The Travel Log

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Travel Log: Everything You Need to Know (FAQs)

Travel Log

9 Tips For Keeping a Perfect Travel Log

travel log excel template

How to Create a Travel Log (Tips and Examples)

45 travel log templates and examples (100% free).

travel log excel template

A good friend of mine once said she learned more about the world, its history, its cultures, and its beauty from traveling than she ever did in school or from books or videos. Experiencing something out of your comfort zone is an exhilarating experience. Exposure to new cultures and their food and customs teaches us to accept those cultures and appreciate the world around us.

Once you are home and friends ask you about your trip, at first, it is all current, and you have lots to talk about, but within a few weeks or months, some places you visited may be forgotten, or the names of cities, museums, different foods are hard to recall. This is where a travel log is very useful to help everyone appreciate the trip even years later. A Vlog or video log on a social media platform can provide instant gratification to you and your friends. They can keep tabs on you and experience your experiences almost as if they were with you.

Preparing a great travel log in booklet form or video form takes some effort and organization; however, it is worth having this record that can be referred to over and over again. In this post, we will explore some of the concepts about travel logs, how they are used, and tips for maintaining a travel log.

Tips for keeping a Travel Log

What Is a Travel Log?

Both companies and individuals use travel logs to track their travel. Many companies ask their employees to complete spreadsheets or online tracking systems to track the dates, locations, and expenses for their travel. These travel logs are data-driven and used by the company to track their employee’s travel, to repay employees for their expenses, and to claim these expenses on their annual tax filing.

Travel logs for individuals may contain all of the same information and a lot more. They are also known as travel journals. In a personal travel log or travel journal, travelers write about their experiences on their trips, the places they visited, meals they enjoyed, events, and historic locations they visited. Many will also include pictures of these locations and people they met along the way. These memories, stories, and adventures are captured in their travel log/journal and referred to for years after they return from their trip.

What is a Travel Log Template?

A travel log template is a blank, editable sheet that helps users create a friendly business travel log or personal travel journal according to their needs. Travel log templates save time and provide consistency for both employees and individuals who want to keep track of their travel and expenses. Companies use templates and make them available to their employees to use whenever they are traveling and need to report their expenses. Company travel log templates include basic information such as the date, time, expense, location, the reason for travel, and miscellaneous such as project or tracking codes needed for tax purposes.

Individuals traveling around the world on various trips use a travel log template to save them time and help them keep track of their budget, memorialize their experiences, and include both narrative and photos. The template can be used to begin a new record on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Why Keep a Travel Log When Traveling?

There are many reasons to keep a travel log while traveling. They include the following:

  • Staying Organized
  • Managing Stress
  • Remembering Your Trip
  • Achieving Goals
  • Improving Memory
  • Improving Writing Skills

Staying Organized – writing in a travel log helps everyone organize their thoughts and focus on things they still want to see or do. You may plan to see a variety of events in a given location. Writing about them helps compare and keep track of what you have seen and what you need to prioritize in the remaining time you have before moving on to the next location.

Managing Stress – many people find that writing about their day, both good and bad is a great way to vent and obtain relief from stressful situations. Writing about your experiences is a great way to reduce tensions that many people would internalize otherwise.

Remembering Your Trip – over time, we all lose memories of important details about our trips and experiences. Writing about your experiences, especially those that made an impression at the time, helps you to remember them by referring back to your journal regularly.

Achieving Goals – many travelers write down their goals for their trip, the places they want to see, and the activities they want to do. As you complete them, tick off these items, write about them and review those goals you still have to complete.

Improving Memory – seeing something, talking about it, and then writing about it is considered one of the best ways to strengthen memories of your experiences.

Improving Writing Skills – when we write something, we also know that other people may also read this material. Our pride ensures that we take the time to write well, clearly with good punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Business Travel Log Vs. Personal Travel Log

Business travel log.

A business travel log is a record of business expenses, purposes, and outcomes of a business trip. You can use a business travel log for official reasons, such as tax deductions by the IRS.

Personal Travel Log

A personal travel journal is a time capsule of your experiences, emotions, scenes, and reflections of your vacation. You write any exciting details of your trip in a personal travel log.

Essential Elements of a Travel Log

Essential elements of a travel log for companies often include basic information compared to a tourist travel log. Corporate travel logs include:

  • Reason for travel and
  • Miscellaneous items – Project or tracking codes – Tax information

Individuals include much of the same information; however, there is more focus on their experiences on the trip as well as planning details for their trip. In addition to the above topics, including items such as:

  • Destination plans
  • Room for documenting experiences
  • Room for adding photos and other items of interest

How to Keep a Travel Log (Video)

How to keep a business travel log.

Before writing a travel log, you need the proper documentation essential for any tax benefits or compensation.

Step 1) Mileage Records

Record all mileage expenses during your trip. Use a well-calibrated odometer to document the distance traveled using a car. Alternatively, when using air, water, or train transport, record travel duration and indicate the start and endpoints of your journey.

Warning: Don’t use estimates to record your mileage. The IRS has the mandate to review your log during tax inquisitions ; therefore, only write what you can prove.

The case of the Moores (Moore vs. Comm’r, TC Summ. OP. 2012_16) shows the grave nature of mileage records. The tax court and the IRS declined their deduction in the ruling due to questionable and erroneous entries. Mr. and Mrs. Moore recorded all their mileage on a logbook for their real estate brokerage firm on 12 separate pages, one for each month of the year.

Tip: Use reputable mileage apps that record accurate mileage.

Step 2) Other Expense Respites

In addition to mileage records, gather hotel, food, stationery, and other minor expense receipts. Separate the receipts from personal expenses and the business’s expenses.

Step 3) Chronological Order

A well-designed business travel log employs good chronological order. No rule restricts you to using the exact sequence of events; however, when referencing your journal in the future and you are pressed for time, it saves the hassle.

Step 4) Review and Verification

Review the cost at the end of each trip and send the log to the accounts department for verification.

It is good practice to have multiple copies of the travel journal. Always keep the original business trip log in a secured file cabinet .

How to Start a Personal Travel Journal

There is no right way to keep a travel journal. Whether you are artistic or prefer to keep things simple, all you need is your thoughts, a good pen, and a notebook. Let’s guide you through how to set up an evocative travel journal.

Step 1) Collect Data

Collect all your photos, brochures, maps, plane tickets on the table.

Step 2) Collect Essentials

Choose a good pen that doesn’t blot the paper. Also, buy a travel journal, scissors, highlighters, and glue.

Step 3) Start Writing

Write your thoughts about the journey and attach descriptive photos and illustrations. Write about the smells of street food, the texture of the sand, and any sensory aspect you feel will best document your experiences.

Step 4) Attach Mementos

Pressed leaves, flowers, and rock fragments are some mementos you can include. Downsize the larger pictures and fix them on the matching page of the trip.

Step 5) Review

Review your log after every trip and constantly update it. The early evening before dinner is an opportune time to update a personal travel journal.

Tip: You can write the expectations of your trip beforehand and then compare the notes with the actual experience after on for a more exciting journal.

Travel Log Templates and Examples

  • Travel Logs (MS Excel)
  • Travel Logs (MS Word)
  • Travel Logs (PDF Format)

Travel Log Templates (MS Excel)

travel log excel template

Travel Log Templates (MS Word)

travel log excel template

Travel Log Templates (PDF)

travel log excel template

Materials You May Want to Purchase for Your Travels

Buy a hardcover lightweight journal that has a strong binding and can also hold photos and postcards. Include pens , markers , and highlighters to write about your trip and highlight some of those you want to draw attention to. If you are so inclined, include tools for sketching as well. You will need adhesives to attach photos, postcards, and other mementos to your journal. Other tools include scissors for trimming items, a ruler , a clear folder to collect and hold mementos, a map of the area you are visiting, and writing as you go in your journal.

How to Prepare a Travel Log

Follow these general steps the first time you use a travel log on one of your trips. After you gain some experience with travel logs, feel free to make adjustments to fit your likes and dislikes, travel style, and time to make entries in your travel log.

Remember that you are traveling and may not have room for extensive materials . Take the essentials and be prepared to replenish them along the way, particularly if it is a long trip . The following will help you prepare for beginning your trip with your travel log.

Start by planning your trip and use your journal to record your travel plans. Places to visit, restaurants you want to try, and various sights that are on your itinerary.

Leave room to add those you discover along the way. You can also record contact information for hotels and places you will be staying as well as transportation.

Write as you travel. It is easier to recall your experiences if you write about them immediately. Even after a few days, you may not recall details that were important to you at the time. You will not miss them if you write about them in your journal.

Jotting things down in point form will help the memory and make it easier to expand on each point later on. Add pictures to each point or section if possible.

Friends and family who read your journal will appreciate it if you write about what it was like to visit a location, what you learned, the things that surprised you, and what you found disappointing. Everyone gets so much more out of a journal when they can immerse themselves in your trip vicariously.

Tips for keeping a Travel Log

The following are a collection of tips that many readers may find useful:

  • Begin writing in your journal before you leave home about the planning and the places you intend to visit
  • Instead of making lists of things you did, tell a story about your experiences
  • Include information about what you thought or felt about the places you visited
  • Include the not so great experiences
  • Write your thoughts while they are still fresh in your mind
  • Take lots of pictures to help you recall your many experiences
  • Summarize the best parts of your trip
  • Include your experiences – the food, the people, excursions, impressions, and things of beauty around you
  • Include funny moments
  • Set aside time every day to write in your journal and summarize your day
  • Jot down points if you are tight for time. These will be great memory joggers for later when you have time to fill out your journal

Other Types of Travel Logs

Technology and social media have progressed significantly. Today’s smartphones can take excellent photos, narrate videos, and convert spoken words into text. Various platforms support Vlogs and videos that can be uploaded in real-time. Your followers can see and hear your experiences instantly. Using a smartphone is convenient, and many provide excellent quality images which can be labeled with titles and notes. You may still want to carry a journal to make manual notes to help you, later on, add audio and text to your videos and pictures.

There are also purpose-built apps that can be downloaded to your smartphone to help document your travels. Add notes, videos, and photos along with captions to your images. Links to images can be added for your readers to explore online websites if they want more information. These apps also automatically capture the current weather conditions and the GPS location, which helps create a detailed online log for your readers and yourself.

Once you are home, you will have all of the details to update your manual journal with notes and images.

Travel Log Ideas to Inspire You

It helps to think about why you are keeping a travel journal. Of course, you are writing for yourself so that you can refer to your trip notes many times after you return home. Add sufficient details and information that will trigger great memories of your trips years later when you are doing a trip down memory lane.

  • Many people find inspiration from comments they receive from others. Family members and friends enjoy reading about your travels. Writing interesting content in your travel log, which inspires your readers to keep coming back for more, drives many travelers to create excellent content.
  • Add content as you go every day, even if it is just a quick note to jog your memory later. Add a date to each entry, the location, and any details that are important to you. Aim to set aside a time each day to complete your travel log to avoid getting behind and missing details that would be interesting to you and your readers.
  • Inspiring others to travel and visit some of the locations you talk about in your journal can be very motivating. Add addresses, describe what you saw and experienced. Readers with like-minded travel objectives will appreciate this information and build their trip around your information.
  • Creativity is the spice of life. Get your creative juices in gear and inspire others through your writing, images, and videos. Edit the images and videos to portray the most attractive and interesting content. In a way, you become the director and producer of creative content that will be appreciated by many.

Best Apps for Creating a Digital Travel Log

There are many digital travel apps available. They are handy and easy to use, and always available since most travelers always carry their smartphones with them to stay in touch and make travel plans. Family and friends appreciate that they can stay updated with your travels and even add comments on social media platforms. The following is a list of some of the best travel apps for smartphones currently available.

  • Day One Journal
  • Travel Diaries

Day One Journal – is available in a free version format and a premium format. The premium version provides unlimited storage for photos and journal entries, cloud-based storage, recording by audio, and the ability to print your journal in book format. The free version allows entry by hand and observes entries by calendar, timeline, or photos.

Travel Diaries – comes with lots of features such as enhancing text with photos, keeping entries private or public, the ability to convert the diary to a blog, and sharing automatically on social media platforms. It also has a book creation and printing capability from 40 pages up to 320 pages.

Drifter – the app was created by travelers who wanted a social network that supports photos, videos and encourages travel advice and reviews. It is great for solo travelers and folks that like to share experiences. There is still room for improvement, and the developers appreciate feedback and support.

Bonjournal – is available for iPhone users and provides a simple interface to record activities while on your trip. There are privacy settings to control what content is seen by whom. A great app for keeping track of your journey and sharing photos and ideas.

Momento – organizes your social networks connecting to eleven different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Swarm, and YouTube. Your information can be kept private, or you can add your travel information publicly for your friends and family to see. Momento can also be used as a work/project journal to keep track of meetings, milestones, and project notes.

Mistakes to Avoid When Keeping a Business Travel Log

1. not including the business purpose.

Error: It is a business travel journal for a reason. Telling us the sequence of events for the entire trip does not make us better understand your travel log without the purpose for the trip. Writing a business travel journal without the business purpose is a common novice mistake that makes you seem inept as the go-to person for a business trip.

Solution: Succinctly outline your business purpose at the beginning of the travel log. Usually, the managerial cadre will review your travel log after a business trip. Keep that in mind and provide them with a guiding light to what your trip entails via a reason. No one wants to read up to page seven of any document unless it promises them an undervalued asset in crypto that will 100x in the next month. After you have established your aim for business travel, you can document.

2. Documenting every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet

Error: “I met Ryan Reynolds today, and we bonded over our mutual friend Ryan Gosling.” We understand that it isn’t every day you meet the Ryans on a business trip; however, telling us your interaction with them while disregarding their relevance to the business is outright trivial.

Solution: Write down if you meet an exciting person who introduces you to a new business model. However, if you meet Ryan Reynolds and he doesn’t tell you how to maximize your business’s productivity, save that for a personal journal. Only write insightful interactions about people who affect your business trip purpose.

3. Using estimations

Error: Using business trip estimations instead of the actual cost.

Solution: Save all the slips. In the journal, stick all the tickets for all your purchases relevant to the business. Please do not ignore the minor expenses as they accrue over time and cause a significant dent in the company’s travel budget. Include any other proper documentation, such as online transaction records, in the business travel log.

4. Being ‘Fanciful.’

Error: Including too much business jargon that your business travel log readers have a difficult time comprehending.

Solution: Write your travel log in straightforward language and brief sentences. Try to write only business trip details such as a conference by the sea. Don’t write, “The Sea was cerulean while the orator propagated his voice.” However, do not sacrifice your unique writing style in a bid to use modest vocabulary.

5. A business travel journal without a travel itinerary is a scrapbook

Error: Failing to include the travel itinerary makes tracking through your business trip challenging.

Solution: Attach your travel itinerary that is relevant to the business purpose. Try to make the itinerary brief.

The following are some of the frequently asked questions that many travelers have when they are making decisions about using a travel log and sharing the information with friends and family.

A travel log is either a hardcopy travel book/binder or an online system to keep track of interesting experiences about your trip. Include all of your adventures, stories, and memories to help remember everything you experienced and also share with your friends and family.

There are many names used in the industry in addition to the travel log. These include: ᐅ Travel Journal ᐅ Journey Log ᐅ Journey Plan ᐅ Log Book ᐅ Travelers notebook

Purchase a diary, writing tools, and any other materials you may need for your travel adventure. Use your diary or journal to plan your trip. Make notes of the places you want to see, places you want to stay, and how you will travel – by car, bus, train, air. Add other notes as appropriate for your trip. You may decide on using a combination of both written tools and online social media systems. Download the app and become familiar with the app before your trip. Enter all of the same information into the app. During your familiarization of the app, confirm that your smartphone has all of the required features needed to meet your travel log entries.

A travel log is either an online app or a document containing all of the details regarding your trip. A travel log can be used by companies for corporate travel as well as for folks embarking on a vacation. The travel journal can contain whatever you want it to. Most people add some or all of the following depending on their needs: ᐅ Date ᐅ Place ᐅ Memories or stories and adventures ᐅ Places they stayed ᐅ People they met ᐅ Budget and/or cost ᐅ Photos ᐅ And more

What you need for a travel journal depends to some extent on what your objectives are, what you think you would like to remember and whether you are using a social media system/smartphone or a physical journal, or a combination of both. Items that you may need for your travel journal include: ᐅ Durable, lightweight journal. Hardcovers are considered better than soft covers ᐅ Art materials if you plan to add sketches of your travel ᐅ Adhesives to secure photos, postcards, and other mementos to your journal ᐅ Include a straight edge such as a ruler and a small pair of scissors ᐅ Include a map that can be added to your journal ᐅ Choose an app for your smartphone and verify compatibility with the phone and the social media system you use

Many people tend to add photos, maps, postcards, and mementos picked up along the way. Add notes about your experiences and plan to write every day to avoid missing essential memories about your trip.

Some folks will paste a map on the front of their journal for easy reference as they travel. Others add decals commemorating the locations and events they attended. Sketch artists add their portrayal of their trip, especially places they visited that made an impact on them.

One of the activities associated with planning your trip is to choose a travel journal for your trip. Give some thought about what you want to record and who you are writing for. How much time do you have, will you share some or all of the information online, and is it to be kept private or with limited sharing? Once you have determined the audience for your journal, write accordingly and provide information that will be interesting to those readers.

Some consumers use diaries and travel journals interchangeably. However, they are different and are aimed at different purposes. A diary is a structured book used to enter records as they occur or to plan for events in the future. Many people use a diary as a daily planner to stay organized, while others use them to jot down notes and thoughts every day. A journal is unstructured used most often for recording ideas, creative ideas, and jotting down notes on thoughts, travel, and goals. Many people add their structure based on how they intend to use the travel journal and their travel plans.

A traveler’s notebook can be softcover or hardcover, with pockets to keep mementos in and add pages if you need to add more writing space. Some include elastic bands to hold additional smaller notebooks and documents.

Documenting a road trip should be handled like any other trip unless, of course, you are the driver. Take breaks along the way to make notes in your travel log, take a few pictures, and add decals or mementos that you pick up along the way. Spend some time each night after you stop for the day to add notes to your travel log about your experiences and thoughts for the day.

  • Deciding why you are keeping a travel log will help you to make choices about materials to purchase and the type of travel journal you wish to purchase.
  • Decide who you are writing for, yourself, family, friends, and/or the public. Writing about personal items may dictate that you do not want to share all of your information publicly.
  • Will you use a written journal, or online social media system, or both? Your decision will help you decide what materials to purchase and how you will make recordings daily.
  • Use your log/journal for planning your trip in advance, and then add notes as you complete your travels.
  • Many people find the best approach is to write in their logs each day. Your memories and thoughts are fresh from the day’s events, and you avoid missing key details that you found interesting.
  • If you are using a physical travel log, ensure that you have room to add photos and mementos as well as decals from your trip.
  • Evaluate a travel log app before you travel and add the app to your phone. Test drive the app and ensure you are comfortable with it before you leave.
  • Many people use their smartphones to take photos and videos and then upload them to a social media platform or a dedicated online travel log. Before traveling, test your phone with the app you plan to use and become familiar with the app. You don’t want to waste time while traveling to figure out how to use your phone with the travel log app.

Travel logs are a great way to recall memories about your trip for many years. You and your family members will refer to your travel log/journal many times, especially if you want to compare notes with a friend who traveled with you.

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travel log excel template

Track mileage automatically

Irs printable mileage log template 2024 - free excel & pdf, in this article, printable mileage log template for 2024, how to use the mileage log template, what to include in your irs mileage log template, keep your mileage logs available in case of audits, faq about the mileage log template.

Are you driving a car as a part of your employment, are you self-employed and using your car for business purposes, or an employer who wants to make mileage logging easier for your employees? Then this IRS mileage log template is for you.

You can download the printable mileage log template which uses the standard IRS mileage rate for 2024  - 67 cents per mile for business-related driving.

See an overview of previous mileage rates .

travel log excel template

Important note : If you choose to use the Google Sheets version, you need to copy the sheet onto your own sheet. You will not be able to directly edit this one as it is publicly available. For a quicker solution, download the Excel file or use the  Driversnote app .

Logging your mileage can sometimes be a long and tedious process, but there are some things you can do to make it a bit easier for yourself , or  your team , your employees . One way to start is by using a template since it ensures that you have all the necessary information when you report your miles to the IRS.

travel log excel template

Mileage tracking made easy

Trusted by millions of drivers

travel log excel template

Automatic mileage tracking and IRS-compliant reporting.

A mileage log book is a monthly or yearly record of your business-related travel that the IRS or your employer demand for tax deductions or reimbursement purposes.

The minimum information requirements regardless of your situation are each business trip's miles, the year's total mileage, the time (a date will suffice), place (your destination), and purpose of each trip. You can log all of this information in our printable PDF, Excel and Sheets mileage log templates.

You must keep a log not only of your business trips but personal as well (if you use the same vehicle for both). You may eventually need to be able to prove the portion of use that is for business so it is important to be able to provide the information necessary to calculate this.

The IRS mileage rates for 2024 are:

  • 67 cents per mile driven for business use.
  • 21 cents per mile driven for medical, or moving purposes. for qualified active-duty members of the Armed Forces
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations.

You could get audited due to no fault of your own and the IRS will ask for your mileage logs so always make sure to keep them somewhere safe and make copies.

a picture of a green toy car on a spreadsheet template for mileage tracking”

When it comes to documenting business miles, this is what the IRS considers appropriate records .

It is necessary that you keep the mileage log records up to date. This implies that the mileage log template must be filled in at or near the time of departure. Anything that is updated once a week is generally considered sufficient.

According to the IRS, you must include the following in your mileage log template:

  • The mileage driven for each business-related trip
  • The date of each trip
  • The destination and purpose of your trip
  • The total mileage you’ve driven for the year

You don’t have to worry about the format of your mileage log as long as all the required information is included. Anything from a paper, diary and account book to digital spreadsheets, CSV files, PDF files, and Xlxs (Microsofts Excel) is accepted by the IRS. However, we recommend considering an app like Driversnote to save time and make sure all your records are compliant.

First, you need to update your records regularly and make sure that they are accurate and up-to-date. The IRS requires you to preserve your mileage form for three years from the day you submit your income tax return with your deduction.

Save time by using an automated mileage log app

Mileage tracking apps such as Driversnote record your driving in real-time, saving you the time and effort of manually entering data for each trip. Simply launch the app and begin tracking; the app will then record your journey as you drive. You'll have a recorded trip with the start and end times, start and endpoints, and the ability to specify the purpose of your trip.

Using an app will take the burden of organizing and keeping mileage logs off your shoulders; the app will keep track of the data for you, and your complete mileage form will be just a few clicks away at all times.

travel log excel template

Tired of logging mileage by hand?

Effortless. IRS-compliant. Liberating.

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  • Medication Schedule
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  • Time Tracking Spreadsheet

Free Printable Travel Log Templates [PDF, Excel, Word]

A travel log can quickly become an un-tracked mess if you don’t organize it. But you’ll soon realize that keeping a travel log is almost like a lifestyle for anyone who goes on many trips. There’s so much to write down, from flights to hotels and miscellaneous expenses.

Table of Contents

What is a travel log?

Travel Log

A travel log is a way of documenting your travels, whether personal or professional. A travel log can be beneficial in helping you recall memories of your trips and also act as an excellent guide to help you plan your next. It enables you to keep track of all the information you need on each trip so that when it comes to following up with it, you can do so.

The travel log only travels within the framework of a route. Rather than ordinary diaries, it is an object that tries to convey the ambiance of the places visited. People can keep a travel diary for themselves or share their journey with a community. The language to be preferred in travel diaries is entirely up to the individual, but if shared with a community, fluency in the language to be created and the chronological order of events are of great importance.

Travel Log Templates

ato travel log template

Document your adventures and keep track of your travel experiences with our comprehensive collection of Travel Log Templates . A travel log is a journal or diary where you can record details about your trips, including destinations, activities, accommodations, and memorable moments . Our customizable and printable templates provide a structured framework for organizing and preserving your travel memories. Whether you’re a globetrotter, an avid explorer, or a digital nomad, our templates offer various layouts and designs to suit your style.

By utilizing our Travel Log Templates , you can capture important details, reflect on your experiences, and create a personal keepsake of your journeys. With visually appealing designs and user-friendly layouts, our templates make it easy to document and share your travel stories. Enhance your travel documentation, relive your adventures, and create a lasting record of your wanderlust with our user-friendly templates. Download now and embark on a journey of preserving your travel memories with our Travel Log Templates .

How to write the perfect travel log?

“How to write a travel log?” It is the most logical option for travelers searching for an answer to the question to start by obtaining a notebook set first. One of the notebook sets should be divided into days directly with its pages or sections, and the travel notes for each day should be transferred to the relevant sections. Other essential features of the travel book are that it is easily portable, has a stylish structure, and is of high quality. The successful storage of the notes obtained during the trip will be possible with the travel book.

  • Flow is a significant detail in a travel diary to be created from scratch. To prepare the flow according to the route and to make the events consist of a pattern, the “chronological” order is of great importance. Just before the creation of the travel book or diary, there are various notes, photographs, sound recordings, etc., that individuals must do. It is to obtain records that will facilitate the recall of the moments put into the memory with the elements. Thanks to these records, creating the final version of a travel diary will become much more perfect.
  • Of course, every traveler takes a lot of photos during travels, and from time to time, he may not even be able to find a space to fit his photos. While preparing a travel diary, the inability to fit the images on the pages is a bigger problem than the pictures cannot be stored in the digital space. It is of great importance that the images of the days are chosen very well in the travel diaries. The most crucial photo of the day should be on the page related to that day, not to exceed a few.
  • What’s a good travel log be like? Individuals looking for an answer to the question should pay attention that photographs tell much more than words. On the other hand, it is a much better reminder of the details of that moment. Therefore, doing a little photography training before preparing a travel diary or even before traveling will improve your travel diary. Afterward, it will be straightforward to decide on the photos to be chosen while organizing a travel diary and the photos taken at critical moments and times during the trip. Then, the travel diary can obtain photographs that contain the most important and most profound meanings of the days or contain the most details and describe much more than words.
  • A street, a monument, a museum, a garden, a historical place, etc. You may have visited many places. Unfortunately, boring your diary with details while talking about these visited areas will make it difficult to read. It will disrupt the flow of the log and make it boring. Only the necessary details should be included in the travel diary to avoid such a situation.
  • Avoiding telling personal details will be one of the best moves when writing a travel journal. For example, I did my hair like this today, chose that color bag, etc. Instead of unnecessary details, more details should be given about the cultures of the places visited during the trip or the ambiance of the events at that moment. With accurate descriptions, one of the primary purposes should be to make the reader live that moment in his mind with the diary and feel himself in that journey.

To better convey the feelings or experiences you have experienced while traveling a place, you need to include the sense organs in writing. Details such as talking about the smell of the environment during the trip, indicating the condition of the air temperature, giving information about the taste of what you eat and drink, conveying the details that catch your eye, and being descriptive about the general sound of the environment are the elements that should be included in the diary when writing a travel log.

Have you learned how to write but haven’t gone anywhere yet? Then hit the road, travel, roam, and share your experience with us!

How do you write a trip log?

A trip log records details during travel, including dates, locations, transportation, accommodation, activities, food, costs, weather, and personal experiences. Write down notes each day in a journal or log template. Supplement with photos, ticket stubs, etc.

What is the travel log?

A travel log is a diary where travelers document details about their trips, often including where they went, what they did, who they met, how they felt, and more. It helps preserve memories from vacations and adventures.

How do I create a key log spreadsheet?

To create a key log spreadsheet, make columns for the date, employee name, key number, time checked out, time returned, purpose/area accessed, and notes. Use rows to log each instance a key is used. This tracks key usage.

What is a log template?

A log template is a pre-made document with fields to enter repetitive data over time, allowing the user to track details, patterns, and progress. Logs help organize information like project tasks, exercise routines, work hours, expenses, etc.

What are the benefits of keeping a detailed travel log?

Benefits include preserving memories, recording expenses, writing down tips for future travelers, reflecting on experiences, maintaining a catalog of places visited, and appreciating how much you accomplished.

Should you write in your travel log during or after your trip?

It’s best to write frequent, brief log entries during your trip so details are fresh, then expand on them afterwards. In-the-moment notes capture true thoughts.

What makes a good travel log?

A good log is consistent, personalized with stories and anecdotes, has fun mementos attached or inserted, highlights new discoveries about people/places/yourself, and evokes the feeling of the experiences.

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Free Mileage Log Templates

By Kate Eby | April 13, 2018

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A well-maintained mileage log can make a huge difference for salespeople, service workers, or anyone who spends a significant time on the road for their job, especially if you are self-employed. Those miles translate into dollars, either as reimbursement from your employer or as a deduction from the IRS, and they can add up quickly. You can simplify the task of keeping these expenses in order by using mileage templates. The free, easy-to-use, and customizable templates below track vehicle maintenance, gas mileage, and more transportation-related expenses, and they’re available for download as Microsoft Excel and Word, PDF, or Google Docs files.

Mileage Report Templates

Business vehicle mileage log.

Business Vehicle Mileage Log Template

This Excel mileage log provides a simple layout for easy mileage reporting and automatic calculations for daily miles, total miles, and reimbursement amounts. It includes columns to list the date and purpose of a trip, odometer start and finish readings, and relevant notes about trip details, which can provide important documentation during an audit. Use this template as a daily and monthly mileage log.

‌ Download Business Vehicle Mileage Log Template - Excel

12-Month Mileage Log Spreadsheet

12 Month Mileage Log Spreadsheet Template

Each month gets its own mileage log sheet in this template, so you can record daily, monthly, and yearly miles. Keep track of your overall mileage as well as business miles that can be deducted. In addition to monthly log sheets, the template provides an annual mileage summary so that you can get a quick overview. This template can easily be edited to track other information, such as tolls and other fees, or personal miles that can be deducted, such as expenses related to moving or medical appointments. Save this Google Sheets log to your Drive account for cloud storage and easy access from a mobile device.

‌ Download 12-Month Mileage Log Spreadsheet Template - Excel

Monthly Mileage Report Form

Monthly Mileage Report Form Template

This monthly mileage report template can be used as a mileage calculator and reimbursement form. Template features include sections to list starting and ending locations, daily and total miles driven, employee information, and approval signatures. This spreadsheet report can be customized to include whatever details are relevant to your business, including mileage rates. It’s available as an Excel, Word, or PDF file.

Download Monthly Mileage Report Form Template

Excel | Word | PDF

More Log Templates: Weekly Expenses, Gas Mileage, and Vehicle Maintenance

Weekly expense report template.

Weekly Expense Report Template

More than just a mileage expense report, this template can be used for tracking other business travel expenses for reimbursement on a weekly basis. Enter company and employee information at the top along with a time period, and then keep track of mileage and other expenses for each day of the week. This is a detailed template that allows you to create a thorough expense report for accounting and record keeping.

‌ Download Weekly Expense Report Template - Excel

Gas Mileage Log Form

Gas Mileage Log Form Template

If you’re keeping track of business-related gas expenses, this gasoline log can calculate the cost of a trip based on the distance traveled, the price of gas, and your vehicle’s gas mileage. This is useful both for anticipating the cost of a trip and for tracking actual expenses. Use this template for your own personal budgeting or to support tax documentation along with receipts.

‌ Download Gas Mileage Log Form Template - Excel

Vehicle Maintenance Log Template

Vehicle Maintenance Log Template

Keep track of vehicle maintenance, repairs, and related expenses with this log template for Google Sheets. Get a quick view of services performed over the course of a year, along with itemized and total costs. Combine this with invoices and receipts to help organize your records. Keep a printed version in your vehicle for a reminder of what services have been completed.

‌ Download Vehicle Maintenance Log Template - Excel

What Is a Mileage Log?

A mileage log provides a record of vehicle miles traveled for business over a given time period. This documentation may be used to collect reimbursement from an employer or to claim mileage as a tax deduction. Mileage logs may also be used to keep track of other deductible miles, such as those related to travel for medical appointments, when moving, or as part of work for charitable organizations. Employers may set their own reimbursement rates, while the IRS updates mileage rates each year for taxpayers to follow.

If you plan to deduct miles on your tax return, it’s important to keep track of mileage on a daily basis and maintain accurate records in case of an audit. A mileage log could be any form, spreadsheet, or online application that helps you keep track of miles.

What Business Driving Can Be Deducted?

The most likely candidates for deducting business miles are self-employed individuals who use their vehicles for work purposes. Employees may also be able to deduct part of the cost of mileage if their employers are not reimbursing them at the full rate set by the IRS. However, no taxpayer can deduct mileage for commuting to and from work.

In addition to tracking the number of miles driven, you also need to document the purpose of business travel. Here are some types of business vehicle use that are allowable for mileage deductions:

  • Driving from one work location to another, such as an office or other work site
  • Visiting customers or clients
  • Going to a business meeting that is away from one’s workplace
  • Traveling to a temporary workplace

You may also be able to deduct mileage for job-related errands, such as picking up supplies, and for business entertainment. Keep in mind that certain variables may affect how a deduction needs to be claimed, including whether a work location is within your home area or if the travel involves an extended overnight stay. Check the current IRS rules or consult with a tax accountant to ensure that your deductions are accurate and allowable.

Standard Mileage Deduction vs. Actual Expenses

Taxpayers can choose to take a standard mileage deduction by multiplying the number of qualified business miles by the IRS mileage rate. In addition to this standard amount, they may be able to deduct tolls and parking fees that are related to business travel.

Alternatively, taxpayers can choose to deduct actual expenses they accrued over a given year, including business costs related to vehicle depreciation, registration fees, lease and insurance payments, gas, repairs, tolls, and other expenses. When deducting actual expenses, it’s important to keep receipts and other supporting documentation.

A mileage log can be used to track both business and personal miles in order to show what percentage of vehicle use is work related. Again, check with the IRS or your tax preparer to get the most accurate and up-to-date rules for tax deductions each year.

What Is the Mileage Reimbursement Rate for 2017?

The standard mileage rates set by the IRS fluctuate from year to year. For 2017, the rate per mile for deducting business travel is 53.5 cents. For miles accrued as part of charitable work, the rate is 14 cents per mile. And for mileage related to medical or moving purposes, the rate is 17 cents per mile.

What Is the Mileage Reimbursement Rate for 2018?

In 2018, the standard mileage rates increased slightly from those in 2017 for travel related to business, medical, or moving needs. For business miles driven, the rate is 54.5 cents per mile. For medical and moving mileage, the rate is 18 cents per mile. And for charitable mileage, the rate is the same as the previous year, at 14 cents per mile.

For more information, see this quick overview of standard mileage rates from the IRS .

IRS Standard Mileage Rates

Using a Mileage App: Pros and Cons

Several apps, such as MileIQ, Quickbooks Self-Employed, and TripLog, are designed for calculating and tracking mileage. These apps offer the benefit of automatic mileage tracking using GPS, so drivers can simply rely on the app to detect routes and add up miles. Some apps also calculate other expenses and allow you to categorize the type of trip in order to separate personal and business miles.

However, this convenience comes with drawbacks, including cost. Prices vary, but a fee is often required to get the benefit of automatic mileage tracking. Another potential con is the amount of storage space required to support one of these apps, which may clog up your phone quickly and wear down the battery. Before you opt for an online mileage service, be sure to read through user reviews to get a better idea of what to expect, how well they work, and whether the cost is worth the potential hassle.

Mileage Tracking Tips

Keeping track of mileage is important and doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are a few tips for creating an easy process while maintaining accuracy.

  • Calculate mileage daily. This can’t be emphasized enough. Try to make it a daily habit so that your records are accurate and detailed, and nothing is overlooked. This may be especially important if you are audited.
  • Use maps as a backup. Humans make mistakes, and mileage apps can have their own issues. If you use your vehicle for business and forget or lose the mileage information, look up the route with an online map to estimate the miles traveled, and then print a copy for documentation.
  • Hold on to your mileage records. The IRS recommends holding on to mileage logs and other supporting documentation for at least three years. To help ensure that records are not lost, consider keeping digital versions in a safe and easily accessible location.
  • Keep a paper log in your car: A paper copy of your mileage log can serve as a backup if technology fails or if you think of a note during your trip that you want to add to a digital log at a later time.

No matter how you track your business miles or store your records, aim for accuracy so that you’re not missing out on deductions and the full reimbursement amount you are owed.

Manage Your Mileage and Business Expenses Better in Smartsheet

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Business Mileage Tracking Log

Whether you're an employee or a business owner, it's important to keep good business mileage records so that you have the information you need for either completing your company's mileage reimbursement form or for determining the mileage deduction on your tax return. Vertex42's Business Mileage Tracker will help you keep good records and determine total mileage for reimbursement or deduction. Keep reading below the download block to learn more about how to keep track of your business mileage.

Business Mileage Tracker

Mileage Tracking and Reimbursement Form

Other Versions

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer and Brent Weight


This simple spreadsheet was designed at the request of an individual looking for an easy way to track daily business mileage so that they could report the information to their employer for reimbursement. Although we already had a travel expense report template and a MPG log available, we recognized the need for keeping a daily log of miles traveled for tax purposes, and this is what we came up with.

Mileage Tracking Log

The Business Mileage Tracker includes a Mileage Log worksheet that you can print, fold in half, and store in your vehicle. Use it to record the start and end odometer reading, as well as the business purpose, whenever you use your vehicle for business travel.

How to Use the Mileage Tracking Template

For employees.

Employees are normally required by employers to keep accurate records for reimbursements. Use the Vertex42's Mileage Tracker to keep track of your business mileage, purpose, and notes. The template will also help you to calculate the amount you are owed. If your company has a specific reimbursement form for you to use, then keep a copy of Vertex42's Mileage Tracking Log in your car to track mileage at the source. The Mileage Log is formatted for portability and can be easily kept in the car.

For Small Business Owners

Business owners have two options when it comes to deducting the car expenses. They can choose from the Standard Mileage deduction method or the Actual Car Expenses deduction method. You should read the appropriate IRS publication about this, because there are certain requirements and qualifications associated with each of these methods. Regardless, both methods require accurate records be kept as evidence for the deductions.

Under the Standard Mileage deduction , the miles are multiplied by the IRS deduction rate to determine the amount of the deductions. Actual expenses for things like gas, insurance and maintenance are not deducted, because they are factored into the mileage reimbursement rate. Use Vertex42's Mileage Tracker to track the miles. The total deduction is then simply the mileage rate multiplied by the reimbursable miles.

The Actual Expenses deduction is used for "itemizing" the actual cost of owning, maintaining and using the vehicle for business purposes. If the vehicle is owned and used 100% for business, then all of these costs can be deducted (see the IRS publication for more information about what costs can be deducted). In cases where the business use is less than 100%, only a percentage of the total expenses can be deducted. Vertex42's Mileage Tracker was designed to track the business miles and the total miles so that you can calculate the "% Business Use."

For Charity and Non Reimbursed Business Use

There are several situations where you may be able to deduct mileage from your personal taxes, including charity volunteer work, moving, medical travel and unreimbursed business use. In all of these cases, accurate records of your mileage are required. Make sure you review the IRS specifics for each of these cases or consult a tax accountant before taking these deductions.

Tips for Mileage Tracking

  • Seek the help of tax professionals for complicated or questionable situations. Better to be safe than sorry.
  • Be careful not to mix the Standard Deduction and Actual Expense methods. For example, if you reimburse at the standard rate, don't deduct the actual cost of the gas or service fees.
  • Mileage for commuting to and from work is not deductible. Don't even go there.
  • Include specifics in your notes about your trips for future reference. This could be important in an audit situation. Include the purpose, start and end locations, people visited and outcomes. Note other costs such as parking and tolls.
  • Be aware that there are rules on switching between the Standard Mileage and Actual Cost deduction methods.
  • If you are an employee, make sure you understand what you can and cannot deduct from your taxes. If you are reimbursed under an accountability plan (your reimbursements are NOT on your W-2), then you are not allowed to deduct the mileage. If your reimbursements do show in your W-2, then you may be able to deduct your mileage as long as you follow the rules and limitations.
  • If you fail to record actual mileage, then make an educated guess backed up with additional information. For example, determine the mileage using a web based mapping system and print a copy for your records.

Resources for Mileage Tracking and Reimbursement

  • IRS: Topic 510 – Business Use of a Car at - This is the official IRS publication on tax deductions for business use of vehicles. It outlines the two different methods available for deductions – standard mileage deduction and the actual expenses deduction. It provides specifics about when to use each method as well as information for employees who are reimbursed for their mileage.
  • Official IRS Publication of the Standard Mileage Rates at - This page lists the mileage rates for business, medical, moving and charity reimbursement rates. Make sure to look up the latest rates for the current year.
  • Vehicle Maintenance Log Template - Track your auto maintenance costs using Vertex42's new maintenance log.

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The Last Mileage Log You'll Ever Need (Free Template)

Sarah York, EA

Sarah is an Enrolled Agent with the IRS and a former staff writer at Keeper. In 2022, she was named one of CPA Practice Advisor’s 20 Under 40 Top Influencers in the field of accounting. Her work has been featured in Business Insider, Money Under 30, Best Life, GOBankingRates, and Shopify. Sarah has spent nearly a decade in public accounting and has extensive experience offering strategic tax planning at the state and federal level. Her clients have come from a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, real estate, wholesale and retail, finance, and ecommerce, and she has handled tax returns for C corps, S corps, partnerships, nonprofits, and sole proprietorships. In her spare time, she is a devoted cat mom and enjoys hiking, painting, and overwatering her houseplants.

Looking for a painless way to track your business mileage? The search ends here. I’d like to introduce you to the last mileage logs you’ll ever need, updated with the latest IRS rates. ‍ Here's one for the 2023 tax year:

To use these spreadsheets, click on the links below and select “Make a copy” to make it your own.

How the Keeper mileage log works

This free mileage log template tracks your trips and automatically calculates your mileage deduction on each one. 

It’s user-friendly, compliant with IRS standards, and quite pretty to look at. All in all, it’s a perfect solution for your own taxes —  or for requesting a mileage reimbursement from a customer or employer.   

Screenshot of Keeper's mileage log

Entering your trip details

The bottom half of the log gives you plenty of room to record all your trip information. There are a few sample lines to show you how it works. Let’s take a look at each column, one at a time: 

  • Trip Name : Use this to specify the purpose of your trip. For example, if you’re going to a meeting, it could be the name of the client you’re meeting with.
  • Date : Here’s when you took the trip. This is an IRS requirement, so don’t forget to jot it down!
  • Start and End : The beginning and ending addresses allow  the IRS to verify the mileage if required. You can enter the exact address, or use a close approximation. For example, “ABC warehouse on 6th.” 
  • Miles : Enter the exact distance you drove. This will be used to calculate your deduction. 
  • Business or Persona l: Use the dropdown menu to specify the nature of the trip. The mileage deduction won’t calculate unless “Business” is selected. However, “Personal” trips will be included in the “Total Mileage” shown at the top of your Mileage Dashboard. 
  • Deduction : This column shows how much you can write-off per trip. The running total is listed under the Dashboard. 
  • Notes : Use this column to jot down any necessary information relating to the trip. For instance, if it’s a routine trip but you had to stop for gas, leave a note to explain why the trip was slightly longer.

Understanding your Mileage Dashboard

As you begin to fill out the log, your Dashboard will automatically update.

The total tax deduction for the year will show up in the green box shown below. We calculate this automatically for you, using the latest mileage rate provided by the IRS.

Mileage log's mileage dashboard section, featuring rates, business mileage, total mileage, and odometer readings

Your cumulative business and total mileage will display as well.

If you prefer to use your odometer readings for your total miles, you can include those in the top right corner of the Dashboard. The “Total Mileage” box will update accordingly. (We’ll talk some more about odometer readings down below!)

What does the IRS require from your mileage log?

If your mileage deduction is ever challenged, this is what the IRS is going to expect to see included on your log:

  • Date the trip happened
  • Purpose of the trip
  • Starting address and end destination
  • Number of miles you drove

If you fail to adequately supply any of these things, your tax deduction would be disallowed. That’s why we made sure to include all of those on the Keeper log. 


Do I need to provide odometer miles on my log?  

A common misconception is that the IRS requires your odometer readings on the log. That’s not true. As long as you’re able to document the other details, you don’t need to consult your odometer at all.  

However, when it comes to claiming your mileage deduction on your tax return, your odometer can come in handy. 

When to use your odometer readings

Your odometer can be helpful for figuring out your total mileage.

Let’s back up a second. When reporting your auto details, you’ll have to list two things: 

  • Your business mileage for the year
  • Your total mileage (including commuting ) for the year

Most people know to track their business mileage, but not everyone tracks their total mileage.

If you use the Keeper mileage log for both your work and personal trips, the total mileage listed at the top should be accurate.

Mileage Dashboard with total mileage circled in pink

However, what if you only track your business trips? Then you should record your odometer miles at the beginning and end of the year to get your total mileage. 

Just put in your starting and ending odometer readings, and the Dashboard will do the rest.

Mileage Dashboard with starting and ending odometer readings circled in pink

Understanding the mileage deduction

Our free spreadsheet is a great way to track your mileage deduction, but how does it actually work? The mileage deduction is calculated by multiplying your yearly business miles by the IRS’s standard mileage rate. For 2023, that’s $0.655. For 2024 , it'll be $0.67.

This rate is adjusted for inflation each year. It’s designed to reflect the average costs of car-related expenses , such as: 

  • 🚙  Depreciation
  • ☂️  Insurance
  • 🏷️  Licenses and registration
  • 🔧  Repairs and maintenance 

So if you have 5,000 in business mileage, your deduction would be $2,925. Not bad, right? 

This is a great deduction to take advantage of if you drive for work. However, it does come with the added recordkeeping requirement of a mileage log.  

What happens if you claim business miles but don’t keep a log?

Over the years, many taxpayers have gotten dinged for claiming the mileage deduction without good records. 

Here are a couple of tax court cases that show what can happen.

⚖️ Taylor v. Commissioner: A few bad trips can put your whole write-off at risk

In the case of Taylor v. Commissioner in 2017 , a small business owner’s mileage deduction was disallowed due to discrepancies on her log. Certain trips listed inaccurate mileage or showed distances that would be too long to complete in a single day.

Interestingly, Mrs. Taylor’s entire mileage deduction was disallowed, even though much of her documentation was up to the IRS’s standards. Having several major mistakes cost her the entire write-off.   ‍

⚖️  Kilpatrick v. Commissioner: There’s no point in creating a mileage log after the fact

In another case, Kilpatrick v. Commissioner , a business owner waited until after he received notice of an IRS audit to create his mileage log.

Mr. Kilpatrick was able to provide calendar records and MapQuest printouts of his routes. However, the tax court deemed his records inadequate since they were prepared more than two years after the driving had occurred.

Sadly, this has been the fate of many taxpayers over the years. The IRS is strict about requiring contemporaneous records, which means they are kept in real time.

Recreating your log after the fact could jeopardize your write-off. 


Sarah York, EA

Sarah York, EA

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The Last Mileage Log You'll Ever Need (Free Template)

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At Keeper, we’re on a mission to help people overcome the complexity of taxes. We’ve provided this information for educational purposes, and it does not constitute tax, legal, or accounting advice. If you would like a tax expert to clarify it for you, feel free to sign up for Keeper. You may also email [email protected] with your questions.

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Excel mileage log template.

Last updated: May 3, 2024

While you’re certainly better off using a mileage tracker app , some people just prefer a more old-fashioned approach using an Excel template. Luckily, we have a mileage form template, which you can use to track your business expenses for mileage, you only need to download Excel if you haven’t already, or just open it on Google Sheets in your browser.

On this page, we’ll break down what you need for a mileage log whether you’re self-employed or receive mileage reimbursement as an employee of a small business or an enterprise company – you need only to scroll down if you simply need the Excel mileage log template.

What Should a Mileage Log Include?

Let’s examine the specifics of what a mileage log should contain, and how different scenarios related to mileage logging affect those who need them. Generally speaking, a mileage expense report should adhere to the requirements as stated on the website. Let’s outline what that means exactly:

  • The purpose of your trip , or, in basic terms whether or not that trip counts as business travel or personal travel. Commuting to and from your workplace is not considered a business trip, though if you travel from your work to a client, in the service of a client, to run errands, or even to attend a business lunch, these trips are tax-deductible.
  • The departure and arrival points of all your trips
  • Your odometer readings at the very least at the beginning of the year and at the end. The IRS requires this information so that they can see if your total recorded mileage coincides with odometer readings. If it doesn’t, or if there are logical conflicts in your trips and readings, you could face a sizable IRS fine.
  • Potential deduction amounts, although this information is by no means required by the IRS, – using the 2024 standard mileage rate of 67 cents per mile for instance – your drives could give you a good idea of just how much you can claim in tax deductions from the IRS. Doing this could be difficult depending on the Excel version you have, though with our mileage logging software you are automatically shown the potential deductions of your logged trips – more on that later.


What about my personal trips?

Although the IRS doesn’t require personal trips in your mileage log , it’s strongly recommended that you include them because it will provide clarity for both yourself and the IRS since you need to separate your total business mileage, total personal mileage, and total commuting mileage for the year.

Also, logging your personal trips boosts the proficiency of MileageWise’s built-in IRS auditor function, which you need for an IRS-Proof result.

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Records?

As a rule of thumb, it is usually worth it to keep tax records that date back a long time, though at a minimum you should keep a comprehensive vehicle mileage log dating back at least 3 years. This is a good idea because the IRS could audit you at any point, and they can request logs dating back up to 3 years.

Keeping a Mileage Log While Self-Employed

Self-employed people and independent contractors can choose between two methods when it comes to claiming tax deductions on their mileage – the standard mileage rate and the actual expenses method . The former we have already mentioned on this page; it’s very simple – all you need to do is keep a mileage log, then total your business mileage and do the math.

Let’s take an example: Stevie works as an independent plumber, traveling a great deal between clients in the city. In total, he does roughly 23,000 miles each year, which, under the standard mileage rate for 2024, qualifies him for $15,410 in tax deductions. This example paints a relatively simple picture – all Stevie needs to do to obtain his tax deductions is keep an IRS-compliant mileage log that presents all his trips, and he can do this either with our Excel template or with our mileage tracker app.

The actual expenses method on the other hand can be a little more complicated – using this method you must keep track of all expenses related to the use of your vehicle via itemized receipts, which include things like gas/oil, insurance, maintenance logs, tolls, and even depreciation. You also still need to keep a mileage log, because you have to be able to prove the percentage of your trips that were for business purposes, thus using that percentage to make a claim against your itemized receipts.

The actual expenses method is usually a good choice for those who face large expenses related to the operation of their vehicle, which is not primarily gas and oil. Expensive vehicles tend to cost a lot of money to maintain – if in doubt, talk to your accountant about which choice would be best for you.

Keeping a Mileage Log as an Employee

If you receive mileage reimbursement as compensation for driving a vehicle for the work you do as part of a small business or enterprise company, keeping a mileage log is generally no different than if you were self-employed. It does depend on the plan your employer offers, though many will use the standard mileage rate (67 cents per mile driven in 2024) for company mileage if you use your own vehicle to do the mileage.

There are, however, many alternatives. Some employers pay a fixed amount which is called a car allowance , while others tailor a more specific cost-per-mile rate , which is appropriate based on how much the company pays for that vehicle. This could be the case if the company actually provides you with a vehicle, in which case they will often take care of certain costs themselves and then offer you a cost-per-mile rate that is lower than the current federal mileage rate to cover your variable expenses.

Whatever the case, in most scenarios, you still need to keep a mileage log . It is also worth asking how your employer would like you to do that – modern companies often use software like MileageWise to make the process quick and easy for all employees.

mileage reimbursement team

Mileage Log Template for Excel

The below template is ideal for business owners, self-employed persons, independent contractors, and employees of companies who receive mileage reimbursement as part of their actions driving.

Feel free to download our Excel mileage log template. for 2021 , 2022 ,  2023 , or 2024 . These free printable mileage logs are sufficient to meet the IRS’s basic requirements.

If you’re looking for a basic mileage log sample or a Google Sheets mileage log template , we’ve got you covered! 🙂

Using a Mileage Tracking App vs an Excel Template

We’ve said it before and it’s worth reiterating; using a mileage tracking app such as ours will save you time and money. You can key in all your data on our spreadsheet if that’s how you prefer to do things – but really – you’re missing out.

We offer 3+1 auto-tracking methods ( Bluetooth , Plug’N’Go , Vehicle Movement , Manual ), an in-built IRS auditor, and the ability to reconstruct your mileage retrospectively if you need to, among many other features.

You can also try out our software for free for 14 days free, without having to provide your credit card information – we’re proud of what we’ve created and think you’ll find it intuitive and useful.

Put yourself on the easy track to mileage logging success with MileageWise – you won’t regret it.

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Mileage Tracker App

This mileage tracker app knows everything other mileage trackers know. Plus, you can create mileage logs from scratch or pieces to support your past mileage claims. Create your IRS-proof mileage log in only 7 minutes/month!

Web Dashboard

AI Wizard for past trip recovery, built-in IRS auditor that checks and corrects 70 logical contradictions in your mileage log before printing – this is how MileageWise makes sure you’ll have 100% IRS-proof mileage logs!

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MileageWise blog

Tips, tricks, information for those who had trouble with a mileage log before and want to get rid of the pain permanently – in a clear, digestible form.

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Mileage Log For IRS audit

The IRS Didn’t Accept Your Mileage Log?

Retrospective, IRS-Proof Mileage Log

IRS-Proof Mileage Log Creator

Google Timeline

Google Timeline Export to IRS-Proof Mileage Log

Google Maps Timeline for Mileage Tracking

Google Timeline Mileage Log Walkthrough

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Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service

Prepaid IRS Mileage Log Audit Defense

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Free Printable Excel & PDF Mileage Log Templates

Whether you’re tracking your mileage to maximize your tax refund or to claim a reimbursement from your work, you’re going to need an easy-to-use logging method in order to get every dollar you’ve earned. If you’re not ready to switch to a modern mileage tracker app , you can download our pre-built mileage log templates in either Excel (which you can import into Google Sheets) or PDF!


Free Excel/PDF Self-Employed Mileage Log Template Download

This free downloadable mileage log is perfect for Uber drivers, DoorDash deliverers, and any other self-employed worker who uses their car for work. Tracking your mileage can save you thousands on your taxes (even more if you use an automatic mileage tracker app !). 

travel log excel template

Free Excel/PDF Company Mileage Reimbursement Form Template Download

If you’re an employee who uses their car to conduct business on behalf of a company or you’re a manager/owner with a team of mobile employees, tracking mileage is an absolute must. Download our free company mileage log template to make your mileage reimbursement process simpler!

How to Use These Mileage Log Templates

Our mileage log templates are not only convenient but also incredibly user-friendly. Designed with custom Excel code, these templates take the hassle out of mileage tracking. Just enter your odometer readings, and the sheet does all the number-crunching for you!

Important Steps:

  • Purpose Column: For accurate business mileage calculation, you must enter “Business” in the “Purpose” column. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate totals.
  • Minimum Information: If you’re using these logs for tax reporting, the IRS requires specific data for each business-related trip. This includes the trip’s mileage, date, destination, and purpose. Neglecting any of these details could complicate matters during an audit.
  • Year’s Total Mileage: In addition to individual trip data, you’ll need to keep track of the year’s total mileage. Our template makes this effortless by automatically summing up your entries.
  • Personal Trips: While the focus is often on business mileage, it’s crucial to document your personal trips as well. This provides a comprehensive record that may come in handy for various purposes, including potential tax deductions for business use of a personal vehicle.

If you need additional lines, simply copy and paste as many blank lines as you want!

By following these guidelines, you’ll have a robust, IRS-compliant mileage log that not only streamlines your record-keeping but could also save you significant time and money down the line. Happy logging!

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Wait! Are you ready for a modern solution?

Manual mileage logs are costing you and/or your team dozens of labor hours per month.

Schedule a call with us to see how TripLog can give you those hours, and thousands of dollars in additional savings, back to your organization!

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Mileage Reimbursement Savings Calculator

Using outdated manual mileage logs can cost businesses thousands of dollars per year in lost time and incorrect reimbursements . See how much TripLog can help you save!

Number of drivers

Average miles daily per person​

Number of trips daily


Annual mileage reimbursement costs based on the numbers you provided.

Annual Mileage Reimbursement

50 mi/day x 100 drivers x $0.54 (5 days x 50 wks)

This is the inline help tip! You can explain to your users what this section of your web app is about.

According to research, on average employees inflate the mileage by 25% when self reported.

Estimated Reimbursement Savings

People on average spend 2 minutes on manually recording trips.

Manual Entry Hours

2 mins x 10 trips/day x 100 drivers (5 days x 50 wks)

Taking national average $25 hourly rate.

Estimated Labor Savings

Avg. $25/hr x Manual Entry Hours

Your Company

(Labor Savings + Reimbursement Savings) / Number of Drivers

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Start automatically tracking your mileage today to never miss another deductible mile. Try the #1 mileage tracker for free!


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In your introductory meeting with one of our mileage experts, you will:

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FREE Mileage Log Template for Excel

free mileage logs download

So, you want to make a mileage log the old-fashion way?

These FREE Excel Mileage Logs contain everything you need for a compliant IRS Mileage Log. Fields include: Date, Destination, Business Purpose, Odometer Start, Odometer Stop, Miles This Trip, Expense Type, Expense Amount.  Yes, everything you need to make a mileage log the slow and painful way.

travel log excel template

Click to Copy Google Spreadsheet

travel log excel template

Download Excel Mileage Log

travel log excel template

Download PDF Mileage Log

We also offer Google Sheets and PDF Mileage Logs for you to use for FREE.

Simply fill in a new entry for each drive you take and this log will calculate your total mileage and your mileage deduction for the year based on the most recent IRS mileage deduction rate.

If you’d prefer a handwritten log, we’ve also included a FREE PDF mileage log that you can print and write on. Sharpen your pencil. Pour yourself a cup of strong coffee.  You’ll be lucky to make a mileage log by next year!

Psssst.   Here is a tip….

There is a MUCH FASTER way to Create a Mileage Log!

Download Free Excel Mileage Log Template

Mileage Log for Business – Spreadsheet

Mileage Log for Business – PDF Version

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Q: Why are people using ExpressMileage to create mileage logs?

A: Because it is the fastest and easiest way to create a high-quality mileage log!

See a sample of an ExpressMileage mileage log  – PDF and XLS available

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ExpressMileage Do you need a mileage log for reimbursement or IRS tax purposes? Our online mileage log generator helps you make mileage logs in a matter of minutes.

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Free IRS-Compliant Mileage Log Template

A Guide to Using Our Free IRS Compliant Mileage Log Template

Having an accurate and organized mileage log is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. It not only helps in accurately tracking miles driven for business purposes but also ensures compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations. To simplify this task, we have created a free 2024 mileage log template that you can download and use. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using a printable mileage log. We will provide tips on how to organize your mileage records well. We will cover how to get the most out of the mileage log template. We'll also explain how to comply by storing your mileage logs securely, and address common questions and issues about mileage log templates.

travel log excel template

Download Your Free Printable 2024 Mileage Log Template

Before we delve into the specifics, let's start by introducing you to our 2024 Mileage Log Template. It is a user-friendly tool that enables you to record and track your mileage with ease. Save you time, money, and headaches at tax time by downloading and printing or saving right to your computer!

To use the google sheets or excel versions, simply

Download Printable PDF

To use for yourself, go to file > make a copy

Download Excel

To use for yourself, go to file > download

Benefits of Using a Mileage Log

Using a printable mileage log offers many benefits that go beyond mere compliance. Think of it as a roadmap that guides you toward financial success and peace of mind. By maintaining a detailed mileage log, you can:

  • Claim the largest deductions. With a proper mileage log, you can claim what you deserve. It will preserve your hard-earned money.
  • Keep accurate tax reports. An accurate mileage log makes tax reporting easier and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Shield yourself from audits. Keep well-documented mileage records. They can provide the evidence in case of an IRS audit. This will give you confidence and peace of mind. ‍

By utilizing our Free Mileage Log Template, you can tap into all these benefits and more.

How to Organize Your Mileage Records

Keeping your mileage records organized is essential, not only for IRS compliance but also for your own convenience. Consider your mileage log as a filing cabinet for your business travels. Here are some tips to help you organize your mileage records efficiently:

  • Categorize your trips. Split your mileage records into relevant groups, like client meetings, errands, and business travel.
  • Record essential details. Include key information for each trip, such as the date, destination, purpose, and the starting and ending odometer readings.
  • Keep supporting documents. Keep copies of receipts, invoices, and any other proof for your mileage claims.
  • Regularly update your log. Make it a habit to update it promptly after each trip. This will ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Stay consistent: Establish a routine and stick to it. Consistency is key to a good mileage log. It reduces the chance of missing trips or details.

Use these strategies. They will help you keep your mileage records organized. This will save you time and effort in the long run.

We designed our template to be user-friendly, even for those who are not tech-savvy. You don't need to be an expert in spreadsheets or complicated software to use it. Its interface is easy to use. The instructions are clear. You can start recording your mileage easily. This will save you time and energy.

So, what are you waiting for? Start maximizing your deductions, simplifying your tax reporting, and protecting yourself from audits. Take control of your mileage tracking and take a step towards financial success!

Maximizing the Potential of Your Mileage Log Template

We designed our 2024 Mileage Log Template to streamline your mileage tracking process. To use this tool well, you must know what to record in your IRS mileage log. You must also follow best practices for accurate mileage tracking.

Essential Information to Record in Your IRS Mileage Log

Think of your IRS mileage log as a story that paints a vivid picture of your business travels. Including the following information will ensure that your log is complete:

  • Date of the trip
  • Destination(s)
  • Business purpose of the trip
  • Starting and ending odometer readings
  • Total miles driven ‍

The IRS requires these details, so they're important to keep for each trip.

Tips for Accurate Mileage Tracking

Accurate mileage tracking requires attention to detail and consistency. Here are some tips to help you ensure precision in your mileage tracking:

  • Use a reliable mileage tracker app, like Everlance, to log your trips for you.
  • Record your mileage immediately after each trip while the details are fresh in your mind.
  • Keep a backup of your mileage log in case of any technical or data loss issues.
  • Review your mileage log. Compare it with the supporting documents to find any differences. ‍

By following these tips, you can maintain accurate mileage records and be prepared for the IRS or any other relevant scrutiny.

An organized mileage log has more benefits. For example, a detailed record of your business travels can help you analyze your driving. It can help you find ways to optimize your routes and reduce unnecessary mileage. This can lead to cost savings in terms of fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance.

Also, an accurate mileage log can help track and document business expenses. By tying each trip to its purpose, you can easily find the proportion of mileage related to your business. This information is crucial for getting reimbursements or claiming deductions.

Lastly, keeping a well-maintained mileage log can provide you with peace of mind. During an audit or inquiry, a full record of your business travels will let you show the truth of your mileage claims. This will help you avoid penalties or disputes.

Ensuring Compliance: Storing Your Mileage Logs

Securing your mileage logs is crucial for maintaining compliance and protecting yourself in case of an audit. Consider your mileage logs as precious assets and adopt the necessary measures to keep them safe.

When it comes to storing your mileage logs, it's not just about keeping them safe but also ensuring their integrity and accuracy. Any discrepancies or missing information in your logs can raise red flags during an audit, potentially leading to further scrutiny. Therefore, in addition to safekeeping, it's essential to regularly review and update your mileage records to reflect the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Why Availability of Mileage Logs is Crucial for Audits

During an audit, the IRS may request your mileage logs as evidence for your deductions. Hence, it is essential to ensure the availability and accessibility of your mileage logs. Storing them in a secure and organized manner prepares you for any unforeseen scrutiny, ensuring that you pass the audit with flying colors.

Moreover, having readily available mileage logs not only simplifies the audit process but also demonstrates your commitment to compliance and transparency. It showcases your dedication to maintaining accurate records and following the necessary protocols, which can work in your favor during any tax-related inquiries.

Best Practices for Maintaining Mileage Records

Follow these best practices to maintain your mileage records securely:

  • Make digital copies of your paper mileage logs to have a backup in case of loss, damage, or theft.
  • Use encrypted cloud storage or external hard drives to protect your digital mileage logs.
  • Keep physical copies of your mileage logs in a secure location, such as a locked drawer or a safe.
  • Maintain a regular backup schedule for your digital records.
  • Create a system for organizing and indexing your mileage logs to easily find and retrieve them when needed. ‍

By implementing these practices, you can ensure the safety and availability of your mileage logs, reducing any potential stress during an audit or tax-related inquiries.

Remember, the effort you put into safeguarding and maintaining your mileage logs is an investment in your financial well-being and peace of mind. By treating your mileage logs with the importance they deserve, you are setting yourself up for smooth sailing in any compliance-related situations that may arise.

Clearing Up Common Questions About Mileage Logs

As a comprehensive tool for tracking mileage, mileage log templates can sometimes raise questions or cause confusion. Let's address some common queries and concerns related to mileage log templates:

Understanding IRS Requirements for Mileage Logs

To ensure compliance, it's important to understand the IRS requirements for mileage logs. The IRS requires that mileage logs include accurate and detailed information about each qualifying trip, including the date, destination, purpose, and total miles driven. By using our 2024 Mileage Log Template, you can rest assured that you're adhering to these requirements and providing the necessary documentation for your mileage deductions.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Mileage Tracking

Mileage tracking can sometimes present challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Forgetting to track certain trips: To avoid overlooking trips, make it a habit to record your mileage immediately after each trip. You can also use mileage-logging apps or GPS devices to automate mileage tracking.
  • Mixed-use vehicles : When dealing with vehicles used for both personal and business purposes, clearly differentiate and track the mileage for each category. Separating personal and business use is essential for accurate deductions.
  • Don't use unreliable data sources . Use reliable mileage tracking tools or apps to get accurate data. Do your research and choose tools or mileage tracking apps known for their accuracy and compatibility with IRS requirements.

By addressing these common issues proactively, you can overcome potential hurdles in mileage tracking and maintain compliance with IRS regulations.

In conclusion, a mileage log template can simplify your record-keeping. It can also ensure IRS compliance. Our free 2024 Mileage Log Template provides a simple tool. It helps you track and organize your mileage well. By following the tips and best practices mentioned in this article, you can maximize the potential of your mileage log template, ensure the safe storage of your mileage logs, and address common queries and issues related to mileage tracking. Start using our IRS-compliant Mileage Log Template today and pave the way for hassle-free and accurate mileage tracking in 2024 and beyond.

Browse the business mileage hub

Business mileage hub home, self-employed mileage guide, employee mileage guide, employer mileage guide, irs mileage rate 2024, irs mileage log requirements, effortless mileage and expense tracking.

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Excel Templates

Free Templates and Examples

vehicle mileage log template

41+ Free Mileage Log Templates [Excel, Word, PDF]

Table of Contents

  • 1 Components of a mileage log:
  • 2.1 Commuting:
  • 2.2 Mistakes people make:
  • 2.3 Missing information:
  • 2.4 Calculating deductions:
  • 3 Different types of business driving that qualify:
  • 4 Conclusion:

A mileage log template is the easiest way to keep record of your mileage for each trip you take. The IRS has been known to disqualify some deductions. This is because there wasn’t a clear separation among driving for business and other trips. Moreover, in your mileage log, you have to note when you started the drive and when you reached at the destination.

Components of a mileage log:

At the beginning of the year, along with a beginning record of the vehicle’s mileage, you also have a record at the end of the year too. Each day, this must match with the amounts that are recorded to make sure that the mileage is accurate. Each time when you start your drive to a destination associated with business, you must record the following information;

  • The date of the business trip.
  • Beginning point for the trip either it may be the office or a job site.
  • The destination for your trip.
  • The reason for your trip.
  • Beginning mileage on the vehicle.
  • Ending mileage for that trip.
  • Tolls and other additional costs on the trip.

Each trip should be tracked as well as the beginning and ending mileage at the end of the day. You also have to make sure that they are precise. When you use this information for deductions, the IRS still requires that you keep these records on file for three years.

Mileage that doesn’t qualify:

When you have to commute from your home to your work location, the IRS takes it a personal expense. Your office or permanent place of business can be your that work location. A temporary location where you have to work at least one year is considered a place of business. The IRS doesn’t allow you to deduct that mileage.

Moreover, if they use their commuting time to make business calls or listen to business-related recordings then people believe that they can take the deduction. Such miles are still considered commuting and noted as personal expenses.

mileage log template

Mistakes people make:

You have to make the log in a batch for the whole month or year. The mileage log should be done on a daily basis. The IRS needs meticulous records and requires all the information listed above such as the date and reason for the trip and mileage information for each trip.

Missing information:

For each trip, when the IRS needs the reason then reason should accompany a name or business account. You have to include the name of the client in your log in order to claim to be reviewed a client’s account at his office. For missing or incorrect information, most business owners have been denied their deductions.

Calculating deductions:

For business mileage expenses, there are two options for calculating deductions;

  • The standard mileage deduction
  • The actual expenses for the vehicle

You can add up the total miles per year that are driven for business for the standard mileage deduction. For each of those miles, you have to take a preset deduction. The deduction was 54 cents for each mile in 2016. You can’t involve repairs or maintenance to the vehicle by using this standard.

If you want to deduct actual expenses then you must have precise track of all maintenance and repairs done on the vehicle. For business, the percentage of mileage on the vehicle is deducted from the amount on your taxes.

Different types of business driving that qualify:

  • Driving Between Offices or Work Sites
  • Errands and Supply Stops
  • Business Entertainment
  • Airport Travel
  • Unrelated Odd Jobs
  • Temporary Job Sites
  • Seeking New Employment
  • Customer Visits

business mileage log


In conclusion, a mileage log template is the method of keeping record of mileage that contains the business trip at the time you take it within a logbook. Here, you have to include that where you are going and why; who you are meeting, and the location’s address.

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Word & Excel Templates

Printable word and excel templates.

Vehicle Mileage Log

Vehicle Mileage Log Templates

A mileage log is a useful tool because it keeps a record of the distance that a person has traveled using that particular vehicle. This log helps them keep track of various factors such as the fuel consumed by their vehicle when they travel from point A to point B.

What is a vehicle mileage log template for Excel?

A template is an easy-to-use tool that allows people to remain stress-free while they keep a record of their mileage. These days, there is so much going on in a person’s life. Therefore, it is not always easy to take the reading of the mileage and then make a record sheet to put that information for later users.

The template helps them record the information without having to worry about making a sheet. The template is usually used in the Excel file format with which, most people are familiar. This way, the template becomes easy to use.

In addition, there are many pre-defined formulas in the template that make it easy for the user to make several calculations such as total mileage at the end of the month.

What information is recorded by the template?

This template keeps a record of the following information:

Date of the reading:

It is very important to remember when the particular reading was taken. When a number of readings are recorded with the date, the user can see the duration of the recorded period in which the mileage from the odometer was taken into account.

Odometer readings:

The first reading always has a 0 to start from. The next reading is recorded from the last recorded reading. It is not possible to see total mileage in a specific period unless have both starting and ending odometer readings.

Purpose of the trip:

The mileage logbook also records the purpose for which the user traveled from one place to another. This is for the user who often wants to remember the purpose of the trip while using the mileage record sheet template.

The total number of miles traveled:

The mileage record sheet is always used to see the total number of miles a vehicle has traveled. There is a separate section in the template that prompts the user to add the mileage which can be calculated by subtracting the ending odometer reading from the starting reading.

Who can use the mileage log template?

Anyone concerned about the consumption of fuel can use this template as this helps them see the total fuel consumed by the vehicle by traveling a particular distance. This lets them see whether the fuel average of the vehicle is consuming more than required. When this happens, the user can look into the matter and give necessary repairs to the vehicle to improve its fuel consumption.

Those who have to sell their vehicle have to maintain the mileage to let others know about the condition of the vehicle. More mileage means the vehicle has been in use for a long time and therefore, it can impact the decision of the buyer.

Why do people use mileage log templates?

People who want to see how much they have traveled on a vehicle use the log as it is not easy for them to remember the miles traveled by the vehicle on each and every trip. This worksheet is very helpful for keeping track of expenses.

People use it when they want to make a personal budget and see how much they are spending on traveling. Employees who have to go on business tours also use this log and at the end of the month, they share the log with the person who has to reimburse all the expenses.

The template in the Excel file format is very easy to use as it has many empty fields to be filled and they prompt the user to provide details in those fields and then the mileage log is ready to be printed or shared. This makes people use the log without having to think of what they should mention in it to ensure that they have a well-maintained log to use for tracking miles traveled by the vehicle.

Vehicle Mileage Log Template

File:  Excel  ( .xls ) 2003 + and  iPad  Size 44 KB

This vehicle mileage log is designed to use for official purposes. It calculates mileage over the traveled distance by itself.

Vehicle Mileage Log Template

A professional design vehicle mileage log for commercial mileage calculation. Car rental service agencies can utilize this template to keep a good record of a vehicle’s mileage.

Vehicle Mileage Log

This is a simple design mileage log template for personal use. However, it can be used for small-scale businesses.

Vehicle Mileage Log

Insert the date, and purpose, and write the total mileage for the trip.

Vehicle Mileage Log

A comprehensive template that includes odometer readings along with total mileage calculated for you.

Vehicle Mileage Log for Excel

The template calculates vehicle mileage in a user-friendly format. The progress bar makes it easy to look for mileage.

Vehicle Mileage Log

Mileage log for official use. It records traveling details and total mileage.

Vehicle Mileage Log Template for MS Excel

Mileage Log With Reimbursement Form & Expense Report Size 44 KB

Track mileage automatically

Free mileage log template - excel & pdf log book, in this article, download the mileage log template - pdf, excel, sheets, what you need to log in the mileage log book template, using the mileage log book template as a self-employed individual, using the mileage log book template as an employee, using the mileage log template to calculate your reimbursement, mileage logging for businesses, for how long you should keep your mileage logbook, using the mileage log template in excel or pdf, using an automatic mileage tracker.

You must keep CRA-compliant records in order to claim your mileage deductions of reimbursement from your employer. In this article, we will walk you through some frequently asked questions about keeping a mileage log book and provide you with a free template to use. The template includes the formula you need to calculate your deductions based on the CRA mileage rates for 2024 .

travel log excel template

Use the buttons above to download the free Driversnote Template as an Excel, Sheet or a printable PDF version.

The Excel and Sheets versions include a mileage log example for you to see how the mileage log template should be filled out. Use the other Sheets tab for an empty version which you can use to log your own trips.

If you use the free Excel or Sheets mileage form, there is a formula already set up to calculate your reimbursement based on the CRA mileage rates for 2024 for the first 5000 km. If you use the printable PDF version, you will have to do all calculations manually.

Alternatively, you can try the Driversnote mileage tracker app for even quicker mileage logging - recommended by accountants in Canada.

travel log excel template

Track business driving with ease

Trusted by millions of drivers

travel log excel template

Automatic mileage tracking and CRA-compliant reporting.

The CRA outlines clear rules on what your mileage log needs to include. They require a thorough account of your trips and the best way you can provide that is by keeping a log book. You should record every kilometre you drive, with a breakdown of whether you're driving for personal or business reasons.

Whether you are self-employed or an employee, you must include the following information in your mileage log for each trip:

  • Destination
  • Number of kilometres driven

You can deduct the actual car expenses incurred while conducting business as a self-employed individual. If you use your car solely for work, you can deduct all of the expenses associated with it. If you use your vehicle for both business and personal trips, you can only deduct expenses corresponding to the percentage of business use of the vehicle. You need to keep a log of both personal and business trips in order to calculate the percentage of business use.

You won't need to use the reimbursement amounts as calculated in the template; the business trip percentage will suffice for you to calculate the percentage of actual expenses you can deduct.

According to the CRA,  you can deduct the operating and maintenance expenses of your vehicle, only if they are reasonable. Such expenses include:

  • Licence & registration costs
  • Fuel & oil
  • Electricity (for zero-emission vehicles)
  • Maintenance & repairs
  • Leasing costs
  • Interest on money borrowed to buy the motor vehicle

Keep in mind that you must also keep separate logbooks for separate vehicles if you drive more than one vehicle for business. You can easily copy the mileage log template from this article to record mileage for different vehicles.

Learn more about mileage logging and reimbursement for self-employed .

If you are an employee, you need to keep in mind that apart from the standard requirements mentioned above, you may need to keep track of additional information should your employer require it.

If you use your own automobile for work-related activities, you can usually get reimbursement or claim tax deductions for your car expenses. The following are some examples of business travel:

  • Attending meetings or conferences outside of your typical working environment
  • Getting supplies or delivering packages
  • Getting from one place to another (for example, a client's office or worksite) while commuting.
  • In most cases, mileage reimbursement is not available for travel from home to work.

Read more about mileage reimbursement for employees .

a picture of a green toy car on a spreadsheet template for mileage tracking”

The mileage log book template in Excel and Sheets format is set to calculate your reimbursement automatically since the formula is already there.

Note that this sheet uses the CRA standard automobile allowance for the first 5000 km driven.

The rate for 2024 is $0.70 for the first 5000km driven and $0.64 for each km after that.

Example: You've kept track of your mileage for January 2024 and you've driven 175 kilometres for business. Your employer reimburses you at 70 cents per kilometre - the CRA mileage rate for 2024. To figure out how much you'll get reimbursed, multiply the number of kilometres by the rate:

[km] * [rate], or 175 km * $0.70 = $122.5

Try Driversnote for Teams if you need a solution for your whole team. Using the mileage log template above may be enough for your team to report their mileage, but our app can save up a lot of time for you and your employees with the following features:

  • Receive accurate and consistent mileage reports from your team.
  • Approve or reject mileage reports in seconds.
  • Invite and remove users and assign roles on the go.
  • Driversnote will track employees’ mileage automatically, saving them the time they’d use to do so manually.

The CRA requires you to preserve your records for six years from the day you file your tax return, whether you are an individual taxpayer or self-employed, in case they need to verify your claims.

Self-employed records

If you are self-employed, you must keep the  "base year" logbook for six years from the end of the most recent tax year that was used as a base year if you adopt the simplified logbook technique. If your base year was recorded in 2018 and you utilized it to establish commercial usage in 2020, you must preserve the base year logbook record until at least 2026.

Employee records

As an employee, you may be requested to verify your expenses in the future (which may include mileage for a range of different reasons). It's a good idea to keep duplicates of documentation you’ve previously submitted to your employer because this can happen via no mistake of your own.

One of the easiest ways to log your mileage is to use the Excel or a Sheets template. You can fill them out on your computer but it may not be so convenient to do on your mobile device. Editing a PDF is not possible from just any application so you need to keep this in mind.

Pros: Using a mileage log template gives you full control, allows you to add information manually and choose what to include. It is a useful method if you just want to get a general idea of how much you are driving around.

Cons: You may be prone to making mistakes since it is hard to always remember every detail of a day’s worth of driving. You need to be extra careful since you will want to report your mileage as accurately as possible to the tax authorities or your employer. Keeping a PDF or Excel logbook involves manual work and may be time-consuming.

By using a mileage tracking app you get a detailed record of all your trips, which you can export as a PDF or Excel file and pass over to your boss or accountant. The report includes all of the information necessary for the CRA and is ready to be utilized as proof for reimbursement claims or tax deductions. The best part is that you don’t have to do any of the calculations since the app does all the mileage calculations for you.

Driversnote is able to track your trips automatically which is perfect for those who may sometimes forget to log trips. With the app, you will always have your mileage reports with you as they are safely stored online. If you decide to use this template, make sure to always create a backup logbook in case you lose your main one.

Not located in Canada? Check out our mileage guides here:

- Mileage guide for the US  (IRS mileage guide) -  Mileage guide for Australia (ATO mileage guide) - Mileage guide for the UK  (HMRC mileage guide) - Mileage guide for Denmark   - Mileage guide for Sweden

travel log excel template

Tired of logging mileage by hand?

Effortless. CRA-compliant. Liberating.

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Table of Contents

5 steps to write a travel log sheet, 9+ travel log sheet templates, 1. vehicle log sheet template, 2. professional travel log sheet template, 3. sample travel log sheet template, 4. corporate travel log sheet template, 5. standard travel log sheet template, 6. modern travel log sheet template, 7. horizontal travel log sheet template, 8. elegant travel log sheet template, 9. simple travel log sheet template, 10. printable travel log sheet template.

Provide your employees or clients with a Travel Log Sheet to record the travel details such as date of travel, odometer reading, etc. This information may be useful during the payment procedure to calculate the total amount to be reimbursed or paid. Use the ready-made Travel Log Sheet Templates to make such sheets in minutes.

travel log excel template

Step 1: Mention the Purpose of Travel

Step 2: decide your need, step 3: mention the odometer reading, step 4: mention the drivers’ and vehicles’ details, step 5: provide the customer with the total cost breakdown.

premium travel log sheet template

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets

professional travel log sheet template

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Travel Log Templates

  • November 5, 2019 February 4, 2023

A Travel Log which is also called a travel or road journal is a written or documented proof to record every step of your journey i.e. places, destinations important milestones. Whenever someone goes on a road trip or travels to another place, he always wants to share the excitement with his family and friends after the trip is over. But it’s not possible or that easy to remember every place, point, or a destination all by yourself without any external help so it’s essential that you keep all the records in written form. This way you can take notes, put names of important places in the book, and remember amazing stuff about a particular destination and once you are back, you can easily share those moments with your friends and family.

A Travel Log is just a piece of paper on which you write according to your convenience. You can do it on a simple sheet or type it on your computer, laptop, or cell phone. If you have access to the internet, it’s very easy to record every destination with its coordinates and important history about it. Also, it’s not just a personal thing to record your travel information as there are some employees who are hired to travel. They are required to record every detail of their voyage in a documented form so that they can pass it on to their superiors or other staff members. There are some firms like a magazine or newspapers that hire traveling staff to travel to different destinations to gather information or to report important incidents. Also, there are some organizations that offer their web portal visitors to look for any destination in the world or to find interesting stuff about it. This way, they travel to different places to get interesting information which later will be placed on the official website of that company.

There are many websites that offer you to create a Travel Log free of cost and it’s also very easy if you don’t want to do much effort. Although you have to do it on the internet so it will be a problem if you don’t have any access to the internet. Also, you can do it by yourself at home by using just paper and pen or do it on the computer by creating a new spreadsheet which will be used as a log in the future. The log may vary according to the type of traveling or the purpose but generally, it contains the name of the destination, its coordinates, the date of the visit, important stuff about that destination, and special comments if any.

Here is a preview of this Free Sample Travel Log Template created using MS Excel,

Travel Log Template

General uses of a Travel Log in our daily lives:

  • A travel log is the best way of inspiration both during and after the trip or traveling.
  • It’s the best way to remember or recall different places or interesting facts about a destination.
  • If you are going to a lot of places, by keeping a travel journal, you can remember each and every detail about the traveling or the places.
  • This way you will have saved stories to share with your family and friends around special occasions like Christmas or New Year.
  • If one of your friends is going on a trip too, you can tell him about the best places to stay, eat and visit. Also once you have saved it all, it’s very easy to tell someone about a particular culture or local rules and regulations.

Related Templates:


Transportation Log Template

What is a transportation log.

Transportation Log Template for Excel

When to use a transportation log?

Benefits of the transportation log.

  • It helps monitor vehicles: When there are two or more vehicles transporting goods or people, the log can be used to monitor each of them. In the case of goods, the transport company can easily keep track of which vehicle is taking the products in question. Furthermore, the details of the route of that vehicle, the timing of the vehicle, and lots of other details are monitored. If any vehicle loses its track or transports goods to the wrong destination, the log can easily point it out and help the user take necessary actions.
  • It helps the entire transportation system stay organized: Organization is very important in every system. It is very tedious for many companies to organize multiple vehicles at a time. The log makes the organization of every vehicle in the system possible. The timing of every vehicle is monitored and then the source and destination are also known. In case of an accident, details can be obtained easily through the log.
  • It ensures safety: When a transport company sends goods worth millions of Dollars via different vehicles trusting drivers, the company often fears that the driver might run away with these goods. A log used for vehicles makes it possible for a company to monitor and ensure the protection of the goods being transported. This log also lets the drivers know where they are supposed to transport goods.

What information is provided by the transportation log?

  • Current date
  • The location from where the vehicle departs
  • Time of departure
  • Destination
  • Location of arrival
  • Arrival time
  • Number of vehicles
  • Name of driver

How to create the transportation log?

  • Add introductory details: Mention the name of the company, the title of the log, and the name of the driver at the top of the log. You can also add the logo of the company and some other details to make the logo unique.
  • Add details of items being transported: In case the vehicle is transporting goods, enlist the items being transported. The list should be made thoroughly. However, it should be considered which details should be mentioned since not all details are worth mentioning.
  • Add details of transport i. Name of the person transporting goods and the person who will receive them at the receiving end ii. Mention the odometer reading of the truck or bus in the log. iii. Mention the departure and arrival time of the truck in the log iv. Mention the names of the source and destination of the truck
  • Add a comment section: There is a section at the end of the transport log where comments on the drivers are taken. This section is not compulsory. It can be added or omitted according to the personal choice of the driver. Signatures of other staffers were also added to the log.
  • Collect signatures of the drivers and other staff members: This log is used by the person responsible for transporting goods. However, some companies also give this log to the truck drivers who fill out the form before departing and on their arrival. At the end of the log, the signatures of the drivers are also collected. Also, mention the date of signing off.
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The Travel Quandary

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template – Easy To Use Excel Format!

You’re about to embark on your next adventure – hooray! 

Travel planning comes naturally to some who thrive on the challenge to find the best deal on a tour, stay at the coolest hotel or dine at the hottest new restaurant. These travellers are always at the airport on time, check opening hours of attractions before leaving home and have packing down to a fine art form. On the other end of the scale, there are travellers who prefer to go with the flow, do things spontaneously and are happy to rock up to a new destination and “wing it”.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), 1.4 billion people travelled internationally in 2018. And apparently, there are over 750 million users of Microsoft Excel worldwide. There’s a high chance that you’ll fall into both of these categories (we don’t know the exact number but it would make for a pretty neat Venn diagram). And if you also classify yourself as an “unprepared” and/or “unorganised” traveller, our trip planner template is designed to help YOU.

Microsoft Excel is not only used by accountants and finance people. Microsoft Excel has become the ultimate planning and analysis tool, recognised and used worldwide which is why we’ve chosen it to create our trip planner template. We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback and recommendations!

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template - Easy To Use Excel Format! | trip planner template 1


Why use a spreadsheet to plan your trip.

  • Identify gaps in your itinerary (closures, public holidays, mandatory reservations)
  • Save money (better budget decisions, better choices on trip)
  • To get you excited! You’re going on a holiday! Hooray!

Download your free trip planner template here

Note: For Google Docs template, download the .zip file and upload the spreadsheet to your Google Drive. Once uploaded, open with Google Sheets.

Using this spreadsheet

The Ultimate Trip Planner Template is built into a spreadsheet which is divided into six sections. We’ve built this trip planner to include 16 days of travel but you can adjust the length of the trip by adding or removing columns in the spreadsheet.

Once you’ve confirmed your travel plans, add them here. This is where you can record all your reservations – flight details, accommodation, car rental, equipment rental, tour reservations etc. Listing them on one tab means you can quickly jump in and find those important details when you need them.

2. Planning

Researching airlines, hotels, Airbnbs, car hire, tour operators and travel insurance policies can be exhausting. You’ll probably go through a phase where you’ll have so many tabs open on your browser, it’ll make you want to pull your hair out! If you also need to compare prices and dates with your travel companions, it can become downright overwhelming.

When you find a potential option you like, add it to the “Planning” tab. When your research is condensed into a neat summary, it will be a simple exercise of reviewing all possible suppliers, key dates and prices and then after a process of elimination, you will be left with the most suitable option.

A budget is by no means set in stone. Our budget tab is designed to help with your travel planning decisions. We feel that it is important to understand the costs of a holiday before making any hasty decisions. And we consider it even more important that you don’t spend beyond your means!

We don’t want to sound like party-poopers but the last thing you want is to get ripped off and/or find yourself stuck abroad without any money. By understanding where you plan to spend the bulk of your hard-earned money on your holiday, you can plan where you’ll allow yourself to splurge and other areas where you may need to tighten the purse strings.

For example, we give ourselves extra budget for food and coffee experiences as this is an aspect we love about travelling. We tend to book budget/basic accommodation on the road depending on the destination and available options, as all we need is a bed, access to a (preferably) hot shower in a secure room.

A good chunk of your budget will already be paid or known in advance before you’ve even left home (i.e. flights, some ground transport, accommodation, tours (if applicable) etc), so this should also help when allocating your budget to food, shopping and extras. There will also be times where you need to be strict and say “no” if your gut feeling and bank account tell you that you cannot afford a certain something. Be conservative but also be kind to yourself – you are treating yourself to a holiday after all and you’ll have to spend money to fully enjoy the experience!

4. Itinerary

We spend a lot of time planning our travel itineraries on a day by day basis and even breaking it down to each hour of each day. Some people call us crazy but when we are short on time and have an extensive list of things to see/do/eat/shop etc, we prefer to be organised.

Laying out our trip day by day also helps us to block out periods of time for travel or to take note of when restaurants and attractions are closed. Of course, plans can and will change. Rain may force you indoors (museums, galleries, shopping) or an unknown public holiday may disrupt your planned travel day.

We recommend using this tab to roughly outline your plans and drop in the activities and places you simply cannot miss. You can move activities to different days if your original plan doesn’t work out. If you want, record your daily expenses at the bottom and you can track how your actual spending goes against your budget.

5. Packing List

For those who begrudge packing, it tends to be the case that you will end up wearing 20% of your packed belongings during 80% of your trip. Or if you’ve left packing until the last minute and thrown items higgledy-piggledy into your suitcase, you’ll arrive at your accommodation to realise you’ve forgotten your favourite undies or packed the wrong shoes.

Packing lists work. Once you’ve considered the weather and climate at your destination, your baggage allowance plus the duration of your trip, you can plan what you need and limit unnecessary purchases on the other side.

We’ve compiled a pretty epic packing list covering practically every type of adventure and possibly everything that you may need. Feel free to adjust accordingly to your requirements.

6. Checklist

This is the final step before you walk out your front door to embark on a brand new adventure. Before you go, use this tab to ensure you’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s. And then you’re off!

Bon voyage!


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28 thoughts on “the ultimate trip planner template – easy to use excel format”.

HOLY COW I cannot believe I found EVERYTHING I needed all in one for FREE. I feel like I have ROBBED someone! My partner and I never grew up in households where family vacations were had, so we have no idea what were doing. Thank you kindly to The Travel Quandary. If I can donate, share your page, volunteer, etc. let me know how I can repay <3


How you extend the dates! I am going for a month

This template is so great! Planning a trip to New Zealand and will be traveling around a lot – this is super helpful!


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your files!

Thanks so much for the template. This is a very good start for a traveller like me. Easy to use!

Amazing template! Exactly what I needed. Thank you!

Thank you for the great tool! I was wondering if theres a way to enter an end date as well to the itenerary?

Hi there! I was wrapped to see that the template is created by some Aussies! and local ones as well. I’m from Melbourne! Template is a charm! Just what I’ve been looking for ages! Planning our Europe trip for 2023 that got cancelled in 2020! (We all know why!!) Will let you know how it goes and will definitely check out your website! Thanks,

Hi Rosanna, we’re so glad to hear that you’ve found this template useful! Very jealous that you’re planning an escapade to Europe. No doubt it will be amazing! Safe travels 🙂

Thankyou for your post on THE ULTIMATE TRIP PLANNER TEMPLATE on excel. It is very usefull. I have been using this template to plan my trips for a while now and it has saved me a lot of time. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a travel planner.

Didn’t work. At least, not on my version of excel.

something about “delimited” something or another.

Hi Piotr, We’re sorry to hear this. What version of excel are you using? Are you on a Mac or PC? If you wish, we can email you an Excel copy of the template.

So so sooo helpful! I’m happy to find this great itinerary template! Thank you so much.

Thanks Tahira! We’re so glad that you found it helpful. Enjoy your travels! 🙂

Hi Tahira, we’re thrilled you found this template helpful. Enjoy your travels!

I needed this so much, easy and simply. Thank you for a great spreadsheet.

Thanks Nga! Happy travel planning!

Hi Nga, we’re so glad you loved this spreadsheet. Hope you had an amazing travel adventure!

Thank you , soooo much ! I appreciate you putting this together and sharing it

Hi Priscilla! So glad that you found this planning template useful! We hope you enjoy your trip!

I am so excited to find this. (Thank you, Pinterest!) I will be leaving in a month on an eight day train trip and this is exactly what I needed to get all my ducks in a row. Thank you so much!

HiTeresa! We’re so glad to hear this and so exciting for you. Enjoy your trip!

This is great! Found this as i was looking for a newer travel planner and this is very helpful and user friendly!

We’re so glad to hear this! Happy travel planning!

great tool. never used a planner before and it has most every item to consider… add a route sheet for those who driving to, during and back from their vacations…

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into adding a new tab for routes.

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  2. Travel Log Template for Excel (all versions)

    Template for a travel log. People like to use the template whenever they need to use the log because it saves time. The template has all the details pre-recorded in it which enables everyone to use them without wasting their time. The template allows people to create a document with travel-related details without having any additional skills.

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    Free Printable Template » Free Printable Travel Log Templates [PDF, Excel, Word] Free Printable Travel Log Templates [PDF, Excel, Word] A travel log can quickly become an un-tracked mess if you don't organize it. But you'll soon realize that keeping a travel log is almost like a lifestyle for anyone who goes on many trips. There's so ...

  5. 42 Useful Travel Log Templates (100% Free) ᐅ TemplateLab

    Record your travels on travel log templates by following these steps: Purchase a durable but lightweight journal with a hardcover. Make sure that the journal you choose has a strong binding and it's easy to write or sketch on. Also, choose one that's big enough to hold photos and postcards. Purchase art materials.

  6. Free Mileage Log Templates

    Template features include sections to list starting and ending locations, daily and total miles driven, employee information, and approval signatures. This spreadsheet report can be customized to include whatever details are relevant to your business, including mileage rates. It's available as an Excel, Word, or PDF file.

  7. Free Mileage Tracking Log and Mileage Reimbursement Form

    Download a free mileage reimbursement and tracking log for Microsoft Excel®. Whether you're an employee or a business owner, it's important to keep good business mileage records so that you have the information you need for either completing your company's mileage reimbursement form or for determining the mileage deduction on your tax return.

  8. Best Mileage Log Template, Updated for 2024 [Free Template]

    The mileage deduction is calculated by multiplying your yearly business miles by the IRS's standard mileage rate. For 2023, that's $0.655. For 2024, it'll be $0.67. This rate is adjusted for inflation each year. It's designed to reflect the average costs of car-related expenses, such as:

  9. Excel Mileage Log Template

    The below template is ideal for business owners, self-employed persons, independent contractors, and employees of companies who receive mileage reimbursement as part of their actions driving. Feel free to download our Excel mileage log template. for 2021, 2022 , 2023, or 2024. These free printable mileage logs are sufficient to meet the IRS's ...

  10. Free Mileage Log Template Download

    Free Excel/PDF Self-Employed Mileage Log Template Download. This free downloadable mileage log is perfect for Uber drivers, DoorDash deliverers, and any other self-employed worker who uses their car for work. Tracking your mileage can save you thousands on your taxes (even more if you use an automatic mileage tracker app !).

  11. FREE Mileage Log Template for Excel

    These FREE Excel Mileage Logs contain everything you need for a compliant IRS Mileage Log. Fields include: Date, Destination, Business Purpose, Odometer Start, Odometer Stop, Miles This Trip, Expense Type, Expense Amount. Yes, everything you need to make a mileage log the slow and painful way. Click to Copy Google Spreadsheet.

  12. Free IRS-Compliant Mileage Log Template

    By addressing these common issues proactively, you can overcome potential hurdles in mileage tracking and maintain compliance with IRS regulations. In conclusion, a mileage log template can simplify your record-keeping. It can also ensure IRS compliance. Our free 2024 Mileage Log Template provides a simple tool.

  13. 25 Free Mileage Log Templates (Excel

    Following are free mileage log templates that can be edited as per needs: Mileage Log (Word) 01. Download. Mileage Log Form 02. Download. Mileage Sheet Fillable 03. Download. Mileage Log Form 04. Download.

  14. 20 Printable Mileage Log Templates (Free) ᐅ TemplateLab

    Download our Free Printable Mileage Log Templates, Forms and Samples! 31 High Quality Mileage Log templates in Excel, Word or PDF. Business . Analytics; Finance; Human resources; Job interview; Marketing; Operations; ... Airport Travel. When you drive to the airport for trips, you can deduct those miles as expenses. ...

  15. 41+ Free Mileage Log Templates [Excel, Word, PDF]

    A mileage log template is the easiest way to keep record of your mileage for each trip you take. ... Disclaimer; Excel Templates. Free Templates and Examples. Advertisements. 41+ Free Mileage Log Templates [Excel, Word, PDF] Posted on November 6, 2021 November 6, 2021 By Harry Exel . Table of Contents. 1 ... Free Letter for Minor to Travel ...

  16. 15 Vehicle Mileage Log Templates for MS Word & Excel

    File: Excel ( .xls) 2003 + and iPad. Size 44 KB. A professional design vehicle mileage log for commercial mileage calculation. Car rental service agencies can utilize this template to keep a good record of a vehicle's mileage. Download.

  17. Free Mileage Log Template

    Use the buttons above to download the free Driversnote Template as an Excel, Sheet or a printable PDF version. The Excel and Sheets versions include a mileage log example for you to see how the mileage log template should be filled out. Use the other Sheets tab for an empty version which you can use to log your own trips.

  18. 7 Free Mileage Log Templates (Word, Excel)

    A mileage log, also known as a mileage tracker or mileage diary, is a record of the distances traveled by a vehicle for business, personal, or tax-related purposes. This information is meant for tax and bookkeeping purposes. It shows the distance a vehicle has traveled for a particular period of time. This will include the specific date of the ...

  19. 9+ Travel Log Sheet Templates

    9+ Travel Log Sheet Templates. Provide your employees or clients with a Travel Log Sheet to record the travel details such as date of travel, odometer reading, etc. This information may be useful during the payment procedure to calculate the total amount to be reimbursed or paid. Use the ready-made Travel Log Sheet Templates to make such sheets ...

  20. Travel Log Templates

    The log may vary according to the type of traveling or the purpose but generally, it contains the name of the destination, its coordinates, the date of the visit, important stuff about that destination, and special comments if any. Here is a preview of this Free Sample Travel Log Template created using MS Excel, Travel Log Template. Size: 72 KB.

  21. Transportation Log Template for Excel

    The template can also be used to create the log by looking at the format it provides. Here are the instructions that you can follow for creating the transportation log: Add introductory details: Mention the name of the company, the title of the log, and the name of the driver at the top of the log. You can also add the logo of the company and ...

  22. FREE! Trip Planner Template in Excel Format

    Using this spreadsheet. The Ultimate Trip Planner Template is built into a spreadsheet which is divided into six sections. We've built this trip planner to include 16 days of travel but you can adjust the length of the trip by adding or removing columns in the spreadsheet. 1. Summary.

  23. 5 Free Travel Log Templates for Record Keeping

    Given below are different travel logs: Business Travel Log Template 01. download. Free Travel Log Template 02. download. Travel Log and Budget Calculator Template 03. download. ... Free Travel Budget Templates (Excel) Education, Personal 34 Best Autobiography Examples - Essay Templates. Lists