022

Hotel technologies global consumers think would improve their future stay 2022

Must-have hotel technologies to create a more amazing stay in the future among travelers worldwide as of 2022

  • Premium Statistic Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Travel and tourism revenue worldwide 2020-2029, by segment

Revenue of the travel and tourism market worldwide from 2020 to 2029, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)

Distribution of sales channels in the travel and tourism market worldwide 2019-2029

Revenue share of sales channels of the travel and tourism market worldwide from 2019 to 2029

Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Inbound tourism visitor growth worldwide from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Further reports

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Chapter 1. History and Overview

1.1 What is Tourism?

Before engaging in a study of tourism , let’s have a closer look at what this term means.

Definition of Tourism

There are a number of ways tourism can be defined, and for this reason, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) embarked on a project from 2005 to 2007 to create a common glossary of terms for tourism. It defines tourism as follows:

Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which imply tourism expenditure (United Nations World Tourism Organization, 2008).

Using this definition, we can see that tourism is not just the movement of people for a number of purposes (whether business or pleasure), but the overall agglomeration of activities, services, and involved sectors that make up the unique tourist experience.

Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality: What are the Differences?

It is common to confuse the terms tourism , travel , and hospitality or to define them as the same thing. While tourism is the all-encompassing umbrella term for the activities and industry that create the tourist experience, the UNWTO (2020) defines travel as the activity of moving between different locations often for any purpose but more so for leisure and recreation (Hall & Page, 2006). On the other hand, hospitality can be defined as “the business of helping people to feel welcome and relaxed and to enjoy themselves” (Discover Hospitality, 2015, p. 3). Simply put, the hospitality industry is the combination of the accommodation and food and beverage groupings, collectively making up the largest segment of the industry (Go2HR, 2020). You’ll learn more about accommodations and F & B in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 , respectively.

Definition of Tourist and Excursionist

Building on the definition of tourism, a commonly accepted description of a tourist is “someone who travels at least 80 km from his or her home for at least 24 hours, for business or leisure or other reasons” (LinkBC, 2008, p.8). The United Nations World Tourism Organization (1995) helps us break down this definition further by stating tourists can be:

  • Domestic (residents of a given country travelling only within that country)
  • Inbound (non-residents travelling in a given country)
  • Outbound (residents of one country travelling in another country)

Excursionists  on the other hand are considered same-day visitors (UNWTO, 2020). Sometimes referred to as “day trippers.” Understandably, not every visitor stays in a destination overnight. It is common for travellers to spend a few hours or less to do sightseeing, visit attractions, dine at a local restaurant, then leave at the end of the day.

The scope of tourism, therefore, is broad and encompasses a number of activities and sectors.

Spotlight On: United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

UNWTO is the United Nations agency responsible “for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism” (UNWTO, 2014b). Its membership includes 159 countries and over 500 affiliates such as private companies, research and educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations. It promotes tourism as a way of developing communities while encouraging ethical behaviour to mitigate negative impacts. For more information, visit the UNWTO website .

NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System

Given the sheer size of the tourism industry, it can be helpful to break it down into broad industry groups using a common classification system. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was jointly created by the Canadian, US, and Mexican governments to ensure common analysis across all three countries (British Columbia Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, 2013a). The tourism-related groupings created using NAICS are (in alphabetical order):

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage services (commonly known as “F & B”)
  • Recreation and entertainment
  • Transportation
  • Travel services

These industry groups (also commonly known as sectors) are based on the similarity of the “labour processes and inputs” used for each (Government of Canada, 2013). For instance, the types of employees and resources required to run an accommodation business whether it be a hotel, motel, or even a campground are quite similar. All these businesses need staff to check in guests, provide housekeeping, employ maintenance workers, and provide a place for people to sleep. As such, they can be grouped together under the heading of accommodation. The same is true of the other four groupings, and the rest of this text explores these industry groups, and other aspects of tourism, in more detail.

Two female front desk employees speak to a male guest in a hotel lobby.

It is typical for the entire tourist experience to involve more than one sector. The combination of sectors that supply and distribute the needed tourism products, services, and activities within the tourism system is called the Tourism Supply Chain. Often, these chains of sectors and activities are dependent upon each other’s delivery of products and services. Let’s look at a simple example below that describes the involved and sometimes overlapping sectoral chains in the tourism experience:

Tourism supply chain. Long description available.

Before we seek to understand the five tourism sectors in more detail, it’s important to have an overview of the history and impacts of tourism to date.

Long Descriptions

Figure 1.2 long description: Diagram showing the tourism supply chain. This includes the phases of travel and the sectors and activities involved during each phase.

There are three travel phases: pre-departure, during travel, and post-departure.

Pre-departure, tourists use the travel services and transportation sectors.

During travel, tourists use the travel services, accommodations, food and beverage, recreation and entertainment, and transportation sectors.

Post-departure, tourists use the transportation sector.

[Return to Figure 1.2]

Media Attributions

  • Front Desk by Staying LEVEL is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence .

Tourism according the the UNWTO is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes.

UN agency responsible for promoting responsible, sustainable, and universally accessible tourism worldwide.

Moving between different locations for leisure and recreation.

The accommodations and food and beverage industry groupings.

someone who travels at least 80 km from his or her home for at least 24 hours, for business or leisure or other reasons

A same-day visitor to a destination. Their trip typically ends on the same day when they leave the destination.

A way to group tourism activities based on similarities in business practices, primarily used for statistical analysis.

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2015, 2020, 2021 by Morgan Westcott and Wendy Anderson, Eds is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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I-70 Vail Pass crack filling project begins

Travel advisory.

Summit County - The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor, KSK, will begin a crack filling maintenance project on I-70 Vail Pass from Mile Point 190 to 195. Crews will begin on the westbound lanes, moving from Copper Mountain (MP 195) towards Vail ski area (MP 190), before moving operations to the eastbound lanes. This is a short duration project that is anticipated to be complete by early October 2024.

Crack sealing is the process of placing an adhesive sealant into cracks on the asphalt surface, preventing moisture from penetrating the pavement. The preservation treatment can slow asphalt’s deterioration and extend the roadway surface life by three to five years.

Traffic Impacts

Motorists will encounter traffic control for the crack filling project in two-mile spans where work is being performed. Plan for lane shifts, delays and reduced speed limits through the work zone. Motorists are encouraged to zipper merge which is a method for merging traffic into a reduced number of lanes. Drivers in merging lanes are expected to use both lanes to advance to the lane reduction point and merge at that location, alternating turns.

  • Project working hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Motorists will encounter lane shifts
  • Speed limits through the work zone are 35 mph

Project Information

For additional information about this project:

  • Call the project information line at 970-306-6917
  • Email the project team at: [email protected]

Map of I-70 Vail Pass crack filling operations between Vail and Silverthorne. Motorists can expect lane shifts from Mile Point 190 to 195 beginning late August through early October.

Know Before You Go

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts, anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions before hitting the road. CDOT and other resources include:

  • Road conditions and travel information website: COtrip.org
  • Chain and traction law information: codot.gov/travel/winter-driving/tractionlaw
  • Sign up for project or travel alerts: bit.ly/COnewsalerts
  • See scheduled lane closures: bit.ly/laneclosures
  • Connect with @ColoradoDOT on social media: Twitter , Facebook , Instagram and YouTube
  • Weather forecasts: www.weather.gov
  • Check avalanche conditions at CAIC: www.avalanche.state.co.us

Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone

The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.

  • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
  • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
  • Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
  • Don't change lanes unnecessarily.
  • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
  • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
  • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
  • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
  • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
  • Be patient!

Download the COtrip App!

The new free COtrip Planner mobile app was designed to meet the growing trend of information on mobile and tablet devices for the traveling public. The COtrip Planner app provides statewide, real-time traffic information, and works on mobile devices that operate on the iOS and Android platforms. Visit the   Google Play Store   (Android devices) or the   Apple Store   (iOS devices) to download!

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Visit Costa Rica

Welcome to the official site of Costa Rica

Welcome to Costa Rica! This beautiful country is known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and incredible wildlife. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, Costa Rica has something for everyone.

Some of the top attractions include Arenal Volcano, Manuel Antonio National Park, La Paz Waterfalls, Papagayo Peninsula, Tamarindo beach, Rio Celeste, Monteverde Cloud Forest and Corcovado National Park.

You can enjoy activities such as surfing, snorkeling, fishing, ziplining and hiking. Costa Rica is also home to many unique and diverse animal species such as sloths, monkeys, birds, turtles and more. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Background Image

The Costa Rica Essentials

Essential Costa Rica is about promoting organic ingredients, unspoiled nature and authentic experiences.


Fill your calendar with the most wonderful natural and wildlife events.


Sun and Beaches

Costa Rica occupies a privileged spot with beaches in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.


Costa Rica is a land of volcanoes, rainforests and cloud forests, huge waterfalls and mighty rivers.


If stress is a part of your daily life, Costa Rica is the cure.


Costa Rica has a great place to experience nature’s wonders with your children; the country is a must for families!


Costa Rica is considered one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world.


Costa Rica in English, means rich coast. Every cruise ship visiting Costa Rica understands why.

Costa Rica has a wholesome environment and is an excellent place for families.


The richness of Costa Rica stems from the cultural diversity of its people.


Honeymoon & Weddings

Costa Rica is waiting for you to live this experience.


Where to Go?

Located on the central Pacific coast, the Puntarenas region extends from Punta Conejo south to Puerto Caldera to the mouth of the Bongo River. The region’s rich coastline overlooks small islands, inlets, beaches and beautiful natural wonders. The port town of Puntarenas serves as the center of the region and is home port to a ferry that carries visitors over to the tip of the Nicoya Peninsula.


South Pacific

The combination of breath-taking white-sand beaches, sweeping mountain views and an ideal tropical climate has made Guanacaste one of Costa Rica’s most popular regions. It boasts many of the country’s popular beaches, including Playa del Coco, Playa Flamingo, Playa Conchal and the Papagayo Peninsula. By day visitors can challenge themselves with a surf lesson, cool off under a waterfall at Rincón de la Vieja National Park, discover the craters of an active volcano with the same name and more before enjoying the active nightlife in Tamarindo.


Northern Plains

Recognized as home of Arenal Volcano National Park, which boasts 75% of Costa Rica’s bird population, the Northern Plains present endless activities for visitors. Excursions range from hiking and waterfall rappelling to canopying and exploring via a hanging bridge tour. Those looking for activities on the water will find that Lake Arenal is an ideal location for canoeing, fishing and kite surfing.


Central Valley

Those in search of cultural and natural attractions will find both in the Central Valley region. Home to the destination’s capital city, San José, many of Costa Rica’s most popular museums can be found in this urban setting including the Gold Museum, Jade Museum, National Museum and Children’s Museum, in addition to the architectural jewel of San José, the National Theatre.


Central Pacific

Beautiful beaches, wildlife sanctuaries, lagoons, rivers and waterfalls make the Central Pacific region an ideal destination for visitors in search of variety. The region stretches from the city of Puntarenas to Dominical de Osa and is made up of some of Costa Rica’s most visited areas including Monteverde, Quepos, Jacó, Bahía Ballena and Manuel Antonio. The region’s climate creates a unique landscape that transitions from tropical wet forest to tropical forest to tropical dry forest, providing the opportunity to observe a wide range of plants and animals.


The diverse coastline of the Northern Caribbean region attracts anglers, naturists and water enthusiasts in search of unique experiences. The North Caribbean region is famous for its interconnected canals and for Tortuguero National Park, where visitors have the opportunity to witness green turtles nesting. Limón City, the largest city on the country’s Caribbean coast, is perched in the center of the coast. The Southern Caribbean boasts some great beaches and picturesque parks, which are complemented by the area’s inviting culture.

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

In latin america, un tourism drives growth through investment, un tourism global conference on wine tourism heads to armenia to focus on cultural heritage, victoria falls hosts first regional forum on gastronomy tourism for africa, new academies in collaboration with un tourism planned for zambia and zimbabwe, the first global dashboard for tourism insights.

As society progresses, the tourism sector, much like many other sectors, needs to transform to serve as a catalyst for prosperity at a universal scale. Enhancing the well-being of individuals, safeguarding the natural environment, stimulating economic advancement, and fostering international harmony are key goals that are the fundamental essence of UN Tourism. The organization takes on the role of driving a sustainable force that is now central to many economies

"UN tourism is leading the way forward in growing investments into the tourism sector. We serve as the bridge between investors and destinations, and we guide investments where they will have the biggest impact in making tourism more resilient, inclusive and sustainable."

Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili UN Tourism Secretary-General

UN Tourism Events

* The designations employed in this section of the website do not imply the expression of any opinions whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Cartagena de Indias

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  • Section 6 - Perspectives : Avoiding Poorly Regulated Medicines & Medical Products During Travel
  • Section 7 - Pregnant Travelers

Medical Tourism

Cdc yellow book 2024.

Author(s): Matthew Crist, Grace Appiah, Laura Leidel, Rhett Stoney

  • Categories Of Medical Tourism

The Pretravel Consultation

Risks & complications, risk mitigation, additional guidance for us health care providers.

Medical tourism is the term commonly used to describe international travel for the purpose of receiving medical care. Medical tourists pursue medical care abroad for a variety of reasons, including decreased cost, recommendations from friends or family, the opportunity to combine medical care with a vacation destination, a preference to receive care from a culturally similar provider, or a desire to receive a procedure or therapy not available in their country of residence.

Medical tourism is a worldwide, multibillion-dollar market that continues to grow with the rising globalization of health care. Surveillance data indicate that millions of US residents travel internationally for medical care each year. Medical tourism destinations for US residents include Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Singapore, and Thailand. Categories of procedures that US medical tourists pursue include cancer treatment, dental care, fertility treatments, organ and tissue transplantation, and various forms of surgery, including bariatric, cosmetic, and non-cosmetic (e.g., orthopedic).

Most medical tourists pay for their care at time of service and often rely on private companies or medical concierge services to identify foreign health care facilities. Some US health insurance companies and large employers have alliances with health care facilities outside the United States to control costs.

Categories of Medical Tourism

Cosmetic tourism.

Cosmetic tourism, or travel abroad for aesthetic surgery, has become increasingly popular. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that most cosmetic surgery patients are women 40–54 years old. The most common procedures sought by cosmetic tourists include abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. Popular destinations often are marketed to prospective medical tourists as low cost, all-inclusive cosmetic surgery vacations for elective procedures not typically covered by insurance. Complications, including infections and surgical revisions for unsatisfactory results, can compound initial costs.

Non-Cosmetic Medical Tourism

Cancer treatment.

Oncology, or cancer treatment, tourism often is pursued by people looking for alternative treatment options, better access to care, second opinions, or a combination of these. Oncology tourists are a vulnerable patient population because the fear caused by a cancer diagnosis can lead them to try potentially risky treatments or procedures. Often, the treatments or procedures used abroad have no established benefit, placing the oncology tourist at risk for harm due to complications (e.g., bleeding, infection) or by forgoing or delaying approved therapies in the United States.

Dental Care

Dental care is the most common form of medical tourism among US residents, in part due to the rising cost of dental care in the United States; a substantial proportion of people in the United States do not have dental insurance or are underinsured. Dentists in destination countries might not be subject to the same licensure oversight as their US counterparts, however. In addition, practitioners abroad might not adhere to standard infection-control practices used in the United States, placing dental tourists at a potential risk for infection due to bloodborne or waterborne pathogens.

Fertility Treatments

Fertility tourists are people who seek reproductive treatments in another country. Some do so to avoid associated barriers in their home country, including high costs, long waiting lists, and restrictive policies. Others believe they will receive higher quality care abroad. People traveling to other countries for fertility treatments often are in search of assisted reproductive technologies (e.g., artificial insemination by a donor, in vitro fertilization). Fertility tourists should be aware, however, that practices can vary in their level of clinical expertise, hygiene, and technique.

Physician-Assisted Suicide

The practice of a physician facilitating a patient’s desire to end their own life by providing either the information or the means (e.g., medications) for suicide is illegal in most countries. Some people consider physician-assisted suicide (PAS) tourism, also known as suicide travel or suicide tourism, as a possible option. Most PAS tourists have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or suffer from painful or debilitating medical conditions. PAS is legal in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and New Zealand, making these the destinations selected by PAS travelers.

Rehab Tourism for Substance Use Disorders

Rehab tourism involves travel to another country for substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation care. Travelers exploring this option might be seeking a greater range of treatment options at less expense than what is available domestically (see Sec. 3, Ch. 5, Substance Use & Substance Use Disorders , and Box 3-10 for pros and cons of rehab tourism).

Transplant Procedures

Transplant tourism refers to travel for receiving an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant from an unrelated human donor. The practice can be motivated by reduced cost abroad or an effort to reduce the waiting time for organs. Xenotransplantation refers to receiving other biomaterial (e.g., cells, tissues) from nonhuman species, and xenotransplantation regulations vary from country to country. Many procedures involving injection of human or nonhuman cells have no scientific evidence to support a therapeutic benefit, and adverse events have been reported.

Depending on the location, organ or tissue donors might not be screened as thoroughly as they are in the United States; furthermore, organs and other tissues might be obtained using unethical means. In 2009, the World Health Organization released the revised Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation, emphasizing that cells, tissues, and organs should be donated freely, in the absence of any form of financial incentive.

Studies have shown that transplant tourists can be at risk of receiving care that varies from practice standards in the United States. For instance, patients might receive fewer immunosuppressive drugs, increasing their risk for rejection, or they might not receive antimicrobial prophylaxis, increasing their risk for infection. Traveling after a procedure poses an additional risk for infection in someone who is immunocompromised.

Ideally, medical tourists will consult a travel medicine specialist for travel advice tailored to their specific health needs 4–6 weeks before travel. During the pretravel consultation, make certain travelers are up to date on all routine vaccinations, that they receive additional vaccines based on destination, and especially encourage hepatitis B virus immunization for unvaccinated travelers (see Sec. 2, Ch. 3, Vaccination & Immunoprophylaxis & General Principles , and Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 8, Hepatitis B ). Counsel medical tourists that participating in typical vacation activities (e.g., consuming alcohol, participating in strenuous activity or exercise, sunbathing, swimming, taking long tours) during the postoperative period can delay or impede healing.

Advise medical tourists to also meet with their primary care provider to discuss their plan to seek medical care outside the United States, to address any concerns they or their provider might have, to ensure current medical conditions are well controlled, and to ensure they have a sufficient supply of all regular medications to last the duration of their trip. In addition, medical tourists should be aware of instances in which US medical professionals have elected not to treat medical tourists presenting with complications resulting from recent surgery, treatment, or procedures received abroad. Thus, encourage medical tourists to work with their primary care provider to identify physicians in their home communities who are willing and available to provide follow-up or emergency care upon their return.

Remind medical tourists to request copies of their overseas medical records in English and to provide this information to any health care providers they see subsequently for follow-up. Encourage medical tourists to disclose their entire travel history, medical history, and information about all surgeries or medical treatments received during their trip.

All medical and surgical procedures carry some risk, and complications can occur regardless of where treatment is received. Advise medical tourists not to delay seeking medical care if they suspect any complication during travel or after returning home. Obtaining immediate care can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment and a better outcome.

Among medical tourists, the most common complications are infection related. Inadequate infection-control practices place people at increased risk for bloodborne infections, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV; bloodstream infections; donor-derived infections; and wound infections. Moreover, the risk of acquiring antibiotic-resistant infections might be greater in certain countries or regions; some highly resistant bacterial (e.g., carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales [CRE]) and fungal (e.g., Candida auris ) pathogens appear to be more common in some countries where US residents travel for medical tourism (see Sec. 11, Ch. 5, Antimicrobial Resistance ).

Several infectious disease outbreaks have been documented among medical tourists, including CRE infections in patients undergoing invasive medical procedures in Mexico, surgical site infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients who underwent cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic, and Q fever in patients who received fetal sheep cell injections in Germany.

Noninfectious Complications

Medical tourists have the same risks for noninfectious complications as patients receiving medical care in the United States. Noninfectious complications include blood clots, contour abnormalities after cosmetic surgery, and surgical wound dehiscence.

Travel-Associated Risks

Traveling during the post-operative or post-procedure recovery period or when being treated for a medical condition could pose additional risks for patients. Air travel and surgery independently increase the risk for blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli (see Sec. 8, Ch. 3, Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism ). Travel after surgery further increases the risk of developing blood clots because travel can require medical tourists to remain seated for long periods while in a hypercoagulable state.

Commercial aircraft cabin pressures are roughly equivalent to the outside air pressure at 6,000–8,000 feet above sea level. Medical tourists should not fly for 10 days after chest or abdominal surgery to avoid risks associated with changes in atmospheric pressure. ASPS recommends that patients undergoing laser treatments or cosmetic procedures to the face, eyelids, or nose, wait 7–10 days after the procedure before flying. The Aerospace Medical Association published medical guidelines for air travel that provide useful information on the risks for travel with certain medical conditions.

Professional organizations have developed guidance, including template questions, that medical tourists can use when discussing what to expect with the facility providing the care, with the group facilitating the trip, and with their own domestic health care provider. For instance, the American Medical Association developed guiding principles on medical tourism for employers, insurance companies, and other entities that facilitate or incentivize medical care outside the United States ( Box 6-07 ). The American College of Surgeons (ACS) issued a similar statement on medical and surgical tourism, with the additional recommendation that travelers obtain a complete set of medical records before returning home to ensure that details of their care are available to providers in the United States, which can facilitate continuity of care and proper follow-up, if needed.

Box 6-07 American Medical Association’s guiding principles on medical tourism 1

  • Employers, insurance companies, and other entities that facilitate or incentivize medical care outside the United States should adhere to the following principles:
  • Receiving medical care outside the United States must be voluntary.
  • Financial incentives to travel outside the United States for medical care should not inappropriately limit the diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives that are offered to patients or restrict treatment or referral options.
  • Patients should only be referred for medical care to institutions that have been accredited by recognized international accrediting bodies (e.g., the Joint Commission International or the International Society for Quality in Health Care).
  • Prior to travel, local follow-up care should be coordinated, and financing should be arranged to ensure continuity of care when patients return from medical care outside the United States.
  • Coverage for travel outside the United States for medical care should include the costs of necessary follow-up care upon return to the United States.
  • Patients should be informed of their rights and legal recourse before agreeing to travel outside the United States for medical care.
  • Access to physician licensing and outcome data, as well as facility accreditation and outcomes data, should be arranged for patients seeking medical care outside the United States.
  • The transfer of patient medical records to and from facilities outside the United States should be consistent with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Action (HIPAA) guidelines.
  • Patients choosing to travel outside the United States for medical care should be provided with information about the potential risks of combining surgical procedures with long flights and vacation activities.

1 American Medical Association (AMA). New AMA Guidelines on Medical Tourism . Chicago: AMA; 2008.

Reviewing the Risks

Multiple resources are available for providers and medical tourists assessing medical tourism–related risks (see Table 6-02 ). When reviewing the risks associated with seeking health care abroad, encourage medical tourists to consider several factors besides the procedure; these include the destination, the facility or facilities where the procedure and recovery will take place, and the treating provider.

Make patients aware that medical tourism websites marketing directly to travelers might not include (or make available) comprehensive details on the accreditations, certifications, or qualifications of advertised facilities or providers. Local standards for facility accreditation and provider certification vary, and might not be the same as those in the United States; some facilities and providers abroad might lack accreditation or certification. In some locations, tracking patient outcome data or maintaining formal medical record privacy or security policies are not standard practices.

Medical tourists also should be aware that the drugs and medical products and devices used in other countries might not be subject to the same regulatory scrutiny and oversight as in the United States. In addition, some drugs could be counterfeit or otherwise ineffective because the medication expired, is contaminated, or was improperly stored (for more details, see the previous chapter in this section, . . . perspectives: Avoiding Poorly Regulated Medicines & Medical Products During Travel ).

Table 6-02 Online medical tourism resources

Checking credentials.

ACS recommends that medical tourists use internationally accredited facilities and seek care from providers certified in their specialties through a process equivalent to that established by the member boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties. Advise medical tourists to do as much advance research as possible on the facility and health care provider they are considering using. Also, inform medical tourists that accreditation does not guarantee a good outcome.

Accrediting organizations (e.g., The Joint Commission International, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care) maintain listings of accredited facilities outside of the United States. Encourage prospective medical tourists to review these sources before committing to having a procedure or receiving medical care abroad.

ACS, ASPS, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery all accredit physicians abroad. Medical tourists should check the credentials of health care providers with search tools provided by relevant professional organizations.

Travel Health Insurance

Before travel, medical tourists should check their domestic health insurance plan carefully to understand what services, if any, are covered outside the United States. Additionally, travelers might need to purchase supplemental medical insurance coverage, including medical evacuation insurance; this is particularly important for travelers going to remote destinations or places lacking medical facilities that meet the standards found in high-income countries (see Sec. 6, Ch. 1, Travel Insurance, Travel Health Insurance & Medical Evacuation Insurance ). Medical tourists also should be aware that if complications develop, they might not have the same legal recourse as they would if they received their care in the United States.

Planning for Follow-Up Care

Medical tourists and their domestic physicians should plan for follow-up care. Patients and clinicians should establish what care will be provided abroad, and what the patient will need upon return. Medical tourists should make sure they understand what services are included as part of the cost for their procedures; some overseas facilities and providers charge substantial fees for follow-up care in addition to the base cost. Travelers also should know whether follow-up care is scheduled to occur at the same facility as the procedure.

Health care facilities in the United States should have systems in place to assess patients at admission to determine whether they have received medical care in other countries. Clinicians should obtain an explicit travel history from patients, including any medical care received abroad. Patients who have had an overnight stay in a health care facility outside the United States within 6 months of presentation should be screened for CRE. Admission screening is available free of charge through the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network .

Notify state and local public health as soon as medical tourism–associated infections are identified. Returning patients often present to hospitals close to their home, and communication with public health authorities can help facilitate outbreak recognition. Health care facilities should follow all disease reporting requirements for their jurisdiction. Health care facilities also should report suspected or confirmed cases of unusual antibiotic resistance (e.g., carbapenem-resistant organisms, C. auris ) to public health authorities to facilitate testing and infection-control measures to prevent further transmission. In addition to notifying the state or local health department, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at [email protected] to report complications related to medical tourism.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter: Isaac Benowitz, Joanna Gaines


Adabi K, Stern C, Weichman K, Garfein ES, Pothula A, Draper L, et al. Population health implications of medical tourism. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017;140(1):66–74.

Al-Shamsi, H, Al-Hajelli, M, Alrawi, S. Chasing the cure around the globe: medical tourism for cancer care from developing countries. J Glob Onc. 2018;4:1–3.

Kracalik I, Ham C, Smith AR, Vowles M, Kauber K, Zambrano M, et al. (2019). Notes from the field: Verona integron-encoded metallo-&#x03B2;-lactamase–producing carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in U.S. residents associated with invasive medical procedures in Mexico, 2015–2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2019;68(20):463–4.

Pavli A, Maltezou HC. Infectious complications related to medical tourism. J Travel Med. 2021;28(1):taaa210.

Pereira RT, Malone CM, Flaherty GT. Aesthetic journeys: a review of cosmetic surgery tourism. J Travel Med. 2018;25(1):tay042.

Robyn MP, Newman AP, Amato M, Walawander M, Kothe C, Nerone JD, et al. Q fever outbreak among travelers to Germany who received live cell therapy & United States and Canada, 2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(38):1071–3.

Salama M, Isachenko V, Isachenko E, Rahimi G, Mallmann P, Westphal LM, et al. Cross border reproductive care (CBRC): a growing global phenomenon with multidimensional implications (a systematic and critical review). J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018;35(7):1277–88.

Schnabel D, Esposito DH, Gaines J, Ridpath A, Barry MA, Feldman KA, et al. Multistate US outbreak of rapidly growing mycobacterial infections associated with medical tourism to the Dominican Republic, 2013–2014. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016;22(8):1340–7.

Stoney RJ, Kozarsky PE, Walker AT, Gaines JL. Population-based surveillance of medical tourism among US residents from 11 states and territories: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022;43(7):870–5.

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Revealed: New owners lift lid on plans to turn St Nicholas Kirk into tourist hotspot

Plans have been submitted by the new owners to turn the church into a tourism hotspot on the Granite Mile

The historic church could become a tourist attraction on the Granite Mile. Image: Kenny Elrick/ DC Thomson

The new owners of Aberdeen’s St Nicholas Kirk have detailed their plans to transform it into a tourism hotspot for the first time.

New owners Edinburgh Pallete have submitted proposals to Aberdeen City Council to create a “heritage trail” showcasing the church’s history and significance.

They hope the huge facelift can be a “catalyst for regeneration” for the city centre.

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This could be the first time in five years that more than 100 of the kirk’s historical artifacts are on display to the public.

The documents reveal their major plans to make the most of the landmark…

What is planned for Kirk of St Nicholas?

The new owners have taken over the majority of the building, having taken the keys to the West Kirk last week.

The main plan for the church is what owners Edinburgh Pallete are calling a “heritage trail”.

This will showcase the history of the iconic site and the city, with its main purpose being to increase visitors and tourism as a whole across Aberdeen.

It comes as thousands of tourists flock into the city centre every year, with cruise ships sparking something of a boom.

Edinburgh Palette hopes St Nicholas Kirk will become one of their top destinations.

The plans would give the public an insight into the storied past of the Kirk of St Nicholas and Aberdeen. Image: Paul Glendell/ DC Thomson

The trail will end at Drums Isle, the location of the oil and gas workers memorial, where the history of the church and Aberdeen can be “expressed in an pop-up exhibition”.

More than 100 artifacts are on display in the Kirk of St Nicholas, which church bosses say will remain untouched.

What will be on display?

Aberdeen’s history dating all the way back to the medieval period will be on display for locals and tourists to learn about.

Fascinating statues and stonework will be highlighted, dating as far back as the 14th century.

Statues like this one in Kirk of St Nicholas' from the 15th century will be open to the public. Image: Mill Architects

Artifacts detailing the Granite City’s involvement in both World Wars will also be on view to the public, with military memorials and flags.

Furthermore, the new owners will look to preserve as much of the building’s interior as possible.

What will happen to the pews?

Much of the floorspace within the kirk is taken up by rows upon rows of pews.

Some of these pews have graffiti dating back as far as the 18th century.

Some of the pews will be removed and preserved to make space for the new plans. Image: Mill Architects

Edinburgh Pallete say that a section of the centuries-old seating will be removed, but not disposed of.

Robert Gordon College have asked that pews no longer in use be relocated to their MacRobert Hall as part of a refurbishment project.

Overall, most of the pews will remain, with the owners hoping the iconic church can be utilised for intimate candlelight concerts and events.

Who else would use the Kirk of St Nicholas?

Along with it being open to the public, under the new plans, the A-listed church would not only become a tourist hotspot…

Charities would also benefit from the Kirk of St Nicholas' new plans. Image: Kami Thomson/ DC Thomson

Keeping with the church’s roots, charities would also make use of the Kirk of St Nicholas according to the newly submitted plans.

Owners say they hope to “relocate food distribution to the homeless and needy” within the church itself, to replace the current drop off point at Marks and Spencer.

What’s more, recipients would be able to enjoy their provisions inside the building rather than out in the cold.

The report added: “It is felt that by offering a safe and welcome space within the Kirk, the Kirk will in turn become a positive focal meeting point for those in need.”

Plans also reveal that counselling sessions could also take place in the building.

Are there plans for education?

Currently, Robert Gordon’s University (RGU) are carrying out a laser scanning research project.

Students would also get the chance to study the A-listed building's architecture. Image: Scott Baxter/ DC Thomson

This initiative will generate a detailed “as-built” representation of the Kirk, encompassing the interior, exterior, and churchyard.

Furthermore, RGU’s School of Architecture and Gray’s School of Art would also seek to make good use of the building, offering students the chance to study its gothic environs.

One of the owners’ three main goals for the Kirk of St Nicholas is for it to be a “place of education”.

What will happen to Kirk of St Nicholas’ oil and gas memorial?

The Kirk of St Nicholas is a meaningful place to those in the oil and gas industry.

Each year on the first Saturday of November, a service of remembrance is held in memory of those who lost their lives in the Piper Alpha disaster.

The oil and gas workers memorial inside <yoastmark class=

St John’s chapel in the church is dedicated to those who have died whilst working in the oil and gas industry, with its most prominent feature being its stained glass window.

The new owners say the oil and gas chaplaincy will be preserved, and that future services will remain.

You can read the full plans here .

  • Colin Farquhar: Could St Nicholas Church reinvention be saviour of Aberdeen’s Union Street?
  • Extra security at St Nicholas Kirkyard as new owners take over church plagued by anti-social behaviour
  • Exclusive: Kirk of St Nicholas to be sold off amid plans to ‘reignite’ Union Street

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    An icon of a desk calendar. An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. An icon of a paper envelope. An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. An icon ...

  30. Mpox outbreak in Africa: Clade 1 mpox virus infection

    Before you travel. Check Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice on whether it is advised to travel to your intended destination. This also includes information on entry requirements, safety and security. ... For more information on the risk of Clade 2 mpox and sex, please see the public health advice for gay, bisexual and ...