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Free Printable Visitor Log Templates [PDF, Word, Excel] School, Office

Monitoring visitor traffic is an important security, safety, and compliance practice for many facilities and organizations. Rather than using cumbersome manual logs, a visitor log template provides an easy way to track guests and generate records. To simplify visitor record keeping for reception areas, offices, schools, and more, we offer a customizable visitor log available for free download. This useful log template is provided as an editable PDF,Word and Excel type.

Users can add their company name, record visit details, print organized logs, and export the data. With this log, receptionists, administrators, and security staff can quickly record visitor names, entry/exit times, contact information, and any notes. Maintaining thorough visitor logs creates valuable documentation while providing an extra layer of protection . With our free professionally designed template, any organization can instantly create paper or digital logs to streamline visitor management.

Table of Contents

What Is A Visitor Log?

Visitor Log

A visitor log is a document used to record information about guests, clients, contractors, and anyone else entering a facility or organization who is not a regular authorized employee. Visitor logs typically include fields to capture details like the visitor’s name, company/organization, the person they are meeting with, time of arrival and departure, vehicle/license if applicable, contact information, and purpose of visit.

Requiring visitors to sign in not only creates a record of who is on the premises, but it also serves safety purposes in case of emergency evacuation or if contact tracing is needed. Some facilities even require visitors to display ID badges. Maintaining thorough visitor logs provides security, a liability record, and adherence to regulations. They are an important tracking practice for monitoring stranger access.

Visitor Log Templates

Blank Editable Visitor Log

A visitor log template is a useful tool for keeping track of guests that come to your home or office. The template provides a structured format to record relevant details about each visitor. This includes fields for basic information such as the date, visitor name, phone number, arrival and departure times.

The main benefit of using a template is consistency. With a structured template, the same information can be captured for every visitor that comes. This makes it easy to retrieve visitor history and details if needed. The format also prompts you to gather key data points that may be easily forgotten without a template.

Customizable visitor log templates allow you to add or remove fields as needed. Additional details could include the purpose of the visit, who the visitor is meeting with, and any other notable information. Beyond gathering data, a visitor log promotes security by documenting who has been to your location and when. This creates accountability in case any issues arise. Maintaining thorough visitor logs demonstrates professionalism and organization.

The Importance of Keeping a Visitors Log

A visitor’s log , sometimes known as a sign-in sheet or visitor’s book, is a record of individuals who visit a particular establishment, office, or event. This seemingly simple administrative tool holds significant importance for various reasons, ranging from security concerns to regulatory compliance. Here’s a detailed look at why keeping a visitor’s log is essential:

Security and Monitoring:

  • Traceability: In case of any security breaches or incidents, a visitor’s log provides a record of all individuals who were present at a given time. This makes it easier to trace any suspicious activity or conduct investigations.
  • Controlled Access: Requiring visitors to sign in can deter potential intruders or unauthorized individuals from accessing the premises.
  • Awareness: Staff or security personnel can be alerted to the presence of visitors, ensuring they monitor unfamiliar individuals.

Emergency Procedures:

  • Headcount: In emergency situations, like fires or natural disasters, a visitor’s log provides an accurate count of the individuals on the premises. This is vital for ensuring everyone is accounted for during evacuations or rescue operations.
  • Contact Information: The log often includes contact details, which can be crucial if there’s a need to communicate with visitors post-incident or inform their emergency contacts.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

  • Proof of Visit: In some industries, especially those under strict regulatory scrutiny, it’s vital to have a record of all visitors. This can serve as evidence in any legal disputes or when demonstrating compliance to regulatory bodies.
  • Data Retention: Some regulations might mandate the retention of visitor data for a specific duration. A log ensures this data is systematically stored and can be accessed when required.

Business Insights and Management:

  • Traffic Patterns: Understanding the frequency and timing of visits can help businesses make informed decisions, such as allocating resources or staff during peak times.
  • Feedback: Some visitor’s logs have a section for comments, providing a platform for feedback or reviews which can be useful for continuous improvement.
  • Networking: Having a record of business visitors can be a tool for relationship management and future outreach.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

  • Nondisclosure Agreements (NDAs): For businesses that handle sensitive information, having visitors sign an NDA upon entry, often incorporated within the log process, ensures protection against information leaks.
  • Confidentiality Assurance: In settings like medical clinics or counseling centers, logs can be structured to maintain patient or client anonymity while still recording visits.

Professionalism and First Impressions:

  • Organized Approach: A systematic sign-in process can portray a company as organized and professional, making a positive impression on visitors.
  • Expectation Setting: The act of signing in can also set the tone for the visit, emphasizing the importance of appointments or scheduled meetings.

Community Engagement and Networking:

  • Alumni or Guest Tracking: For institutions like schools or universities, a visitor’s log can track alumni or guest speaker visits, fostering community engagement.
  • Networking Opportunities: Businesses can identify potential partners, investors, or other stakeholders through their visitor records.

How to Design Your Visitor Log: A Step-by-Step Guide

Designing an effective visitor log requires thought and consideration, ensuring it captures all the necessary information while being user-friendly. Here’s a guide to help you create a functional visitor log:

Step 1: Determine Your Needs

Before starting, ask yourself why you need the visitor log. Is it for security, regulatory compliance, business insights, or all of these reasons? Your needs will dictate what information to capture.

Step 2: Choose a Format

Decide whether your log will be a physical book, a printed sheet, or a digital system. While traditional logs use pen and paper, many modern establishments now utilize digital sign-in systems, which can offer more features and greater security.

Step 3: Design the Layout

For a physical or printed log:

  • Use a clean, grid-like layout.
  • Ensure columns are spacious enough for visitors to write legibly. For digital logs:
  • Design an intuitive interface.
  • Make sure there’s a clear flow from one field to the next.

Step 4: Decide on Essential Fields

At a minimum, include the following:

  • Visitor’s full name
  • Purpose of visit
  • Date and time of entry
  • Time of departure

Step 5: Add Additional Fields as Necessary

Depending on your needs, consider including:

  • Contact number or email
  • Company or organization affiliation
  • Name of the person being visited
  • Signature (especially if agreeing to terms or NDAs)
  • Comments or feedback section

Step 6: Include Security Measures (For Digital Logs)

  • Implement password protection or other security features.
  • Ensure data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Provide an option for photo capture or ID scanning.

Step 7: Pilot Test

Before fully implementing, test your log design:

  • For paper logs, print a few pages and ask colleagues to fill them out for feedback.
  • For digital systems, do a trial run with a small group, gathering input on usability.

Step 8: Revise as Necessary

Based on feedback, make necessary changes to the design, fields, or layout.

Step 9: Implement and Train

  • Place your physical logbook or sign-in sheets at the entrance or reception area.
  • For digital systems, set up terminals or tablets at key entry points.
  • Train reception or security staff on its use, ensuring they understand its importance and can guide visitors as needed.

Step 10: Regularly Review and Update

  • Periodically review entries for consistency and completeness.
  • Update your log design as your needs evolve or if you notice recurrent issues.

Step 11: Store and Archive

  • For paper logs, once filled, store them in a secure location.
  • For digital logs, regularly back up data and ensure long-term storage solutions, especially if needed for compliance or record-keeping.

Step 12: Ensure Privacy Compliance

  • If collecting personal data, be aware of privacy regulations in your jurisdiction. Inform visitors about how their data will be used and stored.
  • Regularly purge old data that’s no longer necessary to keep, especially if it contains personal details.

A well-curated visitor log is more than a mere administrative tool—it stands as a testament to an organization’s commitment to security, professionalism, and efficient record-keeping . As businesses and institutions evolve in the digital age, so does the importance of having an effective sign-in mechanism.

Recognizing the diverse needs of our readers, we’ve incorporated free printable blank Visitor Log templates, allowing for a customizable and immediate solution. Whether you’re a small startup or a sprawling institution, these templates serve as a foundation, ensuring that every guest’s visit is documented with precision. So, as you prioritize safety, compliance, and insight generation in your space, our versatile Visitor Log templates are here to simplify the process, letting you focus on what truly matters—your core operations and guests.

How should I ensure privacy with visitor logs?

Ensure that the collected data aligns with privacy regulations in your jurisdiction. Store logs securely, limit access to authorized personnel only, and dispose of or delete records after they’re no longer required. Inform visitors about how their data will be used and stored.

How long should I retain the records in a visitor log?

Retention depends on the organization’s policy, industry standards, and local regulations. While some might retain logs for a few weeks or months, others, particularly those in regulated industries, may need to keep them for several years.

Can visitor logs be used as legal evidence?

Yes, in certain situations, visitor logs can serve as evidence, especially in cases where it’s crucial to establish the presence (or absence) of an individual at a specific time and date.

Should visitors be informed about the purpose of logging their details?  

Absolutely. It’s best practice (and often a legal requirement) to inform visitors why their details are being recorded. This can be done verbally, with signage, or as a printed notice on the log itself.

Are there any specific features to look for in a digital visitor log system?  

Look for features like data encryption, integration with other security systems, easy search and retrieval options, real-time updates, photo or ID capture capabilities, and compliance with privacy regulations.

Can visitor logs help with contact tracing in health-related situations?

Yes, especially in the context of global health concerns, visitor logs can play a pivotal role in contact tracing, helping health officials track down individuals who might have come into contact with a contagious person.

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Betina Jessen

Betina Jessen

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How to Plan the Perfect Customer Visit [+ Agenda Template]

Published: August 02, 2021

Now that the world is opening back up, it’s time to get out there and meet your customers face-to-face. For many newer customers, this might be their first time getting to spend time with you — especially as conferences have moved online.

client visit log template

Creating that connection is invaluable. But before you book that plane ticket, it’s essential to create a plan. Planning the perfect customer visit will ensure that you meet your goals and that your customer meeting will be successful. Here’s a look at how you get there.

→ Free Download: 61 Templates to Help You Put the Customer First [Download Now]

Why plan a customer visit?

Jason Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr and EchoSign, has said “ I never lost a customer I actually visited. ” That’s a bold statement — one that's worth taking note of. But why? What is it about customer visits that has such a big impact on customer loyalty?

First of all, you get to make a stronger impression with your customers. No matter what you sell, you aren’t just selling a product — you’re also selling the people behind it.

Your vision, your passion, your knowledge are all play into the perceived value of your product or service. All of these elements come across more strongly when you visit in person. A Zoom call just isn’t enough time to go deep.

Secondly, you get to see how your customers are using your product in person. Are they constantly printing out reports to pin up on a wall? Are you seeing teams walk across the sales floor to point out something on a screen? What kind of working environment and equipment do they have? What other types of software are they using?

Everything happening behind the scenes paints a much clearer picture of who your customers are. And when it comes time to renew or jump on that next customer success call, you’ll have a lot more knowledge ready to draw on.

Finally, meeting your customers in person is a huge motivational boost! When you’re behind a screen for so long, it can start to feel like what you do doesn’t matter — or that you’re not making any real connections. But a visit to a customer’s office can change all that, and really light up your idea of “why” you do this at all.

client visit log template

61 Templates to Help You Put the Customer First

Email, survey, and buyer persona templates to help you engage and delight your customers

  • 6 buyer persona templates
  • 5 customer satisfaction survey templates
  • 50 customer email templates

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5 Potential Goals of Your Customer Visit

Going into a customer visit with goals in mind will help you get the most out of your time there. Here are five goals to consider when planning a customer visit:

1. Understanding Their Business Goals

If you’re visiting a client, you’re likely hoping for a long term relationship. Understanding what their future goals are can help align your product with their needs. These in-depth conversations would rarely come up over a quick phone call.

2. Gathering Feedback

Customer visits provide a unique opportunity to gather honest and in-the-moment insight into what your customers need and want. When you sit next to someone who uses your product in their daily work, there’s a lot more space to have this feedback arise. And documenting it for future sales opportunities and your product team is one of the more productive actions you can take during a customer visit.

3. Referrals

In-person visits are a great time to ask for and give referrals. Ask, “Are there any other companies that you work with that you could see our product being helpful for?” Alternatively, if a pain point is mentioned by the client and you know the perfect company to help solve it, don’t be afraid to build that connection. It’s just another way you can bring value to your customers.

4. Uncovering Opportunities for Cross-Selling or Upselling

While your primary objective shouldn’t be pitching your offering at every opportunity, you might uncover a problem that your product or service can help solve. Noting these potential value-adds can make for more effective, thoughtfully targeted upsell and cross-sell conversations.

5. Testimonials and Case Studies

Customer visits can be a unique source of sales content, including pictures for case studies, video testimonials, and strong evidence-based customer stories. If you plan on making this one of your primary goals, consider asking your client to set the stage for these kinds of materials before you visit so you already know who you’ll be speaking to, before coming onsite.

How to Plan an Onsite Customer Meeting

By putting more effort in before you go, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your goals and impressing your clients. Here are some key actions to consider when planning your customer meeting.

Thoroughly prepare before the visit.

Before you arrive, make sure you’re up to date on the state of the customer's account. Who are they usually talking to at your company? What customer service tickets have they raised lately? Are there outstanding issues that need to be addressed? These will come up during your visit.

Secondly, understand the current ecosystem your customer is working within. Is your customer in the news? What’s happening in their industry? What threats and opportunities are arising in their business? Being prepared and knowledgeable about their inner workings will make a better impression than coming in blind.

Decide who you’re meeting with.

Start by setting up a meeting with relevant company leadership. That could be the CEO, the founders, or the VP of the functional team you're working with — depending on the company's scale. Bear in mind, while this contact might be the "reason" for your visit, they're probably not who you'll be spending the most time with.

Once you have a meeting scheduled with the company's leadership, plan the rest of your day around meeting with the team leaders and employees using your product — as well as any teams that are open to signing up or expanding the current seat count or contract scope.

Make dinner reservations for you and your clients.

Traditionally, a customer visit includes taking your client out for a nice dinner as a token of appreciation. It also offers a chance for you to get to know each other outside of the limits of the work environment and form stronger relationships.

That being said, this is not a social visit. Keep your goals in mind — even outside of work hours. If you’re familiar with the restaurants in the area, choose a place that has options for every diet and has a good atmosphere for conversations. If you’re not familiar with the available options, ask the client where they’d recommend.

Complete the wrap-up report.

After the visit is over, you still have work to do. Create a wrap-up report for your internal teams back at the office. It should cover key elements of the visit like any confidentiality agreements put in place and who at your company you can share contact information or sales figures with.

Identify any action items that came up during the visit. Include any positive highlights during the meeting as well as any risks or opportunities that arose. Create a copy of the report for your client as well, to show that you were listening to their concerns and that you’re going to follow up with them.

Customer Visit Agenda Template

Use this sample agenda to plan your own customer visit.

10 am: Welcome/Office Tour (30 minutes, w/ Stacy, Raul)

  • Get settled, set up a desk or boardroom for the day

11 am: Executive Meeting (1 hour, w/ Stacy, Thomas, Ankit, Shireen)

  • Overview of status, product usage, any updates
  • Add any bullet points you need to cover here
  • Upcoming changes or challenges for the business
  • New Opportunities
  • Areas of concern

12pm: Lunch

1pm: User Meetings (4 hours, rotating through Marketing teams)

  • Overview of new features
  • Gather feedback from users
  • Sit with teams to review workflow

5pm: Wrap Up meeting (30 minutes)

  • Process or configuration change recommendations
  • General questions and answers
  • Items to be addressed as part of maintenance
  • Enhancement opportunities

6:30pm: Dinner at Restaurant

Internal Notes

  • At the bottom of your agenda, include internal notes that are meant to be shared with your team only.

Plan for success

It’s time to get back out there and meet your clients face-to-face. By planning your customer visit ahead of time, you’re sure to achieve your goals and come out with a stronger understanding of what your clients need.

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Featured Reads

client visit log template

Call log template

Have you ever scribbled call notes so quickly you can’t read what you wrote the next day? Or worse—misplaced an entire sheet of notes you’d taken? We’ve been there, too. Call log templates can help.

Sign up to create your own template.


Recommended apps.

[Product ui] Call log project in Asana, spreadsheet-style project view (List)

If you spend a lot of your day on the phone, you know how time-consuming taking—and keeping track of—call notes can be. From cold calling potential clients to following up on sales inquiries and building new client relationships, a lot of business is done over the phone, so it can feel like a huge setback if you misplace your notes (or can’t read your own handwriting!).

Luckily, call log templates can help. These duplicatable logs help you track your daily calls—including who you talked to and any action items that resulted from the conversation—so you never have to worry about losing track of your call notes again. 

What is call logging?

Call logging is the practice of recording incoming and outgoing phone call details in a call log. Typically, team members who conduct a lot of business over the phone, such as telemarketers or salespeople, use call logging. But any team that wants to keep a detailed record of communication can benefit from call logging. 

What is a call log template?

A call log template is a reusable, templatized version of a call log. Call log templates serve as a framework for all your call logging. While the content of the call log template will change, the structure will stay the same, reducing the up front work of creating a call log for every use case or day. 

The best part? Creating an editable call log template in a project management tool eliminates the risk that you’ll misplace or misinterpret your call notes. Plus, using a digital call log lets you see important context—like the call’s purpose, next steps, and any other call-specific notes—at a glance. With a call log template, you’ll never wonder, “What did I mean by that ?” again. 

With a digital call log template, you can:

See all of your call notes in one place

Keep track of call-related client information

Monitor call outcomes, such as how many cold calls convert to customers

View any action items that come out of calls, like which customers requested more information or require a follow-up

Enhance your client relationship management (CRM) practices

Attach relevant documents like Google Docs or Google Sheets to call notes

Build customer relationships and anticipate customer needs by reviewing call logs to see what clients often call and why 

Gain a better understanding of team performance and marketing campaign effectiveness by monitoring call details like call duration and conversion rate

Common types of call log templates

While any team looking to streamline and standardize their call logging and note-taking processes can benefit from call log templates, there are a few common use cases for call logs, including:

Sales call log template: Log information and outcomes related to sales calls, including the name and company of the prospective client, the call’s purpose, and if the potential customer requires a follow-up. 

Existing client call log template: Track incoming and outgoing calls to current clients to easily monitor and build customer relationships.  

Healthcare or patient call log template: Note patient information, such as the patient’s doctor, their symptoms, any instructions given, and if they need a follow-up from their physician. 

Daily or weekly call log template: Record your daily or weekly incoming and outgoing calls to monitor your client relationships or sales. 

Customer service or support call log template: Keep track of information about incoming support or service calls, including who initiated the call and the service needed.

What should you include in a call log template?

In order to get the most out of your call log template, make sure it includes important call- and client-specific information. Building out your template with tags for customer details and action items will reduce the time it takes you to record your calls’ most relevant information—so you can move on to more important tasks, like making a sale.

Here are a few things to include in your basic call log template:

The name of person receiving the call

The call recipient’s company 

The call recipient’s contact information

The date and time of the call

The duration of the call

The call’s purpose

If you need to follow up with the client

A space for call-specific notes or action items following the call

Integrated features

Custom fields. Custom fields are the best way to tag, sort, and filter work. Create unique custom fields for any information you need to track—from priority and status to email or phone number. Use custom fields to sort and schedule your to-dos so you know what to work on first. Plus, share custom fields across tasks and projects to ensure consistency across your organization.

List View. List View is a grid-style view that makes it easy to see all of your project’s information at a glance. Like a to-do list or a spreadsheet, List View displays all of your tasks at once so you can not only see task titles and due dates, but also view any relevant custom fields like Priority, Status, or more. Unlock effortless collaboration by giving your entire team visibility into who’s doing what by when.

Automation. Automate manual work so your team spends less time on the busy work and more time on the tasks you hired them for. Rules in Asana function on a basis of triggers and actions—essentially “when X happens, do Y.” Use Rules to automatically assign work, adjust due dates, set custom fields, notify stakeholders, and more. From ad hoc automations to entire workflows, Rules gives your team time back for skilled and strategic work.

Subtasks. Sometimes a to-do is too big to capture in one task. If a task has more than one contributor, a broad due date, or stakeholders that need to review and approve before it can go live, subtasks can help. Subtasks are a powerful way to distribute work and split tasks into individual components—while keeping the small to-dos connected to the overarching context of the parent task. Break tasks into smaller components or capture the individual components of a multi-step process with subtasks.

Dropbox. Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Dropbox file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane.

Google Workplace. Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Google Workplace file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach any My Drive file with just a few clicks.

Gmail. With the Asana for Gmail integration, you can create Asana tasks directly from your Gmail inbox. Any tasks you create from Gmail will automatically include the context from your email, so you never miss a beat. Need to refer to an Asana task while composing an email? Instead of opening Asana, use the Asana for Gmail add-on to simply search for that task directly from your Gmail inbox.

Slack. Turn ideas, work requests, and action items from Slack into trackable tasks and comments in Asana. Go from quick questions and action items to tasks with assignees and due dates. Easily capture work so requests and to-dos don’t get lost in Slack.

Why do I need a call log template? .css-i4fobf{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 200ms ease-in-out;transition:transform 200ms ease-in-out;-webkit-transform:rotateZ(0);-moz-transform:rotateZ(0);-ms-transform:rotateZ(0);transform:rotateZ(0);}

A call log template can help standardize your call logging process and give you quick, easy access to call notes. Whether you’re hoping to make a sale, build client relationships, or improve client management , call log templates can help.  

How do you use a call log template?

Start by building out your template with all the call details you want to keep track of—like the client name; the call’s date, time, and duration; and any important information, like the call purpose and summary notes. Once you've built your basic template, you can duplicate and reuse it. If you’re a project manager , you can also share the call log template with your team so everyone knows where they can log call notes.

Who should use a call log template?

Call log templates are most useful for small businesses in industries that do a lot of business by phone, like telemarketing, sales, home services, and IT. You can even create specific call log templates to fit your niche, like healthcare call log templates and customer service call log templates. If you’re not in one of these industries, call log templates can still be a useful way to streamline your client communication and build client rapport . 

What are the benefits of using a call log template?

Call log templates create a standardized way for you—or your team—to keep track of call notes. When created in a digital project management tool , call logs are easily accessible, giving the entire team quick access to call-related details and activity. Since call logs help you track client-related information, they can also enhance your client relationships and help you improve your quality of service. Plus, unlike with written call notes, you can’t lose or misplace a digital call log template—a major bonus for those of us that need a little help getting organized .

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Account tracking

Customer Success teams looking for a lightweight way to track accounts and action items can try this template.

[Templates] Sales Pipeline (Card image)

Sales pipeline

Sales teams looking for a lightweight way to track pipeline progress and action items on specific accounts can try this template.

[Templates] Customer Implementation (Card image)

Customer implementation

Give your customers the great experience they deserve by planning smoother post-sales handoffs with our template.

[Templates] Pre-Sales Deal Support (Card image)

Pre-sales deal support template

Make your sales deal process more efficient by improving accountability and collaboration with this template.

[Templates] Post-Sales Handoff (Card image)

Post-sales handoff

Create a call log template with asana.

See how a call log template can standardize your call logging process.

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Table of Contents

5 steps to make an appointment log, free 9+ appointment log templates in pdf | ms word, 1. appointment log template, 2. medical appointment log template, 3. appointment log sample template, 4. sample appointment log template, 5. formal appointment log template, 6. basic appointment log template, 7. walk-in appointment log template, 8. appointment log example template, 9. simple appointment log template, 10. printable appointment log template.

An appointment log helps keep a record of appointments taken in any place like organization, clinic and so on. The appointment log is the most extensive tool to use when searching for appointment details. To use the appointment log properly you must set security on the appointment book. It is important to note and document the schedules of appointments in a single register for any kind of future reference. Take a look at the wide range of appointment log templates given here.

client visit log template

Step 1: Provide Customer’s Information

Step 2: mention whom to visit, step 3: include the date and reason for the visit, step 5: put a comment section and the date of the next visit.

appointment log template

More in Log

Business consultant appointment letter template, business handbook template, appointment letter for business partner template, executive business letter, business introduction letter template, partnership business letter, management appointment letter, business visit invitation letter, business trip invitation letter, business training invitation letter.

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10 Free Call Log Templates in Excel & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

Imagine you just had a phone call with a potential client who expressed interest in your services. Then later, you read an email from another client who had inquiries and wanted more information.

A week goes by, and you’re struggling to recall the details of that conversation. And you endlessly scroll through your inbox, searching for that one email. Talk about frustration! 👀

What if you had a simple, organized way to document every external communication touchpoint? This is where call log templates come in handy. They help you maintain a clear and comprehensive log of your phone calls, emails, and other interactions. 

In this article, we’ll share 10 free and printable call log templates in Excel and ClickUp, so you can streamline your communication, boost your productivity, and ensure no vital information slips through the cracks. Let’s dive in! 🚦

What is a Call Log Template?

What makes a good call log template, 1. clickup sales call log template, 2. clickup sales pipeline template, 3. clickup customer contact form template, 4. clickup customer service escalation template, 5. clickup customer service management template, 6. clickup client discovery template, 7. clickup conversation log template, 8. excel client call log template by template lab, 9. docs media phone log template by template.net, 10. word daily call log template by template.net.

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A call log template is a customizable document that lets you record and track various forms of communication, such as telephone calls, face-to-face conversations, and emails. While it can be used by anyone, it’s typically used by telemarketers, sales, and customer support teams to track their communications in a structured and organized manner.

Call log templates capture information such as the date and time of the interaction, the caller or sender’s name, their contact details, the purpose of the interaction, and any relevant notes or follow-up actions. This thorough recordkeeping makes it easy to reference past discussions, build stronger client relationships, and stay on top of important tasks and commitments. 🙌

When it comes to recording and managing your external interactions, having a good call log template helps to execute projects and improve communication flows. But what exactly makes a call log template “good”? Let’s explore the key qualities to look out for:

  • Well-structured layout: The template should have a simple and organized layout with clearly labeled sections, allowing you to easily input and find the information you need
  • Extensive data capture: The template should capture relevant details such as contact info, call duration, notes, and any follow-up actions required 
  • User-friendly design: Look for templates that prioritize simplicity, clarity, and smooth navigation. This way, you can focus on tracking your interactions while saving yourself from frustration and wasted time
  • Flexibility and customization: Whether it’s adding extra fields or making adjustments that align with your branding, a good template should give you the freedom and flexibility to customize it to fit your specific needs
  • Convenient access: A good call log template should be easily accessible whenever you need it. Whether it’s on your computer, tablet, or phone, it should be just a click away 

10 Call Log Templates to Use in 2024

Whether you’re looking to track incoming and outgoing calls, client inquiries, or simply keep a record of your conversations, having the right call log template can make all the difference. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to create one from scratch or spend countless hours searching for the right one. We’ve done the work, so you don’t have to! Here’s our curated list of the top 10 call log templates to use this year and beyond! ✨

ClickUp Sales Call Log Template

Does the thought of managing sales calls with a bunch of spreadsheets, scattered sticky notes, and misplaced scripts give you a headache? If so, then this sales call log template is for you.

The ClickUp Sales Calls Template comes in a Folder with everything you need to streamline your sales calls. Inside, you’ll find two lists—the sales call tracker and call scripts. The sales calls tracker lets you capture key client information like name, address, email, website, and sales call type.

There’s also the Calendar view which ensures you never skip a beat. Schedule upcoming sales calls, proposals, and follow-ups seamlessly and receive timely alerts as the deadlines approach. ⏰

Oh, and did we mention the Map view? It gives you a bird’s eye view of how your sales calls span different locations. It’s the perfect tool if you’re looking to optimize territory planning, allocate resources effectively , or identify potential areas for market expansion. 

Now, let’s talk automation, shall we? Every new entry or status change triggers the application of a corresponding script from the call scripts list, eliminating the need to search for scripts manually.

Like all ClickUp templates, this template comes with a user guide and is fully customizable, allowing you to add, edit, or remove features to suit your needs. 🛠️

ClickUp Sales Pipeline Template

The ClickUp Sales Pipeline Template is a more comprehensive version of the previous template. You get to manage your sales pipeline and accounts all in one place!

The pipeline management section lets you capture new leads using ClickUp Forms and collect responses right at the top of your sales pipeline. From here, you can move the new leads along the various stages of your pipeline. And if you want to optimize this process, you can switch to the Team view to visualize your team’s work capacity and redistribute workload strategically.

Once a client is won, they’re automatically moved into the account management section where they’re paired with team members in the accounts team. 

The accounts team can group and visualize their current clients by priority ( Low , Medium , and High ), status ( Onboarding , Nurturing , Attention Needed , and Renewed ), and engagement ( Active , Inactive , and At Risk ). This allows them to strategically prioritize their efforts and deliver exceptional service to each client, according to their specific needs. 🤩

And when clients fail to renew their services, they’re once again moved automatically into the past clients section.

But that’s not all! You can use the Doc view to create, share and collaborate in real-time on standard operating procedures (SOPs) with your team. This ensures centralized documentation and seamless knowledge sharing within your business.

Find the right meeting cadence for your team !

ClickUp Customer Contact Form Template

Juggling customer inquiries from your website, emails, and managing social media platforms can feel like trying to herd cats. The constant back-and-forth, the scattered messages, and the unrelenting effort to stay on track can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Thankfully, the ClickUp Customer Contact Form Template is designed to bring order to this chaos. You’ll have a customer contact form to embed on your website, share via emails, or even promote on social media. 

When a customer fills out the contact form, their details are stored in the Contact Summary List and assigned the status New Request . From here, you can assign the inquiry to a team member and set a due date and priority level. Additionally, you can manage and track the status of each inquiry ( New request , In review , Blocked , and Complete ) using the Board view.

Use this template to regain control over your customer inquiries. Centralize all the important details on your users , work on resolving issues, improve your quality of service, and boost customer relationship management (CRM). 📈

ClickUp Customer Service Escalation Template

If your business receives a high volume of customer inquiries that often require different levels of support, then a simple contact form template may not cut it. 

That’s where the ClickUp Customer Service Escalation Template comes in. At its core is a fully customizable log form that allows your clients to raise their issues and concerns. 

Their responses are automatically captured as tickets in the Tier 1 Level. You can resolve issues at this level or escalate them to Tier 2 to engage a dedicated customer support team. For more complex issues, Tier 3 allows you to involve the product, developer, or engineering teams, ensuring future updates address these concerns. 

Once issues are resolved, they can be archived in the Closed Tickets List for future reference. By enabling automations, you can streamline the movement of inquiries across different tier escalations, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

To effectively manage your team’s workload , the template has a Team Capacity view. With a quick glance, you can identify which team members might require assistance and who can handle customer tickets, allowing you to balance the workload efficiently.

Crafting customer responses can be time-consuming, but with the Canned Responses feature, you can save yourself the stress. The template includes 11 pre-written email templates to cover various scenarios, from addressing a frustrated customer or notifying them about a resolved ticket. These templates will save you valuable time and ensure consistent and professional communication with your customers.

No customer inquiry is too small or too big, and regardless of volume, this template will help you keep your head above water and offer exceptional and personalized service to each of your customers.

ClickUp Customer Service Management Template

With the ClickUp Customer Service Management Template , you get the best of both worlds: The simplicity of the contact form template and some advanced features of the service escalation template.

Similar to the previous templates, this template also has a customizable form for capturing customer inquiries and storing them in a central space. What sets it apart is the variety of views it offers for effective management. You can quickly navigate through related inquiries by switching to the Categories view.

This template introduces a unique variation of the Board view, featuring a special “Assigned to Me” filter. When team members switch to this view, they’ll only see the tasks assigned to them in the workflow, eliminating distractions and allowing for focused work.

Additionally, the automation setup tracks the due dates assigned to each ticket and prompts the assigned team member to take necessary actions for resolving the ticket. This ensures timely follow-up and proactive handling of customer inquiries. 

Use this template to enhance organization, improve tracking capabilities, and promote team collaboration .

ClickUp Client Discovery Template

When using any of the sales pipeline templates, one crucial step is qualifying new leads who have filled out a form or expressed interest. This qualification process often involves a call with the customer. 

But what exactly should you say? How do you ensure you don’t miss anything? And how do you remember it all later? Well, you don’t have to worry. The ClickUp Client Discovery Template addresses these worries and streamlines your qualification process. 

Say goodbye to awkward silences because this template has a call script that tells you exactly what to say, word for word. This is supplemented by a question bank which helps you get to know your potential customer better: What they need, what motivates them, what’s holding them back, and how they make decisions. Plus, you can duplicate the discovery call section for each lead and take notes during your calls. 

Use this template as a starting point to impress your leads, and never forget a thing. Since it’s built into ClickUp Docs , you can continuously update it based on what works and what doesn’t and customize the structure based on your preferences or company guidelines.

ClickUp Conversation Log Template

The ClickUp Conversation Log Template complements the client discovery template by serving as a record-keeping tool for all your calls.

As you engage in qualifying conversations using the client discovery template, you can use the conversation log template to capture key details about each call. These details include the time of the call, the person you spoke to, their phone number, the duration of the call, actions to be completed, and key notes from the conversation.

By leveraging both templates within ClickUp, you can seamlessly transition from using the Client Discovery Template during a call to filling out the Conversation Log Template afterward.

As a result, you can ensure that you have detailed and accurate records for future reference and follow-up actions.

Excel Call Log Template by Template Lab

This Excel Client Call Log Template is a simple call log tracker that focuses on keeping your call-related information with clients. 

With this Excel template, you can easily track and organize essential client call details—date, start and end times, total time, client name, contact number, action item, and notes.

Additionally, this worksheet lets you leverage Excel’s functions and features for further analysis and sales reporting . You can perform data calculations and create charts from your call log data—enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your communication strategies .

Docs Media Call Log Template by Template.Net

While call log templates are designed for tracking client interactions, this Docs Media Call Log Template from Template.Net is specifically tailored for tracking and organizing media-related communications.

You can download and edit this document in various formats, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF. It helps you manage interactions with contacts such as journalists and media outlets. The template includes fields to capture information like reporter, media outlet, telephone number, email, date and time called, nature of the call, and comments.

This log sheet ensures all your media interactions are documented and organized. It also contributes to refining your media engagement tactics, improving relationships with media contacts, and optimizing your media outreach campaigns .

Word Daily Phone Call Log Template by Template.Net

This Daily Call Log Template is a general-purpose sheet template that can be used to track and record any type of incoming calls and outgoing calls.

The call logs include fields for date and time, telephone number, contact person, purpose, call duration, and whether the call’s objective was met or not. Use this contact log template to stay organized, track number of calls, and analyze call metrics.

Streamline Your Conversations With Free Call Log Templates

With these 10 free and printable call log templates in Excel and ClickUp, you have the power to streamline your communication and stay organized like never before. Imagine the peace of mind of knowing that you have a central hub to store and retrieve all your call records. 🌻

Whether you’re part of a customer support or sales team, a telemarketer, a call center or small business owner, or someone who wants to stay organized, these phone call log templates are a game-changer. Download a free ClickUp template , customize it to your liking, and start documenting your conversations and interactions with ease!

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How to Keep Track of Clients in Excel (Download Free Template)

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Step 1 – Make Dataset for Contact Details

The contact details include specific information about that client, such as their contact number, email address, company name, related field, and position.

  • Make a new sheet.
  • Put some client details in your worksheet.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • To change the sheet name, right-click on the sheet name. A Context Menu will pop up.
  • Click on Rename .

client visit log template

  • We set our worksheet name as ‘ Contact Details ’.
  • Press Enter .

client visit log template

Read More:  How to Keep Track of Customer Orders in Excel

Step 2 – Create Client Service Details

  • Press + in the toolbar with the sheet names to create a new sheet.
  • Put information that includes the service name, the amount of money that cost on the particular service, and the scheduled date to give the service.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • Right-click on the sheet name.

client visit log template

  • Change the worksheet to ‘ Service Details’ .

client visit log template

Read More:  How to Keep Track of Customer Payments in Excel

Step 3 – Generate Client Tracker

  • Make a new sheet for the tracker.
  • Create the column headers in the client tracker worksheet.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • We can create a Data validation through which we can click on our required client name and their activities.
  • Choose cell B5 to cell B11 .

client visit log template

  • Click on the Data tab in the ribbon.
  • From the Data Tools group, click on Data validation .

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • A Data validation dialog box will appear. From there, click on Settings.
  • In the Allow section, click on List .
  • In the Source section, click and select the array that contains the information. We take the source from the Contact Details sheet.
  • Click on OK .

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • This will create a drop-down list from there you can choose the client name.

client visit log template

  • Click on the drop-down list and choose any of the clients from there.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • Click on cell C5 .

client visit log template

  • Write down the following formula in the formula box:

client visit log template

Breakdown of the Formula

  • VLOOKUP(B5,’Contact Details’!$B$5:$G$11,2,FALSE): Here , the VLOOKUP function searches the value in cell B5 in the range of B5 to G11 from the worksheet called Contact Details . It will return the second column of that range where B5 is matched. Here, false means you have to have an exact match otherwise it won’t give any result.
  • IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,’Contact Details’!$B$5:$G$11,2,FALSE),0): The IFERROR function will return zero if the previous function has some error.
  • Press Enter to apply the formula.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • Changing the client name automatically updates the cell.
  • Click on cell D5 .

client visit log template

  • Click on cell E5 .

client visit log template

  • Now, click on cell F5 .

client visit log template

  • Then, write down the following formula in the formula box.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • To get the service of the specific client, click on cell G5.

client visit log template

  • VLOOKUP(B5,’Service Details’!$B$5:$G$11,2,FALSE): Here , the VLOOKUP function searches the value in cell B5 in the range of B5 to G11 from the worksheet called Service Details . It will return the second column of that range where B5 is matched. Here, false means you have to have an exact match otherwise it won’t give any result.
  • IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,’Service Details’!$B$5:$G$11,2,FALSE),0): The IFERROR function will return zero if the previous function has some error.

client visit log template

  • Click on cell H5 .

client visit log template

  • Write down the following formula:

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • We need to get the Scheduled Data . So, click on cell J5 .

client visit log template

  • The scheduled date has appeared in the General  format. To change it, go to the Home tab in the ribbon.
  • From the Number group, select the little arrow in the bottom right corner. See the screenshot.

client visit log template

  • Format Cells dialog box will pop up.
  • Click on the Number command at the top.
  • From the Category section, click on Date .
  • In the Type section, click on the following pattern: two-digit number and three-letter month.

client visit log template

  • It will give us the Scheduled Date as the Date  format.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • We have a portion called Service Received . It means the time when you receive the service.
  • The Remarks section denotes the final outcome of the client whether he/she provides the service in time or not.
  • To make Remarks for a specific client, click on cell L5 .

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • IF(J5>K5,”Outstanding”,IF(J5=K5,”Good”,IF(J5<K5,”Bad”))): This denotes if your client gives the service prior to the scheduled date, he/she will get Outstanding remarks. Then If the client gives the service on time then she/he will get Good remarks. Finally, if the client gives the service after passing the scheduled date, he/she will get Bad remarks.

client visit log template

  • If we take some other client’s details, we will get the following outcome. See the screenshot.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

Step 4 – Make Client Tracker Dynamic

  • Choose cells H5 : H8 .

client visit log template

  • Click on Conditional Formatting  from the Style  group.

client visit log template

  • Click on New Rule .

client visit log template

  • A New Formatting Rule dialog box will appear.
  • Click on Format only cells that contain .
  • Set Greater than 5000 .
  • Click on Format to change the format color.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • We put a green color for greater than $5000.
  • Click on the Fill command.
  • Set Green as your preferred color.
  • Click on OK.

client visit log template

  • That will set the amount greater than $5,000 as green.

client visit log template

  • Go to Conditional Formatting again.
  • In Conditional Formatting, click on  New Rule .
  • Set it to less than or equal to 5000 .

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • We put Yellow for less than or equal to 5000.
  • Click on the Fill  tab.
  • Set Yellow as your preferred color.

client visit log template

  • That will set all the values less than or equal to $5,000 as yellow.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • In terms of remarks, we want to set outstanding remarks as green, good as yellow, and bad as red.
  • Select cell range L5: L8 .

client visit log template

  • Go to Conditional Formatting .
  • Choose New Rule .
  • Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format .

client visit log template

  • Write down the following formula in the box:

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • Click on Format to set the preferred color. Click on the Fill  tab.
  • Set Green as your preferred color for this condition.
  • $J5:$J8>$K5:$K8: Here, column J denotes the scheduled time, and column K denotes the service received. This condition demonstrates the situation when a client gives their service before the deadline. Another important to remember, if you use the formula in the Conditional Formatting , you don’t need to use the IF  function.
  • Finally, It will make Remarks green when some clients give their service before the deadline.

client visit log template

  • Next, when clients give their service on time, we want to express their remarks as yellow.
  • Make a new Conditional Formatting rule .
  • Click on Use a formula to determine which cells to format .

client visit log template

  • Set the Format color to Yellow.
  • That will set the Remarks which are valid for the formula as yellow.

client visit log template

  • Lastly, for those clients who don’t meet the deadline, we want to express their Remarks as Red .
  • Make a new Conditional Formatting rule as shown above.
  • Click on Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • Then, click on Format to set the preferred color.

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

  • Choose Red and select OK.

client visit log template

  • That will set the Remarks which are valid for the formula as Red .

Keep Track of Clients in Excel

Read More:  How to Make a Sales Tracker in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

Download this practice workbook that can also be used as a template.

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  • How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel
  • How to Create a Daily Task Sheet in Excel
  • How to Create a Progress Tracker in Excel
  • How to Keep Track of Invoices and Payments in Excel
  • How to Create Real Time Tracker in Excel

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Durjoy Kumar, with a BSc in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, is a dedicated contributor to the ExcelDemy project. His substantial contributions include crafting numerous articles and demonstrating expertise in Excel and VBA. Durjoy adeptly automates Excel challenges using VBA macros, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. Apart from creating Excel tutorials, he is interested in Data Analysis with MS Excel, SPSS, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Python Web Scraping, Data Entry... Read Full Bio

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A Tech Product Management Blog

Customer Visit Report Template

I have mentioned in my previous post that one of the most enjoyable activities of Product Managers is doing customer visits. I have created a short Customer Visit Report Template that I used presenting the visit to my colleagues and to the management team. May be useful for other product managers so I’m sharing it here at AVSecurityProductManager.com

Customer Company Name

  • Customer Visit Participants
  • Date and Place of Customer Visit
  • Customer Background/Profile/Situation
  • Main Report (Customer challenges and other customer visit details)
  • Extra Q&A
  • Customer Visit Insights
  • Action items

To start the Customer Visit Report document, you need to state the name of the company that you have visited and add a one or two-liner describing the customer’s nature of business, their industry and other interesting info about the customer. Your Sales Team or Support Team will be a good information source. In the event that Sales or Support folks are not available, the internet will be a good resource too. I learned this via my infosec and social media exposure: “Google/Bing/Search the internet”. Use the company name as search keywords and look for the about the company section. Focus on the department or group that you will be visiting (this should be part of every customer visit prep work that PM’s should do beforehand) to know more detailed info about the customer.

Customer Visit Participants Who are the people you have visited or met? Which group are they from? You should list down the people you have visited and met (and their designation to the company). If other people from your company joined you in the customer visit, it will be helpful to list them here too. It is customary to exchange business cards at the start (or end) of the customer meeting and this will be good source of info to recall the names of the customers you have interacted with.

Date and Place of Customer Visit Was the customer visit done on customer’s onsite location? Or was this part of a customer event that your company arranged? Or maybe done via meet-up as part of industry conference (maybe like RSA Conference ). May be a minor detail but it will be helpful in the long run. Should you run into an email by the customer in the future, you can just look at the first page of your customer visit report and say that “Hey I visited you guys on this date…”. Make good impression!

Customer Background/Profile/Situation In this section, you should share the purpose of the customer visit. Are you here to support your sales guy in closing the deal? Are you putting out fires? Are you here to calm an irate customer? Or is this a confidence visit with a key customer? Share the background situation (again PMs should know this before the actual customer visit). If you have a product portfolio (like the company I’m working with now) list which products the customers are using, what version of the products, how many seats, other pertinent business details. During the visit, do some competitive intel gathering too (e.g. what competitor products are they using, what versions, are they satisfied, can we complement these solutions? or maybe displace them).

Main Report (Customer challenges and other customer visit details) This will be the most detailed part for the customer visit report. You can connect the details of the customer background/profile and describe the details on how customer visit went thru. You can put the customer challenges (if they have any) and other customer detailed discussions in this part. This part can be very free-flow, free-format as each customer visit may have unique scenario and details. This main part will be helping you in providing details of the customer problem and/or solutions back to your team.

Extra Q&A Tips This part is my personal touch to the main report. I usually ask a template question (describe in this post ), especially during my first visit to the customer. I usually ask about the good and the bad about my company or my product.

For the good stuff I usually ask “What they (customers) like best about our company or our products?”. With this question you can discover many revealing answers. And if you are lucky enough you can validate your company’s or groups core competence and strategies directly with the customer. Ask customer to elaborate more to understand your products more.

For the improvement part (the negative ones), you should not ask it as bluntly as what’s bad with our company or product (you may be attracting negative energies if you do it this way). Be gentle and do it politely. Call it euphemism but I usually ask “What they (customer) think will make our company or our product better?”. It is good to know what else you can improve from the customers directly (and not from other intermediate channels within the company). Hopefully with this question, you can also extract interesting answers from the customer and that you can bring it back to your team back home. Just be careful as this part of Q&A may turn into ranting or whining session by the customer. If you are not confident on asking about this “improvement”, skip it and focus on the positive feedback from the customer.

Customer Visit Insights From the details you gathered above, create some insights about the customer visit. You can share what you learned about the customer, your product and how they interact, etc. You can validate your ideas, projects, strategies, concepts that you have in mind based from the feedback from the customer as well as the visit itself. This customer visit insights part should help you as PM as well as the management team in their respective activities.

Action items Lastly, list down the action items. Does customer need something (documents/tools/whitepapers) that you have mentioned in the visit but have not delivered to them yet? Do you have to follow up on some items or request made by the customer? Put action item owners and target dates so that you can properly track it.

I hope you find this Customer Visit Report Template helpful.

I will try my best to come up with other helpful things about customer visits in the near future.

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23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates

  • July 27, 2021 October 14, 2021

Download these 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates to assist you in preparing  your own Visitor Log quickly.

Visitor management solutions and Virtual reception are showing in the foyers of more and more structures. No longer limited to large rich companies, computerized visitor techniques are now showing in companies of all kinds and sizes, including business owners, educational institutions, colleges and even non-profit and charitable organization groups. Arranged to the variety of these growing markets is an increasing variety of choices for kinds of visitor solution. Systems can vary from a simple visitor sign-in that is effectively an electronic visitor book with none of the boring administration, or full visitor control with access control to produce a totally unheard robotic voice. Due to the different performance required by different customers, Intense Technology offers a completely flip visitor solution, in which selected choices can be attached to the core component to produce a solution designed to the needs of a specific organization.

Visitor Log:

An uncomplicated visitor sign-in product is perhaps best described as searching for visitor guide. It can catch basic visitor information e.g. first and last name, company name and vehicle registration that must be feedback by the visitor. The program will time-stamp the facts to store as a record and will also instantly save a lot your time that the visitor clicks the ‘Sign-Out’ key. This produces a very precise set of information that helps you to save employees from hanging out upgrading and managing a visitor guide.

Visitor Log Pros:

  • Inexpensive, usually with fast returning on investment
  • Plenty of hardware option so it fits into even the tiniest of areas
  • Assists relieve administrative stress on existing staff
  • Very simple and uncomplicated for staff and visitors to work with

Visitor Log Cons:

–    No service for visitors beyond the typical sign-in procedure

–    Commonly needs customer-facing staff assistance

–    Primary functionality provides little opportunity for company personalization, giving a minor ‘off-the-shelf’ experience

A virtual reception solution generally provides additional features further than a simple visitor sign-in system. One of the most highlighted features of a virtual reception is a way for visitors to connect with their host or another employee. This could be via one or two-way sound or video call, with email and SMS notice options also accessible.

Intense Technology provides a completely flip Virtual Reception program that can be designed to the needs of a company without having any expensive extra development work. The primary component provides a Visitor Sign-In solution that can take visitor details, inform serves and includes a back-office interface. This provides ideal performance for many smaller companies. In order to provide functions beyond an electronic visitor book, feelings have built a sequence more segments that can simply be ‘bolted on’ to the primary Sign-In program. These can range from one or two extra functions such as notices or audio calls to a variety of more complicated visitor and staff access segments for larger companies.

As a consequence, companies of any dimension can customize a visitor management system to their individual specifications and have all the performance they need, without having to pay for costly specs linked into a deal that they may not require. This reasonable strategy means outstanding revenue for companies as well as supplying the best experience for their visitors.

Free Visitor Log Templates

Here is our collection of 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates created and  collected to assist our website visitors in their day to day tasks of logging their visitor’s visits.

Preview of 1st Visitor Log Template using MS Word is here,

Visitor Log template 14

Download link for this Visitor Log template 14 is below,

Visitor Log template 15

Here is download link for this Visitor Log template 15 in MS Word Format,

Visitor Log template 16

Download link for this Visitor Log template 16 is here,

Visitor Log template 17

Here is download link for this Visitor Log template 17 in MS Word Format,

Visitor Log template 18

Download link for this Visitor Log template 18 in MS Word Format is here,

Visitor Log template 19

Here is download link for this Visitor Log template 19 in MS Word Format,

Visitor Log template 20

Download link for this Visitor Log template 20 in MS Word Format,

Visitor Log template 21

Here is download link for this Visitor Log template 21 in MS Word format inside a ZIP file.

Visitor Log template 22

Download link for this Visitor Log template 22 is below,

Visitor Log template 23

Here is download link for this Visitor Log template 23 in MS Word Format,

Here is preview of This First Sample Visitor Log Template in MS Word Format.

Download link for this Sample Visitor Log Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Visitor Log Template using MS Word.

Here is preview of another Sample Visitor Log Template in MS Word format.

Here is preview of another Sample Visitor Log Template in MS Word Format.

Here is preview of another Sample Visitor Log Template using MS Excel.

Here is preview of another Sample Visitor Log Template in PDF Format.


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sample telephone log templates image

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Your new easy-to-use call log template for sales & support

client visit log template

Calling is an integral part of your day-to-day, yet you might be relying on disorganized handwritten notes to parse out key information when you could be using a call log template. As a result, you waste time that you could spend productively because of a lack of structure.

But time isn’t the only thing slipping away from you. A single error or misinterpretation can lead to lost resources and potentially even harm the client relationships you’ve spent so long nurturing.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the time and money-saving solution that could revolutionize how you manage client call information: the monday.com client call log template. Let’s start by defining what a call log template is.

Get the template

What is a call log template?

A client call log template is a record of client information taken from incoming and outgoing calls. You can use it to gather useful data, create reports, and evaluate the contents of client calls. The template will give you an idea of what’s particularly worth noting down from your interactions with clients. Things like the duration of the calls, the destination of the caller or recipient, or the subject of the call are common priorities.

Recording details from customer conversations is important, even for small businesses. You don’t want to make business decisions based on unreliable information. Call logs don’t just have to be for telemarketing companies or B2B sales teams. You can use them for client check-ins, support calls, sales calls, and more, bringing us to our next question.

Download Excel template

Why use a call log template?

The call log template provides a framework for collecting and using call data, which could inform your approach to customer support or sales. It could even reform your process for gathering feedback from clients. You can then share this feedback within the company to tweak processes and improve where possible. For example, if you know a particular customer has a preference for a certain kind of product or service based on a past call, you can tailor future conversations with them, catering to their interest.

94% of consumers are more likely to go with a business that has positive customer feedback, so listening to your clients — and later featuring testimonials — is instrumental to your success.

While you could make your own call log from scratch, the template sets you up for success by identifying the main areas of information to focus on during calls. If your employees take on calls with a template in front of them, they can steer the conversation to update key data points. When you make an effort to tease out relevant information from clients on calls, it’ll be much easier for your client support team to draw up testimonials or fix any issues the client may be struggling with.

It also allows you to put your finger on the pulse of call trends, so you can see “at a glance” information concerning call times, client locations, and success rates. That way, you can use data to drive your decision-making process and make any necessary adjustments to cater to your customers. Businesses that rely on data can expect an average annual revenue boost of up to 5.32%.

What are some examples of call log templates?

There are different types of call log templates that each offer their own benefits. These include a client liaison call log template, telemarketer call log template, and sales call log template. Each of these templates focuses on a different aspect of the call log process.

Client liaison call log template

screenshot of client liaison call log table

( Image Source )

The client liaison call log is there to ensure your write-ups post-call are concise and contain the necessary information. If you end a call without identifying the next steps or an action you can take to improve the customer’s experience, then you might not gain anything from the call. Keep on top of client liaisons by taking directed notes, using this table to guide the conversation.

Telemarketer call log template

screenshot of telemarketer call log template

If you work for a telemarketing company, you’re likely familiar with the standard call log. With this telemarketer call log table, though, you can streamline your process for gathering information from customers.

Say one of your employees takes a call from a prospective customer, but forgets to note that it was a recording and not a person on the other end. In this instance, you may have a situation where another worker calls the same number since the first employee didn’t note that it’s a potential dead end. Wasted time leads to wasted money, so implementing a call log template like this one can help you explain what you expect of employees when making calls.

Sales call log template

screenshot of sales call log template

A simple sales call log allows you to keep track of your conversion-driven efforts. It can help you refine your approach to sales and let you know which clients are more likely to take action.

Client acquisition is a huge part of any business, so it’s important to gather relevant data you can use to improve the process. The sales call log doesn’t need to be overly complex; it simply needs to outline whether the call was inbound or outbound, who you spoke to, and the main takeaways from the conversation.

The monday.com call log template

The monday.com call log template makes the most of the proprietary Work OS , meaning you’ll have fully customizable tools at your disposal. These tools can help you implement call log templates into your day-to-day operations without a hitch. You can customize your call log template by adding and removing sections and dragging and dropping information across the template.

monday.com's call log kanban view screenshot

All the data you collect from the call log templates will be available in one place when you use monday.com. With a glance, you’ll see all the pertinent information you need to support your data-driven decisions with respect to customer support, sales strategy , and marketing efforts. All of your sales information will be in one place.

With monday.com, you can see ongoing developments mapped out on a visual timeline. Tracking call logs will be a breeze, as you’ll be able to line them up by the week, month, or quarter and evaluate them according to key metrics. The information you gather can feed into valuable reports that you create with the software’s analytics.

The monday.com software also gives your employees the ability to collaborate on and share documents , so line managers have an easy-to-digest overview of project and task progress. This also ensures that teammates have access to up-to-date information. Without access to the same information, two employees could call the same client with the same offer, leading your business to appear unprofessional and disorganized.

monday.com's call log main table view screenshot

If security is a concern, be assured that monday.com protects your and your employees‘ personal data. You will be the one to decide who has access to any sensitive information you enter into the platform. monday.com has other templates to help you improve your business’s sales processes.

More related templates from monday.com

Here are some of our other related templates that could be used in conjunction with a call log template.

Mileage log templates

A mileage log template allows you to keep tabs on worker commutes and track company expenses down to the mile. If you can implement both mileage and call log templates into your workflows, then you’ll have a clear system for gathering and analyzing data. If you want an hour worked to be an hour paid, then a mileage log template sets you up for accurate tracking.

Supporting sales templates

The supporting sales template provides you with a centralized place to store all of your relevant sales materials. It can be hard to stay on top of case studies, brochures, and decks if you don’t have an organization system in place. With the supporting sales template, all you need to do is upload any sales documents you have, and you’ll have it all in one easy-to-find place. Like a digital drawer for your sales clutter, the supporting sales template is essential for storing important materials that could otherwise go missing.

Sales enablement templates

Sales enablement templates are for quick and efficient onboarding for new sales team members. Rather than get recruits up to speed with scattered documents and vague schedules, use the sales enablement template to accelerate the process and make it easy for both parties. You can also use this template to handle various to-do tasks on the sales team’s plate, changing permissions when necessary to keep the work flowing.

FAQs about call log templates

What should be included in a call log.

Ideally, your call log should include all pertinent details about the call and the caller:

  •  Time of call
  •  Who’s making the call and who’s receiving it
  •  Contact number
  •  Call duration
  •  Immediate actions

You can, of course, modify the information in each column to cater to your company’s goals, too. If, for instance, you need to troubleshoot client issues with your software, then you could add in a section for ‘problems to address. The call log needs to reflect your business’s objectives, so you need to build it around collecting the data that’s most relevant to make progress.

How do I create a call log in Excel?

The easiest way to create a new call log in Microsoft Excel is to use a template since this will give you a ready-made document. All you have to do with the template is fill in the fields with the corresponding information. Even if there are departments that need different information than what’s included in the template, it’s easier to modify an existing template than it is to create one from scratch. While you can use the call sheet template in Excel, monday.com’s call log template is easier to customize and allows for real-time online collaboration.

How do I see my call logs?

If you need to see information related to a phone call you took, you can navigate to ‘call history’ on your smartphone. It includes how long the call was, who the recipient was, and the country/state they’re in. Beyond that, you won’t find any useful information in the default call log on your phone. That’s why you should have a call log template handy when answering calls, making it easy to jot down pertinent information about the contents of the conversations.

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18+ Free Visitor Log Template Sample in PDF, Excel


The administrative segment of visitors is a must to introduce in a company. A company should be aware of the people visiting the organization. Every detail related to the visit is jotted in a place. It is given as much importance as it requires. It is essential for the security and welfare of the company. Therefore, it becomes crucial to maintain a visitor’s records/visitors’ logbooks and a ready-made Visitor Log Template could be much useful.

Previously, it was limited to handwritten forms of documents. But now, the technique has been modified to a better version. The visitor’s logbook has been transforming into a software tool with no space for any paperwork.

Many firms and organizations consider visitor logbooks to be in a digital way rather than the old style. These digital electronic solutions have been helping organizations and would help you, too, to have complete control over the people visiting the house.

To keep a  record  of the people visiting the premises, an accurate visitor’s log must be made. With proper columns of space for registration and recording the sign-in and out, it needs a spreadsheet. There are other things that must be kept in mind while making your visitors log.

Table of Contents

What is a Visitor Log?

A Visitor Log, also termed as “Visitor logbook/log sheet”, is a documented form with rows and columns holding a complete record of the people visiting a premise. It keeps all the information relating to the visitors such as-name of the visitor, the reason for their arrival, the duration of the stay, time of leaving, document proof, signature, and more details.

The visitor’s log maintained properly assists a company in finding out the necessary information they need. Over the fact, it is the responsibility of a company to have records or the information of the people who entered the organization and for what. It says a lot about the company’s security policy which thereby helps them find any issue later on.

Visitor Log Templates

Organization visitor log template.


Organization Visitor Log can be used by any registered entity to have the visitor data stored in an organized manner for future reference.

This visitor logbook has all the necessary fields to record all the important details of the visitor, including the log-in time, purpose, visiting person, address with contact number and leaving time. Presented in Excel VBA format, which could be customized according to the specific requirement.

Free Sample Visitor Log Sheet Templates


Data Center Visitor Log Template

Visitor management is indeed an important element to keep security in check for the data center. A well-structured VBA visitor log template can efficiently keep track of the people who come to the center and their activity/purpose of the visit. This excel is extremely efficiently crafted, keeping in mind various needs and a comprehensive form of requirement.

And again, this template comes in VBA format and using the advanced command mechanism; you can easily customize the data field and automate the entry as demanded by the situation.


Controlled IT Space Visitor Log Template

Business & property premises visitor log template, why maintain a visitor log sheet.

Just like any other work process of visitors, maintenance of a log sheet also falls in the block. While the other essential working methodologies are planned and supposed to be implemented, a visitors’ logbook was always considered. If your company has still not implemented this necessary piece of work, then it must do as soon as possible.

But before you do, we think you should know in detail why a visitor’s logbook must be essentially crafted. So here we will list the reasons that would help you convince the fact:

1. A visitor the log records all the necessary information about each person visiting your premises.

2. Every necessary detail regarding a visitor helps a company to track a person if pronounced as deceitful.

3. The security factor of your company increases as you issue a visitor’s log.

4. During the time of emergency , you would know the list of persons who have been in the organization. It would help you keep an account of all the visitors.

5. Suppose it is the first time a person has entered your premise; you must know why he/she has arrived and with what purpose.

6. It acts as a first interaction basis that gives you and your company a brief feature about the visitor. Since the visitor’s log takes in quite a lot of information, it would be enough to track the person if required.

7. Relieves the company and the existing employees from stress.

We hope the reasons and purposes mentioned above would be enough to convince you to incorporate such essential elements in your working methodology. Also check out key log template .

Visitor management excel template 

Visitor entry register template in pdf format, security visitor log template, school visitor log template, when should a visitor log be crafted.

A visitor log must be crafted at the beginning of the inauguration. Just after your premise is open for all, try starting with the visitor log sheet.

Otherwise, it is always the right time to start with the maintenance of the visitor log as it adds to your benefit.

Where can a Visitor Log be Introduced?

We have indeed focused a lot on the organization and corporate companies while speaking about the visitor’s log. A visitor’s log can be and is maintained by all such Institutions and processes, which involves a lot of people coming in and out.

The place where the sign in and out is more in numbers, a visitor’s log sheet can be maintained. The place could be

  • A medical institution.
  • A legal station.
  • An educational institution.
  • A residential building, or a corporate house.

So, no matter what kind of building you are in the authority of, if it is the walking space of a lot of people, you must have a visitor log.

Company visitor log template

Guest book template word, visitor log template covid-19, visitor sign in sheet template word format, what are the different kinds of visitor logs.

The variations in the visitor log template come from its field of usage. The more it gets exposure, the more its usage is. Previously, we discussed the places where a visitor log is technically utilized- a medical Institution, a legal place, an academic institution, a residential building, and a corporate building.

These are the places we know about, but there exist some workplaces we want to talk about in this content to let you know how the visitor log becomes useful at such a place.

a. Data center visitor log.

Data centers are a resourceful field prone to theft of information and resources. The black hackers try to grab the maximum benefit of the data centers whilst they visit. As a visitor, you don’t really know their objective. To instill preventive measures, a data center visitor log is essential. It would help the data center keep a record of the persons coming in and out of the data center and if any falsification or any misinterpretation is noticed, the person could be tracked.

“n” a number of sensitive and personal information is recorded in data centers that are not subjected to public access.

So, to have an insight into the place, the data center must allow the data center visitor to log in so it gets security.

b. Server room visitor log.

The server rooms are instilled with technologies and computer networking systems. The server room consists of computers and other electrical sources that feed to the entire networking system. It is quite factual that a server room would incorporate some valuable insights. It would have system redundancies, solve cable Management Solutions, fire suppression systems, and airflow planning. A room is filled up with so valuable resources and is a station of problem-solving that could not be accessed by any person.

Only the members of the department or the invited would be allowed to get in. Even if any person claims to be the one who has been invited for a few works, they should write their name, address, phone number, and email id in the visitor log so they could contact the person if required. With a visitor log, you could at the least get a minimum of information about the person who has done some falsification in the system.

c. Construction site visitor log.

The construction sites are often visited by random people but this isn’t the right way of managing the construction process. You never know who gets into your work and do some errors intentionally so that you suffer and you are liable for their work. Many construction walking processes have been postponed due to some issues and no one has an idea how that cropped up. As a construction head or a subcontractor, it is quite unprofessional to blame any person working.

The laborers and other employees working at your construction, internally or externally, have a record with the company. Anything has been done by them; you know which group of people to ask. So, if you want your construction to work smoothly, you need to know the people who are coming in and out at any time. The best way to do it is by letting a person handle a visitor log so they can write the name of the person and a few details about them while they enter the construction site. This way you could keep an eye on and know who has entered the site.

Is it possible to integrate and keep records of the Covid-19 report in the Visitor Log Book?

If your company has a strict covid-19 rule regarding who can visit your company office, then the covid-19 report could be integrated or added to the visitor logbook.

The person in charge of supervising the visitor logbook can inspect the covid-19 test report provided by the visitor and record that in the logbook to have the data registered.

Can a Visitor Log be used as Legal Document?

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  • Visitor Log Form

A visitor log form or sign-in sheet is a document used to keep track of whom is present during a tour, workshop, or other formal gatherings. In a school, a visitor log form is typically kept by a teacher or parent volunteer during a class open house or Parent-Teacher Conference Night. In a business, a visitor log form can be used to record employee attendance, customers, or a list of people present at a training session. A visitor log form is a good way to keep track of who is present during a class or event, while also making sure no one was accidentally left out. A visitor log form can also serve as a record of who was present for an event, unlike a guest list, which is a record of who has been invited.

Take your business to the next level by collecting submissions through your Visitor Log Form. Sync submissions to 100+ storage platforms with our integrations, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. Whatever you need your forms to do, Jotform’s got you covered.

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A medication list template is a document used by a medical professional to track all the medications that a patient is taking.

Doctor Note Form Template

Doctor Note Form

A doctor's note form is a document written by a doctor stating the patient is too sick to go to work or school.

COVID 19 Patient Screening Questionnaire Form Template

COVID 19 Patient Screening Questionnaire

A COVID-19 patient screening questionnaire is used by medical practitioners to ask patients about their family and medical history.

Performance Tracking Forms

Employee Performance Evaluation Form Template

Employee Performance Evaluation Form

An Employee Performance Evaluation Form is a form template designed to track individual performance, monitor employee progress, and provide detailed feedback to employees.

End Of Work Day Report Form Template

End Of Work Day Report

Do you want to track your employees' progress? Your employees can fill this end of day report sample out at the end of every day so progress can be tracked by them and you. This employee end of day report includes completed tasks and goals for tomorrow. You can increase productivity by using this end of day report template!

WAR Weekly Activity Report Form Template

WAR Weekly Activity Report

If you want to create a weekly activity report for your business, this weekly activity report format will help you. You can register the activities that happen during the week, with this weekly action report. Start to use this weekly report template now to report the number of sales, appointments and recruiting!

Time Tracking Forms

Asset tracking forms.

Asset Handover Form Template

Asset Handover Form

An Asset Handover Form is a form that can be used to hand over assets to an employee. It is used to record details of the asset that is being passed to an employee.

Stock Inventory Form Template

Stock Inventory Form

Tracking of stock inventory can be difficult and this difficulty increases with the largeness of the store, shop, supermarket, and more. Many people use paper but it has been proven to be a very unsafe way to capture such records.

About Tracking Forms

Looking for a customizable tracking form template for your business or organization? Jotform's tracking form templates are a great way to start collecting all the detailed information your organization needs. Whether you're tracking an issue, updating a time sheet or following a production schedule, we have a tracking form for you. Select a tracking form example from our collection or start a new form, then start customizing to fit your needs. Through the Jotform builder, our tracking forms have access to an array of themes, widgets, and apps. Get started with one of our free online tracking form templates today!

Free Client and Customer List Templates

By Diana Ramos | February 1, 2021

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We’ve compiled the most useful free client and customer list templates for reps, managers, inspectors, and other roles to track potential and existing client and customer details. 

Included on this page, you'll find many helpful client information forms and templates, including a simple customer list template , potential client list template , and business contact list template , as well as tips for building your customer and client lists .

Simple Customer List Template

Simple Customer List Template

Ensure that your team accurately records all customer and client-specific details with this simple customer list template, which includes space to enter the customer ID, company and contact name, address, contact title, and additional comments. Download this template to track individual client or customer information, or save it as a standard template to document details regarding all of your clients or customers. 

To learn more about how to collect client information, see “The Definitive Guide to Client Onboarding.”  

Download Simple Customer List Template 

Excel | Word | Google Sheets | PDF

Customer Contact List Template

Customer Contact List Template

Standardize your customer and client information-gathering process with this easy-to-use customer contact list template. This customizable template serves as an all-purpose customer  information form that you can use to record information for a single customer or for multiple customers. Add the customer, company, name and contact details, and notes to make sure that all customer-related details are available to all team members in a centralized location.

For more details on contact lists, see “Free Contact List Templates.”  

Download Customer Contact List Template

Client Contact List Template

Client Contact List Template

Use this client contact list to easily collect essential details about your unique clientele. Enter company and contact names, client title, email, phone number, and the last date on which you contacted them. With this template,you can also flag customers you need to call and prioritize primary customers. Keep your clientele’s information current with this all-in-one, easy-to-use client contact list template. 

Download Client Contact List Template 

  Excel | Google Sheets | PDF

Potential Client Tracker Template

Potential Client Tracker Template

Track potential sales and manage your pipeline with this potential client tracker template. Simply enter the lead’s details (company name, contact name, and sales rep), finance information (the size of the deal, probability of the deal, and weighted forecast), action (the status of the deal, projected closing date, date of contact, and next action), and the potential client’s contact information. With this comprehensive template, you can sort through potential sales opportunities and schedule and track follow-up actions to create a proactive, efficient conversion effort. 

For more on customer relationship management (CRM), see “Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Beyond the Technology.”  

Download Potential Client Tracker Template

Excel | Google Sheets

Activity Client List Template

Activity Client List Template

Keep your team apprised of all client-related activities with this simple activity client list template. For each specific project, enter a unique activity number, activity name, detailed activity description, assignee, and any additional status details. This client-by-client activity template is available in Microsoft Word and PDF formats, and as a Google Doc if you want to save it to your Google Drive. 

Download Activity Client List Template 

Excel |  Word | Google Docs | PDF  | Smartsheet

Client Call Log List Template

Simple Client Call Log Template

Keep tabs on your client-specific call details with this simple client call log list template. Enter the company name and address, time of the call, from/to, duration of the call, contact number, and next steps. This template is designed to ensure that any team member can accurately record all call-related details. Use the detailed notes you collect to easily assess any action you or your team members need to take to maintain strong client relationships. 

Download Client Call Log List Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Potential Client List Template

Potential Client List Template

Designed to capture the details of potential clients and sales leads, this potential client list template is the perfect tool for turning potential clients into actual clients. Assign a unique number to each client. Then, enter their name, type of business, and a description of the services you would provide. From there, your team can use this easy-to-complete, customizable template to determine the best way to establish long-lasting partnerships with your clients. 

Download Potential Client List Template

 Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Inspection Company Client List

Inspection Company Client List Template

Use this streamlined inspection company client list to collect all the pertinent details of your inspection work. Enter the name of the company, and the name, phone number, email, and title, and inspection status of your contact person. This template allows you to easily arrange your clients’ needs in order of urgency and helps you provide excellent and timely inspection services. 

Download Inspection Company Client List

Contacts Spreadsheet Template

client visit log template

Use this simple, straightforward general contacts spreadsheet template to capture client and customer-specific details. Simply enter all client-relevant information, including the name of the company, website, mailing address, and industry category, as well as your contact’s name, phone number, and email. You can customize this form to meet your organization’s particular client and customer list needs. 

Download Contacts Spreadsheet Template

Business Contact List Template

Business Contact List Template

Use this template to keep track of your business-related client and customer information. Enter a unique customer ID, the name and mailing/business address of the company, the name, title, phone number, and email of the contact, and any relevant notes. You can also customize the template for your organization’s particular needs, whether you’re tracking sales leads or managing existing customers or clients. 

‌Download Business Contact List Template

Excel  | Word | PDF

What Are Client and Customer Lists?

Businesses, organizations, and individuals use client and customer lists so that any team member can access the information they need to clearly and seamlessly communicate with clients and customers.

Having the most up-to-date client and customer information (e.g., unique client or customer IDs, contact info, and follow-up action notes), enables you to do the following: 

  • Familiarize coworkers with the most current client or customer information.  
  • Keep accurate client or customer information, so any team member can use that data to touch base with a contact or implement follow-up actions.
  • Use recorded details to enhance your relationships with your clients or customers. 
  • Facilitate successive interactions with your clients or customers by using up-to-date information. 
  • Optimize your client or customer partnerships by using the most current details.

Tips for Building Your Customer and Client Lists

Client and customer list templates help you maintain better customer relationship management and anticipate opportunities for expanding your product or service offerings.

Whether you are in sales, customer service, inspections, or another kind of business, you must comprehensively and precisely document your customer or client interactions. That way, any member of your team can review your notes and take the necessary follow-up action(s).

Client and customer list templates typically provide the following: 

  • Contact Information: Enter the client or customer’s contact information (e.g., the name and mailing address of the company, name, phone number, and email of the contact, etc.). 
  • Additional Information: Enter the unique client or customer ID, title and fax number of the contact, billing address of the company, and any notes.  
  • Services: Enter the details of the services or products you will provide to the client or customer. 
  • Preferences: Enter the client or customer preferences. 
  • Registration Information: Include any registration-specific details if the client or customer is registering for an event or signing up for a service. 
  • Date of Next Contact: Enter the date when you or a team member will follow up with the client or customer. 
  • Follow-Up Action: Include any follow-up action to take on the client or customer’s behalf.

Streamline Client Information Collection with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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  1. MS Excel Visitors Log Template

    client visit log template

  2. Free Client Call Log Templates

    client visit log template

  3. 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates

    client visit log template

  4. 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates

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  5. FREE 9+ Visitors Log Templates in MS Word

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  6. FREE 9+ Appointment Log Templates in PDF

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  1. How to make an attendance log

  2. Download and Visualize Event Log Files

  3. Query Event Log Files

  4. How To Create An Issue Log In Excel

  5. Auto Publish Questions

  6. ClientTestimonial


  1. Client Visit Tracking Report Template

    Using a client visit tracking report template offers several benefits for your sales team and organization: 1. Improved organization: By keeping all client visit information in one place, your team can easily access and update the data as needed.This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and reduces the risk of miscommunication or lost information.

  2. Free Client Call Log Templates

    Daily Client Call Log Template. Use this template as a detailed, all-in-one tracking system for daily calls with existing or potential clients. Enter the date, time, caller name, contact number, and calling-for information. The template also includes a checkbox that you can use to indicate if you need to return a call.

  3. 6+ Customer Visit Report Templates

    In the event that you are required to provide an account of the customer's visit, then it's best that you use this customer visit report template in word. Use it to point out details such as why the customer made the visit, the actions are taken, any resources used and so on. 7. Customer Experience Survey Report.

  4. Free Printable Visitor Log Templates [PDF, Word, Excel] School, Office

    To simplify visitor record keeping for reception areas, offices, schools, and more, we offer a customizable visitor log available for free download. This useful log template is provided as an editable PDF,Word and Excel type. Users can add their company name, record visit details, print organized logs, and export the data.

  5. Customer Visit Report Template Form Template

    A Customer Visit Report Template is a report containing data collected by a sales representative on visited customers. Create an excel based report for your sales team to keep track of the time they spend on visiting customers and the products they are selling. Mark a check-mark on the excel sheet for the visit to get an idea of how many ...

  6. 8+ Editable Customer Log Templates

    Size: A4, US. Download Now. Be able to provide your customer service department with a ready-made "Customer Service Call Log" so that they can standardize the call logs easily. This simple call-log template is downloadable for free, and it can be easily printed and edited using MS Excel, MS Word, Numbers, or Pages.

  7. How to Plan the Perfect Customer Visit [+ Agenda Template]

    5 Potential Goals of Your Customer Visit. Going into a customer visit with goals in mind will help you get the most out of your time there. Here are five goals to consider when planning a customer visit: 1. Understanding Their Business Goals. If you're visiting a client, you're likely hoping for a long term relationship.

  8. Free Call Log Templates

    Daily Call Log Template. Use this detailed, daily call log template as an all-in-one tracking system for daily calls with potential or existing customers, clients, or patients. Simply enter the date, the time, the caller's name, the contact number, and information on the next action to be taken, so any team member can determine next steps.

  9. 20+ Printable Call Log Templates [Word,Excel,PDF]

    You may gather Google Docs and Google Sheets call log templates in Google Drive for simple sharing, as well as save Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF documents to a central location. Make sure the call log details are correct. An accurate record can be kept by using a call log template, even though your client, customer, or patient information may ...

  10. Free Client Management & Tracking Templates

    Use these free client log templates to guarantee effective client management. Sales Call Log Template. This call log template is perfect for sales teams looking for a way to accurately record sales-specific call details. Enter a client's phone number, the date of the call, the relevant contacts, and any call notes, so team members can keep ...

  11. Visitor Log Template

    Call Log Template. Keep track of client calls with this free online Call Log Template. Perfect for sales teams. Easy to view, edit, and share. Works on any device. No coding. ... COVID-19 Log Sheet. Keep a record of people who visit your clinic for easy contact tracing. Help protect data with HIPAA compliance features. Easy to customize, share ...

  12. Free The Ultimate Call Log Template [2023] • Asana

    With a digital call log template, you can: See all of your call notes in one place. Keep track of call-related client information. Monitor call outcomes, such as how many cold calls convert to customers. View any action items that come out of calls, like which customers requested more information or require a follow-up.

  13. FREE 9+ Appointment Log Templates in PDF

    DOC. Size: 7.4 KB. Download Now. A medical appointment work log documents the details of the person's visit to a doctor in a clinic/hospital. It seeks information like the date, doctor's name, the reason to visit, the result of the visit, medication prescribed, etc. It is mandatory to keep records of the data.

  14. 10 Free Phone Call Log Templates in Excel & ClickUp

    This Excel Client Call Log Template is a simple call log tracker that focuses on keeping your call-related information with clients. ... Visit our Help Center for support. Recent Articles. Previous set of recent articles. Next set of recent articles. 10 Free Proforma Invoice Templates to Try Out . Praburam Srinivasan.

  15. How to Keep Track of Clients in Excel (Download Free Template)

    Step 3 - Generate Client Tracker. Make a new sheet for the tracker. Create the column headers in the client tracker worksheet. We can create a Data validation through which we can click on our required client name and their activities. Choose cell B5 to cell B11. Click on the Data tab in the ribbon. From the Data Tools group, click on Data ...

  16. Customer Visit Report Template

    Customer Company Name. To start the Customer Visit Report document, you need to state the name of the company that you have visited and add a one or two-liner describing the customer's nature of business, their industry and other interesting info about the customer. Your Sales Team or Support Team will be a good information source.

  17. 40 Printable Visitor Log Templates (Excel / Word)

    Download (28.69 KB) Download (25.00 KB) Download (71.00 KB) Download (13.50 KB) List Log Sheets Visitor Logs. Whether it's for offices, schools, businesses or any organizations, having a record of who visited is a must. Download visitor log templates.

  18. 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates

    July 27, 2021. Download these 23 Free Sample Visitor Log Templates to assist you in preparing your own Visitor Log quickly. Visitor management solutions and Virtual reception are showing in the foyers of more and more structures. No longer limited to large rich companies, computerized visitor techniques are now showing in companies of all kinds ...

  19. 16 Free Client Call Log Templates

    Open the Microsoft EXCEL on your computer or laptop. Click "File" and select "New". It will show you the template thumbnails from which you can select one for your page. Click "Search for Online Templates", type call log and press the enter button. Results will be displayed on your screen.

  20. Your new easy-to-use call log template for sales & support

    A client call log template is a record of client information taken from incoming and outgoing calls. You can use it to gather useful data, create reports, and evaluate the contents of client calls. The template will give you an idea of what's particularly worth noting down from your interactions with clients.

  21. 18+ Free Visitor Log Template Sample in PDF, Excel

    1. A visitor the log records all the necessary information about each person visiting your premises. 2. Every necessary detail regarding a visitor helps a company to track a person if pronounced as deceitful. 3. The security factor of your company increases as you issue a visitor's log. 4.

  22. Visitor Log Form Template

    Cloned 376. A visitor log form or sign-in sheet is a document used to keep track of whom is present during a tour, workshop, or other formal gatherings. In a school, a visitor log form is typically kept by a teacher or parent volunteer during a class open house or Parent-Teacher Conference Night. In a business, a visitor log form can be used to ...

  23. Free Client & Customer List Templates

    Client and customer list templates typically provide the following: Contact Information: Enter the client or customer's contact information (e.g., the name and mailing address of the company, name, phone number, and email of the contact, etc.). Additional Information: Enter the unique client or customer ID, title and fax number of the contact ...