Time loop machine

The Time loop machine is an Ancient Time travel device.

The device uses the Stargate's subspace field to create a time bubble that inverts time outside of subspace, forming a time loop of about 10 hours. The device fires a beam from two pillars at the Stargate and it simultaneously dials at least 12 other nearby planets including Alaris and Earth . It is powered by ionization in the atmosphere caused by Geomagnetic storms and is controlled by an Ancient Control device . When activated for the first time, a beam of energy will strike the control device and allow anyone standing there to retain their memories during the time loops. ( SG1 : " Window of Opportunity ")

When the Ancient plague was killing the Ancients , they built the time loop machine to try to go back in time and prevent their destruction. After being unable to make it work, they shut the machine down and let the end come. Malikai discovered the machine and planned on using it to go back in time to see his wife again. Malikai activated the time loop machine but Jack O'Neill and Teal'c were caught in its energy along with Malikai so they remembered between loops. Eventually O'Neill convinced Malikai to shut it down as seeing his wife die again would be unbearable. ( SG1 : " Window of Opportunity ")

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08.19/20 Episode 173/174 Airdate: March 18 & 25, 2005

Following the passing of Catherine Langford, Daniel finds among her possessions documentation of the existence of a ZPM on Earth at the time of Ra. A ZPM is essential to power Earth's Ancient defenses, and O'Neill reluctantly agrees to Daniel's proposal to travel back in time to recover it. SG-1 uses the Ancient spacecraft to travel to Egypt in 3000 BC, and their mission to steal the ZPM from Ra's temple succeeds. However, they are unable to return to the present without the risk of altering history. Forced to remain in the past, the team inadvertently sets into motion a spiral of events that will play out exactly as it was meant to.

Scientists Dr. Daniel Jackson and Dr. Samantha Carter are summoned from their mundane jobs to meet with General Hammond at Cheyenne Mountain. An archaeological expedition in Egypt has uncovered a ZPM and a videotape with their images, claiming to be part of a team that has traveled in time, and offering details of their world so that history can be corrected if necessary. A search of the Giza Plateau reveals no stargate, only a tablet inscribed with hieroglyphics which Daniel translates. The tablet tells of a rebellion against Ra in 2995 BC which forced him to abandon Earth by ship, and he took the stargate with him.

The Egyptian tablet also describes a second stargate in Antarctica. Hoping to be included in any mission through the gate, Daniel and Carter seek the support of Jack O'Neill, who has no interest in their story or in returning to the military. Back at the base, Daniel and Carter are shown the Ancient spacecraft that was also recovered in Egypt. Dialing coordinates from the ship triggers seismic activity that Carter uses to locate the Antarctic gate. However, as the stargate is installed in the facility and a team is assembled to embark, Daniel and Carter are dismayed to learn that they will not be included on the mission.

Major Kawalsky coaxes his friend, Jack O'Neill, out of retirement for the mission to correct history. O'Neill accepts civilian scientists Carter and Daniel on the team, and they fly the Ancient spacecraft through the stargate to Chulak to find Teal'c. On Chulak, however, they are captured, and Daniel is tortured by Apophis before Teal'c is convinced by their videotape that his destiny lies with SG-1 and the free Jaffa. He helps the team to escape, but Daniel has become a Goa'uld spy, and in the firefight with Jaffa, only O'Neill, Carter, and Teal'c survive to make their escape in the spacecraft.

Unable to elude the death gliders, and realizing that Apophis has used Daniel's knowledge to launch an attack against Earth, the team must use the ship's time travel device to escape from Chulak and repair their own history. They arrive in Egypt in 2995 BC, where they meet the original Daniel Jackson. SG-1 had attempted a rebellion against Ra five years earlier, but O'Neill, Carter, and Teal'c had been killed. Now Daniel and his Egyptian allies are preparing a second revolt that will succeed, but this time the team must use the cloaked spacecraft to prevent Ra from taking the stargate with him.

O'Neill and Carter repair the spacecraft's cloak as Teal'c and Daniel coordinate battle plans. A Jaffa patrol discovers the ship, but quickly surrenders to thousands of armed Egyptian rebels. Just as history was meant to be, SG-1 leads the rebellion that frees Earth from the Goa'uld. At the SGC, it is the current timeline, and SG-1 views a videotape recovered with a ZPM from a dig in Egypt. This time, the videotape coincides with history, and the original mission to the past is not necessary. With the timeline repaired, SG-1 retires to O'Neill's cabin for a relaxing afternoon of fishing, as a fish leaps from the pond. Close enough. This episode aired in two parts.

Story by: Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie & Brad Wright & Robert C. Cooper Part One Teleplay by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie Part Two Teleplay by: Robert C. Cooper Directed by: Peter DeLuise

Guest Starring: David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay , Don S. Davis as General George Hammond , Robert Wisden as Major Samuels , Colin Cunningham as Major Davis , Peter Williams as Apophis , Alessandro Juliani as Katep , Jay Acovone as Major Kawalsky , David Lewis as Dr. Balinsky , James Purcell as Dr. Hirschfield , Georgia Craig as Sabrina Gosling , Jay Williams as Ra , Benjamin Easterday as Ra's Jaffa Commander , Neil Schell as Mr. Crandall , Maurico Vasquez as Student , Sina Najafi as Egyptian Boy , Christopher Pearce as Bosworth , Rob Fournier as Airman Mansfield

Reference: Ancient Gene , Ancient Spacecraft , Ancient Time Travel Device , Apophis , Balinsky , BC-304 , Beta Stargate , Bosworth , Samantha Carter , Chulak , Crandall , Daedalus , Paul Davis , Egypt , Egyptian , Sabrina Gosling , George Hammond , Dr. Hirschfield , Homer , Horus Guard , Daniel Jackson , Katep , Charles Kawalsky , Catherine Langford , Airman Mansfield , Rodney McKay , Jack O'Neill , Ra , Ribbon Device , Colonel Samuels , Shock Grenade , Silver Creek , Stargate , Teal'c , Time Travel , Time Travel 3000 BC , Zero Point Module


Destinations & Inhabitants

Ancient Egypt

Destinations & Inhabitants

Alternate Earth


  • The Daedalus is a ship of similar design to the Prometheus but with several advantages since the more advanced alien technologies were integrated into the original design rather than tacked on after the fact. Once the Asgard hyperdrive is installed, it is intended to be used for the next mission to Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy.
  • Catherine Langford left Daniel an original 1889 edition of the "Eye of the Sun," the only one known to exist, which includes a reproduction of a wall painting discovered by German archaeologists in 1885 that was destroyed in a museum fire ten years later. The painting shows a figure holding a ZPM which was referred to as "the heart of light" and considered to be a religious icon by the ancient Egyptians.
  • The Ancient gene is required to operate both the Ancient spacecraft and the time travel device. The time travel device only works in time jumps longer than a couple hundred years, and is able to extrapolate a concept of time from the mind of the user controlling it.
  • Travelling back in time 5000 years, SG-1 finds pyramids in 3000 BC, proving that the Sphinx and great pyramids predate the fourth dynasty.
  • SG-1 hides the ZPM and the video camera and recording in a tomb of the first dynasty near Giza that will be uncovered by a team of archaeologists from the University of Chicago in a dig about a month before their mission began.
  • O'Neill would welcome an opportunity to travel back in time to 1908 to see the Cubs win the World Series.
  • There are no fish in O'Neill's pond.
  • Goa'uld language: "Tana-akal maltar. Jaya-nok-shol!" means "I will not tolerate such disrespect from my followers."
  • Research into the area of quantum gravity suggests that time flows like rotating fluid within our galaxy, technically allowing a traveler to journey backward and forward at will, however a huge amount of energy is required.
  • In 2995 BC, the ancient Egyptians rebelled aginst Ra, and he left in a great flying ship but took the stargate with him.
  • Dr. Langford had excavated the area where the stargate should have been in Giza in 1934 but found only the tablet inscribed in hieroglyphics and left behind by Daniel.
  • Dr. Daniel Jackson has a PhD in Egyptology and archaeology and is teaching English as a second language to immigrants.
  • Dr. Samantha Carter has a PhD in astrophysics and works at the Department of Aerospace Research Headquarters in Washington, DC, proofreading other people's reports for errors and omissions.
  • O'Neill retired from the Air Force as a colonel and owns a boat named Homer which he charters for tours, fishing, and parties.
  • George Hammond is a brigadier general in command of the USAF Research Institute at the underground Air Force facility at Cheyenne Mountain.
  • Dr. Rodney McKay works at the USAF Research Institute, and is not allergic to lemon chicken.
  • Robert Kinsey is the US president and Henry Hayes is the Secretary of the Interior.
  • O'Neill and Kawalsky had served together in Peru, Sierra Leone, and Uganda.
  • The mission to Chulak included O'Neill, Kawalsky, Daniel, Carter, Bosworth, Mansfield, and Donner.
  • The SG-1 team had first arrived in Egypt in 3000 BC. They remained and planned the rebellion to overthrow Ra, but were captured, and all but Daniel were killed.
  • Five years later, in 2995 BC, Daniel and Katep carried out another uprising which was successful, and Ra left Earth but took the stargate with him. History was changed. Daniel wrote the tablet to be found in the future, explaining the location of the second gate.
  • The alternate team used the second gate and arrived in Egypt in 2995 BC just before the rebellion. By stealing and hiding the gate, the rebellion was successful, Ra left Earth, and the gate was buried. History was unchanged. Or close enough.


  • Yeah, well, I generally leave the whip at home. [Daniel]
  • You been shopping online lately? [O'Neill]
  • Holy... buckets. Looks like her entire collection. [Daniel] I prefer stamps. [O'Neill]
  • If I have to say "what" one more time, heads are going to roll. [O'Neill]
  • We have a time machine. We can go back and get the ZPM. [Daniel] She wouldn't let me go back and watch the Cubs win the World Series. [O'Neill]
  • Let me do it now, I won't have to do it in 5000 years. [O'Neill]
  • Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't - God, that's horrible! Who would EVER say that?! [Alternate Carter]
  • Yeah, I suppose it does sound a little crazy. [Alternate Daniel] Really? Which part? I have to say the moment I let you on board. [Alternate O'Neill]
  • I can't believe I wasted my frequent flier miles on this. [Alternate Carter]
  • No, you, you I would listen to if you were reading the phone book. You see, I love this whole sexy librarian thing. [Alternate McKay]
  • I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. [Alternate Hammond]
  • I give this no more than a 50-50 chance of working. [Alternate McKay] According to the tape, it worked for eight years. [Alternate Hammond]
  • According to the tape, we're going to be demolecularized, transmitted over 2000 light years through subspace, and then rematerialized on the other side. [Alternate Carter] I did not need to know that. [Alternate Kawalsky]
  • Gateship One, you're go for launch. What? It's a ship that goes through the gate. Gateship. Well, I thought it was clever. [Alternate McKay]
  • Safety off, point and shoot. Not at me. [Alternate O'Neill]
  • Why are you here? [Daniel] Yes, excellent question. [Alternate O'Neill] You don't know? [Daniel] Well, I thought I did there, for a while, and then I realized... I didn't. [Alternate O'Neill] Well, I know why I'm here. [Daniel] Good. Let's start there. [Alternate O'Neill]
  • Yes, but, you see, the ship fits in the gate, not the other way around. [Alternate O'Neill]


  • Ya think?: 1 (Alternate O'Neill)
  • Sweet: 1 (Alternate O'Neill)
  • O'Neill calls Teal'c "T": 1
  • O'Neill, Carter, and Teal'c: killed in the failed rebellion in ancient Egypt
  • Alternate O'Neill, Carter and Daniel: knocked unconscious by a shock grenade
  • Alternate Teal'c: shot in the left arm by a 9mm
  • Alternate Daniel: tortured by a ribbon device, implanted with a Goa'uld symbiote, shot by Teal'c's staff weapon, and killed by machinegun fire from O'Neill and Kawalsky
  • O'Neill's boat is named Homer
  • Close enough...
  • O'Neill standing, arms spread, at the bow of his boat
  • Alternate O'Neill on his boat: "No worries, eh?"
  • For the record: There are fish in O'Neill's pond.
  • Show Spoilers
  • Night Vision
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Stargate SG-1 S2 E21 1969 » Recap

A solar flare causes the gate to malfunction and strand the team in 1969, where they receive help from past versions of General—or rather, Lieutenant Hammond—and Catherine Langford, as well as a couple of New Age Retro Hippies , as they try to figure out how to get back home.

"1969" provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Accidental Time Travel : The first instance of a solar flare causing time travel in the 'verse.
  • Bilingual Dialogue : Daniel and Catherine briefly converse in German, as Daniel is pretending to be a German scientist so as to avoid giving away his true identity before she's "supposed" to meet him.
  • Bluff the Impostor : The guards who find the team after they first arrive in 1969 do this by asking in Russian if they're Soviet spies. Daniel being Daniel instinctively replies in Russian, which doesn't exactly help their case. Guard: [in Russian] Are you Soviet spies? Daniel: Nyet! O'Neill: ...Daniel? Daniel: What? He just asked if we were Soviet spies, I was just... [looks down]
  • Brick Joke : After escaping from the military truck, Jack swipes some money from Lt. Hammond and promises to pay him back, with interest. Back in the present, Gen. Hammond reminds him of the debt which, with interest, is around $500.
  • Character Name Alias : Jack tells his interrogator that his name is Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise . Shortly thereafter, he confesses that his name isn't Kirk. It's Luke Skywalker .
  • Compound-Interest Time Travel Gambit : Used as a gag. O'Neill borrows some cash from 1969 Hammond and promises to pay him back with interest. Upon their return, Hammond tells O'Neill that it works out to about $500.
  • Cutting the Knot : SG-1 emerges into the bottom of a rocket test chamber, only to hear a PA announcement that the rocket will ignite in 20 seconds. Jack, Carter, and Daniel all panic and start yelling, banging on the doors, and trying to find an abort switch. Teal'c calmly waits till the last second and then shoots the rocket engine with his zat. Naturally, the rocket fails to ignite. And again, later in the episode, after several cars pass without stopping for Carter, Teal'c simply walks out into the middle of the road to force a vehicle to stop.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness : Solar flare time travel will never work again as it is presented here, with the stargate dropping someone anywhere it likes and then just up and vanishing afterwards.
  • "Eureka!" Moment : Carter realizes that the dates and times on the letter refer to sunspots after she sees the fire they are sitting around spit sparks out.
  • Hippie Van : The team's method of transport in 1969.
  • Hitchhiker's Leg : O'Neill has Carter try to get someone to pull over; she doesn't show any leg, but O'Neill does insist that she go out and do it alone. This is subverted, however, in that it doesn't work. Teal'c decides that "This method is ineffective" and gets a ride by walking out into the middle of the road in front of a van.
  • I'm Mr. [Future Pop Culture Reference] : Jack claims that his name is Luke Skywalker.
  • Implausible Deniability : Jack once provided the page quote. Thornbird: I'm Major Robert Thornbird, and you are? O'Neill: Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise . Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise. O'Neill: They're lying .
  • Innocuously Important Episode : "1969" marks the formal introduction of Time Travel to Stargate (opening the door for Atlantis and Universe to later do their own Time Travel stories during their runs). The Time Travel-by-Solar-Flare method will also be utilized on multiple occasions throughout the franchise.
  • Keep It Foreign : Obviously, Daniel pretending to be German wouldn't work in the German dub, so it has him pretending to be French instead.
  • The '60s : The episode manages to cover most of the popularly remembered elements of the decade without veering too far into Popular History . We get a backdrop of Cold War spy intrigue at Cheyenne Mountain followed by a hippie road trip, not to mention references to The Vietnam War , The Space Race , Woodstock , Richard Nixon and the murder of Sharon Tate .
  • After seeing the injury on Carter's wrist, Hammond realized this was the trip that would take SG-1 into the past and gave her the note to his past self. Interestingly, Hammond later admitted that he considered not letting them go on the mission that brought them to the past.
  • When SG-1 arrives at the base in DC where the Stargate is being held, they come under fire by some staff of the base at the time. This forces them to jump in early, which sends them to the far future. The year of this future isn't specified. The only frame of reference we get is that Casandra is now elderly. During their brief talk, Casandra reveals to SG-1 overall, and Sam specifically, that she will one day reveal to Casandra that she will need to be at a specific time in a specific place to send SG-1 back to the time they came from, creating a second loop.
  • Glynis Davies plays the middle-aged Catherine Langford of 1969. For those counting, this is the fifth actress to have played Catherine in the franchise, the preceding four consisting of Viveca Lindfors for the movie, Elizabeth Hoffman for the series, and two more time-shifted actresses playing her in flashbacks to 1928 (for the movie) and 1945 (for " The Torment of Tantalus "). Yet another actress portrays her in the prequel Stargate Origins , set around 1939. She later dies offscreen in " Moebius Part 1 ".
  • Aaron Pearl as the young Lieutenant Hammond.
  • Pamela Perry as the old Cassandra.
  • Time-Travelers Are Spies : SG-1 are mistaken for Soviet agents.
  • Title by Year : A solar flare causes the gate to malfunction and strand the team in 1969.
  • Travel Montage : Jenny and Michael driving the team across the country is represented by a red line on a map.
  • Trust Password : After Lt. Hammond reads a note in his handwriting that says to help the team, Carter decides to reveal that they are from the future. To prove this, O'Neill tells Hammond that he knows he watched the Moon landing at his father's bedside following his heart attack.
  • Underage Casting : Daniel mentions that on the date in 1969 they are visiting, he would have been roughly four-and-a-half years old, while his actor was not born until 1970. This makes all of his expertise and the qualifications he had gained before joining the SGC slightly more plausible, but only slightly.

Video Example(s):

1969 Hippie Van

Hitchhiking in 1969.

Example of: Hippie Van

Mistaken for sp...

  • Stargate SG-1 S2 E20 "Show And Tell"
  • Recap/Stargate SG-1
  • Stargate SG-1 S2 E22 "Out of Mind"

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The Entire Stargate Timeline Explained

James Spader in Stargate

There are so many great modern science-fiction epics to choose from. "Dune" has wowed new and old audiences with its 2021 film adaptation, "Star Wars" fans have been blessed with "The Mandalorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" these past few years (with more Disney+ shows on the way), and "Star Trek" has found its way back to television . All these genre giants aside, there's no science-fiction franchise quite like "Stargate." What sets "Stargate" apart is its unique blend of military science-fiction tropes with a larger-than-life mythology that combines ancient human history with religion, technology, and interstellar travel. From the moment  Roland Emmerich 's incredible 1994 motion picture premiered, it was clear that "Stargate" was something more. 

With "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis," and "Stargate Universe" to cover, as well as a handful of movies and a recent miniseries, it's no wonder that the "Stargate" timeline can be a bit confusing and intimidating. With that in mind, we've decided to string out the series chronology right here, making the "Stargate" timeline from the original film through 2018's "Stargate Origins" a bit easier to sort out. (We won't be talking about "Stargate Infantry" here because although the animated series might be fun, it doesn't take place within the established "Stargate" canon.)

In the beginning...

Ameilus hides the Ark of Truth

Some time after the "Big Bang," a group of advanced humans known as the Alterians evolved and lived peacefully in a galaxy neighboring our own. One faction, known as the Ori, built a society structured around religion to dominate and control those "below" them. The other group, a smaller faction known as the Ancients, opposed the Ori's ideas and instead chose to pursue their scientific endeavors, which led to them leaving the galaxy, and the Ori, altogether.

As the Ancients traveled to our Milky Way, a young Alterian named Ameilus created portal technology that would allow them to travel unfathomable distances in an instant. This is a Stargate, what our scientists today would call an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Arriving in our galaxy, the Ancients "seeded" different planets with human beings as well as Stargates. Eventually they lost interest in "Terra" (their name for Earth), and left in their mythic city-ship known as Atlantis (yes, that Atlantis ) for the "nearby" Pegasus Galaxy.

Before the Common Era

The Jaffa act on behalf of Ra

Over tens of thousands of years, the Pegasus Galaxy became populated by humans and an alien species of Iratus bugs. Unfortunately, these two don't mix well; years of infecting one another would result in the Wraiths — vampiric creatures who live off the life force of humans. In response, the Ancients created the Replicators — miniature nanites that adapted human-like features. These machines, known later as the  Asurans , failed to take out the Wraith; because of this, the Ancients attempted (and failed) to bomb their creations out of existence. In a last-ditch effort, the Ancients sunk Atlantis to protect it, sealing away all their hopes and dreams.

Meanwhile, in another galaxy, symbiotic alien parasites — later known as the Goa'uld — evolved from the murky depths of a faraway planet designated P3X-888. These parasites quickly possessed humanoid hosts and grew into the "gods" we know from ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology. After a civil war broke out amongst the Goa'uld, Ra conquered them all and named himself the Supreme System Lord. Setting his sights on Earth, Ra enslaved the human population of Northern Africa, turning some into his own genetically altered army of Jaffa. Of course, humanity rebelled (as we always do), and Ra left Terra in defeat — although that didn't stop him from taking some Tau'ri (their name for humans) with him.

Into the 20th century

The Stargate unearthed

While these alien races had their squabbles among the stars, modern humans forgot all about the "gods" and the Stargates they came from. It wasn't until the early 1900s that part of a Stargate, called a Dial-Home Device (D.H.D.), would be found in Germany, though it couldn't dial an interstellar address without the rest of a Stargate. The Stargate itself was found in Egypt decades later by Professor Paul Langford, who would study the device for over a decade before the events of the miniseries "Stargate Origins," where he was taken hostage by the Nazi cultist Wilhelm Brücke. 

In an effort to save her father, Langford's daughter Catherine  traveled through the Stargate  and in the process met the Goa'uld leader Aset. Aset showed mercy on the Langfords and wiped the memories of their close encounter (including their knowledge of how to use a Stargate). By the 1980s, the military began a new program to get the Stargate up and running, though it would take over a decade before the portal would finally open. Nearly 15 years later, the Stargate moved to its permanent home in the U.S. military's Cheyenne Mountain Complex for future study. It was there that a much older Dr. Catherine Langford, who continued on her father's work, would recruit astrophysicist Samantha Carter (played by Amanda Tapping) to help her get the Stargate working without a D.H.D.

Stargate Command is born

The SG-1 crew is united

The events of the original "Stargate" film  truly kick off the series, as Dr. Daniel Jackson was recruited for his masterful deciphering skills, which managed to open the ancient Stargate once again. Daniel and Col. Jack O'Neill, played originally by James Spader and Kurt Russell respectively, led a team to the unknown alien world of Abydos, ruled by the Goa'uld Supreme System Lord, Ra. After killing the "alien-god," O'Neill and his team returned home to Earth, while Daniel stayed behind on Abydos and married the local princess Sha're. Sadly, their marital bliss wouldn't last.

What they didn't realize was that killing Ra created a power vacuum, only for the next System Lord, Apophis, to quickly fill it. In "Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods – The Final Cut," Apophis invaded Abydos and kidnapped Sha're before setting his gaze on Earth. To rescue his wife and save the galaxy, Daniel (now played by Michael Shanks) joined Lt. Gen. George Hammond's newly formed Stargate Command task force, known as SG-1. Alongside him, Col. Jack O'Neill (now played by Richard Dean Anderson), Air Force astrophysicist Samantha Carter, and a rebel Jaffa named Teal'c helped keep the galaxy safe, though sadly Apophis escaped with Daniel's wife into the stars.

The war with the Goa'uld

Apophis and Teal'c in "Enemies"

Afterward, the SG-1 team would stick together, with hopes of eventually defeating Apophis and rescuing Sha're. Over the next few years, they embarked on missions to explore and chronicle vastly different worlds as their conflict with the Goa'uld continued. Thankfully, they also made some allies along the way, such as the Roswell-like grey aliens known as the Asgard, the true origin of Norse mythology. These small victories were short-lived, however, as the Goa'uld symbiote Amonet would completely possess Daniel's wife (and mother a child with Apophis), only to be killed by Daniel's SG-1 ally Teal'c. As she died in her husband's arms, Sha're was finally reunited with her love.

But SG-1 was forced to venture on, and after four seasons of world-dominating threats, Apophis was finally killed by Replicators, who had resurfaced after millennia to wipe out all living things. The Replicators would be a constant pain in SG-1's side for the rest of the series, but here they seemed to help SG-1's cause. In the wake of all of this, Daniel struggled to find his place in the universe, and eventually gave his life to save the people of the planet Langara. But before he died, an Ancient named Oma Desala taught him how to "ascend" (a fancy word for transferring one's consciousness into an immaterial "higher plane of being"). With that, Daniel was finally at peace, though it would be short-lived.

The rise of Anubis

Anubis on his throne

After Apophis' sudden death, another power vacuum developed among the System Lords, allowing the brutal Anubis to take over. Naturally, it wouldn't be long before the "god of the dead" set his sights on Terra, and in response, Earth constructed its own interstellar battleship, the Prometheus. Anubis, who had once ascended himself, used the know-how of the Ancients to make himself the most dangerous of all the Goa'uld. In fact, not even a fully ascended Daniel Jackson  could defeat the Dark Lord. This sent Anubis on a quest to attain the Ancients' Repository of Knowledge, but before he had the chance to take it, Jack O'Neill downloaded the database into his mind, making Anubis even more desperate. 

After all this, Anubis set his sights on the Lost City of Atlantis and decided to invade Earth. Thankfully, the SG-1 team found the Antarctic Stargate before the Dark Lord had the chance, and expelled him from Earth with the help of the Prometheus. It's the events of their search for Atlantis that sparked the Atlantis Expedition seen in the following spinoff series "Stargate Atlantis." After all this, the Asgard wiped the Ancient knowledge from Col. O'Neill's head before it overloaded his brain, and a newly revived Daniel Jackson rejoined the SG-1.

The Atlantis Expedition commences

The Lost City

After finding the Antarctic Stargate outpost, Stargate Command leader Dr. Elizabeth Weir led a group of men and women, including Major John Sheppard, Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay, Lt. Ford, and a host of others, into the unknown Pegasus Galaxy in search of the Lost City in  "Stargate: Atlantis." Not long after they found Atlantis on the planet Lantea, John Sheppard and his team fell into trouble after he killed the terrifying Wraith Keeper, which pulled the rest of the vampiric Wraith from their deep slumber. In the wake of all this, the Atlantis Expedition was cut off from Stargate Command and any contact with their allies on Earth, leaving them marooned across the stars.

Thankfully, the Expedition made quick allies with the Athosians, especially their leader Teyla Emmagan. After a while, they also met Ronon Dex (played by Jason Momoa ), a runner who became another solid ally against the Wraith. Of course, the Wraiths weren't their only problem — that would be too easy. Soon, the Ancient's original Replicators, the Asurans, returned to Lantea to destroy the Expedition and Atlantis itself as revenge against the Ancients for trying to destroy them. Fortunately, Earth reestablished contact with the Expedition so Jack O'Neill and future Atlantis Expedition commander Richard Woolsey could offer their help.

Their days are numbered

SG-1 travels back to Ancient Egypt

After saving the Earth from Anubis' invasion and losing Dr. Weir to the Atlantis expedition, Jack O'Neill was promoted to General and took over Stargate Command, while Samantha Carter became the new head of SG-1. "SG-1" Season 8 — which aired alongside the first season of "Atlantis" — was a game-changer for the "Stargate" crew, and set itself up to conclude the Goa'uld and Replicator stories that had been established as early as Season 1. As the Replicators and the Goa'uld started wiping each other out, Anubis was locked away in eternal ascended combat with the Ancient Oma Desala, effectively ridding the universe of the Dark Lord and the Goa'uld. Well, except for the final System Lord Ba'al ... but we'll get to him in a bit.

Connecting back to the original "Stargate" film, the death of Catherine Langford and the needs of Stargate Command sent SG-1 back in time to Ancient Egypt in order to attain a Zero Point Module (ZPM) — a mythic power source created by the Ancients that would allow them to contact the missing Atlantis Expedition. As the SG-1 team traveled to the past, they unwittingly took part in humanity's initial rebellion against Ra, which accidentally altered the present. It's after this that Stargate Command reestablished contact with the Atlantis Expedition.

The Ori return

The Ark is found

After all this, SG-1 disbanded. Jack O'Neill moved to D.C. to head up Homeland Security, and in his place stood Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell. Hoping to continue SG-1's mission, Mitchell slowly brought Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, and Teal'c back together, with newcomer Vala Mal Doran joining the team later on. They soon discovered that the Ancients weren't the only group of ascended humans — and that the other group, the vastly more dangerous Ori, were on their way to our galaxy. The final two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" focused primarily on the Ori plot as the Ancients Merlin and Morgan Le Fey, as well as other Camelot-related characters , helped SG-1 to defeat the Ori once and for all.

"Stargate SG-1" ends on something of a cliffhanger, with the Ori plot not fully resolved, but that arc was concluded in the post-series film "Stargate: The Ark of Truth." Here, SG-1 took the fight to the Ori by searching for the missing Ark of Truth, a device created by the Ancient Ameilus to defend themselves against the Ori. After exposing an Ori Prior (their devoted acolytes) to the Ark, every Ori Prior was convinced that their religion, Origin, was a lie, breaking the Ori's control over the galaxy. Afterward, against Daniel's spirited warnings, the Ark was taken to Area 51 for further study, never to be seen again.

The battle for Atlantis comes to an end

Atlantis returns to Earth

Back in "Stargate: Atlantis," the Asuran Replicators violently attacked the Expedition. With no other choice, Atlantis evacuated into space only to lose power, sending it adrift. On a mission to find more ZPM to power the city-ship, Expedition leader Elizabeth Weir was captured, which resulted in her assimilation into the Asuran hive mind (though she was later restored). After Weir's abduction, SG-1's  Samantha Carter took over as commander, with Dr. Jennifer Keller (played by "Firefly" star Jewel Staite) joining the team soon after. Carter's tenure on the show only lasted a season, but she reminded us why she's one of our "Stargate" favorites after leading the crew valiantly against the terrifying Human-Wraith hybrids.

In the final season, Richard Woolsey took over command from Carter just before the Atlantis crew met a new villainous race of Asgard called the Vanir. Unlike their peaceful "SG-1" counterparts, the Vanir experiment on humans in order to further their own lives and goals, causing a natural clash of ideals. Between the Vanir, the Wraith, and the Asurans, it's a miracle the Atlantis expedition made it to the end — but make it they did, and the series came to a close with the city-ship landing safely in the Pacific Ocean  outside of San Francisco , our heroes looking out at their brave new world.

Restoring the timeline

The Goa'uld invade Earth

Samantha Carter was taken away from the Atlantis Expedition for the execution ceremony of the final Goa'uld System Lord Ba'al, who'd finally been captured, his symbiote set to be extracted from its human host. In the second post-series film, "Stargate: Continuum," Ba'al escaped to travel back through time to prevent Stargate Command from ever forming. This would allow him to make himself the leader of the Goa'uld, with his only desire to conquer and invade Terra. After Jack O'Neill was killed, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Cameron Mitchell were forced to travel through time, only to end up in a world that had been forced to exist without them. 

Because of this, the Earth experienced  a Goa'uld invasion unlike any other . The skies rained with fire, and alien warcrafts swept the globe. Eventually, the reunited SG-1 team restored the timeline to its proper place after Mitchell killed Ba'al. With O'Neill alive and well, Ba'al's extraction went just as planned and the last of the Goa'uld were finally defeated (though Ba'al did mention something about a backup plan). So far, this is the end of the "SG-1" story, with the series' arc officially completed — although in true "Stargate" fashion, Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, and Samantha Carter soon reappeared in "Stargate Universe."

Exploring the greater universe

The Destiny crew overlooking the stars

While "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate Atlantis" might have reached their natural conclusions, there was still more to come from the "Stargate" universe. After a mission on the off-world Icarus Base went wrong, a group of scientists and soldiers including Dr. Nicholas Rush, Col. Everett Young, Eli Wallace, Chloe Armstrong, Lt. Tamara "T.J." Johansen, Ronald Greer, and Camile Wray traveled through a Stargate only to arrive on the Destiny, the Ancient starship that had been dispatched millennia ago. Lost in space, the Destiny crew explored ice planets, encountered large dinosaur-like creatures, and faced off against hordes of robotic Berzerker drones.

Eventually, they encountered the Lucian Alliance, a group of human smugglers and mercenaries who'd taken up the power vacuum left by the Goa'uld after their eventual extinction. As they dealt with their newfound foes, the Destiny crew became something of a makeshift family, hoping to one day return to Earth. That said, the series ended on something of a cliffhanger, with the crew still in space and unsure if they'd make it home. Who knows? Maybe there's still hope that one day the Destiny will find its way back and we'll finally learn what happened to the heroes of "Stargate Universe."


  • Episodes featuring time travel
  • Crossover episodes

Moebius, Part 1

"Moebius, Part 1" is the nineteenth episode of the eighth season of Stargate SG-1 .

  • 3 Appearances
  • 4 Notable quotes
  • 8 Other languages
  • 9 Links and navigation

Synopsis [ ]

Dr. Daniel Jackson hears that Catherine Langford has passed away. He is then given her entire collection, where he discovers a location of a Zero Point Module to contact Atlantis . The catch is, they have to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt to get it. However, their efforts alters the timeline, where Daniel Jackson is a teacher, Samantha Carter is a secretary, and Jack O'Neill has retired.

In her lab, Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter reveals to her teammates, Teal'c and Dr. Daniel Jackson the existence of the Daedalus : a new Earth-built battlecruiser which is capable of reaching the Pegasus Galaxy and is also larger and much more advanced than the Prometheus .

Moebius, Part 1 1

Daniel's office full of documents and artifacts that formerly belonged to Catherine Langford.

While there, Daniel receives a phone call and learns of Catherine Langford 's death and, after her funeral , receives Catherine's collection of documents and artifacts relating to the Stargate Program .

From one book in the collection, Daniel learns of the former location of a Zero Point Module in Ancient Egypt . Jackson and Carter persuade Brigadier General Jack O'Neill to use the time travel capabilities of the Puddle Jumper they found to travel back and take the ZPM, assuming that Ra never knew of its purpose, although Ra took it with him, thinking it was nothing more than a simple, function less, religious artifact.

Once they arrive in 3000 B.C., they join in an offering to Ra and witness his brutal murder of an Egyptian making the offering. Teal'c disguises himself as a Horus Guard and retrieves the ZPM from Ra's treasury. However, Ra's Jaffa discover the cloaked Jumper after a sandstorm covers it in sand.

Moebius, Part 1 3

SG-1 walking through the desert in Ancient Egypt.

Unwilling to upset the future by fighting the Jaffa to get the Jumper back, SG-1 give up and head off, presumably back to the camp where they decides to live out the rest of their lives in the past, knowing that the rebellion that overthrew Ra will eventually happen. However, as a result of their actions, an alternate timeline is created, one in which the Stargate was never discovered and everything SG-1 have done for the last eight years never happened and as such, the characters are all leading different lives.

In this timeline, Dr. Daniel Jackson is teaching English as a second language, Dr. Samantha Carter , having never joined the military spends her time double-checking other scientists' work at the Department of Aerospace Research , Jack O'Neill is retired from the military and Teal'c is still the First Prime of Apophis . Daniel and Carter are contacted by the Air Force and brought to Cheyenne Mountain .

O'Neill, retired from the military and working as a charter boat captain, is contacted by Major Bert Samuels and asked to return to the United States Air Force , but he declines, and departs in his boat, Homer .

At Cheyenne Mountain, Brigadier General George S. Hammond informs Carter and Jackson that archaeologists found a video camera in a vacuum-sealed canopic jar at a dig in Giza . The video contains a recording of the made by the original SG-1, explaining who they are and what they were doing, as well as a number of events and situations that are true in their timeline, such as recent political events, Presidents and personal details. Their plan is that if things have changed in the future, then SG-1's alternate selves will travel back in time and restore the timeline to its proper path. The details are slightly different (in the alternate timeline, Kinsey is President while Henry Hayes is Secretary of the Interior), but the camera technology is also slightly different, and the Air Force are investigating. They also found the ZPM.

An expedition team is sent to find the Giza Stargate, but find nothing. Instead, they discover that the original Daniel Jackson left a table where the gate should have been, inscribed with an obscure dialect of Ancient Egyptian that only Jackson can read. It reveals that the original SG-1 instigated a successful rebellion against the Ra of 3000 BC. However, this caused him to leave Earth with the Stargate but they do find the Puddle Jumper, and Jackson and Carter figure out how to find the Beta Gate in Antarctica ("the land of the cold to the south") with the Stargate being brought back.

Alternate timeline Carter and Jackson are told they cannot join the expedition to the Beta Gate. Feeling left out, they go to meet with O'Neill, hoping that he can convince Hammond to let them be more involved. He now operates a fishing boat, and charges them $150 to sit on the boat and talk. However, he is not interested and they return without him.

Time Jumper 2

The Time Jumper is discovered.

Back in Colorado, Hammond takes them to meet the alternate version of Dr. Rodney McKay who is the lead scientist on the project concerning the Time Jumper that the original SG-1 used.

Major Paul Davis also reveals that the Jumper was found buried near the dig where the tape and the ZPM were located.

McKay instantly takes a liking to Carter, wasting no time in inviting her off for lunch where the main course is Lemon chicken , McKay's favorite much to Sam's own dismay.

Carter escapes from McKay's unwanted attentions and she later informs Jackson that she's found a way to discover the second Stargate. Her theory eventually pays off and the Stargate is uncovered and brought back to Stargate Command.

Moebius, Part 1 2

Alternate Sam and Daniel watching as the Stargate is put in place via a crane.

The two later meet with General Hammond who thanks them for their help before stating that they are not going to be on the team or the mission to recruit Teal'c because they don't have the necessary qualifications or essential training.

Exasperated, they can only watch as the newly discovered Stargate is lowered into the Gate room.


Appearances [ ]

Notable quotes [ ].

Sabrina : You know, my aunt used to talk about you all the time. It's funny - I always used to picture some Indiana Jones type with a bullwhip and a pistol chasing bad guys through some ancient temple! Jackson : Yeah, well, I generally leave the whip at home, so... Sabrina : Right, well, me too. (Jackson looks confused)

Jackson : Holy... buckets. This looks like her entire collection. O'Neill : I prefer stamps.

Jackson : We have a time machine. We can go back and get the ZPM. O'Neill : She wouldn't let me go back and watch the Cubs win the World Series.

Dr. Carter : Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't— God, that's horrible! Who would ever say that?

Dr. Jackson : What's this? Hammond : Non-disclosure agreement. What we're about to discuss has been classified top secret by the United States government. Dr. Jackson : What if we don't want to sign it? Hammond : Well then you're free to leave. (Carter hurriedly signs it.)

Dr. Carter : What do you think they're gonna do? Ask us to join an elite team of intergalactic space heroes? Look at us. I think the only reason that they showed us the tape is because we're on it. Dr. Jackson : Exactly. Dr. Carter : Oh.

Main Characters

  • Brigadier General Jack O'Neill
  • Colonel Jack O'Neill
  • Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter
  • Dr. Samantha Carter
  • Christopher Judge as Teal'c
  • Dr. Daniel Jackson

Guest Stars

  • David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay
  • Don S. Davis as Brigadier General George S. Hammond
  • Robert Wisden as Major Bert Samuels
  • Colin Cunningham as Major Paul Davis
  • David Lewis as Dr. Cameron Balinsky
  • James Purcell as Dr. Hirshfield
  • Alessandro Juliani as Katep
  • Georgia Craig as Sabrina Gosling
  • Jay Williams as Ra
  • Benjamin Easterday as Ra's Jaffa commander
  • Neil Schell as Mr. Crandall
  • Maurico Vasquez as Carlos
  • Dan Shea as MSgt. Sylvester Siler (Uncredited)
  • Sean Tyson as TSgt. Mecker (Uncredited)
  • Peter DeLuise as SGC Engineer (Uncredited)
  • Fraser Aitcheson as Ra's Jaffa (Uncredited)
  • ? as Salatis
  • This is the first and only episode of Stargate SG-1 to feature Ra after his death in Stargate . He would later appear in Stargate: Continuum .
  • A moebius strip is twisted in a way that makes the surface repeat back along itself in an infinite manner.
  • This is the first episode to mention the Daedalus . Following its completion, the Daedalus would be deployed to the Pegasus Galaxy, appearing in various episodes of Stargate: Atlantis although it would be mentioned a few times in Stargate SG-1 .
  • Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter says that she is afraid to "step on a bug and change the future." Ray Bradbury 's 1952 classic short story " A Sound of Thunder " is about a man who travels back to prehistoric times, steps on a butterfly, and finds his future altered when he returns. It references the butterfly effect in Chaos theory : small differences in initial conditions can lead to unpredictably large differences in future outcomes.
  • The boat Jack O'Neill sails away in is named Homer as a reference to The Simpsons . The name is painted on the stern with the Akbar font, which is also used for titles and on-screen credits in the show.

Eye of Ra medallion

Eye of Ra medallion

  • The Eye of Ra medallion that Sabrina Gosling gave to Dr. Daniel Jackson is the same that Catherine Langford gave to him before the Abydos Mission .
  • Dr. Samantha Carter said "just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside...", a line from " Children of the Gods ".
  • This is the first mention of the newly created SG-22 .
  • Certain signature elements of the musical score to "Moebius" had not been heard since the premiere, " Children of the Gods ", musically suggesting that while " Children of the Gods " constituted a beginning to Stargate SG-1 , "Moebius" constituted an ending of sorts. Joel Goldsmith shares credit for the "Moebius" score with David Arnold , who composed the original theatrical music for the Stargate movie. Arnold's credit for the episodic music was in addition to his regular credit for the original Stargate themes.
  • In scenes featuring the Time Jumper , this episode also includes hints of Joel Goldsmith 's themes from Stargate: Atlantis .
  • Dr. Rodney McKay tells Carter that lemon chicken is his favorite, revealing that in this timeline he isn't allergic to citrus. (It suggests that McKay really isn't allergic to citrus in either timeline; Joseph Mallozzi has stated this trait was based on a real-life acquaintance claiming severe allergies to citrus despite unknowingly eating it frequently.)
  • Teal'c previously disguised himself as a Horus Guard in the Season 2 episode " Secrets ".
  • The restaurant, "Bridges", is visible about 35 minutes in. This is a restaurant in Vancouver , British Columbia. It is under the Granville Island bridge.
  • The exterior scenes in Egypt were filmed at the Richmond Sand Dunes.
  • Alessandro Juliani ( Katep ) previously played Eliam in the Stargate SG-1 episode " Scorched Earth ". He is most well known for his roles as Lt. Felix Gaeta on Battlestar Galactica and Dr. Emil Hamilton on Smallville .
  • When the original SG-1 leaves the Time Jumper at Giza to have a look around, tire tracks can be seen in the sand.
  • When Dr. Daniel Jackson is speaking to after meeting the two brothers a zipper part or a sweater is visible.
  • At 26:02 Brigadier General George S. Hammond explains how the camcorder was perfectly preserved in a canopic jar and that they were able to recharge its batteries and play the stored tape. However, even in a vacuum sealed environment there would be no way for any tape-based videocamera from the early 2000s to last 5,000 years as the batteries would've long since corroded and the tape would've either broken down or lost its magnetic charge (and therefore all information on the tape).
  • At the end of episode when the Beta Gate is being lowered into position. The shot from behind the gate clearly shows that the back of the gate looks the same as the front while other episodes show that the front and back are different.
  • In the schematic of the Daedalus Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter displays, it looks more like the BC-303 class of ships such as the Prometheus rather than the BC-304 class such as the Daedalus .
  • When Teal'c retrieves the Zero Point Module from Ra 's treasure room at Giza, it is glowing. In other episodes featuring ZPMs, including the one from Praclarush Taonas , those stolen from the Asurans in the Pegasus Galaxy, and the one powering the Electromagnetic field generator in " Childhood's End ", a ZPM that's not in use does not glow, and appears identical to a depleted ZPM.
  • The Great Pyramids in 3000 B.C. is shown to be covered in heiroglyphics. In the original movie, part of Dr. Daniel Jackson 's argument that the pyramids were not built by the Egyptians was that they had no heiroglyphics, and the few inscriptions found there were fake.
  • When Jackson and Carter are shown the Time Jumper, the windscreen has a matte film on it to prevent the reflection of the stage ceiling showing. When they go inside you can see out as though it were perfectly clear glass.

Other languages [ ]

  • French : Retour vers le Futur (1 ère partie) ( Back to the Future (part 1) )
  • Italian : Moebius (Parte 1) ( Moebius (part 1) )
  • Spanish : Moebius (Parte 1) ( Moebius (part 1) )
  • Czech : Moebius (část 1.) ( Moebius (part 1) )
  • German : Moebius, Teil 1 ( Moebius, Part 1 )
  • Hungarian : Moebius (1. rész) ( Moebius (part 1) )

Links and navigation [ ]

  • Moebius, Part 1 on Wikipedia
  • Moebius, Part 1 at the Internet Movie Database
  • Moebius, Part 1 at TV.com
  • Moebius, Part 1 on GateWorld . ( backup link )
  • Moebius, Part 1 article on Stargate SG-1 Solutions ' The StargateWiki
  • 1 Goa'uld
  • 3 Stargate SG-1


  1. Time travel

    Time travel is a colloquial term for journeying into the past or the future. There are several known ways to travel through time, including wormholes under special conditions (such as intersecting with a solar flare), special devices (Time machines) and local time manipulations within a Time dilation field. If the past is altered, the following chain of events will change, creating a new ...

  2. Time travel

    Time travel is the movement between certain points in time.. History. The Ancients created the Time loop machine to go back in time and change their past to avoid them all dying but the machine just looped time, so they gave up. (SG1: "Window of Opportunity") In 11, an alternate timeline version of the Destiny expedition arrived from the future.(SGU: "Common Descent") SG-1 arrived in 1969 ...

  3. Category:Episodes featuring time travel

    Episodes featuring time travel. Category page. 1. 1969 (episode) 2. 2010 (episode) B. Before I Sleep.

  4. Ba'al's Time machine

    In an alternate timeline Ba'al created the machine and used it to travel back in time and alter the timeline. (Stargate: Continuum) In an alternate timeline, Ba'al from the previous timeline recreated the device. It was used by SG-1 to send Cameron Mitchell back to 1929 on Earth. The time machine was then destroyed in an explosion.

  5. Ancient time machine

    The Ancient time machine is a device that enables instant and precise time travel over vast periods of time created by the rogue Ancient scientist named Janus.In the "main" timeline, this technology was banned by the Ancient Council in order to prevent dangers associated with time travel. (SGA: "Before I Sleep") Against the wishes of the Council, Janus installed a time travel device inside at ...

  6. The Stargate Time Traveler's Watch List

    Here is a guide to every time Stargate did time travel! @GateWorld GateWorld Staff |. Features | August 25, 2023. Total Episodes: 11 Viewing Time: 8.25 hours. If you just want the episode list without any pesky plot details to spoil you, click here! Time travel is a chestnut of science fiction — one of those tropes that are just too fun not ...

  7. Time loop machine

    The Time loop machine is an Ancient Time travel device. Overview. The device uses the Stargate's subspace field to create a time bubble that inverts time outside of subspace, forming a time loop of about 10 hours. The device fires a beam from two pillars at the Stargate and it simultaneously dials at least 12 other nearby planets including ...

  8. Richard Dean Anderson Website

    The Ancient device was designed to use this principle, and it manifests an energy field that encompasses the entire ship, allowing the traveler to literally fly through time. SG-1 used the device to travel back in time to Egypt in the year 3000 BC. Cautious of the Grandfather Paradox, which states that if one goes back in time and kills one's ...

  9. Stargate SG-1 Episode Guide

    MOEBIUS. 08.19/20 Episode 173/174. Airdate: March 18 & 25, 2005. Following the passing of Catherine Langford, Daniel finds among her possessions documentation of the existence of a ZPM on Earth at the time of Ra. A ZPM is essential to power Earth's Ancient defenses, and O'Neill reluctantly agrees to Daniel's proposal to travel back in time to ...

  10. Time Travel in Stargate : r/Stargate

    Hey, I recently compiled a list of all the different timelines we encounter in Stargate and all the techniques used to achieve time travel. I m wondering if I missed any and what you think will happen in the new show time travel wise. T1: Everything up until SG-1 travels back to 1969. T2: From SG-1s arrival in 1969 to sending O'Neills note ...

  11. All Stargate Time Travel and Alternate Universe Episodes?

    Stargate Continuum (Time travel) Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts you may like Related Stargate (franchise) Sci-fi series Television forward back. r/Animesuggest. r/Animesuggest. Subreddit for anime and manga fans which allows suggestions and requests for anything related to anime and manga subculture. ...

  12. Stargate

    Stargate (often stylized in all caps) is a military science fiction media franchise based on the film directed by Roland Emmerich, which he co-wrote with producer Dean Devlin.The franchise is based on the idea of an alien wormhole (specifically an Einstein-Rosen bridge) device (the Stargate) that enables nearly instantaneous travel across the cosmos. . The franchise began with the film ...

  13. Time Jumper

    Stargate SG-1 (3 episodes) Stargate: Atlantis (1 episode) The Time Jumper is a Puddle Jumper capable of time travel. It was built, or at least reconfigured, by a Lantean scientist named Janus, to make use of a device he invented and installed in the cargo hold. In the main timeline, this experimental, although entirely successful, technology ...

  14. Time Travel Through the Stargate : r/Stargate

    1969, the first episode to do this form of time travel set what seemed to be the rules of traveling through time by the Stargate. SG-1 entered the Stargate in 1998/99 at the SGC inside Cheyenna mountain and seemed to exit in an empty Gate room. The Gate fades and a missile silo replaces it, which Teal'C disables.

  15. Time

    From Stargate Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Time PRODUCTION INFORMATION; Series Stargate Universe. Season ... Time is the eighth episode of Season 1 of Stargate Universe. Contents. 1 Synopsis; 2 Plot; 3 References. ... The Matrix, Time travel, ...

  16. Stargate Continuum and Time Travel Question : r/Stargate

    So I recently finished watching all of SG1, SGA, and the movies in order. I have been reading about each episode on the Stargate Wiki to better understand everything and because I simply enjoy it. However, I am a bit confused about how the time travel in Continuum. I don't understand how going back to 1929/1939 would fix everything...

  17. Stargate SG-1 S2 E21 1969 Recap

    Innocuously Important Episode: "1969" marks the formal introduction of Time Travel to Stargate (opening the door for Atlantis and Universe to later do their own Time Travel stories during their runs). The Time Travel-by-Solar-Flare method will also be utilized on multiple occasions throughout the franchise. Keep It Foreign: Obviously, Daniel pretending to be German wouldn't work in the German ...

  18. Watch List: Every Parallel Universe Story on Stargate

    Total Episodes: 7 Viewing Time: 5.25 hours. If you just want the episode list without any pesky plot details to spoil you, click here! We love a good, classic science fiction trope — whether it's time travel, or alien invasions, or robot duplicates. So far the Stargate franchise has tallied up more than 350 hours of storytelling, and it has ...

  19. The Entire Stargate Timeline Explained

    In the second post-series film, "Stargate: Continuum," Ba'al escaped to travel back through time to prevent Stargate Command from ever forming. This would allow him to make himself the leader of ...

  20. 1969 (episode)

    "1969" is the twenty-first episode of the second season of Stargate SG-1. A freak accident involving a solar flare and the Stargate causes SG-1 to gate to the Earth in 1969. While trying to figure out a way back, the team is mistaken for Soviet spies and are being transferred to another facility. However, young Lt. George S. Hammond comes to render assistance so that SG-1 can return to their ...

  21. Stargate

    The Time Portal featured in TimeSplitters 2, from the TimeSplitters franchise, closely resembles the concept of a Stargate; although its primary function is time travel as opposed to transportation. The transporter from the Jak & Daxter game series is similar to the Stargate, but over more localized transport.

  22. Moebius, Part 1

    This episode is part 1 of 2; it is followed by "Moebius, Part 2". "Moebius, Part 1" is the nineteenth episode of the eighth season of Stargate SG-1. Dr. Daniel Jackson hears that Catherine Langford has passed away. He is then given her entire collection, where he discovers a location of a Zero Point Module to contact Atlantis. The catch is, they have to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt to ...

  23. Question about the time travel episode : r/Stargate

    f7SuperCereal. • 1 yr. ago. Stargate has been inconsistent about its time travel mechanics. In every episode but 1969, when the "solar flare" method is used, the traveller exits via the Stargate whereever it is in that time. The beginning of 1969 isn't even consistent with the end of 1969, since when SG-1 goes through the Stargate in the ...