Arimo Travels

How to Travel from USA to Europe by Ship

travel from usa to europe by ship or boat, flightless travel

It is possible to travel from the United States to Europe without flying. This guide explains how to travel by ship from the USA to Europe. 

For one reason or another, you came here to look for information about crossing the Atlantic from America to Europe. This guide covers three different ship travel options from USA to Europe:

  • Freighter Travel

I’ve previously written about flightless routes from Europe to America , but this guide focuses on the opposite direction. The examples in this post were checked in 2023.

Traveling from the United States to Europe without flying is not always easy. I know some of you will choose to fly anyway because it’s easier. In that case, I ask you to consider donating 10% of your ticket cost to a high-impact climate charity. Carbon offsetting isn’t very effective , so it’s better to support charities suggested by Giving Green instead.

Cruise ship routes from the United States of America to Europe

1. Cruise from the USA to Europe

How can i find a transatlantic cruise from the usa to europe.

Plenty of travel companies offer cruises from the United States to various European destinations. As of now, the website Seascanner listed 108 one-way cruises from the United States to different parts of Europe .

Where do transatlantic cruises to Europe depart from?

Most transatlantic cruises from America to Europe leave from Florida. Fort Lauderdale – a part of the Miami metropolitan area – is the most popular port of departure. New York also serves as a departure point for many cruise ships, and there are even departures from Massachusetts (Boston), New Jersey (Boston), and even Texas (Galveston)!

Which are the most popular ports of entry in Europe?

For transatlantic cruises, Southampton in England, Barcelona in Spain, and Lisbon in Portugal are the top destinations. Other cruises also travel to countries like Germany, Greece, Italy, and the Netherlands.

How much does it cost to travel from the USA to Europe on a cruise ship?

The cheapest cruises from the United States to Europe start at around $1100-1500 for a cabin, including meals. For example, a 7-day voyage from New York to Southampton on the luxury cruise ship Queen Mary 2 start at approximately $1400. 

How long does a cruise from the United States to Europe take?

The duration of the journey varies depending on the departure and arrival points. The fastest transatlantic cruises to Europe leave from New York. Cruises from New York to Southampton, England, take around 7 days, while cruises to Hamburg take two days longer.

On the other end of the spectrum, cruises from Florida to Europe generally last about two weeks.

Is traveling on a cruise ship better than flying?

While this guide focuses on flightless travel routes it’s important to note that cruises and ferries may actually produce way more CO2 emissions than commercial flights .

However, there are sustainable ways to cross the Atlantic as well.

Freighter travel from USA to Europe without flying

2. Travel on a Cargo Ship from the USA to Europe

Can you travel from the united states to europe on a cargo ship.

Yes, you can! At least if COVID restrictions allow it.

Compared to cruises, freighter travel is considered nearly CO2 neutral . To book a freighter voyage, you can use specialized travel agencies or contact shipping companies directly, though the latter may be more challenging.

Popular freighter travel companies include Cargo Ship Voyages , Freighter Travel (NZ) , Slowtravel , and Voyages en Cargo . I have personally used Freighter Travel, but I’m sure other companies work just as well.

What about COVID? Does the global pandemic limit freighter voyages?

Unfortunately, yes. At the time of writing (early 2023), many freighter companies around the world were not taking passengers. Some sources expect passenger sailing to resume normally in January/February 2024.

How much does it cost to travel from the USA to Europe on a freighter?

On average, traveling on a cargo ship costs $100-150 per day. A transatlantic journey typically takes around 10-15 days, resulting in a total cost between $1000-3000.

Which are the most popular ports of departure for cargo ship travel from the United States to Europe?

There are plenty! Cargo ships head out to Europe from many harbors on the East Coast. Listed from north to south, these include Boston (Massachusetts), New York, Charleston (South Carolina), Savannah (Georgia), New Orleans (Louisiana), and Houston (Texas).

Where do cargo ship voyages from America to Europe arrive?

Popular destinations in Europe for freighter voyages include Antwerp (Belgium), Cork (Ireland), Le Havre (France), Rotterdam (Netherlands), and Southampton (England). Many ships make multiple stops along the European coast, with Mediterranean cities also being accessible.

How long does it take to travel on a cargo ship from the USA to Europe?

I provide more detailed information about this in my article “ How Long Does It Take to Cross the Atlantic on a Cargo Ship? “. That article also explains why cargo ships venture so slowly.

Here are a few examples with estimated prices for one person:

Flightless travel from the United States to UK, Spain, Portugal

  • This northern route includes a stop in Halifax, Canada, before crossing the Atlantic.
  • At the time of writing, this route wasn’t available, but it was expected to open to passengers in mid-2023.
  • Freighter voyages to the south of Europe are less common, but here’s one example of a southern route.

What else should I know about freighter travel?

Freighter travel offers an intriguing and sustainable way to explore the world. I personally haven’t traveled between America and Europe on a freighter, but I did cross the Pacific on a cargo ship during my 2-year trip around the world .

In summary, the journey was quite uneventful, but I loved it. I passed the time playing games on my laptop, savoring delicious meals, and marveling the waves. My trusty Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-reader – one of my favorite travel essentials – kept me company.

(The photo above is from that journey.)

To travel on a freighter, you need to meet certain health and age requirements. You should also be quite flexible, as freighters have infrequent schedules. For more information, you can refer to my guide “ How to Prepare for Traveling on a Cargo Ship “.

travel from USA to Europe by boat via Bermuda, Azores

3. Sail from the USA to Europe

Can you travel from the usa to europe by boat.

Yes, traveling from the United States to Europe by boat is possible, although the reverse journey is more common. Also, direct boat travel from the United States to Europe is less prevalent. Starting your voyage from or making a stop in Bermuda is more typical.

Why is crossing the Atlantic from east to west more popular?

The trade winds are to blame. These prevailing winds blow east-to-west near the equator. The prevailing winds make a clockwise loop along the northern Atlantic.

As a result, sailing westward is aided by the wind in a warmer environment. Sailing eastward against the wind entails enduring harsher weather in the north.

I don’t own a boat. Can I still travel from the USA to Europe by boat?

Even if you don’t own a sailboat or a yacht, you can hitch a ride on a boat across the Atlantic. Websites such as Find a Crew and CrewSeekers connect captains with individuals willing to work as crewmates in exchange for the voyage.

Yacht clubs in harbors may also have notice boards for those seeking a boat or a crew. While many captains prefer crewmates with experience, it is not always necessary.

Sailing from US East Coast to Bermuda west to east

Where and when should I depart?

First, you should head to Bermuda, an archipelago about 600 miles (~1000 kilometers) away from the US East Coast. A cruise or a sailing trip from the US to Bermuda typically takes a week or less.

However, traveling to the Caribbean first before continuing to Bermuda might be more convenient. To reach the Caribbean, you can hitch a ride on a sailboat or take a ferry from Florida to the Bahamas .

According to World Cruising Wiki , the best time to sail to Bermuda is in May/June. At that point, the weather is warm but the hurricane season hasn’t reached its peak yet.

How long does it take to sail from the USA to Europe?

Main article: How Long Does It Take to Sail the Atlantic?

According to Life of Sailing , an eastward crossing of the Atlantic takes around 4 weeks. This includes a week of sailing to Bermuda, two weeks or more from Bermuda to the Azores, and another week from the Azores to the coast of Portugal.

The journey from Europe to America tends to be slightly faster.

How can I sail from the US to Europe?

There are numerous comprehensive guides on crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat. I am not even trying to compete with the experts. In this guide, I have provided basic details about the Atlantic crossings. If you wish to explore the topic further, here are a few recommended guides:

  • How Long Does It Take To Sail Across The Atlantic? (
  • How to cross the Atlantic from the Caribbean to Europe: Everything you need to know (
  • Sail Across the Atlantic: The Definitive Guide (

Popular routes to travel overseas from the United States across the Atlantic

Traveling by Ship from USA to Europe

How to travel from USA to Europe by ship? In this guide, I have covered three ways of traveling from America to Europe without flying. The guide is not comprehensive, and I may have missed some good alternatives.

This website, Arimo Travels, is a sustainable travel blog. I launched the site during my predominantly flightless trip around the world . Since completing the journey, I have focused on writing flightless travel guides (along with random generators ) for fellow travelers.

You can find more guides like this one on the Flightless Travel page.

P.S. In this guide, there are times when I call the USA “America”. Personally, I prefer not to use the name of the continent to refer to the country. However, many people hold a different view, and most of my readers come from Google searches.

For that reason, I have used phrases like “travel from America to Europe by ship” throughout the text. Additionally, I have omitted the article “the” from “the USA” for similar reasons.

A flightless or sustainable travel guide

Tell Me More!

Arimo Travels is a sustainable travel blog by Arimo, a mostly traveler from Finland. The site focuses on sustainable travel guides and randomness.

I was hoping that you would have mentioned something about traveling with pets. I have a cat and a dog which is why I would like to travel by boat and not fly.

Thank you for the feedback Ceitlan, that is a good point!

From what I’ve understood, cargo ships don’t allow pets, and finding a sailing captain willing to take cats and dohs would also be a challenge. In that case, a cruise would be your best option. This site has some information about crossing the Atlantic with pets:

Some years ago, a friend of mine wrote a short guide on traveling in Europe with a dog on this site. You can find that guide here:

Thanks for this information. Greta Thunberg has inspired us to change our flight plans to Europe this Fall, though we might now need to postpone it until Spring in order to line it all up.

That’s awesome Matt! 🙂

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How to get to Australia without flying

How to Get to Australia without Flying

How to get to Australia without flying? Despite its remote location, it is possible to travel to Australia by ship.

2022 – My Year in Review

2022: My Year in Review – Trips and Surgeries

For a few years, my life had little to do with traveling. Last year changed that. Here’s my 2022 in review.

Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine. You turn your head towards the water just in time to spot a pod of dolphins swimming by or flying fish, providing company in the ocean. After lingering in the sunshine for a while, it's time to head inside for a 3-course evening meal and a splash in the pool before retiring to bed.

Now, what kind of vessel are you on?

No, you are not on a standard commercial cruise ship. You are not on a packed luxury liner hopping between Caribbean islands. You are aboard a modern freighter. Hundreds of cargo ships, carrying everything from fire engines to apples, are crossing the world's oceans, and many are happy to take you along for the ride. Adventurous travelers, including the Transitions Abroad family, have been doing so for years, as have many long before us.

What Does Travel on a Cargo Ship Feel Like?

A far more intimate and relaxed experience than you might imagine! The experience on board contrasts sharply with the rough and industrial outward appearance a container ship tends to project. You will be one of a handful of passengers among a crew likely to number up to a dozen or a few more. There will be no evening cabaret shows as on a standard cruise, though you may have access to TV, video, and board games in a common area on the ship where passengers may meet the crew. You may even play cards with the crew under the night skies. You might be invited to karaoke with the sailors, and you will almost always dine alongside the captain, who is far more likely to turn up in shorts and a t-shirt than in full uniform. Some cargo ships also offer equipped exercise rooms or pools.

Here was our first taste of the wonders of sea travel. Our introduction to freighter travel was a relatively short 5-day sailing between Australia and New Zealand. We joined the French ship CMA CGM Utrillo in the busy port of Melbourne, where our luggage — including two bicycles and bags — was quickly hauled on board and into a spacious cabin by a host of cheery Filipino deckhands.

What are the Costs of Cargo Ship Travel?

Depending upon your destination (Transatlantic, Transpacific, South Seas, Worldwide, and other special combinations), your daily freighter travel costs will be about $100-$130 per day per person per day with a luggage allowance of approximately 30kg-100kg (66-220lbs) depending on the line you are taking. Generally, US dollars are the primary currency used onboard to buy soft drinks, snacks, beer, and toiletries. You can then use your credit cards at each location you disembark.

What kind of Hospitality Can You Expect on Board?

Our next surprise was how quickly we felt part of the family. Just moments after arriving, our fellow passenger (a French woman "going around the world in 80 days”) hinted that the captain was sure to throw us a welcome barbecue. “He does that for every one new,” she said with a wink. Sure enough, the next evening was spent on the back deck of the ship, feasting on grilled fish and chatting with the seamen as the sun went down.

One of our concerns before sailing was that we'd find the days long. It was just the opposite. There were three square meals a day (hearty plates of meat and vegetables for workers) and our time between eating was filled with strolls around the deck and trips up to the bridge to check our position and ask questions.

Had there ever been stowaways? Yes, once a harmless passenger was allowed to board. What about pirates? Not here, but there were off the coast of Africa. And just how much fuel did a cargo ship need? In the current era of relatively low oil prices, $60,000 U.S. a day will generally cover the trip.

Why is it a Relaxing Way to Travel?

With our curiosity temporarily curbed, we would return to our cabin for reading our books or Kindle, journal writing, and a bit of table tennis if we felt especially energetic. Far away from the hustle and bustle of life on firm land, we were truly relaxed. The experience was in complete contrast to our usual hurried airplane trips.

For Hamish Jamieson, the owner of Freighter Travel NZ and one of only a handful of travel agents in the world licensed to book tickets on cargo ships, the simplicity of being at sea is the main attraction.

“When you're sitting up the front of the bow of the ship, on your own, and all you see is the sea going past and you hear the wind and waves, you're in heaven. For me, an afternoon...sitting right on the bow, watching the world go by with my binoculars, that's my heaven,” he said.

What Kind of Flexibility is Needed for Freighter Travel?

Of course, nothing in life is all smooth sailing. While we didn't encounter any problems during our trip, we did struggle with the uncertain nature of freighter travel before we boarded. Our initial departure date jumped forward first by three days and then seemed to bounce around by 12-24 hours every time we called to check the latest news. Ours was not an uncommon experience and you must prepare yourself for flexibility.

Even ports of call are not guaranteed because on a cargo ship, freight comes first, not the passengers. If the demand is not there for a certain stop, the ship will go where the business is.

“Our trip from the USA to Europe changed three times after initial booking,” said Rebecca Hogue and Scott Drennan, then on a journey around the world without using airplanes . Their initial trip from South Carolina to Belgium was from Florida to Italy. “Had we not been flexible with our departure times and locations, things would not have worked out.”

As Mr. Jamieson is fond of telling his passengers, when you go to sea, there are two things you must pack: a sense of humor and a sense of patience.

What are the Practical Issues?

Your trip may also involve some red tape, particularly concerning U.S. stops. American citizens are not permitted, for example, to travel within their country by cargo ship, although they can make international journeys. Meanwhile, travelers to the United States must have a visa, even if they would not need one to arrive by air. Only Canadians are exempt from this rule.

Be sure to budget time and money to get vaccinations like Yellow Fever if you are going through the Suez and Panama canals. A medical certificate declaring you in generally good health is another typical requirement.

Where in the World Do You Want to Go?

The hardest part of booking your cargo ship voyage is deciding where to go. Will it be to South America and around Cape Horn? How about a 55-day round trip from California to Australia and New Zealand via Tahiti and Mexico? Mr. Jamieson offers a few more ideas and favorite voyages based on years of experience.

“For me the ultimate voyage is from Auckland, in New Zealand, to Singapore. It takes 40-45 days to sail what you can fly in just under 12 hours but it visits nearly every island in the Pacific on the way and it stops for 2-3 days. The second choice for me would be from Singapore through to Houston in Texas. It goes up through Thailand, Vietnam, half a dozen ports in China, into Japan, then straight across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal.”

With enough time and money at your disposal--round-the-world trips can take 80 to 100 days or more--there are few places a cargo ship can't reach. Voyage destinations on cargo ships can change, so the many options available will often surprise you. You need to be adventurous enough to do your research, find a specialized cargo ship travel agent (see resources below), and then get on board.

The Golden Rules of Cargo Ship Travel

  • Be prepared to make your own fun. There are seldom programmed activities aside from the odd safety drill.
  • Go before you're too old. An upper age limit of 77-80 years is not uncommon, as no doctor on board and there are often plenty of stairs.
  • Check that your travel insurance covers freighter travel.
  • Be flexible. Schedules can and do change frequently. You may need 2-3 ships to reach your destination.
  • Book in advance. Cabins are limited and the most popular routes can be sold out by ships months ahead.
  • Forget about working in exchange for your passage. Current union rules mean this is no longer permitted.
  • Take a good supply of seasickness pills. While not very common, rough weather can occur, sending tables, chairs, and your stomach flying across the room.
  • Wifi and other modern electronics are now often available on cargo ships for travelers . If connectivity is important to you, ask whether those options are accessible and free in advance.

Friedel Rother gave up her job as a journalist for Reuters to ride a bicycle around the world with her husband. They have published two books in addition to cycling.

Cargo Ship Voyages

Voyage Quick Search




Travelling on a cargo ship is a unique experience.  Whether you love the sea, are conscious of your carbon footprint, don't like flying or simply prefer to sail in a relaxed atmosphere, away from the crowds, then travelling by cargo ship is the right choice for you.

We've been doing this for over 30 years and are passionate about providing a personalised service tailored to your needs.

Alas, since the pandemic and with only a few exceptions, deep sea intercontinental voyages are no longer possible; shipowners and/or their charterers have withdrawn this discretionary activity, we are seeing little enthusiasm from them to resume the activity any time soon. Book early for 2025 to avoid disappointment.

Current possibilities :

- short haul European, Mediterranean, Baltic

- Europe/South Africa/Europe voyages, fully booked into 2025, 2026 now open for bookings. Waitlisting/standby is possible for additional cargo induced voyages on a rolling 6-week basis.

- French Polynesian voyages (mv Aranui V)

- mv Bella Desgagnes (St Lawrence River, Canada)

There may be cruise ship alternatives, please ask if you have a specific voyage in mind as several Voyage Options are possible on some of the routes popular with cargo ship travellers. Note please that owing to the restrictive policies of the major cruise lines, in most cases you may only book cruises through a travel agent in your country of residence. 

No longer possible (with any shipowner or bookng agent):

- transatlantic voyages

- Australia/New Zealand/Europe voyages

- Europe/South America voyages

- transpacific voyages

- round the world voyages

- voyages in around Asia or Oceania

Do please take some time to check our website for available routes, also our ‘Ask the Captain’ section for frequently asked questions BEFORE contacting us!

Our website is updated regularly with currently bookable options; please do not contact us regarding deep sea international cargo voyages that are not listed as without the support and co-operation of willing shipowners we can no longer viably respond.

Try us and travel the world your way!

Follow @CargoShipVoyage

Registered Office: 10 Westway, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK

TTA Member: Seabreaks Ltd Q1569

100% Financial Protection

flightless logo


Cargo Ship Travel  

Cargo Ship Cruise Convoy

  • Cargo ships often cover less touristy parts of the world which are not serviced by cruise ships
  • Not only is it real travel but it's one of the greenest forms of travel as you form a very small part of the container ships total cargo
  • Cargo ships travel throughout the year unlike cruise ships which are influenced by passenger demand, this means that cruise ships often only sail in the high season (usually the summer)
  • When you are a passenger on a cargo ship you usually get to dine with the captain of the ship and his officers
  • The standard of passenger accommodation is generally very good with most cargo ship passenger cabins having their own toilet and shower (you don't have to sleep in a container!)
  • Cargo ships usually accommodated just 12 or fewer passengers (a doctor is required for more than this), so the cargo ship is not going to be over crowded with other passengers

There are quite a few websites out there which specifically focus on alternative travel by cargo ship, we have listed all the sites that we are aware of. To save you time trawling through all the websites below, email us at [email protected] and we will forward your query to select agents who can help you book your freighter trip, if the route you want to do is possible.

Although the sites below offer some very useful information we would also recommend phoning the harbour master for your preferred passenger departure point. They will often provide you with local contacts and up to date and local information.

Useful Websites

  • UK agencies booking passenger travel on cargo ships are: Cargo Ship Voyages , Strand Travel , The Cruise People Ltd , Pathfinder & Sea Travel Ltd
  • CMA CGM is a French cargo transportation and shipping company and is the third largest cargo shipping company in the world. - , you can book direct or via several of the agents listed above
  • German freighters, Hamburh SED, have a useful website that details numerous routes and prices for cargo ship travel around the globe. -
  • Italian freighter company, Grimaldi Line - covers routes to and from Europe to South America and Africa. , Pathfinder ( ) and Cruise Cyprus ( ) act as agents for Grimaldi Line
  • German freighter company, Rickmers-Linie with cargo ship travel routes around the world. -
  • Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), global cargo transportation company centred in Singapore. -
  • FAQ's & general information on passenger travel by cargo ship: , , A la Carte Freighter Travel &

Featured Routes

The Royal Mail Ship St Helena

There are a number of popular passenger ship routes on cargo ships, we have featured a few interesting ones below to help inspire you to take a trip which is a real travel alternative to traditional modes of travel.


The South Korea (Busan) to California crossing on the Hanjin Dallas cargo ship was featured on the BBC series "Around the world in 80 days" for Children in need (2009). The crossing should take ten days but departure times are unpredictable. There are a number of other cargo ships which carry passengers and cross the Pacific Ocean which are detailed in some of the web sites listed in the above section. Contact details for Hanjin can be found on their website .

The Royal Mail Ship St Helena

This is sold as a magnificent island cruise from Cape Town to the island of St Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, just south of the Equator. This cargo/passenger ship also calls in at Luderitz and Walvis Bay in Namibia where the desert meets the sea. Go to for more details.

French Polynesia

Sail around Tahiti and the Marquesas islands over 14 days on the Aranui . The Aranui is a mixed passenger/cargo ship which offers comfortable, air-conditioned accommodations for about two hundred passengers. Passengers are able to sunbathe on deck and swim in the pool. The ship operates under the French flag, and her crew are all local Polynesians.

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A Holland America Line transatlantic cruise ship with text reading 'Sailing 150 years'

Transatlantic Europe Cruises

Our transatlantic cruises go sail to both seldom-visited and iconic European and American destinations, true hidden treasures that offerlike Athens, Barcelona, and Key West, where so much to dounique experiences and immersive shore excursions await. But it’ is also the journey that makes a transatlantic cruises so special, as you join centuries of nautical history and become very familiar with the sea. Gaze at the stars or watch the sun set over the horizon; you’ll feel like you have the ocean all to yourself on our perfectly sized ships. Unwind at the spa, or take in enriching entertainmentlive music, and enjoy carefully crafted culinary experiences aboard our perfectly-sized shipsthat deepens your understanding of the places you visit. Take a round-trip transatlantic cruise or go from one continent to the other and then explore on your own time. Welcome to the cruise of a lifetime.

Explore Transatlantic Cruise Ports

(Civitavecchia) Rome, Italy

Architectural treasures abound here, where the glory that is Rome spans more than two thousand years. Walk in the footsteps of emperors and saints. Make a wish at Trevi fountain. Climb the Spanish Steps and treat yourself to a gelato al limone.

(Cádiz) Seville, Spain

Over the centuries, Moorish and Spanish cultures have intermingled in Andalucía to spectacular effect. Explore the results in Seville Cathedral and the magnificent Alcazar. Then head to a wine cellar to sample the region’s legendary sherry.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is a trove of architectural treasures. Explore the city’s exquisite landmarks, including the Tower of Belém, the Monument to the Discoveries, and the Jerónimos Monastery. Venture beyond to Sintra, dubbed “a glorious Eden” by Lord Byron.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Start your transatlantic cruise in Fort Lauderdale. Relax and explore the city while gliding down the New River in a gondola. Take an airboat ride through the Everglades. Discover the chic cafés and galleries of Las Olas Boulevard.

Head East or West on Your Transatlantic Cruise

Skyline view of the Rotterdam, Netherlands cruise port.

Journey West to the New World

Boats docked in a canal in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Voyage East to the Old Continent

150th anniversary sailings.

Join us on anniversary cruises that commemorate the maiden voyage of the original Rotterdam I. We’ve re-created these historic sailings exactly 150 -years later with calls in Plymouth, United Kingdom, and New York City.

Couple sitting in deck chairs, holding hands and looking out onto the water from the deck of a Holland America cruise ship.

Transatlantic Cruise Onboard Experience

Your ship becomes a second home on transatlantic cruises. Relish in sumptuous staterooms and suites, and an immersive experience with engaging presentations and plenty of live music options. Live the good life on these incredible voyages.

The main dining room on a Holland America Rotterdam cruise ship.

Perfectly Sized for the Passage of Time

A steak dinner served aboard a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Dining Experiences

The World Stage theater for live performances onboard a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Onboard Entertainment

Transatlantic cruise ships.

Nieuw Statendam

This modern ship fills every day with dramatic beauty. The second in the line of our Pinnacle-class ships, it draws inspiration from musical instruments. Enjoy many entertainment options, including the two-level World Stage.

Blissfully glide from continent to continent aboard Rotterdam, our newest ship. With exquisite dining, innovative entertainment, and luxurious staterooms and suites, Rotterdam is the soundtrack to your transatlantic discoveries.

A recent update with new bar, entertainment, and dining venues and completely reimagined staterooms makes Oosterdam an excellent choice for your transatlantic cruise. Find out why Oosterdam has won multiple “Best Ship” awards.

Self-Care on Sea Days

A transatlantic cruise means plenty of time for you to take care of you. Unwind with a massage, get a new hairstyle, or take a fitness class.

Group lounging in the thermal spa on a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Spa Services

Full Service Salon

Whether you want a new look for a night on the ship or just a simple touch-up, our professional and creative stylists can help.

Thermal Suite

Pamper yourself with soothing heat. Warm up on a heated lounge chair, step into the sauna, and take a dip in the hydro pool.

Fitness Class

Keep it moving on leisurely sea days at our Fitness Center. Take an indoor cycling or yoga class. Or go at your own pace with cardio and weight machines.

Body Treatments

Treat yourself and nourish your body with stone-therapy, acupuncture, and solution focused messages.

Manicure Pedicure

Fresh nails are always a good idea. Get Gala-ready with manicures and pedicures.

Leave the stress behind with massages that use time-honored techniques from around the globe.

Men's Grooming Services

If you feel scruffy at sea, relax with a facial cleansing treatment, shave, manicure, or other men’s grooming service.

Recommended for You

A Holland America Personal Cruise Consultant wearing a telephone headset.

Get Free Planning Help

Europe Cruises    |    Mediterranean Cruises    |    Northern Europe Cruises    |    Scandinavian & Baltic Sea Cruises    |    Transatlantic Cruises

Cruise Transatlantic

Cruise Transatlantic

Transatlantic cruises from the USA to Europe depart from New York and Florida, and destinations include England, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Spring and autumn are the peak seasons for Atlantic crossings when cruise lines reposition ships.

Our guide includes the details of every Transatlantic cruise on all cruise lines, including Cunard, Celebrity, Holland America, Norwegian, Princess and Royal Caribbean. Most Atlantic voyages are one-way to Europe from the United States and can be excellent deals, although there are a few round-trip cruises too.

transatlantic cruises

  • China, People's Republic
  • Czech Republic
  • Hong Kong, SAR China
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom


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1 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic Of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

2 Australia, Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan.

3 Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guyana, Guatemala, Guyana (British), Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela.

4 Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Bonaire, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Barthelemy, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Virgin Islands (British).

How Does it Work?

Our International Specialists ensure a seamless process, letting you relax and enjoy your new destination without worrying about transporting your items.

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Print your shipping label, schedule pickup or visit a dhl location, dhl deliveries to your destination, save money by shipping your luggage with dhl express **.

Heading to France, Italy, Germany, or Spain? Let DHL handle your suitcase

Heading to France, Italy, Germany, or Spain? Let DHL handle your suitcase

Ship your luggage to Europe! Prices starting at just $117 be sure to use a DHL promo code. You can start shipping your luggage either online, or by visiting one of our ServicePoints.

International luggage shipping tips?

Now that we understand our shipping category, the next step is figuring out how to pack your luggage securely and what paperwork is needed . Deciding on the best way to do so involves considering the following factors:

Hard plastic & metal cases are most suited to Express transport and are easily stacked & handled without risk of damage.

If there are fragile items in your luggage, you should wrap them individually with a protective wrap and ensure that all empty spaces in the luggage are filled with fillers. To ensure that your baggage is handled with extra care, affix a "fragile" label on the outside of your shipping container.

Luggage weighing more than 75 lbs. should use a pallet, crate or a made-to-measure box that is sufficiently sturdy. Pieces weighing above 150 lbs., require a fork-movable crate or loading your luggage onto a pallet, as handling equipment is often required to move heavy weights.

  • Avoid using thin "shell" suitcases
  • Tape down the handle & avoid suitcases with exposed non-recessed wheels and wrap suitcase with shrink-wrap or box
  • Hard reinforced plastic or metal cases offering adequate protection for fragile sporting & musical equipment
  • Tape down clasps to avoid accidental opening or shrink wrap entire case
  • Non-Rigid Soft luggage (duffle bag) offers no protection to contents of bag
  • We have created an easy-to-understand glossary of logistics terminology to help you navigate the jargon in international shipping.
  • Do not use sticky pouches for the shipping labels and documents, place your label and documents into a tie-on holder
  • Ensure name/address is on both inside and outside of luggage
  • We do not recommend the use of locks as luggage may need to be inspected for regulatory or security purposes
  • If using a lock, please be aware this may be removed for Security or Regulatory inspections and not returned

Box the bag in one of the standard boxes available at your DHL Service Point. Find a location .

The benefits and savings of shipping your luggage with DHL Express ahead of your trip are abundant. From convenience and timesaving to reduced stress and global reach, this service offers a comprehensive solution to streamline your travel experience. Consider DHL Express for your next journey and enjoy the freedom to travel without the burden of bulky bags. You can also send documents, see our top tips here . For more information or to get started, please don't hesitate to contact us .

Each country has its parcel labelling requirements. That's why it's essential to research the most recent customs regulations to ensure that your luggage meets the shipping requirements.

Example: For entry into the United States a US Customs and Border Protection Form 3299 - Declaration of Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles should be completed prior to the importation of used personal effects over $200 USD. Shipping to Mexico may require the shipper to provide documentation such as a passport, airline ticket or boarding pass. Learn more about changes to the EU's customs security and safety program (ICS2).

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Westfalia Digital Nomads

How to Ship Your Van to North America From Europe (or Vice Versa)

As many of you know, we’ve spent the last 4 years traveling and living full-time in our van across Europe. In our typical slow travel styles, we’ve pretty much visited almost all of the European countries. Our next move was to continue our journey on a new continent: North America.

Of course, we first checked the prices of vans and similar vehicles across the pond, but it was still a high price for a ‘real’ Westy and especially a T4 like ours. Numbers ranged from $16,000-20,000. We then checked the costs and possibilities of shipping our beloved Mork over. And that’s what actually happened.

In fact, I’m writing this post next to a Canadian lakeshore.

If you’re thinking of doing the same move, we’ll try to tell you exactly what you need to know and how to prepare. Let’s start with the paperwork, because it’s the most fun.* Grin.


A Driving License

In order to drive in Canada or the USA, you need a valid driving license and an International Driving License. Speaking about my homeland, Italy, I actually had to do two: one for Canada and one for the U.S., because they have different historic agreements (one from Geneve and the other from Vienna). It’s not a difficult job to get them.

You need the usual documents and pictures, filling in the forms and paying some taxes or fees. In total, it was around 60 Euros for each one. You can also ask for a fast delivery for an extra 5 Euros.

Don’t do these documents too far in advance , since they have an expiration date. Also, don’t forget to make sure your driving license won’t expire for the next 6 months to get in –and drive- in Canada or the USA.

Car Documents

You need to take your car registration, obviously, and your ownership documents. Make sure they are both in good condition and in English.


Finding a Shipping Company

We asked some van life friends in our communities for tips and advice in shipping companies. Before we chose one, we sent all the info they required by email, so they could give us a price quotation back. Normally, because the van gets shipped inside a container, they need all of the measurements of your van: length, width and height. The quotation changes depending on these measurements.

We sent out a couple of requests and found a good deal with Interglobal Shipping . You can actually see the pro forma invoice here we received from them. We didn’t choose just according to a cheaper price. We wanted a good location from where we could ship the van, a good location for picking it up, and lastly a direct flight for us to arrive at a nearby destination.

We chose: Emden to Halifax shipping, with a flight from Amsterdam to Toronto and then another short flight for Armando from Toronto to Halifax.

Some friends of ours are going to ship their van in 2017, although they chose another company that ships from Italy to the USA.

Once you choose the best deal for you, the actual operation is pretty easy: you need to scan or take pictures of your documents (car registration, driving license, passport) and send them by email. After this is done, they’ll inform you when the next boat’s available and when you can actually drop off your van at the harbor.

With Interglobal, we dropped the van in Emden (a port town in the North of Germany and close to the border with Netherlands). The van was booked for a boat sailing 1 st August, but we had to drop it off 5 days before the shipping date.

Before dropping off your van, you’ll have to stop by the local border control. They check all of your shipping documents and inspect the van. Payments can easily be done by bank transfer. When the money is received, they send you all the documents you’ll require for the harbor.


Preparing the Van for Shipping

We had to remove all the extra stuff we normally have on the roof: the storage box, the solar shower and Armando’s surfboard. Then we had to figure out a way to put it all neatly together inside of the van. We also tried to put other stuff we couldn’t take with us into ‘difficult-to-access’ places, like under the couch or inside the kitchen cabinets.

You have to make sure that nothing can possibly roll or fall down, because several different people will be driving the van, opening it and inspecting it. Oh, and you’ll have to give them your extra set of keys for the van, too, of course.

The things we left inside were several things that we couldn’t take with us, like the surfboard, the camera slider, the road shower, excess clothes and all of the kitchen items. We also cleaned out the fridge. Everything was well packed, but DO NOT leave any valuables inside (computers, cameras, etc.). From what we’ve been told, 1 car in every 20 that gets shipped ends up missing something after the journey. We only had one loss: Armando’s small tool kit he’d forgotten, that had been laying between the two front seats.

Organizing Your Trip

This wasn’t an easy task for us, for several reasons: we travel with a dog; we only have our van as a home and car; and we tried to stay within a budget. The first thing we had to find after the van was on its way was a good flight. After a lot of research, we found an option from Amsterdam. It was closer to where we were actually staying in Germany than Frankfurt was.

For a direct flight to Toronto it was 400 Euro for two people one-way and for our dog, Ziggy. They had a pet policy and we paid an extra 35 Euros at the airport. Be sure to book flight dates that match the shipping arrival time, since shipping usually takes around 10 days , not including delays.

There is a 4-5 day ‘hold’ on the van after arrival, if you can’t make it exactly on the same day.


Getting Your Van in Halifax

The company you choose for shipping will give you all the info needed for getting your van from Halifax or in any other harbor. It typically takes 2-3 working days to be inspected by the Canadian/USA border control, but also this depends on the time of the year you ship the van. You get the contact of a Canadian company that takes care of your van and in order to get all the proper documents by email, you have to pay a Canadian Tax ($355 CAD).

Before getting to the ‘auto port’ (the huge parking lot where they keep all imported cars), be sure you stop by the border police office in town first . You just need to show your ID and car documents, get a nice stamp on your paperwork and then you’re ready to pick up the van.

At the auto port, show all your paperwork again and after they’ve done a check, they send somebody to bring the van just outside the office. All in one piece, hopefully. Ha. Bring your copy of the keys. Their standard procedure doesn’t allow them to give you the ones that were used in the transport of the van.

Check to make sure everything’s all right both outside and inside the van. For external or internal damage and to see if anything is missing, for example (by the way, all shipping companies offer a shipping insurance, just ask them for more details on their policies). Once that’s done, you’re free to go.

Insuring Your Car in North America

This was a bit tricky for us, because we were told nobody insures foreign cars in Canada. For this reason, we asked a few of our van life friends, like Tigger Travels and Bee Individual , for tips and advice. They came up with some contacts for a U.S. insurance broker that easily got us insurance for both Canada and the U.S. Then the insurance was sent by snail mail to Halifax.

There are also (from what we know) several EU companies that can insure your van for North America, just check online to see if they exist in your country of residence.

In order to get insurance, you need to provide these documents:

  • Driving license
  • International driving license
  • Car documents and registration

Medical Insurance

If you want to travel safely in North America, it’s sound advice to get extra travel insurance for your vacation time. Many types of insurance can be done in your home country or directly in Canada, online. As you know, North America is pretty expensive when comes down to hospital and medication costs. Better safe than sorry, eh?

Sending Your Van Back to Old Europe

Since we’re not planning on doing that for quite a while, we don’t have so much info about it. We know that the shipping company that took care of our van in Halifax also does the shipping in the opposite way. You can directly ask them for a quotation.

How Long Can You Drive in Canada?

With your van, you’ll be able to drive in Canada as long as your visa lasts. In our case, that’s 3 months. For the USA, our van can stay for one year, but after that we’ll need to take it back or go elsewhere because it doesn’t fall under the law of ‘25+ years or older as a model.’ We’re just short of it at 21 years. Overstaying with your van means taking the risk of having your van confiscated or (gasp!) even destroyed. For your Visa here you can find usefull information.


Tips and Advice for VW Van Owners

If you come with a VW, we can advise (from personal experience) that it’s a good idea to buy some cheap extra or replacement parts in Europe, because it’s not really easy to find them in North America. For example: belts, filters, seals and even some gaskets.

If you have any mechanical problems, make sure you find a good VW mechanic in the area. Many North American mechanics haven’t a clue when it comes to ‘foreign European vehicles.’ Here are two lovelies we found – and tested – on our way:

John Bugs repair

Finding Kitchen Gas

Before leaving Europe, you’ll need to be prepared for using your propane kitchen bottle while here. We have aboard a 907 Campingaz 3Kg bottle, which is the standard for the EU and you can easily find in many camping stores, hardware stores, etc. Here? Not at all. The North American standard is different, mainly in size and also in how it functions.

You can buy an adaptor online like this one so you can fill your bottle at some of the local propane stations. We don’t have it, so we don’t actually know if it works 100% or not, but we’ll update this post once we’ll find out.

For ‘emergency use’ now (think: morning coffee!), we bought a gas stove at Walmart for $40 CAD and 4 small propane bottles for around $12.

It’s definitely not for long-term, since the small bottles finish pretty quickly. However, as a solution we now have our morning coffee and a hot meal daily. Why didn’t we have our 2 Campingaz bottles filled up before leaving Europe? Because we were told that for shipping, the gas has to be empty for safety reasons. It’s your choice.

Diesel and Gas Prices in North America

A really nice thing about North America is the price of gas. In Canada, it ranges from 85 cents to $1.15 per liter. Not bad at all. Most gas stations have more gas pumps than diesel, but it isn’t difficult at all to find a diesel pump.

Another cost-saving plus: nearly all of the highways in Canada are free, without tolls. Just keep your eye on the speed limit and enjoy the sensational landscapes while you’re driving through.

Shipping our van from Europe to North America was really quite an adventure. A lot of time, money, headaches and frustrations had to be waded through to get here. But we are overjoyed and enjoying the wonders we’re discovering. It’s all exciting. From Niagara Falls oddness to the warmth of a local powwow on an Indian Reservation to meeting up with Sero on the road, it’s been a blast. And so much more to come!

What about you? Have you shipped your van abroad? What was your experience like? Have you got any tips to add? Any questions we haven’t answered? We’d love to hear from you. Just let us know in the comments below!

ship travel europe to usa

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Armando Costantino

Armando Costantino is a film director and freelance videographer. He’s been a digital nomad in Europe for over 5 years, in a Westy named ‘Mork,’ with his partner Melony Candea.

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I have been following you people on your wonderful experience. I would appreciate if you can give me a review of your 1.9 diesel VW regarding reliability and if you have compared notes with other VW owners regarding the 2.5 diesel version. Your inputs are appreciated. Thank you both for sharing.

Ok, let me think couple days for a review, never done it before 🙂

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thanks for the post. How much did it cost you to ship your van?

Cheers, Adam

DoH! Nevermind, just saw your dropbox links. Sorry >.<

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Salve, Armando, permettimi di scriverti in italiano per una velocissima richiesta: a quale compagnia di assicurazione vi siete rivolti per la RCA in America? Quest’estate dovrei portare il mio camper su VW. Grazie se potrai rispondere. Best regards!

Ciao Clelia, riguardo all’assicurazione c’e’ stato dato un contatto da nostri amici inglesi, anche loro in giro in Canada e USA. Non e’ stato facile e purtroppo ho girato lo stesso contatto ad un’altro amico che non ha mai ricevuto risposta da loro, quindi non mi sento di consigliarli. Puoi invece chiedere a Lele (lo trovi su FB come pagina Camperiamo e anche nella nostra pagina risorse vanlife community, lui e’ in USA in questo momento e sicuramente ti puo’ dare info piu’ aggiornate. Buon viaggio.

Grazie, Armando, di questa e di tutte le altre preziose informazioni. Ho già avuto risposta anche da Lele. Buoni km!

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Peter Hagman

Thank you for last time! Just want to say that your website is amazingly a real encyclopedia of art to drive, live in a van. Best Peter

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Peter, so happy you find useful information on our site. It makes us happy that it’s appreciated! 🙂 Let us know if there’s something we’ve missed or if you’ve any questions we can answer. Mel, Armando, Ziggy & Mork

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I am about to secure a reservation to ship my 1997 Eurovan from Texas to Barcelona in June. Do you have any advice on what to expect at the receiving end in Barcelona? Will my vehicle be denied entry because it is a 1997 model? I currently do not have Spanish vehicle insurance. Should I purchase before I arrive? I do have an international driver’s license and my own US driver’s license, will I be allowed to drive my vehicle? I have a friend in Spain who will be on the ground before me to receive the vehicle. I understand that they may be responsible for fees and extras at the receiving end.

I appreciate any guidance you can offer!

Hi Kristy, let’s see if I can answer some of your questions. About the shipping: the only advice it’s try to secure all you have inside (we got few things stolen somewhere in Eu of CA), just few small things I left outside. About the vehicle should not be a problem, make sure you check if in US you need a document called Temporary Export (if you don’t have it, they’ll ask you import taxes on the way back). Usually the shipping company can take care of this document. You need a valid EU insurance to drive (can’t help you here with any link, I know in Germany could be more easy). You need an international driving licence to drive in EU. I got the same for Canada and US (they actually never check it, they even did not now what it is!). Probably at the end in Spain there will be some port/harbor fees as we had when our van arrived in Canada. Here a helpful link about insurance: here for the driving licence:

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Hi guys, i’ve been following you religiously on all the social media in the last five months while preparing my Renault Master for my big adventure around Europe which will start in 25 days! I am super excited and now that i stumbled on this specific article, i’m even more convinced that in a couple of years, once my journey here will be done to follow your footstep and ship the van overseas. But well first i got to start, but i love to dream about it! Again thanks for what you guys are sharing!

Hi Simone, thanks for your comment. So glad you’re starting this new adventure! I’m sure that you’ll have plenty of nice stories to tell after a while living on the road! Safe travels

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You’re Dropbox links don’t work anymore. What was the cost to ship the van?

sorry for the delay in our answer: so from EU to Canada was around 1250 euro and took couple week to arrive in Halifax. The way back was 1200 US$ from Toronto to south Italy

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Advice for Americans Taking Their Car To Europe


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Tips to Help You Plan that European Trip

You are planning a road trip to Europe from the USA and you're not sure whether shipping your own car to the other side of the Atlantic is a good idea. When you travel from the USA to Europe, European car rental is one way to get around - but some people may prefer to have their own car, especially if they are planning on spending an extended period of time there. When it comes to shipping a car from the USA to Europe, there is a lot of prep work to be done beyond just finding a decent car-shipping company. Considering how much of a hassle this can be, and the fact that a rental car in Europe is cheap enough, the simpler option seems clear. However, it is always important to weigh your options when you have the freedom to do so.

Doing a Road Trip to Europe: Take Your Own Car or Rent?

So, the first thing you have to do is to decide whether you are going to be arranging for your own car's transport to Europe or whether you are going to opt for European car rental instead. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of each of the options.

If you want to ship your car for your driving vacation in Europe, keep these in mind:

Renting a car in Europe has its own set of pros and cons:

Shipping Your Car from the USA to Europe

You've decided to take your own car and since you can't drive to Europe from the USA, your car has to go by ship, so here's a basic checklist of things to keep in mind:

  • How much would it cost me to ship my car from the US to Europe? For your car to travel by ship to Europe from the USA's east coast, the price may be anything from around $800 to more than $4,000 one way, depending on the size of the container. For example, it could be a 20-foot or 40-foot container, and you may have to end up sharing with someone else. The vehicle's dimensions and weight will also affect the price. Other factors influencing the cost include whether you're using a roll-on, roll-off (RoRo) vessel, which is cheaper than container shipping and requires no container handling, and which shipping company you use. Shipping a car from Europe to the USA again for the return leg won't necessarily double the costs if you can get a good deal, so remember to book it as a package.
  • Car preparation. This is very similar to preparing your car for any type of holiday , but with a few extra caveats. Make sure that your car has been serviced and that all pending repairs have been completed to ensure that it is reliable. Clean it, remove all personal items, and note all existing dents, scratches, and damage, taking photos of them, with a date stamp enabled on your photos. Check the health of the battery and the pressure of the tires. Strip all removable accessories such as roof racks. Your fuel tank should be one-quarter full at most.
  • Documentation. You require your car's original certificate of ownership and certificate of origin (the latter if it was bought new), a notarized bill of sale, and a shipper export declaration form. Your international shipper will have all the details.
  • Extra key. You have to give your shipper an extra set of car keys, so ensure you have a set and that any necessary remote batteries are fresh.
  • Insurance. Contact your vehicle insurer for overseas all-risk, total-loss, and shipping insurance. If your provider does not offer this, you have to buy international shipping insurance, which will probably cost around two percent of the value of your vehicle.

Road Trip to Europe from the USA - In a Rental Car

By comparison, a rental car is a cheap and easy option. Stipulate clearly that you want an automatic vehicle, as manual transmissions are commonplace in Europe. Compare cars, making sure that you know how much luggage capacity you require and whether your rental will be big enough, especially concerning cars only available in Europe and not in the US. There are a lot more small cars in Europe and no full-size trucks such as the Ford F-150 , only mid-size ones, such as the Ford Ranger .

Crossover SUVs such as a Toyota RAV4 are a versatile choice, as they're ubiquitous all over the world and more practical than a sedan. Europe is also home to the best station wagons since the body type is still popular there, and they provide lots of space and comfort. Try to avoid driving long distances non-stop, but if you must, follow these tips to stay alert , especially if you're traveling alone .

Conclusion - Parting Thoughts on Traveling Europe By Car

A tour from the USA to travel Europe by car is an unforgettable experience and you should put aside several weeks to get the most out of it. If you're taking your own car, ensure that you are aware of the European rules of the road and local traffic signs, observe social-distancing protocols, avoid very crowded places, and know how to drive a left-hand-drive vehicle on the right-hand side of the road in the UK if you have to. Your car must be compliant in all European emission zones, too. Have a look at our detailed checklist for a European road trip .

Remember that Europe uses the metric system, so they have kilometers and not miles. Make sure you know what speed to drive if you're using your own car with a miles-per-hour speedometer. With the right preparation - and if you follow all our useful tips - your European trip will be one of your all-time travel memories.

  • Driving Tips

2024 Toyota RAV4

AEC Parcel Service logo

Shipping from the US to Europe: a beginner’s guide

July 22, 2021

AEC Parcel

Shipping from the US to Europe for the first time? Feeling lost and confused? Then you’ve come to the right place! It’s no wonder that shipping internationally seems far more complex than shipping locally. When shipping to Europe, many things need to be considered. Customs duties, extended delivery times, and restricted items are the things no ones likes to deal with.

However, it’s easier than you think it is. And the tricky parts should not scare you away from shipping overseas. Eventually, you’ll notice that shipping from the US to Europe is pretty similar to sending packages locally. Only a few things are different.

map contours

How long does shipping from the US to Europe take?

Europe stands out with its advanced logistic links and transportation system. Usually, shipping to Europe is smooth and doesn’t take too long. When you ship packages with AEC, it normally takes 7 to 10 business days with express option and 4 to 6 weeks with the economy. 

delivery by plane and by ship

Is it safe to ship internationally?

Generally, international package shipping is a safe thing to do if you do it via a reliable package delivery company. However, although the chance is really minor, international shipments sometimes get lost, damaged, or stolen even with the most reputable carrier. 

When you ship from the US, you can protect your packages with package insurance. This way you will be reimbursed the declared value of goods in case something unexpected happens with your parcel. Although it usually costs extra, here at AEC we insure all packages for free. 

A package tracking option is also beneficial to assure the safety of your parcel. This way you’ll know exactly where your package is at the moment. We provide our customers with 24/7 live and detailed parcel tracking for free with each shipment. 

Which shipping company should I choose?

Choosing a carrier for your shipments is a crucial part of a successful package delivery overseas. The international shipping market in the US is crowded with different shipping companies, so making a decision can become difficult.  

To avoid scammers and unqualified shippers, you have to consider a few factors. First, make sure your chosen shipping company has solid experience in the package shipping area. Then, read the reviews online to form an opinion on service quality. And of course, go with a carrier that offers reasonable shipping from the US to Europe rates .

How do I pack a package?

Proper packaging is crucial if you want your items to reach the destination point in a good condition. It especially applies when you’re sending packages overseas due to more complex transit procedures and extended shipping times. 

The rule of thumb is packing your parcel the way you would like to receive it. Use strong and not damaged packaging materials, seal all seams as much as possible, and take extra care of fragile items . Use plenty of internal packaging and avoid empty spaces in the parcel.

excellent package vs damaged package

How much international shipping costs?

International cheap shipping is something you should seek, but it’s easier said than done. Shipping from the US to European countries can start from as little as 0,85/lb and go up to unreasonable numbers. 

It usually varies by the destination country and by carrier rates. You can easily check our discounted shipping price to your destination point with our convenient shipping rate calculator .

How to deal with customs?

Understanding and complying with customs regulations is probably one the scariest parts of shipping from the US to Europe. Each country has different regulations on cross-border parcels, and customs regulate these rules.

Basically, it’s a duty to import something into another country. This duty depends on the destination country and the goods you want to send there. That’s why you will need to declare the value and the contents of your package each time you ship a parcel overseas.

The senders themselves are responsible for knowing and complying with customs regulations when sending packages internationally. So, it’s smart to get expert help on customs. Hop into our country guides to get customs information on your destination country or contact the customs office to get the information.

customs form and packages

What can and can’t I ship internationally?

The answer to this question is purely based on the destination point, as each country has differences in items they accept from foreign countries. So if you’re shipping to Ukraine , you need to check what goods are prohibited there, and if you’re shipping to France, you should familiarize yourself with the list applicable there. However, there are common item categories that are not allowed in most European countries when shipping from the US.

Generally, you cannot ship flammable, pressurized, or illegal things like weapons. Monetary instruments (e.g. cash, gold) and food are also prohibited from shipping to Europe. 

To get the full list of prohibited or restricted items on your destination point, refer to our country guides or research it by yourself.

What is the best way to ship internationally?

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to ship from the US to Europe is via AEC Parcel Service. We offer probably the lowest shipping rates on the market, provide you free package insurance and a convenient tracking option. Plus, your packages can be picked up straight from your doorstep by our couriers or you can leave them at one of our drop-off locations next to your home or office. Check our shipping rates here and get our premium shipping from the US services.

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EU Entry/Exit System

Information about changing requirements for UK nationals travelling to countries in the Schengen area.

From November 2024, the EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system ( EES ). This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.

If you are travelling to a country in the Schengen area using a UK passport, you will be required to register your biometric details, such as fingerprints or a photo, when you arrive. EES registration will replace the current system of manually stamping passports when visitors arrive in the EU.  ​

The exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed.

If you are travelling to the Schengen area

When EES is introduced, you will need to create a digital record on your first visit to the Schengen area at the port or airport on arrival. You will be required to submit your fingerprints and have your photo taken at dedicated booths. 

You will not need to provide any information before travelling to a Schengen area country.  

If you are flying to a country in the Schengen area, you may experience longer queue times when you arrive at your destination.  

At some ports and international stations (Dover, Eurotunnel and St Pancras), there may be increased wait times while EES registration is completed before passengers leave the UK. ​If you are travelling through one of these stations, you should check with your travel operator to find out whether EES will affect your journey.

Your digital record is valid for 3 years. If you enter the Schengen area again during this time, you will only need to provide a fingerprint or photo at the border, when you enter and exit.

Why the EU is introducing EES

EES is designed to improve border security within the EU and its neighbouring countries, and reduce illegal migration in the Schengen area.  It will automate border control checks to help the EU stop visitors overstaying.​

EES is part of wider work the EU is doing to strengthen their border security. In 2025, the EU will introduce the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System ( ETIAS ).  ​ 

When ETIAS is introduced, you will need to apply for authorisation to enter Schengen area countries if using a UK passport. You will need to provide personal information and details about your trip, and pay a 7 Euro fee, as part of the authorisation process.  

The EU has already set out more information on ETIAS , including what information will be required from each nationality, on the EU’s official Travel Europe website .

How EES will affect travelling to the Schengen area

The UK government has been working closely with the European Commission, member states, local authorities and the travel industry to prepare ports for EES . The government is supporting ports and carriers to ensure EES registration is simple for people travelling to the Schengen area.

UK government support includes providing Eurostar, Eurotunnel and Port of Dover with £3.5 million each, to spend on registration kiosks and infrastructure. 

Eurostar expects EES registration to be quick and easy. ​It will have 50 kiosks across 3 locations at stations for people to carry out the checks.

Eurotunnel will have over 100 kiosks and estimate EES checks will add just over 5 minutes to journey times.​ 

Port of Dover will have 24 kiosks for coach passengers and will register passengers in cars using agents and tablets to make the process as straightforward as possible. 

Find out more information on the EES initiative on the EU’s official  Travel Europe website .

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Europe Bound: PCS Tips for Smooth Sailing

Top Tips for Deployment to Europe from MAS

PCS orders are an inevitable part of any service member’s career. But a PCS OCONUS to Europe adds a more complicated timeline.

There are things to consider when encountering a PCS overseas. Will you live on base or off? How will you handle currency exchange or pet transportation? Will you ship your vehicle or buy one through Military AutoSource when you arrive?

It’s a lot to consider. But no need to feel overwhelmed!

Below are some top tips for when you have PCS orders to Europe.

Medical & Travel Clearance for PCS to Europe

PCS Tip #1: Get Medical & Travel Clearance

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed for military families. The program helps with housing, educational, medical, personnel, and community support services.

Even if no one’s on EFMP, everyone in the family will get screened. This is to verify medical needs can be met overseas. Start the process as early as possible. Take care to ensure all family members see the dentist and the doctor and get necessary tests and vaccines completed for all family members.

US Passport needed for PCS

PCS Tip #2: Get Your Passports in Order

You will need a government-issued, no-fee passport to enter countries with military bases. These include Italy, Belgium, Greece, Souda Bay, Brussels, and the Netherlands. However, this doesn’t cover a tourist passport for traveling within the country.

The DoD Directive requires all active duty and dependents to have a no-fee passport and a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp on these passports. You can get the SOFA stamp through a U.S. Military passport office.

Your government-issued passport is free once you have orders in hand. But in some places, like Italy, you’ll need a visa too. These can take several weeks or months. Visas sometimes cause a time delay during a PCS to Europe. So start the process as soon as possible!

Sell, store or ship your vehicle for PCS

PCS Tip #3: Decide if You’ll Store, Sell or Ship Your Vehicle

It’s easier to avoid the hassle of shipping your vehicle and buying a new or used car when you arrive. Thankfully, Military AutoSource can help you with that. We offer a convenient way to buy US-spec cars, trucks, SUVs and motorcycles at regulated military pricing.

Military AutoSource is the only DoD and Exchange-authorized new and used car-buying program. Product specialists are located on most bases overseas and work to find the right vehicle to fit your needs.

What to do with pets as you PCS

PCS Tip #4: Prep for Your Pets

Pets must be microchipped and medically cleared. All vaccinations must be up to date. This is a detailed and often costly process, so please start the process early.

Speak with your base vet as soon as they are USDA certified/approved. They have all the forms and procedures to make an OCONUS PCS with a pet go as smoothly as possible!

Decide what you will take on your PCS move

PCS Tip #5: Decide What You Can Buy When You Arrive

Remember, countries outside the US have different outlets and electrical setups. Buy dual voltage so you can use them in the US and Europe.

The Exchange on post is a valuable resource when considering your electronic needs. Many choose to purchase things like furniture or electronics once in Europe.

Be sure to check the airline baggage policy beforehand. You’ll want to know how many bags and what you can travel with.

Immerse yourself in the culture while you PCS

PCS Tip #6: Immerse Yourself in the Culture

Research holidays, customs, language, social norms, currency, and travel in your soon-to-be new home. Be prepared for a shift in cultural expectations and to learn new things.

Make a bucket list for your PCS

PCS Tip #7: Make a Bucket List to Explore Europe

One of the biggest perks of Europe is the ease of travel within various countries.

A PCS to Europe may not have been in your plans, but the travel experiences are a bucket list item for many. Take a train through the countryside. Hop on a flight to the next country over. Be prepared to immerse yourself in all Europe has to offer!

Establish community during your PCS

PCS Tip #8: Establish Community

Time zone differences, communication barriers, and physical and emotional distance may hit you hard. All moves are difficult. But a move to a whole new country can be especially taxing.

Establish community before you get there. Technology is a great tool! Join groups and forums. After you move, reach out if you’re having a difficult transition time.

Share with friends and family back home all you’re seeing and learning. And ask them to send some of your favorite things you’re missing!

About Military AutoSource

Military AutoSource provides a factory-direct program tailored to the unique needs of military life.    

As the only Exchange and DoD authorized car-buying program, MAS is the exclusive military distributor and retailer for Audi , Chevrolet , Chrysler , Dodge , Ford , Harley-Davidson , Honda , Jeep , Lexus , Lincoln , Nissan , Ram , Toyota, and Volkswagen vehicles. 

Through our program, U.S. Military, DoD civilians and contractors as well as the Diplomatic community can purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle for delivery in the US or to more than 50 overseas duty locations. Learn more about your overseas U.S. Military car-buying benefits.

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Staff shortages and training faults hamper Navy ship upkeep at sea, sailors tell GAO

Seaman Keenan Williams does preventive maintenance on the flight deck of USS Carl Vinson. Sailors have told the Government Accountability Office that staff shortages and lack of training are hampering efforts to repair ships at sea.

Seaman Keenan Williams, an aviation boatswain’s mate airman, does preventive maintenance on the flight deck of USS Carl Vinson Aug. 21, 2024. A government watchdog agency found that the Navy’s staffing and training are inadequate for routine maintenance and repairs on ships at sea. (Kenneth Ostas/U.S. Navy)

The Navy doesn’t have enough manpower and training to keep its ships in shape for combat, a government watchdog agency said after interviewing sailors across the fleet.

Most of the service’s surface ships, aircraft carriers and submarines are so short-staffed that they can’t complete regular routine maintenance and repairs at sea, according to a Government Accountability Office report released Monday .

That critical labor shortage is exacerbated by a lack of “in-depth and hands-on training for sailors in maintenance and repair techniques,” the GAO said.

“Sailor-led maintenance and repairs (are) the first defense against allowing small defects to become major material problems, which could affect ship operations and mission capability,” the report stated.

The review was conducted from January 2023 to September 2024 and included a survey of executive officers serving aboard more than 230 Navy ships and submarines.

Leadership interviews, discussions with sailors and analysis of the Navy’s personnel and maintenance requirements and other data also were part of the analysis.

The Navy uses sailors for many of the repairs and maintenance tasks needed while a ship is underway. More intensive or highly skilled work is completed at its homeport on return or at a centralized repair facility using a combination of sailors and contractors.

Sailors make repairs aboard the destroyer USS Halsey. A government watchdog agency report found that the Navy’s fleet is hamstrung by a shortage of manpower and training on ship maintenance and repair.

Sailors make repairs aboard the destroyer USS Halsey in the Arabian Sea in 2021. A government watchdog agency report found that the Navy's fleet is hamstrung by a shortage of manpower and training on ship maintenance and repair. (U.S. Navy)

The Navy needs 84,379 enlisted sailors to adequately man its fleet, the report stated. However, just 70,705 enlisted sailors, or about 16% less than required, were serving aboard its ships and submarines as of November 2023, the GAO found.

That manpower shortage is made worse because sailors who are assigned to a ship may not be available for duty due to factors such as illness or temporary assignment elsewhere.

That makes completing repairs while underway “moderately to extremely difficult,” 63% of executive officers surveyed by the GAO said. The agency noted that the Navy doesn’t track how many sailors are assigned to a ship but unavailable for duty.

The study also found widespread concerns that personnel weren’t prepared for their jobs, with those assigned to maintenance-heavy positions often less equipped than other crew members.

For example, the engineering departments of 19 of the 25 ships reviewed had some of the least experienced and skilled sailors.

As a consequence, “more capable sailors that perform a lot of maintenance get burned out and tired of taking up the slack for other sailors and leave the Navy to do the same work for better pay and working conditions,” one respondent said.

Sailors also expressed frustration that their training left them unprepared, especially when it came to troubleshooting problems.

“Sailors need hands-on maintenance training at schoolhouses working on live systems for maintenance and repairs,” one respondent told researchers. “Online or on-demand systems are not reliable, and bandwidth is constrained underway.”

The report also noted problems with the Navy’s use of outdated computer systems to plan, manage and order parts for needed work, further hindering repairs and maintenance.

The GAO made seven recommendations to address its findings , including that the Navy evaluate and optimize the balance between classroom and on-the-job training for junior sailors as the service implements a new instruction program.

The Navy also should periodically gather and report data specific to the number of sailors available for duty as it relates to maintenance and better track the experience and skill level of personnel across departments.

The Navy concurred with all recommendations, the GAO said.

Staff shortages by ship class

Staff shortages for selected ship classes, according to a GAO analysis of U.S. Navy data. (Government Accountability Office)

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previous coverage

  • Damaged steam turbine contributes to Stennis overhaul delays, Navy officials say
  • Navy review highlights challenges behind yearslong shipbuilding delays in Virginia and nationwide
  • Ripple effects from construction, maintenance delays of carriers cause housing crunch at Naval Base Kitsap
  • Navy’s new hovercraft on track to be mission ready by fall after years of delays, watchdog says
  • USS Boxer makes U-turn for repairs on long-delayed, short-lived Indo-Pacific tour
  • Navy’s plan to buy fewer ships, delay some shipbuilding draws frustration from House lawmakers

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  • Navy tells Congress it’s moving forward with $11.5B multi-ship deal
  • Navy gives itself ‘C+’ on ability to repair warships

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Overtourism ho! The Barcelona cruise dilemma

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Miguel Macias

A demonstrator takes part in a protest against mass tourism on Barcelona's Las Ramblas alley, on July 6, 2024. (Josep Lago/AFP)

Barcelona has always attracted crowds, but now it's attracting protests from locals angered at the negative consequences of being one of Europe's most popular destinations. This is especially true for large cruise ships, who can dock close to some of the city's most famous landmarks. On today's show, we look at how cruise ships are both driving revenues and frustrations in Barcelona, and we consider what the city's options are for regulating the flow of visitors.

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EXCLUSIVE: America’s Largest RV Show to Display a Range of Travel Trailers

A picture of Rev Recreation Group's 2023 Hershey RV Show display from an aerial view.

In Hershey, Pennsylvania, nearly 1,500 RVs will display at the Pennsylvania Recreation Vehicles and Camping Association’s (PRVCA) annual America’s Largest RV Show at Giant Center from Wednesday through Sunday.

Nearly 50,000 consumers and approximately 40 manufacturers are expected at the event. Last year, the show totaled 45,535 attendees.

PRVCA Executive Director Heather Leach said, “We are hoping the show kind of gives everybody a little boost for the winter season coming up.”

Among various new models set up at the venue, manufacturers revealed new travel trailers available at the show.

The A-frame manufacturer implemented various 2025 model-year updates across its vehicles. The new RVs feature Mirage gray blackout curtains, Seefeld gray interior paneling and Shalestone countertops. The interior includes upgraded European-style cabinets, cabinet hardware and new lighting.

A picture of the 2025 Aliner interior features.

Balancing beads inserted into the trailer tires are another new feature added to the entire model lineup. The balancing beads are glass spheres made from tempered glass. Aliner Director of Sales Allan Reeping said, “Our balancing beads are an effective way to balance the vehicle wheel assembly for the lifetime of the tire.” Reeping said the beads reduce vibration while towing, extending the tires’ life and reducing trailer road stress.

“Our 2025 updates are designed to elevate both functionality and style,” Reeping said. “We are committed to providing our customers with a premium RV experience that combines innovation with comfort.”

Aliner will display 12 models at the Hershey Show, hosted by Beckley’s RV in booth A7 on the show map in the Acadia Street section.

  • Classic Twin Bunk: The newest model to carry the Classic name has a 15-foot length and weighs under 2,000 pounds. The trailer includes two twin beds, a two-person dinette and a galley with a European-style flush sink and stove. The Classic Twin Bed is standard with a 3.2-cubic-foot, 12-volt compressor refrigerator, a 9,000 BTU heat pump, a 6-gallon water heater, a microwave and a furnace.

A picture of the Aliner Anniversary Edition Ranger 12.

  • 40th Anniversary Edition: To celebrate the manufacturer’s 40th anniversary, Aliner introduced its limited edition green 40th Anniversary Evolution 12 at last year’s Elkhart Extravaganza. To close out Aliner’s year-long 40th-anniversary celebration, Beckley’s RV in Thurmont, Maryland, will feature a 40th-anniversary Ranger 12 edition at the Hershey Show. Reeping said the remaining anniversary Ranger trailers will be at the Hershey Show.

Grand Design

Transcend One

Grand Design will bring two single-axle, stick-and-tin towable floorplans. Both models are 8 feet wide and built on Bal RV Product’s Norco frame. The towables include a queen-sized bed, a heated/enclosed underbelly and a 13,500 BTU air conditioner. The trailers are prepped for 600 watts of solar power, a 2,000-watt inverter and a 30-amp solar controller. The vehicle includes passthrough storage.

A picture of the Transcend One 151BH floorplan.

  • 151BH : The 19.5-foot-long bunk house model has a 3,600-pound dry weight. The travel trailer includes a dry bath, bunk beds and a jack knife sofa with a pet dish drawer underneath.
  • 151RB : The couple’s coach with a rear bath is also 19.5 feet long. The towable includes a rear dry bath, a booth dinette and a Murphy bed. The model includes a pet dish drawer and a pull-out trash can.

A picture of the Reflection 322FKTS floorplan.

  • 322FKTS : The model is Reflection’s first front kitchen floorplan. The RV includes a drop-frame chassis, similar to Imagine trailers, to create a front windshield. The couple’s coach is under 35 feet long and weighs nearly 10,000 pounds. The expanded dry bath includes washer/dryer prep. The model also includes new accent colors. The Collins décor package features warm brown tones. Pendant and sconce lights populate the RV.

Jayco will bring various new models to attract consumers at Hershey. Jayco Director of Product Development for Jayco Lightweight Brands John Fisher said the manufacturer received positive feedback at its Dealer Homecoming in July.

Fisher said, “Many dealers said this towable lineup that we came out with for model year 2025 is the strongest lineup they have ever seen from Jayco.”

Jay Feather Air

This year, Jayco’s White Hawk brand merged under the Jay Feather name to create the Jay Feather Air. The 8-foot wide, single-axle travel trailers feature Azdel sidewalls. The towables include Goodyear tires with self-adjusting brakes.

Appliances include a Coleman-Mach Quiet Series air conditioner and an 11-cubic-foot, 12-volt refrigerator. The kitchen and bathroom have stainless-steel sinks. Jayco will bring two floorplans to Hershey.

A picture of the 2025 Jayco Feather Air at the Jayco Dealer Homecoming.

  • 16RB: The towable includes a rear dry bath, a jack knife sofa and a queen-sized bed. The exterior features a griddle and a 13-foot awning.

Jay Feather

  • 27MK: The couples coach is 33 feet long with opposing rear slide outs. The living room is encased in oversized panoramic windows. A dry bath is next to a front queen-sized bed. An island separates the kitchen from a dinette and tri-fold sofa. The sofa sits across from an entertainment center with a fireplace. The towable includes a 10.5-foot awning and an 8-foot awning.

Heartland will debut its new Corterra travel trailers at Hershey. According to Corterra Product Manager Trent Brickner, after the manufacturer displayed the Corterra fifth wheel at last year’s show, “it was evident that we needed to release the travel trailer.”

Brickner said many consumers favored the luxury of the fifth wheels. The manufacturer offers similar features in its travel trailers.

The towables feature dimmable LED strip lights, solid-surface countertops, a solid step with XL Grab Rail and a 40-inch smart TV with a ceiling-mounted Bluetooth speaker. The travel trailers include 190 watts of solar power with a 30-amp charge controller, an on-demand hot water heater and a Tri-Flo air conditioning system.

A picture of the 2025 Corterra travel trailer.

  • 2RK: The model includes a queen-sized bed and a dry bath. The RV has one slide out with a sofa, refrigerator and pantry. The towable has individual bedroom and living area entrances. The travel trailer includes a 30-gallon black water tank, a 60-gallon gray water tank and a 46-gallon freshwater tank.
  • 3RL: The double slide out towable includes a dry bath and a queen-sized bed. The kitchen includes an island counter, a refrigerator and a pantry. The RV includes a 30-gallon black water tank, an 87-gallon gray water tank and a 44-gallon freshwater tank.
  • 3BH: The model includes two slide outs and two entrances. A dry bath is in the middle of the cabin. The rear features opposing bunk beds. A queen-sized bed is in the front of the RV. The towable’s GVWR is 9,988 pounds.

Forest River

Cherokee Grey Wolf

  • 29NM : The model’s rear parlor room has adjustable bunk beds. The front bedroom features a king-sized bed and a designated entry. A dry bath separates the bedroom from the living area. The kitchen includes an air fryer, a refrigerator and a pantry. The exterior includes an outside kitchen and an outside TV mount. The GVWR is 7.905 pounds.

Cherokee Timberwolf

A picture of the Cherokee Grey Wolf.

No Boundaries

  • RVS3: The model is a travel trailer and a destination trailer crossover. A king-sized bed with a super storage center is in a rear slide out. The bedroom includes a dresser with a fireplace and a rear patio. The front of the RV includes a bathroom suite with dual sinks. A loft above the bathroom includes two bunk beds. The entrances are sliding doors. The model’s GVWR is 10,490 pounds.

KZ will bring 16 travel trailers to Hershey. The manufacturer will bring five Connect floorplans. Most of the lightweight laminated towables will feature bed slide outs.

Three Connect Minis will be at the show. The towables are single-axle lightweight laminated trailers.

A picture of the Connect Mini interior.

KZ will have two Classic floorplans. The models are single-axle and stick-and-tin.

The manufacturer will bring six Sportsmen floorplans. The stick-and-tin models include various standard features such as TVs with fireplaces.

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Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays

Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays

Crossing the pond by cargo ship brings new meaning to slow travel. It’s a little known fact that you get almost anywhere in the world as a passenger on a cargo ship, without having to be a) an inanimate object or b) stowed away in a shipping container. What’s more, it’s one of the most sustainable ways to travel with Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays. Since you only account for a small percentage of “goods” on board, your presence will have no discernible impact on the efficiency of the vessel so you can sail away with a low-carbon conscience for Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays See More . It’s a common misconception that you can get a $10 passage to Australia if you’re willing to take the slow travel option. Sadly, a round-the-world trips in return for doing the dishes isn’t on the cards either. However, if you’re looking for adventure, then travelling by cargo ship is an experience that money can’t buy. And no doubt you’ll return with a unique and unconventional perspective on global travel. How much does travelling by cargo ship cost in Freighter cruise See More ? A typical trans-Atlantic crossing takes between 10 and 22 days, and will cost in the region of £1200 (one-way). Before you’re put off by the price tag, take into account that this includes meals for the duration of your trip (often more than you can eat), a private cabin, complete with en-suite and access to all the ship’s facilities with cargoholidays . Above all what you pay for is the experience of a lifetime in Freighter cruise .

Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays

The level of luxury is dependent on the carrier. Some have DVD players and state-of-the-art entertainment facilities in Freighter cruise , others have VHS and a ping pong table, but if it’s an experience you’re after then you couldn’t ask for more. Food varies from ship to ship (often depending on the nationality of the crew), and you will probably eat in the officer’s mess along with the more senior crew onboard with cargoholidays See More . Freighter ship travel can at times be an emotional rollercoaster as it’s quite unlike anything you’ve done before. Everyone’s experience will be different but you’re certainly in for the adventure of a lifetime for cruise to Europe . Loco2 co-founder Kate Andrews travelled on a freighter from Dover to Costa Rica so we’ve first-hand experience of this alternative way to travel See More . It can be lonely if you travel alone (as I discovered in the early days of my adventure), and sometimes deadly boring for cruise to Europe , but with a stash of good books and a willingness to engage with the crew the time will soon be slipping away.


































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  5. How Long Does It Take to Get to Europe by Boat?

    ship travel europe to usa

  6. How to Travel from USA to Europe by Ship

    ship travel europe to usa


  1. Visiting Europe / European Cruise Ship Travel #shorts

  2. Moomin Cabin

  3. Moving to America? Here's how to do the paperwork


  1. How to Travel from Europe to America by Ship

    Le Havre (France) to New York, 7 nights. One of the fastest ways to cross the Atlantic to the USA is by taking a freighter from Le Havre, France, to New York. Rotterdam (The Netherlands) to Miami, Florida, ~16 nights. Just like the previous entry, this cargo ship takes you from Central Europe to the Atlantic side of the United States.

  2. Transatlantic Cruises 2024, 2025 & 2026

    Less than a century ago, ocean liners were the only way to travel between the United States and Europe. During the early 20th century, ship lines like White Star and Cunard competed for the honor of having the fastest and most elegant ships at sea. Today, when you can reach London from New York City in less than six hours by air, a six-day ...

  3. How to Travel from USA to Europe by Ship

    Travel from the USA to Europe on a cargo ship 2. Travel on a Cargo Ship from the USA to Europe Can you travel from the United States to Europe on a cargo ship? Yes, you can! At least if COVID restrictions allow it. Compared to cruises, freighter travel is considered nearly CO2 neutral. To book a freighter voyage, you can use specialized travel ...

  4. Travel by ship to Europe From USA with Cargoholidays

    Booking passage aboard a cargo ship usually includes meals to travel by ship to Europe, accommodation ship to Europe From USA, and port fees as well as up to 200kg of luggage, though exact amounts can vary. You may have to carry your own books or DVDs for entertainment and can leave them onboard for the next passengers.

  5. Cargo ship travel from USA to europe

    Cargo ship travel from USA to europe. Cargo ship travel from USA to europe. Crossing the pond by cargo ship brings new meaning to slow travel. It's a little known fact that you get almost anywhere in the world as a passenger on a cargo ship, without having to be a) an inanimate object or b) stowed away in a shipping container on ship travel.

  6. How to Travel by Cargo Ship Around the World

    How to Travel by Cargo Ship Around the World. Travel through Vancouver by cargo ship. Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine. You turn your head towards the water just in time to spot a pod of dolphins swimming by or flying fish, providing company in the ocean. After lingering in the sunshine for a ...

  7. Cargo Ship Voyages

    Whether a Cargo ship has 1 or 101 passengers onboard, it will still sail and use just as much fuel, making your journey almost completely 'carbon neutral'. ... - short haul European, Mediterranean, Baltic - Europe/South Africa/Europe voyages, fully booked into 2025, 2026 now open for bookings. ... Try us and travel the world your way! Follow ...

  8. Cargo Ship Travel

    Other agencies booking passenger travel on cargo ships are:, & CMA CGM is a French cargo transportation and shipping company and is the third largest cargo shipping company in the world. -, you can book direct or via several of the agents listed above.

  9. Transatlantic Cruises 2024 & 2025

    Voyage East to the Old Continent. Go back in time as you journey from the New World to the Old Continent on a transatlantic cruise from Florida or Boston to Europe. Cross the Atlantic Oocean to rugged Northern Europe landscapes or to explore the ancient wonders of Italy and Spain. Endless possibilities await.

  10. Cruise Transatlantic

    Cruise Transatlantic. Transatlantic cruises from the USA to Europe depart from New York and Florida, and destinations include England, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Spring and autumn are the peak seasons for Atlantic crossings when cruise lines reposition ships. Our guide includes the details of every Transatlantic cruise on ...

  11. How to Take a Boat From the US to Europe

    Cunard's Queen Mary 2 makes regular transatlantic repositioning trips from New York to the United Kingdom, Germany and France. Itineraries range from seven-day, one-way trips to 27-day round trips, and prices range from $800 to $2,500 per person, depending on the itinerary and time of year. These cruises are necessary for each ship and usually ...

  12. Freighter cruises to Europe from usa

    Freighter cruises to Europe from usa. Freighter cruises to Europe from usa. What makes travelling by cargo ship such a unique experience? Slow way of travelling - great for getting a feeling of how large the world is; Giving the possibility to visit ports and places that are not on the beaten track; Experiencing life on board - hanging out with the officers and crew on Freighter cruises ...

  13. Freighter travel

    The European round trips from Hamburg or Barcelona are popular. While your ship is engaged in cargo operations in the various ports, you have time to explore the surroundings. If you take your bike with you, you are independent and flexibly mobile. 21-day round trip Hamburg - Canary Islands - Morocco - Spain:

  14. usa

    Some sources for freighter travel: Wikivoyage on freighter travel. It countains a lot of practical information and further links. An overview of trans-atlantic routes. You have the choice between the North Atlantic (e.g. UK - New York), the Mediterranean (southern Europe - USA), or to travel to the Caribbean.

  15. Ship Your Luggage Ahead With Dhl Express

    Ship Luggage at a DHL ServicePoint. Heading to France, Italy, Germany, or Spain? Let DHL handle your suitcase. Ship your luggage to Europe! Prices starting at just $117 be sure to use a DHL promo code. You can start shipping your luggage either online, or by visiting one of our ServicePoints.

  16. Transatlantic service from Europe to USA

    Northern Europe To USA. • 3 weekly sailings from Belgium and Germany to the US East Coast (Norfolk & New York) with connection to US Midwest. • 2 weekly sailings from Le Havre to the US East Coast. • Direct connection from the UK ex Felixstowe to US East Coast and Jacksonville. • Unique and direct Ecuador - NWC & SCAN BALTIC - USA ...

  17. Freighter Ship Travel Europe USA Mexico: Slowtravel experience

    Age restriction for this trip: minimum age is 16 / maximum age 77. To the fares mentioned, there will be an additional charge of 45 EUR per passenger for an evacuation insurance, which was introduced by the shipping company in September 2016. The agency 'SLOWTRAVEL experience' is not the operator, rather the agent of this travel.

  18. How to Ship Your Van to North America From Europe (or Vice Versa)

    It's not a difficult job to get them. You need the usual documents and pictures, filling in the forms and paying some taxes or fees. In total, it was around 60 Euros for each one. You can also ask for a fast delivery for an extra 5 Euros. Don't do these documents too far in advance, since they have an expiration date.

  19. Advice for Americans Taking Their Car To Europe

    For your car to travel by ship to Europe from the USA's east coast, the price may be anything from around $800 to more than $4,000 one way, depending on the size of the container. For example, it ...

  20. Clearing Customs on the Way Home from Europe

    Customs regulations for items you ship amount to 10 or 15 frustrating minutes of filling out forms at a shipping office or post office. From Europe, you can mail one package per day to yourself in the US, worth up to $200 duty-free (mark it "personal purchases"). If you mail an item home valued at $250, you pay duty on the full $250, not $50.

  21. Shipping from the US to Europe: a beginner's guide

    International cheap shipping is something you should seek, but it's easier said than done. Shipping from the US to European countries can start from as little as 0,85/lb and go up to unreasonable numbers. It usually varies by the destination country and by carrier rates. You can easily check our discounted shipping price to your destination ...

  22. EU Entry/Exit System

    From November 2024, the EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system (EES).This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.

  23. Europe Bound: PCS Tips for Smooth Sailing

    PCS Tip #7: Make a Bucket List to Explore Europe. One of the biggest perks of Europe is the ease of travel within various countries. A PCS to Europe may not have been in your plans, but the travel experiences are a bucket list item for many. Take a train through the countryside. Hop on a flight to the next country over.

  24. Staff shortages and training faults hamper Navy ship upkeep at sea

    Alison Bath reports on the U.S. Navy, including U.S. 6th Fleet, in Europe and Africa. She has reported for a variety of publications in Montana, Nevada and Louisiana, and served as editor of ...

  25. Overtourism ho! The Barcelona cruise dilemma

    On today's show, we look at how cruise ships are both driving revenues and frustrations in Barcelona, and we consider what the city's options are for regulating the flow of visitors.

  26. Transatlantic freighter travel to USA

    Transatlantic freighter travel to USA. Transatlantic freighter travel to USA. Being aboard a cargo ship is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for people who adore the sea, are worried about their carbon footprint, or simply prefer to cruise in a more tranquil atmosphere away from crowds for a more relaxed environment.

  27. EXCLUSIVE: America's Largest RV Show to Display a Range of Travel

    The travel trailers include 190 watts of solar power with a 30-amp charge controller, an on-demand hot water heater and a Tri-Flo air conditioning system. The 2025 Corterra travel trailer. 2RK: The model includes a queen-sized bed and a dry bath. The RV has one slide out with a sofa, refrigerator and pantry.

  28. Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays

    Freighter cruise to Europe with cargoholidays. Crossing the pond by cargo ship brings new meaning to slow travel. It's a little known fact that you get almost anywhere in the world as a passenger on a cargo ship, without having to be a) an inanimate object or b) stowed away in a shipping container.