Palamós Digital

Activitats Locals

El santoral, calendari laboral, dies mundials, benvinguts a l’agenda de palamós.

Durant tot l’any, Palamós ofereix una gran varietat de propostes culturals, socials, esportives i solidàries. Però també, per millorar la teva salut i benestar, descobrir el territori i els equipaments del municipi, assistir a tallers i cursets, participar en concursos de fotografia, visitar exposicions temàtiques, conèixer el món marí des del Museu de la Pesca i altres propostes interessants…

Sens dubte, caldrien molts més recursos pel tal de fer-te arribar la informació de la totalitat d’activitats que es fan, però des de Televisió Palamós, malgrat el pressupost super-reduït que tenim actualment, intentarem aportar-te el màxim possible de dades sobre les activitats més destacades que organitza tant l’Ajuntament com les diferents entitats associatives del municipi.

Aprofitem aquest text de presentació per fer un agraïment als anunciants que patrocinen l’Agenda. Et convidem a clicar a sobre dels seus cartells promocionals i descobrir un munt de propostes interessants. Així mateix, agraïm la col·laboració de l’Ajuntament de Palamós, que també dóna suport a aquesta iniciativa.

Activitats programades a Palamós

Aquesta agenda d’activitats està patrocinada per:.

Si cliques a sobre de la imatge trobaràs més informació sobre l’activitat anunciada



Si veus que algunes de les lletres de les activitats es sobreposen unes amb les altres és perque no tens posada en el teu mòbil la resolució estandar de 2340 x 1080 píxels.


Les dades publicades s’extreuen de la informació facilitada per l’Àrea de Turisme de l’Ajuntament de Palamós, els webs municipals de La Gorga, el Museu de la Pesca i la Biblioteca Municipal i per les diferents entitats associatives que ens han fet arribar les seves activitats.

Atès que és una agenda DE Palamós, s’anuncien només les activitats que es desenvolupen DINS el municipi. Les activitats anunciades són les organitzades per les entitats associatives palamosines, per l’Ajuntament de Palamós i per les entitats que col·laboren fent publicitat.



Dreceres temàtiques.




Cursos del Club Natació Palamós - temporada 2024-2025 (€)

Per inscripcions clica aquí

Cada dilluns


Marxa nòrdica organitzada per la Fundació Oncolliga

16:00h   Aparcament de La Fosca

Cada dimarts


Taller-demostració del funcionament d'un torn de ceràmica (gratuït)

Cada divendres.


Visites guiades a la subhasta del peix a les 16:30h i 17:00h (€)

16:30h   Museu de la Pesca  (+info)


Show cooking de cuina marinera a l'Espai del Peix (€)

Cada dissabte.


Show-cooking d'evolució de la cuina marinera (€)

Activitats puntuals.

DRECERES SETMANALS:    09   >  16   >  23


Torneig Beach Waterpolo Costa Brava (de 09:00h a 15:00h)


Jornada de portes obertes en el Museu de la Pesca (gratuïta)

01/09  10:30h i 16:00h   Museu de la Pesca  (+info)


55è. Aplec de la Sardana de Palamós (gratuït)

01/09   17:30h   Plaça dels Països Catalans    (+info)



Tertúlia literària "La mà que prenia la meva" de Maggie O'Farrell (g)

02/09   19:00h   Biblioteca Municipal  (+info)


Grup de dol amb l'Associació Dol Baix Empordà (gratuït)

04/09  18:30h   Biblioteca Municipal  


"En temps de Tiberi Cèsar" Conferència de Lina Vilamitjana" (g)

05/09   19:00h   Biblioteca Municipal  (+info)


Presentació del curtmetratge "Filiae Infernum" d'Oleguer Núñez (g)

05/09   20:30h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)


Romiatge al Santuari de la Mare de Déu de Bell-lloc (09:45h a 18:00h)

07/09   09:45h   Sortida: Església Sta Maria  (+info)

Ballada de sardanes amb la cobla Baix Empordà (gratuïta)

07/09  12:00h   Santuari de Bell-lloc


Visita guiada al Museu de la Pesca i a les barques del peix (gratuïta)

08/09  12:00h   Museu de la Pesca  (+info)


"Homenatge a Louis Amstrong" amb el conjunt Jazzcare All Stars (€)

08/09   19:00h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)



Revetlla de la Diada amb Alba Tomàs i Roser Serrano (gratuïta)

10/09   20:00h   Plaça de Catalunya  (+info)

Diada Nacional de Catalunya: Actes institucionals (gratuïta)

11/09  11:30h   Plaça de Catalunya

Diada 2024 - Ballada de sardanes amb la cobla Bisbal Jove (gratuïta)

11/09  19:00h   Escenari del Passeig


Parada solidària de l'Associació Progat Palamós i Sant Joan (10h-20h)

14/09  10:00h   Plaça dels Arbres  (+info)


Visita guiada exposició "Ernest Moradell, pioner del disseny gràfic (g)

14/09  18:00h   Capella del Carme


Darrera etapa de la XIX Trobada Internacional de Micro-cotxes (g)

15/09  11:00h   Passeig del Mar


Els ibers i el mar. Visita guiada al jaciment de Castell (gratuïta)

15/09  12:00h   Poblat iber  (+info)



Sopar Estellés 2024 amb tertúlia literària, poesia, show cooking... (€)

19/09  19:30h   Espai del Peix  (+info)


Taller: "Com aconseguir més autoconfiança!" (gratuït)

20/09  19:45h   Biblioteca Municipal


Visita guiada a través dels sentits. Museus i benestar (gratuïta)

21/09  12:00h   Museu de la Pesca  (+info)


"Elbet & Friends" Festival musical de talent palamosí (€)

21/09   19:30h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)


"Marxa dels gats 2024" amb l'associació cultural Showboys (€)

21/09  20:00h   Platja St. Esteve de La Fosca  (+info)


Concert de trompeta i piano amb Paco i Amós (taquilla inversa)

22/09   19:00h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)


ROSITA - per sota d'aquest només són borradors de reserva


La Tribu. L'aventura de la maternitat (trobades sobre la maternitat)


Presentació llibre: Llegendes, creences i pràctiques esotèriques (gratuïta)


L'Hora del Conte: "Pa amb vi, còmic i sucre!" (gratuïta)


Visita guiada al Mas del Vent i el seu claustre (€)


Berenar, amb ball en viu, del Club de Fans 60s70s80s (€)

Del dilluns 23 al dilluns 30.


Conferència de Mireia Esteve "Projecte LIFE eCOadapt50" (gratuïta)

26/09   18:00h   Museu de la Pesca  (+info)


Cicle Gaudí de cinema català: "Mamífera" de Liliana Torres (gratuït)

26/09  20:00h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)


"Anna" Espectacle amb post-funció amb l'Ass. Dol Baix Empordà (€)

28/09  20:30h   Teatre La Gorga  (+info)


"Festa del Pedal 2024" recollida dorsals 08:30h / sortida 09:30h (€)

29/09   09:30h   Plaça Mossèn Gumersind  (+info)


Concert de Tardor, organitzat per "Escàlem Coral" (gratuït)

29/09  19:00h   Sala petita La Gorga  (+info)


Concert: Orquestra de Cambra de la Filharmònica de Colònia (€)

21/07   20:00h   Teatre la Gorga  (+info)

Club de poesia: "La sonata del clar de lluna" de Iannis Ritsos (gratuït)


Contes musicats i taller d'estampació de monstres, amb La Sal d'Olot


Visita guiada a l'expo "Nu. Apunts al natural del fons Ezequiel Torroella"

Exposicions en espais municipals, del 3 al 20 de setembre, expo-taller de pintura creativa realitzat per pacients oncològics" (g).

Horaris Biblioteca Municipal

Del 4 de setembre al 3 d'octubre

Exposició "vicent andrés estellés. la rebel·lió de l'alegria" (gratuïta).


"Amb mans de dona. Les pintores del Llegat Francesc Galí" (gratuïta)

Horaris Ajuntament de Palamós

Exposició "Ernest Moradell, pioner del disseny gràfic" (gratuïta)

Consulta el santoral, quin sant es celebra avui.

El santoral és el calendari litúrgic que indica la data en la qual se celebren les festivitats en honor d’un sant/a o una altra figura religiosa. El calendari actualment en ús per l’Església Catòlica és una versió modificada del costum paleocristià de commemorar la mort dels màrtirs en el seu aniversari.

Mare de Déu del Puig Sant Gil Sant Llop

Sant Antolí o Antoní Santa Ingrid Santa Raquel

Santa Basilissa Sant Gregori el Gran Sant Sàndal

M. de D. de la Consolació Sant Moisès Santa Rosalia de Palerm

Mare de Déu de la Cinta Sant Llorenç Justiniani Santa Obdúlia

M. de Déu de Guadalupe Sant Eleuteri Sant Zacaries

Sant Albí Santa Judit Santa Regina

Neixement Verge Maria Santa Adela Sant Sergi

Mare de Déu del Claustre Santa Felícia Sant Pere Claver

Santa Càndida Sant Nicolau de Tolentino Santa Ninfodora

Sant Bonaventura Sant Protus Sta. Teodora Alexandrina

Mare de Déu de Duc Sant Guiu Sant Nom de Maria

Sant Amat Sant Colom Sant Julià

Exaltació de la Santa Creu Sant Crescenci Santa Ròsula

Mare de Déu del Dolors Santa Caterina de Gènova Sant Nicomedes

Santa Edita Sant Cebrià Sant Corneli

Santa Ariadna Santa Coloma Sant Robert Bel·larmino

Sant Ferriol Santa Irene Santa Sofia

Sant Gener Santa Mª de Cervelló Santa Victorina

Sant Andreu Kim Santa Càndida Sant Eustaqui

Santa Celina Santa Ifigènia Sant Mateu o Levi

Santa Digna Sant Fèlix IV Sant Maurici o Mori

Sant Andreu Sant Llis o Linus Santa Tecla

M. de Déu de la Mercè Sant Gerard o Grau Sant Pacífic

M. de D de la Misericòrdia Santa Aurèlia Sant Dalmau Moner

Sants Cosme i Damià Santa Justina Sant Nil

Sant Caius o Gai Santa Hiltrudis Sant Vicenç de Paül

Santa Eustoqui Sant Simó de Rojas Sant Venceslau

Sant Gabriel Sant Miquel Sant Rafael o Rafel

Sant Conrad Sant Jeroni Sant Víctor

Calendari Laboral 2024

Festes a catalunya.

El calendari oficial de festes laborals a Catalunya durant l’any 2024 queda configurat amb les següents dates:

  • Dilluns 1 de gener (Cap d’Any)
  • Dissabte 6 de gener (Reis)
  • Divendres 29 de març (Divendres Sant)
  • Dilluns 1 d’abril (Pasqua Florida)
  • Dimecres 1 de maig (Festa del Treball)
  • Dilluns 24 de juny (Sant Joan)
  • Dijous 15 d’agost (L’Assumpció)
  • Dimecres 11 de setembre (Diada Nacional de Catalunya)
  • Dissabte 12 d’octubre (Festa Nacional d’Espanya)
  • Divendres 1 de novembre (Tots Sants)
  • Divendres 6 de desembre (Dia de la Constitució)
  • Dimecres 25 de desembre (Nadal)
  • Dijous 26 de desembre (Sant Esteve)


A més de les festes esmentades es fixen dues festes locals, retribuïdes i no recuperables, a proposta dels ajuntaments.

  • Palamós, 25 de juny i 26 de juny
  • Calonge, 15 de juliol i 11 de novembre
  • Sant Antoni de Calonge, 14 de juny i 2 de setembre
  • Castell-Platja d’Aro, 8 de febrer i 6 de setembre
  • Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 9 de febrer i 1 d’agost
  • Santa Cristina d’Aro, 12 de febrer i 22 de juliol
  • Vall-llobrega, 22 de gener i 23 de setembre
  • Mont-ras, 3 de juny i 25 de juliol
  • Palafrugell, 3 de juny i 19 de juliol
  • Bisbal d’Empordà, la, 20 de maig i 16 d’agost
  • Torroella de Montgrí, 13 de febrer i 26 d’agost
  • Girona, 25 de juliol i 29 d’octubre
  • Barcelona, 20 de maig i 24 de setembre
  • CAP D’ANY Dilluns 1 de gener
  • REIS Dissabte 6 de gener
  • DIVENDRES SANT Divendres 29 de març
  • PASQUA FLORIDA Dilluns 1 d’abril
  • FESTA DEL TREBALL Dimecres 1 de maig
  • SANT JOAN Dilluns 24 de juny
  • L’ASSUMPCIÓ Dijous 15 d’agost
  • DIADA NACIONAL DE CATALUNYA Dimecres 11 de setembre
  • FESTA NACIONAL D’ESPANYA Dissabte 12 d’octubre
  • TOTS SANTS Divendres 1 de novembre
  • DIA DE LA CONSTITUCIÓ Divendres 6 de desembre
  • NADAL Dimecres 25 de desembre
  • SANT ESTEVE Dijous 26 de desembre

Font: Generalitat de Catalunya

A més de les festes esmentades es fixen dues festes locals, retribuïdes i no recuperables, a proposta dels ajuntaments:

  • PALAMÓS 25 juny i 26 juny
  • CALONGE 15 juliol i 11 novembre
  • SANT ANTONI DE CALONGE 14 juny i 2 setembre
  • CASTELL-PLATJA D’ARO 8 febrer i 6 setembre
  • SANT FELIU DE GUÍXOLS 9 febrer i 1 agost
  • SANTA CRISTINA D’ARO 12 de febrer i 22 de juliol
  • VALL-LLOBREGA 22 gener i 23 setembre
  • MONT-RAS 3 de juny i 25 de juliol
  • PALAFRUGELL 3 de juny i 19 juliol
  • LA BISBAL D’EMPORDÀ 20 de maig i 16 agost
  • TORROELLA DE MONTGRÍ 13 de febrer i 26 agost
  • GIRONA 25 de juliol i 29 octubre
  • BARCELONA 20 de maig i 24 de setembre

Dies Internacionals i Mundials

Dies internacionals oficials.

Són els proclamats per l’ONU, i la data la decideix l’òrgan més representatiu de l’ONU, que és l’Assemblea General. La proposta pot provenir d’un país membre, o de la pròpia Assemblea General, o d’algun organisme important dins d’un país membre.  Com a exemple citem: el “Dia Internacional de les Famílies”, el “Dia Internacional dels Nens Innocents Víctimes d’Agressió” o el “Dia Mundial del Medi Ambient”.


Són els proclamats per les agències especialitzades adherides a l’ONU, com l’Organització de les Nacions Unides per a l’Educació, la Ciència i la Cultura (UNESCO) o l’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS).  Com a exemples, el “Dia Mundial sense Tabac” (OMS) o el “Dia Mundial contra el Treball Infantil” (Organització Mundial del Treball).


Es tracta de dies proclamats per altres tipus d’organitzacions, associacions i col·lectius, que s’han popularitzat amb el pas el temps i que es celebren a nivell mundial, com poden ser: el “Dia Internacional de l’Orgull LGBT” o el “Dia Internacional dels Drets dels Animals”.


Classificació per colors.


Dies Internacionals i Mundials (oficials)

Dies Internacionals i Mundials (no oficials)

Dies Populars

Dia Mundial de la Dactiloscopia

Dia Internacional dels Primats

Setmana de l’Aprenentatge Digital

Dia Internacional del Taekwondo

Dia Global d’Adquisició de Talent

Dia Mundial de la Salut Sexual

Dia Mundial de la Síndrome PFAPA

Dia Internacional de la Dona Indígena

Dia Internacional de la Beneficència

Dia Mundial del Germà

Dia Mundial del Periodista Turístic

Dia de la Vaqueta Marina

Dia Internacional del Mieloma Múltiple

Dia Mundial de les Aus Playeres

Dia de Conscienciació sobre el Daltonisme

Dia Internacional de l’Aire Net per un Cel Blau

Dia Internacional del Voltor

Dia Internacional de la Cooperació Policial 

Dia de Conscienciació sobre la Malaltia de Duchenne

Dia Mundial del Bus

Dia Mundial de la Barba

Dia Mundial del Pèl-roig 

Dia Internacional del Bacon

Dia Internacional de l’Alfabetització

Dia Internacional del Periodista

Dia Mundial de la Fibrosi Quística

Dia Mundial de la Fisioteràpia

Dia del Cooperant (Espanya)

Dia Internacional Protegir l’Educació d’Atacs

Dia Mundial de l’Agricultura

Dia Mundial del Vehicle Elèctric

Dia Internacional de la Bellesa

Dia Internacional del Tester de Programari

Dia Mundial del Trastorn de l’Espectre Alcohòlic Fetal

Setmana del Benestar a les Amèriques

Setmana Europea del Càncer de Pulmó

Dia Mundial de la Prevenció del Suïcidi

Dia de les Nacions Unides per a la Cooperació Sud-Sud 

Dia Internacional d’Acció contra la Migranya

Dia del Programador

Dia Internacional del Crochet

Dia Internacional de la Xocolata

Dia Mundial de la Sepsis

Dia del Professor de Natació

Dia Mundial de la Dermatitis Atòpica

Dia Mundial de l’Arepa

Dia Internacional de l’Observació de la Lluna

Dia Mundial dels Primers Auxilis

Dia del Benestar al Carib

Dia Internacional de la Democràcia

Dia Europeu de la Salut Prostàtica

Dia Mundial del Limfoma

Dia Internacional de la Preservació de la Capa d’Ozó

Dia Internacional de la Cardiologia Intervencionista

Setmana Europea de la Mobilitat

Dia Mundial de la Seguretat del Pacient

Dia Internacional de la Música Country

Dia Internacional de la Febre Mediterrània Familiar

Dia Mundial de la Síndrome de Kleefstra

Dia Internacional de la Igualtat Salarial

Dia Mundial de la Quiropràxia

Dia Mundial de l’Ètica Mèdica

Dia Mundial del Control de la Qualitat de l’Aigua 

Dia Mundial del Bambú

Dia Mundial de la Síndrome de Pitt-Hopkins

Dia Mundial de la Marca Pròpia

Dia Mundial de l’Aperitiu

Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre la Mossegada de Serp

Dia Mundial de Sensibilització sobre la Dissecció Aòrtica

Dia Mundial de Parlar com un Pirata

Dia Internacional de l’Esport Universitari

Dia Mundial de la Llibertat d’Expressió de Pensament

Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre el Creixement Infantil

Dia Mundial de la Paella

Dia Internacional de la Pau

Dia Mundial de l’Alzheimer

Dia Mundial del Donant de Medul·la Òssia i Sang de Cordó Umbilical

Dia de l’Artista Plàstic

Dia Mundial de la Neteja

Dia Internacional contra els Monocultius d’Arbres

Dia Mundial del Paganisme

Dia Internacional del Panda Vermell

Dia Internacional del Rock Progressiu

Dia Mundial de les Platges

Dia Internacional de la Bibliodiversitat

Dia Mundial del Programari Lliure

Dia de Batman

Equinocci de Tardor

Dia Mundial sense Cotxe

Dia Mundial del Rinoceront

Equinocci de Primavera (Hemisferi Sud)

Dia Mundial dels Rius

Dia Internacional del Mim

Dia Europeu sense Cotxes

Dia Mundial de la Narcolèpsia 

Dia Mundial de la Leucèmia Mieloide Crònica i Aguda

Dia Internacional Contra l’Explotació Sexual i el Tracta de Persones

Dia Internacional de les Llengües de Senyals

Dia Internacional de la Bisexualitat

Dia Mundial de la Síndrome de Cames Inquietes

Setmana Internacional de les Persones Sordes

Dia Mundial del Goril·la

Dia Internacional de Recerca contra el Càncer

Dia Mundial del Càncer de Tiroides

Dia Mundial contra les Patents de Programari

Dia Mundial del Farmacèutic

Dia Mundial de la Llet Escolar

Dia Internacional de l’Ataxia

Dia Marítim Mundial 

Dia Internacional per a l’Eliminació Total de les Armes Nuclears

Dia Mundial de la Salut Ambiental

Dia Mundial de l’Anticoncepció

Dia Mundial de Prevenció de l’Embaràs no Planificat a Adolescents

Dia Mundial dels Naixements Múltiples

Dia Europeu de les Llengües

Dia Mundial del Turisme

Dia Europeu del Donant de Medul·la Òssia

Dia Mundial contra la Ràbia

Dia Internacional del Dret d’Accés Universal a la Informació

Dia Mundial de les Notícies

Dia Internacional del Conill

Dia d’Acció Global per l’accés a l’avortament legal i segur

Dia Mundial de les Leucodistròfies

Dia Internacional de la Síndrome Arnold Chiari

Dia Internacional de les Persones Sordes

Dia Mundial del Cor

Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre la Pèrdua i el Malbaratament d’Aliments

Dia Mundial de la Trombocitopènia Immune Primària

Dia Mundial de la Retinosi Pigmentària

Jornada Mundial del Migrant i Refugiat

Dia Internacional de la Traducció

Dia Internacional del Dret a la Blasfèmia

Dia Internacional del Podcast

Dia Internacional de Conscienciació amb la Distròfia Muscular de Cintura

Privacy Overview

Visit Catalonia

Best Beaches

Restaurants, nightlife and party scene, a curiosity and a tip.

Welcome to Palamós, a coastal haven nestled along the rugged beauty of the Costa Brava in Catalonia. As you map out your next escape, Palamós awaits, offering a unique blend of pristine beaches and authentic local experiences. From the glistening shores to the rich tapestry of its cultural offerings, Palamos invites you to embark on an unforgettable journey. Let's explore the distinctive allure that makes Palamos an ideal destination for those seeking a memorable and immersive holiday experience.

When it comes to beaches, Palamós boasts some of the most beautiful stretches of sand in Catalonia. The crystal-clear waters and golden sands make it a paradise for beach lovers. Some of the must-visit beaches in Palamós include La Fosca, Castell, and Sant Antoni. Spend your days basking in the sun, taking refreshing dips in the sea, and enjoying the breathtaking coastal views.

Palamós is renowned for its gastronomy, and you'll find a wide range of restaurants offering delicious local cuisine. From fresh seafood to traditional Catalan dishes, the culinary scene in Palamós is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Don't miss the opportunity to try the famous Palamós prawns, a local delicacy that will leave you craving for more. Indulge in a culinary journey and explore the diverse flavors of the region.

When the sun sets, Palamós comes alive with its vibrant nightlife and party scene. The town offers a variety of bars, clubs, and beachfront venues where you can dance the night away. Whether you prefer a relaxed beach bar or a lively nightclub, Palamós has options for every taste. Experience the energetic atmosphere, enjoy live music, and make unforgettable memories during your nights out in Palamós.

Top 5 Things to Do in Palamós

1. Explore the historic center: Take a stroll through the charming streets of Palamós and discover its rich history and cultural heritage. 2. Visit the Fishing Museum: Learn about the town's fishing traditions and the importance of the sea in the local economy. 3. Take a boat trip: Embark on a boat excursion and explore the stunning coastline, hidden coves, and picturesque landscapes. 4. Try water sports: Engage in thrilling water activities such as snorkeling, kayaking, or paddleboarding to make the most of your beach vacation. 5. Enjoy a sunset at the harbor: Head to the harbor in the evening and witness a breathtaking sunset while enjoying a drink or a romantic dinner.

Did you know that Palamós is famous for its annual prawn festival? Every summer, the town celebrates the arrival of the fishing season with a lively festival dedicated to the delicious Palamós prawns. Don't miss the opportunity to taste these succulent delicacies during your visit!

Tip: To make the most of your vacation in Palamós, consider renting a bike to explore the town and its surroundings. Cycling is a popular activity in the area, and it allows you to discover hidden gems and enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery at your own pace.

For more information about Palamós and its attractions, visit the official tourist town website here .

If you want to know other articles similar to Palamós you can visit the Costa Brava category.


Una fotografía de L'Escala en Catalunya. Mar Mediterraneo. Como si fuese tomada desde un dron, desde el cielo. --photo

Sant Feliu de Guixols

Una fotografía de Begur en Catalunya. Como si fuese tomada desde un dron, desde el cielo, enfocando el pueblo desde el mar mediterraneo. --photo

Travel Safe

Palamós in Girona (Catalonia)

This town with excellent beaches and leisure opportunities is set right on the Costa Brava, on the coast of the province of Girona. The broken coastal relief provides both wide beaches and coves with clear water among the rocks.

Its great variety of hotel establishments provides accommodation for all kinds of visitors, from those seeking greater contact with nature to those who want luxury facilities. Its cuisine, another way of getting to know the Catalan culture, offers excellent products from the sea.

A bay of fine sand, that of Palamós, interrupts the cliffs dominating the topography of the Costa Brava . This is where the town has been since the 12 th century: a former fishing village which today is well equipped for tourism and leisure. The beaches, coves, sailing facilities and fishing port are the municipality's main attractions, although the medieval streets of its old town should not be forgotten. The whole outline of the coast can be made out from the nearby massif of Les Gavarres , which is wonderful landscape for walking or for any other sport involving contact with nature. Beaches and coves The variety of this coast provides the visitor with the opportunity to enjoy the pleasant coastal temperatures and peaceful waters with beaches of fine sand. Beach bars, restaurants and lively promenades frame beaches as symbolic as the Gran Playa , the Playa de la Fosca or the Playa del Castell. On the other hand, those who prefer peace, quiet and the clear water of rocky-bottomed coves, ideal for diving, will enjoy Cala Margarida, Cala S´Alguer or Cala Canyers . The first of these is near one of Palamós' marinas and around it is one of the most luxurious developments in the area. The other coves are further away from the town centre and are surrounded by pinewoods reaching down to the sea. More summer holiday homes are dotted around the area. Los marinas are lively meeting places where travellers will be able to enjoy the coastline, the luxury boats and excellent restaurants. It is also a good place for booking a boat trip, hiring diving equipment, or doing many water sports. The fishing port , beside the historic centre, is the origin of the town. Here the yachts are replaced by fishing boats which return every day with freshly caught fish. It is worth going to the Fish Market, where Mediterranean products are sold and auctioned. The Fishing Museum also brings the visitor closer to one of the most important economic activities on the Baix Empordà coast. Local cuisine This fish and seafood forms part of the traditional Mediterranean diet , which is deeply rooted in Catalonia. In Palamós the prawns are particularly outstanding. They are eaten grilled, boiled or in a multitude of stews. Sea urchins, Norway lobster, cuttlefish and squid are combined with game birds, cod or snails, creating recipes half way between the land and the sea. Wines from the Ampurdán-Costa Brava Denomination of Origin are the best accompaniment for these mouth-watering dishes. There are many restaurants, in the ports, beside the beaches and in the historic centre. Any route around the town must lead to interesting monuments, like the churches of Santa Eugenia de Villarromá or Santa María del Mar , in the town centre. The Plaza Murada and the Plaza de El Pedró form Palamós' main viewpoints, one over the bay and the other over the marina. Meanwhile, important Iberian archaeological remains lied on the Platjja del Castell, while the medieval caste of Sant Esteve is on the Platja de La Fosca. The Costa Brava To the north of Palamós you can visit the seaside town of L ´ Estartit , from where a trip to the Medes Islands an Underwater Natural Reserve formed by seven small islands, of enormous biological wealth - can be organised. Inland, the historic-artistic site of Pals , whose medieval streets transport the traveller back into the past, awaits you. On the way to Palamós, the ruins of the 15 th century castle of Begur might be a good place to stop, as well as the Parador de Turismo at Aiguablava, beside a cliff that runs into the Mediterranean Sea. Pinewoods running down to the sand are the distinguishing feature of Palafrugell , where a visit reveals the Cap Roig Castle Botanic Gardens, the church of Sant Martí or the Josep Pla Foundation. The last section of the Costa Brava, to the south of Palamós, mixes marinas with fishing ports and summer holiday developments with traditional town centres. So, Platja d ´ Aro is one of the places where you will find the greatest variety of accommodation, right beside the beaches Beautiful monuments and some of the most extensive sporting facilities on the whole coast are the surprises of Sant Feliu de Guíxols . And in the county of La Selva you will have to stop at Tossa de Mar and Lloret de Mar . Beaches, coves with clear water beside interesting town centres where there are plenty of leisure opportunities are some of this area's distinctive features.

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Palamos Holidays & Travel Guide – Top Things to Do & See

Palamos  is a lovely coastal town in  Costa Brava , in the  municipality of Baix Empordà , located on the north eastern coast of Spain, about 108 km. from Barcelona Airport and 38 km. from Girona Airport. It is a lively resort famous for its beaches, marina, Palamos prawns, culture, old town, megalithic monuments and leisure time attractions.

Table of Contents

What to Expect?

Palamos has become a popular destination for tourists due to its beautiful beaches, historic buildings, and lively atmosphere. The town is a great choice for travelers who want to experience authentic Catalan culture and enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle.

The town is easily recognizable by its traditional fishing boats, which are still used to catch fresh seafood. Palamos has a charming old town with narrow streets and a beautiful seafront promenade, where visitors can stroll, dine, or relax with a drink while taking in the stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea.

visit palamos agenda

Palamos has a rich history, with many notable landmarks to explore. The Gothic church of Sant Joan, built in the 14th century, is an impressive example of Catalan architecture. The Palamos Castle, located on a hilltop, offers spectacular views of the town and the surrounding area. Visitors can also discover the local fishing history by visiting the Fishing Museum, which features exhibits on the traditional fishing techniques used in the area.

Things to Do & See in Palamos…

Things to do and see in Palamos are endless. The town offers a variety of activities for all types of travelers. Beach lovers will be spoiled for choice with the long sandy beaches, such as La Fosca or Castell, which are perfect for sunbathing and swimming.

Water sports enthusiasts can try out activities such as paddleboarding, kayaking, or windsurfing. Palamos is also a great destination for hiking, as it is surrounded by natural parks with a wide range of trails. Popular attractions and sights include;

No Regrets Booking Advice

  • sailing, windsurfing,
  • the old town,
  • 16th century Gothic church of Santa Maria,
  • the small medieval quarter,
  • the residential areas of La Fosca,
  • Cala S´Alguer and Cala de Castell.

Popular beaches include; La Fosca beach is the main of beach of the resort. Holidaymakers may enjoy a drink of something nice in one of the numerous beachside bars known as “Chiringuitos” .

Top Attractions & Sights in Palamos for you…

La fosca beach.

La Fosca Beach is a beautiful sandy beach located in the town of Palamós. The beach is about 1 kilometer long and 50 meters wide, making it one of the largest and most popular beaches in the area.

visit palamos agenda

The beach is characterized by its fine golden sand and crystal-clear waters, which make it ideal for swimming and sunbathing. It is also a great spot for water sports like windsurfing, paddleboarding, and kayaking. There are several beachside cafes, restaurants, and bars, where you can enjoy local cuisine, drinks, and snacks.

The beach is surrounded by a natural park area with pine trees, making it a perfect location for walking, hiking, and cycling. Along the coast, there are many coves and rocky outcrops that are worth exploring. You can also take a boat tour to discover the nearby hidden beaches and sea caves.

La Fosca beach is family-friendly, with lifeguards on duty during the peak season, and plenty of facilities such as showers, toilets, and parking. The beach is accessible by public transport, car, and bike.

Marina Palamos

Marina Palamos is a modern marina located on the Costa Brava in the town of Palamos. It is a popular destination for boaters, offering easy access to some of the most beautiful beaches and coves in the area. The marina has excellent facilities, including mooring services, showers, toilets, and laundry facilities. It also offers a wide range of services for boaters, including repair and maintenance, fuel, and a well-stocked chandlery.

The marina is located in the center of town, making it an excellent location for visitors who want to explore Palamos. There are plenty of shops, restaurants, and bars within walking distance of the marina, and the town is known for its excellent seafood cuisine. The marina is also a short distance from some of the area’s most beautiful beaches and coves, making it an excellent base for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts.

16th century Gothic church

Palamos is home to a stunning 16th-century Gothic church, known as the Church of Santa Maria del Mar.

visit palamos agenda

The church features an impressive facade and an interior adorned with ornate details and beautiful stained-glass windows. It is a must-visit for those interested in history and architecture, and is a popular spot for taking in the town’s unique charm and atmosphere.


Palamos is a great destination for windsurfing enthusiasts. With its long stretches of beaches, clear waters, and consistent winds, the area offers perfect conditions for this thrilling water sport.

visit palamos agenda

There are several spots along the Palamos coastline that are ideal for windsurfing, including La Fosca, Platja Gran, and Cala S’Alguer. These beaches offer a range of conditions, from calm waters for beginners to choppy waves for more advanced riders.

For those who are new to windsurfing, there are several windsurfing schools in the area that offer lessons and equipment rental. These schools provide experienced instructors who can teach beginners the basics of windsurfing, such as how to balance on the board, catch the wind, and maneuver the sail.

Daily Tours & Excursions

Food & drink.

When it comes to food and drink in Palamos, seafood is the star of the show. Visitors can enjoy a wide variety of fresh seafood dishes, including grilled octopus, paella, and fideua. Many restaurants in Palamos are located along the seafront, providing diners with stunning views of the Mediterranean as they enjoy their meal.

For those looking to do some shopping, Palamos has several options, including a local market that sells fresh produce and handmade crafts. Visitors can also find clothing boutiques and souvenir shops throughout the town.

When the sun goes down, Palamos has a laid-back nightlife scene. Visitors can enjoy a cocktail at one of the beachfront bars or catch a live music performance at a local venue.

Palamos has a range of options to suit all budgets, including hotels, hostels, and vacation rentals. Many accommodations are located just steps away from the beach, making it easy for visitors to enjoy the sun and sand during their stay.

Getting There

If you are traveling from abroad, the nearest airports to Palamos are Girona-Costa Brava Airport and Barcelona-El Prat Airport. From Girona-Costa Brava Airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Palamos. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes. From Barcelona-El Prat Airport, you can take a train or a bus to Girona and then transfer to a bus or a taxi to Palamos.

Palamos is easily accessible by car, with the main routes being the AP-7 motorway and the C-31 road. If you are traveling from Barcelona, take the AP-7 motorway and then exit at junction 9 for Palamos. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you are traveling from Girona, take the C-65 road to the C-31 and follow the signs to Palamos. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes.

If you prefer to travel by public transport, there are regular buses that connect Palamos with the neighboring towns and cities. The bus company Sarfa offers daily services from Barcelona, Girona, and other nearby towns. You can check the timetable and purchase your ticket online or at the bus station.

Although Palamos does not have a train station, the nearby cities of Girona and Figueres have excellent train connections with other major cities in Spain. From Girona or Figueres, you can take a bus or a taxi to Palamos. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes from Girona and 45 minutes from Figueres.

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Palamós Travel Guide: 10 Things to do in Palamós Spain

Last updated: June 19, 2024 - Written by Jessica Norah 37 Comments

Palamós is one of our favorite Costa Brava towns and after several visits we decided to put together a travel guide to help other travelers discover all the wonderful things to do in Palamós Spain. This Mediterranean coastal town is one of the best preserved fishing villages in the Costa Brava and is a perfect place to relax and learn about the local Catalan culture.

The town offers scenic hiking paths, several beaches, water sports, historical attractions, and an excellent fishing museum. It is also well known for its fresh seafood, cooking workshops, and famous Palamós gambas. If you enjoy seafood, this is the town to visit!

There are plenty of things do in Palamós and you can easily spend a couple of days here. The town also makes for a great day trip from Barcelona or Girona as it is well located within Catalonia. Whether you have 1 hour or 1 week here, we’ll provide advice on how to get to Palamós, where to stay, what to eat, and what to do in Palamós.

things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Table of Contents:

Basic Travel Info on Visiting Palamós Spain

Before we begin with all the attractions, here is some travel information that may come in handy. This includes advice and tips about getting to Palamós, getting around Palamós, where to stay in Palamós, and when is the best time of year to visit.

Where is Palamós Spain?

Palamós is located in the northeastern tip of Spain, within the province of Girona. It is within the  Baix Empordà  comarca of Catalonia and the area known as the Costa Brava. It is located about 60 miles northeast of Barcelona. It is a coastal city located along the Mediterranean Sea.

marina things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Getting to Palamós

There are several ways to get to Palamos but the only direct way is by car, bus, or taxi.

By Plane.  There is no airport in Palamós, but the closest airports are Barcelona Airport (1.5 hour drive away) and Girona Airport (40 minutes away).

By Train.  Palamós does not have a train station. But if you are traveling by train from elsewhere in Spain or Europe, the nearest train stations are in Caldes de Malavella, Girona, and Barcelona. From the train stations, you can get a bus or taxi to Palamós. You can check train connections on the RENFE website .

By Bus.  If are traveling by bus or need a bus connection, there are regular connections to Palamós from Girona, Barcelona, Barcelona airport, Lloret de Mar, Caldes de Malavella, Palafrugell, and many towns along the Costa Brava. Bus services in the area are through Moventis Sarfa, and you can check here  for bus connections and prices.

By Car.  For drivers, Palamós is located about 20 miles from Girona (32 km, about a 35 minute drive), 72 miles from Barcelona (115 km, 1 hour, 30 minute drive), 75 miles from Perpignan, France (120 km, 1 hour 30 minutes), and 450 miles from Madrid (724 km, 6 hours, 30 minutes).

By Tour. There are a few guided day tours available that leave from Barcelona or Girona and visit Palamós. These are good options if you don’t have a car and don’t want to take the bus. See Day Tours section below.

Day Tours to Palamós

If you want someone else to do the driving, you can join a guided day tour to Palamós. Tours are possible from both Barcelona and Girona.

Here are a few to consider:

  • This tour of Palamos from Girona includes a short coastal walk to one of the coves of Palamós, a visit to the Museu de la Pesca, a show cooking demonstration, and a seafood meal with wine.
  • If you enjoy hiking, this full day hiking tour with hotel pick-up in Barcelona includes 5 hours of hiking and gives you time to see all the coastal highlights of Palamós.
  • This private food focused tour from Barcelona includes a drive along the city’s coast, a visit, tasting, and meal at a local winery and farmhouse, and a visit to the medieval town of Pals.

Espai del Peix cooking class things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Getting Around Palamós

Many of the attractions within Palamós are within or a relatively short walking distance from the city center, including the Old Town, Platja de Gran, port area, and Museu de la Pesca. However, the town is spread out so it is a much longer walk to get to attractions outside the city center such as the Bell-lloc area and some of the town’s coastal coves and beaches. These are best explored by hiking, but you can also drive to some of them or take a taxi.

In the summer, there is the  Badia bus that stops at many of the tourist attractions in Palamós and the surrounding area.

If you want to explore some of the nearby towns, Palamós is fairly well-connected to many other Costa Brava towns through the Moventis  Sarfa bus services . You should be able to reach almost any other town in the area by bus.

Best Time of Year to Visit Palamós?

The most popular time to visit is during the summer months as the warm weather makes it a perfect time to enjoy water activities and relax on the beach. However, if you want to visit during a less crowded time, we also recommend the late Spring or early Autumn. The Spring and Fall are great times to visit for hiking or cycling without the hot weather.

But any time of the year can be a good time to visit, depending on what you want to do. There are events and festivals held year-round in Palamós.

things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Where to Stay in Palamós

If you are staying overnight in Palamós, we’d recommend staying within walking distance of the city center of Palamós to maximize your time and be close to the beaches, restaurants, and attractions. However, if you are traveling with a car and looking for something different, there are also some amazing country house hotels and B&Bs located just outside the city center.

There is a wide variety of accommodation options in Palamós that should suit any type of traveler. We provide some recommendations below that range from budget to luxury, but you can also check out a full list of options here .

Palamós Hotels in the City Center

These lodging options are all centrally located and within a 5 minute walk of the Platja de Gran and within a 10 minute walk of the Museu de la Pesca and port area.

  • Hotel Trias – This well-rated beachfront hotel offers sea views, a pool, and a restaurant. It is the kind of hotel many people imagine in the Costa Brava and is well worth a look. Truman Capote once stayed here. Centrally located, a 1 minute walk to Platja de Gran.
  • Hotel Marina  – This centrally located hotel offers basic good value rooms. The hotel has a restaurant and bar and is located only a 3 minute walk from the Platja de Gran.
  • Hotel Casa Vincke – This centrally located beautiful boutique B&B is set within the beautiful historical Casa Vincke. The renovated former home offers comfortable contemporary decor mixed with original architectural elements. A few minute walk to the main beach.
  • Pal Apartments – Well-rated basic apartments centrally located in Palamós, only a 5 minute walk to the main beach. A good option for travelers on a budget and families looking for a well-located self-catering option.
  • Apartamentos la Catifa – These well-rated apartments are located near the main beach and many apartments offer views over the marina. A 3 minute walk to Plajta de Gran and easy access to coastal hiking paths. Located near the fish market, you can easily buy fresh fish and cook your own seafood dishes here!

Palamós Accommodation Outside the City Center

These lodging options are outside the city center but still in Palamós (except for the hostel in Palafrugell) and within a 10 minute drive of the city center and Platja de Gran.

  • Hostal La Fosca – A good value beachside guest house with a bar and restaurant. A 1 minute walk to Platja de la Fosca (beach) and a 5 minute drive or 20 minute walk to city center
  • Finca Bell-lloc – If you are looking for a quiet place away from the town and have a car, we recommend taking a look at this country house inn set in a beautiful wooded area just outside the city center. It has a restaurant and is next door is a winery. Perfect setting for wine lovers and hikers. 5 minute drive to Palamós city center and beaches.
  • Hotel La Malcontenta – This 19th century grand country house  hotel is our pick for those looking for a bit of luxury and have a car. Offers a swimming pool, restaurant, and bar in a quiet location. Located 8 minute drive from city center, 7 minutes from Platja Castell, and 10 minutes for Platja de Gran.
  • Alberg Solidança  – A hostel in nearby Palafrugell offering dormitory style accommodation along with a barbecue area and children’s playground. This is our recommendation for those on a tighter budget. It is a 17 minute drive from the Palamós city center and Platja de Gran. If you don’t have a car, you can reach Palamós by local bus, bike, or hiking.

For those wanting to camp in either a campervan, RV, or tent, there are several campsites in the area. Most campsites in the area are open seasonally between March and September.

Where to Find More Information on Palamós?

If you are still looking for information after reading this post, we recommend checking out the official tourism website for Palamós and the tourism website for the Costa Brava region. Both websites offers loads of information.

Once you are in Palamós, we recommend stopping at the Palamós Tourist Information Office (Address: C. Passeig del Mar, 17230 Palamós). You can also call the tourist office at  (+34) 972 600 550. There is also tourist information available within the reception area of the Museu de la Pesca.

things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

10 Things to do in Palamós Spain

There are plenty of things to do in Palamós Spain, and you can easily spend a few days exploring the beaches, historical sites, museums, and hiking routes. Although many people only see the beaches and fishing museum, there is plenty more to do this little coastal town if you have the time.

Below is our list of the top 10 things to do in Palamós:

Visit the Palamós Beaches

Like most coastal towns along the Costa Brava, you’ll find rocky coastline along with sandy beaches in Palamós. Swimming or relaxing on the beach is a perfect way to spend an afternoon. There are several beaches to choose from, so you can even go beach hopping if you wish.

We’ll give you the lowdown on the main beaches in Palamós below:

Platja Gran

The largest beach, Platja Gran, is a long sandy beach that is well-integrated into the town. It is located a short walk from the town center, tourist information office, and Museu de la Pesca. There is parking here located off Passeig del Mar as well as chemical toilets, showers, accessible paths, and various services (beach umbrella rentals, kayak rentals, boat excursions). A number of restaurants and hotels are located along or near the beach.

This city beach offers the most services and is the most centrally located.

Platja Fosca

Platja de la Fosca is another beautiful sandy beach in Palamós. It is located on the other side of the port as the Plaja Gran. It is about a 20 minute walk or 5 minute drive from the city center. This beach is often the favorite for families with younger children as the water doesn’t get deep until fairly far out so lots of shallow area for young children to enjoy. The beach has showers, accessibility ramps, and lifeguard services. A number of cafés and hotels are located near the beach.

This beach is a great family-friendly option with its shallow waters and feels like more of an escape than Platja Gran as it is further from the city center.

Platja Castell

Platja Castell is a pretty sandy beach on the outskirts of Palamós. In the summer, there is a small café and kayak rental services on the beach. You can also visit the ruins of an Iberian settlement of Castell just above the beach or the Barraca d’en Dalí located in the forest area. You can drive and park near the beach and it is a short walk from the parking area, or you can hike here along the coastal path from central Palamós.

This is the least developed of the three main beaches and feels a bit more natural. This is probably our favorite beach in Palamós, but it is further away from the city center and offers fewer services than the other two.

Other Beaches in Palamós

There are more beaches in and near Palamós including Platja del Morr del Vedell and Platja des Monestri. There are also several smaller coves, which have small sandy or rocky beaches such as Cala Margarida, Cala Estreta, and Cala S’Alguer. Many of the coves require short hikes to reach.

A coastal path links the various beaches and coves together and is a great way to mix a bit of hiking with some beach time. See Hiking section for more information on these paths.

Platja Gran beach things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Explore the Old Town Center

Palamós was officially founded in 1279 by King Pere II and was tasked with defending its royal port. For centuries, pirate raids and military conflicts would trouble the town, slowing its growth. Most villagers lived within the town walls for protection and it is here that you’ll find the Old Town area.

The area is best explored on foot and we’d suggest starting the walk by stopping at the Tourist Office on Passeig de Mar. Here you can get a walking map of the town. From the tourism office it is a short walk to a set of stairs that brings you to the Mirador de la Plaça de la Murada, a nice viewpoint over the town. In the square you’ll find a seated statue of  Ezequiel Torroella i Mató , a painter born in Palamós.

Then onto the Parròquia de Santa Maria del Mar, a church originally completed in 1441, built on the site of a smaller 14th century chapel. This is the oldest active building in Palamós. The Roman Catholic church was expanded, damaged, and rebuilt over the years, but original architectural elements still remain from the late Gothic and Baroque periods. One of the treasures of the church is its beautiful late 16th century altarpiece which includes paintings by Dutch painter  Isaac Hermes Vermey .

You can then continue to explore the Old Town, using either the walking map from the tourism office or just wandering around the narrow streets on your own. Some of the other historical highlights include the Capella del Carme (an 18th century Roman Catholic hospital church turned into an art and cultural space) and the remains of a former Augustine convent (later used as a cork factory known as “El Convento”).

As you walk around, there are information placards around the town center that provide information on historical buildings, squares, cultural activities, and former businesses in several languages. These are worth stopping to read to learn more about the town. Within the Old Town you’ll also find several cafés, restaurants, bars, and shops. On a nice day the outdoor seating on the little squares are great places to enjoy a coffee, glass of wine, or light meal.

Palamos Old Town things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Enjoy the Water Activities

If you enjoy water activities and water sports, there are loads of opportunities to get out on the water in or near Palamós, especially in the summer months. These include swimming, waterskiing, scuba diving, kayaking, sailing, jet skiing, surfing, fishing, and boat rides. Whether you are looking for a family day swimming at the beach, an afternoon of jet skiing, or a day of sailing, you’ll be sure to find something that will appeal.

If you are wanting to learn a new skill, Palamós offers opportunities to take surfing, sailing, or diving lessons. The area is very popular for sailing as wind conditions are often ideal. Divers may want to explore the nearby Boreas Pellworm shipwreck, a former Germany Navy tugboat used during WWII.

Boat rides vary from short leisure sightseeing cruises to all day fishing trips, and you can even rent your own boat (with our without a captain). Those who really want to learn about the local fishing culture should consider the unique opportunity to spend a full day about an active fishing trawler. These fishing boat trips need be arranged in advance with the Museu de la Pesca.

Experiencing the coastline from a boat is a fantastic way to see the rugged cliffs, coves, and beaches. If you want to combine a scenic cruise along the beautiful Costa Brava coastline and a fresh seafood dinner of the famous Palamós prawns, consider this 5 hour cruise trip from the Palamós port.

Check out these listings to find a current list of the local companies who offer water activities, services, and rentals in Palamós. Although we recommend booking activities in advance, you can also find kiosks along the Platja Gran offering a number of services and rentals.

kayaking things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Go Hiking in Palamós

There are a number of hiking paths you can take in and around Palamós, whether you are looking for a short walk or a full day hike. Most hiking trails in the area are easy to medium in difficultly level, and are suitable for hikers of most experience levels.

If you are new to hiking in the region, I’d stop into the tourist information office for a map and the latest trail information and suggestions. For those with reduced physical mobility or who are in a wheelchair, the tourist office can let you know about local accessible paths.

If you are looking for a guided hike, you can check out this tour that includes a few hours of hiking with a guide along the coastal path, a beach stop for an optional swim, lunch with wine, and a transfer back to Palamós.

Palamós Coastal Hike

The most popular hiking path in Palamós is its coastal path where you can see the rugged coastline, beaches, hidden coves, scenic viewpoints, and archaeological sites. You can head either direction on the coastal path and you can go as far as you like as the path goes all the way to Blanes in the south and into France in the north! So the length, direction, and route of your hike are really up to you.

If you’d rather get around by bike than on foot, you can cycle along the Ruta del Tren Petit as it is both a hiking and cycle trail.

Palamós to Calella de Palafrugell

Our favorite coastal hike here is to head northeast towards Calella de Palafrugell. A common starting point for the hike is the marina near Cala Margarida but you can start from anywhere in Palamós (e.g., Plajta de Gran). This is a beautiful hike, especially on a sunny day, and you’ll go past beautiful coves, beaches, the old fishermen’s huts of Cala S’Alguer, the ruins of Sant Esteve de Mar Castle, and the Iberian settlement of Castell.

Hiking Route : Platja de Gran –> Cala Margarida –> Cap Gros –> Platja de la Fosca –> Sant Esteve de Mar (castle ruins) –> Cala S’Algur –> Platja de Castell (beach and Iberian settlement) –> Cala Estreta –> path then goes inland a bit to Jardins de Cap Roig (botanic gardens) –> Platja del Golfet (beach) –> Calella de Palafrugell (seaside town)

You can choose how far you want to go, some suggested stopping points are Platja de la Fosca, Platja de Castell, Jardins de Cap Roig, or continue all the way to Calella de Palafrugell. The total hike from Cala Margarida to Calella de Palafrugell is about 6.6 miles (10.6km) and it takes about 4 hours each way or 8 hours round trip.

The hike to Platja de Castell is about 2.8 miles (4.5 km) and it is about 6.6 miles (10.6 km) to Calella de Palafrugell. To get an idea of how long it takes, it is about a 1 hour 30 minute hike from Palamos to Platja de Castell (about 4.5 km), and then 2 hours and 30 minutes from Platja de Castell to Calella de Palafrugell. So a round trip hike from Cala Margarida to Platja de Castell will take you about 3 hours.

A good family-friendly hike is to start in Platja de la Fosca and then hike to Platja de Castell with plenty of beach time in between. The walk takes about 1 hour at a leisurely pace or 2 hours round trip.

Palamós to Platja d’Aro

If you’d rather hike the other direction, we can also recommend the coastal hike to Platja d’Aro (coastal town with a beach) which also passes through beautiful beaches, coves, and stunning viewpoints. These include (in order from Palamos): Sant Antoni de Calonge, Torre Valentina, Cape de Roques Planes, Cap Rog, Platja de Belladonna, and Sa Cova. Platja d’Aro has a number of restaurants and cafes, so a great place to relax for a meal or coffee before heading back.

This hike is about 5.2 miles (8.5km) and takes about 2.5 hours to reach Platja d’Aro. So the full round trip is about 10.4 miles (17km) and takes about 5 hours.

coastal hike things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Vall de Bell-lloc Hike

Palamós may be best known as a fishing village and coastal town, but you’ll also find that it is surrounded by mountains and forest to the north. This area of the Gavarres Mountains hides ancient ruins, a ruined castle, mountain landscapes, and a church sanctuary.

Along the Vall de Bell-lloc (the Valley of Bell-lloc) hike you can also see the cork oak trees here which is the tree from which natural wine corks are made, once a major industry in Palamós. There are also vineyards and olive trees.

There are a variety of hiking paths here but we suggest you park your car at the playground across from Can Peretià (GPS: 41°52’25.944″ N 3°7’12.575″ E ) and then head towards Santa Maria de Bell-lloc (current building dates mainly to 18th century although a hermitage has been here since the 13th century) and the ruins of Castell de Vila-romà and then continue along to follow a circular path.

Along the path you can stop to see ruined old stone huts, mills, scenic views, and the Montagut dolmens (single-chamber megalithic tombs). The round-trip hike is about 3.5 miles (5.7km) and takes about 2 hours to include the sanctuary, castle ruins, and mountain sites. But it can easily be shortened or lengthened depending on the time you have.

Before or after your hike, you may want to have a meal or do a wine tasting at Finca Bell-lloc or  Celler Brugarol winery (both are located nearby and owned by the winery). Visits, meals, and tastings must be arranged in advance.

Castell de Vila-romà Bell-lloc hike Palamos things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Ruta del Tren Petit or “Green Route” to Palafrugell

Another hiking option is the Via Verda (“Green Route”) or Tren Petit (“Small Train”) hiking trail that links Palamós with Palafrugell. The trail follows the route of an old “petit train” that once ran from Palamós to Girona, passing through Bisbal d’Empordà. You can follow the old rail line to the town of Palafrugell, or you can take a number of connecting paths to visit Vall-llòbrega and to the beaches of Platja de Castell and Platja de la Fosca.

The main section of the route going directly to Palafrugell is about 4.3 miles (7 km) long and takes about 2 hours, or 4 hours round trip. But you can make it longer or shorter by taking the connecting paths and trails. For instance the section to Platja Castell is an additional 1 km.

If you want to do a hike and include all the main connecting paths, the hike would be about 10.5 miles (17km) and takes about 4 hours or 8 hours round trip. There is a cycle path as well and the main route can also be done by bike and it connects to other cycle paths in the area which is what Laurence did several years ago.

You’ll find the sign for the beginning (the official end actually) of the marked path near a gas station in the Sant Joan neighborhood of Palamós (GPS coordinates: 41°51’52.7″N, 3°08’12.9″E). You can start here or you could start on the other end in Palafrugell.

Ruta del Tren Petit green route hike things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Multi-day Hikes from Palamós

Looking for a longer hike? Palamós is a stop along the GR-92, Camino de Ronda (Camí de Ronda in Catalan), and the Costa Brava Way and is a great place to start or include in a longer multi-day hiking adventure in the Costa Brava. The popular Costa Brava Way hike is the 255 km (158 miles) route from Blanes, Spain to Collioure, France that has many coastal hugging sections. The full route takes about 2 weeks but you can choose to do any section of it.

If you are planning on hiking in Costa Brava, we highly recommend The Costa Brava Way guidebook  which provides directions, maps, and practical tips for hiking in Costa Brava. This is one of the few good English resources we have found on hiking in this area.

Platja de La Fosca beach things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Explore the Fishing Culture of Palamós

Fishing has long been an important industry in the Costa Brava, and Palamós continues to be one of the primary fishing villages of the region along with  Roses, L’Escala, and Blanes.   

There are a number of ways to enjoy and learn about the fishing culture in Palamós. These include visiting the fishing museum to learn all about the fishing history and current practices, learning how to cook seafood at a cooking workshop, watching a live fish auction, visiting the fish market, taking a boat tour, and eating the local seafood. All of these are located within a short walking distance of each other.

We’ll explore all your options below!

Visit the Port

You’ll find the port of Palamós located between the Platja Gran beach and the Palamós lighthouse, and it includes a marina, a harbor, and a commercial sea port. A stroll around the port is a great place to see the fishing boats and fishing crews in action. You’ll also see plenty of shipping boats and pleasure boats.

The best time to visit the port to see the fishing boats is early in the morning or late in the afternoon, and you also get a good view from around the lighthouse. If you arrive at the port before 7:00am, you’ll get to see all the fishing boats head out for the day as all of the boats leave at 7:00am from the port. The fishing boats don’t all come back at the same time but they’ll be back in the late afternoon or early evening before the weekday fish auction which starts at 5:00pm. In the late afternoon you can see them unloading their catches for that day and taking them to the market.

When wandering around the harbor, watch your step as you wander around as there are potential trip hazards (e.g., ropes, ice, fish, equipment) and be sure to watch children closely. It is free to visit the harbor, just be sure to stay out of the way of the busy fisherpeople and port staff.

fishermen things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Museu de la Pesca

The  Museu de la Pesca  (fishing museum) is a museum that details the area’s fishing history, culture, and methods. There is an introductory film and then 2 stories of exhibits on the various aspects of fishing including fishing methods over time, fish preservation, and stories from local fishermen. The museum also has exhibits about the current fishing practices and the future of sustainable fishing in the region.

This is the top museum in Palamós and one we can definitely recommend taking the time to visit if you are interested in learning about the martime heritage of Palamós and the Costa Brava region. Visits to the museum are self-guided. If you want a guided tour, it is often possible to book one in advance.

Outside the museum also owns a retired fishing boat,  La Gacela that can be viewed and toured as well. Just ask inside the museum.

Museu de la Pesca things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Espai del Peix

Next door to the fishing museum is the  Espai del Peix (Fish Space) which offers a series of unique guided tours, workshops, and other activities. These include seafood cooking workshops, nutrition talks, family activities, and demonstration cooking shows. A cooking workshop or demonstration is a great way to both learn how to cook and to sample the local Catalan seafood dishes.

Laurence and I recently had the opportunity to attend a cooking workshop here. We were greeted by Chef Ramon Boquera who is a self-taught chef who worked as a fisherman for 25 years in the area. He cooked almost daily for the fishing boat crews aboard the ship, and so he knows all about the local seafood and how to cook it. Today he and his brother both work as friendly chefs at the Espai del Peix.

Chef Boquera greet us and gave us aprons to wear and then told us about the dishes we’d be cooking that afternoon. The cooking workshops and demonstrations have different foci (e.g., medieval cuisine, traditional seafood dishes, shellfish) and can be adapted for groups and those with food allergies. The cooking workshop we did was focused on making traditional seafood dishes.

The recipes focused on fishermen style recipes that used fresh local fish. There was also a focus on using lesser known fish species that are often discarded by fishermen and overlooked by homecooks. Our dishes included Atlantic horse mackarel, forkbeard, and the small-spotted catshark. The small-spotted catshark for example is a common fish in these waters but over 90% of those caught are simply discarded and most cooks don’t know how to cook them. Part of the cooking demonstration was to show how to cook lesser known species that are still tasty but are also lower in price and sustainable.

The dishes we helped prepare included a fish pickle, a salad, fishermen stew, and rossejat de fideus. The fishermen stew is a very traditional dish and similar to what is often cooked on the fishing boats. The rossejat de fideus, or toasted noodle dish, is a pasta (fideos is a thin short pasta) and seafood dish that can include many types of seafood (e.g., white fish, blue fish, rockfish). This recipe can also be done with rice (arrossejat). You can find some of the recipes used in the workshops and demonstrations online here .

As part of this process we learned to make a picada (garlic, nuts, and parsley), which is used in many traditional Catalan recipes as both a seasoning and sauce thickener. We learned about a sofrito , which is a sauce that includes olive oil, tomato, and onion and serves as a base for many Catalan dishes .  We also made aioli,  alliol in Catalan , which is an oil and garlic sauce typical throughout the Mediterranean.

Laurence and I tried our best to be helpful in the kitchen but it was fairly obvious that we don’t cook a lot with seafood! Luckily during the demonstrations, you can help as much or as little as you want. The cooking was fun, but the best part was definitely sitting down to eat what we made. Our seafood dishes were accompanied by fresh bread, local wine, water, and an almond cake. This is a really fun and delicious way to dive into the fishing culture of Palamós.

If you are interested in attending a cooking workshop, demonstration, or class during your visit, you’ll need to book in advance. Most of the cooking workshops and demonstrations are in the evening, and include dinner and wine.

Espai del Peix cooking class things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Watch the Palamós Fish Auction

Every weekday there is a live fish auction in Palamós, Visitors have the chance to observe the fish auction from a viewing area behind glass during a guided visit. The guide will explain the process of the auction, the types of fish being sold, and interpret the action happening on the floor.

The fish auction is fairly modern with the plastic bins of fresh seafood rolling along and a digital display showing the prices. Bidders, who are typically restaurant owners, fish sellers, or brokers, use a digital device to bid on the fish they are interested in buying. You get a good view from the observation area and get to watch the full process.

The fish auction viewing area is located within the Espai del Peix building next door to the Museu de la Pesca and fish market. The fish auction takes places Monday through Friday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm (17:00 to 19:00) although guided visits are not possible every day. You need to book the guided visit in advance or purchase same day tickets from the Museu de la Pesca reception.

fish auction things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Visit the Palamós Fish Market

Every weekday afternoon you can see and buy local seafood at the Fish Market. Most of the fish is fresh off the boats from the Palamós fishermen and caught that day. You can see it being brought over from the auction as the market sellers buy it in the auction and then offer it to the public in the market. The fish market is typically open from 5:00pm to 7:00pm (17:00 to 20:00) Monday through Friday.

This is a great place to just see the wide variety of fish and seafood from the area, but also a great place to buy fresh seafood if you are able to cook on your trip. Many sellers are happy to prepare (e.g., descale, skin, gut, cut) the seafood you purchase as needed to be used for cooking. If cooking is not an option during your stay, there are also items like anchovies that you can buy and then eat on toast.

fish market things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Consider a Boat Ride

In the summer months, there is also the opportunity to actually spend a day on a fishing trawler to learning about fishing and see it up close firsthand! You spend the day aboard a real fishing boat and get to learn about and observe current fishing practices and enjoy time on board with the crew as they work the boat, fish, cook lunch, and bring their catch to shore and then to auction. This is part of the unique pescaturisme offerings of the Fishing Museum.

If you are looking for a more relaxing boat trip, consider this  5 hour boat cruise  from Palamós that ends with a meal of fresh seafood.

fishing boat things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Enjoy a Festival

Attending a festival or town event is always a great way to get a good sense of the town and its people. Like most towns in Catalonia, Palamós has a number of festivals and events happening throughout the year. These include the Mardi Gras carnival, a traditional boats festival, the Easter Sunday swim, gastronomical events, sardana dance  events (a traditional Catalan dance that started in this region), festival of Our Lady Carmen (patron saint of the sea and fishermen), and the town festival on the feast day of Sant Joan (Saint John the Baptist in English) in June.

There is also the town’s weekly market every Tuesday morning on Aviguda de Catalunya in Palamós. A great place to find local fresh produce and see the locals out and about.

To find out what’s going on during your visit, check out the monthly calendar and this list of annual events .

things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Taste the Local Seafood

There are hundreds of species of fish that are caught in the waters around Palamós, and it is easy to find fresh fish both in the markets and the restaurants. The best known food in Palamós is the prized red prawns ( Aristeus antennatus ), known as the “Gamba de Palamós”. These prawns are known for their bright red color and are loved for their firm and succulent meat.

You can try the Gamba de Palamós as well as a number of other seafood dishes in a number of local restaurants, such as Can Blau ,  Restaurante Caleta Blava ,  La Gamba ,  Restaurant Hotel Marina , and Mas dels Arcs . If you want to try the local prawns, just be sure that the menu (or staff) clearly state that they are Gamba de Palamós as many places serve other types of prawns and shrimp as well. There are special gastronomic events around the gambas in Palamós and many restaurants offer a special Menú de la Gamba (Prawn Menu) between April and July.

Or if you have self-catering lodging, you can purchase fresh seafood from the fish market that takes place each weekday in town and cook your own seafood meal. The local prawns have a special protected mark, “Gamba de Palamós Marca de Garantia” (Palamós Prawns Mark of Guarantee), to ensure their origin, freshness, quality, and traceability and you’ll likely see the certificate when buying them from the fish market. If not, you can always ask to see the certificate before purchase.

The Costa Brava region is best known for its seafood, but you can find lots of other options in Palamós. There are over 50 restaurants in the city and you should be able to find something that will suit any budget and taste. There are many restaurants serving other Catalan dishes as well as places serving dishes from other regions of Spain and the western Mediterranean region.

If you are wanting to cook local dishes for yourself, or want to be able to do so when you get home, you may want to pick up a cookbook. Catalan cuisine goes way back and the first known Catalan cookbook, Llibre de Sent Sovi , or The Book of Sent Sovi in English, dates back to 1324 and is one of the oldest surviving culinary manuscripts in the world! However, you’ll probably want a more modern cookbook, and you can find them in local shops or check out a list of options online .

If you are staying in Girona and are interested in the seafood and wine of Palamós, you might want to consider a  show cooking day tour to Palamos which includes a visit to the Museu de la Pesca, a seafood cooking demonstration, and a seafood meal with local DO Empordà wine.

Palamos gambas shrimp things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Learn About the Town’s History

Palamós became an official village in 1279, but the history of human habitation in the area dates back to at least the 6th century BC. There are a number of historical buildings and sites to explore in the area from Iberian settlements to ruined castles to sites related to the cork and fishing industries.

The town is also the birthplace of  Frederic Pujulà i Vallès  who was a pioneer of Esperanto literature and Catalan painter Ezequiel Torroella i Mató . Many celebrities have also stayed in Palamós. For instance, American writer Truman Capote spent three summers (1960 to 1962) in Palamós while writing his true crime classic  In Cold Blood .

Here are some of the town’s historical attractions that you may want to explore:

  • Within the Old Town of Palamós you’ll find some of this town’s oldest buildings such as the Parròquia de Santa Maria del Mar and Augustinian convent remains. The former Capella del Carme holds art and cultural exhibits and currently has an exhibit about painter Ezequiel Torroella.
  • The Sant Joan de Palamós neighborhood is another area of town worth exploring. San Joan was an independent neighboring town but was annexed into Palamós in 1942. The area still partly retains its own identity. The Santa Eugenia de Vila-romà Church , also known as the Parròquia St. Joan, is a good place to start your exploration of Sant Joan de Palamós.
  • Just outside of the Old Town is a 16th century stone cross called Creu del Portal which is situated at the entry to the Palamós Cemetery. This cross dates to 1593 and was originally located at the edge of the town in the Plaça dels Arbres.
  • The remains of the Iberian settlement of Castell  can be found on a hill next to Platja Castell on Sa Corbatera. This settlement is believed to date back to the 6th century B.C. It is free to visit.
  • Castell de Sant Esteve de Mar is a ruined castle along the coastal path not far from Platja de la Fosca. The earliest parts of the castle are believed to date back to the 11th century and it sits on the site of a former Roman villa. It was lived in until the mid 20th century. The castle ruins can be seen from the path, but can only be visited with a guide. Contact the Museu de la Pesca or the Tourist Information Office to find out about arranging a guided visit.
  • You’ll find a number of historical points of interest within the Bell-Lloc Vally in the Gavarres Mountains. These include the he castle of Vila-Romà, the sanctuary of Bell-Lloc church, old mills, and the Montagut dolmen. You can see all these sites along the Bell-Lloc Valley hike described within the Hiking Section.
  • The Museu de la Pesca  (The Fishing Museum) holds a number of fishing related artifacts and is the best place to learn about the town’s fishing heritage and culture.
  • The Barraca d’en Dalí , or the barracks of Dalí, is a small stone hut that was built for the use of surrealist artist Salvador Dalí by his friend Alberto Puig Palau. Although it is unlikely that Dalí used it as an artist studio as intended, he did visit it at least once. You can find the little hut by following a forest path for about 10 minutes from Platja de Castell. If you are a fan of Salvador Dali, we recommend checking out our guide to Salvador Dalí sites in Costa Brava .
  • For those interested in learning more about the cork industry in Costa Brava, we recommend visiting the  Museu del Suro (Cork Museum) in the nearby town of Palafrugell.

Castell de Sant Esteve de Mar things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Take in the Scenic Views

There are many great panoramic scenic views to find in and around Palamós, and on a nice day you can take in the views whether you are relaxing on the beach, following the hiking trails, floating around in a kayak, or exploring the Old Town.

Some great places we recommend for scenic views in the Old Town include Plaça Murada (view of Platja Gran beach and harbor) and from the remains of the former Augustinian convent (over the marina).

The lighthouse is a great place for views over the port and marina, especially around  sunset. There are also many great views of the coastline and beaches to be found along the coastal hiking paths or from a boat. Montagut (mountain along the Vall de Bell-lloc hiking route) offers scenic views over the valley and Gavarres mountains.

coastal hike things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

Try the Local DO Empordà Wine

The Empordà region is becoming increasingly known for its wine. Wine has been grown in this area for hundreds of years and a variety of grapes are grown, producing red, wine, and rosé wines. A few wineries also produce cava, a sparkling wine. A speciality of the area is the Garnatxa de l’Empordà , a naturally sweet dessert wine.

You don’t have to go far to taste the local wine and in Palamós you can enjoy a wine tasting at Finca Bell-lloc  which produces both red and white wines. You can do a tour of the vineyards and winery and a tasting here by appointment.

You can also try the local Empordà wines at many of the restaurants in Palamós or buy the wines at the local market. Wines from the region will have a prominent notation on the bottle’s label noting that they are DO Empordà wines (Empordà denominació d’origen).

You can visit a number of other  wineries in the Empordà region  to sample the local wines and there is even a DO Empordà Wine Route that you can follow. Many of the wineries in the area are fairly small and require an advance appointment to visit so be sure to check ahead.

You can also take day trip to visit the Empordà wine region, such as this small group wine tour from Girona or this  private wine tour from Barcelona which also stops at a botanical garden and the Dali Museum. You can see more tour options here . Wine trips are always better when someone else is driving!

DO Empordà wine things to do in Palamós Spain Catalonia Costa Brava

So that’s our travel guide on Palamós Spain!

Have you visited Palamós or any of the other towns along the Costa Brava? If so, what were your favorite things to do in Palamós? As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts, and are happy to answer any questions you may have about visiting Palamós or traveling to anywhere in the Costa Brava area. We love hearing from you and you can drop any questions into the Comments section below.

Palamós is one of our favorite Costa Brava towns. This Mediterranean coastal town is one of the best preserved fishing villages in the area and it offers scenic hiking paths, several beaches, water sports, fresh seafood, historical attractions, an excellent fishing museum, and its famous Palamós gambas! We provide advice on how to get to #Palamós, where to stay, what to eat, and what to do in Palamós Spain. #Palamos #CostaBrava #Spain #travel #Catalonia #Girona #Barcelonadaytrip

**Disclosure: We have visited Palamós many times, and on our last visit the majority of our lodging, attraction entrances, and transportation in Costa Brava was provided to us as travel writers by the  Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona . However, we chose all the places we wanted to visit and, as always, this article contains only our own honest thoughts and opinions.**

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Jacqueline Harvey Post author

July 25, 2024 at 9:42 am

Loved your blog and info. We have been visiting Palamos for nearly 40 years, my in-laws ran a small hotel there for many years and we spent our first holiday together and then our honeymoon there. This year we are coming with my step-daughter who hasn’t been for 35+ years and her husband and grown up children. We would like to do a sunset outing on the water, need one that returns to Palamos port and that I can book in advance as there will be 7 of us in total and my husband is now disabled. Can you recommend one please?

Jessica & Laurence Norah Post author

July 26, 2024 at 9:06 am

Hi Jacqueline,

So glad that you enjoyed our article on Palamos and that you are returning soon for another visit with family!

I would say, based on your requirements, that the best boat cruise might be this evening sunset boat tour . It starts and ends in Palamós, lasts about 1.5 hours, and includes some shrimp and a glass of cava. It has a guide who can speak 4 languages (Spanish, French, English, and Catalan). It also says it is wheelchair accessible so hopefully it will be Ok for any accessibility and mobility needs for your husband. These tours typically run Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Another option if you are wanting a private sailing would be one of the sailboats from Set Sail Costa Brava. You can hire a boat for 2 hours and it comes with a skipper but no guide or food, you can bring on your own food or drimk if you want (no red wine). This is a much smaller boat (can hold up to 9 people) so I’d just ensure it can accommodate any needs your husband may have. Note this boat leaves from nearby Platja d’Aro, not the port at Palamós. These boats are normally available seasonablly from May to end of September. You can book it in advance here .

Hopefully one of the above Palamos cruises will work for you. But if not, I would contact the local tourism board for more options as they may have contacts for boat operators that would arrange a private cruise for you. Unfortunately there aren’t many cruise options that start and end in Palamós.

Hope that helps! Jessica

July 26, 2024 at 9:48 am

Thank you, we have booked…fingers crossed we get a sunset that night…

July 27, 2024 at 12:08 am

Great, hope you enjoy the cruise (feel free to report back for future readers looking for a boat trip) and you’re very welcome. Wishing you a vivid sunset and a wonderful time in Palamos!

Keith Sanger Post author

February 19, 2024 at 10:57 am

Just finished your reader-friendly guide to Palamos. Excellent and thank you. I’m thinking of coming early April for three days to recharge my batteries and get some sun and warmth. Want to avoid the crowds but not be isolated so Palamos sounds perfect. I’ll be flying to Gerona and I assume taxi is the best option, but hopefully not too expensive. I’ll also probably choose one of the central hotels you mention. Thanks again!

February 19, 2024 at 7:50 pm

You’re very welcome and glad that our guide to Palamos is coming in handy for planning your upcoming trip. Yes, Palamos has visitors but is not nearly as popular as other places in Coasta Brava such as Lloret de Mar, Girona, etc. I think many just stop on the way elsewhere to visit The Fishing Museum or beachfront.

So to get to the aiport, I think you best option is probably a taxi (any hotel or B&B should be able to help you arrange) or to book a private airport transfer like this one . I am not sure if there are any reliable rideshare options like Uber in Palamós (most reliable options tend to be limited to big cities), there wasn’t last time we were there but you can check locally once you are there to check. The Girona / Costa Brava Airprot is about 20 minutes oustide of central Girona and about a 40 minute drive from Palamós.

If you are wanting to actually visit Girona (the actual town) from Palamós as a day trip, you can of course take a taxi (about 40 minutes), but you also have the cheaper option to take a public bus and you can check the bus schedules – see bus section in article for a link to the local bus company site Moventis. The bus is going to be less expensive but generally takes about twice the time (about 1.5 hours).

The bus from Palamos is also good for the nearby towns of Palafrugell (has some old ruins, a cork museum, and sculpture center) and La Bisbal d’Empordà (town known for its ceramics). Although make sure you know what you want to visit first to make sure its within walking distance of the bus stop. For example if you want to visit the Calella de Palafrugell (mirador, beach area), then its about an hour walk from the Palafrugell town center or you need to take another connecting bus. You can of course take one of the walking/hiking routes and walk to Calella de Palafrugell if you have nice weather and are up for some longer walks!

In terms of weathr in early April, it is not a peak time to visit as it is often still on the cooler side with highs generally in the 60s F / 15-17 C and cool at night (you’ll want to have a jacket and some warm layers for the evenings). Also that area tends to get rain in April but you are also likely to get a lot of hours of sun. But its not cold and its not hot 🙂 But as long as you pack accordingly, April can still be a nice time to visit, especially if you don’t want to visit at a buser time.

If you don’t have a car, then staying central is definitely recommended or you could feel quite stranded. It depends on what you like to do, but in general I’d recommend staying within walking distance of both the main beach (Platja Gran de Palamós) and the fishing museum (Museu de la Pesca) which will position you to walk to most things within the town istelf. Also if you plan to take the bus, check the bus stop you need (I think most buses depart from stop near Hospital de Palamós) and make sure you are within walking distance of that (or you can of course take a taxi).

Anyway, hope that helps and wishing you a wonderful relaxing trip to Palamós!

Best, Jessica

Neil Saunders Post author

October 27, 2021 at 5:25 am

What a useful guide! I was looking to find some straightforward info regarding this place as it featured as one of the potential cruise stops I was looking into. It sounds great and looks as if it would be just the sort of low-key but interesting place we like to visit. Thank you for providing/sharing such helpful information.

October 28, 2021 at 9:09 am

So glad you are finding it useful for planning your cruise stop in Palamós! I would check to make sure that places are open and tours are running (as most businsses/attractions closed for at least some time due to COVID-19) but I think most things should be back open and running.

Wising you a great cruise! Jessica

Josha Post author

May 29, 2021 at 1:29 am

My family have owned a house in Palamos for 60 years, my grandparents, parents and now myself and my nephews all enjoy this wonderful place – I am actually here now as I write this.

Just wanted to say that your guide was absolutely brilliant! Well written and researched with information that was new to us!

Keep up the good work and happy travels

May 30, 2021 at 12:32 pm

Thanks so much for your very nice compliment! You are lucky to own a house in such a nice area of the world.

If you have any other tips or places you’d recommend people visit in Palamos, feel free to let us and our readers know!

tuna Post author

February 16, 2021 at 2:20 pm

hi, we are coming to palamos for a day in october and were wondering about a side trip to pals….do you think this is worth the time and effort….do you know how far pals is from palamos. any help would be greatly appreciated.thx!

February 19, 2021 at 5:51 am

I think if you are just there for a day, you will probably find more than enough things to do in Palamos. But if you want to go to Pals, it is only about a 20 minute drive, so you could drive here or take a taxi between them. There is probably also a local bus but you’d need to see if the schedules work with the limited time you would have.

Pals is one of the lovely medieval towns and the main thing to do there is to just wander around the medieval streets and take in some of the historical buildings. There are also a couple of museums and some good restaurants. In terms of food, Pals is best known for its local rice and so you’ll find a lot of rice dishes here.

So both towns are nice, they just offer different things. You could easily spend most of a day in either one or split your time between them, depending on the time you have. Hope that helps!

Craig A Ruark Post author

September 4, 2020 at 10:01 am

Hello, I was doing some research on Palamos and ran across your interesting blog, it is very interesting and paints a great image of the area. My interest in the area is to find the location of the home of a distant relative and famous author, Robert C. Ruark, who bought a small property along the beach in 1953 and began constructing additions to make it his permanent residence and his home until his death in 1965. While he was not Catholic, he was so loved by the villagers of Palamos, that they allowed him to be buried in the Catholic cemetery. In searching the internet, I have not seen any historical reference markers to his Palamos home. If at any time you should find yourselves back in Palamos and find someone old enough to remember the Ruark’s and their home, perhaps you take a few photos and located it on a map for historical posterity.

As a freelance writer, I envy the two of you in that you have been able to find your niche in the crowded world of writers and bloggers, and have been able to make a living while traveling the world. It is a dream life that I had but never able to achieve. Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more about the places you have traveled.

September 5, 2020 at 8:20 am

I am glad you found our blog about the town of Palamós. Yes, it is definitely nice to be able to make a living out of travel blogging but it is certainly not easy. Also a terrible year for anything related to travel, but hopefully things will improve next year.

I had not heard of Robert Ruark before, but look him up and it looks like he wrote some interesting novels. It looks like he was really well known at the time and was one of the people who encouraged writers and artists like Truman Capote and Noël Coward to visit the Costa Brava.

I am not familiar with the location of his home or if it is still standing. But you could try contact the tourism board in Palmos, the Costa Brava tourism board, and/or a local historical society to see if they can help. There is also the historical society in North Carolina who may know the address of his home in the Costa Brava. They may be able to tell you more about the home and perhaps even send a photo or map.

I did an online search and was able to find some photos of him inside his house and some articles about this house. Here are a few articles, in particular, you might find useful in your research:

Here is a 1958 article Ruark wrote about his home in Spain:,1352346

According to this article , Ruark “bought an old villa in Es Monestrí, near Palamós, and a few days later the woman, the interior designer Virginia Webb, brought the furniture.” in Sant Antoni de Calonge. So it looks like he lived near Palamós rather than in the village.

This online article echos that the location in Es Monestri in Sant Antoni de Calonge. The article is about a book about interesting places and their history by a local Catalan author Jordi Arbonès. Mr. Arbonès says he is an admirer of your ancestor and will almost certainly know where he would have lived since he lives in a nearby village. So he may be someone to try to contact.

He stayed, recommended, and knew the people at the Hotel Trias in Palamós, which is still operating. The bar at the hotel is named after him. So inquiring there may also be useful as they may know more about his prior home.

So it looks like he was buried in Palamós (which is just the next village over) but his home was in Sant Antoni de Calonge. That may be helpful in your search.

I hope you are able to find out more – do let us know if you do!

Best of luck, Jessica

Christian ROY Post author

January 23, 2021 at 4:12 am

Nice to read your comment. I know a lot about Robert Ruark and I have lots of his personnal records, furniture and books. I know exactly where he was living and his governant is still living in Palamos. Don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m french but live in Palamos. [email protected]

Robert Post author

January 24, 2020 at 4:38 am

Hello from a Palamosin My wife and I are two Scots who have been resident here for over 30 years. First off I have to say that the information in your site is very accurate. Palamos is a wonderful little corner of the world. The beaches are superb and the water is clean. For some crazy reason everybody seems to come in the first two weeks of August. June and September are really nice. I am writing this just one day after Storm Gloria which really thrashed the coast (hence the name Cost Brava). I haven’t had a chance to check out the Cami de Ronda coastal path but it will probably have suffered some damage. One thing worth mentioning especially for single travellers and families with kids. Palamos is one of the safest places in the world. You can walk the streets and any time of day or night. The street where I live is a bit scruffy but it is the best route between the own centre and Platja la Fosca. Although it is built on a hillside, Palamos is very accessible for anyone in a wheelchair. The beachfront is a long curving promenade totally flat and paved.

January 25, 2020 at 8:31 am

So glad you found our article helpful and accurate as a Palamosin 😉 Yes, we’ve been a few times now and try to make sure to keep up to date with information although hard to do when you don’t live in a place of course! Thanks so much for sharing your local insights about Palamos and yes we’ve always felt safe and comfortable there. If you have any tips for wheelchairs users, families, etc. planning a visit feel free to share them.

Brenda Ward Post author

January 22, 2019 at 10:28 am

We will be arriving in Palamos on a Windstar ship. 4 of us are traveling together and we would love to know who to contact for hiking and or visiting wineries.

January 22, 2019 at 1:10 pm

If you are only doing one hike, I’d highly recommend the coastal hike as it is really beautiful and you can start it near the port. I’d take a look at this guided hiking tour that begins and ends in Palamós. It includes a few hours or hiking, beach stop, lunch with wine, and a transfer back to the port after you finish your hike. Depending on when it ends, you could also make time to visit the fishing museum and maybe the auction.

If you are more interested in the Empordà wineries, there is this private tour of the region that you can customized based on the group preferences. It includes wine tasting, food, and some medieval villages. It normally starts and ends in Barcelona, but I am guessing they could customize your pick up location and drop off location with enough notice since it is a private tour.

Out of the two above, I’d probably do the hiking option as the views along the path are really nice and you can enjoy the local wine at lunch and purchase some bottles in Palamós to enjoy back on the ship 😉

Laura Le Post author

August 2, 2018 at 4:03 am

The beaches in Palamos look wonderful and you have listed so many interesting things to do on a visit here. We will definitely have to add Palamos to our Catalonia travel list now!

August 2, 2018 at 4:25 pm

Hi Laura, Hope you enjoy your trip to Catalonia and I would definitely recommend taking the time to stop in Palamós if you are in the Costa Brava area. Lots of great places to stop nearby as well! Best, Jessica

Seana Turner Post author

July 31, 2018 at 4:41 am

I am going to have to go back to Spain. When we went last year, this is the part of the country we didn’t get to visit. My daughter would love to explore the hiking, and the views are just amazing. I’d be shopping the seafood and exploring the port. I think coastal living is so appealing. Look at how fresh that seafood is. Wow. Someday!

July 31, 2018 at 5:07 am

Hi Seana, Yes, you should definitely head back and consider spending some time in the Costa Brava area is really nice if you enjoy beaches, hiking, and seafood! If you stay in Palamos, you can watch the seafood come off the boats, go to the auction, and then purchase it in the marekt and take it back to cook 😉 Girona and Barcelona are both good cities for shopping. Inland, the Spanish Pyrenees is also a great area for cycling, hiking, medieval villages, skiing, and outdoor activities. Best, Jessica

Lolo Post author

July 30, 2018 at 8:57 am

Palamos looks like a beautiful fishing town! I’ve never heard of this one though along Costa Brava, which I wish I had known about before my first visit to Barcelona! Would have been nice to explore the coastal region and take in views like that and lay on some pretty beaches! Pinned for next time!

July 30, 2018 at 3:07 pm

Hi Lolo, For your next trip to Barcelona, if you like beaches and coastal towns, I definitely recommend spending some time in Costa Brava. There are also loads of cultural attractions, castles, medieval towns, water sports, etc. Great reason to plan another trip to Catalonia 😉 Best, Jessica

Anda Post author

July 29, 2018 at 4:11 pm

We’ve been in Costa Brava some years ago for a TBEX meeting. If we knew how beautiful it was we would have planned to stay longer. We went as far as Tossa de Mar, but didn’t have time to go much further. I’m hoping to go back to Costa Brava someday and I’d love to visit Palamós too if we.

July 29, 2018 at 5:48 pm

Hi Anda, Tossa de Mar is a great town in Costa Brava as well, great beach and walled castle ruins! If you keep going along the coast (either direction really) there are so many other great places to visit! Next time I recommend starting in Blanes (the gateway to Costa Brava) and just keep heading east – so many great places to discover. If you enjoy hiking, the Camino de Ronda (or Camí de Ronda) is a great hiking route.

Jessica Post author

July 29, 2018 at 6:32 am

I’ve been living in Catalunya for 4 years now, and I haven’t yet made it to Palamos… what a shame! It looks quite lovely, especially the beaches and seafood. I’ll definitely have to reserve a weekend to go up and explore it! Thanks for the travel inspiration.

July 29, 2018 at 11:59 am

Hi Jessica, That is a shame, you should definitely consider a visit 😉 I think between Laurence and I we’ve been about 4 times and we have enjoyed visiting and re-visiting this city. Palamós has a different feel that some of the other more popular Costa Brava beach towns and we really recommend visiting the Museu de la Pesca and doing a cooking activity at the Espai de Peix. The coastal paths between Platja d’Aro and Calella de Palafrugell are some of our favorite hikes along the Camí de Ronda. Best, Jessica

Sara Post author

July 28, 2018 at 6:49 pm

Wow! I’ve never heard of Palamos but there’s so many things to do. The architecture reminds me more of some the Italian coastal times rather than the Spanish influenced architecture I typically associate with Spain. The fishing museum looks really interesting – I love seeing how boats have evolved for different purposes.

July 29, 2018 at 11:53 am

Hi Sara, Yes, the Fishing Museum in Palamos has some really good exhibits and the activities and tours that you can book here (e.g., cooking workshops, boat tours, going out on a fishing trawler boat) are unique and really interesting! I can’t say too much about the architecture as we have mainly only spent time in Catalonia but the landscape is typical of the Mediterranean but maybe not so much like many other areas of Spain. The Costa Brava area is well-known for its rugged coastline and pretty beaches! Best, Jessica

Anisa Post author

July 28, 2018 at 12:46 am

Wow looks like a great place for a summer break – so many great options for things to do. The beaches look gorgeous! I would also like to do a cooking workshop and some wine tastings. Nice that it is not too far from Barcelona.

July 28, 2018 at 7:08 am

Hi Anisa, Yes, the seafood cooking demonstrations and workshops are really popular and a unique offering. The seafood comes straight from the fishing boats so it is about as fresh as you can get and it was great to learn about different types of fish we’ve never eaten before. The beaches are also nice here (as they are in many places along this coast) and it does make for an easy day trip from Barcelona or Girona! Best, Jessica

Paul Post author

July 28, 2018 at 12:24 am

There is so much in the north of Spain I’m yet to explore. Palamós sounds fantastic, I love a destination that combines good walks with great beaches. Thanks for all the useful info, I’ll be filing this away for later! Glad I stumbled on your blog, nice work!

July 28, 2018 at 7:06 am

Hi Paul, Yes, Palamós is a great town if you love both beaches and walks and the coastal path in Costa Brava is amazing if you like scenic views, coves, beaches, etc. We love this area of Catalonia and have spent countless weeks explore the Costa Brava area and Spanish Pyrenees area of Girona. A great place to consider on a future visit to Spain! Best, Jessica

Esther Post author

July 27, 2018 at 11:17 pm

I have visited Costa Brava towns nearby, but never this one! So thank you on the info! The hikes look like something I’d really enjoy.

July 28, 2018 at 7:04 am

Hi Esther, Yes, Palamós is a popular place to visit in Costa Brava but it doesn’t get the crowds of some of the other beach towns. A great place to visit and it one of the few villages that still has a fishing fleet in this area. Best, Jessica

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Home > Baix Empordà > Palamós

Guide to Palamós

The picturesque town of Palamós is an ideal holiday destination for those looking for a mix of beach holiday and culture. The town is known for its fishing industry and its beaches, making it a great spot for those who love seafood and water-sports. Palamós prawns are renowned throughout Catalonia.

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The seafront at Palamós. Photo by Bocachete .

The town was founded at the end of the thirteenth century when Pere el Gran decided to found a new port town after the Royal Port at Torroella de Montgrí silted up. Like many Costa Brava towns, Palamós came under attack by pirates during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including by the renowned Turkish corsair Barbarossa – AKA Red Beard.

While there are a number of hotels in the town and its surroundings, the majority of accommodation available to holidaymakers is rental apartments and villas. Palamós is renowned for its seafood, particularly the prawns – you’ll find a wide range of restaurants and cafes that serve up dishes prepared with locally caught seafood. Visitors can also find a variety of international cuisine options.

The town also offers plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy. There are many water-sports available, including kayaking, sailing, wind surfing and and scuba diving. Visitors can also take boat tours to explore the surrounding coast, or hike in the nearby hills. For those who are interested in history and culture, the town is home to several historical sites such as the 14th century church of Santa Maria del Mar, the lighthouse and the ruins of Sant Esteve castle.

Palamós is renowned throughout Spain for its prawns and remains one of the few towns on the Costa Brava to still generate income though fishing; the other main industry was cork. As with everywhere else in the Costa Brava, since the 1960s tourism has become the dominant industry and while that has been focused on the local beaches surrounding Palamós more recently it has become a major stop off for cruise ships going into and leaving Barcelona.

Port de Palamós

​The port at Palamós. Photo by Kippelboy .

The town also hosts many cultural events throughout the year, such as the traditional Sardana dance in the summer months, the annual prawn festival in June, a habanera concert in August and numerous other street celebrations. Visitors can also take a trip to the nearby medieval village of Peratallada, Girona, or the famous Salvador Dalí Museum in Figueres , which is less than an hour away by car.

Overall, Palamós is a charming and vibrant town with something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beach holiday or an action-packed adventure, you’re likely to be able to find it in Palamós.

The town’s main beach, Platja Gran, is 575 metres of medium golden sand and has full tourist facilities including a red cross point and showers as well as anchorage, but has a fairly steep shelf. Platja Gran is also home to several beach bars and restaurants, as well as water sports rental facilities. It’s extremely popular though and busy during the summer months. Platja des Monestri lies beyond Platja Gran, closer to Sant Antoni de Calonge , and has a more gradual shelf with similar sand.

Also nearby is Platja de la Fosca, which friends with two year old found perfect for the shallowness of the beach and the facilities available, although parking in the height of summer can be a little tricky to say the least. This 500 metre sand beach is located about a mile northeast of Palamós, and it’s less crowded than other beaches, making it ideal for those who want to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings. It has basic facilities and it’s perfect for swimming, sunbathing and relaxing and the gentle shelf makes it an excellent option for small children.

Platja de la Fosca

Platja de la Fosca.

Located around 3 km from Palamós, Platja de Castell is the only sandy beach on this part of the coast to have escaped development almost entirely. This beach is smaller than Platja Gran but offers a more secluded and quieter experience. It has a mix of sand and small pebbles and has basic facilities such as toilets and showers. Platja de Castell is good for swimming and absolutely perfect for snorkelling. Nearby is the picturesque Cala s’Alguer, with its row of fisherman’s huts.

visit palamos agenda

Cala s’Alguer. Photo by David Leigh.

Overall, Palamós offers a variety of beaches for visitors to choose from, each with their own unique characteristics and amenities.

Where to stay

Palamós has a variety of accommodation options available to suit different needs and budgets. The majority of accommodation is apartments and villas, which offer more space and privacy compared to hotels. Many villas have private gardens with pools. And there are several campsites in the area, offering a range of camping and caravanning options.

visit palamos agenda

Casa Vincke Hotel (Carrer López i Puigcerver, 38) has one nine rooms in a converted old house just a couple of streets away from the beach. There is a pool in the gardens but no restaurant, but there is plenty of choice nearby. If you’re on a tighter budget then Hotel Marina (Avinguda Onze De Setembre, 48) is also near the beach with comfortable rooms and a restaurant serving dishes prepared from local ingredients. Out of town is the 5-star Hotel la Malcontenta (Platja de Castell, 12). The traditional stone house has fourteen rooms with a restaurant serving exquisite cuisine from  local ingredients. Read more about Palamós hotels here .

There are some camping options available in Palamós, such as the tree shaded Càmping Palamós (Carretera la Fosca, 12) in the vicinity of the port. A little more out the way is Camping Benelux (Paratge de Castell) but it is close to Platja Castell and you’ll find just about everything you can wish for within the campsite’s grounds.

Overall, Palamós offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. Whether you’re looking for a hotel, apartment, or villa rental, or a camping spot, you’re sure to find something to suit your needs in Palamós. And regardless of the type of accommodation you choose, you will be able to enjoy the town’s beautiful beaches, delicious cuisine and vibrant nightlife.

Eating in and eating out

If you’re eating out in Palamós you have to try some of the local seafood on offer and, the particular speciality of the town for which it is famous, the prawns. They are highly prized for their flavour and texture, and they are considered to be some of the best prawns in the world.

Renowned for their sweet and delicate flavour, grilled Palamós prawns can be served as a main course served with garlic and olive oil. They are also used in a variety of other typical dishes, such as paella, soups, and stews.

The key to eating well is finding out where the locals go, so use your eyes and ears as well as your sense of smell when choosing a restaurant. When there is fresh food on offer for such low prices it’s hard to go wrong. L’Espardenya (Avenida 11 de Setembre, 97) serves a variety of seafood dishes, while  La Selvatana (Carrer de l’Allada, 5) is well regarded for seafood and paella in a typical old style restaurant.

For a more casual dining experience Bar la Plaça (Carrer Major, 58) is a good option for a coffee, a beer or a delicious seafood lunch. La Terrassa dels Pescadors (Avinguda Onze de Setembre) is located in the port of Palamós and offers a variety of seafood dishes. It has a great atmosphere and is a great place to enjoy a meal with a view of the sea. Nearby towns like Calella de Palafrugell and Llafranc also offer with many great dining options if you’re interested in exploring further afield.

For self catering, Palamós has a variety of food shops where you can buy ingredients for your meals. There are numerous supermarkets in the town, including a number of major chains such as Mercadona, Esclat, Bonpreu and Lidl. There is also a covered market that sells fresh produce open every morning except Sunday and a fish market in the port. That opens for three hours at 4:30pm each weekday.

The town also has several bakeries, butcher shops, and speciality food stores where you can buy local products like olive oil, cheeses, and wines. There is also a weekly street market every Tuesday morning on Avinguda Catalunya where you can buy food, clothing, footwear and various other products.

What to see and do

While the beaches are certainly a highlight of Palamós, there are many other things to see and do in the town.

With a working fishing fleet, one of the highlights of any visit to Palamós has to be waiting quayside for the fishing boats to come in and unload their catches, before auctioning the fish in the early evening (see the video below). Interesting to watch for a while, it’s also free to do.

visit palamos agenda

The fishing fleet operates out of the commercial port, which is also used by cruise ships to dock as they come from Barcelona and other Mediterranean ports. There is also a sports marina offering berths for privately owned boats and from where numerous rental companies operate.

The Museu de la Pesca (Calle del Muelle) is a museum focused on the fishing industry. It opens every day from May to September but closes on Mondays between October to April. Opening times vary quite a bit depending on when you visit so best to check the museum’s website .

History lovers will want to visit the Gothic church of Santa Maria del Mar, which was finished in the sixteenth century, and near to Platja Fosca you’ll find the ruins of thirteenth century Castell de Sant Esteve de Mar . The narrow streets and traditional houses of the old town are also a pleasant way to lose yourself for an hour or two.

Other activities include the usual water-sports found up and down the Costa Brava, including sailing, scuba diving, water-skiing and jet ski and kayak hire and to the north of Palamós is a rugged stretch of coastline good to explore via car for its coves and pine covered cliffs. Along here you’ll find the seaside towns of Llafranc, Tamariu and Begur .

There are several hiking trails and bike paths that run through the town, as well as horseback riding and kayaking excursions. Visitors can also take a boat trip to explore the nearby coves and beaches.

Overall, Palamós offers a wide range of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy, from water sports to cultural and historical sites, from outdoor activities to entertainment options. With so many options to choose from, visitors are sure to find something that interests them in Palamós.

How to get to Palamós

Palamós is around 40 minutes by road from Girona-Costa Brava Airport on the C-25/C-65/C-31 and there is a frequent bus service from Girona station to Palamós, although you may need to change at Palafrugell or Caldes de Malavella. From Barcelona airport take the train from Barcelona-Sants to Girona, then transfer to a bus for the final leg to Palamós.

To reach Palamós by car from the French border there are a number of possible routes. Probably the easiest is to take the AP-7 towards Girona, then take exit 7 to join the C-65 and past the exits for Sant Feliu de Guíxols and Platja d’Aro as the road becomes the C-31. From Barcelona, take the AP-7 towards Girona, then take exit 9A onto the C-35 in the direction of Sant Feliu de Guíxols and Platja d’Aro. The road becomes the C-65 and the C-31 before arriving in Palamós.

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Visit Palamos, Spain; an attractive port on the Costa Brava

Photo of Palamos

Visit Palamos

Palamos is in the province of Girona in Spain's Catalonia region. It is an attractive port and has an interesting old town. It is on the coast between Begur and Sant Feliu de Guixols .

Explore Palamos

Spain This Way review: Palamos is not the prettiest of the Cost Brava resorts but it has a large sandy beach, lots of facilities and a lively atmosphere making it a good choice for families or young travellers.

Palamos is a working fishing village whose most important catch is prawns so be sure to order 'gambas' from one of the excellent fish restaurants in Palamos. Many of these are centered around the old port - on a night much of the nightlife is centered around here too.

Next to Palamos' fishing port is a large sandy beach and there is also a small fairground on the beach. Boat trips can be organised from the port.


Winding uphill behind the beach Palamos has an attractive old centre with narrow streets, attractively painted buildings and two churches - the 16th century Santa Eugenia Villarroma and the 15th century Santa Maria del Mar. Wandering around you can get some excellent views over the beach and the marina.

Pop into the tourist office on Passeig de Mar for a walking map of the town to make sure you don't miss any of the main sites.

Platja Gran is the main town beach and has the most facilities. On the other side of the port is the La Fosca beach where you will find the medieval castle of Sant Esteve. This beach is popular with families as the water does not get deep until quite far out.

It is about a 20 minute walk from the centre of town or a 5 minute drive. The third main beach is Platja Castell which is the furthest away but probably the prettiest.

There are various other beaches nearby and there is a very nice coastal path linking them all and so you can mix a nice hike with a spot of beach-hopping!

Palamos is a popular stopping point for cruise ships travelling the Mediterranean and you will often see a large cruise ship docked in the port.


The fishing industry has been important to the development in Palamos and there is still an important fishing industry in the town. To learn more about it visit the fishing museum, the 'Museu de la Pesca' at the port. Next to here is the 'Espai del Peix', the 'Fish Space' where you can see fish-cookery demonstrations and take part in cookery workshops.

Where to visit near Palamos?

Near to Palamos are two of the nicest beaches of the Costa Brava - the lovely Cala S'Alguer with its picturesque 19th century fishermen's huts, and the unspoiled Platja de Castell. Indeed the Platja de Castell is the longest stretch of undeveloped beach on the Costa Brava and environmentalists are ensuring it stays this way.

On the northern edge of the Platja de Castell is an Iberian settlement that you can visit with ruins dating back to the 6th century.

The lovely medieval village of Pals is just a few kilometers to the north of Palamos.

You can find more local travel ideas in the Girona guide , and the Catalonia guide .

See also Find Palamos hotels

Photos of Palamos

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Map of Palamos and places to visit

Palamos places to visit.

Jardins de Cap Roig

Jardins de Cap Roig

The Cap Roig botanical garden is a beautiful garden in a beautiful cliff-top location with sweeping views over the sea.



Calella-de-Palafrugell is one of the most beautiful villages on the Costa Brava coast.

Platja d'Aro

Platja d'Aro

Platja d'Aro is a popular beach resort with a large sandy beach and lots of facilities.


Llafranc is a chic seaside resort on the Costa Brava coast of Spain.


Tamariu is a charming seaside village on the Costa Brava.


Begur is a charming village set a little inland with good bus links to its beaches on the Costa Brava.

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Cercar > Visita Costa Brava

Palamós s'articula entorn del seu port, un important nucli d'activitat comercial, turística i pesquera. D'aquesta infraestructura deriven moltes activitats de gran interès per al visitant, com la subhasta del peix, la visita al Museu de la Pesca o la possibilitat de convertir-se en pescador per un dia amb el Pescaturisme.

A part de l'activitat relativa a la pesca, Palamós també ofereix una variada oferta per al visitant que consisteix en rutes d'enoturisme, jornades esportives de senderisme o BTT, o visites a espais de gran bellesa natural, com la Cala s'Alguer , declarada Bé Cultural d'Interès Nacional.

Mercat setmanal

Tots els dimarts.

Horari: de 09:00 a 13:00h.

Ubicació: Avinguda de Catalunya.


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26/03 Museu de la Pesca

Exposició temporal al Museu de la Pesca: El patí de vela

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"Feria de Abril" - Casa Cultural de Andalucia

04/05 Entitats associatives

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11/05 Joventut

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11/05 Biblioteca Lluís Barceló i Bou

Xerrada sobre l'Autoestima - Biblioteca Lluís Barceló i Bou

12/05 Biblioteca Lluís Barceló i Bou

Grup Infantil La Teva Lectura Fàcil - Biblioteca Lluís Barceló i Bou

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visit palamos agenda

PM Modi to begin 3-day US visit tomorrow: What's on the agenda?

Key issues on the agenda include regional stability in the Indo-Pacific, the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and concerns of the Global South. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect during his visit read more

PM Modi to begin 3-day US visit tomorrow: What's on the agenda?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to begin his three-day visit to the United States starting Saturday (September 21).

The trip will see PM Modi engage in high-level meetings with world leaders, attend the annual Quad summit, and participate in discussions at the United Nations.

Key issues on the agenda include regional stability in the Indo-Pacific, the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and concerns of the Global South. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect during his visit:

1. Quad summit in Wilmington, Delaware PM Modi’s US visit begins with the annual Quad summit in Wilmington, Delaware. Modi will join US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday to discuss regional security and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

2. Bilateral talks with Quad leaders Modi is scheduled for separate bilateral meetings with the other Quad leaders, where discussions will focus on defense, technology collaboration, and strategies to address ongoing global conflicts, including the situations in Ukraine and Gaza.

3. Cancer initiative announcement A significant outcome of the Quad summit will be the announcement of a new initiative to prevent, detect, and treat cancer. The plan aims to tackle the disease’s impact on patients and families, with a broader emphasis on health security and humanitarian assistance.

4. Focus on global conflicts India’s role as a potential mediator in the Ukraine conflict will be closely watched. Though no formal proposal is expected, India is involved in ongoing dialogues with global partners, according to Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri.

5. Addressing concerns of the global south Modi is expected to bring attention to the challenges facing the Global South, especially in terms of equitable development, climate action, and the digital divide. This will be a key talking point during his visit.

6. Summit of the future at the UN General Assembly On September 23, Modi will address the UN General Assembly at the Summit of the Future, focusing on sustainable development, climate issues, and international cooperation. His speech will likely reflect India’s stance on global conflicts and its approach to bridging development gaps.

7. Roundtable with US tech leaders Modi will meet with top executives from major American tech firms to discuss advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and semiconductor technology. The roundtable is expected to strengthen technological collaboration between India and the US.

8. Indian community event in New York Before his UN address, Modi will attend an Indian community event at Long Island on September 22, engaging with the Indian diaspora and reinforcing the growing ties between the two nations.

9. Gaza conflict and India’s position Modi is likely to reiterate India’s long-standing support for a two-state solution regarding the Gaza conflict, stressing the need for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and a peaceful resolution for both Israel and Palestine.

With inputs from PTI

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PM Modi's US Visit: Ukraine War, Israel's Offensive In Gaza On Agenda

Prime minister modi will attend the annual quad summit at wilmington in delaware, address the summit of the future at the un general assembly in new york, and hold a roundtable with ceos of top american firms..

PM Modi's US Visit: Ukraine War, Israel's Offensive In Gaza On Agenda

Prime Minister Modi will hold separate bilateral talks with all three Quad leaders.

New initiatives to boost cooperation to ensure stability in the Indo-Pacific, ways to find peaceful solutions to the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza and addressing concerns of the global South will be the focus of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's three-day visit to the US beginning Saturday.

Prime Minister Modi will attend the annual Quad summit at Wilmington in Delaware, address the Summit of the Future at the UN General Assembly in New York, hold a roundtable with CEOs of top American firms working in the technology sector and hold bilateral talks with US President Joe Biden and several other global leaders.

The prime minister's first destination will be Wilmington, the hometown of Biden where he will join the US president, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida at the Quad summit on September 21.

The Quad summit is expected to discuss ways to expand cooperation among the member nations to ensure peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific besides deliberating on the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine.

"We expect new initiatives to be announced," Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri said.

The Quad leaders will unveil a "milestone" initiative to prevent, detect, treat and alleviate the impact of cancer on patients and their families.

Mr Misri said there will be a strong focus on peace, progress and stability in the Indo-Pacific at the Quad summit, adding the leaders will discuss health security, climate change, emerging technologies, infrastructure, connectivity, counterterrorism and humanitarian assistance.

To a question on India's possible role as a peace-maker to resolve the Ukraine conflict, Mr Misri told a media briefing that New Delhi is involved in a set of several conversations with important partners and leaders on it.

"We are involved in a set of several conversations with several important partners and leaders at this point. These conversations are a work in progress and we will update you on the results of this conversation at the right time," he said.

"At the present moment, we remain engaged with our interlocutors on these very important issues," Mr Misri said.

From Wilmington, Prime Minister Modi will travel to New York to attend an Indian community event at Long Island on September 22 and address the Summit of the Future at the UN General Assembly the next day. In New York, The prime minister will also attend a roundtable with CEOs of American firms working in areas of AI, quantum computing and semiconductors.

Asked whether Prime Minister Modi will put forward any proposal at the Summit of the Future to bring peace to Ukraine, Misri did not give a direct reply.

"As you know, the prime minister recently visited Russia and Ukraine, and after those visits, he also held discussions with leaders, including President Biden and President (Vladimir) Putin.

"Our National Security Advisor also had discussions with President Putin during his visit to Russia. So, I can only say at this point that these talks are ongoing between the leaders," Mr Misri said.

"As for putting forward any proposal, we'll have to see how much consensus is reached and whether we can reach a stage where a proposal can be put before a larger audience. So, I think we need to wait a little, and at the right time, we will be able to update you on this," he added.

Asked about India's priorities at the Summit of the Future, Mr Misri said a host of issues including concerns of the Global South are expected to figure.

"I won't be able to preview or pre-empt the prime minister's remarks at this very important event. But I would underline that the summit is being held at a time of conflict, tensions and divisions in the world," he said.

"There is an obvious deficit of development in the world at large and the Global South is at the risk of being left behind on account of current developments," he said.

Mr Misri said the world is also "playing catch-up" in so far as the fulfilment of the very important Sustainable Development Goals is concerned.

"There are a host of issues related to climate, to education, to youth, gender, energy, infrastructure and the digital divide. So I would imagine that the prime minister's message and India's message will take many of these issues into consideration and highlight India's approaches on all of these issues," he said.

The 'Summit of the Future' will bring leaders from various countries to forge a new international consensus on how to deliver a "better present and safeguard the future", according to the UN. On the conflict in Gaza, Mr Misri reiterated India's long-held position.

"We have always stood for a ceasefire in so far as the immediate events are concerned, the need to ensure a humanitarian corridor and the delivery of humanitarian aid in Gaza, and for the immediate release of the hostages so that we can work towards a more sustainable and broad-based settlement in the area," he said.

"Our long-term approach towards this issue has also long been clear. We are in favour of a two-state solution, States of Israel and Palestine living at peace with each other within stable borders and secure borders for both of them," he added. 

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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