Intrepid Travel Blog

Why you should travel to Iran as an American (and what to expect)

American travel to Iran

Packed with over 5,000 years of history, Iran is a destination everyone must experience at least once in their lifetime. From the ancient Persian Empire to the Zoroastrians temples, the countless mosques, and even the modern cities like Tehran, there is so much to see that one visit will not be enough.

After traveling to Iran on Intrepid Travel’s 14-day Iran Adventure trip, I shared my experience with many of my friends. Most of them replied with a similar response, “I’d love to go to Iran!”

This is a common response among travelers, yet not many actually plan a trip to the country due to misinformation, lack of information, or fear.

American travel to Iran

Sunrise at Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Esfahan

To encourage you to plan a trip to this wonderful destination, I’ll share with you a few reasons why you should travel to Iran as an American, debunk a few myths, and tell you what to expect there.

No, they don’t hate Americans

Contrary to what you see in the media, Iran is one of the friendliest and culturally-rich countries you’ll ever visit. And no, they do not hate Americans or any other Western nation. That’s just fear-mongering and it is far from reality.


When I arrived, I debated how open I wanted to be about my nationality. But as soon as I met Nadia, our Intrepid Travel guide, she put to rest any mild concerns I had about sharing openly that I’m American. No one has an issue with it.

American travel to Iran

Intrepid leader, Nadia


As we traveled the country, countless locals approached me and my other tour companions to chat with us. They were all curious to know about us, our life in our respective countries, and how we were enjoying Iran. On our part, we were just as curious to learn about them, so we fed each other’s curiosities over tea and casual chatting.

One of my favorite random encounters happened just before leaving Iran. I spent my last few hours in the country visiting the Azadi Tower, where I met a few early 20-something local guys. As soon as one of them learned I was American, he expressed with joy how much he’d love to visit the US and shared his vast knowledge of the country. In fact, he was wearing an American flag bandana.

Everywhere you go, you always feel that warm welcome Iranians are known for.

American travel to Iran

Azadi Tower in Tehran

The visa process is extensive, but worth it in the end

Yes, the visa process is more complicated than in many other countries, but it should not be a deterrent to visiting Iran. Due to the current political environment, Americans are having a tougher time to get their tourist visas approved, but still, it is possible to get them. Thankfully, Intrepid Travel helps you get your visa by guiding you every step of the way with their visa application form.


Once you get the visa, set foot in the country, and experience everything it has to offer, you’ll see that that the extra process was all worth it.

There’s so much history to be learned and experienced

As the host to one of the oldest civilizations in history, Iran has no lack of ancient ruins and historical sites. Everywhere you go, you’ll be surrounded in hundreds, if not thousands of years of history.

American travel to Iran

Gate of All Nations in Persepolis

From the Elamite Kingdoms, to the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great’s conquest, the Arab invasion, and even the 1979 revolution, each city you visit will show you a piece of the historical puzzle and how they played a part in the development of Iran as we know it, its neighboring countries, and even the rest of the world.

One of my favorite experiences on this trip was spending a night at the Zein-o-din Caravanserai. A caravanserai is an ancient fortress-like facility used by merchants traveling along the silk road around 450 years ago. They would spend the night there to rest, feed their camels, and trade goods before continuing their journey. Today, this one caravanserai is open for us to spend the night right where merchants used to sleep.


You’ll experience a positive culture shock

I think some of the best travel destinations are the ones that teach you something new through experiences, and Iran has no shortage of that. The level of culture shock in the country is significant, but in a positive way. You’ll see how, despite their current economic and political status, Iranians still welcome you with a smile and the warmest hospitality you could hope for.

American travel to Iran

You’ll be welcomed with an abundance of food, too!

You’ll see how women are proud of their trendy fashion, how their carpet artistry is among the finest in the world, how the nomadic culture is still alive, how their local markets are the center of activity, and how families gather at parks and squares to picnic at night until well past midnight (it can get too hot to picnic during the day).

You’ll also see how religion is deeply tied to their society and the many intricate details that make their culture unique. You’ll see all kinds of people, from the most conservative to the most liberal, and the beauty of all of them coexisting in one place.


It’s good to be ambassadors of our country

As I mentioned previously, locals will talk to you and ask you about life in the US or your country. This is our opportunity to show them who we really are not only as a Western nation but also as humans. There is no better way to learn about a country than by talking firsthand with locals, the people who live and breathe their country every day. They will share with you their proudest moments, their struggles, and their desires.

American travel to Iran

Locals in the vegetable market in Shiraz

Another fear-mongering myth is that Iran is not safe. But again, it is the opposite. Locals aren’t looking to harm, kidnap, or threaten Americans. I never felt in danger, not even when I walked on my own in the city of Esfahan past midnight.

Traveling solo is safe, but as Americans, you will be traveling on a tour (since it is required), so that’s even another safety layer.


There’s no alcohol, pork, and no American/Western chains

For good or for bad, alcohol has been banned in the country since the revolution in 1979. Pork isn’t found either, but this is more because of Islamic customs. American and Western chains are not found in the country due to economic sanctions and the complicated political relationship Iran has had with the Western world for decades now.

American travel to Iran

Esfahan – one of Iran’s many unique and compelling destinations

What you will find, though, are knock-off versions of popular fast foods like McFood, a different KFC, Burger Queen, and so on. It’s fun to see how they reinterpret and adopt the Western culture not only on their food but also on their fashion and entertainment too.

There is so much more to be discovered and experienced in Iran and no post will compare to the beauty of seeing it all firsthand. If you are as intrigued by the country as I was before I went there, I’ll tell you, it will impress you and possibly even surpass your expectations. At least, it surpassed mine.

Ready to visit this incredible destination for yourself? Check out Intrepid’s small group tours in Iran.

Further reading

  • Travel to Iran: a 2019 visa update for US, UK and Canadian citizens
  • Everything you need to know before visiting Iran
  • Why you should visit Iran now, more than ever
  • 5 unique experiences you shouldn’t miss in Iran
  • What to wear in Iran: a packing guide

(All images courtesy of the writer, Norbert, and taken on Intrepid Travel’s Iran Adventure trip.)

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Norbert Figueroa

Norbert Figueroa is an architect from Puerto Rico who hit pause on his career in 2011 to travel the world long-term. So far he’s traveled to over 125 countries in hopes of achieving his goal of visiting all 195 UN-recognized countries. You can follow his adventures at and on Facebook and Instagram @globotreks.

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Cea mai frumoasă excursie în Iran, cu Exact Travel

Exact Travel Blog

Am creat pentru această toamnă două tururi iraniene , din dorința de a transpune într-un program turistic tot ceea ce iubim noi și ne place la Iran: cultura fabuloasă, istoria complicată, spiritualitatea unică, ospitalitatea iranienilor, frumusețea locurilor și poezia. Ambele tururi prespun participarea la o mare sărbătoare șiită, o experiență intensă, o fereastră deschisă spre Iranul contemporan. 

Așadar, ce vom putea vedea și trăi în Iran? 

Participăm la Ashura, comemorarea uciderii nepotului lui Mahomed, o paradă uriașă, pe străzile din Teheran, unde vom vedea cu mii de oameni cântă, se roagă, dansează. E un bun prilej de a înțelege devoțiunea credincioșilor șiiți. 

Ne vom opri în orașele vedetă ale Iranului, Teheran, Isfahan, Yazd, Shiraz, cu palatele lor încântătoare, bazarurile lor incredibile, dar și grădinile persane, de la care avem, inclusiv în limba română, cuvântul paradis.

Ajungem și în lumea neschimbată de veacuri ale satelor de munte iraniene. Vom dormi o noapte în  Abyaneh , un sătuc roz, mărginit într-o parte de deșert și în alta de munți.

Vom avea ocazia să vedem stelele pe cerul perfect senin al deșertului, atunci când vom înopta într-o tabără ecologică din deșert. Pustietatea ne va îndemna la contemplare și meditație. 

Vom merge în cele mai vestite bazaruri ale Iranului, unde vom vedea și poate, cumpăra, vestitele covoare persane. Arta lor e cu adevărat impresionantă, prețurile sunt neobișnuit de mici raportat la calitate, frumusețea lor e clar de luat acasă. Se spune că artizanii care fac covoare în Iran, încă strecoară în modelul lor câte o mică imperfecțiune, intenționat, pentru că doar Dumnezeu poate fi perfect.

Ne vom ospăta. Iranul are bucătării locale înscrise în patrimoniul UNESCO. Are caviar din Marea Caspică, kebaburi zemoase ca orice orientali, orez aromat cu mirodenii adus dinspre subcontinentul indian. Are fructe și dulciuri, orice masă banală se poate transforma într-un festin. 

Ne vom lua răgazul să înțelegem mai mult decât într-un tur tipic despre cea mai veche religie monoteistă a lumii, zoroastrianismul. În Yazd vom avea inclusiv o întâlnire cu un preot zoroastrian, pentru a înțelege mai bine cum s-a născut și a rezistat această religie trei milenii și jumătate.

Iranienii sunt prietenoși, curioși, deschiși cu străinii, în ciuda percepției de la distanță. Populația e foarte tânără, peste 70% are sub 30 de ani.

Toate informațiile despre tur, le obțineți aici . Pentru oferte, ne puteți contacta la [email protected]

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Iran Travel Advisory

Travel advisory august 14, 2024, iran - level 4: do not travel.

Reissued after periodic review with minor edits.

Do not travel to Iran due to the risk of terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping,   arbitrary arrest of U.S. citizens and wrongful detentions .  

Country Summary:  U.S. citizens should not travel to Iran for any reason.

Iranian authorities continue to unjustly detain and imprison U.S. nationals, particularly dual U.S.-Iranian nationals--including students, journalists, business travelers, and academics--on charges including espionage and posing a threat to national security. Iranian authorities routinely delay consular access to detained U.S. nationals and consistently deny consular access to dual U.S.-Iranian nationals.

Violent extremist groups, including U.S. government-designated terrorist organizations, operate in Iran. ISIS and affiliated groups have claimed responsibility for bombings and other attacks in Iran. The threat of terrorist activity persists, as does the risk of death or injury to bystanders.

The U.S. government does not have diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The U.S. government is unable to provide routine or emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Iran.

Companies offering surrogacy services in Iran are misrepresenting the security situation in Iran and the risks of the unregulated surrogacy tourism industry. Private companies that arrange such visits and services put U.S. citizens in danger.

Due to the risks of operating civilian aircraft within or in the vicinity of Iran, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) and/or a Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR). For more information U.S. citizens should consult the  Federal Aviation Administration’s Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices .

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Iran.

If you are currently in Iran:   

  • Consider the risks involved in possessing dual  U.S. Iranian nationality .
  • Review your personal security plan and visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .
  • Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney.
  • Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc.
  • Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization or consider consulting with a professional security organization.
  • Leave DNA samples with your medical provider.
  • Have a plan for departing Iran that does not rely on U.S. government assistance.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter/X .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

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TAP Persia operates in all cities of Iran and has serviced 10,000+ travelers since January 2018. After 5 years TAP Persia became the No. 1 Iran tour company based on travelers’ experience on TripAdvisor.

Experience four distinct seasons and an abundance of exotic climates, all within a few hours. Iran has a unique environment for every travel preference. Also, with over 7,000 years of civilization history, Iran has numerous historical attractions including 26 iconic UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

We have an assortment of complimentary tours in Iran that place you right within the heart of Iranian culture. Learn about the handicrafts, food, traditions, modern art, and landscape of the country. Make friends with locals and discover off-the-map hotspots and adventures. We tailor-made your tour for Iran, no matter your travel style or budget. Our aim is to provide travelers with an authentic and rich experience, so we choose professional Iran tour guides with a passion for their local heritage from each city.


Our private daily tours are fit for solo travelers, couples, family or friends from 1 to 4 people. We will organize your tour with our local guides in each city, so you will have the best personal touch with locals to enjoy your trip

Naqsh-e Jahan Square

Naqshe Jahan, Isfahan, Isfahan Province, Iran

Isfahan Daily Tour, Naqshe Jahan Square

Varzaneh Oasis Historical Tour

Varzaneh Desert, Iran

Varzaneh Desert & Guesthouse

Persepolis & Necropolis Tour

Pasargad, Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran

Persepolis & Necropolis Tour

Qeshm & Hormuz Island Full Board

Qeshm & Hormuz Island Full Board

Iran Ski Tour

Tehran Province, Tehran, Tochal Climbing Entry, Iran

Tochal Ski Resort, An Adventurer’s Dream

Iran Kalut Shahdad Desert

Shahdad Kalouts, Shahdad, Kerman Province, Iran

2 Days – Kalouts Desert

Abyaneh Village Tour

Abyaneh, Isfahan Province, Iran

Abyaneh Village Tour

Kharanaq Village

Yazd Province, Chak Chak Road, Iran

Meybod-Chak Chak-Kharanaq Village Tour

Top iran tour packages.

Every private Iran tour package has been carefully designed to make sure you save your time for planning and have an unforgettable local touch, with ultimate itineraries, perfectly sized groups, legendary local guides and plenty of authentic real life experiences.

Explore Iran on Budget - TAP Persia

Best of Iran Tour

Explore Iran on Budget

This tour is suitable for backpackers & budget travelers at the cheapest price.

14 Days Iran Tour - Discover Iran in Depth

Discover Iran in Depth

One big circle around Iran and visit most sees of the country in this 2 weeks Iran tour.

10 Days Iran Tour - Explore Iran Through Local Eyes

Explore Through Local Eyes

If you are a perfectionist and want to fit all Iran must sees in one trip, then this Iran tour is the best option.

14 Days Iran Tour - Deep Dive in Persian Culture

Deep Dive in Persian Culture

Explore Iran must sees with amazing local guides who love to show their cities to travelers.

Iran Tour Package List

Customer experiences.


To say that my trip to Iran was amazing would be an understatement. Tap Persia was the best agency that I could have chosen, they organized everything perfectly for me, my guide Mojtaba was kind and knowledgeable and honestly, I have no adequate words to describe how beautiful my trip was. I spent 8 days covering many cities and came back wanting more! Thank you Rasool and Mojtaba for your kindness and most excellent customer service! I have every intention of coming back to beautiful Iran again! Best, Nasseema Visited May 2022 Tripadvisor

Tahir A

I got TAP Persia from TripAdvisor. This was my first experience and first visit to Iran with my wife. When I contacted this company through one of this company guy named Rasool, I found him very positive and true. He introduced me an other nice person named Shorab, who was our trip organiser. Our visa was done in 2 days with the help of nice lady Sara. Our whole plan was done as İ discussed with Shorab. Our all hotels in 4 different cities, internal transportation i.e VIP bus, domestic flight and 5 star sleeper train were booked by this guy. We didn't find a single problem anywhere. Special thanks to this guy Shorab. Shorab invited us in his office in Isfahan and served us with tea and other items. We met there the whole team of Tap Persia. We found them hardworking, honest with their work, sincere and busy to serve their clients as much as they can. We spent some hours with Shorab in Isfahan and enjoyed with his hospitality. İ highly recommend this company to all those who wants to visit Iran without any hassles and worries. Our best wishes and prayers are always with this company and all their workers. Visited May 2022 Tripadvisor

Maria & Luís

Maria & Luís

Such an amazing Iranian travel agency. I have found tappersia on Instagram while searching for things about Iran. This 15 days vacation was something I really wanted to do. How amazing this country and people are. Tappersia is what every foreigner needs, to go to Iran. Good and professional staff, very nice, friendly and helpful all the time. Ara was our first tourist guide in Tehran. He was very nice, polite and kind. Always worried about what we would like to see and about our preferences. He has a good historic and cultural background and he is excellent explaining everything about Iran's culture and history. Ebrahim, our second guide. He is an excellent, kind and sweet person. He has that special feeling about what people need to know and like to see. We immediately felt a strong bond with him. Although he is a very nice and funny person he is also serious and professional when he speaks about Iran and its cultural heritage and history. He did everything to make our stay as nice as possible. Not only he was an excellent driver but an amazing tour guide. We will recommend him to every tourist going to Iran. He could read our minds and understand exactly what we want and what our preferences were. Ali was our third tour guide. He took us to the Kerman desert. In our first contact, we immediately realize he was very good at his job. He also worried about our food preferences and allergies. He showed us all the beauties of the desert - precious peal hidden in Iran. Such a fantastic and professional guide as well. We had a wonderful dinner together. We will remember it. Last but not least Moji. He took us to Persepolis, Necropolis and Pasargard. What an amazing way to end our staying in Iran. He was wonderful telling us about how everything started in these beautiful and ancient places. We could see how thrill he was telling us about all the history. Finally a special thank to Tappersia for every single moment we spent in Iran. These have been for sure one of the most wonderful vacations we could have had. Thank you so much to all of you. Visited May 2022 TripAdvisor

Bessa A

Most relaxed holiday thanks to TAP Persia. We came in a troubled time so booked everything through TAP Persia just so that we would feel a bit more secure but the experience was beyond expectations. I have never had a more relaxed holiday. Everything was already booked for us; we had a private car picking us up every time we changed places, offering tours and stops in between all this on a very affordable price and always being there for every question we had. Totally recommended!   Visited Feb 2020 Tripadvisor

Susana S

I had an amazing time due to the amazing service provided by TAP Persia. Since the first contact Maryam and Rasool were super helpful, willing to explain everything we needed and replying in a very effective manner at all times. I couldn't have asked for a better experience and I strongly recommend them to everyone that wants to have a relaxed yet fun and cultural experience. Visited Feb 2020 Tripadvisor


Before applying for a visa through TAP Persia, I looked up review's to see if they were trustworthy. The many good reviews almost seemed to be good to be true. But after experiencing their service first hand, I can say that they truly deserve the rating. After payment issues, they went ahead with the process anyways. Without a guarantee or anything. A show of faith from their side shows a great mentality if you ask me. So I'm glad I chose them to arrange the Iranian visa/code. Visited Feb 2020 Tripadvisor

Dani S

Best travel agency you can find. I travelled for three months in and had the support of TAP Persia at every step of the way. They took care of my visa, my tourist (credit) card and registered my phone after a month. During my travels I could always call or text them about any issue I had. They booked several bus, train or flight tickets for me on short notice. I also got to meet them in person when I was in Isfahan and became really good friends with them. TAP Persia is the best, most professional and friendliest tourist office you can find. You‘ll be in the best hands and won’t have to worry about a thing. I hope to see them again soon! Visited Dec 2019 Tripadvisor

Carl-Johan K

Carl-Johan K

TAP Persia helped me so much on my first adventure in Iran. I didn’t know where to start, but a friend recommended TAP Persia. Before my arrival staff was on call to help me when my flight was delayed. They were flexible to change the “original” route so I could visit the desert and everything I wanted to see without hustle and at a really good price. I did this on a quite small budget. All guides were great! And when I arrived to Isfahan I went to see the the office of TAP Persia and the wonderful people behind it. I’ll be back soon! Visited Nov 2019 Tripadvisor

Paulo C

Over the years and despite preferring to do things by myself, I’ve relied and many tour companies on some locations. I’ve chosen TAP Persia and I was not proven wrong. 🙂 paying a lot of money in advance is something I dread, but did. My trust was never misplaced. They helped me with my visa application (that I did in Istanbul), all of my in between cities transportation, hotels and a few guides. The hotels were amazing, the drivers drove good and safe, always kind; the guides super knowledgeable. The few changes I asked for on the ground (a guide where I hadn’t booked one, changes in itinerary, extra space in last train) were done with care and great effort. Never had to beg or insist. I would totally recommend using their services. You are always in contact with them by multiple ways and their representatives are all really nice! Iran is a wonderful destination and TAP Persia does it justice. Visited Nov 2019 Tripadvisor

Iran Tailor Made Tour

If you want to travel with us and uncover the best local experiences (but with your own unique twist), our experts are here to help you to Tailor-Made your adventure. Whatever your interests might be, we can create your perfect holiday. Let us know what you’re planning!

Iran Tour in Different Cities


Tehran Tours

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Isfahan Tours


Kashan Tours


Tabriz Tours


Shiraz Tours

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Kerman Tours


Qeshm Tours

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Experience all the short moments that make travel unforgettable – connecting with locals, that incredible taste you’ll remember forever or the unexpected interaction that causes you to laugh until you cry – no matter where you are in Iran.

Qazi Persian Bath House - Persian Traditional Bath

Isfahan, Isfahan Province, Iran

Shiraz Dinner Party with Locals - Eshtiagh - Shiraz Activities - TAP Persia

Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran

Shiraz Dinner Party with Locals – Eshtiagh Family

Isfahan Recipe as a Souvenir

Isfahan Recipe as a Souvenir

Persian Carpet - Isfahan - Haghighi Carpet

Make Your Own Persian Carpet

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to travel to iran in 2022.

Given the situation regarding covid-19, you have to take and show proof of your CPR test before you get on a plane or enter the country. All tour companies, accommodations, transport providers have followed strict safety protocols since the start of the pandemic and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Schedule a LIVE Iran online tour to see what Iran is like at this exact moment.

For more information, read this article ( Is it safe to travel iran ).

What are the sizes of your Iran tour group?

All of our tours are private, meaning they are designed around you and whoever you’d like to bring with you. We can handle group sizes of 100+.

What should I look for in an Iran tour and travel company?

Promptness, professionalism, and experience-driven. At TAP Persia, we believe that your holiday is the most important part of your year, so we make sure to maintain high service standards in every regard. We answer all questions in under 24 hours, have an immense range of experience fit for a host of tastes, and best of all, provide a personalized itinerary with absolutely no charge.

What is the best Iran tour agency like?

The best Iranian tour agency can be determined based on 28 Best Iran Tour Operators .

When is the best time to visit Iran?

Although Iran is a four season country, you can plan your trip as follow:

High Season : Late March to the End of June / September to Early November

Low Season : Late November to Early March / July to the End of August

What are the best tours in Iran?

TAP Persia provide private daily tours which are fit for solo travelers, couples, family or friends from 1-4 people. These are the best Iran tours: Persepolis & Necropolis Tour, Varzaneh Desert Tour, Qeshm & Hurmoz Islands Tour, and Naqshe Jahan Square Tour.

Do I need a visa to travel to Iran?

For certain countries, you have to apply for a visa in advance. However, for some other countries, you don’t have to go through the application process and wait to be approved or denied ( see the list ).

Which is the best city in Iran to visit?

The classic route, which is the destinations that most travelers choose to visit for their first trip, are the cities of Tehran, Kashan, Isfahan, Yazd and, Shiraz. You should certainly plan your visit during Spring to enjoy the best.

Can you travel to Iran as an unmarried couple?

Yes, If you are an unmarried couple remember that for non muslim people you don’t need any marriage certificate to stay in one room at the hotels. However, for the muslims having a certificate is mandatory.

Are credit cards accepted in Iran?

No, you can not use your credit cards and international debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc) in Iran. But with the Iran tourist card, you can make purchases at any vendor and withdraw cash. Apply Iran tourist card for cashless convenience while you travel.

What responsibilities do Iran tour companies accept?

Iranian tour companies like TAP Persia take full responsibility for all services they provide. This includes but is not limited to tours & experiences, accommodations, transportation, rental cars and SIM cards.

How long does a tourist visa take to process?

Typically, an Iranian tourist visa takes about 3-5 business days. Citizens of the US, UK and Canada may face 2-3 months of processing.

Why should I sign up for an Iran tour?

Each Iran tour at TAP Persia are all private and completely personalized around your preferences. See only what you want to see and get first-hand insights from local guides. TAP Persia does our very best to make sure that each experience is completely unique. Send a message to our chatbox and get your free personalized itinerary.

What are typical Iran tour and travels like?

In order to get the best understanding about what the country is really like, you can watch this quick 30 second summary of Iran tour and travels .

The Iran travel guide article also gives you practical information about traveling to Iran.

When is the cheapest time to travel to Iran?

Late November to Early March and July to the End of August are considered as low season for travelling to Iran. You can also read the best time to visit Iran article.

What are 10 Must Visit Places in Iran?

Iran has numerous historical attractions including 24 UNESCO World Heritage Sites . Best places to visit: Persepolis, Golestan Palace, Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Imam Reza Holy Shrine, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Khaju Bridge, Shah Mosque, Kandovan Rocky Village, Shahdad Kalouts.

Is Iran safe for solo women travelers?

In general, Iran is considered a safe destination for solo female travelers. The reports of crimes targeting solo female travelers have been almost non-existent. Let’s say Iran is another “normal” country for solo female travelers , where you can easily travel to.

Which is the best; Iran private tour or group tour?

Although group tour is cheaper option but every private Iran tour package with smaller size has been carefully designed to save your time for planning and have an unforgettable local touch, legendary local guides and an authentic real life experiences.

How many days are enough to do an Iran tour?

Two weeks is the best to cover must see places in Iran, however you can organize 7 to 10 days trip if you have shorter time. Here are 7 to 14 days Iran tour packages that you can select based on your travel style.

Types of Tours TAP Persia offers

If you would like to experience Iran tourism in 5 days, you will see the classic destinations of Shiraz, Isfahan & Yazd. Start a chat to start planning your free personalized itinerary for your 5 day trip to Iran.

If you would like to experience Iran tourism in 7 days, you will see the classic destinations of Shiraz, Isfahan & Yazd. We offer 7 day package tours covering all interests. Contact us for a free personalized itinerary for your 7 day trip to Iran.

If you would like to experience Iran tourism in 10 days, you will see the classic destinations of Shiraz, Isfahan & Yazd. We offer 10 day package tours covering all interests. Start a chat to get started on your free personalized itinerary for your 10 day trip to Iran.

To purchase an Iranian bike tour, you don’t have to bring your own bike. An Iranian bicycle tour is just one click away. This Iranian cycling tour and many others like it are available on our tour search page . Experience the full depth of Iran tourism and start planning your trip to Iran.

Mountain Climbing

Purchase your Damavand tour today and experience the highest volcano in all of Asia. The country is home to some of the most unique natural attractions in the world. To experience the full depth of Iran tourism, check out the many options for your next trip to Iran.

If your trip to Iran includes a medical treatment, you can find an med tour that’s just right for you. A medical tour is one of the highest quality medical tourism destinations on the planet. An medically-related Iran tourism is the best way to combine the best components of cheap medical procedure and exotic sightseeing.


We have day tours for backpackers. Iran tourism is not just cheap and frequent, but well developed across the entire country. Start completing your trip to Iran wish list and get a free personalized itinerary when you chat with us.

Want to really experience the country? Try a  culinary tour , featuring the country’s most famous dishes. Learn how these aromatic flavor-bombs are made. Iran tourism has a diverse palate of tastes and experiences for everyone, so start planning your next trip to Iran.

One of the best preserved cultures of the country belongs to the nomads. An Iran nomad tour is the best way to really dive into authentic and ancient rituals. Iran tourism is more than just caravans and ancient mosques. It’s a whole world of tastes and experiences. You should include local and authentic tours in your next trip to Iran

Along with our mountain climbing experience, we also offer an nature tour . This way you can become familiar with the best natural elements of the country. Iran tourism is much more than just shiny mosques and big bazaars. Your next trip to Iran should include more natural elements.

One of the main reasons people visit the ancient land of Persia is for its rich history. If you really want an in-depth experience, you have to sign up for our historical tour . Experience the full depth and breadth of Iran tourism and plan your trip to Iran today.

Why don’t you try a unique holiday for once? An Iranian holiday tour is just what you need to give you some unique memories that you can’t wait to tell your friends. Experience the full depth of Iran tourism and plan your trip to Iran today

Most people actually don’t know the ancient land of Persia has lots of snow. You should opt for an Iran ski tour to make your experience so much more enjoyable. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on this experience. Experience all of Iran tourism and check out all possibilities when you plan your trip to Iran.

Imagine stepping back in time and tracing back the steps of the old merchants. Ancient Persia’s position on the crossroads between the eastern and western world has given it the unique ability to absorb the best of both worlds. On your silk road tour, you will experience a wide range of climates, people and adventures. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on your preferences. Plan your Iran trip today and experience all of Iran tourism

Dive into a unique world of religions. Beginning with the ancient and preliminary monotheistic Zoroastrianism and culminating into the Shia Islam, religion has completely shaped Iranian society, especially within the last couple hundred years. On your Iranian religious tour, you will see the most gorgeous mosques, holy sites and pilgrimage worthy destinations. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary. Plan your trop to Iran and enjoy all of Iran tourism.

Trekking & Hiking

The country is famous for its trekking paths and hiking experiences. On your trekking tour, you will discover some of ancient Persia’s most epic mountains, valleys and historical wonders. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on this experience. Your next trip to Iran should include more options from different sectors of Iran tourism.

Most people think that the country is all desert, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. You can visit cosmopolitan Tehran and vibrant Tabriz in the north to ancient Yazd and traditional Isfahan in the center. You can experience all of this when you plan your trip to Iran. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on this experience and more when you check out Iran tourism.

The classic route is focused more on the central cities. The historic, vibrant and distinct cities of Isfahan, Shiraz and Yazd are a must-see for all who want to participate in the classic tour . Plan your trip to Iran and experience all of Iran tourism.

One of the most common experiences that can be bought is a day tour. This is for people that want the benefit of spending time with a local guide but don’t want to schedule their entire trip based on full-day package tours. When you buy your day tour, you will have the chance to see each city through the eyes of its local inhabitants. Check out more of Iran tourism when you plan your trip to Iran.

Local experiences

If you are looking for a local tour, TAP Persia is the right tour agency for all your travel needs. All tours at TAP Persia are all conducted by local guides, drivers and hosts. Check out all aspects of Iran tourism when you plan your trip to Iran.

Iran tour packages from around the World

Iran tour packages from argentina.

Flights are available from Buenos Aires. An Iran visa for a citizen of Argentina will cost €70 and will take 3 business days to process. All packages are customizable at no extra charge.

Iran tour packages from Denmark

Flights available from Copenhagen, Billund, & Aalborg. A visa for a citizen of Denmark will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. All of our 7-14 day tours are tailor made to your tastes, budget and travel style.

Iran tour packages from Austria

Flights available from Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck & Linz. An Iran visa for a citizen of Austria will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. We can customize any of the tour packages you see for free. Contact us to get a complimentary personalized itinerary.

Iran tour packages from Poland

Flights are available from Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, Gdansk, Krakow, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan, Bydgoszcz & Katowice. An Iran visa for a citizen of Poland will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to receive your free personalized travel plan made according to your travel budget and preferences.

Iran tour packages from Bahrain

Flights are available from Manama. An Iran visa for a citizen of Bahrain will cost €20 and will take 3 business days to process. All of our packages are private and designed based on your preferences and interests. Start a chat with one of our support staff to get started on designing your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from Brazil

Flights are available from Sao Paulo, Fortaleza, Brasilia & Rio De Janeiro. An Iran visa for a citizen of Brazil will cost €80 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? Start a chat with one of our support staff to get started on designing your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from Canada

Flights are available from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Halifax, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Kelowna, Victoria, London & Regina. An Iran visa for a citizen of Canada will cost 65 USD and will take 2-3 months to process.  The good news is, all our Iran tours from Canada are completely customizable and we even offer free customized itineraries. Start a chat with one of our support staff to ask about special provisions and Iran tour package requirements for Canadian citizens.

Iran tour packages from China

Flights are available from Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, & more. An Iran visa for a citizen of China will cost €100 and will take 3 business days to process. We design all of our tours based on your interests and preferences. If you want a free personalized travel plan, send us a chat on our website.

Iran tour packages from Norway

Flights available from Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Bodo, Kristiansand, Roros & Tromso. An Iran visa for a citizen of Norway will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to receive your free personalized travel plan made according to your travel budget and preferences.

Iran tour packages from Pakistan

Flights are available from Karachi, Lahore, Sialkot, Islamabad, Multan, Faisalabad, Peshawar & Quetta. An Iran visa for a citizen of Pakistan will cost 50 USD and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to receive your free personalized travel plan made according to your travel budget and preferences. If you’d like to know about Iran tour packages prices from Pakistan, or more specifically, about Iran tour packages from Karachi, contact our friendly support staff and they will answer any questions you may have about Pakistan to Iran tour package.

Iran tour packages from Australia?

Flights available from Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth & Canberra. An Iran visa for a citizen of Australia will cost €145 and will take 3 business days to process. See a package you like? Just let us know and we’ll customize them for free.

Iran tour packages from the Philippines

Flights are available from Manila, Davao, Angeles & Cabu. An Iran visa for a citizen of the Philippines will cost €55 and will take 3 business days to process. Click on the chat icon below and start a conversation with one of our support staff to get your free personalized itinerary.

Iran tour packages from Portugal

Flights are available from Porto, Lisbon, Faro Madeira & Ponta Delgada. An Iran visa for a citizen of Portugal will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Click on the chat icon below and start a conversation with one of our support staff to get your free personalized itinerary.

Iran tour packages from Qatar

Flights are available from Doha. An Iran visa for a citizen of Qatar will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with one of our awesome support staff to get your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from Russia

Flights are available from St Petersburg, Moscow, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Ufa, Samara, Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk Novy & more. An Iran visa for a citizen of Russia will cost €70 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? Start a chat with one of our support staff to get started on designing your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from France

Flights available from Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes, Lille, Nice, Goin & Bastia. A visa for a citizen of France will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on your preferences and budget.

Iran tour packages from Germany

Flights available from Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munich, Cologne, StuttgarLeipzig, Paderborn, Munster, Friedrichshafen, Dresden & Erfurt. A visa for a citizen of Germany will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to get your free personalized itinerary based on your preferences and budget.

Iran tour packages from Indonesia

Flights available from Jakarta, Praya & Denpasar. A visa for a citizen of Indonesia will cost €45 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat in the bottom right of the page to get your free personalized itinerary designed based on your travel style and budget.

Iran tour packages from India

Flights available from New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Marmagao, Ahmedabad, Madurai, Chandigarh, Amritsar & Kolkata. A visa for a citizen of India will cost €90 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat in the bottom right of the page to learn how to how to visit Iran from India. We can answer all your questions regarding how to reach Iran from India. Ask about our special Iran tour packages from Mumbai, Iran tour packages from Bangalore & Iran tour packages from Delhi. All of our tour packages can be 100% personalized based on your budget, conditions and travel preferences.

Iran tour packages from Ireland

Flights available from Dublin & Cork. A visa for a citizen of Ireland will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with one of our awesome support staff to get your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from Italy

Flights available from Milan, Bologna, Venice, Rome, Bari, Catania, Pisa, Alghero Sardinia, Turin, Genoa, Trieste, Florence & Palermo. A visa for a citizen of Italy will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to get your free personalized travel plan based on your budget, preferences and tastes.

Iran tour packages from Japan

Flights available from Tokyo, Osaka, Okinawa, Nagoya, Sapporo. A visa for a citizen of Japan will cost €60 and will take 3 business days to process. Contact us to get your free personalized travel plan based on your budget, preferences and tastes. Click on the chat icon below and start a conversation with one of our support staff to get your free personalized itinerary.

Iran tour packages from Malaysia

Flights available from Kuala Lumpur. A visa for a citizen of Malaysia is free and will take 3 business days to process. Click on the chat icon below and start a conversation with one of our support staff to get your free personalized itinerary based on Iran tour packages Malaysia

Iran tour packages from Mexico

Flights available from Mexico City, Cancun & Guadalajara. A visa for a citizen of Mexico will cost €45 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with our friendly support staff to receive your personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from the Netherlands

Flights available from Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rotterdam & Maastricht. A visa for a citizen of the Netherlands will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with one of our friendly travel support staff to get your free personalized itinerary

Iran tour packages from Singapore

A visa for a citizen of Singapore will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with one of our awesome support staff to get your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from South Africa

Flights available from Johannesburg, Cape Town & Durban. A visa for a citizen of South Africa will cost €80 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? Start a chat with one of our support staff to get started on designing your free personalized travel plan.

Iran tour packages from South Korea

Flights available from Seoul. A visa for a citizen of South Korea will cost €50 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? All packages are customizable at no extra charge.

Iran tour packages from Spain

Flights available from Madrid, Barcelona, Malagna, Valencia, Bilbao, Granada, Vigo, Alicante, Fuerteventura & more. A visa for a citizen of Spain will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. See a

Iran tour packages from Sweden

Flights available from Stockholm, Gothenburg & Malmo. A visa for a citizen of Sweden will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? All packages are customizable at no extra charge.

Iran tour packages from Switzerland

Flights available from Zurich, Basel, Geneva & Altenrhein. A visa for a citizen of Switzerland will cost €75 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? All packages are customizable at no extra charge.

Iran tour packages from Turkey

Flights available from Istanbul, Antalya, Ankara, Izmir, Gazipasa, Bodrum, Adana, Adiyaman, Trabzon & more. A visa for a citizen of Turkey is free and will take 3 business days to process. Click on the chat icon below and start a conversation with one of our support staff to get your free personalized itinerary based on Iran tour packages Malaysia nationals.

Iran tour packages from the Ukraine

Flights available from Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa & more. A visa for a citizen of the Ukraine is €80 and will take 3 business days to process. See a tour that you like but want it customized? All packages are customizable at no extra charge.

Iran tour packages from the US

Flights available from Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver, San Diego, Portland, Los Angeles, Austin, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco, Washington, Chicago, Boston, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas & many more. A visa for a citizen of the US will cost 80 USD and will take 2-3 months to process.  The good news is, all our Iran tours from the US are completely customizable and we even offer free customized itineraries. Start a chart with one of our support staff to ask about special provisions and Iran tour package requirements for US citizens.

Iran tour packages from the UAE

Flights available from Sharjah, Dubai & Abu Dhabi. A visa for a citizen of Denmark will cost €100 and will take 3 business days to process. All our tours are led by local guides. If you want to personalize your Iranian tour packages from Dubai, Sharjah or Abu Dhabi, start a chat with one of our travel support staff.

Iran tour packages from the UK

Flights London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Glasgow, Newcastle, Nottingham, Belfast, Leeds, Bristol, Dundee, Aberdeen & Bournemouth. A visa for a citizen of the UK will cost 234 USD and will take 2-3 months to process.  The good news is, all our Iran tours from the UK are completely customizable and we even offer free customized itineraries. Start a chart with one of our support staff to ask about special provisions and Iran tour package requirements for UK citizens.

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exact travel iran

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  • Island Peak Climbing Expedition
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Ditch the tropical vacation; visit Nepal and climb Island Peak this autumn!

Can Americans Visit Iran? A Complete Guide

can americans visit Iran?

The topic of Iran and the USA is a complex and often misunderstood subject.

The western media paints the country of Iran as a pariah state and since the 1979 Iranian revolution diplomatic relations between the USA and Iran have been frosty at the best of times.

Despite the decades-long complications and tensions with western governments, Iran remains one of the most fascinating countries to visit as a tourist.

So here is the big question: can Americans travel to Iran and if so, is it even safe to do so? The short answer is yes!

The latest post from our blog breaks down how to visit Iran as an American, the visa situation for Americans and other nationalities, and what the REAL vibe of traveling as an American in Iran feels like.

It should be noted that I am from the USA and I just got back from traveling to Iran with other Americans.

Can US citizens travel to Iran? Why Visit?

exact travel iran

What do you get when you take a country with the legacy of one of the oldest (and most powerful) civilizations in history, incredible culinary traditions, amazing architecture, and some of the friendliest local people on the planet? A world-class tourism destination. That’s what.

However, Iran is not on the radar of most tourists because of the reputation of its government and fears about traveler safety. Mass foreign tourism is not a thing in Iran… yet. Personally, I found it such a joy to be exploring this wonderful country without seeing many (in some places zero) tourists.

Most if not all of the local people I met on the street are very happy to see Americans and other nationalities visiting their country and the majority also seriously disagree with the direction and policies of their government.

Iran is an absolute gem of a country on so many levels and the potential for tourism here is boundless. It is only a matter of time before tourism explodes here – and for the time being, it remains the most un-touched-by-tourism country I have been to.

The reality is that the average Iranian person you meet is STOKED to meet and talk with Americans. When you have this experience over and over again – all the stuff you might read in the media about Iran kind of just goes out the window.

Legal Situation in Iran for American Tourists

can americans visit Iran?

I have been asked many times “Can US citizens travel to Iran? I thought it was not allowed by the US government.” This question might be in the heads of most Americans considering travel to Iran. So let me clarify.

The official line of the US State Department is AVOID ALL TRAVEL to Iran. That said, traveling to Iran as an American is perfectly legal. Technically, Americans can’t travel to neighboring Cuba (even though that is totally possible too) – but Iran travel for US citizens is not prohibited by the US government and vice versa for the Iranian government: Americans can legally travel to Iran.

For Americans and a few other select nationalities though, there are certain rules one must follow upon arrival in Iran.

Complete independent/solo travel in Iran is not possible for citizens of the USA, UK, and Canada. The rule is that these nationalities must have a government-licensed guide with them when traveling here at all times. Depending on where you are in the country – this rule is either strict or pretty relaxed.

As an example, in Isfahan, it was possible for various groups of Americans (and me on my own) to wander about the bazaar, main square, and pretty much go where we wanted on our own. The guide was in the hotel and we had the freedom to move about without her there all the time. Tehran is a bit more strict and our guide went with us pretty much everywhere.

It should also be noted that no police or authorities asked any of us about our nationality during the 2+ weeks we were there – so it would just be by chance if you were stopped walking about alone without a guide and asked your nationality. That does not really happen.

Visa Process – The First Steps

The visa process for the citizens of the USA, UK, and Canada can also seem tricky – but the main thing is that it just takes time. If you plan on visiting Iran as an American last minute, think again!

The first step is finding a tour operator (like Epic Expeditions) that can do the application and visa submission in Iran for you and obtain a Visa Grant Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The above-mentioned nationalities can not do the visa application on their own without the aid of a tour operator.

Tour operators require the following to submit your visa application:

  • A short visa application document filled in with your details, planned travel dates, etc
  • A passport copy
  • A detailed job resume/CV
  • A passport photo
  • Possibly links to your social media profiles/website (if you have one).

Once the tour operator submits your application, it then takes about a month to receive the visa approval letter.

NOTE: If you have been to Israel and have an Israeli stamp in your passport dated from the last 2 years, I would get a new passport before applying. Otherwise, you could be denied.

Collecting the Visa

The final step is either physically going to an Iranian Embassy anywhere in the world to pick up the actual visa or mailing your passport to an Iran Embassy for the same purpose if you are unable to go in person. Then you are all set!

Two important things to note: 1. Getting a visa extension to stay in Iran is not possible for Americans. 2. The exact Iranian Embassy you indicate on your application of where you want to collect your visa can’t be modified either – so think carefully about your EXACT travel dates and where you want to collect the visa before you submit it!

Solo Travel vs Group Travel

can americans travel to Iran?

Exploring Iran as a solo traveler might be the way you prefer to see the country, but traveling to Iran as an American means you need to join a group tour or find a company that can organize a custom tour in which you will need to have the Iranian guide with you at all times – which can be a lot more expensive than joining a group tour as you pay for the guide, their accommodation, their food, transport, etc on a per-day basis. The cost of traveling to Iran as an American with just you and one Iranian guide can be around $150+ a day when you factor in activities, transport, food, etc.

Are their specific Iran tours for Americans? As far as I know, very few American companies apart from Epic Expeditions are running tours to Iran for Americans. But our tours are not just for Americans though! On our last trip, we had 8 different nationalities – the majority were, however, American.

If you want to learn more about our Iran Tours for Americans (and everyone else) check out our Ultimate Iran Adventure Tour page.

Overall Safety: Is Iran Safe for American Tourists?

how to visit iran as an american

Possibly the biggest question on the minds of most potential travelers (and the mothers of potential travelers): is Iran safe for American tourists?

In our experience in Iran traveling with Americans, we encountered no safety or security issues and had basically no interactions with police or uptight military people. In Pakistan as an example, there are police checkpoints everywhere and sometimes police are required to travel with foreigners as an escort in some areas. We found none of this in Iran.

Some areas, like the southern border with Pakistan (Baluchistan), might be a little sketchier for any tourist – but the majority of people visiting Iran don’t go there.

The main thing when traveling as an American in Iran is to follow the rules and behave yourself. By doing so, you should have no reason to fear for your safety. I felt 100x safer traveling in Iran than I have felt (and experienced) traveling in South America in the past. Things like armed robbery or assault against foreigners are basically unheard of in Iran – and in South America, it happens every day (and happened to me 3 different times in Ecuador and Peru).

Additional Tips for Traveling to Iran as an American

how to visit iran as an american

Iran is a fascinating country to be explored and should be at the top of the list for any serious traveler.

Because of paperwork and silly rules and whatnot it is not the easiest place to get to – but once you go through the steps to get the visa and plan a trip here – the rewards of visiting Iran are pure magic.

Here are a few more helpful tips for Americans traveling to Iran:

  • Leave your drone at home – seriously don’t even bring it into the country
  • Carry plenty of cash to exchange (USD is fine). Your bank card will not work here.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to get the visa. Apply for your visa 3 months before you plan to visit.
  • Don’t take any photos of police or military facilities.
  • Ladies – bring a headscarf as all women must have their heads covered by law when out in public.
  • Bring copies of your documents.
  • Come to Iran with an open mind! Leave everything you have heard in the media about Iran at home!

And again: If you want to learn more about our Iran Tours for Americans (and everyone else) check out our Ultimate Iran Adventure Tour page.

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How to Prepare for a Horse Trekking Holiday

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Into the Mongolian Altai: Photo Diary + Field Notes

Welcome to our journal.

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Here at Epic Expeditions, adventure is constantly on our minds. 

Our blog – or Journal as we like to call it – contains epic trip stories, photo diaries, and news about new tours. 

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Folklore, legends, and history of georgia, the best way to get to madeira, the most interesting things to do in georgia, the trip we're most stoked about, nepal island peak climbing expedition.

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Privacy Overview

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Clark Tyler 🇨🇦

Adventure Guide

Hailing from the Toronto region of Eastern Canada, with a background as a former standout athlete (hockey of course) and a  love of mountain adventure, Clark is a welcomed addition to the Epic team.

In addition to being a keen photographer and adventurer, Clark brings his brilliant sense of humor, leadership skills, and positive attitude to everything he puts his mind to.  When he is not leading trips, he is working on taking over the hard apple cider game in Canada as a skilled craft brewer. 

Meet him during : K2 Base Camp Trek

exact travel iran

Noemi Liebi 🇨🇭

Noemi grew up in the mountains of German-Speaking Switzerland where she naturally developed a deep love and respect for mountain environments.

She is a talented photographer, aspiring climber, and speaks at least 5 languages fluently including Arabic (and probably a few more that we don’t know about), which she taught herself in a matter of months by watching YouTube videos. 

Noemi has spent the last several years traveling, hiking, and photographing her way around many different countries in the Middle East, South and Central Asia, and Europe, and we could not be more stoked to welcome her to the Epic team! 

Meet her during : Discover the Celestial Mountains | Island Peak Climbing Expedition

exact travel iran

Syerik Manap 🇲🇳

As our man on the ground in Mongolia, there is not much this legend can’t do. As a native the Bayan-Ölgii province of the Western Mongolia Altai, Syerik has been working as a guide and tourism entrepreneur…

for the past several years and is one of the rising stars in Mongolia adventure travel industry. 

He is currently building a beautiful Ger (Yurt) camp near his hometown where he will host Epic Mongolia team members on our trip as well as other travelers from around the world! 

He is the perfect guide for your trip to Mongolia. Serik did an amazing job giving us a well rounded experience in the Altai NP region and down in the Gobi… The food was fantastic and Serik gave us many opportunities to learn about the Kazakh culture in that region including traditional meals. (I can’t recommend enjoying the milk tea enough!)

– Coastal

exact travel iran

Head of canine operations

Choriza started off life as a care-free vagabond on the streets of Madeira Island without any place to call home. From the moment we met her, we knew this dog was just different, and it was pretty much love at first sight. 

She gave up the dog street life in favor of joining her new dad Chris to become a full-time member of the Epic family towards the end of 2022.

These days she can be found listening in on the fringes of important Epic business meetings while half-asleep on the couch. She is a keen hiker, lover of mud, rare steak, and might just be the sweetest little dog we have ever seen. 

exact travel iran

Andrew Golovachevn 🇷🇺

An experienced trek leader and IFMGA aspirant ski guide, avid alpine climber, devoted adventure photographer.

Organized and guided trekking expeditions, climbs and ski tours in Tajikistan’s Pamirs, Patagonia, Peru, Morocco, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Georgian and Russian Caucasus and Kamchatka. A full member and meets the organiser of the British Alpine Club. Visited over 40 countries, lived in the UK for four years. Certified first-aider.

We joined Andrew on a fantastic trip to the Fann Mountains in Tajikistan, pure nature and magnificent scenery! Andrey was super prepared and led us safely up and down numerous passes and through some rough and icy cold rivers. Thank you for a very memorable trip, your planning and prep was excellent!

– Monika Steinlechner

Meet him during : Trekking in the Fann Mountains

epic expeditions team

Sandip Dhungana 🇳🇵

Our man in Nepal, Sandip is what we like to call a “Swiss Army Knife”. There is not much Sandip can’t do when it comes to helping Epic to run our expeditions smoothly in Nepal.

His tireless work ethic, passion for all things trekking in the Himalayas, and smart decision-making mean that Sandip is a truly invaluable member of our team.

Sandip is passionate about showing visitors to his country an amazing time, and he goes above and beyond to make sure that happens. 

His company Himalayan Masters is Epic’s trusted partner in Nepal and one of the country’s top new tour agencies.

We really enjoyed the entire journey, and I would like to say that Sandip is truly professional. He guided us and he is a hardworking person, providing us with the best service and taking care of each one of us. Plus, he is super funny! The kind of professionnal you always want to find on your path for your explorations! 

– Alexandra Ruth

Fairy Meadows

Add your heading text here.

“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”

Our Favorite Experiences

#1 sunrise from reflection lake.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

#2 Hiking to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

#3 playing cricket with the locals, trips where we visit fairy meadows.

tour in Lahore

Our flagship Pakistani adventure tour.  Road trip with some  hiking and cultural immersion.

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exact travel iran

Trekking Among Giants

A trekking-style tour that features some very remote locations, inlcuding a K2 viewpoint.

exact travel iran

João Frietas 🇵🇹

João has born in the mountains of Madeira Islands in Portugal. Nature lover, writer, musician, guide, for him, a day without contact with outdoor vibes is a nightmare. 

With a degree in Cultural Studies in Portugal and a Master of Arts in Global Cultures and Creativity in the U.K.

João found out what really matters in life can be found on the trails, and in the contact with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Guiding, crazy trekking missions, and sharing observations about the natural world, – these are some of João’s passions. 

After trekking to K2 Base Camp and exploring all over Northern Pakistan, he fell in love with the country and the local people. His experiences resulted in his desire to share these feelings with the world.

João is one of the most experienced guides at Epic and his skillset and positive mindset in the mountains is second to none

When not in Pakistan, João is  guiding and exploring in the Madeira Islands trails –  discovering some of the hidden treasures on his Portuguese Island.

João I can not thank you enough for the off the beaten paths and views you keep giving. Definitely one of the most challenging and amazing hikes we did 1200m meters all the way up to Fanal forest and circling back to the hidden village. Wow!

– Jeffery 

Meet him during : Lost World of Europe | Discover the Hunza Valley   | K2 Base Camp Trek

travel hunza valley

Sohail Sakhi 🇵🇰

Sohail is the newest addition to the Epic team and we are beyond stoked to have him on board. As a veteran of the Karakoram and a native of Karimabad in Hunza, there is not much Sohail can’t do in the mountains. 

Besides having the ability to speak more languages than we can count, Sohail has explored every corner of Gilgit Baltistan and logs more trekking miles 

in a year than most people will do in a lifetime. As of the summer of 2022, Sohail has summited Gasherbrum 1, Gasherbrum 2, and K2 – three of Pakistan’s five 8000-meter peaks. Sohail guides several trips including our annual bespoke expeditions but specializes in Hunza Valley tours.

Chris and Sohail, and the team at Epic are FANTASTIC! Highly recommend anyone to do a tour with ‘Epic’. They have the perfect balance of fun, excitement and wild adventures, tied in with being super professional and ensuring your safety/health in a foreign environment. Don’t waste a moment and book a tour with these guys as the value for money is UNREAL!

– Borgan

Meet him during : Discover the Hunza Valley

iran travel tour

Pedro Ricardo Dias 🇵🇹

Pedro’s been traveling all around the globe since 2009. His keen interests in documentary photography, rural life, and local people from different ethnic groups have been the focus of many of his professional projects. Since 2012, he has developed his passion for travel and awesome shared experiences into a full-time adventure photography tour leader position.

Pedro has found himself continuously going back to the Middle East, with his likely favorite destination being Iran. Pedro lead his 11th tour in Iran with Epic in spring 2020

When Pedro’s not traveling the world with Epic Expeditions, you’ll find him based in the western south of Portugal planning he’s next adventure missions, logistics and working out his photos in local exhibitions.

 I loved the combination of hiking, camping around breathtaking scenery mixed with the cultural aspects. The guide (Pedro) is knowledgeable and work very hard to make the trip as memorable as possible. All in all an epic adventure with some extremely epic individuals! Go for it, you won’t regret it!

Diane Bouvet

Diane Bouvet 🇫🇷

Adventure Admin / Marketing

After fleeing from the corporate fashion world in Paris towards the start of 2020, Diane has been working as a web developer and graphic designer remotely from various bases across the globe

She brings all of her incredible design and organizational power to Epic Expeditions and is responsible for many of the beautiful behind-the-scenes design elements. 

Diane has been to Iran and to Pakistan twice including all over Gilgit Baltistan and KPK.

k2 gondogoro la trek

Ralph Cope 🇺🇸

Head of Operations | Guide

A veteran of Pakistan travel, Ralph is an experienced guide, photographer and writer who specializes in documenting remote locations. 

Not one to simply go where everyone else does, he insists on exploring new and lesser-known areas.

Together with Epic Expeditions, he shows people parts of Pakistan that most other operators don’t even know about. He is particularly fond of the village of Barah, which he believes will become just as famous as Hunza one day.

Just got back from EBT’s Trekking Amongst Giants 15 day tour. The experience was first class. Ralph, our head guide, ensured that the entire trip ran smoothly and relatively on time (a bonus for anyone travelling in Pakistan). We had so many unforgettable days on the tour and the trekking was well-planned, safe but also a rewarding challenge. 

– Calvin

Traveling to a non-tourist destination can be a little intimidating but EBT takes all of the worry and trepidation away. From the pre-trip call to meeting the wonderful staff in person you can tell that you are dealing with a company that has a passion for what they do each and every day. Ralph, Zahid, and Khan were supportive, kind, and always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that everyone on the trip was getting what they wanted out of the experience.

– Katrina 

Meet him during : Trekking Amongst Giants | Discover the Celestial Mountains | K2 Base Camp Trek

adventure tours pakistan

Chris Lininger 🇺🇸

Founder | Adventure Guide | Director

Since he started exploring the world, Chris has been seeking out every shade of adventure in various parts of the globe and had visited more than 70 countries along the way. 

Over the last 10 years, Chris has logged more than 7000 trail miles across five continents and climbed multiple 6000 + 7000 meter peaks in Pakistan and Nepal.

A few years back, a distant dream and a deep passion for the mountains and the people of Pakistan led Chris to co-found Epic Expeditions at a time when foreign adventure tourism in Pakistan was almost nonexistent. Since then, Chris has guided more than 20 expeditions to various parts of Northern Pakistan.

Chris believes in using photography and powerful adventure experiences to dismantle negative stereotypes regarding what mainstream media considers “dangerous” countries while facilitating unique and meaningful memories in the mountains for countless people from around the globe. 

For him, an ideal start to the day begins with a steaming cup of good coffee, the beam of a headlamp, alpine boots, and a camera in hand.

He lives in Madeira Island when not leading expeditions in far-flung lands. 

Chris also works as a writer and photographer on his blog Off the Atlas  –  an adventure travel blog all about Pakistan.   

Read this interview our staff did with Chris to learn more about him!

Chris believes in Pakistan and its people, and he believes in the value of journeys shared with others and family cultivated on the road. Honesty and integrity are at the heart of what he does, and this really shines through in his work as a guide. He also makes great coffee – whether at 5am in an empty guesthouse or half way up a Himalayan peak.”

– Will De Villers

Pakistan is a magical country!  Had 3 of the best weeks of my life thanks to Epic Backpacking Tours with owner, and one of our awesome guides, Chris. From detailed itinerary, preparation with an equipment list, and visa assistance. To amazing food, great porters, helpful guides, and great accommodations. Epic really hit home run after home run. […]

Their desire for adventure and amazing trip is just as high as yours. Bring a good pound of coffee for the trip. French press coffee every morning and no average tin coffee, plus you’ll be in your guides good books.

– Clark Tyler

epic backpacker tours

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Tailor-made holidays by local Iran travel agency

Our most popular tour packages.

Explore a selection of our most sought-after Iran tour packages at Incredible Iran, each carefully designed to offer a blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. From the bustling bazaars of Tehran to the serene deserts of Yazd, our tours promise experiences that cater to every traveler's desire.

Iran Village Tour in a fortnight

Iran Village Tour in a fortnight

Village to City; Exploration Tour The Iran Village Tour is a 14-day journey through Iran’s diverse landscapes and rich history. From Tehran to charming villages, historic sites, and cultural gems, you’ll explore Masuleh, Sarein, the…

Nomads of Iran Tour

Nomads of Iran Tour

Nomads and Heritage of Iran Tour Nomads of Iran Tour offers an 11-day immersive journey into Iran’s cultural richness, focusing on vibrant nomadic communities. Explore the harmony between ancient traditions and modern cities like Tehran,…

The Oases of Iran - Iran Desert Tour

Iran Desert Tour

Unearthing Iran’s Desert Mysteries Iran Desert Tour: In just seven days, this tour captures the essence of Iran. You’ll visit the famous cities of Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz, along with tours of Kashan and Abyaneh.…

Ski Tour in Dizin Ski Resort

Ski Tour in Dizin Ski Resort – 5 Days

5-Day Ski Journey to Dizin Ski Resort Tour Iran ski resorts, Dizin and Shemshak, are famous for their high altitude, powdery snow and long ski season (from late November to April). Ski lovers enjoy the…

8 Days Vacation in Iran

12 Days Vacation in Iran

Iran Vacation tour: 12 Days of Culture and Beauty Iran Vacation tour offers a deep exploration of ancient Persian civilization, highlighting the impact of the Achaemenid and Sassanid empires on world history, religion, art, and…

Iran Eco Tour

Iran Eco Tour

We have designed this tour with a touch of eco-tourism for our guests who would like to experience the country life as well as the main tourist attractions of Iran. On this tour, you will…

Best of Iran - 7 Days

Best of Iran – 7 Days

With only seven days in Iran, this tour offers this country’s essence. Visiting the famous cities of Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz, you can also have a tour of Kashan and Abyaneh. You can also see…

16 Days Iran Holiday Package

16 Days Iran Holiday Package

Journey through Iran: 16-Day Vacation Package Historians believe human life existed in Persia around 6000 BC, and many communities had settled on the eastern side of the mountain range Zagros. This tour will offer you…

Iran Private Tours

Iran Private Tour

Discover the Best of Iran on Private Guided Tours Iran Private Tour offers a visit to Iran’s Golden Triangle cities – Isfahan, Shiraz, and Yazd – plus Tehran, the capital. This tour also includes 6…

Silk Road Tour

Silk Road Tour – 10 Days

Silk Road Tour: 10 Days Along the Silk Road The Silk Road, a key route for cultural and trade exchanges among nations, included Iran, which boasts rich cultural relics, ancient civilization, and diverse landscapes. With…

Quick Iran Tour

Quick Iran Tour – 5 Days

Iran Short Tour in 5 Days The Iran Short Tour is a 5-day itinerary designed for those with limited time but a keen interest in exploring old Persia. The tour covers Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz,…

Tochal Ski Resort

Ski Tour in Tochal Ski Resort

Ski Tour in Tochal Ski Resort Tochal Ski Resort is the closest resort to the capital city. Due to its proximity to Tehran, it is trendy. This resort has a gondola (telecabin) lift about 7.5…

Ski Tour in Sepidan Ski Resort - 5 Days

Ski Tour in Sepidan Ski Resort – 5 Days

5 Days of Skiing Fun at Sepidan Ski Resort Ski Tour in Sepidan is the most southern ski resort in Iran and the Middle East and, as a result, benefits from plentiful sunshine even in…

Sand dunes of Persia – Iran Desert Tour

Dunes of Persia – Iran Desert Tour

Desert Horizons: Embarking on an Iranian Exploration Dunes of Persia – Iran Desert Tour offers a perfect blend of mystery, beauty, history, and culture. From ancient Persian towns to stunning dunes and hidden oases, this…

Nomad Color of Iran

Nomadic Colors of Iran Tour

Two Weeks of Nomadic Exploration: Iran’s Colorful Heritage Unveil Iran’s heritage and landscapes on this captivating journey. From Tehran’s museums to rural tranquility, explore architectural wonders, immerse in nomadic life, and experience the heart of…

Nomad Bavanat Qashqai Tour

Nomad Bavanat Qashqai Tour

Bavanat Nomad Qashqai Trek: Yasuj, Shahrekord, Splendors The Nomad Bavanat Qashqai Tour offers an unforgettable journey through Iran’s cultural and natural wonders. Experience the traditions of the Qashqai nomads in Yasuj and Shahrekord, explore vibrant…

Nomad Bavanat Zagros Tour

Nomad Bavanat Zagros Tour

Journey into Tradition: Nomad Experience in Bavanat and the Zagros A beautiful village called Bavanat for having a short experience of nomad life in an astonishing nature, Overnight Bavanat. (Visiting nomads depends on your travel…

Iran Village Tour

Iran Villages Tour

Journey through Iran’s Enchanting Villages The Iran Villages Tour offers a memorable experience with diverse and picturesque villages, many of which are UNESCO-listed. Highlights include the scenic Abyaneh village and Bavanat, a hub for eco-tourism.…

Village Trekking Tour Iran

Iran Village Trekking Tour

Iran Village Trekking Tour; A Unique Trekking Tour The Iran Village Trekking Tour invites you to explore Iran’s captivating landscapes and rich culture, from Tehran’s vibrant city life to serene villages like Abyaneh, the caravanserai…

Caspian Sea Tour

Caspian Sea Tour

Exploring the Enchanting Caspian Sea Caspian Sea Tour: Discover the magic of the Caspian region through a captivating journey. From Tehran’s bustling streets to the tranquility of Rasht and the charm of Masuleh village, experience…

Iran Green Tour

Iran Green Tour

Iran Green Tour: A Tranquil Journey Escape to the lush landscapes of Iran on the “Iran Green Tour.” Over 12 days, immerse yourself in the country’s natural beauty, from the picturesque villages of Masuleh and…

Iran Agro Tours

Iran Agro Tours

Unveiling Iran’s Farming and Gardening: Iran Agro Tours A 9-day tour that takes you through the lush agricultural lands of Kamfiruz, Marvdasht, and Shiraz. Witness the farming practices that define Iran’s heritage. Explore the cultural…

Iran Farm Tours

Iran Farm Tours

Farm Adventure in Iran’s Sepidan Villages A 13-day tour with “Iran Farm Tours” offers a delightful experience of rural charm and local culture. From the scenic villages of Sepidan to the Bavanat communities, you’ll engage…

Horseback Riding Tour Iran

Horseback Riding Tour Iran

Horseback Riding Tour Iran: A 9-Day Equestrian Exploration Arrival in Tehran, transfer to hotel, overnight in Tehran. A half-day city tour of Tehran to visit the archaeological, glass, and carpet museums, and fly to Shiraz…

Iran Horse Riding Tour

Iran Horse Riding

Iran Horse Riding Tour: 8-Day Horseback Journey Across Iran Arrival in Tehran, transfer to the airport. Overnight Tehran. A half-day city tour of Tehran to visit the archaeological, glass, and carpet museums, and fly to…

Travel Around Iran

Travel Around Iran – 11 Days

11 Days of Wandering: A Tour Around Iran The Travel Around Iran Tour is an 11-day journey starting in Tehran, covering northern, southern, and central regions before returning to Tehran. The itinerary includes visits to…

Iran Escorted Tours

Iran Escorted Tour | Iran Guided Tours

Iran Escorted Tour: A 2-Week Tour Indulge in an impressive historical journey with us to witness the greatness of the Persian empire, its post-Islamic architecture and Iran’s modern urban life. Whether this is your first…

exact travel iran

Iran Women’s Tour

Exclusive Iran Women’s Tour Iran Women’s Tour offers female-only trips tailored for women of all ages and backgrounds, providing a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether traveling solo or with friends, family, or colleagues, women can…

Islamic Tour – 15 Days

Islamic Tour – 15 Days

A Pilgrimage Journey: A 15-Day Iran Islamic Tour There are around 200 million Shia Muslims in the world today. Between 70 million and 75 million Shias live in Iran, representing nearly half of the world’s…

Iran Armenia Tour

Iran Armenia Tour

Dual Delights: A 2-Week Iran-Armenia Exploration The Iran Armenia Tour offers a journey through the rich history and culture of Iran and Armenia. Explore the ancient civilizations, historical monuments, and cultural ties between the two…

Honeymoon in Iran

Honeymoon in Iran

Captivating Iran: A 6-Day Honeymoon Itinerary Honeymoon in Iran is a 6-day tour designed for couples seeking a unique and unconventional experience. Unlike typical honeymoon destinations, Iran offers adventurous newlyweds a blend of sandy beaches,…

10 Days Iran Historical Tour

10 Days Iran Historical Tour

Iran Historical Tour: Experience of The Classic Persian Life This tour includes 7 UNESCO World Heritages and four famous cities of Iran: Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Yazd, and other cities like Kashan and two famous…

Iran Cheap Tours

Iran Cheap Tour | Budget friendly tours to Iran

Once in a lifetime: Iran Cheap Tour Iran Budget Tour is only six days, you are welcomed to the golden triangle of Iran: Shiraz, Isfahan, and Yazd. Visiting these three cities, you will have the…

12 Days Iran Historical Tour

12 Days Iran Historical Tour

Iran in 12 Days, Pathways to History 12 Days Iran Historical Tour includes visiting the capital of Iran, Tehran, and three famous ancient cities of this country: Isfahan, Shiraz, and Yazd. 10 UNESCO World Heritages…

Iran Ziarat Tour

Iran Ziarat Tour

Iran Ziarat Tour: Traversing Iran’s Spiritual Landscape Join us spiritually exploring Iran’s most revered cities: Tehran, Qom, and Mashhad. This journey is a deep dive into the heart of Iran’s religious history, visiting mosques, shrines,…

Touring Iran: From Snow to Desert

Touring Iran: From Snow to Desert

A Tale of Two Landscapes: Skiing in Iran’s Mountains, Trekking Through Deserts Explore a different side of Iran with our Snow, Desert, and Essentials adventure! Begin by gliding down the pristine snowy slopes of Iran’s…

A 7-Day Saffron Harvest Tour in Iran

A 7-Day Saffron Harvest Tour in Iran

From Flower to Flavor: A Saffron Journey in Iran Our Iranian Saffron tour offers a unique experience to explore saffron and barberry production in Southern Khorasan and Ghaenat district, which contributes 90% of Iran’s output.…

lut desert Tour

Lut desert Tour

Discovering Iran’s Lut: A Journey Into the Heart of the Desert The Lut Desert Tour offers an extraordinary adventure into the heart of the Lut Desert, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the hottest…

Iran Rail Tour

Iran Rail Tour

Scenic Railways of Iran: A 3-Day Expedition The 3-day Iran Rail Tour offers an unforgettable journey through Iran’s stunning landscapes and historical sites. Starting in Tehran, the tour travels through picturesque scenery, historic railway stations,…

Iran Walking Tour: Cities & History

Iran Walking Tour: Cities & History

Iran Walking Tour: A Walking Tour of Shiraz, Tehran, Isfahan, and Yazd Iran Walking Tour offers an immersive journey through the ancient streets and vibrant bazaars of Shiraz, Tehran, Isfahan, and Yazd. Perfect for those…

Iran Nature & Culture Tour

Iran Nature & Culture Tour

From Gardens to Deserts: Discovering Iran’s Rich Heritage This 15-day Iran Nature & Culture Tour takes you through the historical depth, lush gardens, lively bazaars, and peaceful deserts of Iran. Starting in Tehran, it explores…

Iran Mountain Climbing Adventure

Iran Mountain Climbing Adventure

Summit Seekers: The Ultimate Iran Mountain Climbing Adventure An exhilarating journey to conquer some of Iran’s most majestic peaks. This itinerary is tailored for avid climbers who are seeking the stunning mountain landscapes of Iran,…

From Alborz to Turkmen Steppe

From Alborz to Turkmen Steppe

4-Day Turkmen Steppe Tour in Iran From Alborz to Turkmen Steppe Tour, A remarkable 4-day journey across the diverse landscapes of Iran’s East Alborz Mountain Range. This expedition is designed to showcase the striking contrast…

Iran Cycling Tour

Iran Cycling Tour

Iran Cycling Expedition: Scenic Routes and Cultural Highlights Iran Cycling Tour A captivating cycling journey through Iran’s diverse landscapes, from the bustling streets of Tehran to the serene beauty of the Persian Gulf coast and…

exact travel iran

Golestan National Park Tour

Explore Iran: Golestan Forest Highlights The 6-day Golestan National Park tour offers a perfect blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty in northern Iran. Explore Gorgan’s bazaars, serene eco-lodges, stunning waterfalls, verdant forests, and the…

Central Iran Desert Tour

Central Iran Desert Tour

Central Iran Desert Adventure Itinerary Central Iran Desert Tour: Explore the heart of Iran’s vast deserts on a journey that blends the untouched landscapes of the central desert with the ancient cultures that thrived in…

Iran Bird watching Tour

Iran Birdwatching Tour

Avian Adventures: Iran’s Spectacular Birdwatching Tour The Iran Birdwatching Tour offers a breathtaking journey through diverse landscapes, from the arid slopes of the Alborz Mountains to the lush Caspian lowlands and the stark beauty of…

exact travel iran

Iran Ashura Tour

Journey Through Time: The Ashura Heritage Tour of Iran This 10-day Ashura tour in Iran offers a unique blend of cultural, historical, and spiritual experiences, highlighting the country’s rich traditions during Muharram. From exploring ancient…

Exploring Iran's Ancient Graveyards

Exploring Iran’s Ancient Graveyards

Iran’s Ancient Graveyards Tour: A Journey Through Time Begin on a unique journey across Iran that uncovers the history and stories behind some of the country’s most ancient and significant graveyards. This specialized tour is…

A 4-day tour of Tehran's Zurkhanehs

A 4-day tour of Tehran’s Zurkhanehs

Echoes of Valor: Tehran’s Zurkhaneh Heritage Tour Embark on a captivating four-day journey through the heart of Tehran, where you’ll immerse yourself in Iran’s rich cultural heritage and the ancient tradition of Zurkhaneh sports. This…

14-Day Silk Road Adventure in Iran

14-Day Silk Road Adventure in Iran

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Persian Silk Road Experience a 14-Day Silk Road Adventure in Iran and discover a significant segment of the ancient Silk Road. Explore Tehran’s museums, the vibrant bazaars of Tabriz, and…

Zoroastrian Heritage Tour in Iran

Zoroastrian Heritage Tour in Iran

A Zoroastrian Tour of Iran Short Tour in 5 Days The Zoroastrian Heritage Tour in Iran is a 6-day journey exploring Zoroastrians’ history, culture, and heritage. It includes visits to key Zoroastrian and historical sites…

Iran Luxury Tour - Iran Premium Tour

Iran Luxury Tour – Iran Premium Tour

Persian Luxury Tour 9-Day Iran Luxury Tour offers a deeply enriching and comfortable experience, taking you through some of the country’s most historic and beautiful landscapes. Here’s a suggested itinerary for a luxury tour in…

Historic Churches and Cultural Marvels of Iran Tour

Historic Churches and Cultural Marvels of Iran Tour

Iran’s Churches and Beyond: A Journey Through Time The Tour of Historic Churches and Cultural Marvels of Iran includes visits to churches such as Vank Cathedral and Qara Kelisa, as well as UNESCO sites. Travelers…

Specialized Tours of Iran

As a premier Iran Travel Agency, we excel in crafting personalized and exclusive tours to match your preferences, ensuring every journey is meticulously designed for an exceptional experience.

Guiding You Every Step of the Way

From the moment you book your tour, we're by your side until the conclusion of your journey. And yes, our consultation is completely free.

Savoring Iran: Cooking, Connecting, and Culture

Immerse yourself in authentic culinary moments, cooking with chefs and fellow travelers. Then, share meals and forge connections, getting to know Iran up close. Our trips are designed to ensure unforgettable encounters with locals, making each experience uniquely personal.

Hand-Picked Experiences with Locals

Memorable experiences in Iran start with the locals' welcoming and hospitable nature, as they eagerly share their culture and traditions. You're not just a visitor; you're a guest in their homes, where delicious meals are cooked.

Experience Flower Picking and Rosewater Extraction with Omid

Experience Flower Picking and Rosewater Extraction

Harvesting Roses and Crafting Rosewater Join us in this unique experience where you’ll connect with…

Cycling and watching the sunset in Hormuz, with a high bike

Cycling and watching the sunset in Hormuz

Cycling in Hormuz: Explore, Marvel, Sunset! Hormuz Cycling Tour: Breathtaking scenery, rejuvenating salt paths, and…

The Joy of Pottery with Neghla and Kiyandokht

The Joy of Pottery

Pottery Bliss Visit the charming Gasht pottery workshop in Rasht, explore different types of clay,…

Woodworking Experience at Vakil Bazaar

Woodworking Experience at Vakil Bazaar

Crafting Memories: Woodworking in the Artisan’s Haven of Shiraz This title captures the essence of…

Wandering Amidst the Beauty of Lake Maharloo

Wandering Amidst the Beauty of Lake Maharloo

Maharloo Lake Expedition: Capturing the Pink Beauty As we venture through the fascinating landscape of…

Exploring the Forests of Masal with Amin

Exploring the Forests of Masal

Enchanted Forests of Gilan This experience promises tranquility and an authentic connection to nature. I’m…

Exploring Woodworking through Knot Tying with Farshad

Exploring Woodworking through Knot Tying

Crafting Connections: Woodworking and Knot Tying An opportunity for participants to explore woodworking and knot…

Experience a Local Night in the Pottery Village of Salembad, Tonekabon

Experience Pottery in Iran

Explore North of Iran’s Pottery: Connect, Craft, Nature! Visitors to the north of Iran can…

Hiking from Javaherdeh to Ramsar cable car

Hiking from Javaherdeh to Ramsar cable car

Forest Hike: Javaherdeh to Ramsar Cable Car Adventure Discover the Hyrcanian forests with a captivating…

The Experience of Pedaling Around the Lafour Dampost

The Experience of Pedaling Around the Lafour Dampost

Exploring Lafur Dam’s Natural Wonders We will help you discover Mazandaran and its beauty without…

Pottery experience with Ms. Atiyeh

Pottery experience in Iran

Gilani Pottery Adventure: Crafting Gamaj This pottery experience offers a blend of creativity, cultural enrichment,…

Tea Harvesting in the Shaib Kelayeh Village, Tonekabon

Tea Harvesting in Gilan

Tea Harvesting Adventure in Gilan This experience promises a taste of exquisite tea and an…

Exploring the Art of Kilim Weaving and Crafting Kilim Jewelry with Zainab

Exploring the Art of Kilim Weaving and Crafting Kilim

Kilim Weaving & Jewelry Crafting Whether you’re an experienced artisan or someone new to crafting,…

Bird Watching in the Wilds of Gilan with Mahan

Bird Watching in the Wilds of Gilan

Birding Bliss in Gilan: Exploring Avian Wonders Prepare yourself for an enriching experience in the…

The experience of pedaling on the most beautiful railway in Iran

The experience of pedaling on the most beautiful railway in Iran

Exploring Tehran to Sari Railway: An Adventure Awaits Experience the breathtaking Tehran to Sari Railway…

Exploring Gilani Embroidery with Mrs. Hemati

Exploring Gilani Embroidery

Threads of Tradition: Embroidery and Storytelling in Gilan This title captures the essence of your…

Hiking on Iran's Most Beautiful Rail Trail with Hossein

Hiking on Iran’s Most Beautiful Rail Trail of Iran

Iran’s Scenic Rail Trail: Hiking Adventure Prepare for an adventure combining history, nature, and culture…

Exploring the Beauty of Aab Sefid Waterfall and Local Life

Exploring the Beauty of Aab Sefid Waterfall and Local Life

Aab Sefid Waterfall Adventure: Exploring Nature’s Beauty Get ready for an immersive experience amidst the…

One Night Stay in a Forest Cabin and Yoga in Nature with Atefeh

One Night Stay in a Forest Cabin and Yoga in Nature

Serenity in the Woods: Forest Cabin Retreat and Yoga Join us in this unique experience…

From planting to harvesting; Farming in the Somesara

From planting to harvesting: Farming in Iran

Hands-On Farming Experience: Embrace the Fields of Iran This immersive farm experience allows us to…

Exploring the Art of Wood Finding and Woodworking in Nature

Exploring the Art of Wood Finding and Woodworking in Nature

Craft Your Wooden Treasure in Nature Whether you’re a seasoned woodworker or someone completely new…

Exploring the Art of Calligraphy in Isfahan with Mehdi

Exploring the Art of Ghalamzani (Toreutics) in Isfahan

Scripted Beauty: A Journey into Toreutics This experience offers an excellent opportunity to explore the…

Experience local life and baking bread in Lafur

Experience local life and baking bread in Lafur

Bread-Making and Beyond: A Journey into Lefur’s Rural Lifestyle This experience is an opportunity to…

The art of boat making and boat riding in the mangrove forest, with Joshu Mohammad

The art of boat making and boat riding in the mangrove forest

Mangrove Boat Adventure This unique experience promises to leave you with memories that will last…

Exploring Nomadic Life and Culture with Mehdi Hashemi

Exploring Nomadic Life and Culture

Nomadic Life Unveiled: Explore Kavar This experience offers a profound opportunity to bridge the gap…

Our Handpicked Accommodations

Find your perfect place to stay in Iran with Our Travel Agency. We offer everything from cozy traditional homes to luxury hotels and unique Eco-lodges in beautiful locations. Experience the best of Iran's culture, history, and nature by staying at one of our clean and comfortable places. Book with us for a memorable taste of Iranian hospitality!

Golara Traditional Hotel Isfahan

Golara Traditional Hotel Isfahan

Golara Traditional Hotel Isfahan is located on Hafez Street, near Naqsh-e Jahan Square. If you…

Siddiq Boutique Hotel Isfahan

Siddiq Boutique Hotel Isfahan

The Siddiq Traditional Hotel, with a history of one hundred years, was opened in 2024…

Sohrevardi Traditional Hotel Isfahan

Sohrevardi Traditional Hotel Isfahan

The Sohrevardi Traditional Hotel in Isfahan was opened in 2018. This accommodation dates back to…

Keryas Traditional Hotel Isfahan

Keryas Traditional Hotel Isfahan

Keryas Traditional Hotel Isfahan is one of the charming accommodations in the city of Isfahan,…

Joybar Boutique Hotel Isfahan

Joybar Boutique Hotel Isfahan

Booking a stay at the Joybar Boutique Hotel in Isfahan offers a unique experience in…

Hana Boutique Hotel Tehran

Hana Boutique Hotel Tehran

Hana Hotel Tehran is a luxurious and well-equipped boutique hotel that offers a cozy atmosphere…

Zandiyeh Hotel Shiraz

Zandiyeh Hotel Shiraz

Architecture and Location: The five-star Zandiyeh Hotel Shiraz, inspired by traditional Iranian architecture, was built…

Mozafar Hotel Yazd

Mozzafar Hotel Yazd

A budget-friendly 3-star traditional hotel, located in a quiet and calm suburb of Yazd. Mozafar…

Esteghlal Hotel Tehran

Esteghlal Hotel Tehran

One of the best hotels in Tehran. This Ex-Hilton hotel is situated in the Northern…

Chamran Hotel Shiraz

Chamran Hotel Shiraz

Chamran Hotel is one of Shiraz’s most recently built hotels, located slightly away from the…

Park Hotel Shiraz

Park Hotel Shiraz

One of Shiraz’s oldest hotels, this 7-floor hotels offer a great service and location. It…

Parsian Hotel Shiraz

Parsian Hotel Shiraz

A 4-star hotel located in downtown Shiraz, this hotel offers you great accessibility to various…

Pars Hotel Shiraz

Pars Hotel Shiraz

This centrally located hotel in Shiraz is very well known locally for its variety of…

Irani Hotel House

Irani Hotel House

This place is another Iranian traditional house in Kashan that welcomes travelers with its traditional…

Safir Hotel Isfahan

Safir Hotel Isfahan

A newly renovated and refurbished hotel with a range of modern and traditional facilities such…

Discover Iran: Solo Women's Tour

Discover Iran: Solo Women’s Tour

Incredible Iran Travel Agency presents special tours designed specifically for women, thereby ensuring your journey is not only safe and fun but also full of insights. Consequently, with our local guides leading the way, you’re guaranteed a memorable exploration. Therefore, ladies, it’s time to pack your bags

Country Specific Tours

We proudly offer tours for various countries, accompanied by expert guides in your native language.

Touren des Iran für deutsche Bürgerinnen

Touren des Iran für deutsche Bürgerinnen

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Iran tour from Iraq - Iran Tour for Iraqis

Iran tour from Iraq – Iran Tour for Iraqis

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Iran tour from Jordan - Iran Tour for Jordanian

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Tours en Iran pour les Français

Tours en Iran pour les Français

De Paris à Téhéran Tours en Iran pour les Français: Une Exploration Culturelle La similitude…

10-Day Tour of Iran for Brazilians

Iran Tour for Brazilians

Bem-vindos! Iran Tour for Brazilians Visa-Free Access: A standout benefit for Brazilian travelers is the…

Iran Tours for German Citizens

Iran Tours for German Citizens

German Passage to Persian Wonders It seems that Iran’s attractions appeal significantly to our German…

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Iran tour from Kuwait – Iran Tour for Kuwaitis

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Iran Travel Blog

From Majestic Mountains to Historic Bazaars: Essential Travel Insights on Iran’s Uncharted Beauty.

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The Beautiful Gardens of Shiraz in Pictures

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Mount Damavand

Know the 10 Historical Churches of Iran

Know the 10 Historical Churches of Iran

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Exact Travel announces the top unusual and authentic travel destinations

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Exact Travel, a travel agency known for its unique and unknown destinations, has announced the addition of several new tour packages to its portfolio. These destinations are located in distant countries that were not traditionally considered tourist destinations 5-10-15 years ago, offering an authentic and unforgettable experience for travelers looking for something different.

Here are the top unusual destinations proposed by Exact Travel:

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Alaska – Known for its rugged wilderness and stunning natural scenery, Alaska offers a unique and unforgettable experience for those seeking adventure. Visitors can witness the Northern Lights, hike through national parks, and even take a cruise to see glaciers and wildlife up close. Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area, covering over 660,000 square miles. The state is home to over 3 million lakes, 3,000 rivers, and 100,000 glaciers. Alaska is known for its abundant wildlife, including bears, moose, caribou, and whales.

Easter Island – A remote island in the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is renowned for its mysterious and stunning moai statues. Visitors can explore the island’s ancient ruins, learn about the fascinating history and culture of the Rapa Nui people, and enjoy the scenery.

Laos – A country that has remained relatively untouched by tourism, Laos is a country with stunning natural beauty and a rich culture. Visitors can explore ancient temples, take a boat tour along the Mekong River, and hike through amazing national parks. In addition to the well-known attractions, to truly experience the spirit of Laos, visit the night market in Luang Prabang and explore the country’s colonial history by walking through the lesser-known parts of the city. If you wake up very early in the morning, you can observe over 200 Buddhist monks leaving monasteries and walking through the city to receive food offered by the faithful who wait for them along the streets. And be sure to try a cruise to the Pak Ou Holy Caves, where there are hundreds of Buddha statues, with stops in the villages on the shore to observe the locals’ way of life. And be sure to take a walk through the villages and rice fields to the beautiful turquoise waterfalls of Khuang Sy.

Ethiopia – A country that is rapidly gaining popularity among adventurous travelers, Ethiopia offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Visitors can explore ancient cities like Lalibela and Axum, witness the stunning natural landscapes of the Simien Mountains, and taste delicious cuisine. Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world, with a history dating back over 2,000 years. The country is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the Simien Mountains, which host endemic species like the gelada baboon. Ethiopia has a unique and flavorful cuisine, which includes dishes like injera, a spongy bread, and doro wat, a spicy chicken stew.

Exact Travel recommends group programs with a tour guide for trips to destinations that are far away and have a unique cultural specificity. All agency tours or cruises include intercontinental air transportation, airport and port taxes, internal flights, transfers and admissions to attractions where applicable. In addition, they work extensively with local guides to obtain as much valuable information about locations as possible. Below are some examples of vacations in the most unusual destinations offered by them:

Treasures of Iran, whose prices start from €1,790 per person in a double room, will take place at 4-5 star hotels on a half-board basis, at the end of September. Keep in mind that a visa is required to enter Iran (€60/person, paid upon registration), but it’s not a cause for concern since it’s very easy for Romanian citizens to obtain it. To truly capture the unique spirit of Iran, the agency recommends traveling with a local guide who can introduce you to the savoriest aspects of daily life.

Cruise in Alaska and the Arctic Circle – from €3,690 per person for an interior cabin. The vacation starts at the end of August, and 7 of the 13 nights will be spent aboard the Radiance of the Seas with full board, various facilities, and entertainment programs. To make the journey as comfortable as possible, embarkation on the cruise ship takes place in Vancouver after the flight from Bucharest, with return from Seattle. Also, the most time-efficient route to the Arctic Circle is by plane, from Seward to Fairbanks. The single supplement fee (€980/person) to which the single cabin fee is added (calculated upon request) may seem daunting, but the agency will do its best to find you a travel partner to eliminate this extra cost.

Since Easter Island is 3510 km away from the South American continent, and 2-3 days are enough to explore it, Exact Travel recommends including it in a more complex program in South America. More precisely, a tour with an escort in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Easter Island, for 13 days between 18.10 – 01.10.2023, with a price of €3350 per person for a double room. To make the most of your vacation time, the agency opts for domestic flights between Rio de Janeiro – Iguazu, Iguazu – Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires – Santiago de Chile. Even to get to Easter Island, the best method is to fly from Santiago de Chile.

Nagasaki’s location makes it difficult to include the city as part of a traditional Japan tour. But Exact proposes an innovative solution: a cruise around Japan and South Korea, with stops in Kobe, Hiroshima, Busan, Kanazawa, Aomori, and of course, Nagasaki. The entire adventure lasts for 20 days, and the vacation price is €3850 per person for a double room and a cabin with a window. The package includes air transportation from Bucharest to Tokyo and back (with a stopover in Doha, the shortest route to Japan in terms of duration), airport taxes, accommodation with breakfast at 3-star hotels, 13 nights with full board on board the Diamond Princess, transfers, and entrance fees to attractions, according to the program.

Laos is still shielded from mass tourism, making it even more tempting for those who seek unique destinations. However, it would be a shame to go there without fully immersing yourself in the Indochinese culture. And that’s exactly what Exact Travel proposes, a complete tour through Thailand – Cambodia – Laos – Vietnam, over the course of 17 days, with a price of €3950 per person.

The distance to get there is considerable, and the vacation covers a wide area, so it’s ideal to use as many flights as possible between the major cities of the countries you visit: Bangkok – Siem Reap / Siem Reap – Luang Prabang / Luang Prabang – Hanoi / Hanoi – Hue / Da Nang – Ho Chi Minh.

Also, considering the local hotel standards, the agency recommends staying in 4-star hotels with breakfast included. The local cuisine is very enticing, so it will be a pleasure to try out the local dishes. To find the ideal hotel, try cozycozy and search among all available offers!

Ethiopia – accompanied circuit in Ethiopia, Roof of Africa, with a price of €2450/person, for a double room. The vacation starts on October 7th and lasts for 9 days, and the timing is optimal for visiting Ethiopia since the temperatures become milder and the rainy season has just ended. The best flight option is Bucharest – Doha – Addis Ababa and return, then a local flight to Bahir Dar. After visiting the attractions in the area – the first capital of the Ethiopian Empire, the community of Ethiopian Jews with its fascinating history, the UNESCO-listed Simien National Park – it is best to take a plane to the emblematic rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. You may find the local cuisine less enticing than in other parts of the world, but it compensates with authenticity and uniqueness. The agency has prepared a dinner with local specialties to surprise you with the most interesting Ethiopian dishes. A nice tip is to always have candies and small gifts for the children who will surely approach you for an honest trade with artisanal objects created by themselves.

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Mercedes-Benz announces a new strategic partnership with Bucharest Fashion Week, becoming the main partner of the most prestigious fashion event in Romania


Issue 9/2024

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Download PDF: Business Review Magazine August 2024 Issue

Download PDF: Business Review Magazine August 2024 Issue

ROCA Analysis: Private Equity investments represent only 0.041% of Romania’s GDP

BR Interview | Insights from Mihnea Vîrgolici and Irina Bossy Ghica on the Karpatia Horse Show

BR Interview | Insights from Mihnea Vîrgolici and Irina Bossy Ghica on the Karpatia Horse Show

BT raises EUR 700 million from international markets in an oversubscribed new issue

BT raises EUR 700 million from international markets in an oversubscribed new issue

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Iran At A Glance

Tehran – Kashan – Abyaneh – Isfahan – Shiraz

Women Tours

Classic persia.

Tehran – Kashan – Abyaneh – Isfahan – Yazd – Shiraz

Iran unesco Heritage Tour


Iran Unesco Heritage Tour

Culinary tour in iran, culinary tour in iran, ski resort and sightseeing.

Tehran – Isfahan

Iran Trekking Tour

North west part

Iran Nomad Tour




Dornagasht is a well-established travel agency based in Tehran that provides guided holidays and tailor-made itineraries to offer 200+ destinations in Iran.The Company was found by Mr.Alijani in 1995, who is the MD and it works by brand names IranTrip and IranParadise.Please Do not hesitate to contact us for your unique requirement and a tailor-made trip to Iran. Also if you like to see us in person, we are participating in all annual international world travel exhibitions around the world Besides we are continuously keeping in touch with our previous travelers, in order to improve our services and explore new ways to be able to satisfy your requirements and enhance the quality of your travel to Iran. We are proud of hosting you.

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IRAN’s Cultural sites on the World Heritage List (UNESCO)

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Best Time to Visit IRAN


IRAN Dress Code

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A Member Of Iran Tour Operators Association



Our arbaeen ziyarat packages cater to a wide variety of needs.

We are excited to announce the launch of Ahlulbayt Travel's Arbaeen 2024 registration page, where we invite all our dedicated followers to embark on a remarkable journey with us. In August 2024, we will embark on a transformative expedition to both Iran and Iraq, a pilgrimage of immense spiritual significance. On our registration page, you will find the exact travel dates and comprehensive information about the land packages we offer.

It's important to note that while we take care of your on-ground experience, flights are not included in our packages. We urge all prospective participants to register early and secure your place on this sacred journey. As Arbaeen coincides with the peak travel season in August, we strongly recommend purchasing your flight tickets well in advance to take advantage of lower fares. Join us in this profound pilgrimage, register now, and prepare for an unforgettable spiritual experience.



AUG 14                           QOM

Welcome Briefing

Ziyarat of Bibi Maso oma (SA)

AUG 15                             QOM

Masjid Jamkaran

Majlis at the Haram of Bibi Massoma (SA)

AUG 16                  MASHHAD

Ziyarat of Imam Reza (AS)

Majlis at the Haram of Imam Reza (AS)

AUG 17                    MASHHAD ​

Tou r of Haram and  Museum D

Dastarkhwan of Imam Reza (AS)

AUG 18                    MASHHAD

Nisha pour - Qadamgah of Imam Reza (AS)

Q&A session & Closing

AUG 19                    MASHHAD

AUG 19                          NAJAF ​ ​

Arrival into Najaf  Airport

Imam Ali Ziyarah ​

Majlis at the Haram of Imam Ali (AS)

AUG 20                          NAJAF ​ ​

Masjid Hannanah, Hazrat Kumail (AS)  and Masjid Sahla h

AUG 21                         KARBALA ​ ​ ​

T ravel Najaf - Kerbala. Kerbala Ziyarat.

AUG 22                    KARBALA ​

AUG 23                      KARBALA ​ ​ ​ ​

T ravel Najaf - Kerbala. Kerbala Ziyarat

AUG 24                     KARBALA ​ ​ ​ ​

Arrival into Karbala

AUG 25                     KARBALA

Arbaeen Night

AUG 26                     KARBALA

Kerbala Ziyarat. Arbaeen Day

AUG 27                      KARBALA ​ ​

Walking Ziyarat of Karbala Ziyarat of Khaymaga Hu ssaini AS, Tila-e-Zainabia (SA), Muqam-e-Ali Asghar (AS), and Ali Akbar (AS), Muqam-e-Imam Za mana and Jaffar Sadiq (AS) and Muqam-e-Al Qama

AUG 28                     KARBALA ​

Day Trip -   Khazmain &  Sa marra -  Ziyarat of  Imam Musa Kazim (AS) & Imam Mohammad Taqi (AS)     -  Ziyar at of Imam Ali Naqi (AS) & Imam Hasan Al-Askari (AS)

AUG 29                     KARBALA ​

Day trip Najaf - M asjid Kufa - Ziy arat of H azrat Muslim Ibn-e-Aqeel (AS), Ziyarat of Hazrat Mukhtar (AS )  & Hazrat Hani (AS), Ziyarat of Imam Ali (AS)  house, Ziyarat of Hazrat Mesum Tammar (AS)

AUG 30                     KARBALA


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Iran’s Cities Are Full of History. These Are The Biggest Ones to Visit.


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  1. Circuit Iran

    În septembrie 2023, Exact Travel vă invită într-un circuit compact al Iranului, o țară surprinzătoare, pentru 9 zile încărcate de cultură și istorie. phone_in_talk 0755 744 791 email [email protected]

  2. Exact Travel

    De 25 Ani rămânem loiali misiunii noastre de a împărtăși experiențele de travel ce ne-au îmbogățit, de a vă aduce bucuria cu care noi înșine descoperim locuri și oameni noi. De ce Exact Travel? Pentru că este produsul dorinței de a crea un altfel de turism și a pasiunii pure pentru călătorii. Blog

  3. Can Americans Travel to Iran? Yes, Here's How and What to Expect

    Travel to Iran: a 2019 visa update for US, UK and Canadian citizens; Everything you need to know before visiting Iran; Why you should visit Iran now, more than ever; 5 unique experiences you shouldn't miss in Iran; What to wear in Iran: a packing guide — (All images courtesy of the writer, Norbert, and taken on Intrepid Travel's Iran ...

  4. Cea mai frumoasă excursie în Iran, cu Exact Travel

    23/07/2022. Cea mai frumoasă excursie în Iran, cu Exact Travel. by Mihaela Ispas. 0. Am creat pentru această toamnă două tururi iraniene, din dorința de a transpune într-un program turistic tot ceea ce iubim noi și ne place la Iran: cultura fabuloasă, istoria complicată, spiritualitatea unică, ospitalitatea iranienilor, frumusețea ...

  5. Iran Travel Advisory

    Reissued after periodic review with minor edits. Do not travel to Iran due to the risk of terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, arbitrary arrest of U.S. citizens and wrongful detentions.. Country Summary: U.S. citizens should not travel to Iran for any reason. Iranian authorities continue to unjustly detain and imprison U.S. nationals, particularly dual U.S.-Iranian nationals--including ...

  6. Iranian Tours

    Gardesh-haye-Irani (Iranian Tours) Travel Co. was authorized by Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization under license number 126-22380 and has been active in providing travel services to Iran visitors since 2001. IranianTours has a sales and marketing office in London as well.

  7. 12-Day Ultimate Iran Adventure Tour

    LOCAL CUISINE: Because we travel to different regions in Iran you have the opportunity to taste a variety of mouth-watering food - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. Seriously, all the meals are the best. ... in Iran. The exact itinerary of our trek will depend on the time of year. The nomad families have two primary camps ...

  8. Best Iran Tours & Travel Packages 2024

    Iran tour packages from Mexico. Flights available from Mexico City, Cancun & Guadalajara. A for a citizen of Mexico will cost €45 and will take 3 business days to process. Start a chat with our friendly support staff to receive your personalized travel plan. Iran tour packages from the Netherlands.

  9. Can Americans visit Iran? A Complete Guide

    For Americans and a few other select nationalities though, there are certain rules one must follow upon arrival in Iran. Complete independent/solo travel in Iran is not possible for citizens of the USA, UK, and Canada. The rule is that these nationalities must have a government-licensed guide with them when traveling here at all times.

  10. Local Iran Travel Agency and Tour Operator

    Discover Iran: Solo Women's Tour. Incredible Iran Travel Agency presents special tours designed specifically for women, thereby ensuring your journey is not only safe and fun but also full of insights. Consequently, with our local guides leading the way, you're guaranteed a memorable exploration. Therefore, ladies, it's time to pack your ...

  11. Exact Travel announces the top unusual and authentic travel

    Exact Travel consultants highly recommend them, considering them an ideal blend of authentic culture, unique spiritual experience, and unmatched scenery. Here are the top unusual destinations proposed by Exact Travel: Iran - A country that has recently opened up to tourism, Iran is a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.

  12. iran travel , tour to iran, iran trip , iran tour operator,travel to iran

    MD Message. Dornagasht is a well-established travel agency based in Tehran that provides guided holidays and tailor-made itineraries to offer 200+ destinations in Iran.The Company was found by Mr.Alijani in 1995, who is the MD and it works by brand names IranTrip and IranParadise.Please Do not hesitate to contact us for your unique requirement ...

  13. PDF Exact in Iran oct 2022 220222

    Website - O călătorie spirituală în Iran cu EXACT TOURS - (22 octombrie -2 noiembrie 2022, 12 zile/11 nopți) Itinerar: TEHERAN - ABYANEH - KASHAN - ISFAHAN - NAEIN - YAZD - PERSEPOLIS - SHIRAZ ... Website detronat de Revoluția Islamică din 1979. Încăperile extravagante, vilele ascunse ...

  14. Exotigo: Iran Hotels, Flights, Visa, Tours, Car Rental & More

    Find and book the best deals on the Iran Hotels, Flights, Tours, Visa, Car rentals and all other travel services you need. Get your Iran visa and Check out Exotigo daily travel deals & promotions. Instant and secure booking.


    We are excited to announce the launch of Ahlulbayt Travel's Arbaeen 2024 registration page, where we invite all our dedicated followers to embark on a remarkable journey with us. In August 2024, we will embark on a transformative expedition to both Iran and Iraq, a pilgrimage of immense spiritual significance. On our registration page, you will ...

  16. Iranian passport

    Iranian passports are issued to nationals of Iran for the purpose of international travel. The passport serves as a proof of Iranian citizenship.The Iranian passports are burgundy, with the Iranian emblem emblazoned on the top of the front cover.. The words "جمهوری اسلامی ایران" meaning Islamic Republic of Iran and "گذرنامه" meaning passport are inscribed to the right ...

  17. Iran's Cities Are Full of History. These Are The Biggest Ones ...

    Shiraz. Land Size: 86 sq. miles (city) Population: 1.5 million (city), 1.8 million (metro) Location/Geography: Shiraz is located in southwest Iran and is the capital of Fars Province. It sits at ...

  18. Exact Travel Club

    Specialiști în Asia și Japonia, prin Exact Travel Club dorim să vă înlesnim cunoașterea locurilor pe care le visați de o viață întreagă. phone_in_talk 0755 744 791; email [email protected]; shopping_cart Cos; ... Iran, o poveste de iubire; Contact. 0755 74 47 91; 021 312 30 45;

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    Register with Exact Travels. Email Field is mandatory ... All Travel Services. Explore Destinations. Get the most affordable and reliable deals. Top Hotel Destinations. Sydney (132 Hotels) View more. Paris (494 Hotels) View more. New York (395 Hotels) View more. Beijing (174 Hotels)

  20. Chestionar satisfacție clienți Iran 2023

    Chestionar satisfacție clienți. Iran, septembrie 2023. Vă mulțumim pentru că ați ales să călătoriți cu Exact Travel! Vă rog frumos să îmi acordați câteva minute pentru completarea acestui chestionar de satisfacție. Răspunsurile dumneavoastră sunt foarte importante pentru noi, dorim să știm ce am făcut bine, mai puțin bine ...

  21. Israel vows to 'exact a price' after unprecedented Iranian ...

    Israel pledged that it will "exact a price" from Iran as the country weighs its response to an unprecedented overnight barrage of drone and missile strikes while facing international pressure ...

  22. Echipa Noastra

    General Manager. Ce face: la partenerii noștri japonezi când vrei să te retragi din activitate te fac consilier… la noi, director general. Ce vorbește: engleză, franceză, o țâră de italiană. Vârsta: copt pentru consilier. Ce-i place: să umble prin lume, să se dea cu bicicleta, să joace tenis, să asculte rock… orice, numai să ...