Eco Friendly Travels

Eco-friendly travel guide to Indonesia advises how to be a responsible tourist. Learn how to travel in a sustainable way and how to respect the local people and culture. Make your trip green by supporting locally owned hotels, organic restaurants and other businesses. Read more on how to protect the environment by making conscientious choices and how to travel green in Indonesia , Asia .

eco indo travel

  • Air quality : 3.5 / 5
  • Bus connections : 5 / 5
  • Train connections : 4 / 5
  • Hitchhiking : 4 / 5
  • National parks : 5 / 5
  • Outdoor activities : 5 / 5
  • Locals' English level : 1.5 / 5
  • Safety : 3.5 / 5
  • Accommodation : US$6 - $1500
  • Budget per day : US$20 - $1700
  • 1 Responsible Travel
  • 2 Air Quality and Pollution
  • 3 Respect the Culture
  • 4 Top 10 Places to Visit
  • 5.1 City Parks
  • 5.2 National Parks
  • 5.3 Beaches
  • 5.4 Landmarks
  • 5.5 Museums
  • 7.1 Tap-water
  • 8 Activities
  • 9.1 Green Hotels
  • 9.2 Hostels and Guest Houses
  • 9.3 Apartments
  • 9.4 Couchsurfing
  • 9.5 Camping
  • 12.4 Hitchhiking
  • 12.5 Others
  • 13 Sustainable Shopping
  • 15.1 Exchange Student
  • 15.2 Au Pair
  • 15.3 Volunteering
  • 16 See Also

Responsible Travel

The Republic of Indonesia, or just Indonesia, is a southeast Asian and Oceania country sitting between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Indonesia is the only country in the world that comprises seventeen thousand islands; thus, making it the largest island country globally. Unlike its neighboring countries like Vietnam , Malaysia , China , Thailand , and the Philippines , Indonesia is home to a diverse variety of ethnic groups. You will find that the most-followed religion is the Islamic one that accumulates to more than 80 percent. Indonesia is famous worldwide for its iconic and rejuvenating islands like Bali , Java, New Guinea (Papua), Sumatra, Borneo, etc. You will find that in a total approximate area of 1.9 million square kilometers, it comes as the 14th largest country. It homes over 267 million people and ranks 4th globally when it comes to the total population. The capital city is Jakarta , which is also home to the biggest Indonesian airport, Soekarno Hatta International Airport . The country recognizes over 700 regional languages and about 600 ethnic groups.

As a popular vacation destination in Asia, you will want to get the best experience out of your Indonesian trip. To make your Indonesian trip successful, you will need to travel responsibly, including adopting eco-friendly practices and respecting the local environment.

  • You will find that the pollution levels are not very severe compared to neighboring countries like China , Vietnam , and Thailand . Still, you need to be cautious of your actions and contribute to improving environmental problems. The best way to assist as a tourist is by participating in volunteering activities. These activities will help the locals understand the need to change their habits and learn about the various measures to adopt while exploring Indonesian cities . Recycling, proper waste disposal, reusing used items, etc., are some sustainable measures that will help you keep your carbon footprint minimal and save on many costs.
  • Some other eco-friendly measures that you can adopt while staying in Indonesia is by opting for sustainable accommodation options like green hotels, hostels, guest houses, Couchsurfing, camping, and rental apartments. These places use localized items, which help in supporting the local communities by providing them employment opportunities. These places are also cheaper than luxurious resorts and hotels that often exploit the local environment to provide their guests with world-class services. These sustainable accommodation options also use various solar power measures, rainwater harvesting, rental bicycles, reusable towels, and ingredients from local sources.
  • Since the pollution levels are increasing at a steady pace, you must avoid contributing to the increment. You can do this by opting for public transports, walking, or bicycles to move around the country. These options will help you get a first-hand experience of the Indonesian culture and help you stay fit. They are also quite affordable; therefore, you can save a lot of money and use it wisely later.

Another great way to travel responsibly in a foreign country like Indonesia, with over 600 ethnic groups, is by supporting local businesses and communities. You will find that many local artisans, handicraft workers, painters, and other such artistic people create unique items using their traditional methods and giving their personal touch and twist. These hand-made items are very cheap, and if you buy even a few from a local artist or business, you will be able to help them earn enough to provide their family with a proper meal . These handicrafts are also great souvenirs for your Indonesian trip that will stay longer than souvenirs from tourist shops.

Air Quality and Pollution

Air Pollution – air pollution in Indonesia accumulates to 64% of the total pollution because of the increased use of motorcycles and cars. Due to this country's industrialization, many cities face smoke-related issues from industries containing carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals. Many locals often set the garbage on fire by the locals to get rid of it without dumping, which creates a lot of smoke causing air pollution. There are many buildings which are created and destroyed regularly in this country which requires heavy machines. Air pollution can cause severe problems to the human body, like asthma and other respiratory problems.

Noise Pollution – Noise pollution is using many sounds which may cause damage to the ears. In simplified terms, any sound which is above 120 decibels is a noise. There is a moderate level of noise pollution in this city. Noise pollution is mainly because of traffic and vehicles' horns, including trucks, trains, and cars. There are around 29 to 30 airports in Indonesia that operate more than a hundred aircrafts a day. The sound which an airplane makes while take off and on landing also comes under noise pollution. Other reasons are this city's nightlife, including high volume speakers used in the parties, clubs, and bars. Due to the rapid growth of industries, there is a lot of noise that comes from them. Noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety, sleep disorder, depression, hearing loss, and many other problems.

Light Pollution – Light pollution means excessive use of light. There is a lot of light pollution present in this country. It is because of the growing tourism and nightlife, which is becoming popular in this country. There are no restrictions on the bars and clubs; therefore, they go on partying for the whole night, creating unwanted light in some states. Corruption and bribery in this country are high due to which these clubs and bars escape. Light pollution can cause sleep disorders, headaches, and other such problems. It is bad for humans and animals as they would not be able to sleep, which will create an issue in their ecosystem.

  • Pollution Index – 67.08
  • Pollution Exp Scale – 115.85
  • Jakarta (West Java) is the most polluted city in Indonesia

Respect the Culture

Indonesia is a secular country offering five religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism. Therefore, there is cultural diversity in this country. There is an ancient fusion of Hinduism and Islam known as Javanese Abangan Belief. There are dances called Balinese dances, which depict stories about Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms. In Aceh and Minangkabau regions, there is a lot of Islamic art and architecture present.

  • Gawai Dayak - This is an annual festival of Indonesian people celebrated on 1st and 2nd June by the Dayak people. It was first celebrated in 1965 because, in 1962, the British Colonial government refused to honor it. Different types of food and drinks are present in these festivals, including their traditional liquor called Tuak, a rice wine made of gluten rice a month before this festival. Other food items include cakes of a different kind made from flour.
  • Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival – This is best if you love to try new dishes or want to go shopping. It is an annual festival which lasts for a month and is continuing since 2004. Many tourists visit this festival; therefore, it is trendy in the tourism industry of Indonesia. You will get traditional dresses and other items which would be designed by professional designers. Many food stalls serve different cuisines and traditional dishes like meatballs and fresh aromatic soups called SOTO.

Top 10 Places to Visit

  • Borobudur (Java): It is also known as Candi Borobudur in Indonesian. It is a historic temple from the 9th century, and it is a Mahanaya Buddhist Temple in the province of Magelang Regency in Java, Indonesia. This temple dates back to the 9th century of the Sailendra Dynasty Era. Later, the site saw alterations in 1911 by Theodoor van Erp. It is a World Heritage Site that comes under UNESCO. During the excavation, the site shows some traces of Hindus before the Buddhists acquired the temple. The place consists of approximately 2,670 reliefs. There are many relief materials present in these temples. Some of them are relief panel of a ship at Borobudur, the Apsara of Borobudur, a detailed carved stone of relief, surasundari holding a lotus, tara holding a Chamara is present here. A Buddha statue inside a stupa, a Great departure from Lalitavistara, and an early keris form weapon are also available.
  • Gili Islands (West Nusa Tenggara): It is also known as Tiga Gili in Indonesia. It covers a totals area of 15-kilo meters square that is 5.8 square miles. It consists of a total population of 4439. It is present in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The island has a tropical climate, which is warm with a wet and dry season. The average temperature goes up to 28 degrees Celcius. There is no motorized vehicle on any of the three islands. You can travel using bicycles or cidomo, a horse-drawn carriage and is tiny in size. The primary income of natives of Gili Meno island is by fishing, coconut plantation, and tourism. It also has a turtle sanctuary and beaches all over the island. It is the smallest and most peaceful of the three islands. In Gili Air, many water sports are available, like Kitesurfing, scuba diving, paddle boarding, and many more. There are many resorts and restaurants opened for the convenience of the visitors.
  • Sacred Monkey Forest (Bali): It is also known as Mandala Suci Wenara Wana or a more famous name Ubud Monkey Forest. It is a natural habit and a sanctuary for the long-tailed Balinese monkey. This sanctuary is home to approximately 1049 monkeys. This sanctuary experiences 10,000 to 15,000 visitors every year. Other than monkeys, it also has 186 species of trees and plants. The forest covers up to 125 hectares. For the convenience of tourists, a gallery, a public hall, a canteen, toilet facilities, a first aid center, a composting facility, and many more are available here. There are three temples present; the Hindu temple dates back to 1350. The three temples are the Pura Beji Temple, the Pura Prajapati Temple, and the Pura Dalem Agung Pdhamtegal. For the spiritual use by the locals, temples are an essential aspect of their everyday life.
  • Tana Toraja (South Sulawesi Province): Toraja land is a common name of the place in Indonesian. It is a regency in Indonesia that is home to an ethnic group called Toraja. It has a total population of 232,519. The regency covers an area of 1,990.22 square kilometers. It is the second most famous tourist destination in Indonesia, while Bali remains the first. Since it is home to an ethnic group, various foreign people who study humans and their culture come to this regency. The topography is mountainous here, with a minimum elevation of 150 meters. It is also called the land of the Heavenly Kings. The ethnic people speak their language, Toraja. One of the striking practices here is the death ceremony. Tana Toraja is also the origin of a famous beverage that is Indonesian coffee. There are many hotels present where tourists can stay. Before the spread of tourism, the ethnic people used to do agriculture for their living, but now since tourism emerged, natives work in restaurants, hotels, coffee factories to earn their living. Tana Toraja is one of the best places to visit if you love to study the life and culture of Indonesian ethnic groups.
  • Lake Toba (North Sumatra): It is known as Danau Toba in Indonesian. It is a natural lake which is quite large. The lake is present in North Sumatra in Indonesia. The lake's maximum length is 100-kilo meters that are 62 miles, whereas the full width is 30-kilo meters that are 19 miles. The lake covers a total area of 1,130-kilometer square that is 440 square miles. Most of the people who live here are ethnically Bataks. Bataks are known for their houses, which have roofs curved on the ends. This place has a varied flora and fauna. Lake Toba consists of all kinds of macroplanktons, like the submerged, floating, and emergency macroplanktons. The fauna of the place includes Two endemic species of fishes named Rasbora Tobana and the Batak fish. Other than these, many other common fishes are also present here.
  • National Gallery of Indonesia (Jakarta): The National Gallery of Indonesia is an art and Gallery museum that is present in Jakarta, Indonesia. It exists as a cultural institution in the field of art visuals since 8th May 1999. It helps and plays a vital role in expanding the general awareness of art form and artwork group reservation exploitation and development of the visual arts in Indonesia's regions. It would be best if you visited the National Gallery of Indonesia while you are in the country.
  • Orangutans of Borneo (Borneo): By the name, it is evident that these orangutans are native to Borneo island. Like any other apes, they are brilliant. Scientists found that the DNA of orangutans and humans are similar up to 97%. A significant proportion of the species live in the lowlands of the Borneon islands. The Sumatran Orangutans are less in number. Approximately 15,000 are remaining in the jungles, whereas 54,500 Bornean Orangutans are present in the region. The primary reason for their disappearance is the ruining of their habitat due to deforestation and bushmeat trade. Orangutans are highly endangered, and scientists believe that Orangutans have lessened up to 14%. Orangutans may become extinct in the coming 10 to 20 years if the local authority doesn't take the necessary precautions. Therefore, the government of Indonesia is taking strict actions against poachers and hunters. There are many rehabilitation centers also present for the orangutan. They are the Orangutan Survival Foundation, the Borneo Orangutan Foundation, and the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation center. It is one of the best Indonesian islands if you want to see free orangutans jumping from one tree to another.
  • Bali : This island consists of the main island of Bali along with many other Balinese islands. This place is Indonesia's most important tourist destination. A significant proportion of Bali's economy is 80% comes from tourism and tourism-related businesses. The total population of this island is 4,362,000. The total area of this island is 5,780 square kilometers that are 2,230 square miles. It is the only province of Indonesia that has a majority of Hindus. The unique paddy irrigation system present here is a Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO. There are several water sports, such as surfing, diving, and many others. Football is also famous here. Bali is known for its sophisticated art and diverse handicrafts, sculpture, woodcarving, music, metalworking, and many more. The average temperature here goes to about 30 degrees Celcius or 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, Bali holds the world-famous Indonesian Film Festival every year. A famous spot known as the Coral Triangle is also in Bali, where about 500 species of corals are present.
  • Komodo National Park (East Nusa Tenggara): It is a natural park sitting in between the provinces of East and West Nusa Tenggara. It dates back to 1980 when it first started operating. It covers a total area of 1,733-kilometers square that is 669 square miles. It experienced its highest number of visitors in the year 2010 that is 45,000 visitors. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry governs this park. Here, the endemic species of Komodo Dragon are present. The northeastern coast of the island develops coral reefs. The park's rich marine life consists of sponges, eagle rays, whale sharks, blue-ringed octopus, sea horse, clown frogfish, and many more. The terrestrial animals found here are comparatively lesser than aquatic diversity. The terrestrial fauna includes orange-footed scrubfowl, helmeted friarbird, and many more. Snake species account for up to 12 on this island. Some mammals present here are Rinca rat, water buffalo, wild boar, and many more.
  • Wae Webo village (West Nusa Tenggara): It is in the traditional town present in the district of Maggarai On the islands of Flores, located in eastern Indonesia. The area got the top award of excellence from UNESCO in 2012 as it is a specific heritage. It is a small isolated village recognized for its rebuilding of Mbaru Niang houses based on the spiritual community. It’s around 1100 meters above sea level, an approximately 3 to 4-hour journey from the Denge Village foot. This village sits between the panoramic mountains and the dense total forest around its side. Empu Maru found this village about 100 years ago.

eco indo travel

There are various city parks in which you can roam around and relax. Other than this, there are beaches for different water activities or sunbathing. You can perform various sports activities like snorkeling, windsurfing, and water jet-type activities, which will help you create memories. It is a very historical place with many museums and artistic monuments, which will be very exciting to see and learn about Indonesia's ancient art and livelihood.

There are many city parks which are made-in each city of Indonesia. Some of the parks have statues of historical leaders as a tribute to them. There are many health benefits of walking in a park. These parks' fresh air will provide you enough refreshment for your body and boost your mental state and help you reduce your stress.

  • Tabebuya Park (Ibukota): It is a city park which is in Ibukota, Jakarta. This park comes under the best parks available in Jakarta. This park is excellent for picnics and strolling as it has many grass-covered areas. You can also come here for a morning or evening walk. There is a pond in this park where fishes are present, and you can also feed them. It consists of a badminton court and separates open places for recreational activities like yoga. There is a canteen in this park where you can find snack items to enjoy while strolling. The area of this park is 9,626 meters. This park is best to visit during springs and autumn because the cherry blossom trees grow their leaves, which gives the park an enchanting look.
  • Suropati Park (Menteng): It is a public park which is present in Menteng, Jakarta. You can easily find this park as it is present in the city center, where three streets meet. This park was created in 1920 and is under the Department of Parks and Cemetery's governance, Jakarta. You can perform various sports activities, including walking, jogging, cycling, and other such activities. There are fountains surrounded by many pigeons; you can feed them. The refreshing environment from the winds, trees, and fountains relaxes and soothes your mind and body. It is the reason why this park gained so much popularity. In the past, this park hosted various political rallies. You can even bring your family, friends, or partner to spend some time enjoying and relaxing together.
  • Waduk Pluit Park (North Jakarta): This park is present in North East Jakarta and first opened in 2013. This park has a basketball court where you can come with your friends and play. There are jogging tracks for fitness and a fitness area for exercising. There is a small canteen which serves limited snacks and beverages. This park's entry is free of cost without any charges. You can reach here by public bus, the parking here is not free. There are various trees and a lake at the border of this park. There are statues of some historical leaders who have played an essential role in the history of Indonesia.
  • Mayura Park (Lombok): This park is present 2 kilometers east of Mataram and dates back to 1866. It is a Balinese styled architecture which covers an area of 33,877.10 square meters. It is a rectangular-shaped park whose length is 244.6 meters and width is 138.5 meters. There is a pond along with the building where the resident assistant had his office. There are statues of three Muslim leaders dressed in traditional Banjar clothing and an iron cannon placed in the park entrance. This park's history is fascinating and is present there, including the war between two kings, which happened in 1839, in which the defeating king died, leaving his crowned son who created this park.
  • Kalijodo Park (Penjaringan): It is a park which is covering a land of 3.4 hectares and is present in Penjaringan. The park replaced a red light area and started operating in 2017. In 1950, this place became the favorite place for locals to roam around observing nature. Earlier, the park served to celebrate a water feast of Chinese called "Peh Cun." Many youngsters throw bean cakes to the opposite gender they found attractive while on the boat. If the female accepts the beans, she does the same. Between 1953 – 1960, the mayor banned this Chinese culture in the city. There is a play area with all kinds of amusement rides. A sizeable 23-meter hall known as Amphitheater is present. A skate park with concrete and iron railings is also available here.

eco indo travel

National Parks

A national park is a park aimed at conservation, and usually, the state government maintains these parks. Therefore, these parks are well-maintained. There is a total of 17,508 islands registered till now; accordingly, there are many national parks. Much of the revenue of cities comes from national parks. These national parks are best for picnic and tourist attractions. Some of the famous national parks are listed below. The ones which are listed are best in terms of cleanliness and popular among Indonesian people. Some of the national parks have restaurants and cafes to eat at during your visit. The staff are well-qualified and are very humble and will help you even if you get lost somewhere. You must check the weather if you plan to visit as rainfall or bad weather can be very stormy.

  • Alas Purwo (Java): This national park is in the southeast of Banyuwangi, and you can see many wild Banteng and can surf in the Grajagan Bay. This park covers an area of 434 square kilometers. This place is a significant hub of various endangered species; this park also helped recover Banteng substantially. The main reason for different species getting endangered are humans; many people try to capture them in Indonesia and try to slaughter and sell their meat. Other than this, there are many species of plants available in this park to visit. If you want to try windsurfing, you can very well come to this park between March and November.
  • Bunaken National Park (Sulawesi Island): It is a marine park that is in the north of Sulawesi Island of Indonesia. This park lies at the center of the coral triangle; therefore, this is home to more than 390 species of coral. Other than this, there are many fishes, reptiles, and other aquatic creatures present. It came into operation in 1991 under the body of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In this national park, 22 villages with a total population of about 35,000 people reside. As this is a marine park, the villagers' main occupation is fishing; other than this, there are farms of coconut, banana, and sweet potato. You can also perform various activities like scuba diving and snorkeling.
  • Kerinci Seblat National Park (Sumatra): It is the largest national park on Sumatra's entire island, covering 13,991 square kilometers. This park is also under the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra. This park takes a lot of land from the Barisan mountains. There are facilities of hot springs where one can relieve stress. Waterfalls give a fantastic view of the rivers, caves, and Lake Gunung Tujuh, the highest caldera lake of South East Asia. There are a lot of cats of different species, which can be seen everywhere in this area.
  • Ujung Kulon National Park (West Java): This park is in the western region of Java in Indonesia. The Ministry of Environment and forestry established and currently governs the park. This park covers 497.6 square kilometers and is a World's heritage site under natural parks. This national park protects around 57 species of plants and 35 to 40 mammal species. Other than these, there are 72 species of reptiles and 240 species of birds. However, there is still no traces of crocodiles in the waters. There was a claim that locals saw a gharial in the lake, but the authorities found no such thing. There are some traces of crocodile, but the administration does not confirm those.
  • Way Kambas National Park (South Sumatra): It is a large park which covers an area of 1300 square meters in Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. The vegetation of this park consists of mainly swamp forest and rain forest. This park has some endangered species. Other than this, there are also many species of birds that look so attractive. The Ministry of Forestry opened this place in 1989. There are 50 species of endangered mammals present here. You can come to this national park along with a trained guide who can provide you in-depth knowledge and details about these parks.

eco indo travel

There are many islands in this country, which leads to the availability of various beaches in this country. You can get multiple stalls and vendors selling different items, including food and beverages at the beaches. There are also a few bars present near the beaches to enjoy the waves with a drink. You can even walk on the coastline of the beach as it will be very refreshing for you. It is far better than walking in stiff and concrete paths because you have to move your legs through the sands on the beach, which will create difficulty in walking and help you in a better workout.

  • Kasih Beach (Weh Island): Many of the newly wedded couples visit this beach as this beach offers romantic and breathtaking sunset views. There are many facilities provided, including a spa and body massage to relieve stress. Other than this, there are various clubs and bars so that you can enjoy your evening. Kasih Beach also offers varied water sports activities in which you can participate.
  • Paradiso Beach (Bali): It is a beach made up of coral reefs and is very famous among the locals. You can find many stalls of snacks, beverages on this beach. This beach comes under Bali's one of the most-visited tourist attractions. You can go here for strolling or relaxing. The fresh air which blows throughout the beach will provide you enough refreshment.
  • Kuta Beach (Kuta): It is a beach present in Kuta since 1970 and is the main beach of the island. The locals and the travelers who have visited the beach consider the best time to be the evening because this beach gives the best scenic view of the sun setting. You can enjoy some quality time in Kuta Beach with your friends and family. There are various water sports which are also available, including water surfing or beach volleyball.
  • Senggigi Beach (Lombok): It is the main beach and tourist attraction of the city of Lombok. You can get a boat tour on the water. You can get a wide variety of boats. Snorkeling and windsurfing are allowed on this beach. Swimming on this beach is safe. The beach is free for visiting without any entry charges; however, surfing board and other snorkeling pieces of equipment are available here on rent, or you can directly purchase them.
  • Pangandaran Beach (West Java): This beach is in West Java, and the unique feature of this beach is that you can see through the water as the clarity is so good. It is a beach which has white sand. You can see and enjoy the sunrise and sunset from this beach as it is visible. There are many English speaking guides available to teach snorkeling or windsurfing. There is a rescue team group who will be in action during some emergency or crisis. You can also enjoy a boat tour at a low cost. This beach is also suitable for sunbathing.

eco indo travel

A landmark is a unique place that may be or may not be human-made. These places' key feature is that they are visible from a long distance and make it easy to recognize an area. In Indonesia, there are many landmarks in each state, which improves that state's tourist attraction. Some of the beaches are of coral reefs and the soil of the volcano. You can even walk towards many landmarks. These landmarks also include an active volcano, mountains, museums, and many more. These are the famous landmarks in Indonesia, which are tourist attractions and are recognized among locals;

  • Mount Bromo (East Java): It is an active volcano and is present in East Java. This volcano's elevation is 2,329 meters, which is not the highest peak, but this is the best-known peak. It is the most significant Indonesian attraction in East Java. The Bromo is a Japanese word that translates as Brahma, a Hindu God. If you want to visit this place, you have to go it through a mountain village where it is possible to reach this volcano by walking for 45 minutes, but you can easily organize a jeep tour if you have limited time. This volcano is sometimes close to the Indonesian Centre For Volcanology and Disaster Hazard Mitigation, depending on the volcanic activities.
  • Mount Rinjani (Lombok): It is an active volcano on the island of Lombok. This mountain is present on the Northside of Lombok, and the height of this is 3726 meters, which makes it the second-highest volcano in Indonesia. Near this mountain, there is a lake known as Segara Anak. This lake is 2000 meters above sea level, and the depth of this lake 200 meters. There are also hot springs available. This lake is sacred for the Sasak Tribe and Hindu people; that is why many religious activities occasionally occur. This mountain is a part of the global geopark network by UNESCO. Many eruptions happened in this mountain. The last explosion which took place was in 2010, while the first eruption occurred in 1847.
  • Jatiluwih Rice Terraces (Bali): There is a rice terrace in Bali from which primary rice production of the country comes. The area is generally a slope to facilitate rice plantation. This type of farming is best to prevent erosion. Due to slope shape, the rainfall slips down, creating less wastage of water. Terrace farming is present in places where there is no possible way to farm.
  • Mount Ijen (East Java): It is a volcano complex present between the Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency of East Java. As mentioned by National Geographic, an electric blue flame comes out from the engine; because of this statement, the tourism rate has increased. Scientists claimed that the blue fire is because of the sulphuric gas which excretes through the cracks releasing at a temperature of 600 degrees Celsius. This attractive blue flame can reach a height of 5 meters; this makes it the world's largest blue flame area. As scientists claimed, Ijen is rich in sulfur; therefore, the government started the sulfur mining plant.
  • Uluwatu Temple (Bali): It is a Hindu temple that is present in South Kuta. This temple is a tribute to Rudra, and 70-meters high rocks are present in its structure. This temple has many monkeys that snatch the visitors' bags, sunglasses, and other items. They will immediately return your items if you give them fruits, nuts, or candies. A dance performance depicting scenes of Ramayana starts every day at 6 p.m. as Kecak Dance Performance.
  • Prambanan Temple (Central Java): It is a Hindu temple in Indonesia that dates back to the 9th century. Dedicated to Lord Brahma; the universe's creator, and Lord Vishnu, the protector of the universe, and Lord Shiva; the universe's destroyer. This temple is present 17 kilometers north-east of Java. This temple is under the UNESCO World Heritage site and is the largest Hindu temple in entire Indonesia. This temple is built-in a typical Hindu architecture.

eco indo travel

Museums are a place where everyone loves to visit. You can gain a lot of knowledge about ancient architecture, famous incidents, historical monuments. They help us to understand the country in a better way. Many museums have guides that you can hire to translate the native language into English or your preferred language. Museums inspire us in many forms. Other than this, they also provide various artworks that might inspire us.

  • Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Jakarta): It is an art museum operating since 2017 and spreads over an area of 7,107 square meters. It is the first museum that has collections of Indonesian and other international contemporary art. There are a total of 90 works which are from different countries. Many paintings are present for an exhibition, so this place will be best for you if you love to admire art. Other than these, there are contemporary styles of various countries placed there, which shows the richness of the different cultures worldwide.
  • Museum Angkut (Batu): It is a unique museum of transportation, which gives it a distinctive feature for attracting tourists. This museum has several zones which have decorations in Asian, European, and American background. You will get to know about several vintage cars which are available in this museum. Some supercars are also present here, and it is a perfect place for any car lover. You will get detailed knowledge about the specifications of various cars. Some slides show how the making of the engine and the vehicles' designs.
  • Ullen Sentalu Museum (Kaliyurang): It is a museum located in Kaliyurang, which shows various arts and cultural heritage of Javanese people. This museum first started operating in 1994. The admission fee for international visitors is 100,000 IDR, and for domestic or local people, it is 50,000 IDR. It is a private museum started by Haryono Family, and presently, their foundation manages it.
  • House of Danar Hadi (Central Java): It is a museum that showcases different used fabrics. There are a lot of materials of various natural colors, including those required in traditional Indonesian dresses. Other than this, they also show the making and extraction of the fabrics. There is a large variety of artifacts available here for the tourists and locals to admire.

eco indo travel

Indonesia offers a wide range of cuisines for its visitors to try. The snacks here are appealing to everybody's taste. Moreover, we can say that Indonesia has something to suit everyone's taste, be it a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian.

  • Indonesian Satay : Satay is nothing but skewers of meat traditionally cooked over coal to give it a smoky and rich flavor. In Indonesia, satay comes with peanut sauce, which is served all over the skewers. The dish also comes along with rice cakes. It is found everywhere in Indonesia, and you can get satay at almost every street vendor, restaurant, or cafe.
  • Fried Rice : Indonesian fried rice is famous all over the world. Fried rice is Indonesia’s national dish. Everyone has tried fried rice with almost every variety. But what makes Indonesian fried rice world famous is the use of keycap, a thick and sweet soy sauce. Moreover, this fried rice comes with pickled carrots and cucumber garnish.
  • Asado : It originated from the cowboys and came with chimichurri. Mainly chimichurri contains pork, beef, sausages, sweetbreads, or sometimes ribs. The taste of chimichurri is salty. The famous Asado type is where you get a whole of a lamb or a pig roasted on the wood fire.
  • Chimichurri : It is a vegetarian salad made with chopped parsley finely, onion, garlic, olive oil, oregano, chili flakes, salt, and a slightly tangy flavor, which comes by adding vinegar or lemon. It is a salad, but many restaurants also serve it as a side dish with Asado or other barbequed food items in Indonesia. It is a trendy side dish loved by both locals and tourists. You can find chimichurri in almost all the restaurants, cafes, and food stalls.
  • Nasi Rawon : It originated in East Java. They use beef stew to make the dish. You will find that Nasi Rawon has a nutty taste. It has a deep black color because of a specific nut's use. It often comes with rice and has a vibrant flavor.

Indonesia is also known as the land of spices. The beverages which are available here are not only traditional but also unique, fresh, healthy, and nutritious.

  • Bajigur : This drink first originated in Java. The main ingredients used in this drink are palm sugar and coconut milk. Vanilla powder, ginger, or salt gives it a unique flavor. Many people believe that this drink increases your appetite and has the scent of pandan leaves. Often served with peanuts, banana, or boiled yam to enhance its taste.
  • Bandrek : It is a winter season drink. The main ingredients used in this drink is brown sugar and ginger. Moreover, to enhance its taste, the addition of spices such as cloves and cinnamon along with pandan leaves is common. It is a very nutritious and creamy drink.
  • Cendol : It is a beverage that is typically Indonesian. The main ingredient is rice flour. Processing rice flour is the first step, after which it gets its color from green food color. At last, the mixture passes through a special filter. It often comes with coconut milk, liquid palm sugar, and grated ice. The locals call it a snack drink or a dessert drink. Traditionally it uses pandanus leaves to give this drink a green color, but now the locals use artificial green food coloring.
  • Bir Pletok : This drink is a standard beverage of the night. It is a historical drink that originated here during the time of the Japanese invasion. Bir Pletok gives the drinker a warm sensation. It prevents cold and also increases the immunity of the body. Traditionally this drink consists of lemongrass, ginger, cinnamon, sugar, and Kayusecang.
  • Sekotang : This drink first originated in Java and is a native drink of the island. The main ingredients are ginger, which is more of a base ingredient, peanuts, beans of mung, picarcina, and bread chunks. You can find many food stalls selling this drink. Since the food carts have an open space, it is suitable for making this drink. The hawkers boil ginger on one side while mixing the other ingredients on the other side.

Due to insufficient water quality, most international authorities consider the water supply in Indonesia, not drinkable. You will find that water pollution is moderate to very high in the country, so tap water is not safe for tourists or locals. Although tap water is readily available throughout the country and there is no shortage, the sanitization and filtration process is not efficient enough to make the water drinkable. While visiting the different cities, towns, and islands of Indonesia, you can prefer bottled water, which is relatively cheap and safe to drink. But these plastic water bottles are not only harmful to your health but also the local environment. If you throw away the bottles after using them, they will need a lot of energy to properly dispose of them. If you use them for an extended time, then the plastic will dissolve harmful chemicals into the water . Therefore, these bottles are not a great option; instead, you can opt for refillable bottles or containers readily available in every city of the world. While eating at a restaurant, try to avoid drinking free water as it usually comes from tap water, which is not safe. You should also avoid ice cubes, as that the hotels, restaurants, and cafes offer until they ensure you that the water for the ice cubes is filtered and entirely safe to drink.

In an island country such as Indonesia, there are tons of activities in which you can participate. From water sports to extreme sports, all are available and help you feel the adrenaline in your body. Apart from sports, other refreshing and enlightening activities will also help you rejuvenate your body and learn more about the local culture, traditions, history, and art. These activities are a great way to try something new and exciting while creating a memorable Indonesian trip.

  • Take a museum tour
  • Participate in snorkeling adventures
  • Explore the wildlife
  • Learn to cook Indonesian food from a local chef
  • Explore the local food and drink culture
  • Learn the local dance forms
  • Attend a local festival or cultural event
  • Explore the coral reefs and marine life
  • Take a yoga class


From hotels to cheap campsites, all accommodation options are available in Indonesia with varied prices to suit every tourist's requirements. You will find that the number of resorts is more in Indonesia than hotels as they are different islands. These resorts offer some of the best services and rooms to their guests. You will find that hotels, hostels, guest houses, apartments, and even campgrounds are readily available at your disposal. You can opt for booking in advance from your home, or you can rent one after reaching the place. The staff of these places is usually amicable and can even speak English quite fluently. It will be best to find out about the validity and legality of the site you want to stay at before paying any sum of money. It is because the high tourism rates make the locals use illegal methods of earning money. You must inspect the place and the owner properly before finalizing.

Green Hotels

Surprisingly, green hotels are present in Indonesia. These hotels are the best alternatives to 5-star hotels. If you like staying in hotels, then green hotels are the ones you must choose. You will find every city has at least a few sustainable hotels present. These hotels are green because they use some sustainable measures like solar energy, windmills, hydroelectricity, rainwater harvesting, organic products, recycled items, reusable clothes, localized staff, and many more. These measures help these hotels become friendly not only to nature but also to the local communities. You will find that green hotels are quite similar to typical hotels ; the only difference is that they have a certification from a local authority or any national regulatory body. These hotels are cheaper than standard hotels and offer better quality services.

Hostels and Guest Houses

Hostels are widely available in Indonesia as the number of solo travelers is relatively high. To provide such travelers a proper and affordable place to stay, hostels offer different accommodation options that depend upon your budget. You can go for a shared room or a private room. These places are great for interacting with fellow travelers and learning about their Indonesian experience.

Guesthouses, on the other hand, are houses that are available for renting out temporarily. They are excellent for tourists traveling with their family, friends, or partner. Unlike hostels, guest houses provide more privacy and have pre-installed pieces of equipment such as kitchenware, bathroom items, living room furniture, electronics, bedroom items, and sometimes even food. These may seem a bit costly initially but will not toll on your travel budget and provide you with proper security and privacy in a foreign country.

Rental apartments are ideal for people that are in Indonesia for an extended time that exceeds more than a month. These apartments are available all over Indonesia, and different apartments offer different prices and facilities. Booking an apartment online is not the best option in Indonesia as there are chances of fraudulent activities. You must rent out an apartment after visiting the site and inspecting the place properly. To ensure you get good service, you can also interact with the current occupants and ask for their experience . You can opt for a single room apartment or a full-floor apartment. These apartments will also help you in becoming self-dependent.


Couchsurfing is available in Indonesia, but you must keep caution at all times. The crime rates are not the best, and there are more chances of getting robbed by a local Couchsurfing host. You can find prospective hosts online, but make sure to select one that has good reviews. The best thing would be to set a deal before taking a flight to Indonesia to avoid uncertainties and time waste.

Since Indonesia is an island country, there are various national parks, reserved forests, protected areas, and other natural places. T hese places are great for camping as they will provide you with the ideal environment for camping. There are some camping companies present in Indonesia that offers a planned camping trip that includes extreme sports. Camping is only useful as a temporary accommodation option as you can get bored.

Getting There and Moving Around

There are various options available to easily reach Indonesia and move around different islands, cities, and regions. To reach Indonesia, you can opt for airways, which are the most efficient and quickest way to travel to another country. Another option to reach the country is by waterways, which is not legal many times, and there are chances of getting deported or banned from revisiting Indonesia. Apart from these two options, other options cannot reach the country as it is an island country. Rental car services, public buses, trains, trams, metros, bicycles, electronic vehicles, and walking are the options available to move around.

The biggest Indonesian airport is in Jakarta, the country's capital city, named Soekarno Hatta International Airport . It is not the only international airport in Indonesia, but it is the one that connects to most airlines in different countries of the world. Apart from this airport, other international airports like Ngurah Rai International Airport and Juanda International Airport connect to some of the world's prominent cities.

eco indo travel

Home to the largest rapid bus transit system, Indonesia’s buses are very efficient in moving around the different regions and islands. The bus system goes by the name Transjakarta, and the primary station is present in Jarkarta itself. You will find that these bus services are well-connected to cities. They are some of the most comfortable and efficient modes of transportation within the country.

Indonesia's railway system comes under Kereta Api Indonesia, which handles most transport services related to railways. The railway network is quite widespread. You will find a track that connects islands and other areas that are not accessible by roads. It is an excellent way to explore the country’s beauty and travel to far off places with ease.


Hitchhiking is possible in Indonesia because the locals are friendly and love to help out foreign tourists. You will find that you will not get a ride easily if you are not in a good spot while hitchhiking. Indonesia's crime rates are moderate, but you should maintain caution as many drivers may take advantage of you. Although hitchhiking is challenging, it is a great way to travel within the country when you are out of cash.

Other ways of moving around Indonesia include walking, bicycles, and electronic vehicles. These are the more sustainable options as they don't cause any pollution as they use renewable energy to run. Also, rental cars and boats are available, but they require fossil fuel. It is the reason why these two options are not the best, and you should avoid them.

Sustainable Shopping

Sustainable shopping is a wide concept that includes organic food, localized products, second-hand items, and recycled products. You will find that it is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and pay respect to nature. Sustainable shopping also includes supporting local communities. You can support the local communities by buying goods and services from local food and flea markets, second-hand stores, and eco-fashion shops that involve local people in one way or another.

Recycling is an eco-friendly way to reduce the energy required in the production of brand new items. Although the concept of recycling came decades ago, people still use brand new items resulting in the depletion of natural resources. You will find that the recycled objects veiled the same potential as brand new items and cost less than half the price of brand new items. You can find many governments and private-owned recycling agencies in different cities and towns in Indonesia that try their best to make the locals and tourists aware of the benefits of recycled items.

The waste management in Indonesia is not the best, and many locals and tourists consider it unsatisfactory. You can find different garbage disposal containers, dustbins, trucks, and dumpsters in different regions of every city, town, and island. Still, some people are not considerate and respectful towards the environment, causing increasing pollution levels . You will find that even the garbage disposal policies are inefficient, and the government of Indonesia needs to correct them.

Work and Study Abroad

There are options for studying or working in Indonesia for foreigners. You will find some excellent universities present in Jakarta that provide different courses to international students. Although the overall education quality is not good, the select few universities are efficient in creating excellent students. There are many job opportunities available throughout the country in different areas. You can find the vacancies in the newspapers, posters, and sometimes even on the internet.

Exchange Student

Some highly-reputed educational institutes present in Indonesia have a tie-up with universities and colleges of other countries. These educational institutes provide an opportunity for brilliant-minded students to study in another country and learn about different cultures and histories. You can opt for direct admission into the program. You can also enroll yourself in the worldwide student exchange program to study in Indonesia.

Au pairing is not common in Indonesia as South-Asian families consider taking care of their children and household all by themselves. You will find that most families are from low-income groups and can't afford to keep an au pair. You can still try your luck on the website or ask a local friend for his reference. Au pairing is possible in bigger cities like Jakarta, where some middle-class and wealthy families reside.


The best way to make your Indonesian trip complete is by indulging in some volunteering activities. You will find that volunteering is quite common in Indonesia. Some many cultural groups and NGOs play their role in making their city or country a better place to live. You can participate in these groups' activities and find that they create a sense of respect and kindness within you. You can help the locals improve and live a better quality of life.

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Best Ecotourism Destinations in Indonesia


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12 Best Eco Resorts In Bali, Indonesia

Published: October 11, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Dacy Tejada

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Welcome to the stunning island of Bali, known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and commitment to eco-friendly practices. With its lush jungles, breathtaking beaches, and vibrant marine life, Bali is a haven for nature lovers and environmentally-conscious travelers alike. If you are in search of an eco-friendly vacation experience that combines luxury with sustainability, look no further than Bali’s top eco resorts. These resorts are dedicated to preserving the environment, implementing renewable energy sources, supporting local communities, and providing guests with an unforgettable and eco-conscious stay. In this article, we will explore the 12 best eco resorts in Bali, Indonesia, where you can indulge in a guilt-free and immersive experience in nature while supporting sustainable tourism initiatives. Let’s dive in and discover these incredible havens of sustainability and tranquility on the magical island of Bali.

Komune Resort & Beach Club Bali

Located on the tranquil shores of Keramas Beach, Komune Resort & Beach Club Bali offers a perfect blend of luxury and sustainability. This eco-friendly resort features stunning wooden villas, organic gardens, and a commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. Guests can enjoy surfing lessons, yoga classes, and indulge in delicious farm-to-table cuisine.

Bloomfield Bali

Nestled amidst lush rice fields in Ubud, Bloomfield Bali is a haven for nature lovers. This eco-resort prides itself on its sustainable practices, including using renewable energy sources and preserving the local ecosystem. Guests can relax in the infinity pool, participate in eco-workshops, and take part in guided hikes through the surrounding forests.

Fivelements Bali Retreat

Fivelements Bali Retreat is a sanctuary for wellness and eco-conscious travelers. Situated in the Ayung River valley, this resort offers luxurious eco-accommodation, holistic spa treatments, and gourmet plant-based cuisine. With a strong emphasis on sustainable living, Fivelements Bali Retreat aims to inspire guests to align their well-being with nature.

The Menjangan

Located within the enchanting West Bali National Park, The Menjangan is a secluded eco-resort that offers a unique experience of staying amidst untouched nature. Guests can explore the protected coral reefs, go kayaking through mangrove forests, and spot rare wildlife species. The resort ensures minimal impact on the environment through its eco-friendly design and conservation programs.

Set amidst the lush green hills of Ubud, Alila Ubud is a sustainable retreat that offers breathtaking views of the Ayung River Valley. With its minimal environmental footprint, this eco-resort provides guests with the opportunity to engage in organic gardening, join local community projects, and experience holistic wellness treatments inspired by traditional Balinese practices.

Suarga Padang Padang

Situated near the iconic Padang Padang surf break, Suarga Padang Padang is a luxury eco-resort that combines contemporary design with sustainable practices. The resort’s mission is to create a positive impact on the environment and local community. Guests can enjoy the infinity pool, dine at the organic restaurant, and experience the beauty of Bali’s coastline.

Bambu Indah

Bambu Indah is an extraordinary eco-resort located in the heart of Ubud. With its unique collection of antique Javanese teak wooden houses, the resort offers a truly immersive cultural experience. Bambu Indah practices sustainable tourism by implementing permaculture principles, supporting local artisans, and preserving traditional Balinese practices.

Ayung Resort Ubud

Perched on the edge of the Ayung River valley, Ayung Resort Ubud provides a serene escape in the heart of Bali’s lush rainforests. This eco-resort features luxurious Balinese-style villas, organic gardens, and a dedication to sustainable tourism. Guests can indulge in spa treatments, practice yoga overlooking the river, and explore the nearby rice terraces.

Green Village Bali

Green Village Bali offers a truly unique eco-luxury experience with its collection of bamboo houses nestled in the jungles of Ubud. These sustainable homes are constructed entirely from bamboo, showcasing the innovative and eco-friendly potential of this versatile material. Visitors can take bamboo workshops, experience bamboo-based spa treatments, and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

Kamandalu Ubud

Surrounded by lush green rice terraces, Kamandalu Ubud is an eco-resort dedicated to providing a sustainable and authentic Balinese experience. The resort offers traditional-style villas, organic gardens, and a commitment to preserving Balinese culture and traditions. Guests can partake in traditional crafts workshops, enjoy cultural performances, and relax in their private pool amidst nature.

Samabe Bali Suites & Villas

Situated on a cliff-top with panoramic views of the Indian Ocean, Samabe Bali Suites & Villas is a luxurious eco-resort that blends natural beauty with sustainability. The resort follows eco-friendly practices, including energy conservation and waste reduction. Guests can relax in their private pool villas, indulge in gourmet dining, and enjoy a range of water sports activities.

Suara Air Luxury Villa Ubud

Located in the midst of rice fields in Ubud, Suara Air Luxury Villa offers a tranquil and sustainable retreat. With its eco-friendly design, the resort maximizes natural light and ventilation while minimizing energy consumption. Guests can enjoy the infinity pool, organic farm-to-table dining, and rejuvenating spa treatments.


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Sumatra Eco Tours & Orangutans!

Sustainable travel and jungle trekking in sumatra.

Sumatra EcoTravel  offers ecologically responsible travel in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Our selected eco tours are designed with the desire of conserving the environment and the well-being of people and animals. Our ambition is to give you a taste of the colourful Sumatran culture and to protect the Gunung Leuser National Park , especially the habitat of the last Sumatran orangutans . In cooperation with local partners and villagers, our team in Bukit Lawang combines exceptional outdoor activities for travellers with a vision of sustainability. EcoTravel’s multi-awarded Sumatra tours for small groups give access to local life and pristine nature. Most of our sustainable tours are tailored exclusively for our EcoTravel guests to take them away from the beaten tourist track and show “the real way of life” in Northern Sumatra.

Sumatra Eco Tours

Innovative and sustainable: being deeply rooted in their region, our EcoTravel team make you discover the jungle and Indonesian culture in Gunung Leuser National Park. Well selected touring packages take you around Sumatra, e.g. to Tangkahan, Lake Toba or Pulau Weh.

Green Initiatives

Nature gives us so much and when we give something in return, the world around us feels so much better – this was the starting point of Keep The Jungle Green! We offer tours, we love having guests! But it is essential to keep the impact of tourism under control.

EcoTravel Cottages

We are proud of our EcoTravel Cottages - the most atmospheric hotel in Bukit Lawang. Spacious rooms with chill out balconies and panoramic jungle views, bathrooms with hot water shower, minibar and complimentary items give you the highest standard in the jungle.

Jungle Trekking

The experience of a lifetime: jungle trekking in Gunung Leuser National Park, home to the orangutan and some of the world’s most biodiverse flora and fauna, with exotic wildlife and breath taking scenery. We offer a wide variety of jungle tours – from a three-hour walk to a five-day observation trek.

More To Explore

The magic of the Sumatran way of life: our unique EcoTravel tours are the best way to explore our region and experience traditional Indonesian life. Refresh with swimming in Landak river, visit the Tangkahan elephants, explore the famous Bat Cave and meet locals at our sustainable tours to the villages around Bukit Lawang.

eco indo travel

eco indo travel

  • Eco , Nature , Nomads

Eco Travel in Indonesia: Discovering Natural Beauty

Eco travel offers a way to explore the natural beauty of Indonesia responsibly. With the support of all parties, eco travel can become a model of sustainable tourism and provide benefits to the environment, society, and economy.

Avatar of Eric Arfianto

“Indonesia, with its incredible natural wealth, has great potential for developing eco travel. This concept of environmentally friendly tourism offers a way to enjoy the beauty of nature without causing harm to it”.

Stunning Eco Travel Destinations

From towering mountains like Mount Rinjani and Mount Bromo , to charming white sandy beaches like Raja Ampat and Gili Trawangan , Indonesia offers many choices for eco travel destinations. Forest enthusiasts can explore Way Kambas National Park in Lampung or Tanjung Puting National Park in Central Kalimantan. We have many information about this place. Use our search feature in our website.

Government Support and Challenges

The Indonesian government has shown its commitment to promoting eco travel through various initiatives and programs. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy launched the “Indonesia Sustainable Tourism” program which focuses on sustainable tourism development.

West Bali National Park

West Bali National Park is a another perfect eco travel destination for nature lovers. Explore its diverse ecosystems, from dense rainforests and dry savannahs to lowlands and more. Plataran L’Harmonie, an accommodation built with conservation in mind, allows visitors to immerse themselves in the serenity of West Bali. While enjoying the beauty, eco-travelers must follow strict regulations like no hunting, fishing, tree cutting, and a 10km/h speed limit. This eco travel experience will bring you closer to nature and its importance.

Getting to the park requires some planning. Reaching the park requires some planning from Denpasar regarding eco travel idea. From Ngurah Rai International Airport and choose eco friendly transportation like buses, carpooling with fuel-efficient rentals, or ferries. Your eco travel journey to West Bali National Park starts with responsible choices, ensuring a transformative experience that nourishes your soul and protects this natural paradise. From Denpasar, head north to Gilimanuk by car, bus, or shuttle. From there, ferries run regularly across the strait to Ketapang in Java. Finally, a short drive or taxi ride will take you to the park’s entrance.

Baluran National Park

savana baluran park indonesia

Another example, the government has implemented this program in Baluran National Park , Situbondo Regency, East Java. Covering an area of ​​250 square kilometers, with a relatively dry climate and consisting of savannahs, lowland forests, mangrove forests, and hills with Mount Baluran as its highest peak.

This place has been developed by the government involving the local community and actively conducting education and training. Facilities in Baluran Park include homestays in local village houses in “ Desa Wisata Bama ”, eco friendly trekking trails, compost toilets, and maintaining the preservation of local nature and culture.

Solution and Inspirational Stories

One inspirational story comes from eco travel practitioners in Indonesia, Gede Robi Supriyanto (musician from the band Navicula, Bali). As the founder of Ecotourism Nusantara, this organization focuses on eco friendly tourism. Robi is very active as an environmental activist, his love for the environment is manifested in several actions such as organizing concerts and music festivals with environmental themes.

Robi also initiated the Navicula teaches movement, an environmental education program for children. Active in various environmental conservation activities, such as tree planting and beach cleanups. His dedication to preserving the environment makes him a role model for many and inspires them to contribute to environmental preservation.

Eco Travel Strategy

Improving Infrastructure : Governments and private sectors need to invest in the development of eco friendly tourism infrastructure.

Education and Awareness : There is a need for more intensive education and promotion of eco travel to the public and tourists.

Collaboration : There is a need for better collaboration between government, private sector, and community to develop eco travel.

Eco travel

“ Eco travel ” is travel conducted responsibly. Eco travel is also a popular and growing way of traveling.

Let’s support the development of eco tourism in Indonesia together!

More information about Baluran Park National Park and West Bali National Park

Table of Contents

eco indo travel


wisdom keepers

Wisdom Keepers Reigniting the Ancient Ways

Ape Chimba 1

Âpe Chimba: Channeling the Sacred Through Music

the leela game of life

The Leela Game

kintamani bali dogs

Bali Dogs - An Ancient Breed & Man's Best Friend

Waterbom bali: pioneering sustainability in tourism, microplastics – the invisible enemy, meet the guardians of the sea – good karma sea moss, walk the talk for our blue planet – bali ocean days conference.

eco indo travel

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Suara Air, Lauxury Villa in Ubud, Bali

Every Steph

13 Best Ecolodges and Eco Resorts in Indonesia [2024]

By: Author Virginia Bello

Posted on Last updated: February 9, 2024

Categories Hotels

There are a great number of options when it comes to eco resorts in Indonesia, all of them boasting incredible surroundings and top-notch service, besides being sustainable. Check out the absolute best ones!  

Indonesia is one of the Asian countries that’s best known for its stunning ecosystem, boasting thousands of islands with impressive landscapes. From lakes to volcanoes, waterfalls, mangroves, coral gardens, and lush jungle, nature plays a very big role in the country. 

And so does sustainability. More and more mid-range and luxury resorts in Indonesia have incorporated eco-friendly practices and taken steps to not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also contribute positively to their community and the environment. Indonesia is in fact one of the ultimate ecotourism destinations in the world !

Image of a tropical beach with turqupise waters, palapas on the sand, and a resort on the ebachfront surrounded by palm trees, inserted in a post about the best Eco Lodges and Eco Resorts in Indonesia

Below you’ll find a list of the ultimate ecolodges & eco resorts in Indonesia , both in terms of sustainability and astounding amenities. Check it out! 

Table of Contents

Bawah Reserve – Pulau Bawah

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Bawah Reserve is a 5-star, stunning resort that stands out not only for its impeccable service and amenities but for its commitment to sustainability. 

The resort was designed and built with a minimal impact approach , respecting the natural ecosystem where it’s located, and using locally sourced materials. This includes bamboo and stone, as well as recycled copper to make mirrors and sinks. 

Rainwater is collected and reused, wastewater is treated, and drinking water actually comes from a desalination plant. The resort also sorts through and recycles waste , besides protecting the mangroves and biodiversity of the area. 

At Bawah Reserve, guests will enjoy beautifully designed rooms that echo their natural surroundings with the architecture and furniture. There’s a swimming pool, restaurant, and wellness center, and some rooms also boast sea views or a private balcony. 

We like it because it offers luxuries like breakfast in the room and various activities to entertain guests, and it has a private beach area solely for the use of its guests. 


Bambu Indah – Ubud

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Bambu Indah is a jungle retreat lodge with a very strong emphasis on caring for the environment. The homes, which are located by the river, in the treetops, and in the jungle, flawlessly blend with the natural surroundings , boasting a sustainable design inspired by them. 

Bambu Indah is a luxurious boutique hotel that offers to guests a smoke-free environment, and carries out practices that include the recycling of waste from food scraps to plastic , the use of LED lights, and the filtration of water through a reverse osmosis system. The toiletries provided are 100% organic, and the pool water is filtered from a well. 

The hotel boasts a swimming pool, a wellness center, and a restaurant that uses locally cultivated produce. The rooms feature stunning bamboo decorations and even more gorgeous views of the natural surroundings, and there are family rooms available, as well as breakfast in bed included in the price. 

We like it because the rooms and common areas are fully integrated with the environment, and it offers the perfect setting for disconnecting from the outside, fast-paced world. 

Pulau Macan Eco Village – Kepulauan Seribu Regency

Pulau Macan Eco Village comprises two islands, one of which is scattered with wooden cabins and huts. The accommodations were built using sustainable, local materials and offer views of the ocean from the bed, so you don’t even have to get up to enjoy your surroundings. 

The sustainability practices at Pulau Macan include the lack of AC , solar panels , rainwater collection , mostly organic and vegetarian meals, and carbon offset. 

As for the accommodation, there is a total of 9 rooms with a lovely terrace and outdoor furniture, a desk, and a bathroom with free toiletries. There are double and family rooms that accommodate up to 7 people. 

The resort also features activities like snorkeling, diving, canoeing, and enjoying the table tennis and billiards in the common areas. There’s a bar and a restaurant with a kid-friendly menu , a children’s playground, and vast green, open spaces. 

We like it because the rates of the rooms, which are per person, include 3 meals a day as well as snacks, tea and coffee, equipment for a variety of activities, and National Park fees. 

Nihi Sumba – Sumba Island 

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Nihi Sumba stands out when it comes to ecotourism in Indonesia. It’s situated right by the beach and surrounded by very lush vegetation, providing a haven for nature lovers. Activities like swimming with horses, surfing, releasing sea turtles, and enjoying the spa services are partly what make this resort one of a kind. 

Nihi Sumba’s philanthropy is expressed in the form of protecting and empowering the local communities , aiming to preserve the Sumbanese culture through the Sumba Foundation. Lessening the poverty conditions of the people and guaranteeing access to clean water and education are merely some of their endeavors. 

Environmental awareness is also a pillar of the resort’s philosophy. As for the accommodation, there are 27 gorgeous villas , from one to four-bedroom ones besides a secret villa, secluded and boasting stunning views from its elevated position, and the owner’s six-villa estate for ultimate luxury. 

A spa and a restaurant, besides culinary experiences, land and water activities, yoga classes, and an immersion in the local culture are some of the facilities and pursuits offered at Nihi Sumba eco resort. 

We like it because it goes to great lengths to ensure the preservation and thrive of the island’s culture and the welfare of its inhabitants, besides providing top-notch amenities to guests. 

Misool Eco Resort – Raja Ampat

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Misool Resort Raja Ampat is a resort island, bordered by gorgeous coastline and coral reefs. It’s a beautiful destination to disconnect from civilization and enjoy an exclusive stay, as Misool only houses up to 40 guests at a time . 

This eco resort in Indonesia has a responsible tourism policy in place to protect not only the pristine coral reef of the island, but also the marine life and ecosystem. They do so by treating grey and black water, collecting rainwater, which comprises 60% of the total water usage in the resort, and recycling waste. 

Toiletries are biodegradable, reusable bottles are provided to guests , who can refill them in the various water stations available, and there’s a solar power system in place for electricity. 

There are water cottages and villas all around the island, most of them offering stunning views of the sea and even direct access to the beach. The villas feature open-air bathrooms, terraces, and bedrooms with desks and mosquito nets. 

There’s a restaurant, a wellness center, and a fantastic menu of activities that range from snorkeling and diving to birding cruises , and a tour around the lagoon.  

We like it because it’s off the grid, offering guests an immersion in Indonesia’s natural treasures without the bustle and hustle of its most popular cities. 

Amanwana – Moyo Island

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Amanwana is a luxury ecolodge in Indonesia that boasts a dive center and the magnificent marine reserve of Amanwana Bay . It’s an ideal destination for divers, and it’s also fantastic for nature lovers, as the setting of the island is incredible. 

Energy efficiency, the elimination of single-use plastics, water conservation, and waste management are some of the efforts taken by the resort to ensure environmental protection . It also actively supports the heritage of the area, prioritizes local suppliers, and funds education and female empowerment programs.  

Amanwana offers an upgraded version of glamping , featuring tented suites in the jungle or by the ocean with elegant furniture, a king-sized bed, a seating area, and an ensuite bathroom, besides loungers and beautiful views. 

Yoga lessons, a wellness center, snorkeling, and beautiful dining experiences are also available at Amanwana. 

We like it because it’s located in a protected, gorgeous marine park with offers a beautiful experience to water lovers, especially those diving and snorkeling. It’s one of the most pristine locations of them all! 

Komodo Resort – Pulau Sebayur

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Komodo Resort is a paradisiac accommodation on the remote island of Sebayur, neighboring the Komodo National Park. It’s fringed by beautiful corals and insane diving spots, and it takes great pains to protect the ecosystem it’s situated in, and to educate guests on the right approach to marine life and the environment. 

The resort itself has been built to blend with the natural surroundings , and all rooms are equipped with an ensuite bathroom, a minibar, desk, and wardrobe, as well as a seating area and gorgeous views. 

This Indonesia eco resort also boasts a private beach, great snorkeling and diving opportunities, a restaurant and bar, a spa, and a wellness center, among other top-class facilities. A two-way shuttle from Komodo Airport is provided. 

We like it because it offers one of the best diving opportunities in Indonesia, besides granting its guests luxurious amenities and the opportunity to enjoy an utterly relaxing stay.

Six Senses Uluwatu – Bali

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Six Senses Uluwatu is one of the most incredible luxury resorts in Indonesia, boasting five stars and a very impressive sustainability policy. Energy, waste, and water reduction are in place to minimize each guest’s consumption as much as possible . Food and garden waste is fed to the goats and chickens that live there, and kitchen oil is reused as biodiesel. 

The water from a local well is purified using the reverse osmosis system, and grey water is used for the fire hydrants and watering the garden. The resort also has a strong commitment to protecting the environment and raising awareness within the staff and community. 

The same care dedicated to sustainability is extended to the resort’s amenities, which are astounding. The wellness & spa center boasts a spectacular menu of treatments and massages , the restaurants are very elegant and offer the most authentic local cuisine, and there’s also a cooking studio where you can learn recipes and admire demonstrations. 

The rooms are spacious, and there’s also a swimming pool, a fitness center, and a great variety of activities that can be booked on-site. 

We like it because Six Senses is pet friendly, it has an outdoor cinema, and offers the fanciest dining experiences, from having a private cook at your villa to a floating breakfast and having high tea by the sea. 

Rimba Orangutan Eco Lodge – West Kotawaringin Regency

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Rimba Orangutan Eco Lodge is located right by the Tanjung Puting National Park, an Indonesian natural gem . The lodge can only be accessed by boat , so it’s ideal for those looking for a remote location to disconnect from the world. 

This Eco Lodge in Indonesia recycles grey water to use in the garden , collects rainwater, and recycles a great percentage of general waste, besides using energy-saving light bulbs, employing local people, and raising awareness of the environment among them.      

The timber rooms have A/C that’s powered by solar energy, and include satellite internet, double or twin beds, ensuite bathroom, and mosquito nets. They are connected to the common areas by walkways through the jungle , providing an off-the-grid experience every time you go for breakfast or a tour. 

Seeing orangutans in the wild is possibly the main attraction at Rimba Eco Lodge, but there are also boat tours and other outdoor adventures you can book. 

We like it because it’s located in one of the only places on the planet where orangutans can be seen in their natural habitat, and the lodge offers sustainable, responsible tours to meet them. 

Cempedak Private Island – Cempedak Island

eco indo travel

Cempedak Private Island is one of the luxury Indonesia resorts worth considering for its eco-friendliness. Cempedak is in fact a private island of 17 hectares that boasts gorgeous beaches, impressive boulders, and lush rainforest, all of which will be your backyard during your stay. 

The island sources most of its supplies from the neighboring islands, supporting the communities that live there, and local materials were used to build the resort. 

The protection of the island’s flora and fauna and other eco-friendly practices are overseen by a full-time Sustainability Manager to help implement them as efficiently as possible. 

The villas are mainly built with bamboo , and all of them feature a private deck, plunge pool, and either views of the sea or direct access to the beach. They also have an ensuite bathroom, a lounge area, and a bar. 

A spa, restaurant, and both land and sea activities are available to guests, who can also order the picnic hampers to enjoy lunch in their favorite island spot.  

We like it because the resort is actually the whole island, so guests will be fully isolated from the rest of the world, ideal for a proper getaway vacation. 

Raja Ampat Biodiversity Nature Resort – Raja Ampat

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Raja Ampat Biodiversity Nature Resort is an enchanting site with an impressive focus on sustainability. Community welfare and the conservation of resources are a priority, and its practices aim to have a positive impact on both. 

Energy consumption is measured to be minimized, and steps are being taken to implement renewable energy as much as possible. The resort also supports local businesses, protects natural resources, and carries out practices that include waste management , the use of solar energy, natural gas, and weekly beach clean-ups. 

As for the resort’s facilities, it features three different types of cottages , a dive center, a restaurant by the beach that uses locally sourced ingredients and caters to gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan guests. There’s also a beach bar, a wonderful massage service, and snorkeling tours.

We like it because it doesn’t include certain meats and seafood types in the menu whose production/fishing is one of the most destructive to the environment. 

Janji Laut Resort – Manado

Janji Laut means a date with the ocean, and true to its name the resort is located right by it, with most of its activities focused on exploring it. Janji Laut offers snorkeling and diving trips, as well as a diving course to get your certification and a great variety of tours. 

Boasting stunning natural surroundings, this eco dive resort in Indonesia is resolved to protect the environment by taking all the possible measures in sustainability, starting with the use of LED lights and low-consumption bulbs and including waste management practices, wastewater treatment, and the preservation of the ecosystem. 

The resort features seafront and canopy rooms , and wooden cottages for families, all of them surrounded by lush vegetation and boasting beautiful views. There is a restaurant on-site, a massage center, a garden, and a swimming pool. Half and full board can be added to your stay , so you don’t have to leave this paradise at all. 

We like it because it offers both great relaxation and thrilling activities, so guests can combine a whole day in the ocean with walks in the jungle, massages, and an afternoon by the pool without leaving the resort.  

Mana Earthly Paradise – Ubud

eco indo travel

Mana Earthly Paradise is situated in the midst of Indonesia’s nature, surrounded completely by rice fields, palm trees, and lush greenery. It features spacious, minimalist eco-villas built with natural materials that accommodate a total of 32 guests, which makes it a very intimate lodge. 

The electricity is powered by solar energy, there are water saving showers and toilets to reduce water usage, wastewater is circulated, and rainwater collected. Mana also uses zero-waste mattresses and provides guests with eco-friendly toiletries . 

Besides the single and family villas, there are dorms for solo travelers . The family villas have a living and dining room, and all accommodation types include a bathroom with toiletries. 

Mana Earthly Paradise also has a restaurant on-site, and a wellness center where guests can get a massage. There are bike rentals and walking/cultural tours offered, as well as breakfast with vegetarian, Asian, and à la carte options. 

We like it because its location makes you feel you’ve gone off-grid, and it’s a perfect retreat destination to reconnect with oneself and nature, and take a break from Bali’s bustle and hustle.  

Eco Resorts in Indonesia FAQ

Eco resorts are characterized for their commitment to the environment, carrying out practices that include waste management, energy efficiency, using non-toxic cleaning products, and providing guests with organic or biodegradable toiletries, among others. 

Eco resorts help not only minimize the negative impact of travel and offset guests’ carbon footprint, but also have a positive impact in the environment and local communities. 

In our opinion, some of the utmost eco resorts in Indonesia include the following:  • Bawah Reserve • Six Senses Uluwatu • Komodo Resort • Nihi Sumba

Virginia Bello

Virginia is a writer originally from Montevideo, Uruguay. She left her career as a TV Producer to gain more freedom and never looked back. She's been traveling the world full-time ever since! Virginia has traveled extensively through Latin America, Europe and Asia. You can currently find her gallivanting through Southeast Asia.

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Kayaking at Futaleufu River, Chile

14 sustainable travel companies you can feel good about booking with

Do some good while seeing the world when you book with these ethical and sustainable travel companies

Karen Edwards

While we don’t want to labour on the negatives, you don’t need to be an expert or activist to understand that we are in a climate pinch. It seems a little contradictory to fear for the future while excitedly encouraging international travel, but we humans are an innovative bunch. Exploring the globe doesn’t need to be devastating, and being a responsible traveller doesn’t mean lectures and negativity. Whether you call it eco-travel, sustainable, ethical, regenerative or eco-travel, there is plenty to get excited about.

An increasing number of sustainable travel companies are creating itineraries that allow curious minds to see the world while keeping the impact down. The experiences are awe-inspiring, from hiking remote mountaintops to embracing the world’s most impressive national parks, allowing visitors to engage with destinations in a way that extends far beyond the superficial. If you’re looking for an ethical and environmentally driven travel company for your next adventure, look no further.


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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

Sustainable travel companies

1.  byway travel.

Byway Travel

In an ambitious mission statement, UK travel platform Byway declares that its goal is to make flight-free holidays a mainstream holiday choice. Their way of doing so? By helping people discover the beauty of slow, overland travel across the British Isles and Europe . Founder and CEO Cat Jones launched the now B Corporation-certified company during the first Covid lockdown, determined to find a way to reduce flight emissions. Her explanation was simple: If we continue on the current trajectory, emissions from flying are due to triple by 2050. 

2.  Gondwana Ecotours

Named after the ancient supercontinent that gradually split to become the land masses we recognize today, Gondwana Ecotours says its mission is to bring people from different continents closer together, one trip at a time. The New Orleans -based company specializes in small group and private tours that take on exhilarating experiences around the globe, such as gorilla trekking in Rwanda and eco-adventures in Patagonia and Mendoza.

A key component of Gondwana is its network of guides who live in the communities visited, adding personal knowledge, depth and authenticity to the experience while providing tourism-generated income. The company is also committed to limiting its carbon footprint through sustainable travel practices and is recognized for offsetting more than 580 tons of carbon emissions. Since 2021, its tours have been 100-percent carbon-neutral, as certified by the Cooler emissions tracking organization.

3.  Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

Australian-owned Intrepid has always been forthright in declaring its commitment to ethical and responsible practices. In 2018, it became one of the first global travel operators to be B Corporation-certified. Since 2010, it has been operating as the world’s largest carbon-neutral company, carefully measuring and offsetting all unavoidable carbon emissions for 13 years. 

Their trips are just as impressive. From 15-day expeditions traversing the extraordinary gorges and remote villages of northern Pakistan’s Hunza Valley to nine-day itineraries centred around baby gorilla naming ceremonies in Rwanda’s spectacular Volcanoes National Park, Intrepid offer true bucket list travel adventures suited to guests of all interests and abilities. In 2020, as a part of the Tourism Declares A Climate Emergency initiative, the company published a seven-point climate commitment plan – revealing its intention to transition to 100% renewable energy use in offices by 2025 and on all trips by 2030.

4.  Experience Travel Group

Experience Travel Group

Operating on the belief that ‘travel should be about reciprocation’, Asia travel specialist Experience Travel Group holds responsible travel at its core, enabling guests to interact with the community and experience real cultural immersion on every trip. Another B Corporation-certified company, the team is dedicated to creating experiences that divert away from trendy hubs and big hotels. Instead, they build personalised itineraries with initiatives to give back to the community included in the package. 

On adventures in Indonesia , Laos, Cambodia , Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam , for example, guests can enjoy delicious local dishes at ‘social enterprise’ restaurants that support vulnerable young people through job training and employment. In Cambodia, a trip to the Phare Circus in Siem Reap sends funds directly to a performing arts school for underprivileged children in nearby Battambang. A three-day hike along sections of Sri Lanka ’s Pekoe Trail follows the old horse and cart routes that carried tea to the ports, bringing vital income to little-visited communities. 

5.  Seacology


In 1990, American ethnobotanist Dr Paul Cox was conducting forest research in Samoa when village leaders told him 30,000 acres of pristine rainforest were about to be logged due to a government decree to fund a school. Cox was horrified and quickly devised a proposal to raise the needed money to conserve the forest in perpetuity. His plan worked and has come to define the Seacology model: Provide material benefits to villages that pledge to protect their natural resources.

Today, Seacology offers unique ecotourism adventures throughout the world’s islands, where travelers visit active projects, interact with local people and are part of the formula that helps conserve both habitats and communities. Seacology guests also explore intriguing island environments, from the coral reefs of  Fiji to the rainforests of Borneo, while staying at well-appointed resorts and visiting important cultural sites. With all this tropical splendour, expect plenty of opportunities to scuba dive, snorkel, hike and kayak.

6.  Discover Corps

Discover Corps is the leader in the rapidly growing field of 'volunteer vacations' focusing on children, schools, animals and wildlife conservation. Yes, 'voluntourism' has often become a buzzword to cash in on thinly veiled claims, earning criticism and scrutiny over the years. However, Discover Corps operates with complete transparency and has become something of a gold standard for the model.

Trip itineraries are designed to connect travellers to local communities and provide a deeper understanding of the culture, issues, and ways of life in locations around the world. Many projects are in Africa , Asia , and Latin America and can range from caring for elephants in Thailand to helping to protect the animals in South Africa's Greater Kruger National Park region.

7.  ROW Adventures

ROW Adventures

From its beginnings as a whitewater rafting company in the US's Pacific Northwest, ROW Adventures has evolved into an adventure travel company that advocates the transformative nature of human-powered experiences. According to ROW, connecting people with nature results in positive impacts, and the company adheres to conducting business in an inclusive and sustainable way while promoting social equity, environmental stewardship and accountability. Human-powered activities allow participants to fully observe the surroundings, whether white water rafting in Idaho's Salmon River, sea kayaking the orcas in Canada, or trekking across Machu Picchu.

ROW also recognizes that travel is a large contributor to the world’s carbon footprint and subsequently mitigates the impact by offsetting carbon-producing activities whenever possible. At the same time, trips also educate guests to be advocates for locations visited, with special recognition given to the awareness of Indigenous communities and honouring their legacies, lives and connections to the land.

8.  Natural Habitat Adventures

Natural Habitat Adventures

Conservation through exploration is the credo of Natural Habitat Adventures , the official travel partner of the World Wildlife Fund. Nat Hab, as it’s called, is committed to environmentally friendly nature travel, stressing that its travellers become a force for change in addressing the planet's most pressing conservation challenges. Polar bear tours in the Canadian Arctic , African safaris and South American nature tours are examples of the company’s itineraries where tourism dollars become an influential incentive for communities to protect their natural resources.

Nat Hab also acknowledges that its 8,000 annual travellers on all seven continents expend plenty of CO2. To mitigate travel’s carbon output, the company leans into offsetting measures. From 2007 to 2019, Nat Hab offset 49,418 tons of carbon dioxide and has become the world's first 100-percent carbon-neutral travel company. They’ve also provided more than $4.5 million to support WWF’s global conservation efforts and continue to give one-percent of gross sales plus $150,000 annually in support of WWF’s global mission. 

9.  Cheeseman's Ecological Safaris

Ecology safaris catering to wildlife enthusiasts looking for an in-depth nature experience is what husband-and-wife founders Doug and Gail Cheeseman envisioned when they started their namesake company in 1980. Doug, a college zoology and ecology professor, and Gail, a naturalist, turned their passion for nature into a travel company focusing on comprehensive wildlife tours all over the globe. Working with local guides and wildlife researchers, tours are designed for hardcore animal lovers who are obsessed with travel and enjoy learning about the animals they encounter.

For example, Cheeseman’s  Palau National Marine Reserve diving trip in the western Pacific Ocean offers 12 days of snorkelling, paddling, sailing and diving among the awe-inspiring tropical islands in the region.

10.  Quark Expeditions

Quark Expeditions

Quark Expeditions co-founders Lars Wikander and Mike McDowell took the first group of commercial travellers to the North Pole in 1991, completing the first-ever tourism transit of the Northeast Passage. That inaugural expedition proved a game-changer and positioned the company at the forefront of polar explorations. In the three decades since, its polar travellers have visited remote parts of the Arctic and Antarctic. 

With the Earth’s polar regions threatened by climate change, Quark is committed to raising awareness of these delicate ecosystems through environmentally responsible tourism. A facet of that commitment is the company’s Polar Promise to reduce its footprint and work with other industry leaders, as well as guests, to address the complex and challenging issues facing the regions. Coordinating with a global network of scientists, community leaders and sustainability innovators, the company plans to contribute a minimum of $500,000 each year in support of key environmental initiatives and sustainable development projects.

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Kostroma: What to see in the city that gave birth to the Romanov dynasty

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How to get there: by bus from Moscow (around 6 hours)

To get in the mood for a visit here, you should definitely listen to the song “Kostroma” by Russian folk-pop group Ivan Kupala, which lists everything the city is famous for, including spinning yarn, eating curd pancakes, and drinking kissel with milk – life doesn’t get any better than that.

To-do list:

  • Take a stroll along the embankment of the mighty Volga
  • Visit the Ipatiev Monastery
  • Buy socks made of flax
  • Find out about Snegurochka (Snow Maiden) and why she has her own museum here
  • View the miraculous Theodore Icon of the Mother of God in the Epiphany Monastery of St Anastasia
  • Walk through the old shopping stalls

Kostroma, like Moscow, was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, but five years later than Russia’s current capital. Its history, too, is similar to other places in the ancient lands of North-East Rus: Kostroma was one of the strongholds in the struggle among the feudal lords for supremacy back in medieval times. The settlement was initially part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, before breaking free. But most important of all, perhaps, Kostroma is the cradle of the Romanov dynasty.

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Ipatiev Monastery

We suggest starting your tour of the city on the outskirts with the Ipatiev Monastery, which stands on a high bank of the Kostroma River, not far from its confluence with the Volga. Back in the day, this thick-walled fortress was built on the main approach to the city as a defensive structure. The exact date of its founding is unknown, but the annals first mention the monastery in 1432.

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It was here in 1613 that the Moscow boyars (nobles) paid a visit to the 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov to inform him that he had been elected as the new ruler. The Romanovs were distant relatives of Ivan the Terrible and his son, Fyodor Ivanovich, the last tsar of the Rurik family.

His coronation took place inside the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, and three centuries later the last member of the dynasty, Nicholas II, came here to celebrate the anniversary of the royal house.

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In Soviet times, the monastery was shut down and badly damaged, with one of the most beautiful churches being demolished. However, since 1989 services have been held in the monastery once more. Be sure to visit the Trinity Cathedral and the red chamber of the Romanov boyars, where the museum is now located.

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Directly opposite the main entrance to the monastery is a mini-market selling souvenirs and flax products, as well as a small cafe where you can drink the mead-type sbiten and medovukha and other local beverages, as well as taste Kostroma marshmallows.

Let’s cross over the footbridge to the city center. Oddly enough, this is not the oldest part. Having been totally destroyed by fire, it was redeveloped under Catherine the Great in the 18th century. She decided to turn Kostroma into an industrial center. Incidentally, the city’s coat of arms bears a galley aboard which the empress sailed here along the Volga.

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The heart of the city is Susaninsky Square, named after Ivan Susanin, a national hero of the early 17th century. According to legend, during the Time of Troubles he was tortured by Polish invaders who wanted to know where Mikhail Romanov was hiding. Not only did Susanin not squeal, he led the Poles into thick forest and swampland where they perished. Since then, his name has become an amusing byword for tour guides who take “scenic” routes.

One of the main attractions on the square is Pozharnaya Kalancha (Fire Lookout), built in the classicist style. It is considered to be the most beautiful tower in Russia.

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Across the road from the square, an entire quarter of old-style merchant stalls selling kvass, flour, trinkets, and other stuff has been preserved. This shopping area is located not far from the Volga and the river pier with floating restaurant in tow, so afterwards we suggest heading straight for the embankment and taking a stroll in the central park laid out around the ancient Kostroma Kremlin. 

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READ MORE: What to see in Yaroslavl, the Golden Ring 'capital'

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  1. PT Eco Indo Travel

    PT Eco Indo Travel. · December 16, 2019 ·. PROMO ONE WAY BATAM - SHENZHEN. 27 dan 30 desember 2019 only. Harga mulai dari . Economy Class Rp 690.000,-. Business class Rp 1.100.000,- Syarat & ketentuan : - Direct Flight - Include Bagasi 15 kg dan hand carry 7 kg - pesawat Batik Air - jam keberangkatan 20.00 ( jam indo) ….

  2. Eco Indo Travel (@ecoindotravel) • Instagram profile

    ECO INDO TRAVEL 1st GIVEAWAY! We offer one lucky person the chance to win 2 flight tickets from Batam, Indonesia to Shen Zhen, China. Want to be the lucky one? 😍 Here's how to join our VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY : 1. Like this post 2. Follow @ecoindotravel 3. Mention 10 of your friends 4.

  3. Pt. Eco Indo Travel

    Eco Indo Travel lewat telepon menggunakan nomor 0812-6330-1119. Kategori utama Pt. Eco Indo Travel adalah Agen Perjalanan. Pt. Eco Indo Travel. Informasi Kontak. Pt. Eco Indo Travel Komples King Business Centre Block C2, No.20, Belian, Batam Kota, Batam City, Riau Islands 29444, Indonesia

  4. Pt. Eco Indo Travel 绿 洲 假 期

    Eco Indo Travel adalah perusahaan perjalanan wisata di bawah naungan Jetwings Group yang resmi beroperasi di Batam sejak Senin, 01 May 2017. Perusahaan perjalanan wisata ini merupakan satu-satunya yang akan memiliki penerbangan langsung Batam-China nantinya. Kantor kami terletak pada area yang strategis di dekat kawasan Tunas Industri, Batam ...

  5. Best Ecotourism Destinations in Indonesia

    Enlighten yourself with these 5 ecotourism spots in Indonesia to enhance your post-pandemic travel plans and to make a positive impact on the community: 1 | Mount Leuser National Park. Named after the lovely Mount Leuser in North Sumatra, this large park is home to thousands of unique species of wildlife, including endangered tigers and orangutans.

  6. Green Travel Guide to Indonesia

    Eco-friendly travel guide to Indonesia advises how to be a responsible tourist. Learn how to travel in a sustainable way and how to respect the local people and culture. Make your trip green by supporting locally owned hotels, organic restaurants and other businesses. Read more on how to protect the environment by making conscientious choices and how to travel green in Indonesia, Asia.

  7. Best Ecotourism Destinations in Indonesia

    Enlighten yourself with these 5 ecotourism spots in Indonesia to enhance your post-pandemic travel plans and to make a positive impact on the community: 1 | Mount Leuser National Park. Named after the lovely Mount Leuser in North Sumatra, this large park is home to thousands of unique species of wildlife, including endangered tigers and orangutans.

  8. 12 Best Eco Resorts In Bali, Indonesia

    Ayung Resort Ubud. Perched on the edge of the Ayung River valley, Ayung Resort Ubud provides a serene escape in the heart of Bali's lush rainforests. This eco-resort features luxurious Balinese-style villas, organic gardens, and a dedication to sustainable tourism. Guests can indulge in spa treatments, practice yoga overlooking the river, and ...

  9. PT Eco Indo Travel

    Batam, Indonesia, Riau Islands Province. +62 778 4809031. [email protected]

  10. Sumatra Eco Tours & Orangutan Trekking

    Sumatra EcoTravel offers ecologically responsible travel in North Sumatra, Indonesia.Our selected eco tours are designed with the desire of conserving the environment and the well-being of people and animals. Our ambition is to give you a taste of the colourful Sumatran culture and to protect the Gunung Leuser National Park, especially the habitat of the last Sumatran orangutans.

  11. Eco Travel in Indonesia: Discovering Natural Beauty

    Eco travel offers a way to explore the natural beauty of Indonesia responsibly. With the support of all parties, eco travel can become a model of sustainable tourism and provide benefits to the environment, society, and economy. "Eco travel" is travel conducted responsibly. Eco travel is also a popular and growing way of traveling. Let's ...

  12. 5 Eco-Tourism Experiences in Indonesia

    There are many destinations in Indonesia that provide ultimate eco-tourism experiences. Here are our recommendations: 1 | West Bali National Park. Renowned for its diverse ecosystem, the West Bali National Park consists of a large rainforest, dry savannahs, lowlands, and other habitats. It's a safe haven for endangered species of animals ...

  13. Tailor made tours in Indonesia

    ECO TRIP INDONESIA Maximize your positive impact on the environment and local communities with our eco responsible travels in Indonesia. SULAWESI, BALI, JAVA 17 DAYS. ... I am really happy to deal with a professional people as Travel Indonesia. We will do it again! Catherine Robert. Unforgettable honeymoon in Bali & Gili Trawangan! Culture ...

  14. 13 Best Ecolodges and Eco Resorts in Indonesia [2024]

    Six Senses Uluwatu - Bali. Rimba Orangutan Eco Lodge - West Kotawaringin Regency. Cempedak Private Island - Cempedak Island. Raja Ampat Biodiversity Nature Resort - Raja Ampat. Janji Laut Resort - Manado. Mana Earthly Paradise - Ubud. Eco Resorts in Indonesia FAQ.

  15. 10 Eco-Resorts In Bali Where You Can Immerse Yourself ...

    The resort's shuttle bus will take you to Balangan Beach FOC, where you can swim, surf or suntan on the soft, golden sand. Prices start from $85 per night. Book your stay here. Address: Jl. Pantai Balangan, Jimbaran 80361, Bali, Indonesia. Telephone: +62 85857196504. Website.

  16. Planning an Eco-friendly Trip in Indonesia? Check out these 5

    Go Green: 5 Eco-Tourism Experiences in Indonesia That Will Reconnect You with Nature. Load More 20200918. Five Ways to Help You Experience A Meaningful Eco-Friendly Travel Experience.

  17. 14 Best Eco-Friendly And Sustainable Travel Companies In 2024

    6. Discover Corps. Discover Corps is the leader in the rapidly growing field of 'volunteer vacations' focusing on children, schools, animals and wildlife conservation. Yes, 'voluntourism' has ...

  18. PT. Eco Indo Travel, Riau Islands, Indonesia, Komplek King Business

    Eco Indo Travel Komplek King Business Centre Blok C2 No. 20 - Batam Centre Riau Islands - Indonesia Categories Main category Nonclassifiable establishments (9999) Secondary categories N/A Yellow pages categories ...

  19. Kostroma: What to see in the city that gave birth to the Romanov

    Kostroma, like Moscow, was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, but five years later than Russia's current capital. Its history, too, is similar to other places in the ancient lands of North-East Rus ...

  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Kostroma (Updated 2024)

    Things to Do in Kostroma, Kostroma Oblast: See Tripadvisor's 23,827 traveller reviews and photos of Kostroma attractions.

  21. THE 10 BEST Places to Go Shopping in Kostroma

    Eco Bakery Zyorna. 10. Speciality & Gift Shops. 20. Showroom Freedomtag. 7. Speciality & Gift Shops. 21. Bokho. 2. Speciality & Gift Shops. 22. ... Restaurants Flights Travel Stories Cruises Rental Cars More. Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help Center $ USD.

  22. 8 Ideas to Start Your Sustainable Journey in Indonesia

    If you're interested in sustainable tourist attractions with breathtaking views, Tangkahan Ecotourism, Tanjung Puting, West Bali National Park, and WAHA Tourism Community (WTC) had won the award for its environment. If you also love animals, consider visiting Tangkahan and meet with the gentle giants. Meanwhile, if you would like to dive into ...

  23. Kostroma (Kostroma) Weather 14 days

    Tomorrow March 24 90% 0.169 in 41° / 35° 12 - 21 mph. Monday March 25 60% 0.008 in 39° / 18° 20 - 34 mph. Tuesday March 26 43° / 28° 5 - 9 mph. Wednesday March 27 41° / 26° 7 - 12 mph. Thursday March 28 42° / 18° 9 - 17 mph. Friday March 29 40° / 36° 12 - 20 mph.